University of

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 1 FY2022 Governor Table of Contents University of Alaska 3 Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide 17 RDU: Statewide Services 23 Statewide Services 32 Office of Information Technology 45 RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage 53 Anchorage Campus 66 Small Business Development Center 118 Kenai Peninsula College 124 Kodiak College 134 Matanuska-Susitna College 144 Prince William Sound College 155 RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks 164 Fairbanks Campus 186 Bristol Bay Campus 244 Chukchi Campus 252 College of Rural and Community Development 259 Interior Alaska Campus 267 Kuskokwim Campus 276 Northwest Campus 285 UAF Community and Technical College 293 RDU: Enterprise Entities 303 University of Alaska Foundation 309 Education Trust of Alaska 315 RDU: University of Alaska Southeast 321 Juneau Campus 330 Ketchikan Campus 343 Sitka Campus 352

Page 2 Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska

University of Alaska


University of Alaska System (UA)

The University of Alaska inspires learning, and advances and disseminates knowledge through teaching, research, and public service, emphasizing the North and its diverse peoples. AS 14.40.010, AS 14.40.060

University of Alaska Mission Statement Board of Regents' Policy 01.01.010 Adopted 10-06-00

Core Services UGF DGF Other Fed Total PFT PPT NP % GF (in priority order) 1 Student Instruction 219,575.2 251,214.3 54,896.4 43,214.2 568,900.2 2,711.8 122.5 0.0 77.2% 2 Research: Advancing Knowledge, 44,532.4 61,671.5 20,733.3 79,045.7 205,982.8 894.8 51.3 0.0 17.4% Basic and Applied 3 Service: Sharing Knowledge to 12,925.9 19,544.2 6,954.8 17,966.0 57,390.9 267.4 13.1 0.0 5.3% Address Community Needs FY2021 Management Plan 277,033.5 332,430.0 82,584.5 140,225.9 832,273.9 3,874.0 187.0 0.0

Measures by Core Service (Additional performance information is available on the web at 1. Student Instruction

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2. Research: Advancing Knowledge, Basic and Applied

3. Service: Sharing Knowledge to Address Community Needs

Major Department Accomplishments in 2020

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The UA Board of Regents (BOR) continues to support the following five goals and associated outcome measures: • Educational attainment: increased enrollment and degree completions • Workforce development: focused on educators and health care providers • Research: continue leading in Arctic research and increased total research expenditures • Economic development: increased number of invention disclosures and science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) graduates • Operating more cost effectively: reduce the total cost of education and the cost per student full-time equivalent enrollment.

These goals have helped UA focus effort and investment into initiatives that serve the higher education needs of Alaska. However, in light of multi-year state funding reductions, which have compounded enrollment declines UA’s ability to invest in the strategic initiatives is severely constrained. As a result, the president and the Board of Regents plan to review and revise the specific measures and targets associated with the goals in light of our fiscal condition. The following summarizes UA’s performance on key measures and additional information on UA’s Goals and Measures can be found here:

Educational Attainment

Student Full-time Equivalent (FTE) Enrollment The number of student full-time equivalents attending UA decreased about 10 percent (1,670 FTE) between FY2019 and FY2020. Overall declines were primarily driven by losses in undergraduate student FTE, down almost 13 percent in lower division coursework and almost 6 percent in upper division coursework. Overall professional student FTE at UA was the only level that saw an increase of FTE in FY2020. UA is committed to seeing this measure improve over the next few years. To this end, investments have been made in marketing and recruitment; partnerships with K-12, including very successful options for dual enrollment; expansion of on-line programs; and innovative program delivery.

Credentials Awarded The number of degrees, certificates and endorsements awarded to students attending one of UA's universities dropped by less than 1 percent (36 fewer degrees) in the last year. Declines in the number of Occupational Endorsement Certificate, 1- and 2-year certificates, Licensures and Master's degrees awarded accounted for the drop in overall degree awards. Despite prior enrollment declines, UA remains optimistic improvement is possible with investments aimed to improve student retention and more innovative and on-line program delivery options.

Workforce Development

Proportion of New Teachers Trained at UA Alaska’s educational attainment is among the lowest in the nation. One of several strategies to address this problem is to educate more Alaskans as teachers. In FY2020, 194 individuals, which accounted for 23 percent of UA trained new educators hired, were recommended for initial licensure. This was a 21 percent decrease from the 246 individuals that were recommended for initial licensure in FY2019, which accounted for 29 percent of UA trained new educators hired during the same time period. With 77 percent of the State’s teachers hired each year coming from “outside” Alaska, this remains a focus area for UA investment and effort.

Health and Related Profession Program Graduates Alaska’s health care costs are among the highest in the nation. One way to bring down high costs is to grow our own health care workforce. In FY2020, UA continued its commitment to meeting the state’s need for qualified, trained health care professionals through initiatives aimed to provide opportunities for Alaskans in the health care industry. The number of completions in Health and Related Professions increased by nearly 7 percent (55 awards) in the last year. UA will continue investments in these programs and provide for Alaska’s health care workforce.


Worldwide Rank in Number of Publications and Citations of Peer-reviewed Arctic Research UA continues to lead the world in Arctic research through expertise in a variety of basic and applied research on topics focused on the North and its diverse peoples. UA's universities held steady in FY2020 as the experts in Arctic

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research, in aggregate publishing more peer-reviewed research papers and receiving more citations for such papers than any other institution. The number of overall total publications for FY2020 increased by 11 percent from FY2019, due to an increase in both citations (up 5) and arctic publications (up 1,352) in the last year.

Total Research Expenditures UA research is a dynamic and growing part of Alaska’s economy. For each $1 invested, over $6 of revenue is generated for Alaska. UA research is focused on Alaskan issues such as energy, fisheries, infrastructure engineering, and health. UAF accounts for the vast majority of UA's research activity. Over the last year, total research expenditures have increased by nearly 2 percent. Although growth was observed in FY2019 and FY2020, UAF faculty and staff reductions in recent years have made it more difficult to sustain the large number of annual competitive research funding proposal submissions required to maintain growth. UA continues to make investments in this important mission area through internal reallocation.

Economic Development

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Graduates One standard measure of a state’s knowledge economy is its number of STEM graduates. STEM programs qualify graduates to work in science, technology, engineering and mathematics related professions. UA stayed consistent with Science, Technology, Engineering and Math related degrees in FY2020, awarding 4 more awards than in FY2019. The largest decrease in awards (-43) from FY2019 to FY2020 was in engineering and related programs, which was offset by an increase of 40 degrees awarded in health professions and related programs during the same time.

New Invention Disclosures Commercializing intellectual property developed by UA faculty, students, and staff is a critical component of Alaska’s economic future. UA continues to advance intellectual property, a process that begins with invention disclosures. Over time, some result in commercialization of technologies valuable to Alaska and its economy by creating new jobs and revenue. The annual number of invention disclosures can be subject to large swings year-to-year; observed FY2018 performance surpassed the target of 19 disclosures by almost 80 percent. Reflecting this natural variability, the FY2019 and FY2020 targets reflect annual target growth of 10 and 9 percent, respectively. The total number of invention disclosures made during FY2020 decreased by 32 percent. The COVID-19 pandemic led to a shutdown of research in March and significantly impacted the amount of FY2020 invention disclosure totals statewide.

Cost Effectiveness

As the University of Alaska examines how best to position itself to meet the future needs of Alaska and its students, we have taken steps to reduce administrative and operating costs, freeing up funds for investment in high priority programs and services. The University continues to work to mitigate state funding decreases by increasing alternative revenue sources, including enrollment growth strategies, philanthropic giving, the land grant initiative and cost containment. Recent examples include:

In late 2019 UA centralized the human resources and procurement services functions. This has led to a more efficient and effective delivery of services across the system. HR and procurement staff are becoming subject matter experts to provide exceptional and consistent customer service.

In order to review UA administrative costs and processes from an external perspective, UA hired an individual with expertise in developing strategic plans and partnerships, streamlining operations and leading change. Working with each university and the system office, the objectives are to: • Identify opportunities to leverage existing resources, • Identify potential areas of savings, • Create administrative cost transparency, and • Streamline and improve back-office process. This work will help UA frame a sustainable, stable, core organization that can operate within its current fiscal constraints.

The universities are currently evaluating new shared services opportunities. Cost reductions are expected to be realized as new or expanded shared services in the areas of travel, purchasing, grant proposal development, financial

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services, administrative support, and research administration are implemented in FY2021.

Administrative reviews are occurring across the university system with the goal of analyzing roles and responsibilities of each executive or senior administrator position, providing an opportunity for input on current administrative management structures, and looking for synergies and potential savings.

UA implemented and completed transition to Zoom as UA’s systemwide video conferencing platform; a strategic initiative undertaken and completed before the emergence of COVID-19, which positioned the university to make a rapid and broad transition to a primarily remote posture, starting in March 2020 and continuing since.

Student Access

UA continues to improve and expand access to higher education through the development of more online courses and programs; expanding programs that allow high school students to earn college credit; and improved financial aid communication and financial aid leveraging.

Continued state support of the Alaska Performance Scholarship (APS) and the Alaska Education Grant (AEG) is good for students and the state, as both programs are recognized to improve the college-going rate, preparedness for college, and retention and graduation rates for Alaska high school students. Significant, multi-year scholarship support is associated with increased probability of graduation within six years for all students, with enhanced graduation rates for students who are better prepared for college.

Campus Culture

The University of Alaska implemented systemic improvements in many critical areas to resolve Title IX compliance issues on our campuses and on August 17, 2020 received final notification from the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights that all requirements have now been completed under the 2017 Voluntary Resolution Agreement (VRA). The VRA outlined specific steps to improve safety and the campus climate throughout the University of Alaska system.

UA remains committed to continuing to foster a culture of respect and a university free of sexual misconduct and harassment. The Board of Regents’ Ad Hoc Committee on Title IX also reaffirmed and recommended the Board pass a motion to ensure its commitment to Title IX and in February 2020 passed a motion to ensure continued coordination, recognizing that completion of the VRA requirements is only the first of many steps the university will take as it strives to maintain campus environments free of discrimination.

On May 6, 2020 the Department of Education released significant new federal Title IX guidelines that detail procedures all universities must follow in cases of sexual harassment and assault on campuses. The rules became effective August 14, 2020. The federal rule changes were extensive and required changes to key policies governing the university’s Title IX processes. The university instituted the necessary changes to Regents' Policies and University Regulations to conform to the new guidelines. Ongoing efforts in training and prevention will continue, and UA also continues to ensure that complaints are investigated timely and thoroughly, and provide fair and effective sanctions.


The University of Alaska Foundation, UAA, UAF, UAS and UA began UA’s First Systemwide Comprehensive Fundraising Campaign in FY2017. As of November 2020, $126.3 million has been generously donated by corporations, foundations and individual donors to support students, faculty and programs across the UA system. All private support is counted including outright gifts and pledges, planned gifts and private grants. There have been more than 15,300 donors to the campaign, including 6,400 alumni donors. These private contributions are largely (over 95 percent) designated by donors for specific purposes such as scholarships, research and programmatic support. To date, the campaign has been in its “quiet” phase and will launch publicly in 2021.

The four major theme areas of the campaign mirror the Regents’ priorities outlined in this document. A) Culture of Education, Broad Access, Student Success and Educational Equity (Regents’ Priority—Increase Alaska’s degree attainment); B) A Workforce for Alaska (Regents’ Priority—Provide Alaska’s skilled workforce); C) Research Relevant

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 7 University of Alaska to Alaska and to the Arctic Region (Regents’ Priority—Grow our world class research); and D) Alaska’s Knowledge Base to Grow and Diversify Our Economy (Regents’ Priority—Contribute to a more diversified economy). Properly resourcing UA's first fundraising campaign is critical and challenging. The fundraising teams at each of the universities have been adversely impacted due to budget cuts, but the UA Foundation and System Office are working in partnership with them to maximize resource efficiency.

The first UA Giving Day, 49 Hours for the 49th State, held on October 20-21 was a tremendous success. The online giving campaign raised over $672,000 in 49 hours from over 1,100 individual donors in support of UAA, UAF and UAS priorities. The giving day allowed donors to support a program or area they care about from: life changing scholarships, cutting-edge research and outstanding academic programs. The event was a huge opportunity to engage more donors and the community, and to increase UA brand awareness within and outside the state.

Effective and Efficient Use of Resources

UA has put over 95 percent of the funding appropriated for deferred maintenance, renewal, and repurposing projects between FY2013 and FY2021 to work, taking the opportunity to reduce operating costs as part of each capital renewal project.

UA campuses are actively managing space to increase utilization and to reduce the cost of facilities ownership. Space management strategies being used are: • Selling, leasing or public-private-partnerships (P3) of facilities and land to provide a source of capital for reinvestment, reduce recurring asset maintenance costs and potentially reduce ownership risk. • Reviewing space utilization and management strategies across campuses. • Identifying facilities for possible demolition that are beyond their useful life. • Identifying facilities for possible adaptive reuse.

At the October 29, 2020 Board of Regents Facilities and Land Management Committee meeting, UA administration reported on capital asset monetization opportunities. The identified properties present opportunities for the selling, leasing or public private-partnerships (P3) of facilities & land to provide a source of capital, reduce maintenance costs and potentially reduce ownership. Over the last two years, UA has sold 10 (38,132 gross square feet) facilities and leased other UA space to third parties. UA also demolished 13 (28,001 gross square feet) aged facilities to reduce operating costs and the deferred maintenance backlog. UA currently has facilities listed for sale, while other properties are being examined for monetization opportunity. Examples include: University Lake and University Center buildings in Anchorage; Westwood Way building in Fairbanks; Natural Sciences Research Lab in Juneau, Orca building in Seward; and a potential power purchase agreement for the UAF Combined Heat and Power Plant.

UA is making progress on a remedy to its historic land grant deficit, in September 2020, Alaska’s Congressional Delegation introduced a bill (S 4696/HR 8398) proposing the “University of Alaska Fiscal Foundation Act,” that would establish a formal federal program under which the land conveyances would be executed. UA is working with the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, the Alaska Department of Natural Resources, and the Governor’s Office to advance the legislation.

UA finalized its initial request for 42,360 acres of state land and has transmitted the request to the Alaska Department of Natural Resources. This will be a crucial step, as DNR needs to develop their process for reviewing UA’s selections. They will need to balance the need to protect the public’s interest in state lands with UA’s need for long-term revenue generation.

UA COVID-19 Response

UA acted quickly and decisively to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our students, faculty and staff. Actions taken include:  UA Information Technologies developed and maintains a website that made a swift transition to mostly remote learning and work possible (;  Trained and performed the hiring functions for the State of Alaska DHSS COVID contact tracing workforce;  Rapid and thorough implementation of the Family First Coronavirus Response Act provisions;  Facilitated providing UA expertise to advise policymakers in areas including health and economic data, contract tracing and impacts of the pandemic;

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 Secured Good-Samaritan protections in state law (Ch. 10 SLA 20) for Alaska manufacturers of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which advances efforts between UAA’s Business Enterprise Institute and Manufacturing Extension Partnership with hospitals and health care providers;  Secured COVID-19 relief funds of over $12.2 million from various programs within the Education Stabilization Fund to support our students and address COVID-19 related financial impacts; and  Coordinated a swift transition to remote work environment for the majority of employees in March 2020 to protect employee health and implementation of multiple protocols.

Key Department Challenges


Alaska has historically had one of the lowest college going rates in the nation and consistently ranks last or second to last of all 50 states in the percentage of high school graduates going to college immediately after high school. The University of Alaska and State of Alaska Department of Education and Early Development have a common goal of increasing the proportion of Alaska high school graduates who go on to college directly after graduating, however observable progress has been difficult to achieve. Within one year of graduation, 44 percent of Alaska public high school graduates (class of 2018) enrolled in college, this is down from 45 percent for the class of 2016 (Alaska Higher Education Almanac ). The national average for the percent of graduates going directly to college following high school was 69 percent, for comparison. (National Center for Education Statistics )

In addition, as of 2018, only 38.3 percent of Alaskans have at least an associate degree, compared to a national average of 43.2 percent. (Lumina Foundation

Previous enrollment declines were attributed to demographic changes and annual budget reductions; however, enrollment declines of 9-10 percent between Fall 2019 and Fall 2020 were exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the “COVID-19 decline” was much less severe than originally anticipated and below the national average due, in part to efforts by UA universities to move many courses and programs on-line and develop strategies to keep students engaged and supported.


In August 2019 the Governor and the Board of Regents entered into an agreement which includes a $70 million unrestricted general fund reduction to UA’s operating budget from FY2020-FY2022. UA is managing this multi-year reduction largely through reductions in employees, but also through administrative consolidations, academic program reductions, and monetizing assets. The UA Board of Regents receives monthly updates on progress toward meeting the reduction targets.

The agreement includes a commitment from the state for facility deferred maintenance. UA continues to request sustained capital funding to protect and maintain its aging physical assets. Aging facilities and functional obsolescence detract from student recruitment and retention. Although UA has worked to reduce its footprint by selling or demolishing underutilized facilities, the need for a continual state capital investment is critical to UA’s ability to offer students a functional, modern, and safe learning environment.

UA took swift action to mitigate the potential impacts of the COVID pandemic on students, faculty and staff. Despite these efforts, UA still expects significant revenue losses from student tuition and fees, and auxiliary operations. UA’s enrollment declines were much less severe than originally anticipated and below the national average due, in part to moves by UA universities to move many courses and programs on-line and develop strategies to keep students engaged and supported. As of September 2020, UA’s tuition and fees revenue was down nearly $4 million from the prior year. As the pandemic continues the lost revenue is expected to grow to $6.9 million by the end of FY2021. In order to mitigate the pandemic’s impact on students UA is operating auxiliaries such as housing, dining, and parking, at reduced capacity. In order to do this responsibly and maintain social distancing, most operations have limited their capacity. Thus, auxiliary receipts are expected to be less than operating costs by $6.9 million by the end of FY2021.


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The University of Alaska is under increasing pressure to compete for students, and ensure stakeholders that outcomes are worthy of their investments. In addition, 21st-century students demand self-service models and technologies to navigate their university experience with ease. Furthermore, data strategies and analytical capabilities can create new perspectives and insights on improving student and institutional outcomes.

Through the years of budget reductions, UA has maintained its limited investment in Information Technology (IT) leaving many of the platforms fragile. In order to stabilize IT, UA is working on a plan to modernize IT by next fall.

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

UA’s accomplishments have been made possible because of investments made by the state and federal government to support operations, programs, and research; by private companies, foundations, and individuals, including growing numbers of alumni whose philanthropy enables a margin of excellence; and by UA students and their families who demonstrate their beliefs in what Alaska’s universities provide through their tuition dollars. UA will continue to seek input from the public, K-12, corporate and business leaders, as well as from the university community, to develop a budget that focuses on the state’s highest priorities for UA in the coming years.

Despite challenges, UA is committed to seeing enrollment and completion rates improve over the next few years. To this end, investments have been made in marketing and recruitment; partnerships with K-12, including very successful options for dual enrollment; expansion of on-line programs; and innovative program delivery. The universities have made retention a priority by implementing software to strengthen consistency and communication in advising (UAA Seawolf Tracks and UAF Nanook Navigator).

UA will continue the “Did You Know?” series to highlight the breadth, excellence, and collaboration of programs across the UA system. These messages will help communicate stability, confidence and trust in the universities’ programs; elevate the value of higher education in the state; and increase enrollment in higher education.

In August 2020, the BOR passed a motion directing the UA president to work with the university chancellors and shared governance groups in a transparent and inclusive manner to address the continued budget reductions. Specifically, the board will regularly receive updates and review progress at upcoming Board meetings on the following:

 As the university works to resize to a smaller solid foundation, develop clarity and standards for administrative and instructional costs relative to student enrollment and review structural options;  Analyze opportunities and costs associated with a greater presence of fisheries and ocean science programs on the Juneau campus;  Redouble efforts on collaboration across the system, program sharing, and partnerships with industry, communities, and tribal organizations; and,  Assure the Alaska College of Education has clear roles and responsibilities for program delivery that address the priority of teacher education that are transparent and well-integrated across the system.

UA’s attention is focused on: resizing to a smaller more efficient core foundation; maintaining high-quality programs which the state and industries can trust to educate Alaskans; and continuing competitive high-quality externally funded research.

Contact Information

Vice President, University President: Pat Pitney Relations: Michelle Rizk Phone: (907) 450-8000 Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

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Summary of Department Budget Changes by RDU From FY2021 Management Plan to FY2022 Governor All dollars shown in thousands Unrestricted Designated Other Funds Federal Total Funds Gen (UGF) Gen (DGF) Funds

FY2021 Management Plan 277,033.5 332,430.0 82,584.5 140,225.9 832,273.9

One-time items: -Univ of Alaska Anchorage 0.0 0.0 -1,666.5 0.0 -1,666.5

Adjustments which continue current level of service: -Univ of Alaska Anchorage 0.0 325.0 1,698.1 0.0 2,023.1

Proposed budget decreases: -Budget -20,000.0 -17,214.5 -7,500.0 -3,000.0 -47,714.5 Reductions/Additions -Enterprise Entities 0.0 -4,785.5 0.0 0.0 -4,785.5

FY2022 Governor 257,033.5 310,755.0 75,116.1 137,225.9 780,130.5

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Description FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor Department Totals 806,654.3 844,773.9 832,273.9 832,273.9 780,130.5 -52,143.4 -6.3%

Objects of Expenditure: 71000 Personal Services 443,489.3 464,289.6 464,289.6 460,892.1 457,604.9 -3,287.2 -0.7% 72000 Travel 10,669.5 15,979.0 15,979.0 14,833.1 14,737.5 -95.6 73000 Services 205,728.8 237,827.1 237,827.1 225,952.4 177,229.7 -48,722.7 -21.6% 74000 Commodities 51,285.9 60,499.0 60,499.0 56,893.2 56,855.3 -37.9 -0.1% 75000 Capital Outlay 46,545.5 16,181.8 16,181.8 15,909.7 15,909.7 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 29,456.6 34,278.5 34,278.5 33,079.8 33,079.8 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 19,478.7 15,718.9 3,218.9 24,713.6 24,713.6 0.0 0.0%

Funding Source: 1001 CBR Fund (UGF) 0.0 72,181.9 59,681.9 59,681.9 0.0 -59,681.9 -100.0% 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 130,889.8 140,225.9 140,225.9 140,225.9 137,225.9 -3,000.0 -2.1% 1003 G/F Match (UGF) 4,777.3 4,777.3 4,777.3 4,777.3 4,777.3 0.0 0.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 296,450.4 211,768.5 211,768.5 211,768.5 251,450.4 39,681.9 18.7% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 8,665.7 14,616.0 14,616.0 14,616.0 11,116.0 -3,500.0 -23.9% 1037 GF/MH (UGF) 737.5 805.8 805.8 805.8 805.8 0.0 0.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 273,410.3 326,203.8 326,203.8 326,203.8 304,203.8 -22,000.0 -6.7% 1061 CIP Rcpts (Other) 2,176.0 8,181.0 8,181.0 8,181.0 4,181.0 -4,000.0 -48.9% 1092 MHTAAR (Other) 1,634.9 1,666.5 1,666.5 1,666.5 1,698.1 31.6 1.9% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 5,619.3 6,225.2 6,225.2 6,225.2 6,225.2 0.0 0.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 82,292.8 58,121.0 58,121.0 58,121.0 58,121.0 0.0 0.0% 1234 LicPlates (DGF) 0.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% 1268 MH Tr Res (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 325.0 325.0 100.0%

Totals: Unrestricted Gen (UGF) 301,965.2 289,533.5 277,033.5 277,033.5 257,033.5 -20,000.0 -7.2% Designated Gen (DGF) 279,029.9 332,430.0 332,430.0 332,430.0 310,755.0 -21,675.0 -6.5% Other Funds 94,769.4 82,584.5 82,584.5 82,584.5 75,116.1 -7,468.4 -9.0% Federal Funds 130,889.8 140,225.9 140,225.9 140,225.9 137,225.9 -3,000.0 -2.1%

Positions: Permanent Full Time 3,994 3,994 3,994 3,874 3,845 -29 -0.7% Permanent Part Time 189 189 189 187 186 -1 -0.5% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 12 Component Summary Unrestricted General Funds Only University of Alaska

Results Delivery Unit/ FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Component Committee Plan FY2022 Governor Budget Reductions/Additions Systemwide Reduction/Additions 0.0 -12,500.0 -25,000.0 0.0 -20,000.0 -20,000.0 -100.0% RDU Totals: 0.0 -12,500.0 -25,000.0 0.0 -20,000.0 -20,000.0 -100.0% Statewide Services Statewide Services 13,470.1 10,815.7 10,815.7 7,561.7 7,561.7 0.0 0.0% Office of Information Technology 5,286.9 7,520.3 7,520.3 7,520.3 7,520.3 0.0 0.0% RDU Totals: 18,757.0 18,336.0 18,336.0 15,082.0 15,082.0 0.0 0.0% University of Alaska Anchorage Anchorage Campus 92,206.5 92,595.1 92,595.1 83,300.1 83,300.1 0.0 0.0% Small Business Dev Center 959.6 959.6 959.6 959.6 959.6 0.0 0.0% Kenai Peninsula College 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6,289.1 6,289.1 100.0% Kodiak College 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,303.3 2,303.3 100.0% Matanuska-Susitna College 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,568.7 4,568.7 100.0% Prince Wm Sound College 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,666.7 2,666.7 100.0% RDU Totals: 93,166.1 93,554.7 93,554.7 84,259.7 100,087.5 15,827.8 18.8% University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks Campus 109,307.0 132,969.4 132,969.4 120,518.4 120,518.4 0.0 0.0% Fairbanks Organized Research 23,561.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Bristol Bay Campus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,100.3 1,100.3 100.0% Chukchi Campus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 607.8 607.8 100.0% College of Rural and Comm Dev 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,786.3 4,786.3 100.0% Interior Alaska Campus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,294.5 1,294.5 100.0% Kuskokwim Campus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,324.6 2,324.6 100.0% Northwest Campus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,161.7 1,161.7 100.0% UAF Community and Tech College 0.0 4,635.8 4,635.8 4,635.8 4,635.8 0.0 0.0% RDU Totals: 132,868.7 137,605.2 137,605.2 125,154.2 136,429.4 11,275.2 9.0% University of Alaska Anchorage CC Kenai Peninsula College 6,289.1 6,289.1 6,289.1 6,289.1 0.0 -6,289.1 -100.0% Kodiak College 2,303.3 2,303.3 2,303.3 2,303.3 0.0 -2,303.3 -100.0% Matanuska-Susitna College 4,568.7 4,568.7 4,568.7 4,568.7 0.0 -4,568.7 -100.0% Prince Wm Sound College 2,666.7 2,666.7 2,666.7 2,666.7 0.0 -2,666.7 -100.0% RDU Totals: 15,827.8 15,827.8 15,827.8 15,827.8 0.0 -15,827.8 -100.0% University of Alaska Fairbanks CC Bristol Bay Campus 1,182.7 1,100.3 1,100.3 1,100.3 0.0 -1,100.3 -100.0% Chukchi Campus 675.6 607.8 607.8 607.8 0.0 -607.8 -100.0% College of Rural and Comm Dev 3,734.5 4,786.3 4,786.3 4,786.3 0.0 -4,786.3 -100.0% Interior Alaska Campus 1,342.7 1,294.5 1,294.5 1,294.5 0.0 -1,294.5 -100.0% Kuskokwim Campus 3,034.5 2,324.6 2,324.6 2,324.6 0.0 -2,324.6 -100.0% Northwest Campus 1,241.8 1,161.7 1,161.7 1,161.7 0.0 -1,161.7 -100.0% UAF Community and Tech College 4,699.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% RDU Totals: 15,911.0 11,275.2 11,275.2 11,275.2 0.0 -11,275.2 -100.0% University of Alaska Southeast Juneau Campus 21,296.5 21,209.1 21,209.1 21,738.4 21,738.4 0.0 0.0% Ketchikan Campus 1,887.8 1,959.6 1,959.6 1,687.9 1,687.9 0.0 0.0% Sitka Campus 2,250.3 2,265.9 2,265.9 2,008.3 2,008.3 0.0 0.0% RDU Totals: 25,434.6 25,434.6 25,434.6 25,434.6 25,434.6 0.0 0.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 13 Component Summary Unrestricted General Funds Only University of Alaska

Results Delivery Unit/ FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Component Committee Plan FY2022 Governor Unrestricted Gen (UGF): 301,965.2 289,533.5 277,033.5 277,033.5 257,033.5 -20,000.0 -7.2% Designated Gen (DGF): 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Other Funds: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds: 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Total Funds: 301,965.2 289,533.5 277,033.5 277,033.5 257,033.5 -20,000.0 -7.2%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 14 Component Summary All Funds University of Alaska

Results Delivery Unit/ FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Component Committee Plan FY2022 Governor Budget Reductions/Additions Systemwide Reduction/Additions 0.3 -11,893.1 -24,393.1 779.9 -46,934.6 -47,714.5 -6118.0% RDU Totals: 0.3 -11,893.1 -24,393.1 779.9 -46,934.6 -47,714.5 -6118.0% Statewide Services Statewide Services 41,006.8 38,556.3 38,556.3 36,427.7 36,427.7 0.0 0.0% Office of Information Technology 13,599.3 17,165.1 17,165.1 15,115.1 15,115.1 0.0 0.0% RDU Totals: 54,606.1 55,721.4 55,721.4 51,542.8 51,542.8 0.0 0.0% University of Alaska Anchorage Anchorage Campus 238,150.3 255,910.7 255,910.7 246,705.7 247,062.3 356.6 0.1% Small Business Dev Center 1,954.4 3,684.6 3,684.6 3,684.6 3,684.6 0.0 0.0% Kenai Peninsula College 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16,298.1 16,298.1 100.0% Kodiak College 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,546.1 5,546.1 100.0% Matanuska-Susitna College 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13,192.5 13,192.5 100.0% Prince Wm Sound College 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6,252.4 6,252.4 100.0% RDU Totals: 240,104.7 259,595.3 259,595.3 250,390.3 292,036.0 41,645.7 16.6% University of Alaska Fairbanks Fairbanks Campus 253,272.7 391,008.9 391,008.9 378,347.7 378,347.7 0.0 0.0% Fairbanks Organized Research 143,097.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Bristol Bay Campus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,052.6 4,052.6 100.0% Chukchi Campus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,185.4 2,185.4 100.0% College of Rural and Comm Dev 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9,211.2 9,211.2 100.0% Interior Alaska Campus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,234.0 5,234.0 100.0% Kuskokwim Campus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6,016.6 6,016.6 100.0% Northwest Campus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,017.9 5,017.9 100.0% UAF Community and Tech College 0.0 13,305.0 13,305.0 13,406.0 13,406.0 0.0 0.0% RDU Totals: 396,370.6 404,313.9 404,313.9 391,753.7 423,471.4 31,717.7 8.1% Enterprise Entities UA Foundation 4,313.5 4,263.9 4,263.9 4,785.5 0.0 -4,785.5 -100.0% Education Trust of Alaska 2,551.2 2,749.2 2,749.2 2,998.4 2,998.4 0.0 0.0% RDU Totals: 6,864.7 7,013.1 7,013.1 7,783.9 2,998.4 -4,785.5 -61.5% University of Alaska Anchorage CC Kenai Peninsula College 11,964.1 16,207.7 16,207.7 16,298.1 0.0 -16,298.1 -100.0% Kodiak College 3,792.9 5,564.1 5,564.1 5,546.1 0.0 -5,546.1 -100.0% Matanuska-Susitna College 9,115.3 13,381.2 13,381.2 13,192.5 0.0 -13,192.5 -100.0% Prince Wm Sound College 4,989.2 6,252.4 6,252.4 6,252.4 0.0 -6,252.4 -100.0% RDU Totals: 29,861.5 41,405.4 41,405.4 41,289.1 0.0 -41,289.1 -100.0% University of Alaska Fairbanks CC Bristol Bay Campus 3,144.8 4,052.6 4,052.6 4,052.6 0.0 -4,052.6 -100.0% Chukchi Campus 825.1 2,185.4 2,185.4 2,185.4 0.0 -2,185.4 -100.0% College of Rural and Comm Dev 5,077.9 9,211.2 9,211.2 9,211.2 0.0 -9,211.2 -100.0% Interior Alaska Campus 3,495.9 5,239.0 5,239.0 5,234.0 0.0 -5,234.0 -100.0% Kuskokwim Campus 4,624.4 5,969.1 5,969.1 6,016.6 0.0 -6,016.6 -100.0% Northwest Campus 2,004.2 5,030.4 5,030.4 5,017.9 0.0 -5,017.9 -100.0% UAF Community and Tech College 11,487.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% RDU Totals: 30,660.1 31,687.7 31,687.7 31,717.7 0.0 -31,717.7 -100.0% University of Alaska Southeast

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 15 Component Summary All Funds University of Alaska

Results Delivery Unit/ FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Component Committee Plan FY2022 Governor Juneau Campus 39,155.6 44,390.9 44,390.9 44,885.5 44,885.5 0.0 0.0% Ketchikan Campus 4,230.4 5,240.3 5,240.3 5,089.6 5,089.6 0.0 0.0% Sitka Campus 4,800.3 7,299.0 7,299.0 7,041.4 7,041.4 0.0 0.0% RDU Totals: 48,186.3 56,930.2 56,930.2 57,016.5 57,016.5 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted Gen (UGF): 301,965.2 289,533.5 277,033.5 277,033.5 257,033.5 -20,000.0 -7.2% Designated Gen (DGF): 279,029.9 332,430.0 332,430.0 332,430.0 310,755.0 -21,675.0 -6.5% Other Funds: 94,769.4 82,584.5 82,584.5 82,584.5 75,116.1 -7,468.4 -9.0% Federal Funds: 130,889.8 140,225.9 140,225.9 140,225.9 137,225.9 -3,000.0 -2.1% Total Funds: 806,654.3 844,773.9 832,273.9 832,273.9 780,130.5 -52,143.4 -6.3%

Permanent Full Time: 3,994 3,994 3,994 3,874 3,845 -29 -0.7% Permanent Part Time: 189 189 189 187 186 -1 -0.5% Non Permanent: 00000 00.0% Total Positions: 4,183 4,183 4,183 4,061 4,031 -30 -0.7%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 16 Component — Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide RDU/Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 17 Component — Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide

RDU/Component: Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide

Contribution to Department's Mission

This RDU is used for budgetary purposes only. Its components are used for systemwide unallocated funding and legislative adjustments. Legislated funds are distributed at the direction of the Board of Regents to the components where the actual expenditures occur.

Core Services

 This RDU is used for budgetary purposes only. Its components are used for systemwide unallocated funding and legislative adjustments. Legislated funds are distributed at the direction of the Board of Regents to the components where the actual expenditures occur.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

This RDU is used for budgetary purposes only. Its components are used for systemwide unallocated funding and legislative adjustments. Legislated funds are distributed at the direction of the Board of Regents to the components where the actual expenditures occur.

Key Component Challenges

This RDU is used for budgetary purposes only. Its components are used for systemwide unallocated funding and legislative adjustments. Legislated funds are distributed at the direction of the Board of Regents to the components where the actual expenditures occur.

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

This RDU is used for budgetary purposes only. Its components are used for systemwide unallocated funding and legislative adjustments. Legislated funds are distributed at the direction of the Board of Regents to the components where the actual expenditures occur.

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 18 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide (1296) Non-Formula Component RDU: Budget Reductions/Additions (233)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 72000 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 73000 Services 0.3 1.0 1.0 779.9 -46,934.6 -47,714.5 -6118.0% 74000 Commodities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 605.9 605.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 -12,500.0 -25,000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 0.3 -11,893.1 -24,393.1 779.9 -46,934.6 -47,714.5 -6118.0% Fund Sources: 1001 CBR Fund (UGF) 0.0 72,181.9 59,681.9 59,681.9 0.0 -59,681.9 -100.0% 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3,000.0 -3,000.0 -100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 0.0 -84,681.9 -84,681.9 -59,681.9 -20,000.0 39,681.9 66.5% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3,500.0 -3,500.0 -100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -17,214.5 -17,214.5 -100.0% 1061 CIP Rcpts (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -4,000.0 -4,000.0 -100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 0.0 605.9 605.9 778.9 778.9 0.0 0.0% 1234 LicPlates (DGF) 0.3 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 -12,500.0 -25,000.0 0.0 -20,000.0 -20,000.0 -100.0% Designated General (DGF) 0.3 606.9 606.9 779.9 -16,434.6 -17,214.5 -2207.3% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7,500.0 -7,500.0 -100.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3,000.0 -3,000.0 -100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 00000 00.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 19 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide (1296) RDU: Budget Reductions/Additions (233)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom -11,893.1 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 605.9 -12,500.0000 1001 CBR Fund 72,181.9 1004 Gen Fund -84,681.9 1151 VoTech Ed 605.9 1234 LicPlates 1.0

Compact Agreement Reduction Veto -12,500.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -12,500.0000 1001 CBR Fund -12,500.0

In calendar year 2019, the University of Alaska (UA) and the Administration agreed upon a compact that provided for a $25.0 million reduction in FY2021. The Legislature only reduced the UA operating budget by $12.5 million, half of the agreed amount. This veto reduces UA operating funding in alignment with the compact.

Subtotal -24,393.1 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 605.9 -25,000.0000

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trin 173.0 0.0 0.0 173.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed 173.0

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$173.0 Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide ($153.8) Statewide Services $90.0 Anchorage Campus ($210.2) Fairbanks Campus $101.0 UAF Community and Technical College

In February the Department of Labor (DoL) calculated UA’s TVEP distribution to be $6,225.2 or $605.9 over FY2020 funding. However, extraordinary circumstances related to COVID-19 subsequently created a situation where projected FY2021 revenue for TVEP dropped significantly compared to DoL’s original projections. DoL revised the revenue projection, reducing UA’s FY2021 TVEP funding to $5,446,300 or $173.0 less than FY2020 and $778.9 less than proposed in FY2021 legislation. The $778.9 funding will remain unallocated to UA projects for FY2021.

Transfer Authority to Distribute $25M of the Unallocated Reduction Trin 25,000.0 0.0 0.0 25,000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund 25,000.0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 20 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide (1296) RDU: Budget Reductions/Additions (233)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

1004 General Fund

($9,050.0) Anchorage Campus ($12,275.0) Fairbanks Campus ($3,675.0) Statewide Services $25,000.0 Systemwide Budget Reductions/Additions

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 0.0 0.0 -24,394.1 0.0 0.0 -605.9 25,000.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Subtotal 779.9 0.0 0.0 779.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor ***************************************** Reduce State Inter-Agency Receipt Authority to Align with Anticipated Expenditures Dec -3,500.0 0.0 0.0 -3,500.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1007 I/A Rcpts -3,500.0

Reduce State Inter-Agency receipt authority to better align estimated expenditures.

Reduce Federal Receipt Authority to Align With Expenditures Dec -3,000.0 0.0 0.0 -3,000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1002 Fed Rcpts -3,000.0

Reduce Federal receipt authority to better align estimated expenditures.

Reduce Capital Improvement Project Receipt Authority Dec -4,000.0 0.0 0.0 -4,000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1061 CIP Rcpts -4,000.0

Reduce Capital Improvement Project receipt authority to better align estimated expenditures.

Reduce University of Alaska Receipt Authority to Align with Anticipated Expenditures Dec -17,214.5 0.0 0.0 -17,214.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1048 Univ Rcpt -17,214.5

Reduce University of Alaska receipt authority to better align estimated expenditures.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 21 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide (1296) RDU: Budget Reductions/Additions (233)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services

UA General Fund Reduction Dec -20,000.0 0.0 0.0 -20,000.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund -20,000.0

This decrement represents year three of a three-year agreement between the Governor and the University of Alaska Board of Regents. The agreement calls for a reduction of $20 million (7.2%) unrestricted general fund in FY2022.

Fund Source Adjustment of CBRF to UGF FndChg0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1001 CBR Fund -59,681.9 1004 Gen Fund 59,681.9

Replace Constitutional Budget Reserve Fund (CBRF) used as a one-time funding mechanism in FY2021.

Totals -46,934.6 0.0 0.0 -46,934.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 22 Results Delivery Unit — Statewide Services

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Statewide Services Results Delivery Unit Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 23 Results Delivery Unit — Statewide Services

Statewide Services Results Delivery Unit

Contribution to Department's Mission

The University of Alaska (UA) inspires learning, and advances and disseminates knowledge through teaching, research, and public service, emphasizing the North and its diverse peoples.

University Structure

The University of Alaska is composed of four major units: the system office and three separately accredited institutions, University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA), University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF), and University of Alaska Southeast (UAS).

The chancellor of each institution reports to the president of the university system, who in turn reports to the Board of Regents. The Board has ten members with eight-year appointments and a student regent with a two-year appointment; all members are appointed by the governor and confirmed by the legislature.

System administrators reporting to the president include the university's executives in the areas of finance and administration, university relations, academic affairs and research, information technology, human relations and legal counsel.

University of Alaska Mission Statement Board of Regents' Policy 01.01.010 Adopted 10-06-00

Results (Additional performance information is available on the web at

Core Services  Achieve clean financial statement audit opinions  Achieve clean audit reports over federal financial assistance compliance and related internal controls

Measures by Core Service (Additional performance information is available on the web at 1. Achieve clean financial statement audit opinions

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 24 Results Delivery Unit — Statewide Services

2. Achieve clean audit reports over federal financial assistance compliance and related internal controls

Major RDU Accomplishments in 2020

Statewide Services completed several projects designed to reduce cost and increase efficacy across the UA System, and continued to provide intermediary support toward the achievement of both institutional and state goals. Significant accomplishments realized by Statewide Services targeted investments and continued support of institutional services include:

Consistent with the agreement between the Governor and the Board of Regents, the University’s ability to make progress on the Board’s goals and objectives will require investment in more agile, student- centric, and cost-effective systems and supporting organizations. The University of Alaska is under increasing pressure to compete for students and ensure stakeholders that outcomes are worthy of their investments. In addition, 21st-century students demand self-service models and technologies to navigate their university experience with ease. Furthermore, data strategies and analytical capabilities can create new perspectives and insights on improving student and institutional outcomes.

● Implemented and completed transition to Zoom as UA’s systemwide video conferencing platform; a strategic initiative undertaken and completed before the emergence of COVID-19, which positioned the university to make a rapid and broad transition to a primarily remote posture, starting in March 2020 and continuing since; ● Acted quickly and decisively to procure technology equipment in the very early days of the covid pandemic (before a general and widespread “run on the market”) in order to facilitate UA’s covid operating posture, including teaming with UAA and the state to expand Alaska’s contract tracing workforce; ● Launched a University wide Security Awareness Program to provide information and guidance to the UA community regarding information security training, recent threats, safe computing practices, and University security and compliance policies; ● Enabled two factor authentication on the University’s Collaboration and Productivity Suite of tools for email, calendaring, and file sharing/storage to better protect University data against the growing threat of credential stealing attacks; ● Increased investment in rural campus connectivity; ● Evolving implementation of capability teams in Information Technology (IT): de-siloized, cross-functional, empowered, agile, and outcome-oriented groups better able to respond to rapidly evolving business partners’ needs, including more purposeful prioritization of activities; ● Enhanced communication and coordination through UA’s legislative liaisons with Alaska’s congressional delegation regarding priorities to improve connectivity to rural Alaska communities and UA students, including but not limited to possible revisions to the federal E-Rate program; ● Completed an industry-standard benchmarking and ITScore assessment of the Office of Information Technology (OIT) in the area of Identity and Access Management (IAM); ● Timely and effective Covid response including: o Working with state Internet Service Providers to offer home broadband discounts for UA students and employees learning and working from home

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 25 Results Delivery Unit — Statewide Services

o Development and maintenance of the definitive website facilitating UA’s remote learning and working activities ( o Loaner Technology Equipment o Laptops o Mobile Hotspots o Drive-up WiFi o Secure remote access o VPN - Virtual Private Networking o VDI - Virtual Desktop Infrastructure ● Performed the hiring functions for the State of Alaska DHSS COVID contact tracing workforce on behalf of the UAA Alaska Center for Rural Health and Health Workforce (ACRH-HW) and Division of Population Health Services (DPHS); ● Improved ability to assess and provide ADA accommodations by hiring trained experts; ● Implementation of low-touch electronic online forms for personnel actions; ● Stabilized four Collective Bargaining Units, successfully negotiated two contracts, and extended two contracts twice; ● Rapid and thorough implementation of the Family First Coronavirus Response Act provisions; ● Finalized completion of a UA System-wide travel management system that includes an automated booking tool, expense reporting system, negotiated discounts, corporate cards, streamlined policies and improved reporting capacity;

● State Relations: o Reauthorization Technical Vocational Education Program (TVEP – AS 23.15.835) – Ch. 16 SLA 20 ■ Important source of funding for university career and technical programs; ■ Continues partnerships with industry, public and private workforce training providers; ■ Helps UA meet training needs in high demand fields, and respond to spike in unemployed Alaskans seeking job re-training during pandemic and economic recession; o COVID-19 Response ■ Facilitated providing UA expertise to advise policymakers in areas ranging from health and economic data, contract tracing and impacts of the pandemic; ■ Secured Good-Samaritan protections in state law (Ch. 10 SLA 20) for Alaska manufacturers of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) which advances efforts between UAA’s Business Enterprise Institute and Manufacturing Extension Partnership with hospitals and health care providers; o University Policy Innovations & Research ■ Advanced legislation expanding and formalizing dual enrollment programs with K-12 school districts; ■ Expanded Lt. Governor and legislators’ understanding of UA aerospace research and applications for unmanned aerial vehicle technology for state agencies; ■ Briefed legislators on small-scale modular nuclear energy technology and its potential applications for Alaska; ■ Advanced options for addressing UA debt service through refinancing and expansion of the Alaska Municipal Bond Bank Authority; o University Lands Grant Deficit ■ House and Senate introduced resolutions supporting a remedy to the long-lasting land grant deficit issue; ■ Continued growth in support from state policymakers within legislature, Governor’s office and Department of Natural Resources;

● Federal Relations: o Establishment of the Arctic Energy Office ■ The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) and the U.S. Department of Energy established a lease agreement to host the newly established Arctic Energy Office (AEO); ■ The AEO will lead a “cross-cutting” mission for the Department to coordinate operations in the Arctic; ■ UAF will be a key partner with the Department by providing office space, connections to the university’s subject matter experts and the ability to gather stakeholder across Alaska and the Arctic region; o University Lands Legislation ■ The Alaska Congressional Delegation introduced legislation in the U.S. House and Senate seeking to remedy the long-lasting land grant deficit issue;

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 26 Results Delivery Unit — Statewide Services

■ The legislation seeks to grant authority for the Department of Interior to establish a program to identify and convey available lands to the University of Alaska from lands selected by the state of Alaska; ■ Additionally, it directs the Department to provide technical assistance to the university and the state for this process, and requires the Department to notify Congress once the conveyance of lands is complete; o Federal Appropriations ■ Congress passed and the President signed the FY2020 Consolidated Appropriations Bill, which funded the federal government until October 1, 2020; ■ The Alaska Congressional delegation supported numerous research, education and other initiatives identified by the University of Alaska as priorities; ■ The priorities were funded across multiple federal agencies, addressing critical areas of education, research and public service topics vital to the universities mission; o COVID-19 Relief ■ Congress passed the CARES Act in March 2020, which provided more than $2 trillion in assistance to families, businesses, the workforce and state, local and tribal government; ■ The CARES Act provided more than $31 billion to the U.S. Department of Education for the “Education Stabilization Fund” for K-12 and higher education institutions to support students and expenses associated with the COVID-19 pandemic; ■ The University of Alaska received over $12.2 million from various programs within the Education Stabilization Fund to address COVID-19 related financial impacts.

Key RDU Challenges

● Implementing the compact with the Governor that includes a $70 million unrestricted general fund reduction over three years. ● Recruiting and retaining IT talent with the necessary digital skills and capabilities. ● The continuous requirement to maintain and communicate cybersecurity best practices system-wide in the ever-changing landscape of Internet crime to ensure the safety of students, faculty, and staff online; and keep UA’s data and technology assets accessible and available without compromise. To be effective, it is imperative that funding in this area remains consistent. ● Coordinating disaster preparedness and business continuity planning for the entire UA system, and, at times, working with local and federal agencies, consumes significant resources, and often the need for funding comes in waves, as cost and time-spent can spike when conducting extensive studies or simulations. Due to this, setting a timeline for disaster preparedness and business continuity planning projects can be challenging, particularly when the project is phased over multiple years and funding is dependent on annual appropriations. Although the benefits of these projects generally go unrealized, it is crucial that UA is prepared to respond to an array of potential disasters (i.e. earthquakes, data loss, active-shooter, etc.) for the safety of students, faculty, and staff; and to mitigate operational disruptions. ● Working on behalf of the UA System to meet state and federal regulatory compliance is a paramount core service that Statewide Services provides, as a result: ○ Allocating and managing time to coordinate and facilitate comprehensive, system-wide projects, such as the upgrade to UA’s enterprise resource planning (ERP) software, is a challenge, and can prolong the project timeline; ○ System-wide Human Resources projects identified for automation and process improvement have begun to accumulate due to the need for expanded support; and ○ There is a need to develop innovative solutions for completing more system-wide process improvement and automaton projects due to limited staffing and resources. ● Alaska has historically had one of the lowest college-going rates in the nation and consistently ranks last or second to last of all 50 states in the percentage of high school graduates going to college immediately after high school. In addition, as of 2018, only 38.3 percent of Alaskans have at least an associate degree, compared to a national average of 43.2 percent (Lumina Foundation). This non-college-going state environment makes leading system-wide efforts aimed at increasing student enrollment a challenge; ● Uncertain impacts of COVID response on UA employee workforce; ● Currently, there is minimal staff development and succession planning.

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 27 Results Delivery Unit — Statewide Services

● Continue broad and purposeful outreach on the value and importance of UA to external stakeholders and community organizations, and to local, state, and federal policy makers. ● Continue to build partnerships and coalitions with other organizations with common or shared interests. ● Continuing improvements in UA’s information security posture ● Collaborating with procurement to continue improvements in IT vendor management ● Continuing to leverage the long-run total cost-of-ownership proposition of cloud computing ● To help ensure business continuity and mitigate risk, the UA data center in Fairbanks will institute an on-premise backup power generating capability. ● As part of continued work toward ensuring a respectful, positive and productive workplace, following budget cuts and workforce reductions, the university is embarking on an organizational culture assessment and enhancement strategies initiative. ● Continual lean process improvement in administrative functions. ● Increased coordination and collaboration of academic units to provide opportunities for students to enroll in programs across the state. ● Expansion of on-line courses and programs. ● Implement policy, structure, and address possible misalignments for compensation competitiveness and equity. ● Development and implementation of leadership, management and supervisory training focused on succession planning, team-building, and performance management. ● Continued migration of paper-based to interactive electronic online forms for personnel actions.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 28 Results Delivery Unit — Statewide Services

Statewide Services RDU Financial Summary by Component All dollars shown in thousands FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Management Plan FY2022 Governor UGF+DGF Other Federal Total UGF+DGF Other Federal Total UGF+DGF Other Federal Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Formula Expenditures None.

Non-Formula Expenditures Statewide 30,289.6 10,717.2 0.0 41,006.8 25,846.1 10,181.6 400.0 36,427.7 25,846.1 10,181.6 400.0 36,427.7 Services Office of 10,296.3 3,303.0 0.0 13,599.3 11,566.8 3,548.3 0.0 15,115.1 11,566.8 3,548.3 0.0 15,115.1 Information Technology Totals 40,585.9 14,020.2 0.0 54,606.1 37,412.9 13,729.9 400.0 51,542.8 37,412.9 13,729.9 400.0 51,542.8

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 29 Results Delivery Unit — Statewide Services

Statewide Services Summary of RDU Budget Changes by Component From FY2021 Management Plan to FY2022 Governor All dollars shown in thousands Unrestricted Designated Other Funds Federal Total Funds Gen (UGF) Gen (DGF) Funds FY2021 Management Plan 15,082.0 22,330.9 13,729.9 400.0 51,542.8

FY2022 Governor 15,082.0 22,330.9 13,729.9 400.0 51,542.8

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 30 UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA SYSTEM Pat Pitney Interim President

Kerynn Fisher Cathy Sandeen Special Assistant UAA Chancellor to the President

Brandi Berg Daniel White Executive Officer UAF Chancellor Board of Regents David Bishko Mary Gower Karen Carey Business Strategist Chief Equity and UAS Chancellor Compliance Officer

Steve Patin Michelle Rizk John Boucher Matt Cooper Myron Dosch VP Univ Relations & Paul Layer Chief Human Interim Chief Information General Counsel Chief Finance Officer Chief Strategy, Planning & Budget VP Academics, Resources Officer Officer Technology Officer Students and Research Heather Arana Tod Burnett Andy Harrington Director Nikki Pittman Martha Mason Saichi Oba Chief Audit Executive President Executive Director Assoc VP Assoc General Counsel Employee Transition & Benefits Audit & Consulting Services UA Foundation User Services Student & Enrollment Strategy Glenn Gambrell Vacant Teri Cothren Rachel Plumlee Director John Hebard Rory O’Neill Assoc VP Executive Director Assoc VP Assoc General Counsel Talent Acquisition Chief Procurement Officer Government Relations Application Services Workforce Programs Michelle Pope Gwen Gruenig Director Robbie Graham Mike Brase Wayne Mowery Assoc VP Operations Vacant Assoc VP Executive Director Assoc General Counsel Chief Risk Officer Data Strategy & Inst’l Public Affairs Infrastructure & Cloud Svcs Tara Ferguson Research Interim Director Morgan Dufseth Labor and Employee Tammi Weaver Vacant Steve Meckel Executive Officer Engagement Chief Treasury Officer Chief Land Officer Executive Officer System Governance

Lael Oldmixon Alesia Kruckenberg Kathleen Boyle Program Director Director Interim Chief Information 529 and UA Scholars Planning and Budget Security Officer

Effective November 2020

Page 31 Component — Statewide Services

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Statewide Services Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 32 Component — Statewide Services

Component: Statewide Services

Contribution to Department's Mission

The University of Alaska inspires learning, and advances and disseminates knowledge through teaching, research, and public service, emphasizing the North and its diverse peoples.

Statewide Services provides strategic leadership and support to the campuses as they deliver their mission of research, instruction, and service. Statewide Services also provides direct services to the public, Regents, and faculty. With responsibilities for staff functions as well as for direct operations, Statewide Services places a high priority on the efficient delivery of its programs and operational priorities while maintaining quality.

Statewide Services provide administrative support to the university community in an orderly, efficient, and prudent manner in accordance with federal and state statutes, Regents’ policy and appropriate regulations, procedures, and responsible business practices.

Core Services

 Statewide Services consists of functional areas that provide support to the University of Alaska at the direction of the president and Board of Regents:  GENERAL COUNSEL:  Provides and performs legal and contractual services to advise the UA system and the Board of Regents in matters such as ethics, privacy, discrimination, and sexual harassment, public records and legal issues.  FINANCE AND ADMINISTRATION:  Implements administrative services to the university in an orderly, efficient and prudent manner in accordance with federal and state statutes, Regents' policy and appropriate regulations, procedures and responsible business practices;  Maintains a reliable and accurate financial accounting and reporting system;  Furnishes comprehensive planning and management information for the University of Alaska Board of Regents, President, executive staff and the public;  UNIVERSITY RELATIONS:  Pursues state and federal funding and support for the entire University;  Is the primary contact between the University, the legislature and the governor and is responsible for action on legislation that impacts the University;  Furnishes comprehensive planning and management information for the University of Alaska Board of Regents, President, executive staff, the state, and the public;  Develops, leases and sells land and resources to generate revenue for the university’s Land Grant Trust Fund;  Analyzes, submits and presents the University of Alaska operating and capital budgets utilizing the state's Alaska Budget System and maintains the university accounting system assuring compliance with the state's fiscal statutes.  HUMAN RESOURCES:  Ensures that Board of Regents' policy is carried out in the recruitment and retention of faculty and staff, health and retirement, benefits administration, employee and labor relations, compensation, training and development, workforce planning, equal employment opportunity and affirmative action;  Provides comprehensive health, welfare and retirement benefits by managing the benefits administration for all locations from issuing requests for proposals, negotiating final contracts and working with vendors to ensure program delivery and compliance;  Coordinate the development and implementation of Regents’ policy and University regulation regarding human resources;  Leads collective bargaining with represented employee groups and collective bargaining collective bargaining agreement (CBA) administration for the UA system;  ACADEMIC, STUDENTS and RESEARCH:  Oversees the development of academic initiatives, including state and federal agendas;  Coordinates academic program offerings at the three universities;  Facilitates dual enrollment programs and the evaluation of course credits for transferring students; FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 33 Component — Statewide Services

 Provides coordination and leadership of research through the State Committee on Research (SCoR);  Links the university's training programs with employers and industry groups.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See Statewide Services RDU

Key Component Challenges

See Statewide Services RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See Statewide Services RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 34 Component — Statewide Services

Statewide Services Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 156 156 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 0 0 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 156 156 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 35 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Statewide Services (730) Non-Formula Component RDU: Statewide Services (234)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 14,235.3 16,385.3 16,385.3 17,512.3 17,512.3 0.0 0.0% 72000 Travel 321.0 619.2 619.2 581.9 581.9 0.0 0.0% 73000 Services 25,740.3 20,813.6 20,813.6 17,611.2 17,611.2 0.0 0.0% 74000 Commodities 271.0 288.1 288.1 298.5 298.5 0.0 0.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 380.3 27.0 27.0 27.0 27.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits -105.7 170.0 170.0 170.0 170.0 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 164.6 253.1 253.1 226.8 226.8 0.0 0.0% Totals 41,006.8 38,556.3 38,556.3 36,427.7 36,427.7 0.0 0.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 0.0 0.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 13,470.1 10,815.7 10,815.7 7,561.7 7,561.7 0.0 0.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 9.2 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0 0.0 0.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 15,766.5 16,017.0 16,017.0 17,296.2 17,296.2 0.0 0.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 1,053.0 1,142.0 1,142.0 988.2 988.2 0.0 0.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 10,708.0 10,081.6 10,081.6 10,081.6 10,081.6 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 13,470.1 10,815.7 10,815.7 7,561.7 7,561.7 0.0 0.0% Designated General (DGF) 16,819.5 17,159.0 17,159.0 18,284.4 18,284.4 0.0 0.0% Other Funds 10,717.2 10,181.6 10,181.6 10,181.6 10,181.6 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 0.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 0.0 0.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 142 142 142 156 156 0 0.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 36 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Statewide Services (730) RDU: Statewide Services (234)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 38,556.3 16,385.3 619.2 20,813.6 288.1 27.0 170.0 253.1 142 0 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 400.0 1004 Gen Fund 10,815.7 1007 I/A Rcpts 100.0 1048 Univ Rcpt 16,017.0 1151 VoTech Ed 1,142.0 1174 UA I/A 10,081.6

Subtotal 38,556.3 16,385.3 619.2 20,813.6 288.1 27.0 170.0 253.1 142 0 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer University Receipt Authority to Align Budgets with Anticipated Revenue Trin 1,279.2 0.0 0.0 1,279.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1048 Univ Rcpt 1,279.2

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

1048 University Receipts

$1,279.2 Statewide Services $(2,050.0) Statewide Networks $521.6 University of Alaska Foundation $249.2 Education Trust of Alaska

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 1,127.0 -37.3 -1,073.8 10.4 0.0 0.0 -26.3000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trout -153.8 0.0 0.0 -153.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed -153.8

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$173.0 Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 37 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Statewide Services (730) RDU: Statewide Services (234)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ($153.8) Statewide Services $90.0 Anchorage Campus ($210.2) Fairbanks Campus $101.0 UAF Community and Technical College

Transfer Authority to Distribute $25M of the Unallocated Reduction Trout -3,675.0 0.0 0.0 -3,675.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund -3,675.0

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

1004 General Fund

($9,050.0) Anchorage Campus ($12,275.0) Fairbanks Campus ($3,675.0) Statewide Services $25,000.0 Systemwide Budget Reductions/Additions

Transfer Authority and Positions for Procurement Redesign Trin 1,331.0 0.0 0.0 1,331.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13 0 0 1004 Gen Fund 1,331.0

Transfer general fund and positions from Anchorage and Fairbanks Campus to Statewide Services related to procurement redesign.

1004 General Fund

$1,331.0 Statewide Services ($431.0) Anchorage Campus ($900.0) Fairbanks Campus

Transfer Authority for Dual Enrollment and Online Programs Trout -910.0 0.0 0.0 -910.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund -910.0

Transfer general fund from Statewide Services to Anchorage and Fairbanks campuses for Dual Enrollment and Online Program development.

1004 General Fund

($910.0) Statewide Services $386.0 Anchorage Campus $524.0 Fairbanks Campus

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 38 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Statewide Services (730) RDU: Statewide Services (234)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0500

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

Return Positions Related to General Fund Reduction PosAdj 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -4 0 0

Return positions related to the FY2021 $25M general fund reduction that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary.

Subtotal 36,427.7 17,512.3 581.9 17,611.2 298.5 27.0 170.0 226.8 156 0 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 36,427.7 17,512.3 581.9 17,611.2 298.5 27.0 170.0 226.8 156 0 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 39 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Statewide Services (730) RDU: Statewide Services (234) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number and pooled budget. Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 100000 President Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 337,850 90,597 428,447 93,521 100003 Senior Administrator Officer Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 106,510 29,397 135,907 29,665 100004 Special Assistant Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 97,970 27,040 125,010 27,287 100005 Associate Vice President Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 154,701 42,697 197,398 43,088 100006 Vice President Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 186,850 51,571 238,421 52,042 100007 Fiscal Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,990 35,696 119,686 26,125 100008 Associate Vice President Fairbanks FT * Sr. Administrator 27.6% 74,873 20,665 95,538 20,854 100010 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,091 33,050 94,141 20,549 100011 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,306 32,085 91,391 19,949 100012 Communications Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 100013 Internal Auditor 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,306 25,205 84,511 18,447 100014 Associate Vice President Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 159,804 44,106 203,910 44,509 100015 Communications Specialist 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,616 30,437 102,053 22,276 100017 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,579 26,822 76,401 16,677 100019 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 100021 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,314 29,925 85,239 18,606 100022 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,872 36,071 120,943 26,399 100030 Associate Vice President Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 116,714 32,213 148,927 32,508 100033 Associate General Counsel Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 198,580 54,808 253,388 55,309 100100 General Counsel Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 196,950 54,358 251,308 54,855 100101 Associate General Counsel Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 136,350 37,633 173,983 37,977 100102 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,314 29,925 85,239 18,606 100103 Admin Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,171 35,348 118,519 25,870 100104 Associate General Counsel Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 136,350 37,633 173,983 37,977 100105 Associate General Counsel Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 139,380 38,469 177,849 38,821 100200 Director(Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 196,950 54,358 251,308 54,855 100201 Human Resources Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,373 30,759 103,132 22,511 100202 Director (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 119,031 32,853 151,884 33,153 100203 Director (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 129,280 35,681 164,961 36,007 100204 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,356 24,538 69,894 15,256 100205 Human Resources Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,852 27,562 92,414 20,172 100206 Director (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 123,220 34,009 157,229 34,320 100207 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 17,348 100208 Human Resources Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 100210 Environmental Health/Safety 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 114,347 48,597 162,944 35,567 100211 Human Resources Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,771 39,428 132,199 28,856 Page 40 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Statewide Services (730) RDU: Statewide Services (234) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number and pooled budget. Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 100213 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,091 25,964 87,055 19,002 100215 Human Resources Professional 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,607 40,633 136,240 29,738 100216 Human Resources Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,515 29,544 99,059 21,622 100217 Administrative Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 103,527 43,999 147,526 32,202 100218 Human Resources Professional 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,771 39,428 132,199 28,856 100219 Human Resources Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,629 21,980 62,609 13,666 100220 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,872 36,071 120,943 26,399 100221 Human Resources Manager 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 100222 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,797 24,776 70,573 15,405 100223 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,028 32,312 108,340 23,648 100224 Human Resources Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,616 30,437 102,053 22,276 100225 Human Resources Professional 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,028 32,312 108,340 23,648 100226 Human Resources Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 56,448 23,990 80,438 17,558 100227 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,083 27,095 77,178 16,846 100228 Fiscal Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,990 35,696 119,686 26,125 100229 Human Resources Manager 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,087 31,062 104,149 22,733 100231 Human Resources Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 73,087 39,540 112,627 24,584 100232 Human Resources Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,150 28,964 97,114 21,198 100233 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,238 25,015 71,253 15,553 100234 Human Resources Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,700 26,223 87,923 19,192 100235 Human Resources Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 56,448 23,990 80,438 17,558 100236 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,028 32,312 108,340 23,648 100237 Director (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 106,035 29,266 135,301 29,533 100238 Human Resources Professional 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 103,527 43,999 147,526 32,202 100240 Human Resources Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,583 24,473 82,056 17,911 100241 Human Resources Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,243 29,345 83,588 18,246 100242 Human Resources Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,768 29,629 84,397 18,422 100243 Human Resources Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,974 30,823 87,797 19,164 100244 Human Resources Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,700 33,380 95,080 20,754 100245 Human Resources Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 17,348 100246 Human Resources Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,504 25,714 86,218 18,820 100247 Human Resources Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,696 24,946 83,642 18,257 100248 Human Resources Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 56,008 23,803 79,811 17,421 100249 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,587 27,368 77,955 17,016 100251 Human Resources Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 68,150 36,869 105,019 22,923 100252 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,239 25,015 71,254 15,553 Page 41 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Statewide Services (730) RDU: Statewide Services (234) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number and pooled budget. Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 100253 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,314 29,925 85,239 18,606 100254 Human Resources Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 17,348 100255 Human Resources Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 19,969 100256 Human Resources Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,852 27,562 92,414 20,172 100257 Human Resources Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,239 25,015 71,254 15,553 100258 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,667 25,788 73,455 16,034 100261 Human Resources Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,453 24,049 68,502 14,953 100301 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,923 30,142 101,065 22,060 100302 Fiscal Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,583 31,152 88,735 19,369 100303 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,091 25,964 87,055 19,002 100305 Admin Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,616 30,437 102,053 22,276 100410 Executive Director Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 121,931 33,653 155,584 33,961 100411 Internal Auditor 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,604 32,982 110,586 24,138 100412 Internal Auditor 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,843 29,258 98,101 21,413 100421 Adminstrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,810 28,394 95,204 20,781 100422 Executive Officer Fairbanks FT * Officer 27.6% 107,175 29,580 136,755 29,851 100423 Associate Vice President Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 149,901 41,373 191,274 41,751 100425 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,616 30,437 102,053 22,276 100426 Executive Director Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 166,650 45,995 212,645 46,416 100427 Administrative Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,499 33,362 111,861 24,417 100432 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 103,527 43,999 147,526 32,202 100440 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 100441 Associate Vice President Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 142,309 39,277 181,586 39,636 100442 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 100443 Risk Management 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,771 39,428 132,199 28,856 100444 Senior Administrative Officer Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 137,360 37,911 175,271 38,258 100445 Risk Management 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 109,893 46,705 156,598 34,182 100450 Fiscal Manager 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 113,254 48,133 161,387 35,227 100451 Fiscal Manager 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 105,628 44,892 150,520 32,855 100455 Administrative Management 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 131,447 55,865 187,312 40,886 100456 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,604 28,459 81,063 17,694 100457 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,784 28,383 95,167 20,773 100458 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 67,478 28,678 96,156 20,989 100461 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 17,348 100462 Fiscal Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,351 34,999 117,350 25,615 100466 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,314 29,925 85,239 18,606 Page 42 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Statewide Services (730) RDU: Statewide Services (234) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number and pooled budget. Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 100467 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,339 33,294 111,633 24,367 100469 Administrative Management 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 100471 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,351 34,999 117,350 25,615 100476 Risk Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,179 37,901 127,080 27,739 100480 Chief Procurement Officer Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 136,825 37,764 174,589 38,109 100481 Proc/Cont Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 123,863 52,642 176,505 38,527 100482 Proc/ Cont Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,171 35,348 118,519 25,870 100483 Proc/ Cont Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 87,393 37,142 124,535 27,183 100484 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,515 29,544 99,059 21,622 100485 Proc/ Cont Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,373 30,759 103,132 22,511 100486 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 56,448 23,990 80,438 17,558 100487 Proc/ Cont Svcs Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,919 26,741 89,660 19,571 100488 Proc/ Cont Svcs Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 52,142 22,160 74,302 16,219 100489 Proc/ Cont Svcs Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,768 23,276 78,044 17,035 100490 Proc/ Cont Svcs Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,575 21,919 73,494 16,042 100491 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,314 29,925 85,239 18,606 100492 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 100502 Internal Auditor 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 100509 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 19,969 100601 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 17,348 100603 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 121,406 51,598 173,004 37,763 100605 Risk Management 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 100606 Vice President Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 242,400 66,902 309,302 67,514 100608 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,150 28,964 97,114 21,198 100609 Officer Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 217,738 60,096 277,834 60,645 100611 Associate General Counsel Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 139,380 38,469 177,849 38,821 100613 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,239 25,015 71,254 15,553 100614 Risk Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,511 34,642 116,153 25,354 100618 Real Property Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 122,624 52,115 174,739 38,142 100619 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 100624 Fiscal Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,179 37,901 127,080 27,739 100625 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT * PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 27,657 14,962 42,619 0 100627 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 100634 Adminstrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT * APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 17,143 7,286 24,429 0 100652 Senior Administrative Officer Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 131,300 36,239 167,539 36,570 100654 Senior Administrator Officer Fairbanks FT * Sr. Administrator 27.6% 15,150 4,181 19,331 4,220 Page 43 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Statewide Services (730) RDU: Statewide Services (234) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number and pooled budget. Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 101005 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 101030 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 101040 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,570 27,017 90,587 19,773 101042 IS Ops Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 101057 IS Manager 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 101058 Risk Management 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,449 22,424 63,873 13,942 104000 Real Property Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,373 30,759 103,132 22,511 104001 Real Property Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,133 28,107 94,240 20,570 104002 Real Property Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,986 38,669 129,655 28,301 104003 Real Property Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,843 29,258 98,101 21,413 104007 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,314 23,508 78,822 17,205 104008 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,604 32,982 110,586 24,138 104009 Real Property Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,604 32,982 110,586 24,138 104013 Real Property Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,713 34,303 115,016 25,105 104015 Real Property Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 101,490 43,133 144,623 31,568 104016 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,511 34,642 116,153 25,354 109040 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 Pool UA Labor Pool Fairbanks PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 309,956 309,956 67,657 Total Position Costs 12,703,435 4,808,865 17,512,300 3,807,546 Full Time Positions: 156 Part Time Positions: ‐ Federal Receipts (1002) ‐ Positions in Component: 156 General Fund Receipts (1004) 3,807,546 Interagency Receipts (1007) ‐ University Receipts (1048) 8,628,362 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 5,076,392 UA Funding 17,512,300

Page 44 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Office of Information Technology

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Office of Information Technology Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 45 Component — Office of Information Technology

Component: Office of Information Technology

Contribution to Department's Mission

The University of Alaska Office of Information Technology (OIT) is a strategic organization providing robust, reliable, and cost-effective technology infrastructure and services across the university system in order to support and enhance teaching, learning, research, business operations and outreach for Alaskans.

Core Services

 Academic Support and Computing Technologies  Accounts and Identity and Access Management (IAM)  Administrative Systems  Classes and Courseware  Computer Labs  Contract Management  Desktop Support  Digital Signage  Email, Calendar and Collaboration  Internet, Wireless and Network Access  Printing and Copy Services  Programming and Development  Security and IT Policies  Server and Database Administration  Data Center Operations  Service Center/Help Desk  Classroom Instructional Technology  Telephone Services  Training Services  Video and Audio Conferencing  Web Services

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See Statewide Services RDU

Key Component Challenges

See Statewide Services RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See Statewide Services RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 46 Component — Office of Information Technology

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 47 Component — Office of Information Technology

Office of Information Technology Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 53 53 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 0 0 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 53 53 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 48 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Office of Information Technology (734) Non-Formula Component RDU: Statewide Services (234)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 5,628.4 6,751.3 6,751.3 6,569.0 6,569.0 0.0 0.0% 72000 Travel 46.4 174.0 174.0 163.0 163.0 0.0 0.0% 73000 Services 7,491.4 9,820.7 9,820.7 7,976.5 7,976.5 0.0 0.0% 74000 Commodities 169.7 313.6 313.6 301.1 301.1 0.0 0.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 263.4 105.5 105.5 105.5 105.5 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 13,599.3 17,165.1 17,165.1 15,115.1 15,115.1 0.0 0.0% Fund Sources: 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 5,286.9 7,520.3 7,520.3 7,520.3 7,520.3 0.0 0.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 5,009.4 6,096.5 6,096.5 4,046.5 4,046.5 0.0 0.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 3,303.0 3,548.3 3,548.3 3,548.3 3,548.3 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 5,286.9 7,520.3 7,520.3 7,520.3 7,520.3 0.0 0.0% Designated General (DGF) 5,009.4 6,096.5 6,096.5 4,046.5 4,046.5 0.0 0.0% Other Funds 3,303.0 3,548.3 3,548.3 3,548.3 3,548.3 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 59 59 59 53 53 0 0.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 49 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Office of Information Technology (734) RDU: Statewide Services (234)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 17,165.1 6,751.3 174.0 9,820.7 313.6 105.5 0.0 0.0 59 0 0 1004 Gen Fund 7,520.3 1048 Univ Rcpt 6,096.5 1174 UA I/A 3,548.3

Subtotal 17,165.1 6,751.3 174.0 9,820.7 313.6 105.5 0.0 0.0 59 0 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer University Receipt Authority to Align Budgets with Anticipated Revenue Trout -2,050.0 0.0 0.0 -2,050.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1048 Univ Rcpt -2,050.0

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

1048 University Receipts

$1,279.2 Statewide Services $(2,050.0) Statewide Networks $521.6 University of Alaska Foundation $249.2 Education Trust of Alaska

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 -182.3 -11.0 205.8 -12.5 0.0 0.0 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trout 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -6 0 0

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

Subtotal 15,115.1 6,569.0 163.0 7,976.5 301.1 105.5 0.0 0.0 53 0 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 15,115.1 6,569.0 163.0 7,976.5 301.1 105.5 0.0 0.0 53 0 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 50 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Office of Information Technology (734) RDU: Statewide Services (234) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 100212 Administrative Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 97,561 41,463 139,024 69,170 100300 Senior Administrator Director Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 128,171 35,375 163,546 81,370 100420 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 99,473 42,276 141,749 70,525 100463 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,583 31,152 88,735 44,149 100617 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,293 32,000 107,293 53,382 101000 Executive Director Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 231,324 63,845 295,169 146,857 101001 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 130,166 55,321 185,487 92,286 101003 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100,502 42,713 143,215 71,255 101004 IS Manager 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,771 39,428 132,199 65,774 101009 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 101,490 43,133 144,623 71,955 101010 IS Ops Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,583 31,152 88,735 44,149 101011 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 45,517 101012 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,604 32,982 110,586 55,020 101013 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 119,031 50,588 169,619 84,392 101014 IS Ops Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,848 22,640 64,488 32,085 101016 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,150 28,964 97,114 48,318 101017 IS Ops Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,150 31,459 89,609 44,584 101021 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 45,517 101022 IS Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,986 38,669 129,655 64,508 101024 IS Ops Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,453 24,049 68,502 34,082 101026 IS Professional 6A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 111,006 47,178 158,184 78,702 101027 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,061 38,276 128,337 63,852 101028 IS Ops Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 73,087 39,540 112,627 56,036 101029 IS Manager 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 117,834 50,079 167,913 83,543 101031 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,061 38,276 128,337 63,852 101032 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 104,599 44,455 149,054 74,159 101033 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,503 32,732 93,235 46,388 101034 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,179 37,901 127,080 63,227 101036 IS Manager 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 115,502 49,088 164,590 81,890 101039 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 105,628 44,892 150,520 74,889 101041 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,675 29,038 82,713 41,153 101046 Senior Administrative Director Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 135,845 37,493 173,338 86,242 101049 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,209 29,839 100,048 49,777 101050 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,061 38,276 128,337 63,852 101051 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,150 28,964 97,114 48,318 101054 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,784 28,383 95,167 47,349 Page 51 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Office of Information Technology (734) RDU: Statewide Services (234) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 101056 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,784 28,383 95,167 47,349 101063 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,553 36,785 123,338 61,365 101070 IS Ops Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,768 29,629 84,397 41,991 101072 IS Ops Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,629 21,980 62,609 31,150 101080 IS Professional 6A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 128,863 54,767 183,630 91,362 101081 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,990 35,696 119,686 59,548 101082 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,784 28,383 95,167 47,349 101083 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,784 28,383 95,167 47,349 101086 Senior IT Security Officer Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,511 34,642 116,153 57,790 101087 IS Professional 6A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,511 34,642 116,153 57,790 101088 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,331 33,721 96,052 47,789 101090 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,503 32,732 93,235 46,388 103007 IS Ops Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 39,543 103009 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,373 30,759 103,132 51,312 103010 IS Manager 3 Fairbanks FT ** APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,973 31,864 106,837 53,155 103014 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 111,006 47,178 158,184 78,702 103015 IS Ops Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,675 29,038 82,713 41,153 Pool UA Labor Pool Fairbanks PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 158,990 158,990 79,103 Total Position Costs 4,646,326 1,922,674 6,569,000 3,268,311 Full Time Positions: 53 Part Time Positions: ‐ Federal Receipts (1002) ‐ Positions in Component: 53 General Fund Receipts (1004) 3,268,311 Interagency Receipts (1007) ‐ University Receipts (1048) 1,758,603 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 1,542,086 UA Funding 6,569,000

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State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska University of Alaska Anchorage Results Delivery Unit Budget Summary

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University of Alaska Anchorage Results Delivery Unit

Contribution to Department's Mission

The mission of the University of Alaska Anchorage (UAA) is to discover and disseminate knowledge through teaching, research, engagement, and creative expression.

Located in Anchorage and on community campuses in Southcentral Alaska, UAA is committed to serving the higher education needs of the state, its communities, and its diverse peoples.

The University of Alaska Anchorage is an open access university with academic programs leading to occupational endorsements; undergraduate and graduate certificates; and associate, baccalaureate, and graduate degrees in a rich, diverse, and inclusive environment.

University of Alaska Anchorage Mission Statement Board of Regents' Policy 01.01.020 Adopted 09-18-07

Results (Additional performance information is available on the web at

Core Services  Produce educated, engaged, and innovative citizens, through its teaching and learning activities, who live, work, and solve issues facing Alaska.  Support Alaska's economic development through excellence in research and workforce development.  Serve as good stewards of our financial resources by managing revenue from tuition, fees, funded research and other sources. FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 54 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Anchorage

 Ensure student success and achievement by improving retention and completion rates for specific groups of first-time, full-time freshmen.  Improve access to higher education by increasing student credit hour production in courses defined as eLearning.

Measures by Core Service (Additional performance information is available on the web at 1. Produce educated, engaged, and innovative citizens, through its teaching and learning activities, who live, work, and solve issues facing Alaska. 2. Support Alaska's economic development through excellence in research and workforce development.

3. Serve as good stewards of our financial resources by managing revenue from tuition, fees, funded research and other sources.

4. Ensure student success and achievement by improving retention and completion rates for specific groups of first-time, full-time freshmen.

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5. Improve access to higher education by increasing student credit hour production in courses defined as eLearning.

Major RDU Accomplishments in 2020

UAA is a comprehensive, open access institution of opportunity with many entry points for students. UAA serves traditional and nontraditional age students; first-time, returning and transfer students; and working professionals. The majority of UAA students are Alaska residents, and most commute to class and attend part-time—a relatively unique student profile among post-secondary institutions.

UAA’s major accomplishments in 2020 are organized into three key themes.

1. UAA is meeting the workforce needs of our state, and is doing so in increasingly efficient and yet effective ways. 2. UAA’s faculty and students connect with the community to provide practical solutions to real-world problems. 3. UAA is working to achieve equity and access.


Meeting workforce needs through degrees awarded. ● Total number of degrees is up: 2,339 (FY2019 = 2,317). ● Health-related awards are up: 636 (FY2019 = 569). ● Nursing awards are up: 285 (FY2019 = 255). ● College of Engineering produced record numbers of bachelor’s degree graduates in Computer Science (26) and Electrical Engineering (22), and matched the previous record of Mechanical Engineering graduates (52). ● Graduates in the bachelor of science in Construction Management set a record of 27 awards (FY2019 = 15). ● The Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) in Management produced a record 82 graduates (FY2019 = 74). ● Associate degrees were up with 857 awards (FY2019 = 782).

Delivering a return on investment for UAA students and Alaska. ● UAA ranked in the top 15% of all institutions for the best long-term return on investment for students and was No. 1 among its peers in a study by Georgetown University’s Center on Education and the Workforce report, “A First Try at ROI: Ranking 4,500 Colleges.” Researchers reviewed data on net price, median debt, and median earnings from 4,529 public, private nonprofit, and private for-profit colleges that offer predominantly bachelor’s degrees, associate degrees, or certificates. They then calculated median earnings over 10 years (short-term) and 40 years (long term) into the future using a net present value formula to rank each institution in those categories.

Contributing through excellence in teaching, learning, and research. ● UAA students and recent graduates continue to receive prestigious national and international scholarships and awards, including two Fulbright Scholarships; two U.S. Teaching Assistantship (USTA) Foreign Language Assistantships; one Boren Scholarship to study Urdu in India; and one Udall Undergraduate Scholarship, only the

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second UAA student to receive this award which recognizes a commitment to Native American nations and/or the environment. ● Other student achievements include an electrical engineering major who interned at NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center in Maryland; a civil engineering major who was recognized as one of the 2020 New Faces of Civil Engineering—Collegiate Edition, the first UAA student to receive this honor; and, an economics major and member of the Seawolf Debate program who won the International Public Debate Association Tournament. ● Among faculty, Caxia Wang, an assistant professor of Geomatics, was one of 16 women across the U.S. selected to participate in the 2019-2020 National Science Foundation (NSF)-funded Training and Retaining Leaders in STEM-Geospatial Sciences program (TRELIS). ● Two faculty were awarded J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarships, Dr. Phillippe Amstislavski (Public Health) will work in Finland with biomaterials, and Maria Williams (Alaska Native Studies) will research indigenous peoples in Canada. ● Sarah Gerken (Biological Sciences), along with her Yale post-doctoral research partner, received national attention after their study of ancient fossilized comma shrimp was published in the “Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences.” ● Chair and professor in the Department of Physics and Astronomy Travis Rector created a new composite image capturing the first recorded interstellar comet, using data from the Gemini Observatory.

Demonstrating flexibility and responsiveness to a changing economy. ● Fifteen Occupational Endorsement and three Graduate Fast-Track Certificates were approved through an expedited process to meet community needs as industries adapt to changes in Alaska’s economy and workforce demands. Each of these programs can be completed in three semesters or less, and will help Alaskans acquire new skills to re-enter the workforce or energize their careers.

Listening to our employers and community partners. ● UAA faculty interviewed recruitment and hiring managers from 10 organizations identified as top employers of UAA graduates to see which skills and experiences were the most valued in employees. The project, part of the planning for UAA’s new accreditation cycle, contributed to the identification of institutional-level student learning competencies. It will also inform improvements in current programs and services, as well as new program development.

Meeting state demand for nurses and other healthcare and mental health professionals. ● The UAA College of Health moved quickly to obtain internal and Alaska Board of Nursing approval to graduate nursing students early so they could enter the workforce as soon as possible to help with the COVID-19 pandemic. ● UAA offers baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral programs in psychology, filling a need in Alaska to address the state’s high rates of suicide, domestic violence, and sexual assault. In 2020, the Ph.D. in Clinical Community Psychology, offering a focus on rural and indigenous issues, produced an all-time high of 4 new Ph.D.’s. In addition, 61 students completed their baccalaureate degrees in psychology and nine graduate students earned master’s degrees in clinical psychology. ● Each of UAA’s five campuses offer state-approved training to become Certified Nurse Assistants. Kodiak College admits 10 students each spring semester. In academic year 2020 (AY2020), Kenai Peninsula College provided 18 students with hands-on experience to become Certified Nurse Assistants by adding one more hospital bed. These graduates were successfully licensed and many are employed with the local hospital and long-term care facilities. ● The Physical Therapy Assistant program continued in-person instruction despite the shift to mostly remote learning in order to complete the training required and to help students transition as quickly as possible to the workforce. This resulted in the licensing of 36 graduates in Alaska. ● Dental lab facilities were upgraded in response to COVID-19 to meet OSHA safety and health standards associated with airborne pathogens, allowing program delivery to continue. ● Britteny Howell, assistant professor in the Division of Population Health is partnering with the Alzheimer’s Resource of Alaska and Last Frontier Comedy to improve communications skills and build resiliency among dementia patient caregivers. Professor Howell received the 2020 Selkregg Community Engagement & Service Learning Award for this work.

Expanding connections with employers through apprenticeships.

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● UAA expanded opportunities for apprenticeships that provide hands-on training. With the support of Technical Vocational Education Program (TVEP) appropriations and a national grant, UAA was approved to serve as a sponsor of Registered Apprenticeship, an “earn-and-learn” program that partners with employers to provide students with classroom training and on-the-job training, salary, and benefits.

Growing Alaska’s future small business leaders. ● The College of Business and Public Policy Student Business Plan Competition and Awards encourage economic development and entrepreneurship in Alaska by providing hands-on experience developing and presenting business plans. In 2020, student finalists presented their investor pitches to a panel of judges and 43 community partners in a live virtual event. The Alaska Electric Scooters’ plan to bring the first organized fleet of dock-less, electric scooters to UAA and downtown Anchorage won prizes for the Most Beneficial to Alaska and Most Beneficial to UAA Student Life. ● The Business Enterprise Institute’s Center for Economic Development launched Upstart Alpha, a new program for UAA students and community members who wish to learn more about launching a business. It consists of two cohort groups, interns and entrepreneurs. The internship, open only to UAA students, places them with startups across the state for a personalized and enriching internship experience. In AY2020, six interns were placed into separate startup companies. The accelerator—the entrepreneurial program—is open to students and community members. In AY2020, 10 entrepreneurs, of whom eight were UAA students, completed the program. Plans are in place to advance the program across UA this next fiscal year.

Partnering with Bristol Bay school districts in teacher education. ● UAA’s School of Education entered a collaborative effort with four districts to provide a pathway to the UAA Master of Education in Teaching and Learning for certified teachers. The program melds theory and practice through a University and K-12 partnership that honors experience-based learning and is committed to the development of practice. It provides support mechanisms designed to help recruit, retain and develop a much-needed rural teaching workforce in Alaska, and promotes greater access to graduate studies.

Meeting the state’s technology needs. ● UAA’s Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Computer & Networking Technology merged with Mat-Su College’s AAS in Computer Systems Technology into one AAS in Computer Systems and Network Technology, producing efficiencies while continuing to meet local needs. Forty-eight students gained employable skills with the help of an upgraded computer lab at the Mat-Su campus.

Building capacity and meeting needs in aviation. ● UAA’s Community and Technical College Aviation Technology Division is completing the development of a distance delivered program, in partnership with the Alaska Air Carriers Association, to help current employees complete an apprenticeship that results in a mechanic certification by the Federal Aviation Administration.

Meeting construction workforce needs. ● Prince William Sound College offered Construction Academy courses that provided training in skills needed in the construction trades, leading to potential state handyman certification.

Developing hands-on opportunities in accounting and finance. ● UAA College of Business and Public Policy is utilizing existing space to create an accounting and finance investment lab for all business students. The new lab will use the current tools needed for students to be successful in business and financial careers and the ability to work on industry certifications, such as Bloomberg Market Concepts.

Meeting maritime workforce needs. ● The Maritime Workforce Development program at the Kachemak Bay Campus of Kenai Peninsula College delivered 18 non-credit and credit courses to meet the workforce needs identified by local fishing industry partners. Nearly 150 adult and high school students trained on the use of marine electronics, hydraulics, navigational charts, and engine repair, as well as developing employability skills in marine welding and repairing aluminum metal, and U.S. Coast Guard Certification courses. ● Prince William Sound College developed a maritime program that was approved for implementation in fall 2020. The program is based on the American Boat and Yacht Council’s (ABYC) Marine Service Technician certificate. It prepares students to work on small marine engines and perform marine plumbing and electrical maintenance,

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and upon completion, they receive certification. High school students are eligible for scholarships through the federal Perkins grant. Partners in the program include the ABYC, Yamaha Motor Corporation, Briggs and Stratton, Mercury Marine, Alyeska/Valdez Marine Terminal, United States Coast Guard, and the National Center for Construction Education and Research.


UAA supports Alaska’s response to COVID-19. ● Personal Protective Equipment: UAA’s College of Health donated 37 cases of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services to alleviate shortages of PPE for health care workers on the front lines of treating COVID-19. Kenai Peninsula College (KPC) donated cases of PPE to the Central Peninsula Hospital (CPH) in Soldotna and South Peninsula Hospital in Homer and loaned hospital beds, IV stands and other equipment to CPH. KPC also made its residence hall available to CPH staff during the first two months of the pandemic. ● Personal Protective Equipment Manufacturing Waiver: The Alaska Manufacturing Extension Partnership, a program of the Business Enterprise Institute, wrote a waiver of liability amendment which passed through Senate Bill No. 241. This effort supported manufacturers in getting over 10,000 masks, 25 gallons of hand sanitizer, 375 face shields, 2,000 Tyvek coveralls, and 700 gowns into the hands of local care providers. ● Contact Tracer Training: The College of Health began offering contact tracing certification training through a partnership with the Alaska Department of Health and Social Services to help meet the growing demand for qualified individuals to do this work. The training was developed and implemented by the college’s Division of Population Health Sciences and Alaska Center for Rural Health and Health Workforce, and was funded by federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act. ● COVID-19 Modeling Assessment: The Municipality of Anchorage requested help from UAA public health researchers to assess modeling of COVID-19 infections based on a variety of possible interventions to “flatten the curve” of the spread. The modeling team gathered data, synthesized best practice modeling, and provided critical analysis. UAA’s team has continued working with the Municipality, adjusting the model as restrictions change. ● Community Response Research: Faculty from the Colleges of Health, Arts and Sciences, and researchers at the Institute of Social and Economic Research conducted a survey of Anchorage residents to assess knowledge, attitudes, perceptions, and behavior related to the epidemic, and the municipality’s response. ● Mitigation Strategies Research: UAA’s College of Health Division of Population Health Sciences, Department of Health Studies and the Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies presented a report that compared community mitigation strategies in Anchorage, the state of Alaska, and other communities around the world. It also examined trends in population movement and COVID-19 infection rates in those locations, and used that information to make recommendations for promoting mitigation strategies to reduce the spread of infection. ● COVID-19 Response Research: The College of Health Division of Population Health Sciences and the Institute of Social and Economic Research produced a series of white papers focusing on specific areas impacted by the pandemic and its response in Anchorage (education, food security, housing, mental health, and substance use disorders) and provided recommendations for monitoring impacts and potential interventions. ● Testing Kits: The Advanced Instrumentation for Microbiome Studies (AIMS) Core Facility opened in March 2020 and began producing the viral transport media needed for the COVID-19 testing kits, supplying about 1,000 kits a day during the summer. Two external National Institutes of Health (NIH) Grants—Institutional Development Award (IDeA) Network of Biomedical Research Excellence and Transformative Research in Metabolism COBRE—provided funding for the facility. ● COVID-19 RNA Research: The Center for Strategic Partnerships and Research (CSPR), a program of the Business Enterprise Institute, is working with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) to test for COVID-19 RNA in wastewater. ● Call Specialists: WWAMI School of Medical Education students volunteered as call specialists for Alaska’s 2-1-1 information line to accommodate the increase in call volumes during the pandemic. ● Open Forums: The Center for Human Development (CHD) hosted medical and public health experts in a series of online forums as part of Project ECHO (Extension for Community Healthcare Outcomes). In these weekly open-to-the-public forums, experts discuss the latest updates and scientific findings around COVID-19 in Alaska, especially in underserved rural communities. ● Ask an Expert Series: UAA produced the “Ask a UAA Expert” series, in which 23 faculty and staff with expertise related to the COVID-19 pandemic, present 5-10 minute videos posted on the UAA Website and YouTube

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Channel. Topics include pandemic economics and history, tips for talking to children and setting up homeschool activities, advice about how to take care of our mental health during quarantine, and more.


Improving access and affordability. ● The 2019-2020 Textbook Transformation Fellows program supported 12 faculty working as part of an inclusive learning community to make learning more affordable for UAA students by designing courses using free-to-access course materials, such as Open Educational Resources. Use of such materials has been demonstrated to improve student success, reducing both the cost of purchasing books and the need to retake courses. ● New methods to determine student placement in writing and math reduced the number of students placed in 0-level courses. This is a cost savings for students. ● A new tool, the Seawolf Transfer Trail, will allow prospective students with prior course credits and other learning to see how this work would transfer in and apply to any degree or certificate at UAA. With UAA’s highly mobile populations, including active military students, the ability to provide up front information about how the institution recognizes prior learning through transfer or nontraditional credit and how that credit will count toward different degrees can be a significant recruitment tool. ● All five UAA campuses offered expanded access to high school students to earn college credit. Through cooperative agreements with area school districts, Middle College Schools on the Anchorage, Kenai, and Mat-Su campuses enable high school juniors and seniors to earn college credit at no cost to the students. These programs served approximately 400 students in AY2020, providing more than $1 million in tuition savings for students and their parents. Kenai Peninsula College’s Kenai River Campus opened its Middle College School, enrolling 19 students in the fall semester, saving students the cost of tuition, fees, and books. At Kodiak College, the JumpStart and JumpStart Success programs funded by the Borough provide tuition assistance to high school students taking college courses and first-time freshmen. Prince William Sound College has also worked closely with school districts throughout its service area to offer dual-credit classes, giving high school students the opportunity to receive an Associate of Arts degree along with their high school diploma. ● Kenai Peninsula College has solidified a partnership with the Kenaitze Indian Tribe to support the professional growth of their employees in their Education division. There are currently 10 students enrolled in degree and certificate programs focusing their continuing education and skill set on leadership, language and early childhood development. This is an established partnership for a minimum of two years fully supported by a grant (pays all tuition and fees) received by the Kenaitze Indian Tribe.

Key RDU Challenges

As a comprehensive, open access institution, providing access and equity are hallmarks of UAA’s mission to serve the people of Alaska.

Focused, intentional efforts to improve student success using nationally-recognized best practices are showing results, but continued focus is needed. Training of peer learning assistants began in 2020 to assist in high-enrollment courses with low pass rates. This program provides extra support to the students taking the class and professional experience to the peer assistants. Increased advising and tools, straight-forward academic pathways, and improved placement systems, raised the fall to spring first-time freshman retention rate by 2 percentage points for students in bachelor’s and associate programs. First-time freshman pass rates and completion rates have shown positive gains. The graduation rate for first-time, full-time baccalaureate seeking freshman showed significant improvement over the last few years, reaching 32% for FY2019, and held steady in FY2020 despite the impact of budget uncertainties on enrollment in fall 2019 and the disruptions of COVID-19 in spring 2020.

ENROLLMENT Nearly 21,000 students enrolled during FY2020, a decline of 11 percent from the prior year. With 91 percent of UAA students coming from within Alaska, UAA’s enrollments are particularly sensitive to the population of Alaska. The population in UAA’s service area is projected to increase by 2 percent by 2025, but that growth is positive only in the Kenai Peninsula Borough and the Mat-Su Borough. More importantly, the target age groups (15 to 19 years; 20 to 24 years; and 25 to 29 years) are all projected to decline. Many of the steps discussed above in the accomplishments section address these enrollment issues. To help expand UAA’s enrollment, UAA refined its recruitment efforts,

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improved admissions processes, and implemented programs such as the 49th Finishers that offers residents with some college a scholarship to come to UAA to finish their degree.

Keeping students enrolled and engaged is a challenge exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. In response, UAA launched a targeted faculty progress report campaign to identify students needing technology and engagement support. UAA repurposed its Student Success website with COVID-19 resources, conducted an academic advisor survey to assess student needs and a student survey on specific COVID-19 barriers to student success. UAA transitioned Seawolf Tracks mobile appointment scheduling for academic advising to remote services. In addition, UAA received an allocation of CARES Act funding from the U.S. Department of Education to help with student expenses related to the disruptions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic.

AFFORDABILITY UAA students often cite affordability, personal finances, and financial aid as top factors in deciding whether to enroll. For these reasons, UAA is researching a price sensitivity analysis before November 2020. This analysis will: (1) identify optimal tuition for the UAA market, (2) determine how competitors rank in terms of market share and quality relative to price, (3) study how changes to tuition and financial aid may impact enrollment, and (4) seek to understand how students perceive the value of a UAA education and from leading competitors. Enrollment Services is also launching Financial Aid Leveraging analysis to ensure UAA is using available aid to maximize access, retention, and completion goals.

CONNECTIVITY Before COVID-19, 36 percent of all student credit hours were delivered through eLearning or distance education in FY2020. After COVID-19 closures, nearly all students were learning online. UAA upgraded hardware and software to support the growth in alternative delivery, and students within its service areas have more consistent internet access compared to the villages off the road system. Alaska has one of the slowest average internet connections and the highest monthly rates in the United States. This factor affects equity and the standardization of access to technology for all Alaska’s students.

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

UAA 2025 STRATEGIC PLAN With the completion of the UAA 2020 strategic plan and the beginning of a new accreditation cycle, UAA launched the process of developing the UAA 2025 Strategic Plan in March 2020. The plan, scheduled for unveiling in January 2021, will provide a framework to define, communicate, and clarify UAA’s mission, vision, what UAA values, and what overarching goals and objectives will be sought through 2025. The plan builds on UAA’s strengths, and focuses attention and resources to deliver tangible value to stakeholders and create areas of distinction.

NEW STRUCTURAL ALIGNMENT UAA is undertaking a structural and mission alignment in relation to a multi-campus environment. The Chancellor, in consultation with governance groups, appointed an inclusive Change and Leadership group with representatives from faculty, staff, and students. This group is charged with optimizing campus relationships across UAA with improved coordination, alignment, and organization of UAA’s community campuses. The effort will address how UAA allocates human and operational resources across its multi-campus system. The evolution of course delivery and the fiscal environment make this review and evaluation critically important now to ensure UAA meets its mission to deliver excellent public higher education and relevant research across Southcentral Alaska.

COST REDUCTIONS/SHARED SERVICES To manage UAA’s FY2020 and FY2021 budget allocation reductions, UAA staffing was reduced and UAA did not renew a number of leases and other contracts. In addition, academic and administrative units completed expedited reviews to identify how to operate with less, and which functions and programs could be consolidated or eliminated. These reviews identified cuts to administrative and academic areas. A total of 19 programs were discontinued which will provide financial cost savings, but the loss of these programs will likely impact tuition and fee revenue into FY2022 and beyond. Programs such as the new Fast-Track Certificates are designed to attract new students.

Further cost reductions should be realized as new shared services in the areas of fiscal, administrative, and research administration are implemented in FY2021 and will impact the FY2022 budget. A Chancellor’s Task Force on Shared

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 61 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Anchorage

Services will manage this effort with the goal of saving money and improving UAA’s ability to provide efficient, timely, and high-quality service.

While implementing reductions in administrative and academic programs, UAA also addressed costs of its athletic programs with the proposed elimination of four programs. Supporters of these programs have the opportunity to raise needed private funds to cover two years of costs to continue these programs.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 62 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Anchorage

University of Alaska Anchorage RDU Financial Summary by Component All dollars shown in thousands FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Management Plan FY2022 Governor UGF+DGF Other Federal Total UGF+DGF Other Federal Total UGF+DGF Other Federal Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Formula Expenditures None.

Non-Formula Expenditures Anchorage 188,391.0 15,582.1 34,177.2 238,150.3 201,633.0 16,777.5 28,295.2 246,705.7 201,958.0 16,809.1 28,295.2 247,062.3 Campus Small Business 1,136.1 547.0 271.3 1,954.4 1,509.6 975.0 1,200.0 3,684.6 1,509.6 975.0 1,200.0 3,684.6 Dev Center Kenai Peninsula 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 14,739.8 557.5 1,000.8 16,298.1 College Kodiak College 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,846.6 331.8 367.7 5,546.1 Matanuska-Susitn 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12,775.2 172.3 245.0 13,192.5 a College Prince Wm Sound 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,265.1 187.3 800.0 6,252.4 College Totals 189,527.1 16,129.1 34,448.5 240,104.7 203,142.6 17,752.5 29,495.2 250,390.3 241,094.3 19,033.0 31,908.7 292,036.0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 63 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Anchorage

University of Alaska Anchorage Summary of RDU Budget Changes by Component From FY2021 Management Plan to FY2022 Governor All dollars shown in thousands Unrestricted Designated Other Funds Federal Total Funds Gen (UGF) Gen (DGF) Funds FY2021 Management Plan 84,259.7 118,882.9 17,752.5 29,495.2 250,390.3

Base for structure changes: -Kenai Peninsula College 6,289.1 8,450.7 557.5 1,000.8 16,298.1 -Kodiak College 2,303.3 2,543.3 331.8 367.7 5,546.1 -Matanuska-Susitna College 4,568.7 8,206.5 172.3 245.0 13,192.5 -Prince Wm Sound College 2,666.7 2,598.4 187.3 800.0 6,252.4

One-time items: -Anchorage Campus 0.0 0.0 -1,666.5 0.0 -1,666.5

Adjustments which continue current level of service: -Anchorage Campus 0.0 325.0 1,698.1 0.0 2,023.1

FY2022 Governor 100,087.5 141,006.8 19,033.0 31,908.7 292,036.0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 64 Cathy Sandeen Chancellor

Bruce Schultz Bill Jacobs Denise Runge Megan Olson Aaron Dotson Vice Chancellor Interim Vice Chancellor Provost & Vice Chancellor Vice Chancellor Associate Vice Chancellor Raegan Kelliher Student Services Adminstrative Services for Academic Affairs University Advancement Research Executive Assistant

Bobi Rinehart Heidi Tilicki Benjamin Morton Brian deZeeuw John Petraitis Susan Kalina George Kamberov Associate Vice Chancellor Dean of Students Director Interim Dean Vice Provost for Director Coordinator Financial Services College of Arts & Science Academic Affairs Development Commercialization and Governance Compliance

John Nofsinger Lora Volden Ryan Bucholdt Erin Holmes Kirstin Olmstead Sara Childress Interim Dean Associate Vice Chancellor Interim Director Associate Vice Provost Director Director College of Business & Enrollment Services Budget Institutional Research Public Relations Kelsie Sullivan Equity & Compliance and Public Policy Alexandra Hill Title IX Coordinator Managers Office of Sponsored Kim Mahoney Raymond Weber David Weaver Herb Schroeder Tanya Pont Programs Associate Vice Chancellor Interim Dean Executive Director Vice Provost for Director Jennifer Booz Facilities & Campus Community & Technical Campus Services ANSEP Alumni Engagement Chief Diversity Officer Services College Kat O'Brien Manager Ben Shier Claudia Lampman Kim Morton Kenrick Mock Vivarium Christi Bell Interim Chief Information Vice Provost for Student Director Interim Dean Associate Vice Officer Success & Dean Student Life & Leadership College of Engineering Information Technology of Honors Chancellor Services BEI Shawnalee Whitney Jeff Jessee Jeff Earle Associate Vice Provost Grey Myford Dean Chief of Police for Faculty Development & Director College of Health University Police Instructional Support Athletics Department

Steve Rollins Gary Turner Vacant Dean Director Special Advisor Consortium Library Kenai Peninsula College AK Native Education & Engagement

Mary Jo Finney Jaceyln Keys Dean Director Graduate School Kodiak College

Dan O'Connor Director Prince William Sound College

Tallis Colberg Director Page 65 Mat-Su College Revised on 11/03/2020 Component — Anchorage Campus

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Anchorage Campus Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 66 Component — Anchorage Campus

Component: Anchorage Campus

Contribution to Department's Mission

The UAA Anchorage campus is located in Alaska’s largest city and is the largest campus in the state. It served more than 17,000 students in AY2020 in a rich, diverse, and inclusive environment. Core values for the Anchorage campus include: diversity, equity, access, affordability, and excellence in teaching, research, and service to our communities.

A metropolitan campus with five academic colleges, the Anchorage campus offers many entry points and career pathway programs. Anchorage’s five colleges offer programs featuring associate’s, baccalaureate, master’s and doctoral degrees, as well as technical and professional certificates in more than 100 major study areas. Through UAA’s comprehensive curriculum, students learn practical job skills and develop a strong educational foundation that prepares them for graduate or professional schools and the workplace.

The UAA/Alaska Pacific University (APU) Consortium Library, located on the Anchorage campus, serves the students, faculty, and staff of UAA and APU campuses and the state of Alaska, housing special collections. The Anchorage Middle College School, also on the Anchorage campus, serves junior and senior high school students from the Anchorage School District who are earning college credit while completing the requirements for a high school diploma.

Since 2006, the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching has granted UAA the “Community Engagement” classification, and Anchorage campus faculty and students actively partner with nonprofit and for-profit institutions to explore issues of concern and pursue solutions for pressing problems in the community through service-learning projects and research.

Core Services

 Academics: Approximately 150 academic programs leading to occupational endorsements, professional licensure, undergraduate and graduate certificates, associate, baccalaureate, master’s, and doctoral degrees.  Student Success and Access: UAA has implemented a number of efforts focused on helping students succeed: provided training for dedicated first year advisors; created clear academic pathways for baccalaureate students; implemented use of Seawolf Tracks for students and faculty to improve communication and provide alerts for action as needed; developed a peer learning assistant program to help students in courses with high enrollment and high drop/fail/withdraw rates.  Student Success and Access: The Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP) and the Recruiting and Retention of Alaska Natives into Nursing (RRANN) program directly support Alaska Native students’ academic success.  Dual Enrollment: The Anchorage campus provides several ways for high school students to earn college credit, including individual admission as a non-degree seeking student; articulated Career and Technical Education courses leading to a certificate or associate’s degree; UAA courses taught in the high schools by qualified high school instructors; the Anchorage School District’s Anchorage Middle College School; the ANSEP Acceleration Academy; and topical Summer Academies.  Continuing Education and Professional Development: The Office of Professional and Continuing Education (PACE), the Business Enterprise Institute, and the College of Health provide continuing education opportunities for working professionals to expand and update their skills and knowledge.  Community Partnerships: Mutually beneficial partnerships with government, non-profit organizations, and private industry in Anchorage and across Alaska are what enable UAA to offer such a vibrant learning environment. UAA partnered with the government to assist with the COVID-19 response.  Community Partnerships: Industry partners stepped up to raise needed funds to continue the Geomatics academic program after budget reductions. Community engaged service learning projects provide nonprofit organizations with much-needed people power while providing students valuable hands-on learning opportunities.  Research: UAA is home to a number of Centers and Institutes devoted to special concerns and opportunities associated with northern populations, and include the Institute of Social and Economic Research, UAA Justice Center, Institute for Circumpolar Health Studies, and Alaska Center for Rural Health. Research, creative works, and commercialization at the Anchorage campus are supported through the Office of Research, and are largely FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 67 Component — Anchorage Campus

related to addressing Alaska-specific or northern issues.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 68 Component — Anchorage Campus

Anchorage Campus Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 1263 1263 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 37 37 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 1300 1300 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 69 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Anchorage Campus (753) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 145,602.1 146,164.2 146,164.2 141,851.6 141,851.6 0.0 0.0% 72000 Travel 2,735.2 3,950.0 3,950.0 3,333.4 3,333.4 0.0 0.0% 73000 Services 50,715.6 62,699.0 62,699.0 64,023.4 64,380.0 356.6 0.6% 74000 Commodities 11,590.7 14,491.5 14,491.5 10,825.1 10,825.1 0.0 0.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 10,567.6 7,778.8 7,778.8 5,986.0 5,986.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 14,430.1 16,009.8 16,009.8 16,146.3 16,146.3 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 2,509.0 4,817.4 4,817.4 4,539.9 4,539.9 0.0 0.0% Totals 238,150.3 255,910.7 255,910.7 246,705.7 247,062.3 356.6 0.1% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 34,177.2 28,295.2 28,295.2 28,295.2 28,295.2 0.0 0.0% 1003 G/F Match (UGF) 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 19.8 0.0 0.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 91,499.2 91,819.5 91,819.5 82,524.5 82,524.5 0.0 0.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 5,418.7 5,826.2 5,826.2 5,826.2 5,826.2 0.0 0.0% 1037 GF/MH (UGF) 687.5 755.8 755.8 755.8 755.8 0.0 0.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 94,251.6 116,311.8 116,311.8 116,311.8 116,311.8 0.0 0.0% 1061 CIP Rcpts (Other) 223.6 400.0 400.0 400.0 400.0 0.0 0.0% 1092 MHTAAR (Other) 1,634.9 1,666.5 1,666.5 1,666.5 1,698.1 31.6 1.9% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 1,932.9 1,931.1 1,931.1 2,021.1 2,021.1 0.0 0.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 8,304.9 8,884.8 8,884.8 8,884.8 8,884.8 0.0 0.0% 1268 MH Tr Res (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 325.0 325.0 100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 92,206.5 92,595.1 92,595.1 83,300.1 83,300.1 0.0 0.0% Designated General (DGF) 96,184.5 118,242.9 118,242.9 118,332.9 118,657.9 325.0 0.3% Other Funds 15,582.1 16,777.5 16,777.5 16,777.5 16,809.1 31.6 0.2% Federal Funds 34,177.2 28,295.2 28,295.2 28,295.2 28,295.2 0.0 0.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 1,315 1,315 1,315 1,263 1,263 0 0.0% Permanent Part Time 37 37 37 37 37 0 0.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 70 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 255,910.7 146,164.2 3,950.0 62,699.0 14,491.5 7,778.8 16,009.8 4,817.4 1,315 37 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 28,295.2 1003 G/F Match 19.8 1004 Gen Fund 91,819.5 1007 I/A Rcpts 5,826.2 1037 GF/MH 755.8 1048 Univ Rcpt 116,311.8 1061 CIP Rcpts 400.0 1092 MHTAAR 1,666.5 1151 VoTech Ed 1,931.1 1174 UA I/A 8,884.8

Subtotal 255,910.7 146,164.2 3,950.0 62,699.0 14,491.5 7,778.8 16,009.8 4,817.4 1,315 37 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trin 90.0 0.0 0.090.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed 90.0

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$173.0 Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide ($153.8) Statewide Services $90.0 Anchorage Campus ($210.2) Fairbanks Campus $101.0 UAF Community and Technical College

Transfer Authority to Distribute $25M of the Unallocated Reduction Trout -9,050.0 0.0 0.0 -9,050.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund -9,050.0

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

1004 General Fund

($9,050.0) Anchorage Campus

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 71 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ($12,275.0) Fairbanks Campus ($3,675.0) Statewide Services $25,000.0 Systemwide Budget Reductions/Additions

Transfer Authority for Teacher Education Program Trout -200.0 0.0 0.0 -200.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund -200.0

Transfer general fund from Anchorage to Fairbanks campuses to cover expenses related to the teacher education program.

1004 General Fund

$200.0 Fairbanks Campus ($200.0) Anchorage Campus

Transfer Authority and Positions for Procurement Redesign Trout -431.0 0.0 0.0 -431.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -6 0 0 1004 Gen Fund -431.0

Transfer general fund and positions from Anchorage and Fairbanks Campus to Statewide Services related to procurement redesign.

1004 General Fund

$1,331.0 Statewide Services ($431.0) Anchorage Campus ($900.0) Fairbanks Campus

Transfer Authority for Dual Enrollment and Online Programs Trin 386.0 0.0 0.0 386.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund 386.0

Transfer general fund from Statewide Services to Anchorage and Fairbanks campuses for Dual Enrollment and Online Program development.

1004 General Fund

($910.0) Statewide Services $386.0 Anchorage Campus $524.0 Fairbanks Campus

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 -4,312.6 -616.6 10,529.4 -3,666.4 -1,792.8 136.5 -277.5000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 72 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 24 0 0

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

Return Positions Related to General Fund Reduction PosAdj 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -70 0 0

Return positions related to the FY2021 $25M general fund reduction that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary.

Subtotal 246,705.7 141,851.6 3,333.4 64,023.4 10,825.1 5,986.0 16,146.3 4,539.9 1,263 37 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor ***************************************** Reverse MH Trust: Benef Employment - Maintain Microenterprise Capital OTI -150.0 0.0 0.0 -150.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR -150.0

The Trust Microenterprise fund has provided beneficiaries with a unique avenue to access startup funding for microenterprises which support individuals with disabilities seeking to start or expand small businesses and increase their own self-sufficiency. Small business development supports broader economic development as well, particularly in rural and remote communities where employment opportunities are limited. The fund was designed to provide an option for beneficiaries that might not be eligible for startup funding assistance through traditional paths including banks, credit unions, and other traditional lending sources. This project provides resources for small business technical assistance and development to provide ongoing support to individuals with a disability establishing small businesses and self-employment. The University of Alaska Anchorage, Center for Human Development will administer this grant. Microenterprise is a component of services developed under the Trust's Beneficiary Projects Initiative that provide alternative and innovative resources, and greater options for beneficiary self-sufficiency and economic independence.

Reverse MH Trust: Benef Employment - Supported Employment Workforce OTI -100.0 0.0 0.0 -100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR -100.0

The Center for Human Development (CHD) at the University of Alaska Anchorage will continue to expand workforce development and educational opportunities related to Trust Beneficiary Employment and Engagement strategies. A highly trained workforce is critical to ensure access to supported employment and related services as beneficiaries seek competitive integrated employment. CHD will respond to supported employment workforce needs identified in an FY2020 needs assessment. CHD will also continue to implement a multi-level approach to benefits counseling to ensure service providers have the capacity and skills to assist Trust beneficiaries and their families to fully understand how earned income will affect their benefits as they work towards self-sufficiency. In addition, CHD collaborates and supports a statewide infrastructure that includes training, credentials and certification for Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRP’s) to provide quality employment placement and retention services.

Reverse MH Trust: Dis Justice - Alaska Justice Information Center

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 73 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services OTI -225.0 0.0 0.0 -225.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR -225.0

Funds will be used to support the continued operations of the Alaska Justice Information Center (AJiC). The AJiC collects data from key criminal justice agencies to create an integrated data platform that would support many kinds of criminal justice research in Alaska. For example, the AJiC will provide (1) reports on the state of the criminal justice system in Alaska, (2) answers to data questions from agencies and legislators, and (3) reports on the status of Trust beneficiaries within the criminal justice system. The AJiC will have the capacity to develop an Alaska-based inventory of best practices for public protection and keeping Alaskans safe as well as fostering economic development and self-sufficiency. The FY2021 Mental Health Trust Authority Authorized Receipt (MHTAAR) increment maintains the FY2020 level of funding and momentum of effort.

Reverse MH Trust: Dis Justice - Interpersonal Violence Prevention for Beneficiaries OTI-80.0 0.0 0.0-80.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR -80.0

This project builds community behavioral health provider skills and capacity to assume additional risk, and time serving and educating offenders with cognitive impairments by using a train-the-trainer model to deliver a social skills curriculum to Trust beneficiaries. It focuses on building capacity within the provider community to prevent interpersonal violence in the lives of adults with cognitive disabilities. Preventing interpersonal violence provides public protection and keeps Alaskans safe. On-going clinical technical assistance and support is provided to the trained facilitators on a bi-monthly basis to address issues on delivering the training to beneficiaries and on community capacity building to support beneficiaries to apply what they learn in their everyday lives. The FY2021 Mental Health Trust Authority Authorized Receipt (MHTAAR) increment maintains the FY2020 level of funding and momentum of effort.

Reverse MH Trust: Dis Justice-Specialized Skills & Services Training on Serving Criminally Justice Involved Beneficiary OTI-72.5 0.0 0.0-72.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR -72.5

This project coordinates a two-day statewide conference focusing on best-practice community treatment modalities, interventions, and supports for serving offenders in the community with cognitive impairments. The project will be managed by University of Alaska - Anchorage Campus through the Alaska Training Cooperative at the Center for Human Development.

This project maintains a critical component of the Trust’s focus on criminal justice reform by ensuring our state's community behavioral health and developmental disability workforce has the necessary skills and competencies for treating and supporting Trust beneficiary offenders. This strategy increases the safety of the community and direct care providers while minimizing the risk that the offender will be institutionalized within a correctional or psychiatric institution. The FY2021 Mental Health Trust Authority Authorized Receipt (MHTAAR) increment maintains the FY2020 momentum of effort.

Reverse MH Trust: Workforce - Alaska Area Health Education Centers OTI-55.0 0.0 0.0-55.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR -55.0

Alaska Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) will implement multiple community-based behavioral health day camps. Locations will include Northwest, Southeast, Yukon-Kuskokwim and others. It will concentrate on behavioral health careers exploration. There will be additional camps around the state depending on availability of staff and need. With current Medicaid expansion, reform and redesign as well as Criminal Justice Reinvestment efforts, it is critical that Alaska engage and recruit our youth into behavioral health occupations. The camps will engage and educate students on key topics in behavioral health including abuse,

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 74 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services neglect, addiction, grief, stress, and mental health while discovering career paths within the field. Students will explore careers including social work, counseling, behavioral health aides, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other positions within the field of behavioral health and social services. The camp will also include Student Mental Health First Aid training for students; opportunity to earn dual credit; presentations from local elders, clinicians, substance abuse counselors, and behavioral health aides; tours of local providers and featured discussion panels. The AHEC was able to secure a Department of Education and Early Development Carl Perkins Postsecondary Career and Technical Education Implementation grant. This three year grant will allow the AHEC’s to operate the camps as residential camps in our rural communities.

Reverse MH Trust: Workforce - The Alaska Training Cooperative OTI -984.0 0.0 0.0 -984.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR -984.0

The Alaska Training Cooperative (AKTC) will promote career development opportunities for non-degreed professionals, direct service workers, supervisors, and professionals in the behavioral health, home and community-based, and long-term care support services working with Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority beneficiaries. Strategies include technical assistance and training which is accessible and coordinated and available in rural Alaskan communities by blending evidence-based practices with traditional wisdom. The AKTC will collaborate with other training entities, document and report training data and when needed, respond to Trust staff and provider requests for additional training related to Medicaid expansion, reform, and redesign as well as Criminal Justice Reinvestment.

MH Trust: The Alaska Training Cooperative IncT 885.6 0.0 0.0 885.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR 885.6

The Alaska Training Cooperative (AKTC) will promote career development opportunities for non-degreed professionals, direct service workers, supervisors, and professionals in the behavioral health, home and community-based, and long-term care support services working with Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority beneficiaries. Strategies include technical assistance and training which is accessible, coordinated, and available in rural Alaskan communities by blending evidence-based practices with traditional wisdom. The AKTC will collaborate with other training entities, document and report training data, and when needed, respond to Trust staff and provider requests for additional training related to Medicaid expansion, reform, and redesign as well as Criminal Justice Reinvestment.

MH Trust: Alaska Area Health Education Centers IncT 55.0 0.0 0.055.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR 55.0

Alaska Area Health Education Centers (AHEC) will implement multiple community-based behavioral health day camps concentrating on exploring behavioral health careers. Locations will include Northwest, Southeast, Yukon-Kuskokwim, and others. There will be additional camps around the state depending on availability of staff and need. With current Medicaid expansion, reform, and redesign as well as Criminal Justice Reinvestment efforts, it is critical that Alaska engage and recruit youth into behavioral health occupations. The camps will engage and educate students on key topics in behavioral health including abuse, neglect, addiction, grief, stress, and mental health while discovering career paths within the field. Students will explore careers including social work, counseling, behavioral health aides, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other positions within the field of behavioral health and social services. The camp will also provide Student Mental Health First Aid training for students; opportunity to earn dual credit; presentations from local elders, clinicians, substance abuse counselors, and behavioral health aides; tours of local providers and featured discussion panels. The AHEC was able to secure a Department of Education and Early Development Carl Perkins Postsecondary Career and Technical Education Implementation grant. This three-year grant will allow the AHEC’s to operate the camps as residential camps in rural communities.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 75 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services MH Trust: Supported Employment Workforce IncT 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR 100.0

The Center for Human Development (CHD) at the University of Alaska Anchorage will continue to expand workforce development and educational opportunities related to Trust Beneficiary Employment and Engagement strategies. A highly trained workforce is critical to ensure access to supported employment and related services as beneficiaries seek competitive integrated employment. CHD will respond to supported employment workforce needs identified in a FY2020 needs assessment.

One aspect of this response will involve adapting and integrating Individual Placement and Support (IPS) training to the current supported employment curriculum. CHD will also continue to implement a multi-level approach to benefits counseling to ensure service providers have the capacity and skills to assist Trust beneficiaries and their families to fully understand how earned income will affect their benefits as they work towards self-sufficiency. In addition, CHD collaborates and supports a statewide infrastructure that includes training, credentials, and certification for Community Rehabilitation Providers (CRP) to provide quality employment placement and retention services.

MH Trust: Microenterprise Capital IncT 175.0 0.0 0.0 175.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR 175.0

The Trust Microenterprise Fund has provided beneficiaries with a unique avenue to access startup funding for microenterprises which support individuals with disabilities seeking to start or expand small businesses and increase their own self-sufficiency. Small business development supports broader economic development, particularly in rural and remote communities where employment opportunities are limited. The fund was designed to provide an option for beneficiaries that might not be eligible for startup funding assistance through traditional paths including banks, credit unions, and other traditional lending sources. This project provides resources for small business technical assistance and development to provide ongoing support to individuals with a disability in establishing small businesses and working towards self-employment. The University of Alaska Anchorage, Center for Human Development will administer this grant. Microenterprise is a component of services developed under the Trust's Beneficiary Projects Initiative that provide alternative and innovative resources as well as greater options for beneficiary self-sufficiency and economic independence.

MH Trust: Alaska Justice Information Center IncT 225.0 0.0 0.0 225.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR 225.0

Funds will be used to support the continued operations of the Alaska Justice Information Center (AJiC). The AJiC collects data from key criminal justice agencies to create an integrated data platform that would support many kinds of criminal justice research in Alaska. For example, the AJiC will provide (1) reports on the state of the criminal justice system in Alaska, (2) answers to data questions from agencies and legislators, and (3) reports on the status of Trust beneficiaries within the criminal justice system. The AJiC will have the capacity to develop an Alaska-based inventory of best practices for public protection and keeping Alaskans safe as well as fostering economic development and self-sufficiency.

The FY2022 Mental Health Trust Authority Authorized Receipt (MHTAAR) increment maintains the FY2021 level of funding and momentum of effort.

MH Trust: Specialized Skills & Services Training on Serving Criminal Justice Involved Beneficiaries IncT 72.5 0.0 0.072.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 76 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services 1092 MHTAAR 72.5

The project, managed by the University of Alaska - Anchorage through the Alaska Training Cooperative at the Center for Human Development, coordinates a two-day statewide conference focusing on best-practice community treatment modalities, interventions, and support for serving offenders in the community with cognitive impairments.

This project maintains a critical component of the Trust’s focus on criminal justice reform by ensuring the state's community behavioral health and developmental disability workforce has the necessary skills and competencies for treating and supporting Trust beneficiary offenders. This strategy increases the safety of the community and direct care providers while minimizing the risk that the offender will be institutionalized within a correctional or psychiatric institution.

The FY2022 Mental Health Trust Authority Authorized Receipt (MHTAAR) increment maintains the FY2021 momentum of effort.

MH Trust: Interpersonal Violence Prevention for Beneficiaries IncT 80.0 0.0 0.080.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR 80.0

This project builds community behavioral health provider skills and capacity to assume additional risk as well as time serving and educating offenders with cognitive impairments by using a Train-the-Trainer model to deliver social skills curriculum to Trust beneficiaries. The project focuses on building capacity within the provider community to prevent interpersonal violence in the lives of adults with cognitive disabilities. On-going clinical technical assistance and support is provided to the trained facilitators on a bi-monthly basis to address issues related to delivering training and community capacity building to support beneficiaries in their everyday lives.

The FY2022 Mental Health Trust Authority Authorized Receipt (MHTAAR) increment maintains the FY2021 level of funding and momentum of effort.

MH Trust: The Alaska Training Cooperative IncT 100.0 0.0 0.0 100.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1268 MH Tr Res 100.0

The Alaska Training Cooperative (AKTC) will promote career development opportunities for non-degreed professionals, direct service workers, supervisors, and professionals in the behavioral health, home and community-based, and long-term care support services working with Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority beneficiaries. Strategies include technical assistance and training which is accessible, coordinated, and available in rural Alaskan communities by blending evidence-based practices with traditional wisdom. The AKTC will collaborate with other training entities, document and report training data, and when needed, respond to Trust staff and provider requests for additional training related to Medicaid expansion, reform, and redesign as well as Criminal Justice Reinvestment.

Use of budget fund code 1268 directs expenditure of money held in reserve in the Mental Health Trust Settlement Income Account in excess of the amount directed for use by the Trust through annual recommendations (state accounting system fund 3321). Per AS 37.14.041(b) money in excess of the amount needed to meet the necessary expenses of the state’s integrated comprehensive mental health program shall be transferred to the general fund and used for any public purpose. To ensure these monies are expended to the benefit of the state’s mental health program and not swept to the general fund, a portion of the reserves are being utilized to fund various mental health programs and Trust recommendations with the intent of drawing reserves down over a period of five years.

MH Trust: Alaska Justice Information Center IncT 225.0 0.0 0.0 225.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 77 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services 1268 MH Tr Res 225.0

Funds will be used to support the continued operations of the Alaska Justice Information Center (AJiC). The AJiC collects data from key criminal justice agencies to create an integrated data platform that would support many kinds of criminal justice research in Alaska. For example, the AJiC will provide (1) reports on the state of the criminal justice system in Alaska, (2) answers to data questions from agencies and legislators, and (3) reports on the status of Trust beneficiaries within the criminal justice system. The AJiC will have the capacity to develop an Alaska-based inventory of best practices for public protection and keeping Alaskans safe as well as fostering economic development and self-sufficiency.

The FY2022 Mental Health Trust Authority Authorized Receipt (MHTAAR) increment maintains the FY2021 level of funding and momentum of effort.

Use of budget fund code 1268 directs expenditure of money held in reserve in the Mental Health Trust Settlement Income Account in excess of the amount directed for use by the Trust through annual recommendations (state accounting system fund 3321). Per AS 37.14.041(b) money in excess of the amount needed to meet the necessary expenses of the state’s integrated comprehensive mental health program shall be transferred to the general fund and used for any public purpose. To ensure these monies are expended to the benefit of the state’s mental health program and not swept to the general fund, a portion of the reserves are being utilized to fund various mental health programs and Trust recommendations with the intent of drawing reserves down over a period of five years.

MH Trust: Traumatic & Acquired Brain Injury (TABI) Advisory Council Staff IncT 105.0 0.0 0.0 105.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1092 MHTAAR 105.0

This project funds staff for the Traumatic & Acquired Brain Injury (TABI) Advisory Council to support state operating infrastructure. Staff are responsible for leading and maintaining the State of Alaska TABI Advisory Council in coordination with the Department of Health and Social Services Senior and Disabilities Services (SDS) and the Trust. Duties include gathering data for reporting, coordination of advocacy and planning, and preparing ongoing grant progress reports to SDS and the Trust. Staff work to maximize other state and federal funding opportunities for Mental Health Trust Authority authorized receipt (MHTAAR) projects and to ensure effective use of available dollars. Additionally, staff act as liaison with other beneficiary boards, including participating in the development of state plans, working on collaborative projects, and other duties. Outcomes and reporting requirements are negotiated with the Trust annually.

Totals 247,062.3 141,851.6 3,333.4 64,380.0 10,825.1 5,986.0 16,146.3 4,539.9 1,263 37 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 78 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 270669 Student Svcs Manager 1 Anchorage FT * APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 32,388 13,765 46,153 21,916 300001 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,973 25,224 108,197 51,378 300015 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,146 25,884 111,030 52,723 300020 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,267 18,321 78,588 37,318 300030 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,692 27,570 118,262 56,157 300035 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,445 23,543 100,988 47,955 300040 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,573 19,630 84,203 39,984 300050 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,056 23,425 100,481 47,714 300055 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300060 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 300065 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300080 Instructor Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 143,777 39,682 183,459 87,116 300085 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 96,399 29,305 125,704 59,691 300095 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,541 26,308 112,849 53,587 300100 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 48,471 14,735 63,206 30,014 300110 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300115 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 113,506 34,506 148,012 70,284 300120 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,445 25,063 107,508 51,051 300125 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,281 27,445 117,726 55,903 300130 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,444 21,111 90,555 43,000 300135 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300140 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 175,543 48,450 223,993 106,364 300145 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300175 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300180 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,747 27,587 118,334 56,191 300185 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,909 24,292 104,201 49,480 300195 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,691 21,186 90,877 43,153 300200 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300210 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,403 27,179 116,582 55,359 300230 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300235 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,587 26,322 112,909 53,616 300245 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300250 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,160 27,105 116,265 46,927 300255 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,840 25,791 110,631 52,534 300260 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,405 27,483 117,888 55,980 300265 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,471 19,903 85,374 40,540 Page 79 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 270669 Student Svcs Manager 1 Anchorage FT * APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 32,388 13,765 46,153 21,916 300001 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,973 25,224 108,197 51,378 300015 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,146 25,884 111,030 52,723 300020 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,267 18,321 78,588 37,318 300030 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,692 27,570 118,262 56,157 300035 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,445 23,543 100,988 47,955 300040 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,573 19,630 84,203 39,984 300050 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,056 23,425 100,481 47,714 300055 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300060 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 300065 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300080 Instructor Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 143,777 39,682 183,459 87,116 300085 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 96,399 29,305 125,704 59,691 300095 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,541 26,308 112,849 53,587 300100 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 48,471 14,735 63,206 30,014 300110 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300115 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 113,506 34,506 148,012 70,284 300120 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,445 25,063 107,508 51,051 300125 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,281 27,445 117,726 55,903 300130 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,444 21,111 90,555 43,000 300135 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300140 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 175,543 48,450 223,993 106,364 300145 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300175 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300180 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,747 27,587 118,334 56,191 300185 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,909 24,292 104,201 49,480 300195 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,691 21,186 90,877 43,153 300200 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300210 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,403 27,179 116,582 55,359 300230 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300235 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,587 26,322 112,909 53,616 300245 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300250 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,160 27,105 116,265 46,927 300255 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,840 25,791 110,631 52,534 300260 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,405 27,483 117,888 55,980 300265 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,471 19,903 85,374 40,540 Page 80 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 300270 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,660 20,265 86,925 41,277 300275 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,065 27,684 118,749 56,388 300280 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,195 21,339 91,534 43,465 300290 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 300295 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,310 24,414 104,724 49,729 300305 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage PT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 134,003 36,985 170,988 81,194 300320 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 130,657 39,720 170,377 80,904 300325 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 103,549 31,479 135,028 64,119 300345 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,654 27,863 119,517 56,753 300360 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 300365 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,506 20,291 57,797 27,445 300370 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 300375 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,145 32,538 92,683 44,011 300380 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,075 30,337 86,412 41,033 300385 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,922 25,042 83,964 0 300390 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 24,964 13,506 38,470 18,267 300395 Administrative Professional 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 31,560 13,413 44,973 0 300400 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 29,552 300405 Admin Generalist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 300415 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 300420 Administrative Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,522 38,047 127,569 60,577 300425 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 300430 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 29,552 300440 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 116,989 35,565 152,554 72,441 300445 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,078 22,824 97,902 46,489 300455 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 43,778 300465 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300470 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300475 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,055 23,425 100,480 47,713 300485 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,235 22,567 96,802 45,967 300490 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,284 25,622 109,906 52,189 300495 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 59,756 18,166 77,922 37,002 300500 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,341 24,424 104,765 49,748 300505 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300510 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,736 27,888 119,624 56,804 300511 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 Page 81 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 300270 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,660 20,265 86,925 41,277 300275 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,065 27,684 118,749 56,388 300280 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,195 21,339 91,534 43,465 300290 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 300295 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,310 24,414 104,724 49,729 300305 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage PT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 134,003 36,985 170,988 81,194 300320 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 130,657 39,720 170,377 80,904 300325 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 103,549 31,479 135,028 64,119 300345 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,654 27,863 119,517 56,753 300360 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 300365 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,506 20,291 57,797 27,445 300370 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 300375 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,145 32,538 92,683 44,011 300380 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,075 30,337 86,412 41,033 300385 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,922 25,042 83,964 0 300390 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 24,964 13,506 38,470 18,267 300395 Administrative Professional 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 31,560 13,413 44,973 0 300400 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 29,552 300405 Admin Generalist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 300415 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 300420 Administrative Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,522 38,047 127,569 60,577 300425 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 300430 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 29,552 300440 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 116,989 35,565 152,554 72,441 300445 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,078 22,824 97,902 46,489 300455 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 43,778 300465 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300470 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300475 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,055 23,425 100,480 47,713 300485 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,235 22,567 96,802 45,967 300490 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,284 25,622 109,906 52,189 300495 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 59,756 18,166 77,922 37,002 300500 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,341 24,424 104,765 49,748 300505 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300510 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,736 27,888 119,624 56,804 300511 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 Page 82 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 300515 Student Svcs Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,570 26,592 89,162 42,339 300520 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,801 20,916 89,717 42,602 300525 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 157,154 47,775 204,929 97,311 300530 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 300535 Administrative Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,408 38,423 128,831 61,176 300540 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,416 23,534 100,950 47,937 300545 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 300550 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,515 23,001 65,516 31,110 300555 Fiscal Manager 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,825 34,776 116,601 55,368 300560 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 43,778 300565 Administrative Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,651 30,877 103,528 49,161 300570 Communications Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 56,076 23,832 79,908 37,945 300575 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 138,149 41,997 180,146 85,543 300580 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 163,265 49,633 212,898 101,095 300585 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,879 23,675 101,554 48,223 300590 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 115,902 35,234 151,136 71,768 300595 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 134,037 40,747 174,784 82,997 300600 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,800 24,563 105,363 50,032 300605 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 195,258 59,358 254,616 120,906 300610 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 33,965 300615 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 128,338 39,015 167,353 79,468 300620 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,886 24,893 106,779 50,705 300625 Term Instructor Anchorage PT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,267 18,321 78,588 37,318 300630 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 119,852 36,435 156,287 74,214 300635 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 300640 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,662 28,473 122,135 34,798 300645 Administrative Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,441 33,762 113,203 53,755 300650 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 107,446 32,664 140,110 66,532 300655 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 107,524 32,687 140,211 66,580 300660 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,623 20,861 89,484 42,492 300665 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 300670 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 95,950 29,169 125,119 35,648 300675 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 300680 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,101 27,668 92,769 44,052 300685 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,528 20,529 88,057 41,814 300690 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,546 21,446 91,992 43,683 Page 83 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 300695 Student Svcs Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,479 29,954 100,433 47,691 300700 Research Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 39,114 300705 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,900 27,634 118,534 56,286 300710 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 135,793 41,281 177,074 84,084 300715 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,035 30,715 131,750 62,562 300730 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 102,808 31,254 134,062 63,660 300735 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 29,552 300740 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 100 0 100 0 300745 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,569 30,877 132,446 62,893 300750 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,570 17,501 75,071 35,648 300755 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 98,299 29,883 128,182 60,868 300760 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 95,370 28,992 124,362 59,054 300770 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,934 26,428 113,362 10,766 300780 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 118,882 36,140 155,022 73,613 300795 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 300805 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,075 30,337 86,412 41,033 300815 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 300825 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,721 25,451 109,172 51,841 300830 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,695 32,836 93,531 44,414 300835 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 300840 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,860 26,405 113,265 53,785 300850 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,720 22,107 94,827 45,029 300855 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 300860 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,294 26,841 115,135 54,673 300865 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,465 25,698 86,163 40,915 300870 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,797 24,562 105,359 50,030 300875 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,268 23,408 66,676 31,661 300880 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 300885 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 300890 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,927 23,386 100,313 47,634 300895 Instructional Designer 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,037 37,841 126,878 60,248 300900 Fiscal Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,922 31,877 90,799 43,116 300905 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,472 22,977 65,449 31,079 300915 Human Resources Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,336 26,150 74,486 35,370 300920 Student Svcs Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,882 29,150 83,032 39,428 300925 Student Svcs Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,316 23,434 66,750 31,696 Page 84 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 300940 Development 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,376 28,876 82,252 0 300955 IS Net Technician 7 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 66,388 35,916 102,304 48,579 300960 Broadcast/Media Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,479 29,954 100,433 47,691 300965 Student Svcs Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,267 27,735 79,002 9,379 300980 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 37,294 11,337 48,631 23,093 300985 Professor Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 144,971 40,012 184,983 87,840 300990 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,640 19,651 84,291 40,026 301000 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 96,871 29,449 126,320 59,983 301015 Administrative Management 1 Anchorage PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,042 36,568 122,610 0 301020 Administrative Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,824 34,775 116,599 55,368 301025 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 38,301 301030 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 301035 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,922 25,042 83,964 39,871 301055 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 51,814 15,751 67,565 32,084 301059 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 53,591 16,292 69,883 33,184 301061 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,650 19,958 85,608 40,651 301063 Fiscal Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 301065 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,361 22,302 95,663 45,426 301070 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,882 29,150 83,032 39,428 301077 IS Professional 2A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 82,668 44,723 127,391 60,492 301080 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,972 23,703 101,675 48,281 301081 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 97,027 29,496 126,523 60,080 301082 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,990 25,229 108,219 25,694 301083 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 111,017 33,749 144,766 34,372 301084 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 95,950 29,169 125,119 35,648 301085 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 131,300 39,915 171,215 81,302 301086 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 141,073 42,886 183,959 43,677 301087 Fiscal Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,417 25,112 71,529 33,966 301088 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,160 23,891 68,051 32,314 301089 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,750 23,028 98,778 46,905 301091 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 301092 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,719 19,371 83,090 39,455 301093 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 113,073 34,374 147,447 70,016 301094 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 127,199 38,668 165,867 78,763 301095 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,504 22,649 97,153 46,134 301097 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 144,430 43,907 188,337 89,432 Page 85 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301099 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,827 25,483 109,310 51,907 301100 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,655 19,959 85,614 40,654 301101 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,578 19,632 84,210 39,987 301102 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,710 21,800 93,510 44,404 301103 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 128,830 39,164 167,994 79,773 301104 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 122,456 37,227 159,683 75,826 301107 Research Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 35,924 19,435 55,359 26,287 301108 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 301109 IS Professional 5A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 301110 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 51,930 15,787 67,717 32,156 301112 IS Professional 3A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,892 30,554 102,446 48,647 301114 IS Professional 5A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 97,936 41,623 139,559 66,270 301117 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301120 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,125 24,358 104,483 49,614 301121 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 103,870 31,576 135,446 64,317 301123 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,601 27,543 118,144 56,101 301125 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,601 18,423 79,024 37,525 301126 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 118,101 32,596 150,697 71,559 301127 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,197 28,332 121,529 57,709 301128 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,325 25,331 108,656 51,596 301131 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 99,377 30,211 129,588 61,535 301133 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,634 24,209 103,843 49,310 301134 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,176 20,726 88,902 42,215 301135 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,772 24,859 106,631 50,634 301136 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 105,549 32,087 137,636 65,357 301137 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,305 28,669 122,974 58,395 301138 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301139 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,344 28,377 121,721 57,800 301140 Communications Specialist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 301141 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 301144 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 48,480 14,738 63,218 30,019 301148 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 104,014 28,708 132,722 63,024 301151 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 59,994 18,238 78,232 37,149 301152 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,924 26,729 114,653 54,443 301153 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,771 25,466 109,237 51,872 301155 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,038 25,244 108,282 51,418 Page 86 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301156 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 43,778 301158 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,840 25,791 110,631 52,534 301159 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,797 24,562 105,359 50,030 301160 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,962 21,876 93,838 44,560 301162 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 301164 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,022 21,287 91,309 43,358 301165 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,941 26,430 113,371 53,835 301166 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,801 20,308 87,109 41,364 301167 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,059 22,818 97,877 46,477 301168 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,658 26,648 114,306 54,279 301169 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,215 26,817 115,032 54,624 301170 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301171 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 41,405 12,587 53,992 25,638 301173 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 141,383 42,980 184,363 87,546 301174 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,711 21,800 93,511 6,661 301175 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 301176 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,884 22,157 95,041 45,130 301177 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,862 24,886 106,748 50,690 301179 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 135,960 41,332 177,292 84,188 301180 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 44,053 13,392 57,445 27,278 301181 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,715 18,457 79,172 37,595 301182 IS Consultant 2A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,881 29,150 83,031 39,427 301183 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301185 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 301186 Research Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,951 22,695 64,646 30,698 301188 Term Asst Professor Anchorage PT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,267 18,321 78,588 37,318 301189 IS Consultant 1A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,880 25,362 72,242 34,304 301191 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 141,944 39,177 181,121 86,006 301192 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301193 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,758 23,030 98,788 46,910 301194 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,570 17,501 75,071 35,648 301195 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301196 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,351 25,035 107,386 50,993 301197 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 162,846 49,505 212,351 100,836 301199 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 157,728 47,949 205,677 97,667 301200 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,218 24,994 107,212 50,910 Page 87 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301206 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100,823 30,650 131,473 62,431 301207 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,249 26,524 113,773 54,025 301209 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,650 19,958 85,608 40,651 301211 Associate Dean/Faculty Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 160,781 44,376 205,157 97,419 301213 IS Professional 3A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,640 33,422 112,062 53,213 301214 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 51,154 15,551 66,705 31,675 301215 IS Professional 3A Anchorage FT ** APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,703 27,499 92,202 43,782 301216 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,038 26,764 114,802 54,514 301217 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301219 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,630 19,344 82,974 39,400 301220 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,771 19,994 85,765 40,726 301221 Associate Dean/Faculty Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 169,869 46,884 216,753 102,926 301223 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 61,812 18,791 80,603 38,275 301224 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 132,165 40,178 172,343 81,838 301225 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 171,169 47,243 218,412 103,714 301226 Administrative Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,902 33,108 111,010 52,714 301227 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,469 19,295 82,764 39,301 301228 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,365 25,624 72,989 34,659 301229 Development 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 94,900 40,333 135,233 64,216 301230 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,900 27,634 118,534 56,286 301232 Fiscal Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,651 30,877 103,528 49,161 301234 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301235 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,590 23,283 99,873 47,425 301236 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301237 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 131,300 39,915 171,215 81,302 301238 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 103,502 31,465 134,967 64,089 301241 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,111 21,922 94,033 44,652 301242 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,163 25,586 109,749 52,115 301243 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,536 28,739 123,275 58,538 301245 Research Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 67,737 36,646 104,383 49,567 301246 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 56,812 17,271 74,083 35,179 301248 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 45,062 13,699 58,761 27,903 301249 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,542 26,005 111,547 52,968 301250 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,570 17,501 75,071 35,648 301251 Professor Anchorage PT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,779 21,821 93,600 44,446 301252 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 108,501 32,984 141,485 67,185 Page 88 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301253 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,886 36,927 123,813 58,793 301254 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,640 19,651 84,291 40,026 301255 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301258 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 51,857 15,765 67,622 32,110 301259 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 48,471 14,735 63,206 30,014 301260 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,681 23,007 98,688 46,862 301262 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,673 23,613 101,286 48,096 301263 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 167,808 46,315 214,123 101,677 301266 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 49,770 21,152 70,922 33,678 301267 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 46,058 14,002 60,060 28,520 301270 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,600 18,422 79,022 37,524 301271 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,376 28,876 82,252 39,058 301272 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,906 19,427 83,333 39,571 301273 IS Net Technician 8 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 301274 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,882 29,150 83,032 39,428 301275 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,786 22,065 62,851 29,845 301277 Fiscal Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,530 24,632 70,162 33,317 301278 Student Svcs Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,222 34,094 114,316 54,284 301279 Research Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 301280 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,880 25,362 72,242 34,304 301281 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301283 Communications Specialist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,050 23,831 67,881 32,234 301284 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,199 26,508 113,707 53,994 301288 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,800 24,563 105,363 50,032 301290 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,150 22,846 97,996 46,534 301292 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,206 28,335 121,541 57,714 301293 Professor Anchorage PT United Academics BU 30.4% 54,807 16,661 71,468 33,937 301294 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 59,651 18,134 77,785 36,936 301295 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,802 24,260 104,062 49,414 301297 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 301303 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,426 28,402 121,828 57,850 301304 Instructor Anchorage PT United Academics BU 30.4% 53,305 16,205 69,510 33,007 301305 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301310 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,949 25,824 110,773 52,601 301311 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,558 26,922 115,480 54,836 301312 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 110,286 33,527 143,813 68,290 Page 89 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301313 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 47,975 14,584 62,559 29,707 301314 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 120,822 36,730 157,552 74,814 301315 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 301316 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 110,580 33,616 144,196 68,472 301317 Fiscal Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 301318 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,021 27,062 116,083 55,123 301319 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,022 25,543 109,565 52,027 301320 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,753 21,205 90,958 43,192 301321 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,685 25,744 110,429 52,438 301322 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,430 21,107 90,537 42,992 301323 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,969 27,655 118,624 56,329 301325 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 167,291 46,172 213,463 101,364 301326 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,670 20,572 88,242 41,902 301327 Admin Specialist 1 (Exempt) Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,326 26,064 87,390 41,497 301328 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 50,928 21,644 72,572 34,461 301329 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,009 22,727 64,736 30,740 301331 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 301332 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,623 19,341 82,964 39,396 301333 Instructional Designer 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,755 27,946 93,701 44,494 301334 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,956 27,043 115,999 55,082 301336 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,365 25,624 72,989 34,659 301337 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 138,120 41,988 180,108 85,525 301339 Administrative Management 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,479 29,954 100,433 47,691 301340 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 301341 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,009 28,275 121,284 57,592 301342 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 149,794 41,343 191,137 20,875 301343 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,630 19,344 82,974 39,400 301344 Environmental Health/Safety 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,755 27,946 93,701 44,494 301345 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,430 23,843 102,273 48,565 301346 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 106,431 32,355 138,786 65,903 301348 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 98,765 30,025 128,790 61,156 301349 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 100 0 100 0 301350 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,893 24,287 104,180 49,471 301351 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,238 27,432 117,670 55,876 301352 Associate Dean/Faculty Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 111,528 30,782 142,310 57,440 301354 Fiscal Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,527 30,040 85,567 40,632 Page 90 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301355 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,269 21,970 94,239 44,750 301357 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 43,609 301358 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 96,138 29,226 125,364 59,530 301360 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 105,383 32,036 137,419 65,254 301361 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,919 21,863 93,782 44,533 301362 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,292 27,449 117,741 55,910 301363 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301364 Research Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 301365 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,355 27,164 116,519 55,330 301366 Vice Chancellor (Admin) Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 151,493 41,812 193,305 91,792 301368 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 84,355 23,282 107,637 43,445 301369 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,326 33,177 94,503 44,875 301370 Administrative Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,023 34,435 115,458 54,826 301371 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,611 26,634 114,245 54,250 301372 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,238 20,744 88,982 42,254 301373 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,844 28,529 122,373 58,109 301374 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,176 27,718 118,894 56,457 301375 Development 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,297 30,726 103,023 48,921 301376 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,580 22,976 98,556 46,800 301378 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,023 23,719 101,742 48,313 301379 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,928 21,866 93,794 44,539 301380 Communications Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 33,965 301381 IS Net Technician 7 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,922 31,877 90,799 43,116 301382 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 48,724 20,708 69,432 32,970 301383 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,600 18,422 79,022 37,524 301384 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,170 25,284 108,454 51,500 301385 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,628 20,255 86,883 41,257 301386 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,420 25,056 107,476 51,035 301387 Admin Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 87,729 37,285 125,014 59,363 301388 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,364 20,175 86,539 41,093 301390 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 301391 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,958 24,611 105,569 7,520 301392 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,547 21,142 90,689 43,064 301393 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,115 26,483 113,598 53,942 301394 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 121,200 36,845 158,045 75,048 301395 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 158,595 48,213 206,808 98,204 Page 91 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301396 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 131,300 39,915 171,215 81,302 301397 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 126,736 34,979 161,715 76,791 301398 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301399 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,217 20,130 86,347 41,002 301400 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 115,325 35,059 150,384 71,410 301403 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 149,875 45,562 195,437 92,804 301404 Mental Health Provider 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 96,924 41,193 138,117 65,585 301405 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervsr 3 (NE) Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,804 31,272 89,076 42,298 301407 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301409 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 146,344 44,489 190,833 90,618 301410 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 123,926 34,204 158,130 75,088 301411 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,829 20,012 85,841 40,762 301412 Administrative Management 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 67,041 28,492 95,533 45,364 301413 Research Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,344 28,318 80,662 38,303 301414 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 121,200 36,845 158,045 75,048 301415 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 95,833 29,133 124,966 59,341 301417 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,114 27,091 116,205 55,180 301418 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,246 19,835 85,081 40,401 301419 Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 56,834 17,278 74,112 35,192 301420 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 58,532 17,794 76,326 36,244 301421 Administrative Management 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 133,260 56,636 189,896 90,173 301422 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 98,160 29,841 128,001 60,782 301423 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,498 22,343 95,841 45,511 301424 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,365 20,175 86,540 41,094 301425 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,690 21,186 90,876 43,153 301426 Research Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 301427 Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 43,778 301428 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 301429 Research Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 29,552 301430 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,156 27,711 118,867 56,445 301432 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 95,803 29,124 124,927 59,322 301433 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 99,184 30,152 129,336 61,416 301434 Fiscal Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 33,965 301435 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 301436 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,155 25,511 72,666 34,506 301437 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 43,778 Page 92 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301438 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 143,092 43,500 186,592 88,604 301439 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,073 26,166 112,239 53,297 301441 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 114,848 34,914 149,762 71,115 301442 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,038 20,380 87,418 41,511 301443 Communications Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 301444 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 301445 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,530 25,089 107,619 51,103 301446 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,731 20,590 88,321 41,940 301447 Fiscal Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,336 26,150 74,486 35,370 301448 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,165 21,634 92,799 44,066 301449 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,258 24,094 103,352 49,077 301450 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 301451 Research Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,530 24,632 70,162 33,317 301452 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 33,130 17,923 51,053 24,243 301453 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,792 27,601 118,393 56,219 301454 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,806 23,653 101,459 48,178 301455 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 141,944 39,177 181,121 86,006 301456 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,345 19,561 83,906 39,843 301457 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301458 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 146,145 44,428 190,573 90,494 301459 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 139,380 42,372 181,752 86,305 301461 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervsr 3 (NE) Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,923 31,877 90,800 43,117 301462 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 58,462 17,772 76,234 36,200 301463 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,786 22,065 62,851 29,845 301464 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,954 24,610 105,564 50,128 301465 Training & Development 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,938 26,324 88,262 41,911 301466 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,966 30,998 132,964 9,471 301467 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,760 23,335 100,095 40,401 301468 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 100 0 100 0 301469 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301470 Fiscal Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 301472 Fiscal Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 301473 Instructional Designer 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 52,030 22,113 74,143 35,207 301475 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,600 18,422 79,022 37,524 301476 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,496 22,647 97,143 46,129 301477 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,933 25,212 108,145 51,353 Page 93 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301479 Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 53,400 16,234 69,634 33,066 301480 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 101 55 156 74 301481 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 39,114 301482 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,953 18,530 79,483 37,743 301484 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 129,854 39,476 169,330 80,407 301485 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 108,072 32,854 140,926 66,919 301486 Administrative Management 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 153,231 65,123 218,354 103,686 301488 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,623 19,341 82,964 39,396 301490 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,923 31,877 90,800 43,117 301492 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301494 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 163,620 49,740 213,360 101,315 301496 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301498 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,069 28,597 122,666 58,248 301500 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,900 27,634 118,534 56,286 301502 Administrative Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,313 35,833 120,146 57,052 301504 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,451 29,458 83,909 39,845 301505 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301506 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,175 22,853 98,028 46,549 301507 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,193 30,941 88,134 41,851 301509 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,011 25,539 109,550 52,020 301510 Administrative Management 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,101 27,668 92,769 44,052 301512 Athletics Coach 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,250 24,756 83,006 39,416 301514 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,267 27,735 79,002 37,515 301515 Fiscal Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 301516 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,374 31,580 89,954 42,715 301517 Research Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,892 30,554 102,446 48,647 301518 Fiscal Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,289 16,386 46,675 0 301520 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 301521 Administrative Professional 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,077 21,708 72,785 34,562 301522 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,608 26,329 112,937 53,629 301523 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 106,199 32,284 138,483 65,759 301524 Administrative Management 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 137,351 58,374 195,725 92,941 301536 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,703 26,662 114,365 54,307 301538 Communications Specialist 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,161 26,843 90,004 42,739 301544 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,960 20,536 58,496 27,777 301554 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,922 31,877 90,799 43,116 Page 94 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301556 Associate Dean/Faculty Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 204,249 56,373 260,622 123,757 301560 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 96,638 29,378 126,016 59,839 301566 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,202 23,773 101,975 48,423 301570 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301574 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 135,953 41,330 177,283 84,183 301576 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301578 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,712 20,584 88,296 41,928 301580 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,255 20,142 86,397 41,026 301582 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301586 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 43,778 301588 Student Svcs Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,668 35,134 117,802 55,939 301592 IS Net Technician 7 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,194 30,942 88,136 41,852 301594 Training & Development 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 39,125 21,167 60,292 28,630 301596 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,797 24,562 105,359 50,030 301598 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 301600 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,850 25,887 73,737 35,014 301602 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,868 25,496 109,364 51,932 301604 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 301606 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,920 24,600 105,520 50,106 301610 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 43,778 301612 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 99,990 30,397 130,387 61,915 301616 Associate Director/Faculty Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 116,579 32,176 148,755 70,637 301618 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,583 28,753 123,336 58,567 301620 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,057 25,553 109,610 52,049 301622 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 301624 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 301626 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,905 25,507 109,412 41,564 301628 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,295 30,794 132,089 62,723 301630 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,720 22,107 94,827 45,029 301632 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 301634 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,548 21,447 91,995 43,684 301636 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,720 22,107 94,827 45,029 301638 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,657 20,568 88,225 0 301640 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,004 20,977 89,981 42,728 301642 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,438 27,493 117,931 56,000 301644 Student Svcs Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,874 23,195 66,069 31,373 Page 95 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301646 Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 62,620 19,036 81,656 38,775 301648 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 20,393 11,033 31,426 14,923 301650 Physical Health Provider 2 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 19,250 10,414 29,664 14,086 301652 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 43,778 301654 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,676 24,830 106,506 50,575 301656 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 301658 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,913 30,982 132,895 63,106 301660 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 48,781 301662 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,750 23,028 98,778 46,905 301664 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,909 27,636 118,545 56,292 301666 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301668 Administrative Professional 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,938 26,324 88,262 41,911 301670 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,023 21,591 92,614 43,978 301674 Instructional Designer 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,080 32,759 109,839 52,158 301676 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,024 21,591 92,615 43,979 301678 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,659 24,216 103,875 49,326 301682 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,670 20,572 88,242 41,902 301684 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 207,846 57,365 265,211 125,937 301686 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 103,666 31,514 135,180 64,191 301688 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,900 27,634 118,534 56,286 301690 Administrative Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,522 38,047 127,569 60,577 301692 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 155,749 47,348 203,097 96,441 301694 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 98,230 29,862 128,092 60,825 301696 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100,377 30,515 130,892 62,154 301697 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 119,147 36,221 155,368 73,777 301698 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,900 27,634 118,534 56,286 301701 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,435 22,324 95,759 45,472 301702 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,208 22,294 63,502 30,154 301703 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,145 32,538 92,683 44,011 301705 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,277 26,532 113,809 54,043 301706 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 119,362 36,286 155,648 73,910 301707 IS Consultant 2A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 301708 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 43,778 301709 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,727 25,757 110,484 52,464 301710 Administrative Professional 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 101 43 144 68 301711 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,275 23,796 102,071 48,469 Page 96 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301713 Term Asst Professor Anchorage PT United Academics BU 30.4% 38,140 11,595 49,735 23,617 301714 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 130,422 39,648 170,070 80,759 301715 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301716 Term Assoc Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,888 22,462 96,350 45,752 301717 IS Professional 3A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 65,754 35,573 101,327 48,116 301718 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,837 22,446 96,283 45,721 301719 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,291 19,544 83,835 39,810 301720 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 92,247 28,043 120,290 57,120 301721 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 99,047 30,110 129,157 61,331 301722 Dean (Academic) Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 100 0 100 0 301723 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 109,080 33,160 142,240 67,543 301724 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 48,689 14,801 63,490 30,149 301725 Research Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,101 27,668 92,769 44,052 301726 Research Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 301727 Admin Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,805 24,567 82,372 25,424 301728 Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301729 Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 52,264 15,888 68,152 32,362 301730 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,772 28,009 79,781 37,884 301731 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,306 21,069 90,375 42,915 301732 Communications Specialist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,756 16,639 47,395 22,506 301733 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,208 24,687 105,895 50,285 301734 Development 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,451 23,142 77,593 36,845 301735 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 41,276 12,548 53,824 25,559 301736 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 96,378 40,961 137,339 36,845 301738 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,075 30,337 86,412 41,033 301740 Administrative Professional 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,451 23,142 77,593 36,845 301741 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301743 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 48,911 14,869 63,780 30,286 301744 Development 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,975 40,789 136,764 64,943 301746 Administrative Management 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 96,924 41,193 138,117 65,585 301748 Fiscal Manager 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 133,260 56,636 189,896 90,173 301749 Administrative Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 301750 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 98,727 27,249 125,976 46,660 301751 IS Consultant 2A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 301752 Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,355 18,348 78,703 37,372 301753 Admin Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,903 33,109 111,012 39,536 Page 97 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301754 Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,570 17,501 75,071 35,648 301755 Student Svcs Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 301756 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 63 301757 Proc/ Cont Svcs Professional 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,773 22,004 73,777 35,033 301758 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,036 24,939 106,975 50,798 301759 Administrative Management 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,975 40,789 136,764 64,943 301760 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,559 25,706 110,265 52,360 301761 Training & Development 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 33,965 301762 IS Consultant 2A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,804 31,272 89,076 42,298 301763 Training & Development 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,479 29,954 100,433 47,691 301764 IS Consultant 2A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 301766 Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 52,926 16,090 69,016 32,772 301772 Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 301774 Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 58,023 17,639 75,662 35,928 301776 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,900 27,634 118,534 56,286 301778 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,276 27,199 77,475 36,789 302005 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,348 20,205 57,553 27,329 302030 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 302125 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,000 30,704 131,704 62,540 302140 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 144,975 44,072 189,047 89,770 302165 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,939 26,324 88,263 0 302190 Director (Admin) Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 157,152 43,374 200,526 95,221 303002 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 27,226 14,729 41,955 19,923 303006 Communications Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,892 30,554 102,446 23,350 303015 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,630 19,344 82,974 39,400 303020 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 303025 Associate Dean/Faculty Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 189,228 52,227 241,455 114,656 303045 Research Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 3,788 303052 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,135 19,497 83,632 39,713 303075 Research Professional 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 99,856 42,439 142,295 16,892 303080 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,596 21,765 93,361 11,084 303085 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,229 23,174 99,403 11,801 303091 Communications Specialist 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 101 43 144 68 303095 Research Professional 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 303101 IS Professional 3A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,583 32,123 107,706 51,145 303105 Research Professional 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100,889 42,878 143,767 17,067 Page 98 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 303110 Fiscal Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 101 55 156 74 303125 Communications Specialist 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 303130 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 116,150 35,310 151,460 71,921 303135 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,938 26,324 88,262 41,911 303145 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 117,546 35,734 153,280 72,786 303165 Physical Health Provider 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,741 35,590 119,331 0 303192 Fiscal Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 66,388 35,916 102,304 48,579 303193 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 182,499 50,370 232,869 99,521 303210 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 164,767 45,476 210,243 99,835 303212 IS Manager 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 153,231 65,123 218,354 103,686 303213 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 65,755 35,573 101,328 48,116 303215 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,779 23,341 100,120 47,542 303222 Communications Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 303227 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,667 26,347 113,014 53,665 303228 Administrative Management 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,522 38,047 127,569 60,577 303229 Research Associate Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 303230 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 122,388 33,779 156,167 74,157 303231 Research Assistant Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 303232 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 43,778 303233 IS Professional 5A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 303234 Campus Services Generalist 3 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 13,795 7,463 21,258 10,094 303235 Administrative Management 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,199 36,210 121,409 57,651 303240 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 303241 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,101 27,668 92,769 44,052 303242 Admin Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,886 36,927 123,813 58,793 303243 Instructional Designer 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 303244 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 303247 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,208 22,294 63,502 30,154 304005 Research Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 304015 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,293 20,457 87,750 41,668 304030 Research Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 19,860 8,441 28,301 13,439 304036 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 99,499 30,248 129,747 61,611 304045 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 100 0 100 0 304056 Research Professional 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 23,757 10,097 33,854 16,076 304065 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,395 25,352 108,747 51,639 304072 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,423 18,369 78,792 37,415 Page 99 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 304073 Associate Professor Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 155,298 42,862 198,160 94,097 304075 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 34,987 18,928 53,915 25,602 304105 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,145 25,562 85,707 40,698 304110 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,160 23,891 68,051 2,424 304120 Administrative Management 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,922 25,042 83,964 39,871 304125 Environmental Health/Safety 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,892 30,554 102,446 48,647 304130 Fiscal Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 85,198 46,092 131,290 62,344 304135 Athletics Facs, Ops & Pgms 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,505 20,290 57,795 27,444 304155 Student Svcs Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 304160 Fiscal Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,320 32,436 108,756 51,643 304165 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,938 26,324 88,262 41,911 304170 Training & Development 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,922 25,042 83,964 39,871 304171 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 33,965 304172 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,386 21,849 62,235 29,552 304173 Coordinator (Nonexempt) Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 23,119 12,507 35,626 16,917 304752 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,518 24,781 106,299 50,477 305010 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 122,143 37,131 159,274 75,632 305015 Library Technician 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 33,130 17,923 51,053 24,243 305025 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 126,868 38,568 165,436 78,558 305035 Library Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 305040 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,640 28,467 122,107 57,983 305075 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,449 25,064 107,513 51,053 305085 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,908 25,812 110,720 52,576 305090 Library Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,850 25,887 73,737 35,014 305100 Library Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,208 22,294 63,502 30,154 305140 Professor Anchorage PT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,278 24,405 104,683 49,709 305160 Library Technician 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 33,130 17,923 51,053 24,243 305165 Dean (Academic) Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 100 0 100 0 305175 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,882 29,150 83,032 39,428 305180 Instructional Designer 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,938 33,508 95,446 45,323 305185 Dean (Academic) Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 200,749 55,407 256,156 121,637 305210 Administrative Management 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 114,786 48,784 163,570 77,672 305215 Fiscal Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,064 31,477 105,541 50,117 305220 IS Manager 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 123,096 52,316 175,412 83,295 305225 Associate Dean/Faculty Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 167,677 46,279 213,956 101,598 305235 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 113,737 31,391 145,128 68,915 Page 100 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 305240 Fiscal Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 40,160 17,068 57,228 27,175 305254 Administrative Management 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 97,019 41,233 138,252 65,650 305258 Dean (Academic) Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 272,997 75,347 348,344 165,413 305259 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 111,317 33,840 145,157 68,929 305266 Admin Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 67,737 28,788 96,525 45,835 305268 Fiscal Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,979 29,744 84,723 40,231 305269 Admin Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 88,657 37,679 126,336 59,991 305271 Communications Specialist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 305272 Broadcast/Media Professional 3 Anchorage PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,744 23,691 79,435 37,720 305273 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,193 30,941 88,134 41,851 305276 Provost Anchorage FT Officer 27.6% 212,916 58,765 271,681 129,009 305278 Admin Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,024 34,435 115,459 54,826 305279 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 305281 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,630 27,248 116,878 55,500 305283 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 45,898 19,507 65,405 31,058 305286 IS Consultant 4A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,651 30,877 103,528 49,161 305287 Student Svcs Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,452 23,142 77,594 36,846 305288 Assistant Professor Anchorage PT United Academics BU 30.4% 44,113 13,410 57,523 27,315 305289 IS Consultant 3A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,145 25,562 85,707 40,698 305291 Associate Dean/Faculty Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 111,527 30,781 142,308 67,576 305292 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,388 28,215 94,603 44,923 305296 IS Consultant 2A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 305297 IS Professional 3A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 43,609 305298 IS Consultant 5A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,902 33,108 111,010 52,714 305307 Administrative Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 94,077 39,983 134,060 63,659 305309 Administrative Management 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,815 27,121 90,936 43,182 305310 IS Manager 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 137,350 58,374 195,724 92,940 305311 IS Professional 5A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 96,924 41,193 138,117 65,585 305316 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 305318 Library Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,208 22,294 63,502 30,154 305319 Comm Specialist 3 (E) Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,773 22,004 73,777 35,033 305320 IS Professional 3A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100,889 42,878 143,767 68,268 305322 Dean (Academic) Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 141,683 39,105 180,788 85,848 305324 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,568 21,757 93,325 44,316 305331 Library Technician 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 33,131 17,924 51,055 24,244 305332 Library Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 71,892 38,894 110,786 0 Page 101 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 305334 Administrative Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,313 35,833 120,146 57,052 305505 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 305545 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,224 21,348 91,572 43,483 305575 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 25,198 13,632 38,830 18,439 305690 IS Professional 5A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100,889 42,878 143,767 68,268 305700 IS Net Technician 7 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,804 31,272 89,076 42,298 305709 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 305710 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,908 25,812 110,720 52,576 305712 Library Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 38,301 305713 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,055 23,425 100,480 47,713 305715 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 126,049 38,319 164,368 78,051 305716 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,336 26,150 74,486 35,370 305717 IS Consultant 3A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,534 25,302 84,836 40,285 305718 Dean (Academic) Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 157,152 43,374 200,526 95,221 305720 Student Svcs Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 67,041 28,492 95,533 45,364 305721 Fiscal Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 103,926 44,169 148,095 70,323 305723 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 305724 Associate Dean/Faculty Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 117,104 32,321 149,425 3,548 305725 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,786 22,065 62,851 29,845 305726 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 104,345 31,721 136,066 64,611 305728 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 101 28 129 61 305730 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,570 26,592 89,162 42,339 305731 Fiscal Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,651 30,877 103,528 49,161 305732 Professor Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 158,734 43,811 202,545 96,179 305734 Research Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,922 31,877 90,799 43,116 305735 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 112,878 34,315 147,193 69,895 305736 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,908 25,812 110,720 52,576 305737 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,568 26,621 114,189 54,223 305738 Fiscal Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,668 35,134 117,802 55,939 305741 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 130,079 39,544 169,623 64,437 305743 Professor Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 197,708 54,567 252,275 119,794 305744 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 33,965 305745 IS Consultant 4A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,640 33,422 112,062 53,213 305746 Instructional Designer 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,902 33,108 111,010 52,714 305747 IS Professional 3A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,815 27,121 90,936 43,182 305752 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,815 27,121 90,936 43,182 Page 102 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 305753 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,806 28,568 81,374 38,641 305760 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 111,339 33,847 145,186 68,942 305762 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 101 28 129 61 305763 Administrative Professional 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,668 35,134 117,802 55,939 305764 Administrative Management 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 159,208 67,663 226,871 107,731 305770 Library Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 305772 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,055 23,425 100,480 47,713 305773 Library Technician 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 33,131 17,924 51,055 24,244 305774 Library Technician 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 33,131 17,924 51,055 24,244 306040 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 306080 Student Svcs Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 101,880 43,299 145,179 68,939 306085 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,773 22,004 73,777 35,033 306100 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 23,440 12,681 36,121 17,152 306102 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,276 27,199 77,475 36,789 306103 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 306104 Associate Vice Chancellor Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 100 0 100 0 306105 IS Net Technician 5 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 29,344 15,875 45,219 21,472 306106 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,880 25,362 72,242 34,304 306110 Stu Svcs Profess 3 (NonExempt) Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 21,485 11,623 33,108 15,722 306125 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 306130 Fiscal Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,080 32,759 109,839 52,158 306145 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,880 25,362 72,242 34,304 306165 Athletics Facs, Ops & Pgms 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 34,379 18,599 52,978 25,157 306170 Athletics Facs, Ops & Pgms 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,478 29,953 100,431 47,690 306175 Athletics Facs Ops & Pgms 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 306180 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 67,042 28,493 95,535 45,365 306181 Athletics Coach 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,320 32,436 108,756 51,643 306182 Athletics Coach 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,388 28,215 94,603 44,923 306183 Athletics Training 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 38,681 16,439 55,120 26,174 306184 Athletics Coach 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,153 22,590 75,743 35,967 306185 Athletics Coach 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,326 26,064 87,390 41,497 306186 Athletics Coach 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 43,188 18,355 61,543 29,224 306188 Athletics Coach 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,735 25,812 86,547 41,097 306190 Athletics Coach 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 39,114 306191 Assistant Coach Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 48,724 20,708 69,432 32,970 306192 Communications Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,193 30,941 88,134 41,851 Page 103 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 306210 Administrative Management 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 97,935 41,622 139,557 66,269 306225 Administrative Management 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 306240 Athletics Facs, Ops & Pgms 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 306245 Athletics Coach 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,640 33,422 112,062 53,213 306250 Communications Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,755 27,946 93,701 44,494 306270 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,805 28,568 81,373 38,640 306275 Athletics Coach 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 110,316 46,884 157,200 74,647 306280 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,208 22,294 63,502 30,154 306285 Student Svcs Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,101 27,668 92,769 44,052 306290 Athletics Coach 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,522 38,047 127,569 60,577 306295 Athletics Coach 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,652 30,877 103,529 49,161 306308 Athletics Facs Ops & Pgms 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 306310 Student Svcs Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 101,880 43,299 145,179 68,939 306312 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 28,710 15,532 44,242 21,009 306313 Student Svcs Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,922 25,042 83,964 39,871 306316 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,366 25,625 72,991 34,660 306318 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,882 29,150 83,032 39,428 306320 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 39,114 306321 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 306329 Student Svcs Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 39,114 306330 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 306331 Communications Specialist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 306333 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 306335 Student Svcs Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 109,282 46,445 155,727 73,948 306338 Student Svcs Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,651 30,877 103,528 49,161 306340 Fiscal Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,815 27,121 90,936 43,182 306343 Administrative Professional 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 306344 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 306348 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,806 28,568 81,374 38,641 306349 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,880 25,362 72,242 34,304 306350 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,880 25,362 72,242 34,304 306351 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 33,965 306352 Student Svcs Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,815 27,121 90,936 43,182 306353 IS Professional 2A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 78,640 42,544 121,184 57,545 306355 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,145 25,562 85,707 40,698 306357 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,922 25,042 83,964 39,871 Page 104 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 306360 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 306361 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 306363 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 306364 Administrative Management 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 110,315 46,884 157,199 74,647 306365 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,417 25,112 71,529 33,966 306366 Athletics Training 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,908 26,736 89,644 42,568 306367 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 306368 Athletics Coach 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 147,013 62,481 209,494 99,479 306369 Athletics Coach 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,080 32,759 109,839 52,158 306370 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,735 32,858 93,593 44,443 306371 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 306372 Athletics Coach 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 177,430 75,408 252,838 120,061 306375 Fiscal Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,388 28,215 94,603 44,923 306379 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 33,965 306380 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,880 25,362 72,242 34,304 306381 Student Svcs Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,222 34,094 114,316 54,284 306383 Administrative Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 105,001 44,625 149,626 14,778 306384 Student Svcs Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 43,609 306387 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 306388 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,153 22,590 75,743 35,967 306389 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 306390 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 5,951 3,219 9,170 4,355 306391 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,608 22,510 64,118 30,447 306392 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,326 26,064 87,390 0 306393 Mental Health Provider 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,335 23,517 78,852 0 306394 Student Svcs Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 98,885 42,026 140,911 66,912 306395 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 306396 Communications Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,276 27,199 77,475 36,789 306397 Development 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 1000 306398 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 306399 Student Svcs Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,161 26,843 90,004 42,739 306400 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 33,965 306401 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,534 32,208 91,742 43,564 306402 IS Professional 3A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 43,609 306403 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 306404 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,782 29,657 99,439 47,219 Page 105 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 306405 Student Svcs Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,193 24,307 81,500 38,701 306406 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,755 27,946 93,701 44,494 306407 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 33,965 306408 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,365 25,624 72,989 34,659 306409 Student Svcs Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,101 27,668 92,769 44,052 306410 Student Svcs Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,491 35,484 118,975 56,496 306411 Athletics Training 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,287 26,472 88,759 42,148 306412 Athletics Administrator 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 96,924 41,193 138,117 65,585 306413 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,765 24,759 70,524 33,489 306414 Vice Chancellor (Admin) Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 181,485 50,090 231,575 109,964 306415 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,773 22,004 73,777 35,033 306417 Student Svcs Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,199 36,210 121,409 57,651 306419 Physical Health Provider 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 106,034 45,064 151,098 0 306420 Research Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,937 26,323 88,260 41,911 306421 Mental Health Provider 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 306422 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,417 25,112 71,529 0 306423 Student Svcs Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,196 30,258 101,454 48,176 306424 Administrative Management 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 118,287 50,272 168,559 80,041 306425 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 306426 Athletics Facs Ops & Pgms 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,785 22,065 62,850 29,844 306427 Student Svcs Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 46,288 19,672 65,960 31,322 306428 Fiscal Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 101 55 156 0 306429 Mental Health Provider 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,335 23,517 78,852 0 306555 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 306575 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,534 25,302 84,836 40,285 306585 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 306600 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,154 22,590 75,744 0 306640 Student Svcs Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 306645 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,773 22,004 73,777 35,033 306650 Fiscal Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 306665 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,825 23,168 65,993 31,337 306670 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,446 24,045 68,491 32,523 306685 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,145 25,562 85,707 40,698 306690 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 19,557 306700 Stu Svcs Profess 3 (NonExempt) Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 306715 Athletics Coach 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 39,114 Page 106 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 306720 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,695 32,836 93,531 44,414 306725 Administrative Management 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 134,589 57,200 191,789 91,072 306730 Safety Svcs‐Police 4 (NE) Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 82,572 44,671 127,243 60,422 306745 Communications Specialist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,075 30,337 86,412 41,033 306750 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 39,114 306770 Student Svcs Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,668 35,134 117,802 55,939 306775 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 22,689 12,275 34,964 16,603 306800 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 33,965 306825 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,326 26,064 87,390 41,497 306850 IS Consultant 3A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,479 29,954 100,433 47,691 306885 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,451 23,142 77,593 36,845 306886 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,153 22,590 75,743 35,967 306887 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 39,114 306888 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 49,770 21,152 70,922 33,678 306953 Physical Health Provider 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 117,106 49,770 166,876 0 306955 IS Consultant 2A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 65,101 35,220 100,321 47,638 306959 Vice Chancellor (Admin) Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 165,054 45,555 210,609 100,009 306962 Student Svcs Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 306964 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 33,965 306967 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,418 24,571 69,989 33,235 306970 Student Svcs Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,102 27,668 92,770 44,052 306972 Student Svcs Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 101,880 43,299 145,179 68,939 306973 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,336 26,150 74,486 35,370 306975 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,386 21,849 62,235 29,552 306977 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 306979 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 49,770 21,152 70,922 33,678 306981 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 306986 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 306987 Research Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,057 22,753 64,810 30,775 306989 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 306990 Student Svcs Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 109,282 46,445 155,727 73,948 306991 Student Svcs Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,193 30,941 88,134 41,851 306992 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,786 22,065 62,851 29,845 306993 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,451 29,458 83,909 39,845 306994 Student Svcs Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,882 29,150 83,032 39,428 306996 Communications Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,161 26,843 90,004 42,739 Page 107 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 307000 Chancellor Anchorage FT Officer 27.6% 304,165 83,950 388,115 184,298 307015 Administrative Management 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 307025 Senior Administrator Director Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 116,597 32,181 148,778 70,648 307105 Environmental Health/Safety 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,408 38,423 128,831 61,176 307110 Administrative Professional 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 307115 Fiscal Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,772 28,009 79,781 37,884 307135 Fiscal Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,343 28,318 80,661 38,302 307140 Fiscal Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,312 35,833 120,145 57,051 307145 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,608 22,510 64,118 30,447 307220 Campus Services Printing 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 38,065 20,593 58,658 27,854 307225 Campus Services Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,787 22,066 62,853 29,846 307230 Campus Services Retail 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,348 20,205 57,553 27,329 307240 Campus Services Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 32,498 17,581 50,079 23,780 307250 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,510 33,818 96,328 45,742 307270 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,979 29,744 84,723 40,231 307349 IS Professional 3A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,080 32,759 109,839 52,158 307352 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 0 307353 Fiscal Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,196 30,258 101,454 48,176 307354 Fiscal Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 33,317 307355 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,740 22,721 97,461 23,140 307358 Athletics Training 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 47,607 20,233 67,840 32,214 307359 Communications Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 307366 Communications Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,451 23,142 77,593 36,845 307370 Development 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 27,226 11,571 38,797 18,423 307371 Fiscal Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,755 27,946 93,701 44,494 307372 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 307379 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 43,609 307380 Associate Vice Chancellor Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 136,874 37,777 174,651 82,934 307381 Fiscal Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,023 34,435 115,458 54,826 307382 Admin Generalist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 307391 Fiscal Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,222 34,094 114,316 54,284 307392 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,608 22,510 64,118 30,447 307393 Admin Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 307396 Administrative Management 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 144,311 61,332 205,643 97,651 307398 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 307399 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 Page 108 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 307401 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,570 33,850 96,420 45,786 307406 Fiscal Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,881 25,363 72,244 34,305 307408 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,786 22,065 62,851 29,845 307409 Campus Services Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 38,065 20,593 58,658 27,854 307410 Administrative Management 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,781 31,782 106,563 50,602 307411 Communications Specialist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,666 30,656 87,322 41,465 307412 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,009 22,727 64,736 30,740 307415 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,850 25,887 73,737 35,014 307417 Executive Director Anchorage FT Officer 27.6% 106,458 29,382 135,840 64,504 307419 Fiscal Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,533 32,207 91,740 43,563 307420 Fiscal Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,451 29,458 83,909 39,845 307421 Campus Services Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,608 22,510 64,118 30,447 307424 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,268 23,408 66,676 31,661 307426 Fiscal Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,368 31,181 104,549 49,646 307429 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,825 23,168 65,993 31,337 307431 IS Professional 5A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 93,128 39,579 132,707 63,017 307432 Fiscal Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 307436 Associate Vice Chancellor Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 100 0 100 0 307439 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,326 33,177 94,503 44,875 307441 Vice Chancellor (Admin) Anchorage FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 193,658 53,450 247,108 117,340 307443 Admin Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 43,609 307515 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 307525 Research Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,024 34,435 115,459 54,826 307545 Fiscal Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 88,657 37,679 126,336 59,991 307550 Student Svcs Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 307560 Safety Svcs‐Parking 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,787 22,066 62,853 0 307580 Safety Svcs‐Police 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 74,756 40,443 115,199 54,703 307622 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,694 32,835 93,529 44,413 307626 Research Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 307628 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 307632 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,694 32,835 93,529 44,413 307634 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,694 32,835 93,529 44,413 307636 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,694 32,835 93,529 44,413 307640 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,783 29,658 99,441 0 307642 Campus Services Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,263 26,651 75,914 36,048 307646 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,736 25,813 86,549 41,098 Page 109 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 307650 Environmental Health/Safety 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,101 27,668 92,769 44,052 307652 Communications Specialist 3 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 25,886 14,004 39,890 9,471 307656 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,608 22,510 64,118 30,447 307658 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,145 25,562 85,707 40,698 307662 Fiscal Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 307672 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,786 22,065 62,851 29,845 307692 Campus Services Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,608 22,510 64,118 30,447 307698 Communications Specialist 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 67,041 28,492 95,533 45,364 307749 IS Ops Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,882 29,150 83,032 35,486 307751 Athletics Training 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 44,991 19,121 64,112 30,444 307753 Library Technician 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 33,131 17,924 51,055 24,244 307755 Environmental Health/Safety 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,640 33,422 112,062 53,213 307756 Safety Svcs‐Parking 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,608 22,510 64,118 0 307757 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 43,609 307758 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,534 32,208 91,742 0 307760 Administrative Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 94,077 39,983 134,060 63,659 307761 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 307762 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,608 22,510 64,118 30,447 307763 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,608 22,510 64,118 30,447 307764 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,009 22,727 64,736 30,740 307765 Fiscal Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 307768 Admin Specialist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,851 25,887 73,738 35,015 307769 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,694 32,835 93,529 44,413 307770 Fiscal Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100,888 42,877 143,765 68,268 307771 Administrative Management 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 147,242 62,578 209,820 99,634 307772 IS Professional 5A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 96,924 41,193 138,117 65,585 307773 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,451 23,142 77,593 36,845 307774 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,825 23,168 65,993 31,337 307775 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,222 34,094 114,316 54,284 307776 Safety Svcs‐Police 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 74,756 40,443 115,199 54,703 307777 Administrative Management 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 108,164 45,970 154,134 73,191 307778 IS Net Technician 7 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,922 31,877 90,799 43,116 307780 IS Consultant 2A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 307781 IS Net Technician 7 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 307782 IS Professional 5A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,651 30,877 103,528 49,161 307783 IS Consultant 5A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,320 32,436 108,756 51,643 Page 110 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 307784 Administrative Management 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,975 40,789 136,764 0 307785 Research Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 102,913 43,738 146,651 69,638 307786 Administrative Management 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 97,936 41,623 139,559 66,270 307787 Fiscal Manager 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100,889 42,878 143,767 68,268 307800 Administrative Management 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,522 38,047 127,569 60,577 307802 Fiscal Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,886 36,927 123,813 58,793 307804 Communications Specialist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,418 22,407 63,825 30,308 307806 Development 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 0 307808 Administrative Management 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 105,002 44,626 149,628 71,051 307810 Athletics Facs, Ops & Pgms 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,850 25,887 73,737 35,014 307812 Communications Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 88,657 37,679 126,336 59,991 307814 Communications Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 42,125 17,903 60,028 28,505 307822 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 63,773 34,501 98,274 46,666 307824 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,695 32,836 93,531 44,414 307826 Fiscal Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 307828 IS Consultant 4A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,101 27,668 92,769 44,052 307831 Development 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,388 28,215 94,603 44,923 307832 Development 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,313 35,833 120,146 57,052 307833 Training & Development 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,902 33,108 111,010 52,714 307834 Communications Specialist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,257 21,779 62,036 29,458 307835 IS Consultant 2A Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,145 32,538 92,683 44,011 307836 Admin Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,448 27,390 91,838 43,610 308005 Fiscal Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,042 36,568 122,610 58,222 308015 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,865 24,887 106,752 50,692 308020 Campus Services Printing 1 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 28,549 15,445 43,994 20,891 308025 Fiscal Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,336 26,150 74,486 35,370 308040 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,042 36,568 122,610 58,222 308055 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 59,092 30,491 89,583 42,539 308060 Environmental Health/Safety 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 308070 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 61,495 31,731 93,226 44,269 308075 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,522 38,047 127,569 60,577 308080 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,546 25,050 73,596 34,947 308082 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 54,599 28,173 82,772 39,305 308085 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 74,486 38,435 112,921 53,621 308090 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 23,879 12,322 36,201 17,190 308092 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 64,426 33,244 97,670 46,379 Page 111 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 308100 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,270 33,679 98,949 46,987 308105 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,271 33,680 98,951 46,987 308110 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervsr 3 (NE) Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,868 24,274 69,142 32,832 308135 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,588 27,651 81,239 38,577 308150 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 57,910 29,882 87,792 41,688 308165 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 56,792 29,305 86,097 40,883 308180 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,320 32,436 108,756 51,643 308185 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 43,126 22,253 65,379 31,046 308190 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 38,298 19,762 58,060 27,570 308195 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 308200 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 30,380 15,676 46,056 21,870 308205 Fac Engineering 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,224 34,095 114,319 54,285 308210 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,208 22,294 63,502 30,154 308215 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 72,524 37,422 109,946 52,209 308220 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 56,792 29,305 86,097 40,883 308235 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,235 21,767 62,002 29,442 308240 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 308245 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,589 25,072 73,661 34,978 308250 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,755 27,946 93,701 44,494 308260 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,587 27,651 81,238 38,576 308265 Maint Service Worker II (MSW2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 308270 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,825 34,776 116,601 55,368 308285 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 30,380 15,676 46,056 21,870 308290 Administrative Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,442 33,763 113,205 53,756 308295 Maint Service Worker II (MSW2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 308300 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 63,962 33,004 96,966 46,045 308305 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,270 33,679 98,949 46,987 308310 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 106,013 32,228 138,241 65,644 308315 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 30,251 15,610 45,861 21,777 308320 IS Professional 3A Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,815 27,121 90,936 43,182 308325 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 46,690 24,092 70,782 33,611 308330 Associate Dean/Faculty Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 109,080 33,160 142,240 67,543 308360 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 308370 Student Svcs Manager 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 91,336 38,818 130,154 61,804 308380 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 66,198 34,158 100,356 47,655 308415 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 Page 112 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 308430 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,546 25,050 73,596 34,947 308450 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 308452 Administrative Management 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 138,722 58,957 197,679 93,869 308453 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 71,833 38,862 110,695 52,564 308455 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,447 29,997 85,444 40,573 308456 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,879 31,854 90,733 43,085 308502 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 44,876 23,156 68,032 32,305 308503 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 66,577 34,354 100,931 47,927 308504 Administrative Management 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,196 30,258 101,454 48,176 308505 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 66,577 34,354 100,931 47,927 308506 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 60,272 31,100 91,372 43,389 308507 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,546 25,050 73,596 34,947 308508 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,892 30,554 102,446 48,647 308509 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 43,126 22,253 65,379 31,046 308513 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 62,697 32,352 95,049 45,134 308514 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 30,252 15,610 45,862 21,778 308515 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,523 27,618 81,141 38,530 308517 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 67,041 28,492 95,533 45,364 308518 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 45,763 23,614 69,377 32,944 308519 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 63,962 33,004 96,966 46,045 308520 Fac Engineering 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,582 32,122 107,704 51,144 308522 Library Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,160 23,891 68,051 32,314 308525 Fiscal Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,640 33,422 112,062 53,213 308528 Fac Engineering 6 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 93,128 39,579 132,707 63,017 308529 Fac Engineering 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,975 40,789 136,764 64,943 308530 Fac Engineering 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,198 36,209 121,407 57,651 308531 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervsr 3 (NE) Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,804 31,272 89,076 42,298 308532 Fac Engineering 7 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 128,072 54,431 182,503 86,662 308533 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,374 24,809 83,183 39,500 308534 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 74,486 38,435 112,921 53,621 308536 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,258 27,134 116,392 55,269 308537 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 56,792 29,305 86,097 40,883 308538 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 61,495 31,731 93,226 44,269 308539 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 38,298 19,762 58,060 27,570 308540 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 43,609 308542 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,452 23,142 77,594 18,423 Page 113 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 308543 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,571 26,593 89,164 27,521 308544 Fiscal Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,080 32,759 109,839 52,158 308545 FAC Svcs Drafting 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,075 30,337 86,412 41,033 308547 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 64,447 34,866 99,313 47,159 308548 Student Svcs Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,408 38,423 128,831 61,176 308549 IS Net Technician 7 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,922 31,877 90,799 43,116 308550 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 120,099 36,510 156,609 74,366 308552 Safety Svcs‐Parking 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,348 20,205 57,553 0 308554 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 30,251 15,610 45,861 21,777 308556 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 308557 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,680 20,879 89,559 42,527 308558 Fiscal Professional 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 308559 Library Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 29,552 308560 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,251 23,180 99,431 47,215 308561 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,680 20,879 89,559 6,379 308562 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,740 22,721 97,461 46,280 308563 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,979 29,744 84,723 40,231 308564 Admin Generalist 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 32,498 17,581 50,079 23,780 308565 Research Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 102,913 43,738 146,651 69,638 308567 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 117,080 35,592 152,672 72,497 308569 Training & Development 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,782 29,657 99,439 4,721 308570 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,077 22,823 97,900 46,488 308571 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,889 22,158 95,047 45,134 308572 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 308573 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 52,698 16,020 68,718 32,631 308574 Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,867 26,408 113,275 53,789 308575 Associate Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 309005 Administrative Management 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,222 34,094 114,316 0 309015 Campus Services Retail 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,773 22,004 73,777 0 309050 Campus Services Retail 5 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 0 309055 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,881 25,363 72,244 0 309125 Safety Svcs‐Parking 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,926 19,977 56,903 0 309145 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,527 30,040 85,567 4,063 309155 Student Svcs Manager 2 Anchorage PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 96,924 41,193 138,117 0 309170 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 51,520 26,584 78,104 0 309175 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 59,091 30,491 89,582 0 Page 114 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 309186 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,480 29,954 100,434 0 309190 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,695 32,836 93,531 44,414 309192 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,532 25,301 84,833 0 309194 Campus Services Retail 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,348 20,205 57,553 0 309195 Campus Services Retail 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 31,802 17,205 49,007 0 309196 Fiscal Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,266 27,735 79,001 0 309197 Fiscal Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,850 25,887 73,737 0 309198 Campus Services Retail 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 52,806 22,443 75,249 0 309199 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 60,272 31,100 91,372 0 309200 Campus Services Retail 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 48,336 20,543 68,879 0 309201 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 48,724 20,708 69,432 32,970 309203 Administrative Management 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,902 33,108 111,010 0 309204 Campus Services Retail 4 (NE) Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,979 29,744 84,723 0 309210 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,173 16,324 46,497 0 309301 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 149,041 41,135 190,176 90,306 309302 Training & Development 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 43,609 309304 Campus Services Generalist 2 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 24,373 13,186 37,559 17,835 309306 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,218 22,258 95,476 45,337 309307 Training & Development 2 Anchorage PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 22,987 12,436 35,423 16,821 309309 Admin Specialist 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,199 36,210 121,409 57,651 309310 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 36,419 309312 Training & Development 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,570 33,850 96,420 45,786 309313 Admin Generalist 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,275 21,789 62,064 29,471 309316 Student Svcs Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,892 30,554 102,446 48,647 309317 Training & Development 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,652 30,877 103,529 35,888 309320 Training & Development 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,736 25,813 86,549 41,098 309321 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,915 22,166 95,081 45,150 309323 Mental Health Provider 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,582 32,122 107,704 51,144 309325 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 48,727 14,813 63,540 30,172 309327 Associate Director/Faculty Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 51,832 14,306 66,138 1,256 309328 Mental Health Provider 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,064 31,477 105,541 0 309330 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,806 28,568 81,374 38,641 309331 Physical Health Provider 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,867 22,650 64,517 0 309332 Mental Health Provider 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,605 31,707 106,312 0 309333 Term Instructor Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 89,881 24,807 114,688 37,578 309338 Administrative Management 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,223 34,095 114,318 36,914 Page 115 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 309339 Physical Health Provider 4 Anchorage PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 39,611 16,835 56,446 0 309341 Administrative Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,199 36,210 121,409 57,651 309343 Admin Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,326 33,177 94,503 13,463 309347 Fiscal Technician 4 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 12,567 309348 Research Professional 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,042 36,568 122,610 0 309349 IS Ops Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 37,885 309350 Student Svcs Manager 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,080 32,759 109,839 52,158 309351 Student Svcs Technician 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,804 31,272 89,076 42,298 309353 Physical Health Provider 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,180 29,827 100,007 0 309354 Admin Specialist 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 45,402 19,296 64,698 30,722 309356 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,598 18,422 79,020 37,523 309357 Training & Development 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,479 29,954 100,433 0 309358 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 49,490 15,045 64,535 30,645 309359 Training & Development 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,479 29,954 100,433 32,430 309363 Fiscal Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,373 24,809 83,182 11,455 309364 Associate Director/Faculty Anchorage FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 99,303 27,408 126,711 12,033 309365 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,570 17,501 75,071 35,648 309366 Research Technician 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 23,090 12,492 35,582 16,896 309369 Assistant Professor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,650 19,958 85,608 40,651 309371 Student Svcs Manager 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,326 26,064 87,390 0 309372 Student Svcs Professional 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,951 22,695 64,646 0 309373 Admin Generalist 3 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,208 22,294 63,502 0 309374 Physical Health Provider 4 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 40,626 17,266 57,892 0 309375 Mental Health Provider 1 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 50,697 21,546 72,243 0 309376 Mental Health Provider 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,335 23,517 78,852 0 309379 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,570 17,501 75,071 35,648 309382 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 15,939 8,623 24,562 11,663 309383 Term Instructor Anchorage FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,570 17,501 75,071 35,648 309384 Research Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,145 25,562 85,707 10,174 309385 Research Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 101 43 144 68 309425 Research Professional 4 Anchorage PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 38,160 16,218 54,378 25,822 309426 Research Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,161 26,843 90,004 42,739 309427 Research Professional 2 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,583 32,123 107,706 6,649 500307 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Anchorage FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 540121 Media Services Technician Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 540154 Administrative Professional 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 Page 116 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Anchorage Campus (753) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 540223 Student Svcs Technician 1 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 540322 Instructional Designer 3 Anchorage FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 580011 Communications Specialist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 580466 Admin Generalist 2 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 580469 IS Net Technician 6 Anchorage FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 620058 Term Asst Professor Anchorage FT * United Academics BU 30.4% 20,175 6,133 26,308 12,493 Pool Adjunct Faculty Anchorage PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 1,203,141 131,186 1,334,327 633,611 Pool Adjunct Faculty Anchorage PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 3,477,139 379,135 3,856,274 1,831,168 Pool UA Labor Pool Anchorage PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 18,668,593 18,668,593 7,305,326 Total Position Costs 108,733,401 33,118,217 141,851,618 62,002,229 Full Time Positions: 1,263 Part Time Positions: 37 Federal Receipts (1002) 4,641,008 Positions in Component: 1,300 General Fund Receipts (1004) 62,002,229 Interagency Receipts (1007) 955,619 University Receipts (1048) 68,373,839 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 5,878,921 UA Funding 141,851,618

Page 117 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Small Business Development Center

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Small Business Development Center Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 118 Component — Small Business Development Center

Component: Small Business Development Center

Contribution to Department's Mission

The Alaska Small Business Development Center (SBDC) and the Alaska Procurement Technical Assistance Center each report through the suite of programs housed within the UAA Business Enterprise Institute (BEI). The BEI serves as a bridge between expertise and talents linking the University (faculty, staff, and students across all disciplines) to advance community and business development needs across Alaska and the globe.

The Alaska SBDC program has provided a direct link between UAA and businesses, entrepreneurs, and leaders throughout Alaska since 1986, offering free and confidential business advising, workshops, computer labs, and business resource libraries. Its mission is to celebrate, grow, and connect small business in Alaska through experienced business coaching and innovative programs. The Alaska SBDC contributes directly to UA and UAA's missions by forming productive partnerships with public entities and private industries and to enhance Alaska’s communities and economic growth. SBDC network programs include: Buy Alaska, Alaska Lemonade Day, and the Technology Research and Development Center. With offices in Anchorage, Fairbanks, Juneau, Ketchikan, Soldotna and Wasilla, the SBDC’s statewide and rural outreach supports businesses at all levels of development find pathways to sustainable growth, enhancing a more sustainable economy across all of Alaska.

The Alaska Procurement Technical Assistance Center (PTAC) was established in 1986 as part of the Procurement Technical Assistance Program (PTAP) created by the U.S. Department of Defense, and has offices in Anchorage and Fairbanks, delivering services across the state. A member of the national Association of Procurement Technical Assistance Centers (APTAC), the Alaska PTAC provides businesses with the personalized counseling, training and tools needed to compete and perform successfully on federal, state, and local government contracts. Alaska PTAC has helped businesses across the state navigate the often complex and difficult process of qualifying for and winning government contracts with its up-to-date market research, award-winning Bid Match program, on-going technical support, a national network of procurement specialists, and targeted government program assistance.

Core Services

 Provide one-on-one counseling, informational seminars, resource referral, and affiliate program introductions.  Coordinate public and private resources to strengthen the overall business community.  Conduct market research tailored to client needs.  Encourage in-state purchases of goods and services through a multi-media public awareness campaign (BUY ALASKA) and by assisting Alaskan businesses, government entities and consumers in finding competitive, local sources for goods and services previously purchased outside Alaska.  Provide entrepreneurial training to K-12 youth via the Alaska Lemonade Day program.  Provide procurement training, counseling, and solicitation support throughout the state, and help inform Alaskan businesses of government contracting opportunities through our award-winning Bid Match program.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020 In addition to items included in the University of Alaska Anchorage (RDU) narrative, the following are highlighted here.

Reskilling and recovery. The Center for Strategic Partnerships and Research (CSPR), a program of the Business Enterprise Institute, is working with the United States Department of Labor (USDOL) to help expand access to registered apprenticeship programs at UAA. CSPR will create campus-wide engagement and advance a “reskilling and recovery network” to provide career pathways for students who have completed registered apprenticeship programs to transfer their on-the-job training and related technical instruction toward college credit, expediting degree completion. This initiative includes multiple businesses, along with industry and education leaders to identify current issues, develop solutions, and provide career trajectories for individuals who have suffered unemployment and financial turmoil during the pandemic.

Providing applied learning opportunities (tied to academic programming). FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 119 Component — Small Business Development Center

The Applied Environmental Research Center (AERC), a program of the Business Enterprise Institute, operates with zero general funds. AERC leverages a Cooperative Agreement between the University and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) and seeks to identify projects that create jobs and opportunities for Alaska. AERC employs University of Alaska faculty, staff and students in a variety of applied research activities. AERC contracts focus on studying the impact of environmental changes as well as species survival, population dynamics, pollutants and the interactions between humans, wildlife and the environment. AERC also contracts with local Alaska businesses and industry partners. For example, Green Earth Landworks LLC (GEL), is an 8(a) women-owned company in Anchorage that provides heavy construction equipment and personnel for restoring land on the Elmendorf-Richardson (JBER).

Supporting the public sector during COVID-19: The Center for Economic Development (CED), a program of the Business Enterprise Institute, beginning in March 2020, convened a weekly information sharing forum that consisted of statewide economic development practitioners, legislators, municipal officials, Alaska Department of Commerce, Community, and Economic Development (DCCED) and Department of Consumer and Regulatory Affairs (DCRA) and others. The CED has also continued to provide expert testimony to the State Legislature: House Labor and Commerce, House State Affairs, and House Health and Social Services on matters pertaining to COVID-19 and the resulting economic impacts.

Supporting the private sector during COVID-19: The Alaska Small Business Development Center, a program of the Business Enterprise Institute, created a COVID-19 business (private sector) resource page ( now referred to as one of the top COVID-19 resources in Alaska. SBDC staff also created the Daily Briefing, a series of open presentations and Q&A sessions with a variety of federal, state and local experts to get crucial information out to the public. This work resulted in securing nearly $24 million in COVID-19 relief funding for Alaska businesses. The SBDC partnered with the Foraker Group to help hundreds of nonprofits who needed help in the face of COVID-19. The SBDC was contracted by the State of Alaska to serve as a technical advisor for their AK CARES business grant program, providing how-to video guides, direct business assistance, and a variety of informational resources resulting in the deployment of $250 million to businesses statewide. SBDC also assisted the City of Seward in deploying over $2 million in CARES Act funding through its small business program by collecting and processing over 125 business grant applications in two weeks. The SBDC state director and staff have given over 100 presentations and public testimonials over the last six months on a variety of COVID-19 related topics including Paycheck Protection Program (PPP), Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL), AK CARES, local CARES funding, economic forecasts and more.

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 120 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Small Business Development Center (2911) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 1,240.9 2,430.0 2,430.0 2,436.2 2,436.2 0.0 0.0% 72000 Travel 2.0 53.0 53.0 32.0 32.0 0.0 0.0% 73000 Services 665.2 1,033.0 1,033.0 1,091.4 1,091.4 0.0 0.0% 74000 Commodities 46.3 168.6 168.6 125.0 125.0 0.0 0.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 1,954.4 3,684.6 3,684.6 3,684.6 3,684.6 0.0 0.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 271.3 1,200.0 1,200.0 1,200.0 1,200.0 0.0 0.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 959.6 959.6 959.6 959.6 959.6 0.0 0.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 250.0 0.0 0.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 176.5 550.0 550.0 550.0 550.0 0.0 0.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 547.0 725.0 725.0 725.0 725.0 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 959.6 959.6 959.6 959.6 959.6 0.0 0.0% Designated General (DGF) 176.5 550.0 550.0 550.0 550.0 0.0 0.0% Other Funds 547.0 975.0 975.0 975.0 975.0 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 271.3 1,200.0 1,200.0 1,200.0 1,200.0 0.0 0.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 00000 00.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 121 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Small Business Development Center (2911) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 3,684.6 2,430.0 53.0 1,033.0 168.6 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1002 Fed Rcpts 1,200.0 1004 Gen Fund 959.6 1007 I/A Rcpts 250.0 1048 Univ Rcpt 550.0 1174 UA I/A 725.0

Subtotal 3,684.6 2,430.0 53.0 1,033.0 168.6 0.0 0.0 0.0000

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 6.2-21.058.4-43.6 0.0 0.0 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Subtotal 3,684.6 2,436.2 32.0 1,091.4 125.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 3,684.6 2,436.2 32.0 1,091.4 125.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 122 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Small Business Development Center (2911) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate Pool UA Labor Pool Anchorage PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 2,436,239 2,436,239 790,239 Total Position Costs 2,436,239 ‐ 2,436,239 790,239 Full Time Positions: ‐ Part Time Positions: ‐ Federal Receipts (1002) 975,407 Positions in Component: ‐ General Fund Receipts (1004) 790,239 Interagency Receipts (1007) 203,210 University Receipts (1048) 447,062 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 20,321 UA Funding 2,436,239

Page 123 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Kenai Peninsula College

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Kenai Peninsula College Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 124 Component — Kenai Peninsula College

Component: Kenai Peninsula College

Contribution to Department's Mission

Kenai Peninsula College (KPC) is part of the community campus system of the University of Alaska Anchorage, and is comprised of the Kenai River Campus in Soldotna, Kachemak Bay Campus in Homer, and Resurrection Bay Extension Site in Seward. Kenai Peninsula College is committed to excellence in education, training and lifelong learning by offering accessible opportunities in a supportive environment.

Core Services

 Academics: KPC offers two-year Associate of Arts and Associate of Applied Science degrees, as well as courses leading to technical certificates. Other four-year degree programs are available at KPC via distance delivery through other University of Alaska campuses. KPC also offers the UAA 2-year nursing degree at both campuses.  Student Success and Access: KPC focuses on student success by providing academic advising, transfer information, financial aid assistance, library services, student counseling and advising, and free tutoring. It also serves students needing Adult Basic Education, GED tutoring and testing, English as a Second Language and Literacy instruction.  Dual Enrollment: KPC implemented a Middle College School in partnership with the Kenai Peninsula Borough School District (KPBSD).  Continuing Education and Professional Development: KPC partners with numerous organizations and agencies such as: Kenai Peninsula School District, Kenai Food Bank, Alaska Christian College, Alaska State Parks, Alaska Department of Fish & Game, Cook Inletkeeper, Center for Alaskan Coastal Studies, and many others. Numerous community organizations meet on the campuses.  Community Partnerships: KPC’s two campuses had more than 3,500 community members attend a variety of events on campus. These included public talks, entertainment groups, noted authors, artists, civil rights leaders, and more.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 125 Component — Kenai Peninsula College

Kenai Peninsula College Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 89 89 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 5 5 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 94 94 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 126 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Kenai Peninsula College (756) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10,527.4 10,527.4 100.0% 72000 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 179.0 179.0 100.0% 73000 Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,425.2 2,425.2 100.0% 74000 Commodities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,149.2 2,149.2 100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 349.3 349.3 100.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 585.5 585.5 100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 82.5 82.5 100.0% Totals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 16,298.1 16,298.1 100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,000.8 1,000.8 100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6,289.1 6,289.1 100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 489.3 489.3 100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8,186.7 8,186.7 100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 264.0 264.0 100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 68.2 68.2 100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6,289.1 6,289.1 100.0% Designated General (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8,450.7 8,450.7 100.0% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 557.5 557.5 100.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,000.8 1,000.8 100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 00008989100.0% Permanent Part Time 00005 5100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 127 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Kenai Peninsula College (756) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 9,955.8 10,536.6 10,536.6 10,527.4 0.0 -10,527.4 -100.0% 72000 Travel 44.9 157.7 157.7 179.0 0.0 -179.0 -100.0% 73000 Services 506.2 2,726.3 2,726.3 2,425.2 0.0 -2,425.2 -100.0% 74000 Commodities 598.1 2,084.5 2,084.5 2,149.2 0.0 -2,149.2 -100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 333.2 240.9 240.9 349.3 0.0 -349.3 -100.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 525.9 345.5 345.5 585.5 0.0 -585.5 -100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 116.2 116.2 82.5 0.0 -82.5 -100.0% Totals 11,964.1 16,207.7 16,207.7 16,298.1 0.0 -16,298.1 -100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 23.9 1,000.8 1,000.8 1,000.8 0.0 -1,000.8 -100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 6,289.1 6,289.1 6,289.1 6,289.1 0.0 -6,289.1 -100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 180.1 489.3 489.3 489.3 0.0 -489.3 -100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 5,281.5 8,186.7 8,186.7 8,186.7 0.0 -8,186.7 -100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 189.5 173.6 173.6 264.0 0.0 -264.0 -100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 68.2 68.2 68.2 0.0 -68.2 -100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 6,289.1 6,289.1 6,289.1 6,289.1 0.0 -6,289.1 -100.0% Designated General (DGF) 5,471.0 8,360.3 8,360.3 8,450.7 0.0 -8,450.7 -100.0% Other Funds 180.1 557.5 557.5 557.5 0.0 -557.5 -100.0% Federal Funds 23.9 1,000.8 1,000.8 1,000.8 0.0 -1,000.8 -100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 99 99 99 89 0 -89 -100.0% Permanent Part Time 55550 -5-100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 128 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Kenai Peninsula College (756) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 16,207.7 10,536.6 157.7 2,726.3 2,084.5 240.9 345.5 116.2 99 5 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 1,000.8 1004 Gen Fund 6,289.1 1007 I/A Rcpts 489.3 1048 Univ Rcpt 8,186.7 1151 VoTech Ed 173.6 1174 UA I/A 68.2

Subtotal 16,207.7 10,536.6 157.7 2,726.3 2,084.5 240.9 345.5 116.2 99 5 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trin 90.4 0.0 0.090.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed 90.4

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$90.4 Kenai Peninsula College ($18.0) Kodiak College ($188.7) Matanuska-Susitna College ($5.0) Interior Alaska Campus $47.5 Kuskokwim Campus ($12.5) Northwest Campus ($34.7) Juneau Campus $121.0 Ketchikan Campus

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 -9.2 21.3 -391.5 64.7 108.4 240.0 -33.7000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trout 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -10 0 0

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 129 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Kenai Peninsula College (756) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services Subtotal 16,298.1 10,527.4 179.0 2,425.2 2,149.2 349.3 585.5 82.5 89 5 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 16,298.1 10,527.4 179.0 2,425.2 2,149.2 349.3 585.5 82.5 89 5 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 130 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Kenai Peninsula College (756) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 500002 Assistant Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,801 21,524 92,325 40,758 500003 Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,403 26,571 113,974 50,315 500004 Assistant Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,550 22,967 98,517 43,492 500006 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,996 21,583 92,579 40,870 500007 Assistant Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 59,412 18,061 77,473 34,201 500008 Term Asst Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 58,918 17,911 76,829 33,917 500010 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,265 27,441 117,706 51,962 500011 Student Svcs Manager 3 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,242 39,203 131,445 58,028 500013 Assistant Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,607 22,681 97,288 42,949 500014 Assistant Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 58 500015 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,717 22,410 96,127 42,436 500017 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,971 24,311 104,282 46,037 500018 Assistant Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,521 23,262 99,783 44,050 500019 Assistant Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 59,390 18,055 77,445 34,189 500021 Assistant Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 58 500022 Assistant Professor Soldotna PT United Academics BU 30.4% 38,845 11,809 50,654 22,362 500023 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 109,049 33,151 142,200 62,776 500024 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,721 20,283 87,004 38,409 500026 Instructor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 58,919 17,911 76,830 33,918 500027 Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,217 26,210 112,427 49,632 500028 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,434 20,804 89,238 39,395 500030 Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,153 25,583 109,736 48,444 500035 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 0 500071 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 58 500086 Assistant Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,570 17,501 75,071 0 500105 Administrative Management 4 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 123,095 52,315 175,410 77,437 500106 Administrative Management 2 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,262 25,186 84,448 37,281 500107 Administrative Management 3 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,242 39,203 131,445 58,028 500108 Comm Specialist 4 (NE) Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,533 26,256 74,789 33,017 500151 Admin Specialist 3 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,190 23,031 77,221 34,090 500153 Admin Generalist 4 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 38,618 20,892 59,510 26,272 500154 Student Svcs Professional 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 35,608 500158 Fiscal Technician 3 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,365 25,624 72,989 32,222 500159 Fiscal Professional 2 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,736 25,813 86,549 38,208 500160 Fiscal Technician 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 30,974 500163 Fiscal Technician 3 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 13,543 Page 131 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Kenai Peninsula College (756) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 500164 Student Svcs Professional 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,518 23,543 67,061 14,802 500166 Library Technician 3 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 22,871 12,373 35,244 15,559 500167 Human Resources Technician 3 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 101 55 156 0 500170 Student Svcs Professional 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,979 29,744 84,723 37,402 500181 Research Technician 4 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 34,550 18,692 53,242 23,504 500184 IS Manager 1 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,892 30,554 102,446 45,226 500185 Student Svcs Technician 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,609 22,510 64,119 14,153 500186 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,115 21,315 91,430 40,363 500188 Associate Director/Faculty Soldotna FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 95,382 26,325 121,707 53,729 500189 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,005 21,586 92,591 40,875 500192 Admin Specialist 1 Soldotna PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 19,151 10,361 29,512 13,028 500205 Fiscal Technician 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 38,225 20,680 58,905 26,004 500206 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 4 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,755 27,946 93,701 41,365 500209 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Soldotna FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 74,486 38,435 112,921 49,850 500210 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Soldotna FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 43,127 22,254 65,381 28,863 500215 Communications Specialist 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 101 55 156 0 500216 Admin Specialist 1 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,336 26,150 74,486 32,883 500220 Admin Generalist 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 29,335 15,870 45,205 0 500221 Admin Generalist 4 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,881 25,363 72,244 31,893 500222 IS Net Technician 7 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,373 31,580 89,953 39,711 500223 Student Svcs Technician 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,608 22,510 64,118 28,306 500224 Fiscal Technician 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,386 21,849 62,235 27,474 500225 Admin Generalist 4 Soldotna PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,336 26,150 74,486 32,883 500226 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Soldotna FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 101 52 153 0 500227 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Soldotna FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 59,091 30,491 89,582 34,801 500228 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,358 27,773 119,131 52,592 500300 Instructional Designer 4 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,320 32,436 108,756 48,012 500301 Assistant Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 62,620 19,036 81,656 36,048 500302 IS Net Technician 7 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,374 31,580 89,954 39,711 500303 Instructional Designer 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,131 26,039 74,170 32,743 500304 IS Net Technician 5 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,366 25,625 72,991 32,223 500305 IS Net Technician 6 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 35,346 19,122 54,468 24,046 500306 Student Svcs Professional 3 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,374 24,809 83,183 36,722 500308 Student Svcs Manager 1 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 101 43 144 64 500309 Student Svcs Professional 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,343 28,318 80,661 35,609 500310 Admin Generalist 3 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,288 16,386 46,674 10,302 Page 132 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Kenai Peninsula College (756) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 500312 Student Svcs Professional 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,343 28,318 80,661 17,805 500313 IS Net Technician 6 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 35,973 19,461 55,434 24,472 500314 Admin Generalist 4 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 26,939 14,574 41,513 18,326 500315 Training & Development 4 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 42,894 18,230 61,124 0 500316 Admin Specialist 3 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 26,271 11,165 37,436 12,395 500317 Student Svcs Professional 1 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,949 16,743 47,692 12,422 500318 Physical Health Provider 3 Soldotna PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 27,779 11,806 39,585 0 500319 Student Svcs Professional 1 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 0 500320 Training & Development 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 25,596 13,847 39,443 5,816 500321 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Soldotna FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 41,482 21,405 62,887 27,762 500322 Student Svcs Technician 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 25,241 13,655 38,896 17,171 500323 Library Technician 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 24,024 12,997 37,021 6,538 500324 IS Net Technician 5 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,343 28,318 80,661 35,609 500477 Assistant Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 61,612 18,730 80,342 35,468 500478 Student Svcs Manager 2 Soldotna FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,739 23,689 79,428 35,064 500479 Admin Generalist 4 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,263 26,651 75,914 33,513 500480 Student Svcs Technician 3 Soldotna PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,881 25,363 72,244 31,893 500496 Director (Admin) Soldotna FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 146,397 40,406 186,803 82,466 500497 Admin Specialist 3 (NonExempt) Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 63,815 34,524 98,339 43,413 500498 Associate Professor Soldotna FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101 31 132 0 500500 Maint Service Worker II (MSW2) Soldotna FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 26,215 13,527 39,742 17,545 500501 Student Svcs Professional 2 Soldotna FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 0 Pool Adjunct Faculty Soldotna PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 214,895 23,428 238,323 105,210 Pool Adjunct Faculty Soldotna PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 986,564 107,573 1,094,137 483,019 Pool UA Labor Pool Soldotna PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 2,311,444 2,311,444 944,895 Total Position Costs 8,371,169 2,156,231 10,527,400 4,286,538 Full Time Positions: 89 Part Time Positions: 5 Federal Receipts (1002) 495,189 Positions in Component: 94 General Fund Receipts (1004) 4,286,538 Interagency Receipts (1007) 275,948 University Receipts (1048) 5,428,882 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 40,843 UA Funding 10,527,400

Page 133 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Kodiak College

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Kodiak College Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 134 Component — Kodiak College

Component: Kodiak College

Contribution to Department's Mission

Kodiak College (KOC) is part of the community campus system of the University of Alaska Anchorage, and serves the City of Kodiak, the largest U.S. Coast Guard base in the nation, and seven remote Alaska Native village communities, six of which are accessible only by boat or small plane. The vision for Kodiak College is to be Kodiak Island’s first choice as a vibrant gathering place for learners. Core values for Kodiak College include: diversity, equity, respect, knowledge and expertise, lifelong learning, and service and engagement.

Core Services

 Academics: KOC offers the Associate of Arts General Program degree, which students typically use as a transfer degree to other UA campuses, as well as Associate of Applied Science degrees and undergraduate certificates. These are in fields considered to be in high demand for 21st century workers: General Business, Accounting, and Technology with a Welding concentration.  Academics: Kodiak also supports the Associate of Applied Science in Registered Nursing degree through collaboration between Kodiak College and the UAA School of Nursing.  Student Success and Access: First-time freshmen who participate in the JumpStart Success program receive mandatory academic and financial aid advising, attend New Student Orientation, and are eligible for the JumpStart Success Scholarship in their second semester. The Persistence Pays program provides administrative scholarships to second year students based on GPA and participation in advising and early registration.  Student Success and Access: Student Coaching pairs new students with Kodiak College faculty and staff who contact them weekly to increase a sense of belonging for first-generation and Alaska Native students.  Student Success and Access: It offers online Adult Basic Education and English as a Second Language programs. Kodiak College also provides support for eLearning students with free public computers, audio-visual connective meeting rooms, and a consortium library with over 50,000 volumes and full access to the complete UA database.  Dual Enrollment: KOC offers dual enrollment opportunities in welding and computer applications. Extensive outreach and guidance builds connections with local families and the Kodiak Island Borough School District.  Continuing Education and Professional Development: KOC provides non-credit community education for personal enrichment and workforce development, including non-credit vessel maintenance and repair courses, and other non-credit maritime-related training to promote safety and workforce development for the Kodiak-based fishing fleet. It also provides Certified Nursing Assistant training on an annual basis to support local healthcare industry needs.  Community Partnerships: KOC has many long-standing and vital community partnerships. Among those are: Kodiak Island Borough, Kodiak Island Borough School District, Kodiak Chamber of Commerce, Kodiak Education Foundation, Kodiak Area Native Association, the Alutiiq Museum, U.S. Coast Guard Base Kodiak, Suna’q Tribe of Kodiak, Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center, and the Providence Kodiak Island Medical Center Elder House.  Community Partnerships: Kodiak College provides requested training to multiple partners and works to help ensure an educated workforce for Kodiak’s health, safety, education, and economic needs.  Research: KOC biology classes collaborate with Kodiak Seafood and Marine Science Center to collect and test shellfish for paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) contributing to the statewide tracking of this marine biotoxin.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 135 Component — Kodiak College

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 136 Component — Kodiak College

Kodiak College Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 26 26 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 5 5 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 31 31 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 137 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Kodiak College (757) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,912.4 3,912.4 100.0% 72000 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 59.6 59.6 100.0% 73000 Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 820.4 820.4 100.0% 74000 Commodities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 510.8 510.8 100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 47.3 47.3 100.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 194.8 194.8 100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.8 0.8 100.0% Totals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,546.1 5,546.1 100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 367.7 367.7 100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,303.3 2,303.3 100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 323.5 323.5 100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,489.4 2,489.4 100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 53.9 53.9 100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8.3 8.3 100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,303.3 2,303.3 100.0% Designated General (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,543.3 2,543.3 100.0% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 331.8 331.8 100.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 367.7 367.7 100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 00002626100.0% Permanent Part Time 00005 5100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 138 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Kodiak College (757) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 3,113.5 3,968.4 3,968.4 3,912.4 0.0 -3,912.4 -100.0% 72000 Travel 10.7 59.6 59.6 59.6 0.0 -59.6 -100.0% 73000 Services 249.5 773.2 773.2 820.4 0.0 -820.4 -100.0% 74000 Commodities 223.2 500.8 500.8 510.8 0.0 -510.8 -100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 32.3 47.3 47.3 47.3 0.0 -47.3 -100.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 162.7 194.8 194.8 194.8 0.0 -194.8 -100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 1.0 20.0 20.0 0.8 0.0 -0.8 -100.0% Totals 3,792.9 5,564.1 5,564.1 5,546.1 0.0 -5,546.1 -100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 367.7 367.7 367.7 0.0 -367.7 -100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 2,303.3 2,303.3 2,303.3 2,303.3 0.0 -2,303.3 -100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 171.6 323.5 323.5 323.5 0.0 -323.5 -100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 1,247.6 2,489.4 2,489.4 2,489.4 0.0 -2,489.4 -100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 70.4 71.9 71.9 53.9 0.0 -53.9 -100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 8.3 8.3 8.3 0.0 -8.3 -100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 2,303.3 2,303.3 2,303.3 2,303.3 0.0 -2,303.3 -100.0% Designated General (DGF) 1,318.0 2,561.3 2,561.3 2,543.3 0.0 -2,543.3 -100.0% Other Funds 171.6 331.8 331.8 331.8 0.0 -331.8 -100.0% Federal Funds 0.0 367.7 367.7 367.7 0.0 -367.7 -100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 31 31 31 26 0 -26 -100.0% Permanent Part Time 55550 -5-100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 139 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Kodiak College (757) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 5,564.1 3,968.4 59.6 773.2 500.8 47.3 194.8 20.0 31 5 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 367.7 1004 Gen Fund 2,303.3 1007 I/A Rcpts 323.5 1048 Univ Rcpt 2,489.4 1151 VoTech Ed 71.9 1174 UA I/A 8.3

Subtotal 5,564.1 3,968.4 59.6 773.2 500.8 47.3 194.8 20.0 31 5 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trout-18.0 0.0 0.0-18.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed -18.0

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$90.4 Kenai Peninsula College ($18.0) Kodiak College ($188.7) Matanuska-Susitna College ($5.0) Interior Alaska Campus $47.5 Kuskokwim Campus ($12.5) Northwest Campus ($34.7) Juneau Campus $121.0 Ketchikan Campus

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0-56.0 0.0 0.0-19.2000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trout 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -5 0 0

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 140 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Kodiak College (757) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services Subtotal 5,546.1 3,912.4 59.6 820.4 510.8 47.3 194.8 0.8 26 5 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 5,546.1 3,912.4 59.6 820.4 510.8 47.3 194.8 0.8 26 5 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 141 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Kodiak College (757) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 301215 IS Professional 3A Kodiak FT * APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 7,189 3,055 10,244 5,092 540001 Director (Admin) Kodiak FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 121,666 33,580 155,246 77,164 540002 Associate Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,273 22,579 96,852 48,140 540009 Admin Specialist 2 Kodiak FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,344 32,105 91,449 45,454 540012 Admin Specialist 3 Kodiak FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,727 26,234 87,961 43,720 540014 Associate Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,191 23,162 99,353 49,383 540015 Fiscal Technician 3 Kodiak FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,643 26,857 76,500 38,024 540030 Library Professional 2 Kodiak FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 50,435 21,435 71,870 35,722 540032 Library Technician 2 Kodiak PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 14,807 8,011 22,818 11,341 540044 Student Svcs Professional 1 Kodiak FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 20,934 11,325 32,259 16,034 540061 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Kodiak FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 81,189 41,894 123,083 61,177 540062 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Kodiak FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 37,883 19,548 57,431 28,546 540064 Term Asst Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 59,714 18,153 77,867 38,703 540103 Associate Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,758 22,118 94,876 47,158 540104 Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,443 28,407 121,850 60,565 540123 Associate Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,300 24,107 103,407 41,118 540143 IS Net Technician 7 Kodiak FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 81,550 44,119 125,669 62,463 540145 Term Asst Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,028 20,985 90,013 44,740 540147 Term Asst Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 58,686 17,841 76,527 38,037 540150 Student Svcs Professional 3 Kodiak FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 44,935 19,097 64,032 0 540152 Maint Service Worker II (MSW2) Kodiak PT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 22,288 11,501 33,789 16,794 540202 Assistant Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,273 27,139 116,412 57,862 540225 Admin Generalist 4 Kodiak FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,643 26,857 76,500 38,024 540226 Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,403 27,179 116,582 57,946 540227 Term Asst Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,481 20,210 86,691 43,089 540228 Associate Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,244 27,130 116,374 57,843 540232 Training & Development 4 Kodiak PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 540252 Student Svcs Professional 1 Kodiak FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,107 27,108 77,215 38,379 540253 Fiscal Technician 2 Kodiak FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,033 23,822 67,855 33,727 540254 Fiscal Technician 2 Kodiak PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 35,227 19,058 54,285 26,982 540401 Professor Kodiak FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,757 27,286 117,043 58,176 540421 IS Net Technician 5 Kodiak PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 Pool Adjunct Faculty Kodiak PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 27,085 2,953 30,038 14,930 Pool Adjunct Faculty Kodiak PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 205,333 22,386 227,718 113,186 Pool UA Labor Pool Kodiak PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 1,112,393 1,112,393 490,868 Total Position Costs 3,185,162 727,238 3,912,400 1,840,387 Page 142 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Kodiak College (757) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate Full Time Positions: 26 Part Time Positions: 5 Federal Receipts (1002) 99,541 Positions in Component: 31 General Fund Receipts (1004) 1,840,387 Interagency Receipts (1007) 87,576 University Receipts (1048) 1,878,264 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 6,632 UA Funding 3,912,400

Page 143 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Matanuska-Susitna College

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Matanuska-Susitna College Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 144 Component — Matanuska-Susitna College

Component: Matanuska-Susitna College

Contribution to Department's Mission

Matanuska-Susitna College (MSC), is part of the community campus system of the University of Alaska Anchorage, and primarily serves the Matanuska-Susitna Borough. The mission of the college reflects a desire to build on the strengths of the history of the state, its diverse languages and cultures, and individual experiences of the students. MSC's curriculum offers well-developed general education components, allows students to pursue individual interests, and offers a meaningful variety of certificate and associate programs and contributes coursework to baccalaureate degree programs. The college is dedicated to providing excellent, lifelong learning opportunities for all adults, including workforce development and community education offerings. The MSC campus is also the home for a robust on location at Mat-Su Middle College, as well as a venue for the Alaska Native Science and Engineering Program (ANSEP) program.

Core Services

 Academics: MSC offers undergraduate certificates in: Cisco-Certified Network Associate; Commercial Refrigeration Systems; Residential and Light Commercial Heating and Ventilation; Refrigeration and Heating Technology; Certified Nursing Assistant; and Veterinary Assisting.  Academics: MSC offers Associate of Applied Science degrees in: Accounting; Computer Systems Technology; General Business; Human Services; Paramedical Technology; and Refrigeration and Heating Technology. MSC is also the base of teaching for two cohorts of the UAA School of Health Nursing program.  Student Success and Access: MSC provides academic advising, financial aid assistance, career counseling and tutoring services.  Dual Enrollment: In addition to the Mat-Su Middle College and ANSEP programs, MSC has Career and Technical Education opportunities through partnerships with the Mat-Su Borough School District.  Continuing Education and Professional Development: The college hosts annual Health Fairs and Job Fairs.  Community Partnerships: Mat-Su College, in non-COVID times, serves as a venue for community organization meetings. The library is open to the public and works in collaboration with all borough and state library systems. The Glenn Massay Theater is heavily used by community groups for a variety of events.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 145 Component — Matanuska-Susitna College

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 146 Component — Matanuska-Susitna College

Matanuska-Susitna College Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 64 64 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 2 2 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 66 66 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 147 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Matanuska-Susitna College (758) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8,448.5 8,448.5 100.0% 72000 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.1 50.1 100.0% 73000 Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,681.7 3,681.7 100.0% 74000 Commodities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 693.7 693.7 100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 97.0 97.0 100.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 200.0 200.0 100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 21.5 21.5 100.0% Totals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 13,192.5 13,192.5 100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 245.0 245.0 100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,568.7 4,568.7 100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 122.3 122.3 100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8,172.1 8,172.1 100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.4 34.4 100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,568.7 4,568.7 100.0% Designated General (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8,206.5 8,206.5 100.0% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 172.3 172.3 100.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 245.0 245.0 100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 00006464100.0% Permanent Part Time 00002 2100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 148 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Matanuska-Susitna College (758) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 6,533.4 9,205.9 9,205.9 8,448.5 0.0 -8,448.5 -100.0% 72000 Travel 3.3 57.6 57.6 50.1 0.0 -50.1 -100.0% 73000 Services 1,064.1 2,861.3 2,861.3 3,681.7 0.0 -3,681.7 -100.0% 74000 Commodities 397.9 770.0 770.0 693.7 0.0 -693.7 -100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 925.1 156.0 156.0 97.0 0.0 -97.0 -100.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 191.5 300.0 300.0 200.0 0.0 -200.0 -100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 30.4 30.4 21.5 0.0 -21.5 -100.0% Totals 9,115.3 13,381.2 13,381.2 13,192.5 0.0 -13,192.5 -100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 245.0 245.0 245.0 0.0 -245.0 -100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 4,568.7 4,568.7 4,568.7 4,568.7 0.0 -4,568.7 -100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 122.3 122.3 122.3 0.0 -122.3 -100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 4,342.5 8,172.1 8,172.1 8,172.1 0.0 -8,172.1 -100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 193.1 223.1 223.1 34.4 0.0 -34.4 -100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 11.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 0.0 -50.0 -100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 4,568.7 4,568.7 4,568.7 4,568.7 0.0 -4,568.7 -100.0% Designated General (DGF) 4,535.6 8,395.2 8,395.2 8,206.5 0.0 -8,206.5 -100.0% Other Funds 11.0 172.3 172.3 172.3 0.0 -172.3 -100.0% Federal Funds 0.0 245.0 245.0 245.0 0.0 -245.0 -100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 73 73 73 64 0 -64 -100.0% Permanent Part Time 22220 -2-100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 149 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Matanuska-Susitna College (758) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 13,381.2 9,205.9 57.6 2,861.3 770.0 156.0 300.0 30.4 73 2 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 245.0 1004 Gen Fund 4,568.7 1007 I/A Rcpts 122.3 1048 Univ Rcpt 8,172.1 1151 VoTech Ed 223.1 1174 UA I/A 50.0

Subtotal 13,381.2 9,205.9 57.6 2,861.3 770.0 156.0 300.0 30.4 73 2 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trout -188.7 0.0 0.0 -188.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed -188.7

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$90.4 Kenai Peninsula College ($18.0) Kodiak College ($188.7) Matanuska-Susitna College ($5.0) Interior Alaska Campus $47.5 Kuskokwim Campus ($12.5) Northwest Campus ($34.7) Juneau Campus $121.0 Ketchikan Campus

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 -757.4 -7.5 1,009.1 -76.3 -59.0 -100.0 -8.9000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trout 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -9 0 0

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 150 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Matanuska-Susitna College (758) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services Subtotal 13,192.5 8,448.5 50.1 3,681.7 693.7 97.0 200.0 21.5 64 2 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 13,192.5 8,448.5 50.1 3,681.7 693.7 97.0 200.0 21.5 64 2 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 151 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Matanuska‐Susitna College (758) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 580005 Administrative Management 2 Palmer FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,108 29,371 98,479 36,701 580012 Fiscal Technician 2 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,415 25,111 71,526 26,656 580013 Fiscal Technician 2 Palmer PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,336 26,150 74,486 27,759 580015 Student Svcs Technician 2 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 23,193 580016 Communications Specialist 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 28,583 580017 Library Technician 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 580018 Campus Services Generalist 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 35,830 19,384 55,214 0 580019 Student Svcs Professional 2 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,527 30,040 85,567 31,889 580020 Assistant Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 1000 580021 Admin Generalist 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 27,787 15,033 42,820 15,958 580031 Director (Admin) Palmer FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 141,316 39,003 180,319 67,202 580049 Admin Generalist 4 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 26,149 580106 Student Svcs Professional 1 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 26,149 580113 Student Svcs Manager 1 Palmer FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,783 29,658 99,441 37,060 580119 Student Svcs Technician 2 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 23,193 580126 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 4 Palmer FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 580128 Associate Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,717 24,538 105,255 39,227 580129 Library Technician 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,666 30,656 87,322 32,543 580130 Admin Generalist 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,806 28,568 81,374 30,327 580131 Fiscal Technician 4 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 28,583 580132 Associate Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,466 20,814 89,280 33,273 580133 Student Svcs Manager 2 Palmer FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,023 34,435 115,458 43,029 580134 Assistant Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,650 19,958 85,608 31,904 580135 Assistant Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 34,359 580136 Associate Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,349 19,258 82,607 30,786 580137 Associate Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,996 21,583 92,579 34,502 580138 Instructor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,750 23,028 98,778 36,813 580139 Assistant Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 34,359 580140 Instructor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,558 26,314 112,872 42,065 580154 Student Svcs Technician 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,850 25,887 73,737 27,480 580157 IS Net Technician 7 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,922 31,877 90,799 33,839 580158 IS Net Technician 6 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,806 28,568 81,374 30,327 580176 Admin Specialist 2 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 30,060 580189 Professor Palmer FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 106,213 29,315 135,528 50,509 580196 Library Technician 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,160 23,891 68,051 25,361 580241 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Palmer FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 66,577 34,354 100,931 37,615 Page 152 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Matanuska‐Susitna College (758) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 580243 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Palmer FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 52,575 27,129 79,704 29,704 580245 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Palmer FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 37,580 19,391 56,971 21,232 580246 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Palmer FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 44,877 23,157 68,034 25,355 580247 Library Technician 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 580281 Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,650 19,958 85,608 31,904 580284 Associate Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,610 18,425 79,035 29,455 580290 Associate Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,497 19,607 84,104 31,344 580300 Student Svcs Technician 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,743 22,042 62,785 23,399 580301 Communications Specialist 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 30,060 580302 Admin Specialist 2 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 30,060 580303 Administrative Management 1 Palmer FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,651 30,877 103,528 38,583 580334 Assistant Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 34,359 580336 Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,188 26,809 114,997 42,857 580337 Assistant Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,650 19,958 85,608 31,904 580340 Term Asst Professor Palmer PT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,506 22,042 94,548 35,236 580345 Assistant Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,306 19,853 85,159 31,737 580350 Assistant Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,168 21,635 92,803 34,586 580351 Assistant Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 1000 580352 Associate Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,815 21,832 93,647 34,900 580358 IS Manager 1 Palmer FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,388 28,215 94,603 35,257 580460 Student Svcs Technician 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,880 25,362 72,242 26,923 580461 Student Svcs Professional 2 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,527 30,040 85,567 31,889 580462 Term Asst Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,800 24,563 105,363 39,267 580463 Student Svcs Professional 2 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 28,583 580464 Admin Generalist 4 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,366 25,625 72,991 27,202 580465 Research Technician 4 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,666 30,656 87,322 32,543 580467 Student Svcs Professional 2 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,193 30,941 88,134 32,846 580468 Associate Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,997 27,055 116,052 43,250 580470 Admin Generalist 3 Palmer FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 28,583 580821 Assistant Professor Palmer FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,525 20,528 88,053 32,816 Pool Adjunct Faculty Palmer PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 47,866 5,219 53,085 19,784 Pool Adjunct Faculty Palmer PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 881,650 96,117 977,767 364,395 Pool UA Labor Pool Palmer PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 2,120,732 2,120,732 771,406 Total Position Costs 6,804,555 1,643,919 8,448,474 3,108,874

Page 153 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Matanuska‐Susitna College (758) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate Full Time Positions: 64 Part Time Positions: 2 Federal Receipts (1002) 20,123 Positions in Component: 66 General Fund Receipts (1004) 3,108,874 Interagency Receipts (1007) 10,045 University Receipts (1048) 5,275,408 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 34,024 UA Funding 8,448,474

Page 154 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Prince William Sound College

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Prince William Sound College Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 155 Component — Prince William Sound College

Component: Prince William Sound College

Contribution to Department's Mission

Prince William Sound College (PWSC) is part of the community campus system of the University of Alaska Anchorage. The mission of PWSC is to use its unique resources and magnificent landscape to enrich the lives of our students and our communities. Located in Valdez, Alaska, with centers in Cordova and the Copper River Basin (Glennallan), PWSC provides access to a variety of educational and training opportunities in a geographically rich, culturally diverse, and inclusive environment. PWSC courses and programs, both on-campus and on-line, lead to occupational endorsement certificates, certifications, Associate of Arts, and Associate of Applied Science degrees.

Core Services

 Academics: PWSC provides quality instruction in higher education, offering an Associate of Arts degree designed for transfer within the University of Alaska system, an Associate of Applied Science degree in Outdoor Leadership, an Occupational Endorsement with specialized training in Millwright, and fishing vessel training for oil spill response.  Academics: In partnership with the UAA College of Health, PWSC offers an Associate of Applied Science in Nursing degree, which significantly supports the local workforce at Providence Valdez Medical Center.  Student Success and Access: PWSC is dedicated to the success of our students, the University of Alaska system, and its programs. PWSC created educational pathways that support retention, internship placement, and occupational goal completion and/or transfer. PWSC has embedded opportunities into both the curriculum and campus life activities that strengthen student growth in leadership skills and civic engagement.  Dual Enrollment: PWSC maintains working relationships with area school districts and across the state to offer dual enrollment education to high school students, providing a pathway to an Associate of Arts degree and future educational goals. PWSC’s Alaska Tech Learners program offers dual enrollment computer courses to high school students in seven school districts.  Continuing Education and Professional Development: PWSC promotes continuing education and professional development among its faculty by implementing activities following the Quality Matters model, emphasizing a team approach to support both full-time and adjunct faculty.  Continuing Education and Professional Development: PWSC offers 500-level professional development courses to Alaska school district educators, including instruction about classroom educational technology, National Center for Construction Education and Research (NCCER) Core curriculum for teachers and environmental science for teachers.  Community Partnerships: Through outreach and engagement, PWSC plays an integral role in developing and sustaining the communities of Valdez, Cordova, and Glennallen. PWSC’s partnerships have made PWSC an important voice in the community, one that others look to for assistance and advice.  Community Partnerships: Institutions include industry leaders, Alyeska Pipeline Service Company, Providence Valdez Medical Center and Cordova Medical Center, Ahtna Inc., Copper River Native Association, Valdez Native Tribe, Native Village of Eyak, Chugachmiut Native Association, and the United States Coast Guard.  Community Partnerships: PWSC offers valuable resources to the community to learn and engage with others, including the Health and Fitness Center, Maxine and Jesse Whitney Museum, Last Frontier Theatre Conference, and an array of educational opportunities, outreach programs, classes, and hosted events.  Community Partnerships: PWSC provides Oil Spill Response training for fishing vessel fleets in cooperation with Alyeska Pipeline Service Company in locations throughout the Gulf of Alaska, ensuring that federally mandated training requirements are met for the oil transportation industry.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Key Component Challenges

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 156 Component — Prince William Sound College

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Anchorage RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 157 Component — Prince William Sound College

Prince William Sound College Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 39 39 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 0 0 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 39 39 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 158 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Prince William Sound College (759) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,764.2 4,764.2 100.0% 72000 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 42.0 42.0 100.0% 73000 Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,138.5 1,138.5 100.0% 74000 Commodities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 240.1 240.1 100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.7 34.7 100.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 27.5 27.5 100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5.4 5.4 100.0% Totals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6,252.4 6,252.4 100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 800.0 800.0 100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,666.7 2,666.7 100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 177.3 177.3 100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,508.9 2,508.9 100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 89.5 89.5 100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 10.0 100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,666.7 2,666.7 100.0% Designated General (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,598.4 2,598.4 100.0% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 187.3 187.3 100.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 800.0 800.0 100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 00003939100.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 159 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Prince William Sound College (759) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 3,638.1 4,865.7 4,865.7 4,764.2 0.0 -4,764.2 -100.0% 72000 Travel 41.4 53.0 53.0 42.0 0.0 -42.0 -100.0% 73000 Services 566.9 973.4 973.4 1,138.5 0.0 -1,138.5 -100.0% 74000 Commodities 258.0 290.6 290.6 240.1 0.0 -240.1 -100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 360.4 29.7 29.7 34.7 0.0 -34.7 -100.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 83.2 27.5 27.5 27.5 0.0 -27.5 -100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 41.2 12.5 12.5 5.4 0.0 -5.4 -100.0% Totals 4,989.2 6,252.4 6,252.4 6,252.4 0.0 -6,252.4 -100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 62.9 800.0 800.0 800.0 0.0 -800.0 -100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 2,666.7 2,666.7 2,666.7 2,666.7 0.0 -2,666.7 -100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 92.9 177.3 177.3 177.3 0.0 -177.3 -100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 2,087.2 2,508.9 2,508.9 2,508.9 0.0 -2,508.9 -100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 79.5 89.5 89.5 89.5 0.0 -89.5 -100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 10.0 10.0 10.0 0.0 -10.0 -100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 2,666.7 2,666.7 2,666.7 2,666.7 0.0 -2,666.7 -100.0% Designated General (DGF) 2,166.7 2,598.4 2,598.4 2,598.4 0.0 -2,598.4 -100.0% Other Funds 92.9 187.3 187.3 187.3 0.0 -187.3 -100.0% Federal Funds 62.9 800.0 800.0 800.0 0.0 -800.0 -100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 39 39 39 39 0 -39 -100.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 160 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Prince William Sound College (759) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage (235)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 6,252.4 4,865.7 53.0 973.4 290.6 29.7 27.5 12.5 39 0 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 800.0 1004 Gen Fund 2,666.7 1007 I/A Rcpts 177.3 1048 Univ Rcpt 2,508.9 1151 VoTech Ed 89.5 1174 UA I/A 10.0

Subtotal 6,252.4 4,865.7 53.0 973.4 290.6 29.7 27.5 12.5 39 0 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 -101.5 -11.0 165.1 -50.5 5.0 0.0 -7.1000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Subtotal 6,252.4 4,764.2 42.0 1,138.5 240.1 34.7 27.5 5.4 39 0 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 6,252.4 4,764.2 42.0 1,138.5 240.1 34.7 27.5 5.4 39 0 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 161 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Prince William Sound College (759) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 620001 Term Asst Professor Valdez FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,640 19,651 84,291 45,220 620004 Term Asst Professor Valdez FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,598 18,422 79,020 42,392 620005 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 41,882 17,800 59,682 0 620006 Admin Specialist 3 Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,276 26,467 88,743 47,609 620007 Administrative Management 2 Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,912 35,663 119,575 64,149 620008 Student Svcs Manager 1 Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 44,650 18,976 63,626 34,134 620010 Fiscal Technician 2 Valdez FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,855 24,267 69,122 37,082 620016 Administrative Management 2 Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 620017 Fiscal Technician 3 Valdez FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,508 27,325 77,833 41,755 620018 Assistant Professor Valdez FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,629 21,471 92,100 49,410 620019 Assistant Professor Valdez FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,640 19,651 84,291 45,220 620021 Associate Professor Valdez FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,916 25,814 110,730 59,404 620023 Student Svcs Professional 2 Valdez FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,807 27,487 78,294 42,003 620027 Administrative Management 3 Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,964 38,235 128,199 68,775 620028 Student Svcs Manager 1 Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 38,475 16,352 54,827 29,413 620031 Assistant Professor Valdez FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,600 18,422 79,022 42,394 620035 Director (Admin) Valdez FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 136,887 37,781 174,668 93,705 620036 Admin Generalist 3 Valdez FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,952 19,991 56,943 22,911 620037 Admin Generalist 2 Valdez FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,950 19,990 56,940 30,547 620038 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Valdez FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,821 25,192 74,013 39,706 620039 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Valdez FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 42,514 21,937 64,451 34,577 620040 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Valdez FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 101 52 153 0 620041 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Valdez FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 47,872 24,702 72,574 38,934 620042 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Valdez FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 59,492 30,698 90,190 48,385 620047 Instructional Designer 3 Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,636 26,620 89,256 47,884 620048 Admin Generalist 3 Valdez FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,299 24,507 69,806 37,449 620049 Fiscal Technician 2 Valdez FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,856 24,267 69,123 37,083 620050 Admin Specialist 2 Valdez FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,940 30,805 87,745 47,073 620051 Student Svcs Professional 1 Valdez FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,444 25,126 71,570 38,396 620053 Term Asst Professor Valdez FT United Academics BU 30.4% 53,531 16,273 69,804 37,448 620055 Admin Generalist 3 Valdez FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,102 28,728 81,830 43,900 620058 Term Asst Professor Valdez FT ** United Academics BU 30.4% 60,525 18,400 78,925 42,341 620059 Term Asst Professor Valdez FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,286 25,319 108,605 58,264 620061 Athletics Facs, Ops & Pgms 3 Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,253 23,483 78,736 42,240 620062 Communications Specialist 4 Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,265 24,338 81,603 43,778 620063 Training & Development 4 Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,467 29,523 98,990 15,932 Page 162 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Prince William Sound College (759) RDU: University of Alaska Anchorage CC (699) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 620064 Instructional Designer 3 Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,438 27,811 93,249 50,026 620065 Admin Generalist 3 Valdez FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,444 25,126 71,570 38,396 620066 Admin Specialist 3 Valdez FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,880 23,749 79,629 42,719 Pool Adjunct Faculty Valdez PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 122,779 13,388 136,166 73,050 Pool Adjunct Faculty Valdez PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 200,323 21,836 222,159 119,183 Pool UA Labor Pool Valdez PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 1,316,011 1,316,011 545,676 Total Position Costs 3,818,519 945,643 4,764,162 2,318,559 Full Time Positions: 39 Part Time Positions: ‐ Federal Receipts (1002) 304,779 Positions in Component: 39 General Fund Receipts (1004) 2,318,559 Interagency Receipts (1007) 67,547 University Receipts (1048) 2,064,582 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 8,694 UA Funding 4,764,162

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State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska University of Alaska Fairbanks Results Delivery Unit Budget Summary

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University of Alaska Fairbanks Results Delivery Unit

Contribution to Department's Mission

The University of Alaska Fairbanks (UAF) is a Land, Sea, and Space Grant university and an international center for research, education, and the arts, emphasizing the circumpolar North and its diverse peoples. UAF integrates teaching, research, and public service as it educates students for active citizenship and prepares them for lifelong learning and careers.

University of Alaska Fairbanks Mission Statement Board of Regents' Policy P01.01.030 Adopted 06-08-12

Results (Additional performance information is available on the web at

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Core Services  Serve Alaska's employers by enrolling and graduating students in high-demand job area degree and certificate programs, including those in teaching, engineering and health fields.  Conduct research focused on Alaska and the circumpolar Arctic, leveraging university resources with external grants and contracts.  Increase enrollment in doctoral degree programs.  More credits enrolled per degree-seeking student per semester.  Generate tuition and fee revenue consistent with maintaining access for low-income students and generate other revenue to the maximum extent possible and consistent with mission.  Increase revenue generation from private gifts.  Increase new student enrollment of first-time freshmen and transfer students.  Increase student credit hour production facilitated by UAF eCampus.  Increase efficiency in instructional expenditures per credit hour delivered.  Publish research and scholarship, making the results widely available nationally and internationally.

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Measures by Core Service (Additional performance information is available on the web at 1. Serve Alaska's employers by enrolling and graduating students in high-demand job area degree and certificate programs, including those in teaching, engineering and health fields.

2. Conduct research focused on Alaska and the circumpolar Arctic, leveraging university resources with external grants and contracts.

3. Increase enrollment in doctoral degree programs.

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4. More credits enrolled per degree-seeking student per semester.

5. Generate tuition and fee revenue consistent with maintaining access for low-income students and generate other revenue to the maximum extent possible and consistent with mission.

6. Increase revenue generation from private gifts.

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7. Increase new student enrollment of first-time freshmen and transfer students.

8. Increase student credit hour production facilitated by UAF eCampus.

9. Increase efficiency in instructional expenditures per credit hour delivered.

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10. Publish research and scholarship, making the results widely available nationally and internationally.

Major RDU Accomplishments in 2020

UAF continues to follow a strategic plan that includes six goals: To (i) modernize the student experience; (ii) solidify our global leadership in Alaska Native and Indigenous programs; (iii) achieve Tier 1 research status; (iv) transform UAF’s intellectual property development and commercialization enterprise; (v) embrace and grow a culture of respect, diversity, inclusion and caring; and (vi) revitalize key academic programs.

Awards, Recognition, and Achievements

UAF broke into the top 100 on U.S. News & World Report’s list of the best Online Bachelor’s programs. UAF is also the only national university in Alaska, according to their 2021 rankings. See this link:

Times Higher Education ranked UAF the #1 U.S. school for quality education in their 2020 impact rankings (see link!/page/1/length/25/sort_by/rank/sort_ order/asc/cols/undefined), and among the world's best small universities in 2020 (see link

Two UAF eCampus programs were the recipients of 2020 University Professional & Continuing Education Association (UPCEA) West Region awards. The Alaska Advantage program ( won the Outstanding Administrative Process or Service Award. The Learning Inside Out Network (LION) ( -- which connects learners in the university, correctional and reentry communities -- won the Engagement Award.

The University of Alaska (UA) Foundation announced that it will award the 2020 Edith R. Bullock Prize to University of Alaska Fairbanks’s Brian Barnes. Barnes is the Director of UAF’s Institute of Arctic Biology and has been a faculty member for more than three decades. The Bullock Prize honors and showcases the extraordinary achievements of individuals on behalf of the UA system. The recognition includes a $15,000 award, which can be used as the recipient wishes. It is the single largest cash award presented by the UA Foundation’s Board of Directors each year.

Longtime Kodiak 4-H leader Marie Rice is one of 16 individuals in the U.S. named to the 2020 National 4-H Hall of Fame. Rice helped bring the youth development program to Kodiak in the 1970s and stayed involved for 46 years. A master gardener, she worked on 4-H gardening projects and established two community gardens.

National Association of County Agricultural Agents (NACAA) named Casey Matney one of the winners of a 2019 Western Region Achievement Award. See link at

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UAF academic rankings:

23rd: World's Best Small Universities, Times Higher Education Survey

1st: Return on Investment: Best Value Colleges, Instate Students in Alaska,

17th: Best Online Associate's in Early Childhood Education Degree Programs, The Best Schools

16th: Best Online MBA Programs,

UAF research rankings:

4th Worldwide Rank in Number of Publications Peer-reviewed Arctic Research

5th: Earth Sciences, NSF Higher Education Research and Development Survey Examples of ranked schools that UAF outranks: Columbia, Penn State, Caltech, ECLA, Texas A&M, UW, Harvard U., Berkeley, Johns Hopkins U., Stanford, Princeton, Yale

10th: Ocean Sciences and Marine Sciences, NSF Higher Education Research and Development Survey Examples of ranked schools that UAF outranks: OSU, Rutgers, UT Austin, MIT, Duke, Johns Hopkins, UC Davis, Princeton, Penn State, Texas A&M

14th: Astronomy and Astrophysics, NSF Higher Education Research and Development Survey Examples of ranked schools that UAF outranks: Cornell, UW, Yale, Stanford, Columbia, Texas A&M, Boston U., Rutgers

18th: Atmospheric Science and Meteorology, NSF Higher Education Research and Development Survey Examples of ranked schools that UAF outranks: Caltech, Texas A&M, Rutgers, Harvard, Cornell

Academic Programs, Enrollment and Graduation

UAF conferred 1,383 degrees, including 252 undergraduate certificates or licensures, 262 associate degrees, 622 baccalaureate degrees, 198 masters degrees and 49 doctorates.

As of September 2019, fall enrollment at UAF echoed a dip seen throughout the University of Alaska system, with student numbers and total credit hours declining. Student headcount fell 2.9 percent compared to a year earlier, while overall credit hours slipped 4.3 percent. While enrollments dipped, UAF has invested in several enrollment and retention initiatives, including an extensive Strategic Enrollment Planning process. These initiatives are already starting to show effects in the fall 2020 enrollment numbers.

UAF’s eCampus enrollment continued to grow, with an increase of 5 percent in student headcount and 10 percent in student credit hours. Through collaboration with the academic units, eCampus now offers six graduate degrees, three graduate certificates, two post-baccalaureate certificates, 11 bachelor’s degrees, seven associates degrees, six undergraduate certificates, and seven occupational endorsements.

UAF’s six-year baccalaureate student graduation rate was almost 47.5 percent, representing a 3.3 percentage point increase over 2019. UAF’s three-year, first-time, full-time associate-level student graduation rate was nearly 27.1 percent. This is a decline of 7.5 percentage points from the 2018 rate.

UAF has continued to prioritize retention and student success initiatives to increase the graduation rate of first-time full-time freshmen. Fall 2018 to fall 2019 retention for first-time full-time baccalaureate students was 72.9 percent. The retention rate for associate degree students was 54.6 percent.

As part of the priority on retention, UAF has implemented several initiatives, including increased use of Nanook Navigator Education Advisory Board (EAB) Student Success Collaborative software and additional support for FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 171 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Fairbanks

gatekeeper courses. UAF has also added a Campus Advising Coordinator to oversee training, assessment, and professional development in order to increase consistency in student advising.

UAF now offers high school students both an online and in-person dual enrollment experience. North Star College launched in fall 2020 to a cohort of 40 high school seniors earning seven to 15 credits while taking classes on the Fairbanks campus (fall 2020 was adapted because of COVID). North Star College will double in size in fall 2021, admitting one cohort of high school juniors and another of seniors. North Star College couples with the Alaska Advantage program to allow high school students from school districts around the state to enroll in UAF courses from UAF to earn both high school and college credit.

UAF has provided a number of academic adjustments related to COVID-19. Spring 2020 adjustments included waiving standardized tests for admissions, late withdrawal, increased use of the Deferred grade, and expansion of allowances for Credit/No Credit grades.

Community Campuses

College of Rural and Community Development (CRCD) CRCD staff brought greater visibility to the contributions of Alaska’s Indigenous people through nationally recognized media coverage that adds to the efforts to increase philanthropic giving. CRCD also hosted events such as the Indigenous Peoples Day, the Festival of Native Arts, and the Alaska Native Language Revitalization Institute to promote Indigenous culture and Yup’ik, Iñupiaq, Tlingit, Haida, Gwich’in, Dena’ina, Ahtna, Sugpiaq, Alutiiq, Deg Xiang and Denaakke’ languages.

The Rural Human Services program celebrated its 25-year anniversary with 509 graduates to date. This accomplishment could not have been possible without the continued support from the State of Alaska and its commitment to behavioral health in rural communities.

Many CRCD rural campuses have increased dual enrollment course offerings across rural school districts and regions. With a shared vision of supporting more K-12 students in their pursuit of higher education and employment, the rural campuses have been integral in boosting the state’s dual enrollment and tech prep offerings and student success.

CRCD and the individual rural campuses were successful in securing federal funding (DOE, USDA, NIH etc.) to provide support and engagement of students across the state. Two new federal awards to the college included collaboration grants, which have expanded the partnership capacity of the college and the campuses.

Community and Technical College (CTC) UAF CTC fall 2019 enrollments are up with a ~7 percent increase in headcount and ~5 percent increase in credit hour production.

A "High School to College and Career" college application promotion was initiated. The college paid the CTC application fee for all Alaska high school students graduating in the spring or summer of 2019.

A $1 million legacy gift was received from an anonymous donor to support vocational-technical students’ education. UAF CTC programs received national recognition. The Early Childhood Education degree program was rated 16th in the nation and featured as one of the top online associate degrees by in 2019. The Paralegal Studies program was selected as one of the best online programs by

In parallel with the heightened federal focus on apprenticeships and work experience, UAF CTC enrolls approximately 300 students in industry work-study experiences annually as the capstone to their education.

The Aviation program hosted the annual Fairbanks Aviation Day with ~3,000 attendees and supported military partners by participating in the air show at .

Industry investment in and support of UAF CTC programs this past year included donations of a Beechcraft 200 King Air from Bering Air and a 2012 Freightliner semi truck from Alaska West Express, a division of Lynden Inc.

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In December, UAF CTC celebrated its community and industry partners at a December event themed Building Alaska’s Workforce Together. Alaska state Senator Click Bishop addressed the gathering of several hundred community, industry, legislative and university partners.

In partnership with organizations such as the Literacy Council of Alaska, the Golden Heart Homeschool Support Network and Partners for Progress in Delta, CTC hosted public workshops on college and career preparedness.

Three annual registration events were hosted in August, December and April. In one evening, students and prospective students are able to talk with faculty advisors from each program, financial aid advisors and general academic advisors. Students can apply for admission and get help registering for classes, and UAF CTC pays their application fees during these events.

Public Engagement

4-H leaders provided two different educational activity kits of 4-H and non-4-H youth across the state of Alaska. Both of these kits were well received as parents were looking for ways to keep their kids learning and active, and less time plugged into their screens.

1. During May and June 2020, window sill salad garden kits were assembled and distributed: 390 to non-4-H families and 108 to 4-H families. The program received positive and enthusiastic feedback. 2. During July and August 2020, sidewalk chalk coding kits were assembled and distributed: 131 to non-4-H families and 83 to 4-H families. These kits inspire outdoor activities and brought families and those in their isolation bubbles outdoors.

4-H members, 4-H parents, 4-H staff, 4-H leaders all joined in sewing masks. Across the state, over 300 masks were made and distributed to local businesses, families in need and the Fairbanks Native Association. Across Alaska, 4-H members and leaders, 4-H staff and volunteers across the state sewed more than 1,400 coronavirus masks, which were donated to families, local businesses, fire departments and other first responders, rural villages, food banks and more.

● adult participants: 23 ● youth participants: 21

The Cooperative Extension is known for hands-on workshops. However, when the pandemic hit, Extension pivoted to Zoom, Facebook Live and other platforms to continue its outreach. Many Alaskans wanted more information about gardening, preserving foods, managing family resources, conserving energy and youth activities. Workshops often drew more than 100 participants.

Extension agents train more than a 1,000 people annually in more than 20 communities on how to preserve Alaska foods and about food safety. Online sessions after the pandemic began reached more people from more communities.

Master gardeners trained by Extension commit to 40 hours of volunteer service in their communities. In FY20, 187 volunteers donated 7,185 hours, valued at roughly $183,000 (Independent Sector, 2020) and 617 4-H volunteers donated 142,149 hours for UAF, valued at $3.6 million.

The Mining and Petroleum Training Service (MAPTS) has been named subrecipient to the University of Utah in the U.S. Department of State's cooperative agreement, "Advancing Greenland's Mineral Sector Education". This is a three-year project that will include hosting students and staff from KTI Rastofskolen, Sisimiut, Greenland at MAPTS mine training facility. Conversely, MAPTS will travel to Greenland to provide advice on building and operating an underground mine training facility, developing curriculum, and training a local workforce for Greenland's expanding minerals sector. MAPTS was chosen as subrecipient because of its proven results in operating a hands-on training facility in arctic conditions that focuses on developing a well-prepared local workforce.

Alaska Sea Grant projects and programs produced over $8.5 million in economic benefits to the state last year, as reported to National Sea Grant. These benefits were the result of activities that benefit Alaskans, including marine safety training, seafood safety classes, seafood technology programs, professional consultations, and other activities.

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Alaska Sea Grant provided COVID-related support to Alaska’s fishing and mariculture industries, including surveys of economic impacts, direct-marketing workshops, linking consumers to seafood suppliers directly, support for applying for COVID-related relief funding, and addressing COVID-related impacts to coastal fishing communities.

Summer Sessions and Lifelong Learning (SSLL) created 14 virtual weeklong camps for children this summer when their 69 face to face camps were shut down due to COVID. The virtual camps consisted of YouTube Videos, Zoom sessions, and kits sent home for hands-on activities. The positive result was that camps intended for a local audience, had enrollees from not only around the state, but also the nation. Realizing that not all local families may be able to afford the full tuition of the camps, SSLL received donations that held the cost of the camps to a minimum. In August SSLL pivoted and created the 365 SMART (Science, Math, Art, Recreation, and Technology) Academy which offered non-credit enrichment courses to home schooled children around the state.

SSLL created and hosted 30 virtual public events this summer, including 10 Music in the Garden concerts, 10 Discover Alaska lectures, 10 Healthy Living lectures. These events were posted on the SSLL website and aired on KUAC TV. Another 6 Down Memory Lane talks with emeriti faculty were posted to the website as well as being part of the KUAC radio Northern Soundings offerings. All of this was done in addition to the very successful Here Comes the Sun Concert in January.

Student Affairs & Athletics

Athletics Athletics serves as the first major contact that some stakeholders and constituents have with UAF and serves as a community engagement opportunity for many members of the Fairbanks and surrounding communities. The UAF Athletics program generates brand identity, awareness and marketing for the University. The highly visible program increases the number of prospective student applications, bolsters alumni participation and encourages and facilitates giving to the University through various philanthropic initiatives.

All Athletics departments within the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) divisions rest on and adhere to three pillars:

1. Scholarships 2. Capital athletics improvements 3. Endowments

UAF Athletics is planning to successfully achieve all of these pillars by creating a highly functioning Athletics fundraising program. With the recent hire of a new development officer, Judy Dellinger, UAF Athletics aims to create a new UAF 501(c)(3) Athletics Association within the next five years, allowing Athletics to set and achieve major fundraising goals and initiatives.

In an effort to change the landscape of Athletics at UAF and the community, Athletics was fully-integrated into the Division of Student Affairs under the vice chancellor of student affairs and athletics. In June of 2020, Dr. Keith Champagne announced the creation of the Nanook Athletics Diversity and Inclusion Council and later the Sru’ol Initiative, a fundraising initiative seeking financial support for the Athletics Department’s most critical areas of need including recruiting, retaining student athletes and providing scholarships. Sru’ol, pronounced “shrew-olth” is the Lower Tanana Dene Athabascan word for “sport” or “game” and is reflective of the Fairbanks Troth Yeddha’ Campus location. In Fairbanks, the Troth Yeddha' Campus is located on the traditional lands of the Dena people of the lower Tanana River.

Under Vice Chancellor Champagne’s leadership, Athletics continues to implement the five-year athletics strategic plan. The plan includes increased community outreach and engagement, expanded efforts in fundraising practices, student-athletic development in graduation, academic achievement, wellness and post-graduation success. This transformation aspires to find efficiencies and create a highly functioning athletic department by developing FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 174 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Fairbanks

coordinated, collaborative, cooperative ventures and partnerships with other parts of the university. In addition, the Athletics Department is implementing its Diversity and Inclusion strategic plan and is working with Fairbanks Youth Sport Board to create an Advocacy Group to promote the Nanook Athletics brand and develop community engagement and outreach initiatives in Fairbanks and the surrounding communities to enhance the opportunities for Nanook student-athletes.

Student Affairs The Center for Student Engagement (CSE) was awarded a $10,000 grant from the Fairbanks Wellness Coalition and the Statewide Coalition on Suicide Prevention to provide the campus with Question, Persuade, Refer (QPR): Suicide Prevention Training. This is the third year CSE has received this grant.

In alignment with the institutional goal to "modernize the student experience", the Center for Student Engagement has created an esports position and program. They are in the process of creating the Alaska Esports Center, which is partially funded by sponsorships and donors. This program has three main goals: 1) provide a space for college students to connect over similar interests, 2) to provide a learning laboratory for the student in related academic fields (computer programming, sports management, broadcast journalism), and 3) connecting with the Alaska Schools Activities Association’s esports programs across the state as a recruiting tool.

Nanook Recreation is a self-support program, receiving student fees and auxiliary revenues earned through memberships, rentals and program fees. Nanook Recreation certainly felt the impact of COVID-19 but has remained nimble. Facilities began re-opening in June with many mitigations in place; including masks, reduced capacities and increased cleaning.

Outdoor Adventures completed the third year of coordinating field safety classes for UAF Researchers. Nearly 150 faculty, staff and student registrants participated in trainings ranging from snow machine safety and crevasse rescue to swiftwater rescue and wilderness first-aid. This year, courses on bystander intervention and suicide prevention were added to help keep field camps safe for all.

Intramurals, group fitness, and court reservations all show continued growth prior to COVID. UAF is working on improving the Patty Ice Arena in order to host Nanook Hockey games on campus when COVID allows.

UAF’s Center for Student Rights and Responsibility (CSRR) is entering its third year as a department. This department is an integral part of the student’s holistic development. Focusing on student accountability, safety and resilience, CSRR seeks to help students learn and grow inside and out of the classroom. CSRR is responsible for the student conduct model at UAF. CSRR prioritizes restorative practices that seek to repair harm and help individuals understand and value the role they play in their community. The goal is to help students understand their decisions impact not only on them but everyone around them.

The Student CARE team is also housed in CSRR. This is a multiple disciplinary team made up of staff and faculty, committed to helping students when they need it most. This team seeks to understand the challenges of the modern student and works as a partner to help eliminate barriers and support students in reaching their academic and career goals.

The Student Health and Counseling Center (SHCC) provides an array of primary care and mental health care services to students on campus. Services include physicals, sexually transmitted infection screenings and treatment, medication management, treatment for various illnesses and disorders, health education, lab services, individual psychotherapy/ counseling, couples therapy/counseling, and group psychotherapy/counseling, crisis counseling, resource and referral services, and outreach programming.

Some current initiatives include:

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● Counselor available 1 day per week at CTC ● Counselor available onsite at Rural Student Service 1 afternoon per week ● Interactive Screening Program from the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention launched in partnership with the UAF Community Mental Health Clinic (UCMHC) ● Weekly outreach table in Wood Center in partnership with UCMHC ● Daily consultation/walk-in hour for students/faculty/staff 1-2 p.m. ● Program development for telebehavioral health counseling services ● Program development for outreach to students in rural Alaska.

Disability Services supports a diverse and inclusive campus community by providing academic, housing, dining and programmatic accommodations to individuals with disabilities. Disability Services also provides training and informational opportunities to the campus in an effort to educate our community members for active citizenship.

Some current initiatives include: ● High School Information Sessions ○ Lathrop High School Counselors Fall 2019; information included in UAF Packets sent to high schools in state (through admissions) ● Cost reductions by using new vendors and technology ○ Note-taking services, Virtual Interpreters, Free Screen Reader program ● Online Speech Classes all publicized as fully accessible ○ All videos submitted by students are captioned, videos submitted by deaf students will be interpreted and provide a voice-over by a virtual interpreter

Residence Life had a very busy year working hard on programs and initiatives that combat the feeling of isolation, encourage interaction and leadership opportunities. Residence Life has also been able to revise/revisit several procedures to create a more inclusive, diverse, caring and respectful living, working and learning environment and create additional opportunities for the department to better serve various populations of students.

● Implemented Several High Impact Practices for Student Success: ○ Shifted student conduct to focus on care, education, and restorative justice ○ Implemented an inclusive community development philosophy and model focused on knowing, connecting and empowering others through intentional interactions, which also focuses on tapping into staff strengths ○ Hired a student success coordinator ○ Launched a first year live on campus requirement ○ Developed four Living Learning Communities (LLCs) - Honors, Engineering, Gender Diversity, and Outdoor Adventures and launched an additional two LLCs for Fall 2020 (Global House and Action House) ● Closing equity gaps and removing barriers: ○ Removed pre-defined number of credits and GPA requirements to live in selected university housing ○ Increased gender inclusive housing to include Bartlett, Wickersham, Cutler and Garden apartments ○ Adjusted single student and employee, family, and graduate (EFG) delinquency process and notice to quit letters to be more caring, understanding, and supportive of residents ○ Modified Resident Assistant (RA) hiring process to focus on competencies/outcomes versus qualifications, which has diversified the hiring pool ○ Athletes are now eligible and able to apply for RA positions eCampus

UAF continues to be committed to improving access to higher education through the development of more online courses and programs. This year the Bachelor of Arts in Biology, Bachelor of Arts in Political Science, Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Arctic Security Graduate Certificate, Business Continuity Graduate Certificate, Cybersecurity Management Graduate Certificate, Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Accounting and an Occupational Endorsement FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 176 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Fairbanks

in Content Creation were added to the list of fully online programs. In development are numerous science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) courses as well as a fully online Social Work program.

In March of 2020, UAF eCampus helped instructors transition more than 1,000 face-to-face courses to fully online or distance delivery. In fall 2020, more than 47 percent of UAF’s student credit hours were delivered through eCampus. This is an increase of 42 percent from fall 2019.

The UAF eCampus Advantage program expanded to include University of Alaska Southeast and changed its name to the Alaska Advantage program, which continues to offer competitive package pricing and support services to high-achieving high school students who can take online courses for both high school and college credit. The program experienced immense success in its first academic year (AY2020), serving 208 high school students around the state who earned 1,067 student credit hours. In spring 2020, Advantage students achieved a 96 percent success rate. The growth continues to be exponential as fall 2020 has 313 high school students enrolled, earning 1,491 students credit hours.


UAF continues to lead in Arctic research, as well as globally influencing science advancement. In FY2020, grant-funded research expenditures totaled nearly $150 million from restricted fund sources and indirect costs.

UAF was a leading recipient of funds under Navigating the New Arctic (NNA), one of the U.S. National Science Foundation’s 10 Big Ideas, which embodies the foundation's forward-looking response to the profound challenges in Arctic regions. UAF faculty are working on 18 different active NNA awards cumulatively amounting to nearly $16.5 million. These awards include partnering with communities for adapting and building resiliency under changing climate, predictive modeling, and studying marine ecology, fisheries, wildlife, permafrost, glaciers, fresh ice, water quality, seismicity, arctic infrastructure, and microgrids. The NNA awards also support recruiting and retaining Indigenous scholars.

The Geophysical Institute and Wilson Alaska Technical Center at UAF were designated as a University Affiliated Research Center (UARC) for the Department of Defense to conduct research and development in the geophysical detection of nuclear proliferation. The UARC was awarded a sole-source, five-year $46.7 million Indefinite Delivery Indefinite Quantity (IDIQ) contract and counts among its government customers the U.S. Air Force Technical Applications Center, the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency, the U.S. National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, and the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Threat Reduction and Arms Control. Several new task orders came in during FY2020, adding about $30 million to the operational budget of the UARC.

The Alaska Volcano Observatory (AVO) had another successful field season even with the COVID restrictions. AVO, a joint program of the U.S. Geological Survey, University of Alaska Fairbanks Geophysical Institute, and Alaska Division of Geological and Geophysical Surveys, recently received $12 million from Congress to upgrade its aging monitoring equipment. Volcanology researchers at UAF were also awarded a $2.5 million grant from the National Science Foundation to help better forecast volcanic eruptions in Alaska.

The Alaska Earthquake Center continues to focus on the Anchorage earthquake, its impacts and its aftershocks, including the recent 7.6 earthquake near Sand Point. The center has secured $5 million in federal and corporate funding for FY2020. These resources are being used to lead research and develop tools that benefit Alaskans. Funds also support the operations of Alaska's seismic monitoring network which provide information about earthquakes across Alaska in areas where there had previously been seismic information.

Alaska Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration (ACUASI) continues to leverage their beyond-visual-line-of-sight flight capability that sets them apart from their peers. It is one of the first steps towards proving the ability of technology to prevent unmanned aircraft from colliding with manned aircraft and opening Alaska’s airspace to routine unmanned aircraft operations.

The National Science Foundation (NSF) recently awarded UAF Geophysical Institute researchers Martin Truffer, Chris Larsen, and Mark Fahnestock, and two partner institutions, a $1.3 million grant to study the retreat of the rapidly melting Malaspina Glacier in the Wrangell-St. Elias National Park. The rapidly melting glacier could create a new ocean bay, one feature in what may be the largest landscape transformation underway in the United States.

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The UA Museum of the North (UAMN) holds world-class collections totaling more than 2.2 million objects. Based on current holdings, and compared to other similar collections worldwide, UAMN has the largest marine mammal collection, the largest polar dinosaur collection and one of the largest frozen tissue collections. Over 400 peer-reviewed articles have used UAMN collections in the last five years alone.

The College of Fisheries and Ocean Science (CFOS) formed the interdisciplinary Alaska Blue Economy Center (ABEC) in 2019 to help boost Alaska's blue economy by serving as a resource for research, instruction, and outreach related to Alaska's aquatic resources and ecosystems. This year ABEC partnered with the Bering Sea Fishermen's Association and stakeholders on a successful $600 thousand U.S. Economic Development Administration Build to Scale grant that will promote ocean entrepreneurship and innovation in Alaska.

NSF has awarded CFOS $3 million in funding through its National Research Trainee (NRT) Program, which is designed to encourage innovation in science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Funding is also being provided by NSF’s Big Idea, Navigating the New Arctic. The new graduate traineeship program, named “Tamamta” meaning “all of us” in the Sugpiaq and Yup’ik languages, will broaden and diversify fisheries and marine sciences education through greater inclusion of Indigenous peoples and knowledge.

In May, the Research Vessel (R/V) Sikuliaq was the first vessel in the US Academic Research Fleet permitted to engage in research activities following the development of the COVID-19 pandemic. CFOS faculty members were given special permission to work in the Northern Gulf of Alaska on a scaled-down cruise while adhering to a detailed mitigation and response plan created with guidance from the US Coast Guard, the University-National Laboratory System, the World Health Organization, the Centers for Disease Control and state health mandates. The successful mitigation plan was used on subsequent Sikuliaq cruises and shared with other research vessels to help them adapt to the pandemic.

The International Arctic Research Center (IARC) was selected for a new National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) partnership, the Cooperative Institute for Climate, Ocean, and Ecosystem Studies, through which university researchers can receive up to $10 million annually to address climate, ocean and coastal challenges.

UAF’s Arctic Environmental and Engineering Data and Design Support System (Arctic-EDS), a new $1.8 million Department of Defense project, is guiding infrastructure design specifications for high latitudes, where rapid environmental changes and the widespread presence of permafrost and floating ice represent significant challenges for engineers.

In a new project in collaboration with Department of Energy National Laboratories scientists, UAF researchers were awarded $1.8 million to study how changes in sea ice and coastal permafrost affect maritime shipping, resource extraction, communities and local and regional economies along the northern Alaskan coast and across the Arctic.

IARC researchers Bob Bolton and Jessie Young-Robertson started a new podcast called Alaska Voices featuring 60 conversations about science, careers, relationships, rural Alaska, climate change and life.

The Center for One Health Research (COHR) at UAF will host a virtual online international conference April 6-11, 2021 entitled One Health, One Future. The conference will be co-hosted with the U.S. Department of State and feature keynote, abstract and poster presentations from stakeholders across the circumpolar North. Dr Anne Zink will give a special presentation on COVID-19 in Alaska. COHR is also pleased to announce the formal approval of the One Health master’s degree program, which has enrolled 21 students in the first cohort that began this August. In partnership with PetSmart Charities and Colorado State University, COHR has sponsored the Hub Outreach Program (HOP) in the Yukon-Kuskokwim Delta which provides free pet neuters, vaccines and parasite control. The area experiences seven times the national average of dog bites upon children, and its prevalence of rabies is among the highest in the country.

Dr. Kelly Drew, Professor of Biochemistry with the Institute of Arctic Biology and the College of Sciences and Mathematics at UAF, was successful in her application to the National Institute of General Medical Science for a "Center of Biomedical Research Excellence in Mammalian Hibernation Research". This $11.6 million five-year award further invests in UAF's long history of work to understand the molecular and genetic basis of hibernation in arctic

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ground squirrels and Alaskan black bears towards creating novel therapeutics for treatment of heart attack and stroke victims, as well as understanding metabolic changes in humans undergoing exercise in extreme conditions. Agricultural experiment farms in Palmer and Fairbanks grew seven spring wheat varieties as part of the trials to further test varieties that could be suitable for Alaska as the growing season lengthens. Malting and feed barley varieties collected from around the world were also evaluated.

Vegetable variety trials, which resumed in 2017 in Fairbanks, continued at Fairbanks and Palmer experiment farms this past summer. Eighty varieties of corn, carrots, beets, beans, fennel, winter squash and spinach were grown.

Cereal grain research in Fairbanks and Palmer are identifying suitable strains of wheat for Alaska conditions and working in collaborations with Washington State University, utilizing plant breeding techniques, to develop an Alaska strain.

Jessie Young-Robertson, a forest ecologist with the Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, is utilizing unmanned aircraft for aerial forest timber analysis.

Agronomist and soil scientist Mingchu Zhang continues to develop an interactive computer program for peony growers to guide fertilizer use and nutrient management.


UAF has been actively examining areas to monetize lands. This includes evaluating the potential of resources, leasing or selling property/facilities that are low use, etc. This allows UAF to reduce its footprint and modernize space for continued operations over time. This also reduces operations and maintenance (O&M) costs related to utilities, custodial, and other expenses in addition to reducing the UAF deferred maintenance backlog.

UAF has demolished several facilities beyond their useful life, resulting in long term maintenance and operations savings and reducing the deferred maintenance backlog by a minimal extent. During 2020, UAF demolished or sold twelve buildings for a total reduction of over 36,000 gross square feet.

UAF is exploring public private partnership opportunities to leverage land and assets in new or shared ways to assist with elimination of deferred maintenance and programmatic growth.


UAF is on an upward trajectory in seeking and securing private philanthropic gifts that align with the university's mission of teaching, research and service. Connecting the university's mission to the donor's passion is under the purview of the Development and Alumni Relations team, in partnership with faculty, UAF leadership and colleagues throughout the university. While this uptick in private gifts raised is strategic and purposeful, it must be stated that donor gifts are most often restricted to a particular program or area. Those gifts cannot, and will not, be used to plug operational gaps in UAF's budget.

UAF raised $9.064 million in private philanthropic donations in FY2020, a 15 percent increase from FY2019's $7.87 million and a 36 percent increase from FY2018. These increases are the result of strategic efforts to invite more people, more often, to support the university.

The total number of donors in FY2020 was 2,795, including alumni, friends, corporations and foundations. Donations from alumni made up 20 percent of the dollars raised in FY2020, up from 14.5 percent in FY2019. Of the total number of donors who gave to UAF in FY2020, 38 percent were alumni, compared to 36 percent in FY2019.

UAF was the recipient of a number of notable major gifts in FY2020, including nearly $1 million from the Bill Stroecker Foundation, for the installation of a fully articulated bowhead whale skeleton for display in the UA Museum of the North; a $1.5 million gift from an anonymous donor for climate change research; and multiple gifts in the six-figure category from generous alumni, both living and late, for impact areas such as engineering, Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) and the arts. Multiple stories celebrating donor generosity may be found in current and archived issues of the Chancellor's Report on Philanthropy, at

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UAF hosted its signature event in February 2020, the Blue and Gold Celebration, honoring alumni, celebrating faculty and fundraising for students. The six recipients of the Emil Usibelli Distinguished Teaching, Research and Service awards were Charles Mason and Diane McEachern (teaching); Katey Walter Anthony and Katrin Iken (research); and Michael West and Jaunelle Celaire (service). Awards from the UAF Alumni Association included the Distinguished Alumnus Award to Caroline M. Tritt-Frank, a Gwich'in elder and leader in indigenous language teaching in Alaska; and the William R. Cashen Service Award to retired Rasmuson library director and longtime Nanook Athletics photographer, Paul H. McCarthy. The sold-out event drew 400-plus attendees and raised a record $200 thousand. All proceeds went to the Student Support Fund.

The Student Support Fund was created in the fall of 2019 through a generous donation from the UAF Alumni Association. With the closure of campus in March 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic, UAF was well positioned to help students with immediate, emergency assistance. The Associated Students of the University of Alaska Fairbanks contributed $10 thousand to the fund, an example of the generosity of current students helping each other. A single-day of fundraising for the Student Support Fund in May drew $7 thousand in donations.

Numerous in-person and on-line engagement events were held in FY2020 to engage and connect alumni, friends and donors to UAF, including an invite-only event at the Moda Center, featuring the Portland Trailblazers; and the first ever virtual Nanook Rendezvous Reunion, which featured a virtual tour of the Georgeson Botanical Garden as well as an opportunity to workout with the Alaska Nanooks. Those two virtual reunion events drew thousands of viewers each.

Fundraising and private philanthropy are directly connected to serving students and reducing their burden of the costs of obtaining workforce training and a college degree. More than 650 privately funded scholarships contribute approximately $1.3 million each year to UAF students.

Following a challenging year of budget cuts and organizational restructuring talks, the UAF Development and Alumni Relations team is on track to meet strategic fundraising goals for FY2021.

Key RDU Challenges

● Managing the operational budget that is challenged by state funding reductions and by COVID related costs. ● Managing negative and often partially-informed media coverage. ● Adapting instructional needs for programs across campus with unfilled faculty vacancies, faculty non-retentions and a reduced number of adjuncts. ● Maintaining or increasing research accomplishments in a climate where faculty also need to teach more to meet academic needs. ● Maintaining diverse funding sources as the federal grant landscape continues to tighten. ● Maintaining research journal and database subscriptions, due to cost increases that continue to occur at rates substantially exceeding general inflation. ● Scaling administrative support, student services, facilities operations and maintenance, and other work to meet projected needs. ● Maintaining enrollment and tuition revenue in the competitive enrollment market. ● Making sufficient investments in deferred maintenance without severe impacts to operating funds, limiting the ability to address large scale projects. ● Limited access to broadband internet continues to limit Alaska’s learners’ access to online education opportunities through much of Alaska (including in urban areas). ● Continue adapting to the changing needs posed by the COVID pandemic.

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

Access and Enrollment

UAF Strategic Enrollment Planning (SEP) has completed the first year of implementation of the strategies developed in 2018/2019. SEP is a data-informed process that aligns an institution's fiscal, academic, co-curricular and enrollment resources within a changing environment to accomplish its mission and ensure long-term enrollment FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 180 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Fairbanks

success and fiscal health. UAF launched the process in September 2018 with over 150 participants, 16 action planning groups and 71 action plans presented. Twenty-three initiatives have been implemented. This iterative process will continue and become part of the strategic fabric of UAF.

Examples of enrollment efforts include: ●websites with search engine optimization (SEO) and benefits-driven content ●deployment of regional admissions counselors in the Lower 48 ●creating additional online programs through eCampus ●improved student experience and efficacy of institutional scholarships ●increased direct outreach to non-enrolled students ●improved financial aid communication and financial aid leveraging ●comprehensive support and initiatives for military-affiliated students ●investment in Honors College and Nanook Brotherhood Initiative Scholarship ●investments in academic advising and increased use of Nanook Navigator

The SEP Steering Committee is now working to assess the effectiveness of the implemented strategies and expand upon successful initiatives to build enrollment at UAF.

UAF is expanding its dual enrollment opportunities with the eCampus Advantage Program and the North Star Middle College. The Advantage program, which started in fall 2019, encourages high school students to take high-quality online courses offered by University of Alaska Fairbanks and, starting fall 2020, includes University of Alaska Southeast. Students earn both high school and college credit for a single course, get a solid introduction to university-level expectations and can take advantage of package pricing. More than 200 students participated in the program in its first year and 313 students are enrolled this fall.

UAF and the Fairbanks North Star Borough School District have joined forces to create North Star College, a middle college program that allows students to take UAF classes at the Fairbanks campus while still in high school. The first cohort of 40 students enrolled this fall of 2020. UAF and the school district plan to expand the program the following year and admit more students, as well as open it to both juniors and seniors.

UAF began offering a new four-year scholarship to eligible students beginning in the fall 2020 semester. Nanook Pledge, provides four years of annual assistance to first-year students, transfer students and readmitted students at UAF. Awards range from $1 thousand to $10 thousand per year, and are based on criteria that include test scores, grade-point averages and tuition rates. Prior to this launch, many UAF scholarships only provided funding a single year at a time. Nanook Pledge is designed to overhaul the UAF scholarship process to allow for four years of predictable financial assistance to students.

New, Suspended and Deleted Programs

In 2019-20, UAF conducted an expedited program review of 87 programs (16 already in suspended status), and a regular academic program review of 18 programs. Of those programs, one was recommended for suspension (Associate of Applied Science (AAS) in Drafting Technology) and 25 were recommended for elimination. Of these programs, twelve were already in suspended status and all students had already been taught out. The thirteen eliminated programs that still had active students were Master of Science (MS) in Water, Engineering, and Environmental Science; Certificate in Environmental Studies; Certificate in Ethnobotany; Bachelors or Arts (BA) in Earth Science; BA in Geography; Bachelors of Science (BS) in Geography; BA in Chemistry; AAS in Construction Trades Technology; MS in Environmental Chemistry; MS in Resource and Applied Economics; AAS in Renewable Resources; Certificate in Safety, Health, and Environmental Technology; Masters of Education (Med) in Online Innovation and Design; and MEd in People, Places, and Pedagogy. UAF is committed to serving students in those programs and has developed teach-out plans that have been approved by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities. Faculty and advisors are actively working to support these students through their programs to completion. New programs approved are Graduate Certificates in Cybersecurity, Arctic Security, and Business Continuity, all housed in the School of Management.

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Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 182 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Fairbanks

University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU Financial Summary by Component All dollars shown in thousands FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Management Plan FY2022 Governor UGF+DGF Other Federal Total UGF+DGF Other Federal Total UGF+DGF Other Federal Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Formula Expenditures None.

Non-Formula Expenditures Fairbanks 191,233.7 43,445.3 18,593.7 253,272.7 240,439.0 45,098.7 92,810.0 378,347.7 240,439.0 45,098.7 92,810.0 378,347.7 Campus Fairbanks 54,476.4 18,579.7 70,041.8 143,097.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Organized Research Bristol Bay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,334.8 316.6 1,401.2 4,052.6 Campus Chukchi Campus 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,200.5 0.0 984.9 2,185.4 College of Rural 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 8,175.4 593.5 442.3 9,211.2 and Comm Dev Interior Alaska 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,171.8 467.5 1,594.7 5,234.0 Campus Kuskokwim 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,877.0 313.5 826.1 6,016.6 Campus Northwest 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,981.1 116.1 2,920.7 5,017.9 Campus UAF Community 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 12,401.8 444.1 560.1 13,406.0 12,401.8 444.1 560.1 13,406.0 and Tech College Totals 245,710.1 62,025.0 88,635.5 396,370.6 252,840.8 45,542.8 93,370.1 391,753.7 274,581.4 47,350.0 101,540.0 423,471.4

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University of Alaska Fairbanks Summary of RDU Budget Changes by Component From FY2021 Management Plan to FY2022 Governor All dollars shown in thousands Unrestricted Designated Other Funds Federal Total Funds Gen (UGF) Gen (DGF) Funds FY2021 Management Plan 125,154.2 127,686.6 45,542.8 93,370.1 391,753.7

Base for structure changes: -Bristol Bay Campus 1,100.3 1,234.5 316.6 1,401.2 4,052.6 -Chukchi Campus 607.8 592.7 0.0 984.9 2,185.4 -College of Rural and Comm 4,786.3 3,389.1 593.5 442.3 9,211.2 Dev -Interior Alaska Campus 1,294.5 1,877.3 467.5 1,594.7 5,234.0 -Kuskokwim Campus 2,324.6 2,552.4 313.5 826.1 6,016.6 -Northwest Campus 1,161.7 819.4 116.1 2,920.7 5,017.9

FY2022 Governor 136,429.4 138,152.0 47,350.0 101,540.0 423,471.4

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 184 Updated September 14, 2020

Daniel M. White Chancellor

Keith Champagne Anupma Prakash Julie Queen Nettie La Belle-Hamer Evon Peter Vice Chancellor Provost & Executive Vice Chancellor Interim Vice Chancellor Vice Chancellor Student Affairs Vice Chancellor Rural, Community & Native Administrative Services Athletics Director Research Education

Jenny Campbell Alex Fitts Milan Shipka Michele Stalder Ali Knabe John Blake Nickole Conley Interim Assoc. Vice Vice Provost & Acting Director Robert McCoy Dean Assoc. Vice Chancellor Director Executive Officer Chancellor Accreditation Liaison Agriculture, Natural Director UAF Community and Student Affairs Animal Resources Center Facilities Services Officer Resources & Extension Geophysical Institute Technical College

Kinchel Doerner Bryan Uher Samara Taber Amanda Wall Mark Herrmann Mark Billingsley Jeannie Phillips Dean Hajo Eicken Acting Dean Int Assoc Vice Chanc Assoc Vice Chancellor Dean Director Assistant to the Chancellor College of Natural Director College of Rural and Enrollment Management Financial Services School of Management Office of Intellectual Sciences & Mathematics International Arctic Community Development Property & Research Center Commercialization

Margo Griffith Laura McCollough Douglas Schrage Ellen Lopez Amy Vinlove Sarah Andrew Director Dean of Students Chief Dean Director Director Arleigh Reynolds Equity & Compliance Fire Department College of Liberal Arts School of Education Brian Barnes Bristol Bay Campus Director Director Center for Institute of Arctic Biology

Terlynn Olds William Schnabel One Health Research Michelle Renfrew Kathy Catron Richard Collins Stacey Glaser Executive Sr. Assoc. Dean Director Chief Director Director Director Athletics College of University Relations Police Department Graduate School Gwen Holdmann Rosemary Madnick Chukchi Campus Engineering & Mines Director Director Alaska Center for Grants & Contracts

Tracey Martinson Michelle Bartlett S. Bradley Moran Energy & Power Administration Kate Ripley Bryan Uher Interim Director Director Dean Director Director Environmental Health, Summer Sessions & College of Fisheries & Development & Alumni Interior Alaska Campus Safety & Risk Mgmt. Lifelong Learning Ocean Sciences Alice “Pips” Veazey Program Director EPSCoR Gretchen Gordon Owen Guthrie Patrick Druckenmiller Linda Curda General Manager Director Director Acting Director KUAC FM-TV eCampus UA Museum of the North Kuskokwim Campus

VACANT Meryem Udden Karen Jensen Barbara Amarok Director Office Manager Director Director International Governance Libraries Northwest Campus Programs & Initiatives

Chantelle McGinness Nate Bauer Director Director Planning, Analysis & UA Press Institutional Research

Page 185 Component — Fairbanks Campus

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Fairbanks Campus Component Budget Summary

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Component: Fairbanks Campus

Contribution to Department's Mission

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is a Land, Sea, and Space Grant university and an international center for research, education, and the arts, emphasizing the circumpolar North and its diverse peoples. UAF integrates teaching, research, and public service as it educates students for active citizenship and prepares them for lifelong learning and careers.

Core Services

 Delivers high-quality undergraduate and graduate education, emphasizing original student research and scholarship.  Integrates teaching, research, creative activity and public service.  Expands knowledge of the occurrence and use of natural resources, including minerals, petroleum, forests, wildlife, agriculture, fisheries and their associated economics.  Conducts internationally prominent research on natural sciences, particularly phenomena of high latitudes or the Alaska region, such as the aurora, earthquakes, volcanoes, glaciers, oceans and seas, and the Arctic climate.  Leads the documentation and study of Alaska Native cultures and languages.  Develops multicultural understanding, research and education on rural health issues, and cross-cultural interaction in the human service professions.  Serves as the major academic and cultural center for Interior Alaska.  Serves as the research campus for the University of Alaska system, through the activities of its component research institutes, centers, laboratories and related research facilities, making significant contributions to basic and applied science and engineering on state, national and international levels.  Assists natural resource managers; develops an understanding of natural phenomena; preserves, interprets and disseminates cultural knowledge; and contributes to improved engineering of northern roads, airports, structures and other facilities.  Consists of seven research institutes: Institute of Arctic Biology, Institute of Marine Science, Institute of Northern Engineering, Geophysical Institute, International Arctic Research Center, Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, and Alaska Center for Energy and Power, the newest addition.  Other research centers and units include: Office of Intellectual Property and Commercialization, Center for Arctic Policy Studies, Alaska Center for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Integration, Alaska Climate Research Center, Alaska Earthquake Center, Alaska Volcano Observatory, Geographic Information Network of Alaska, Wilson Alaska Technical Center, Alaska University Transportation Center, Mineral Industry Research Laboratory and NIH COBRE-funded Center for Transformative Research in Metabolism.  Statewide research programs led by UAF include: Alaska NSF Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, Alaska NASA Established Program to Stimulate Competitive Research, Alaska IDeA Network of Biomedical Research Excellence, and the Biomedical Learning and Student Training program.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

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Smith-Lever Act of 1914

Memorandum of Understanding between the University of Alaska and the United States Department of Agriculture on Cooperative Extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

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Fairbanks Campus Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 1641 1641 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 108 108 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 1749 1749 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 189 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 120,843.9 202,585.1 202,585.1 206,214.3 206,214.3 0.0 0.0% 72000 Travel 2,599.3 8,731.2 8,731.2 8,871.2 8,871.2 0.0 0.0% 73000 Services 63,415.4 103,586.3 103,586.3 88,962.4 88,962.4 0.0 0.0% 74000 Commodities 27,646.4 34,037.1 34,037.1 34,108.8 34,108.8 0.0 0.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 17,770.6 7,459.8 7,459.8 8,971.0 8,971.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 9,048.9 12,379.9 12,379.9 11,933.5 11,933.5 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 11,948.2 22,229.5 22,229.5 19,286.5 19,286.5 0.0 0.0% Totals 253,272.7 391,008.9 391,008.9 378,347.7 378,347.7 0.0 0.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 18,593.7 92,810.0 92,810.0 92,810.0 92,810.0 0.0 0.0% 1003 G/F Match (UGF) 1,065.0 4,739.3 4,739.3 4,739.3 4,739.3 0.0 0.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 108,192.0 128,180.1 128,180.1 115,729.1 115,729.1 0.0 0.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 824.2 4,793.1 4,793.1 4,793.1 4,793.1 0.0 0.0% 1037 GF/MH (UGF) 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 0.0 0.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 81,257.7 119,549.0 119,549.0 119,549.0 119,549.0 0.0 0.0% 1061 CIP Rcpts (Other) 870.0 7,349.4 7,349.4 7,349.4 7,349.4 0.0 0.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 669.0 581.8 581.8 371.6 371.6 0.0 0.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 41,751.1 32,956.2 32,956.2 32,956.2 32,956.2 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 109,307.0 132,969.4 132,969.4 120,518.4 120,518.4 0.0 0.0% Designated General (DGF) 81,926.7 120,130.8 120,130.8 119,920.6 119,920.6 0.0 0.0% Other Funds 43,445.3 45,098.7 45,098.7 45,098.7 45,098.7 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 18,593.7 92,810.0 92,810.0 92,810.0 92,810.0 0.0 0.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 1,096 1,667 1,667 1,641 1,641 0 0.0% Permanent Part Time 81 108 108 108 108 0 0.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 190 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 391,008.9 202,585.1 8,731.2 103,586.3 34,037.1 7,459.8 12,379.9 22,229.5 1,667 108 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 92,810.0 1003 G/F Match 4,739.3 1004 Gen Fund 128,180.1 1007 I/A Rcpts 4,793.1 1037 GF/MH 50.0 1048 Univ Rcpt 119,549.0 1061 CIP Rcpts 7,349.4 1151 VoTech Ed 581.8 1174 UA I/A 32,956.2

Subtotal 391,008.9 202,585.1 8,731.2 103,586.3 34,037.1 7,459.8 12,379.9 22,229.5 1,667 108 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trout -210.2 0.0 0.0 -210.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed -210.2

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$173.0 Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide ($153.8) Statewide Services $90.0 Anchorage Campus ($210.2) Fairbanks Campus $101.0 UAF Community and Technical College

Transfer Authority to Distribute $25M of the Unallocated Reduction Trout -12,275.0 0.0 0.0 -12,275.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund -12,275.0

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

1004 General Fund

($9,050.0) Anchorage Campus ($12,275.0) Fairbanks Campus

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 191 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ($3,675.0) Statewide Services $25,000.0 Systemwide Budget Reductions/Additions

Transfer Authority for Teacher Education Program Trin 200.0 0.0 0.0 200.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund 200.0

Transfer general fund from Anchorage to Fairbanks campuses to cover expenses related to the teacher education program.

1004 General Fund

$200.0 Fairbanks Campus ($200.0) Anchorage Campus

Transfer Authority and Positions for Procurement Redesign Trout -900.0 0.0 0.0 -900.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7 0 0 1004 Gen Fund -900.0

Transfer general fund and positions from Anchorage and Fairbanks Campus to Statewide Services related to procurement redesign.

1004 General Fund

$1,331.0 Statewide Services ($431.0) Anchorage Campus ($900.0) Fairbanks Campus

Transfer Authority for Dual Enrollment and Online Programs Trin 524.0 0.0 0.0 524.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund 524.0

Transfer general fund from Statewide Services to Anchorage and Fairbanks campuses for Dual Enrollment and Online Program development.

1004 General Fund

($910.0) Statewide Services $386.0 Anchorage Campus $524.0 Fairbanks Campus

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 3,629.2 140.0 -1,962.7 71.7 1,511.2 -446.4 -2,943.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 192 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0300

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

Return Positions Related to General Fund Reduction PosAdj 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -22 0 0

Return positions related to the FY2021 $25M general fund reduction that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary.

Subtotal 378,347.7 206,214.3 8,871.2 88,962.4 34,108.8 8,971.0 11,933.5 19,286.5 1,641 108 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 378,347.7 206,214.3 8,871.2 88,962.4 34,108.8 8,971.0 11,933.5 19,286.5 1,641 108 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 193 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 103010 IS Manager 3 Fairbanks FT * APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 18,800 7,990 26,790 14,075 200005 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 200010 Campus Services Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 25,261 13,666 38,927 20,452 200026 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,000 18,240 78,240 41,106 200030 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 110,200 33,501 143,701 75,499 200035 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,606 25,416 109,022 57,279 200040 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,378 27,779 119,157 62,604 200045 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,000 19,456 83,456 43,847 200055 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 95,924 29,161 125,085 65,718 200066 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,817 24,264 104,081 54,683 200072 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 54,122 27,927 82,049 43,108 200080 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 98,909 30,068 128,977 67,763 200090 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,000 24,928 106,928 56,179 200100 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 200105 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 102,692 31,218 133,910 70,355 200115 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,002 25,841 110,843 58,235 200136 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 15,335 6,517 21,852 11,481 200140 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 113,942 34,638 148,580 78,062 200145 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 200156 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,446 22,328 95,774 50,318 200160 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 134,532 40,898 175,430 78,979 200166 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 200170 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 200175 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,678 26,046 111,724 58,699 200191 Senior Administrator Officer Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 122,000 33,672 155,672 81,788 200200 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,511 34,642 116,153 61,026 200206 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 37,391 19,294 56,685 0 200211 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 126,866 38,567 165,433 62,321 200221 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 29,632 15,290 44,922 0 200230 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,000 17,328 74,328 39,051 200235 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,000 17,328 74,328 39,051 200250 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,269 25,314 108,583 57,048 200255 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,400 26,874 115,274 60,563 200270 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,500 21,128 90,628 47,615 200275 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,018 27,061 116,079 60,987 200280 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,583 20,545 88,128 46,302 Page 194 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 200285 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,000 18,240 78,240 41,106 200291 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,916 19,734 84,650 44,474 200296 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,159 28,624 122,783 64,509 200300 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,256 23,790 102,046 53,614 200305 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 116,500 35,416 151,916 79,815 200311 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 200315 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,309 26,846 115,155 60,501 200320 Senior Administrator Officer Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 160,849 44,394 205,243 107,832 200325 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,375 27,474 117,849 61,916 200331 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 37,579 200335 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 200340 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,046 24,638 105,684 55,525 200345 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,600 20,854 89,454 46,998 200350 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,884 23,373 100,257 52,674 200355 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,834 28,526 122,360 64,286 200366 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,337 23,510 100,847 52,984 200373 Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 200376 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 152,600 46,390 198,990 78,376 200386 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,402 24,442 104,844 55,084 200390 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,999 20,064 86,063 45,216 200396 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,234 23,479 100,713 52,914 200400 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 127,922 38,888 166,810 87,640 200405 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 48,065 200416 Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 110,704 33,654 144,358 63,973 200420 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 111,300 33,835 145,135 65,702 200425 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 114,300 34,747 149,047 78,308 200431 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 39,510 20,387 59,897 0 200435 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,602 26,631 114,233 55,571 200440 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 123,263 37,472 160,735 72,364 200450 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,890 18,511 79,401 41,716 200455 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 102,794 31,249 134,043 70,425 200461 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,765 27,897 119,662 62,869 200475 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,247 25,003 107,250 56,348 200480 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 107,636 32,721 140,357 73,742 200500 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,437 27,189 116,626 61,274 200505 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,281 25,621 109,902 57,741 Page 195 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 200510 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 47,982 14,587 62,569 32,873 200516 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,409 27,484 117,893 61,940 200531 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 58,271 30,068 88,339 46,412 200535 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,750 19,684 84,434 44,361 200540 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 111,300 33,835 145,135 48,094 200545 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,206 22,863 98,069 51,524 200547 Broadcast/Media Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 0 200550 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,430 20,195 86,625 45,512 200555 Comm Specialist 4 (NE) Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 65,101 35,220 100,321 52,707 200560 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 129,595 39,397 168,992 73,851 200570 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,847 22,145 94,992 49,908 200576 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,821 36,049 120,870 63,504 200581 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,780 31,357 105,137 55,237 200585 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,627 22,079 94,706 49,757 200590 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,356 23,212 99,568 48,437 200605 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,931 23,083 99,014 52,021 200615 Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 200622 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,202 26,205 112,407 59,058 200632 Fiscal Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 31,419 16,998 48,417 25,438 200636 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 70,908 38,361 109,269 57,409 200643 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 33,681 18,221 51,902 27,269 200645 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,760 23,133 65,893 34,620 200656 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,908 30,136 101,044 53,087 200661 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,118 24,950 71,068 37,338 200671 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,800 19,909 56,709 0 200676 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,400 30,770 103,170 54,204 200690 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,867 22,650 64,517 33,897 200700 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,937 21,261 91,198 47,914 200701 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 200703 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,696 24,946 83,642 43,944 200712 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 200721 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,817 19,918 56,735 23,846 200726 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,442 19,715 56,157 29,504 201565 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 107,267 32,609 139,876 60,198 201570 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 56,974 24,214 81,188 42,655 201587 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,708 26,663 114,371 60,089 Page 196 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 201595 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 0 201730 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,866 23,063 98,929 44,988 201733 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,663 20,266 86,929 41,104 201737 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,203 27,118 116,321 56,586 201740 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,258 28,350 121,608 63,892 201760 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,112 24,658 105,770 55,570 201765 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 39,859 21,564 61,423 32,271 201775 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,525 23,568 101,093 53,113 201780 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 201781 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT ** United Academics BU 30.4% 89,151 27,102 116,253 0 201785 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 44,492 18,909 63,401 33,310 201790 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,511 24,080 68,591 36,037 201800 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,676 17,534 75,210 39,514 201803 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 65,503 35,437 100,940 53,033 201805 Broadcast/Media Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,696 24,946 83,642 0 201812 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,703 25,750 110,453 36,929 201816 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,933 27,036 115,969 60,929 201817 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,864 31,304 89,168 46,848 201819 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,990 35,696 119,686 62,882 201823 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 119,534 36,338 155,872 43,939 201830 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 116,181 35,319 151,500 23,842 201840 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,986 38,669 129,655 68,119 201860 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 154,871 47,081 201,952 49,513 201870 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,660 20,265 86,925 45,669 201875 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,760 18,471 79,231 41,627 201882 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,499 25,688 110,187 53,948 201895 Administrative Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,171 35,348 118,519 62,268 201900 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,300 29,878 100,178 52,632 201906 Associate Vice Chancellor Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 159,755 44,092 203,847 107,099 201930 Library Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,513 29,543 99,056 52,043 201941 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 50,385 21,414 71,799 23,765 201950 Director (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 106,827 29,484 136,311 71,616 201955 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 39,726 21,492 61,218 32,163 201961 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,583 24,473 82,056 43,111 201970 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,895 34,026 96,921 50,921 201977 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,915 25,464 85,379 44,857 Page 197 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 201986 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 201991 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,659 23,655 79,314 41,671 202002 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,697 24,946 83,643 43,945 202006 Instructional Designer 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,201 27,285 91,486 48,066 202090 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 202835 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,400 19,274 82,674 43,436 202847 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 176,000 53,504 229,504 90,434 202856 Instructional Designer 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,924 30,143 101,067 53,099 202861 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,300 27,147 116,447 61,180 202865 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 131,100 39,854 170,954 67,346 202876 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 202880 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 162,000 49,248 211,248 83,240 202886 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 145,800 44,323 190,123 42,340 202890 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,240 19,833 85,073 44,696 202895 IS Net Technician 6 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,800 29,647 84,447 44,367 202897 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 186,800 56,787 243,587 95,983 202911 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 149,110 45,329 194,439 43,785 202916 Associate Dean/Faculty Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 204,900 56,552 261,452 120,872 202931 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 202935 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,000 30,704 131,704 69,196 202940 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 202946 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,800 31,365 105,165 55,252 202950 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,454 23,850 102,304 53,749 202960 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 192,500 58,520 251,020 108,110 202974 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,400 25,245 84,645 44,472 202981 Executive Director Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 115,990 32,013 148,003 77,759 202985 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,000 31,919 90,919 47,768 202990 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,600 16,555 47,155 24,774 202993 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,552 36,785 123,337 64,800 203330 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 203345 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 168,333 51,173 219,506 115,326 203355 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 203357 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 184,984 56,235 241,219 126,734 203361 Student Svcs Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 36,863 203366 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 133,221 40,499 173,720 91,271 203375 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 Page 198 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 203385 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,510 33,818 96,328 50,610 203390 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,473 16,486 46,959 24,672 203405 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 141,862 43,126 184,988 97,191 203406 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 137,786 41,887 179,673 94,398 203415 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,053 30,623 102,676 39,232 203430 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 181,498 55,175 236,673 124,345 203435 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 122,959 37,380 160,339 84,240 203445 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 203450 Student Svcs Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,373 30,759 103,132 54,184 203455 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 148,892 45,263 194,155 102,007 203461 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 203481 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,696 31,755 90,451 47,522 203485 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 41,756 203490 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,356 24,538 69,894 36,721 203501 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,243 29,345 83,588 43,916 203840 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 169,100 51,406 220,506 86,871 203845 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 158,000 48,032 206,032 81,185 203850 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 179,100 54,446 233,546 92,010 203855 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 42,900 13,042 55,942 29,391 203860 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,201 27,285 91,486 48,066 203865 IS Net Technician 6 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,600 27,916 79,516 41,777 203875 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 129,400 39,338 168,738 76,252 203881 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,451 23,142 77,593 40,766 203885 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 16,400 6,970 23,370 12,278 203895 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 118,500 36,024 154,524 81,185 203900 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 107,400 32,650 140,050 73,580 203905 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,900 25,810 110,710 58,166 203921 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 28,800 15,581 44,381 23,317 203925 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 54,122 27,927 82,049 43,108 203931 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,800 26,265 88,065 46,268 204070 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,689 23,617 101,306 49,282 204075 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 126,978 38,601 165,579 56,506 204080 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 107,897 32,801 140,698 51,175 204095 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 132,444 40,263 172,707 90,738 204105 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,043 25,853 110,896 58,264 204110 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 117,614 35,755 153,369 80,578 Page 199 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 204115 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,507 25,082 107,589 48,437 204121 Communications Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,442 33,763 113,205 59,477 204125 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,084 22,218 95,302 46,361 204130 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 102,288 31,096 133,384 49,319 204135 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 98,749 30,020 128,769 67,654 204141 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 96,692 29,394 126,086 66,244 204146 Safety Svcs‐Fire 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified ‐ Firefighters 54.1% 99,775 53,978 153,753 12,117 204151 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,209 29,839 100,048 52,564 204156 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,760 26,071 111,831 41,490 204160 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 114,793 34,897 149,690 78,645 204165 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,352 30,811 132,163 69,437 204181 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 112,860 34,309 147,169 77,321 204185 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 111,132 33,784 144,916 53,597 204190 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 102,415 31,134 133,549 70,165 204196 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 204200 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,795 24,258 104,053 54,668 204206 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,461 30,844 132,305 68,689 204215 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,979 25,226 108,205 56,849 204221 Senior Administrator Director Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 133,900 36,956 170,856 89,766 204225 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,637 27,858 119,495 62,781 204236 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,680 20,879 89,559 39,209 204241 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 41,756 204245 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 44,000 13,376 57,376 30,145 204250 Environmental Health/Safety 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,029 32,312 108,341 56,921 204256 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 204260 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 92,999 28,272 121,271 63,714 204265 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,743 28,366 95,109 49,969 204277 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 121,200 36,845 158,045 63,372 204280 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,574 27,902 79,476 41,756 204296 Environmental Health/Safety 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,696 24,946 83,642 43,944 204300 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 123,934 37,676 161,610 84,908 204306 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100,383 30,516 130,899 28,763 204311 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 103,239 31,385 134,624 50,382 204326 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 107,970 32,823 140,793 63,385 204330 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 104,600 31,798 136,398 71,662 204335 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 131,748 40,051 171,799 46,963 Page 200 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 204341 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 103,800 31,555 135,355 42,682 204347 Student Svcs Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 37,579 204352 Associate Dean/Faculty Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 132,279 36,509 168,788 65,992 204361 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 124,343 37,800 162,143 54,906 204366 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 119,177 36,230 155,407 43,831 204370 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,672 26,044 111,716 50,473 204380 Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,930 27,947 119,877 58,316 204390 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 110,558 33,610 144,168 52,450 204400 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,657 22,696 97,353 51,148 204404 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,696 24,946 83,642 43,944 204410 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,700 33,380 95,080 49,954 204435 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 204445 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,820 28,576 81,396 42,764 204446 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 110,300 33,531 143,831 0 204470 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 106,442 32,358 138,800 72,924 204475 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,986 38,669 129,655 68,119 204481 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 93,128 39,579 132,707 69,723 204490 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 122,626 37,278 159,904 84,012 204500 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 42,754 22,061 64,815 34,053 204505 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 158,700 48,245 206,945 81,528 204516 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 118,841 36,128 154,969 81,419 204526 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 47,935 14,572 62,507 32,841 204531 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,951 27,953 119,904 62,996 204542 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 50,182 21,327 71,509 37,570 204551 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 97,725 29,708 127,433 52,222 204556 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 116,774 35,499 152,273 56,503 204566 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 204576 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 116,320 35,361 151,681 31,758 204581 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT * United Academics BU 30.4% 16,514 5,020 21,534 0 204581 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT ** United Academics BU 30.4% 33,028 10,041 43,069 22,628 204587 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 140,137 42,602 182,739 57,095 204595 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,633 16,572 47,205 24,801 204600 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,743 22,042 62,785 32,986 204605 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 64,852 35,085 99,937 52,506 204610 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,314 29,925 85,239 44,784 204613 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 103,768 31,545 135,313 71,092 Page 201 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 204625 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,675 29,038 82,713 43,457 204641 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,300 33,278 111,578 58,622 204650 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,074 26,549 75,623 39,731 204653 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 204700 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 132,967 40,422 173,389 63,076 205555 Director (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 141,000 38,916 179,916 94,526 205560 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 88,300 37,528 125,828 66,108 206600 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 118,300 35,963 154,263 60,769 206638 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,243 23,053 77,296 40,611 206656 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,800 27,115 90,915 47,766 206690 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 206695 Broadcast/Media Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,919 26,741 89,660 0 206720 Library Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,536 34,653 116,189 61,044 206723 Broadcast/Media Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,503 27,839 93,342 0 206761 Development 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 119,031 50,588 169,619 0 206780 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,967 28,566 122,533 3,863 206795 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,200 30,945 88,145 46,310 206800 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,373 30,759 103,132 0 206820 Broadcast/Media Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,188 23,365 66,553 0 206850 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 207187 Associate Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,138 19,194 82,332 43,256 207190 IS Net Technician 6 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 207256 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,600 36,805 123,405 64,836 207261 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,697 31,755 90,452 42,770 207285 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 207291 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 57,408 29,623 87,031 45,725 207295 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 96,839 29,439 126,278 66,345 207300 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 122,600 37,270 159,870 41,997 207305 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 97,891 29,759 127,650 67,066 207310 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,379 30,819 132,198 69,455 207321 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,446 28,408 121,854 64,020 207341 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,476 30,849 132,325 69,522 207345 Director (Academic) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 135,000 37,260 172,260 90,503 207360 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 207382 Training & Development 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,860 30,220 86,080 0 207385 Library Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,940 34,051 96,991 50,958 Page 202 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 207395 Student Svcs Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 96,400 40,970 137,370 72,173 207406 Library Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,940 34,051 96,991 50,958 207416 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,890 30,236 86,126 45,250 207420 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,400 33,758 96,158 50,521 207425 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,091 33,050 94,141 49,461 207435 Library Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,227 21,763 61,990 32,569 207445 Library Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,136 31,452 89,588 47,068 207450 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,028 29,770 84,798 44,552 207460 Library Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,704 34,299 115,003 60,421 207475 Safety Svcs‐Police 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,060 32,492 92,552 48,626 207479 Library Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 207481 Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 97,561 41,463 139,024 73,042 207485 Library Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 35,038 18,956 53,994 28,368 207490 Library Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,010 30,842 87,852 46,157 207496 Library Technician 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 24,544 13,278 37,822 19,871 207510 Library Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,563 27,896 79,459 41,747 207521 Library Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,891 22,663 64,554 33,916 207531 Library Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,195 25,532 72,727 38,210 207535 Library Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,115 31,440 89,555 47,051 207540 Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,902 33,108 111,010 58,324 207543 Library Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,705 29,054 82,759 43,481 207555 Library Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,410 22,403 63,813 33,527 207560 Library Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,064 27,626 78,690 41,343 207565 IS Ops Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 207575 Library Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,656 30,454 102,110 53,647 208406 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 208410 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 108,002 32,833 140,835 52,138 208411 Library Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,900 33,958 113,858 7,861 208415 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,800 32,640 109,440 57,499 208425 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,000 20,368 87,368 39,736 208455 Library Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,200 29,835 100,035 36,386 208458 Mental Health Provider 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 50,606 21,508 72,114 37,888 208485 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,553 36,785 123,338 64,800 208495 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,900 31,833 106,733 34,215 208505 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 65,400 35,381 100,781 29,794 208511 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,331 26,491 88,822 46,666 Page 203 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 208645 Dean (Academic) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 170,061 46,937 216,998 114,008 208650 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,326 21,987 94,313 49,551 208656 Administrative Management 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,564 32,965 110,529 58,070 208690 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 208741 Administrative Management 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 152,644 64,874 217,518 114,281 208746 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 29,200 15,797 44,997 23,641 208775 Dean (Academic) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 211,950 58,498 270,448 142,090 208780 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,184 25,527 72,711 38,201 208810 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,500 26,600 114,100 59,947 208812 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 139,200 42,317 181,517 71,525 208846 Library Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,060 27,623 78,683 41,339 208847 Instructional Designer 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,785 32,634 109,419 57,487 208850 Dean (Academic) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 184,480 50,916 235,396 123,675 208855 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 208860 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 108,864 46,267 155,131 81,504 208891 Vice Chancellor (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 100 0 100 0 208895 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,400 35,020 117,420 61,691 208900 Student Svcs Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 94,077 39,983 134,060 70,433 208911 Administrative Management 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 208915 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,064 31,477 105,541 55,450 208926 Vice Chancellor (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 184,800 51,005 235,805 123,889 208931 Student Svcs Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 208945 Mental Health Provider 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,472 35,051 117,523 61,745 208950 Mental Health Provider 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,304 23,504 78,808 41,405 208955 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 43,277 208960 Physical Health Provider 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,525 40,598 136,123 71,518 208970 Mental Health Provider 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 52,135 22,157 74,292 39,032 208975 Mental Health Provider 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,558 27,437 91,995 48,333 208981 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 63,051 32,534 95,585 50,219 209015 Student Svcs Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,149 28,213 80,362 42,221 209018 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,042 36,568 122,610 64,418 209020 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,919 26,741 89,660 47,106 209040 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,975 40,789 136,764 71,854 209043 Student Svcs Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 209044 Student Svcs Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,825 34,776 116,601 61,261 209050 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,849 23,736 79,585 41,813 Pge 11 Page 204 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 209053 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 72,372 39,153 111,525 58,594 209056 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 40,295 209061 Physical Health Provider 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,940 20,526 58,466 30,717 209066 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,082 22,225 63,307 33,261 209070 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 41,917 209086 Campus Services Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,785 19,901 56,686 29,782 209105 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 42,377 209117 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,965 30,277 86,242 45,311 209500 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,850 25,887 73,737 38,740 209665 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 141,944 60,326 202,270 106,270 209886 Student Svcs Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,804 31,272 89,076 46,799 209887 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 209890 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,600 27,916 79,516 0 209895 Library Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,563 32,964 110,527 58,070 209896 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,513 25,293 84,806 44,556 209900 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 41,917 209905 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 209910 Student Svcs Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,919 26,741 89,660 47,106 209915 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 48,250 209920 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,804 31,272 89,076 46,799 209930 Student Svcs Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,336 26,150 74,486 39,134 209935 Student Svcs Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,782 27,473 78,255 41,114 209942 Student Svcs Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 37,579 209946 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,880 25,362 72,242 37,955 209955 Student Svcs Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 37,579 209960 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,804 31,272 89,076 46,799 209965 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 57,408 29,623 87,031 45,725 209975 Student Svcs Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,786 22,065 62,851 33,021 209980 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,503 25,714 86,217 45,297 209985 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,193 24,307 81,500 42,819 209996 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,820 25,177 107,997 56,741 210136 Environmental Health/Safety 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,986 38,669 129,655 68,119 210140 Associate Vice Chancellor Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 139,380 38,469 177,849 93,440 210155 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,895 27,810 81,705 42,927 210160 Fiscal Manager 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,179 37,901 127,080 66,766 210170 Dean (Academic) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 206,500 56,994 263,494 138,437 Page 205 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 210180 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 48,065 210185 Environmental Health/Safety 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,171 35,348 118,519 62,268 210186 IS Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,800 39,440 132,240 69,477 210188 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 107,750 45,794 153,544 80,670 210190 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 128,200 54,485 182,685 95,981 210200 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Fairbanks PT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 14,235 7,345 21,580 0 210210 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,919 26,741 89,660 47,106 210215 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,000 27,625 92,625 48,664 210216 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,239 25,015 71,254 0 210218 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 210240 Student Svcs Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 108,164 45,970 154,134 80,980 210251 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,583 24,473 82,056 43,111 210257 IS Consultant 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 97,562 41,464 139,026 73,043 210260 Fiscal Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,310 22,890 65,200 34,255 210266 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,919 26,741 89,660 47,106 210267 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,804 31,272 89,076 46,799 210268 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 111,200 33,805 145,005 44,189 210272 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,700 30,473 102,173 53,680 210279 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 97,561 41,463 139,024 73,042 210282 Senior Administrator Director Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 129,686 35,793 165,479 86,941 210286 IS Net Technician 6 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 210302 Safety Svcs‐Fire 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified ‐ Firefighters 54.1% 86,100 46,580 132,680 62,746 210314 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,081 26,553 75,634 39,737 210318 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,696 24,946 83,642 32,958 210320 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 210325 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 210329 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,919 26,741 89,660 47,106 210334 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,583 24,473 82,056 43,111 210335 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,579 26,822 76,401 40,140 210346 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 210351 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 66,784 36,130 102,914 54,070 210366 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 210376 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 45,365 23,408 68,773 36,133 210386 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 58,271 30,068 88,339 46,412 210387 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,515 29,544 99,059 52,044 210435 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,209 29,839 100,048 52,564 Page 206 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 210441 Fiscal Manager 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,028 32,312 108,340 56,921 210448 Risk Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,700 26,223 87,923 46,193 210466 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 63,570 34,391 97,961 51,468 210475 Fac Engineering 6 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 111,100 47,218 158,318 83,178 210486 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,028 32,312 108,340 56,921 210491 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 117,200 35,629 152,829 80,294 210500 Environmental Health/Safety 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,616 30,437 102,053 53,617 211320 Chancellor Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 312,054 86,127 398,181 209,200 211322 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,234 22,308 63,542 33,384 211331 Provost Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 239,877 66,206 306,083 160,812 211346 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,243 23,053 77,296 40,611 211361 Administrative Management 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,061 38,276 128,337 67,427 211371 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT ** APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 39,569 16,817 56,386 29,624 211375 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,583 24,473 82,056 43,111 211379 Fiscal Manager 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 105,628 44,892 150,520 79,081 211381 Admin Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 96,553 41,035 137,588 72,287 211395 Admin Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,990 35,696 119,686 62,882 211402 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,583 24,473 82,056 43,111 211405 Fac Engineering 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,061 38,276 128,337 67,427 211537 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 211540 Fiscal Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,230 21,764 61,994 29,314 211554 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 42,377 211560 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 211566 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,121 24,830 72,951 38,328 211570 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 211576 Communications Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 101,880 43,299 145,179 76,275 211705 Safety Svcs‐Fire 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 137,349 58,373 195,722 30,849 211711 Safety Svcs‐Fire 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified ‐ Firefighters 54.1% 127,935 69,213 197,148 15,537 211716 Safety Svcs‐Fire 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified ‐ Firefighters 54.1% 134,528 72,780 207,308 16,337 211721 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 211726 Safety Svcs‐Fire 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified ‐ Firefighters 54.1% 100,735 54,498 155,233 12,233 211731 Safety Svcs‐Fire 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified ‐ Firefighters 54.1% 97,792 52,905 150,697 11,876 211736 Safety Svcs‐Fire 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified ‐ Firefighters 54.1% 100,735 54,498 155,233 12,233 211741 Safety Svcs‐Fire 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified ‐ Firefighters 54.1% 125,440 67,863 193,303 15,234 211746 Safety Svcs‐Fire 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified ‐ Firefighters 54.1% 97,792 52,905 150,697 11,876 211750 Safety Svcs‐Police 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,810 25,865 73,675 38,708 Page 207 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 211755 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,600 30,621 87,221 45,825 211908 Safety Svcs‐Police 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,510 33,818 96,328 50,610 211910 IS Consultant 4A Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 45,300 19,253 64,553 33,915 211915 Safety Svcs‐Fire 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified ‐ Firefighters 54.1% 101,728 55,035 156,763 12,354 211918 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,806 31,793 106,599 56,006 211921 Safety Svcs‐Police 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,810 25,865 73,675 38,708 211926 Student Svcs Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,501 29,538 99,039 52,034 211937 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 212120 Campus Services Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,230 21,764 61,994 32,571 212122 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,300 24,411 104,711 55,014 212471 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 72,462 37,390 109,852 57,715 212643 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 59,748 30,830 90,578 47,589 213515 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 55,214 28,490 83,704 43,977 213550 Fac Engineering 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,243 29,345 83,588 43,916 213562 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,306 32,085 91,391 48,016 213565 Fac Engineering 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 213573 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 213576 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 6 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 103,527 43,999 147,526 77,508 213580 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 213586 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,772 39,428 132,200 69,456 213596 Administrative Management 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,087 31,062 104,149 54,719 213606 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 68,640 35,418 104,058 54,671 213610 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,895 27,810 81,705 42,927 213620 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,494 31,660 106,154 55,772 213625 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 56,295 29,048 85,343 44,838 213631 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,121 24,830 72,951 38,328 213640 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 78,391 40,450 118,841 62,438 213645 Fiscal Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,700 22,019 62,719 32,952 213650 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 54,122 27,927 82,049 43,108 213655 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 59,748 30,830 90,578 47,589 213661 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,614 33,857 99,471 52,261 213670 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 73,830 38,096 111,926 58,805 213675 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,121 24,830 72,951 38,328 213680 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 67,288 34,721 102,009 53,594 213685 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 71,885 37,093 108,978 57,256 213696 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 49,067 25,319 74,386 39,081 Page 208 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 213700 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 73,830 38,096 111,926 58,805 213705 Fac Engineering 6 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 213711 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 76,877 39,669 116,546 61,232 213715 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 62,150 32,069 94,219 49,502 213720 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,121 24,830 72,951 38,328 213725 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,121 24,830 72,951 38,328 213740 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 73,830 38,096 111,926 58,805 213751 Fiscal Manager 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 112,179 47,676 159,855 83,986 213755 Executive Director Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 141,400 39,026 180,426 94,794 213770 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,123 27,411 80,534 42,312 213780 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 60,934 31,442 92,376 48,533 213791 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,895 27,810 81,705 42,927 213796 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 59,748 30,830 90,578 47,589 213805 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 36,495 18,831 55,326 21,554 213815 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 64,698 33,384 98,082 51,531 213820 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 213825 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 42,751 22,060 64,811 34,051 213840 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 75,363 38,887 114,250 60,026 213845 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,061 27,379 80,440 42,262 213856 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 68,640 35,418 104,058 54,671 213860 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 59,748 30,830 90,578 47,589 213865 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 213870 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 60,616 31,278 91,894 48,280 213875 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,123 27,411 80,534 42,312 213890 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,998 34,055 100,053 52,567 213895 Library Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,162 28,969 97,131 51,031 213905 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 60,934 31,442 92,376 48,533 213910 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 58,271 30,068 88,339 46,412 213917 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 54,122 27,927 82,049 43,108 213935 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 44,481 22,952 67,433 35,429 213960 Student Svcs Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 213965 Fiscal Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,629 21,980 62,609 32,894 213976 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 6 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 213981 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 58,573 30,224 88,797 46,653 213991 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 67,288 34,721 102,009 53,594 213996 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,123 27,411 80,534 42,312 Page 209 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 214001 Communications Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,313 35,833 120,146 0 214005 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 67,288 34,721 102,009 53,594 214010 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 214015 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,614 33,857 99,471 52,261 214026 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 56,295 29,048 85,343 44,838 214030 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 37,960 19,587 57,547 30,235 214037 Student Svcs Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,899 34,382 115,281 0 214040 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,479 29,954 100,433 52,766 214046 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,123 27,411 80,534 42,312 214055 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,614 33,857 99,471 52,261 214071 IS Ops Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 71,196 38,517 109,713 57,642 214076 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 39,510 20,387 59,897 0 214096 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 54,122 27,927 82,049 43,108 214100 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 58,573 30,224 88,797 46,653 214106 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 6 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 108,864 46,267 155,131 65,203 214111 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 73,830 38,096 111,926 58,805 214126 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,614 33,857 99,471 52,261 214135 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 57,408 29,623 87,031 45,725 214146 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 104,500 31,768 136,268 62,208 214150 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 60,934 31,442 92,376 48,533 214181 IS Net Technician 7 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,800 33,434 95,234 50,035 214185 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 63,398 32,713 96,111 50,496 214226 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 62,150 32,069 94,219 49,502 214241 Fiscal Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,449 22,424 63,873 26,846 214265 Development 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,442 33,763 113,205 59,477 214291 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,614 33,857 99,471 52,261 214295 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 85,713 46,371 132,084 69,395 214311 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 50,086 25,844 75,930 39,893 214316 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,133 28,107 94,240 49,512 214330 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 58,271 30,068 88,339 46,412 214335 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 214340 Campus Services Generalist 5 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,150 26,049 74,199 38,983 214346 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,239 25,015 71,254 37,436 214420 Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,408 38,423 128,831 67,687 214435 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,373 30,759 103,132 54,184 214445 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,184 25,527 72,711 38,201 Page 210 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 214450 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,179 37,901 127,080 66,766 214455 Safety Svcs‐Police 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,810 25,865 73,675 38,708 214460 Safety Svcs‐Police 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 71,130 38,481 109,611 57,589 215185 Fiscal Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,049 22,208 63,257 33,234 215191 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,700 25,445 109,145 57,343 215196 Fac Engineering 6 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 108,863 46,267 155,130 81,503 215200 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 72,462 37,390 109,852 57,715 215206 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 51,074 26,354 77,428 40,680 215216 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 215217 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,150 26,049 74,199 38,983 215221 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 73,487 37,919 111,406 58,532 215225 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervsr 3 (NE) Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 77,604 41,984 119,588 62,830 215232 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervsr 3 (NE) Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 88,318 47,780 136,098 71,504 215236 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervsr 3 (NE) Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 86,553 46,825 133,378 70,075 215245 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 215250 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 71,530 36,909 108,439 56,973 215255 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 60,616 31,278 91,894 48,280 215260 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 73,487 37,919 111,406 58,532 215265 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 69,608 35,918 105,526 55,442 215270 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,602 33,851 99,453 52,251 215275 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 61,839 31,909 93,748 49,254 215285 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,895 27,810 81,705 42,927 215291 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 60,616 31,278 91,894 48,280 215300 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 73,487 37,919 111,406 58,532 215315 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 64,297 33,177 97,474 51,212 215321 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 215326 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervsr 3 (NE) Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 77,604 41,984 119,588 62,830 215330 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 44,481 22,952 67,433 35,429 215340 IS Net Technician 7 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 84,900 45,931 130,831 68,737 215686 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,449 30,539 86,988 45,702 215691 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,451 23,142 77,593 40,766 215701 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,571 27,018 90,589 47,594 215711 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,314 29,925 85,239 44,784 215841 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 215846 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,000 33,575 112,575 59,146 215855 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 Page 211 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 215860 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 215867 Student Svcs Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 32,697 215870 IS Net Technician 6 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,600 27,916 79,516 41,777 215875 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 215901 Training & Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,305 25,205 84,510 33,300 215906 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 215916 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,500 30,567 87,067 0 215930 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,782 23,646 101,428 53,289 216070 Campus Services Retail 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,744 23,266 78,010 0 216075 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,193 24,307 81,500 42,819 216215 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,343 26,248 112,591 59,154 216246 Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 53,362 16,222 69,584 36,559 216250 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 64,167 34,714 98,881 51,951 216261 Student Svcs Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,743 22,042 62,785 32,986 216266 Environmental Health/Safety 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 103,528 43,999 147,527 77,509 216270 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 48,437 217000 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,640 23,609 67,249 35,332 217005 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,640 23,609 67,249 35,332 217010 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,194 21,757 72,951 38,328 217015 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 52,029 22,112 74,141 38,953 217020 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,153 22,590 75,743 39,795 217025 Broadcast/Media Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,244 23,054 77,298 40,611 217030 Instructional Designer 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,701 26,223 87,924 46,194 217045 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 126,700 38,517 165,217 74,608 217050 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 107,500 32,680 140,180 53,233 217055 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,870 26,712 114,582 60,200 217065 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,483 23,859 102,342 53,769 217070 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 133,423 40,561 173,984 57,130 240006 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 240020 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,300 25,048 71,348 37,486 240035 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 166,927 50,746 217,673 33,109 240046 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 51,594 26,623 78,217 41,094 240085 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,161 22,241 95,402 50,123 240090 Research Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 154,500 46,968 201,468 21,170 240116 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 118,571 36,046 154,617 30,262 240141 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 39,500 12,008 51,508 0 Page 212 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 240175 Director (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 192,600 53,158 245,758 129,118 240215 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 154,935 47,100 202,035 30,854 240237 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100,254 30,477 130,731 68,685 240240 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 240250 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 109,900 46,708 156,608 0 240331 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 67,527 36,532 104,059 54,671 240335 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 107,800 45,815 153,615 80,708 240340 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,400 16,446 46,846 12,306 240350 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,760 26,071 111,831 41,490 240355 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 240365 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 139,600 59,330 198,930 104,516 240380 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 78,036 42,217 120,253 63,180 240385 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 109,900 46,708 156,608 82,280 240402 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,293 32,000 107,293 56,370 240430 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,600 32,785 93,385 49,063 240445 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 72,600 37,462 110,062 57,825 240461 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 97,500 41,438 138,938 72,996 240467 Research Professional 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 116,700 49,598 166,298 87,371 240472 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 93,700 39,823 133,523 0 240512 Administrative Management 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,200 30,260 101,460 13,326 240521 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 240530 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,600 24,480 82,080 0 240546 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,161 26,843 90,004 47,287 240576 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,640 31,724 90,364 47,476 240580 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 112,100 47,643 159,743 12,578 240586 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,007 22,953 76,960 30,325 240591 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 240595 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,640 31,724 90,364 47,476 240600 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,200 28,781 81,981 43,072 240616 Admin Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,975 31,014 103,989 54,635 240628 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,300 32,003 107,303 50,760 240650 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 93,800 39,865 133,665 70,226 240655 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 240660 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 240671 Director (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 166,800 46,037 212,837 48,939 240681 Communications Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 87,300 37,103 124,403 49,038 Page 213 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 240695 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,600 28,457 81,057 42,586 240700 IS Net Technician 7 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 240710 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,696 36,421 122,117 64,159 240716 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 26,100 11,093 37,193 19,541 240730 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Fairbanks PT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 38,100 19,660 57,760 24,293 240753 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 240765 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 240771 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 240772 Communications Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,668 35,134 117,802 61,892 240775 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 240800 Director (Academic) Fairbanks FT * Sr. Administrator 27.6% 59,800 16,505 76,305 0 240800 Director (Academic) Fairbanks FT ** Sr. Administrator 27.6% 82,400 22,742 105,142 55,241 240801 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,166 27,410 117,576 55,059 240802 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 92,609 28,153 120,762 63,447 240803 Fiscal Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 240809 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,595 26,933 115,528 60,697 240825 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 240826 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 173,720 52,811 226,531 119,017 240827 Physical Health Provider 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 38,303 20,722 59,025 31,011 240829 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,750 18,468 79,218 41,620 240830 Physical Health Provider 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,402 22,398 63,800 33,520 240837 Administrative Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 240838 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,800 40,715 136,515 62,739 240840 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,244 23,054 77,298 0 240842 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,500 24,075 68,575 36,028 240843 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,800 25,319 72,119 37,890 240848 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,732 23,118 65,850 34,597 240856 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,980 27,658 118,638 62,331 240857 Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,600 25,718 110,318 57,960 240858 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,326 27,459 117,785 54,141 240859 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 110,500 33,592 144,092 56,795 240860 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,332 23,813 102,145 53,666 240861 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 41,917 240862 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,892 26,111 112,003 58,845 240863 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,410 25,661 110,071 57,830 240866 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 108,450 32,969 141,419 74,300 Page 214 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 240868 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 110,900 33,714 144,614 75,978 240869 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,900 27,026 115,926 60,906 240871 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,243 23,053 77,296 40,611 240872 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 22,679 12,269 34,948 18,361 240873 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 240874 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,100 33,618 112,718 59,220 240875 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,400 25,102 71,502 37,567 240876 Development 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,372 30,758 103,130 0 240881 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 35,397 19,150 54,547 28,658 240882 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,354 33,300 111,654 58,662 240883 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,121 24,830 72,951 38,328 240884 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,844 29,259 98,103 51,542 240885 Administrative Management 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 106,700 45,348 152,048 79,884 240888 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,607 40,633 136,240 71,579 240891 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,951 22,695 64,646 33,965 240892 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 49,666 21,108 70,774 37,184 240895 Library Technician 4 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,027 25,983 74,010 29,280 240896 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,091 25,964 87,055 45,738 240898 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,121 24,830 72,951 38,328 240899 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 240901 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,022 23,816 67,838 0 240908 Instructional Designer 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,844 29,259 98,103 51,542 240909 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,512 34,643 116,155 61,026 240910 Student Svcs Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,710 23,106 65,816 34,579 240915 Instructional Designer 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 67,479 28,679 96,158 50,520 240939 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,868 25,897 73,765 38,755 240940 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 48,250 240941 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,915 33,964 113,879 0 240944 Administrative Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,185 33,654 112,839 59,284 240946 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 240947 Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,892 30,554 102,446 53,824 240948 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 43,277 240949 Development 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,882 29,150 83,032 43,624 240950 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 41,756 240951 Senior Administrator Director Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 135,100 37,288 172,388 90,570 240952 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,604 32,982 110,586 58,100 Page 215 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 240953 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 49,088 25,329 74,417 39,098 240954 Administrative Management 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 67,500 28,688 96,188 0 240955 Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,368 31,181 104,549 54,929 240956 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,503 25,714 86,217 45,297 240958 Senior Administrator Director Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 100 0 100 0 240960 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,583 24,473 82,056 43,111 240962 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,781 22,733 97,514 51,233 240966 Student Svcs Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 129,358 54,977 184,335 96,848 240967 Instructional Designer 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,294 32,000 107,294 56,371 240975 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT * United Academics BU 30.4% 16,540 5,028 21,568 11,332 240976 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,201 27,285 91,486 48,066 240978 Instructional Designer 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,201 27,285 91,486 48,066 242750 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,900 34,029 96,929 50,925 242768 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 103,300 31,403 134,703 53,096 242771 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 242773 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 135,400 41,162 176,562 34,187 242775 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 116,710 35,480 152,190 29,939 242785 IS Net Technician 6 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,700 29,052 82,752 43,477 242790 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 115,900 35,234 151,134 56,590 242795 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 114,500 34,808 149,308 50,013 242800 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,121 24,830 72,951 38,328 242805 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 148,300 45,083 193,383 61,386 242815 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 109,800 33,379 143,179 57,549 242830 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 242836 Professor Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 157,836 43,563 201,399 105,813 242851 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 149,100 45,326 194,426 76,526 242860 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 142,400 43,290 185,690 77,691 242865 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100,400 42,670 143,070 75,167 242871 Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 242912 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,500 30,856 132,356 53,507 242920 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 105,000 31,920 136,920 53,986 242935 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,700 25,806 73,506 38,619 242945 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,200 24,994 71,194 37,405 242950 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 128,100 38,942 167,042 65,839 242975 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 68,269 35,227 103,496 54,375 243021 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 103,900 31,586 135,486 47,409 Page 216 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 243056 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,200 29,322 83,522 43,882 243061 Admin Specialist 3 (NonExempt) Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,100 31,432 89,532 47,039 243065 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 135,200 41,101 176,301 55,562 243068 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,238 25,015 71,253 37,435 243071 Administrative Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 243086 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 103,600 44,030 147,630 77,563 243105 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,263 29,897 85,160 44,742 243110 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,600 27,030 90,630 47,616 243116 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,700 24,948 83,648 0 243151 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 87,400 37,145 124,545 65,434 243160 Instructional Designer 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,504 27,839 93,343 49,041 245170 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 209,100 63,566 272,666 0 245221 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,150 29,814 99,964 52,520 245236 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,500 30,813 103,313 54,279 245245 Administrative Management 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,030 28,913 96,943 50,933 245251 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 120,712 51,303 172,015 90,374 245350 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,265 27,745 119,010 46,426 245351 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 68,269 35,227 103,496 54,375 245355 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 105,868 32,184 138,052 47,871 245359 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 120,416 36,606 157,022 61,873 245375 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,156 28,757 81,913 43,036 245379 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,836 23,662 101,498 53,326 245391 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,919 26,741 89,660 47,106 245400 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,126 27,702 118,828 34,962 245410 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,899 27,025 115,924 38,391 245435 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 127,640 38,803 166,443 26,234 245445 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,150 28,964 97,114 51,022 245490 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Fairbanks PT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 14,816 7,645 22,461 0 245495 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 54,666 15,088 69,754 0 245516 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,208 31,538 105,746 55,558 245525 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 245560 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,714 34,303 115,017 0 245565 Administrative Management 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 126,342 53,695 180,037 94,590 245610 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,900 36,083 120,983 63,563 245635 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 104,582 44,447 149,029 78,298 245648 Senior Administrator Officer Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 200,550 55,352 255,902 105,688 Page 217 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 245650 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 245651 Student Svcs Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 37,579 245660 Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,429 27,794 119,223 51,039 245703 IS Net Technician 6 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,307 32,085 91,392 24,008 245707 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 62,150 32,069 94,219 49,502 245720 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 68,800 37,221 106,021 55,702 245724 Admin Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,919 26,741 89,660 2,826 245761 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 245796 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 41,917 245806 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,924 30,143 101,067 53,099 245811 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,578 26,822 76,400 40,140 245830 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 72,246 37,279 109,525 0 245835 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 42,754 22,061 64,815 34,053 245840 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,924 30,143 101,067 0 245846 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 54,389 28,065 82,454 21,661 245848 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 108,886 33,101 141,987 60,784 245860 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,263 29,897 85,160 44,742 245875 Fac Engineering 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 245880 Vice‐Provost Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 161,600 44,602 206,202 108,336 245890 IS Ops Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 247890 Associate Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,489 18,389 78,878 41,441 247896 Associate Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,257 17,406 74,663 39,227 247915 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,172 24,676 105,848 55,611 247920 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100,548 30,567 131,115 68,886 247925 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 125,200 38,061 163,261 64,331 247931 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 96,403 29,307 125,710 66,046 247940 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 112,761 34,279 147,040 77,253 247945 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,820 25,177 107,997 56,741 247960 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,985 25,531 109,516 57,539 247986 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 247995 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 102,823 31,258 134,081 61,631 248001 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 125,528 38,161 163,689 68,663 248016 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 112,300 34,139 146,439 76,937 248020 Administrative Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 248030 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 127,600 54,230 181,830 95,531 248047 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,614 33,857 99,471 52,261 Page 218 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 248060 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 43,607 22,501 66,108 34,732 248065 Director (Academic) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 198,000 54,648 252,648 66,369 248080 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,900 26,114 112,014 58,851 248086 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,404 25,963 111,367 58,511 248100 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 109,000 46,325 155,325 0 248116 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 44,006 18,703 62,709 32,946 248120 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,184 25,527 72,711 38,201 248135 Fiscal Manager 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 248141 Research Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,230 21,764 61,994 32,571 248150 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,300 22,884 65,184 34,247 248160 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,616 30,437 102,053 53,617 248175 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,368 33,306 111,674 29,324 248180 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 41,756 248190 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 39,500 21,370 60,870 31,980 248196 IS Net Technician 6 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,700 29,052 82,752 43,477 248205 Development 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,500 23,163 77,663 0 248210 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,922 25,042 83,964 0 248221 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,300 29,917 85,217 44,772 248235 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 69,500 37,600 107,100 56,269 248245 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 60,616 31,278 91,894 48,280 248255 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 96,400 29,306 125,706 62,071 248270 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 248275 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 101,500 43,138 144,638 0 250281 Associate Dean/Faculty Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 150,300 41,483 191,783 48,000 250306 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,771 39,428 132,199 27,783 250310 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 250315 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,400 35,020 117,420 61,691 250325 Fiscal Manager 1 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,000 27,625 92,625 24,332 250333 Student Svcs Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,208 22,294 63,502 33,363 250350 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,300 25,628 85,928 45,145 250470 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,500 27,838 93,338 49,038 250525 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,527 23,599 79,126 41,572 250530 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,687 27,917 93,604 15,923 250531 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,799 26,400 75,199 39,509 250545 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 143,100 43,502 186,602 73,512 250550 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 105,466 32,062 137,528 72,255 Page 219 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 250555 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 52,114 26,891 79,005 41,508 250565 Communications Specialist 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,570 26,592 89,162 46,845 250581 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,986 38,669 129,655 68,119 250685 Instructional Designer 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,504 32,733 93,237 48,985 250686 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,100 24,268 81,368 36,311 250690 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,200 28,985 97,185 51,060 250760 Vice Chancellor (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 229,029 63,212 292,241 153,540 250770 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,400 30,770 103,170 54,204 250790 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,137 33,633 112,770 59,248 250805 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 66,786 36,131 102,917 54,072 250851 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 250936 Executive Officer Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 147,460 40,699 188,159 98,857 250940 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 57,408 29,623 87,031 45,725 250963 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 44,190 22,802 66,992 0 250988 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,511 34,642 116,153 61,026 251075 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,805 22,867 76,672 40,283 251080 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 251085 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 161,600 49,126 210,726 83,035 251202 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,991 35,696 119,687 62,882 251360 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 141,407 42,988 184,395 89,702 251467 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,700 25,445 109,145 57,343 251470 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,950 29,728 84,678 44,489 251535 Administrative Management 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,412 29,075 97,487 0 253547 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 106,900 32,498 139,398 73,238 253556 Physical Health Provider 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,996 30,173 101,169 53,153 253565 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 253570 Fac Engineering 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 91,000 38,675 129,675 68,130 253573 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 56,974 24,214 81,188 42,655 253681 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 99,370 30,208 129,578 61,091 260000 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 109,900 46,708 156,608 82,280 260005 IS Net Technician 8 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,000 30,175 101,175 53,156 260010 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,200 33,660 112,860 59,295 260015 IS Consultant 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,300 27,328 91,628 48,140 260020 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,200 33,660 112,860 59,295 260025 IS Consultant 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 91,900 39,058 130,958 68,804 260030 Senior Administrator Director Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 143,521 39,612 183,133 96,216 Page 220 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 260035 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,133 28,107 94,240 49,512 260040 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,075 26,550 75,625 39,732 260045 Training & Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,771 39,428 132,199 0 260050 Training & Development 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 109,893 46,705 156,598 82,275 260060 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 270015 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,525 28,432 121,957 3,844 270100 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,894 24,288 69,182 36,347 270102 Executive Director Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 171,700 47,389 219,089 5,755 270105 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 64,200 34,732 98,932 7,797 270107 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,352 35,000 117,352 52,407 270110 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 66,134 35,778 101,912 53,544 270113 Fac Engineering 6 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 270118 Senior Administrator Officer Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 120,091 33,145 153,236 80,508 270119 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,973 30,822 87,795 46,127 270121 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 139,882 42,524 182,406 95,834 270128 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 26,768 14,481 41,249 21,672 270130 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 270139 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,125 27,118 77,243 12,165 270140 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,740 27,889 119,629 3,771 270141 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 270144 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 99,940 30,382 130,322 0 270148 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,494 31,660 106,154 55,772 270154 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,583 24,473 82,056 43,111 270156 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,084 28,177 80,261 42,168 270162 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,869 20,328 87,197 2,749 270163 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,916 33,964 113,880 59,831 270167 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,581 28,446 81,027 12,777 270169 Student Svcs Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 91,336 38,818 130,154 68,381 270171 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,195 28,331 121,526 3,193 270174 Training & Development 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,141 28,208 80,349 21,108 270176 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,302 30,796 132,098 4,164 270177 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,777 20,908 89,685 2,827 270178 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,155 25,511 72,666 11,460 270179 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,310 22,890 65,200 34,255 270182 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,139 19,551 55,690 0 270185 Communications Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 Page 221 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 270200 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,486 27,508 117,994 3,719 270207 Senior Administrator Director Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 180,000 49,680 229,680 120,671 270213 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,800 21,827 93,627 2,951 270218 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,250 27,726 78,976 41,493 270222 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 73,780 39,915 113,695 53,761 270226 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 73,918 38,142 112,060 58,875 270227 Communications Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,582 31,152 88,734 34,965 270229 Maint Service Workr III (MSW3) Fairbanks PT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 14,816 7,645 22,461 0 270230 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,070 27,629 78,699 41,347 270233 Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,491 21,733 93,224 2,938 270234 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,713 34,303 115,016 60,428 270235 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,357 22,605 96,962 3,056 270236 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 270241 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,300 25,589 72,889 38,295 270247 Training & Development 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,324 27,225 77,549 0 270256 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 41,756 270270 IS Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,789 39,435 132,224 69,469 270280 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 270601 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,696 24,946 83,642 43,944 270615 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 64,447 34,866 99,313 52,178 270617 Student Svcs Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,992 23,800 67,792 35,617 270660 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 138,998 38,363 177,361 84,652 270663 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 92,291 28,056 120,347 63,229 270664 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 65,503 35,437 100,940 53,033 270678 IS Consultant 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,600 31,162 88,762 46,634 270679 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 104,700 31,829 136,529 71,731 270909 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 121,417 36,911 158,328 71,276 270919 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,200 24,735 82,935 43,573 270932 Comm Specialist 3 (E) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,773 22,004 73,777 38,761 270933 Instructional Designer 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,071 27,629 78,700 41,348 280201 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 48,437 280203 Instructional Designer 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,201 27,285 91,486 48,066 280207 Safety Svcs‐Emerg Dispatcher 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 63,800 34,516 98,316 51,654 280209 Administrative Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 280221 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 70,210 37,984 108,194 56,844 280232 Student Svcs Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,358 24,539 69,897 36,723 Page 222 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 280246 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 88,317 37,535 125,852 66,121 280254 Student Svcs Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,241 31,977 107,218 56,331 280257 Communications Manager 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,504 25,714 86,218 45,298 280302 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 25,787 13,951 39,738 0 280525 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 63,600 34,408 98,008 51,492 280526 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,698 24,947 83,645 43,946 280529 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,184 20,117 57,301 30,105 280536 Student Svcs Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 37,579 280542 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,923 30,142 101,065 53,099 280557 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 280580 Research Professional 5 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 48,781 20,732 69,513 36,521 281000 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,314 29,925 85,239 44,784 281002 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,800 31,365 105,165 55,252 281005 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 42,754 22,061 64,815 34,053 281007 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,091 25,964 87,055 45,738 281010 Administrative Management 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 141,000 59,925 200,925 105,564 281015 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,500 31,663 106,163 55,777 290001 Executive Director Fairbanks FT Officer 27.6% 126,700 34,969 161,669 28,827 290006 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,922 25,042 83,964 44,114 290007 Communications Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,200 28,985 97,185 0 290008 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 103,400 31,434 134,834 54,946 290009 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,200 28,240 80,440 42,262 290012 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 290017 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 132,770 40,362 173,132 71,573 290019 Dean (Academic) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 207,600 57,298 264,898 97,408 290101 IS Consultant 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,243 29,345 83,588 10,979 290106 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 290108 Administrative Management 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,700 31,748 106,448 28,525 290110 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 40,295 290113 Training & Development 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,076 22,222 63,298 0 290118 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,915 25,464 85,379 44,857 290119 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 111,000 33,744 144,744 57,069 290152 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 290200 IS Ops Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,100 21,694 61,794 32,466 290202 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,300 19,638 55,938 29,389 290204 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 108,400 32,954 141,354 23,842 Page 223 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 290206 Associate Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,700 24,837 106,537 55,973 290211 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 126,200 38,365 164,565 86,460 290258 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 48,800 14,835 63,635 29,323 290263 Environ Health/Safety 2 (NE) Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,331 33,721 96,052 50,465 290275 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 109,100 33,166 142,266 49,807 402800 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 402801 IS Ops Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,600 26,834 76,434 0 402802 IS Net Technician 6 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 403801 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,327 20,194 57,521 0 403804 Student Svcs Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 32,697 404700 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 42,600 18,105 60,705 31,894 404703 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 34,714 14,753 49,467 8,168 404704 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 48,208 20,488 68,696 18,046 404707 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 42,600 18,105 60,705 31,894 404708 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 42,600 18,105 60,705 31,894 404709 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 42,600 18,105 60,705 31,894 404710 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 404711 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 52,591 22,351 74,942 39,374 404712 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,808 27,543 92,351 48,520 404714 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 42,600 18,105 60,705 31,894 404715 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 42,600 18,105 60,705 31,894 404716 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 404717 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,000 25,500 85,500 44,921 404720 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 43,277 404800 Fiscal Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,252 24,757 83,009 0 404802 Athletics Facs, Ops & Pgms 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 50,182 21,327 71,509 0 404803 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 404805 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,100 24,940 71,040 0 404806 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 52,591 22,351 74,942 39,374 405700 Athletics Training 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,013 32,306 108,319 56,909 405701 Athletics Coach 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 42,760 18,173 60,933 32,013 405702 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 67,067 28,503 95,570 50,212 405703 Athletics Coach 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 42,760 18,173 60,933 32,013 405704 Athletics Coach 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,331 31,166 104,497 54,901 405705 Athletics Coach 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 115,000 48,875 163,875 86,098 405706 Athletics Coach 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,998 24,649 82,647 43,422 Page 224 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 405707 Athletics Coach 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 140,538 59,729 200,267 105,218 405708 Athletics Coach 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,202 23,036 77,238 40,580 405709 Athletics Coach 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 42,760 18,173 60,933 32,013 405710 Athletics Coach 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 3,000 1,275 4,275 2,246 405711 Athletics Coach 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,166 27,271 91,437 48,040 405712 Athletics Coach 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,104 27,669 92,773 48,742 405713 Athletics Administrator 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,504 24,439 81,943 43,052 405714 Athletics Coach 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 49,679 21,114 70,793 37,194 405715 Athletics Coach 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 405716 Athletics Training 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,246 23,480 78,726 41,361 405717 Athletics Coach 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,166 27,271 91,437 48,040 405719 Athletics Training 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 55,246 23,480 78,726 41,361 405720 Athletics Coach 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,730 27,935 93,665 49,211 405721 Athletics Facs, Ops & Pgms 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 44,511 18,917 63,428 0 405722 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 23,215 12,505 35,720 18,714 405800 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 405801 Admin Specialist 3 (NonExempt) Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,744 29,617 84,361 44,322 405802 Athletics Facs, Ops & Pgms 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 405804 Athletics Facs Ops & Pgms 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,113 19,537 55,650 0 405805 Athletics Facs Ops & Pgms 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,173 16,324 46,497 24,429 405807 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 406801 Development 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,500 23,163 77,663 0 406804 Admin Specialist 3 (NonExempt) Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,527 30,040 85,567 44,956 407700 Development 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,243 23,053 77,296 0 407701 Broadcast/Media Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 407703 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,706 22,825 76,531 0 407800 Broadcast/Media Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 407801 Fiscal Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,150 23,344 66,494 0 407802 Broadcast/Media Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,700 25,265 71,965 0 407803 Broadcast/Media Profess 3 (NE) Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,584 31,153 88,737 0 407804 Broadcast/Media Technician 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 23,119 12,507 35,626 0 407805 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,142 28,209 80,351 0 407806 Comm Specialist 4 (NE) Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 29,349 15,878 45,227 0 407807 Broadcast/Media Professional 3 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 28,791 12,236 41,027 0 408801 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,260 22,322 63,582 33,405 410700 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 43,188 18,355 61,543 0 Page 225 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 410701 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,616 30,437 102,053 13,404 410702 Student Svcs Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,784 28,383 95,167 2,500 410704 Administrative Management 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,919 26,741 89,660 11,777 410705 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,494 31,660 106,154 0 410706 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,503 25,714 86,217 45,297 410707 Administrative Management 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 216,203 91,886 308,089 138,348 410708 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 49,600 21,080 70,680 12,997 410709 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,852 27,562 92,414 0 410710 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,150 28,964 97,114 0 410711 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,503 27,839 93,342 0 410712 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,843 29,258 98,101 0 410800 Communications Manager 1 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 34,075 14,482 48,557 0 410801 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 104,599 44,455 149,054 0 410802 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 26,586 14,383 40,969 0 410803 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 68,844 37,245 106,089 13,934 410806 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 26,813 14,506 41,319 4,559 410809 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 67,478 36,506 103,984 13,658 410810 Communications Specialist 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 410811 Student Svcs Manager 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,923 30,142 101,065 0 411100 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 51,139 15,546 66,685 35,036 411101 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,418 24,751 106,169 55,780 411102 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,855 27,924 119,779 39,774 411103 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 47,500 14,440 61,940 32,543 411104 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,908 18,516 79,424 41,728 411106 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 56,299 17,115 73,414 38,571 411107 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 30,039 9,132 39,171 20,580 411108 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,500 22,040 94,540 49,670 411109 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 45,480 13,826 59,306 31,159 411110 Clinical Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,265 25,617 109,882 57,730 411111 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,747 20,291 87,038 45,729 411112 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 50,201 15,261 65,462 34,393 411113 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 411119 Clinical Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,408 25,964 111,372 58,514 411120 Term Professor Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 152,705 42,147 194,852 68,590 411121 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 64,000 33,024 97,024 50,975 411122 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 47,500 14,440 61,940 32,543 Page 226 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 411124 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,000 18,240 78,240 41,106 411132 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,000 18,240 78,240 41,106 411202 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,754 17,557 75,311 39,568 411300 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 411701 Visiting Asst Professor Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 80,000 22,080 102,080 0 411802 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,000 17,328 74,328 39,051 412100 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,380 21,396 91,776 48,218 412101 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,726 24,237 103,963 47,340 412106 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 412107 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,650 19,958 85,608 44,977 412112 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,549 21,447 91,996 43,939 412701 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,696 24,946 83,642 0 412703 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 91,889 39,053 130,942 20,639 412704 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,582 24,472 82,054 21,555 412705 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 44,022 18,709 62,731 32,958 412706 Training & Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,754 24,970 83,724 0 412801 IS Net Technician 6 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,600 26,834 76,434 40,157 412808 Fiscal Technician 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 31,087 16,818 47,905 10,068 412809 Fiscal Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,697 31,755 90,452 47,522 412810 Training & Development 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,022 23,816 67,838 35,641 412811 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,128 24,414 69,542 27,403 412813 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,843 29,258 98,101 0 413100 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,916 27,942 119,858 62,972 413101 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,850 26,098 111,948 58,816 413102 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 97,170 29,540 126,710 66,572 413103 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,223 28,644 122,867 64,553 413104 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 107,733 32,751 140,484 73,809 413105 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,900 27,634 118,534 62,276 413106 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,388 30,822 132,210 69,462 413107 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 99,780 30,333 130,113 68,360 413108 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,800 24,563 105,363 55,357 413109 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 99,918 30,375 130,293 68,454 413111 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,667 21,483 92,150 48,414 414700 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 38,782 16,482 55,264 0 414801 Library Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 414803 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,000 20,017 57,017 0 Page 227 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 414804 Library Technician 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 20,109 10,879 30,988 8,142 414806 Library Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,238 25,015 71,253 37,435 414811 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,000 23,104 99,104 52,068 420101 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,994 24,318 104,312 54,804 420102 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 124,684 37,904 162,588 15,620 420104 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,941 23,998 102,939 54,083 420105 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 59,603 18,119 77,722 40,834 420106 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 42,673 12,973 55,646 29,236 420107 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 50,500 15,352 65,852 34,598 420108 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 420109 Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 56,976 17,321 74,297 39,035 420113 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 55,000 16,720 71,720 37,681 420701 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 26,501 11,263 37,764 0 420702 Admin Specialist 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,575 21,919 73,494 0 420706 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,919 26,741 89,660 0 420801 Research Technician 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 20,115 10,882 30,997 0 420802 Fiscal Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 420804 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,074 26,549 75,623 19,866 421102 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT * United Academics BU 30.4% 55,907 16,996 72,903 3,482 421300 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Fairbanks PT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 115,300 31,823 147,123 30,905 421704 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,364 32,455 108,819 28,586 422100 Training & Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 10,000 4,250 14,250 0 422104 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 57,300 17,419 74,719 7,057 422700 Comm Specialist 3 (E) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,500 29,963 100,463 0 422703 Administrative Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,900 30,133 101,033 53,081 422800 Campus Services Generalist 4 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 18,600 10,063 28,663 15,059 422805 Communications Specialist 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 32,500 17,583 50,083 0 422807 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,200 29,322 83,522 0 423100 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 153,948 46,800 200,748 45,353 423102 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 424700 Library Professional 3 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,100 30,643 102,743 18,043 424702 Library Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,200 29,835 100,035 16,171 424703 Library Professional 2 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,600 26,180 87,780 28,075 424704 Admin Specialist 4 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 49,400 20,995 70,395 14,075 424705 Library Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,600 27,030 90,630 0 424800 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 21,300 11,523 32,823 0 Page 228 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 424802 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 21,000 11,361 32,361 0 424803 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 28,300 15,310 43,610 0 424804 Campus Services Retail 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 38,300 20,720 59,020 25,017 424805 Admin Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,200 29,835 100,035 16,171 424806 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,600 31,162 88,762 37,647 424807 Campus Services Retail 3 (NE) Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,300 24,507 69,807 29,632 424808 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,600 25,755 86,355 32,268 424809 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,900 25,914 73,814 30,280 424812 Admin Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,100 27,243 91,343 38,782 424813 Communications Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 433800 Student Svcs Manager 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 56,627 24,066 80,693 42,395 435800 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,317 26,139 74,456 0 436501 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 51,074 26,354 77,428 28,476 436502 Fac Engineering 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 48,065 436504 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,600 27,658 81,258 0 436700 Fac Engineering 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 436703 Fac Engineering 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 96,600 41,055 137,655 72,322 436705 Fac Engineering 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,200 33,660 112,860 59,295 436706 Fac Engineering 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,900 36,083 120,983 63,563 436708 Fac Engineering 6 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 99,500 42,288 141,788 74,494 436709 Fac Engineering 6 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 114,400 48,620 163,020 85,649 436710 Fac Engineering 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 98,600 41,905 140,505 73,820 436713 Fac Engineering 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,300 32,003 107,303 56,375 436715 Fac Engineering 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,171 35,348 118,519 62,268 436801 FAC Svcs Drafting 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,300 25,048 71,348 37,486 436803 Fac Engineering 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,600 31,162 88,762 46,634 436805 IS Net Technician 8 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,346 32,022 107,368 56,410 436806 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,511 24,080 68,591 36,037 436807 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,150 23,344 66,494 34,935 436808 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 436809 Fac Engineering 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,600 31,162 88,762 46,634 436810 Fac Engineering 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,400 35,020 117,420 61,691 436811 Fac Engineering 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 436814 Fac Engineering 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,400 29,971 85,371 44,853 436815 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 436816 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,500 30,567 87,067 45,744 Page 229 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 436821 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,900 30,242 86,142 45,258 437500 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 48,121 24,830 72,951 38,328 437801 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 438800 Fac Engineering 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,600 27,916 79,516 41,777 438802 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,578 26,822 76,400 40,140 438803 Fac Engineering 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 440100 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,700 28,789 123,489 16,237 440101 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 146,000 44,384 190,384 25,006 440300 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 131,861 36,394 168,255 17,672 440702 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100,500 42,713 143,213 0 440704 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,000 34,850 116,850 749 440707 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 36,000 15,300 51,300 0 440708 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 123,863 52,642 176,505 23,184 440711 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 99,900 42,458 142,358 749 440713 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 94,700 40,248 134,948 0 440800 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,700 25,806 73,506 0 440801 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 97,600 41,480 139,080 0 440802 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 161,567 44,592 206,159 81,305 440806 Administrative Management 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,306 25,205 84,511 44,401 440807 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 24,075 13,025 37,100 19,492 440809 IS Consultant 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,900 24,291 69,191 0 441700 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,600 40,630 136,230 0 441704 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,713 36,428 122,141 64,171 441707 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,700 30,473 102,173 13,401 441708 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,200 31,110 104,310 0 441709 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,200 23,035 77,235 0 441710 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,400 30,770 103,170 0 441801 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,972 20,543 58,515 30,743 441802 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,200 28,781 81,981 12,954 450100 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 120,000 36,480 156,480 0 450106 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 120,000 36,480 156,480 0 450109 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,900 23,682 101,582 0 450114 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,600 21,462 92,062 0 450201 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 20,400 6,202 26,602 0 450500 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 58,900 30,392 89,292 0 450501 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 63,400 32,714 96,114 0 Page 230 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 450502 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 52,600 27,142 79,742 0 450700 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,600 30,430 102,030 0 450701 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,579 26,822 76,401 0 450702 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,300 33,704 96,004 0 450703 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 54,300 16,507 70,807 0 450704 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,100 31,068 104,168 54,728 450705 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,600 34,680 116,280 30,546 450708 Research Professional 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 39,600 16,830 56,430 0 450709 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,900 36,083 120,983 0 450713 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,200 29,835 100,035 0 450714 Athletics Facs, Ops & Pgms 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,743 22,042 62,785 0 450800 Environmental Health/Safety 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,900 25,458 85,358 0 450802 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,900 26,733 89,633 0 450803 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,700 33,380 95,080 0 450805 Fiscal Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,200 28,781 81,981 43,072 450807 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 47,700 20,273 67,973 0 450808 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,900 30,983 103,883 0 450809 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 64,200 34,732 98,932 0 450810 Campus Services Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,000 23,804 67,804 0 450811 Research Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 67,500 36,518 104,018 0 450814 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,800 31,365 105,165 0 450815 Admin Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,900 33,958 113,858 0 450816 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 0 450817 Research Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 66,100 35,760 101,860 0 450818 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,100 33,055 94,155 0 450819 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,100 22,776 64,876 8,501 450820 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,700 24,948 83,648 0 450821 Research Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,700 22,560 64,260 0 450822 Fiscal Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 68,800 37,221 106,021 0 450823 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,900 30,242 86,142 45,258 450824 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 65,500 35,436 100,936 0 450827 Cook Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,400 30,512 86,912 0 450828 Research Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,400 29,971 85,371 0 450829 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,900 30,242 86,142 0 450830 Research Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,500 24,616 70,116 0 450831 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,600 27,030 90,630 0 Page 231 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 450832 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,100 28,186 80,286 10,525 450833 Fiscal Technician 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 39,000 21,099 60,099 0 450834 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,500 31,663 106,163 0 450837 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 23,100 12,497 35,597 0 450838 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,400 32,470 108,870 0 450839 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,100 33,618 112,718 0 450840 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,500 34,638 116,138 0 450842 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,200 26,076 74,276 0 450843 Research Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,100 30,350 86,450 0 450847 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,400 23,479 66,879 0 450848 Research Profess 2 (NonExempt) Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,200 31,486 89,686 0 450849 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 69,800 37,762 107,562 0 450850 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,600 21,965 62,565 0 450851 Research Technician 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,800 19,909 56,709 0 450852 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 23,100 12,497 35,597 0 450853 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,600 16,555 47,155 0 450854 Research Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,300 22,884 65,184 0 451104 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,200 25,901 111,101 6,166 451105 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,356 24,538 69,894 0 451106 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,600 26,934 115,534 6,166 451107 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 34,692 10,546 45,238 0 451302 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 40,230 11,103 51,333 0 451303 Associate Director/Faculty Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 100 0 100 0 451701 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 67,500 28,688 96,188 0 451703 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 50,174 21,324 71,498 0 451704 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 43,188 18,355 61,543 0 451705 IS Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,000 28,900 96,900 0 451706 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,000 24,225 81,225 0 451710 IS Professional 6A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 104,600 44,455 149,055 0 451711 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 25,000 13,525 38,525 0 451712 Training & Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,771 39,428 132,199 69,456 451713 Training & Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,764 39,425 132,189 69,450 451714 Training & Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 91,890 39,053 130,943 68,796 451715 Training & Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,771 39,428 132,199 69,456 451800 Research Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,630 21,981 62,611 0 451804 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,701 25,265 71,966 37,810 Page 232 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 451805 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,070 27,088 77,158 0 451806 Research Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,574 27,902 79,476 0 451808 Training & Development 1 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 18,393 9,951 28,344 0 451810 IS Net Technician 7 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 28,510 15,424 43,934 0 451811 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 34,678 18,761 53,439 0 451812 Training & Development 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,356 24,538 69,894 0 451814 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,400 22,397 63,797 17,083 451818 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,285 26,663 75,948 0 451819 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 41,756 451820 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,553 36,785 123,338 0 451821 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,789 26,936 76,725 0 451822 Training & Development 1 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 18,393 9,951 28,344 0 451823 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 452100 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 35,000 10,640 45,640 1,302 452102 Research Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 158,600 48,214 206,814 18,087 452103 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 95,639 29,074 124,713 40,585 452104 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 106,800 32,467 139,267 26,034 452108 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 25,600 7,782 33,382 5,823 452112 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 92,300 28,059 120,359 10,756 452113 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 91,700 27,877 119,577 11,373 452114 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 104,200 31,677 135,877 71,388 452116 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT * United Academics BU 30.4% 30,600 9,302 39,902 20,964 452116 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT ** United Academics BU 30.4% 65,800 20,003 85,803 0 452117 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,300 30,795 132,095 8,358 452700 Marine Engineering 5 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,200 31,486 89,686 47,120 452701 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 56,400 23,970 80,370 42,225 452702 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 48,200 20,485 68,685 0 452703 Research Professional 5 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 39,600 16,830 56,430 0 452704 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 86,600 36,805 123,405 0 452705 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 48,065 452706 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,900 26,733 89,633 0 452707 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 36,500 15,513 52,013 0 452708 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,900 27,583 92,483 0 452709 Research Professional 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,800 34,340 115,140 14,599 452710 Marine Deck 5 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,100 33,055 94,155 49,468 452711 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 96,319 29,281 125,600 0 Page 233 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 452712 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,600 27,030 90,630 0 452713 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,780 31,357 105,137 11,047 452714 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 88,300 37,528 125,828 0 452717 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 36,900 15,683 52,583 0 452718 Marine Engineering 6 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,800 28,390 95,190 50,012 452719 Marine Deck 7 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 98,500 41,863 140,363 73,745 452720 Marine Engineering 7 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,600 40,630 136,230 71,574 452721 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,300 33,278 111,578 58,622 452722 Marine Deck 7 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 98,500 41,863 140,363 73,745 452723 Marine Engineering 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,100 28,186 80,286 42,181 452724 Marine Deck 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,500 16,501 47,001 24,694 452725 Marine Steward 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,100 27,645 78,745 41,372 452726 Administrative Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 91,000 38,675 129,675 68,130 452727 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,600 23,205 77,805 0 452728 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 48,065 452729 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,700 33,023 110,723 19,391 452732 Marine Deck 6 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,100 28,943 97,043 50,985 452733 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,600 24,480 82,080 0 452800 Research Professional 1 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 29,300 15,851 45,151 0 452802 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 34,700 18,773 53,473 28,094 452804 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 23,800 12,876 36,676 0 452805 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,200 16,338 46,538 0 452806 Marine Engineering 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,600 21,965 62,565 32,871 452807 Marine Engineering 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,600 21,965 62,565 32,871 452808 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 50,600 21,505 72,105 37,883 452809 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,100 27,104 77,204 0 452810 Marine Engineering 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,100 27,104 77,204 40,562 452812 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,100 26,022 74,122 0 452813 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,200 24,994 71,194 37,405 452815 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,100 31,973 91,073 0 452816 Marine Deck 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,400 24,561 69,961 36,757 452817 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,300 32,003 107,303 0 452818 Marine Engineering 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,200 31,486 89,686 47,120 452820 IS Ops Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,900 32,947 93,847 49,306 452822 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,100 26,022 74,122 38,943 452824 Marine Deck 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,200 23,371 66,571 34,976 Page 234 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 452827 Marine Steward 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,400 22,397 63,797 33,518 452828 Marine Steward 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 32,600 17,637 50,237 26,394 452831 Marine Deck 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,600 21,965 62,565 32,871 452832 Marine Deck 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,300 22,884 65,184 34,247 452834 Marine Deck 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,600 26,293 74,893 39,348 453100 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 104,397 31,737 136,134 12,385 453101 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,900 23,074 98,974 36,379 453102 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 50,700 15,413 66,113 8,701 453104 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 97,100 29,518 126,618 6,851 453106 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 123,500 37,544 161,044 21,170 453107 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 119,600 36,358 155,958 20,485 453108 Term Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 453109 Research Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 59,000 17,936 76,936 0 453111 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 107,200 32,589 139,789 18,361 453114 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,100 33,618 112,718 0 453115 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 453119 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 126,700 38,517 165,217 21,718 453120 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 118,100 35,902 154,002 40,490 453121 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 105,444 32,055 137,499 0 453127 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 36,500 11,096 47,596 25,006 453128 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,700 28,789 123,489 16,237 453201 Term Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,700 28,789 123,489 16,237 453600 Senior Administrator Director Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 163,785 45,205 208,990 65,488 453601 Director (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 108,300 29,891 138,191 0 453700 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,100 32,343 108,443 52,407 453702 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,533 25,302 84,835 3,120 453703 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,161 26,843 90,004 0 453704 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,479 29,954 100,433 0 453706 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,368 31,181 104,549 0 453707 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,668 35,134 117,802 30,946 453708 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 42,900 18,233 61,133 6,439 453709 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,400 30,770 103,170 10,856 453710 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,200 28,985 97,185 51,060 453711 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,300 29,028 97,328 10,257 453712 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,752 31,770 106,522 55,965 453713 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,284 28,286 80,570 42,330 Page 235 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 453715 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,800 25,319 72,119 37,890 453716 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,153 22,590 75,743 0 453717 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,755 27,946 93,701 0 453718 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,600 25,755 86,355 0 453719 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,063 31,477 105,540 3,881 453721 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,640 33,422 112,062 5,888 453724 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,321 32,436 108,757 4,743 453726 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,825 34,776 116,601 4,288 453800 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,600 27,880 93,480 49,113 453801 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,000 34,000 114,000 59,894 453802 IS Ops Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,300 21,802 62,102 32,628 453803 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,500 25,698 73,198 28,823 453805 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,600 26,834 76,434 0 453808 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,766 24,551 82,317 43,248 453809 Instructional Designer 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,150 28,964 97,114 51,022 460100 Research Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 147,300 44,779 192,079 25,212 460101 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 51,400 15,626 67,026 17,265 460103 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 127,600 38,790 166,390 0 460105 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 162,100 44,740 206,840 81,520 460107 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 111,100 33,774 144,874 19,046 460108 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 108,100 32,862 140,962 18,498 460110 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 110,588 33,619 144,207 56,513 460112 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 119,400 36,298 155,698 36,790 460113 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 187,400 51,722 239,122 0 460115 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 125,300 38,091 163,391 8,564 460116 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 460117 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100,100 30,430 130,530 0 460119 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 90,100 27,390 117,490 9,249 460121 Research Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 140,000 42,560 182,560 71,936 460122 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,500 28,728 123,228 29,117 460123 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100,000 30,400 130,400 0 460124 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 133,700 36,901 170,601 0 460129 Research Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 160,500 48,792 209,292 27,473 460130 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 125,500 38,152 163,652 21,512 460131 Research Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 178,800 54,355 233,155 48,985 460200 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 114,200 34,717 148,917 27,404 Page 236 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 460500 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,800 32,640 109,440 0 460502 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 67,000 34,572 101,572 53,365 460504 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Fairbanks FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 64,500 33,282 97,782 0 460700 Research Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 20,100 10,874 30,974 0 460701 IS Professional 6A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 114,300 48,578 162,878 0 460702 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 0 460703 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,600 40,630 136,230 7,187 460704 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,400 35,020 117,420 0 460705 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,900 26,733 89,633 0 460706 Research Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,600 27,916 79,516 0 460707 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 97,000 29,488 126,488 0 460708 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,200 24,735 82,935 0 460709 IS Professional 6A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 134,100 56,993 191,093 0 460710 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,600 38,080 127,680 67,082 460711 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,100 38,293 128,393 0 460712 IS Professional 6A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 119,000 50,575 169,575 0 460713 IS Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100,600 42,755 143,355 7,562 460714 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 91,900 39,058 130,958 0 460715 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,800 29,240 98,040 0 460717 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,900 36,083 120,983 0 460718 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 50,100 21,293 71,393 0 460719 IS Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 128,800 54,740 183,540 91,638 460720 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,800 39,440 132,240 0 460721 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,200 26,813 115,013 24,184 460722 Administrative Management 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 146,700 62,348 209,048 0 460723 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,200 37,910 127,110 0 460724 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 88,300 37,528 125,828 0 460725 IS Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 120,300 51,128 171,428 0 460726 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 88,300 37,528 125,828 0 460727 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 113,300 48,153 161,453 0 460728 Research Professional 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 112,100 47,643 159,743 12,578 460729 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 0 460731 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,700 36,423 122,123 25,680 460732 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,500 34,638 116,138 0 460733 Administrative Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 94,700 40,248 134,948 0 460734 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 108,900 46,283 155,183 0 Page 237 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 460735 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,500 34,638 116,138 0 460736 IS Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 131,400 55,845 187,245 0 460737 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 87,400 37,145 124,545 6,514 460738 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,600 26,834 76,434 0 460739 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 111,000 47,175 158,175 0 460740 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 48,400 20,570 68,970 0 460743 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,000 35,700 119,700 0 460744 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,500 34,638 116,138 0 460745 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,700 34,298 114,998 0 460746 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 103,500 43,988 147,488 0 460747 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,200 33,660 112,860 29,648 460748 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 93,700 39,823 133,523 0 460749 IS Professional 5A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 94,700 40,248 134,948 0 460752 Administrative Management 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 122,600 52,105 174,705 0 460754 IS Professional 6A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 39,300 16,703 56,003 13,401 460755 Research Professional 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 91,874 39,046 130,920 34,420 460756 Fac Engineering 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,000 34,850 116,850 61,392 460757 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,400 21,845 73,245 0 460758 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,600 40,630 136,230 0 460759 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,800 34,340 115,140 30,247 460760 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,600 34,680 116,280 30,546 460761 Research Professional 5 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 93,700 39,823 133,523 21,038 460762 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,800 32,640 109,440 28,749 460763 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 87,400 37,145 124,545 3,294 460764 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,700 36,423 122,123 60,942 460766 Research Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,600 27,916 79,516 0 460767 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,800 31,365 105,165 8,310 460768 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,600 30,430 102,030 26,803 460769 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 98,600 41,905 140,505 36,910 460770 Administrative Management 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 83,200 35,360 118,560 31,145 460771 IS Net Technician 8 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,800 32,640 109,440 0 460772 IS Ops Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 66,100 35,760 101,860 0 460774 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,300 33,278 111,578 0 460775 IS Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 91,000 38,675 129,675 0 460776 IS Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 114,300 48,578 162,878 0 460778 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,700 24,948 83,648 0 Page 238 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 460800 IS Ops Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 79,900 43,226 123,126 0 460801 Research Technician 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,400 22,397 63,797 5,020 460802 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,700 23,101 65,801 34,571 460803 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,800 22,073 62,873 33,033 460804 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,500 34,638 116,138 0 460806 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,200 26,076 74,276 0 460808 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 35,100 18,989 54,089 17,083 460809 Training & Development 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,700 31,757 90,457 0 460810 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,500 30,567 87,067 6,882 460811 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,600 24,480 82,080 10,781 460812 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,600 24,905 83,505 21,936 460813 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,000 35,700 119,700 0 460814 Training & Development 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 33,300 18,015 51,315 6,720 460815 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 84,900 45,931 130,831 0 460816 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 101,500 43,138 144,638 3,818 460818 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,500 31,663 106,163 2,770 460819 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,900 30,242 86,142 11,335 460820 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,300 33,278 111,578 58,622 460821 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 27,900 15,094 42,994 0 460822 Research Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 60,500 32,731 93,231 12,225 460823 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,600 26,834 76,434 0 460824 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,900 34,029 96,929 0 460826 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,200 31,486 89,686 0 460827 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,700 24,948 83,648 0 460829 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,000 30,837 87,837 0 460830 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 82,400 35,020 117,420 0 460831 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,900 33,958 113,858 0 460832 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,700 36,423 122,123 0 460836 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 66,100 35,760 101,860 0 460837 IS Net Technician 7 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,600 31,162 88,762 46,634 460838 IS Ops Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 78,300 42,360 120,660 0 460839 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 98,500 41,863 140,363 73,745 460840 IS Ops Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 85,700 46,364 132,064 0 460841 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,000 35,700 119,700 0 460842 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,700 36,423 122,123 0 460843 IS Ops Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 84,000 45,444 129,444 0 Page 239 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 460844 IS Ops Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 87,400 47,283 134,683 0 460845 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 24,033 460846 IS Ops Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 70,900 38,357 109,257 0 460848 Research Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,600 27,030 90,630 0 460849 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 38,700 20,937 59,637 0 460850 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,400 25,245 84,645 22,236 460851 Human Resources Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,300 24,507 69,807 36,676 460852 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 103,500 43,988 147,488 0 460853 Library Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,600 21,965 62,565 32,871 460854 IS Professional 1A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,300 29,917 85,217 17,893 460855 Communications Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,200 24,994 71,194 31,818 460856 Broadcast/Media Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,400 24,561 69,961 18,378 460857 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,600 34,680 116,280 30,546 460858 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,243 23,053 77,296 0 460859 Human Resources Technician 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,800 19,909 56,709 29,794 460860 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 113,000 34,352 147,352 30,967 460861 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,300 32,081 91,381 0 460862 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 66,100 35,760 101,860 53,516 460863 Communications Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,600 26,834 76,434 8,015 460864 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 20,100 10,874 30,974 0 460865 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,100 27,104 77,204 0 460867 Research Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 25,000 13,525 38,525 0 460871 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,300 33,278 111,578 0 461100 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 118,700 36,085 154,785 8,221 461103 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,100 24,958 107,058 6,166 461105 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 175,800 53,443 229,243 43,984 461107 Research Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 131,800 40,067 171,867 9,591 461108 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 117,600 35,750 153,350 8,221 461112 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 136,600 41,526 178,126 9,591 461114 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,800 24,867 106,667 6,166 461115 Research Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,400 22,314 95,714 5,481 461117 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,600 26,934 115,534 6,166 461118 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 114,500 34,808 149,308 8,221 461119 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 99,400 30,218 129,618 6,851 461120 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,900 26,418 113,318 6,166 461300 Research Professor Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 133,800 36,929 170,729 13,475 Page 240 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 461301 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 169,900 46,892 216,792 11,397 461302 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 100 0 100 0 461703 Fiscal Manager 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,800 28,390 95,190 50,012 461704 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 68,800 37,221 106,021 0 461705 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,100 25,118 84,218 0 461706 Research Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,100 31,068 104,168 0 461707 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 105,900 45,008 150,908 79,285 461708 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,700 36,423 122,123 0 461710 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,100 21,718 72,818 0 461711 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,700 36,423 122,123 0 461712 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,300 26,478 88,778 0 461713 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,000 28,050 94,050 0 461714 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,200 23,035 77,235 0 461716 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 38,400 16,320 54,720 0 461717 Administrative Professional 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,800 28,390 95,190 25,006 461718 Research Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 54,500 16,568 71,068 0 461719 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 50,800 21,590 72,390 19,016 461721 Communications Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,000 29,214 83,214 0 461773 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,200 28,985 97,185 25,530 461800 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 47,600 14,470 62,070 0 461802 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,000 38,250 128,250 26,204 461803 Fiscal Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,800 29,647 84,447 44,367 461804 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,000 27,050 77,050 40,481 461808 Training & Development 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,300 26,671 75,971 0 462105 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 132,100 36,460 168,560 44,280 462701 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 48,065 462703 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,900 33,958 113,858 56,825 462708 IS Professional 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,700 30,473 102,173 48,290 462709 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 90,100 38,293 128,393 60,718 462710 IS Professional 4A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 462718 IS Professional 6A Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 99,100 42,118 141,218 0 462720 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,600 26,834 76,434 0 462725 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,200 29,322 83,522 0 480102 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,923 21,257 91,180 4,790 480103 Term Assoc Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,076 23,735 101,811 3,210 480104 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 47,918 14,567 62,485 1,642 Page 241 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 480105 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,367 24,432 104,799 3,304 480109 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,917 20,039 85,956 2,710 480113 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,290 22,888 98,178 0 480114 Research Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 480701 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 480705 Training & Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,915 25,464 85,379 0 480706 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 52,500 22,313 74,813 0 480707 Training & Development 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,583 24,473 82,056 43,111 480800 Training & Development 1 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 18,393 9,951 28,344 14,891 480801 Training & Development 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,700 25,265 71,965 0 480804 Research Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,575 27,902 79,477 0 480808 Training & Development 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,205 20,128 57,333 0 480809 Training & Development 1 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 18,603 10,064 28,667 0 480814 Training & Development 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,090 20,066 57,156 0 480815 Training & Development 1 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 19,937 10,786 30,723 0 480816 Training & Development 1 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 18,393 9,951 28,344 0 480817 Training & Development 1 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 18,771 10,155 28,926 0 480819 Training & Development 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 29,086 15,736 44,822 0 480820 Training & Development 1 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 20,714 11,206 31,920 0 480821 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,589 21,959 62,548 9,869 480825 Communications Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 480827 Post Doctoral Fellow Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,700 19,973 85,673 0 480829 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,163 20,105 57,268 24,942 480831 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 17,846 9,655 27,501 0 480832 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 28,504 15,421 43,925 23,078 480833 Training & Development 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 480834 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,814 28,572 81,386 0 Pool Adjunct Faculty Fairbanks PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 1,914,273 208,946 2,123,218 1,115,514 Pool Adjunct Faculty Fairbanks PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 1,887,934 205,886 2,093,820 1,100,069 Pool UA Labor Pool Fairbanks PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 34,600,004 34,600,004 11,788,377 Total Position Costs 157,882,933 48,331,367 206,214,300 73,823,515

Page 242 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Fairbanks Campus (741) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate Full Time Positions: 1,641 Part Time Positions: 108 Federal Receipts (1002) 46,322,144 Positions in Component: 1,749 General Fund Receipts (1004) 73,823,515 Interagency Receipts (1007) 2,392,271 University Receipts (1048) 62,035,668 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 21,640,702 UA Funding 206,214,300

Page 243 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Bristol Bay Campus

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Bristol Bay Campus Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 244 Component — Bristol Bay Campus

Component: Bristol Bay Campus

Contribution to Department's Mission

The mission of the Bristol Bay Campus, College of Rural & Community Development of the University of Alaska Fairbanks is to provide educational opportunities by which rural Alaskans can affect social and economic changes in their communities and thus protect and enrich the quality of their lives and cultures.

Core Services

 Provides high-quality postsecondary educational services to rural communities.  Serves 49 communities in the Bristol Bay and Aleutian/Pribilof islands regions.  Provides access to degree programs, professional certificates and endorsements, and skill-based and community-based courses.  Provides community services, including the Marine Advisory Program (in collaboration with the Alaska Sea Grant program in the UAF College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences) and ABE/GED (Adult Basic Education/General Educational Development) services.  Academic home for the environmental studies program, offering occupational endorsements in sustainable energy and in rural waste management and spill response.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 245 Component — Bristol Bay Campus

Bristol Bay Campus Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 24 24 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 2 2 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 26 26 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 246 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Bristol Bay Campus (1417) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,480.7 2,480.7 100.0% 72000 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.4 99.4 100.0% 73000 Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,280.7 1,280.7 100.0% 74000 Commodities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 99.6 99.6 100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 92.2 92.2 100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,052.6 4,052.6 100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,401.2 1,401.2 100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,100.3 1,100.3 100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 266.6 266.6 100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,149.5 1,149.5 100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 85.0 85.0 100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 50.0 50.0 100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,100.3 1,100.3 100.0% Designated General (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,234.5 1,234.5 100.0% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 316.6 316.6 100.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,401.2 1,401.2 100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 00002424100.0% Permanent Part Time 00002 2100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 247 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Bristol Bay Campus (1417) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 2,173.6 2,434.8 2,434.8 2,480.7 0.0 -2,480.7 -100.0% 72000 Travel 117.5 142.3 142.3 99.4 0.0 -99.4 -100.0% 73000 Services 578.2 1,268.2 1,268.2 1,280.7 0.0 -1,280.7 -100.0% 74000 Commodities 107.6 106.8 106.8 99.6 0.0 -99.6 -100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 46.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 121.9 100.5 100.5 92.2 0.0 -92.2 -100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 3,144.8 4,052.6 4,052.6 4,052.6 0.0 -4,052.6 -100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 1,662.5 1,401.2 1,401.2 1,401.2 0.0 -1,401.2 -100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 1,182.7 1,100.3 1,100.3 1,100.3 0.0 -1,100.3 -100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 155.5 266.6 266.6 266.6 0.0 -266.6 -100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 57.6 1,149.5 1,149.5 1,149.5 0.0 -1,149.5 -100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 85.0 85.0 85.0 85.0 0.0 -85.0 -100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 1.5 50.0 50.0 50.0 0.0 -50.0 -100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 1,182.7 1,100.3 1,100.3 1,100.3 0.0 -1,100.3 -100.0% Designated General (DGF) 142.6 1,234.5 1,234.5 1,234.5 0.0 -1,234.5 -100.0% Other Funds 157.0 316.6 316.6 316.6 0.0 -316.6 -100.0% Federal Funds 1,662.5 1,401.2 1,401.2 1,401.2 0.0 -1,401.2 -100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 26 26 26 24 0 -24 -100.0% Permanent Part Time 22220 -2-100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 248 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Bristol Bay Campus (1417) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 4,052.6 2,434.8 142.3 1,268.2 106.8 0.0 100.5 0.0 26 2 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 1,401.2 1004 Gen Fund 1,100.3 1007 I/A Rcpts 266.6 1048 Univ Rcpt 1,149.5 1151 VoTech Ed 85.0 1174 UA I/A 50.0

Subtotal 4,052.6 2,434.8 142.3 1,268.2 106.8 0.0 100.5 0.0 26 2 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.045.9-42.912.5-7.2 0.0-8.3 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trout 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -2 0 0

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

Subtotal 4,052.6 2,480.7 99.4 1,280.7 99.6 0.0 92.2 0.0 24 2 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 4,052.6 2,480.7 99.4 1,280.7 99.6 0.0 92.2 0.0 24 2 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 249 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Bristol Bay Campus (1417) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 201781 Associate Professor Dillingham FT * United Academics BU 30.4% 22,200 6,749 28,949 2,627 201966 IS Ops Technician 2 Dillingham FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,200 22,289 63,489 14,534 204581 Associate Professor Dillingham FT * United Academics BU 30.4% 34,200 10,397 44,597 10,209 211371 Research Professional 3 Dillingham FT * APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 4,000 1,700 5,700 2,610 214196 Administrative Management 2 Dillingham FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 78,300 33,278 111,578 35,753 270209 Professor Dillingham FT United Academics BU 30.4% 114,600 34,838 149,438 54,748 280228 Admin Generalist 4 Dillingham PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,700 31,757 90,457 41,415 280236 Director (Academic) Dillingham FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 104,000 28,704 132,704 60,758 280239 Administrative Professional 2 Dillingham FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,300 26,903 90,203 41,299 280585 Admin Generalist 2 Dillingham FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 452116 Research Asst Professor Dillingham FT * United Academics BU 30.4% 27,200 8,269 35,469 0 482001 Term Instructor Dillingham FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,300 22,587 96,887 36,359 482003 Term Asst Professor Dillingham FT United Academics BU 30.4% 61,000 18,544 79,544 36,419 482005 Term Asst Professor Dillingham FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,200 20,733 88,933 0 482702 Student Svcs Manager 1 Dillingham FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,500 26,138 87,638 33,535 482705 Admin Specialist 3 Dillingham FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,800 32,640 109,440 0 482706 Admin Specialist 3 Dillingham FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,100 24,693 82,793 0 482707 Admin Specialist 3 Dillingham FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,100 24,693 82,793 0 482708 Training & Development 1 Dillingham FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,200 20,125 57,325 0 482800 Student Svcs Professional 2 Dillingham FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,900 27,537 78,437 0 482801 Student Svcs Technician 2 Dillingham FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 38,300 20,720 59,020 0 482802 Admin Specialist 3 Dillingham FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,100 24,693 82,793 0 482803 Training & Development 3 Dillingham FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,900 24,291 69,191 0 482805 Training & Development 3 Dillingham FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,900 27,537 78,437 0 482806 Training & Development 1 Dillingham FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 39,100 21,153 60,253 0 482807 Admin Specialist 2 Dillingham FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 67,500 36,518 104,018 0 482809 Admin Generalist 3 Dillingham PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 77,600 41,982 119,582 13,687 482810 Fiscal Technician 2 Dillingham FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,200 22,830 65,030 29,774 482811 Student Svcs Professional 2 Dillingham FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,300 23,425 66,725 7,620 482813 Student Svcs Professional 2 Dillingham FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,900 27,537 78,437 0 Pool Adjunct Faculty Dillingham PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 11,417 1,244 12,661 5,797 Pool Adjunct Faculty Dillingham PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 84,457 9,206 93,663 42,883 Pool UA Labor Pool Dillingham PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 74,420 74,420 14,019 Total Position Costs 1,776,993 703,707 2,480,700 484,046

Page 250 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Bristol Bay Campus (1417) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate Full Time Positions: 24 Part Time Positions: 2 Federal Receipts (1002) 1,183,754 Positions in Component: 26 General Fund Receipts (1004) 484,046 Interagency Receipts (1007) 225,228 University Receipts (1048) 556,344 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 31,329 UA Funding 2,480,700

Page 251 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Chukchi Campus

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Chukchi Campus Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 252 Component — Chukchi Campus

Component: Chukchi Campus

Contribution to Department's Mission

To be a responsive and collaborative rural college, that inspires and develops each student to contribute to the cultural and civic needs of their community.

Core Services

 Provides academic, vocational and community-interest courses, as well as academic, financial aid advising and other student support for Northwest Arctic Borough residents on a broad selection of UA local and distance educational programs, which lead to occupational endorsements, certificates, and associate's, bachelor’s and master’s degrees.  Serves Northwest Arctic Borough communities throughout an area the size of the state of Indiana (38,000 square miles) from its headquarters in Kotzebue.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 253 Component — Chukchi Campus

Chukchi Campus Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 6 6 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 0 0 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 6 6 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 254 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Chukchi Campus (744) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 697.2 697.2 100.0% 72000 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 25.0 25.0 100.0% 73000 Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,406.5 1,406.5 100.0% 74000 Commodities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 34.6 34.6 100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 22.1 22.1 100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,185.4 2,185.4 100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 984.9 984.9 100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 607.8 607.8 100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 592.7 592.7 100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 607.8 607.8 100.0% Designated General (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 592.7 592.7 100.0% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 984.9 984.9 100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 00006 6100.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 255 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Chukchi Campus (744) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 539.5 662.9 662.9 697.2 0.0 -697.2 -100.0% 72000 Travel 11.3 29.2 29.2 25.0 0.0 -25.0 -100.0% 73000 Services 229.1 1,446.1 1,446.1 1,406.5 0.0 -1,406.5 -100.0% 74000 Commodities 32.6 26.4 26.4 34.6 0.0 -34.6 -100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 12.6 20.8 20.8 22.1 0.0 -22.1 -100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 825.1 2,185.4 2,185.4 2,185.4 0.0 -2,185.4 -100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 31.4 984.9 984.9 984.9 0.0 -984.9 -100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 675.6 607.8 607.8 607.8 0.0 -607.8 -100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 5.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 105.8 592.7 592.7 592.7 0.0 -592.7 -100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 7.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 675.6 607.8 607.8 607.8 0.0 -607.8 -100.0% Designated General (DGF) 105.8 592.7 592.7 592.7 0.0 -592.7 -100.0% Other Funds 12.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 31.4 984.9 984.9 984.9 0.0 -984.9 -100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 99960 -6-100.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 256 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Chukchi Campus (744) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 2,185.4 662.9 29.2 1,446.1 26.4 0.0 20.8 0.0900 1002 Fed Rcpts 984.9 1004 Gen Fund 607.8 1048 Univ Rcpt 592.7

Subtotal 2,185.4 662.9 29.2 1,446.1 26.4 0.0 20.8 0.0900

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.034.3-4.2-39.6 8.2 0.0 1.3 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

Return Positions Related to General Fund Reduction PosAdj 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -4 0 0

Return positions related to the FY2021 $25M general fund reduction that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary.

Subtotal 2,185.4 697.2 25.0 1,406.5 34.6 0.0 22.1 0.0600

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 2,185.4 697.2 25.0 1,406.5 34.6 0.0 22.1 0.0600

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 257 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Chukchi Campus (744) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 211371 Research Professional 3 Kotzebue FT * APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 4,000 1,700 5,700 2,671 270000 Director (Academic) Kotzebue FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 103,000 28,428 131,428 61,584 270002 Student Svcs Technician 3 Kotzebue FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,400 26,184 74,584 34,948 270014 Student Svcs Professional 2 Kotzebue FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,200 31,486 89,686 42,025 483700 Admin Specialist 2 (Exempt) Kotzebue FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,000 27,625 92,625 0 483800 Library Technician 3 Kotzebue FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,100 30,891 87,991 0 483804 Admin Generalist 2 Kotzebue FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,700 28,511 81,211 38,053 Pool Adjunct Faculty Kotzebue PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 2,374 259 2,633 1,234 Pool Adjunct Faculty Kotzebue PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 56,338 6,141 62,479 29,276 Pool UA Labor Pool Kotzebue PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 68,863 68,863 19,582 Total Position Costs 515,975 181,225 697,200 229,372 Full Time Positions: 6 Part Time Positions: ‐ Federal Receipts (1002) 183,439 Positions in Component: 6 General Fund Receipts (1004) 229,372 Interagency Receipts (1007) ‐ University Receipts (1048) 284,389 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) ‐ UA Funding 697,200

Page 258 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — College of Rural and Community Development

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska College of Rural and Community Development Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 259 Component — College of Rural and Community Development

Component: College of Rural and Community Development

Contribution to Department's Mission

The College of Rural and Community Development (CRCD) provides academic and vocational education and outreach that promotes workforce preparation, economic development, life-long learning, and community development throughout Alaska, with an emphasis on Alaska Natives and underserved communities.

The Rural College is a special administrative unit of the College of Rural and Community Development (CRCD) Fairbanks campus. The Rural College provides overall administrative oversight and college-wide support. The Rural College is technically not a degree granting entity. Due to CRCD's unique structure, the Rural College shares the same mission statement as CRCD.

Core Services

 Offers certificate, Associate of Applied Science (AAS) and Associate of Arts programs.  Offers bachelor’s degrees in child and family studies, Alaska Native studies and rural development, and a master’s degree in rural development via audio conference and real-time online classes statewide.  Coordinates Tech Prep and other Early College programs for rural campuses.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 260 Component — College of Rural and Community Development

College of Rural and Community Development Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 32 32 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 2 2 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 34 34 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 261 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: College of Rural and Community Development (956) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,748.3 3,748.3 100.0% 72000 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 153.9 153.9 100.0% 73000 Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,971.9 4,971.9 100.0% 74000 Commodities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 97.9 97.9 100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 239.2 239.2 100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 9,211.2 9,211.2 100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 442.3 442.3 100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,786.3 4,786.3 100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 360.6 360.6 100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,389.1 3,389.1 100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 232.9 232.9 100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 4,786.3 4,786.3 100.0% Designated General (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,389.1 3,389.1 100.0% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 593.5 593.5 100.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 442.3 442.3 100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 00003232100.0% Permanent Part Time 00002 2100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 262 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: College of Rural and Community Development (956) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 3,598.2 4,064.3 4,064.3 3,748.3 0.0 -3,748.3 -100.0% 72000 Travel 68.7 211.4 211.4 153.9 0.0 -153.9 -100.0% 73000 Services 832.6 4,618.2 4,618.2 4,971.9 0.0 -4,971.9 -100.0% 74000 Commodities 113.5 107.4 107.4 97.9 0.0 -97.9 -100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 464.9 209.9 209.9 239.2 0.0 -239.2 -100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 5,077.9 9,211.2 9,211.2 9,211.2 0.0 -9,211.2 -100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 162.8 442.3 442.3 442.3 0.0 -442.3 -100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 3,734.5 4,786.3 4,786.3 4,786.3 0.0 -4,786.3 -100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 150.0 360.6 360.6 360.6 0.0 -360.6 -100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 979.1 3,389.1 3,389.1 3,389.1 0.0 -3,389.1 -100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 51.5 232.9 232.9 232.9 0.0 -232.9 -100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 3,734.5 4,786.3 4,786.3 4,786.3 0.0 -4,786.3 -100.0% Designated General (DGF) 979.1 3,389.1 3,389.1 3,389.1 0.0 -3,389.1 -100.0% Other Funds 201.5 593.5 593.5 593.5 0.0 -593.5 -100.0% Federal Funds 162.8 442.3 442.3 442.3 0.0 -442.3 -100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 43 43 43 32 0 -32 -100.0% Permanent Part Time 22220 -2-100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 263 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: College of Rural and Community Development (956) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 9,211.2 4,064.3 211.4 4,618.2 107.4 0.0 209.9 0.0 43 2 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 442.3 1004 Gen Fund 4,786.3 1007 I/A Rcpts 360.6 1048 Univ Rcpt 3,389.1 1174 UA I/A 232.9

Subtotal 9,211.2 4,064.3 211.4 4,618.2 107.4 0.0 209.9 0.0 43 2 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 -316.0 -57.5 353.7 -9.5 0.0 29.3 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trout 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -7 0 0

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

Return Positions Related to General Fund Reduction PosAdj 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -4 0 0

Return positions related to the FY2021 $25M general fund reduction that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary.

Subtotal 9,211.2 3,748.3 153.9 4,971.9 97.9 0.0 239.2 0.0 32 2 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 9,211.2 3,748.3 153.9 4,971.9 97.9 0.0 239.2 0.0 32 2 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 264 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: College of Rural and Community Development (956) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 201835 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT ** United Academics BU 30.4% 40,700 12,373 53,073 34,111 201891 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 201981 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,300 22,587 96,887 62,272 207185 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,200 29,835 100,035 64,295 208701 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,400 30,770 103,170 66,310 208920 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,700 22,823 76,523 49,183 208985 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,200 22,610 75,810 48,725 208990 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 44,900 19,083 63,983 41,123 208995 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 209091 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,400 24,561 69,961 44,966 211371 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT * APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 16,000 6,800 22,800 14,654 217500 Student Svcs Manager 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 84,000 35,700 119,700 76,934 240256 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,400 21,098 90,498 58,165 240800 Director (Academic) Fairbanks FT * Sr. Administrator 27.6% 13,500 3,726 17,226 11,072 240814 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,800 24,259 104,059 66,881 240816 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,800 24,259 104,059 66,881 240846 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,800 32,640 109,440 70,340 240847 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 87,400 37,145 124,545 80,048 240852 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,700 21,493 92,193 59,254 240912 Student Svcs Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,700 34,298 114,998 73,912 250366 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 66,800 36,139 102,939 66,161 251525 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,100 24,654 105,754 67,971 270004 Student Svcs Professional 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,300 25,203 84,503 54,312 270600 Student Svcs Manager 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,100 25,968 87,068 0 280223 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,700 26,223 87,923 56,510 280251 Vice Chancellor (Admin) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 159,600 44,050 203,650 130,890 280252 Director (Academic) Fairbanks FT * Sr. Administrator 27.6% 31,200 8,611 39,811 25,588 280259 Administrative Management 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 113,300 48,153 161,453 103,769 290011 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,400 30,512 86,912 55,861 484801 Comm Specialist 4 (NE) Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 487002 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,100 21,310 91,410 58,752 487102 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,700 20,885 89,585 57,578 487703 Admin Generalist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,200 25,535 72,735 46,749 487803 Admin Specialist 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 487809 Admin Specialist 3 (NonExempt) Fairbanks PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,600 23,588 67,188 0 487810 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,400 24,561 69,961 44,966 Page 265 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: College of Rural and Community Development (956) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 487811 Communications Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 70,900 38,357 109,257 0 Pool Adjunct Faculty Fairbanks PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 44,261 4,830 49,091 31,552 Pool Adjunct Faculty Fairbanks PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 63,494 6,929 70,423 45,262 Pool UA Labor Pool Fairbanks PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 629,279 629,279 351,364 Total Position Costs 2,886,735 861,565 3,748,300 2,186,410 Full Time Positions: 32 Part Time Positions: 2 Federal Receipts (1002) 121,376 Positions in Component: 34 General Fund Receipts (1004) 2,186,410 Interagency Receipts (1007) 98,955 University Receipts (1048) 1,251,213 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 90,346 UA Funding 3,748,300

Page 266 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Interior Alaska Campus

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Interior Alaska Campus Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 267 Component — Interior Alaska Campus

Component: Interior Alaska Campus

Contribution to Department's Mission

The mission of the Interior-Alaska Campus (IAC) is to integrate lifelong educational opportunities with rural Alaska and Alaska Native communities, cultures and ways of life.

Core Services

 Serves Alaska's Interior region, a 200,000-square mile area larger than France, the largest land base of any rural campus.  Serves 11 separate school districts, several state government service areas and three Alaska Native corporate regions, as well as an Alaska Native population that is culturally and linguistically diverse.  Through three educational centers, offers a variety of degree and non-degree educational opportunities, including: occupational endorsements in facility maintenance, basic carpentry, wildland fire and tribal justice; certificates in tribal management, construction trades technology and rural human services; an Associate of Applied Science in tribal management; and an Associate of Science.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 268 Component — Interior Alaska Campus

Interior Alaska Campus Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 33 33 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 0 0 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 33 33 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 269 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Interior Alaska Campus (1418) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,565.1 2,565.1 100.0% 72000 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 117.2 117.2 100.0% 73000 Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,303.7 2,303.7 100.0% 74000 Commodities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 106.2 106.2 100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 141.8 141.8 100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,234.0 5,234.0 100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,594.7 1,594.7 100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,294.5 1,294.5 100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 342.5 342.5 100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,797.3 1,797.3 100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 80.0 80.0 100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 125.0 125.0 100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,294.5 1,294.5 100.0% Designated General (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,877.3 1,877.3 100.0% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 467.5 467.5 100.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,594.7 1,594.7 100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 00003333100.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 270 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Interior Alaska Campus (1418) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 2,736.7 2,672.2 2,672.2 2,565.1 0.0 -2,565.1 -100.0% 72000 Travel 95.0 262.7 262.7 117.2 0.0 -117.2 -100.0% 73000 Services 342.4 1,887.5 1,887.5 2,303.7 0.0 -2,303.7 -100.0% 74000 Commodities 131.7 285.7 285.7 106.2 0.0 -106.2 -100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 190.1 130.9 130.9 141.8 0.0 -141.8 -100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 3,495.9 5,239.0 5,239.0 5,234.0 0.0 -5,234.0 -100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 937.0 1,594.7 1,594.7 1,594.7 0.0 -1,594.7 -100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 1,342.7 1,294.5 1,294.5 1,294.5 0.0 -1,294.5 -100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 352.0 342.5 342.5 342.5 0.0 -342.5 -100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 779.2 1,797.3 1,797.3 1,797.3 0.0 -1,797.3 -100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 85.0 85.0 85.0 80.0 0.0 -80.0 -100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 0.0 -125.0 -100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 1,342.7 1,294.5 1,294.5 1,294.5 0.0 -1,294.5 -100.0% Designated General (DGF) 864.2 1,882.3 1,882.3 1,877.3 0.0 -1,877.3 -100.0% Other Funds 352.0 467.5 467.5 467.5 0.0 -467.5 -100.0% Federal Funds 937.0 1,594.7 1,594.7 1,594.7 0.0 -1,594.7 -100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 35 35 35 33 0 -33 -100.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 271 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Interior Alaska Campus (1418) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 5,239.0 2,672.2 262.7 1,887.5 285.7 0.0 130.9 0.0 35 0 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 1,594.7 1004 Gen Fund 1,294.5 1007 I/A Rcpts 342.5 1048 Univ Rcpt 1,797.3 1151 VoTech Ed 85.0 1174 UA I/A 125.0

Subtotal 5,239.0 2,672.2 262.7 1,887.5 285.7 0.0 130.9 0.0 35 0 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trout -5.0 0.0 0.0-5.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed -5.0

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$90.4 Kenai Peninsula College ($18.0) Kodiak College ($188.7) Matanuska-Susitna College ($5.0) Interior Alaska Campus $47.5 Kuskokwim Campus ($12.5) Northwest Campus ($34.7) Juneau Campus $121.0 Ketchikan Campus

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 -107.1 -145.5 421.2 -179.5 0.0 10.9 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trout 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 0 0

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

Return Positions Related to General Fund Reduction

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 272 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Interior Alaska Campus (1418) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services PosAdj 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 0 0

Return positions related to the FY2021 $25M general fund reduction that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary.

Subtotal 5,234.0 2,565.1 117.2 2,303.7 106.2 0.0 141.8 0.0 33 0 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 5,234.0 2,565.1 117.2 2,303.7 106.2 0.0 141.8 0.0 33 0 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 273 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Interior Alaska Campus (1418) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 201835 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT * United Academics BU 30.4% 39,100 11,886 50,986 17,384 211371 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT * APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 4,000 1,700 5,700 1,943 270610 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 110,000 33,440 143,440 48,907 270648 Fiscal Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 270654 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,400 26,266 112,666 19,207 280208 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,100 25,870 110,970 37,836 280210 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,200 31,960 107,160 36,537 280211 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT ** United Academics BU 30.4% 51,300 15,595 66,895 22,808 280219 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 39,500 21,370 60,870 20,754 280243 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,900 27,583 92,483 31,532 280252 Director (Academic) Fairbanks FT ** Sr. Administrator 27.6% 72,800 20,093 92,893 31,672 290154 Fiscal Technician 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,300 29,917 85,217 29,055 483100 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,100 19,790 84,890 28,944 484006 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,600 19,638 84,238 0 484008 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 484009 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,500 22,344 95,844 32,679 484010 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,500 21,736 93,236 0 484011 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 50,600 15,382 65,982 0 484200 Term Instructor Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 68,700 18,961 87,661 0 484204 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,200 22,557 96,757 16,495 484700 Admin Specialist 2 (Exempt) Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 45,800 19,465 65,265 18,900 484701 Administrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,800 32,640 109,440 7,482 484800 Student Svcs Manager 1 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,800 28,390 95,190 16,228 484803 Student Svcs Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 34,700 18,773 53,473 1,839 484804 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 484806 IS Professional 2A Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 484808 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,800 16,663 47,463 16,183 484809 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,100 27,645 78,745 0 484811 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,600 27,375 77,975 0 484812 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 25,900 14,012 39,912 13,608 484814 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,700 29,052 82,752 0 484816 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 484818 Student Svcs Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 35,000 18,935 53,935 1,839 484820 Admin Generalist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 1000 484821 Student Svcs Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,900 22,668 64,568 0 Pool Adjunct Faculty Fairbanks PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 26,699 2,917 29,616 10,098 Page 274 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Interior Alaska Campus (1418) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate Pool Adjunct Faculty Fairbanks PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 23,247 2,534 25,781 8,790 Pool UA Labor Pool Fairbanks PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 202,498 202,498 39,637 Total Position Costs 1,917,943 647,157 2,565,100 510,357 Full Time Positions: 33 Part Time Positions: ‐ Federal Receipts (1002) 878,894 Positions in Component: 33 General Fund Receipts (1004) 510,357 Interagency Receipts (1007) 188,763 University Receipts (1048) 922,938 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 64,147 UA Funding 2,565,100

Page 275 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Kuskokwim Campus

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Kuskokwim Campus Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 276 Component — Kuskokwim Campus

Component: Kuskokwim Campus

Contribution to Department's Mission

The Kuskokwim Campus prepares professional, community and cultural leaders in an active and relevant learning environment. The Kuskokwim Campus is located in a regional transportation and service center for an extended community of more than 40 rural villages. Bethel is a community of about 6,000 people 80 miles inland on the Kuskokwim River.

Core Services

 Offers certificate, Associate of Applied Science (AAS), and Associate of Arts programs in collaboration with the College of Rural and Community Development, Community and Technical College, and the University of Alaska Anchorage School of Health.  Collaborates with the Fairbanks Campus for bachelor's degrees in rural development, elementary education and social work; and a master's degree in rural development.  Offers on-campus and online audio conference classes both in-region and statewide as part of the CRCD family of branch campuses.  Coordinates dual credit, tech prep courses and other early college programs for regional high school students.  Offers continuing education and community-interest credit and noncredit courses.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 277 Component — Kuskokwim Campus

Kuskokwim Campus Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 32 32 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 2 2 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 34 34 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 278 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Kuskokwim Campus (746) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 3,446.3 3,446.3 100.0% 72000 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 130.1 130.1 100.0% 73000 Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,153.1 2,153.1 100.0% 74000 Commodities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 156.3 156.3 100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 130.8 130.8 100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 6,016.6 6,016.6 100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 826.1 826.1 100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,324.6 2,324.6 100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 258.8 258.8 100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,385.0 2,385.0 100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 167.4 167.4 100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 54.7 54.7 100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,324.6 2,324.6 100.0% Designated General (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,552.4 2,552.4 100.0% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 313.5 313.5 100.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 826.1 826.1 100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 00003232100.0% Permanent Part Time 00002 2100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 279 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Kuskokwim Campus (746) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 3,438.8 3,516.4 3,516.4 3,446.3 0.0 -3,446.3 -100.0% 72000 Travel 152.0 138.3 138.3 130.1 0.0 -130.1 -100.0% 73000 Services 614.1 2,016.2 2,016.2 2,153.1 0.0 -2,153.1 -100.0% 74000 Commodities 198.0 167.4 167.4 156.3 0.0 -156.3 -100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 55.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 165.8 130.8 130.8 130.8 0.0 -130.8 -100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 4,624.4 5,969.1 5,969.1 6,016.6 0.0 -6,016.6 -100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 214.2 826.1 826.1 826.1 0.0 -826.1 -100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 3,034.5 2,324.6 2,324.6 2,324.6 0.0 -2,324.6 -100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 240.8 258.8 258.8 258.8 0.0 -258.8 -100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 1,004.4 2,385.0 2,385.0 2,385.0 0.0 -2,385.0 -100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 99.9 119.9 119.9 167.4 0.0 -167.4 -100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 30.6 54.7 54.7 54.7 0.0 -54.7 -100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 3,034.5 2,324.6 2,324.6 2,324.6 0.0 -2,324.6 -100.0% Designated General (DGF) 1,104.3 2,504.9 2,504.9 2,552.4 0.0 -2,552.4 -100.0% Other Funds 271.4 313.5 313.5 313.5 0.0 -313.5 -100.0% Federal Funds 214.2 826.1 826.1 826.1 0.0 -826.1 -100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 41 41 41 32 0 -32 -100.0% Permanent Part Time 22220 -2-100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 280 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Kuskokwim Campus (746) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 5,969.1 3,516.4 138.3 2,016.2 167.4 0.0 130.8 0.0 41 2 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 826.1 1004 Gen Fund 2,324.6 1007 I/A Rcpts 258.8 1048 Univ Rcpt 2,385.0 1151 VoTech Ed 119.9 1174 UA I/A 54.7

Subtotal 5,969.1 3,516.4 138.3 2,016.2 167.4 0.0 130.8 0.0 41 2 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trin 47.5 0.0 0.047.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed 47.5

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$90.4 Kenai Peninsula College ($18.0) Kodiak College ($188.7) Matanuska-Susitna College ($5.0) Interior Alaska Campus $47.5 Kuskokwim Campus ($12.5) Northwest Campus ($34.7) Juneau Campus $121.0 Ketchikan Campus

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0-70.1-8.289.4-11.1 0.0 0.0 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trout 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -3 0 0

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

Return Positions Related to General Fund Reduction

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 281 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Kuskokwim Campus (746) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services PosAdj 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -6 0 0

Return positions related to the FY2021 $25M general fund reduction that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary.

Subtotal 6,016.6 3,446.3 130.1 2,153.1 156.3 0.0 130.8 0.0 32 2 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 6,016.6 3,446.3 130.1 2,153.1 156.3 0.0 130.8 0.0 32 2 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 282 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Kuskokwim Campus (746) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 201935 Fiscal Manager 1 Bethel FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,900 30,558 102,458 55,733 211371 Research Professional 3 Bethel FT * APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 4,000 1,700 5,700 3,101 250701 Campus Services Generalist 1 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 31,300 16,933 48,233 0 270602 Library Professional 2 Bethel FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,100 32,768 109,868 59,764 270607 Director (Academic) Bethel FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 111,600 30,802 142,402 77,461 270608 IS Ops Technician 3 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 72,400 39,168 111,568 60,689 270613 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Bethel FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 88,600 45,718 134,318 73,063 270620 Admin Specialist 2 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,300 25,048 71,348 38,811 270627 Student Svcs Professional 2 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 69,800 37,762 107,562 58,509 270630 IS Net Technician 7 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 81,800 44,254 126,054 68,568 270633 Assistant Professor Bethel FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,600 25,414 109,014 59,300 270638 Student Svcs Technician 2 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,000 25,427 72,427 39,397 270651 Associate Professor Bethel FT United Academics BU 30.4% 105,200 31,981 137,181 74,621 270668 Associate Professor Bethel FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,800 24,259 104,059 56,604 270669 Student Svcs Manager 1 Bethel FT ** APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 33,100 14,068 47,168 25,657 270670 Student Svcs Manager 1 Bethel FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,600 27,455 92,055 0 270672 Administrative Management 3 Bethel FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 98,800 41,990 140,790 76,584 270673 Campus Services Generalist 2 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,700 24,183 68,883 0 270688 Admin Generalist 4 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 71,000 38,411 109,411 59,515 270949 Fiscal Technician 2 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,400 27,807 79,207 43,086 485002 Term Asst Professor Bethel FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,100 20,094 86,194 46,886 485004 Term Asst Professor Bethel FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,800 23,651 101,451 55,185 485009 Term Asst Professor Bethel PT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 37,200 10,267 47,467 0 485013 Term Asst Professor Bethel FT United Academics BU 30.4% 35,800 10,883 46,683 0 485015 Term Asst Professor Bethel FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,900 27,026 115,926 63,059 485017 Term Asst Professor Bethel FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 1000 485200 Term Assoc Professor Bethel FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 99,800 27,545 127,345 69,271 485700 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Bethel FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,900 27,583 92,483 50,307 485702 Student Svcs Professional 3 Bethel FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,900 25,458 85,358 46,431 485704 Admin Specialist 2 (Exempt) Bethel FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,000 25,075 84,075 45,733 485705 Stu Svcs Profess 1 (Exempt) Bethel PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 23,500 9,988 33,488 0 485801 Student Svcs Professional 2 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 485804 Student Svcs Professional 2 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 71,000 38,411 109,411 59,515 485806 Library Technician 1 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 31,700 17,150 48,850 0 486807 Admin Generalist 1 Bethel FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,200 19,584 55,784 18,190 Pool Adjunct Faculty Bethel PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 61,083 6,658 67,741 36,848 Page 283 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Kuskokwim Campus (746) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate Pool Adjunct Faculty Bethel PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 65,395 7,128 72,523 39,449 Pool UA Labor Pool Bethel PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 351,618 351,618 161,824

Total Position Costs 2,564,095 882,205 3,446,300 1,623,162 Full Time Positions: 32 Part Time Positions: 2 Federal Receipts (1002) 148,647 Positions in Component: 34 General Fund Receipts (1004) 1,623,162 Interagency Receipts (1007) 46,568 University Receipts (1048) 1,586,134 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 41,790 UA Funding 3,446,300

Page 284 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Northwest Campus

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Northwest Campus Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 285 Component — Northwest Campus

Component: Northwest Campus

Contribution to Department's Mission

The mission of the Northwest Campus is to provide excellent opportunities for academic, vocational, and community education to the Bering Strait Region, including Nome and 16 surrounding communities.

Core Services

 Northwest Campus partners with regional organizations to provide a wealth of educational opportunities, including professional development; dual credit; vocational and technical education; indigenous language education; health careers training; and campus-level credentials in applied business, substitute teacher training, and cultural knowledge and awareness.  Northwest Campus’ community services include comprehensive student support through advising, community-interest courses, and engagement for students from second grade to middle school, as well as recent college-bound high school graduates.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 286 Component — Northwest Campus

Northwest Campus Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 16 16 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 0 0 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 16 16 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 287 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Northwest Campus (747) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,824.1 1,824.1 100.0% 72000 Travel 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 144.7 144.7 100.0% 73000 Services 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,928.7 2,928.7 100.0% 74000 Commodities 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 61.0 61.0 100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 59.4 59.4 100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 5,017.9 5,017.9 100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,920.7 2,920.7 100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,161.7 1,161.7 100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 11.1 11.1 100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 642.9 642.9 100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 176.5 176.5 100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 105.0 105.0 100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1,161.7 1,161.7 100.0% Designated General (DGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 819.4 819.4 100.0% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 116.1 116.1 100.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 2,920.7 2,920.7 100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 00001616100.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 288 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Northwest Campus (747) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 1,567.6 1,782.8 1,782.8 1,824.1 0.0 -1,824.1 -100.0% 72000 Travel 73.6 143.5 143.5 144.7 0.0 -144.7 -100.0% 73000 Services 263.4 2,924.5 2,924.5 2,928.7 0.0 -2,928.7 -100.0% 74000 Commodities 48.2 116.0 116.0 61.0 0.0 -61.0 -100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 51.4 63.6 63.6 59.4 0.0 -59.4 -100.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 2,004.2 5,030.4 5,030.4 5,017.9 0.0 -5,017.9 -100.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 500.9 2,920.7 2,920.7 2,920.7 0.0 -2,920.7 -100.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 1,241.8 1,161.7 1,161.7 1,161.7 0.0 -1,161.7 -100.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 11.1 11.1 11.1 0.0 -11.1 -100.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 46.8 642.9 642.9 642.9 0.0 -642.9 -100.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 164.2 189.0 189.0 176.5 0.0 -176.5 -100.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 50.5 105.0 105.0 105.0 0.0 -105.0 -100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 1,241.8 1,161.7 1,161.7 1,161.7 0.0 -1,161.7 -100.0% Designated General (DGF) 211.0 831.9 831.9 819.4 0.0 -819.4 -100.0% Other Funds 50.5 116.1 116.1 116.1 0.0 -116.1 -100.0% Federal Funds 500.9 2,920.7 2,920.7 2,920.7 0.0 -2,920.7 -100.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 13 13 13 16 0 -16 -100.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 289 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Northwest Campus (747) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 5,030.4 1,782.8 143.5 2,924.5 116.0 0.0 63.6 0.0 13 0 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 2,920.7 1004 Gen Fund 1,161.7 1007 I/A Rcpts 11.1 1048 Univ Rcpt 642.9 1151 VoTech Ed 189.0 1174 UA I/A 105.0

Subtotal 5,030.4 1,782.8 143.5 2,924.5 116.0 0.0 63.6 0.0 13 0 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trout-12.5 0.0 0.0-12.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed -12.5

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$90.4 Kenai Peninsula College ($18.0) Kodiak College ($188.7) Matanuska-Susitna College ($5.0) Interior Alaska Campus $47.5 Kuskokwim Campus ($12.5) Northwest Campus ($34.7) Juneau Campus $121.0 Ketchikan Campus

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.041.3 1.216.7-55.0 0.0-4.2 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0300

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 290 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Northwest Campus (747) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services Subtotal 5,017.9 1,824.1 144.7 2,928.7 61.0 0.0 59.4 0.0 16 0 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 5,017.9 1,824.1 144.7 2,928.7 61.0 0.0 59.4 0.0 16 0 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 291 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Northwest Campus (747) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 211371 Research Professional 3 Nome FT * APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 4,000 1,700 5,700 0 217040 Student Svcs Manager 1 Nome FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,800 30,090 100,890 60,804 242907 Director (Academic) Nome FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 110,100 30,388 140,488 84,669 270904 Fiscal Professional 2 Nome FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 93,600 39,780 133,380 80,385 270906 Admin Specialist 4 Nome FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,100 29,793 99,893 42,168 270911 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Nome FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 34,300 17,699 51,999 31,339 270912 Associate Professor Nome FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,000 28,576 122,576 55,405 270914 Student Svcs Professional 2 Nome FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,100 31,432 89,532 53,959 270922 Fiscal Technician 2 Nome FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,300 20,179 57,479 34,642 270926 Admin Generalist 4 Nome FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 58,100 31,432 89,532 53,959 280211 Assistant Professor Nome FT * United Academics BU 30.4% 17,100 5,198 22,298 0 421102 Research Assoc Professor Nome FT ** United Academics BU 30.4% 28,300 8,603 36,903 0 486000 Term Asst Professor Nome FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,800 28,819 123,619 55,877 486700 Student Svcs Technician 3 Nome FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,200 26,076 74,276 8,916 486800 Student Svcs Professional 2 Nome FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,700 29,052 82,752 12,445 486801 Admin Specialist 3 Nome FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,100 28,943 97,043 38,046 486804 Student Svcs Professional 2 Nome FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,800 28,565 81,365 12,259 487201 Term Asst Professor Nome FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 73,200 20,203 93,403 56,292 Pool Adjunct Faculty Nome PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 5,901 643 6,544 3,944 Pool Adjunct Faculty Nome PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 76,489 8,338 84,826 51,123 Pool UA Labor Pool Nome PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 229,602 229,602 99,543

Total Position Costs 1,378,592 445,508 1,824,100 835,774 Full Time Positions: 16 Part Time Positions: ‐ Federal Receipts (1002) 435,677 Positions in Component: 16 General Fund Receipts (1004) 835,774 Interagency Receipts (1007) 1,656 University Receipts (1048) 472,054 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 78,939 UA Funding 1,824,100

Page 292 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — UAF Community and Technical College

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska UAF Community and Technical College Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 293 Component — UAF Community and Technical College

Component: UAF Community and Technical College

Contribution to Department's Mission

The UAF Community and Technical College (CTC) is Alaska’s quality choice for career and technical education, academic preparation and lifelong learning. CTC’s core purpose is community-driven education built on values of academic excellence, integrity, student empowerment, innovation, flexibility and community collaboration.

Core Services

 Fulfills the UAF community college mission in the greater Fairbanks area, on northern military bases and in Delta Junction.  Serves 30 percent of all UAF students and accounts for 20 percent of UAF student credit hours and 20 percent of all graduates.  Offers more than 40 certificates, associate degrees and occupational endorsements in high-demand, high-growth fields through its facilities in nine locations.  Partners with business, industry, education and labor to develop programs responsive to current and emerging workforce development job markets.  Serves as a major partner with other community campuses across Alaska in delivering programs like allied health nursing, process technology, computer information systems and early childhood education.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Fairbanks RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 294 Component — UAF Community and Technical College

UAF Community and Technical College Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 59 59 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 7 7 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 66 66 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 295 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: UAF Community and Technical College (2992) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 0.0 9,125.5 9,125.5 8,817.9 8,817.9 0.0 0.0% 72000 Travel 0.0 52.0 52.0 30.5 30.5 0.0 0.0% 73000 Services 0.0 3,120.9 3,120.9 3,691.1 3,691.1 0.0 0.0% 74000 Commodities 0.0 587.0 587.0 674.5 674.5 0.0 0.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 272.6 272.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 147.0 147.0 192.0 192.0 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 0.0 13,305.0 13,305.0 13,406.0 13,406.0 0.0 0.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 0.0 560.1 560.1 560.1 560.1 0.0 0.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 0.0 4,635.8 4,635.8 4,635.8 4,635.8 0.0 0.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 0.0 199.4 199.4 199.4 199.4 0.0 0.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 0.0 7,311.2 7,311.2 7,311.2 7,311.2 0.0 0.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 0.0 353.8 353.8 454.8 454.8 0.0 0.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 0.0 244.7 244.7 244.7 244.7 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 4,635.8 4,635.8 4,635.8 4,635.8 0.0 0.0% Designated General (DGF) 0.0 7,665.0 7,665.0 7,766.0 7,766.0 0.0 0.0% Other Funds 0.0 444.1 444.1 444.1 444.1 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 0.0 560.1 560.1 560.1 560.1 0.0 0.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 0 59 59 59 59 0 0.0% Permanent Part Time 09977 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 296 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: UAF Community and Technical College (2992) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks CC (700)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 8,593.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 72000 Travel 9.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 73000 Services 984.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 74000 Commodities 557.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 1,051.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 291.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 11,487.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Fund Sources: 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 4,699.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 6,185.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 381.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 221.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 4,699.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Designated General (DGF) 6,566.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Other Funds 221.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 590000 00.0% Permanent Part Time 90000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 297 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: UAF Community and Technical College (2992) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 13,305.0 9,125.5 52.0 3,120.9 587.0 272.6 147.0 0.0 59 9 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 560.1 1004 Gen Fund 4,635.8 1007 I/A Rcpts 199.4 1048 Univ Rcpt 7,311.2 1151 VoTech Ed 353.8 1174 UA I/A 244.7

Subtotal 13,305.0 9,125.5 52.0 3,120.9 587.0 272.6 147.0 0.0 59 9 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trin 101.0 0.0 0.0 101.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed 101.0

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$173.0 Budget Reductions/Additions - Systemwide ($153.8) Statewide Services $90.0 Anchorage Campus ($210.2) Fairbanks Campus $101.0 UAF Community and Technical College

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 -307.6 -21.5 469.2 87.5 -272.6 45.0 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0600

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

Return Positions Related to General Fund Reduction PosAdj 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -6 -2 0

Return positions related to the FY2021 $25M general fund reduction that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 298 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: UAF Community and Technical College (2992) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services

Subtotal 13,406.0 8,817.9 30.5 3,691.1 674.5 0.0 192.0 0.0 59 7 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 13,406.0 8,817.9 30.5 3,691.1 674.5 0.0 192.0 0.0 59 7 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 299 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: UAF Community and Technical College (2992) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 200245 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,800 23,651 101,451 36,181 200582 IS Net Technician 6 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,100 33,055 94,155 33,579 201581 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,200 29,322 83,522 29,787 201821 IS Consultant 3A Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 204546 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 102,200 28,207 130,407 46,508 210271 Student Svcs Professional 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,200 28,781 81,981 29,237 211371 Research Professional 3 Fairbanks FT * APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 4,000 1,700 5,700 2,033 216275 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 39,100 21,153 60,253 21,488 240703 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,200 21,760 72,960 26,020 240704 Student Svcs Professional 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 240811 Student Svcs Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,600 26,293 74,893 26,709 240813 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,100 21,006 90,106 32,135 240820 IS Net Technician 6 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,100 33,055 94,155 33,579 240821 Communications Specialist 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,600 24,480 82,080 29,273 240844 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,900 26,418 113,318 40,413 240845 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 89,100 27,086 116,186 41,436 240853 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,800 23,155 65,955 23,522 240854 Student Svcs Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,100 31,068 104,168 37,150 240879 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,800 23,955 102,755 36,646 240975 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT ** United Academics BU 30.4% 66,200 20,125 86,325 30,787 240980 Student Svcs Professional 4 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,200 29,835 100,035 35,676 240981 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 38,400 20,774 59,174 21,104 242845 Associate Dean/Faculty Fairbanks FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 134,800 37,205 172,005 61,343 247990 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,000 30,704 131,704 46,970 251201 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,700 22,101 94,801 33,809 270011 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 270692 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,900 20,946 89,846 32,042 280505 Student Svcs Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,200 24,994 71,194 25,390 280506 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,900 24,594 105,494 37,623 280510 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 97,700 29,701 127,401 45,436 280511 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,300 32,081 91,381 32,590 280512 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 102,300 31,099 133,399 47,575 280513 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,200 25,597 109,797 39,157 280515 Administrative Management 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,500 34,638 116,138 41,419 280520 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 44,400 24,020 68,420 24,401 280532 Admin Specialist 4 Fairbanks PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 70,900 30,133 101,033 36,032 Page 300 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: UAF Community and Technical College (2992) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 280535 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,800 25,319 72,119 25,720 280537 Fiscal Technician 3 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,100 28,186 80,286 28,633 280545 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,400 26,570 113,970 40,646 280546 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,100 21,918 94,018 33,530 280549 Training & Development 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 55,900 30,242 86,142 30,721 280563 Admin Generalist 4 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,500 25,157 71,657 25,555 280566 Training & Development 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,800 19,909 56,709 20,224 280567 Dean (Academic) Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 142,900 39,440 182,340 65,029 280568 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,400 22,618 97,018 34,600 280573 Associate Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,800 25,779 110,579 39,437 280574 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 106,600 32,406 139,006 49,575 280575 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 97,400 29,610 127,010 45,296 280577 Fiscal Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,200 27,285 91,485 32,627 280591 Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 104,800 31,859 136,659 48,738 487001 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,600 19,334 82,934 29,577 488000 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,700 23,013 98,713 35,205 488002 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,600 19,638 84,238 30,042 488004 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,700 19,973 85,673 30,554 488006 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 488007 Assistant Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 488008 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,100 22,830 97,930 34,926 488009 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 488010 Training & Development 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,700 25,265 71,965 25,665 488012 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 488015 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 62,300 18,939 81,239 28,973 488017 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 488019 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,900 21,554 92,454 32,972 488021 Assistant Professor Fairbanks FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,700 23,013 98,713 35,205 488201 Term Asst Professor Fairbanks PT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 488801 Training & Development 1 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,800 19,909 56,709 20,224 488804 Communications Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,700 25,265 71,965 25,665 Pool Adjunct Faculty Fairbanks PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 446,600 48,685 495,284 176,636 Pool Adjunct Faculty Fairbanks PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 1,251,151 136,398 1,387,549 494,850 Pool UA Labor Pool Fairbanks PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 1,420,445 1,420,445 504,198 Total Position Costs 7,145,095 1,672,805 8,817,900 3,142,075

Page 301 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: UAF Community and Technical College (2992) RDU: University of Alaska Fairbanks (236) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate Full Time Positions: 59 Part Time Positions: 7 Federal Receipts (1002) 4,382 Positions in Component: 66 General Fund Receipts (1004) 3,142,075 Interagency Receipts (1007) 1,560 University Receipts (1048) 5,483,978 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 185,905 UA Funding 8,817,900

Page 302 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Results Delivery Unit — Enterprise Entities

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Enterprise Entities Results Delivery Unit Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 303 Results Delivery Unit — Enterprise Entities

Enterprise Entities Results Delivery Unit

Contribution to Department's Mission

The University of Alaska inspires learning, and advances and disseminates knowledge through teaching, research, and public service, emphasizing the North and its diverse peoples.

University of Alaska Mission Statement Board of Regents' Policy 01.01.010 Adopted 10-06-00

Results (Additional performance information is available on the web at

Core Services  Provide resources for families to fund education, qualifying for better jobs and more opportunities.  Manage and invest donations for the exclusive benefit of the University of Alaska.  Secure and steward philanthropic support.

Measures by Core Service (Additional performance information is available on the web at 1. Provide resources for families to fund education, qualifying for better jobs and more opportunities.

2. Manage and invest donations for the exclusive benefit of the University of Alaska.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 304 Results Delivery Unit — Enterprise Entities

3. Secure and steward philanthropic support.

Major RDU Accomplishments in 2020

The UA Foundation distributed $12.6 million for the benefit of UA, including $3.7 million in distributions for student aid and $8.9 million in support for academic programs, research, and general operations, as directed by donors. The ability to provide support to the UA System in 2020 was augmented by an increase of $7.7 million in total net assets over 2019, and a 2.13% net return on the UA Foundation pooled endowment fund, outperforming over 70% of peers in the Cambridge Associates’ Survey of College & University Endowments under $1 billion.

As of June 30, 2020, the Education Trust of Alaska held $9.0 billion in assets for approximately 307,000 beneficiaries across the country, including approximately 29,000 Alaskans. Over 3,800 plan beneficiaries enrolled at UA in FY2020, earning 533 credentials, and paying $18.7 million in tuition and fees. Nineteen Alaska employers offered Alaska 529 as a benefit to their employees through payroll deduction.

The University of Alaska College Savings Plan was renamed and rebranded Alaska 529 as late 2019. This name change was made to reflect the versatility as an education savings plan that can be used for qualified expenses at nearly all colleges, universities and technical schools nationwide, as well as for K-12 tuition. The University of Alaska Portfolio features a unique tuition-value guarantee that ensures the value of the investment keeps up with tuition inflation when used for tuition at the University of Alaska.

Key RDU Challenges

A continuing challenge affecting private giving at UA is the state budget cuts and program eliminations across the University. Many donors, particularly those considering larger gifts as well as corporate partners, have indicated that they intend to delay giving until there is more certainty about the future of UA. COVID also created a decline in total giving and number of donors in the second half of FY2020 with the number of alumni donors affected when the student phone solicitation program had to be halted due to students leaving campus.

Changes to the Permanent Fund Dividend could have a significant impact on giving, and it is the single largest source of contributions to Alaska 529.

The uncertainty of program cuts at the University of Alaska could dissuade students from using their 529 plans to attend UA.

Tax reform may affect the tax-advantaged status of Section 529 plans or significantly change their purpose beyond paying for post-secondary education and K-12 tuition.

Adverse investment market or economic conditions could affect families’ inclination or ability to save for future education needs.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 305 Results Delivery Unit — Enterprise Entities

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

Continued investments in the comprehensive fundraising campaign, including increased staffing and support for fundraising, are expected to return between $6 and $12 for every dollar invested over the coming 3-5 years. The campaign is scheduled to launch publicly in FY2021. As a revenue generating function, fundraising is one of the smartest investments for the future of education in Alaska. In order to achieve these results, the campaign effort must continue to be adequately resourced.

Increased number of Alaska businesses offering the Alaska 529 direct deposit to their employees.

Increased attendance at the University of Alaska by participants in the Trust’s 529 plans.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 306 Results Delivery Unit — Enterprise Entities

Enterprise Entities RDU Financial Summary by Component All dollars shown in thousands FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Management Plan FY2022 Governor UGF+DGF Other Federal Total UGF+DGF Other Federal Total UGF+DGF Other Federal Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Formula Expenditures None.

Non-Formula Expenditures UA Foundation 4,313.5 0.0 0.0 4,313.5 4,785.5 0.0 0.0 4,785.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 Education Trust of 2,551.2 0.0 0.0 2,551.2 2,998.4 0.0 0.0 2,998.4 2,998.4 0.0 0.0 2,998.4 Alaska Totals 6,864.7 0.0 0.0 6,864.7 7,783.9 0.0 0.0 7,783.9 2,998.4 0.0 0.0 2,998.4

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 307 Results Delivery Unit — Enterprise Entities

Enterprise Entities Summary of RDU Budget Changes by Component From FY2021 Management Plan to FY2022 Governor All dollars shown in thousands Unrestricted Designated Other Funds Federal Total Funds Gen (UGF) Gen (DGF) Funds FY2021 Management Plan 0.0 7,783.9 0.0 0.0 7,783.9

Proposed budget decreases: -UA Foundation 0.0 -4,785.5 0.0 0.0 -4,785.5

FY2022 Governor 0.0 2,998.4 0.0 0.0 2,998.4

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 308 Component — University of Alaska Foundation

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska University of Alaska Foundation Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 309 Component — University of Alaska Foundation

Component: University of Alaska Foundation

Contribution to Department's Mission

The University of Alaska Foundation is a private nonprofit corporation, operated as a public foundation, which was established in 1974 to solicit, manage and invest donations for the exclusive benefit of the University of Alaska. The mission of the University of Alaska Foundation is to seek, secure and steward philanthropic support to build excellence at the University of Alaska.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See Enterprise Entities RDU

Key Component Challenges

See Enterprise Entities RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See Enterprise Entities RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 310 Component — University of Alaska Foundation

University of Alaska Foundation Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 29 0 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 1 0 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 30 0 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 311 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: University of Alaska Foundation (3197) Non-Formula Component RDU: Enterprise Entities (678)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 2,856.9 2,874.3 2,874.3 3,287.2 0.0 -3,287.2 -100.0% 72000 Travel 34.6 71.2 71.2 95.6 0.0 -95.6 -100.0% 73000 Services 1,378.8 1,225.5 1,225.5 1,364.8 0.0 -1,364.8 -100.0% 74000 Commodities 43.2 92.9 92.9 37.9 0.0 -37.9 -100.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 4,313.5 4,263.9 4,263.9 4,785.5 0.0 -4,785.5 -100.0% Fund Sources: 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 4,313.5 4,263.9 4,263.9 4,785.5 0.0 -4,785.5 -100.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Designated General (DGF) 4,313.5 4,263.9 4,263.9 4,785.5 0.0 -4,785.5 -100.0% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 28 28 28 29 0 -29 -100.0% Permanent Part Time 11110 -1-100.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 312 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: University of Alaska Foundation (3197) RDU: Enterprise Entities (678)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 4,263.9 2,874.3 71.2 1,225.5 92.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 28 1 0 1048 Univ Rcpt 4,263.9

Subtotal 4,263.9 2,874.3 71.2 1,225.5 92.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 28 1 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer University Receipt Authority to Align Budgets with Anticipated Revenue Trin 521.6 0.0 0.0 521.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1048 Univ Rcpt 521.6

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

1048 University Receipts

$1,279.2 Statewide Services $(2,050.0) Statewide Networks $521.6 University of Alaska Foundation $249.2 Education Trust of Alaska

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 412.9 24.4 -382.3 -55.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Transfer Positions Between Allocations for Anticipated Needs Trin 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0100

Position Transfers deemed necessary to accurately reflect University position assignments for FY2021. Positions will be transferred between various allocations.

Subtotal 4,785.5 3,287.2 95.6 1,364.8 37.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 29 1 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor ***************************************** UA Foundation Transition to Non-Profit Dec -4,785.5 -3,287.2 -95.6 -1,364.8 -37.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 -29 -1 0 1048 Univ Rcpt -4,785.5

This adjustment transitions the UA Foundation budget and staffing from the University of Alaska to the non-profit UA Foundation. The principal purposes for the

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 313 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: University of Alaska Foundation (3197) RDU: Enterprise Entities (678)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services proposed change are to better reflect in UA’s budget that both Foundation costs and expenses (staff and otherwise) are principally borne by the Foundation and not UA, and to clearly communicate that staff of the Foundation are not those of UA administration.

The Foundation is a 501(c)(3) organization separate and distinct from UA. The Foundation was created to serve and support UA as set forth in its governing documents. Since inception, Foundation employees have been employees of UA.

Totals0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 314 Component — Education Trust of Alaska

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Education Trust of Alaska Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 315 Component — Education Trust of Alaska

Component: Education Trust of Alaska

Contribution to Department's Mission

The Education Trust of Alaska was established in 2001, pursuant to the Alaska College Savings Act, to help inspire a college going culture in Alaska, to encourage attendance at the University of Alaska, and to help participants provide for the increasing cost of higher education through tax-advantaged savings and investments. The Trust offers three separately marketed Section 529 college savings plans to generate the critical mass needed to bring a high quality college savings program to Alaskans: Alaska 529, marketed to investors within Alaska; the T. Rowe Price College Savings Plan, nationally marketed directly to investors; and the John Hancock Freedom 529, marketed nationally through financial advisors.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See Enterprise Entities RDU

Key Component Challenges

See Enterprise Entities RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See Enterprise Entities RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 316 Component — Education Trust of Alaska

Education Trust of Alaska Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 7 7 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 0 0 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 7 7 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 317 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Education Trust of Alaska (3198) Non-Formula Component RDU: Enterprise Entities (678)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 706.7 710.3 710.3 726.2 726.2 0.0 0.0% 72000 Travel 27.7 70.0 70.0 35.0 35.0 0.0 0.0% 73000 Services 1,793.2 1,927.9 1,927.9 2,205.2 2,205.2 0.0 0.0% 74000 Commodities 23.6 41.0 41.0 32.0 32.0 0.0 0.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 2,551.2 2,749.2 2,749.2 2,998.4 2,998.4 0.0 0.0% Fund Sources: 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 2,551.2 2,749.2 2,749.2 2,998.4 2,998.4 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Designated General (DGF) 2,551.2 2,749.2 2,749.2 2,998.4 2,998.4 0.0 0.0% Other Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 77777 00.0% Permanent Part Time 00000 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 318 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Education Trust of Alaska (3198) RDU: Enterprise Entities (678)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 2,749.2 710.3 70.0 1,927.9 41.0 0.0 0.0 0.0700 1048 Univ Rcpt 2,749.2

Subtotal 2,749.2 710.3 70.0 1,927.9 41.0 0.0 0.0 0.0700

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer University Receipt Authority to Align Budgets with Anticipated Revenue Trin 249.2 0.0 0.0 249.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1048 Univ Rcpt 249.2

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

1048 University Receipts

$1,279.2 Statewide Services $(2,050.0) Statewide Networks $521.6 University of Alaska Foundation $249.2 Education Trust of Alaska

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.015.9-35.028.1-9.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Subtotal 2,998.4 726.2 35.0 2,205.2 32.0 0.0 0.0 0.0700

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 2,998.4 726.2 35.0 2,205.2 32.0 0.0 0.0 0.0700

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 319 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Education Trust of Alaska (3198) RDU: Enterprise Entities (678) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 100032 Communications Manager 2 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,293 29,025 97,318 0 100507 Senior Administrator Director Fairbanks FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 98,700 27,241 125,941 0 100607 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,784 28,383 95,167 0 100620 Admin Specialist 3 Fairbanks FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,784 28,383 95,167 0 100625 Admin Specialist 2 Fairbanks FT ** PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 27,657 14,962 42,619 0 100634 Adminstrative Professional 2 Fairbanks FT ** APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,570 29,142 97,712 0 100654 Senior Administrator Officer Fairbanks FT ** Sr. Administrator 27.6% 135,000 37,260 172,260 0 Pool UA Labor Pool Fairbanks PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 15 15 0 Total Position Costs 531,803 194,397 726,200 ‐ Full Time Positions: 7 Part Time Positions: ‐ Federal Receipts (1002) ‐ Positions in Component: 7 General Fund Receipts (1004) ‐ Interagency Receipts (1007) ‐ University Receipts (1048) 726,200 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) ‐ UA Funding 726,200

Page 320 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Southeast

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska University of Alaska Southeast Results Delivery Unit Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 321 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Southeast

University of Alaska Southeast Results Delivery Unit

Contribution to Department's Mission

The mission of the University of Alaska Southeast is student learning enhanced by faculty scholarship, undergraduate research and creative activities, community engagement, and the cultures and environment of Southeast Alaska.

University of Alaska Southeast Mission Statement Board of Regents' Policy 01.01.040 Adopted 06-03-11

Results (Additional performance information is available on the web at

Core Services  STUDENT SUCCESS. Culturally and socioeconomically diverse students are provided ready access to educational opportunities and safe environments.  Students are supported by an inclusive university community.  Students successfully complete educational goals.  TEACHING AND LEARNING. Students are provided relevant programs and services, ranging from community college-level to graduate level.  Students demonstrate academic excellence in learning.  COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT. Promote a better understanding of local, state, national, and international community needs and provide solutions with a special emphasis on Southeast Alaska.  RESEARCH AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION. Faculty and students are engaged in research, scholarship, and creative expression. FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 322 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Southeast

Measures by Core Service (Additional performance information is available on the web at 1. STUDENT SUCCESS. Culturally and socioeconomically diverse students are provided ready access to educational opportunities and safe environments. 2. Students are supported by an inclusive university community.

3. Students successfully complete educational goals.

4. TEACHING AND LEARNING. Students are provided relevant programs and services, ranging from community college-level to graduate level.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 323 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Southeast

5. Students demonstrate academic excellence in learning.

6. COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT. Promote a better understanding of local, state, national, and international community needs and provide solutions with a special emphasis on Southeast Alaska. 7. RESEARCH AND CREATIVE EXPRESSION. Faculty and students are engaged in research, scholarship, and creative expression.

Major RDU Accomplishments in 2020

The Council for Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP) reaffirmed the Alaska College of Education’s accreditation.

UAS also received accreditation from the Accreditation Council for Business schools and programs (ACBSP). UAS is the first institution in Alaska to receive this honor.

Successfully hired a Campus Director for the UAS Sitka campus.

Student Success

The Sitka campus, sponsored by Compete to Complete Department of Education Title III grant, presented the Racial Equity and Justice in Southeast Alaska. The speaker series brought in five nationally known speakers in partnerships with Sitka Tribe of Alaska Social Services Department, Southeast Alaska Regional Health Consortium (SEARHC), the Sitka State of Alaska-State Training and Employment Program (STEP) Grant, and the Sitka Health Summit and Pathways Coalition.

The Sitka campus was awarded a 5-year Department of Education Title III SUPPORT grant to provide extra support for students, especially nontraditional, first generation, underrepresented, and/or underprepared students (Strengthening Unique Potential for Progress through Opportunities, Relationships and Transition). FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 324 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Southeast

UAS Construction Technology received a 21st Century Non-Traditional Occupations Grant to develop a pathway for women in the area of construction. The goal of this project is to provide female students a foundation in construction and encourage women to explore non-traditional occupations.

Teaching and Learning

The School of Career Education, in partnership with the Haines School District, offered an intensive construction technology course that provided workforce credentials and dual enrollment credits to high school students. Six students traveled from Haines and completed 10 hours of training. They received National Center for Construction Education and Research credentials and an Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) 10 Certificate.

Faculty across UAS worked together to design and implement the Business Studies Secondary Field as part of the Bachelor of Liberal Arts (BLA) degree.

UAS Northwest Coast Arts program hosted an online Northwest Coast Woolen Weaving course and online Basketry course in the spring due to COVID-19. Because the courses were online, they were accessible to students who would ordinarily not be unable to attend. In partnership with Sealaska Heritage Institute (SHI), UAS will offer a new Associate of Arts (AAS) degree with an emphasis in Northwest Coast Arts in the fall of 2020.

Partnerships and Community Engagement

UAS Ketchikan collaborated with Ketchikan Indian Community (KIC) and the Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District to offer dual enrollment science classes for KIC’s Tribal Scholars program. These science classes have been instrumental in assisting Alaska Native students to complete their graduation requirements resulting in a 100% graduation rate for the Tribal Scholars. They also partnered with KIC’s Tribal Scholars for an Indigenous Peoples Day event focused on “A Sense of Community”.

UAS Ketchikan collaborated with Ketchikan High School to offer dual enrollment classes in diesel engines, psychology, oceanography and Certified Nurse Aide Training.

UAS Juneau is partnering with SHI on a three-year grant, “Our Language Pathway” which is a language immersion program. Students enrolled in the program receive a scholarship, participate in language institutes and are provided with an opportunity for an internship within SHI.

Research and Creative Expression

UAS Sitka received a National Institute of Health (NIH) Science Education Partnership Award (SEPA) five–year grant, “Rural Alaska Students in One-Health Research”. The goal is to provide scientific research and college experience opportunities to high school students from underserved populations in rural communities in Southeast Alaska.

UAS Ketchikan received a National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) grant, “Transforming Ecosystems of Alaska”. This project offers dual enrollment Food, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Human Sciences (FANH) based classes to Alaska Native students enrolled in KIC’s Tribal Scholars program. The goal is to increase the rate of post-secondary education among Alaska Natives and to increase the knowledge of Alaska Native students on the changing ecosystems and impacts on the natural resources they depend on.

Alaska Native Studies professor, X’unei Lance Twitchell was awarded three fellowships to enhance his work in Tlingit language and artwork. The awards come from First Nations Development Institute, National Endowment for the Humanities and First Peoples Fund. He will use the funds to create a “Native language revitalization kit” which will summarize how to replicate best practices in language revitalization. He will also prepare a manuscript of transcribed and translated oral culture and purchase equipment to move his artwork into metalsmithing and engraving.

Key RDU Challenges

● Top priority challenges continue to be student recruitment, retention, and completion, stemming from a decline in population and, as a result, decreasing high school graduates, low visibility across the state, and tuition increases.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 325 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Southeast

● The Alaska Marine Highway System restructuring and budget cuts will affect the number of employees that will be sent to the UAS Maritime Training Center. ● COVID-19 has affected everyday operations. Most classes have moved to an online format and those that cannot be taught online are offered with reduced enrollment to follow social distancing guidelines. Many staff are working from home. ● Competition across UA for E-Learning classes and students has greatly increased in some cases due to COVID-19 but not entirely. ● Recruiting and retaining skilled healthcare professionals to teach courses for the Pre-Nursing, Health Information Management, Medical Assisting and Certified Nurse Aide programs.

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

● Expansion of dual enrollment opportunities for high school partners throughout Southeast Alaska through the availability of relevant online course offerings. ● Continue to improve campus culture through seeking opportunities to enhance student engagement and inclusivity. ● During our successful 2019 reaccreditation with the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities (NWCCU) it was recommended that UAS reevaluate its mission statement and refine its objectives and indicators. Further, NWCCU has revised its accreditation standards so UAS is in the process of rewriting its mission statement and goals.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 326 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Southeast

University of Alaska Southeast RDU Financial Summary by Component All dollars shown in thousands FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Management Plan FY2022 Governor UGF+DGF Other Federal Total UGF+DGF Other Federal Total UGF+DGF Other Federal Total Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Funds Formula Expenditures None.

Non-Formula Expenditures Juneau Campus 35,666.5 593.8 2,895.3 39,155.6 38,734.0 2,104.4 4,047.1 44,885.5 38,734.0 2,104.4 4,047.1 44,885.5 Ketchikan 3,570.5 144.4 515.5 4,230.4 4,067.9 171.7 850.0 5,089.6 4,067.9 171.7 850.0 5,089.6 Campus Sitka Campus 3,866.0 134.9 799.4 4,800.3 5,334.2 227.1 1,480.1 7,041.4 5,334.2 227.1 1,480.1 7,041.4 Totals 43,103.0 873.1 4,210.2 48,186.3 48,136.1 2,503.2 6,377.2 57,016.5 48,136.1 2,503.2 6,377.2 57,016.5

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 327 Results Delivery Unit — University of Alaska Southeast

University of Alaska Southeast Summary of RDU Budget Changes by Component From FY2021 Management Plan to FY2022 Governor All dollars shown in thousands Unrestricted Designated Other Funds Federal Total Funds Gen (UGF) Gen (DGF) Funds FY2021 Management Plan 25,434.6 22,701.5 2,503.2 6,377.2 57,016.5

FY2022 Governor 25,434.6 22,701.5 2,503.2 6,377.2 57,016.5

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 328 CHANCELLOR Karen Carey, Ph.D.



Page 329 Updated: 11 NOV 2020 Component — Juneau Campus

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Juneau Campus Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 330 Component — Juneau Campus

Component: Juneau Campus

Contribution to Department's Mission

The Juneau campus offers the widest array of programs and services within UAS, supported by student housing, a well-developed campus infrastructure, and academic programs at all levels—undergraduate and graduate.

Core Services

 The Juneau Campus provides student residential facilities, including a residence hall for first year students and apartment living for more advanced students and those with families. In addition to campus-based housing, students enjoy meal service, and a rich array of student life activities.  Juneau offers graduate degrees in public administration and education; baccalaureate degrees in business administration, science and liberal arts; two-year associate degrees; and certificate programs, occupational endorsements (OE), and workforce credentials in specialized fields.  Juneau is the sole provider of certain bachelor's degrees and certificates including: all teacher education programs; diesel automotive, construction technology, and outdoor study programs.  Juneau offers e-Learning/distance education programs and student support to both urban and rural communities throughout southeast Alaska and statewide.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Southeast RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Southeast RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Southeast RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 331 Component — Juneau Campus

Juneau Campus Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 231 231 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 9 9 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 240 240 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 332 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Juneau Campus (762) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 22,425.5 25,674.5 25,674.5 24,197.2 24,197.2 0.0 0.0% 72000 Travel 437.9 810.5 810.5 547.4 547.4 0.0 0.0% 73000 Services 6,954.0 9,557.7 9,557.7 12,080.5 12,080.5 0.0 0.0% 74000 Commodities 1,215.4 4,393.3 4,393.3 4,690.7 4,690.7 0.0 0.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 7,087.2 40.7 40.7 88.4 88.4 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 733.2 3,174.4 3,174.4 2,731.1 2,731.1 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 302.4 739.8 739.8 550.2 550.2 0.0 0.0% Totals 39,155.6 44,390.9 44,390.9 44,885.5 44,885.5 0.0 0.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 2,895.3 4,047.1 4,047.1 4,047.1 4,047.1 0.0 0.0% 1003 G/F Match (UGF) 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 18.2 0.0 0.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 21,278.3 21,190.9 21,190.9 21,720.2 21,720.2 0.0 0.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 96.4 749.1 749.1 749.1 749.1 0.0 0.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 14,100.6 16,786.5 16,786.5 16,786.5 16,786.5 0.0 0.0% 1061 CIP Rcpts (Other) 40.7 431.6 431.6 431.6 431.6 0.0 0.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 269.4 243.8 243.8 209.1 209.1 0.0 0.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 456.7 923.7 923.7 923.7 923.7 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 21,296.5 21,209.1 21,209.1 21,738.4 21,738.4 0.0 0.0% Designated General (DGF) 14,370.0 17,030.3 17,030.3 16,995.6 16,995.6 0.0 0.0% Other Funds 593.8 2,104.4 2,104.4 2,104.4 2,104.4 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 2,895.3 4,047.1 4,047.1 4,047.1 4,047.1 0.0 0.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 231 231 231 231 231 0 0.0% Permanent Part Time 99999 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 333 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Juneau Campus (762) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 44,390.9 25,674.5 810.5 9,557.7 4,393.3 40.7 3,174.4 739.8 231 9 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 4,047.1 1003 G/F Match 18.2 1004 Gen Fund 21,190.9 1007 I/A Rcpts 749.1 1048 Univ Rcpt 16,786.5 1061 CIP Rcpts 431.6 1151 VoTech Ed 243.8 1174 UA I/A 923.7

Subtotal 44,390.9 25,674.5 810.5 9,557.7 4,393.3 40.7 3,174.4 739.8 231 9 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trout-34.7 0.0 0.0-34.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed -34.7

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$90.4 Kenai Peninsula College ($18.0) Kodiak College ($188.7) Matanuska-Susitna College ($5.0) Interior Alaska Campus $47.5 Kuskokwim Campus ($12.5) Northwest Campus ($34.7) Juneau Campus $121.0 Ketchikan Campus

Transfer from Ketchikan and Sitka Campus to Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures Trin 529.3 0.0 0.0 529.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund 529.3

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

1004 General Fund

$529.3 Juneau Campus

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 334 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Juneau Campus (762) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ($271.7) Ketchikan Campus ($257.6) Sitka Campus

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 -1,477.3 -263.1 2,028.2 297.4 47.7 -443.3 -189.6000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Subtotal 44,885.5 24,197.2 547.4 12,080.5 4,690.7 88.4 2,731.1 550.2 231 9 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 44,885.5 24,197.2 547.4 12,080.5 4,690.7 88.4 2,731.1 550.2 231 9 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 335 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Juneau Campus (762) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 880000 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 105,191 31,978 137,169 81,839 880001 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,697 21,492 92,189 55,003 880002 Admin Generalist 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,263 26,651 75,914 45,293 880003 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 880004 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 162,281 49,333 211,614 126,256 880005 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 85,262 25,920 111,182 66,334 880007 Administrative Management 1 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 66,388 28,215 94,603 56,443 880008 Student Svcs Professional 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 48,124 880009 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 118,076 35,895 153,971 91,864 880010 Assistant Professor Juneau PT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,190 26,202 112,392 67,056 880012 Associate Dean/Faculty Juneau FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 121,661 33,578 155,239 92,621 880014 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 49,770 21,152 70,922 42,314 880016 Student Svcs Professional 1 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 42,675 880017 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 62,473 18,992 81,465 48,604 880022 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,869 25,496 109,365 65,251 880023 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 144,026 43,784 187,810 112,053 880026 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 1000 880027 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,736 25,813 86,549 51,638 880028 Associate Dean/Faculty Juneau FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 138,155 38,131 176,286 105,177 880031 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,811 22,439 96,250 57,425 880032 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,840 26,703 114,543 68,340 880033 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,124 24,662 105,786 63,115 880034 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 111,111 33,778 144,889 86,445 880035 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 112,072 34,070 146,142 87,193 880038 Stu Svcs Profess 3 (NonExempt) Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,534 32,208 91,742 54,736 880040 Training & Development 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,940 20,526 58,466 34,882 880041 IS Professional 2A Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 880043 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 143,826 43,723 187,549 111,897 880044 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 117,934 35,852 153,786 91,753 880046 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 92,267 28,049 120,316 71,784 880048 IS Consultant 1A Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,267 27,735 79,002 47,135 880050 Student Svcs Manager 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 880055 Admin Generalist 4 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 47,600 880060 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,248 26,219 112,467 67,101 880061 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 99,137 30,138 129,275 77,129 880062 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,713 21,497 92,210 55,015 Page 336 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Juneau Campus (762) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 880063 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 121,788 37,024 158,812 94,752 880064 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,978 24,921 106,899 63,779 880065 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 94,660 28,777 123,437 73,646 880066 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,089 24,955 107,044 63,866 880067 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,500 20,824 89,324 53,293 880068 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,798 25,171 107,969 64,417 880069 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 120,965 36,773 157,738 94,111 880070 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,849 23,058 98,907 59,011 880071 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,265 22,273 95,538 57,001 880072 Research Technician 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 36,330 19,655 55,985 33,402 880073 Admin Specialist 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,666 30,656 87,322 52,099 880076 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 95,490 29,029 124,519 74,292 880079 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 101,374 30,818 132,192 78,870 880082 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,713 21,497 92,210 0 880084 Associate Professor Juneau PT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,275 23,188 99,463 59,342 880085 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 99,581 30,273 129,854 77,475 880086 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 55,398 16,841 72,239 43,100 880087 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 1000 880088 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,439 22,325 95,764 57,136 880089 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,842 20,624 88,466 52,781 880090 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,615 24,203 103,818 61,941 880091 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,085 24,346 104,431 62,307 880092 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 86,642 26,339 112,981 67,408 880096 Admin Generalist 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 41,608 22,510 64,118 38,255 880098 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,881 18,508 79,389 47,366 880100 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,608 24,505 105,113 62,713 880102 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,624 19,950 85,574 51,056 880103 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,790 20,304 87,094 51,963 880104 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,657 20,264 86,921 51,860 880105 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 80,346 24,425 104,771 62,510 880107 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 82,278 25,013 107,291 64,013 880109 Training & Development 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 31,421 16,999 48,420 28,889 880110 Training & Development 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 29,590 16,008 45,598 27,205 880111 Administrative Professional 1 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,783 29,658 99,441 59,329 880112 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,895 27,024 115,919 69,161 880113 Admin Generalist 4 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,365 25,624 72,989 43,548 Page 337 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Juneau Campus (762) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 880117 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,299 23,499 100,798 60,139 880118 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 880119 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 1000 880120 Development 3 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 62,570 26,592 89,162 53,197 880126 Admin Generalist 4 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 45,759 880129 Communications Manager 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 80,222 34,094 114,316 68,205 880131 Administrative Management 3 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 93,128 39,579 132,707 79,177 880132 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,694 24,227 103,921 62,002 880136 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,087 19,178 82,265 49,082 880137 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,865 18,503 79,368 47,353 880138 Mental Health Provider 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 39,492 16,784 56,276 33,576 880148 Mental Health Provider 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,064 31,477 105,541 62,969 880198 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 1000 880200 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 112,741 34,273 147,014 87,713 880201 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 35,439 18,287 53,726 32,054 880202 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 880203 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 1000 880205 Communications Specialist 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,782 27,473 78,255 23,345 880206 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 93,002 28,273 121,275 72,356 880207 Student Svcs Professional 3 Juneau PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 34,364 14,605 48,969 29,216 880208 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 62,083 32,035 94,118 56,154 880210 Dean (Admin) Juneau FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 103,398 28,538 131,936 78,717 880211 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 77,670 23,612 101,282 60,428 880212 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 58,030 17,641 75,671 45,148 880213 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,551 25,704 110,255 65,781 880215 Admin Generalist 3 Juneau PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 21,004 11,363 32,367 19,311 880216 Admin Generalist 4 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,974 24,872 70,846 42,269 880217 Library Technician 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 37,130 880219 Library Technician 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 35,830 19,384 55,214 32,942 880220 Administrative Management 3 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 880221 Admin Generalist 4 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 41,862 880222 Library Technician 2 Juneau PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 24,885 13,463 38,348 22,879 880224 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,150 25,582 109,732 65,469 880225 Admin Generalist 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 880227 Broadcast/Media Professional 3 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,326 26,064 87,390 52,139 880229 Library Technician 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,009 22,727 64,736 38,623 Page 338 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Juneau Campus (762) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 880230 Campus Services Generalist 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 27,904 15,096 43,000 0 880231 Campus Services Generalist 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 37,686 20,388 58,074 0 880232 Campus Services Generalist 4 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 0 880233 Instructional Designer 3 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,192 22,607 75,799 45,224 880235 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,090 21,003 90,093 53,752 880245 IS Professional 5A Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,781 31,782 106,563 63,579 880246 IS Consultant 2A Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,782 27,473 78,255 46,689 880250 Provost Juneau FT Officer 27.6% 167,593 46,256 213,849 127,589 880251 Senior Administrator Officer Juneau FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 172,359 47,571 219,930 131,217 880253 Physical Health Provider 4 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,056 26,799 89,855 53,610 880256 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 98,000 29,792 127,792 76,245 880257 Student Svcs Professional 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,804 31,272 89,076 53,145 880270 Dean (Academic) Juneau FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 152,092 41,977 194,069 115,788 880273 Administrative Management 1 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,101 27,668 92,769 55,349 880274 Admin Specialist 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 67,737 36,646 104,383 62,278 880275 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,755 23,030 98,785 58,938 880276 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 39,106 16,620 55,726 33,248 880277 Research Professional 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 100 0 100 0 880405 Student Svcs Manager 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,781 31,782 106,563 63,579 880406 Student Svcs Professional 1 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 42,675 880407 Student Svcs Professional 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,376 28,876 82,252 49,074 880408 Student Svcs Professional 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 48,124 880409 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,901 22,908 76,809 45,827 880410 Vice Chancellor (Admin) Juneau FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 132,649 36,611 169,260 100,986 880411 Student Svcs Professional 1 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,060 24,377 69,437 41,428 880412 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 46,891 19,929 66,820 19,933 880413 Student Svcs Professional 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,612 21,971 62,583 37,339 880414 Student Svcs Professional 3 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,783 29,658 99,441 44,497 880416 Campus Services Generalist 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 28,156 15,232 43,388 0 880417 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 48,331 20,541 68,872 41,091 880419 Communications Specialist 4 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,716 25,804 86,520 51,621 880420 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 54,793 880430 Communications Specialist 4 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,755 27,946 93,701 55,905 880433 Administrative Management 1 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 65,755 27,946 93,701 0 880500 Chancellor Juneau FT Officer 27.6% 227,759 62,861 290,620 173,393 880503 Administrative Management 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 76,320 32,436 108,756 64,887 Page 339 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Juneau Campus (762) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 880505 Fiscal Manager 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 75,582 32,122 107,704 64,260 880506 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 47,338 20,119 67,457 0 880511 Fiscal Technician 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,887 27,530 78,417 46,786 880519 Fiscal Professional 1 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,782 27,473 78,255 46,689 880521 Research Professional 3 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,080 32,759 109,839 65,533 880522 Fiscal Manager 4 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 102,913 43,738 146,651 87,496 880524 Fiscal Technician 4 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 49,770 26,926 76,696 45,759 880525 Fiscal Technician 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,531 24,632 70,163 41,862 880527 Fiscal Technician 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,473 22,978 65,451 39,050 880529 Fiscal Professional 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,108 29,371 98,479 58,755 880530 Fiscal Professional 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 49,145 880531 Administrative Management 1 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 69,109 29,371 98,480 58,756 880532 Fiscal Professional 1 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,009 22,727 64,736 38,623 880533 Proc/ Cont Svcs Professional 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 63,161 26,843 90,004 53,699 880535 Vice Chancellor (Admin) Juneau FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 141,485 39,050 180,535 107,713 880537 Fiscal Manager 4 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 102,913 43,738 146,651 87,496 880539 Admin Specialist 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 26,941 14,575 41,516 24,770 880553 Development 5 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 99,855 42,438 142,293 84,897 880554 Development 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,882 29,150 83,032 0 880561 Student Svcs Technician 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 37,130 880562 Student Svcs Technician 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 69,108 37,387 106,495 63,538 880563 Student Svcs Technician 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 880565 Student Svcs Technician 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 42,675 880566 Student Svcs Technician 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 52,342 28,317 80,659 48,124 880567 Student Svcs Professional 4 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 67,041 28,492 95,533 56,998 880568 Student Svcs Manager 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 71,892 30,554 102,446 61,122 880571 Admin Generalist 4 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,974 24,872 70,846 0 880587 IS Professional 5A Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,198 36,209 121,407 72,435 880588 IS Ops Technician 4 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 67,041 36,269 103,310 61,638 880589 IS Professional 5A Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 85,198 36,209 121,407 72,435 880600 Director (Admin) Juneau FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 111,475 30,767 142,242 84,866 880601 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 55,374 28,573 83,947 50,085 880602 Admin Generalist 4 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 42,675 880605 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 5 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,825 34,776 116,601 55,654 880606 Crafts & Trades III(CT3) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 880607 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,916 34,013 99,929 47,697 Page 340 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Juneau Campus (762) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 880608 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,916 34,013 99,929 47,697 880609 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 73,242 37,793 111,035 52,998 880610 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 34,715 17,913 52,628 31,399 880611 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 3 Juneau PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 65,433 35,399 100,832 60,160 880612 Environmental Health/Safety 4 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,522 38,047 127,569 76,111 880613 Admin Generalist 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,776 22,060 62,836 0 880615 Communications Specialist 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 53,882 29,150 83,032 49,539 880618 Student Svcs Manager 1 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,374 24,809 83,183 0 880619 Crafts & Trades II (CT2) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 59,676 30,793 90,469 53,976 880621 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 37,697 19,452 57,149 34,097 880622 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 31,457 16,232 47,689 28,453 880623 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 34,055 17,572 51,627 30,802 880625 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 2 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,193 24,307 81,500 48,625 880629 Fac Engineering 5 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 94,077 39,983 134,060 79,984 880630 Admin Generalist 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 880632 Maint Service Worker II (MSW2) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 40,061 20,671 60,732 0 880633 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 53,095 27,397 80,492 38,419 880637 Maint Service Worker IV (MSW4) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 23,342 12,044 35,386 16,890 880640 Crafts & Trades III (CT3) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 65,916 34,013 99,929 47,697 880642 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 34,055 17,572 51,627 30,802 880643 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 34,715 17,913 52,628 31,399 880650 Fac Engineering 3 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,242 39,203 131,445 78,424 880651 Fac Engineering 5 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 92,242 39,203 131,445 78,424 880701 Associate Dean/Faculty Juneau FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 135,159 37,304 172,463 82,317 880702 Director (Academic‐Faculty) Juneau FT Non‐Represented Faculty 27.6% 114,513 31,606 146,119 26,154 880704 Development 2 (E) Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 49,145 880705 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,600 19,638 84,238 50,259 880706 Associate Vice Chancellor Juneau FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 89,121 24,597 113,718 67,848 880707 IS Professional 2A Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 59,534 32,208 91,742 54,736 880708 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 1000 880709 Administrative Management 1 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 68,412 29,075 97,487 52,348 880710 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,570 25,405 108,975 65,018 880711 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,621 26,941 115,562 68,948 880712 Admin Specialist 3 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 60,145 25,562 85,707 51,135 880716 Research Professional 1 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,782 27,473 78,255 23,345 880800 Administrative Professional 4 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 95,975 40,789 136,764 81,598 Page 341 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Juneau Campus (762) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 880805 Administrative Management 4 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,522 38,047 127,569 15,222 880808 Maintenance Serv Worker (MSW1) Juneau FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 31,457 16,232 47,689 28,453 880810 Assistant Professor Juneau PT United Academics BU 30.4% 81,124 24,662 105,786 63,115 880815 Admin Specialist 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 50,782 27,473 78,255 46,689 880816 Development 1 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 880817 Admin Specialist 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,525 24,629 70,154 41,856 880850 Campus Services Retail 5 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 57,804 24,567 82,371 0 880865 Admin Generalist 4 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 35,964 19,457 55,421 16,533 880870 Student Svcs Professional 3 Juneau PT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 74,781 31,782 106,563 0 880872 Student Svcs Technician 2 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 40,385 21,848 62,233 37,130 889001 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,503 18,393 78,896 47,072 890030 Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 126,723 38,524 165,247 98,591 890035 Research Technician 3 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,579 23,035 65,614 39,147 890050 Assistant Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,664 20,266 86,930 51,865 890085 IS Net Technician 7 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 61,326 33,177 94,503 56,384 890140 IS Net Technician 5 Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,974 24,872 70,846 42,269 890141 IS Professional 3A Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 72,650 30,876 103,526 61,767 890143 IS Consultant 2A Juneau FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,773 28,009 79,782 47,600 890155 Environmental Health/Safety 4 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 89,522 38,047 127,569 76,111 890160 Student Svcs Manager 1 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 54,407 23,123 77,530 46,257 890165 Admin Specialist 4 Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 73,811 31,370 105,181 62,754 890170 Associate Professor Juneau FT United Academics BU 30.4% 73,754 22,421 96,175 57,381 890175 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Juneau FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 50,782 21,582 72,364 43,175 890182 Assistant Professor Juneau PT United Academics BU 30.4% 52,739 16,033 68,772 41,031 Pool Adjunct Faculty Juneau PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 65,599 7,151 72,751 43,405 Pool Adjunct Faculty Juneau PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 592,116 64,579 656,696 391,804 Pool UA Labor Pool Juneau PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 1,791,331 1,791,331 952,152

Total Position Costs 18,072,940 6,124,260 24,197,200 13,393,661 Full Time Positions: 231 Part Time Positions: 9 Federal Receipts (1002) 810,935 Positions in Component: 240 General Fund Receipts (1004) 13,393,661 Interagency Receipts (1007) 416,504 University Receipts (1048) 9,090,677 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 485,423 UA Funding 24,197,200 Page 342 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Ketchikan Campus

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Ketchikan Campus Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 343 Component — Ketchikan Campus

Component: Ketchikan Campus

Contribution to Department's Mission

The UAS Ketchikan Campus is an important component of the regional structure of the University of Alaska Southeast. At the Ketchikan Campus, students can earn occupational endorsements, certificates, and associate degrees. The campus plays a critical role in providing a wide range of e-Learning lower division general education requirement courses and upper division courses that support the Bachelor of Liberal Arts (BLA) and Bachelor of Social Science (BASS) degrees across the region. Professors are innovative in using technology to blend on-campus classes with e-Learning course offerings. The Ketchikan Campus also offers the only Associate of Applied Science in Marine Transportation in the state. The UAS Ketchikan Regional Maritime and Career Center offers a variety of maritime courses that focus on operations and marine industrial skills. The campus is a significant resource for the community and surrounding region offering programs relevant to the workforce in Southern Southeast Alaska.

Core Services

 Ketchikan is a branch campus of the University of Alaska Southeast regional university, and as such, is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.  Ketchikan is home to UAS' highly-successful Marine Transportation program, offering an Occupational Endorsement (OE), Certificate and Associate of Arts (AAS) in Marine Transportation along with certifications and licensure needed by Alaska’s maritime workforce.  Ketchikan faculty are leaders in e-Learning, delivering lower and upper division courses in a variety of subject areas that support the BLA and BASS programs.  Ketchikan prepares students for transfer to four-year institutions, delivers courses and programs in response to local community workforce needs, provides certificate and associate degrees in relevant career-oriented training programs, and provides high quality distance education support.  The Ketchikan campus provides credit and non-credit courses for the benefit of citizens in the community, including classes in Alaska Native languages and coastal resource harvesting.  Ketchikan also supports students with counseling, advising, and library and learning center services.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Southeast RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Southeast RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Southeast RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 344 Component — Ketchikan Campus

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 345 Component — Ketchikan Campus

Ketchikan Campus Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 32 32 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 4 4 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 36 36 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 346 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Ketchikan Campus (765) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 3,598.6 3,638.2 3,638.2 3,298.4 3,298.4 0.0 0.0% 72000 Travel 36.5 55.7 55.7 51.1 51.1 0.0 0.0% 73000 Services 214.5 566.7 566.7 547.2 547.2 0.0 0.0% 74000 Commodities 129.7 822.4 822.4 843.3 843.3 0.0 0.0% 75000 Capital Outlay 70.7 8.5 8.5 203.5 203.5 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 180.4 148.8 148.8 146.1 146.1 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 4,230.4 5,240.3 5,240.3 5,089.6 5,089.6 0.0 0.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 515.5 850.0 850.0 850.0 850.0 0.0 0.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 1,887.8 1,959.6 1,959.6 1,687.9 1,687.9 0.0 0.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 143.0 166.6 166.6 166.6 166.6 0.0 0.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 1,403.2 1,997.1 1,997.1 1,997.1 1,997.1 0.0 0.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 279.5 261.9 261.9 382.9 382.9 0.0 0.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 1.4 5.1 5.1 5.1 5.1 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 1,887.8 1,959.6 1,959.6 1,687.9 1,687.9 0.0 0.0% Designated General (DGF) 1,682.7 2,259.0 2,259.0 2,380.0 2,380.0 0.0 0.0% Other Funds 144.4 171.7 171.7 171.7 171.7 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 515.5 850.0 850.0 850.0 850.0 0.0 0.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 33 33 33 32 32 0 0.0% Permanent Part Time 44444 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 347 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Ketchikan Campus (765) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 5,240.3 3,638.2 55.7 566.7 822.4 8.5 148.8 0.0 33 4 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 850.0 1004 Gen Fund 1,959.6 1007 I/A Rcpts 166.6 1048 Univ Rcpt 1,997.1 1151 VoTech Ed 261.9 1174 UA I/A 5.1

Subtotal 5,240.3 3,638.2 55.7 566.7 822.4 8.5 148.8 0.0 33 4 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer Technical Vocational Education Program Funds to Align with Distributions Trin 121.0 0.0 0.0 121.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1151 VoTech Ed 121.0

Transfers between allocations to reallocate Vocational Technical Funding to FY2021 Programs approved by the UA Workforce Development Committee.

1151 Tech Voc Educ Prog

$90.4 Kenai Peninsula College ($18.0) Kodiak College ($188.7) Matanuska-Susitna College ($5.0) Interior Alaska Campus $47.5 Kuskokwim Campus ($12.5) Northwest Campus ($34.7) Juneau Campus $121.0 Ketchikan Campus

Transfer to Juneau Campus to Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures Trout -271.7 0.0 0.0 -271.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund -271.7

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

1004 General Fund

$529.3 Juneau Campus ($271.7) Ketchikan Campus ($257.6) Sitka Campus

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 348 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Ketchikan Campus (765) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 -339.8 -4.6 131.2 20.9 195.0 -2.7 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Return Positions Related to General Fund Reduction PosAdj 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -1 0 0

Return positions related to the FY2021 $25M general fund reduction that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary.

Subtotal 5,089.6 3,298.4 51.1 547.2 843.3 203.5 146.1 0.0 32 4 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

Totals 5,089.6 3,298.4 51.1 547.2 843.3 203.5 146.1 0.0 32 4 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 349 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Ketchikan Campus (765) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 520002 Communications Specialist 2 Ketchikan FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 520007 Training & Development 3 Ketchikan FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 62,570 33,850 96,420 37,211 520008 Student Svcs Technician 2 Ketchikan PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 47,147 25,507 72,654 31,154 520009 Human Resources Technician 4 Ketchikan FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 54,979 29,744 84,723 36,329 520011 Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 79,127 24,055 103,182 44,245 520013 Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 84,594 25,717 110,311 47,302 520015 Assistant Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 59,589 18,115 77,704 33,320 520019 Assistant Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,766 19,993 85,759 36,774 520020 Student Svcs Manager 2 Ketchikan FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 79,442 33,763 113,205 48,543 520021 Fiscal Technician Ketchikan FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 57,193 30,941 88,134 37,792 520022 Assistant Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,598 18,422 79,020 33,884 520023 Associate Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,153 21,023 90,176 38,668 520024 Administrative Management 2 Ketchikan FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 77,080 32,759 109,839 47,099 520025 Associate Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 68,633 20,864 89,497 38,377 520028 Associate Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 75,282 22,886 98,168 33,676 520029 Maint Serv Worker I (MSW1) Ketchikan FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 100 0 100 0 520033 Assistant Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,600 19,638 84,238 36,122 520035 Director (Admin) Ketchikan FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 138,617 38,258 176,875 75,845 520036 Assistant Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 61,606 18,728 80,334 34,448 520038 IS Net Technician 5 Ketchikan FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 48,800 26,401 75,201 24,185 520041 IS Net Technician 6 Ketchikan FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 56,075 30,337 86,412 37,054 520042 Maint Service Worker II (MSW2) Ketchikan FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 36,866 19,023 55,889 23,965 520043 Assistant Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 65,781 19,997 85,778 36,782 520045 Admin Specialist 2 (Exempt) Ketchikan FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 53,376 22,685 76,061 0 520046 Admin Generalist 3 Ketchikan FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,416 25,111 71,527 24,537 520047 Admin Generalist 4 Ketchikan FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,974 24,872 70,846 30,379 520050 Admin Generalist 3 Ketchikan FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,880 25,362 72,242 30,978 520052 Maint Service Worker II (MSW2) Ketchikan FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 40,061 20,671 60,732 26,042 520084 Assistant Professor Ketchikan PT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 520142 Associate Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 69,768 21,209 90,977 39,011 520143 Admin Generalist 2 Ketchikan PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 22,533 12,190 34,723 14,890 520302 Assistant Professor Ketchikan PT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 520305 Admin Specialist 2 Ketchikan FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 51,267 27,735 79,002 33,877 520310 Assistant Professor Ketchikan FT United Academics BU 30.4% 60,600 18,422 79,022 33,885 526552 Student Svcs Technician 2 Ketchikan FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,472 22,977 65,449 28,065 527200 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Ketchikan FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 57,248 29,540 86,788 37,215 Page 350 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Ketchikan Campus (765) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate Pool Adjunct Faculty Ketchikan PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 109,073 11,899 120,972 51,873 Pool Adjunct Faculty Ketchikan PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 146,832 16,011 162,844 69,828 Pool UA Labor Pool Ketchikan PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 283,296 283,296 105,137 Total Position Costs 2,489,694 808,706 3,298,400 1,338,489 Full Time Positions: 32 Part Time Positions: 4 Federal Receipts (1002) 410,098 Positions in Component: 36 General Fund Receipts (1004) 1,338,489 Interagency Receipts (1007) 67,404 University Receipts (1048) 1,478,365 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 4,044 UA Funding 3,298,400

Page 351 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Component — Sitka Campus

State of Alaska FY2022 Governor’s Operating Budget

University of Alaska Sitka Campus Component Budget Summary

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 352 Component — Sitka Campus

Component: Sitka Campus

Contribution to Department's Mission

The Sitka Campus is an integral part of regional programs offered by the University of Alaska Southeast and is recognized as the lead UAS campus for healthcare workforce training and community outreach. Signifying a commitment to the success of Alaska Native students with an emphasis in support and retention of students especially in the rural areas, the Sitka campus provides accessible, quality postsecondary academic, vocational, and continuing education opportunities with integrated student support services throughout the region and the state.

Core Services

 Sitka is a branch campus of the University of Alaska Southeast and as such is accredited by the Northwest Commission on Colleges and Universities.  Sitka offers postsecondary academic and workforce training programs. Unique offerings from the Sitka campus include the Fisheries Technology and the Health Information Management online programs. The Health Information Management Associate of Applied Science is the only nationally accredited program in the UA system.  Sitka prepares students for transfer to four-year institutions through local, hybrid, and online course delivery, offers programs and courses in response to local community needs, and provides occupational endorsements, certificates and associate degrees in relevant workforce training programs as well as general education.  Sitka is the region's leader in health-related and patient care programs offering, a unique variety of courses, many by distance, appealing to a diverse cross-section of Alaskans.  Sitka has active partnerships with Mt. Edgecumbe High School and the Alaska Public Safety Academy providing dual enrollment opportunities and preparing students for employment through the Welding OE, the Construction Technology OE, and the Law Enforcement OE.  Sitka supports a wide variety of student services that include counseling, advising, library, and learning resource services for students both on campus and online.

Major Component Accomplishments in 2020

See University of Alaska Southeast RDU

Key Component Challenges

See University of Alaska Southeast RDU

Significant Changes in Results to be Delivered in FY2022

See University of Alaska Southeast RDU

Statutory and Regulatory Authority

No statutes and regulations.

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 353 Component — Sitka Campus

Contact Information

Contact: Michelle Rizk, Vice President, University Relations Phone: (907) 450-8187 E-mail: [email protected]

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 354 Component — Sitka Campus

Sitka Campus Personal Services Information

Authorized Positions Personal Services Costs FY2021 Management FY2022 Plan Governor Annual Salaries 0 Full-time 42 42 Premium Pay 0 Part-time 3 3 Annual Benefits 0 Nonpermanent 0 0 Labor Pool(s) 0 Less % Vacancy Factor () Totals 45 45 Total Personal Services

Position Classification Summary

Job Class Title Anchorage Fairbanks Juneau Others Total No personal services.

Totals 00000

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 355 Component Detail All Funds University of Alaska

Component: Sitka Campus (764) Non-Formula Component RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237)

FY2020 Actuals FY2021 Conference FY2021 Authorized FY2021 Management FY2022 Governor FY2021 Management Plan vs Committee Plan FY2022 Governor 71000 Personal Services 3,652.5 4,240.9 4,240.9 3,567.6 3,567.6 0.0 0.0% 72000 Travel 44.3 136.9 136.9 91.0 91.0 0.0 0.0% 73000 Services 985.1 1,979.9 1,979.9 2,508.4 2,508.4 0.0 0.0% 74000 Commodities 125.6 807.9 807.9 806.9 806.9 0.0 0.0% 75000 Capital Outlay -90.1 15.0 15.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% 77000 Grants, Benefits 82.9 118.4 118.4 67.5 67.5 0.0 0.0% 78000 Miscellaneous 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0% Totals 4,800.3 7,299.0 7,299.0 7,041.4 7,041.4 0.0 0.0% Fund Sources: 1002 Fed Rcpts (Fed) 799.4 1,480.1 1,480.1 1,480.1 1,480.1 0.0 0.0% 1004 Gen Fund (UGF) 2,250.3 2,265.9 2,265.9 2,008.3 2,008.3 0.0 0.0% 1007 I/A Rcpts (Other) 111.6 179.6 179.6 179.6 179.6 0.0 0.0% 1048 Univ Rcpt (DGF) 1,547.8 3,258.0 3,258.0 3,258.0 3,258.0 0.0 0.0% 1151 VoTech Ed (DGF) 67.9 67.9 67.9 67.9 67.9 0.0 0.0% 1174 UA I/A (Other) 23.3 47.5 47.5 47.5 47.5 0.0 0.0% Unrestricted General (UGF) 2,250.3 2,265.9 2,265.9 2,008.3 2,008.3 0.0 0.0% Designated General (DGF) 1,615.7 3,325.9 3,325.9 3,325.9 3,325.9 0.0 0.0% Other Funds 134.9 227.1 227.1 227.1 227.1 0.0 0.0% Federal Funds 799.4 1,480.1 1,480.1 1,480.1 1,480.1 0.0 0.0% Positions: Permanent Full Time 44 44 44 42 42 0 0.0% Permanent Part Time 33333 00.0% Non Permanent 00000 00.0%

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 356 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Sitka Campus (764) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services ***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Conference Committee To FY2021 Authorized ***************************************** Conference Committee ConfCom 7,299.0 4,240.9 136.9 1,979.9 807.9 15.0 118.4 0.0 44 3 0 1002 Fed Rcpts 1,480.1 1004 Gen Fund 2,265.9 1007 I/A Rcpts 179.6 1048 Univ Rcpt 3,258.0 1151 VoTech Ed 67.9 1174 UA I/A 47.5

Subtotal 7,299.0 4,240.9 136.9 1,979.9 807.9 15.0 118.4 0.0 44 3 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Authorized To FY2021 Management Plan ***************************************** Transfer to Juneau Campus to Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures Trout -257.6 0.0 0.0 -257.6 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0000 1004 Gen Fund -257.6

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

1004 General Fund

$529.3 Juneau Campus ($271.7) Ketchikan Campus ($257.6) Sitka Campus

Align Authority with Anticipated Expenditures LIT 0.0 -673.3 -45.9 786.1 -1.0 -15.0 -50.9 0.0000

Transfers between allocations that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary to accurately reflect revenue and expenditure levels for FY2021.

Return Positions Related to General Fund Reduction PosAdj 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 -2 0 0

Return positions related to the FY2021 $25M general fund reduction that University management and the Board of Regents have deemed necessary.

Subtotal 7,041.4 3,567.6 91.0 2,508.4 806.9 0.0 67.5 0.0 42 3 0

***************************************** Changes From FY2021 Management Plan To FY2022 Governor *****************************************

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 357 Change Record Detail - Multiple Scenarios with Descriptions University of Alaska

Component: Sitka Campus (764) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237)

Positions Scenario/Change Trans Totals Personal Travel Services Commodities Capital Outlay Grants, Benefits Miscellaneous PFT PPT NP Record Title Type Services Totals 7,041.4 3,567.6 91.0 2,508.4 806.9 0.0 67.5 0.0 42 3 0

FY2022 Governor Released December 15, 2020 University of Alaska Page 358 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Sitka Campus (764) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 640004 IS Ops Technician 2 Sitka FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 43,316 23,434 66,750 21,883 640010 Director (Admin) Sitka FT Sr. Administrator 27.6% 131,806 36,378 168,184 55,138 640012 Student Svcs Professional 1 Sitka FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 45,974 24,872 70,846 23,226 640014 Fiscal Technician 2 Sitka PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 30,905 16,720 47,625 14,833 640016 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Sitka FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 51,773 22,004 73,777 24,187 640019 Administrative Management 2 Sitka FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 81,825 34,776 116,601 38,227 640022 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 64,001 19,456 83,457 27,361 640032 Proc/ Cont Svcs Technician 2 Sitka FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,417 25,112 71,529 22,278 640033 Human Resources Technician 4 Sitka FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 66,388 35,916 102,304 33,540 640037 Crafts & Trades I (CT1) Sitka FT AHECTE‐ Labor Trades & Crafts 51.6% 49,986 25,793 75,779 24,844 640040 Student Svcs Professional 3 Sitka FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 59,534 25,302 84,836 27,813 640041 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 10,237 3,112 13,349 0 640042 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 22,624 6,878 29,502 0 640043 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 48,001 14,592 62,593 0 640044 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 47,155 14,335 61,490 0 640051 Student Svcs Technician 2 Sitka FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 640052 Student Svcs Technician 2 Sitka FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 640056 Student Svcs Technician 3 Sitka FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 46,880 25,362 72,242 23,684 640057 Fiscal Technician 2 Sitka FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 42,473 22,978 65,451 20,385 640059 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 78,780 23,949 102,729 33,679 640060 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 66,349 20,170 86,519 28,365 640062 Instructional Designer 2 Sitka FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 13,348 7,221 20,569 0 640063 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,008 19,154 82,162 26,936 640064 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 70,824 21,530 92,354 30,278 640067 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 74,337 22,598 96,935 31,780 640069 Admin Specialist 2 (Exempt) Sitka FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 13,348 5,673 19,021 0 640073 Research Technician 4 Sitka PT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 32,714 17,698 50,412 0 640074 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Sitka FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 13,348 5,673 19,021 0 640076 Research Technician 2 Sitka FT PERS ‐ Classified 54.1% 100 0 100 0 640079 Assistant Professor Sitka PT United Academics BU 30.4% 50,222 15,267 65,489 21,470 640082 Associate Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 72,446 22,024 94,470 30,971 640100 Associate Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 71,296 21,674 92,970 30,480 640103 Stu Svcs Profess 2 (Exempt) Sitka FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 56,666 24,083 80,749 26,473 640106 Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 76,716 23,322 100,038 16,398 640112 Instructional Designer 3 Sitka FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,922 25,042 83,964 27,527 640115 Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 88,612 26,938 115,550 37,882 Page 359 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020 Personal Services Expenditure Detail University of Alaska Component: Sitka Campus (764) RDU: University of Alaska Southeast (237) Notes: 1. If a position is split, an asterisk (*) will appear in the Split/Count column. If the split position is also counted in the component, two asterisks (**) will appear in the column. 2. "Pool" PCN refers to UA temporary positions, such as adjunct faculty; student employees; and other non‐permanent staff. Multiple incumbents may share the same labor pool position number Annual Time Split/ Benefit Budgeted Annual Total UGF PCN Job Class Title Location Status Count Employee Class Rate Salary Benefits Costs Estimate 640119 Associate Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 83,349 25,338 108,687 35,632 640124 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 63,938 19,437 83,375 27,334 640200 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 67,767 20,601 88,368 28,971 640201 Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 87,367 26,560 113,927 37,350 640221 Fac Svcs‐MO&U Supervisor 4 Sitka FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 61,937 26,323 88,260 28,935 640301 Admin Specialist 3 Sitka FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 64,447 27,390 91,837 30,108 640302 Assistant Professor Sitka FT United Academics BU 30.4% 100 0 100 0 649232 Administrative Professional 2 Sitka FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 17,805 7,567 25,372 0 649234 Student Svcs Professional 3 Sitka FT APT ‐ Exempt Employees 42.5% 58,374 24,809 83,183 27,271 Pool Adjunct Faculty Sitka PT * Non‐Represented Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 76,095 8,296 84,391 27,667 Pool Adjunct Faculty Sitka PT * UNAD Adjunct Faculty 11.1% 173,897 18,964 192,861 63,228 Pool UA Labor Pool Sitka PT * Labor Pool 0.0% 137,672 137,672 40,039 Total Position Costs 2,683,279 884,321 3,567,600 1,046,172 Full Time Positions: 42 Part Time Positions: 3 Federal Receipts (1002) 714,088 Positions in Component: 45 General Fund Receipts (1004) 1,046,172 Interagency Receipts (1007) 93,558 University Receipts (1048) 1,689,038 UA Intra‐agency Transfers (1174) 24,744 UA Funding 3,567,600

Page 360 FY2022 Governor-University of Alaska Released December 15, 2020