PARLOPHONE RECORDS Lssued from (Complete Catalogue) DECEMBER, 1934 to FEBRUARY, |.937

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PARLOPHONE RECORDS Lssued from (Complete Catalogue) DECEMBER, 1934 to FEBRUARY, |.937 FOR COUNTER USE. READY REFERENCE GUIDE TO PARLOPHONE RECORDS lssued from (Complete Catalogue) DECEMBER, 1934 TO FEBRUARY, |.937 ALSO FOR AUDITION & SHOWROOM REFERENCE Please place where it may be consulted by your customers also. Prices not volid in the lrish Free Stote. DANCE RECORDS PARLOPHONE' Titles in AlPhabetical Order' Medleys and Selections shown seporately' l0 inch Double sided Magenta Label l/6 EACH F:Fox'Trot ; ABBREVTATIONS : B.:Blues ; R':Rumba ; Pol':Polka ; M.:March ; T.F.:Tango Fox'Trot ; O'SsOne-s1"l ;-- P'D':P.aso'Doble ; 6.s.:oui"t-stepl r.:rango ; W':Waltz; V':Vocal Refrain' Selections Medleys-contd. Medleys & Intro: , Flirtatlon- Medlev, No. l-2 Pts' IIARRY ROY'S TICER-RAGA.\IUTFT\IS { nJ*"."". I've done It; I've Found a ?on lwo Pisos t-ith Bass md Dms) I Ne;"Ba6v: I'q SoEebody's sweet- /Fox-Trot Medlev-2 Pts. IDtro : r'3b51-^-- leart Now: My Sweetie weot Away; I Me and the Bov'Friend ; Wbo's Sorry I viti'i"'" lti s*'"etie Now; Somebody fgSf .l Now ; Sweet Little You ; S-tar Dust ; \ stote Mv cal. Mean I Here aq I Broken-hearted; ,rt-rtaif"ti- lf ectev, No. 2-2 Pts' Intro: \ to Me. ( -r?oot" Co"n" l-]oie Your Gal ; I Siole ,Ceren*ln Fox-Trot Medley-2 Pts' I Back the Girl; XlY Honey's Lom' I rntro: nfSOl'--- 'uutArms : I Can't Cive You Any-ttung g5;0j;".*,*" t'Y;Stfll*; I loue, gauY; I'm Just creY r*r{ ."Tl;, I 'Bott MY BabY; Everybody Loves I Rnytt6; ClaP Yo' Hands; That \ Mv Babv, \ Certairx Feeling. /Out'of-e"ere th-e RaE Bag-2 Pts' iFox-Trot MedleY-2 Pts' Iotro: | - clt nig ; TemPtation Rag; I I Can't Cive You Aoything but l-ve ; F338.1 Tw;uth Street Rag; Haunting Rag; - --- | inif llvsterjots Rag; He's a Rag *.tu'l *:#-. i''fBH,"T1t ?:iT"g; l. Picker.' I Susie : Are You lrom Dltie ? ; HaPPY rRov Medlev-2 Pls. Intro: \ DaYsire Here Agaj!' /tr'ox-Trot- -i""*"* Medlev-2 Pts' Tntro : $;'5 ;X'. t1-J"o$}"$f$.''ft ,tX1 i | Sanddu ; I'11 See You in "'.. ]I Nobodv's Sweetheart; ubrnatom' Dark- : Hzg.l- -- - i{i Dt""-t; APrii Showers; ,Crentaird Medley-2 Pts Tntro | to'wo Strttters' f all ; ttliss Amabclle /-eJa-ru"s Swel- You oueht to be \ Lee: Lovable and Sweet. I i"li"rrrt"'s, In'the Hay; storrqy rFox-Trot Medlev-z Pts lntro : Flr0l \J"itner; 'Sbine; I'11 Follow My - "- and. Davj Au uttr ut"a jut-*: ) s"ii"i Hl"tt; Nigbt { 1;';3;1 '* 'ot"Hi l"t I irt" xine;s Horses ;- Coodnight, Sweet- I Wmt to be HaPPY; I ai!'t got Nobody' \ heart: Lutd LuS Syoe. rWaltz Medlev-2 Pts. Intro : ttrJ" ( ?ilfFh"XI #,fli"J*"i", ; rn" ** ".tl::i',f h:l%'*J; I iliifi"*i ""f T;t-,U.n a-ril" :HH"-:i"+'J,1,?; )waltz Medlev-2 Pts. lntro: "rot.lI Notbine but a Nothing ; The wrse .1 \ ota u"n (one side)' *'r::yl"-'rTl'ny#*Yi h*1Hl ANd DAVE KAYE "ro' ( ltissouri Waltz: What'lt I do ? IVOR MOREiON Intro: ?oi-iiit Fianm with Bass and Drums) imttz ilreotev-2 Pts' ' ,Fnx-'Trof Medlev-Intro : Wonderful One ; - I iiot 1". while : ( MY glt" Heaveri June Night ; Blue Frnz.l ihree o'clock" in the Mornirg; R-oses ; - - -' In a I Skies. I oiFicatav ; Drearqy Melody ; : -F.ato.1 -'" oulck-steP Medley-Intro-tbat \ T-ittle SDadsh Tow' ) -\h; bia' r xitt Girl; You'rrc ,mltz Midlev-2 Pts' Intro : Every Nigbt; See Y,ou I cot' to See Macqqa I iove Wu Find a WaY; l'll \ Alabamv Bound. My Hero Destioy ; rf Y-ou -----R2009.{ Aeain ; ; zwaltz" Midlev-2-and Pts' Intro : | w1t" iu" bnlv Girl in the world; I w;". volr I Were Seventeeu I \ AIie Blue Gom. HARRY ROY & HIS ORCHESTRA F466 $ffi ----- RoY Stage Shofi--2 Pts' ] U:i::rl,lfft;'1?il"'+ tUrrv perfornm€ I in a Gild;d Cage; Beautiful Garden F6o9.l hec"orasi at rEe actual l. ;i Ro;; with Hauaiien Guitar' { at t-be EmPire Tbeatre, Leeds' /Foi-Trot MedIeY-2 Pts' Iotro:,-. i -T:5ft1;,Sx-Blgnt Medley-z Pts lntro: - t I l,flilG gi'"f it' l,J"ii^"8d, Yf; I h i""'.'" "iif.i- l"t*'"i "'o' ( oou; Tea for Two' "34r ( bi*"a. beauiilut PARLOPHONE DANCE RECORDS Medleys-contd. Medleys-contd. (Doll Medley-2 prs. Jntro: /Tilgo Medley-2 Pts. Intro: rsso p252), Jealousy.: Tango (Alben-iz)-Ia | !:*u Itb"Jit; - --- I Curuparsita ; Aror4as Meudocinas; \ Doll """1ryi,,.Fffi,?il""&f; Painted Doil. ( Rosiia ; Twir Guitars. /Irvirg Berun Waltz Medley-2 pts. /BiE Br@d€st of 1936-Sel. I Intro: I Why Dream ; I Wishcd on the Mmtr F595.i I Cau'r Remeqber: Wbat Does It -""" i Double Trouble. I l4altgr; Because I Love You I Russim ' -"1 EYery Night at EtEht-Set. Lullaby; Marie; The Song \ - is Eoded. I Every Night at Eight; I'm in the /Fox-Trot Medley-2 Pts. Intro : \ Mood lor Love; Take it Easy, __ .. She's Fmny Tbat Way; Body and de I j /C6ino PdFSel. F6+21 Sout ; When Day is Done Atexahder's I About a Quarter to Nine; She's a I Ragtime Bmd ; Mine ; Sailiog oo the I Latin lrom Manhattan; Go into your \ Robert E. Lee. F,231J-Panc€. - NAT GONELLA AND HIS GEORGIANS I KoDena-Selectron- gets I Gorgia Medjey. Intro : I t Won't Dance ; Smoke in Your Eyes Lovely be F346.1 Sentimental Gentlemao fron:, Georgia ; I ; to Iffk At ; I'il I g^eorglq ! corg@us Girt; Crcrgia. \ Hard to Handle- \ (une stde) / In Callente-Sel. ( Fox-trot Medley { InCatiente; LadyinRed; Muchacha. Rres2 -"'" J T'wo for To-niAht-Sel. I HH.j:11T" tH-#3H, ?'"Ar;._L"l -'-" ) Two for To-night ; Without a Word \ Sing (lt's cood lor Ya). I of Waming ; From the Top of Your f Fox-Trot Medley-2 Pts. Intro : \ Head- SmokeRings; 'nlacJ '* BealeSt.Blues; Rock- GERRY MOORE-Plmo Solqs I in' Cbeir : I H"ard ; St. Louis Blues ; \ Runnin' Wild. /Fox-Trot Medley-2 Pts. Intro: /Swlngin' Down the Rlver Medley- F353.|:',?:;:",,:i"ii"itii*,ullJ".i'.T,!.i I 2 Pts. Intro: Without a Word of Warning. Ready-for the- River; Deep River; \ -I.44tJ --_ ( Fox-Trot Medley. lntro : | I'wo Rivers flow fbrough Harlem; BromSugarMine; Swanee fubber; Dom by tbe River; F1771 RhythmLullaby. I \ (Ore SMe) \ River Sray 'way f rom my Door. TOld Melodv Memoris. Intro : VICTOR SILIIESTER & 1IIS ORCTIESTRA I Chicago ; Roses of Picardy ; Dmcing i/Paul Jones-2 Prs. Itrtro: Fros oJrljiou,tt""'. I Tirne on my Hands; Ducirg with I o,d-ffi.;,Hiil ,o,,o , q,y Tears in Eys ; _Way Dom Yooder I Balrimore; Chitratow; Everybody -F6Of - - - J rn \ I New Orleans ; Life is Just a Bowl Loves Mq Baby' ; Crey Rhythn. I ol Cberries ; Cbarnaine ; Dmciog l Waltz Meitley. intro : \ Time. Fl39i Ramona; ( ltHappenedinMonterey BILLY THORBURN & IIIS MUSIC ln a Little Spanish Town t1ne Siilel. (BiE f Fox-Trot Medley. Iatro: Htt ParadF2 Prs. Intro: You're W_hen ttre Ff67j Drivipg Me Crey; Jue F6t8l Alone; - P-oppies; It's a Night (One - --- Sin; No Regrets; Serenade itr the t ; Sweet Child. Siile\ I Fox-Tmt Medley. Intro : \ Nighi ; Did t Rerqember. / MAURICE W:INNICK & HIS ORCIiESTRA F187 j a'J,3sl%'":fl'l T;,:"d"#"5"i:: /The Grst Zlegfeld -Sel. \ member. (One SMe\ I You Never Looked so Beauti{ul; I You; You gotta Pull Srrings. FRED STEIN-Piano Solos F506{ Colleeir-Sel.- TWaltz Medley-2 Pts. Intro: I You gotta know bow to Dilce; An I Ab ! Sweet Mystery ol Life ; Speak; I Evedng with You ; I doa'r ba:ve to F168{ Wben the Moou Corqes Over t}e \ Dreaq Again. I Moutain ; Deep in My Heart ; Dff; \ Peffume ol ttre Past; Cbarmaine. PIIIL GREEN AND IIIS ORCHESTRA f Tmgo Medley-Sorreuto by the Sea /Rlmba Medley-2 Pts. Intro: raor'l F182 y#3,r+:ia":,."3:,kTl"io3 r"1i-TlltvilTJl"1"fil;" *, *".u . j l"H: \ Murder in tbe Moonlight. \ acba; Sidewalks of Cuba. f Fox-Trot Medley-2 prs. Intro: HENDERSON TW1NS Fr66 gHj,*;a, in-d,"iitf," /Sldrley Tmple Medley: Pmr J( "i[?' Hj I Ltttle Rich Glrl. Iutro: _ loved ; A-loba Oe ; Song df the Islands. F56f { Ob ! My c@dness ; Wten I'4 with /GNrAe Whlte's scaidals lg3b- I You; You've gotta eat your Spinacb, I Selectlons \ Baby; But Definitely; Mi]itary Man. F2'31 lShtrtiy Tmpte Mecitriy. iatrb; 8ij"dsilf,"';,8;,#ff rbof i,'s"r,lt n1'cl J Oo tbe cood Ship Lollipop; World I Know; I was Born ioo Late; I've - -"'I Owes Me a Living; Animal Crackers \ got Shoes; Hunka Dola. \ iu My Soup; \ryhen I Grow Up. I I I I PARLOPHONE DANCE RECORDS Medleys-contd. A'B-contd. ANDY'S SOUTHERI\i SEREI\IADERS '-'- - ,Htmonv LmFSel 2 Pts' l--bll Stit*i; swuee River;-- Poor Hoe'e; Eit[t'tlt+l;Li'-**,ffi".FT*T;l$ilil -F29/3), --- el""k-fi,"; i(v old- Kentucky I v...ti iri thir cold, cold Gromd; Eiili"-"ffil:,f *Hftitr{i,'it'e"*"r$"ieill \ Cmptom Raes' ,r:t'':',J,$tii r -fox'liot iltedley-z Pts' ";[il#--'". iii; I iT"""".I Tni3g";.,H""#$; (F ) v' "*. ( Fet ; f sot Rbytbm' Eiffii:iiirs+m T"'gl{Hi iE?! -JULES --- RUBEN, Plano Solos rnmba'Medley-2^E;{n Pts' Intro: g,"*lilitx'.""Hi{"r I ;il"-tlilt tot; LadY in Red; lffi;ii$ii; F5581---^ il;;i;;;- -M"iAa' tnezi' sweet ( Muchachd; Peanut Vendor' LEN BERMON arfl#;fld*,,*ily';1,s's.$iltg / "^S'"""Medlev t'u gtsS*"lly,'xi".
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