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[email protected] "-89$"46 8B"-9$%$"C D$B7$"$ + &'( ))* ..1 ?$ #- $ 1 %$ " #2#2#'3 '0 R 3$%4+ lently dispersed a protest on ing an armed resistance under Wednesday. At that rally, in the the banner of the Northern fghan protesters defied the eastern city of Jalalabad, Alliance, which allied with the ATaliban for a second day demonstrators lowered the US during the 2001 invasion. Thursday, waving their nation- Taliban’s flag and replace it with It was not clear how seri- al flag in scattered demonstra- Afghanistan’s tricolor. At least ous a threat they posed given tions, and the fighters again one person was killed. that Taliban fighters overran responded violently as they Meanwhile, opposition fig- nearly the entire country in a faced down growing challenges ures gathering in the last area matter of days with little resis- to their rule. of the country not under tance from Afghan forces. A UN official warned of Taliban rule talked of launch- Continued on Page 11 , % ! - # . " " / 0 % dire food shortages and experts " & 1 & 20 3# " ■ 1 said the country was severely in need of cash while noting the P Taliban are unlikely to enjoy the generous international aid 01 that the civilian Government they dethroned did. In light of these challenges, the Taliban have moved quick- authorities clamped a 24-hour according to witnesses and $ #* +# 2 ly to suppress any dissent, curfew on Thursday after vio- social media videos that lined despite their promises that lently breaking up another up with reporting by The 46 -"6$ 56# “We have a historical rela- they have become more mod- protest, according to informa- Associated Press.