Cheshire. Crewe

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Cheshire. Crewe DIREGl'ORY.] CHESHIRE. CREWE. 249 wit.hdra.walSI, licenses, insurance & annuitr 9 a.m. to 6 CO:R.PORA.TIO~. p.m.; fridays & saturdlays 9 a.m. t-o 7 p.m. Telegraph 8 1895-6. a..m. to 8 p.m. ; on sundays from 8 a.m. until 10 a.m Ma.yor-A1derJDJaji1J William McNeill. Town-Sub Post, M. 0. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insurance Offices :-High Town.-?llrs. Mary Ann Hocrop, sub­ Aldermen. postmistress. Letters arc dispatched at 9.50 & 11.40 James Briggs VArthur P. Cotterill a.m. & 4.10 & 8.30 p.m Thomas Latham I~John Thomas Nantwich Road (Telegrams can be handed in & telegram ~Henry Wall work l VWilliam McNeill money orders are issued at this office )-Artlmr William ~Richard Pedley Ernes.t Donellan, sub-post.mastar. Letters d<ispatched at 10.15 a.m. 12.10 noon, 4.40 & 8.50 p.m Councillors. West Street.-James Balfour Slight, sub-postmaster. Let­ North Ward. ters dispatched at 9.40 k 11.30 a.m. 4 & 8.30 p.m *Thomas Henrv Heath I §Thomas Smith West Street.-Benjamin l\ficklewright, sub-postmaster. tGeorge Bailey- Letters dispatched at 11.35 a.m. & 8.30 p.m Wistaston Road.-John Henry Johmon, sub-postmaster. Central Ward. Lette~ dispa.tched at ro & a.m. & 4.25 & 8.30 p.m *Edward Rainbow Hill tJ oseph Fletcher Fear High Street.-Mirs. Emily Ward, sub-postmistress. Letters *Peter Swinton §James Harford dispatched at 10.15 a.m. 12 noon & 4.30 & 9 p.m tJonas Braddock Potts §James Robertson Earle Street.-ChaTles H. Woodcock, Let­ Wes·t Werd. ters dispatched .at 9.30 &, 1•1.1o a.m. & 4.r5 & 8.40 p.m.; 11undays, 8.10 p.m *William Hodgson tJames .Allan Bond 16 Waltham Street.---Richard' Bell, sub-postmast~r. Let­ *Harry Hoptroff §William Lightfoot ters dispatched 10.5 a.m. 12 noon & 4.30 & 8.30 p.m tJohn Jones §William Henry Coatea The Crescent, Nant"'<ich road.-\Villiam Barker Jones, sub­ South Ward. postmaster. Letters dispatched 10.10 a.m. 12.5 noon & *William Wade I tGeorge Wallis 4·35 & 8.40 p.m Edleston Road. Joseph Riley, sub-postmaster. Letters *Henry Taylor §Abraham Jervis tCharles Herbert Pedley §Edward Wilson dispatched 1.20 a.m. & 12 noon & 4·35 & 9 p.m Post Office, Broad street, Church Coppenhall.-George Alde·m:uen appointed to preside &t Ward Elections. Th()rpe, sub-postmaster. Letters arrive at 7-45 a.m. & South Ward,'rhomas Latham Central Ward, Hy. Wall work 2.15 p.m.; dispatched at 11.30 a.m. & p.m West Ward, James Briggs North Ward, Richd. Pedley OOU:NTY MA.GIS'rRATES FOR NAXTWICH PETTY Marked thus * retire ill! 1896. SESSIONAL DIVISIOX. Marked thus t retire in I897· Massey Fras. Elcocke esq. Poole hall, Kantwich. chairman iMarked thus § retire in 1898. Atkinson James esq. Mirion house, Orewe Marked thus ~retire in 1901. Bancroft John esq. Sprnngfield house, Audlum The Co·rpor:a.tion meets in the Council room at Mechanics' Bayley James esq. hall, Nant.wich In!'ltilbute on~e a. month Bellyse Ed"Win Reginald esq. Raven's Oak, Stapeley, MayoO.r's Auditor, Alfred Latham Nantwich Elootiv>e Auditors, Da.vid Mann & Jamas Skeldon Beckett Joseph esq. Belvedere, Whitchurch Professional Auditor, W. W. Do}by Bro:~klebank Ralph esq. Haughton hull, Ta.rporley Broughton Delves Lol:1is esq. Doddington pk. N antwich Officers of the Corpor.ati:on, Unban Sanitary Authority & Oheostel'\'1 Phili<p Hale esq. }11m house, Nan•twich School .A:ttell!dlance Committee. Obew Wi11iam. Va.urence esq. Pell Wall, Market Drayt<>n Tc·wn Clerk, Fredleriok Co-oke, Temple chambers & Muni­ Cotton Col. The Hon. Richd.Southwell,Brewood Hall,Staffs cipal offices, Earle street Ooliton-J<>drell Col. Edlwaro Thomas Davena.n<t, M.P. Bol'cugh Tre•asurer, Alfred 'VilliamS()n, Manchester & Reese Heath hall, N.a.ntwich Liverpool District Bank Hale Thomas Egerton M.D., V,C. Faddiley lodge,Nantwich Medlioal Offioo·r, Herbe:rt Jones D.Ph Kearsley Maj·or Ro•bert Wilson, S·tapeley hO'llse, Nantwioh Bcrough Surve-yor, Geo:l'g.e Ea.ton-Shore, Mu.n.i.ciptal Kellock Charles Walford esq. Highfield, Audlem,Nantwich offices, Earle stree·t J\lcXeill William esq. Herdman 'street, Crewe Inspector of Nuisances, WHliam U.rquhart, 85 Albert street Pedley Richard! esq. Winterley hcmse, Has·lington, CreiWe Collector, George PLant, W,iJstruston rQiad RoundeR Charles Savile esq. Dorf"Dld hall, Nantwich Registrar Ctf Burial Board, Frederick Cooke Schroder Baron Von Wm. Hy. D.L.The Rook,ery,Nantwich School Attendance Officer, William Thompson Skidmoro James Stephen eJS.q. Fairfield h()use, Nantwich Park Curat()r, George Latimer Sta.l'key .Arthur esq. Wrenibury hall, Na.ntw.ich Farm Manager, John Woodhouse Thomas J(lhn esq. Wedgwood vi1la~ •Crewe Sexton & Collector of •Cemetery Fees, Morgan Morgan Tollema.che Henry Jiames esq. M.P. Dol"fold, Nmtwich Webb Francis Willram esq. Ohes~r place, Crewe PL"'BLIC EST ABLISB~E~TS. Olerk to the Magistrates, Charles Edward Spearman, Burial Board, Frederick Cooke, clerk ; M.organ Morgan, Qoppenhall terrace ·sexton & colled(lr of :fees at cemetery Petty SesSiions are held at the C()urt Ro()m, Police Office, Ch£>ese Hall, Earle street Endreton road, every alternate tuesday, at; n a.m Corn M-arket, Earle sweet BOROUGH ~LA.GISTR!.TES. County Court, Royal hotel, His Honor L. Yate Lee, judge ; Charles Edward Speakman, registrar The Mayor. k h:igh bailiff; office, doppenh~1l terrace ; Courh Atkinson Ja.mes, Mirion house are held •alternately at Crewe & Nantwich, ooce a month lla·iley Thomas CaJstley, Havell:ock house a·t each place, usually on wednesdlay. The places in the Briggs James, Linden grange county court district of N.antwich & Crewe .aroe: Acton. &stock Ben}amin Silve~Soter, Haslington Aiproaham, Alvruston, Asto<n-juxta-Mondrum, Austerson, Eavl Douglas Henry, Deva. vil1a BaddliJey, Bad·dington, Bathomley, Hasford, Bat·herton, Eardlley Wilmot, Chester, Crewe Batbl'lid•ge, Beam Heath, Beeston, Bicke.rton, Blak.enhall, Glover Th(lmas, Westview, West stre&& Blak.elow, Bridgmere, Brindley, Uroomhall, Bulkeley. Healih Thomas Henry, West view, Crewe Bun.bury, Burland, Burwardsley, CaJ.veley, Checkley­ Hill Arthur Griffiths, 1Summerfield house cum-Wrinehill, Cholmondleston, Chorley, Coole PilaW. Hodgsolll William, Helmsville, ·Ore<We Coteb.rook, Co·ppenhall Church, Crewe Green, nodding­ Knod:.t J ()hn, .!Jshton house ton, Dood's Groon, Eaton, EgertoDt, F'addiley, Hanke­ Lockitt Enoch, N antwioh road low, Ha;thertD'n, Has.ti'Illeaton, Henhull, Hough, Hunster­ Lumb Waltaee, Gatefield house, Crewe son, Hurleston. Inglesea Brook, Larden Green, Larkton, MCL~eill William, Herdman street Lea, Lee Green, Le.i.g.htool, Minshull Church, Minshull Macroe Kermeth, 2 Wellington villas Venton, Nantwich, Oakhanger, Peckforoon, Poole, Pedley :Hiiehard, Wiruterley, Crewe Rav"ru'!Jll()Ql", Rladlnor Groon, Radway Green:, Rease Swinton Peter, High street, Crewe Heath, Ridley, Rap~. Rushton, Shavington-cum-Gresty, J"Dhn, Wedlgwood villa Shrewbridge, 'Sydruey Sound, Springe lame, Spur.storw, Wallwork Henry, Ohester bridge, Crewe Swke, Stapeley, Tilstone Fearnail, Tiverton, Utk<inton, Wha-le George, Westbank Walgerton, Warmingham, Wardle, Wettenhall, Weston, Wilding John Willia.m, Victoria street, C11ewe Wheelock Heath, Will.agton, W•interley, \Vistla.stl>n, Cklrk, Charles Edward: Speakman, Coppenhall terrace \Voodcott, Woodworth Green, '\VoolstalliWood, Worlee­ Borough Petty Sessions are held at the C-ourt house en~ry ton, :")Yrenbury·cl111ll-Frit•h, Wrexham Bridge, Wybun­ alt-ernate tues. at II a.m bury .
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    Application No: 14/4242N Location: Gresty Green Farm, GRESTY GREEN ROAD, SHAVINGTON CUM GRESTY, CREWE, CW2 5AE Proposal: Variation of condition 12 of 11/2212N - Minor amendments to house types and layout Applicant: Jane Aspinall, Bellway Homes NW Expiry Date: 08-Dec-2014 SUMMARY RECOMMENDATION Approve with conditions MAIN ISSUES • Main Issues • Design and Layout • Amenity • Ecology • Access • Affordable Housing • Public Open Space REFERRAL The application has been referred to Southern Planning Committee because it relates to the variation of a planning condition attached to application 11/2212N which was determined by the Strategic Planning Board. SITE DESCRIPTION The application site is located to the west of Gresty Green Road and to the north of Gresty Lane within the Open Countryside as defined by the Borough of Crewe and Nantwich Replacement Local Plan 2011. The site includes Gresty Green Farm which comprises a traditional farmhouse and a range of modern and traditional farm buildings. The majority of the site is a relatively flat field which is bound by traditional hedgerows and a number of large trees. To the north of the site is a railway line with a depot beyond. To the opposite side of Gresty Green Road is a mix of residential properties which vary in height from single-storey to two-storey. To the east of the site are storage buildings which are occupied by Crewe Cold Stores. DETAILS OF PROPOSAL This application seeks to vary condition 12 attached to application 11/2212N. Application 11/2212N is a full planning permission for the erection of 51 dwellings. Access to the site would be taken from Gresty Green Road.
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