Endocrinology & Iridology

John Andrews

Corona Books 2005 & Iridology by John Andrews Contents

Design: Simon Bindoff An Introduction to Endocrinology and Iridology Mechanisms of Photographic Images: John Andrews Neuroendocrine Role of the Hypothalamus Neuroendocrine Immunology Overview in Iridology Graphics: John Andrews, Tavia Fiorello & The Pituitary Gland & Iridology Simon Bindoff The Amazing Role of Prolactin Endocrine Pupillary Dynamics Manuscript: John Andrews & Sam Day The IPB and the Differentiation of Lacunae in Endocrine Based Iridology Published in 2005 by The Endocrine Collarette Corona Books, A Neuroendocrine Appraisal of the Pineal Gland as Reflected Through Iridology 55 Beverley Road Gland and Iridology Correlations Hull, HU3 1XL The Endocrine Role of the Liver UK Hypoglycaemia & Iridology Gastrointestinal Endocrinology in Iridology ISBN 1-903358-06-9 Mellitus, Iridology & the Endocrine System Validation of Iridology Copyright © 2005, John Andrews The Adrenal Glands in Iridology an Endocrinological Perspective Endocrine Functions of the Renal System The moral right of John Andrews to be Polycystic Ovary Syndrome & Iridology identified as the author of this work has A Naturopathic Perspective on Endometriosis & Iridology been asserted by him in accordance with the Uterine Fibroids & Iridology Copyright, Designs and Patents Act 1988. Cervical Dysplasia Postnatal Depression All rights reserved. No part of this publica- The Menopause Axis in Iridology tion may be reproduced, stored in or intro- Endocrine Emotional Energetics duced into a retrieval system, or transmitted Appendix 1 - Thyroid Temperature Chart in any form, or by any means (electronic, Appendix 2 - Taking Your Basal Body Temperature mechanical, photocopying, recording or Appendix 3 - Thyroid Gland Study Results otherwise) without the prior written permis- Appendix 4 – Sub-Lingual Delivery sion of the publisher. Any person who does Appendix 5 - Medicinal & Nutritional Mushrooms An Endocrine Perspective any unauthorised act in relation to this pub- Appendix 6 - Salivary Hormonal Tests lication may be liable to criminal and civil Appendix 7 - Comprehensive Melatonin Profile claims for damages. Appendix 8 - Bibliography

Printed in the UK Acknowledgements

I would like to thank the following for prac- tical assistance, professional assistance, inspiration and guidance:

Sammy, Talia, Sharon, Sam Day, Tavia Fiorello, Dr Naila Loqueman, Dr Daniele Lo Rito and family, Jon Wood, Pat McBride & the Pituitary Foundation, Dr Mikhail Dailakis, Dr Florrie Kerschbaumer and family, Dr David Pesek, Dr Irina Pakhotina, Dr Salvatore Arcella, Dr Celso Batello, Dr Etienne Callebout, Dr Kitty Campion, Celia Mara, Dr Liane Beringhs, Dr Clodoaldo Pachecho, Dr Vincenzo Di Spazio, Roberto Gamba, Bruno Guirati, Jerry & Breda Gard- ner, Anne Quinn, Oonagh Donnelly, Simon Miles, Wendy Sullivan, Patricia Hunt, Sam & Mark Kennedy, Claus Jahn, Willy Hauser, Franz Kohl, Ellen & Art Tart- Jensen, Dr Javier Griso Salome, Thelma Charalambides, Tom Anstett, Simon Bind- off, Serge Jurasunas, Marilena Angelini, Carlos Magno, Rafael Navarette & Angela Mahandru. for Talia Foreword

It is with great pleasure that I present this Foreword for John's new text.

This book should be read by all those inter- ested in the subject of Endocrinology what- ever their profession. It is written with great clarity and thought. Each chapter unfolds as a tutorial - I can almost imagine the author sitting next to me describing the various signs and symptoms as told by each condi- tion! This reflects John's extensive and ever growing knowledge. It is not merely a text- book but a personalized explanation of dis- ease processes approached from his study of Iridology. Read it in its entirety or dip into a chapter of interest. The system is complex and interactive. Each chapter can stand-alone or be cross reference with oth- ers if necessary.

As a patient, I thank John for all his good work, as a general practitioner; I thank him for enlightening me.

Dr Naila Loqueman

May 2005 1

An Introduction to Endocrinology and Iridology

he understanding of the endocrine is integral to emotional well-being, healthy system and its many dynamics is growth, metabolism, blood sugar balance, Trequired with whatever field we find energy and psychoneuroimmunology. ourselves working within, after all hormon- Indeed, Peter Mandel, one of natural medi- al exchanges are the basis for life. An in- cine’s pioneering integrators and innova- depth study of the endocrine system is a tors, states that the root for all diseases is in logical extension from my previous pub- the endocrine system. The late Bernard lished works on the immune system, Jensen, inspiration to literally millions, said embryology and emotional approaches in that our health is dependent on the health of iridology. It is the next piece of the jigsaw our hormonal system. puzzle in iridology research. I doubt, how- ever, despite swathes of research and work The activity of the endocrine system com- in this field, that this is the final piece we plements that of the immune and nervous need to complete the picture. systems. In fact many authorities conclude that the endocrine system is the most impor- Before you begin reading I must make you tant factor in the maintenance of homeosta- aware that this is not intended as an in- sis, due to the control of metabolism, depth reference on endocrinology alone, but growth and reproduction. This activity takes only my awareness of endocrinology, in place in a slow, but sure way due to pro- relation to iridology. With this in mind, longed communication between large num- much of what does not appear could be just bers of cells at numerous different sites in what you are searching for! My apologies. I the body. must stress that the work presented here is based wholly on my experience, and, from Most of the broad approaches to the under- direct contact with colleagues, referenced standing of the endocrine system are includ- when appropriate. The clinical and ed here. My aim has been to present the research-based work presented in this book material so it is accessible, digestible and is true to my knowledge base at the time of practical for a broad base of professions – publication, although there is, always, much naturopaths, general practitioners, endocri- we can all learn and apply to help patients nologists, patients and, of course, iridolo- and their families. I encourage suggestions gists. If I have only partially achieved this and discussion within this field. attainment then I will be very happy.

We need to have a holistic understanding of In addition to these broad approaches and the endocrine system in order to maintain application of the hormonal system, in rela- health. We know that the endocrine system tion to iridology, I have offered some chap- 2 Introduction 3

ters on more specialised topics, some have end of November 2004. A full advanced scant information on them generally, espe- course is scheduled on Endocrinology & Mechanisms of Hormones cially in non-specialist circles and iridology Iridology in Ireland for April 2005. Further generally. I have been inspired to research such seminars on the subject are in the epending on where hormones exert and integrate diverse sources of informa- pipeline in the UK, USA and throughout the their biological effect elicited in tion, from a solid foundation of practical world. If any of this material has intrigued Drelation to the location of hormonal experience. Many of these areas have not or inspired, and you wish to learn more release, we have five accepted classifica- been mentioned in iridology texts previous- please get in touch via email to be added to tions of hormonal types: ly; therefore we are open to critical assess- our international database. ments and also errors. The chapters on The • Endocrine Amazing Role of Prolactin, Gastrointestinal If one fraction of the material here has • Paracrine Endocrinology in Iridology, The Endocrine inspired or even helped you as an iridology • Autocrine Role of the Liver and The IPB and the student or a practitioner to assist and help a • Intracrine Endocrine System typify this. patient or given you a different perspective • Neuroendocrine or understanding, then in my eyes, all this With new research we always run the risk of work has been worthwhile and the project is Paracrine hormones are released from one sceptical mindsets, but this should not a complete success. cell and exert a biological effect on a neigh- destabilise our intentions to share the work bouring cell in the same organ or tissue, for and provoke debate. I always encourage iri- I offer heartfelt appreciation for your inter- example in the liver. dologists to publish and share their work in est. Thanks for reading. the Advanced Iridology Research Journal The effect is considered autocrine when a and other forums. Many do, but fear of crit- produces a biological influence on icism prevents most from doing so. We John Andrews the same cell that released it. must breakthrough this to allow iridology to flourish further. When a hormone is synthesized and acts in Sao Paulo an intracellular manner in the same cell, it is You may find some of the information pre- Brazil termed as intracrine, for example with some sented here as new and even challenging, types of androgen-derived oestrogen. one attendee on an advanced seminar I was November 2004 teaching, commented that their training in The effect is considered endocrine, when a iridology had been turned on its head. This hormone is released into the circulation and book does not exclude any other approach travels through the blood or nervous system in iridology, my hope, is that it adds to it, to produce a biological effect by binding to and even enhances it. hormonal receptors on distant target cells.

Some of the work featured here has been Neuroendocrine cell signalling has neurose- presented at endocrinology meetings or cretory cells that have distant target cells conferences in the UK, plus also at iridolo- through the nervous system. gy congress and symposia in Greece, USA, Italy, South Africa, England and as I write, in Sao Paulo in Brasil over four days at the 5

Neuroendocrine Role of the Hypothalamus

he hypothalamus is a tiny neural Function gland, weighing a mere 1/300 of the Ttotal brain mass, that’s 4g or less than The Hypothalamus is central to the self-reg- 1/2%. Despite its size it exerts enormous ulation systems of our organism, such as: influence over the mind and body and even minor dysfunctions in a single nucleus can • Body temperature create considerable mental, emotional and • Hunger and appetite physical problems. In Electroacupuncture • Certain pain responses (according to Voll) the hypothalamus is • Water balance considered to be one of the most important • Thirst measurement points for general health (the • Sexual activity and drive Hypothalamic point on the ear). • Sleeping and waking mechanisms • Emotional behaviour - fear, rage, sad- In Endocrinology the hypothalamus rarely ness, pleasure figures clinically, unless in cases of Cranio- • Perspiration pharyngioma, for example. It all seems • Blood sugar balance dependent on the approach of the individual • Ambition specialist. If tumours are not part of the • Endocrine gland functions, especially clinical focus, then the hypothalamus in pituitary functions endocrinology can be overlooked. This pos- • Fat metabolism sibility rings true in natural medicine also. • Immune system reactions The hypothalamus’ central influence across • Activity of the visceral or autonomic psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology is often nervous system (ANS) neglected and is only covered with brevity • during basic training. This needs to be amended in both approaches of medicine, Anatomy as the hypothalamus is the endocrine region of the brain that coordinates the physiologi- The Hypothalamus is a major integrating cal responses from different organs and connection between the nervous, immune glands, which help to maintain and endocrine systems. Located in the fore- for the organism we know as the human brain, immediately above the Pituitary body. gland and lying beneath the thalami (or thalamus); the hypothalamus is made up of the floor of the third ventricle which is com- prised of the tuber cinereum and the median eminence, plus several groups of neurones 6 Neuroendocrine Role of the Hypothalamus Hormones 7

termed ‘nuclei’, each with different func- to the body’s internal magnetic system, pre- tions (although the exact nature of these vents spinal problems such as scoliosis Hormones of the Hypothalamus and Adenohypophysis varied functions is yet to be clarified). from developing, balances sleep patterns and a person’s mood, in relation to the Hypothalamus Adenohypophysis Target Gland or Tissue A continuation of the tuber cinereum and response to light (for example SAD) and the median eminence forms the infundibu- serotonin, Thalami (incorrectly referred to GNRH GH many glands and all tissues lum (commonly known as the ‘pituitary as “thalamus”; due to its paired existence.) stalk’) - which joins the hypothalamus with GNRIH GH inhibition Thyroid gland the pituitary gland; thus the pathways for The thalami are located one on each side of Islets of Langerhans () endocrine influence are set. the third ventricle in the diencephalon. All All tissues sensations, except smell, pass through the TRH TSH Thyroid gland According to Human Endocrinology by thalami on their way to other areas of the CRH ACTH Paul Gard, “It is at the level of the Hypo- brain. The thalami are considered to be the None PRL Breast thalamus that the higher centres of the brain “gateway to consciousness” on numerous PIF PRL inhibition Breast are able to influence the activity of the different levels. It has corresponding fibre LNRH or GnRH FSH or LH ovaries and testes endocrine system.” systems which are connected to parts of the CNS, cerebral cortex, cerebellum and spinal GHRH = releasing hormone Diencephalon cord; and is also considered a “coordination GH = growth hormone (somatotrophin) organ” involved in connecting feelings of GHRIH = growth hormone release inhibiting hormone () The Hypothalamus is part of the dien- pain, touch, temperature with taste, balance TRH = thyroid releasing hormone cephalon that literally means “inbetween and the sensations of the bodily organs. TSH = thyroid stimulating hormone brain”. Within this synthesis emphatic emotional CRH = corticotrophin releasing hormone reactions are produced, such as likes and ACTH = adrenocorticotrophic hormone The Hypothalamus is the bridge between dislikes, love and hate. PRL = prolactin (lactogenic hormone) the brain and body, physical and emotional. PIF = prolactin inhibiting factor It is rich in hormones, regulates the function Neuroendocrine Hypothalamic LNRH = luetinising hormone releasing hormone of the Hypophysis and has a complex rela- Influences GnRH = gonadotrophin releasing hormone tionship with the neurological functions, LH = luteinising hormone especially the Limbic system, which is With the Hypothalamus connected to so involved in regulating emotions and basic many different functions, it is unsurprising cerebral reactions; and consists of the to find that numerous factors can influence • Cerebrosclerosis, multiple sclerosis and • Dysbiosis amygdala (where fear is registered, recog- hypothalamic performance, such as: lateral sclerosis • General endocrine disturbances (e.g. nised and generated), Hippocampus (which • EMFs, geopathic stress, x-rays and other hypophyseal adenoma) is involved in the creation of anxiety, self- • Bacteria (especially streptococcus), virus forms of excess radiation • Dysglycaemia awareness, hedonism, fear conditioning and and general systemic toxaemia • Heavy metal toxicity such as mercury, • Emotional stress (e.g. grief and the expe- storage of long term memory), caudate • Stimulants such as nicotine, coffee, alco- lead, aluminium and cadmium rience of bereavement) nucleus, Pineal gland - which is involved in hol and drugs such as sedatives and bar- • Neuromuscular spastic conditions affect- the production of the melatonin hormone biturates ing the optic and auditory centres from tryptophan, our circadian rhythm, • Insecticides used in agriculture • Low zinc, germanium, chromium, sele- influences sexual function, immune • Problems with the wisdom teeth nium or copper levels responses to stress and emotions, is central • Scurvy • Depression 8 Neuroendocrine Role of the Hypothalamus Neuroendocrine Immunology 9

Hypothalamic Regulation of • Endocrine They reach the general systemic circulation, • There is an afferent link between a Hormonal Release • Neural together with the hor- peripheral site of humorally (B-cell) mones such as oxytocin and ADH, through mediated acute inflammatory response Although the hypothalamus is considered Hormones can either signal the hypothala- the venous blood draining the pituitary and specific nuclei within the hypothala- an endocrine gland it does not have to func- mus to inhibit or stimulate hypophysiotrop- which enters the intercavernous sinus and mus. tion detached and distant from the central ic hormone release from the pituitary. This the internal jugular veins. nervous system because it is constantly loop of hormonal regulation and control is • A peripheral inflammatory response will receiving, processing and integrating affer- paramount to prevent the onset of numerous Neuroendocrine Immunology & increase the turnover rate of the neuro- ent signals from multiple neurological loca- diseases that can take over the hormonal, the Hypothalamus transmitter noradrenaline in the hypo- tions. Some of these afferent signals convey immune or nervous systems. An example of thalamus. sensory environmental information and this is the ability of ACTH to inhibit CRH The immune system response can be some signals are visceral afferents that pro- release by the hypothalamus or the produc- increased or decreased by triggers from the • Immunological signs are not only trans- vide the CNS with information from organs tion of that inhibits CRH also. hypothalamus. mitted to the adrenal glands and brain such as the heart, intestines, liver and the (hypothalamus and epiphysis) from dis- . The hypothalamus is the centre for Two main types of neurons and • The hypothalamus has connections and tant tissue foci; but those signs are also integration. As iridologists we need to inte- the endocrine hypothalamus influence over/to our emotions, capable of eliciting CNS activity. grate our practice with the importance of endocrine functions, immunity and affer- the hypothalamus, because its neuroen- Two general types of neurons have been ent autonomic nervous system. The prin- • Nerve cells fire in the hypothalamus docrinological documentation helps to identified as components of the endocrine ciple structures of the immune system, after vaccination - which can lead to prove Iridology. hypothalamus. These include the parvicel- thymus, spleen and lymph nodes are adverse effects on the nervous systems, lular neurons, which have axons terminat- innovated by the autonomic nervous sys- endocrine, neurological and immunolog- Circulating hormones produced by ing in the median eminence and the magno- tem. ical systems. endocrine glands and also substrates such as cellular neurons. The magnocellular neuron can help to regulate hypothalamic axons terminate in the posterior pituitary • The immune system directly influences • Neurohormones can elicit immune neuronal functions. Other neuronal signals gland. activity of a critical neuroendocrine cir- changes. are transmitted by an eclectic collection of cuit involving the hypothalamus, pitu- neurotransmitters from afferent fibres such Neuropeptides released from the parvicellu- itary and adrenal glands. The influence • The hypothalamus is rich in hormones, as , noradrenaline, histamine, lar neurons control the derives from thymic peptides originating regulates the pituitary and has a complex dopamine, serotonin, glutamate and acetyl- functions. These include CRH, growth hor- from the thymus gland. relationship with the limbic system (so- choline. All these factors influence the mone-releasing hormone, dopamine, lutein- called ‘emotional brain’). The hypothal- hypothalamic hormonal release, as can the ising hormone-releasing hormone and • The hypothalamus operates through var- amus has receptor sites for humoral hypothalamic neuropeptides that possess an somatostatin, thyrotropin-releasing hor- ious ‘feedback’ mechanisms. A long loop influences from the blood, cerebrospinal ultra short feedback loop. From this per- mone. These hypothalamic peptides stimu- feedback connection exists between the fluid and influences the pituitary through spective we can say the hypothalamus car- late the release of more well-known and brain (and hypothalamus) and primary a variety of polypeptide releasing factors ries the potential for self-determination. recognised hormones from the anterior pitu- and secondary tissues of immunity. The (TRH, LHRH, CRF and somatostatin). itary such as prolactin, growth hormone, brain and psyche can and do influence Hypothalamic hormonal release is moni- ACTH, luteinising hormone (LH), follicle- immune efficacy. It is also interesting to • In addition to this there is an established tored by the following regulations: stimulating hormone (FSH) and thyroid- note that thymic hormones (thymosin) link between the pituitary and thymus stimulating hormone (TSH). are also feedback controlled. gland on which the T-cells are depend- • Environmental ent. 10 Neuroendocrine Role of the Hypothalamus Leptin 11

• Nuclei in the dorsal hypothalamus are out the brain. If the blood is too cool; the myelin sheath is considered an • Pro-inflammatory cytokines contribute involved in the suppression of primary then heat production is stimulated. The autoimmune affliction of brain and to the development of resistance antibody responses; prolonged antigen in hypothalamus raises or lowers the spinal cord. The posterior hypothalamus in obese individuals and the potential the blood and inability to influence strep- blood/body temperature. It will induce a registers and is affected by myelin sheath role of leptin as a regulator of fat mass. tococcal antigen response. fever in response to infection. To help changes. the immune system “burn up“ the prob- Leptin • In the lateral hypothalamus serotonin lem, when infected, the body releases • The hypothalamus has sexual drive cen- reduces excess activity. Serotonin is an pyrogenic chemicals into the blood- tres; where interaction of neurotransmit- The name leptin is derived from the ancient important neurotransmitter found and stream, acting on temperature sensing ter and sexual hormones take place. Greek word leptos, which translates as produced in the intestines (enteric nerv- neurones in the hypothalamus. Fever is, Oxytocin is made in the hypothalamus meaning thin. Leptin is a polypeptide hor- ous system and platelets) and the brain. essentially, an immune response. and is released as a result of stimulation mone, which is secreted by in to the sexual centres and reproductive communication with the hypothalamus. • Serotonin is derived from the amino acid • Hypothalamic dysfunction stems from a organs. Oxytocin floods the brain during Leptin contains 146 amino acids. The leptin - tryptophan - that synthesises 5-hydrox- disturbance of the neurotransmitters, orgasm and the final stages of childbirth signal is transported across the blood-brain ytryptamine into serotonin. Tryptophan which carry messages to, and from it, in (uterine contractions). Oxytocin pro- barrier to be received and integrated by the is found in Spirulina, walnuts, avocado, connection with other parts of the brain, motes the production of breast milk. It is hypothalamic neurons, thus limiting the pineapple, and Chlorella, amongst other intestinal tissues (MALT), endocrine closely linked to endorphins. Endorphins need to eat more food and it encourages food sources. Serotonin, found in the glands, nerve cells and the blood. The - such as beta endorphins - are endoge- gonadotrophin releasing hormone or hypothalamus, plays a part in the regula- lateral nucleus of the hypothalamus reg- nous opiates and neuropeptides created GnRH. tion of antibody (immunoglobulin etc) isters a fall in blood sugar levels; the in nerve cells which are all rich in both production. ventromedial aspect responds to achieve hypothalamus and pituitary and for Leptin is an indicator of energy stores in a balance by raising blood glucose lev- which there are receptor sites throughout addition to its role as a modulator of energy • Insulin is not simply a hormone secreted els. Chronic changes in the blood sugar the system; including immune cells and balance. by the Islets of Langerhans in the pan- levels can influence the neurohormonal tissues. Neuropeptide levels appear to be creas, but is also classified as a neu- equilibrium and exchange; which can altered in autoimmune disease - studies In recent years more and more research ropeptide - manufactured and stored in lead to, for example, ‘menstrual have shown RA patients to have lower regarding leptin has come to light. It has parts of the brain; particularly the amyg- headache or migraine’, which is a hypo- levels of beta-endorphins. Beta-endor- become a hot topic, because the leptin lev- dala and hypothalamus. It is clear that thalamic disturbance due to progesterone phins stimulate the proliferation of T- els help control our body fat. The levels of the limbic system (of which the afore- deficiency. This could also lead to amen- cells. These beta-endorphins help to leptin correlate with the percentage of adi- mentioned are members, as previously orrhoea, particularly if stress is a large modulate the central nervous system. pose tissue. This creates an endocrine indi- noted), which is the seat of the emotion- factor in the presenting case. cator of energy stores, but the balance can al brain; is also the focal point for recep- • The pineal has been linked to involve- be tipped due to feedback signals and tors for neuropeptides. There are also • Other conditions linked to hypothalamic ment in immune and circadian rhythm endocrine pathways. Many people in the insulin receptors in the brain; which have dysfunction from research in recent control and immune dysfunction related field have looked at leptin as a cure for obe- been mapped from the neurological years include diabetes mellitus, sub-fer- conditions in recent medical postula- sity. Obesity is endemic in many western tracking of insulin. tility, clinical obesity, bulimia, Anorexia tions. Anatomically, it is connected to the countries now, and, the incidence is grow- nervosa and Multiple Sclerosis (MS). brain via a short stalk containing nerves, ing alarmingly amongst children in the UK • Body temperature is registered in spe- MS is defined through nerve demyelina- many of which terminate in the hypo- and USA. Lower levels of leptin and cialised neurons in the hypothalamus tion - a destruction of the myelin sheath; thalamus. increased adiposity leads to numerous mal- that respond to the temperature of in basic terms the protective coating functions of the endocrine system. incoming blood, as it circulates through- afforded our nerves. This destruction of 12 Neuroendocrine Role of the Hypothalamus Iridology 13

The inhibition of food intake by the influ- ly impaired sleep leads to immune dysfunc- relationship Polypeptide YY is released Neuroendocrine Expression ence of leptin has prompted a lot of this tion and susceptibility to infection and from the large intestine that inhibits these of the IPB interest. As a protein the patient can take autoimmunity. neurons, causing a decrease in appetite in Leptin through an oral dose, but leptin is transient cycles throughout the waking day. The hypothalamus on the IPB is presented like insulin and is very quickly degraded by The action of leptin on GnRH release helps at 358º through 360º to 2º in the frontal sec- the stomach via this route of ingestion. As a to explain how underweight women tend to The hypothalamus integrates neural and tion. The Microneural connections with the drug it must be administered as a subcuta- be in a state of Subfertility. This is a neu- hormonal signals from the gastrointestinal pituitary, pineal and the rest of the limbic neous injection. In some studies high doses roendocrine immunology protective tract. Hormones such as or system can also be identified here. of leptin does trigger some weight loss, but response to prevent pregnancy due to mal- ghrelin are released due to the presence of the results are considered unimpressive in nourishment. food in the gut. The nucleas tractus solitar- Neuroendocrine signs located here include general by clinicians. ius relays taste information to the hypothal- the following: Leptin is also secreted in high levels before amus, plus other signals regarding social Leptin resistance caused by blood-brain the onset of puberty. Indeed, body weight is setting, ambiance, smell, sight or memory • Partial Atrophy barrier may prevent remarkable weight loss. a far more accurate method of prediction for of food may influence energy intake due to • Localised indentation of the iris margin It has been suggested that only a fixed the onset of menstruation than actual age. the integration of modulatory factors by our into the pupil amount of leptin can be transported across hypothalamus. • Nerve Rag or neurolappen the barrier, in order that excess leptin in the It is now accepted that, surprisingly, Leptin • S Sign blood does not increase leptin in the CNS levels do not rise in response to individual Iridology & the Neuroendocrine • Localised globular sign above a fixed level. Disorders in this barri- meals. Hypothalamus • Pigment dispersion syndrome (PDS) er may account for some cases of clinical obesity. Ghrelin The microneural connections with the The S sign can also be located elsewhere hypothalamus and the lateral geniculate along the inner pupillary pigmented epithe- Inherited leptin deficiency is an incredibly Ghrelin is a hormonal mediator implicated bodies in the thalami terminate at the iris lium border. It is topolabile for expression rare recessive disorder that causes gross in the gastrointestinal regulation of energy and Inner Pupillary Border. The lateral of the hypothalamic-pituitary functions. obesity and infertility. However, because intake. It is generally released from the geniculate bodies (LGB) are where this some studies have noted that obese individ- stomach and other areas of the gastrointesti- information, together with visual and pupil- Revised Hypothalamic uals have high plasma leptin concentrations nal tract as anticipation before a meal. lary processing, is considered and enacted. Embryological Topography that do not result in an expected reduction Ghrelin stimulates the release of growth in food intake and higher expenditure of hormone-releasing hormone from the hypo- Topography The embryological topography for the energy, it has been suggested that obesity thalamus and thus increases levels of hypothalamus has several localities. It is could be linked, not to a deficiency of lep- Growth Hormone. This decreases fat oxida- Where is the hypothalamus to be located on represented at 180º in the frontal section of tin, but a leptin resistance. tion leading to adiposity of body tissues. the iris? Well, we can be presented with the pupillary zone. I have revised its loca- multiple locations. These can be classified tion to be inclusive of the complete pupil- Impaired sleep patterns can disrupt the lep- It has been noted that Ghrelin has anti-lep- as the following types of location: lary zone here. Also we need to observe at tin pathways and integration with the hypo- tin potential and that it triggers an increase 180º in the ventral sector at the pupillary thalamus. Weight gain can develop due to in our appetites and may cause us to • Classical Topography (External border margin. Refer to Embryology & Iridology chronically disrupted sleep patterns, espe- overeat. Recorded ghrelin levels are typi- of the collarette) for complete discussion on the embryologi- cially when an individual feels under stress. cally increased in clinically obese patients. • Embryological Topography (Internal cal topography and charts. The hypothalamus helps to regulate our Ghrelin stimulates appetite through the acti- border of the collarette) sleep patterns together with the secretion of vation of the NPY/AgRP-expressing neu- • Inner Pupillary Border (Neuroendocrine melatonin from the pineal gland. Chronical- rons. In a healthy hypothalamic-intestinal expression) 14 Neuroendocrine Role of the Hypothalamus 15

Main embryological signs include: • Homotoxicology • Cranio-Sacral Therapy Neuroendocrine Immunology Overview • Defect • Crypt Herbal Medicine in Iridology • Lacuna (usually Leaf or stairstep) tionship to stave off mesenchymal matrix • Radii solaris (Radial furrow) • Withania A Selection of Crossovers collapse and oxidative stress. • Centella Classical Iris Topography for the • Larrea tridenta ur immune systems and neuroen- Modernising Neuroendocrinologists now Endocrine Hypothalamus • Pfaffia paniculata docrine system, function to main- accept what ancient traditional healing sys- • Eleutherococcus senticosus Otain a healthy equilibrium or home- tems from around the globe have stated for I feel the hypothalamus topography from • Paeonia lactiflora radix ostasis. We have points of interest, such as millennia, that the combination of both classical iridology requires a revision in • Coriolus versicolor the pineal or hypothalamus, where there are these systems provides survival through, regards to this study of the endocrine sys- • Gymnema sylvestre crossovers of activity between the systems. what is termed, biodirectional communica- tem. We know from research with over • Ganoderma Thus we now know that these systems are tion. This communication combines home- 1200 endocrine patients that the hormonal interchangeable in their promotion and sup- ostatic regulation with immune balance. gland projections in the iris appear attached port of adaptability. This counters the gen- to the external border of the collarette. eral view that the functions of the immune or endocrine system are independent. In Direct Neuronal Innervation of Immune Tissues From research the hypothalamus transcends reality they are both extremely reliant on the pituitary gland at 360º on the external each other. With the new research in iridol- Autonomic innervation of lymphoid tissue border of the collarette. The pituitary can be ogy we can determine exactly what these has been extensively studied in the last 30 located at 358º in the right iris and 2º in the crossovers are and potentially how they can years. For example, it has been established left iris. influence an individual. The basis for this concept is touched upon in the text on that sympathetic, parasympathetic and non- adrenergic non-cholinergic nerves richly The chief signs for the hypothalamus Immunology & Iridology. In neuroen- supply the bone marrow and thymus gland, include: docrine iridology we can evaluate the natu- ral rhythms of life and pathogenesis within where our B and T cells develop. These nerves also irrigate fields of lymphocytes in • Leaf Lacuna the iris and Inner Pupillary Border. secondary lymphoid organs, plus mature • Local frontal indentation of the collarette and activate immune cells present in the • Drop to either side of the collarette The neuroendocrine system regulates the upper respiratory and intestinal systems. • Radii solaris (Radial Furrow) at 360º in effects of various metabolic, reproductive, either iris osmotic and external stressors on the body. The main function of the immune system is Research has found that all autonomic Therapeutic support for the recognised to act in eliminating or control- nerves are capable of regulating most cells neuroendocrine functions ling foreign agents. Immune balance is involved in inflammation. Here we can see of the hypothalamus essential for our survival. Chronically hyper the connection between differentiations of immune responses can lead to autoimmuni- the collarette structure within the field of • Colourpuncture ty and suppressed immune functions lead to iridology in the context of psychoneuroen- • Hypothalamic Points in orange, blue, opportunistic infection or even the threat of docrinoimmunology. green, red, rose, grey or turquoise death. The immune and endocrine systems depending on the condition exist in a finely balanced symbiotic rela- 16 Neuroendocrine Immunology Overview Autoimmunity & Pregnancy 17

Autonomic innervation of lymphoid tissue tion from the brainstem and is capable of influences on immune responses, how anti- Autoimmunity & Pregnancy carries multiple levels of activity – similar synthesizing catecholamines, such as nora- gen response during pregnancy is governed to the iris! Sympathetic nerves can release drenaline & adrenaline. Cortisol production and the role of viruses. The sex steroidal levels during pregnancy neuropeptide Y, whilst parasympathetic can also be triggered here in biofeedback promote an increase in anti-inflammatory nerves can release vasoactive intestinal communication with the adrenal cortex. It is interesting to note that the hormone activity. In this regard it is notable that dis- polypeptide (VIP). secreted by the anterior pituitary (adenohy- eases such as SLE, which has a strong anti- Leukocytes not only modulate neuroen- pophysis) has an enormous influence on body mediated component, can be exacer- Central Nervous System docrine peptide production by the Central immune functions. Prolactin, which is not a bated during pregnancy, while inflammato- Integrates Immune Modulation Nervous System (CNS), but they are capa- member of the lipophilic sex steroid family ry response-based conditions such as ble of producing stress-associated peptides which includes testosterone, oestrogen and rheumatoid arthritis (RA) and MS are A wide range of immune cells can be stim- and hormones, that were previously thought progesterone, is expressed at higher levels sometimes ameliorated during pregnancy. ulated or inhibited by hormones released by to reside exclusively in the CNS. These in women than in men and is stimulated by Another effect of pregnancy is the presence the central nervous system and peripheral leukocyte-derived peptides and hormones oestrogen levels, hence the female hormon- of foetal cells in the maternal circulation. endocrine glands and diffuse endocrine tis- may be produced in response to powerful al ratio and the elevated prolactin levels sue, such as the large intestine. It has been stimulants such as viruses and could also be during pregnancy. These high prolactin lev- It is known that foetal cells can persist in found that the following are all capable of produced in response to a macrophage IL-1 els during pregnancy or generally can direct the maternal circulation for decades, so immune system regulation: release that occurs following a hormonal cells toward TH1 - dominated immune these long-lived cells may play a significant stimulation of the CNS. responses. This clinical data has generated role in the development of autoimmune dis- • Prolactin hypotheses that the tendencies of females to ease. Also, the exchange of cells during • Somatostatin One of the many roles of these stress- mount larger amounts of TH1 like respons- pregnancy is bi-directional (cells of the • Growth Hormone induced leukocyte peptides is of paracrine es may, in part, explain the gender differ- mother may also appear in the foetal circu- • TRH immune regulation in the adrenal cortex. ences in susceptibility to autoimmunity, as latory system), and this has led to the postu- • TSH this type of response creates pro-inflamma- lation of the presence of mother’s cells in • Arginine vasopressin Gender Differences in tory pathways that are ‘required’ to develop the male circulation could be a contributing • Gonadotrophin releasing hormone Autoimmunity the culture of autoimmunity within the sys- factor in autoimmune disease. • Testosterone tem. • Aldosterone Autoimmune diseases can now affect up to If I take an objective observation of the • Oestrogen 7% of the adult human population. This The endocrinological studies in this respect dynamics identified in clinical practice, • Vasoactive polypeptide includes nearly 9 million individuals in the also bring under scrutiny the role of emo- psycho-emotional components are of pri- • Substance P USA: of which 6.7 million are women. In tional health and the PNEI interactions in mary importance in autoimmune diseases. • Histamine RA and MS, female sufferers out number autoimmunity. Please remember that hor- Iridology has been invaluable in clarifying • Cortisol males 3 or 2 to 1 and with SLE, 9 women to mones are emotions transformed into bio- and directing this type of analysis; and the • Adrenaline just 1 man are afflicted. The fact that chemical form. PNEI cycle is of paramount importance • Noradrenaline women are more susceptible to autoimmune with everything, yet it is vastly amplified diseases is well documented and has been Both T and B cells carry receptor sites for with autoimmune disease. Classical Endocrine Theories on recognised for several years; yet in ortho- prolactin; this I feel is conclusive evidence Stress & Glucocorticoids dox circles the reasons why this happens in revealing the importance of this hormone remain unclear. Possible explanations under in immuno-regulation, and it is far from The hypothalamus, which synthesizes many consideration include the role steroidal sex simply a hormone stimulating lactation. of the releasing hormones acting on the hormones have on creating an anti-inflam- pituitary, receives a rich autonomic innerva- matory environment, general hormonal 18 Neuroendocrine Immunology Overview Fever & Infection-induced Behavior 19

Prolactin Ð Fever & Infection-induced tive. This is a part of neuroendocrinoim- The Thinking Hormone The autonomic and neuroendocrine Behavioural Changes munology. The intestinal mucosa is the immunomodulatory pathways nurture and largest immune system organ in the body. There is substantial evidence to suggest that monitor each other’s activities and func- Cytokines can also exhibit changes in the The cytokine-controlled reactions between a wide range of leukocyte functions can be tions. emotional state through the neuroendocrine the matrix, leukocytes and autonomic fibers inhibited or stimulated by hormones immunological pathways. Their actions can are also correlated to the rhythmic loss of released by the endocrine system and the Cytokines Influence on go beyond the central neuroendocrine axis cells by the intestinal epithelium. These central nervous system (CNS). In addition Neuroendocrine Regulation to create a peripheral fever, which is a natu- functional dynamics are very much depend- to Growth Hormone, thyrotropin releasing ral immune response monitored via the ent on healthy and balanced intestinal flora hormone (TRH), vasopressin, GHRH, It is interesting to note that cytokines cannot hypothalamus. When cytokines create a population, as discussed in Immunology & HCG, ghrelin and androgens such as testos- pass through the blood-brain barrier, thus fever, then we often feel tired, have muscu- Iridology. Stress and chronic endocrine dis- terone – prolactin (PRL) also has the ability many theories have surfaced on how they lar aches, sweat, we don’t choose to drink, ruptions can alter the beneficial bacterial for immunomodulation and regulating can have definite influence on the hypothal- lose our appetite and generally feel like balance, and the large and small intestines immune responses. As we have already ref- amus and later neuroendocrine activity. One temporarily withdrawing from social inter- can be the foundation of numerous health erenced in the chapter on The Amazing role realistic theory is that the information is actions – in essence we can’t be bothered. concerns, as we can assert through iridolo- of Prolactin, with Hyperprolactinaemia, for communicated through the central nervous This is all due to elevated levels of gy. example, the patient becomes very suscepti- system via cytokine receptors. Support for cytokines altering the neuroendocrine activ- ble to recurrent respiratory infections and this theory is backed-up with the discovery ities. In the bone marrow and intestinal mucosa, also possible infective or inflammatory of Interleukin 1 receptors on the paragan- immune cells need to be associated with the bowel conditions. glia of the vagus nerve. HPA, Leukocytes, Peripheral terminal autonomic nerve fibers to reach Nerves & the Matrix full functional aptitude. Can this be another Neuroendocrine Not only does the central nervous system way of validating the use of the collarette in Immunomodulatory Pathways modulate immunity, but also immune cells Every immune process can be considered a the iris as means of primary identification in can modulate CNS function. Peripherally process of vigilance to distinguish between neuroendocrinoimmunology? The CNS can modulate immunity and produced immune signals have been shown what can be considered as Self and what is immune cells, like cytokines, can modulate to affect a wide variety of CNS functions, not. This happens on both neuronal and Hormones and peptides that can release T immunity plus regulate neuroendocrine for example, leukocyte-derived interleukin non-neuronal bases. The B & T lympho- and B cells can be located all the way function and emotional behaviour. There- or IL-1 & IL-6. Cytokine-induced activa- cytes are capable of detection, memory and through the MALT and GALT through the fore, it is paramount that we embrace this tion of the neuroendocrine axis is believed recognition. In view of these talents our mucosal cells. Because of this, receptor fact when we are presented with the analy- to occur mainly by promoting the release of lymphocytes travelling around the tissues sites can be formed for anterior pituitary sis of the IPB. Prolactin has the ability to CRH or VIP from the paraventricular and neuroendocrine systems should be con- hormones plus the single cell endocrine monitor immune cell function through nucleas of the hypothalamus. Also leuko- sidered as a mobile brain, with the glands known as chromaffin cells, in addi- endocrine mechanisms to modulate inflam- cyte-derived cytokines may act directly on macrophages acting as a mobile intestine! tion to substance P, somatostatin, VIP, matory responses. the pituitary cells to promote various hor- ILGF, ACTH and beta-endorphin, in the monal secretions. In 1992 Hu, Tannahill & Many researchers have shown and con- MALT. Indeed, the Gut Associated Lym- Prolactin can act like a cytokine because it Lightman suggested that leukocyte-derived firmed that stress impairs the feedback phoid Tissue has been found to enter into is released between cells of the immune cytokines might be more potent than mechanism of the hypothalamic-pituitary- both endocrine and neuronal feedback to system and regulates the lymphocyte endogenous CRH in eliciting ACTH adrenal axis (HPA), to which leukocytes, the neuroendocrine system, thus we can see responses by both paracrine and autocrine release. peripheral nerves and the entire matrix (or how emotions and stress factors can pro- mechanisms. Pischinger’s ground substance) are sensi- duce such dramatic instantaneous digestive symptoms, plus long term and chronic gas- 20 Neuroendocrine Immunology Overview Therapeutic Protocols 21

trointestinal diseases of all kinds. Environ- Neuroendocrine Structures of the of these factors inflammatory concerns can Cranio-Sacral Therapy mental and other psychosomatic pollutants Collarette erupt throughout the system, including the can compound all these, or, what Burton digestive and respiratory systems, with a Gemmotherapy Goldberg describes as “Toxic Emotions”. • Restricted Collarette susceptibility to infectious and inflammato- • Zig-Zag Collarette ry episodes. (pioneered by Dr Pol Henry) Iridology Profiles • Misshapen Collarette • Meerschaum Collarette These markers should be regarded as sec- Homotoxicology Our first port of call should be the Inner • Hypertrophy of the Collarette ondary in the neuroendocrine immunology. Pupillary Border (IPB), as this is the pri- • Birth Trauma Indentation at 360º • Macro Reg Granules mary extension of the central nervous sys- • Alteration of the Limbic System (Refer • NK Reg granules tem and neuroendocrine pathways. Second Emotional Dynamics of the Collarette • Nux vomica homaccord on our itinerary is the structure of the col- Chart) • Lymphomyosot larette for the immune and endocrine • Immune Axis • Prolactin D30 exchanges, plus evaluation potential of the • Stress Axis • Probiotic supplementation (Broad spec- autonomic nervous system. The region • Thyroid Axis trum) between these two parameters is our focus • Koch’s Sign in the embryological development. Herbal Medicine Prominent Ciliary Iris Signs observed in Inner Pupillary Border Dynamics to chronic disturbance of the In herbal medicine adaptogenic herbs are observe for, that highlight a disruption neuroendocrine system include the considered to be the primary support for the of neuroendocrine immunology include: following: neuroendocrine immunology pathways, due to their broad range of support. I have found • Disruption of the Frontal IPB Structure • Transversals the following of particular benefit either Deep Multi Branched Transversal • Absent IPB at 360º • Punctate pigments (Ferrum chromatosis) used as a singular, or more often, integral to • Topography for the Spleen • Pathochromia (Psora) a polypharmacy approach: • Topography for the Thymus • Dyskratic and/or indented Brushfield’s Acute Iris Signs for neuroendocrine • Topography for the Tonsils Spots (Increased oxidative stress and immunological disruption include: • Ganoderma lucidum • Any of the topographies for the MALT mesencyhmal matrix congestion) • Lentinus edodes • Depression Axis • Mammilations • Coriolus versicolor • S Sign (Topolabile) Deep & Multi Branched Transversal • Vascularised transversals • Grifola frondosa • Globular Sign • Pupillary Hippus • Astragalus membranaceus radix • Omega Sign This is a visually powerful transversal, • Pupillary oscillations • Eleutherococcus senticosus radix • Wave Sign which occupies a large portion of the ciliary • Arctium lappa radix • Undulation iris, it loops from the limbus covering 40 Therapeutic Protocols • Mahonia spp radix • Squared Sign (Immune & Thyroid alter- degrees to the left in a sweep, with five or • Larrea tridenta folia ations) six chunky branches shooting upwards and Colourpuncture • Sutherlandia frutescens herba • Pigment dispersion syndrome (PDS) terminating at or just prior to the external • Rhodiola rosea border of the collarette. We have compro- • Endocrine Co-ordination Balance • Curcuma longa rhizoma mise in the neuroendocrinological func- • Immune Ellipse - Violet • Withania somnifera folia tions, with emphasis on the adrenal glands • GV Trauma points – Blue or Violet • Agropyron repens rhizoma and cortisol secretions. Possibly as a result • Lymph Drainage (Fear) Points - Yellow • Bupleurum acetum herba 22 Neuroendocrine Immunology Overview 23

• Rehmannia glutinosa radix • Lomatium dissecta radix The Pituitary Gland & Iridology • Galium aperine herba • Trifolium pratense flores Research Introduction . Pituitary translates as meaning • Pfaffia paniculata mucus. • Harpagophytum procumbens radix have been in a fortunate position to • Coleus forskohlii folia study the pituitary gland in-depth in Anatomy & Embryology • Piccrorrhiza kurroa Irelation to iridology through my ongo- ing work with endocrinology and pituitary The pituitary gland weighs around 500 to out-patients and with the Pituitary Founda- 800 mg and has a slightly ovoid shape. It tion in the United Kingdom. lies beneath the brain in a bony cavity of the skull called the sella turcica or sphenoid From a clinical perspective I have been able bone. It is connected to the median emi- to add what has already been documented in nence by the infundibulum or pituitary regard to the pituitary gland in Iridology. stalk. The gland itself is divided into two lobes that develop from two distinct embry- A great swathe of work has been completed, ological sources. The anterior pituitary lobe but we still have much to explore. There are is derived from an upgrowth of the buccal several research projects still running, not epithelium called Rathke’s pouch. This is only in the UK, but also with colleagues in ectoderm tissue. Ireland, Daniele Lo Rito in Italy, Oonagh Donnelly in Northern Ireland and several As the strands of tissues between the primi- esteemed medical iridologists in Brasil. tive buccal epithelium and anterior pituitary diminish, clusters of epithelial cells can be Many conditions can be associated with left behind causing the development of dysfunction of both parts of the pituitary cysts or even rare tumours, such as Cranio- gland – the anterior and posterior pituitary pharyngioma. Some of these rare tumours glands. We will examine the difference can secrete ectopic hormones. between the two parts and their actions, and influence, plus the conditions associated The Pituitary gland forms between the with the pituitary such as microadenoma, fourth and sixth weeks of gestation and has prolactinoma, amenorrhoea, Acromegaly, an ectodermic origin. It develops from two Cushing’s disease, PMT, Diabetes insipidus sources such as an upgrowth from the ecto- and many others. dermic roof of the stomodeum or hypophy- seal pouch, and, a downgrowth from the We must be mindful that the hypothalamus neuroectoderm of the diencephalon or neu- exhibits control over the pituitary functions. rohypophysical bud. It is documented that The pituitary gland gained its misnomer of Rathke’s pouch forms from the basic noto- a name from the incorrect belief by Galen, chord. the Greek physician, that it secreted nasal 24 Pituitary Gland & Iridology Hormonal Feedback 25

The anterior pituitary comprises of three The secretory activity of the groups of cells pituitary hormones often follows the pul- decrease whilst prolactin levels continue to distinct regions: is influenced not only by the hypothalamic satile pattern of the releasing hormones rise, such is the case with prolactinoma. hormones, but also by feedback mecha- from the hypothalamus. • Pars distalis nisms involving hormones from the other Interstitial Cell-Stimulating • Pars tuberalis endocrine glands. TSH, ACTH, GH, LH & FSH all regulate Hormone • Pars intermedia other endocrine glands. Whilst prolactin can 85% of the blood supply for the anterior affect the entire body, breast, reproductive The pituitary controls the interstitial cell- The pars intermedia is a thin layer of corti- pituitary hypothalamico-pituitary is organs and neuroimmunology. MSH has a stimulating hormone (ICSH) secretions cotroph cells between the anterior and pos- obtained from the hypothalamus via the direct effect on the iris and skin. Beta- from the androgen producing cells of the terior pituitary. The pars intermedia also hypothalamicoadenohypophyseal portal endorphin could be present anywhere we testes. Herbs such as Turnera or Catabua secretes melanocyte-stimulating hormone system; the remaining 15% is obtained have pain. can both work on melding a balance in any that stimulates melanocytes in the skin and directly from the superior hypophyseal conditions involving testosterone levels. iris, plus an endogenous morphine called artery. The blood then drains into the sinus The target organ of GH is primarily the Beta endorphin, which is released to control between the meninges. The anterior pitu- liver. TSH’s target is the thyroid gland. Disorders of the Anterior pain. itary is composed of non-neural secretory Pituitary epithelial cells and is not directly connected Hormonal Feedback The pars tuberalis is a layer around the to the hypothalamus. Disease of the anterior pituitary can either pituitary stalk that consists largely of When minor quantities of hypothalamic be due to an excess of certain hormones or gonadotroph cells such as FSH and LH. The Hormones of the Anterior releasing peptides are secreted, other hor- a deficiency of secretion. These can be trig- third section is the biggest and is called the Pituitary Gland mones are secreted by the pituitary gland gered through benign tumours pressing on pars distalis. after this type of secretion. These hormones the anterior pituitary, other endocrine gland Hormones of the anterior pituitary gland are are released in sufficient amounts to act on malfunctions, hypothalamic disturbance, The posterior pituitary lobe develops from all large 200 amino acid-plus residues pep- endocrine glands and tissues throughout the stress, malnutrition or neuroectodermic tissue from a downward tides or glycopeptides. The main hormones body. This is happening constantly, growth of the primitive brain. The two lobes are: although we have natural peaks and troughs • Panhypopituitarism tend to function independently, but this is of activity throughout the day and night. • Prolactinoma not always the case. • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) • Microadenoma • Adrenocorticotrophic Hormone (ACTH) This release of pituitary hormones is regu- • Hyperprolactinaemia Anterior Pituitary • Luteinizing Hormone (LH) lated by other hormones, through what is • PMT • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) known as the mecha- • Amenorrhoea The major section of the pituitary gland is • Growth Hormone (GH) nisms, for example thyroxine inhibits thy- • Uterine fibroids the anterior gland or adenohypophysis. • Prolactin (PRL) roid stimulating hormone (TSH) secretion • Endometriosis • Melanocyte Stimulating Hormone (MSH) from the anterior pituitary. Dopamine • Subfertility This gland consists of five different types of • Beta endorphin secreted from the hypothalamus inhibits • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome cells, which are named after the five hor- prolactin from the pituitary. This is an • Acromegaly mone groups that they synthesize. These The hormones synthesized by the anterior important aspect of endocrine regulation, as • Cushing’s disease cells are not distributed uniformly; hence pituitary are released into the systemic cir- in many cases of pituitary tumours, the • Lymphocytic hypophysitis specific regions of the anterior pituitary culation and act in two ways, such as main mass prevents the hypothalamic releasing gland are responsible for the synthesis of regulation of other endocrine glands and hormones from making contact with the specific hormones. also direct effects on diffuse and distant anterior pituitary, so pituitary hormones organs and tissues. The release of anterior 26 Pituitary Gland & Iridology Posterior Pituitary 27

Tumours Growth Hormone Other symptoms for patients to observe for • In only one case there was an Asparagus include: Lacuna apparent in the classical pituitary Anterior pituitary adenomas comprise Growth Hormone or GH is not one particu- topography around 15% of all intracranial tumours. lar hormone, as many of us may believe. It • Visual disturbances due to compression • Vertical Ellipse of the Iris & Pupillary Pituitary adenomas do not metastasize, but is in fact apparent in numerous different from a pituitary tumour Tonus they can be life threatening due to their forms. They have major roles during times • Splenomegaly • Hypertensive sclera vessels location within the brain. They can cause of growth and development in both sexes. • Other endocrine imbalance such as adre- • Small and wispy transversals in the hormonal changes by constant secretory Growth Hormone shares a similar structure nal or thyroid involvement spleen topography excesses and also compression-related to prolactin and is secreted by the anterior • Subfertility symptoms such as those affecting the fol- pituitary after stimulation by Growth Hor- • Enlargement of the liver, kidneys and Posterior Pituitary lowing areas: mone-Releasing Hormone (GHRH) via the heart due to continued excessive GH hypothalamus, or even inhibited by somato- secretion The posterior pituitary is also known as the • Dura mater resulting in violent statin. GH is a single protein 191 amino • Insomnia neurohypophysis. It is connected to the headaches acid peptide. The secretion of GH is pul- • Hypertension median eminence of the hypothalamus by • Cavernous sinuses resulting in nerve satile and exhibits a diurnal pattern, with the • Intolerance of temperature changes the infundibulum or pituitary stalk. The palsies of the III, IV or VI cranial nerves peak time of secretion when we are fast • Increased greasy sweating cavernous sinuses including the III-VI cra- • Internal hydrocephalus can be caused by asleep. • Elevated serum calcium levels nial nerves lie laterally. distortion of the midbrain • Large and widened feet • Optic chiasm leading to visual defects, The stimuli for GH secretion include • Gaps in the lower teeth A direct neuronal connection with the hypo- notably bitemporal hemianopia decreased plasma concentrations of fatty • Larger nose thalamus forms in utero. This remains the • Pituitary gland leading to hypopitu- acids and and increases in • Large tongue only means of communication between itarism plasma amino acid concentrations. • Larger lower jaw these two structures.

At the time of writing iris research is ongo- Acromegaly & Iris Signs A secretory tumour of the anterior pituitary Hormones of the Posterior ing to differentiate between the three main gland commonly causes Acromegaly. Pituitary types of functioning anterior pituitary ade- An excess of GH secretion results in Excess GH secretion before the onset of noma. These include clear and precise increased growth and is called Acromegaly, puberty leads to a condition known as Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) details in relation to the prolactinoma, a condition usually treated by an endocri- Gigantism. In Gigantism there is an somatotroph adenoma producing GH and nologist. Acromegaly can take 15 to 20 increase in height and muscle mass. A deficiency of antidiuretic hormone can corticotroph adenoma producing ACTH in years to develop and become apparent. The cause a condition called Diabetes insipidus. Cushing’s disease triggering adrenal hyper- condition is characterised by a thickening of Iris signs consistent in Acromegaly from the This condition prevents osmotic control of plasia. the skin around the face leading to clinical reviews include: the kidney so very dilute polyuria occurs, increased growth of the nose and ears, plus with up to 20 litres of urine being passed Research results will be published in the the growth of the bones of the skull as well, • Pituitary Crypt with adrenal crypt at 360º every day. This can cause potential prob- Advanced Iridology Research Journal in leading to a prominent forehead and jutting and respectively180º lems with hypotension, dehydration and 2006. jaw. Hands and feet become enlarged too. • Embryological defect for the anterior thirst. It can be caused by a tumour, trauma The disease has a slow progression, which pituitary in the embryological topo- or previous surgery. An ADH stimulation may be missed by patients and their fami- graphical location – see below test is used to distinguish between deficient lies. • Hypertrophy of the frontal IPB structure ADH and generally unresponsive kidneys 28 Pituitary Gland & Iridology Iridology 29

An excess of ADH or vasopressin causes a • Iridology Many blood tests reveal elevated prolactin tive it is not surprising to see that depres- Syndrome of Inappropriate ADH secretion. in both sexes leading to respiratory compro- sion often forms a symptom of many pitu- In the 1950s Josef Angerer described the Emotional Dynamics Associated mise. itary-related conditions. Those pituitary “Vasopressin Picture” within the iris. This with the Pituitary patients with a frontal indentation of the picture constituted diffuse red-orange pig- In Cell Talk, Dr John Upledger, the pioneer- collarette, you will likely observe, are more ments distributed close to the collarette. A The pituitary gland carries the following ing Cranio-sacral therapist, writes, “After prone to deeper depression because of this. vasopressin deficiency causes DI. emotional dynamics based on over 107 clin- the delivery the mother’s pituitary gland ical cases: continues to influence the child. This con- New Embryological Topography Refer to chapter on Endocrine Functions of nection must be broken at some time. Oth- the Renal System for further information on Posterior Pituitary erwise the child will grow up to be a The embryological topographies in the iris the interactions of ADH. mama’s boy or girl”. for the anterior and posterior pituitary have • Fear of Independence been documented through extensive study Oxytocin • Letting go and self-control Iridology from medically confirmed pituitary cases. • Having no barriers Oxytocin is the second main hormone • Anxiety Stress Axis The degree of diagnostic accuracy was secreted from the posterior pituitary gland. • Fierce determination 90.5% from 74 medically confirmed cases. This occurs in both men and women. In In iridology the pituitary gland forms an These included conditions such as the fol- men oxytocin plays a role acting on repro- Anterior Pituitary integral part of the Stress Axis with the lowing - anterior lobe adenomas, prolactin- ductive smooth muscle in ejaculation. A hypothalamus and adrenals. Refer to Iris & omas, somatotroph adenomas - deficiency of oxytocin can cause a failure to • Fear of Dependence Pupillary Signs 2nd Edition, Immunology & Acromegaly, Cushing’s disease, (Corti- progress in labour or difficulty with breast- • Problem solving Iridology plus Time Risk by Lo Rito for fur- cotroph adenoma), Diabetes insipidus, feeding or lactation in women. Oxytocin • Personal evolution ther exploration and differentiation. Autoimmune Subfertility, Pre-Menstrual secretion increases to trigger uterine con- • Fear of wisdom Tension, Amenorrhoea, and Multiple tractions and milk ejection in females. • Grief The Collarette Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome. • Grounded communication Medical Tests In suspected pituitary cases the collarette The most prevalent iris signs correlated to We can also consider the pituitary gland as can prove to be extremely revealing in such conditions are: Medical Tests for anterior and pituitary dis- an integral part of the limbic system. Enor- regards to directing our clarity in iridodiag- orders include: mous stress can be placed on both the moth- nosis. With all clinically confirmed pitu- • Crypt/Defect er’s and baby’s pituitary gland if birth is itary patients the collarette shows its value • Solitary Lacuna - stairstep/leaf • MRI Scans forced, either through medical inducement as a major iris landmark, by having promi- • Radial Furrow (Radii solaris) with par- • CT Scan or caesarean section. There is an alteration nent structures apparent in all cases. tial indentation of the collarette • Functional Testing of the Pituitary- of the HPA axis and an inscription on the • Small pigment granulation - orange/yel- Adrenal Axis iris in such cases. It could even lead to All signs with the collarette are increased in low or brown • X-Rays (mainly pre widespread CT and future health problems, indeed some studies importance when we have frontal flattening MRI usage) unearthed by Dr Michel Odent have shown of the pupil in either eye. Embryological Iris Topography for the • Cisternography that routine caesarean section leads to a Pituitary • Visual Field assessments through Oph- higher incidence of asthma in children. My In Iris & Pupillary Signs, 2nd Edition the thalmologists own observations of asthma patients under Frontal Indentation of the collarette is The new topography for both irides is as • Serum Testing for prolactin, GH, FSH, the age of 24 in the clinic, is that 80% of described in-depth and it is often apparent follows: LH or TSH levels them were born via caesarean section. in pituitary conditions. From this perspec- 30 Pituitary Gland & Iridology Differentiation of Lacunae 31

• In the right iris at the internal border of sign, which can be found in both the frontal Nutritional requirements for the • Intestinal immune system – alterations the collarette at 344º to 349º, plus at 185º and ventral iris. It’s presence can necessitate asparagus lacuna are: of the MALT for the posterior pituitary. for rigorous questioning in regard to family • Embryological topography • In the left iris we have a Pituitary-corre- medical history, if further suspicions are • Potassium • Deep lymphatic concerns lating topography at 16º in addition to aroused individually, then Computerised • Essential fatty acids 175º Tomography (CT scan) may be necessary. • Selenium Leaf Lacuna • Germanium Germinal Tissues & the Pituitary A frontal asparagus lacuna can indicate • Phosphoric acid Many years of research and experience has Topography the following depending on location: • Vanadium illustrated to me that the Leaf lacuna relates • Molybdenum to the function of the endocrine system and The double embryonic origin explains why • Nasal polyps a tendency to hormonal imbalance, with the Pituitary is composed of two different • Adenoma of the pituitary gland Circular Lacuna particular emphasis on the Hypothalamus- types of germinal tissue: • Pinealoma (check for unreactive bilater- Pituitary–Adrenal (HPA) axis. The psy- al mydriasis) A small encapsulated circle-shaped lacuna choneuroimmunological involvement is * The Anterior Pituitary or Adenohypoph- • Prolactinoma (check for S sign on the normally located in the posterior pituitary highlighted with a leaf lacuna when ysis arises from oral ectoderm IPB) topography, always attached to the found in the classical hypothalam- • Memory loss or concentration difficul- frontal collarette. In addition to ic or pituitary topographies, * The Posterior Pituitary or Neurohypoph- ties the pituitary, we have an when accompanied by deep ysis originates from neuroectoderm • Hypothalamic alterations (such as tem- interaction with the adrenal pigments. perature changes, extreme menopausal medulla and ovaries. A cir- This dual embryogenesis may explain why hot flushes, recurrent fevers or night cular lacuna is often pres- Leaf lacunae are attached we have differing dual Pituitary topogra- sweats) ent in those with Diabetes to the collarette. The col- phies in both the right and left embryologi- • Hemiplegic Migraines insipidus. Also hormonal- larette is the location for cal iris. We are examining this possibility ly triggered migraine, where signs for endocrine with Pituitary patients and Iridology & When located ventrally then we are usually due to hypothala- pathologies will be found ongoing Pituitary gland research relating to looking for predisposition to: mic progesterone deficient in 93% of cases. The leaf pathologies of both posterior and anterior types. A circular lacuna pre- lacuna has a well-defined pituitary respectively. • Salpingitis disposes to pale skin, hyperten- border, usually closed, medi- • Carcinoma, polyposis, myeloma or cysts sion, oedema (especially pre- um-sized with an intricately Differentiation of Lacunae in in the uterus (fibroids), ovary or cervix menstrually), tachycardia and Circular Lacuna veined structure, similar to that Pituitary Conditions (cervical dysplasia) in females chest pains and sexual concerns, of a leaf. • Carcinoma or inflammatory concerns such as decreases in libido due to anxiety. Asparagus Lacuna with the prostate, testes or epididymis in I would suggest to you that when a leaf males Internal Lacunae lacuna is observed then our attention should This lacuna is so-called due to its character- • Testicular cysts be drawn to a particular endocrine gland. istic asparagus tip appearance. The tip Lacunae located internally to the collarette This assertion is supported by the late and points away from the collarette into the cil- The asparagus is a relatively infrequent iris require differentiation as they can indicate great Doctors Rudolf Schnabel and Dr iary zone. The lacuna attaches to or appears sign. the following: Anton Markgraf from Germany, plus in out of the external border of the collarette. more recent times by Dr Vincenzo Di In rare cases it begins at the IPB. The • Gastrointestinal endocrinology Spazio in Italy. asparagus lacuna is a solitary, unilateral 32 Pituitary Gland & Iridology Inner Pupillary Border 33

Leaf lacunae can be located in the following tendency to hyperprolactinaemia. (Please release. Prolactin is released by the anterior • Hormonal assay of prolactin above 600 topographies: refer to chapter on The Amazing Role of pituitary gland and triggered by the hypo- µ/ls in females and above 450 µ/ls in Prolactin). A radial furrow closed at both thalamus. males • Hypothalamus ends will often demonstrate a condition • Anterior Pituitary resolved in a previous generation, so we Research in recent years with pituitary and The S sign can relate to other pituitary prob- • Pancreas have less cause for clinical concern with other endocrine outpatients, has helped to lems, the more distinct and pronounced it is • Thyroid such signs in these significant topographies. determine the meaning of the S sign, and the greater the tendency to prolactin distur- • Thymus gland also help to accurately map the new embry- bances. The more distorted the sign, the • Ovary Inner Pupillary Border ological topography for both the hypothala- greater the tendency to extreme menopausal • Testes mus and the pituitary gland. or pre-menstrual symptoms a woman may • Pineal gland Partial Atrophy experience. There is reduced potential of • Adrenal cortex Many patients with the S sign have a Pro- adaptability to big hormonal changes such • Breasts (hormonally dependent tumour From research partial atrophy is frequently lactinoma. Prolactinoma account for 50% as puberty, taking the contraceptive pill, formation) observed in: of all pituitary tumours. They are benign injection of contraceptives, hysterectomy, and tend to be smaller in females, because pregnancy or the menopause. When Leaf lacuna are observed with a sig- • Uterine fibroids they are identified earlier due to absent or nificant hypertrophy of the IPB diameter, • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS irregular periods. The S sign can also show The S sign is also observed in some cases of then we could be looking at the possibility research revealed an incidence if 78%, a prolactinoma in the family or elevated micro adenoma of the secretory cells of the of autoimmune and other disease manifesta- AIRJ Vol 5, 2005) levels of prolactin, which could be hyper- anterior pituitary, which can cause tremen- tions: • Endometriosis prolactinaemia. Prolactin has a far reaching dous headaches, exhaustion and visual dis- • Impaired hepatic hormonal clearance influence on many different systems of the turbances. The visual disturbances and • Goodpasture’s syndrome • Hypothyroidism body, which is important for homeostasis. headaches are caused by compression of the • Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE) • Hypoglycaemia in 823 out of 1500 cases tumour, which can cause a deficit in other • Scleroderma • Pituitary microadenoma in 22/34 cases Elevated levels of prolactin can cause the hypothalamic or pituitary hormones. • Hashimoto’s disease following symptoms: • Urticaria (with diffuse iris pigment) The S Sign Basically, on the physical level with the evi- • Myasthenia gravis • Amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea dence of the S sign we are looking at an • Autoimmune Diabetes This sign looks like a letter “S”, turned on • Anxiety in both sexes (compromise of enhanced tendency to endocrine imbalance. • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome its side, which stands out from how the rest the HPA axis) Aspects of this work in iridology have been • Subfertility in both males or females of the IPB appears. The “S” shape can be a • Subfertility in both men and women presented to endocrinologists and pituitary- little distorted or inflamed at times. It is a • Reduced resistance to infection, espe- patient groups in several countries. Radii solaris solitary, usually unilateral sign. They tend cially respiratory infection to occur in the frontal aspect of the IPB. • Lactation (early galactorrhoea in women Frontal Pupillary Flattening or Deepened radii solaris at 360º or there- They can appear infrequently anywhere and late galactorrhoea in men) Introflession of the IPB/Iris margin abouts in either iris can signify a general around the IPB though. • Impotence in men neuroendocrine disharmony. Depending on • Lethargy For the complete endocrine links to these the radial’s location it could relate to hypo- Their location in the frontal aspect of the • Reduced libido two IPB signs please refer to the chapter on thalamus, pituitary concerns, plus the expe- IPB is not without foundation, as the S sign • Oedema the The IPB & The Endocrine System. rience of anxiety and compromise the com- relates to the function of the hypothalamus • Hypoglycaemia – low blood sugar Pupillary flattening at 358º to 2º and 180º in pensation of the limbic system. A radial fur- and in particular the subsequent functions both irides suggests further pituitary inves- row dividing the pituitary reflex can show a of the pituitary gland, especially prolactin tigations. In prolactinoma such flattening 34 Pituitary Gland & Iridology Treatments 35

was apparent in 30 out of 34 clinical cases, • Classical Topography • Chlorella spp ana are so important for healthy pituitary and 30 out of 36 hyperprolactinaemia cases. • Iris Tonus • Lycopus europaeus folia (TSH) function and detoxification of the gland. • Zanthoxylum clava-herculis cortex (pos- Iris Tonus Treatments for the Pituitary terior pituitary) Homotoxicology

With the shape or tonus of the iris itself we Colourpuncture Rhamnus purshiana or Cascara sagrada • Pulsatilla 30c have two differentiations that carry signifi- aged bark is a well-documented herbal lax- • Gynacoheel cance in the assessment of pituitary prob- There are many Colourpuncture protocols ative and detoxification agent for the gas- • Prolactin D6 – D30 lems. They both relate to the hypothalamus utilising various colours to treat the pitu- trointestinal system. Perhaps what is not so • Hypophysi suis primarily, but we can include the pituitary itary gland. Alternate blue, orange, yellow apparent is its action on the balance of the • Pilosella Compositum (posterior pitu- due to the control and influence the hypo- or turquoise can be of profound benefit anterior pituitary functions and pathways. It itary) thalamus holds over the pituitary gland and depending on the problem. Endocrine coor- is well worth taking the first step in any its hormonal secretions. dination protocols provide excellent equi- pituitary treatment or management pro- Acupuncture librium and restoration of the hormonal sys- gramme with the use of Cascara as a cap- A vertical ellipse of the iris tem. sule or tincture. Nutrition suggests hyperactivity of the hypothalamic-pituitary Herbal medicine Many herbal formulae and combinations Adequate levels of the following are vitally pathways, such as with can be harnessed from the above list, but we important for the pituitary in all pituitary- cases of hyperprolacti- • Vitex agnus castus semen (adaptogen for must have as a foundation Vitex, followed related diseases naemia. the pituitary) by the use of medicinal mushroom extracts • Angelica sinensis radix such as Ganoderma, Lentinus or Grifola to • Zinc A horizontal ellipse offers underactivity of • Nymphaea odorata rhizoma support the neuroendocrine pathways and • Vitamin C the anterior pituitary, for • Dioscorea villosa radix hypothalamic control over the pituitary. • B Vitamin complex example in rare cases of • Paeonia lactiflora radix These medicines can be integrated with • Beta carotene dwarfism in children • Vaccinium myrtillus fruc homotoxicological protocols and either • Iron where there is a defi- • Ganoderma lucidum (all these medicinal Colourpuncture, Gemmotherapy or Reflex- • Potassium ciency of GH. mushrooms are pituitary adaptogens) ology as treatment support adjuncts. • Germanium • Lentinus edodes • Selenium Iris Summary • Grifola frondosa (uterine fibroids) If functioning correctly the pituitary can • Molybdenum • Turnera diffusa folia enable the system to eliminate toxic heavy • Chromium In all cases of hyperprolactinaemia, Subfer- • Withania somnifera folia metals, pesticide residues and even radia- • Magnesium tility, PCOS, endometriosis, headaches, • Eleutherococcus senticosus radix tion exposure. The pituitary, together with • Vitamin D depression, uterine fibroids, extreme • Trillium pendulum radix many of the other endocrine glands, has a menopausal symptoms, adrenal problems • Rhamnus purshiana cortex susceptibility to radioactive exposure and is Gemmotherapy and anxiety the iris needs to be checked for • Trifolium pratense flores particularly vulnerable to heavy metal pituitary signs. In order of importance: • Larrea tridenta folia residues such as lead or mercury taking • Vaccinium vitis-idaea gemmae • Chondrus crispus hold. This is why herbal and nutriceutical • Rubus idaeus gemmae • Embryology – new topographical • Rhodiola rosea agents such as Chlorella, Spirulina, Larrea, • Carpinus betulus gemmae research • Sceletium tortuosum Eleutherococcus, Grifola, Ganoderma, • Inner Pupillary Border • Centella asiatica Rhodiola, Chondrus and Rhamnus purshi- • Pupil Tonus • Spirulina spp 36 Pituitary Gland & Iridology 37

Cranio-Sacral Therapy The Amazing Role of Prolactin CST is of particular benefit to the pituitary. The gland depends on the rocking of the Introduction The Iridology research has been my own sphenoid bone for correct measures of journey, with certain pointers when indicat- blood flow, hormonal interactions and rolactin is an underrated hormone. Its ed in the text. nerve communication. The sella turcica, many uses are often overlooked; sphenoid and ethmoid bones support it. The Pindeed, many practitioners can be When we can fully understand the role of pituitary also interacts with the hippocam- unaware of its far-reaching influence on prolactin in the maintenance of homeosta- pus in relation to memory. many systems of the body. To date, pro- sis, we can often find the keys to open a lactin has over 300 functions, more than all complex matrix of locks to allow an indi- Reflexology the other anterior pituitary hormones com- vidual to regain and nurture health. bined, and is considered essential for life. Most Reflexologists agree that the topogra- Prolactin is dynamic and has direct effects Prolactin & the anterior pituitary phy of the pituitary gland can be located on on numerous distant organs and bodily sys- gland (adenohypophysis) the big toes. The pituitary is on the slightly tems. lateral underside edge of the toe, two fin- Prolactin is defined as a single chain protein gers width from the tip. The pituitary The intention of the work here is to present peptide with over 199 amino acids. It shares requires a hooked regular pulsing move- a cohesive illustration of the many reasons structures similar to Growth Hormone, but ment to bring the pituitary functions into why a prolactin imbalance can be the trig- the intracellular domain of the prolactin balance. The gland does not respond as well ger for many health concerns in both sexes. receptor is different. Prolactin is probably to constant pressure. There is a school of In order to avoid the fragmentation of dif- most commonly acknowledged as the hor- reflexology in Scandinavia that only works ferent medical specialities, such as simply mone that prepares the human breast for on the big toe, excluding the rest of the foot. endocrinology, fertility or immunology, etc, lactation and promotes breast growth during This is mainly due to the far reaching influ- the aim is to have a holistic comprehension pregnancy. ence on the rest of the body from the hypo- of what prolactin is and does in the body, thalamus, pineal and pituitary gland. how its balance can be usurped and how the Its actions, however, help control and mod- practitioner can help return any discrepan- ulate the response to stress, fertility, water * For more specific pituitary signs in relation to iridology and electrolyte balance; incorporating kid- and therapy for the specific conditions please refer to the cies back to equilibrium, and subsequently, following chapters in this book: return the patient on the right road back to ney functions, healthy biochemistry of the health. uterus, ovary, prostate gland and the testes, The Amazing Role of Prolactin fluid balance and immune activity in the A Naturopathic Perspective on Endometriosis & Iridology Polycystic Ovary Syndrome & Iridology Like my work on the hypothalamus and iri- intestines, thyroid functions, balance of the Uterine Fibroids & Iridology dology, with the research and dissertation of Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testes axis in men prolactin, it has been necessary to explore and the Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Ovary axis numerous diverse sources, from very differ- in women, growth, cell development and ent fields of expertise. This has proved to be proliferation, modulation of immune a lengthy process and the sources are com- responses; including activation of prehensively listed in the Bibliography. macrophages and lymphocytes and balance of functional activity within both the thy- mus gland and the spleen. 38 Amazing Role of Prolactin Other Activities 39

In addition to this prolactin helps motivate prolactin in the absence of long-loop feed- late the balance of prolactin and The arrival to the anterior pitu- and moderate neurological functions and back; hypothalamic GnRH stimulates, some suggest the reverse occurs Normal levels itary of Thyroid Releasing Hor- emotional responses, general psychological somatostatin inhibits, GH secretion, where- also. Thus, it can be postulated, for prolactin mone derived from the hypo- behaviour, patrol the body’s metabolic path- as dopamine inhibits, and one or more puta- prolactin has a role in thwarting thalamus results in the stimula- ways including lipid, and tive prolactin-releasing factors stimulate the depression. If the levels go too tion of prolactin and Thyroid steroid metabolism. prolactin release from the anterior pituitary. low or even too high, when there <400 µ/ls for Stimulating Hormone release. is a grave imbalance, depression males With some anterior lobe pituitary adenomas It is now accepted that in both the hypothal- can be part of the symptom pic- VIP neuronal activation leads to we can have elevated amounts of prolactin amic-prolactin and hypothalamic-GH axis, ture. <600 µ/ls for the release of prolactin into the being secreted. Hormonal assays are needed the short-loop feedback control includes females blood. VIP inputs from the in such cases to determine the cause of the both a suppression of releasing-factor Both PHI and CRH contribute to suprachiasmatic nucleas to those adenoma. release and a stimulation of inhibitory-fac- stress-induced prolactinaemia. neurosecretory neurons that reg- tor release, if that’s not a contradiction in ulate prolactin, such as TRH. VIP Dopamine and Prolactin Releasing Factors terms. Other Activities Involving participates in the circadian regulation of (PRFs) flow primarily from the Arcuate Prolactin prolactin. nucleas in the hypothalamus, and stimulate Hypothalamic hormones are also distrib- the control and secretion of prolactin from uted in the extrahypothalamic areas of the Prolactin is vastly important in the mainte- Although prolactin stimulates and main- the anterior pituitary gland. The target cells brain and also in peripheral locations in the nance of healthy bone density. Whereas, tains breast growth and milk production, it are called lactotrophs. body, for example we all experience excess increase bone works closely with, and requires the follow- somatostatin being released in the intestines resorption, prolactin increases renal Ca 2+ ing hormones for this vital process to occur: Prolactin & Growth Hormone and the pancreas. reabsorption and hydroxylase activity. • Insulin Prolactin release from the anterior pituitary From a pharmacological perspective it is Prolactin immunomodulation involves an • Cortisol has greater pulses in the first third of the documented that the following drugs such intracellular integration of signals. Prolactin • Oestrogen. night, controlled by the hypothalamus and as Dopamine (L-dopa) and Bromocriptine in the blood, lymph and neural pathways is due to increases in neurological delta-wave both inhibit prolactin in the blood. GABA essential in order for T-cells to survive and Prolactin increases the number of Luteinis- activity, which are present during the deep- also suppresses prolactin. Dopamine has function correctly. It has been found that ing Hormone (LH) receptors on the corpus est phases of sleep. This follows a similar long-been thought of as the prolactin prolactin helps to inhibit parasitical infesta- luteum of the ovary and the Leydig cells of pattern to the release of Growth Hormone inhibiting factor, although no direct evi- tion and also prevents bacterial infections the testes. This results in increased synthe- (GH). dence exists, dopamine agonists such as from taking hold. However, elevated pro- sis and secretion of progesterone and testos- Bromocriptine, can dramatically reduce lactin levels can leave the body, with partic- terone in females and males respectively. In fact, Growth Hormone and Prolactin are prolactin levels. ular emphasis on the respiratory mucosa, both members of the same family of hor- open to viral overload, and post-viral stress Prolactin helps with inhibition of GnRH mones. Prolactin Releasing Factor (PRF) syndromes. release in the endocrine system when required, progesterone biosynthesis and Prolactin, like GH, has evolved the ability The prolactin releasing factors include It is important for both the patient and prac- also luteal cell hypertrophy during pregnan- to exert an idiosyncratic direct feedback TRH, VIP, PHI, oxytocin, vasopressin and titioner to be aware that both the prolactin cy. action at target sites within the hypothala- PACAP or Pituitary adenylate cyclase acti- and glucocorticoid signalling pathways are mus. Moreover, both stimulatory and vating polypeptide. VIP’s release is stimu- integrated within cells of the immune sys- inhibitory hypothalamic mechanisms lated by serotonin in both the brain and the tem. appear to have evolved to control GH and large intestine. Serotonin elevations stimu- 40 Amazing Role of Prolactin Prolactinoma 41

Neuroendocrine many of the releasing hormones acting on ic the immune suppression. These levels a doctor or take time to open a discussion immunomodulatory pathways the pituitary, receives a rich autonomic can become chronic if stress is sustained. on any health-related problem that includes innervation from the brainstem and is capa- sexual dysfunction. There is substantial evidence to suggest that ble of synthesizing catecholamines, such as Prolactinoma a wide range of leukocyte functions can be noradrenaline & adrenaline. Cortisol pro- When Prolactinomas grow in size they can inhibited or stimulated by hormones duction can also be triggered here in Abnormally increased prolactin secretion is cause visual disturbances and headaches. released by the endocrine system and the biofeedback communication with the adre- associated with menstrual irregularity and central nervous system (CNS). In addition nal cortex. infertility in women plus infertility in men Medical Investigations to Growth Hormone, thyrotropin releasing with ejaculatory failure or impotence. hormone (TRH), vasopressin, GHRH, In many cases, changes in the cellular elec- Galactorrhoea is present in approximately • Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI scan) HCG, ghrelin, androgens such as testos- trical information to the hypothalamus can 30% of affected females, but is rare in • Computed Tomography (CT scan) terone – prolactin also has the ability for result in pronounced reduction of peripher- males since oestrogen priming is required (Both these scans can be used to detect immunomodulation and regulating immune al catecholamine production and subse- for lactation, but it is a clinical possibility. abnormal anatomy) responses. As we have already referenced, quent cellular impairment of immunity. In some texts or research papers a Pro- • Visual Field Assessment to ascertain any with Hyperprolactinaemia, for example, the Neurohormones can have a profound effect lactinoma is also referred to as a lactotroph compression of the optic chiasma patient becomes very susceptible to recur- on autonomic function, which is brought to adenoma. • Blood Tests for elevated levels of pro- rent respiratory infections and also possible our attention with iridology and the embry- lactin infective or inflammatory bowel conditions. ological development and subsequent gas- All the anterior pituitary secretory cells • Suppression Tests using hormonal ana- trointestinal endocrine balance throughout have the potential to form tumours, howev- logues of inhibiting factors. Generally an The CNS can modulate immunity and our extrauterine life. The collarette structure er, the vast majority are prolactinomas. A adenoma will display reduced negative immune cells like cytokines can modulate helps to decode these hidden mysteries. prolactinoma is a benign clonally expanded feedback, thus revealing the possible immunity, plus regulate neuroendocrine tumour of the prolactin secreting cells in the location of the problem on the endocrine function and emotional behaviour. There- Stress anterior pituitary gland. It is the most fre- axis fore, it is paramount that we embrace this quent pituitary tumour, accounting for fact when we are presented with the analy- During stress catecholamines, cortisol, pro- approximately 30 to 50% of all such Medical Treatments sis of the IPB. Prolactin has the ability to lactin and natural opiates beta-endorphin tumours. A non-secretory prolactinoma monitor immune cell function through and enkephalin are released in higher accounts for only 20% of tumours and is Conventional medical treatments for Pro- endocrine mechanisms to modulate inflam- amounts than normal. Each can have a pro- simply a growth causing hypopituitarism. lactinoma usually include the following: matory responses. found and complex influence upon the hor- monal and immune systems. The statement Post-mortem studies have revealed that 23 • The drugs Bromocriptine or Cabergo- Prolactin can act like a cytokine because it that “stress suppresses immune resistance” to 27% of the general population have line, which are dopamine agonists, to is released between cells of the immune is now an accepted norm within all holistic, asymptomatic micro-prolactinomas. reduce prolactin secretion system and regulates the lymphocyte naturopathic and conventional medical • Octretide, which is synthetic somato- responses by both paracrine and autocrine trains of thought. Modern science, as is Prolactinoma is much more common in statin, to reduce the secretion of Growth mechanisms. often the case, confirms natural wisdom. women. The actual size of a Prolactinoma Hormone The longer the stress, then, the greater the in a female patient will tend to be smaller • Surgical removal The autonomic and neuroendocrine possible immune suppression. It should also than those seen in males. Symptoms present • Irradiation to prevent adenoma reoccur- immunomodulatory pathways nurture and be noted that the greater an elevation of pro- themselves sooner, usually due to changes rence monitor each other’s activities and func- lactin and other hormones we can have in in menstruation. Yet, in male patients they tions. The hypothalamus, which synthesizes the bloodstream and CNS, the more chron- grow to larger sizes, probably due to the All of these treatments can carry serious fact that men are less likely to consult with side effects affecting all different parts of 42 Amazing Role of Prolactin Mammary Gland Development 43

the body and they all carry the potential to tance, and for the symptoms of Hyperpro- • Reduced libido • Dehydration trigger an underactive pituitary gland. The lactinaemia to resolve. • Impotence • Drugs drugs are considered first line orally active • Ejaculatory failure • Micro or macro Prolactinoma combined therapy for prolactinomas in 95% of cases Miscarriage or voluntary termination of a • Impairment of spermogenesis with considerable elevations of plasma as serum prolactin levels and tumours can pregnancy can result in Hyperprolacti- • Reduced salivary and serum testosterone prolactin readings such as >5000 µ/ls be reduced quickly, but as noted above, side naemia, which may take awhile as above to levels • Disrupted sleep patterns effects can and do occur. Surgery and radio- correct itself. • Late galactorrhoea • Dopamine D2 receptor antagonists therapy are considered secondary approach- • Gynecomastia • Elevated oestrogen es, if the primary approach does not work or Sometimes elevated prolactin levels can • Visual disturbances causes too many side effects. create a systemically conducive environ- • Loss of facial hair Mammary Gland Development & ment for Sarcoidosis to develop, in rare • Anxiety Prolactin Hyperprolactinaemia cases this can infiltrate the anterior pitu- • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) itary. However, I have only ever seen this The main, classically understood influence Stress is induced and can be maintained by the once in a clinical setting. Over time Hyperprolactinaemia can cause of prolactin is to stimulate the growth and living in a stressful environment. Remem- hypogonadism. Hypogonadism is a com- development of the mammary glands, plus ber that stress is a very individualistic con- Main symptoms of Hyperprolactinaemia mon feature of pituitary adenoma and obvi- stimulate and maintain lactation. The pro- cept and experience. What stresses one per- in females include: ously leads to infertility in both sexes. Pro- lactin secretions during pregnancy prepare son, may not stress another. In Human lactin secreting adenomas are the most fre- the breast tissues for lactation. In fact, as the Endocrinology Paul Gard states that pro- • Lack of energy quent sort of functioning adenoma and they mother continues to breastfeed her baby, a lactin secretion is so sensitive to the effects • Reduced libido secrete prolactin. Non-functioning adeno- continuing Hyperprolactinaemia inhibits of stress, that the trauma of giving a blood • Subfertility mas prevent hypothalamic dopamine inhibi- fertility. sample for determination of prolactin levels • Susceptibility to respiratory infections tion of prolactin release by compression, so may stimulate prolactin secretion, leading • Menstrual irregularities such as that excess prolactin is released. Autoimmune disease & Prolactin to falsely elevated readings. This is a very oligomenorrhoea (sparse periods), Men- important fact the practitioner needs to be orrhagia (heavy periods) or even amen- Causes of Hyperprolactinaemia As discussed in Immunology & Iridology, aware of. orrhoea (absent periods). numerous hormones are involved with the • Early galactorrhoea (lactation) The causes of chronically elevated Prolactin development and sustaining of autoimmune We are consistently presented with new • General immune compromise levels can vary. The most abundant expla- diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis or studies, plus unearthing older forgotten • Insomnia nation for aetiology includes: Systemic Lupus, Diabetes or Subfertility. studies, linking the mind and emotional • Fibroadenoma of the breast Elevated prolactin levels as a result of stress wellbeing with the function of the immune • Fibrocystic Breast Disease (FBD) • Stress & emotional trauma or irregular endocrine adjustments can trig- system and how these have intimate con- • Weight gain • Cranial trauma ger hyperactive inflammatory pathways. nections with the neuroendocrine and auto- • Anxiety • Pregnancy Research findings have shown that both a nomic systems. It is not unreasonable to • Hypothyroidism • Sudden end to a pregnancy reduction in childbearing and a lack of propose psychosocial triggers in cases of • Oedema, usually abdominally, in the • Anxiety breastfeeding, which both contribute to Hyperprolactinaemia. For example, Hyper- breast tissues or ankles • Overstimulation of the immune system, hyperprolactinaemia, can have long-term prolactinaemia is a common experience for for example with infection effects on a woman’s health, often leading women after miscarriage. It may take many Main symptoms of Hyperprolactinaemia • Hypothyroidism to increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis. months or even a couple of years for the in males include: • Blockage in the hypothalamus, between Prolactin, when out of balance, can confuse neuroendocrine systems to adjust and find the hypophyseal portal concentrations of the neuroendocrine system in relation to equilibrium, even with therapeutic assis- • Lethargy Thyroid Releasing Hormone inflammatory triggers. 44 Amazing Role of Prolactin Iridology 45

Iridology • Local Indentation Disorders of the prolactin releasing factors The pupillary dynamic tends to mydriasis, • Indentation with localised hypertrophy are specific to erosion or a local absence of but with reactivity to illumination changes. For complete analysis with clarity we need • Indentation with Radial Furrow (both the IPB @ 360º However, the retarded speed to reaction to observe the following structures within minor or major radii solaris) suggests hypoadrenal involvement. The the eye with microscopic magnifications of • Indentation with Leaf lacuna Hyperprolactinaemia is identified between mydriasis is usually bilateral. between 40x to 60x. • Indentation with pigment patch (orange 355º and 5º along the IPB and according to or brown) the research the most prevalent signs are: Embryological Topography The greater and more prevalent the accu- mulation of these iris and pupillary signs we The collarette structure can be quite mis- • S sign From the research with pituitary patients we have the greater the degree of tendency to shapen in this area, with a wave type effect • Local Hypertrophy of the IPB have been able to thoroughly document the prolactin disturbances, due to various caus- of alternating indentation and distension. • Introflession signs involved and chart the profound es. • A combination of all of these importance of the pituitary gland and hypo- We can also have a thickened slant of the thalamus. These signs are from a new Collarette Structure collarette towards the nasal side, emphasis- Prolactinoma can be identified on the IPB topography in iridology, postulated through ing the tendency to Hyperprolactinaemia. through the following: joint research between myself, and Dr From research with over 80 pituitary, Daniele Lo Rito in Italy. We comprehen- hyperprolactinaemia and pituitary- Remember all these signs can form • S sign sively presented this work for the first time related endocrine concerns it part of the Stress Axis (see • Extroflession over a three-day course near Padova, Italy has become apparent that the below). • General hypertrophy of the IPB at the end of May 2004. localised frontal indenta- tion is the most prominent If the radial furrow termi- The presence of the S sign is discussed in The signs are located inside the collarette, and consistent iris sign nates at the IPB @ Space greater detail in the chapter on The IPB and between the internal border of the collarette for pituitary disease in 1 then it is of greater the Endocrine System. and the pupillary edge. In essence, we are classical iridology terms. importance and requires looking at an embryological map of the further scrutiny. A subtle pupillary flattening adjacent to entire body within the pupillary zone. It can The frontal indentation these signs enhances their meaning to a pre- be considered a map within a map. generally suggests tenden- If the collarette is contract- viously resolved condition or an actual cur- cy to depressive illness. The ed or restricted then the rent pathological process. The signs relate to the embryological devel- indentation in these cases cov- inheritance is from the mater- opment and inheritance of the individual. ers a broad section of the frontal nal genetics. On the other hand, Pupil Tonus The most important embryological signs I collarette. However, in pituitary if we are faced with a distended have found in Prolactinoma and Hyperpro- Indented Collarette and related diseases, where we collarette we have a paternal In 74 pituitary and hypothalamic out- lactinaemia are: have prolactin imbalance, the collarette is genetic dominance manifested in the patients studied the slight frontal flatness of locally indented towards the pupil, covering patient. the pupil was observed in 61 cases, includ- • Crypt/Defect sign only a few degrees of difference. ing a great number of Hyperprolactinaemia, • Lacuna The Inner Pupillary Border (IPB) Kallmann’s syndrome and Prolactinoma • Radial furrow The indentation can appear on its own, but patients. The flattening is a subtle sign, like • Small pigment patch is usually caused by the following signs in Space 1 between 351.5º and 8.5º around the the frontal indentation of the collarette, not order of importance pressing towards the circumference of the IPB is the organic a gross distortion of the pupil. This is why pupil: zone for actual problems with the brain, we require such high and clear magnifica- pituitary, pineal or hypothalamus. tions of the iris and pupil. 46 Amazing Role of Prolactin Treatment Protocols 47

Leaf Lacuna signs are attached to the collarette. tic assessment. In cases of Hyperprolacti- progesterone deficiency could be caused by The signs tend to include a naemia the following nail formations will unopposed oestrogen. The Leaf lacuna is always local indentation, lacuna, become apparent. In some cases the nails attached to the collarette, crypt, and radial furrow or will present multiple signs: Several compounds in Vitex are responsible usually in any endocrine pigment patch. for the prolactin-inhibiting activity. This topography, including • Brittle beautiful and shrubby Mediterranean mem- any of the eight possible Tongue Analysis • Slow growing ber of the Verbena family is rich in Iridoid locations for the pan- • Reddened skin edge to the nail bed glycosides such as aucubin and agnuside, creas. In prolactin defi- The tongue is another • Deeply grooved with vertical ridges plus flavanoids such as methoxylated ciency or excess we have a reflection of the crossover • Containing multiple white flecks in flavones or casticin, plus essential oil con- leaf lacuna at 360º attached and meeting point for the cases involving zinc deficiency taining monoterpenes and sesquiterpenes. to the collarette. This is nervous, hormonal, gastroin- Methoxylated flavones can exact an anti- observable in Subfertility, testinal and immune systems. Treatment Protocols androgenic effect on the system, thus help- Hyperprolactinaemia or Pro- Like the feet in reflexology or the ing with the traditional use of decreasing lactinoma. eyes in iridology, we have many In all areas of the world where botanical libido in monks & men, and also with the The Stress Axis nerve and organ reflexes within medicines have a strong foundation and his- balance of infertility or PCOS in females. The leaf lacuna is a genetic footprint and the structure and on the subtle surface of the tory of usage, we have herbs to act on both suggests elevated prolactin levels in the tongue. Several signs on the tongue are con- the hypothalamus and pituitary in order to Vitex is indicated for the following: family medical history. sistent with elevated prolactin levels what- balance prolactin levels. From China we ever the cause: have Angelica sinensis, from Northern • Balance of hypothalamic functions and The Stress Axis Africa and the Mediterranean European pathways • Flat & wide, which looks similar in cases coastline we have Vitex, from Central • Kallmann’s Syndrome The presence of the unilateral Stress Axis of hypothyroidism America we have Turnera diffusa, also • All types of PMT, except Type C (which predisposes an individual with any of the • Thickened white coating, which does not from the North Americas we have Serenoa is usually linked to underlying dysgly- above signs to Hyperprolactinaemia and clear during the course of a day. The and Dioscorea, in the UK we revere Arc- caemia) anxiety related symptoms in regard to any thick coating remains and triggers tium lappa radix, from Russia we have • Subfertility due to Hyperprolactinaemia unchecked dysglycaemia or pre-menstrual unpleasant taste sensations in the Eleutherococcus senticosus and from the with elevated testosterone levels and/or symptoms plus subsequent menopausal patient’s mouth Indian sub-continent we have Withania decreased progesterone levels symptoms involving anxiety, depression, • Deeply grooved throughout the centre, somniferum. • Acne vulgaris, especially during puberty panic attacks, tachycardia, confusion, feel- differentiate between a non genetically- • Extreme mood swings during puberty ing overwhelmed or concentration difficul- determined, inherent structure Vitex agnus-castus or Vitex negundo and the menopause ties. There is also an increased susceptibili- • Scalloped edges – waviness on both • Mastalgia ty to chronic infections and fatigue. edges Clinical studies in Germany have found that • Hormonally-dependent oedema • Pronounced root to the rear like nodules, Vitex semen enhances the corpus luteal • To decrease libido in males For differing perspectives on the Stress but gnarled elsewhere with little rooting development (thereby correcting a proges- • To increase libido in females Axis, please refer to Time Risk by Dr terone deficiency) via a dopaminergic activ- • Endometriosis Daniele Lo Rito and Immunology & Iridol- Nails ity on the anterior pituitary gland, which • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) ogy by John Andrews. The Stress Axis inhibits prolactin secretion, normalises the • Uterine Fibroids includes prominent signs in all three The fingernails can either be a clinical menstrual cycle, encourages ovulation and • Secondary Amenorrhoea topographies for the Hypothalamus, Pitu- pointer in conditions by themselves, or they is indicated for any pre-menstrual irregular- • Oligomenorrhoea itary and adrenal glands in one iris. All the can give clarity or add weight to a diagnos- ities. Several studies have revealed that • Polymenorrhoea 48 Amazing Role of Prolactin Treatment Protocols 49

• Menorrhagia wonderfully aromatic and its heady scent in this regard. Dioscorea, or Wild Yam root, on both endogenous and dietary cholesterol • Menopausal balance reminiscent of vanilla enriches the air helps to modulate hypothalamic function metabolism within the hepatic structure. In • Cushing’s disease around our gardens in late spring. The root and both prolactin and serotonin secretions, fact Diosgenin, a steroidal sapongenin, • Prolactinoma is rich in alkaloids and flavonoids like particularly within the intestines and pan- resembles cholesterol in its structure and it • Pituitary adenoma paeonol and is specific for treatment in creas. was found that in addition to lowering cho- • Craniopharyngioma cases of PCOS and Fibroadenoma of the lesterol levels, both hepatic and intestinal • Withdrawal from HRT breast. It is also of paramount importance Dioscorea is rich in saponins, which are the synthesis were improved. It was also found • Headaches with any hormonally related disorders, foundational phytosterol materials for the that we could have increased faecal elimi- • In Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia when when there are elevated serum levels of contraceptive pill, hydrocortisone, anabolic nation of unabsorbed cholesterol without combined with Serenoa, Turnera & testosterone and elevated prolactin levels, steroids and sex hormones. Indeed, the orig- affecting the excretion of acids. Urtica radix such as infertility or Hyperprolactinaemia. inal material for the pill is called dioscin. • Inhibition of Candida albicans over- Paeonia can also exhibit a slight sedative Wild Yam is rich in this saponin dioscin. As discussed in Immunology & Iridology, growth effect and relax the CNS. cholesterol is one of the building blocks in • Inhibition of E.coli infection The active parts of Dioscorea are only sol- the production of hormones. In Traditional Chinese Medicine, Paeonia uble, thus useable and assimmable by the Contra-indications: is called bai shao and considered a xue human body in grain alcohol, thus, a fresh I use Dioscorea extensively to treat extreme herb. It shares this bestowment with Angel- tincture liquid extract should be used. menopausal symptoms, as it can elevate • Modern herbal thought suggests avoid- ica & Rehmannia. Menstrual problems and oestrogen and progesterone production, ance if taking the contraceptive pill insomnia are common in those with a defi- Dioscorea has a reputation for anti-inflam- particularly in reference to the role taken on • With dopamine receptor antagonists ciency of xue. matory activity and this is probably due to by the adrenals after the beginning of the • Epilepsy the steroidal-like constituents. It can be menopause. Dioscorea is supportive of both • If experiencing an Urticaria flare-up Contra-indications: used in the treatment of autoimmune condi- hypothalamic and pituitary functions. Wild tions like Rheumatoid arthritis, Crohn’s dis- Yam also has anti-spasmodic activity and Vitex can be used in combination with any Large doses are to be avoided internally. ease or Ulcerative colitis. Intestinal dysbio- can be relaxing on the central nervous sys- of the following as fresh liquid extracts: Consult with experienced practitioner to sis, which can be a forerunner for systemic tem, thus helping with the associated anxi- monitor the dosage amount and frequency, inflammatory episodes, responds very well ety, panic or depressive symptoms associat- Paeonia lactiflora radix plus length of treatment. to the prescription of Dioscorea as a tinc- ed with Hyperprolactinaemia, PMT or ture. In Crohn’s disease saponin-rich herbs menopausal changes. This improves filtration and organisation of Dioscorea mexicana radix such as Dioscorea help with permeability in hormones through the liver, exhibits similar the small intestine, thus helping with Dioscorea can also be used to balance properties to Vitex in regards to balance of Dioscorea is a progesterone enhancer that is inflammatory responses, absorption of plant endometriosis, pelvic inflammatory disease the menstrual cycle. Paeonia is supportive of particular importance when oestrogen nutrition and endocrine exchanges. (PID) and within a treatment plan for Sub- of the liver, ovaries, adrenals and hypothal- domination is present within the system. I Dioscorea can also be used in the manage- fertility (which could be caused by the pre- amus. It is a plant that can cross the blood- have found Dioscorea mexicana and ment of diverticular disease due to its anti- viously cited conditions). brain barrier, thus it can have a pronounced Dioscorea villosa to be extremely useful at inflammatory and anti-spasmodic actions. influence on extreme menopausal symp- maintaining progesterone levels during Despite commercial suggestions I have toms. pregnancy. It can be used safely and is a Recent research has confirmed the tradi- found no reason, other than placebo effect, wise choice by the clinician for any women tional view of the Native American Indians to see how creams made from wild yam can It helps to keep prostaglandin cascades in with a history of miscarriage, to assist in that Dioscorea is useful to maintain liver exhibit hormonal balance on the human sys- check, thus monitoring inflammatory reac- facilitating and maintaining a pregnancy. It health. It was found that the administration tem. tions, plus balances blood sugar levels. It is combines very well with Eleutherococcus of Wild Yam could have a profound effect 50 Amazing Role of Prolactin Treatment Protocols 51

Contra-indications: claims. In Eastern and Mediterranean used to maintain the activities of the HPA Although used to counter extreme Europe the flowers and leaves are utilised in axis, and can be put to good use for autoim- menopausal symptoms, some research on • History of cholestasis in pregnancy, traditional herbal medicines and applica- mune inflammatory conditions, such as Angelica or Dong quai has been found to be mainly due to high saponin content tions. rheumatoid arthritis. This is due to anti- of no benefit to women during the • Septic cholecystitis inflammatory phytosterols, such as stigmas- menopause. However, I have seen clinically • Gilbert’s syndrome I would suggest the use of Nymphaea after terol. that the use of Angelica sinensis radix as a • Crigler-Najjar Syndrome consultation for the treatment of: liquid extract can help women with hot • When taking chlorpromazine It has a traditional use in infertility and the flushes, depression and low energy during • With treatment for Hepatitis C with beta- • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) treatment of cancers, especially skin the menopause – to the complete alleviation interferon • Uterine fibroids (in combination with melanoma. Many elderly patients drink the of these symptoms. The flipside to this is • Cirrhosis of the liver Vitex) tea freely as preventative nutrition and that I have seen a small number of suscepti- • Liver carcinoma • Polycystic ovaries (PCOS) when convalescing. ble women have all their symptoms wors- • Impacted gallstones confirmed by ultra- • Ulcerating cervical carcinoma ened by the administration of Angelica sound • Testicular cysts Modern research has confirmed its ability to sinensis. The ratio of good effects to bad is • Salpingitis eliminate excess uric acid from the system, around 90% to 10%. Nymphaea odorata radix • Endometriosis thus helping in cases of gout and polyarthri- • Lichen sclerosis tis. Basically, under normal circumstances Nymphaea, or White Pond Lily, is made • Vulvovaginitis Angelica is an endocrine adaptogen that from the liquid extract of the fresh rootlets. • IBS in infants Thomas Bartrum in the Encyclopaedia of most women experiencing menstrual and It can have a distinct influence on the • Uterine carcinoma Herbal Medicine quotes anecdotal evidence stress-related difficulties, respond to very endocrine system in both men and women, • Gingivitis stating that Pfaffia minimises the side well with no ill effects. Angelica seems to and I have used it extensively with those • Enuresis effects of the contraceptive pill. be coerced by prolactin in fortifying the experiencing Hyperprolactinaemia, Pro- • Hyperprolactinaemia system against degeneration and disease. lactinoma, and uterine fibroids too. It is • Prolactinoma Like all adaptogenics, Pfaffia has many largely ignored in herbal medicine, • Subfertility uses – scientifically or traditionally noted – Some studies have shown Angelica’s although I am not certain why this is, espe- its many qualities can be harnessed to con- virtues in the therapy for infertility (of cially when we can view its safety, versatil- Pfaffia paniculata radix fer prolactin balance and hypothalamic which prolactin is involved), cirrhosis of ity and ease of application. It is also very homeostasis. the liver, hepatitis, protection of the easy to cultivate, as long as a clean body of My esteemed Brazilian colleagues intro- immune system against hydrocortisone, water is available. duced me to Pfaffia. They informed that the Angelica sinensis radix anaemia and dysmenorrhoea. root of Pfaffia is rich in vitamin C, germa- Dr Christopher in the USA stated how well nium, selenium, zinc, beta-carotene and Prolific herbal author Christopher Hobbs Contra-indications: Nymphaea could cleanse, tone and detoxify many other anti-oxidant substances. In terms Angelica sinensis as the female all the mucus membranes, relieving the pain Brasil it is considered an adaptogen, similar equivalent of Siberian ginseng. The plant, • If taking Warfarin of ulcerated or inflamed surfaces, especial- to Siberian ginseng or Astragalus. It is used member of the carrot family, is native to • With beta blockers ly within the reproductive tracts. Menstrual to restore equilibrium to a damaged Korea, Japan & China and it is estimated to • It should also be contra-indicated during pain or pain due to growths in the prostate, immune system or the wildly out-of-kilter be used by millions of women to balance the first trimester of pregnancy fallopian tubes, uterus, testes, pituitary or endocrine system. menopausal and menstrual symptoms. The • Tendency to miscarriage ovary can all be treated with Nymphaea roots of the plant are used and they contain • Heavy periods radix. The fact that the rootlets are rich in It has a profound effect on the hypothala- phytosterols, coumarins and also essential • Diarrhoea both alkaloids and flavonoids support these mus, pineal and pituitary glands. It can be oils. • Gastro-enteritis 52 Amazing Role of Prolactin Treatment Protocols 53

The following can also be utilised in the • Iron Reflexology The dehydration can be identified through treatment of prolactin imbalance and the • Folic acid cancrination or drying of the lens, assess- control of the emergent symptoms, due the • Pantothenic acid Advanced Reflexology Techniques, as ment of the sclera and tongue analysis. background causes. Further information on developed by Tony Porter, can really enable Paradoxically, the patient may even experi- these are elaborated upon in many other Colourpuncture the hypothalamus, anterior pituitary gland, ence systemic oedema, or fluid retention, chapters: thyroid and adrenal glands to begin to func- this can be hormonally dependent such as The application of Colourpuncture to the tion correctly, thus promoting a return to with PMT, and the patient will have scal- • Eleutherococcus senticosus radix skin at various reflex points can assist in normal levels for prolactin, growth hor- loping of the buccal edges. • Corydalis spp. rhizoma stimulating, resolving or modulating under- mone, thyroid hormones, catecholamines • Withania somniferum folia lying physical and emotional imbalances. It and cortisol. The impact of stress and dehydration cre- • Thuja occidentalis folia is particularly useful in achieving endocrine ates a double-whammy and vicious circle, • Turnera diffusa folia homeostasis. I have found its clinical use Homoeopathic Medicine – which tilts the equilibrium of the endocrine • Serenoa serrulata fruc. for Hyperprolactinaemia extremely helpful, system with chronic changes in the levels of • Lentinus edodes mainly due to the stimulation and modula- Homotoxicology Biological Therapy corticotrophin releasing hormone, vaso- • Cordyceps sinensis (preferable as a cap- tion of both hypothalamus and pituitary. pressin, renin-angiotensin system, endor- sulated powder) • Prolactin D6 phin production and prolactin. During stress • Coriolus versicolor Peter Mandel developed the Endocrine Co- • Prolactin D15 large amounts of these substances are • Lycopus europea herba ordination points, and we can also refer to • Prolactin D30 secreted and we find that these systems • Glycrrhiza glabra radix many other singular or groups of precise remain “triggered” and, even when out of a • Tribulus terrestris points to utilise, in addition to elec- Water Therapy stressful situation, this process is main- • Avena sativa semen troacupuncture points on the ears and Eso- tained. • Rehmannia glutinosa getic Interference Therapy – see Appen- Research has found that when our body dices. becomes chronically dehydrated we are Dr Batmanghelidj, one of water consump- Nutrition faced with the same establishment of phys- tion’s main proponents summarises that Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST) iological processes that occur when the sys- “dehydration causes stress, and stress will I have found the following vitamins and tem is attempting to deal with psychological cause further dehydration.” minerals of vital importance in helping to Due to its comprehensive, systemic influ- or emotional stress. From all perspectives maintain prolactin production and balance. ence, CST can help exert balance to the we can consider dehydration a major stress. During the time of gestation, fluid intake is Foods rich in these nutrients are essential neuroendocrine and immune systems, After years of consultation with thousands paramount for the health of the mother and for assimilation. Spirulina or Chlorella can through action at a cellular level via the of individuals I can hazard a conclusion that foetal development. Prolactin is a central prove to be very helpful in such cases, but cerebrospinal fluid and balance of the most people in the UK and the USA are hormone during and after the pregnancy, as comprehensive lists of these foods and cranio-sacral rhythm. CST has a profound probably chronically dehydrated, without we have previously discussed. Every time a nutrients appear in the appendices. effect on the hypothalamus, pituitary and realising it. Most people just don’t drink cell gives rise to a new daughter cell 75% or pineal glands – thus modulating all activity enough water or take on enough fluids more of its volume has to be taken up by • Zinc of and from the various pathways that are through fresh fruit, herbal teas, juices, etc. water. Foetal growth is dependent on ade- • EFAs controlled by these three endocrine organis- Caffeine-containing drinks, fizzy drinks, quate supplies of water. Prolactin can be • Chromium ers. I would suggest a cranio-sacral thera- alcohol due to its suppression of vaso- found with water in the placenta and amni- • Molybdenum pist to be trained by the Upledger Institute. pressin release from the posterior pituitary otic fluid. • Vitamin C and cordial drinks are to be avoided. • Germanium Some research has shown that there is a • Selenium relationship between stress, chronic dehy- 54 Amazing Role of Prolactin 55

dration, persistently elevated prolactin lev- els, prostate tumours and breast tumour Endocrine Pupillary Dynamics development. The remedy to this seems to be increased pure water intake for men and women, especially during times of change or stress.

I am always asked how much water or, even, how much more water will I need to drink? It is a very good question and the answer is open to interpretation. Many fac- tors influence the limit of water, such as previous medical history, previous or cur- rent dietary and beverage misdemeanours plus our intake of juicy fresh fruit or salad vegetables. I suggest that we need to drink copious amounts of pure water throughout the day and not in the evening, as this may trigger nocturnal urination. Copious Mydriasis Miosis amounts of water means, as much as we can tolerate. Mydriasis Miosis Water can have a balancing influence on the • Chronic Adrenal stress (with no reaction • Often with Subfertility prolactin levels over time. thus helping to due to changes in the intensity of illumi- • Diabetic coma break the spiral of stress. nation) • Cushing’s syndrome • Endometriosis • Can be present with Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (adrenal alterations) • Vulval vestibullitis • Cortisone ingestion and other steroid drug use • Hyperthyroidism (only found in both pupils with Exophthalmos) 56 Endocrine Pupillary Dynamics 57

The IPB and the Endocrine System

n the opening chapters on the Inner by the medical professions as a method of Pupillary Border in Iris & Pupillary analysis in its own context without the iri- ISigns, 2nd Edition, I wrote the follow- dology. With this in mind, we must chal- ing “The Inner Pupillary Border is formed lenge ourselves to begin the expansion of out of the uveal leaf, which extends from our studies with the Inner Pupillary Border the retina, which connects with the optic to pre-empt this possibility, in order for us nerve and the Lateral Geniculate Bodies as iridological professionals to have a very within the brain. It is the only visible struc- solid foundation with which to grow and ture of the central nervous system, a cellu- conclude scientific research in this area.” lar structure of the retina. It usually appears as a rusty orange coloured ring, forming a Accurate analysis of the Inner Pupillary Hippus boundary fence between the pupil and iris, Border will be the primary feature of Iri- hence the name Inner Pupillary Border dology to be integrated into medical Hippus Anisocoria (IPB). Medically and embryologically it is thinking & practice called the pigmented retinal epithelium and • Acute adrenal stress • Rare neoplasia of the pineal gland such has 28,000 micro-nerve endings. The Frontal Section of IPB • Uterine fibroids in a third of cases as pinealoma embryonic development and significance of • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in • Due to pain of Pancreatitis (Dilated pupil the pigmented retinal epithelium is enlarged When we examine the integrity of the Inner 40% of cases could be either in right or left eye) upon with practical insight for iridologists Pupillary Border on either a physical or in the co-authored book Embryology & Iri- emotional level then we really need to look dology by Lo Rito & Andrews, published in at the frontal section of the IPB in both May 2004. eyes. The frontal section covers the zone from 340º through to 40º. Many of us know about the IPB from basic iridology training as the “pupillary ruff” or If this frontal section of the IPB is intact and “assimilation ring”, but we may know little uniform in its appearance with no deviation of the depth of information it can convey on of the iris edge, then we are usually looking a physical, genetic and psychological level. at an individual with excellent reserves of I will contest that much of the future of Iri- energy, emotional balance, endocrine bal- dology is in the analysis of the IPB, ance and little hint of overactivity due to the fact that it is an in relation to the psychoneu- extension of the retina. roimmunology of that Although, I accept it person. Anisocoria may take several decades for this These people to be accept- tend to be * Full differentiation of pupillary signs is featured in Iris ed, it will be able to tran- & Pupillary Signs 2nd Edition and The Pupil in Iridology Frontal Section of IPB CD-ROM embraced scend their 58 IPB and the Endocrine System Hypertrophy 59

problems and find an even path to the wis- Hormonal interpretations of the atrophic • Endometriosis Continuing with the immune theme, we can dom to be found within a concern. IPB are succinct. They include: • Impaired hepatic hormonal clearance observe that individuals with IPB hypertro- • Hypothyroidism phy can also have erratic sleep patterns However, a patient with a frontal section of • Hyperadrenal syndromes • Hypoglycaemia in 823 out of 1500 cases leading to immune dysfunction, plus I have the IPB with huge deviations of structure • Immuno depression due to chronically • Pituitary microadenoma in 22/34 cases observed medical histories with incidence will be faced with more difficult challenges. elevated cortisol levels of splenomegaly, post-streptococcal syn- The IPB could have localised introflession Clinical experience has warranted the need dromes or appendicitis. We can also see ele- or expansion of the iris or pupil edge, in We should also note that I have found in to check the blood pressure of the patient vations in systemic acidity or uric acid lev- addition to irregularity of the endothelium 90% of children under 15 years with an with this type of IPB, more than any other els resulting in any of the following condi- due to partial atrophy, complete atrophy of atrophic IPB to be of a nervous disposition types. tions - duodenal or gastric ulcer, cardiac the section, localised hypertrophy, solitary and suffer from a severe lack of self-esteem. irritation by uric acid leading to tachycar- or multiple morphologies and pigments. In summary, with a partial atrophy of the dia, anxiety or hypertension, polyarthritis, Partial Atrophy IPB the practitioner should first begin the gout or eczema (particularly in childhood). The patient with lack of uniformity in this investigations into any possible endocrine- section has difficulty resolving or even With a partial atrophy some of the IPB is heavy medical history. From the hormonal perspective, due to the acknowledging any problem. They often atrophic or missing, whilst the remainder of influence on the hypothalamic-pituitary- face an arduous task or must trek down a the IPB is normal, hypertrophic or Hypertrophy adrenal axis (HPA) in women, we could seemingly unending and torturous path to hypotrophic. In reality this can be termed a witness a history of Dysmenorrhoea. face these conflicts and worries. Mixed Border. With the classification of the Inner Pupil- lary Border, as documented by Dr Vincenzo Cervical dysplasia patients will cover all Psychosomatic influence is higher in these We are looking at a tendency to poor adap- Di Spazio, we have a diameter of over 280 spectrums of constitutional types, but with patients and we can be faced with complex tation to stress, which becomes immuno- microns in thickness. the diameter of the Inner Pupillary Border alterations of the psychoneuroimmunologi- depression at a cellular level. We have dis- we find that the Hypertrophic IPB is the cal dynamics. With the IPB structure altered turbed Melatonin levels and pineal gland With the IPB hypertrophy we are looking at most frequently observed in 37 out of 52 in this frontal section we have less resist- function. It can often be seen in patients a tendency to overactivity of the physical cervical dysplasia cases. ance to emotional and physical episodes. with a partially atrophic IPB that they have and emotional bodies. The Hypothalamic a tendency to SAD and drastic jet lag recov- Axis can be considered of prime importance Nutritional considerations with hypertrophy When the IPB is uniform and of a regular ery. Erratic sleep can be a big health con- here. Allergies and autoimmune conditions of the IPB include: appearance, then we have resistance in cern and many individuals have a pro- such as Rheumatoid arthritis, Grave’s dis- abundance and less emotional conflict that nounced need for foods rich in the amino ease - hyperthyroidism, Vitiligo, Systemic • Zinc can weigh us down. acid called Tryptophan, which is a precur- Lupus - SLE, Scleroderma, and Autoim- • Chromium sor for serotonin and melatonin production mune Diabetes are all possible conditions • Manganese Atrophy in the brain and intestines. you will observe with hypertrophy of the • Germanium IPB. Prolactin influence can be suspected in • Iron A complete atrophy of the IPB is statistical- From research partial atrophy is frequently many of these conditions. ly the IPB diameter that is less frequently observed in: Psychologically, individuals with such a observed. However, it is not an out-and-out Hyperprolactinaemia is often integral to the structure of the IPB tend to be easily irritat- rarity. The practitioner will encounter it on • Uterine fibroids development of autoimmunity and hyper- ed and may suppress anger to a very deep a regular basis. • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS trophy of the IPB, even if only sectional, level. This will dictate a slow, steady step- research revealed an incidence of 78%, can be indicative. by-step (scalino dopo scalino) approach to AIRJ Vol 5, 2005) gain trust and give the non-judgemental 60 IPB and the Endocrine System Embryology & Iridology 61

encouragement required in order to release Pigment Dispersion Syndrome Extract from Embryology & Iridology deeply entrenched anger. by Lo Rito & Andrews, 2005 In the seventh week the anterior epithelium fibres Pigment dispersion syndrome is a new doc- attach to the primary lens fibres. Other traits of this diameter of IPB include umented sign in iris analysis. The pigment Organogenesis is the second period where the rudi- ments of the primary organs develop and this The most important development occurs in the sev- inherent self-confidence, problems with in question is not generated in the iris. It memory and optimism. begins at the fourth week and extends until the enth week in the form of the migration of the sec- probably is not genetic either. From eighth week in gestation. It is interesting to note ondary mesenchyme, which results from a previous research to date the main conclusion is that that both the pupil and pineal gland develop in the migration of neural crest cells in to the area around Neurolappen Ð Nerve Rags it derives from an embryonic origin. It is an seventh week, where they are neurally connected. the optic vesicle. The secondary mesenchymal cells embryological defect as the Inner Pupillary Also the iris begins the process of settlement of migrate anteriorly and inward in three distinct Sectional hypertrophy of the IPB is often Border forms. This can occur at the third pigmentation, at approximately 52 days in utero, waves. The most important from our perspective is according to Tsiaris, both our irises are then heavi- the third wave that migrates between the corneal called nerve rags or from the German, neu- week, due to a maternal deficiency of vita- rolappen. Schnabel was the first iridologist ly pigmented. endothelium and the lens to form the stroma of the min C and other key nutrients at this crucial iris. Although, most recently Tripathi & Tripathi to document this. We have swollen singular developmental stage. The third period is termed Differentiation, as each have claimed that the first wave forms the corneal globules that encroach over the pupillary of the primitive organs turn into partially or even endothelium and it is the second wave which forms lumen. They indicate nervous sensitivities The segments of pigment congregate fully active organs. Differentiation starts at the end the primitive iris. with general anxiety and tension, depres- around the edge of the inner pupillary/iris of the third month in gestation. During this time the retinae, optic nerve, anterior rim of the optic cup Still in the seventh week it is stimulating to learn sion (including Bipolar Depression) and margin apparent in the pupillary zone usual- insomnia. mature and the vitreous, the lens and structures of that the sclera begins to form as a condensation in ly in one or two concentrated masses. It has the angle and periocular mesenchyme develop. the anterior periocular mesenchyme, which is only been possible to identify these mani- induced by the pigmented retinal epithelium (IPB). A primary emotional issue for individuals is festations due to technological advances in In the fourth week the cells of the superotemporal The sclera is the end point of the dura mater, which all factors concerned with trust. Some iris microscopes and digital imaging. These wall of the optic vesicle that have not invaginated, is vitally important to know from a Cranio-Sacral diverticulitis, intestinal polyps and varicose two areas have been fusioned by Iris Sup- acquire pigmentation and give rise to the pigment- perspective. ed retinal epithelium, which develops into what we vein patients also have this IPB sign in var- plies in Australia. ious locations around the circumference. know as the Inner Pupillary Border. In the eighth week the pigmented retinal epithelium matures. The melanosomes involved within this The Pigment Dispersion Syndrome can also Lack of contact between the surface ectoderm and process will continue flooding the ocular structure Alterations with the gastrointestinal be present apparently floating in the pupil- the optic vesicle prevents the development of the until the 27th week of development, yet the pig- polypeptide secretions, such as VIP, Sub- lary lumen, although it is in fact a static retina at this stage. It will then form a layer akin to mented retinal epithelium is developed. That is stance P or enkephalin can be present. phenomenon. pigmented retinal epithelium. The IPB and the reti- until extrauterine life has its influence on the Cen- na have the ability to trade places at this stage of tral Nervous System. David Pesek’s observations in the USA development and become each other, which is a The dispersed pigments are always the rare event, but this does happen. At this stage the optic nerve has 34,000 growth have linked this sign to Diabetes mellitus in same colourations as the patient’s Inner cones and 2.67 million axons. In both optic nerves, some cases. This can link to the experience Pupillary Border. Pigmented cells termed melanosomes appear in the axons have already reached the brain and are estab- of depression, as both Diabetes and hypo- 5th week for the retinae and irides. Also the hypo- lishing a rudimentary chiasm. Also macrophages glycaemia can trigger the development of To date, since the studies began in August thalamus appears in the diencephalon, by the sixth with relatively few cytoplasmic organelles are week of development the limbic system is in place. present in the meningeal layers. depressive symptoms. Most patients with 2004, there has been no case of pigment dis- depression I have consulted with have a ten- persion syndrome with atrophic IPBs. In the sixth week we have an incipient differentia- Vitamin C seems to regulate the viscosity of the dency to erratic or low blood sugar levels. tion of the IPB, and the embryonic fissure closes by optic structures at this time, including the IPB. This knowledge has only become apparent Another possible explanation for the pig- the beginning of the seventh week. By the end of to the patient after iridology examination. ment dispersion syndrome is the neuroen- this mini-process the IPB has formed a layer, 1 cell Previous to this they were unaware. docrine perspective. Patients often have a thick, with cuboidal cells. 62 IPB and the Endocrine System Globular Sign 63

disturbance of the hypothalamus and subse- levels of prolactin, which could be hyper- turbances. The visual disturbances and tract. The hypothalamus interacts with the quent psychoneuroendocrinoimmunologi- prolactinaemia. Prolactin has a far reaching headaches are caused by compression of the intestines to produce serotonin and other cal pathways, for example in cases of influence on many different systems of the tumour, which can cause a deficit in other neurotransmitters and the hypothalamus autoimmune thyroid disease, splenomegaly, body, which is important to homeostasis. hypothalamic or pituitary hormones. also controls the peristaltic action. and breast carcinoma or extreme menopausal symptoms. Elevated levels of prolactin can cause the Basically, on the physical level with the evi- Other conditions with a strong association following symptoms: dence of the S sign we are looking at an with this sign are mental fatigue leading to The S Sign enhanced tendency to endocrine imbalance. depression, gastric ulcers and the need for • Amenorrhoea or oligomenorrhoea Aspects of this work in iridology have been the pre-cursor to Vitamin A - beta-carotene, This sign looks like a letter “S”, turned on • Anxiety in both sexes (compromise of presented to endocrinologists and pituitary- selenium, manganese and zinc. In the case its side, which stands out from how the rest the HPA axis) patient groups in several countries. of Vitamin A check the sclera for Bitot of the IPB appears. The “S” shape can be a • Subfertility in both men and women markings. little distorted or inflamed at times. It is a • Reduced resistance to infection, espe- The prevalent psycho-emotional dynamics solitary, usually unilateral sign. They tend cially respiratory infection that have formed from the ongoing research Globular morphology of the IPB at 140º or to occur in the frontal aspect of the IPB. • Lactation (early galactorrhoea in women with the out-patients, with an S sign present 215º along the ventral IPB can often be Though they can appear infrequently any- and late galactorrhoea in men) on the IPB are the following: observed in cervical dysplasia. where around the IPB. • Impotence in men • Lethargy • Unresolved anger towards one parent From a naturopathic perspective, the Glob- Their location in the frontal aspect of the • Reduced libido • Issues of in/dependence ular sign is linked to systemic toxicity, but IPB is not without foundation, as the S sign • Oedema • Hyper self-critical from the above acknowledgements we can relates to the function of the hypothalamus • Hypoglycaemia – low blood sugar • Confused thoughts see how that situation would arise in a and in particular the subsequent functions • Hormonal assay of prolactin above 600 patient. of the anterior pituitary gland, especially µ/ls in females and above 450 µ/ls in These underlying emotional constraints prolactin release. Prolactin is released by males have to be constructively addressed and Squared Shape the anterior pituitary gland and triggered by resolved for any treatment plan to be suc- the hypothalamus. The S sign can relate to other pituitary prob- cessful. The Squared shaped is a lot shorter and lems, the more distinct and pronounced it is more box-like in form than the rectangular Research in recent years with pituitary and the greater the tendency to prolactin distur- Globular Sign wall. Usually located frontally and ventral- other endocrine out-patients, has helped to bances. The more distorted the sign, the ly. Indicates a primary tendency to thyroid determine the meaning of the S sign, and greater the tendency to extreme menopausal A globular sign is similar to a pearl in struc- dysfunction. also helped to accurately map the new or pre-menstrual symptoms a woman may ture, except it has a much more swollen and embryological topography for both the experience. There is reduced potential of heavy appearance. It can be a solitary sign We have concerns with verbal expression hypothalamus and the pituitary gland. adaptability to big hormonal changes such or occupy up to 30 degrees of the IPB. and conflicts with the father figure. The cal- as puberty, taking the contraceptive pill, Again we have an IPB sign relating to intes- cium-magnesium balance has special Many patients with the S sign have a Pro- injection of contraceptives, hysterectomy, tinal function. It is unilateral. emphasis with this morphology. Any imbal- lactinoma. Prolactinoma account for 50% pregnancy or the menopause. ance in this ratio could lead to symptoms of of all pituitary tumours. They are benign Dysbiosis is probable - please refer to a muscular tension, palpitations, paraesthesia, and tend to be smaller in females, because The S sign is also observed in some cases of urine dysbiosis test. When the globular cramps, abdominal colic, IBS or emotional they are identified earlier due to absent or micro adenoma of the secretory cells of the shape appears at 360 degrees, then the prac- sensitivity. irregular periods. The S sign can also show anterior pituitary, which can cause tremen- titioner needs to be aware of the vast influ- a prolactinoma in the family or elevated dous headaches, exhaustion and visual dis- ence the hypothalamus has on the intestinal 64 IPB and the Endocrine System 65

Sensitivity to noise and a tendency to be Uterus 129º to 134º, 142º, introverted can also be apparent with the 229º to 334º & 218º Differentiation of Lacunae squared shape of IPB. Prostate gland 150º to 151º in Endocrine Based Iridology If the squares are clearly and equally divid- & 210º to 211º ed then observe for Parathyroid functional lacuna translates as meaning a hole tion of the frontal eye through a microscope changes. We have four parathyroid glands, within the surface of the iris. The with a system of fibre optic lighting capa- which help to balance the body’s calcium Aterminology derives from the bilities. levels. Ancient Greek. In Iridology, we are looking at what appears to be a hole or opening in Being a genetically determined structure the Endocrine Topography along the Pupillary Dynamics in the surface iris fibre structure. These open- lacuna brings a focus to the preventative IPB for both Rx & Lx irides Adverse Vaccine Reaction ings always have a defined border of some approach in Iridology and general medi- cine. For example, if a patient has a general From 110 cases of 42 type. There are many different types of Hypothalamus 358º to 2º lacuna in the topography for the heart @15’ adults, 23 adolescents lacunae and they carry varied information in the left iris and 45’ in the right or left iris, and 45 infants on both the physical and psycho-emotional Pituitary gland 357º to 3º levels. then this individual will have cardiac dis- ease in the family history. Anisocoria 53% Pineal gland 360º All lacunae are genetic markers. When we The lacuna creates the potential for a func- Mydriasis 25% observe a lacuna in the iris then we are Thyroid gland 51º to 58º assessing the genetic and family history of a tional disruption at a cellular level. There is & 302º to 309º a greater distance for cellular communica- Miosis 2% condition for that individual. We can also assess the risk of evolution or involution for tion to be completely cohesive, although Pancreas 99º to 104º our bodies always strive to compensate for Normal 3% that particular genetic tendency or concern & 259º to 264º in the patient we have before us. any genetic discrepancies. This is why we have prevalence for hormonal glands to be Hippus 17% Endocrine Liver 85º to 90º As lacunae are inborn, they do not have the marked in the iris by a lacuna. We need to & 270º to 275º capacity to alter throughout our lifespan. A remind ourselves that the intestines, heart lacuna is embryologically pre-programmed and kidneys have an endocrine responsibil- Adrenals 110º to 115º to be how it is and what it is. There is no sci- ity and interchange. The endocrine commu- & 250º to 255º entific data that illustrates changes to, or, nication can be impaired, especially during the disappearance of the lacuna from the iris the time of gestation. This endocrine Kidneys 122º to 127º surface. A lacuna is a static formation show- impairment can lead to cellular fatigue lead- (Renal endocrinology) & 238º to 243º ing the potential that we may or may not ing to difficulties with functional coordina- have for reaction or resistance in the organ tion. The lacuna shows an implicit need for Diffuse gastrointestinal endocrine system is or gland area concerned. functional exertion, or a lowered vitality of throughout the IPB circumference the organ or anatomical area in question. Optical illusions of change may have taken Testes/Ovary/Cervix 142º to 148º place due to actual alterations in the pupil- We can conclude, according to the research & 218º to 224º lary dynamics, ocular pressure and also the to date that a lacuna is a genetic footprint use of photographic images for analysis. within the iris. This again illustrates the need for examina- 66 Differentiation of Lacunae Thyroxine Lacuna 67

Closed Lacuna to family medical history, if further suspi- Nutritional requirements for the • Depression cions are aroused individually, then asparagus lacuna are: • Dry, puffy and scaly skin A closed lacuna Computerised Tomography (CT scan) • Two thirds of the eyebrow missing has borders that may be necessary. • Potassium • Slow pulse rate fully converge. • Essential fatty acids • Heavy periods - Menorrhagia Research has A frontal asparagus lacuna can • Selenium • Anaemia revealed that indicate the following depending • Germanium • Joint pains closed lacunae on location: • Phosphoric acid • Cold extremities and general cold sensi- indicate the • Vanadium tivity likelihood of a • Nasal polyps • Molybdenum • Constipation condition resolved • Adenoma of the pituitary gland • Apathy in previous genera- • Pinealoma (check for unreactive bilat- Thyroxine • Loss of appetite tions. Although with eral mydriasis) Lacuna • Deepening or hoarseness of the voice stress, functional dis- • Prolactinoma (check for S sign on the • Goitre Closed Lacuna turbance at a cellular IPB) This topolabile • Dry brittle nails level is possible. Dark signs in a closed • Memory loss or concentration difficul- sign is a large • Increased urinary excretion of calcium lacuna indicate low resistance. Many closed ties lacuna with a • Decreased red blood cell mass lacunae are present in the Polyglandular • Hypothalamic alterations (such as tem- rounded end and a • Reduced libido constitutional subtype. In Polyglandular perature changes, extreme menopausal small base. It is most • Subfertility types endocrine tendencies are to the fore. hot flushes, recurrent fevers or night notably found in the • Erectile dysfunction sweats) topography for the thy- • Poor metabolism of lipids Closed lacunae are usually attached to the Thyroxine Lacuna external border of the collarette and are typ- • Hemiplegic Migraines roid attached to the • Carpal Tunnel Syndrome ical genetic markers for previous endocrine collarette @ 15’ & 45” in the right iris and • Snoring problems in past generations. Closed lacu- When located ventrally then we are at 45’ in the left iris. With this particular • Sinus bradycardia nae can appear in reflexes for the pancreas, looking for predisposition to: lacuna we are looking at a genetic tendency • Achlorhydria thymus, thyroid, pituitary, hypothalamus, to hypothyroidism or underactive thyroid • Salt cravings pineal or ovary. • Salpingitis function. Thyroxine, TSH and TRH levels • Slow-relaxing reflexes • Carcinoma, polyposis, myeloma or cysts are diminished and out of ratio with each • Short-term memory loss Asparagus Lacuna in the uterus (fibroids), ovary or cervix other. • Flat glucose tolerance curve with (cervical dysplasia) in females delayed insulin response This lacuna is so-called due to its character- • Carcinoma or inflammatory concerns As a practitioner we need to be aware of the istic asparagus tip appearance. The tip with the prostate, testes or epididymis in influence the hypothalamus can have on the points away from the collarette into the cil- males thyroid functions. Basal body temperature Hyperthyroidism is usually iary zone. The lacuna attaches to or appears • Testicular cysts testing over the course of a month and/or evidenced with the presence out of the external border of the collarette. blood profiles can be suggested if any of the of a crypt and/or radical In rare cases it begins at the IPB. The following symptoms are persistent: indentation of the collarette asparagus lacuna is a solitary, unilateral The asparagus lacuna is a in the same topographies. sign, which can be found in both the frontal relatively infrequent iris sign. • Weight gain and ventral iris. It’s presence can necessitate • Fatigue the need for rigorous questioning in regard • Muscular aches without exertion Referral to an endocrinologist could be war- • Mood swings ranted if the practitioner is not confident or 68 Differentiation of Lacunae Double Lacuna 69

experienced with hypothyroidism. An tion due to poor infant nutrition or lack of na. These complications can be exacerbated sical topographies for the pancreas in either excellent text for both practitioner and breastfeeding as a baby, autoimmune Myas- by the presence of an accompanying pig- iris. patient alike is Why do I feel so tired? Is thenia gravis, possible tumour growth in the mented granulation. your thyroid making you ill? by Martin thymus gland or a general diminished T-cell According to Schnabel and subsequently Budd (Thorsons). count. Check for accompanying hypertro- Lacunae located externally on the collarette documented by Angerer, Markgraf, Jarosy- phy of the Inner Pupillary Border. If this is relate to endocrine functions and glands. ck, Rizzi, Ivaldi, Di Spazio, Aleiev, Gazzo- Circular Lacuna present then it compounds the immune situ- la, Deck, Arcella, Ypma & Lindemann, the ation. Lacunae located internally to the collarette Gigantic lacuna shows a family history of A small encapsulated circle-shaped lacuna indicate digestive, embryological topogra- and tendency to Diabetes mellitus. I have normally located in the posterior pituitary Daisy Petal Lacuna phy and deep lymphatic concerns. seen nothing clinically to disagree with topography, always attached to the frontal these authorities. collarette. In addition to the pituitary, we This is Angerer’s rare Milkwort lacuna. Double Lacunae have an interaction with the adrenal medul- Three crypts or small lacunae congregate According to Birello & Lo Rito the Gigan- la and ovaries. A circular lacuna is often adjacently on the collarette edge. The three This is really a formation of two lacuna tic Lacuna can also relate to faulty metabo- present in those with Diabetes insipidus. lacunae are akin to daisy petals. This sign is attached to each other. They will be closed lism of carbohydrates. Also hormonally triggered migraine. A cir- usually located @ 30’ and attests to adrenal and of similar size and integrity. They are cular lacuna predisposes to pale skin, gland insufficiency, inflammatory intestinal usually attached to the collarette and I have Leaf Lacuna hypertension, oedema (especially pre-men- problems and enzymatic compromises. The only ever really observed them in the lower strually), tachycardia and chest pains and educated and experienced naturopathic 180º of the iris. Many years of research and experience has sexual concerns, such as decreases in libido practitioner can easily see how all three of illustrated to me that the Leaf lacuna relates due to anxiety. these conditions are related. The sign indicates a tendency and genetic to the function of the endocrine system and history to benign adenoma and cystic devel- a tendency to hormonal imbalance, with Thymus Lacuna Some individuals with tumours of the adre- opments, primarily with hypofunction of particular emphasis on the Hypothalamus- nal cortex or kidney have the Daisy petal the adrenal cortex, prostate gland, ovaries Pituitary–Adrenal (HPA) axis. The psy- Located in the Thymus gland topography lacuna. and even the renal system. choneuroimmunological involvement is attached to the external border of the highlighted with a Leaf Lacuna when collarette at either 16’ to 18’ in Solitary Collarette Research has shown a high cor- found in the classical hypothala- the right iris or 42’ to 44’ in Lacuna relation of 70% incidence mic or pituitary topographies, the left iris. The Thymus with Double Lacunae and when accompanied by deep lacuna is unilateral. It is a Please pay close attention medically confirmed poly- pigments. very distinctive closed to the solitary collarette cystic kidneys. structure with a flattened lacuna as the expecta- Leaf lacunae are attached edge or edges. It usually tions for complications in Gigantic Lacuna to the collarette. The col- contains a leaf or a particular health con- larette is where signs for stairstep structure. cern can spiral depending This lacuna really lives up endocrine pathologies will on location. For example, to its name – it is a large be found in 93% of cases It can form part of an with Appendicitis, Cush- lacuna usually covering the (Refer to Endocrinology & Immune Axis and is found in ing’s disease or Addison’s dis- distance between the collarette Iridology). The Leaf Lacuna those individuals with inhibition ease of the adrenals. Numerous border and almost the iris limbus. has a well-defined border, usual- of the cell-mediated immune complicated endocrine problems More often than not it is located ly closed, medium-sized with an responses, susceptibility to infec- Thymus Lacuna can be lineated by a solitary lacu- with its tip in any of the four clas- Gigantic Lacuna 70 Differentiation of Lacunae 71

intricately veined structure, similar to that • Myasthenia gravis of a leaf. • Autoimmune Diabetes The Endocrine Collarette • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome I would suggest to you that when a Leaf • Subfertility in both males or females he collarette is a reliable indicator of • Gigantic Lacuna Lacuna is observed then our attention endocrine tendencies. It can demon- • Thymus Lacuna should be drawn to a particular endocrine Tstrate the degree to which the tenden- • Thyroxine Lacuna gland. This assertion is supported cy could become apparent for that individ- • Double Lacuna by the late and great Doctors ual. We need to examine three levels of • Negative Lacuna Rudolf Schnabel and Dr interpretation with the collarette in order to • Lacuna with pigment Anton Markgraf from Ger- ascertain this information. These are as fol- • Solitary orange/brown or brown pigment many, plus in more recent lows: • Indentation of the Collarette times by Dr Vincenzo Di • Crypt and Pigment Spazio in Italy. • Endocrine Topography on the external • Crypt border of the collarette • Transversal with local indentation of the Leaf lacunae can be • Embryological Topography on the inter- collarette located in the following nal border of the collarette • Radial Furrow terminating at the col- topographies: • Differentiation of the Collarette Struc- larette tures • Hypothalamus Embryological Endocrine • Anterior Pituitary Endocrine Topography Topography • Pancreas Leaf Lacuna • Thyroid Looking at 1,122 medically diagnosed In the embryological research spanning • Thymus gland endocrine patients; it was found that the from 1999 to 2003 it was found that the • Ovary signs for the endocrine pathologies were mean accuracy on all endocrine diseases • Testes actually attached to the external border of was 85.69% in 555 patients across the board • Pineal gland the collarette in 93% of cases. of males and females. These signs are locat- • Adrenal cortex ed on the internal border of the collarette. • Breasts (Premenstrual Mastalgia or hor- These diseases included dysfunctions of the monally dependent tumour formation) pancreas, anterior and posterior pituitary, The glands we could chart included: pineal gland, thymus gland (although this is When Leaf lacuna are observed with a sig- more immunological), adrenals, endocrine • Hypothalamus nificant hypertrophy of the IPB diameter, liver, ovary, testes, hypothalamus and, sur- • Pituitary then we could be looking at the possibility prisingly, for many, the thyroid gland. • Pineal of autoimmune and other disease manifesta- • Thyroid tions: The iris signs prominently included the fol- • Thymus lowing: • Breasts • Goodpasture’s syndrome • Pancreas • Systemic Lupus Erythrematosis • Leaf Lacuna • Ovary/Testes • Scleroderma • Rhomboid Lacuna • Uterus • Hashimoto’s disease • Solitary Lacuna • Adrenals • Urticaria (with diffuse iris pigment) • Circular Lacuna • Kidneys 72 Endocrine Collarette Differentiation of Structures 73

Differentiation of Collarette • - distended and thinning col- • Often in autoimmune diseases with a iris only – we can relate this to the clas- Structures larette structure – either a gross or local hormonal dynamic, such as SLE or RA sical and embryological topography of distension are possible • When local indentation appears frontally the ileum – in alterations of enkephalin Restricted or Contracted Collarette anticipate factors with birth trauma or secretion A distended collarette reveals the pupillary alterations with hypothalamus, pineal or • A partial or localised thickening of the • Hyperadrenal syndromes sphincter. The pupillary sphincter is a red anterior pituitary collarette structure in the right iris at 90º • Hypoactivity of Pineal-Hypothalamus- herring when it comes down to diffuse • Local indentation of the collarette at is often apparent in autoimmune Thymus axis endocrine gastric secretions, the collarette 345º in the right iris and 15º in the left Hashimoto’s disease of the thyroid • Impaired hormonal clearance from the should be the focus. iris with disturbances liver • Indentation of the collarette at 40’ in the Thin or Atrophic Collarette • Tendency to secondary amenorrhoea Ventral Distension right iris (gall bladder & pancreas differ- • Predominance of maternal hormonal entiation) with pancreatic polypeptide • Either a local interruption or complete inheritance • In 2% of endometriosis cases secretion changes atrophy with disruption of gastrointesti- • Central heterochromia with restricted • 30% of Varicocele cases nal polypeptide hormone YY collarette in CCK imbalance • Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) Frontal Indentation • Very susceptible to adrenal stress

Distended Collarette Protuberance When accompanied with pupillary mydria- Zig-Zag Collarette sis and adrenal gland signs, we need to be • Gastrointestinal endocrinological distur- When the protuberance is accompanied aware of tendency to postnatal depression • Hypertrophic Collarette (usually mis- bances with an encapsulated lacuna at 40’ in the and elevated prolactin. shapen) with zig-zag structure for distur- • Thyroid gland right iris, this relates to Diabetes mellitus. bances of neurotensin balance • Painful periods Hypertrophic Thickened Collarette • Normal diameter of collarette with zig- • Predominance of paternal hormonal Local Indentation of the Collarette zag adjacent to pancreas may illustrate inheritance • Thickened or hypertrophic collarette gastrointestinal endocrine alterations of • PNEI factors structure between 220º to 320º in the left pancreatic polypeptide • Substance P alterations

Restricted Collarette Distended Collarette Frontal Indentation Zig-Zag Collarette 74 Endocrine Collarette 75

Partial Zig-Zag Collarette Misshapen Collarette A Neuroendocrine Appraisal of the Pineal • Partial zig-zag of the collarette over clas- • General intestinal compromise sical spleen topography at 20’ in left iris Gland as Reflected Through Iridology in CCK imbalance Meerschaum Collarette • Whitened zig-zag collarette. VIP takes he Pineal is a small gland with great Epiphysis has been and is still generally, precedence in any consideration of the • Alterations of vasoactive intestinal pep- importance in regards to homeostatic greatly underestimated, even completely zig-zag collarette tide (VIP) Tregulation of the immune and associ- dismissed by some people. In ancient Indi- • Alterations of cholecsytokinenin (CCK) ated body systems - physiologically and an texts it is considered the location of “the Double Collarette • Magnesium deficiency integral to adre- energetically. To avoid confusion, the terms third eye” or “Crown Chakra”. In the fourth nal and blood sugar regulation of Pineal and Epiphysis are both used with- century Herophilus described the Epiphysis Susceptibility to compromise of the PNEI in this chapter, as Pineal is used mainly in as the “sphincter of thought” and in the sev- pathways. the UK and the USA and the term Epiphysis enteenth century Rene Descartes referred to is used extensively in many European coun- the Epiphysis as “The Seat of the Soul”. Squared Collarette tries. As this book and also courses in this subject will be presented throughout these According to Peter Mandel, the pioneer of • Alterations of Glucose-dependent countries, it is only fair that I use both Colourpuncture, “all diseases begin in the insulinotrophic peptide (GIP) secretions names here. endocrine system”. Hormones are feelings • Alterations in the Hypothalamic-Pitu- and emotions in biochemical form made itary-Adrenal Axis (HPA) It is perhaps little known that the Pineal physical; they are the polarity between • General blood sugar disturbances gland, located as we know, at the roof of the thought, emotion and physical response. • Subfertility posterior portion of the third ventricle of the The Pineal can be considered the hub of brain, has access to a rich supply of blood hormones and emotions; and in addition to and its hormonal secretions affect virtually the ancient texts, modern research and every organ system in the body. advances are proving that the humble Pineal is in fact the “regulator of regulators”; and The Pineal is innervated by the Sympathet- far from being of no worth, its central influ- ic Nervous System, via the superior cervical ence can be and is profound. ganglion. This innervation is essential for the rhythmic metabolism of indoleamines There is now a great deal of scientific liter- such as tryptophan, serotonin and their ature and even annual international sym- derivatives, as well as the Pineal’s posia, on simply the actions and recent endocrine functions. developments in our understanding of the Pineal. Russell Reiter presented a paper at The Seat of the Soul the Third Stromboli Conference on Ageing and Cancer. He demonstrated the role of The Pineal gland, also known as the Epiph- melatonin as a potent antioxidant and free ysis cerebri, or Epiphysis for short, was radical scavenger. It was shown how mela- intuitively recognised by many ancient tonin helps to protect the body’s energy sys- civilisations; even before its importance had tem, which is critical for our survival. Squared Collarette been explored with today’s science. The 76 Neuroendocrine - Pineal Gland Sleep Patterns & Melatonin 77

Anatomy & Apart from melatonin, the Pineal contains the Hypothalamus, melatonin co-ordinates morning and a dose of melatonin in the noradrenaline, serotonin, peptides such as the circadian and diurnal rhythms of numer- evening - seems to be one of the most effec- The Epiphysis or Pineal gland itself is a GnRH and TRH and also the neurotrans- ous tissues. These 24-hour rhythms and lev- tive therapies, together with morning exer- small body, weighing approximately mitter gamma amino butyric acid - GABA. els of melatonin can be analysed accurately cise, for treating melatonin rhythm distur- 150mg, situated under the brain behind the through functional saliva testing. bances and sleep disturbances. third ventricle. It is 8-10 mm in length and Melatonin Synthesis four millimetres wide, has reddish brown Recently, over a hundred bodily functions Melatonin has not only been shown to colouring and is surrounded by a capsule. Pinealocytes are specialised secretory cells have been identified as having daily advance sleep time, but to increase sleep The suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) proj- controlled by the noradrenaline output from rhythms; thus modern science confirms tra- duration as well. It is also effective in ects to the Epiphysis via hypothalamic con- the adrenals. Melatonin is synthesised from ditional oriental medicine systems and ther- reducing the symptoms of jet lag. One study nections to the brain stem and spinal cord. the amino acid tryptophan, of which levels apies such as Acupuncture. Melatonin lev- examined the effectiveness of melatonin in From there the nerve innervation is sympa- are greatest at night due to the absence of els are highest at night, when it is dark and treating the sleep disorders in 100 children, thetic to the superior cervical ganglion and light. The secretion pattern of melatonin usually at their lowest point around noon. who had a wide variety of physical prob- Epiphysis itself. occurs upon exposure to darkness and the Serotonin levels are lowest at night, when lems including blindness, mental retarda- increased activity of serotonin-N-trans- melatonin levels are high. Thus, we can see tion, autism, and central nervous system The Pineal is connected to the brain by a ferase. By the action of hydroxyindole-O- how the Pineal can play its part in emotion- diseases. Melatonin therapy was found to multi-nerve-containing stalk. Many of these methyltransferase (HIOMT), N-acetylsero- al depression and SAD - Seasonal Affective benefit over 80% of these children, and was nerves terminate in the hypothalamus, tonin is converted to melatonin. Melatonin Disorder. Greater exposure to natural day- lauded as a “safe, inexpensive, and very which is located directly behind the Pineal. is then rapidly secreted into the vascular light on the skin and through the eyes seems effective treatment of sleep-wake cycle dis- Hence, both the Hypothalamus and Pineal system and also the cerebrospinal fluid. Tis- to go a long way in remedying these prob- orders.” In general, smaller does of mela- are paramount in Psychoneuroendocrinoim- sues such as the retina and the intestines lems. tonin appear to be just as effective as larger munological (PNEI) interactions. have also been shown to synthesize mela- doses in inducing and sustaining sleep. tonin. These two facets give rise to further Sleep Patterns & Melatonin The Pineal draws its blood supply from the possibilities from study of the IPB in Balanced melatonin activity in the blood enveloping Pia Mater. The endothelial cells regards to the intestinal immune system. Sleep is fundamental for good health. With- and nervous system helps to enhance both in the vasculature of the Pineal are fenes- out good, balanced sleep patterns the sus- REM and slow-wave sleep patterns. Mela- trated so the gland is separate from the Not a single cell in the body can escape the ceptibility of our immune system, kidneys, tonin’s effect on body temperature may be blood-brain barrier. Which is very useful to influence of light striking and being liver, neurological functions, mental health one of the keys to enhance sleep. Body tem- be aware of for herbal medicine. absorbed by the eyes - hence we have the and hormonal system can all be affected. perature follows a circadian rhythm, rising exciting prospects for Phototherapy and Iris naturally during the day and falling at night. Light enters the eye through the iris and phototherapy/Colour therapy. Melatonin Patients with delayed sleep phase insomnia We only have a couple of degrees fluctua- retina, the nerves relay a message via the has been shown to boost and modulate cannot sleep until the early hours of morn- tion day-to-day in the body’s temperature. SCN pathway to the Epiphysis, about the immunity, digestive functions (serotonin), ing, and often end up sleeping through The daily temperature variation in the amount of light entering the eye, which the endocrine system, sleep patterns, plus much of the day. This condition has been human body is only minor, but research has influences the melatonin secretion. Envi- reduce stress and limit oxidative stress such treated successfully with exposure to bright revealed this minor change can have a huge ronmental light stimulates Pineal activity, as the stimulation of brown (hard) fat pro- light in the early morning to induce phase effect on melatonin and sleep. In general, a although absorption of light via the skin at duction; which can induce premature age- advances of the clock. An evening dose of falling body temperature induces sleep, the top of our head can also occur. We ing factors. homeopathic Melatonin D30 at 11:00pm while a rising body temperature provokes respond physiologically and psychological- has been able to advance sleep time signifi- wakefulness. It has been demonstrated that ly to these reflexes. Melatonin levels fluctuate naturally during cantly. A combination of both methods - an individual will fall asleep most quickly a 24-hour period. Through the influence of timed application of bright light in the and stay asleep the longest when lights are 78 Neuroendocrine - Pineal Gland The Heart & Melatonin 79

out, and the body temperature undergoes its peak during menstruation. Also in Hypo- As we grow older, the body’s Melatonin erties acts as a scavenger and eliminates most rapid decline. thalamic amenorrhoea (absence of periods) levels continue to decrease with the steepest potentially dangerous free radicals. We abnormal elevations of melatonin for pro- decline occurring from about fifty years of require greater numbers of anti oxidant and The Role of Melatonin in longed durations have been measured. age onwards. By the age of sixty, the Pineal free radical scavengers, as we age due to Reproduction gland is producing half the amount of mela- this susceptibility to oxidative stress. Consistently high levels of melatonin can tonin it did when we were twenty. With this Higher secretions during the hours of dark- suppress ovulation in women and sperm drop in melatonin levels, the downward spi- Electromagnetic pollution, excessive radia- ness add to Noradrenaline levels. The signal formulation in men. Both these situations ral known as ageing occurs because the tion, tobacco exposure, high alcohol con- for this increased production of noradrena- can obviously lead to sub-fertility, which Pineal gland - the ageing clock - breaks sumption, environmental pollutants, rancid line from the through the also brings in the endocrino-immunological down. Oxidative stress occurs due to an oils, additives, hydrogenated oils, synthetic sympathetic nervous system arrives from perspective, and the possible and very prob- increase in unchallenged free radicals in the hormone exposure, pesticides and other the Pineal. This causes greater alertness and able advantages to be gained therapeutical- system. Free radicals, especially the agrichemicals, ultraviolet light exposure we have increased response to dangers, ly from full spectrum light based therapies hydroxyl radical, can be extremely damag- and saturated animal fats all add to the pro- even when asleep. Daylight reduces both that can be absorbed through the skin or iris. ing to cells. Melatonin has both water and motion of free radical activity. melatonin and noradrenaline. Melatonin fat-soluble properties, making it one of the can decrease both LH and GH productions MelatoninÕs Role in Growth and only known antioxidants in nature that can Melatonin is considered to be a potent age and has been shown to inhibit the growth other Hormonal Functions protect all parts of a cell. Since melatonin reversing hormone, due to its versatile and development of the sexual organs has the unique ability to navigate any body antioxidant activity and because it protects before puberty, possibly by preventing syn- We have seen how melatonin helps to main- barrier with ease - including the blood-brain against environmental hazards. thesis or release of gonadotrophins. It is tain normal daily and seasonal hormone barrier and the placental barrier - it can pro- now generally recognised that reproductive levels and it also oversees our growth and tect virtually every cell in the body. The Heart & Melatonin and sexual physiology are under part influ- development from infancy through to adult- ence of the Pineal. hood. During pregnancy melatonin is trans- Recent evidence suggests that melatonin In addition to these factors it can help to ferred to the developing foetus through the plays a critical role in free radical scaveng- prevent cancers and helps to maintain A high level of melatonin is generally asso- placenta. Placental health is essential for ing activity, preserving macromolecules healthy cardiac function. A decrease in ciated with short daylight hour days, which this to occur fully, so tobacco, alcohol, cal- such as DNA, protein, and lipid from oxida- melatonin causes increased night-time sym- results in decreased gonadotrophin release cium supplements and chemicals should be tive damage. In fact, melatonin has been pathetic activity, which in turn appears to and synthesis; whilst long days cause low avoided during this time to ensure a healthy proven more powerful than both glutathione increase the risk for coronary heart disease. melatonin levels resulting in increased sex- placenta. After the birth and when breast- and mannitol in neutralising hydroxyl radi- One study found that patients with coronary ual hormone production, and increased feeding begins, there are high levels of cals and may protect cell membranes more heart disease had nocturnal melatonin levels libido. melatonin present in the breast milk. This effectively than vitamin E. Remarkably, it is five times lower than in healthy controls. has a relaxing effect on the baby. five hundred times more efficient at protect- Investigators surmised that lower levels of It has been postulated that one of the rea- ing cells from radiation than dimethyl sul- melatonin might act to increase circulating sons why many children are experiencing Melatonin levels reach their peak during foxide (DMSO). catecholamines, which have been implicat- precocious puberty in western countries is childhood. During adolescence the mela- ed in damage to blood vessel walls. Athero- due to the stimulus of the Pineal through tonin levels drop, triggering the rise in other The mitochondria in a living cell synthesize genic uptake of LDL cholesterol is acceler- saturated levels of bright and intensive arti- hormones. This gives the signals to the ATP, the driving energy fuel for the body. ated by these amines at high-risk densities. ficial lighting at home and school. It is also endocrine system to initiate the onset of During this process, some oxygen-based of interest to note that in women with nor- puberty. A small lacuna is always present in free radicals are produced. These free radi- mal menstrual cycles, evening melatonin the iris of a boy experiencing premature cals can cause great damage to the tissues. levels are at a low during ovulation and puberty. Melatonin with its strong anti oxidant prop- 80 Neuroendocrine - Pineal Gland Internal Compass 81

The Immune System Further to this, some immunologists and The Pineal - Our Own Internal Embryology of the Pineal Gland endocrinologists conclude that T-cell Compass The Pineal is involved within the immune derived cytokines are the major mediators It is interesting from an immunological iri- system due to the far-reaching influence of of melatonin’s immunological influence. The Pineal could well be our own internal dology point of view to note that both the melatonin levels during sleep; and the detri- Specific high affinity binding sites for compass. It has been found that the Pineal pupils and Pineal are formed embryologi- mental effect impaired sleep can have on 1251-melatonin have been discovered in T- contains micro-magnetic crystals and cally in the seventh week of gestation. The the immune system, especially in relation to helper-type 2 lymphocytes in the bone mar- around 20 to 30% of the Pineal cells Pineal is derived from the hypothalamus. the number and responsiveness of row and in various lymphoid tissues. (pinealocytes) are magnetically sensitive. macrophages, NK cells, neutrophils and T- This very real physiology makes the Pineal On an embryological basis the Pineal con- cells. Multiple Sclerosis the primary magnetoreceptor in the human sists of Ectodermic tissue, as are the: brain and it is extremely sensitive to exter- NK cells, or Natural Killer Cells to give Multiple sclerosis has also been linked to nal electromagnetic fields and pollution, • CNS and associated ganglions them their full name, are also known as Pineal function. It has been found that when plus geopathic stress. Electromagnetic • Adrenal medulla (site of noradrenaline large granular lymphocytes in the field of melatonin levels decline then the patient fields can alter the secretion of melatonin. production and release) immunology and they have a role in anti can experience an exacerbation of their The Pineal and magnetite bearing tissues in • Retina viral activity and also the cessation of symptoms and remissions occur in MS the brain directly react to and are influenced • Pigment cells tumour formation. In fact they kill tumours patients when melatonin levels are balanced by the Schumann Resonance; which is gen- • Peripheral nervous system and cells infected with a virus. Their lineage and thus immune responses are. erated by electrical activity in the earth’s • Lens is uncertain and they express no specific own magnetic field and ionosphere. • Internal ear membrane markers. Their mechanism of In one study, 32 MS patients were random- • Anterior and posterior pituitary killing is similar to that of cytotoxic T cells. ly selected from patients consecutively The Schumann Resonance oscillations • Skin; cutaneous glands It has been well documented that disturbed admitted to a neurology service in a hospi- propagate for long distances and readily • Breast tissues sleep patterns can adversely influence the tal for exacerbations of their symptoms. penetrate through the walls of buildings and number and activity of NKCs. In fact NKCs Nocturnal levels of melatonin and the activ- into the human body. This may sound like The Pineal Gland in Iridology are around 1200 to 1300% more active dur- ity of the Pineal gland were monitored over science fiction; but it is in fact science fact. ing our normal sleep cycles. Therefore we the course of each patient’s illness. The Schumann frequencies have considerable The Pineal topography is located in both iri- can see how correct synthesis of melatonin study revealed a progressive decline in measured overlaps with the biomagnetic des. It can be reliably found 3’ to 4’ on the has been strongly linked to anti-cancer melatonin levels over the duration of the ill- fields produced by our heart and brain. All external border of the collarette in the right effects, particularly cancers that are hor- ness. Since patients with chronic progres- of these reasons may be why the Pineal and iris and it is attached to the collarette in the monally dependent like certain types of sive MS had a lower mean melatonin level melatonin secretions are so implicated in left iris at 56’ to 57’. The Pineal/Epiphysis breast cancer, for example. compared to those with a relapsing-remit- those susceptible to “jet lag”. This internal forms the first part of the Immune Axis triad, ting course of the disease, an analysis of magnetic compass also tells us which way together with Thymus gland and Adrenals. Melatonin also exhibits a general stimulato- melatonin levels may be crucial for under- is up from a spinal point of view, during ry effect on immune system functions. One standing the patho-physiology of MS and, embryonic and young infant development. In the new embryological topography of the theory is that melatonin acts as an anti- specifically, the course of its progression. Disturbances of the developing Pineal may iris structure, between the collarette and stress hormone via the brain opioid system, cause Scoliosis (spinal curvature) and other pupil we have located the Pineal/Epiphysis with consequent increase in positive With this information in mind, as iridolo- vertebral anomalies. From Iridology we can at 20º-22º in the right iris close to the col- immune activity. Remember to check for gists we need to examine the iris for an confirm these assertions, as with Scoliosis, larette edge and at 192º in the left iris mid- the Stress Axis or an Immune Axis in the Immune Axis in patients with suspected or you will find a prominent crypt, lacuna or way between collarette and pupil. iris. diagnosed multiple sclerosis. pigment in the Pineal topography. 82 Neuroendocrine - Pineal Gland Therapeutic Influences 83

We must consider the pigment patch, con- • Major/minor radial (Radii Solaris) • Meiniere’s disease • Lentinus edodes sisting of thousands of pigment cells, to be (melatonin - serotonin balance) • Hot flushes • Coriolus versicolor the sign of vital importance in regards to the • Localised hypertrophy/indentation of the • Poor injury repair • Spirulina spp Pineal gland, alterations in melatonin levels collarette • Paeonia lactiflora radix and the development of cancers for the • Defect sign (pinealoma) Therapeutic Influences on • Rehmannia glutinosa radix patient. This connection is made through • General zig-zag or absence of collarette Modulating the Pineal Function • Astragalus membranaceus the study of embryology, and the shared leading to diminished adaptability • Piper methysticum ectodermic origin of both pigment cells in • Full spectrum light absorption through • Escholszia californica radix the body and the Pineal, plus the breast tis- Pupillary signs can include: skin and eyes – Natural Light boxes • Sceletium tortuosum herba sues. • Iris Phototherapy • Possible Anisocoria in pinealcytoma or • Exercise in the morning Research with Exercise The presence of such a pigment is consis- pinealblastoma • Colourpuncture - Hypothalamic- tent for patients with Multiple Endocrine • Frontal applanation of pupillary edge Hypophysis (Pituitary) – Epiphysis I have found those experiencing Scoliosis, Neoplasia Syndrome 1 & 2, or MENS 1 or (Pineal) balance Subfertility, MS, depression and SAD ben- MENS 2. Conditions associated with iris signs in • Adrenal and thyroid support efit more when they exercise in the morn- Pineal/Epiphysis zones • Acupuncture ing, usually before breakfast. I encourage • Nutrition - particularly dietary zinc, sele- all patients to do this, to whatever degree Any patient with a dark brown, • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) nium, manganese, magnesium, molybde- they can, as it can benefit their respective red or black pigment in any of • Depression num, silicon, copper, vitamin D, vitamin conditions and balance Pineal function so the classical or embryological • Sub-fertility C, Pantothenic acid, beta-carotene or much. topographies for the Pineal gland • Immune susceptibility vitamin E. Foods High in natural mela- has to be thoroughly checked for • Scoliosis (spinal curvature) tonin include Oats, Corn, Ginger, Toma- Research suggests that daytime exercise can cancers in the family medical his- • Zinc deficiency toes, Rice, Bananas and Barley increase melatonin levels. While some stud- tory and advised to take regular • Low libido • Anti-geopathic and Electromagnetic pol- ies report that the increase occurs during or preventive tests for hormonally • Susceptibility to “jet lag” lution technologies immediately after physical activity, others dependent cancers anywhere, • Insomnia • Cranio-Sacral Therapy (CST) point to a delayed rise that takes place in the but particularly the breasts, skin • Sleep apnoea • Advanced Reflexology Technique second half of the dark phase. One group of and endocrine glands. • Hypothyroidism • Homoeopathic Melatonin 6 – 30D (Used researchers found that night-time exercise • Premature puberty in males for the prevention and treatment of SAD, effectively blunts the nocturnal melatonin • Difficult puberty for females with sus- insomnia and the extremes of jet lag) surge. And, in a unique study undertaken by The following signs are generally found as ceptibility to infections and insomnia • Homeopathic Tryptophan D6 – D30 Swiss researchers, daily hourly morning Pineal gland markers in the Immune Axis or • Hypertension • Homeopathic Serotonin 4CH to 30CH walks outdoors were shown to advance the other conditions: • Pinealblastoma onset and/or offset of melatonin secretion, • Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) Herbal Medicines and were twice as effective as low dose arti- • Small closed lacuna • Tumours ficial light therapy in relieving the symp- • Leaf lacuna (endocrine - melatonin, LH, • Fatty degeneration of the liver • Acorus calamus toms of SAD. GH, TSH) • Multiple Sclerosis • Vaccinium myrtillus fr • Crypt with pigment • Epilepsy • Zanthoxylum clava-herculis cortex • Pigment granulated path (orange or • Visual disturbances • Hypericum perforatum flores brown) • Dry skin problems on the hands • Craetegus monogyna flores • Diffuse waterfall pigment (straw yellow) • Vitiligo • Ganoderma lucidum 84 Neuroendocrine - Pineal Gland Light 85

Prescription Drugs and the Pineal Light Ð Food for the Pineal and thalamus. The biological clock control is Gland Other Endocrine Dynamics the Pineal secretion of melatonin and sero-

Many interactions can occur with common Einstein stated that light was and is the con- prescription drugs and the Pineal function. necting link between space, time and mat- See the Appendices for This can result in either elevated or ter. It is possible to apply coloured light to information about function- depressed melatonin synthesis and mela- the structure of the collarette to balance al salivary melatonin testing tonin levels. A combination of empirical nervous system symptoms, circulatory con- and the charts for melatonin experience and modern research has found cerns, immune reactions (allergies, etc) and levels throughout the day the following to be important. endocrine concerns. and life Fluoxetine (commonly known as Prozac) George Feverstein in Judith Cornell’s book reportedly lowers blood melatonin levels. Drawing the Light from Within, notes that tonin, both manufactured from the amino Antidepressants and other psychotropic “We have not yet assimilated this…far acid L-tryptophan. drugs affect the synthesis and release of reaching discovery; namely that energy or melatonin. Some monoamine oxidase- light is the principle underlying all manifes- Over the last 35 years endocrine system inhibiting (MAOs) drugs such as clorgyline tation. In other words we have not yet research has measured changes in the fol- and tranylcypromine seem to enhance plas- grasped that we, our bodies and our minds lowing hormones and neurotransmitters in ma melatonin levels. are light.” response to the intensity of light, colour, duration and timing of light stimulation: Some researchers suggest that sleep disrup- Changes in light and the perception of tion associated with some nonsteroidal anti- colours can elicit memories and emotions • Cortisol inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as from long ago. They can also trigger physi- • Melatonin aspirin or ibuprofen may be a result of cal symptoms. • Serotonin decreased prostaglandin production, which • Dopamine can suppress melatonin secretion. Both The use of coloured strobe light has been • Insulin ibuprofen and indomethacin significantly shown to open up neural pathways from the • Adrenaline reduce melatonin plasma levels and delay eyes to key structures of the brain, for • Noradrenaline the nocturnal rise of the circadian rhythm. example, the limbic system; where most of • Growth Hormone our emotional trauma is stored. Light ener- • Testosterone Beta Blockers can also significantly alter gy turns into electrochemical or neuronal • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone melatonin levels. Hypertensive patients energy by photoreceptors in the retina. • Prolactin undergoing chronic beta-adrenoreceptor • Adrenocorticotrophic hormone or ACTH blocker treatment with propranolol and Light travels not only to the visual centres ridazolol showed considerably diminished of the brain, but also to endocrine centres in melatonin secretion. Propranolol the brain such as the Pineal, pituitary and hydrochloride also induced a noticeable hypothalamus. Light also reaches the brain- decrease in serum melatonin levels in schiz- stem. Impulses travel down the retinohypo- ophrenic patients. thalamic tract to the suprachiasmatic tract to the suprachiasmatic nucleas of the hypo- 87

Thyroid Gland and Iridology Correlations

Introduction • If we are experiencing the thyroid prob- lem now ntil fairly recent times the impor- tance of the thyroid gland in rela- Embryology Ution to its overall influence on an individual’s health has been overlooked, Embryologists get very animated with the underestimated and even misdiagnosed. embryogenesis of the thyroid gland, as it is Indeed, today borderline thyroid dysfunc- considered to be an extremely ancient tion can go undetected and unrecognised by gland. They relate its development to that of many doctors. Borderline hypothyroidism, the gills in fish. The thyroid forms from the in particular, is becoming increasingly com- pharynx and controls foetal growth through monplace in the western world and is a con- its hormonal secretions from very early on dition that goes undiagnosed because it after conception. The thyroid forms as an does not necessarily show up on standard epithelial proliferation, or thickening, in the serum thyroid profiles or scans. floor of the pharynx at about 24 days. This thickening is of the endodermic germinal However, borderline hypothyroidism can layer in the midline between the right and cause multiple symptoms in different indi- left arch. viduals that can have a debilitating effect on that person’s quality of life. Many times the The thyroid descends in the front of the borderline hypothyroidism is attributed to pharyngeal gut as a bilobed diverticulum. many other conditions such as anaemia, During this movement the thyroid remains chronic fatigue, constipation, eczema, connected to the tongue via a narrow canal depression, obesity, insomnia or PMT. termed the thyroglossal duct. This is how we are able to detect thyroid imbalance We will explore how iridology can offer through tongue diagnostics. The origin of enormous clarity in many thyroid condi- the thyroid in the tongue remains detectable tions, not only borderline hypothyroidism. as the formanen caecum. With the endocrine application of Iridology we can determine if someone has: From around the seventh week in gestation the thyroid has reached its final position in • A genetic tendency to thyroid problems front of the trachea. Some authorities sug- • How severe that tendency is gest that the thyroid does not start to func- • If the tendency is towards hypothy- tion until three months of gestation, yet roidism or hyperthyroidism other experts suggest a very early function- • If the tendency has an embryological al beginning for the thyroid. Follicular cells, beginning that produce the colloid that serves as a source of thyroxine and triiodothyronine, 88 Thyroid Gland and Irodology The Endocrine Function 89

begin to function at three months. Calci- Persistent cervical lymphadenopathy can • Calcium balance through the release of An excess of thyroid hormones and gluco- tonin is sourced from the parafollicular C disturb the thyroid function. Calcitonin corticoids can inhibit thyroid hormone cells, which are between the follicles. • Certain functions of immunity release, for example cortisol, by influencing The thyroid gland is composed of approxi- • Libido the anterior pituitary function and suppress- Anatomy & Physiology mately one million spherical follicles. For- • Fertility ing TSH. Healthy TSH secretion improves tunately, someone else has counted these for • Energy reserves thyroid vascularity and the actual size of the The thyroid gland is located in the neck in us. Follicular cells are lined by a single • Growth and wound repair bilobed gland in order to improve general front of the trachea and inferior to the layer of secretory epithelium. Thyroglobin • Memory and mental clarity hormone synthesis. This is all monitored via cricoid cartilage and larynx. It has two is secreted into the colloid. Thyroglobin is a • Emotional well-being the TSH blood levels by the hypothalamus lobes, each about 5 cm long and joined by a storage form of hormone. In fact, the thy- • Hormonal balance and anterior pituitary gland, thus maintain- narrow isthmus. The adult thyroid weighs roid gland is the only endocrine gland to • Peristalsis – with the hypothalamus ing homeostasis and healthy metabolism. about 25 grams. The two lobes are either store its hormone in an extracellular com- • Lactation side of the trachea and the oesophagus. The partment. • Nervous system functions Thyroid hormone release can be stimulated thyroid gland is bound to the trachea by the • Cardiovascular health by long-term exposure to cold or oestrogens petracheal fascia so that it has movement It will be of paramount importance for the • Carbohydrate, lipid and protein metabo- acting on the anterior pituitary. Adrenaline with both trachea and larynx on swallow- naturopathic practitioner to note that 2 to 3 lism – with the liver and hypothalamus released by the adrenals has the ability to ing, but it is not affected by a protrusion of months of thyroid hormone are stored with- act on thyroid directly. From these insights the tongue. in the thyroid follicles for times of need, The entire blood supply within the body, we can see how stress can have the potential thus delaying the onset of symptoms in which measures at around 10 pints, circu- for such detrimental influence on thyroid Due to its high level of vascularity the thy- deficiency conditions. lates through the thyroid gland once every performance. roid has a much greater blood flow per 60 minutes. The thyroid sets how efficient gram than the kidneys. The inferior and When the follicular cells enter an active the rate is at which cells utilise oxygen Cyclic AMP or cAMP is formed after the superior arteries join within the gland. secretory phase microvilli form on the inner when the body is at rest. TRH, TSH release and action. According to surface and thyroglobin is absorbed. The endocrinologist Debuse Sanders we then The thyroid is drained via three main veins colloid store shrinks as a result. The The thyroid gland synthesizes and secretes have the key stages of synthesis and secre- such as the superior thyroid vein, middle absorbed thyroglobin is broken down to three main hormones: tion including: thyroid vein and the inferior thyroid vein. release thyroid hormone. This inferior vein drains into the brachio- • T4 or Thyroxine • Iodine Uptake cephalic veins. Both the superior and mid- The Endocrine Function of the • T3 or Triiodothyronine • Thyroglobin synthesis dle thyroid veins drain into the internal Thyroid • Calcitonin • Iodination jugular vein. • Coupling Healthy Thyroid gland function is essential Calcitonin is involved with maintaining the • Pinocytosis for secretion Four main groups of lymph nodes are the for: balance of calcium. Hypothalamic thy- • T3 & T4 are synthesized and secreted at collection points for the thyroid lymphatic rotrophin releasing hormone (TRH) is a greater pace drainage, these include: • Regulating the general metabolism – the released from the hypothalamus to the ante- basal metabolic rate (BMR) rior pituitary to stimulate the secretion of The thyroid releases both T4 and T3 into the • Prelaryngeal lymph nodes • Influencing weight and controlling oxy- thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH). TSH bloodstream. These two hormones can have • Pretracheal lymph nodes gen turnover in every cell in the body acts on the extracellular receptor sites on an influence on every cellular process in the • Paratracheal lymph nodes • Temperature control with the hypothala- the surface of the thyroid follicle cells. The body. In fact they can cross all cell mem- • Deep cervical lymph nodes mus whole cycle is controlled by the hypothala- branes, usually without a carrier transport mus via biofeedback pathways. mechanism. We usually have approximate- 90 Thyroid Gland and Irodology Multi-Faceted & Integral 91

ly 50 times more T4 than T3 in the blood, helping to protect against daily exposure to • Iodine deficiency the study since 2001 had been expanded to due to the thyroid secreting a lot more thy- radiation. This is how “superfoods” such as • Goitre contain 112 confirmed hypothyroid cases roxine. These thyroid hormones circulate Spirulina and Chlorella, both excellent and 22 confirmed hyperthyroidism clinical bound to plasma proteins produced in the sources of iodine, can help to protect and Multi-Faceted & Integral cases. liver, which actually acts as a protection repair damage from radiation exposure. against aggression from enzymatic sub- The Thyroid gland is a multi-faceted and Classical Signs and Symptoms stances. 30% of these are bound with albu- A loop is established as iodine is returned to integral part of the endocrine system. It is min. Thyroxine or the plasma, as unfortunately, often overlooked in both Hypothyroidism T4 converts to thyroid hor- allopathic medical and naturopathic T3 in the liver. Hypothyroidism is indicated by low T3 & T4 mones are bro- approaches; yet its fine balance can easily All practitioners should be very familiar Both T3 and T4 ken down, with a be distorted through many causes such as with the other non-iridological clinical are derived from Hyperthyroidism is indicated by high T3 & T4 special emphasis stress, emotional blockage, prescription signs and symptoms of both hypothroidism the amino acid on the liver func- medicines, invasive medical tests, radiation, and hyperthyroidism. This is not a discus- tyrosine and In hypothyroidism low TSH levels suggests a tions. Iodine is poor nutrition and/or food intolerances, sion of these, as they are unequivocally iodine. Thyrox- pituitary or hypothalamic lesion mainly excreted hypoglycaemia, pituitary imbalance, adre- established. ine gets its name via the kidneys. nal insufficiency, fluoride poisoning, mer- because it con- High TSH suggests a thyroid disorder In hyperthy- cury toxicity, smoking, leaky gut and mal- In brief, classical signs of hypothyroidism tains three iodine roidism the renal absorption syndromes, menopause, autoim- include: atoms and the T4 TSH is low in hyperthyroidism functions could mune diseases (Hashimoto’s Disease, contains, you be impaired, so it Graves Disease, RA, Vitiligo), post-partum • Dry skin guessed it, four. Thyroid stimulating antibodies suggest is prudent to Thyroiditis, anorexia nervosa, bulimia, con- • Weight gain autoimmune GraveÕs disease check for other gested or impaired hepatic pathways, genet- • Hair loss There is also T1 kidney signs ic factors, Diabetes, tumours, parathyroid • Depression and T2, which Anti TPO & anti-thyroglobulin antibodies through urine imbalance, viral infections, cervical and • Reduced libido are diffused into suggest autoimmune HashimotoÕs disease test, tongue thoracic spinal injury, pernicious anaemia, • Moodiness the blood from analysis, scleral hypothalamic damage, geopathic stress and • Fatigue the thyroid, but and iris signs. surgery. • Excessive PMT these are quickly broken down to “rescue” • Muscular and joint aches such as iodine molecules. Further information on iodine is covered in Original Research Fibromyalgia or Carpal-Tunnel Syn- the Appendices. drome Iodine The focus of the original study on 42 med- • Proximal myopathy Conditions Associated with ically diagnosed cases of hypothyroidism • Low basal temperature measurement Iodine is mainly obtained through supple- Dysfunction of the Thyroid and 12 cases of hyperthyroidism was to (below 97.8ºF / 36.6ºC) mented salt and vegetables, including sea determine the (if any) correlating, reliable • Loss of appetite vegetables. RDA for Iodine is approximate- • Hypothyroidism and repeatable iris and pupillary signs; in • Delayed wound healing ly 150 mg daily, however, only a small per- • Thyroid follicular carcinoma order to assess the value of Iridology as an • Dysglycaemia – erratic blood sugar lev- centage of this is actually utilised. The thy- • Toxic adenoma (“Hot Nodule”) additional tool and approach in thyroid dis- els roid gland cells are the only ones in the • TSH secreting pituitary tumour orders. Certain patterns had been identified; • Coldness body that can actively absorb and use plas- • Hyperthyroidism naturally they warrant further research for • Poor concentration ma iodine. Most plasma iodine is stored in • Grave’s disease greater clarity. Larger study numbers would • Memory problems the thyroid as preformed thyroid hormones, • Hashimoto’s disease prove vital in this respect, so the numbers in • Mental confusion, or mental fog 92 Thyroid Gland and Irodology Tests 93

• Abdominal or systemic oedema trig- Hyperthyroidism • Bruit over the goitre through the stetho- gered by an increase in capillary albumin scope Dr Broda Barnes pioneered the use of escape Classical signs and symptoms of hyperthy- • Quivering, thin tongue which does not taking the Basal Body Temperature to • Secondary amenorrhoea roidism include: rest measure thyroid performance in the • Easy bruising 1940s. Indeed, its use has been known • A slurring or slowing of speech • Anxiety Tests for many decades more. It proves to be • Hoarse voice • Tachycardia a highly reliable test in the clinic • Constipation • Profuse sweating In order to further evaluate thyroid func- today. It can provide a pattern of • Thickened and flattened tongue • Oversensitivity to heat tion, in addition to classical signs and hypothalamus and thyroid function • Swollen eyelids • Weight loss in spite of increased appetite symptoms in the patient’s anamnesis and throughout the course of a month. I • Coarse skin • Increased pulse rate iridological signs - other diagnostic tests often ask patients to take their tem- • Swollen face • Loose bowels used include: perature for four consistent days in • Thinning of the hair • Agitation the week for at least a month. Low • Bradycardia (Slow pulse rate) • Mood swings • Basal Temperature Measurement with temperatures generally and in a morn- • Transient deafness • Hyperactivity glass thermometer over a month ing before getting out of bed indicate • Slow relaxing knee reflexes • Talkativeness • Pulse Rate low thyroid function. This type of test • Goitre • Myopathy of respiratory muscles • Adrenal Stress Profile 24 hour Saliva often identifies borderline hypothy- • Urticaria (precursor for autoimmune • Nightmares Test roidism, which can often be missed by hypothyroidism) • Decrease in glucose tolerance • Dried Layered Blood Analysis previous blood profiles. • Decreased perspiration • Insomnia • Gut Permeability Profile • Breathlessness • Hot flushes • Nail analysis The normal under the tongue temper- • Loud snoring • Tremor in the hands • Tongue diagnostics ature is 37û, however for the BBT the • Headaches • Goitre • Reflex Tests normal temperature range changes to • The outer third of the eyebrow may be • Muscle weakness • CT Scan between 36.6û to 36.8û. Any consistent missing • Elevated salivary cortisol levels • Blood serum profiles readings, which are plotted on a graph • Slow growing, brittle nails • Smooth and moist skin I provide, which are under 36.8û illus- • Dry and flaky skin on the shins • Menorrhagia Blood tests can sometimes prove to be of a trate borderline or clinically identified • Constipation • Infertility non-conclusive nature, possibly due to the hypothyroidism. Temperatures can • Decrease in urinary free water excretion • Low sperm count and motility fact only one sample is taken. So what we drop to as low as 35û in many cases. • Erectile dysfunction • Palmar erythema have is a snapshot of the day’s thyroid per- Glass thermometers are preferable to • Delayed puberty in adolescents • Nails separate from nail bed at the tip formance that is acquired, not necessarily electronic thermometers and it is • Flat glucose tolerance curve with • Onycholysis the bigger picture and daily fluctuations of sometimes advantageous to ask the delayed insulin response • Exophthalmos the daily thyroid output. patient to take their temperatures at • Possible decreased red cell mass in the • Lid lag and eyelid retraction other times of the day, especially dur- bone marrow leading to normocytic • Hair loss Discussion of Iridology Markers ing the winter months in the north of anaemia • Proximal myopathy England. • Night Blindness • Keratitis From the raw data presented patterns do • Atrial fibrillation start to emerge in regard to iris and pupil- The full protocol for taking and record- • Palpitations lary signs and hypothyroidism. Due to the ing the temperatures are included in • Osteoporosis much smaller patient sample in the hyper- the Appendices. • Reduced libido 94 Thyroid Gland and Irodology Iridology Markers 95

thyroidism group, this data is included for tion between these two endocrine glands. A necessarily be medically diagnosed. This is Crypts occur in the thyroid topographies in interest only. Thyroid Axis could provide clarity to any what we now know as a Dirk-Hamer Syn- 17/22 hyperthyroid patients and 69/112 suspected hypothyroid condition. drome, a delayed physiological stress hypothyroid cases. We had a total of 112 medically confirmed response. hypothyroidism cases A point of note is that the traditional area Embryological Topography for the Pituitary (Hypophysis) is also the Emotional stress and conflict is often the The number of hyperthyroidism cases zone for the Thyroid gland in many French trigger for the hypothyroidism. Issues Research by Lo Rito & myself into this new totalled 22 clinical cases Iridology schools. So we do have topo- around control, affection, one’s father, fear topography of the embryological develop- graphical overlaps, which reveal the same of expression, injustice, sense of abandon- ment of the individual is proving very reli- Lacunae conclusions, but a different mode of arriv- ment, lack of self-confidence and anger able in the identification of thyroid gland ing there. toward oneself. Correlating Time Risk pathologies. The research only included Lacuna (classical so-called ‘Thyroxine’ markings appear frequently. those patients with pre-diagnosed thyroid Lacuna, but also in some cases Leaf Lacu- Pigment & Emotional Dynamics disease that had been comprehensively, na) appear in 76 cases out of the 112 stud- Crypts medically established. As part of my ied, with a predominance in the right iris @ General pigmented spots appeared of vary- research basis I looked at 50 cases and 15’ and 45’ in the left iris. The lacunae are ing colours, in 48 cases for the thyroid Crypts appear predominantly in the Thyroid found a correlation of embryological signs always attached to the collarette in patho- zones from right and left irides. Gastric zones, again especially in the right iris for in 88% of patients. The diseases examined logical conditions, according to the Rings (both hypo and hyperactive) hypothyroidism at 90º. They are the domi- included: research. Hepatic markings may be coinci- appeared in the original research in 9/42 of nant sign for hyperthyroidism, whereas the dental, but there is obviously a strong corre- cases. The updated figures for this are in Thyroxine lacuna dominates in hypothy- • Hashimoto’s Disease lation, yet we have to be aware that T4 is hyperthyroidism 9/22 and 27/112 for roidism. • Grave’s Disease converted to T3 in the liver. In regards to hypothyroidism. • Thyroidectomy prevalence, lacunae dominate in hypothy- • Goitre roidism. Whereas, crypts dominate in the These signs also carry a high frequency in In both hypothyroidism and • Thyroid cysts incidence of hyperthyroidism. these irides, due to the fact that there is hyperthyroidism the iris sign • Myxoedema often psycho-emotional dynamics and con- will be attached to the external • Thyroid adenoma Collarette flicts involved between the thyroid gland border of the collarette, not to • Papillary adenocarcinoma and one’s father or ’father figure’. The gas- the periphery of the ciliary A sharp and localised indentation of the col- tric ring (stomach zone) carries this dynam- zone. This is found to be the The most frequently observed signs includ- larette features in both right and left irides ic. Research has shown a dominance of the case in over 90% of cases. ed: in 79 cases. Signs of this nature indicate a Mixed Biliary type of iris in thyroid dis- tendency to depression to manifest in eases. The Mixed Biliary iris can carry mul- • Crypts hypothyroidism. tiple pigments. If the Crypt is located attached to the exter- • Lacuna nal border of the collarette at 270º in the • Pigments Surprisingly, associated pituitary markers, Time Risk right iris, or 90º in the left iris then there is which can either be radii solaris, pigment, a tendency and family history of hyperthy- The locations for the thyroid signs are to be crypt(s) or lacunae, in either right or left Also of significance on the border of the roidism, often in the form of Grave’s dis- found on the internal border of the collarette appear in almost half of the case histories. collarette, as a psycho-emotional factor is ease. at 275º to 280º in the right iris and 82º to 87º Often these pituitary signs appear in con- that clear Time Risk markings show one or in the left iris. junction with Thyroid crypts and/or lacuna. two years before the onset of underactivity Thus illustrating the intimate communica- as noticed by the patient; which may not 96 Thyroid Gland and Irodology Constitutional Types 97

Peripheral Signs In 40% of the hyperthyroid cases a pupil- • With hypertrophy of the IPB we tend to Constitutional Types lary flight from an initial resting superior see an autoimmune or overactivity of the Thyroid lunula or the so-called ‘B3 Bulge’ nasal to an inferior temporal direction was immune system leading to Hashimoto’s A breakdown of the general constitutional and Skin Ring (‘Scurf’) appear less fre- observed. Again, we have a rapid move- or Grave’s disease. types displayed in the thyroid study group quently, but may carry significance. The ment. Also, every one of these patients at (Types acc. Deck) shows that Mixed Bil- skin ring shows atrophy of the limbus, or the time of the study was taking Carbima- • Hypotrophy of the IPB suggests iary Types were prevalent at a fre- ciliary iris edge. In the French tradition of zole, as prescribed specialist medicine. hypothyroidism in the family quency of 39%. Haematogen- Iridology the Scurf Rim is linked to history. ics have 30% prevalence hypothyroidism. With this in mind, we cer- Are these flights side effects of the drugs or with Lymphatic Types at a tainly do not want to ignore these signs in markers in the particular condition? • A Squared appearance frequency of 31%. There thyroid dysfunction. to the IPB illustrates a was not a lot of difference Pupil Tonus primary tendency to between them, although Pupillary Dynamics Discussion hypothyroidism in 89 within the “Lymphatic” Nasal or temporal flattenings of the pupil out of the 112 patients group there was a greater Pupillary dynamics are important in Thy- circumference can amplify a thyroid prob- studied. The squares incidence of autoimmune roid assessment. In hypothyroidism, how- lem. Vertical ellipse of the pupil can also be tend to be solitary, as conditions such as ever, Mydriasis and Miosis pupillary condi- present in a number of thyroid cases, 61/89 cases suggests. Hashimoto’s disease, Grave’s tions appear almost as frequently as each according to the research this incidence is disease and Vitiligo. other, which poses the need for further @ 28/112 cases. • If the squares are clearly divid- research in this area. ed we could be looking at Thyroid Axis An appraisal of the various sub- Inner Pupillary Border problems with the parathyroid types has not made any patterns Classically, Miosis is said to suggest glands. This is a rare phenomenon along of incidence clear. Thyroid conditions were hypothyroidism and Mydriasis (when in Moving onto the Inner Pupillary Border the IPB, I have only seen in cases of surprisingly infrequent in the Polyglandular both irides) attests to hyperthyroidism. (IPB) - the Space 7 location predominates. MENS – Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia (Endocrine weakness) subtype of constitu- From the small hyper sample the Mydriasis This author would suggest it is one of the Syndrome. MENS can involve tumours tion. The natural inclination is to suspect connection would appear plausible, with three primary factors in iris and thyroid of the parathyroids and thyroid, plus that most thyroid cases would fall into this 80% of cases displaying Mydriasis. Yet in analysis. It is one of the most frequent and pituitary, pancreas or adrenals. category, but not according to the research. the hypothyroid sample, there is a conflict. reliable signs. According to original work With this in mind, we can see the emerging In certain cases the pupillary Mydriasis can by Dr Lo Rito of Italy, Space 7 represents Five Primary Thyroid & Iridology Signs importance of the reliability of the embry- be accounted for in regard to chronic adre- the Thyroid gland. Space 7 is located along to Check ological diagnosis and full consideration of nal syndromes, but not all. This area defi- the IPB at 51º to 60º and 295º in either right the Inner Pupillary Border with any possi- nitely requires diagnostic clarity. Is it or left eyes. • Embryological Topography on the inter- ble assessment. mydriasis or miosis for hypothyroidism? Is nal border of the collarette the pupillary diameter relevant at all? • Along with Space 7, the IPB diameters • Squared Inner Pupillary Border show consistency with Hypertrophic • Space 7 marking along the IPB Mixed Biliary Types - 39% Rapid Pupillary/Iris flight or pupillary (-280 microns) and partially atrophic • Thyroid (‘Thyroxine’) Lacuna/Crypt, oscillations in an initial superior temporal scale, according to Dr Di Spazio. Both usually indenting the collarette Haematogenic Types - 30% direction from a resting state has been suggest possible immune system compli- • Thyroid Axis observed in 5 cases. All these 5 patients cations and influence of the hypothala- Lymphatic Types - 31% were prescribed Thyroxine. mus. 98 Thyroid Gland and Irodology Nutrition 99

Therapeutics Cardiac Thyrotoxicosis: roxine, due to the high over the years. I have iodine content. Other Therapeutic found Strumheel drops Herbal Formulae Craetegus monogyna flos/fruc, Leonorus Considerations to be most beneficial in & Viburnum opulus Gemmotherapy hypothyroidism and as a Thyroid Support Formula Avoidance and elimination of goitre prophylaxis. Immunoendocrine Balance: • Cornus sanguinea fluoride, aluminium and/or Fucus spp. with Hyperthyroidism mercury residues For hyperthyroidism Lycopus europaeus Cordyceps, Ganoderma, Vitex, Suther- Glonoin-Homaccord is Withania somnifera landia frutescens, Eleutherococcus sen- • Ribes nigra gemmae Avoidance of sugar, tobacco, indicated. Avena sativa semen ticosus radix & Withania boosts the adrenal alcohol and radiation as much Vaccinium myrtillus cortex and thyroid as possible Galium is suitable across Glycchriza glabra radix Contra-indications: support. the board and due to the Nasturtium officinale herba Balance blood sugar levels, lymphatic node accumu- • Ephedra sinica, Guarana, Cola nitida • Rosa canina gemmae immune function and hormon- lation around the thyroid Hyperthyroid Support are all contra-indicated in hyperthy- in adenoma of the thy- al system if necessary gland, if the patient has a roidism and for those taking Thyroxine roid. history of or experiences Lycopus spp. with a daily dose over 75 mcg. Detoxify liver and digestive frequent cervical lym- Leonorus cardiaca folia • Calluna vulgaris gem- tract phadenopathy then the Valeriana officinalis radix • Lycopus in hyperthyroidism with Thy- mae in Hashimoto’s combination remedy Urtica dioica folia roidectomy. Also for treatment with disease. Lymphomyosot is sug- Coriolus versicolor radioactive isotopes. gested. • Viburnum lantana is indicated in cardiac Associated Depression: • In hypothyroidism all Goitregens such as Thyrotoxicosis. Nutrition vegetables from the Brassica family, Sceletium folia, Hypericum perforatum, peanuts, mustard and rape seed (Canola • Kigelia to improve the health of the skin Here we should be looking to source these Rhodiola rosea oil) or processed maize eaten in large and the function of the CALT in vital nutrients through food we enjoy. The quantities should be avoided as they can hypothyroidism. appendices carry a thorough exploration of Associated Dysglycaemia: disturb the uptake of iodine in the sys- these very foods to help point your patients tem, thus reducing thyroid function. • Betula pubescens acts as a general tonic in the right direction. Adequate levels of the Momardica charantia, Gymnema in all neuroendocrine conditions that following are required to maintain subtle, sylvestre, Centella asiatica, Glycrrhiza • Black Radish Juice & Medicago sativa stimulate an immune response. Betula yet, significantly healthy thyroid functions: glabra radix, Spirulina, Nasturtium in large amounts in cases of hyperthy- helps to overcome physical and psycho- officinale, Dulse roidism. logical problems that impair the • EFAs are essential for all endocrine endocrine system. It is particularly bene- functions Associated Radiation or Environmental • Iron supplementation can trigger an ficial in cases of sub-fertility. Damage: excess of tyrosine, blocking thyroid hor- • Iodine mone absorption. Homotoxicology Salix nigra cortex, Chlorella, Lentinus • Potassium helps the calcium balance edodes, Ganoderma lucidum, Arctium • According to current medical thought, Homotoxicology as devised by Dr Reck- lappa radix & Chondrus crispus Kelp should be contraindicated in any eweg has developed many possible treat- • Sodium thyroid condition, for those taking Thy- ments and support in thyroid conditions 100 Thyroid Gland and Irodology Naturopathic & Lifestyle Protocols 101

• Calcium – easily absorbed calcium rich • Folic Acid – Martin Budd describes this • Avoidance of Caffeine foods are required to maintain a Calci- B-vitamin as co-factor along with copper tonin balance & vitamin C in the metabolism of tyro- Naturopathic & Lifestyle sine Protocols • Copper – in many cases of underactive thyroid the intestinal and hepatic absorp- • Vitamin C is involved in the metabolism • Colourpuncture (Star of David - Blue) tion of copper can be reduced. Copper of the amino acid tyrosine • Flower Remedies (Silver Birch, Trumpet helps to regulate the blood sugar balance Vine, Baby Blue Eyes, Cosmos or Cher- and convert T4 to T3 at a cellular level in • Vitamin D to assist in Calcitonin balance ry Plum) combination with many other trace min- • Homeopathic Support erals. • Vitamin E is needed for Thyroid Stimu- • Acupuncture lating Hormone production and synthe- • Yoga • Phosphorus sis • Cranio-Sacral Therapy & Somato-Emo- tional Release • Sulphur levels maintain optimum thy- • Selenium is integral to T4 to T3 conver- • Advanced Reflexology Techniques roid functions, so foods such as garlic, sion • Hydrotherapy leeks, onions, etc are extremely impor- • Skinbrushing tant • Zinc is required for the conversion T3 to • Deep Breathing T4 in the liver, growth and a healthy • Evocative Cutaneous Technique when • Manganese assists in the production of metabolism, plus the cultivation of fertil- Time Risk is indicated thyroxine ity

• Magnesium is required to balance thy- • Tyrosine is an amino acid of incredible roid function and blood sugar control importance as it is the precursor for both T3 & T4. Some research has shown that • Chromium for blood sugar balance and tyrosine deficiency is apparent in healthy communication between thyroid hypothyroid patients. and adrenals Most thyroid conditions will benefit from • Vitamin B12 is required to convert the inclusion, pursuit or avoidance of the phenylalanine to tyrosine any of the following:

• Riboflavin or Vitamin B2 helps the • An increase in seaweeds (Dulse, Kelp, amino acid chain of phenylalanine con- Nori, Wakame or Chondrus) version to tyrosine. Research has found • Spirulina or Chlorella supplementation patients with Riboflavin deficiency have • Miso drinks or broths a block in the production of Thyroid • Potassium Broth Simulating Hormone from the anterior • Avoidance of refined sugars pituitary and Thyroid Releasing Hor- • Reduction of Egg consumption mone from the hypothalamus • Strict avoidance of artificial sweeteners • Reduction of meat consumption 103

The Endocrine Role of the Liver

The Regeneration Potential of • Aldosterone the Liver • Thyroid Releasing Hormone (TRH) • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) ith any endocrine condition the • Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) practitioner needs to be vigilant • Luteinising Hormone (LH) Wof the status of hepatic functions. Indeed hormonal imbalance can occur when Liver & Gallstones the liver becomes congested and fails to fil- ter and detoxify as it once did. The liver Hormonal imbalance can also occur when really illustrates the marvellous wonder and liver stones and gallstones have disrupted potential of the human body to overcome the major circulatory pathways. Gallstones any assault or adversary, as recovery from and liver stones can lead to diminished pro- liver problems can be swift – usually taking tein synthesis, which in turn prompts the one to three months. The liver has fantastic adrenal cortex to overproduce cortisol. regenerative properties. Harvard Medical These consistently elevated cortisol levels school researchers have concluded that the are not sufficiently inhibited and processed liver takes up to six weeks to replenish and by the liver due to the hepatic congestion, replace all its cells. Personally, I have con- thus promoting susceptibility to stress, sulted with a male patient who managed to immune suppression, particularly with the regenerate his liver in five weeks, after hav- hepatic Kupffer cells; weight gain and cho- ing two thirds removed surgically due to lesterol imbalance and an increase in hor- carcinoma. This was monitored via scans monal problems. and documented by oncologists, and is just one story of many concerning hepatic PMT, menopausal symptoms, Hyperpro- regeneration potential. New thought and lactinaemia, Polycystic ovary syndrome, experience suggest that up to 80% of the uterine fibroids, endometriosis and unstable liver can be surgically resected and still blood sugar levels can all worsen as a result. regain 70-90% of its functions and health. As the cortisol levels increase, atrophy of Hormonal Balance lymphoid tissues can take place over time, immunity is reduced due to lower levels of From an endocrine perspective it should be macrophages and natural killer cells and the noted that the liver should help to inhibit febrile response is inhibited. increased secretion of:

• Insulin • • Cortisol 104 Endocrine Role of the Liver Iris Signs 105

The Liver & Hormonal Building indentation of the collarette is often accom- zones, usually brown or brown/orange in Blocks panied with lacuna, crypt and or pigment colour It is accepted that the liver plays a vital part granulation. • Indentation of the Collarette @ 20’ and Our livers are asked to filter our blood of in the maintenance of the blood sugar con- 40’ in the right iris toxic debris, metabolic waste, process fats centrations with the pancreas, adrenals and Thyroid Hormone Synthesis • Alteration along the Inner Pupillary Bor- and proteins and also cholesterol. Our livers the hypothalamus. The intake of glucose der between 78º to 90º and 270º to 282º are constantly producing cholesterol in can be spasmodic and is usually linked to The Liver, as we have observed, can inhibit • Alterations on 360º (Hypothalamus & order to stimulate and provide the building meal times, yet the liver will strive to main- increased secretions of both TRH and TSH Pituitary) plus Space 16 (Adrenal cortex) blocks for the production and synthesis of tain the blood glucose concentrations at critical times to maintain endocrine @ 112º and 248º hormones, especially in reference to the between 4-8 mmol/l. The liver is able to homeostasis. It is documented that we usu- • Embryological Topography for the liver adrenal hormones. convert glucose to its storage form of glyco- ally have approximately 50 times more T4 in both right or left iris with a pigment gen. This process is known as glycogenesis. than T3 or tri-iodothyronine, in the blood, patch Hormonal Fluid Balance & the Liver due to the thyroid secreting a lot more thy- • Partial Atrophy of the Inner Pupillary After the intake of carbohydrate some glu- roxine. These thyroid hormones circulate Border diameter The liver and kidneys rapidly degrade cose is permitted to enter the blood imme- bound to plasma proteins produced in the excess of anti-diuretic hormone or ADH diately, while the remainder is stored as liver, which actually acts a protection and free aldosterone in the blood. A plasma in the liver tissues. When it is against aggression from enzymatic sub- protein called angiotensinogen, which is sensed that the blood glucose reserves are stances. 30% of these are bound with albu- synthesized by the liver is acted upon by becoming depleted, the glycogen is min. renin. It then forms Angiotensin I. This is metabolised by the liver after approximate- converted to Angiotensin II by the actions ly an hour and a half after a meal. From the Thyroxine or T4 converts to T3 in the liver. of ACE in the blood, thus the control of metabolism of the glycogen, glucose can be In fact 80% of T4 undergoes peripheral con- blood pressure. released into the bloodstream. version to the more active T3 in the liver and kidneys. The Liver’s Role for the Menopause The only other organ capable of performing the liberation of glucose is the kidney, In Iridology, we find that many patients The liver also takes on the production of although this only tends to happen at times with either hypothyroidism or hyperthy- oestrogen with the adrenal glands during of starvation. roidism not only register iris signs in the and after the menopause. At the time of pre recognised thyroid topographies, but also and peri menopausal times the liver’s com- The muscles can also be indicated from an liver signs. This is discussed further in the Liver Transversal munication with the adrenal glands is endocrine perspective in this process as cor- chapter on Thyroid Gland and Iridology enhanced and this has to form a basis for tisol, released by the adrenal cortex, stimu- Correlations. Therapeutic Protocols good health. If the adrenals or liver are lates the release of amino acids from mus- functioning out of kilter, then extreme cle. These amino acids are taken up by the Iris Signs of Endocrine • Liver Flush menopausal symptoms are a high probabili- liver and converted to glucose. Dysfunction & the Liver • Gall Bladder Flush ty. • Flax Seed Oil (via Sub-Lingual Deliv- Iris signs of inhibition of the aforemen- • Hedgehog Pigment Patch or patches that ery) tioned glucose and glycogen activities are are topolabile • Olive Oil (via Sub-Lingual Delivery) orange pigments in the classical liver topog- • Numerous Dyskratic pigments located • Probiotic supplementation with Bifi- raphy in connection with indentation of the throughout the pupillary and ciliary dobacterium bifidus collarette at 180º at the adrenal cortex. The • Homeopathic Berberis 106 Endocrine Role of the Liver 107

• Carduus marianus semen • Cynara scolymus folia Hypoglycaemia & Iridology • Paeonia lactiflora radix • Dioscorea villosa radix A look at Hypoglycaemia and Diabetes Mellitus • Bupleurum faculatum Dysglycaemia from an Endocrine • Coleus forskohlii folia and Emotional Perspective An increase in blood sugar is well known as • Glycchriza glabra the condition of Diabetes mellitus. Elevated • Berberis vulgaris he identification of hypoglycaemia blood glucose levels occur after the intake • Chlorella perfectly illustrates the potential of of a carbohydrate meal or sugary food and • Ganoderma TIridology. I need to clarify before we remain elevated because the glucose metab- • Curcuma longa really begin, that when I refer to Hypogly- olism by body cells is defective, the conver- • Grifola frondosa caemia, it is not intended to mean a hypo- sion of glucose to glycogen in the liver and • Gymnema sylvestre glycaemic coma in Diabetes, which in Eng- muscles is diminished and glucogenesis land is often the medical definition of hypo- occurs from protein in response to the defi- The role of the liver in relation to overall glycaemia. The meaning behind this term in cient intracellular glucose. There are two immune system functions, including the this perspective is a tendency to or actual type of Diabetes mellitus - Type 1 which is Kupffer cells is covered in Immunology & low blood sugar. In the cases of dysgly- insulin dependent and usually begins in Iridology. caemia, an erratic is what childhood and Type 2 which is non-insulin is under scrutiny. In today’s understanding dependent and occurs in adulthood and is of an erratic blood sugar balance and com- usually controlled by strict dietary method. promised regulation, the terms of hypogly- caemia and dysglycaemia can be considered Diabetes mellitus is hyperglycaemia. Fre- interchangeable. quent urination, electrolyte imbalance, blood pressure problems, retinopathy, neu- A tendency to low blood sugar can and ropathies, glaucoma and extreme thirst can often does present a myriad of acute and all be symptoms of Diabetes. All of which is chronic symptoms which not only leaves well documented and recognised medically. the patient feeling overwhelmed, but often For further information please refer to chap- the practitioner as well! ter on Diabetes Mellitus, Iridology & the Endocrine System in this book. Erratic blood sugar levels cause an alter- ation and crossover of the endocrine, meta- Hypoglycaemia is on the Rise bolic, immune, nervous and digestive sys- tems of the body. Hypoglycaemia or low blood sugar is the opposite end of the spectrum to Diabetes. It Iridology can help to simplify all this con- is not so easily identified and not even fusion. recognised in some medical circles. Although it is a main cause of numerous symptoms and can prove to be very debili- tating for many people. The blood sugar 108 Hypoglycaemia & Iridology Symptoms 109

levels can be erratic, in these cases we are craving for example. The ingestion of the glycogen in the liver and skeletal mus- regulation mechanisms of the endocrine faced with dysglycaemia. chocolate (which is usually high in refined cles, accelerates uptake of amino acids system were triggering these numerous sugar content) drives the blood sugar level by cells, and the synthesis of protein, symptoms. Many people are not aware they have a ten- up, as the hormone insulin is secreted at promotes synthesis of essential fatty dency, or, actually experience hypogly- high levels by the pancreas to help balance acids and storage of fat in adipose tissue Most of the symptoms of low blood sugar, caemia, low blood sugar. You may feel like blood sugar. and generally acts on cell membranes to we can all experience from time to time, you’re falling apart, overwhelmed with stimulate an increase in the utilisation of due to transient hypoglycaemia which may numerous, seemingly unconnected symp- Too much insulin results in increased sugar glucose by muscular and connective tis- be described as a temporary or passing drop toms. These can be identified and addressed being driven into the cells and as a conse- sue cells. in blood sugar levels, which is soon put very easily with patience, dedication and quence, after the artificial high blood sugar back on track by the body’s regulatory the correct naturopathic approaches. I level from the chocolate, there is a steep • Somatostatin, which is also produced by mechanisms. Some of these symptoms, you would estimate that 70 to 80% of the west- drop in blood sugar levels. This particularly the hypothalamus, helps to inhibit the may well be experiencing en masse without ern world now exhibits a tendency to hypo- affects normal brain functioning as the secretion of both glycogen and insulin. any clear or apparent causative factors. If glycaemia. It is interesting to acknowledge blood chemistry containing circulating hor- Thus having a modulating influence this is the case then suspect hypoglycaemia. some research has shown that 75% of mones changes dramatically. The rhythmic when functional pathways are in bal- When blood glucose concentrations drop hyperactive children with learning prob- “wave” of blood sugar levels becomes more ance. Please refer to chapter on Gas- sharply below 70 mg per decilitre adrena- lems have hypoglycaemia. Their blood erratic, with sharp dips and elevations. This trointestinal Endocrinology in Iridology line secretion is stimulated from the adren- sugar levels are very erratic and desta- becomes difficult to identify through one for further information on somatostatin. als leading to excessive sweating, weakness bilised, leading to emotional and nervous random blood test. Also, one blood test is and tachycardia (palpitations). system problems. usually not enough as our blood chemistry Symptoms That Develop With is changing constantly throughout the day - Low or Erratic Blood Sugar When the blood sugar concentration drops Medical blood tests do not always identify hour by hour - in response to lack of food slowly then there is a more cerebral influ- the problem conclusively, if at all. Usually and nutrition, digesting a meal, stress, emo- There are many symptoms associated with ence and confusion, speech difficulty, the suggestion of low blood sugar indicated tions, exercise and circadian rhythms. both acute and chronic cases of hypogly- blurred vision and headaches may ensue. for certain symptoms is completely dis- caemia. Many are well documented in the missed. Perhaps, due to the fact that it is dif- Hormonal Connections past 20 years by authors and practitioners. These are common, usually transient, symp- ficult to conclusively prove from one func- The naturopath Paavo Airola initially made toms with hypo/dysglycaemia. From years tional test? However, Iridology can help to The three main hormones secreted by cells the link with many symptoms and low of clinical experience I have readily identi- confirm and clarify the situation, plus point from the of Langerhans blood sugar in the 1970s. Clinically we fied the following symptoms that are acute to how much of a risk, and how big that risk are: have to go back to 1924 and the work of an and readily connected with blood sugar could be, with hypoglycaemia, Diabetes or American GP called Seale Harris. In 1924, drops or erratic regulation: dysglycaemia. • Glucagon, that increases the blood glu- Dr Harris, a contemporary of Banting & cose (sugar) levels by stimulating the Best, noticed that diabetic patients attend- Acute Symptoms The Daily Rhythm of Blood conversion of glucose (in the liver skele- ing new insulin clinics, were in fact experi- Sugar Balance ton and muscles) and . encing hypoglycaemia, not hyperglycaemia • Concentration difficulties we would expect in diabetics. Dr Harris • Headache Blood sugar levels naturally go along • Insulin, which maintains the homeostasis made further studies in his practice and • Nausea throughout the day’s activities like a wave. of blood glucose and promotes other found that many patients were experiencing • Migraine with nausea Usually if you go longer than 3 or 4 hours anabolic and metabolic activities. It many symptoms of low blood sugar, who • Irritability without eating they will drop - this is when reduces high blood sugar levels by were not insulin dependent or even diag- • Indigestion mild symptoms can occur, like a chocolate increasing the conversion of glucose to nosed as diabetic. Imbalances in the sugar • Bloating 110 Hypoglycaemia & Iridology Genetics & Iridology 111

• Heartburn - acid reflux • Subfertility that approximately one out of every four We have no one constitutional type that fits • Sugar cravings • Gastric ulcers non-obese individuals with normal glucose into a classification of blood sugar constitu- • Caffeine craving (fizzy drinks, choco- • Allergies tolerance (as measured by a two hour oral tional subtype. In the research the typings late, coffee, tea) • Agoraphobia glucose tolerance test) has a functional were distributed throughout the twenty plus • Dizziness • Anxiety insulin-resistance in which hypersecretion constitutional types and sub-types (predis- • Shakiness and general feelings of weak- • Obesity of insulin is required to maintain normal positions). However the main identifying ness • Caffeine addiction blood sugar levels. This insulin-resistance is pancreatic signs can be different within the • Excessive sweating • Alcohol addiction caused by the muscle tissue resisting glu- types. • Tachycardia (palpitations) • Chocolate addiction cose uptake. Most blood and oral glucose • Muscle weakness due to adrenal fatigue • Sugar addiction (tolerance) tests are not capable of identify- The Causes of Hypoglycaemia • Numbness – pins and needles • Vertigo ing these swings, now often referred to as Can Be Numerous • Panic attacks • Asthma due to continuous depleted dysglycaemia. Dysglycaemia is sometimes • Forgetfulness blood sugar levels triggering elevated bound up in the modern Syndrome X. Syn- • Not eating something every 3-4 hours. • Breathlessness histamine levels drome X can lead to PCOS, heart disease or Going too long without food, without • Tinnitus • Low libido obesity. refuelling. A lot of people need to • Hyperactivity • Stomach cramps “graze” through the day • Fainting, in some extreme cases; black- • Eating disorders Fortunately through an Iridology examina- outs • Angina pectoris tion a tendency to and apparent hypogly- • Eating too quickly. Not masticating • Sore eyes • Neuralgia caemia can easily be identified. As can reac- enough. We should chew each mouthful • Blurred vision • Hypertension tions to the ingestion of sugar. In addition to of food at least 30 times, according to the • Confusion and disorientation • Rheumatoid arthritis and other inflam- the iris then, the mannerisms of the patient, latest research to fully ‘pre-digest’ it! • Speech difficulties matory autoimmune diseases analysis of the tongue and subsequent case This balances the secretion of pancreatic, • Impatience • Postnatal depression history can prove to be invaluable in diag- liver and stomach enzymes, hormone • Suicidal tendencies in extreme cases nosing and assessing the problem. peptides and saliva pH. More chronic symptoms experienced • Hyperinsulinaemia clinically can be: • Syndrome X Genetics & Iridology • Too much refined sugar, carbohydrates and saturated fats in the diet • Fatigue These can overlap in certain individuals. Most people living generally healthfully • Thyroid imbalance - hypothyroidism The chronic symptoms tend to develop over and in context with what their individual • Refined sugar, used consistently and • Joint pain due to cortisol alterations years from the root cause of the problem constitution dictates do not start to really excessively forces pancreatic overstimu- • Depression being overlooked and not addressed, thus experience blood sugar fluctuations until lation to take place leading to elevated • Mood swings untreated. The acute symptom, unheeded their 30’s and 40’s. This is when any weak- insulin secretions, hyperinsulinaemia, • PMT overtime, can become the chronic disease ness can begin to manifest and really hit and finally • Polycystic ovaries - PCOS or syndrome. A tendancy to dysglycaemia hard, and that individual is living out of • Cold extremities can develop into , if left their context, genetic balance or equilibri- • Too much coffee, tea and alcohol • Lichen sclerosis untreated for 20 to 40 years. um. • Candida albicans overgrowth • Water-insoluble low fibre diets which • Nightmares Dysglycaemia Again, Iridology can identify this tendency increase gastric emptying and the break- • Epilepsy in a non-invasive and accurate way, years down of starch • Adrenal exhaustion Dr Gerald Reaven, from the Stanford Uni- before any problem is apparent; and pre- • Melatonin imbalance versity School of Medicine, has estimated ventative measures can be implemented. 112 Hypoglycaemia & Iridology Nutritional Support 113

• Chronic stress and emotional trauma, • Eating disorders such as Bulimia • Centella asiatica symptoms. These withdrawals usually need which can lead to adrenal fatigue and • Nasturtium officinale to be conducted slowly, but surely. exhaustion • Crash diets • Curcuma longa rhizoma • Urtica folia • Fresh water intake needs to be increased. • Inability to manage the aforementioned • Deficiency of Essential Fatty Acids • Ganoderma lucidum as a capsule • Food should be eaten every three or four stress • Momardica charantia taken as a tea or hours and then chewed thoroughly. • Lack of exercise and sedentary lifestyle fresh vegetable • Alcohol use should be kept a minimum • Impaired Liver function, leading to con- • Aspalanthus linearis as a tea (Rooi- and tobacco use eliminated altogether. gestion • Emotional issues such as unresolved bosch) betrayal, fear, mother concerns, lack of Nutritional support to create a stable wave • Thyroid gland imbalance (which may be love, indecision, regrets, feelings of dis- Nutritional Support of blood sugar regulation throughout our linked to adrenal exhaustion) cord and anger toward self, can all be waking day can also be used. This would factors in disrupting the adrenals, liver • Spirulina (high in chromium, zinc, B- include Spirulina, which I find stabilises • Chronic Dehydration function and blood sugar equilibrium vitamins, magnesium) patients’ blood sugar extremely well and for • Chromium rich foods sustained periods of time. Essential Fatty • Using artificial sweeteners in beverages, Herbal Medicine • Essential Fatty Acids from cold pressed Acids (EFAs) and a variety of foods rich in fizzy drinks, toothpaste, “sugar-free” oils such as Borage Seed or Flax any of the following: chromium, magne- drinks, etc (refined sugar will actually be For many years I have used a polypharma- • Magnesium rich foods sium, zinc or copper. I usually present my better processed by the liver and pan- cy approach to formulate the following Pan- • Nutrisorb – liquid trace mineral formula- patients with information sheets, containing creas) creas Support Tonic. It supports all the tion by Biocare, containing elemental the richest food sources of these. I have appropriate pathways and imbalances to chromium, selenium,boron & man- made representations of these in the Appen- • A background of chronic intestinal dys- regulate blood sugar control, plus it is worth ganese dices of Immunology and Iridology. biosis informing your patients of its pleasant taste. • Copper I have found it extremely successful over • Zinc To influence blood sugar control foods such • B-Vitamin deficiency the years and now many of my colleagues • Vitamin C & Bioflavanoids as Karella, Avocado, Papaya, Beetroot, Car- and students utilise the same basic formula- • Selenium rots, Watercress, Ginger, Barley, Quinoa, • Amalgam fillings that are leaking tion: • Pantothenic acid - B5 Buckwheat and Turmeric can certainly be vapours added to the regular dietary measures. • Vaccinium myrtillus fruc Treatments • Personal history of Pancreatitis • Glycrrhiza glabra radix Iridological Signs • Filipendula ulmaria folia To control and manage erratic blood sugar • Mineral deficiencies such as chromium, • Carduus marianus semen levels dietary adjustments are the essential So how can Iridology simplify the situation magnesium, zinc or copper • Zingiber officinale radix bedrock. This foundation helps to stabilise with all these influences and symptoms? • Arctium lappa radix and provide the foundation for the patient to From the study of 1,500 patients I have • Food intolerance such as sugar, eggs and • Taraxacum officinale radix steadily improve and see most, if not all, of found prominent, frequent and recurrent iris white flour • Juniperus communis fruc their symptoms disappearing. and pupillary signs which illustrate the gen- • Trigonella foenum graecum semen eral tendency to low or erratic blood sugar • Smoking – each cigarette smoked can • Foeniculum vulgare semen Refined sugars and caffeine containing and also specific differentiations of iris elevate the blood sugar in equivalent drinks need to be cut down or eliminated, markings relating to the physical symptom measure to two teaspoons of sugar We can also use the following botanical depending on individual circumstances and and/or underlying psycho-emotional trigger tinctures or tisanes if required: or cause. We can also use Iridology to help 114 Hypoglycaemia & Iridology Iridological Signs 115

differentiate between hypo/dysglycaemia • Lacuna (giant, single or double) on the right iris. In the left iris we find the pan- The Inner Pupillary Border and Diabetes mellitus. external border of the collarette in the creas at 50º, 240º and 300º topographical zones for the pancreas at The Inner Pupillary Border (IPB) carries With any form of push to achieve blood 10’, 20’, 40’, 50’ minutes right and left • Slight vessel honeycombing in the sclera several signs that can illustrate a tendency sugar balance we need to familiarise our- irides - which can appear nasally or temporal- to blood sugar imbalance. Based on studies selves with the role of the: ly. This can show an intolerance or an with over 1,500 patients these include: aggressive systems reaction to refined • Pancreas Lacuna on the external border sugar. Appearing between 12 to 24 hours • Partial atrophy of the IPB diameter in • Hypothalamus of the collarette in the region after ingestion. See chapter on Diabetes 823 cases • Adrenal glands of 40 minutes right iris and 20 Mellitus, Iridology & the Endocrine Sys- • Liver minutes left iris may need a tem for further differentiation • Slight swelling of the IPB at 98º to 103º differential diagnosis of testic- and 262º to 257º for the topography of Predominant Iridology and ular problems or epididymitis • Inferior temporal and inferior nasal the pancreas (Local pancreatic hypertro- hypoglycaemia detection signs include: in males and ovarian concerns pupillary flattening and dynamic of phy). Also, indentation of the IPB/pupil- or salpingitis in females mydriasis can accentuate the reality of lary margin in these locations for 1012 of • General orange pigmentation - either the other signs, due to the adrenal the patients. Also indentation of the appearing as granulated patches or gen- involvement IPB/Pupillary margin in these locations eral colouration such as central hete- for 1012 of the patients rochromia. Orange pigments are topola- • Crypts in these same locations; pointing • The more of these signs that appear the bile signs for the pancreas. Solitary to the probable severity of the condition. greater the genetic inherent and personal • Signs in this location that help to form orange pigments carry greater authority Solitary crypts are given high priority in tendency to hypoglycaemia the Depression Axis on the IPB in terms of diagnostic priority helping to assess the potential for extreme symptom reactions to the blood • On the flipside to this a solitary small • Absent IPB between 356º to 4º in the sugar drops pigment, crypt, lacuna or collarette hypothalamic topography in 648 of the indentation, located in an iris which car- patients • Prominent signs in the liver, adrenal and ries little else that stands out can show a hypothalamus zones. Embryological greater relevance or drastic nature of the topography takes precedence here for condition IPB Diameter Cases out of 1500 this. A possible “Hypoglycaemic Axis” • Crypts featured in the new embryologi- Partial Atrophy 823 • Inside the internal border of the col- cal topography of the collarette in the larette we can often see crypts or pig- pancreas locations carry the highest Normal 98 ments in relation to the pancreatic zones degree of tendency and speedy evolution and the above liver, adrenal gland and of symptoms Hypotrophy 27 hypothalamus areas. The location of these pancreatic, adrenal, liver and hypo- • A collaret slant (Linear Collarette) in the Hypertrophy 522 thalamus zones is a new topography, one temporal iris between 1’ and 2’ accompa- that is based on 5 years clinical research nied with an adjacent pupillary flattening Atrophy 19 in the UK and Italy. The pancreas zones indicates a tendancy to hyperinsuli- 4 Pancreas Collarette Topographies are located at 60º, 120º & 235º in the naemia after prolonged hypoglycaemia Mixed 11 116 Hypoglycaemia & Iridology Endocrine Alterations 117

• Claws situated sporadically along the It is often said that talk of psycho-emotion- foray should be to stabilise underlying IPB. The “claw” reaches out to the iris. al aspects denigrates Iridology - but I feel it blood sugar balance. Claw signs are markers for migraine. empowers and progresses Iridology as we Migraines are often triggered by low all consist of numerous levels - physical, In summary I think it is correct to state that blood sugar levels. 426 patients had claw emotional, spiritual etc. and this is what we balanced blood sugar levels equate to a signs in the study are presented with in practice; with real healthy and balanced hormonal system. people not simply medical models. • General hypertrophy of the IPB suggest a greater need for chromium. 522 of the In essence, Iridology does not necessarily patients in the study had a hypertrophic reflect the symptoms but the underlying, IPB what appears to be a hidden cause or causes of the problem called hypoglycaemia. Iri- • An S sign located anywhere around the dology is able to provide clarity to the many IPB circumference often suggests ten- symptoms patients experience and usually dency to elevated prolactin levels. at a time when they are feeling over- Hyperprolactinaemia can cause hypogly- whelmed, drained and worried something caemia, and vice versa more serious is happening to them physical- ly and mentally. Emotional Issues & Hypoglycaemia Endocrine Alterations Due to Blood Sugar Imbalance Iridology signs integrate with underlying emotional traits that can be part of and the Dysregulation of the blood sugar levels can causative agent in hypoglycaemia. These have profound short and long-term effects often include: on the health of the endocrine system. Many patients experiencing endometriosis, • Indecision PCOS, Subfertility, chronic fatigue, • Fears of being alone hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, uterine • Irrational impatience fibroids, breast problems or PMT have an • Anxiety undiagnosed background of chronic erratic • Panic - loss of feeling in control and low blood sugar levels. In fact, what • Depression can really aggravate PMT symptoms for • Spontaneity women is hypoglycaemia. • Expressive emotional warmth • Betrayal - which can be identified The iris helps to determine the background through the existence of lacuna in the to any given hormonal concern. From the pancreatic organ zones or through research and clinical experience in these orange central heterochromia if the areas, the background is usually one of low betrayal is within the family – please blood sugar. To really begin to help balance refer Emotional Approaches in Iridology the endocrine system, the initial therapeutic 119

Gastrointestinal Endocrinology in Iridology Introduction Discovery

n Endocrinology the gastrointestinal It was in 1902 that Bayliss and Starling, two tract is now termed an example of dif- English physiologists, first postulated the Ifuse endocrine tissue. The combination concept of hormones. They deduced that a of endocrine functions and the gastrointesti- blood-borne signal called Secretin by the nal functions opens up many exciting and duodenum acted on the pancreas. They favourable prospects in endocrinology, nat- called this hormone Secretin and the name ural medicine and iridology. The fact that is still used in endocrinology today. the pupillary zone betwixt collarette and IPB is representative of the gastrointestinal APUD Cells organs, gives confirmation of the research that suggests the collarette is a barometer Endocrine cells are distributed all along the for the endocrine system, especially when gastrointestinal tract. These are called signs are attached to the collarette’s external enteroendocrine cells and are a type of border. APUD cell. APUD cells are peptide-secret- ing cells found throughout the body such as In addition to this we have further validity the Islets of Langerhans cells in the pan- for the innovative embryological approach creas that secrete glucagon and insulin, jux- in iridology, which places the organs and taglomuerular complex cells secreting renin glands internally to the collarette and high- in the kidneys, parafollicular cells secreting lights their origins and embryogenesis Calcitonin in the thyroid gland and respira- (refer Embryology & Iridology by Lo Rito tory neuroendocrine cells secreting 5-HT or & Andrews). serotonin.

This work on gastrointestinal endocrinolo- APUD cells share physiological character- gy in iridology is based on six years of istics and origins. They have embryological research and protracted efforts in this area. beginnings from the endodermal gastroin- testinal tract, and have similar biochemical Integrated gastrointestinal endocrine com- pathways for amine or peptide hormone munication is paramount for healthy diges- synthesis, as the name APUD is an abbrevi- tion, a vital immune system & general hor- ation for Amine Precursor Uptake and monal health. Decaboxylation. Also, they all have to be viewed under electron microscope to see their similar neurosecretory granules. 120 Gastrointestinal Endocrinology Secretin 121

The similarity between the brain and the In the intestines and the brain we have not, however, eradicate any unseen errors or Iris signs to observe for in relation to intestines is not a coincidence, as the APUD receptor sites for all three neurotransmitters research that may require honing. potential secretin disturbances include: cells have the same embryological origins or gastrointestinal/neurohormones. as the brain. The APUD cells of the intes- How do the gastrointestinal peptides and • Absent section of the Inner Pupillary tines are believed to derive from the neural Also many endocrine glands, such as the hormones reach their target cells? Well, we Border at 100º to 104º or 260º to 264º crest of an embryo, which then goes onto pituitary or thyroid, derive from the intes- have two modes of delivery. Firstly via the • Small granulated dotted orange pigment form the brain and spinal cord, thus we can tinal tissues during embryogenesis. blood, hence the definition of endocrine. in the embryological topography of 200º see a common ground and shared physiolo- Secondly, due to the local affect of nearby to 220º in the right iris (Andrews) gy and biochemistry between the intestines Iridological Potential cells or paracrine exchanges. • Distended and thinning collarette struc- and the brain. We can also see the connec- ture – either a gross or local distension tions with the collarette and Inner Pupillary Firstly, the relates to Sometimes peptides, such as somatostatin, are possible. A distended collarette Border. embryogenesis and the holistic understand- can act in both endocrine and paracrine reveals the pupillary sphincter. The ing of the new embryological topography in ways. pupillary sphincter is a red herring when At least twenty hormones and peptides have iridology. Secondly, the importance of the it comes down to gastric secretions, the been documented along the GI tract. These collarette in endocrine assessment is high- Let us begin with the hormone that started it collarette should be the focus hormones and peptides are secreted to con- lighted, and thirdly the Inner Pupillary Bor- all: trol and organise and also the der as an extension of the central nervous Gastrin absorption of food. system has the potential for neuroendocrine Secretin analysis. No prizes for guessing where gastrin origi- Gastrointestinal Peptides as Secretin is secreted by S cells in the duode- nates! Yes, gastrin is secreted in various Neurotransmitters From these crossovers in gastrointestinal num and also the jejunum and ileum in forms, the main one comprising 34 amino endocrinology we can readily identify the response to the secreted by the acids, by the enteroendocrine cells in the Certain gastrointestinal peptides such as common bond and intimate relationship the stomach, that arrives in the duodenum. pylorus of the stomach after we eat a meal. vasoactive intestinal peptide or VIP, chole- endocrine and nervous systems share. It Secretin consists of 27 amino acids. In classical iridology Josef Deck and col- cystokinin or CCK or gastrin can also act as also illustrates the common origin both Secretin then acts via cAMP to stimulate the leagues in Germany from the 1940s to neurotransmitters in the neurons innervat- these systems have in embryology and how secretion of pancreatic and hepatic bicar- 1970s, have been able to document and ing the enteric nervous system, and also the we can expand iridology research to under- bonate ions. This activity probably involves chart the classical iris topography for the central nervous system. Somatostatin, stand this profound link. CCK also. Secretin also enhances the secre- pylorus through x-ray and autopsy compar- enkephalin and Substance P can also act as tion of insulin and bile, plus triggers closure isons. neurotransmitters and neuromodulators. Gastrointestinal Tract Peptides of the pyloric sphincter, thus decreasing These overlaps present us with several pos- and their Iris Signs gastric acid secretion from the parietal cells Gastrin is secreted in response to peptides, sibilities to further our understanding of in the stomach. The secretion of secretin amino acids and even essential fatty acids in what we can identify within the iris. Before we begin we need to make ourselves stops when the duodenal contents pH rises the stomach. Stimulation of the vagus nerve aware of several facets in this arena. The beyond 4.5 as a result of the alkaline pan- or distension of the stomach through food In the brain and intestines the following act connection between gastrointestinal creatic secretion. or drink content results in gastrin secretion. as neurotransmitters: endocrinology and iridology is still in its This is why it is so important not to overeat. infancy. The information presented here is Secretin is a major factor involved in con- In the absence of food gastrin secretion can • Serotonin incomplete. I dare say further clarification trolling insulin secretion from the pancreat- be stimulated by increased activity of the • Acetylcholine will appear with our continued research ic β-cells. Secretin has also been identified autonomic nervous system due to stress. • Noradrenaline endeavours in this field. This premise does in the brain tissues, leading to connections With this in mind, it is not surprising to with neuroendocrine possibilities. 122 Gastrointestinal Endocrinology GIP 123

learn that elevated adrenaline can trigger Gastrin secretion is under the control of • Globular or slightly hypertrophied Inner • Changes to fovea seen under gastrin secretion. negative feedback, thus the pH of the stom- Pupillary Border structure at 92º to 96º Retinoscopy ach contents is vital and previous medical and 266º to 272º • Squared Collarette The main focus of gastrin is to increase the attempts to treat Zollinger-Ellison syn- • Very bright stomach ring or visible • Restricted and zig-zag collarette in the secretion of gastric acid. This is through drome with antacid drugs resulted in the pupillary sphincter in Zollinger-Ellison right iris located between 190º to 310º direct effect on the parietal cells or it can unforeseen adverse reaction of increased Syndrome. This stomach ring is accom- • Pigments – small orange granulations, involve the potentiation of histamine gastrin secretion. Sometimes the cause is a panied by multiple defects in the stom- which can be solitary in either embry- induced gastric acid secretion. In general it gastroma in the pancreas, which can be sur- ach zone ological or classical duodenum topogra- is gastrin working as the facilitating force of gically removed. Subsequently, it has been phies. Also we often have such pigmen- the movement of the stomach contents into found that histamine antagonists such as Glucose-Dependent tations in the classical jejunum or ileum the duodenum by increasing both gastric Cimetidine or Zantac, plus proton pump Insulinotrophic Peptide (GIP) topographies, as charted by Russian & and intestinal motility. The pyloric sphinc- inhibitors such as Losec or Zoton are much German iridologist researchers from the ter is also relaxed and contraction of the gall better at alleviating the ulceration and acid Glucose-dependent insulinotrophic peptide 1950s to the early 1990s via combina- bladder results in the release of bile salts to production. used to be called gastric inhibitory peptide, tions of iridology and conventional diag- the general mix. The ileo-caecal valve or but was also known as GIP. The name was nostic methods such as autopsy, scan or sphincter is also relaxed, which permits the Treatment from a natural perspective could changed according to Debuse Sanders X-Ray transit of food from the small intestine to be tried with the following: because “this was inaccurate and too easy to the large intestine. pronounce”. It is not secreted in the stom- Somatostatin • Water Therapy ach, but by K cells in the mucosal lining of Meanwhile, the secretion of gastrin increas- • Slippery Elm the duodenum, jejunum and ileum. Somatostatin is perhaps most well regarded es the breakdown of proteins via stimula- • Psyllium Husks in this field due to being secreted and con- tion of hydrochloric acid production and • Urtica folia tincture Triglycerides and the presence of glucose in trolled by the hypothalamus. In the chapter in the stomach, plus the • Artemisia vulgaris folia the intestinal tract stimulate the release of on the hypothalamus in Immunology & Iri- secretion of in the stomach. GIP. Also it is documented that GIP has dology, it is highlighted that somatostatin is Iris Signs to observe for gastrin include: actions on the liver, adipose tissue (leptin), called growth hormone inhibiting hormone Research has found that gastrin can be muscles and the brain, where it potentiates or GHIH when it is secreted from the hypo- inhibited through feedback control and the • Distended collarette the actions of insulin and acts very diamet- thalamus. Recently, however, it has been action of VIP, glucagon and somatostatin. • Local indentation of the collarette at rically opposed to glucagon. discovered that somatostatin is also secreted Like secretin, gastrin has also been identi- 345º in the right iris and 15º in the left by the δ cells of the Islets of Langerhans in fied within the brain. It can stimulate secre- • Pituitary Lacuna at 360º on the external GIP inhibits gastric acid production and the pancreas, plus, like VIP, via the gastric tion of growth hormone from the anterior border of the collarette gastric motility, but stimulates insulin mucosa and intestinal neurons. pituitary. • Embryological Topography for the ante- secretion by the β cells of the Islets of rior pituitary at 345º to 350º in the right Langerhans if we have high blood sugar It is interesting to note that somatostatin Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome iris and 10º to 15º in the left iris levels. GIP contains 43 amino acids. secreted by the gastric mucosa and pancreas • Defect signs or crypts in classical pyloric contains 14 amino acids while the intestinal In this condition we have excessive secre- topographies Iris & Sclera Signs to observe for somatostatin consists of 28 amino acids. tion of gastrin and thus, gastric acid. Ulcers • Small granulated solitary pigment in the include: of the stomach and diarrhoea can occur, due stomach topography The release of somatostatin is triggered by to the over-acid environment disrupting the • Grey hazing of 1/2 the gastric zone • Honeycomb with pronounced and thick- the presence of another peptide CCK or normal digestive enzymes. ened vessels in the sclera, usually locat- cholecystokinin, acidity or amino acids in ed temporally the stomach or high blood sugar levels. 124 Gastrointestinal Endocrinology Natural Treatments 125

Somatostatin really has the ability to slow • Misshapen collarette structure that is the contents of the duodenum at that time. • Lentinus down digestion by inhibiting secretion of all common in autoimmune conditions Pancreatic enzymes like lipase are also the other pancreatic hormones, like insulin • When the immune system is under stress secreted at this time due to the stimulation Iris & Sclera Signs to check for for example, and gastrointestinal hormones, the zig-zag collarette structure can man- of CCK. include: such as gastrin, plus the secretion of pan- ifest a tendency to an inhibited somato- creatic enzymes and bile. Both gastric emp- statin release. This often results in an CCK used to be called CCK-PZ, but pan- • Yellow shimmer in the sclera tying and motility of the intestinal tract can overactive digestive system and diar- creozymin was found to be the same as • Brown pigment - topolabile be decreased through the release of somato- rhoea, plus dysbiosis CCK, so another possible pronunciation cri- • Punctate pigments throughout ciliary statin, plus the control of peristalsis from • Orange pigments attached to the col- sis was averted. zone (Ferrum chromatosis) the hypothalamus. larette in the four classical pancreatic • Duodenal embryological topography at locations charted by Jarosyck in the Other areas under the influence of CCK 195º to 210º in the internal border of the Somatostatinoma 1960s secretion include the closure of the pyloric collarette of the right iris with a crypt or • In pancreatic somatostatinoma observe sphincter to prevent reflux, inhibition of lacuna attached These types of hormonal secreting tumours for marked indentation of the collarette gastric motility so gastrin production slows • Central heterochromia with restricted can cause intestinal obstruction, but this is structure at 42’ in the right iris only. down, plus the stimulation of peristaltic collarette an extreme and the patient may never be Makurchuk, et al researched that this movement in combination with the hypo- • Gall Bladder embryological topography aware of somatostatin excess, other than sign was prominent statistically in clini- thalamus, for the small and large intestines. at 318º in the right iris symptoms of constipation. However, if the cal cases of gall bladder patients in Rus- • Partial zig-zag of the collarette over clas- somatostatinoma is in the pancreas then the sia CCK has been found in the brain in two dif- sical spleen topography at 20’ in left iris patient is faced with increases in circulating • Intestinal transversal in the same loca- ferent forms, one has 8 amino acids, where- • Transparent Corneal Arcus featured in hormones accompanied by a range of gas- tion as the aforementioned indentation in as the main CCK in the brain acting as a left and/or right irides from 180º to 290º trointestinal symptoms, including predomi- the right iris or, more frequently, in the neurotransmitter has 58 amino acids. It pro- only nantly mild Diabetes mellitus, triggered left iris anywhere between 120º to 150º duces a sense of fullness for the person after through insulin secretory inhibition. This in along and into the collarette eating. Indeed, low levels of CCK have Meerschaum Collarette turn slows gastric emptying and can inhibit been linked to the development of Bulimia the gall bladder, thus causing the formation Cholecystokinin nervosa, whilst the reduction of appetite in Here we have a bright, shimmering haze of gallstones, which can be confirmed the aging process is linked to increased around the full circumference of the usually through the use of tongue diagnostics and Cholecystokinin or CCK, as it is better CCK secretion or even an acquired sensitiv- hypertrophic collarette, with the Meer- ultrasound. known, is another hormonal peptide secret- ity to this peptide hormone. schaum sign, as indicated by Dr Anton ed by the duodenum. Again this offers fur- Markgraf, Joachim Broy & Rudolf Schn- Iris Signs to observe changes in ther validity to the assertion that the major- Natural treatments in this sphere abel. somatostatin secretion include: ity of endocrine tendencies are located include: attached either internally and externally to In the lymphatic iris the entire pupillary • Initially observe for any potential signs the collarette border. CCK usually consists • Milk Thistle seed liquid extract to pro- zone and collarette is very milky-white. In for the hypothalamus, including classical of 33 amino acids in its most common form. mote the hepatic production of bile the Mixed Iris then we have a brighter cen- and embryological topography. All When we eat gastric acid is produced which • Withania to act on the hypothalamus tral heterochromia. hypothalamic signs will be attached to passes into the duodenum with amino acids • Homeopathic CCK D30 the collarette and may manifest either as and fatty acids, the presence of these trig- • Gentiana lutea radix – 2 mls twice daily There can often be what appears like the local indentation, leaf lacuna, radial fur- gers the release of CCK. The CCK increas- • Increased daily water intake trail of a distress flare or radiating spokes of row or orange pigment patch es the hepatic production of bile and con- • Carica papaya fr for duodenal integrity light emitting from the edge of the collarette • Restricted collarette structure tracts the gall bladder to mix bile salts with • Ganoderma 126 Gastrointestinal Endocrinology Substance P 127

piercing throughout the ciliary zone to the sign at Space 7 on the Inner Pupillary Bor- Iridology profiles for VIP include: • Geum urbanum radix/herba iris limbus. der. • Probiotic supplementation with Bio-Aci- • Whitened zig-zag collarette. VIP takes dophilus With a Meerschaum, I have found that there Nutritionally Pineapple due to the brome- precedence in any consideration of the can be profound alterations of the gastroin- lain content and Beetroot due to the Betaine zig-zag collarette Substance P testinal hormones such as the gastrointesti- hydrochloride enzyme content, plus botani- • Diffuse straw-yellow heterochromia nal peptides like vasoactive intestinal pep- cal medicines such as Althea radix, Cur- • 355º to 5º with a Globular morphology Substance P is secreted by the enteric neu- tide (VIP), which regulates biological cuma longa, Ganoderma, Trametes, Fil- on the frontal IPB, or Space 1, the topog- rons in the small intestine. CCK and sero- rhythms in the central nervous system, ipendula, Artemisia vulgaris & Acorus raphy along this structure for the hypo- tonin stimulate its secretion. It consists of cholecsytokinenin (CCK), which helps to calamus are indicated, in addition to proper thalamus. Neurolappen can also occur. 11 amino acids and is widely distributed control hunger and is secreted into the duo- intake of magnesium, phosphorus and iron. • Multiple crypts in the pupillary zone throughout the intestines and the brain. denum in the presence of fats or amino • Double Collarette Substance P has the honour as being the acids, causing the gall bladder to contract Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide first hormone identified in both areas of the and release bile and stimulating secretion of or VIP VIP Excess body. It really is a diffuse endocrine agent pancreatic enzymes; bombesin which regu- throughout the full length of the gut and the lates temperature control of the stomach Vasoactive Intestinal Peptide (VIP) contains Rare tumours that contain VIP secreting brain tissues. It stimulates secretion of sali- and duodenum via communication with the 28 amino acids and is considered not only cells are called VIPomas. They are usually va, increased intestinal motility, thus hypothalamus, somatostatin which regu- to be a , but a neu- found in the pancreas and medically requires adequate fluid, and, also secretion lates growth in the body and gastrin which rohormone too. This dual consideration is referred to as Werner-Morrison Syndrome. of pancreatic enzymes. is secreted in response to stimulation of the made due to the fact that VIP does not rely The symptom picture includes decreased vagus nerve and distension of the stomach on the intake of food to trigger its secretion. gastric acid secretion, hypotension, loss of It is considered unlikely that Substance P of and acts to break down proteins by stimula- Indeed it is secreted via D cells along the bicarbonate ions resulting in acidosis, relax- gastrointestinal origin enters the systemic tion of parietal cells to secrete hydrochloric entire length of the gastrointestinal tract. ation of the gastrointestinal smooth muscle, circulation, but neurologically derived sub- acid and intrinsic factor. VIP inhibits gastric acid production, but excessive pancreatic secretions and exces- stance P probably does, where it exerts stimulates endocrine and exocrine secre- sive water-like diarrhoea induced by the largely unknown systemic influence on our Gastrin increases gastric motility and stim- tions of the pancreas. intestinal relaxation and compromise of the functional capacities. We can consider the ulates secretion of insulin, glucagon and digestive enzymes. In some cases this con- existence of substance P as scientific confir- secretin. There can be many gastrointestinal Deficiency dition can be fatal. Urgent treatment is mation of the psychoneuroendocrine axis. hormonal interactions with our energy lev- required, usually through chemotherapy els, blood sugar balance and fat metabo- VIP will also relax smooth muscles, thus agents to reduce the size of the VIPoma. Elevation of Substance P can be indicated in lism. reducing intestinal cramping. Problems From the herbal medicine perspective the many inflammatory bowel conditions such with or quantities of VIP can be involved following are indicated in all cases: as Ulcerative Colitis and diverticulitis. German research mentions that there may with spasmodic bowel conditions, such as be gastric acidity & enzymatic changes, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Colitis or food • Vinca Iridology Signs: arterioscleriosis, anaemia, lymphadenopa- intolerance. Some researchers have looked • Injectable Viscum – Iscador thy, kidney disturbances and general ener- at how recurrent antibiotic users have lower • Hydrogen peroxide therapy according to • IPB – Neurolappen or Nerve Rags, sin- getic stomach and intestinal imbalances levels of VIP secretion. VIP has a symbiot- some South African authorities gular or multiple hypertrophic flaps of apparent within the medical history of the ic relationship with probiotics, or friendly • Larrea tridenta herba the Inner Pupillary Border anywhere on patient. Food intolerances and allergies of a intestinal flora. • Coriolus versicolor the IPB can be a sign for alterations in psychological beginning may be present, • Ganoderma lucidum any neurohormones such as Substance P, especially when accompanied by a dynamic • Lentinus edodes enkephalin or VIP 128 Gastrointestinal Endocrinology Enkephalin 129

• Mammilations - Transient Pancreatic polypeptide possibility for you to explore in your prac- research has concluded we have three or • Stress Axis tice. four pigments which share the same fre- • Collarette Structures – Local interrup- The F cells in the Islets of Langerhans of quency of incidence. The colours include tion the pancreas are the main sites for secretion Enkephalin yellow, salmon pink, orange or light • Zig-Zag Collarette of the Pancreatic polypeptide. This secre- brown tion is stimulated due to the presence of Like Substance P, enkephalin is secreted by • Thickened or hypertrophic collarette Therapeutic Protocols for Substance P proteins in the stomach or low blood sugar. the enteric neurons of the small intestine in structure between 220º to 320º in the left equilibrium include: Pancreatic polypeptide retards the absorp- the presence of largely unknown influences. iris only – we can relate this to the clas- tion of food due to contraction of the gall Enkephalin inhibits the intestinal peristalsis sical and embryological topography of • Prolactin D30 bladder and inhibition of pancreatic enzyme and digestive secretions. Some endocrine the ileum • Melatonin D6 to D30 secretion. and gastroenterological authorities believe • Zig-Zag collarette in some cases • Tryptophan D6 to D30 that the function of the hypothalamus has a • Curcuma longa Iris Signs to be aware of: large role to play in the balance of Neurotensin • Grifola frondosa enkephalin secretion in the small intestine, • Gymnema sylvestre • Swathes of orange pigment throughout as it is our hypothalamus that is constantly Secreted by the N cells in the small intestine • Vaccinium myrtillus the ciliary iris monitoring and controlling the peristaltic in the presence of intestinal fat. It stimulates • Licorice root Tincture • Orange central heterochromia action of the Enkephalin secretion, and, lev- local gut motility, secretion and also • Pineapple - Fresh • Indentation of the collarette at 40’ in the els are often out of balance in Crohn’s dis- immune responses. Thus we have a symbi- • Papaya - Fresh right iris (Gall bladder & pancreas dif- ease. The pancreas can also have its secre- otic relationship between endocrine and • Guava - Fresh ferentiation) tions inhibited via the presence of immune systems. • Kiwi - Fresh • Giant, Leaf, Closed or Double Lacuna enkephalin. • Beetroot – Raw or Fresh juice attached to the external border of the col- Iris Signs to observe for include: • Burdock root – cooked larette in the classical topographies for Iris Signs to observe: the pancreas at 10’, 20’, 40’ or 50’ in the • Hypertrophic Collarette (usually mis- Motilin right and left irides • Solitary orange or ochre pigment in the shapen) with Zig-Zag structure • Embryological topography for the pan- topography for the hypothalamus at 360º • Presence of the Immune Axis The EC cells in the duodenum secrete creas at the internal border of the col- in either right or left iris • Indentation of the collarette at 315º to Motilin, when levels of alkalinity are high. larette • Introflession of the collarette between 320º in the right iris, pushing on the As its name suggests Motilin increases the • Zig-Zag Collarette 320º to 360º in the right iris and/or 0º to embryology of the liver. We could also stimulation of intestinal motility. A lack of 40º in the left iris have an indentation adjacent between foodstuffs in the duodenum can also trigger Bombesin • Crypt, defect sign or a solitary pigment 45º and 50º its secretion. Motilin is found in the brain of small diameter at 180º in the embry- too. In iridology we have no correlations to Bombesin is another peptide secreted by the ological topography for the hypothala- Enteroglucagon date, due to specialised medical measures duodenum and also the P cells in the stom- mus or the classical topography for the for testing levels of secretion and no obvi- ach. It stimulates the release of gastrin and jejunum, adjacent to the pupil and Secreted by α cells in the stomach and L ous patterns of signs in the six years of is triggered through the avoidance of food around mid-distance from the collarette. cells in the colon due to the presence of glu- research. or through fasting. Again, we have no irido- During my lectures and courses around cose and fat in the stomach. Enteroglucagon logical correlations so far, although a ven- the world I am always quizzed with great reduces gastric acid secretion and gut motil- tral distension of the collarette could be a fervour, on which pigment practitioners ity. We need to observe for restricted col- should look out for in this location and it larette structure accompanied with central is a difficult question to answer, as the heterochromia. 130 Gastrointestinal Endocrinology Therapautic Protocols 131

Peptide YY • Liquid Oxygen tem in conjunction with the immune system • Essential Fatty Acids of the individual with any of these signs. PYY cells in the colon secrete Peptide YY in the presence of intestinal fat. It inhibits Iridology profiles for Peptide YY, The activity of the gastrointestinal gastric motility and acid secretion. With this in addition to Matrix Regulation & endocrine system must be highly coordinat- in mind it is interesting to learn that Peptide Acid/Alkaline Base Signs: ed in order to prevent erosion of the intes- YY is elevated in both cystic fibrosis and tinal mucosa by the digestive enzymes. coeliac disease. • Absent Collarette – either local interrup- Indeed the gastrointestinal system’s pivotal tion or complete atrophy role in immunology, digestive health, From a naturopathic or homotoxicological • Multiple crypts and defects in both the mood, energy levels, nutritional absorption perspective we need to have knowledge of ciliary and pupillary zone and assimilation plus hormonal potential is the acid-alkaline base in iridology as sug- only as good as the cohesion of the diffuse gested by Italian iridologists such as the late Insulin & glucagon gastrointestinal endocrine system. Siegfried Rizzi and Dr Silvano Sguario. The pancreas secretes these two very General Therapeutic Protocols The Matrix Regulation work of Pischinger important peptides and their roles are cov- applied to Iridology by Josef Angerer and ered in the chapter on Diabetes Mellitus, • Water Therapy his contemporary Franz Kohl in Germany, Iridology & the Endocrine System in this • Vegetarian/Vegan Diet plus exhaustive work from Willy Hauser book. • Avoidance of refined flours and sugar as and his contemporary Claus Jahn can be much as possible appointed here too. Conclusion • Minimal alcohol intake • Avoidance of MSG & Aspartame Dr Etienne Callebout also has theories on In this field we have the need for further • Avoidance of smoking the foundational acid-alkaline terrain of the research, as we are starting to chart new ter- • Digest-aid Tonic human body in health and disease, particu- ritory in this particular aspect of iridology. larly the development of various cancers. We can only consider this to be the begin- Endocrine adaptogens: What we would expect in this field is not ning. always what occurs in reality. Etienne’s the- • Eleutherococcus senticosus radix ories are based on practical experience plus The main iris sign we need to consider in • Paeonia lactiflora radix advanced blood profiles, iridology, urine regard to most gastrointestinal hormonal • Angelica sinensis radix tests and microscopic examinations of vari- peptides that have the ability to act as neu- • Ganoderma lucidum ous kinds. rotransmitters and modulators, or neurohor- • Cordyceps mones is the zig-zag collarette (refer to • Schisandra sinensis fr Therapeutic Protocols for the balance of page 62 to 63 in Immunology & Iridology). • Lentinus edodes Peptide YY include: • Astragalus membranaceus Remember that the gastrointestinal hor- • Vitex agnus castus • Nux Vomica Hommacord (Heel) mones and peptides act as neurotransmitters • Pfaffia paniculata radix • Lymphomyosot (Heel) and neuromodulators, so we have to be • Arctium lappa radix • Coriolus versicolor aware of psycho-emotional factors and the • Turnera diffusa herba • Berberis vulgaris cortex activities of the psychoneuroendocrine sys- • Sutherlandia frutescens herba 132 Gastrointestinal Endocrinology

The Site of Secretion, Stimuli for Secretion, and Actions of the Minor Gut Peptides Gut Peptide Site of Stimulus Action of Secretion for Secretion Peptide

Enteroglucagon A cells in the stomach Presence of glucose Reduces gastric-acid and L cells in the colon and fat in the stomach secretion and gut motility

Bombesin P cells in the stomach Fasting Stimulates gastrin and duodenum release

Motilin EC cells in the duode- Absence of food in the Speeds gastric empty- num duodenum ing and stimulates colonic motility

Vasoactive D1 cells and neurons in Gut distension Stimulates local gut intestinal the small intestine and secretion, motility, and polypeptide (VIP) colon blood flow

Peptide YY PYY cells of the colon Presence of intestinal Inhibits gastric motili- (related to fat ty and acid secretion pancreatic (peptide YY is elevated polypeptide) in coeliac disease and cystic fibrosis)

Substance P Enteric neurons in the Cholecystokinin (CCK), Stimulates gut motili- small intestine 5-hydroxytryptamine ty, secretion and (5-HT) immune responses; may have a role in inflammatory bowel disease

Enkephalin Enteric neurons in the Unknown Inhibits gut motility small intestine and secretion

Neurotensin N cells of the small Presence of intestinal Stimulates local gut intestine fat motility, secretion, and immune response


Diabetes Mellitus, Iridology & the Endocrine System

iabetes mellitus (DM) can be classi- betes was triggered by a mass Hepatitis B fied as two distinct types. The first vaccination campaign, as discussed in Dinsulin dependent Diabetes or Type Immunology & Iridology. 1, the second is Type 2, which is usually termed Adult onset Diabetes. Type 1 can Type 2 or adult-onset Diabetes can have a also be referred to as juvenile-onset Dia- genetic tendency bias, as we can identify betes. In general Diabetes is a multisystem through the application of Iridology. It is disease of an abnormal metabolic state and generally caused by long-term improper characterised by elevated blood sugar, or lifestyle factors such as poor diet, malnutri- hyperglycaemia, due to disruption of insulin tion, chronic dehydration, high alcohol and secretions and activity. In the UK 2% of the caffeine intake and a lack of exercise. The adult population have Diabetes mellitus. diet usually includes high levels of saturat- ed animal fats, refined sugars, processed We have a growing epidemic across all ages foods, microwaved food, artificial sweeten- with Diabetes in the western world. It is ers, carbonated drinks and refined carbohy- becoming an alarming trend in infants and drates such as white bread. Type 2 Diabetes juveniles, plus adults. We have lots of both is a lot easier to correct from a naturopathic conventional and alternative literature perspective, than Type 1 DM. available on DM now. It is probably one of the most well-known and recognised Other causal factors with DM Type 2 is endocrine conditions; therefore, I only insulin resistance, where the tissues and intend to cover the pertinent points and cells are unable to respond to insulin due to rarer perspectives in this chapter. a compromised function of insulin receptors on the target cell surfaces. Type 1 Diabetes is now known as an autoimmune disease, where antibody-medi- Long Term Complications in ated destruction of the β cells in the Islets of Diabetes Langerhans occurs situated throughout the pancreatic body. Elevated levels of white Long-term complications of DM are legion. blood cells infiltrate and destroy the insulin- They are considered inevitable long-term secreting β cells in the Islets of Langerhans. consequences of the disease process, but This autoimmune reaction has been linked they could also be due to the long-term to genetic tendency, viral infections such as pharmacological treatment of such condi- Coxsackie B, measles, mumps or hepatitis; tion too. and even, routine vaccinations. In the early 1990s an epidemic of juvenile-onset Dia- 146 Diabetes Mellitus Anatomy of the Pancreas 147

Complications include: hypoglycaemia. We can identify the impor- tion this process is complete and the pan- The pancreas contains both endocrine (hor- tance of both impeccable hypothalamic and creas becomes active. monal secreting) and exocrine (enzyme • Hypoglycaemia due to complication of adrenal functions in the prevention of dia- secreting) tissues. The endocrine cells are over-treatment with insulin leading to betic developments. Anatomy of the Pancreas arranged in spherical clusters called Islets Diabetic coma of Langerhans within the exocrine tissue. • Ketoacidosis common in Type 1 Cortisol contributes to the regulation of glu- The pancreas is a long flat organ with four The four types of endocrine cells are: • Lactic acidosis coneogenic substrate through the lipolytic sections: • Diabetic nephropathy – renal disease action of catecholamines such as adrenaline • 70% are insulin-secreting β-cells • Diabetic retinopathy – retinal disease and GH in adipose tissues, plus the • Head • 20% are glucagon-secreting α-cells and other eye conditions glycogenolytic action of catecholamines in • Uncinate process • 8% are somatostatin-secreting δ-cells • Increased susceptibility to infections of skeletal tissues. In addition, it improves the • Body • 2% are pancreatic polypeptide-secreting the skin and systemically glucagon and adrenaline balance in the liver • Tail F-cells • Diabetic neuropathy – peripheral nerve in reference to blood sugar control. When pain or nerve damage adrenaline is released in response to stress The pancreas is considered a retroperitoneal Insulin and glucagon regulate blood glucose • Diabetic microangiopathy - vascular dis- the secretion and action of insulin is inhib- structure situated between the duodenum levels. Somatostatin inhibits the release of ease ited. Growth Hormone released at night and spleen. It lies on the posterior abdomi- insulin and glucagon. Pancreatic polypep- • With the vascular disease we can see the reduces cellular sensitivity to insulin. nal wall and is to the front of the aorta and tide inhibits exocrine or enzymatic func- development of ischemic heart disease, inferior vena cava. A clinical consequence tions of the pancreas. cerebral ischemia, diabetic gangrene on Embryology of the Pancreas of the bile ducts positioned posteriorly is the feet, multiple that when a swelling or tumour in the head Insulin renal lesions, impo- The pancreas begins to of the pancreas occurs, the gall bladder and The Five Potential Ocular tence and ulcers form at thirty days in bile ducts can become blocked. The pancre- The hormone insulin promotes the assimila- Changes in Diabetes mellitus gestation from endoder- atic body and tail passes over the left kidney tion, storage and balanced use of glucose. Growth Hormone, mic tissues. Two buds pole and aorta, whilst the stomach is posi- Its secretion from the pancreas occurs when 1. Background retinopathy Adrenaline & derived from the foregut tioned frontally. The tail blood sugar levels Cortisol in make the pancreas – the of the pancreas crosses (blood glucose) rise 2. Proliferative retinopathy Fasting glucose levels are Diabetes dorsal bud forms the the left kidney to touch after a meal or due to due to vitreous haemorrhage between 3.5 Ð 5.5 mmol/L majority of the pancreas, the hilium of the spleen. stress. Although meal or retinal detachment Both Growth Hormone whilst the ventral bud times and stress can sub- Hyperglycaemia is diagnosed if and cortisol secretions rotates behind the duode- The main controls of the side and change, an 3. Maculopathy caused by fasting level concentrations facilitate glucose pro- num, along with the bile endocrine functions of insulin level is always oedema or hard exudates are >7.8 mmol/L duction and limit glu- duct, to lie posterior to the pancreas are hormon- maintained within the cose utilisation, but nei- the dorsal bud. This al via the coeliac plexus blood and the brain. If 4. Cataract formation as evi- Hypoglycaemia concentration ther of them plays a crit- smaller ventral bud and splanchnic nerves. blood levels drop too denced below. All cataracts can is <2.5 mmol/L ical role. Their effects forms the uncinate Lymphatic drainage from low the brain is starved be more prevalent in Diabetics are not immediately process as it fuses with the pancreas is via the of energy - this is med- noticed, as they take up the larger dorsal bud. preaortic lymph nodes. The pancreas gleans ically known as a hypoglycaemia. If the 5. Increased Glaucoma inci- to six hours to exert an The duct of the dorsal its blood provisions from the branches of blood sugar levels remain high this is dence in Diabetics due to influence. They are bud may persist as the the splenic artery. Blood drains from the referred to as hyperglycaemia and blood Rubeosis iridis or neovascular- mostly involved in the accessory duct. By the pancreas into the splenic vein and the hepat- glucose levels become toxic leading to Dia- ization of the iris prevention of prolonged seventh week in gesta- ic portal vein. betes. Blood glucose levels are rigidly con- 148 Diabetes Mellitus Iris Signs 149

trolled in narrow band in an attempt to signs do occur in the 20’ and 40’ locations, creas, thus it proves extremely difficult to Vascularised Collarette avoid either possibilities. The pancreas but these are not exclusive. I find these to be attempt at distinguishing between the two joins forces with the adrenal glands, hypo- an incredibly reliable reference for the pan- compartments topographically. All areas The vascularised collarette, that is a col- thalamus and liver to maintain the equilibri- creas and its many tendencies. Many should be referred to as the pancreas and larette containing prominent blood vessels, um. authors have added to this understanding. our modern understanding should be illustrates diabetic complications of arterial applied to clinical practice as far as possi- circulatory changes leading to cardiac Diabetes mellitus in Iridology The embryological topography for the pan- ble. insufficiency. Bioflavanoids are required creas based on research between 1999 and such as rutin, lycopene, quercetin or cate- We are indebted to many great German, 2003 in the UK sees the pancreas’ initial Diabetes has been considered a disease of chin to counter this situation. Co-enzyme Italian and Russian researchers spanning embryonic locations on the internal border the endocrine pancreas, whilst pancreatitis Compositum is also of enormous benefit. five decades, in regards to Diabetes: of the collarette at the same 10’, 20’, 40’ is considered a disease of the exocrine pan- and 50’ points in each iris. Except for 20’ in creas. Loosened & Hypertrophic Collarette • The mapping of the pancreas in the iris the left iris and originally 50’ in the right • Locating the pancreatic innervation on iris, although this last option has been General Iris Signs in Diabetes This generally distended structure indicates the Inner Pupillary Border (IPB) revised and included. a tendency to Diabetes (genetic), pancreas • Diabetic signs in the pupillary lumen Gigantic or Giant Lacuna insufficiency or dyspepsia according to Dr Daniele Lo Rito in Italy suggested the Wenske & Rehwinkel. Such a collarette Diabetes manifestations in the sclera pancreas topography of the Inner Pupillary This lacuna really lives up to its name – it is may have pancreatic lacunae inside, which and conjunctiva Border after research from 1990 to 2000. a large lacuna usually covering the distance we now know to be an embryological sign. The pancreas has been located on the IPB in between the collarette border and almost the • Collarette Dynamics both the right and left irides at 99º to 104º & iris limbus. More often than not, it is locat- Orange Pigment & Crypt/Lacuna • Differentiation of Lacunae and Pigments 259º to 264º. Again, this topography proves ed with its tip in any of the four classical to be extremely reliable. Like the adrenal topographies for the pancreas in either iris. Velchover says if we have a lacuna or crypt Many influential and inspiring iridologists glands, as stated previously, the pancreas This type of lacuna is topolabile for the pan- (structural sign) underneath a pigment or have been involved in this process includ- provides and mounts consistent iris signs creas and family history of Diabetes. swathe of pigment, then we have a definite ing Rudolf Schnabel, Josef Angerer, Gun- that are easy to assess and identify. DNA alteration and functional damage to ther Jarosyck, Josef Deck, Willy Hauser, Dr According to Schnabel and subsequently that organ or gland genetically. We can con- Anton Markgraf, Dr Modern documented by Angerer, Markgraf, Jarosy- vey that the pigment is acting as a protec- Kabisch – all from Ger- Understanding of ck, Rizzi, Ivaldi, Di Spazio, Aleiev, Gazzo- tive shield. Topography of the Pancreas many, plus Dr Velchover Pancreatic la, Deck, Arcella, Ypma & Lindemann, the from Russia, Dr Aleiev Functions Gigantic lacuna shows a family history of Lacuna with the collarette, where the col- Classical Ð Jarosyck from Azerbaijan, and then and tendency to Diabetes mellitus. I have larette is broken is a serious sign, usually Rizzi, Ratti & Lo Rito Previously the exocrine seen nothing clinically to disagree with seen with the pancreas. It is also observed Embryological Ð Andrews from Italy. and endocrine pancreas these authorities. It is an extremely reliable with cardiac complications. was distinguished on marker for genetic history of Diabetes that IPB Ð Lo Rito Gunter Jarosyck published many iris charts in many may go back up to five generations. I would like to add that complications are the classical topography of countries, but with the possible with this type of lacuna and dis- the pancreas in the 1960s in Germany. The modern study of endocrinology and under- According to Birello & Lo Rito in 2004’s eases of the pituitary, lungs, gall bladder pancreas is positioned in both the right and standing of functional research we now Manuale di Iridologia di Base the Gigantic and Pineal. left iris at 10’, 20’, 40’ and 50’ on the exter- know that both exocrine and endocrine lacuna can also relate to faulty metabolism nal border of the collarette. The majority of activity can take place throughout the pan- of carbohydrates. 150 Diabetes Mellitus Iris Signs 151

Orange Pigments connection to the par- foods, white flours and salt should be womb. It is an embryological marking, The organs and glands with the ent relationships. avoided. Whilst sufficient levels of chromi- which remains from the formation of pig- Orange pigment highest frequency of pigmentation With pancreatic pig- um, magnesium, copper, manganese, calci- mentation in the iris in utero. The iris blood patches within the iris and granulations: ments Anorexia ner- um and zinc-rich foods should be present in vessels maintain the blood-aqueous barrier, relate to pancreatic (in descending order) vosa, Bulimia, self- the diet. Please see Advanced Iridology sometimes leakage from the blood vessels and hepatic functions. esteem, sexuality and Research Journal Volume 3 & 4. occurs whilst in the womb for various rea- Especially in relation 1. Intestines love issues can all be sons. The blood carries pigments that can to the balance of blood 2. Stomach indicated. Diffuse orange pigments located just under flood an area leaving a heavy section of sugar levels. A family 3. Lungs the iris stroma have been linked to the colour. Due to this very reason the sectoral history of Diabetes 4. Medulla oblongata/Hypothalamus When the orange het- development of adult-onset Diabetes in heterochromia is seldom a clinical manifes- mellitus, dysgly- 5. Duodenum erochromia is com- recent times. This Type II thrust has been tation. caemia or hypogly- 6. Adrenals bined with a pancre- connected with a high consumption of caf- caemia is a certainty. 7. Pancreas atic pigment @ 20’ feine in certain countries such as Sweden. However, it is valuable to have the aware- With orange in the iris with thyroid lacuna ness that sectoral heterochromia has been think pancreas! * From epidemiological iridology study on then the spleen-pan- Double orange pigments in the left temporal linked to several situations. Its significance iris pigment by Velchover, Romashov, et al creas and stomach cardiac topography suggest the tendency to depends on the general colour and location. The liver, adrenal meridians can have heart and circulatory complications in Dia- For example, a sectoral heterochromia aris- glands, thyroid gland, energy blocks. betes mellitus, for example with blood pres- ing from the zone for the gall bladder and growth hormones and the pancreas - sure and liver congestion leading to hyper- the liver indicates dyscholia and imbalance insulin, regulates sugar metabolism; so the Double orange/ochre pigments lipidaemia. within the biliary system. functions of all these endocrine glands come under focus. Rusty orange pigment These are often side-by-side and indicate an Sectoral Heterochromia Orange sectoral heterochromia can some- brings attention to the glucose balance. endocrine pancreatic disturbance tendency. times be linked to family history of Dia- Blood sugar level balance is the key focus The term sectoral heterochromia means a betes mellitus. Orange pigmentation is a topolabile sign, with orange pigments. If the blood sugar section of colouration within the iris. The significant for the pancreas, independent of levels lack equilibrium then a multitude of colour or pigment can be brown, red, Gino Bellinfante, a naturopath and location, although a pancreatic topographic symptoms can manifest. These include yellow or orange. The size of the iridologist from Montreal, has correlation enhances that significance. depression, panic attacks, anxiety, low pigmentation can vary from a evidenced that the sectoral According to Günter Jarosyck latent blood libido, hot sweats, lethargy, thirst, irritabili- few degrees to more than a heterochromia indicates sugar disturbances can be reliably located at ty, palpitations, hyperactivity, Diabetes, 1/3 of the entire iris. A sec- malabsorption of vital the pancreas head location in the right iris at hypothyroidism, insomnia, nausea, Candi- toral heterochromia really minerals. 35-40’. Ochre coloured pigment indicates a da albicans overgrowth, abdominal bloat- stands out against the connection between spleen and liver. Often ing, vertigo, poor concentration, memory background of the pig- Central Heterochromia allergies and medicinal reactions are loss, impatience, epilepsy, breathlessness, ment in the basic consti- observed with ochre markings. sugar cravings, coma, tinnitus, shakiness, tution. It tends to be a A genetic marking of pig- fatigue, antisocial behaviour, alcoholism genetic marking. ment located throughout According to studies published in Volume 2 and other addictions. the pupillary zone. The dis- of the Advanced Iridology Research Journal It must be noted, however, that colouration of the gastroin- September 2002, an orange heterochromia As a general nutritional guide with pancre- a sectoral heterochromia is testinal zone is easily recog- within the stomach and/or intestinal zones atic pigments sugar, artificial sweeteners, most often linked to birth nised and its meaning can can indicate issues of betrayal, especially in caffeine, high protein foods, processed defects or damage within the Sectoral Heterochromia depend on its colour. In tradi- 152 Diabetes Mellitus Pupil Manifestations 153

tional Iridology a central heterochromia is Squared Collarette Bridge seen this to be the case on a scarce occa- said to denote a toxic colon and in recent sion) then it is necessary for an instant years, Candida. A study of patients in Eng- A squared collarette is not exactly a true The Bridge appears on the collarette, it can referral to an Ophthalmologist. land with medically confirmed Candida square, but the collarette does take on a be either a break in the collarette with two albicans overgrowth found no statistical square-like appearance with each corner @ distinct margins or on either internal or Inner Pupillary Border & Diabetes correlation between a central heterochromia 10’, 20’, 40’ and 50’ having a less rounded external borders of the collarette, it has a lot and Candida – refer Advanced Iridology structure. A squared collarette indicates a of depth and is very dark. You can imagine Yellow IPB Research Journal, Volume 5, September family history of Autoimmune Diabetes placing a finger under one sectorally 2004. mellitus with destruction of the beta cells in swollen section of the collarette and the In some cases of Type 1 Diabetes mellitus, the pancreas. Although in the family histo- same finger manifesting on the other side of we can observe a distinct yellow tinge to the With a bright orange central heterochromia ry, it may not manifest in the patient under the collarette, like a button hole (although Inner Pupillary Border, even under the there is an increased degree of predisposi- examination and they may have a tendency please note that the bridge is a very differ- microscope. Whether this is due to insulin tion to erratic blood sugar balance that to hypoglycaemia or erratic blood sugar ent structure to the button hole morphology or general complications of Diabetes and could lead to Diabetes Type II. Indeed, if we levels with dysglycaemia. on the IPB). the neuropathic aspect, I am not certain. explore the genetic medical history we Study numbers are too few to hazard a could find DM venturing back 4 or 5 gener- Other physical concerns with this type of The bridge can be a Time Risk sign, accord- guess at this time. ations. collarette structure which tie in with the ing to Lo Rito, suggesting a precursor to blood sugar indices include compromised stress-induced degenerative disease - a Partial Atrophy An orange central heterochromia can also adrenal function (check for pupillary Dirk-Hamer Syndrome. The bridge can also show the experience of emotional betrayal changes), anxiety syndromes, poor absorp- be present in Haematogenic or Mixed Bil- As we can see in many of the chapters with- in the family history or for that individual tion of nutrients plus alterations in the iary irides with Autoimmune Diabetes and in this book the Partial atrophic diameter of with such an iris display. Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue also generally in Leaky Gut Syndrome, the Inner Pupillary Border is a very frequent (MALT) and alterations in the Hypothala- which could lead to food intolerance, aller- structure in the eyes of those with Local Indentation of the Collarette mus-Pituitary-Adrenal axis (HPA). gies, irregular inflammatory responses, endocrine-related conditions. The partial autoimmunity or intestinal dysbiosis. atrophy is frequently observed in diabetic • Pancreatitis when located @ 20’ or 40’ in It is interesting to note that patients with patients. either right or left irides. Also consider this collarette structure have a tendency not Pupil Manifestations possible autoimmune conditions such as to absorb what people are saying to them. Hypertrophy hepatitis, Primary Biliary Cirrhosis, Dia- They can be belligerent and non-compliant A pupil with a green and hardened shell betes or Pernicious Anaemia. from a therapeutic perspective and general- appearance indicates glaucoma. Please note Either a local or general hypertrophy of the ly have difficulties altering negative aspects that the IPB is not usually present in glau- IPB is a common manifestation in Diabetes It is well-established that patients with a of their lives. They like to complain, but can coma. mellitus according to Dr Vincenzo Di zig-zag collarette have decreases in intestin- often do seldom little to positively change Spazio. I have witnessed that in Diabetes al and cerebral hormonal secretions when things. In such cases Colourpuncture proto- Cataracta diabetica the IPB can be one extreme or the other – under stress or the immune system is chal- cols to free up the internal energies and either partially atrophic or partially hyper- lenged leading to decreases in Substance P, erode “Therapy Resistance”. On the posi- This can look similar to standard cataracts, trophic in diameter. pancreatic secretions, gastric acid, somato- tive side some individuals’ with a squared but the spots are larger in diameter and are statin which influences Growth Hormone & collarette have a tremendous capacity for duller with a slight tinge to them. If you see Sclera Signs in Diabetes mellitus VIP, which influences the Gut Associated love, understanding & empathy with people this sign in the pupil and the patient is not Lymphoid Tissue and pancreas. aware that they are diabetic (which is We are indebted to German documentation unlikely it must be said, although I have for these signs, such as the late and great Dr 154 Diabetes Mellitus Merbal Materia Medica 155

Anton Markgraf in his book on the red. Brown pigments in the iris adjacent to comb structure that is loose and slight. • Ganoderma Pankreas. Recently, research by Emilio this sign indicate liver complications in The vessels are a lot wispier and the hon- • Kidney Beans Ratti in Italy and Dr Mikhail Dailakis in Diabetes mellitus and subsequently elevat- eycomb structure is not as defined as the Greece have added to the understanding of ed cholesterol levels. A pancreatic lacuna or previous two possibilities. This sign can Homotoxicology the sclera in Diabetes. indentation of the collarette at 40’ in the also fade with the lessening of the shin- right iris or 20’ in the left iris indicates the gles. • Leptandra Compositum Porcelain vessel development of chronic adverse symptoms • Metatox No.4 Formula in relation to the Diabetes. Sclera Summary • Metatox No.3 Formula Thickened wavy red vessel, usually tempo- • K2F-DIA in females rally or frontally within the sclera. It is Honeycomb The two most important and reliable sclera • K2M-DIA in males (both these are indi- indicative of endocrine alterations, in rela- signs in Diabetes are the Porcelain vessel cated for Type 1 insulin dependent Dia- tion to Diabetes mellitus, changes in the – taken from Iris & Pupillary Signs, 2nd and the Honeycomb structure. betes. They regulate the sugar level microcirculation, phlebitis and diabetic Edition through influence of the PNEI pathways. retinopathy. It could be inherited or Herbal Materia Medica They are to be used alongside insulin acquired. The Heel formula Lymphomyosot The Honeycomb structure within the sclera treatment) has gained some recent positive results in is instantly recognisable. With this type of • Gymnema sylvestre folia • Momardica 30D injection relation to the treatment and management in vessel patterning we are presented with • Momardica (Karella or Bitter Melon can • Lymphomyosot in regards to diabetic diabetic neuropathy. three clinical possibilities such as: be used as a decoction, tea or a fresh veg- neuropathy, recent clinical trials are very etable to balance blood sugar levels) encouraging Diving Vessels i) Sugar intolerance if the honeycomb ves- • Vaccinium myrtillus fr • Szygium Compositum sels structure is defined, but not thick- • Vaccinium myrtillus folia This is a prominent and thickened scleral ened. This type of sign can be a chronic • Foeniculum vulgare semen vessel that suddenly terminates or appears indicator of ongoing high sugar con- • Trigonella foenum-graecum to have dived deeply into the white of the sumption, which has not developed into • Arctium lappa radix sclera at a precise point. Dr Mikhail Diabetes, or it can show that that indi- • Licorice root Dailakis states that this is a very important vidual has ingested refined sugar in some • Milk Thistle seed sign indicating complications in any given form, at sometime over the previous 12 • Gingko biloba pathology. I would add to this by including to 16 hours. Basically, it is a sugar aller- • Centella such conditions as heart disease, hepatitis, gy or intolerance and the sign can fade • Hydrastis Diabetes mellitus or epilepsy. after sugar is eliminated from the diet. • Garlic • Coleus forskohlii Tangential Vessels adjacent to Liver ii) Diabetes mellitus is the assessment if the • Andrographis paniculata Reflex honeycomb structure is very distinct, • Guava thickened and swollen. All aspects of the • Carica papaya Such vessels are located temporally and formation look heavy, solid and set deep • Ficus begin at approximately 270º in either iris. in the sclera. This type of sign is indica- • Curcuma longa They are opposite the liver topographies. tive of Type 2 Diabetes. • Phasoelus We can have one to three tangential branch- • Urtica folia es, as named by Rudolf Schnabel and mod- iii)Herpes zoster (Chicken pox and Shin- • Fucus ernised by Dr Anton Markgraf. They are of gles) occurring in that individual or in • Onions various thicknesses, but are a bright scarlet the family history is marked by a honey- • Spirulina 156 Diabetes Mellitus 157

PHYTOTHERAPY FOR DIABETES AND THE KEY ROLE OF GYMNEMA Validation of Iridology (compiled from the Internet)

Kerry Bone writes about the role of Gymnema sylvestre and its importance in the improvement of blood sugar control and the reduction of the need for insulin or hypoglycaemic drugs. Other useful herbs in non-insulin-dependent Diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) are Galega officinalis, Trigonella foenum-graecum, Momardica charantia and Ocimum sanctum. The main use of herbal treatment Pineal gland in insulin-dependent Diabetes mellitus (IDDM) is to prevent the long-term IRIS/PUPIL REFLEX complications, such as diabetic retinopathy, for which Bilberry (Vaccinium myrtillus), Ginkgo biloba and grape seed (Vitis vinifera) extracts are useful. Hypothalamus An amazing property of Gymnema is that of anaesthetising the sweet taste buds.

Clinical trials suggest that it may actually help to restore damaged pancreatic Pituitary gland tissue. One controlled study on insulin-dependent diabetics found that a water-soluble Gymnema extract reduced insulin requirements by about 50%. Lateral Cholesterol and triglycerides were also reduced. Geniculate Body Other studies obtained similar results. Gymnema can also be used to treat reac- tive hypoglycaemia, sugar cravings, and weight loss. The latter is probably partly due to its action in disrupting sugar absorption in the small intestine. Mesenchyma Spinal cord Cranio-sacral rhythm

Nerve Innervation

Organs, glands and tissues 159

The Adrenal Glands in Iridology An Endocrinological Perspective

he adrenal glands play a vital, albeit Adrenal Anatomy & Physiology often unsung, role in our lives and Tare pivotal to our motivation, psy- We have two adrenal glands, each situated chological and physical health. The adrena- on the upper pole of each kidney, enclosed ls are involved with monitoring and balanc- within the renal fascia. They are about 4cm ing hormonal levels, the response to stress, long and 3cm thick. The arterial blood sup- our motivation and drive, mood, inflamma- ply to the glands is via branches from the tory reactions, immune responses, blood abdominal aorta and renal arteries and the sugar levels, allergic reaction and hypersen- venous return is by suprarenal veins. The sitivity, plus the balance of blood pressure, right gland drains into the inferior vena which often surprises many people. cava, with the left gland draining into the left renal vein. The study of the iris and pupillary dynamics and structures are relia- The glands are composed of two bility personified in relation to parts that differ both anatomi- accurate identification and cally and physiologically. analysis of adrenal gland- The outer part is the cortex related or adrenal-based and the inner part is the concerns. medulla. The cortex is essential to life, whilst the In North America the medulla is considered dis- adrenals are referred to as pensable, particularly in the suprarenals (i.e. above cases of adrenal adenomas, the kidneys). MENS or in Cushing’s dis- ease. The inner layers of both The identification of the adrenal the adrenal cortex and medulla glands in the endocrinological obtain a resource of partially approach in iridology is extreme- Stress Axis deoxygenated blood, which con- ly important, as they constitute tain the endocrine secretions of an integral member of the Hypothalamic- those parts of the gland, due to previously Pituitary-Adrenal axis or HPA axis. The passing through these areas. HPA axis is fundamental for the equilibrium of immune, reproductive, endocrine and The adrenal medulla comprises 10% of the limbic systems, plus the individual response inner structure with the adrenal cortex to stress. accounting for 90% of the surface area. Although the two sections of adrenal glands 160 Adrenal Glands in Iridology Circadian Rhythm of Cortisol 161

are independent, the influence and activity but then later arrange themselves accord- In non-stressed situations secretion has If the sleeping/waking pattern is changed, it of one part unavoidably interacts with the ingly, into their respective regions. The marked circadian variations, therefore the takes several days for the ACTH/cortisol other part because of the anatomy of their adrenal glands are between 10 to 20 times adrenal glands have their own integral secretion to adjust. This may be a factor in blood supply and nerve connections. larger in the foetus, in relation to a size and rhythm. ACTH is the adrenocorticotrophi- jet lag and in the difficulties experienced by body weight ratio than in adults, but they chormone and CRF is the Corticotrophin some people when they change from day to Embryology of the Adrenal then assume the smaller size and space they Releasing Factor, both are influenced via night shift work and vice versa. We can see Medulla & Cortex eventually occupy in adulthood. negative feedback. At times of stress the that this shares a similar situation to mela- secretion of glucocorticoids is increased tonin and the Pineal gland. Embryologically the adrenal medulla is Adrenal Cortex which causes other actions of these hor- derived from the neural crest of the ecto- mones to become apparent, such as an inhi- The Influence of Cortisol derm, thus the cells of the adrenal medulla The adrenal cortex secretes three groups of bition of normal inflammatory and immune are intimately related to nervous system steroid hormones: responses. Cortisol affects every cell in the body. It cells. For evidence of this we simply need inhibits the production of cytokines and to look at the effect adrenaline release has • Glucocorticoids such as cortisol Deficiency antibodies, raises sodium and water reten- on the nervous system. The ectoderm tissue • Mineralocorticoids such as aldosterone tion, stimulates lipolysis and increases links the medulla with the epiphysis or • Androgens such as DHEA A deficiency of glucocorticoids is charac- essential fatty acid levels in the blood, Pineal gland, epidermis, breasts, pigment terized by an inability to deal with stress increases the breakdown of proteins in cells, retina, inner ear, pituitary gland, The adrenal cortex produces these groups of accompanied by hypoglycaemia, low blood , skin and bone to release olfactory neurons, the lens of the eye, plus hormones from cholesterol produced by the sugar. The opposing result of this excess of amino acids, inhibits allergic and inflamma- both peripheral and central nervous sys- liver. They are small lipid-soluble mole- hormonal activity leads to greater suscepti- tory episodes due to the inhibition of phos- tems. cules that have the capacity to cross-cellular bility to infection and the inducement of pholipase A2 enzyme that is essential for membranes with ease. Once inside a cell hyperglycaemia, which is partly triggered the production of prostaglandins from The outer adrenal cortex is derived from these types of hormone can act on intracel- through usage of skeletal proteins. arachidonic acid. mesodermic germinal tissues and is there- lular receptors in order to regulate gene fore related to the spleen, heart, connective expression and stimulate protein synthesis Circadian Rhythm of Cortisol In utero cortisol is responsible for an influ- tissues (you can see the link with Rheuma- directly. The hormone and receptor enter ence on foetal and neonatal neuronal devel- toid arthritis here), dentin, skeleton, crani- the nucleus together, binding to sections of Cortisol seems to be always present in the opment. It augments the actions of the sym- um, testes, ovary, tongue, lymphatic cells DNA in the process. Through these health media in recent years. The levels of pathetic nervous system, plus the progres- and fluid, serous mucosa and the urogenital exchanges the effects of the hormone are cortisol are elevated constantly when we sion of cognitive and behavioural functions. system. exacted. experience chronic stress. The normal secretion of cortisol demonstrates an inher- From an endocrine perspective elevated The adrenal cortex and medulla both devel- Glucocorticoids ent circadian rhythm. This cortisol cortisol suppresses anterior pituitary func- op separately. The cortex appears initially timetable is supervised by and initiated in tions and secretions of: as a thickening in the dorsal mesogastrium Glucocorticoids, which include Cortisol the hypothalamus. The highest levels of during the first 4 to 5 weeks in utero. It is (hydrocortisone) and corticosterone, are the hormones occur between 4am and 8am with • ACTH slightly later that the medullary cells are main ones and are essential for life. Secre- the lowest occurring between midnight and • Luteinising Hormone derived from the neural crest via an adja- tion is stimulated and controlled by ACTH 3am. The peak levels of cortisol should be • Follicle Stimulating Hormone cent sympathetic ganglion. Similar cells can from the anterior pituitary, Corticotrophin around 6am; with any salivary or urinary • Thyroid Stimulating Hormone be found scattered around the body, but Releasing Hormone from the hypothala- cortisol test we should see a natural, gradual • Growth Hormone (in Cushing’s syn- these degenerate after birth. At first the cor- mus, and also, by stress. decline of cortisol throughout the day. drome this can retard normal rates of tical and medullary cells are intermingled, growth in infants) 162 Adrenal Glands in Iridology Abnormalities of Cortical Activity 163

Cortisol & Blood Sugar ACTH release. Sudden withdrawal can stop • Pigmentation or bronzing of the skin and in every 100 births show signs for the cortisol production and curtail ACTH mucous membranes due to raised ACTH expression of congenital adrenal hyperpla- Glucocorticoids, including cortisol, have an release. This can be dangerous for the • Hypoglycaemia sia. influence on blood sugar balance by regula- patient. The dosage must be gradually • Postural hypertension tion of carbohydrate metabolism, promo- reduced. Dr Etienne Callebout suggests if • Lethargy Cushing’s Syndrome tion of the formation and storage of glyco- steroids have to be taken, it is advisable for • Dizziness gen, glucogenesis (formation of new glu- them to be used in the morning only. This • Depression In this syndrome there is excessive produc- cose) from protein, raising the blood glu- allows naturopathic medicine to work with • U waves seen after T waves on ECG tion of Cortisol and to a lesser extent, of sex cose levels, promotion of sodium and water the body better and limits the withdrawal • Hypercalcaemia tendency hormones. The condition is most common- re-absorption from the renal tubules. side effects of the steroids themselves. ly seen in women between the ages of 30 Addison’s disease can occur alongside and 40. In Cushing’s syndrome 75% of The blood sugar level may be raised during Abnormalities of Cortical Activity Grave’s disease with hyperthyroidism, cases have inappropriate ACTH secretion, stress by the process of gluconeogenesis. hypogonadism in pituitary disorders and of which one third are due to a secretory Here, the nitrogenous portion is removed Hyposecretion of hormones from the even with Diabetes mellitus, as part of a tumour of the pituitary. 10% of cases have from amino acids and the residue converted Adrenal Cortex causes the development of multiple autoimmune endocrine deficiency. been linked to adrenal cortex tumours, and to glucose. the condition known as Addison’s disease. around 10% of cases are due to ectopic Addison’s disease is usually autoimmune, Hypersecretion of Cortical Hormones secretion of ACTH by small cell tumours in Immunity but can also be triggered by tuberculosis the lung, C-cell tumours of the thyroid or and other causes. Addison’s is considered a Excessive activity of the adrenal cortex may phaeochromocytoma. Also forms of Cush- Cortisol tends to decrease the number of primary insuffiency condition. It is due to be due either to over-stimulation by the ing’s syndrome can be caused by a constitu- eosinophils and lymphocytes in the blood, decreased secretion of both Mineralocorti- Pituitary gland or to a tumour of the Adren- tively active CRF receptor on the anterior and to increase the levels of neutrophils. We coids and also glucocorticoids. Addison’s is al gland itself. In either case there is an pituitary. need to be vigilant as practitioners for these a rare, but destructive disease and can bring overproduction of Cortisol and the sex hor- connections appearing in blood test results. about life-threatening adrenal crisis. Treat- mones. The clinical picture will vary The following symptoms of Cushing’s syn- ment must be in the realms of emergency according to which of these hormones pre- drome reflect the possible multiple actions In pathological and pharmacological quan- medicine only in such cases, in general all dominate. Excess cortisol leads to Cush- of glucocorticoids: tities, glucocorticoids have an inflammatory treatment alongside endocrinological spe- ing’s syndrome and excess androgens to action, suppress immune response, suppress cialisation. Virilization or masculinization in females. • The predominant change is an obesity the response of tissues to injury and can that mainly affects the trunk and face delay wound healing. Chronic use can lead Characteristics of Addison’s disease: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (“Moon face”) but is not displayed on to serious complications of the immune sys- the limbs, due to the loss of muscle mass, tem, liver and kidney functions, plus lead to • Loss of appetite Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (CAH) is a as protein is used for gluconeogenesis poor wound healing, susceptibility to infec- • Muscular weakness rare autosomal recessive condition causing • Purple streaks or “stretch marks”(striae) tion or ulcerative developments in the gas- • Nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea deficiency of 21-hydroxylase, an enzyme develop on the abdomen and thighs trointestinal system. • Inability to maintain the normal deposi- usually found in the adrenal cortex. Low • Marked weakness occurs and mental tion of protein in the muscles cortisol triggers a cascade of ACTH release changes such as depression are common Pharmacological Steroid • Subnormal temperature and reduced resulting in hyperplasia of the adrenal cor- • Diabetes mellitus (Hyperglycaemia) Withdrawal metabolic rate tex itself. This produces low aldosterone, develops, with subsequent polyuria and • Increased blood potassium and which results in salt loss and even neonatal polydipsia Steroids must be withdrawn gradually in decreased blood sodium shock in some babies. The full-blown con- • The blood pressure is usually raised any condition due to the inhibitory effect on dition occurs 1 in 10,000 births. Although, 1 164 Adrenal Glands in Iridology Adrenal Medulla 165

• Increased growth of hair on the face (hir- Mineralocorticoids glomuerulosa, secreting aldosterone. An • Bio-Germanium supplements sutism), acne of the skin and amenor- increase in Angiotensin II raises the sys- • Betula spp gemmae rhoea are all commonly seen The main mineralocorticoid is aldosterone. temic blood pressure. Other symptoms of • Premature osteoporosis causing fractures Its functions are associated with the mainte- Conn’s include sodium and fluid retention, Adrenal Medulla is common for a lot of women; this is nance of the electrolyte balance in the body. hypokalaemia that induces muscle weak- due to protein removal from bones It is also involved with the renin- ness, alkalosis, polyuria and polydipsia plus Adrenaline and Noradrenaline are released angiotensin system and the anti-diuretic inhibited renin secretion due to raised blood in response to stimulation of the Sympa- Cushing’s disease hormone in the maintenance of blood vol- volume. thetic Nervous System and through the ume. The kidneys secrete renin. The mech- influence of stress. It can become confusing as we have the anism of aldosterone secretion is as follows; Conn’s syndrome is more common in aforementioned Cushing’s syndrome, but when we have a decrease in the output of females aged between 30 and 60. The most The Adrenal Medulla is completely encap- there is also Cushing’s disease. Cushing’s renal sodium and a fall in renal perfusion common medical treatment is the surgical sulated by the cortex. It is an outgrowth of disease, however, has its genesis in the ante- this leads to a stimulation of the juxtu- removal of the benign adrenal tumour. tissue from the same source as the NS and rior pituitary gland. It is caused by a corti- glomerular system and an increase in Renin its functions are closely allied to those of cotroph adenoma that overproduces ACTH secretion from the kidneys, Angiotensin is Iris Signs in Conn’s syndrome the sympathetic part of the Autonomic Ner- causing bilateral adrenal corticol hyperpla- then formed in the blood and Aldosterone vous System. It is stimulated by its exten- sia and an excessive release of glucocorti- secretion is stimulated, this then leads to • Transversal running over cryptoid for- sive sympathetic nerve supply to produce coids, that can trigger Cushing’s syndrome, increase in the renal absorption of sodium mation. A little wavy bright transversal the catecholamines, adrenaline and nora- but with additional pigmented skin. (which can lead to the fluid retention) and runs over a honeycomb of crypts and drenaline in the ratio of 1:4. also an increased renal tubular secretion of defect signs. The transversal is usually The skin deeply pigments due to an excess potassium. the only one present in an iris, so it real- These hormones have the same effects on of a hormone called melanocytes stimulat- ly does stand out for easy identification. the body as sympathetic stimulation: ing hormone or a-MSH, which is formed by Sodium levels in the blood influence the Usually apparent in renal sector, and, if the same gene responsible for ACTH. amount of Aldosterone produced, i.e. if so, can indicate chronic fluid retention, • Dilatation of the coronary arteries, thus sodium blood levels fall, more aldosterone primary hyperaldosteronism, history of increasing the blood supply to the heart All my patients with Cushing’s disease, or is secreted and more sodium reabsorbed. nephritis or infection of the urinary sys- muscle with a previous history of the disease, have tem. If located elsewhere in the iris then • Dilatation of the bronchi allowing a been adult females under the age of 35. Sur- Mineralocorticoids tend to decrease the we are looking at a severe tendency to greater amount of air to enter the lungs at gical removal of the pituitary adenoma is number of eosinophils and lymphocytes in chronicity and oxidative stress of the each inspiration the usual course of action. the blood, and to increase the serum neu- organ or system involved. • Dilatation of the blood vessels to the trophils count. • Defect Sign in Embryological Adrenal skeletal muscles increasing the supply of The following botanical medicines are usu- Topography in either iris oxygen and nutritional material to the ally indicated before surgery: ConnÕs Syndrome • Pupillary Mydriasis muscles. This enables muscle activity to be sustained • Vitex agnus castus semen Conn’s syndrome is a rare condition occur- Herbal Medicine • Constriction of the blood vessels to the • Larrea tridenta folia ring in only 0.2% of the UK population and skin, thus raising the blood pressure • Rehmannia glutinosa radix accounts for a mere 1% of hypertensive • Vinca alkaloids • Contraction of the spleen, thus increas- patients. Conn’s syndrome is also known a • Viscum (IV Iscador) ing the volume of circulating blood & Homotoxicology can also be of enormous Primary Hyperaldosteronism, and is a con- • Coriolus versicolor lymphocytes benefit too. I would advise KF2 and sequence of an adenoma within the zona • Crateva nurvala cortex HormHeel formulations. • Curcuma longa rhizoma 166 Adrenal Glands in Iridology Noradrenaline 167

• Increasing the rate of change of glycogen 60. In 10% of cases the tumours are bilater- Iris Signs for Phaeochromocytoma undergoing surgery of this kind, tend to to glucose, thus ensuring sufficient glu- al. develop greater susceptibility to dysgly- cose for sustained muscle contraction • Adrenal Embryological Topography in caemia, extreme hot sweats and other • Dilatation of the pupil of the eye due to The tumours can be identified by high lev- the left iris at 79º menopausal symptoms, hyperparesthesia, stimulation of the radiating muscle fibres els of breakdown catecholamine products • Defect classical adrenal topography at hypertension requiring high doses of med- of the Iris via urine testing, for example VMA. Cate- 180º ication for control, depression and/or chron- • Reduction of peristalsis in the digestive cholamines circulate bound to albumin. ic fatigue. Such individuals have unfortu- tract, limitation of blood flow to the They are degraded by two enzymes in the Catecholamines at Birth nately been deficient in magnesium, Pan- intestines and diminishing the flow of liver called Monoamine oxidase (MAO) tothenic acid, zinc and essential fatty acids saliva and Catechol-O-methyl transferase Elevated levels of the catecholamines, also. Sufficient nutritional intake and • Inhibiting the tone of the anal and ure- (COMT). Both adrenaline and noradrena- adrenaline & noradrenaline, are present in absorption can help remedy many of these thral sphincter muscles, thus inhibiting line are converted to vanillyl mandelic acid the baby during delivery and the birthing problems. micturition and defecation (VMA or HMMA), which is then released process. These elevated levels help to regu- • Increasing the activity of the sweat into the urine. Several 24-hour urine sam- late breathing and to break down stored Noradrenaline glands and contraction of the arrectores ples are collected and analysed using high- energy into forms that provide cellular pilorum causing ‘goose flesh’ performance liquid chromatography nourishment when the umbilical cord is cut. Adrenal medulla hormones greatly assist • Adrenaline and Noradrenaline prepare (HPLC). MRI and CT scans are also per- the body in its response to adverse environ- the body to deal with abnormal condi- formed utilising MIBG, which is taken up Hyposecretion mental conditions. The main function of tions so that it responds to fear, excite- by the tumour. noradrenaline is maintenance of blood pres- ment and danger effectively, i.e. the When there is hyposecretion of the Medul- sure by causing general vasoconstriction, ‘fight or flight’ syndrome In some studies it has been found that near- la, the person is unable to deal with stress. except of one coronary artery. Noradrena- ly 80% of phaeochromocytoma patients did This can occur from over stimulation of the line is synthesised from the tyrosine amino Abnormal Adrenal Medulla not know they had such a tumour, and it has adrenals due to diet, lifestyle, and emotion- acid. Tyrosine is converted to noradrenaline Secretions only been autopsy after their death, which al issues. It produces the classic ‘burn out’ in response to the secretion of cortisol from has confirmed this. syndrome common today, when the person the adrenal cortex. Hypersecretion no longer feels able to cope with life, they Catecholamine secreting tumours can also feel physically and psychologically Adrenaline If there is hypersecretion of Adrenaline or be present in sympathetic ganglia. They exhausted. This can lead to immune break- noradrenaline, severe hypertension can usually occur in the abdominal aorta near down if not addressed, and even cancer in Adrenaline is associated with potentiating occur. In some people this can be as a result the bifurcation. some cases. the conditions needed for ‘fight or flight’ of diet, emotional issues and/or lifestyle. In after the initial sympathetic stimulation, severe cases, headaches, sweating, vomit- In extremely rare cases an autosomal domi- In conventional surgical medicine the adre- e.g.: ing and raised, paroxysmal, blood pressure nant mutation causes inherited bilateral nal medulla can be removed without there can occur. In its extreme this can be due to phaeochromocytoma, as a component of being any apparent deterioration in general • Constricting skin blood vessels a medullary tumour which is called Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Syndrome health or clinical symptoms following dam- • Dilating blood vessels of muscles, heart Phaeochromocytoma. It is a very rare event Type II or MENS II. Unless you specialise age to the gland as a result of Tuberculosis and brain and is characterized by extreme panic in this specific area it is unlikely for the iri- or a tumour. Medically the Medulla is con- • Converting glycogen to glucose attacks of 15-minutes duration. Phaeochro- dologist to see such a condition. sidered non-essential for life. • Increasing the metabolic rate mocytoma occurs in less than 1 in 100,000 • Dilating the pupils persons, usually between the age of 20 and However, through research with endocrine • Dilating the bronchioles, allowing an patients in the clinics, I have seen that those increase in air intake 168 Adrenal Glands in Iridology Iridology 169

The Sex Hormones ovary syndrome it is common to have ele- toms so far, as all of these may be asso- • Issues in connection to trust vated androgens from the adrenal cortex ciated with hypothyroidism) • The experience of severe and uncon- The function of the androgens, oestrogens causing numerous symptoms. However, in • Alternate sugar and salty food cravings structive criticism from parents as an and progesterone are to influence the devel- males adrenal androgen production only (but particularly refined sugar) infant. For a female if the adrenal mark- opment and maintenance of the secondary accounts for a small percentage of all • Dilated pupil (mydriasis) with chronic er is in the right iris this relates to criti- sexual characteristics in both males and androgens, that maintain growth and func- adrenal stress cism from her mother. If it features in the females, and also to increase the deposition tions of muscles, reproductive system and • Pupillary Hippus with acute adrenal left iris then the criticism stems from the of protein muscles, and reducing the excre- energy levels. stress father. tion of nitrogen in males. • General muscular fatigue and/or cramp- • For a male if the right iris has the adrenal Adrenal androgens are synthesized in the ing in legs and/or calf muscles sign then we are looking at fatherly crit- Androgens such as testosterone are synthe- adrenal’s zona reticularis. Androgens • Irritability in situations where normally icism, and if in the left we often observe sized and secreted by the adrenal cortex in secreted by the adrenal glands are convert- this wouldn’t be the case for that indi- a critical tirade from the mother. both sexes. In males the Leydig cells in the ed to more active androgens with more vidual testes are the principal sites. In females the potent biological activity, such as testos- • Inflammatory skin conditions For these emotional conflicts I feel the most main sites are the ovaries and the adrenal terone, by enzymes in the peripheral tissues. • Increased pinocytosis appropriate, practical and successful thera- cortex. In fact through and beyond the The two main adrenal androgens are Dehy- • Increased allergic sensitivities pies are: menopause the adrenals and liver carry on droepiandosterone or DHEA, plus • Depression the production of oestrogens and take over Androstenedione. • Hypertension • Cranio-Sacral Therapy (Somato-Emo- from the ovaries. Testosterone is sometimes • Irregular menses in females tional Release) converted via progesterone in the ovaries, The Adrenarche • Transient tachycardia • Colourpuncture testes and adrenal cortex. • General fluid retention, particularly with • Bach Flower Massage with Pine, Crab A few years before the onset of puberty, PMT Apple or Mimulus In both males and females small amounts of approximately between the ages of 7 – 10, • Dysglycaemia • Honesty Flower Remedy (Lunaria) mas- progesterone are secreted by the adrenal the zona reticularis begins to mature and the • PCOS - Polycystic Ovary Syndrome saged counter clockwise on the forehead cortex. A sub-clinical lack of progesterone initiation of adrenal androgen secretion - brow chakra has been linked by many to the growing begins. This process is called the adrenar- Emotions associated with the pandemic of Subfertility in the western che. It occurs in both sexes and leads to the Adrenal glands Iridology world. The adrenal glands play a significant development of pubic and axillary hair, plus role here from what I can conclude from acne. In males the early development of the Many of these psycho-emotional dynamics I would like to reiterate that the iris and clinical experience. Subfertility is often male sexual organs can be due to secretion can have a detrimental effect on allaspects pupil are reliability personified in relation classified now as Autoimmune Spontaneous of adrenal androgens after the adrenarche. of immunity through the PNEI circuits. I to accurate identification and analysis of Infertility. have correlated the following emotional adrenal gland-related or adrenal-based Symptoms associated with dynamics with the adrenal glands: problems. In fact this observation through Androgens Adrenal gland imbalance include: the microscope, often clarifies ‘mysterious” • A crisis of self-esteem symptom pictures and identifies the root Androgens are male sex steroids. They are • Feeling tired during the morning until • Fear of someone, or of doing something cause and its possible numerous pathways. anabolic, and have been taken illegally by around 12 noon (the classic ‘fight or flight’ reaction) athletes to build muscle mass and improve • Feeling unrefreshed when waking up, • Self-criticism The topographical location of the adrenal stamina. They are secreted in both males even after a full night’s sleep • Fear of parental judgement glands both medulla and cortex are at 177º and females. In females with polycystic • Feeling generally sleepy (* Be aware of • Difficulties with motivation: a lethargy to 183º in both right and left irides attached differential diagnosis with these symp- without reason to the external border of the collarette. 170 Adrenal Glands in Iridology Botanical Medicines 171

The following signs can be visible: • Dark brown pigment indicates neuroen- The Adrenal gland topography comprises • Borage officinalis (Starflower oil - cold docrine adrenal medulla alterations due an integral aspect of the following correla- pressed, in capsulated form 1 to 2 cap- • Indentation of the collarette towards the to disturbance of the cortisol to nora- tion reflexes: sules daily) pupil at 177º to 183º is extremely reliable drenaline and adrenaline conversion. • Vaccinium myrtillus Fr. and consistent as an iris marker in most Chronic inflammatory diseases develop, • Stress Axis (with Hypothalamus and • Craetegus monogyna fr./flores (in hyper- adrenal pathologies such as polyarthritis, Fibromyalgia, Hypophysis on the collarette) tension) autoimmunity or lymphadenopathy • Immune Axis (with Thymus, Pineal and • Zanthoxylum clava-herculis cortex • Crypt in this topography shows greater Hypothalamus on the collarette) • Echinacea angustifolia radix tendency to chronicity. Also seen with • In autoimmune Addison’s Disease we • Hypoglycaemic Axis (with Hypothala- • Avena sativa semen arterial hypertension are looking at indentation of the col- mus, Liver and Pancreas on the IPB) • Rehmannia glutinosa radix larette which is locally swollen - a partial • Pfaffia paniculata radix • Lacuna (usually Rhomboid or Leaf lacu- hypertrophy • Withania somnifera folia na). A closed lacuna shows a family ten- • Fucus spp. dency to poor stress adaptability which • Single lacuna in Adrenal location is also • Smilax ornata radix (for males only) can be inherited. A leaf lacuna illustrates often present for Addison’s disease. A • Arctium lappa radix a hormonal concern. A rhomboid lacuna single lacuna in an iris rapidly increases • Curcuma longa rhizoma in this location illustrates transient diffi- its importance • Lentinus edodes culties with inflammatory conditions • Schisandra chinensis fr. • The extremity of the Angle of Fuch’s • Eupatorium cannabinum herba • Transversals (usually in combination towards the pupillary edge is critical • Cayenne pepper (as an energising com- with kidney, or ovary with PCOS, cervix ponent of formulae) with cervical dysplasia; therefore differ- • Differential diagnosis for Time Risk • Dioscorea villosa (for female patients ential diagnosis is advised). A transversal Sign at age 30 approximately or trauma only) in the adrenal topography can point the in utero at 5 month of gestation • Codonopsis pilosula (Dang Shen) practitioner in the direction of Geopathic Stress (Ref: Advanced Iridology • Zig-zag collarette (partial) illustrating Immune Axis Nutrition Research Journal Vol 3 & 4, October allergic tendency (dairy intolerance) and 2002) increased activity of inflammatory path- Botanical Medicines for Adrenal Thorough nutritional protocols for the ways – synovium, CALT or intestines. Hypofunction adrenals are covered in Immunology & Iri- • Pigment Patch - straw yellow here illus- dology, on pages 143 to 154. Of particular trates hypertensive tendency. Orange • Inner Pupillary Border Space Risk sign (All taken as liquid extracts (tinctures) importance to the naturopathic practitioner demonstrates blood sugar tendency with in Space 16 at 109.6º o 115.8º(nasal rep- unless stated - standard dose 30 drops twice is the balance of chromium, magnesium, resultant dysglycaemia when the adrenal resentation) daily. They should be 1:1 or 1:2 formula- Pantothenic acid, Essential Fatty Acids and cortex is under stress. Brown/black can tions.) zinc in all cases of adrenal dysfunction. show an emphasis on immuno-suppres- • Radial furrow from the ciliary zone to sion. With a straw-yellow pigment with- internal border of the collarette at 180º in • Glycchriza glabra radix Substances to avoid in hyper and in this adrenal location, we have seen either iris suggests a family tendency to • Eleutherococcus senticosus radix hypoadrenal cases from serum analysis elevated neutrophils problems with adrenarche and subse- • Centella asiatica folia levels and decreased eosinophils, due to quent androgen balance, before puberty • Urtica dioica (as a tisane) • Coffee/tea; black tea continued aldosterone aggravation in both males and females • Chocolate • Dairy products 172 Adrenal Glands in Iridology Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome 173

• Contraceptive pill • CT Scan • Sugar, caffeine and chocolate cravings • Depo-Provera injections Adrenal Tonic • MIBG Testing in suspected phaeochro- (alternated with salt cravings, for exam- • Steroid-usage formulated by John Andrews mocytoma ple with the intake of crisps) • Alcohol • Irritability in routine situations • Sugar All these are available and integrated by Iri- • Cramping in the leg muscles, especially • Aspartame Glyccrhiza glabra 2 pts dologists around the world in private, gen- the calves • Amphetamines Eleutherococcus senticosus 2 pts eral, specialist and hospital practice. • Feeling drowsy around 3 to 4pm Vaccinium myrtillus 2 pts • Bilateral pupillary mydriasis with slow Conditions linked to adrenal Avena sativa 1 pt The Adrenal Fatigue Syndrome reactivity function Zanthoxylum clava-herculis 1 pt • Yellow coating of the rear of the tongue Echinacea angustifolia 1 pt Many have heard of this syndrome, but are that is maintained during the entire day • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or ME usually not aware of the exact details. Most • Susceptibility to stress • Lethargy Substitute: Centella asiatica 1 or 2 pts GPs and endocrinologists in the western • Poor resistance to infection and an • Irritability world have usually not covered this syn- increase in recovery times • PMT In thyroid related concerns: drome as part of their training and they may • Increased allergic reactivity • Oedema Fucus spp. 1 or 2 pts not acknowledge its existence, similar to • Mild depression • Thyroid that of hypoglycaemia, SAD or ME several • Decreased libido • Subfertility To provide energy in all senses: years ago. Despite the lack of awareness, • Postnatal depression • Addison’s disease Cayenne 1/2 pt this particular syndrome has hundreds of • Lightheadedness • Conn’s Syndrome (Primary Ginger 1/2 pt medical papers attesting to its authenticity • Fuzzy head and poor short-term memory hyperaldosteronism) Schisandra 1 pt dating back to 1917 and continuing • Cushing’s Syndrome Curcuma (Turmeric) 1 pt throughout the 20th century, researched and What causes adrenal fatigue syndrome? • Blood pressure anomalies authored by medical and natural practition- For Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: ers alike. According to American natur- In essence, we are looking for the experi- Further Testing Procedures Arctium lappa radix in place of opath Dr James Wilson, author of Adrenal ence of consistent and chronic stress. Eleutherococcus Fatigue – The 21st Century Stress Syn- Steroid based prescriptions can play their In addition to Iridology analysis, drome, adrenal fatigue is largely ignored by part also, for example in the treatment of adrenal dysfunctions can be further For CushingÕs syndrome: medical professionals in the USA and mis- inflammation, asthma or skin conditions. assessed through: Add Dioscorea, Vitex, Schisandra or diagnosed resulting “…in many unneces- Post-viral syndromes can be included as a Centella sary health problems for millions.” and causal factor, for example for teenagers • Adrenal 24 hour stress saliva pro- “…that medicine only officially recognises after a severe bout of mononucleosis or files For Autoimmune/Inflammatory conditions: Addison’s disease as Hypoadrenia...” glandular fever. A lack of sleep can drive • Salivary Cortisol Tests Add Curcuma longa, Arctium lappa radix, the stress levels skyward and thus the • Hormone Urine Tests Ganoderma or Lentinus Symptoms of Adrenal fatigue adrenals find it more and more difficult to • Tongue diagnosis (yellow coating compensate and stabilise in this situation. towards the rear of the tongue, For aldosterone imbalance: • Fatigue and extreme tiredness Most tired new parents probably have adre- with deficiency of the root) Add Smilax, Craetegus Fr, Tribulus • Feeling unrefreshed after sleep nal fatigue syndrome. • Skin analysis • Paradoxical insomnia • Serum tests through Endocrino- • Exacerbation of Dysglycaemia The use of Time Risk analysis can pinpoint logical consultation the beginning of the adrenal fatigue • MRI scan on the adrenals process. The adrenal fatigue is usually offi- 174 Adrenal Glands in Iridology Hormone Pathway 175

cially diagnosed as something else, such as part to play in the correction of adrenal depression, hypochondria, fibromyalgia, fatigue syndrome. Adrenal Steroid Hormone Pathway Candida, or hypotension. Hornbeam Flower Remedy The adrenal fatigue could have been initiat- Cholesterol ed at birth due to the adrenal capacity of the A useful addition to the treatment and cor- mother during pregnancy and at birth. The rection of adrenal fatigue syndrome is the adrenal fatigue could be a condition prescription of Hornbeam flower remedy, Pregnenolone acquired from the parent or it can be attrib- as first discovered by Dr Edward Bach. uted to a difficult and traumatic birth expe- Hornbeam flower remedy is indicated for rience for mother and baby. the following: Progesterone 17-α Hydroxypregnenolone

Bilateral Mydriasis • Mental and physical tiredness or fatigue • Feeling unrefreshed in the morning after 11-Deoxycorticosterone 17-α Hydroxyprogesterone The pupils of an adrenal fatigue patient do waking up not remain contracted in the presence of • Requiring stimulants such as coffee to increased illumination for long. They want get motivated Corticosterone 11-Deoxycortisol Androstenedione to bounce back to dilation or mydriasis. • Constant procrastination This will, 99% of the time, occur with both • Inability to work, concentrate or study pupils. Microscopic magnification and fiber due to “brain fog” Aldosterone Cortisol Testosterone optic lighting is preferable for accurate • Lack of spontaneity in life diagnosis. If the pupils take longer than 15 seconds to return back to previous diameter, Estradiol-17β then the practitioner should suspect chronic adrenal fatigue. Hippus suggest acute adre- nal stress. 17-αHydroxyprogesterone Dehydroepiandrosterone Refer to Iris & Pupillary Signs, Second Edi- tion for complete spectrum of mydriasis dif- 11-Deoxycortisol Androstenedione ferentiation

Natural Treatments Cortisol Testosterone Herbal Medicine based on John Andrews’ Adrenal Tonic, Cranio-sacral Therapy β based on Jon Upledger, Reflexology, Ear Estradiol 17- Acupuncture based on Nogier & Bourdiol, Colourpuncture based on Peter Mandel, Homotoxicology based on Dr Hans Reck- eweg and sound nutritional intake all have a 177

Endocrine Functions of the Renal System

Introduction cells and it is also found in the composition of the blood as plasma. Water comprises hen we mention the hormonal most of the surface of the earth and our own system, many a layperson and beings. We all often need to drink more pure Walso practitioner are not aware water, eat fresher organically cultivated that the kidneys produce many different fruits and vegetables and a have balanced hormones and are involved in numerous metabolism. intricate endocrine functions and pathways in the body. The Intake & Excretion of Water

From analysis of the iris, sclera, tongue and According to medical norms, the amount of pupil we can determine the endocrine role water we take on in a 24-hour period should of a patient’s renal system and see how all also be the water we excrete throughout that of that is functioning. same 24-hour period. Excretion of fluid occurs mainly though urination. Urination Fluid Balance should account for around 62% of fluid loss. Urination is followed by skin evapora- Fluid balance in the body is controlled tion and respiration with around 18% of the through the hormonal system; this is why loss each, and last, but no means least, is the the vast majority of oedematous patients 2% of fluid we lose through our bowel have a, often undiagnosed, borderline hor- movements every day. These medical monal problem. Many women are aware of norms are based on the consumption of 2.4 the hormonal influence on fluid balance and litres of water per day, differences can occur how water circulates through the system in these findings if we drink a lot less or during the pre-menstrual phase and also some more than the suggested amount in during pregnancy. relation to our body size and speed of metabolism. Water, as we know, is essential for every single cellular process in the body. In Your The Hypothalamus & Thirst Body’s Many Cries for Water Dr Bat- manghelidj expertly illustrates that we need Thirst is stimulated and controlled by the to consume more water than we are aware hypothalamus, via the hormone of, and, from this practice we can prevent Angiotensin II. Osmoreceptors within the and treat many common and serious dis- hypothalamus can detect the water concen- eases of modern society. The body is com- tration of blood plasma. In addition to the posed of 70% water and on average the hypothalamus some of the hormones human body contains up to 50 litres. Water involved in fluid balance, like aldosterone, is found both internally and externally to can trigger the thirst sensation. 178 Endocrine Functions of Renal System Renin 179

Adequate water intake is essential for bal- • Renal sympathetic nerves and cate- produced by the adrenal cortex acts chiefly blood volume once every 5 minutes. That is anced prolactin secretion. Antidiuretic hor- cholamines on the DCT or distal convoluted tubule and an incredible amount of work to take on. mone is secreted via the neurosecretory • Kinins the kidney’s collecting ducts. The conserva- Most of the fluid excreted from the body is cells of the hypothalamus and the posterior • Prostaglandins tion of sodium is achieved by an exchange from the kidneys and out with the urine. pituitary. • Dopamine for potassium and hydrogen ions, in con- Water and sodium are filtered into the kid- nection with other hormones such as ADH ney tubules by the gloumeruli, but most is Sodium ions Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and the renin-angiotensin II system. reabsorbed back into the blood. Sodium ions are actively reabsorbed, while water In Endocrinology and Iridology we can see ADH conserves water in the kidneys and Renin passively follows the sodium ions by osmo- the importance of regulating water intake various parts of the body. It is stimulated by sis. and fluid balance for any patient. The regu- the neurosecretory cells in the hypothala- Renin stimulates Angiotensin synthesis. lation of fluid balance takes place in the mus and secreted from the posterior pitu- Renin itself is an enzyme. A plasma protein The fluid balance in the kidneys can be reg- kidneys or renal system. Hormones help to itary gland. ADH is also known by its old called angiotensinogen, which is synthe- ulated via two altering factors in the kid- control the concentrations and volume of adage of vasopressin. The most common sized by the liver, is acted upon by renin. neys: Sodium reabsorption and the perme- water excreted. The excretion of water is experience of the influence of ADH we The liver forms Angiotensin I from this pro- ability of the tubules to water. From a natur- largely controlled by how well regulated have is, unfortunately, having its secretion tein, which is rapidly converted into opathic perspective we can see how naturo- sodium absorption is. Sodium is osmotical- inhibited by alcohol. This then triggers Angiotensin II by the action of ACE, or, pathic principles concur with, even clarify- ly active. Sodium ions have the ability to dilute urine to be excreted in large quanti- Angiotensin-converting enzyme, in the ing the medical physiology and basis for attract water across cellular membranes. ties, and, this results in dehydration to dif- blood to control blood pressure, hence, the understanding. Sodium ions are present in large numbers in ferent degrees the next morning. prescription of ACE inhibitors to control the system and water tends to passively fol- hypertension. Blood Pressure & Fluid Balance low movements of sodium ions wherever Our liver and kidneys rapidly degrade they go. This is why too much salt can tip excess of ADH. ADH is classified as a Angiotensin II Most people, when they think of blood pres- the fluid balance causing cramps, lethargy, polypeptide hormone and is covered in sure problems, naturally assume that the hypertension, or oedema. more detail in the chapter on The Pituitary Like aldosterone, this hormone conserves heart is the major concern. In fact, it is usu- Gland & Iridology. Excess ADH causes the sodium reabsorption, therefore fluid. ally the function of the kidneys. The renal Many hormones involve themselves in this water retention. Angiotensin II inhibits renin release system, in connection with the adrenals, is process of fluid balance including: through negative feedback, stimulates the responsible for the blood pressure changes However, a deficiency of ADH is termed sensation of thirst in the hypothalamus, in the vast majority of patients. The fluid • Aldosterone from the adrenal cortex Diabetes insipidus. The main symptoms can raises blood pressure, stimulates the release balance affects the blood pressure because • Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) from the be excess dilute urine causing fluid loss, of aldosterone from the adrenal cortex plus changes in blood volume affect pressures in posterior pituitary gland dehydration and blood with high osmolari- combines with renin to form the Renin- the arteries. Many of the hormones that • Renin and Angiotensin II from the kid- ty. Angiotensin II System. This system acts on monitor fluid balance also control the arte- neys. the kidneys to conserve water and sodium rial diameter, allowing blood pressure to be Aldosterone through many complex pathways. maintained despite loss or gain of water. Other hormones, nerves and chemical fac- tors such as the following modify the Aldosterone is a mineralocorticoid, which The Kidneys and Filtration of the Research has found that fluid balance is actions of these four hormones: acts to conserve water and sodium. The Blood often compensated for by cardiac output liver, due to a level of 40% free hormone, and the vasodilation or vasoconstriction of • Atrial natriuretic factor (ANF) quickly degrades plasma aldosterone. The Water excretion is mainly at the control of the peripheral resistance. This resistance is other 40% is bound to albumin. Aldosterone the kidneys. One kidney filters the entire created by increasing arterioles through the 180 Endocrine Functions of Renal System Iridological Signs 181

reduction of diameter thus increase in blood um reabsorption, stimulate vasodilatation in Blood pressure over 180/110 mmHg usual- pressure. the kidneys plus an increase of Blood Pressure Normal Ranges ly requires either acupuncture or pharma- prostaglandin synthesis in the kidneys. Thus ceutical agents, plus in the long-term suit- Inherent Diuretics we can see how the correct fluid balance ¥ For an adult in their the 20s the able dietary and lifestyle improvements, and Kinins secretion is vital in polyarthritis N.R. is 120/80 mmHg plus exercise programmes. Natriuretic factors carry a diuretic influ- or gout. Patients with irides of a uric acid ence. These types of hormones work dia- diathesis need to be checked for levels of ¥ Females and vegetarians of this age In addition to these factors Kitty Campion metrically opposed to ADH, Angiotensin II Kinins that are formed in the blood. group may have an average blood has authored a complete treatise on man- and aldosterone. Blood volume is lowered, pressure of 110/70 mmHg which is aging hypertension holistically. if it goes too low it is referred to medically Blood Pressure Norms & Herbal normal as Hypovolaemia. Subsequently, blood Support Iridology Signs for Renal pressure is lowered; water excretion is ¥ Abnormal blood pressure in your Endocrinology increased due to increased sodium elimina- The adage of a lot less salt and more water 20s would be 140/90 mmHg tion. This entire process acts as a safety can dramatically help to balance blood pres- Embryology Topography mechanism to prevent potential life-threat- sure. The safest herb, with no known con- ¥ At 50 years the abnormal range ening water retention. traindications, for balancing hypertension is would be considered at least 160/95 The embryological topography should be Craetegus monogyna fructus or Craetegus mmHg our main focus, in combination with the These diuretic hormones are called Atrial oxycantha flores. It best utilised as a liquid collarette and IPB. The embryological kid- natriuretic factor (ANF), Kinins, renal extract at a dosage of between 20 to 70 ¥ At 75 years of age 175/105 mmHg is neys are located on the internal border of prostaglandins and dopamine, which is an drops twice daily. It can be taken long term, considered hypertensive the collarette at 180º in the right iris. This amine, synthesised in the renal proximal and I would advise this approach. Craete- suggests aetiology of endocrine origin. tubules. gus, or Hawthorn, is considered a revered ¥ Generally as long as we have a good general cardiotonic. In some countries it is a 40 or 50 point spread between the In the left iris we can locate the kidneys at ANF is probably the most well known, as it prescribed heart drug. It is also of benefit in diastolic and systolic readings, we 92º and 141º. Predominant iris signs, is a polypeptide hormone synthesised by the improving oedema, kidney functions and are observing steady blood pressure according to the research, include crypt or muscles of the cardiac atrium. When the Hypercholesterolaemia. yellow pigment. cardiac muscle is stretched or distorted due ¥ Also the diastolic blood pressure, as to raised blood volume, hypervolaemia, Also of particular benefit can be Tilia spp a benchmark, needs to be below Collarette ANF is secreted. The actions of the ANF are flores, Trifolium pratense flores, Curcuma 95/90 The collarette will be white, unless we far-reaching and include: longa rhizoma, Coleus forskohlii, Allium have a yellow central heterochromia pres- sativum, Leonorus cardiaca herba, Olea ¥ White coat hypertension is ent. • Inhibition of renin secretion europea folia, Achillea millefolium flores, extremely common, regular checks • Aldosterone inhibition Valeriana radix, Rosemarinus officinalis & and monitoring, rather than pre- Straw yellow central heterochromia indi- • Vasodilation triggering a lowering of the in small, energetic quantities, Capsicum scriptions, should be advised over cates tendency to: blood pressure annum fr. Most of these should only be used time to ascertain a true blood pres- • Decrease of sodium reabsorption via the after consultation with an appropriately sure • Intestinal dysbiosis, especially with kidneys experienced herbalist. Stacked signs on the IPB ¥ When we are digesting a sizeable • If the central heterochromia tends to a Polypeptide Kinins work on the kidneys to Garlic, Turmeric, Cayenne & Olive oil meal our blood pressure naturally mix of ochre and yellow then it is neces- inhibit the action of Anti-diuretic Hormone should also be utilised as foods. rises sary to examine duodenal activity from the posterior pituitary, decrease sodi- 182 Endocrine Functions of Renal System Kidney & Bladder Flush 183

• Tendency to viral infection, with particu- 2nd Edition, the full differentiation of a • Zea mays problems, kidney stones, low energy, potas- lar problems with viral warts shoe lacuna in the iris is explored. Hormon- • Schisandra sinensis fr. sium deficiency, urethritis, uraemia, • Inherent compromise of the renal al concerns are integrated with the main • Andrographis paniculata eczema, dysuria and enuresis (bedwetting). endocrine system and all that can entail issues of the shoe lacuna, such as hyperten- • Arctostaphylos uva-ursi folia with a restricted collarette with complete sion, oedema and mineral storage. • Fraxinus excelsior cortex e folia Emotionally fear, resentment and creativity atrophy of the IPB only • Tribulus terrestris are big factors on the kidneys and in many • Essential Fatty Acid deficiency tendency Vascularised Vessel • Boerhaavia diffusa systems of traditional medicine from • Raised histamine level tendency • Lawsonia alba folia around the world the kidneys are associated A vascularised vessel running through the with worry. In Chinese medicine the kid- IPB classical kidney topography should draw The Kidney & Bladder Flush neys are considered the seat of all emotions. our attention, as it stands out against the Inner Pupillary Border Signs to observe for normal stromal background of the iris. The Kidney & Bladder Flush is an impor- The Flush include: These vessels are best viewed under at least tant and easy to do naturopathic technique a 36x magnification, preferably higher. to help in the possible treatment and pre- What you will need: • Erosion of the IPB between 116º to 128º vention of conditions effecting the kidneys, or 254º to 266º A vascularised vessel in this location can bladder, blood, lymphatics and heart. 1 pint of still pure water (distilled is prefer- • Detached IPB from the iris edge indicate: able; if not filtered or bottled water like • Atrophy of the complete IPB diameter It is also an important first step for most “Vittel”) with restricted collarette • Oedema detoxification measures; because if the kid- • Adhesions neys are not filtering the blood correctly 1 pint of organic juice (either apple, pear, Adrenal pigment • Alterations in renal prostaglandins and eliminating waste and excess toxins carrot or pineapple) • Paraesthesia through the urine; then this can clog the kid- A small isolated diffuse yellow pigment on neys and bladder, leading to toxic and waste 1 juiced fresh lemon or lime the adrenal topography, attached to the Therapeutic Support Ð material re-circulating in the bloodstream external border of the collarette at approxi- Herbal Medicines and having the knock-on effect of giving 60 Drops of Renal Tonic mately 180º is indicative of the adrenal the liver more work to do to maintain a involvement in hypertension and general • Taraxacum officinalis folia healthy balance. What to do: fluid balance. We can expect to see alter- • Taraxacum officinalis radix ations in the Renin-Angiotensin II system • Arctium lappa radix We should urinate between 8 and 12 times a Mix together all these ingredients first thing and aldosterone secretion. The adrenal pig- • Eleutherococcus senticosus radix day depending on our fluid intake. in the morning before any food. Drink down ment can appear in either iris. The right iris (*Eleutherococcus can trigger hormonal within 1/2 hour. indicates more renin-angiotensin involve- oedema in some sensitive female The kidneys help to maintain the salts and ment; the left one tends to aldosterone dis- patients) fluid balance, the blood pressure, some hor- Continue to ‘flush’ your system from this crepancies. • Paeonia lactiflora radix monal interactions and many other vital point throughout the morning until 12 noon. • Crateva nurvala cortex functions. Use fluids such as pure water, organic Shoe Lacuna • Agropyron repens rhizoma juices, herbal teas such as Detox Tea or Net- • Evening Primrose Oil Conditions that can arise from under func- tles Tea. A shoe lacuna is topolabile for the renal sys- • Borage Seed Oil tioning or overworked kidneys can include: tem. The possibility of the endocrine link • Melons Cystitis, recurrent kidney infections, blood Avoid stodgy foods. Eat only juicy fruits, must be made with a shoe lacuna attached • Withania somnifera folia pressure problems, lower back pain, Hydro- especially melon if in season. Chew and eat to the collarette. In Iris & Pupillary Signs, • Betula pendula folia cele, fluid retention, PMT, arthritis, heart some of the melon seeds. 184 Endocrine Functions of Renal System Renal Tonic 185

From 12 noon continue with your normal Contra-indications • Water routines. • Increase foods rich in natural sodium, The Kidney & Bladder Flush is one of the potassium, phosphorus & magnesium Avoid tea, coffee, alcohol, meat, dairy prod- most soothing and safe naturopathic tech- (potassium contra-indicated with amy- ucts, fizzy drinks, artificial sweeteners, niques to undergo. However, do not do the loidosis) spinach and rhubarb and inorganic supple- Kidney & Bladder Flush without consulting • Reduction of salt, meats. alcohol and ments during the flush. with a naturopathic, herbal or medical prac- carbonated drinks titioner if you are: • Reneel Homotoxicological biological What to expect medicine • Taking blood pressure medication or • Sulphur 30c Naturally from drinking more fluid than have blood pressure problems normal you will urinate more. Not necessar- • Taking prescribed beta-blockers A great book to encourage your patients is ily more times; but definitely greater vol- • Taking prescribed Warfarin Your Body’s Many Cries for Water by Dr ume will be passed. Your urine maybe dark- • Diagnosed with Diabetes insipidus Batmanghelidj. This is highly recommend- er in colour during the flush; especially in • Undergoing kidney dialysis ed, and, I would even say one of the most the morning. The odour of the urine may be • Have had cardiac surgeries important books on health published to more pungent, especially initially. • Are pregnant date.

Many people have passed catarrh, dissolved The Renal Tonic crystals and kidney sand; which looks like yellow sand or red brick dust. None of this The Renal Tonic helps to support and main- has been painful in any way; and these are tain healthy function of the kidneys, bladder very good signs of your kidneys detoxifying and urethra. It also helps to stimulate detox- excess metabolic, toxic, synthetic and inor- ification through the kidneys; whilst main- ganic waste materials from your system. taining correct mineral, salt, hormonal and fluid balance. It contains cold-pressed If you are concerned about any symptoms extracts of Silver Birch leaf, Juniper berries, whilst on the flush please contact your prac- Couch Grass rhizome, Dandelion leaf and titioner immediately. root, Burdock root, Uva-Ursi leaves, Corn silks and Golden Rod tops in a base of Duration organic grain alcohol.

Do the flush once a day for 5 to 7 days. Rest • Gemmotherapy, as pioneered by Pol from the Kidney flush for a week; then Henry, including the following remedies repeat. Use the flush four times per year; try - Ilex aquifolium gemmae e Betula ver- to avoid the winter months not to cause a rucosa gemmae, plus Calluna vulgaris chill to the kidneys. gemmae • Acupuncture • Colourpuncture (Endocrine Co-ordina- tion & Kidney/Bladder Function Circle according to Gleditsch) 187

Polycystic Ovary Syndrome & Iridology

Introduction The incidence of PCOS is increasing in the olycystic Ovary Syndrome, or PCOS, western world and can be one of the main is a common, yet, complex hormonal reasons why fertility can be compromised. Pproblem, with about 20% of women PCOS is more common in those with dark- affected. Although many of these women er pigment of the skin, hair and eyes. In UK can be asymptomatic, only a fraction go on Asian women the incidence of PCOS rises to develop problematic symptoms, which to 50%. In the USA 40% of PCOS patients dramatically impact on their quality of life. also have clinical obesity. The practitioner PCOS, also known medically as Stein-Lev- is often faced with a myriad of varied enthal syndrome, has both ovarian and endocrine results, which is consistent with adrenal involvement which trigger the PCOS. development of multiple, small follicular cysts to form beneath a thickened and white Conventional medical treatments for PCOS ovarian capsule as a result of increased involve the prescription of the contraceptive secretion of androgens from the adrenals pill, anti-oestrogen agents such as and/or ovaries, plus many other dysfunc- clomiphene, Diabetes medication such as tions of endocrine pathways. metformin, cosmetic treatment for hir- sutism (laser treatment, electrolysis, etc), Instead of releasing ova, the swollen folli- anti-androgen agents, laparoscopic ovarian cles swell with fluid and evolve into cysts. drilling or even hysterectomy. Although Consequently, the ovaries can often become many of these can help relieve symptoms, two to five times larger than normal. This some of them can have dramatic and explains why PCOS can be such a painful unwanted side effects or interactions and condition for women, as any pressure in the none of these approaches help to address or anatomical locations of the ovaries can attempt to alter the cause or causes of the greatly increase around menstruation. problem. Working towards correct endocrine and blood sugar balance with a The cysts are multiple immature follicles, particular emphasis on weight control is which can present difficulties with concep- paramount for successful therapeutic sup- tion. The immature follicles develop in port, management and resolving many of either one ovary or even both. They are the symptoms in PCOS. detectable through ultrasound scan between the onset of puberty and the menopause. Medical Tests This proves to be very difficult for endocri- nologists to initiate multigenerational PCOS is usually diagnosed via consultation genetic studies on PCOS. We have no male with an endocrinologist after ultrasound equivalent of polycystic ovaries. scan, history taking and blood serum tests 188 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Adrenal Glands 189

demonstrating a raised LH:FSH ratio. Irido- Complications include metabolic, pituitary, adrenal, and Adrenal glands logical findings are discussed in a later naturally, ovarian causations. I would also paragraph; however, iris & pupillary signs • Elevated risk of Diabetes and predispos- suggest the necessity to study stress factors The role of the adrenal glands in the devel- are consistent in PCOS. es to heart complications, especially and emotional issues, particularly around opment of PCOS has been explored because Myocardial infarction, in later adulthood the time of the onset of puberty and see if of an intimate association between elevated Symptoms • Congenital adrenal hyperplasia (PCOS there are any correlations or underlying levels of DHEAs, secreted from the adrenal always seen in such cases) issues with current psychological chal- cortex. In iridology we can see how bilater- • Hirsutism (in 60% of cases) lenges, including Bulimia. Research has al pupillary mydriasis and adrenal gland • Obesity or significant weight gain (in Differential Diagnosis found that 60% of Bulimics have polycystic signs, in either embryological or classical 40% of cases) ovaries. topography attached to the external border • Acne (in 30% of cases) We often need to determine that the patient of the collarette, are so frequently observed • Subfertility (in 70% of cases) really has PCOS and not any of the follow- The implication of the hypothalamus has with PCOS patients. • Amenorrhea – absent periods (in 20% of ing conditions, which share similar sympto- also to be assessed, as it is the hypothala- cases) mology: mus which triggers the LH and FSH levels We also need to examine the role of the • Oligomenorrhea – irregular periods (in from the anterior pituitary gland, produces adrenal glands as producers of androgens, 45% of cases) • Thyroid dysfunction leptin, triggers and balances adrenal func- together with the ovaries themselves. In • Dysmenorrhoea (painful periods – in • Salpingitis tions, reacts to the experience of stress, some cases of PCOS hyperandrogenism is 80% of cases) • Diabetes helps to balance the blood sugar levels and apparent and there is considerable hirsutism • Dysglycaemia – irregular blood sugar • Hypoglycaemia is central to the general hormonal balance. and other symptoms consistent with elevat- levels (in 76% of cases) • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome ed androgen levels. This hyperandrogenic • Increased insulin levels and insulin • Endometriosis Most cases of PCOS start to develop during environment can be due to insulin resist- resistance • Appendicitis (if we are presented with puberty. There are some suggestions that ance and dysglycaemia. It is thought that • Elevated testosterone levels – circulating pain in the right ovary area of a patient, PCOS is a genetic condition, although I around 60% of PCOS patients have high androgens we need to check to see if the tip of the have not personally witnessed any signifi- androgen production. • High oestrogen levels 12th rib is very tender to palpation. If it cant correlation myself. In previous genera- • Elevated luteinising hormone levels is then we have to suspect appendicitis, tions, PCOS could have gone undiagnosed There is also evidence from recent (LH) from the anterior pituitary if not we need to differentiate between or misdiagnosed as some other gynaecolog- endocrine research to show that increased • Decreased follicle stimulating hormone ovarian cyst, mesenteric lymph node ical condition. Some maverick researchers activity of enzymes that biodegrades active levels (FSH) from the anterior pituitary congestion or problems with caecum) have concluded that conditions like PCOS cortisol down to an inactive version, results • Elevated leptin levels are actually set and triggered in gestation, in reduced negative hormonal feedback • Multiple cysts in at least one ovary Aetiology due to the hormonal challenges the mother effects, increases adrenocorticotrophic hor- • Constipation may face, either from previous administra- mone (ACTH) secretion and leads to • Sugar cravings The causes of PCOS are still debated and tion of the contraceptive pill or xenoestro- increased production of adrenal androgens. • Anxiety (general anxiety disorder) explored – the situation is very much like gens in the environment and households. I • Reduced concentration levels Iridology when we can humbly see that the can correlate this due to the high degree of Blood sugar balance • Low energy levels – overwhelming more we find out the less we realise we accuracy with the new embryological fatigue know! topography in iridology and the identifica- Many of the symptoms such as weight gain, • Thick coating on the tongue which is tion of polycystic ovaries. elevated leptin, anxiety, sugar cravings, present all day Four main physiological causes of PCOS fatigue can be attributed to erratic blood are suggested through endocrinology. These sugar levels, also known as dysglycaemia, 190 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Therapeutic Support 191

and/or insulin resistance. These tendencies From clinical practice it has been possible • Collarette structure in PCOS is often dis- of evidence suggesting the same thing and can be accurately assessed through Iridolo- to identify consistent emotional issues that coloured, hypertrophic and ventrally dis- the path is clear to reach an accurate analy- gy and corroborated through the symptom correlate with PCOS patients. These can be tended. Lacuna on collarette associated sis. picture. When we have blood sugar levels in highlighted through holistic iridological with a local indentation. equilibrium, hyperinsulinaemia reduces, approaches. They often relate right back to If the iris is silent and no signs are present, then PCOS symptoms can dramatically the patient’s emotional experience during • Pupillary dynamic of mydriasis (73% then the embryological topography is essen- improve, as there is less free testosterone puberty. Perhaps, these issues for each indi- incidence in PCOS patients, which could tial and will give greater accuracy. This pri- running riot in the bloodstream and hor- vidual could be formed much earlier whilst link with adrenal stress – with the other mary focus should be followed by assess- monal system. in utero? patients we had 14% with hippus and ment of the Inner Pupillary Border from 40 13% with normal pupil size and reaction) to 60x magnification. Most of the testosterone is transported Five main issues correspond from cases: around the blood by carrier protein called • Classical ciliary zone reflex for the ovary The markers for the hypothalamus, pan- sex hormone binding globulins. The more • Injury to the self-esteem attached to the external border of the col- creas and adrenals will help illustrate and of these sex hormone binding globulins • The experience of sexual violence larette – right or left iris with a crypt in convey the underlying cause to the practi- (SHBG) we have the higher the levels of • Emotional and/or sexual betrayal 84% of cases, leaf lacuna, orange-brown tioner, in order to help the patient as fully as testosterone. • Unexpressed rage or anger (usually pigment patch in 68.5% of cases or is possible. towards a prominent male figure within transversal in 5% of cases Medically the diabetic drug Metformin is their life) It is worth noting that in 44 patients with usually prescribed to treat insulin resist- • Blockage to or ignorance of inherent cre- These factors compound the aforemen- PCOS the three main constitutional iris type ance, but in my experience it can lead to ative abilities tioned signs: categories had an equal representation, with masking of the causes of the problem and a slight bias to the Lymphatic iris, although also many of my patients complain of Many of these can also be an integral part of • Classical topography for the pancreas this is the main iris type I will generally see numerous side effects. Nutritional adjust- Bulimia and they also crossover. When we @10’, 20’, 40’ & 50’ in both irides in the clinic. ment and herbal support can illicit core are dealing with emotional issues we need • Classical topography for the hypothala- changes and create a solid foundation for to be aware that we all have layer upon del- mus & adrenal glands Therapeutic Support the patient’s health. icate layer which remain unexpressed or unexplored. We also need to check for prevention or Endocrine adaptogenic agents are essential Sensible and progressive weight loss is of forewarning on long-term complication risk in the treatment plan for PCOS. They will incredible value in PCOS as this helps to Iridological Assessment factors through: help to modulate levels of androgens, LH, balance free testosterone levels and the FSH, oestrogen, leptin, insulin and also pro- reduction through to resolution of symp- • Embryological topographical location • Cardiac Risk Signs in both right or left lactin. They will also help regulate any toms is expedited. for the ovary in right or left iris – most iris (also check family history) menstrual irregularities and buffer the nega- prominently either defect or crypt in • Diabetes risk signs tive influence of stressors on the Hypothal- Emotional Aspects 90.1% of cases • Adrenal hyperplasia markers amic – Pituitary – Adrenal axis. These endocrine adaptogens include: It is a reasonable proposition to make that in • Embryological topography signs for the These iridology markers are listed in order psychoneuroendocrinoimmunology the hypothalamus, pancreas or adrenals. Par- of importance from the top down. Obvious- • Turnera diffusa folia major recipient organs and glands in female tially atrophic IPBS were present in 78% ly in some cases the patient can present sev- • Eleutherococcus senticosus radix patients are the ovaries, uterus, breasts or of research cases. Localised hypertrophy eral of these iris and pupillary signs. In rare • Withania somniferum folia skin. All of these have a close relationship or absence is apparent in normal IPBs cases a patient will have nearly all of these. • Vitex agnus-castes semen with neuroendocrine pathways. between 128º – 132º This is good because we then have a body • Angelica sinensis radix 192 Polycystic Ovary Syndrome Nutrition 193

• Pfaffia paniculata radix and holistic approach that embraces the fun- mus, blood sugar balance and resistance to • Dairy products • Gymnema sylvestre damental application of PNEI. Their G3 stressors. Naturally, all nutrients need to be • Refined sugar • Momardica charantia fructus formulation includes various potencies of consumed and assimilated, but the follow- • Alcohol • Paeonia lactiflora radix Corpus luteum, Ovarium, Pulsatilla and ing occur with low levels consistently with • Artificial sweeteners • Cordyceps sinensis Kalium carbonicum, which is in liquid form PCOS patients, as evidenced through eye, • Schisandra chinensis fructus and administered orally. tongue, nail and blood analysis: The PCOS Diet Book by Collette Harris is • Glycchriza glabra radix an excellent source of information, diet • Ganoderma lucidum Fresh Aloe vera or Sempervivium gel • Chromium plans for PCOS, further nutritional and nat- • Vaccinium myrtillus fructus applied externally can be used to treat acne. • Magnesium ural supportive measures that have been • Germanium used by the author to treat her own PCOS. Other botanical agents really help in bring- If the patient has any depression associated • Zinc Collette Harris is also the co-author of the ing down the testosterone levels. These with the diagnosis of PCOS and chronic • Iron book called PCOS: A Woman’s Guide to include: pain or discomfort, plus blood sugar imbal- • Pantothenic acid (Vitamin B5) Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (both books are ance then I will often include one of the fol- • Gamma Linoleic acid (Essential Fatty published by Thorsons, and before you ask, • Paeonia radix lowing: Acid) alas, I do not receive a commission!). They • Turnera • Vitamin C are excellent resources of information and I • Serenoa serrulata fructus • Hypericum perforatum flores • Vanadium have several copies for patients to loan as • Tribulus Terrestris • Escholszia californica radix means of explanation of PCOS, support and • Centella asiatica herb Spirulina is an excellent source of these, inspiration. Many women diagnosed with Other herbal medicines can assist in allevi- • Sceletium folia especially B-vitamin complex, chromium PCOS have not had the condition explained ating a lot of the pain associated with PCOS • Petasites hybridus and magnesium to facilitate blood sugar and fully to them. These books are concise and and regulate menstruation, in addition to the fat metabolism balance. In PCOS Spirulina user-friendly and I would suggest them for adaptogens. Some of these can also help to I would normally use a polypharmacy can really live up to the claims of helping you, your patients and also students of iri- reduce hormonally dependent cystic forma- approach after consultation, usually consist- control weight gain or fluctuations. Most dology or naturopathic medicine. tions: ing of five to seven of these different herbs PCOS patients really benefit from taking in liquid form. The content of the herbal between 4 to 8 Spirulina tablets daily before Other Disciplines • Nymphaea odorata rhizoma prescription would depend on the individu- food. • Corydalis rhizoma ality of the patient. This would be reviewed I have found the following disciplines to be • Thuja occidentalis folia on a monthly or bi-monthly basis. This is of I always provide information sheets for of benefit on a number of levels for people: • Viburnum opulus great importance, as at the present time in patients with the foods that are the highest • Helleborus niger radix the UK, a patient may have appointments sources of these and how they can optimise • Cranio-Sacral Therapy with Somato- • Carduus marianus with an endocrinologist 3, 6 months or even their assimilation. Emotional Release a year apart. • Art Therapy Homoeopathic Pulsatilla has been useful for Foods to Avoid • Colourpuncture or Acupuncture for erratic menstruation. Also Kalium carbon- The dosage will vary each time per individual. addressing emotional issues, endocrine icum from 30c to 6c is additionally support- The following need to be avoided in a per- balance and pain management ive. In Homotoxicology Gynacoheel can Nutrition son’s diet as much as is possible. The more • Regular exercise be a successful adjunct, although it is con- severe the PCOS the more the patient needs • Stress management techniques, includ- tra-indicated with thyroid complications. In Excellent natural nutrition is vital in PCOS to avoid them: ing meditation addition to these possibilities Guna Labora- to help stabilise weight gain, adrenal func- • Counselling tories, from Milano, offer a more complex tion, improve biofeedback to the hypothala- • Meat • Advanced Reflexology 195

A Naturopathic Perspective on Endometriosis & Iridology

An Increasing Incidence the endometrium can travel to the large intestine causing bleeding from the anus he incidence of endometriosis is during the menses. Endometrium has even increasing. As each year passes I been found in the lung tissue and the brain. Tconsult with increasing numbers of women, with a growing amount in their The two most common sites for ectopic teens or twenties, with endometriosis. There endometrial cells are the ovaries and liga- are many signs consistent with analysis of ments of the uterus. Followed by fallopian endometriosis in the iris and pupil. The con- tubes and pelvic peritoneum. It is less com- dition is a female only concern, with over monly found in the large intestinal wall, 5% of adult females affected. Many cases bladder, and umbilicus and from laparoto- still go undetected. Iridology has often my scarring. revealed such cases to me. It is less frequently observed in the ectopic Treatment and management can be attained growth in the lung pleura, brain tissues and through natural medicine, with a combina- lymph nodes. tion of herbal medicine, homotoxicology, nutrition, cranio-sacral therapy, acupunc- The ectopic endometrium forms a cyst, that ture, aromatherapy & exercise. Many is prone to rupture, resulting in inflamma- women develop endometriosis after taking tion and the subsequent formation of multi- the contraceptive pill. More recently, pollu- ple adhesions. Pelvic pain can be extreme in tants known as xenoestrogens have been endometriosis, with debilitating effects for identified, being absorbed through the envi- some women. ronment, water and food chain, to add to the development of the condition. Sometimes Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) is the cause of this extreme pain, if Description symptoms do not show signs of improve- ment over 6 to 9 months of treatment, then Endometriosis is defined as the presence of PID should be suspected and investigated. functional abnormal tissues in an abnormal Iridology-wise, transversals are common- location in the uterus that is an ectopic place in cases of PID. Treatments should growth of the endometrium, which still involve berberine and bemberine alkaloid- responds to cyclical hormones, thus containing herbs such as Berberis, Coptis or expanding and bleeding. This may also Hydrastis; probiotics and Nymphaea odora- occur between the myometrium and in var- ta radix. ious locations in the pelvic cavity, in fact 196 Endometriosis & Iridology Medical Treatments 197

Medical Diagnosis sites in the body – lungs, brain, intestines, itive emphasis by using the preferable term ity. According to the British National For- umbillicum, lymph nodes, etc. of Subfertility, as many women have been mulary Danazol has numerous potential Medical diagnosis is via Laparoscopy. The able to conceive naturally and carry healthy side effects. route of surgery or endometrial ablation is More alternative theories suggest unop- pregnancies through to normal delivery, often suggested. However, the Endometrio- posed oestrogens, leading to dominance in even after a history of endometriosis and In addition to these sorts of drugs progesto- sis can often return after these procedures. place of a progesterone balance. being diagnosed as being “infertile” by a gens could be used, such as Medrooxyprog- medical professional. esterone. Prostaglandins However, none of these theories fully explain endometriosis in its many guises. It The foci of endometriosis appear as solid, Surgery could be used with laparoscopic Some researchers looking at endometriosis is likely to assume that all theories share dark, cystic masses. They appear dark- ablation of the endometrial deposits and have classified it as an autoimmune disease. some validity, at differing times in differing brown due to accumulated iron pigments adhesions. Severe endometriosis is usually Here we have pathways that point to a neu- individuals. from repeated bleeds. It is interesting to subject to a combination of hysterectomy roendocrine immunomodulatory disruption. note that under the microscope the solid and bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy. This Endometril hyperplasi may occur due to an Main symptoms: masses of endometriosis are composed of procedure involves the removal of uterus, excess of oestrogens, usually unopposed. endometrial glands and stroma, plus both ovaries and fallopian tubes. Endometritis can occur – here we have • Lower abdominal pain during menstrua- macrophages containing iron pigments, inflammation of the endometrium, some- tion (75%) known as Haemosiderin pigments. Naturopathic Principles times Staphylococcus, Streptococci, or • Constant pain if adhesions have devel- Clostridia infections cause it. oped Endometriosis is dependent on oestrogen Oestrogenic lignans should be increased. • Menstrual irregularities (60%) for continued growth and proliferation, with Also phyto-oestrogens, such as organic In current endocrinology we have three • Deep dyspareunia (30%) the disease becoming inactive after soya, miso, red clover shoots, etc should be main theories to explain the develop- • Infertility (30%) oophorectomy or the onset of the included. ment of endometriosis: • Extreme PMT menopause. One naturopath coined the term • Ovulatory pain that “pregnancy is the greatest cure for The naturopathic perspective for manage- Firstly, it is said that menstrual debris enters • Sweats endometriosis”, due to elevation of proges- ment of endometriosis, where many of the the peritoneal cavity via the fallopian tube. • Migraine, often accompanied with nau- terone levels. symptoms can be brought under control in Due to a lack of immune reaction implanta- sea most cases, includes the need to support the tion and proliferation of tissues ensues. This • Bowel obstruction – chronic or transient Medical Treatments following: then triggers a hyperactive immune constipation response – leading to autoimmunity. • Bleeding with bowel movement during Suppression of the Hypothalamic-Pituitary- • Hypothalamus regulation menstruation Ovarian axis is routine, through the use of • Pituitary stimulation Secondly, it could be linked to Metaplasia pharmaceutical agents such as GnRH ana- • Adrenal function of the peritoneal epithelium – an unknown The appearance of infertility is probably logues that prevent cyclical sex steroidal • Liver function stimulus causes the epithelium to transform due to the disruption of balanced ovarian changes and endometrial symptoms. Oral • Ovarian activity into endometrial tissues. Endosalpingosis functions, due to distortion of tubes due to contraceptive pills are usually used with a • Intestinal immune system - MALT may develop. adhesions, blockage to tubes by continuous dosage until the menopause. • Blood sugar balance endometriosis deposits leading to ovulation The final main theory is that of Metastatic actually happening into partitioned areas of Danazol is probably the most frequently Patients should aim to eliminate alcohol, spread – emboli of endometrium may travel fibrosis. Surgical adhesions from previous prescribed drug I encounter with sugar, refined flours, hydrogenated oils, via blood or lymph vessels to reach ectopic procedures can increase the chances of endometriosis. Danazol is anti-oestrogenic, dairy products, hormone saturated meats, infertility, although I like to maintain a pos- anti-progesterone and has androgenic activ- 198 Endometriosis & Iridology Nutrition 199

caffeine and artificial sweeteners as much person Mills & Dr Michael Vernon called • Centella, Salvia mitorrhizia, Andro- • Counselling as possible. Endometriosis. It is very reader friendly, graphis, Calendula for the reduction of • Acupuncture quite holistic and written from the natural adhesions • Cranio-Sacral Therapy, including Soma- In endometriosis, the best results can be and conventional perspectives. I like to pro- • Schisandra, Carduus, Gentiana or to-Emotional Release obtained from a near-vegan diet as possible, vide all my endometriosis patients with a Bupleurum to increase transitory oestro- bar live organic natural yoghurts. These are copy of information on endometriosis, like gen metabolism and elimination Iridology & Endometriosis beneficial, as long as they don’t contain a copy of this chapter, and if possible, a loan • Intestinal cleansing (Intestinal Formula refined sugar. Such products help to pro- of the Mills book. This really helps to focus No.1 and Nux Vomica Homaccord) Transversals mote intestinal bacterial symbiosis. Bal- the patients and demystifies the condition, • Castor Oil Packs anced intestinal bacteria works to maintain which is extremely important, plus it pro- Transversals are one of the most prominent a healthy oestrogen balance within the liver, vides a positive effect by illustrating that Contra-indications with endometriosis signs in the location of the uterus in and the neuroendocrine system. Paeonia the option of surgery or drugs is not the only endometriosis. Most endometriosis patients and Bupleurum both assist in the oestrogen direction to take. • Dioscorea villosa radix have a transversal, or even many transver- clearance via the liver. • Chamaelirium luteum radix (also this sals within the iris stroma. High magnifica- Herbal Therapeutic Possibilities plant is endangered in the wild) tion is required to identify these. It is rare Emotional Dynamics • Cimicifuga racemosa radix not to see a transversal in an endometriosis • Nymphaea odorata rhizoma (primary patient. We should be aware of the prominent and herbal medicine for usually all cases) Nutrition consistent emotional dynamic possibilities • Viburnum opulus cortex Antlered transversals are the most that the practitioner is likely to face with • Bupleurum falcatum (for oestrogen • Zinc frequently observed in patients with endometriosis. These include: clearance and balance, in relation to the • Selenium endometriosis. liver) • B-vitamin complex, • Creativity – blocks or ignorance of • Corydalis spp (for control of pain) including Pantothenic A transversal can also inherent creativity • Paeonia lactiflora radix acid appear with a crypt in the • Conflicts with one’s parents, both moth- • Ganoderma lucidum • Magnesium uterine topography. er and father • Carduus marianus semen • Vitamin E • Anger with parents leading to unre- • Withania somnifera folia • EFAs Pigments solved resentment • Vitex agnus castus semen (primary ther- • Crisis of self-identity apy) Homotoxicology Pigments connected to • Feeling shackled to an intolerable situa- • Angelica sinensis radix transversals can indicate an tion – initially unable to see a way out • Heavy bleeding – Menorrhagia: Capsel- • Pulsatilla 30C enormous amount of pain expe- • Not feeling part of the family structure la bursa-pastoris, Trillium pendulum, • Gynacoheel Drops rienced by the patient. Large • Glycchriza radix • Sepia Compositum to sta- Antlered Transversal brown or small orange pigment With the emotional perspective we can also • Valeriana officinalis radix bilise mood & dyspareunia patches are the most frequent look to the Emotional Dynamics of the Col- • Lactuca serrulata folia (both Lactuca • K2F to regulate neuroendocrine system macchia to be identified in cases of larette Chart. and Valeriana are to act as sedatives) • Kalium carbonicum 30C endometriosis. Adjacent crypt/pigment or • Harpagophytum procumbens radix • Vanilla 30C pigment/transversal combinations indicate Informed Reading for Patients • Hypoxis rhizoma (African potato tuber) endometrial adhesive potential. • Eleutherococcus senticosus radix Other Therapies An excellent resource and explanatory book • Thuja (for the reduction of benign on endometriosis is the one by Dian Shep- growths) • Art Therapy 200 Endometriosis & Iridology Iridology 201

Vascularised Vessels & Corkscrew Intestinal toxicity and alterations of the Embryological Topography Mammilations Vessels intestinal immune system are big tendencies of this sign. The embryological Uterus is located in the Transitory mammilations have occurred in These may appear ventrally in the iris as right iris at 200º to 204º and 185º in the left only two of the 40 endometriosis cases signs for post-laparoscopy adhesions. Also the presence of the Anchor sign on the iris. From research conducted from 1999 to studied. Their presence motions to the Meridian energetic disturbances are proba- IPB usually indicates post-operative adhe- 2003. Reliability was 91.3% from 60 cases. involvement of the intestinal immune sys- ble in such cases. sions, and this can include endometriosis. tem, dysbiosis and autoimmunity. Psy- Leaf Lacuna choneuroendocrinoimmunological path- Inner Pupillary Border • Partial Atrophy - 80% ways are indicated. For further information • Globular Sign The presence of Leaf Lacunae in the irides on mammilations please refer to Immunolo- The most reliable IPB morphologies from • Anchor Sign of endometriosis patients suggests a genetic gy & Iridology and Iris & Pupillary Signs. the studies conducted by myself are the inheritance of the problem. This may have For the emotional perspective please refer Globular sign and also the Partial Atrophic Pupillary Dynamics gone undiagnosed in previous generations to Emotional Approaches in Iridology. diameter. The Partial Atrophy is consistent due to lack of medical awareness. with neuroendocrine disturbances such as • Frontal flattening at 360º - hypothalamus Constitutions endometriosis, uterine fibroids, PCOS, Sub- & pituitary functions Leaf lacunae in endometriosis are predomi- fertility and extreme menopausal symp- • Inferior temporal flatness illustrating nantly located in the topographies for the The constitutional types we see in toms. neuroendocrine disruption of the ovaries following glands: endometriosis can be divided as follows and uterus from 40 case histories: The Globular signs stand out, as the Inner • Ventral flatness of the pupil with ventral • Hypothalamus Pupillary Border thickness tends to be very distension of the collarette in 2% of • Anterior Pituitary Lymphatic 18 cases thin and of a delicate appearance. With the cases studied with endometriosis • Pancreas Mixed Biliary 15 cases Globular morphology we have the correla- • Ovary Haematogenic 7 cases tion to imbalance of the hypothalamus and • Uterus subsequent PNEI pathway disruption. The Polyglandular or glandular weakness Cryptoid Lacunae type of constitutional subtype occurred, sur- prisingly, in only 6 out of the 40 case histo- Cryptoid lacunae are rare to see in the iris, ries. so once you’ve seen one they are instilled within your memory. They are not as rare in cases of endometriosis and can feature any- where in the ventral section of the iris.

Stress Axis

As the Stress Axis comprises the Hypothal- amic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis (HPA) in the iris, its identification has been seen in over 70% of endometriosis patients.

Corkscrew Vessels Leaf Lacuna 203

Uterine Fibroids & Iridology

Introduction Embryology of the Uterus

his type of fibroid is a non-malignant The uterus can be overlooked in the study myoma of the uterus, or womb. It is of embryology, which considering its pro- Tan oestrogen-dependent growth on found role in procreation is surprising. the smooth muscle of the uterus and can However, we know that the uterus forms grow to the size of a grapefruit. Usually from the descent of the ovary in the 7th they are around the size of a marble. Uter- week of gestation. ine fibroids have a generally slow genesis. The Main Symptoms with Benign leiomyomas (fibroids) are tumours Uterine Fibroids of the myometrium. They are the most com- mon genital tract tumours, affecting around • Menorrhagia – periods are heavy and 20% of women. In Europe around 40% of prolonged women over 50 can have fibroids. Despite • Anaemia is often the result due to the the prevalent incidence however, they can blood loss remain asymptomatic. Rounded, well- • Lowered ferritin levels defined growths can occur in several loca- • Increased oestrogen tions concurrently. Medically continuous • Fatigue use of GnRH agonists can cause shrinking • Torsion of the fibroid can cause tremen- of the fibroid mass. dous pain • Pelvic mass is visible and can be palpat- Intramural fibroids account for 70% of ed in the abdomen and can compress sur- cases, whilst cervical fibroids are a rarity. rounding structures, such as the sigmoid colon The entire uterus is detoxified and drained • Subfertility – embryo implantation is by the sacral-iliac, aortic and inguinal prevented and recurrent spontaneous lymph nodes. Thus we can see the impor- miscarriages can often be seen in the tance of optimising lymphatic drainage in medical history the management of fibroids, through the • When the fibroids are enlarged frequen- utilisation of Skinbrushing, manual lym- cy of urination may increase dramatical- phatic drainage, aromatherapy, homotoxi- ly cology like LymphomyosotTM or deep • Constipation could be caused by the breathing exercises. mass pressing on the sigmoid colon • Also, constipation, with particular bal- looning of the sigmoid colon could trig- ger the development of a fibroid, due to oestrogen drainage being at a minimum 204 Uterine Fibroids & Iridology Iridology 205

Medical Intervention this area presented at the 1990 1st Simposio In cases of uterine neoplasms, besides the tutional type. 36% are Lymphatic types Internazionale di iridologia in Venice with signs of the iris, we have to assess the hor- with Haematogenic types covering 19% of Fibroids are usually removed surgically, the paper on Iridologia e neoplasie del- monal balance by studying ovarian, thyroid cases. One patient had Aniridia and embry- called myomectomy (maintenance of the l’utero e della mammella. The research was and pituitary function. To observe an organ ological disturbance of the PAX-6 gene, so womb) or hysterectomy (removal of the based on over fifty clinical cases. The main we must always bear in mind all of its identification of the constitution was impos- womb, which should only be suggested iris signs frequently observed in relation to anatomical and physiological correlations sible to determine. after the end of the childbearing years). uterine fibroids or myoma according to the through the energetics or neuroendocrine Adhesions are a common complication after research, were lacuna, defect sign, crypt or system. From the chapter on The Endocrine Col- myomectomy. pigment located in the uterus topography, larette we can assume that the primary sub- according to Angerer and Rizzi. These are Iridology is thus seen as an early investiga- type of constitution the practitioner is likely Medically, specialists tend to prescribe accompanied in many cases, with an adja- tion that can make a contribution to special- to face is the Polyglandular one. luteinising hormone releasing hormone cent indented collarette structure. The lacu- ist diagnosis.” (LHRH) analogues to prevent the growth of na tend to have a thickened perimeter. Embryology & Iridology – Andrews & the fibroids. Transversals can act as an inlet into the sign Andrews’ Research Lo Rito or indented collarette in this area. Also continuous GnRH agonists may cause Collarette Perhaps the most important sign for Uterine fibroid regression. Ratti observed that signs for the liver, pitu- Fibroids we have found is from the new itary gland or thyroid often accompany The collarette tends to be what could be research on embryology and iridology It is recognised that the Contraceptive Pill these uterine signs. Also, the presence of a termed a multi-endocrinal collarette. We between esteemed colleague, Daniele Lo could increase the size and frequency of solitary pigment patch or multiple melanin have multiple crypts, lacuna and indenta- Rito and myself. This topography for the fibroids. I have found many patients to be pigments in the uterus zone often reveals tions the full circumference of the col- uterus transcends every other access point taking the contraceptive pill for between 2 uterine carcinoma for the patient. I would larette. The research found these signs, with we have in the iris for fibroids. My research to 15 years before the development or ongo- like to add, also, in the family medical pigments also, in topographies attached to with the enteric embryological reflex for the ing problems with uterine fibroids. After background, not necessarily with the indi- the external border of the collarette in 29 uterus had been found in accordance with withdrawal from the pill, the fibroids are vidual in the research. out of the 44 clinical cases. These topogra- 32 from an initial 36 medically confirmed diminished in size and severity. It is as if the phies included the pituitary gland, hypo- cases of uterine fibroids. contraceptive pill can aggravate the under- Central heterochromia is common in cases thalamus, Pineal, thyroid, pancreas and lying condition in sensitive individuals. with uterine leiomyomas. adrenals. The new embryological locations for the uterus are as follows: As the free oestrogen levels diminish in the Ratti summarised his research by stating Radii solaris post-menopause, uterine fibroids shrink that the iris “should be seen as a non-inva- • 192º in the right iris inside the col- away. sive diagnostic method, capable of identify- Radial furrows bisecting the uterus topogra- larette’s internal border ing precancerous or cancerous situations. phy can occur in around 25% of uterine • 165º in the left iris inside the collarette’s Iridology Signs such as lacunae, crypts, transversals, cases, with 12 out of 44 cases having such a internal border solitary or multiple pigments, heterochro- sign in either right or left iris. • Right iris based on an initial 20 cases Ratti’s Research mia or defects, etc; together with an accu- • Left iris based on an initial 16 cases rate anamnesis, helps us to refer the patient Constitutions The iris signs in connection with myomas to more specific and sophisticated examina- Larger sample groups and peer review later are very well-documented by Padre Emilio tions, such as CT scans or MRI. Research has found that Uterine Fibroids confirmed these results. Ratti in Italy with the fruits of research in are more prevalent in Mixed Biliary types, with 44% of patients falling into the consti- 206 Uterine Fibroids & Iridology Inner Pupillary Border 207

Transversals • Flower remedies such as Yerba Santa, of loss of identity. Feelings of deep-seated A sexual or urogenital reflex Purple Crocus and Snowdrop guilt can be linked to this, even if the guilt Transversals are frequently observed with transversal can indicate prob- • Bereavement Counselling is justified or not. The very personal experi- uterine fibroids and are reliable pointers for lems with the uterus, ovary or • Somato-Emotional Release in Cranio- ence of the patient is predominant over the the Iridologist to be aware of. I would con- testes. With a transversal locat- Sacral Therapy general perspective. Dr Christiane Northrup sider the transversal a prominent fibroid ed in one of these topographies in Women’s Bodies Women’s Wisdom relates marker. Usually the antlered or root trans- we have an individual inherent- Thorough oncological screening, on a problems with the fibroids, due to psycho- versal connects to a lacuna or dark pigment ly fearful of lifeÕs processes that greater than average basis, is highly advised somatic pathways linking back to issues of in the classical uterine topography in either leads to challenges in the self- for these types of patients. creativity and imagination. These issues can right or left ciliary iris. esteem and loss of identity. stretch right across the board of problems or Lacuna & Broken Collarette conflicts in this area. According to Anne Spiral arteries feed the uterus from surface Quinn in Ireland, uterine fibroids can often epithelium through the functional The identification of a lacuna where we link to issues to do with nurturing, particu- endometrium to the basal endometrium have an interrupted or broken collarette is a larly in context to the relation of issues with with straight arteries. These spiral arteries Submerged Transversal serious sign, leading to complications in one’s mother. lead a tortuous path, like iris transversals, many endocrine problems such as the pitu- that are often vascularised. The presence of A submerged transversal runs underneath itary, Diabetes and hypothyroidism, but also Embryological emotional dynamics of the such transversals in the uterine topogra- the iris stroma, yet is still visible through the uterus. uterus according to Daniele Lo Rito phies illustrates a deep functional disruption the microscope, due to a loss of integrity of include: of the uterus and endometrium in the med- the iris fibres. From clinical experience I Inner Pupillary Border ical history. would consider it a sign for latent tumour • Feeling of vulnerability development. With new technological • Space 22 with hypertrophy or Extrofles- • Feeling of being unprotected Some of my patients have a flare-up with advances in iridology equipment and digital sion • The sense of a lack of acceptance in the fibroids during times of great stress. It’s resolution, it is now possible to identify • Partial Atrophy one’s family as if the fibroid is acting like a barometer submerged transversals as increasingly • Pedunculated morphology – located any- for the patient’s innate stress monitor. This prevalent in benign uterine fibroid cases. where Fibroid Treatment Protocols reactivity to stress can be explained with a Stress Axis in either iris, plus any type of The patient will tend to have poor sleep pat- Menopause Axis • Bowel detoxification is paramount in transversal can be involved. For many terns and lowered Natural Killer Cell uterine fibroids, plus this encourages patients their iris contains numerous trans- (NKC) numbers. Emotionally, the patient The menopause axis in iridology comprises hepatic drainage and hormonal clearance versals, often vascularised. has been deeply affected by bereavement or signs in the same iris in the embryological multiple bereavements. The grief they feel topographical locations for the anterior • In Russia Trifolium pratense flores has a has never been acknowledged, let alone, pituitary, ovaries and hypothalamus. In 44 tradition of treating uterine fibroids constructively expressed. This has led to uterine fibroid patients the menopause axis build up of toxic emotions (see Appendices was present in 18 individual irises. • Vitex agnus castus semen has a strong on Toxic Emotions). Constructive therapeu- tradition in Western herbal medicine for tics for a Submerged Transversal and this Emotional Dynamics in Fibroid treating uterine fibroids. I have found emotional situation include: Cases Vitex to be of particular benefit in reduc- ing and resolving intramural and sub- • Homotoxicology protocols The Uterus, through visceroemotional serous fibroid growths. With these types anatomy, can be connected to a deep sense of fibroids, Vitex can be considered as a 208 Uterine Fibroids & Iridology Physical Therapies 209

solitary primary line of therapy. High • Zanthoxylum clava-herculis cortex • Acupuncture for energy balance and pain doses are often required. This type of management dosage in herbal medicine is often • Viburnum cortex or Corydalis spp rhi- referred to as heroic. With more deep- zoma for analgesic • Cranio-Sacral Therapy with Somato- seated fibroids Vitex tends to be only Emotional Release to rectify any under- used as an adjunct therapy • Capsella, Achillea millefolium or Med- lying emotional issues and release trau- icago sativa to counter heavy blood loss ma, encourage endocrine balance and • Grifola frondosa – administered as cap- manipulate tissues for organs and glands sules over three to six months duration. • HormHeel drops to regulate neuroen- to find their true location Grifola is a revered medicinal mush- docrine system and correct Subfertility room, also known as Maitake. It acts as • Art Therapy to unleash latent creativity an adaptogen for the endocrine system, • GynacoHeel to directly treat the and emotional expression in particular the Pituitary-Adrenal-Ovar- underlying pathways to the formation of ian Axis and the curtailment of oestrogen fibroids and other inflammatory path- dominance. Grifola is indicated in larger ways of the female reproductive system fibroids located anywhere through the tissues of the uterus • To counter Anaemia: Nettle Tisane, Spir- ulina, Withania & Barley • Filipendula ulmaria flores is a tradition- al uterine remedy • External use: Castor oil as an analgesic and agent to reduce the size of the • Nymphaea odorata radix is a primary fibroids agent for the reduction of all types of fibroids, abnormal endometrium, cystic • Centella asiatica to counter adhesive ovaries or surgical adhesions processes

• Thuja – 30c & also tincture to control Contra-Indications with Uterine benign growths of hormonal origin Fibroids

• Asparagus spp (Shatavari in Ayurvedic • Dioscorea radix medicine) • Hydrastis canadensis radix • Cimicifuga racemosa radix • Turnera diffusa folia • Chamaelirium luteum radix (endan- gered) • Viscum album folia • Angelica sinensis radix

• Caulophyllum thalictroides radix Physical Therapies

• Alnus incana taken in the morning • Reflexology (Gemmotherapy) • Aromatherapy 211

Cervical Dysplasia

Cervical Intra-Epithelial Neoplasia Pap Smear Tests


Pap Smear Mild dysplasia Moderate Severe dysplasia / Classification cancer

Extent of Third nearest 2/3Õs nearest Complete Epithelium the basement the basement thickness Involved membrane membrane

% Progressing 1% 8% 20% to carcinoma if untreated

lthough Cervical Dysplasia is not a ical intervention or advancement of the dis- particular condition treated by ease process. However, with persistence, it Aendocrinologists, the disease is is possible for excellent results to be accom- included here due to the many similarities plished by the patient. From experience I with modes of treatment and because of the have always found the exploration of the gynaecological perspective. emotional dynamics as essential with cervix problems. Many women with abnormal pap smears consult with naturopathic practitioners, par- • As near a vegan diet as possible ticularly medical herbalists and home- • Avoidance of tampons opaths, to garner another approach of • Probiotic supplementation (Broad spec- addressing their medical and emotional trum beneficial bacterium) concerns. • Zinc, Selenium, Vanadium, Germanium, beta carotene, folic acid & vitamin C Treatment Protocols • Essential Fatty Acids • Garlic & organic olive oil vaginal sup- The success of naturopathic protocols in the pository treatment and management of cervical dys- • Larrea tridenta plasia can be mixed, due to previous med- • Grifola frondosa 212 Cervical Dysplasia Iris & Pupillary Signs 213

• Harpagophytum procumbens radix Cervix Topography ventral section of the iris. In such cases the • Sutherlandia frutescens smear tests lean towards CIN I & CIN II. • Coriolus versicolor With most Iridology Charts the Cervix is • Lentinus edodes not documented. We always have an excep- • Trifolium pratense flores tion, and this is the chart by Toni Miller, a • Vitex agnus castus semen naturopath and herbalist from Australia who • Filipendula ulmaria herba has worked with numerous gynaecological patients over the years. The cervix is locat- A clinical trial of 48 patients suffering from ed on the external border of the collarette in cervical dysplasia from Russia in 1993 a thin strip from 25’ to 35’ in both irides. found that an ointment containing extract of Although, my experience with cervical dys- Filipendula ulmaria, the original source for plasia points to a location similar to that of aspirin and high in salicylic acid, was very the adrenal cortex either side of 30’ or 180º. successful. A positive result was found in 32 of the patients and a complete remission Embryology & Topography Research was recorded in 25 cases. Ten patients had absolutely no reoccurrence a year after the Embryology studies from 2001 to 2004 sug- study. gest the cervix to be located between the Asparagus Lacuna uterus and ovary at 200º in the right iris and I would also advise its use internally with 172º in the left iris. Smear results in such cervical dysplasia. cases are more towards CIN II and CIN III, and in some cases CIN IV. • Pulsatilla – 30c Homeopathic dosage • Lymphomyosot – Homotoxicology For- A defect or crypt is the most prominent sign mula from Heel in such cases.

Iris and Pupillary Signs Superficial Transversal

Hypertrophy of the IPB A feint transversal, which appears to be run- ning underneath the main stromal fibres of Cervical dysplasia patients will cover all the iris. This mostly occurs in the classical spectrums of constitutional types, but with uterine and sigmoid-rectal topographies. the diameter of the Inner Pupillary Border Conditions you will correlate with this sign we find that the Hypertrophic IPB is the include dysmenorrhoea, haemorrhoids, hys- most frequently observed in 37 out of 52 terectomy, cervical dysplasia or prostitis. cervical dysplasia cases. Asparagus Lacuna We also find the Globular morphology of the IPB at 140º or 215º along the ventral In many cases of cervical dysplasia it is IPB. possible to locate an asparagus lacuna in the 215

Postnatal Depression

ostnatal depression can affect women physically and psychologically. However, if to many different degrees after preg- not all goes well, plans are changed and Pnancy and childbirth. Sometimes there are either genetic or previous trauma symptoms are relatively minor and pass for the mother that is unresolved, then this quickly, most of the time, however, it can be time of adjustment is compounded and a tremendously debilitating condition. The mainly due to adrenal exhaustion – postna- patient can experience serious mental, emo- tal depression can develop. tional and physical concerns. In addition to the adrenal exhaustion – Postnatal depression can last for many which can be detected through bilateral years, sometimes undiagnosed. If diagnosed pupillary reaction with slow reaction to illu- medically in the UK, then anti-depressants mination, and also through a 24 hour sali- are usually prescribed immediately. In my vary adrenal stress test very reliably – we experience this can be counter-productive, will probably find that the liver’s actions in as they mask the causes and there is failure regard to hormonal filtering and clearance to resolve the problem, because the oppor- have been impaired, thyroid function could tunity is denied. Support from family, be borderline underactive – check the basal friends and medical staff is preferable, as is body temperature for two to three weeks counselling. and always check the iris immediately. Hyperprolactinaemia could be developing if Postnatal depression is included within the stress was amplified and when the mother remit of the iridology approach combined does not breastfeed. In addition to this with endocrinology, not only for the obvi- blood sugar levels will probably be unstable ous experience of pregnancy and childbirth, and erratic due to the liver impairment and with resultant elevated levels of oxytocin, adrenal exhaustion, this alone can trigger but also due to pan-endocrine aetiology. postnatal depression in susceptible individ- uals. Endocrine Factors Never Underestimate the Birth Several endocrine pathways combine and Experience emerge as causes leading to and maintain- ing the depression. Initially, we have the The patient’s own birth experience may massive hormonal upheaval of not only the play a profound role in the development of pregnancy itself, but also the hormonal her birthing experience with her own baby swings of labour and then the subsequent and the development of postnatal depres- recovery and adaptation to the new arrival. sion (PND). Birth is a deeply profound psy- Even if all goes well, it is a huge, profound chological, spiritual and physical experi- experience and adjustment – hormonally, ence that has such an expansive bearing on 216 Postnatal Depression Nutrition 217

the rest of our lives. I thoroughly agree with Emotional Symptoms • Neuromuscular cramping in the extremi- min B5 – Pantothenic acid give extra sup- research brought forward by Dr Michel ties port for the adrenal glands. Odent on the experience of birth and related The emotional or psychological symptoms • Dizziness areas. or feelings generated by the postnatal • Paresthesia Herbal Medicines depression include the following: The exact experience of the birthing process Nutritional and medicinal herbal support • Glycchriza glabra radix can trigger PND due to subtle or graphic • Hopelessness can be vital and provide solid support and • Withania somnifera folia alterations via the psychoneuroendocrine • Guilt help to correct any underlying imbalances • Centella asiatica folia pathways. The following types of birth can • Detachment such as a congested liver, blood sugar • Hypericum perforatum flores all trigger Postnatal Depression, especially • Overwhelmed changes, adrenal exhaustion, impaired sero- • Paeonia lactiflora radix when we have a genetic tendency: • Crying spells tonin synthesis or borderline hypothy- • Allium ursinum • Resentment roidism. • Sceletium • Separation between mother & child (in • Lack of initiative • Cordyceps both the physical and emotional sense) • Agoraphobia Nutrition • Verbena officinalis • Caesarean Section • Inducement With such feelings cranio-sacral therapy, The status for the following is paramount in The inclusion of Glycchriza is due to the • Forceps Delivery counselling, homeopathic Aconite 30c, postnatal depression cases: fact it is the precursor to adrenal gland func- • Administration of an epidural visualisation techniques, art therapy, flower tions, in addition to balancing blood sugar • Long Labour remedies and even Colourpuncture can • Folic acid and thyroid functions. Withania works as an prove to be very adept helping to bring the • Chromium adaptogen and exerts adrenal support, bol- A difficult birth and the type of experience patient to resolve the underlying issues. • Pantothenic acid sters and balances hypothyroidism, plus can involved are all identified through signs in • L- tryptophan be used to balance sleep patterns, energy, the iris in the majority of cases (see Differ- Flower remedies used can include Elm, Star • Zinc blood sugar balance, function of the hypo- entiation of Time Risk Signs – Andrews, of Bethlehem, Purple Crocus, Snowdrop, • Essential Fatty Acids thalamus, prolactin and works as an anti- AIRJ Volume 1, March 2000 & Emotional Mariposa Lily, Honeysuckle & Hypericum. • Magnesium depressant. Approaches in Iridology, 2004). Physical Symptoms L-tryptophan, the amino acid, is the precur- The use of Hypericum would be expected in A previous sexual trauma experienced by sor for serotonin and also melatonin synthe- postnatal depression, however, it is not only the patient could be the trigger for the post- The physical changes exerted by a bout of sis. Essential Fatty Acids such as those in advised here for its anti-depressant action, natal depression. Particularly if the experi- postnatal depression can include symptoms Spirulina, Borage seed oil, Hemp seed oil, but also its ability to help with the hepatic ence has never been shared. such as: Evening Primrose oil and Flax oils assist clearance of hormonal residues. with adrenal support, thyroid function, liver Some women describe that they had a sense • Insomnia clearance of hormones, lifting mood and Sceletium is the premium natural herbal of bereavement after the birth. The bereave- • Lethargy mental clarity, cognitive performance, bal- medicine. It has an anti-depressant and anti- ment they feel is for their previous life, pre- • Extreme sugar cravings anced and stable blood sugar levels and thus anxiety bar none, with no apparent adverse children. In such cases Honeysuckle & Pur- • Hyperprolactinaemia have anti-depressive action. reactions or long term toxicity concerns. ple Crocus flower remedies are indicated, • Dysglycaemia Rhodiola rosacea is also of benefit in the as is Bereavement Counselling. • Heartburn Chromium, folic acid and magnesium exert management of stress and anxiety. • Respiratory infections the similar actions on all the relevant path- • Lack of libido ways. Magnesium and chromium and Vita- Paeonia helps to bring about hormonal bal- ance, supports adrenal function and 218 Postnatal Depression Complex Connections Chart 219

enhances hepatic functional pathways. Cen- • Birth Trauma sign, usually unilateral in tella works in a similar way, in addition to 24 of the 30 patients studied having anti-depressant activity. Allium ursinum, Escholszia and Verbena officinalis • Multiple brown pathochromia (Psora) in all support the nervous system, adrenal the ciliary iris in 14/30 cases functions and improve liver performance. • Multiple crypts in the collarette or Iridology & Postnatal Depression throughout the ciliary zone in 12/30 cases • In 30 patients with postnatal depression, 20 were of Mixed Biliary irides. From • Radial Furrow or Leaf Lacuna in the this small study we can see that approxi- classical topography for the Medulla mately 60% of PND patients will have oblongata is present in 12 of the 30 this type of genetic iris colour. Postnatal patients depression should be included as a ten- dency in the Mixed Biliary constitution- • Embryological topographical crypt in al type. Haematogenics accounted for 4 the new location for the adrenal glands of the 30, with Lymphatics contributing in 21 of the 30 cases 6 of the 30 studied individuals. • Presence of the S sign on the IPB in 9 of • Also present was a Depression Axis on the 30 cases the Inner Pupillary Border, in 22/30 cases. • Pancreatic lacuna, pigments, indentation of the collarette in new, embryological • Frontal Indentation of the Collarette is and classical ciliary attached to the col- present – usually in the left iris in larette locations in 25 of the 30 cases

350 0/360 10 20 24/30 of the patients 340 IPB 30 330 1 0 59 IPB 2 58 57 3 56 40 • Central heterochromia pres- 320 4 0 55 5 54 6 50 53 • A Stress Axis is often 310 ent in exactly 50% of the 7 1 8 52 8 60 51 300 9 present. It is a unilateral 50 cases

10 49 70 1 1 290 collection of signs in 48


47 80

13 7 280 19 of the 30 cases. 2 46 • Sectoral heterochromia

14 90


15 270

44 present in 2 of the 30




17 260

• Bilateral mydriasis, as 42 cases







3 40

discussed, with slow 250


120 39




reaction to changes in 22 • Partial atrophy of IPB in 37






5 35 4



illumination is present in 34 14 of the 30 cases






28 31 29 30


28 of the 30 cases. 210 160

200 170

190 180

Depression Axis 221

The Menopause Axis in Iridology

he Menopause Axis is an axis of Excellent information on the menopause is signs I identified with our research readily available via books and the web. I Tinto embryology and iridology. It is would advise the books by Dr Christiane of a particular interest to women, because Northrup, Menopause Naturally by Kitty with this axis, in most cases, you will see a Campion and the menopause books by Dr predisposition to adverse or extreme Marilyn Glenville are very useful refer- menopausal symptoms. ences and inspiration for practitioner and patient alike. From clinical experience this extreme dis- pensation is amplified with a history of tak- The Axis comprises embryological signs ing the contraceptive pill. Indeed, the for the: patient could well have experienced side effects with the pill – depression, develop- • Hypothalamus ment of tumours or cysts, mood swings, • Anterior Pituitary blood sugar changes, migraines and many • Ovary other symptoms. The signs are usually: In the UK at the present time, the vast majority of patients that refer for consulta- • Crypts or defects tion with natural medicine practitioners of • Stairstep lacuna varying disciplines are in fact, female. According to Watkins et al this is mirrored This Menopause Axis differs from other by the demographics of my own practice, as types of Axis, because it tends to be bilater- I used to have an almost 90% majority of al in most cases. Due to the nature of the females and 10% males. Over the previous signs and the location involved we can two years, with more general public aware- assert that the axis develops in utero. ness and acceptance of natural or alternative Oestrogen dominance can be a large clinical medicine, I have seen with my patients an factor. emphasis on 73% of females and 27% males. Symptoms involved in the menopause include: So you can see from this that I have had many female patients either taking the con- • Hot Flushes traceptive pill, withdrawing from the con- • Hot Sweats traceptive pill, pre-menopausal, in the • Depression (elevation of melatonin) menopause or with a history of hormonally- • Loss of libido dependent breast tumours. • Vaginal dryness • Thirst 222 Menopause Axis in Iridology Liver Function 223

• Disrupted blood sugar levels menopause many of these are the same with Previous history or incidence of hypothy- • Angelica sinensis radix • Anxiety a person with a tendency to erratic blood roidism predisposes to menopausal prob- • Dioscorea villosa • Headaches sugar levels – dysglycaemia. From the lems. The thyroid in communication with • Pfaffia paniculata • Joint pains research with nearly 1500 patients with the hypothalamus sets the body’s metabolic • Withania somniferum • Muscular fatigue erratic blood sugar levels (refer to chapter rate and temperature. • Cimicifuga racemosa radix • Zinc deficiency on Hypoglycaemia and Iridology), I have • Centella asiatica • Essential Fatty Acid Deficiency concluded that if the patient has a genetic Check for Thyroid Iris Signs: • Salvia officinalis • Vitamin E Deficiency tendency to blood sugar disturbance, as • Urtica folia • Chromium deficiency identified through the iris, there is an • Squared Morphology on the IPB • Eleutherococcus senticosus radix • Dry Skin increased risk to extreme menopausal com- • Embryological Topography for the Thy- • Linum olea • Hypothyroidism plaints and general hormonal system. roid • Cannabis olea • Oedema • Thyroxine Lacuna or Indentation of the • Helianthus anuum • Constipation The long-term blood sugar picture has a Collarette at 90º or 270º, attached to the • Carduus marianus • Mood Swings profound physiological effect on the collarette in either right or left iris • Arctium lappa radix • Reduction and disappearance of ovarian endocrine system that often results in • Zingiber officinalis cysts menopause being a medical concern, rather Liver Function • Glycrrhiza glabra radix • Disappearance of uterine fibroids than a normal hormonal and life transition • Lycopus • Oligomenorrhoea and adjustment. The liver’s endocrine role is vitally impor- • Bupleurum faculatum • Sugar Cravings tant entering the menopause. Previous • Lethargy hepatic pathologies or congestion could Nutritional Support • Memory Loss Blood sugar disruption signs interact with the blood sugar levels, thyroid • Poor concentration in the iris and sclera can function and general hormonal communica- For General maintenance – Spirulina • Waking up at 4am in the morning to uri- enhance the meaning of the tion. The liver helps to organise, filter and nate Menopause Axis. detoxify an excess of hormones in the sys- For Detoxification - Chlorella • Lack of motivation and initiative tem. As women enter the menopause, • Osteopenia endocrine research has revealed that the Also foods rich in the following: • Weight gain (elevated leptin) Thyroid Function liver actually takes on the production and storage of oestrogen, instead of the ovaries. • Zinc The inclusion of the hypothalamus, anterior During the menopause a latent hypothy- In fact the adrenal glands join with the liver • Vitamin E pituitary and ovary in the menopause axis roidism, which has been a borderline in this activity. • Vitamin B5 – Pantothenic acid should be self-explanatory. Reference to the hypothyroidism up to that point, can really • Vitamin B12 chapters covering these glands in this book come to the fore and produce signs like With this in mind we need to look at any • Chromium is advised if further clarity is required. weight gain, dry skin, hair loss, loss of eye- liver signs in the iris, sclera and Inner Pupil- • Magnesium However, I feel a further look at other pos- brows, depression, oedema, and constipa- lary Border (refer to Hepatic Immunity in • Essential Fatty Acids sibilities that enhance the meaning of the tion. In most cases the hypothyroidism Immunology & Iridology). • Iodine Menopause Axis could be helpful. could still be borderline and the hypoactivi- • Phosphorus ty may not show on any blood tests. Therapeutic Protocols Blood Sugar Balance Physical & Emotional Techniques In these cases basal body temperature test- Herbal Medicinal Support Possibilities As we can see from the list of frequent ing over a month is clinically indicated, in • Advanced Reflexology symptoms that could occur in the order to clarify the hormonal changes. • Vitex agnus castus semen • Cranio-Sacral Therapy 224 Menopause Axis in Iridology 225

• Art Therapy • Yoga Endocrine Emotional Energetics • T’ai Chi • Pilates e say that hormones can be clas- • Aromatherapy sified as emotional responses in • Colourpuncture Wbiochemical form. Holistic and • Acupuncture modern understanding of psychoneuroen- docrinoimmunology offers confirmation to Regular maintenance treatments with any or this view. As with general organ and emo- a combination of these are of enormous tion correlations it is possible to present Also refer to Emotional Approaches in Iri- value to the patient’s emotional health, similarities with the emotional energetics of dology book and Emotional Dynamics of sleep patterns, energy and circulatory sys- each endocrine gland or pair of glands. the Collarette Chart tem. Gland Emotional Patterns

Hypothalamus Pleasure, fear of shame, pain, self-worth and validation, control, panic, defence, Centre of the limbic system

Pituitary Balance, pressure, fear of wisdom, in/dependence issues

Pineal Rhythm, fear of unknown, over-analysis, expansion, etheric awareness

Thyroid Affection (father/male), injustice, expressive ability

Thymus Fear of failure, nurturing, mother energy, giving and receiving love, centre for the emotional heart

Pancreas Betrayal, love exchange, indecision, long-standing issues of emotional pain, expressive warmth

Adrenal Glands Fear of judgement, parental fears, self-esteem, self-criticism, panic, fear of conflict, danger

Ovary/Testes Identity, creativity, power, self-worth

Endocrine Kidneys Resentment, storage of emotions, energy cysts, decision-making 227

Appendix 1 Thyroid Temperature Chart 31 30 29 28 27 26 25 24 23 22 21 20 19 e Chart 18 17 16 day 15 emperatur 14 T 13 oid 12 1 1 Thyr 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 37.0 36.8 36.6 36.4 36.2 36.0 35.8 35.6 35.4 35.2 35.0

temperature ºC 229

Appendix 2 Taking Your Basal Body Temperature

sing a medical thermometer, take your temperature first thing in a Umorning before you get out of bed. You can take your temperature by placing the thermometer under your arm, but preferably by placing it in your mouth. Oral temperature readings are more accurate, in relation to the varied functions of the thy- roid and hypothalamus.

Whichever way you decide to take your temperature, it’s important to continue to take it the same way every time.

After 1 minute remove the thermometer and record your temperature on the chart.

If you experience any particular symptoms on that day, indicate these on the chart too.

Unless otherwise indicated by your practi- tioner, there is no need to take your temper- ature every day of the week, as long as you take it for 4 consecutive days each week. Repeat for four to six weeks, unless speci- fied, and return the chart with results to your practitioner.

If using the four consecutive day method you need to stick to the four same days in the week in subsequent weeks of testing. 231

Appendix 3 Thyroid Gland Study Results

Original Thyroid Gland Study Results as published in the Advanced Iridology research Jour- nal, Volume 2, November 2000

Hypothyroidism Study of 42 Medically Diagnosed Cases

Iris Sign Cases

Lacuna (Thyroxine) Right Iris @ 15 22

Lacuna (Thyroxine) Left Iris @ 45’ 8

Total Lacunae (Thyroxine) 30

Crypt(s) Right Iris @ 15’ 10

Crypt(s) Left Iris @ 45’ 5

Total Crypts (Thyroid Zone) 15

Hypophysis Sign 20 (Major/minor rays (radii), lacunae, crypt, pigment)

Pigmentations 10 (In thyroid zones right and left)

Hypothalamus Sign 8 (Radii solaris, lacunae, crypts, pigment)

Gastric Ring 9 (“Hypoactive & hyperactive”) 232 Appendix 3 Thyroid Gland Study 233

Iris Sign Cases Hyperthyroidism Study of 10 Medically Diagnosed Cases

Collarette Indentation 13 Iris Sign Cases @ 15’ in right iris and 45’ in left iris Lacuna (Thyroxine) 2 Skin Ring (Scurf Rim) 6 Right iris @ 15’

“B3 Bulge” (Lunula) 6 Lacuna (Thyroxine) 1 Left iris @ 45’ Time Risk Marking 13 (Criteria = one to two years before onset of Total Lacunae 3 underactivity as noticed by patient; not necessarily diagnosed medically) Crypts 7 Hepatic Markings 28 Right iris @ 15’ Right and left iris Crypts 2 Left iris @ 45’ Pupillary Dynamics Cases Total Crypts (Thyroid Zone) 9 Pupillary/Iris Flight 5 (Superior temporal direction) Hypophysis Sign 7 Mydriasis 10 (Lacuna, crypt, pigment, radii)

Miosis 6 Pigmentations 4 (In thyroid zones) Space Sign 7 on Inner Pupillary Border 30 Time Risk Sign 6 Hypertrophy of Inner Pupillary Border 12 (@ 1 or 2 years before onset of illness as noticed by the patient; not necessarily medically diagnosed) Partial Atrophy of Inner Pupillary Border 7 Hepatic Markings 6

Overall number taking Thyroxine 32 Hypothalamus 2 234 Appendix 3 235

Pupillary Dynamics Cases Appendix 4 Pupillary Flight 4 (Superior nasal to inferior temporal direction) Sub-Lingual Delivery

Mydriasis 8 arely used as a medical technique even have an unpleasant taste appear in these days; but is of immense value your mouth (if this happens expel the oil) - Space 7 on Inner Pupillary Border 5 Respecially in the administration of all these are signs of detoxification of unre- herbal therapies and naturopathic detoxifi- quired toxins, waste cellular debris, fats, Total number taking Carbimazole 5 cation procedures. If placed under the cholesterol etc - it is easy to do and very tongue a substance is readily absorbed effective. Many doctors around the world through the buccal mucosa, the lymph and working with degenerative diseases are numerous blood capillaries just under the using these methods as part of any thera- tissue surface. In fact sub-lingual sub- peutic protocols. stances come into closer contact with blood vessels than any other route. The oils need to be cold pressed, extra-vir- gin and organic. Try: olive oil, sunflower Once in the blood then substances can cir- oil, flax seed oil and hemp seed oil particu- culate to the target tissue or cells; without larly. Repeat the procedure once a day - in hindrance or negation from stomach acid, the morning preferably for one to two fermentation and chemical changes from weeks. bypassing the liver. Through this method of application, smaller amounts of herbs etc I have found sublingual delivery and the oil are required due to the high concentrations cleanses beneficial personally and have readily reaching affected areas of the body. seen the efficacy of herbal medicines A substance can be absorbed into the blood- improve clinically. stream as quickly as when injected by a doctor with a hypodermic syringe - with less pain or fear!

In many eastern and Mediterranean coun- tries swishing cold pressed plant oil(s) around the mouth, especially under the tongue for 15 minutes stimulates detoxifica- tion. The oil isn’t swallowed during this time. Then 30 to 40 minutes later the proce- dure is repeated for another 15 minutes. The oil is expelled from the mouth on both occa- sions - never swallowed. During this process the oil can change colour, to white, yellow, green or brown or thicken. You may 237

Appendix 5 Medicinal & Nutritional Mushrooms An Endocrine Perspective

edicinal mushrooms are well cal use of medicinal and nutritional mush- known for their nutritional and rooms has proliferated. In the UK today we Mimmune boosting properties. find that there is a real lack of information However, not many practitioners utilise on medicinal uses of mushrooms readily them for their role in the balance of the neu- available to the public, patients, herbal or roendocrine system and associated diseases, naturopathic practitioners, doctors, consult- except for mainly Cordyceps. ants or nurses – I hope what is produced here can assist in bridging those gaps and Coriolus, Ganoderma lucidum, Lentinus the following is of some practical use or edodes, Cordyceps, Chaga, etc can help to inspiration. I have attempted to be concise balance prolactin and growth hormone and cover all angles in relation to expertise secretions, assist in treatment of various and medical knowledge, no doubt there is anterior pituitary tumours, Craniopharyn- too much information for some or too little gioma, thyroid – hypo and hyper, Hashimo- for others, if this is the case then I would to’s, Diabetes mellitus, hypoglycaemia, suggest looking at the works of the follow- neuroendocrine/immune system exchanges, ing authors in this area – Christopher hormonally dependent breast tumours, Hobbs, Dr Halpern, Ken Jones, David polycystic ovary syndrome, cervical dys- Arora and for recipes and the pure enjoy- plasia, vestibullitis, endometriosis, liver ment of mushrooms look at A Passion for function improvements and support in rela- Mushrooms by Antonio Carluccio. Failing tion to hormonal clearance and synthesis, that, you can always contact myself. Subfertility, hormonal menstrual balance, PMT, Mastalgia and Grifola frondosa or Ganoderma lucidum Maitake mushroom can help in the treat- - Reishi Mushroom Extract ment of uterine fibroids. Ganoderma lucidum is one of the most clin- A Summary of the potential and ically researched medicinal and nutritional uses for Medicinal and plants we have on the planet today. It also Nutritional Mushrooms has a depth of traditional uses, which from my meagre knowledge, can only be rivalled Introduction by several other herbal therapies. Ganoder- ma or Reishi mushroom is a revered This long article evolved from a short infor- panacea in many systems of Oriental Medi- mation sheet for patients, as my own clini- cine, with particularly reliable studies, espe- 238 Appendix 5 Medicinal & Nutritional Mushrooms 239

cially in reference to bolstering the immune medicinal mushrooms such as Cordyceps, the emphasis on controlling Candida over- ation. Oriental research has indicated its system, from both China and Japan. The Trametes, Lentinus or Ganoderma have growth, plus controlling bacterial strains positive contribution in the treatment of Chinese name for Ganoderma is Ling zhi endured significant lowering of side effects, such as Staphylococci, Streptococcal and Acute myeloid leukaemia. I have found its and it is in China where Ganoderma has a no nausea and more stabilised blood results Bacillus pneumoniae. long-term usage to be an excellent introduc- reputation thousands of years long for pro- for platelets, neutrophils, etc. Studies have tion to the treatment plan of autoimmune moting longevity. also shown that the polysaccharides in Gan- Ganoderma has proven to be of enormous conditions such as Rheumatoid Arthritis oderma help to stimulate the macrophages benefit in the management and treatment of and Systemic Lupus, again this may be due The Latin name Ganoderma translates as to produce more tumour-necrosis factor gastric and duodenal ulcers, allergic rhini- to its adaptogenic action on the immune meaning shining skin, as in the appearance (TNF-x) and the spleen to produce more tis, insomnia, recurrent Otitis media and system. of the mushroom. In the wild Ganoderma Interleukins. Ganoderma has been demon- tonsillitis, tachycardia (such as the palpita- will tend to grow naturally on Oaks and strated to have anti-tumour activity in cases tions you can experience with panic It is interesting to note that a study of 2000 Japanese plum trees. There are many of carcinoma of the breast, liver, lung and attacks), shortness of breath, coughs, sar- patients taking Ganoderma in China in the species that grow all over the world. bowel. coidosis and altitude sickness (it is used by 1970s with chronic bronchitis showed Despite the need for the mushroom to have many mountaineers for this very reason) or improvement across the board of age a habitat high in carbon dioxide, this funghi With this in mind it is very important to Jet Lag, due to its support of the Pineal groups by 60-90%, with the over-60s the helps to elevate oxygenation saturation lev- realise, I feel, that Ganoderma is bio-chem- functions and subsequent serotonin and most significant age-group improving. With els in the blood. Some texts hail Reishi as ically high in adenosine which inhibits melatonin levels. any infection or chronic illness a person’s the mushroom of immortality! platelet aggregation and also nutritionally appetite can diminish, however, Ganoder- high in the trace minerals of germanium, Some research has shown Ganoderma to ma helps to bolster and improve appetite, Ganoderma is most well known and proba- selenium, vanadium, chromium, plus the help counteract caffeine addiction and help possibly due to its high levels of natural bly utilised in both natural and orthodox general ones such as magnesium, calcium improve liver functions - helping with antioxidants. medicine in the treatment of cancers. Gano- and zinc. anaemia, Hepatitis B and C infections plus derma is one of the highest sources of the improving the production of interferon and In addition to the immune system, Gano- vital trace mineral Germanium. Studies There are many other uses for Ganoderma, dampening the response to allergens. In one derma also has a positive role to play in the have found cancer patients to have very low which, perhaps, are not that well known study from China in 1994 a doctor had a management of anxiety syndromes (due to levels and deficiencies of Germanium. Also about, but are scientifically and traditional- cure rate on 70,000 toxipathic hepatitis its general “cooling” on the liver and nerv- like most medicinal mushrooms, Ganoder- ly documented. For example, Ganoderma patients of 90%, with the use of a liver soft- ous system), depression and panic attacks. ma is high in polysaccharides that help to has antihistamine influence on the system, ening and detoxification soup containing As mentioned previously Ganoderma has stimulate many aspects of immune func- constituents of Ganoderma act as a precur- Reishi mushroom. been shown to support the adrenal cortical tions, including the number and increased sor to hormonal synthesis and the mush- functions and the adrenals are always cen- activity of Natural Killer Cells, which are room is particularly supportive of the adre- Ganoderma is a great aid in managing tral to any cases of either depression or anti-viral and tumour growth inhibitors. nal functions, thus helping to counteract the autoimmune Diabetes, due to its adapto- panic attacks. Ganoderma is often administered to coun- impact of stress on the physical and emo- genic influence on the immune system and teract against any of the possible negative tional bodies. We also have to consider that also by reducing and balancing the blood The adrenal support leads onto the next area affects of both chemotherapy and radiother- Ganoderma helps to balance both choles- sugar levels. of Ganoderma’s impressive list of proper- apy in cancer care. Ganoderma helps to terol and blood pressure levels. In addition ties as I use it a lot with endocrine or hor- protect against ionising radiation if taken to this due to the increase in natural killer On the topic of the immune system Gano- monal conditions, usually involving the before and after exposure. cells this plant helps to stimulate the pro- derma really comes into its own as it pro- adrenals with other endocrine glands such duction of interferon in the liver, which motes healthy function of bone marrow, as the pituitary or thyroid, such as Hyper- I have personally found that any cancer enhances the body’s defences against viral improving white blood cell counts, which is prolactinaemia, Sub-fertility, Polycystic patients undergoing these treatments taking attack. It also has antifungal potential, with particularly helpful in any exposure to radi- ovary syndrome (PCOS), Fibrocystic breast 240 Appendix 5 Medicinal & Nutritional Mushrooms 241

disease (FBD), Adrenal stress syndrome, Cordyceps sinensis HDLs in the blood. This is probably od of time. Uterine fibroids, PMT, hypothyroidism or achieved through the enhancement and aug- Amenorrhea. Ganoderma supports the Also called the clubhead fungus Cordyceps mentation of liver functions and perform- Dosage: Hypothalamic-Adrenal axis (HPA). was only used in ancient China in the ance, which control fat, protein and choles- Emperor’s palace. It has widespread histor- terol metabolism. 1 to 3 capsules once to twice daily. Ganoderma has also been used in some tri- ical use throughout China, plus many other als for the degenerative eye condition called countries such as Nepal and Tibet. It is used Cordyceps can be used to help regenerate Contra-indications: Retinitis pigmentosa. to strengthen and rebuild the body after liver cells and tissues after cirrhosis or exhaustion or long-term illness according to Hepatitis B infection, plus post-viral syn- None documented or noted Dosage: an article in the New York Journal of Med- dromes such as Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. icine in 1843. Cordyceps has a bizarre natu- Another study of 51 patients with chronic Lentinus edodes General Conditions - 1 capsule twice a day ral history, and it can thrive in habitats renal failure found that the administration - Shiitake Mushroom Extract Acute conditions - 2 capsules twice a day which have little oxygen, such as boggy of 3-5mg of Cordyceps daily normalised Chronic conditions - usually 3 capsules lands or at altitude in mountain ranges. Sci- kidney and immune functions in 28 of the The species name “edodes” means edible. twice a day, refer to practitioner entists have discovered that Cordyceps uses patients. These beautiful light amber fungi are found oxygen in a highly efficient and effective on fallen broadleaved trees, such as chest- All to be taken before meals. way. Diabetic patients taking Cordyceps for three nuts, beech, oak, alder, maple, mulberry or months @ 3g daily had blood cells with sig- walnut. They are now widely cultivated in Can also be eaten freely, although exact It has been transposed that it is these prop- nificantly higher levels of, what is consid- the west. Be aware that this is an extremely dosage is difficult to gauge via this mode of erties, which can have such a profound ered, the “anti-aging” enzyme superoxide delicious mushroom! ingestion. influence on the human systems. dismutase. Lentinus is high in Vitamin C, ergosterol the Tincture: 25 to 50 drops twice to thrice Cordyceps has been proven to improve ath- Cordyceps is revered in Traditional Chinese precursor for Vitamin D, B2, calcium, sele- daily before food letic and general physical endurance and Medicine for being a supreme anti-asthmat- nium, zinc, germanium, potassium, man- stamina. In the past Chinese athletes have ic tonic and for regulating menstruation at ganese, magnesium, iron, copper, and phos- Contra-indications: taken to using Cordyceps to enhance per- all ages. It stimulates endocrine communi- phorus. Water-soluble liganans also modu- formance. This is probably because the cation, which I have found helpful for late immune activity and isolate viruses. None known or documented. nutritional and biochemical content of the patients with Endometriosis, PCOS, Sub- The mushroom is particularly high in potas- funghi helps to increase the cellular Fertility, low libido, dysmenorrhoea and sium and also the other “tumour fighters” Long-term usage appears to be perfectly exchange of energy. PMT. such as the trace minerals of germanium safe and advisable. and selenium. Many serious clinical studies have been Like many medicinal mushrooms, Cordy- Although from experience I would err on performed with Cordyceps in China and ceps seems to infer an adaptogenic action Lentinus contains lentinan, a polysaccha- the side of caution with the administration other countries; it has been found to be of on the neuroendocrine and immune func- ride, and along with other polysaccharides of a high dosage of Ganoderma in those possible benefit in a range of conditions, tions of the body. Cordyceps is rich in those this increases activity of the immune sys- prescribed beta-blockers or taking steroids including Angina pectoris and cardiac polysaccharides that demonstrate anti- tem’s macrophages. Also the phagocytotic for inflammatory bowel conditions such as arrhythmia - if taken long term. Studies tumour activity. Indeed, some studies show action of the RES can be enhanced. Lenti- Ulcerative Colitis. Do not take more than have also found that Cordyceps helps to improvement in patient’s T-cell ratios, Nat- nan was first isolated and tested for its anti- three capsules daily in such cases. lower levels of the bad fats in the blood, ural Killer Cell function, immunoglobulin tumour effects in 1969 at the National Can- called LDLs and increase the number of levels, serum complement and liver func- cer Institute of Japan. HPA support, sero- tion after taking dried Cordyceps for a peri- tonin, histamine and adrenaline and nora- 242 Appendix 5 Medicinal & Nutritional Mushrooms 243

drenaline productivity are all balanced from nus can be vital in the treatment of recurrent • Caution should be applied in the use of 1980s PSK or Krestin was one of the high- taking Lentinus. bacterial or viral infections, systemic Can- Lentinus if the patient has Ulcerative est selling anti-cancer drugs accounting for dida albicans overgrowth, tooth decay and colitis and is taking steroid-based pre- over a quarter of the total expenditure for In Japan, lentinan is given to chemotherapy gum disease and also a study of 42 patients scription such as Azacol. anti-cancer agents. The great thing about patients to counteract side effects. In fact, it with Chronic Viral Hepatitis B showed PSK is that it doesn’t seem to have any has been found to lead to increased survival overall improvements after taking a course • A patient may notice some initial diar- unwarranted side effects or mutagenic times from cancers generally. Lentinan does of Lentinan. rhoea for the first couple of days after effects, unlike many other chemotherapy not attack cancer cells directly but produces taking Lentinus. Cases are mild and it is agents. Interestingly, PSP and PSK seem to anti-tumour activity by activating different Lentinus can be taken safely in the long- usually a detoxifying sign, so the patient enhance the positive qualities of other drugs immune responses, such as NKCs and lym- term. needs to be made aware of this for reas- and lessen the possible side effects of these phokine activated cells. Lentinan can acti- surance. powerful agents. In Phase 2 and Phase 3 tri- vate the normal and alternative pathways in In essence Lentinus modulates both als in China PSP significantly increased the the complement system and can split C3 immune and endocrine systems, developing Coriolus versicolor - Turkey Tails 5-year survival rate from oesophageal can- into C3a and C3b, enhancing macrophage homeostasis. cer. Other studies with PSP have demon- activation. The main type of cancers Lenti- This is one of our most tasty wild mush- strated impressive results with improving nus would be indicated for are gastric, Dosage: rooms and certainly one of most potent quality of life, substantial lessening of pain breast, liver, colo-rectal and lymph nodes. indigenous plant medicines. Most of us are and enhanced immune activity in 70 to 97% In Japan, Korea and clinics in Europe Lenti- Liquid Extract: Take 30 drops twice a day blissfully unaware of the existence of of patients with cancers of the cervix, lung, nus is administered through IV with before food. In more extreme cases the Turkey Tails growing nearby, let alone its breast, ovary and stomach. chemotherapy or just on its own. dosage may need to be higher and may have many health benefits. Coriolus, or Trametes to be given through IV drip. Always refer to versicolor, grows on decaying wood logs There are many studies, which reveal the Lentinus can work on boosting immunity by a competent and experienced practitioner such as Ash, Birch, Elder, Hawthorn, Oak, use of PSK as having anti-tumour capabili- enhancing both the humoral and cell-medi- before embarking on a course of treatment Yew, Pine, Hazel or Wild Pear in a charac- ties. Coriolus is the highest source of PSK, ated immune responses. using medicinal mushrooms. teristic fan-shaped, multi-coloured cap in which we know about. Through studies overlapping clusters, hence its common Coriolus has been found to be of benefit as In Japan Lentinan is used to treat LNKCS - Shiitake mushrooms can be eaten freely. name. The top of the cluster is usually treatment and preventative for tumours of or Low Natural Killer Cell Syndrome - a You can also cultivate your own, many zoned in shades of brown, cream, blue or the breast, colon, liver, nasopharynx, stom- condition that seems to be the same as growing kits are now commercially avail- grey. The underside of the cap is white. It is ach, oesophagus and adenoma of the lung. Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in the West. able. a common mushroom the world over. In It is adaptogenic and enhances liver func- China it is called Yun-zhi. tions, hormonal harmony and immune func- Lentinus is also very rich in the B-vitamin Contra-indications: tions, such as increasing the number, activ- choline, which regulates and inhibits the Many of the public and health practitioners ity and production of Natural Killer Cells, prostaglandin release from macrophage • The activity of Lentinus can be reduced are unaware that it is an anti-cancer drug, interferon, macrophages and T-cell counts. cells in cases of inflammation. From this if the patient is taking thyroxine or which is officially recognised in many information you can see why Lentinus has a hydrocortisone. countries, called Krestin. Krestin is high in A recent British study by Dr Julian Kenyon traditional use in the treatment of arthritic PSK or polysaccharide Kureha (after the with 30 patients that had Stage 3 and 4 hard conditions from countries such as Mexico, • Lentinus may cause dermatitis in prone drug company who developed it) and tumours, found that a biomass powder of China and Japan. individuals, but this has been document- research began on this in the 1970s. Coriolus versicolor had a significant effect ed very rarely. Research began on another constituent on the immune system, with specific To emphasise its role as an immune stimu- extract of Coriolus in the 1990s called PSP emphasis on four immune parameters tested lant, or more accurately, a modulator, Lenti- or polysaccharide-peptide. In Japan in the over a 120-day period. These four immune 244 Appendix 5 Medicinal & Nutritional Mushrooms 245

parameters were the changes in telomerase, ease, recurrent genital Herpes and idiopath- Clinker Polypore or Chaga Chaga decoction had been used successful- Interleukin 5 and 12 levels, plus the tumour ic nephrotic syndrome - although I have not ly to treat cancer in Australia and in Poland necrosis factor beta, which slightly seen any of the last three conditions. Clinker Polypore, known as Chaga in parts in 1957 a study of patients with third and increased. The study concluded that there of Russia, can be a potent medicine utilised fourth stage malignancies found Chaga was a differentiating effect on cancer cells For all parents it is worth noting that Corio- in the treatment of various tumours. The injections with cobalt salts to be the most by lowering telomerase activity in all cases, lus is traditionally used in Mexico internal- Latin name for this funghi is Inonotus obli- effective preparation, with doctors seeing except four. ly and externally for the treatment of Ring- gus and its large black conk (this is a real reductions in tumours of the breast and gen- worm and Impetigo. I have advised the mycological term!) can have the appearance itals, less pain, return of appetite, reduction Also the average Interleukin 5 decrease and same in the past, when tinctures have been of having been burnt and its stalkless in nausea, less haemorrhaging, improved Interleukin 12 increase shows a general available. It seems to be very effective at growth, which can reach a staggering 4 to 5 sleep and general energy. shift of the system to what is called a clearing these persistent conditions and pre- feet in length, can be located on species of Cytokine TH1 immune response (rather venting them from reoccurring. Alder, Elm or Birch trees, for example both Clinker Polypore tends to be used for more than a TH2 response as this can be pro- Black or Silver Birches. It is an edible inoperable cancers, particularly those of the inflammatory, leave the system open and When we eat or take Turkey Tails it is said mushroom, but it is tough and to harvest it breast, uterus, ovary or lung. With lung can- susceptible to stress and have reduced anti- in TCM that it enters the spleen and heart successfully may require the careful use of cer an aerosol preparation was used. In the tumour activity generally). Dr Kenyon sum- meridians invigorating the spirit. It certain- an axe to prise it from the bark of the host use of cancer Russian doctors suggest using marised this developing anti-tumour ly feels that way to me, as I said previously tree. the mushroom for an entire year for the response by saying “This is indeed remark- it is an edible plant and one to savour on most productive results. Chaga can work able, as the majority of cases were stage 3 walks in the woodlands. It’s also complete- Liquid extracts of the mushroom are used in for both malignant and benign tumours, and 4 cancers, many of them chemotherapy ly safe and non-toxic and cannot be con- herbal and also orthodox medicine, as an such as uterine fibroids or possibly pituitary or radiotherapy failures”. fused with other, obviously more suspicious easier method of administration and stor- adenoma. or potentially dangerous funghi (if in any age. Also in Portugal similar studies have dis- doubt about the exact identification of a Clinker Polypore is well known in the covered that Coriolus and other mushrooms mushroom don’t eat it!). The tincture needs According to the Russian researchers Belo- Baltic States as a “blood purifier” and has a can be used as a delivery agent for enzyme to be made as fresh as possible after wash- va and Varentsova the tincture of Clinker traditional use in many countries of treating therapies in cancer and cardiovascular care. ing; it can also be used powdered. Please Polypore should be made at a ratio of 1:10 gastric ulcers, cancers of the breast, lung, Also, the role of Coriolus in the treatment check with your practitioner for the sug- preserved with 10% ethanol and I have no lips, parotid glands, skin and rectum, plus of breast cancer has gained a positive recep- gested dosage, because this is dependent on reason to disagree with them. Hodgkin’s disease. In addition to its use in tion. the nature of the condition you have. gastritis, liver problems, psoriasis and Although Clinker Polypore is well known abdominal pains, it helps to normalise the Autoimmune conditions seem to respond Avoid cultivating Coriolus from areas through its use by traditional Russian heal- intestinal functions due to improved bacter- really well to the long-term administration where dog walking is prevalent. ers, it is only in the latter half of the 20th ial balance, hormonal exchanges and of Coriolus, probably due to its anti-inflam- century that it has received serious scientif- enhanced digestion. The mushroom is rich matory and anti-viral activity. Plus Coriolus Contra-Indications: ic analysis. Clinker Polypore, or Chaga, can in triterpenes, steroidal substances, alka- supports the Hypothalamic-Pituitary- also be used intra-venously in cases of cer- loid-like substances, tannins and vanillic Adrenal axis (HPA), which we refer to in No contra-indications or side effects are tain cancers. In 1955 it was suggested for acids. All these can have a beneficial mod- Iridology as the neuroendocrine “Stress documented. and approved for public use in the treatment ulating influence on the endocrine, immune Axis”. I have found it of benefit for people of cancer by the Moscow Medical Academy and nervous systems. with Rheumatoid Arthritis, Hepatitis, Sys- of Science, in 1960 the American National temic Lupus and there is evidence to sug- Cancer Institute received a report that a When harvesting Clinker Polypore it is gest its benefit in Sarcoidosis, Bechet’s dis- essential that we identify the plant as “true 246 Appendix 5 Medicinal & Nutritional Mushrooms 247

chaga” and not the False Chaga. On the is now well aware of herbal medicines. The fat and dairy-free diet can assist in the treat- we will discover so much more from trial underside of the fungus real Chaga has a next class of natural medicines will be ment of gall stones.” and error, plus practical application. There serrated edge and is rough, whilst the False mushrooms. One prominent surgeon in the are many other medicinal and nutritional one has a smooth underside. It is recom- UK recently developed gallstones but swore “Reishi mushrooms however do have a mushrooms, which I have not explored mended by Russian herbalists that we do he would not allow his fellow surgeons to strong reputation for fighting health prob- here, mainly due to my lack of direct expe- not use Clinker Polypore from dead or operate on him. So he turned solely to eat- lems. Often patients are forced into medica- rience with them, but we can be sure we dying trees and that the fungus is not com- ing mushrooms from the supermarket for tion and surgery when there are other safe will be hearing a great deal more about pletely black, as it will be past its prime and three months and the gallstones slowly dis- alternatives. Reishi mushrooms are particu- mushrooms like Grifola frondosa (Maitake medicinal potential. Autumn is probably the appeared. larly useful for treating arthritis through mushroom), Hericium erinaceus, Phellinus best time for harvesting. anti-inflammatory agents called triter- linteus and Auricularia in the future. The low fat content of his diet may have pinoids, which are similar to steroids. Clinker Polypore is made into official drugs contributed to his recovery. Auricularia or Wood Ear, is a blood stabil- in Russia such as “Befungin,” and many Dr Wilkinson said: “Laboratory studies ising tonic and is very useful in cases of fer- other products of Chaga are available to He told BBC News Online: “If I developed have also shown that Reishi and Shiitake rum chromatosis, anaemia, anxiety and take generally. This is not the case around gall stones again I would not hesitate to go mushrooms can boost the immune system chronic fatigue, due to its high content of the world, although I am sure that this will on a mushroom diet again. But there is no function as well.” Tonics of these mush- calcium, potassium and iron. Maitake change on a global scale, once our aware- way I could recommend them to my rooms are often drunk in China for condi- mushroom is one of the most studied mush- ness of this incredible mushroom begins to patients or tell my colleagues I did not trust tions such as arthritis, influenza and the rooms on the planet and there is significant increase. their skill in the operating theatre. There is common cold.” support for its role in the treatment of blad- not yet the evidence on the mechanics der, prostate and liver cancers, Diabetes, Dosage: behind why I am cured. Science has not got Conclusion Obesity, high cholesterol and even protect- there yet. And as a doctor I could not rec- ing the system against a bad diet with 10 mls twice daily. ommend scientifically unresearched cures From the evidence presented here it is clear impoverished nutrition, due to a heavy to people. That is bad medicine.” (Little that the potential of the medicinal and nutri- reliance on processed food. Also IV administration as directed medical- does he know! – Ed) tional uses of mushrooms has been realised ly to a degree, however, we still have quite a Hericium, or the hedgehog fungus, is being Chinese led the way way to go in convincing both natural and looked at for its potential in treating Contra-indications: medical practitioners of this potential and Alzheimer’s disease, as it can help to stim- But mushrooms have received backing also, the view of the general public. ulate the production of a protein called No toxicity or contra-indications have been from other senior figures in medical Although I feel the use of medicinal mush- nerve growth factor (NGF). NGF is essen- documented research. One such proponent of their pow- rooms by the populace will exert pressure tial for the brain to develop and maintain ers is Dr John Wilkinson of the herbal med- on the medical system to begin to explore, sensory neurons. It could also be used for Topical Mushroom Information icine department, Middlesex University. He accept and integrate medicinal mushrooms boosting the immune system and has been said: “Mushrooms have been used in China into oncological care, endocrine balance used in the treatment of sarcomas. In light of all the information covered here for thousands of years for medicinal pur- and autoimmune management, to name just it was heartening to see the following on a poses. The West is now well aware of herbal three main areas of application for these Phellinus is a “new fungus” to medicine, BBC News website of all places, someone medicines. The next class of natural medi- wonderful gifts of nature. although it has been used for centuries on kindly sent me: cines will be mushrooms. Normal field the Korean peninsula to treat inflammatory mushrooms could possibly have a dissolv- What we know today about medicinal conditions like Arthritis and, also, stomach “Scientists and doctors are beginning to ing effect of gallstones although it is not mushrooms is just the beginning of this cancer by being boiled up in water and realise the magic of mushrooms. The West proven. But it is well documented that a low exploration. As time and experience elapse, drunk as a tea on a daily basis. It’s amazing 248 Appendix 5 249

that the western scientific world always eventually gets around to confirming what Appendix 6 we have instinctively know about healing plants as a race, for hundreds, if not thou- Salivary Hormonal Tests sands of years. Phellinus is a very potent immune system catalyst, helping to ormonal levels can be reliably mobilise all aspects of the cell-mediated assessed using functional salivary and humoral responses. Phellinus, like Htests. This type of test can be Maitake, is very high in beta-glucans. Beta- utilised if there are anomalies with either glucans help to make the immune system blood test results or unanswered questions more alert and active, especially when from the iridology analysis. under stress or an attack, such as a cancer, virus or a bacterium. Available hormone tests include:

• Melatonin Profile NEVER pick or eat any wild mushroom or fungal looking • Female Hormone Profile plant if you are not 100% confident of what it is. • Male Hormone Profile • 24 hour Adrenal Stress Profile

• Testoterone

• Cortisol 251

Appendix 7 Comprehensive Melatonin Profile Melatonin Synthesis The secretion pattern is generated within the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). Syn- elatonin is the primary substance thesis occurs upon exposure to darkness, secreted by the Pineal gland, with the increased activity of serotonin-N- Mwhich modulates the adrenal acetyltransferase. By the action of hydrox- (HPA) axis during clinical illness, the sero- yindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT), N- tonergic system in psychiatric disease, as acetylserotonin is converted to melatonin. well as the body’s general response to Melatonin is then rapidly secreted into the stress. vascular system and, possibly, into the cere- brospinal fluid. Melatonin is synthesised within the Pineal gland from tryptophan via the pathway Peripheral tissues, such as the retina and the shown below: gut, are also known to synthesise melatonin.

The Synthesis of Melatonin

darkness Suprachiasmatic Paraventriculcar nuclei nucleus Hindbrain

Tryptophan Spinal Cord 5-Hydroxytryptophan

Superior N-Acetylserotonin Cyclicnuclei ATP B-Adrenergic Cervical AMP Receptor Ganglion

Melatonin Noradrenaline

Capillary 252 Appendix 7 Melatonin Profile 253

Ageing 1-3 years. Secretion levels decline as the Light-Dark Cycles of light at midnight using 3000, 1000, 500, individual develops sexual maturity, and 350 and 200 lux intensities, melatonin lev- Melatonin production in humans begins at drop 80% by the time adulthood is reached, Melatonin is synthesised and secreted dur- els dropped by 71, 67, 44, 38 and 16% the age of approximately 3 months. Peak diminishing even further with age. ing the dark phase of the day. The secretion respectively. nocturnal levels occur between the ages of rhythm is endogenous (internally generat- ed), and generally persists in the absence of The spectrum of light that most dramatical- Patterns of How Melatonin Decreases with Age time cues, assuming a period that deviates ly inhibits melatonin secretion is green band only slightly from 24 hours. Thus, it is a light (540nm), which corresponds to the true circadian rhythm. rhodopsin absorption spectrum in humans. A rapid drop in melatonin levels during This observation is of considerable impor- childhood followed by a gradual decrease Melatonin secretion is related to the length tance, not only to understand the physiolog- into adulthood and old age. of the night. The duration of secretion is ical effects of melatonin, but also to effec- increased with a longer night. If humans are tively regulate circadian rhythms - a crucial kept strictly in darkness for 14 hours per component in the treatment of Seasonal day over a period of 1 month, the duration Affective Disorder (SAD) and other health of melatonin secretion expands to cover problems. Infant Childhood Adulthood Old age almost the entire dark period. Conversely, if Day / Night Melatonin Levels a subject is exposed to light for 14 hours per Melatonin Rhythm Assessment day, the duration of secretion shrinks to 10 hours, accompanied by concomitant Melatonin secretion levels are low during Gradual decrease starting in childhood and changes in body temperature and sleep. the day and high at night, peaking at about continuing into old age. 2-3am for most healthy individuals. This Light Exposure circadian rhythm makes melatonin one of the best markers for circadian rhythm dis- Light exposure of the retina alters the ruption available at this time. amount of serotonin metabolised to mela- tonin, via the neural pathways that connect Scientific literature demonstrates excellent circadian plotting obtained by saliva analy- Infant Childhood Adulthood Old age the retina to the Pineal gland. The individ- Day / Night Melatonin Levels ual’s system must be intact for proper syn- sis. Since salivary and serum melatonin lev- chronisation of the melatonin rhythm. Blind els correlate well, Great Smokies Salivary persons commonly exhibit a pronounced Melatonin Profile offers the patient a safe, A rapid drop during childhood followed by a lack of circadian rhythm, with free-running economical, and non-invasive way of levelling off in adulthood. The sharp drop in cycles generated internally despite the pres- assessing Pineal function and melatonin melatonin during old age may be caused by a ence of other external time cues in their secretion patterns. Results can be useful in critical event in later life. environment. treating any of the wide variety of disorders associated with abnormal melatonin levels. Exposure to sufficient levels of light at night can rapidly reduce melatonin produc- The profile plots melatonin activity based tion. One investigator found that after on 3 saliva samples taken at morning, Infant Childhood Adulthood Old age Day / Night Melatonin Levels human subjects were exposed to one hour evening and midnight. The figure below 254 Appendix 7 255

shows the normal circadian melatonin pat- tern for one patient over a 24-hour period. Appendix 8 Bibliography Normal Circadian Pattern of Melatonin 120 Bibliography - Iridology Andrews, John, Iris & Pupillary Signs, 2nd Edition, Corona, UK, 2004 Advanced Iridology Research Journal Vol- 100 ume 1, March 2000 Andrews, John and Lo Rito, Dr Daniele, Embryology & Iridology, Corona, UK, Advanced Iridology Research Journal Vol- 2004 80 ume 2, October 2000 Andrews, John, Recherché avancee en iri- Advanced Iridology Research Journal Vol- dologie, 1st Congress International d’Iri- 60 ume 3 & 4, September 2002 dologie, Bruxelles, 15 October 2000

Angerer, Josef, Handbuch der Augendiag- melatonin (pg/ml) Advanced Iridology Research Journal Vol- 40 ume 5, September 2003 nostik, Marczell, Germany, 1977

Advanced Iridology Research Journal Vol- Angerer, Josef, Opthalmotrope Phanomolo- 20 ume 6, November 2005 gie: Das Iris System, Fotzick Verlag, Ger- many, 1984 Andrews, John, Emotional Approaches in 0 Iridology, Corona, UK, 2004 Angerer, Josef, Opthalmotrope Phanomolo- morning midday afternoon evening midnight morning gie: Opthalmotrope Umwelt, Foitzick Ver- Andrews, John, Hypoglycaemia & Iridolo- lag, Germany, 1984 gy, 2nd International Congress of Iridology, Thessaloniki, Greece, October 2001 Arcella, Dr Salvatore, Iridologia: Dottrina e Pragmantiso, Marrapese Editore, Italy, Andrews, John, Hypoglycaemia & Iridolo- 1999 gy – Physical & Emotional Aspects, Inter- national Journal of Iridology, Volume 1, No Barishak, Y. Robert, Embryology of the Eye 1, USA, 2004 and its Adnexa, 2nd Ed, Karger, Israel, 2001

Andrews, John, Immunology & Iridology, Batello, Dr Celso, Iridologia e Irisdiagnose, Corona, UK, 2003 O que os Olhos, Podem Revelar, Editora Ground, Ist Edicao, 1999 Andrews, John, Iris & Pupillary Signs, Corona, UK, 1999 Berdonces, Dr Josep Luis, Trattato di Iri- dologia, Como Red, Italy, 1993 256 Appendix 8 Bibliography - Iridology 257

Bos, Dr N, Iridologie in de praktijk, De Deck, Josef, Differentiation of Iris Mark- Fragnay, Dr Pierre, La Chromotherapie Iri- Lo Rito, Dr Daniele and Birello, Dr Lucio, Driehok, Amsterdam, 1979 ings, Self Pub, Germany, 1983 enne (Iris Chromotherapy), English Ed, Manuale di Iridologia di Base, Xenia, Italy, Corona, UK, 2000 2004 Bourdiol, Dr Rene, Traite – d’Irido-Diag- Deck, Josef, Principles of Iris Diagnosis, nostic, Maissonneuve, France 1975 Self Pub, Germany, 1965 Gazzola, Dr Flavio, Corso di Iridologia, De Lo Rito, Dr Daniele, Iridologia e Fiori di Vecchi Editore, Italy, 1996 Bach, Xenia, Italy, 1996 Bron, Tripath and Tripath, Wolff’s Anatomy Di Spazio, Dr Vincenzo, Appunti di of the Eye and Orbit, 8th Ed, Chapman and Microsemeiotica Oftalmica, Alcione, Italy, Guidoni, Jacques, L’iridologie Tradi- Lo Rito, Dr Daniele Lo Spazio dell’uomo – Hall Medical, USA, 1997 1996 tionelle, Ed. De la Providence, France, 1998 Come agiscono le riflessoterapie, Xenia, Italy, 1998 Broy, Joachim, Die Konstitution – Di Spazio, Dr Vincenzo, Neoplasie benigne Hauser, Karl and Stolz, Iridology 1 – Infor- Humorale Diagnostik und Therapie, Foitz- e maligne in Iridologia diagnostica, BN mation from Structure and Colour, Felke Lo Rito, Dr Daniele, Il Cronorischio – ick Verlag, Germany, 1992 Rizzi AV, Italy, 1989 Institut, Germany, 2000 Nuove Acquisizioni in Iridologia, Editori- um, Italy, 1993 Broy, Joachim, Repertorium der Irisdiag- Di Spazio, Dr Vincenzo and Torti, Il Ter- Hommel, Dr Hans, Decouvrens L’Iridolo- nostik, Marzcell, Germany, 1978 reno Diatesico in Iridologia, Guiseppe gie, Editions de Mortagne, Canada, 1984 Lo Rito, Dr Daniele, Inner Pupillary Bor- Marai Ricchiuto Editore, Italy, 1992 der, Corona, UK, 2001 Buchez, Daniel, Iridologie – raconte moi Jarosyck, Dr Gunter, Neue Iristopographie, mes yeux, BMB, France, 1995 Dorimo ACTA Iridologica Atti Del 3rd Verlag Otto Haase, Germany, 1969 Mandel, Peter, Lehrbuch der Ophtal- Congresso Internazionale di Microsemeiot- motropen Genetischen Therapie – OGT, Callebout, Dr Etienne, Holistic Iridology ica Oftalmica, Centro Dorimo, Padova, Jarosyck, Dr Gunter, Augendiagnostik, Esogetics, Germany, 2005 Course Notes, Self 1999 - 2004 Italy, 1995 Medizin Verlag, Germany, 1978 Manual of Ocular Diagnosis and Therapy, Dailakis, Dr Mikhail, Heart Diseases in Iri- Dorimo ACTA Iridologica Atti Del 4th Jausaus, Gilbert, Les Mysterieux L’Oeil – 5th Edition, Ed, Deborah Pavan-Langston, dology, Hellenic Medical Iridology Associ- Congresso Internazionale di Microsemeiot- L’iridologie Traditionelle Montagne, Cana- Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, USA, ation, Greece, 2000 ica Oftalmica, Centro Dorimo, Laces, Italy, da, 1991 2002 1997 Dailakis, Dr Mikhail, Manuale di Iridolo- Kanski, Jack and Nischal, Ken Ophthalmol- Markgraf, Dr Anton, Die Genetischen gia, Olis, Italia, 2002 Dorimo ACTA Iridologica Attl Del 5th ogy – Clinical Signs and Differential Diag- Informationen in Der Visuellen Diagnostik, Congresso Internazionale do Microsemeiot- nosis, Mosby, UK, 1999 Energetik Verlag, Germany, 1998 Dailakis, Dr Mikhail, Multiple Sclerosis ica Oftalmica, Centro Dorimo, Padova, and Iridology, Hellenic Medical Iridology Italy, 2002 Krivenko, Lisovenko, Potebnya and Band 1 – Magen/Darm Association, Greece, 2002 Syadro, Irisdiagnosis, YPE, Kiev, 1991 Band 2 – Leber/Galle Elens- Kreuwels, Annette, Psychophysiolo- Band 3 – Pankreas De Bardo, Boris, Irido-Neuroxalgie, Edit gie, Bioelectronique et Iridologie, Ed. Du Lindemann, Gunther, Augendiagnostik - Band 4 – Niere/Blasé De Bardo, France, 1974 Fraysee, Belgium, 2000 Lehrbuch, Marczell, Germany, 1984 Band 5 – Genitale Band 6 – Kopz/Hals De Bardo, Boris, L’oeil, Messager des 3 Fragnay, Dr Pierre, Iridologia, Como Red, Loewenfeld, Irene, The Pupil – Anatomy, Band 7 – Herz Corps, Edit Jouvence, France, 1991 Italy, 1996 Physiology and Clinical Applications, Vol Band 8 - Lunge 1, Butterworth Heinemann, USA, 1999 258 Appendix 8 Bibliography - General 259

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Book titles by John Andrews

Immunology & Iridology

Iris & Pupillary Signs, 2nd Edition

Emotional Approaches in Iridology

Embryology & Iridology – co-authored with Daniele Lo Rito

Advanced Iridology Research Journal

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