50¢ October 5, 2008 Think Green Volume 82, No. 36 Recycle www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY Serving the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend this paper TTODAYODAY’’SS CCATHOLICATHOLIC Scales of Women share a day of grace Justice Johnnette Benkovic shares message of faith As diocese celebrates Red Mass, faithful look at duties BY KAY COZAD to church and country Pages 10-13 WINONA LAKE omen from across the Midwest gathered in WRodeheaver Auditorium on Grace College campus in hopes of inspiration. Johnnette Benkovic, author, speaker and founder-president of Living His Wall Street bailout Abundant Life Ministries, and the inspirited Catholic apostolate, Women of Grace, a Catholic women’s What does the church say? Bible study, drew over 350 women, representing 73 Page 3 parishes, to Winona Lake near Warsaw on Saturday, Sept. 27, for “A Day of Grace,” a full-day conference sponsored by the diocesan Office of Spiritual Development. The conference offered four inspirational talks, FOCA in focus including one given by Holy Cross Father Edmund Sylvia, advisor and chaplain of Living His Abundant Cardinal Rigali defends life Life Ministries. Each session began with song and prayer led by Ginny Kohrman, director of the Office Page 4 of Spiritual Development. The buzz of exuberant voices gave way to rousing applause with a standing ovation as Benkovic, who humbly yet fervently visited with those in the audi- ence preceding the talks and throughout the day, took Pray and fast the stage for the first session titled “Women of 40 Days For Life campaign has Grace: Called and Gifted.” Following the recitation of the Hail Mary, Benkovic spoke of straying from momentum across diocese the faith in her young adulthood and finding her way back in a mighty fashion. She shared how verses Page 5 from St. Paul’s letter to the Ephesians continues to resonate in her life and answers the question “Who am I?” “I am the most-high daughter of God. Each of us was chosen to have life by God himself,” said Book of the Benkovic confidently. She challenged the women Month Club KAY COZAD present to be filled with the love of God so “when peo- Johnnette Benkovic, forefront, joins over 350 women in the opening prayer service at the ple see us they see God radiated in and through us.” Mother Theodore Guérin “A Day of Grace” full-day conference held on Grace College campus Saturday, Sept. 27. journals discussed GRACE, PAGE 9 Page 20 Witness of St. Paul inspires STATUE OF ANGEL teen at Faithfest reminded teens that Jesus hung out with the BY DENISE FEDOROW outcasts of society — sinners and lepers. “You know there are people ... that SYRACUSE — Over 350 teens from 31 because of their reputation, we don’t want to parishes across the Diocese of Fort Wayne- go near them. Be open to how God may use South Bend gathered Sunday and rapped, you in anybody’s life. Don’t let that (reputa- prayed, read Scripture, asked questions and tion) be an obstacle for God’s purpose for received answers, worshiped and celebrated you,” Kronk said. Mass with Bishop John M. D’Arcy as part of “Paul said in his letters to early Christians this year’s Faithfest. basically in picking me, Christ can use any- “Can I Get a Witness? Celebrating the body. In high school you might feel like you Year of St. Paul” was the theme for a day of don’t fit in, you might wonder if you’re wor- faith formation for teens held at Wawasee thy — the answer to that is ‘no, but nobody Middle School in Syracuse. is,’” he said. The teens were pumped up with some rap, Kronk told the teens a story about a young CNS PHOTO/NANCY WIECHEC rock and humor by Popple before guest man who came to live at the shelter at age 18 speaker Adam Kronk of South Bend helped after being sexually abused at home when he A statue of an angel is seen in historic relate the teachings of St. Paul to the teen’s was younger and spending most of his life in Glenwood Cemetery in northeast lives. foster care. He created a “God’s Eye” in an After reading about Paul’s conversion, art therapy class and explained to Kronk that Washington. Pope Benedict XVI said Sept. Kronk said, “We shouldn’t expect instanta- the three colors he chose represent the bluest 29, on the feast of the Archangels Michael, neous conversion into a perfect Christian. It’s ocean, the greenest fields and the gold of a process, not a magical ‘bam’-one-second God’ crown. Gabriel and Raphael that God sends angels thing,” he said. “In my life I will always remember that to help people as they make their way Kronk, who along with his wife works at the South Bend Center for the Homeless, FAITH, PAGE 20 through life and toward eternity with him. 2 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 5, 2008 TODAY’S CATHOLIC

Official newspaper of the World’s bishops will look at the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend P.O. Box 11169 Fort Wayne, IN 46856 word of God at October synod PUBLISHER: Bishop John M. D’Arcy concerning our listening to God’s word. Much of the talks were rooted in the EDITOR: Tim Johnson Space allows mention of one of each. teaching of Pope John Paul II, as found in “Mulieris Dignitatem,” (“Dignity of ASSISTANT EDITOR: Don Clemmer A positive fruit: A renewed appreciation of the Bible Woman”). We are celebrating the 20th STAFF WRITER: Kay Cozad and the liturgy, catechesis, and more importantly, anniversary of that document. I am grateful NEWS exegetical and theological studies. to the Spiritual Development Office for this Editorial Department excellent event and to Grace College for PAGE DESIGNER: Francie Hogan &NOTES Uncertainties and questions: Many more people are their outstanding hospitality. FREELANCE WRITERS: Lauren Caggiano, reading the Bible; however, it is being done with- Ann Carey, Michelle Castleman, Elmer BISHOP JOHN M. D’ARCY out sufficient knowledge of the entire deposit of J. Danch, Michelle Donaghey, Bonnie faith, to which the Bible belongs. And then our young people Elberson, Denise Fedorow, Diane The next day, our Office of Youth Freeby, May Lee Johnson, Sister The word of God in the life and I find in many parishes a growing Ministry presented Youth Fest at the Wawasee Middle School. I drove down Margie Lavonis, CSC, Jennifer Murray mission of the church hunger of our people to know and under- Route 6 from South Bend, around a detour, This is the focus of the International stand the word of God. One of the results of and Deb Wagner and arrived in time for the question-and- Synod of Bishops, which begins its work a council, still influencing us, is the expan- answer event. There were 350 present, this week in Rome. This meeting, which sion of the word of God as read at Sunday Business Department including the wonderful adults who work will bring bishops to Rome from all over Mass. I well recall the first 10 years of my BUSINESS MANAGER: Kathy Denice with the young people in our parishes. After the world, is a fruit of the teaching of the priesthood, reading the same Gospel and AD GRAPHICS DIRECTOR: Mark Weber the question-and-answer period, I heard Second Vatican Council on Collegiality. At Epistle (as we called it then), every Sunday. BOOKKEEPING/CIRCULATION: Kathy Voirol confessions, along with several other the first Vatican Council, in response to the In fact, we usually did not read the Epistle [email protected] priests, enjoyed lunch and then celebrated pastoral and political tensions of the time, or the reading from St. Paul in English, but Mass and preached to this wonderful group. the focus was on the successor of Peter and only in Latin. Also, as I recall, there was Advertising Sales A special part of this event was the pres- his authority over the church. The Second very seldom to be found an Old Testament Tess Steffen (Fort Wayne area) ence of our seminarians, who traveled from Vatican Council completed this teaching reading in the liturgy prior to the Second (260) 456-2824 the Josephinum Seminary in Columbus, with its focus on the bishop in his diocese Vatican Council. Ohio. Also present were sisters from vari- Jeanette Simon (South Bend area) as his successor of the apostles and on the Yet for all that, as the “Instrumentum ous communities: The Mishawaka (574) 234-0687 relationship of the bishops with one another Laboris” points out, much work remains to Franciscans, some Dominican Sisters from Web site: www.diocesefwsb.org/TODAY and with the bishop of Rome, the successor be done if the inspired word of God is to Michigan and a Felician Sister from Holy of Peter and never without him. touch our hearts and transform our parishes. Family, South Bend. The semi- Published weekly except the fourth The experience of the council Sunday in June, first and third weeks narians led some of the breakout brought forth these meetings of in July, first week in August and last sessions and also spoke to the bishops, which I believe were week in December by the Diocese of entire group. I was especially first held every two years and Thus, the church, still learning about the proper Fort Wayne-South Bend, 1103 S. impressed by these words from Calhoun St., P.O. Box 390, Fort Wayne, now every three years. They Tink Coonan, “We are all called IN 46801. Periodicals postage paid at were a reflection on a particular understanding of the communion between bishops and to share the cross of Christ.” He Fort Wayne, IN, and additional mailing important pastoral concern in spoke of it relative to his own office. the church. At the first synod in the pope, saw this method of propositions, followed by a call to consider the priesthood. I 1971, they discussed two topics. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to: think our high school students One was the ministerial priest- Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Fort were most impressed by the sis- hood and the other was the statement by the successor of Peter, as a way to Wayne, IN 46856-1169 or e-mail: ters and seminarians who were church’s commitment to peace [email protected]. present. After Mass, we had and justice. strengthen the church on these various topics. exposition of the Blessed SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Domestic in Following that, key pastoral Sacrament and some time for advance, one year $20. Bundle rates areas were discussed. For exam- silent prayer. I am convinced that available on request. Single copy 50¢. ple: the family; the ministry of through prayer in the presence of catechesis; formation of priests MAIN OFFICE: 915 S. Clinton St., Fort the Blessed Sacrament, including both in the seminary and after Wayne, IN 46802.Telephone (260) exposition of the Eucharist, the Holy Spirit ordination; the laity; religious life; the Please pray for the synod meeting in 456-2824. Fax: (260) 744-1473. is calling many, especially the young, to a Eucharist; in the life and mission of the Rome from Oct. 5-26, 2008, that it may BUREAU OFFICE: 114 W.Wayne St., South closer relationship with Christ. Bend, IN 46601.Telephone (574) 234- church. What developed was the bishops bring about good results, and that we as 0687. Fax: (574) 232-8483. brought together at the end of the session a bishops may see that it is implemented in number of propositions which came about our dioceses so that our people grow not South, then, to Fort Wayne News deadline is the Monday morn- only in understanding of the word of God, from their intense discussions. These propo- Grateful to God for these few days and ing before publication date. sitions were then presented to the Holy but in believing it, what it really is — Jesus Advertising deadline is nine days Christ speaking to our hearts. for the privilege of being bishop in this dio- before publication date. Father for an exhortation, or an encyclical, cese at a time when the Holy Spirit is call- which followed the synod. Pope Benedict XVI, in his recent visit to France where he gave a number of extraor- ing all of us to spiritual renewal. When a LETTERS POLICY: Today’s Catholic wel- Thus, the church, still learning about the parish in a diocese becomes more eucharis- comes original, signed letters about proper understanding of the communion dinary, and one could say very beautiful and very humble and gracious presentations tic and more open to the Holy Spirit, voca- issues affecting church life. Although between bishops and the pope, saw this tions to the priesthood and the consecrated we cannot publish every letter we method of propositions, followed by a state- to the church in that beloved old country, receive, we strive to provide a bal- referred to the celebrated phrase of St. life will follow. They do not grow in isola- ment by the successor of Peter, as a way to tion; they grow only in a church, which is anced representation of expressed strengthen the church on these various top- Jerome: “Ignorance of the Scriptures is opinions and a variety of reflections ignorance of Christ.” truly holy. on life in the church.We will choose ics. letters for publication based on read- See you all next week. er interest, timeliness and fairness. An encouraging weekend Readers may agree or disagree with ‘Instrumentum laboris’ the letter writers’ opinions. Letters This is the title in Latin of a document Two events took place this past week- must not exceed 500 words. All let- received recently by the bishops and by end, which are most encouraging to a bish- ters must be signed and include a others. It is not hard to translate these op. phone number and address for verifi- words as an “Instrument of Labor,” or of On Saturday, under the direction of the cation.We reserve the right to edit the work. This extensive document will Spiritual Development Office and the leader- letters for legal and other concerns. help the bishops to look at ways that the ship of Ginny Kohrman, there was presented Mail letters to: Today’s Catholic, word of God might become more deeply a seminar entitled “A Day of Grace for P.O. Box 11169, Fort Wayne, IN situated in the life of every parish and of Women.” Three-hundred-and-forty women 46856-1169; or e-mail: each individual. attended this event held at Grace College at [email protected] In the foreword of this document, we Winona Lake in the center of our diocese. The featured speakers were Johnnette ISSN 0891-1533 read some positive fruits of recent years USPS 403630 and also some uncertainties and questions Benkovic and Father Ed Sylvia, CSC. OCTOBER 5, 2008 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 3 Bishop D’Arcy addresses ‘Faithful Citizenship’ he general election of 2008 intrudes on us each day. It will not be easy as the weeks go on, to find the truth about various issues con- Tfronting our beloved country. It is important also to reflect on the responsibility of the church. Our pulpits are sacred places; they are for the word of God, and not for political partisanship. Both the priest and the parish must avoid such partisanship if we are to guard the nature of our mission. Yet, neither can the church be unwilling to stand for and with those who are alone and have no constituency. We must never be found unwilling to stand with the unborn child, the homeless, those suffering from war, and yes, even for the person on death row. The church must never shrink from her role to help form the con- sciences of our people, and must always seek to uphold the natural law, that law written in the heart of the human person. Pope Benedict XVI, in his first encyclical “Deus Caritas Est,” has outlined clearly the role of the church as we live through the intense weeks ahead. The church cannot and must not take upon herself the political battle to bring about the most just society possible. She cannot and must not replace the state. Yet at the same time she cannot and must not remain on the sidelines in the fight CNS PHOTO/YURI GRIPAS, REUTERS for justice. She has to play her part through rational argument and she has to U.S. House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, and House Minority Whip Roy Blunt, R-Mo., at the micro- reawaken the spiritual energy without which justice, which always demands sacri- phone, speak to the media about the current financial crisis at the U.S. Capitol in Washington Sept. 26. fice, cannot prevail and prosper. A just society must be the achievement of politics, not of the church. Yet the promotion of justice through efforts to bring about openness of mind and will to the demands of the common good is something which concerns the church deeply. Don't forget human aspect of bailout We have seen that the formation of just structures is not directly the duty of the church, but belong to the world of politics, the sphere of the autonomous use of WASHINGTON (CNS) — accountability for the harm they represented his community, the reason. The church has an indirect duty here, in that she is called to contribute to Church leaders urged members of have done.” Oblates of Mary Immaculate, at the purification of reason and to the reawakening of those moral forces without Congress and the Bush adminis- He also called for “protection the Interfaith Center for which just structures are neither established nor prove effective in the long run. tration to keep the human and of the vulnerable — workers, Corporate Responsibility for The direct duty to work for a just ordering of society, on the other hand, is proper ethical dimensions of the eco- business owners, homeowners, many years, said any financial to the lay faithful. As citizens of the state, they are called to take part in public life nomic crisis in mind as they craft renters and stockholders” in any bailout must not “impose addi- in a personal capacity. So they cannot relinquish their participation “in the many a financial bailout package for economic bailout and said tional burdens on the marginal- different economic, social, legislative, administrative and cultural areas, which are Wall Street. renewed “instruments of monitor- ized and poorest who are at the intended to promote organically and institutionally the common good.” “This crisis involves far more ing and correction within eco- periphery of the workings of The responsibility of the church, therefore, is to help form consciences, to bring than just economic or technical nomic institutions and the finan- financial markets.” light to the national discussion, to purify reason, to help our people focus on the matters, but has enormous human cial industry,” as well as greater It also must address the “root dignity of the human person and to encourage the parish participation of the impact and clear ethical dimen- public regulation and protection, causes of the meltdown,” while laity in public life. sions which should be at the cen- will be necessary. also “restoring credibility to the “… the church wishes to help form consciences in political life and to stimulate ter of debate and decisions on Father Larry Snyder, president financial market in a transparent greater insight into the authentic requirements of justice as well as greater readi- how to move forward,” said of Catholic Charities, said in manner at the lowest possible ness to act accordingly, even when this might involve conflict with situations of Bishop William F. Murphy of Sept. 25 letters to the leadership cost to the taxpayers without personal interest.” — Pope Benedict XVI, “Deus Caritas Est.” Rockville Centre, N.Y., in a Sept. of the House and Senate that any bailing out shareholders or man- With this in mind, I am sending to each parish a copy of a document 26 letter to Treasury Secretary financial bailout for Wall Street agement via golden parachutes,” prepared by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops entitled, Henry Paulson and key House “must include economic relief for Father Finn said. “Forming Consciences for Faithful Citizenship.” It is a reflection on the and Senate leaders. the hardships of Main Street.” Archbishop Diarmuid Martin many issues which face our nation in these troubled times. I am also Bishop Murphy, who chairs Any plan to rescue the of Dublin, Ireland, commented including a summary, one-page document that is suitable for parish-wide the U.S. bishops’ Committee on nation’s banking and financial on the international ramifications distribution. This summary can be duplicated as long as the USCCB is Domestic Justice and Human system must ensure “that those of the economic crisis in a Sept. notified. Development, also stressed with the least do not bear the 28 opinion piece in The Mail on In this document, the bishops make clear the importance and com- responsibility, accountability, greatest burden in this crisis,” he Sunday, a Dublin newspaper. plexity of forming one’s conscience in order to serve the truth. awareness of the advantages and said. “Economic growth always The document warns us that “two temptations in public life can dis- limitations of the market, sub- “We urge Congress to remem- brings with it social responsibili- tort the church’s defense of human life and dignity. The first is a moral sidiarity, solidarity and the com- ber the low- and middle-income ty,” he wrote. “(The market) can equivalence that makes no ethical distinction between different kinds of mon good in the search for just Americans whose lives and eco- only function in an ethical and issues involving human life and dignity. The direct and intentional and effective responses to the nomic security are being shat- judicial framework where the destruction of innocent human life from the moment of conception until economic crisis. tered by the current economic vulnerable are protected and the natural death is always wrong and is not just one issue among many. It The House of Representatives crisis,” he added. natural arrogance of the powerful must always be opposed. rejected a $700 billion compro- Specifically, Father Snyder is curbed.” “The second is the misuse of these necessary moral distinctions as a mise bailout package Sept. 29. said, the plan should extend “Irresponsible traders do not way of dismissing or ignoring other serious threats to human life and The economic crisis and pro- unemployment insurance; just gamble with the future of a dignity. Racism and other unjust discrimination, the use of the death posed bailout also drew comment increase Food Stamp benefits; big multinational firm — they penalty, resorting to unjust war, the use of torture, war crimes, the failure from the president of Catholic protect low-income families from eventually affect the lives of peo- to respond to those who are suffering from hunger or a lack of health Charities USA, a Catholic repre- losing Medicaid and social serv- ple all over the world,” added care, or an unjust immigration policy are all serious moral issues that sentative at the Interfaith Center ice assistance; and increase home Archbishop Martin, who served challenge our consciences and require us to act. These are not optional on Corporate Responsibility and energy assistance. in the 1990s as secretary of the concerns which can be dismissed. Catholics are urged to seriously con- a former Vatican official. “While we fully appreciate the Pontifical Council for Justice and sider church teaching on these issues.” Bishop Murphy’s letter was potential dangers for our nation’s Peace at the Vatican. You will be approached to give out voters guides. I urge the parish harsh in its assessment of the cir- economic stability if we fail to The Franciscan Action not to give out such guides. We may, in some cases, agree with them, but cumstances that led to the eco- act to secure our financial sys- Network also urged its members often they violate the principles found in “Forming Consciences for nomic crisis. tem, we also understand that the to contact their members of Faithful Citizenship.” That document makes clear the complexity of this “The scandalous search for road to long-term recovery must Congress about the financial- situation, the need for the guidance of the Holy Spirit, and the proper excessive economic rewards even include assisting poor and low- bailout package, asking them to position of the . Other guides may be helpful to some to the point of dangerous specu- income families who are suffer- “reflect on our culture’s tendency people, but what they lack is the all-embracing guide to Catholic teach- lation that exacerbates the pain ing the direct effects of this eco- toward excess and immediacy.” ing and the proper formation of a Catholic conscience. and losses of the more vulnerable nomic crisis in the form of rising “These root causes, along with Each parish should feel free to copy this letter for your people, or if are egregious examples of an utility, energy, food and housing the fate of persons on the mar- you prefer, to copy a portion of it. I certainly urge you also to foster economic ethic that places eco- costs,” said the president of the gins, may escape the notice of prayer, simple and nonpartisan, at the appropriate time in the liturgy, nomic gain above all other val- Alexandria, Va.-based network of legislators in a hurry,” the net- such as the Prayer of the Faithful, asking God to send the Holy Spirit on ues,” he said. Catholic charitable agencies and work said in an “emergency our country in this important time. “Sadly, greed, speculation, institutions. action alert” e-mailed to its mem- Sincerely yours in our Lord, exploitation of vulnerable people “We ask that you keep those bers. “Therefore it is our respon- and dishonest practices helped to families in mind and champion sibility to share the wealth of our bring about this serious situa- their needs as you move to devel- Franciscan perspective with tion,” Bishop Murphy added. op a truly comprehensive eco- them.” “Those who directly contributed nomic recovery package,” Father The alert did not list specific Most Reverend John M. D’Arcy to this crisis or profited from it Snyder added. recommendations for the eco- should not be rewarded or escape Father Seamus Finn, who has nomic-bailout package. 4 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 5, 2008 Deacon Fred Larson dies Cardinal urges Congress Remembered as hard worker, humble man of service to reject proposed FORT WAYNE — Deacon Fred of prayer. Freedom of Choice Act J. Larson, who served the dio- “He helped at Mass nearly cese for 25 years in the perma- every day, he spent many hours nent diaconate, died Tuesday, in the adoration chapel, he took WASHINGTON (CNS) — Sept. 23, at Woodview Health part in several prayer groups in Declaring that “we can’t reduce Care in Fort Wayne. He was 92. the parish, and he helped at abortions by promoting abor- Born in Allen County in nearly every funeral at St. tion,” the chairman of the U.S. 1915, Larson was the son of the Jude,” says Father Shoemaker. bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life late Harry and Cecelia Larson “I have no regrets,” Larson Activities has urged members of and a member of the first gradu- told Today’s Catholic in 2005. Congress to reject the proposed ating class of St. Jude School in “My faith is my life.” Freedom of Choice Act. 1930. After graduating from Larson is survived by his In a Sept. 19 letter, Cardinal high school in 1934, he worked children, Stephen (Cindy) of Philadelphia said odd jobs until entering the serv- Larson and Joan (Jim) the legislation “would counteract ice. He was a World War II U.S. Lawrence, both of Fort Wayne, any and all sincere efforts by Army veteran and a member of Paul (Mary-deceased) Larson of government to reduce abortions American Legion Post 330. New Haven, Patricia (Jerry) in our country,” force all Americans to subsidize abortion Larson and his wife, Bernice, Deacon Fred Larson Trowbridge of Leo, Rita raised 10 children while he (Donald) Chislaghi of with their tax dollars and over- worked at Zollner Corp. The Beavercreek, Ohio, David turn “modest restraints and regu- lations on the abortion industry” family attended St. John the homes and homebound parish- (Betty) Larson of Johnstown, in all 50 states. Baptist Parish, New Haven. ioners nearly every day. He Ohio, Theresa (Dave) Larson of “No one who sponsors or sup- After retiring from Zollner loved to sit and visit and he was Eau Claire, Wis., Daniel R. ports legislation like FOCA can Corp. in 1980, Larson felt a careful to see that people were (Debbie) Larson of Six Mile, credibly claim to be part of a need to be with people and also not missed.” S.C., Mary Larson of Denver, Cardinal Justin Rigali good-faith discussion on how to a call to service. He entered the “He didn’t know a stranger,” Colo., and Monica Larson of reduce abortions,” he added. An analysis of the proposed diocesan program for the perma- Larson’s daughter, Joan Arecibo, P.R.; brother, John The Freedom of Choice Act legislation by the bishops’ Office nent diaconate and, after three Lawrence, told Today’s Catholic (Leila) Larson of Helena, Mont.; was introduced in both the House of the General Counsel said its years of study and formation, this year. sisters-in-law, and Senate April 19, 2007, the provisions could invalidate “a was ordained along with 22 “Especially Mona Larson of day after the Supreme Court broad range of state laws if chal- other men on June 11, 1983, at visiting the Tipton, Ind., upheld the constitutionality of the lenged,” including informed con- the Cathedral of the Immaculate sick, it didn’t and Eleanor Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act in sent laws, parental notification Conception, Fort Wayne. matter to him “I have no regrets. Ehinger of New Gonzales v. Carhart. It states that laws, laws promoting maternal The first four years of his if they were Haven; brother- “every woman has the fundamen- health if they raise the cost of diaconate were served at St. Catholic or in-law, Philip My faith is my life.” tal right to choose to bear a child, abortions, safety regulations Henry Parish in Fort Wayne, not. If he just (Mary Ann) to terminate a pregnancy prior to affecting abortion clinics, and where he assisted with liturgies felt that they DEACON FRED LARSON Schnelker of fetal viability, or to terminate a government programs and facili- and wrote and presented a needed some- Fort Wayne; 24 pregnancy after fetal viability ties that pay for, provide or monthly homily. one, dad was grandchildren; when necessary to protect the life insure childbirth or health care Deacon Larson also served at there for them and 11 great- or health of the woman.” services generally, but not abor- St. Jude Parish, Fort Wayne, to talk to. And grandchildren. Although no action has been tion. where he remained active into in that way, he He was preced- taken in either house since then, Also likely to be overturned his 90s, cooking dinner for fam- was fearless.” ed in death by “the Catholic bishops of the would be laws protecting the ily and friends, shoveling snow Lawrence also experienced his wife, Bernice, in 2002; three United States are gravely con- conscience rights of health care and taking care of his home. her father’s ministry first hand. brothers, including a former cerned about any possible con- providers or institutions; laws “He was eager to help any “He baptized my daughter,” priest of the Diocese of Fort sideration” of the legislation in prohibiting partial-birth abortion; time he could. He will especial- she said, adding that he also Wayne-South Bend; and three the final weeks of the 110th laws requiring abortions to be ly be remembered for his great performed funerals for relatives. sisters. Mass of Christian Burial Congress, Cardinal Rigali said. performed by a physician; and ministry to the sick and the “Growing up, the faith was was Saturday, Sept. 27, at St. “Pro-abortion groups and “quite possibly laws preventing homebound,” notes Father Tom always a big part of his life,” Jude Catholic Church, Fort some of the bill’s congressional the implantation of an existing Shoemaker, pastor of St. Jude. she recalled of her father. Wayne. sponsors have said they want this cloned embryo for purposes of “Until his stroke in late May, he Father Shoemaker also legislation enacted soon,” he bearing the child,” the analysis was visiting hospitals, nursing recalls Deacon Larson as a man added. said. Cardinal Rigali said that recently “the national debate on abortion has taken a turn that may be productive” as members of both political parties “have sought to reach a consensus on ways to reduce abortions in our society.” He expressed support for leg- islation such as the Pregnant Women Support Act, which would provide practical support to help pregnant women carry their pregnancies to term, and said “there is one thing absolute- ly everyone should be able to agree on: We can’t reduce abor- tions by promoting abortion.” “We cannot reduce abortions by invalidating the very laws that have been shown to reduce abor- tions,” the cardinal added. “We cannot reduce abortions by insist- ing that every program support- ing women in childbirth and child care must also support abortion.” Urging all members of Congress “to pledge their opposi- tion to FOCA and other legisla- tion designed to promote abor- tion,” Cardinal Rigali said, “In this way we can begin a serious and sincere discussion on how to reduce the tragic incidence of abortion in our society.” OCTOBER 5, 2008 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 5 National kickoff for 40 Days for Life held in South Bend

the answer lies in the re-conver- permeated the darkness. BY TOM UEBBING sion of the American people. In Fort Wayne, Bereit spoke at Abortion will be conquered not a kickoff rally at Concordia SOUTH BEND — David Bereit, by reason, but by grace. Lutheran High School on Sept. national director of the 40 Days David Bereit traced the move- 21 to launch the 40 Days for Life for Life Campaign, launched the ment’s biblical inspiration, incep- campaign there. Nearly 300 peo- national effort with a kickoff rally tion, rapid growth, successes and ple attended the ally. from South Bend on Sept. 24. the many hard sacrifices made Robert Gregory, organizer of The campaign consists of prayer, along the way. He compared the St. Vincent de Paul Parish pro- fasting, a 24/7 vigil at the abor- 40 Days movement to the civil life activities, reported that on tion clinic and a community edu- rights movement and the cool day one of the prayer vigil from 8 cational outreach with the goal of reception Dr. Martin Luther King, a.m. to 8 p.m. at the abortion ending abortion. Jr., received from President facility in Fort Wayne, “We saw a Bereit chose South Bend out Lyndon B. Johnson when he full day of constant prayer from of the 179 cities that have signed asked him to support a civil various groups and people. ... In up because South Bend was the rights voting act. Johnson turned Fort Wayne, we have seen at least first to do so and because he was him down, but King turned two cars drive in and out of the impressed with the area’s strong around and “started something” lot of the clinic ... so we may pro-life commitment from previ- at Selma that resulted in the leg- have seen two women change ous visits. islation being passed a short three their minds.” Sean Scott began the event months later. In the same way the Gregory said the campaign with inspirational songs. Holy TOM UEBBING 40 Days campaign is “starting also captured attention from local Cross Father Neil Ryan, pastor of Many keep vigil outside the abortion facility in South Bend on Friday, something.” Bereit cited 514 con- television news. Little Flower, South Bend, where Sept. 26, as part of the national 40 Days for Life campaign. Parishes firmed babies saved, five abortion “I encourage you to take the the event was held, welcomed the across the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend have organized parish- workers quit and two clinics time to visit the vigil site any turnout of about 250 that filled closed. time you can come,” Gregory ioners to pray and fast and to take part in the educational outreach Father Bob Lengerich of St. added. “We need you there pray- the parish hall and led an opening with the goal of ending abortion in the United States. prayer that emphasized a change Pius X, Granger, led the partici- ing. Please bring your children if of heart and that “love conquers Days effort. New volunteers for emeritus at the University Notre pants in a prayer similar to the needed. Come at lunch. Come all.” the organizing committee kept Dame Law School, critiqued the Prayer of the Faithful and offered after work, before work, whenev- David Bathon shared how, showing up every week. Through false foundations of the pro-abor- a special prayer for the commis- er, but please come.” The Fort when his mother was pregnant providential connections the 40 tion movement — secularism, sioning of missionaries. Many Wayne Women’s Health Clinic is with him, the doctor discovered Days campaign got a booth at the relativism and individualism. He participants drove to the nearby located at 2210 Inwood Dr. she had cancer. She refused his Pulse Christian Music Festival. said that taking control over the abortion facility and began the A Mid-Way Event is planned recommendation of an abortion An unemployed pro-lifer arrived beginning of life has led to taking vigil in the dim light of a street from 2-3:15 p.m. on Sunday, Oct. and immediate cancer treatment, in town, ended up manning the control over the end of life. lamp. Their reverent prayer “Oh 5, at Catholic Cemetery in Fort thus saving her son but losing her booth and garnered 250 signups Although politics is important, my Jesus, forgive us our sins...” Wayne. own life. for 40 Days. “And Father Neil said in his Akre addressed the mindset of prayer ‘love conquers all,’ it truly skeptics who think that prayer is does,” Bathon said. “We are try- ineffective and that action is what ing to change hearts and minds is needed. She countered that through our love and our sacri- prayer is not an abstraction but an South Bend action. “Prayer does change peo- fices, our prayers, our fasting. Family Medicine Center Saint Joseph And it is love that will conquer ple’s hearts. We know God acts all.” on prayers.” (574) 237-7338 Bathon said that those praying Evangelical Penny Moore Sister Maura Brannick, CSC Regional Medical Center at abortion clinics are comforting offered prayer and read Scriptures Health Center those being murdered there, and calling for repentance, prayer and Community Outreach they also pray for their mothers fasting. Penny is involved in a (574) 239-5255 and fathers as well. prison ministry for women and Mary Akre, the South Bend the inmates she ministers to will Services area campaign director and moth- be joining the campaign from Mishawaka prison in their daily prayers. Living our Mission and providing access er of seven, shared how she saw Healthy Family Center the hand of God in the local 40 Dr. Charlie Rice, professor to quality healthcare services for all. (574) 252-3699

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been trying to guarantee that the Partnerships needed to kind of education received in one sustain Catholic schools, European Union nation is compa- rable to and compatible with edu- says archbishop cation received in other EU coun- tries. WASHINGTON (CNS) — The NEWS BRIEFS church, businesses and govern- ments must work together to Catholic social agencies finance and keep open Catholic schools, Washington Archbishop CARDINAL LEVADA BLESSES REPLICA OF PORZIUNCOLA mobilize in Hurricane Ike Donald W. Wuerl said Sept. 20 to relief efforts religion writers gathered in Washington from across the coun- HOUSTON (CNS) — In the after- try. “Catholic schools are facing math of Hurricane Ike, Texas enormous challenges, but I see Catholic social agencies have this as a time to mark the turning swiftly mobilized to offer assis- point for Catholic education, espe- tance to those affected by the cially in poor urban areas and storm, which hit the region Sept. rural areas,” the archbishop said. 13. Staff members and volunteers His address to about 250 journal- from Catholic Charities have vis- ists attending the Religion ited coastal communities such as Newswriters Association conven- Texas City, Dickinson and Bacliff, tion came one week after the as well as Houston, to provide release of his pastoral letter on assistance to those in need. By strengthening and supporting coordinating relief efforts, Catholic education. The pastoral Catholic Charities USA has letter, “Catholic Education: opened a warehouse specifically Looking to the Future With for the purpose of delivery of Confidence,” stressed that goods to distribution sites. “We Catholic schools’ academic excel- are focusing on Galveston County, lence, accessibility and affordabil- and the needs of far-reaching ity is the responsibility of all communities who have limited Catholics. The archbishop told the access to government sponsored religion writers that most of the PODs (point of distribution),” said public is “aware of the contribu- Jim Gajewski, Catholic Charities tions” Catholic schools make and vice president of program servic- are “very, very aware of the strug- es. Catholic Charities planned to gle of the church in maintaining continue its efforts in the field into these schools.” He said challenges the foreseeable future, as long as to keep schools open stem from CNS PHOTO/MARTIN DELFINO, CATHOLIC SAN FRANCISCO supplies lasted and the needs population shifts and rising costs. U.S. Cardinal William J. Levada, prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the remained. What would Jesus do? Faith in Rome and former archbishop of San Francisco, blesses the interior walls of the Porziuncola Chapel at the National Shrine of St. Francis of Assisi in San Francisco during Mixed reviews: Scholars look at morality its dedication Sept. 27. The chapel was built on a scale of 78 percent of the original Implementation of in the Bible Porziuncola church near Assisi, Italy. Tridentine ruling VATICAN CITY (CNS) — Even frustrates some when it comes to morality, VATICAN CITY (CNS) — A year Catholics are not biblical funda- doing very well. He was released Hill. The proposed bill would protesters hold Cardinal Toppo, an after Pope Benedict XVI opened mentalists, although they view the from St. Elizabeth’s this morning “prohibit discrimination against ethnic Oraon, responsible for the the way to wider use of the Bible as an important source of and is expected to fully recover,” the unborn on the basis of sex or Protestant translation because Tridentine Mass, implementation moral guidance, said top Catholic his longtime friend, Democratic race.” Franks said, “Today we put they do not understand denomina- of the papal directive is drawing scholars. The various books of the state Rep. Brian P. Wallace of forth a principle that all tional differences and consider the mixed reviews from its target Bible were written in different Boston, said on the day he was Americans of good will can cardinal head of all tribal audience. Catholic traditionalists epochs, in different cultures and discharged. “I spoke to him this warmly embrace — that no child Christians in the state. The remain grateful for the pope's doc- by different authors, the scholars morning and was in the room with should be marked to die based on Catholic Church is by far the ument and say it has given them a said, so when looking for moral him yesterday. The prognosis is their sex or their race. And we put largest Christian group in the certain legitimacy in local church precepts a Christian cannot focus great and he looks great.” it forth in the backdrop of over region and is popular for its edu- communities, as well as greater on just one line. In their new doc- Wallace, who worked as an aide to 100 million little girls having been cation and health services. practical access to the old rite. But ument, “The Bible and Morality,” Flynn from 1970 to 1993, said aborted simply because they were some — backed by a Vatican offi- the scholars on the Pontifical doctors isolated the cause of the little girls instead of little boys,” cial — have complained that bish- Biblical Commission said biblical collapse and are treating it. “It was he added. “It is also put forward in Vatican releases norms ops and pastors continue to place morality is not so much a set of a combination of things. He was the backdrop of the mind-numb- for institutes teaching obstacles in the way of groups do’s and don’ts as it is a set of run-down and exhausted, plus ing reality that today in America seeking the Tridentine liturgy. On principles meant to help they just opened up his ear to half of all African-American chil- religious studies a long-term issue, traditionalists Christians grow in perfection and remove a cancer and that was part dren are being aborted before they are pleased at new efforts to contribute to establishing God’s of it.” Media reports said Flynn, are born.” VATICAN CITY (CNS) — The instruct priests in celebrating kingdom on earth. The English 69, was about 35 minutes into his Vatican’s Congregation for Mass in the older rite. Meanwhile, translation of the document rolled talk at Bad Abbots Pub in Quincy Catholic Education released new those who envisioned Tridentine off the Vatican printing press Sept. when he passed out, remaining Tribal Indians burn norms for institutes teaching reli- Masses popping up in every parish 24, less than two weeks before the unconscious for about five min- gious studies in an effort to guar- cardinal’s effigy to are somewhat frustrated. "We're opening of the world Synod of utes. antee the consistent quality of Bishops on the Bible. In the 235- protest Bible translation instruction and ease the recogni- only looking at one calendar year, page booklet, the biblical scholars tion of degrees coming from the and we know that in the church presented two main criteria for Congressmen outline RANCHI, India (CNS) — A world’s different ecclesial estab- these things take time. But the judging human actions or poten- group of tribal people in India has lishments. The 20-page instruc- problem — dare anyone say this? tial actions: Does it protect and proposal to ban sex- burned effigies of Ranchi Cardinal tion, approved by Pope Benedict — the problem is the bishops. promote the dignity of the human selection abortions in Telesphore Toppo, holding him XVI in June, is titled “Reform of Because you have bishops who person? Does it conform to some- responsible for a Protestant Bible the Higher Institutes of Religious aren't on board," said John Paul thing Jesus would do? U.S. they say insults their indigenous Sciences” and was released by the Sonnen, an American Catholic religion. On Sept. 22 protesters Vatican Sept. 25. These special- who lives in Rome. Sonnen and WASHINGTON (CNS) — shouted slogans against the ized institutes were established about 150 others attended a con- Ray Flynn goes home Despite evidence that sex-selec- prelate, the first Asian tribal cardi- after the Second Vatican Council ference in Rome in mid- tion abortions may be occurring in nal, reported the Asian church to offer lay Catholics and conse- September on the theme: after hospitalization the United States, U.S. law affords news agency UCA News. They crated religious in-depth instruc- "'Summorum Pontificum': One “less protection from sex-based blamed him for the publication of tion in theology and sacred stud- Year After." BRIGHTON, Mass. (CNS) — feticide” than India or China do, Raymond L. Flynn, former the “anti-tribal Bible” and burned ies. Particularly in Europe and according to proposed legislation effigies of the Catholic leader in especially in Catholic countries Boston mayor and U.S. ambassa- that is to be introduced soon in the dor to the Holy See, was dis- front of the bishop’s house in like Italy and Spain, the institutes House of Representatives. Ranchi. The Bible Society of primarily served as a means to charged from Brighton’s Caritas Republican Reps. Trent Franks of St. Elizabeth’s Medical Center India, a Protestant organization, prepare educators to teach religion Arizona and Jeff Fortenberry of published the Bible translation in primary and secondary schools, Sept. 24 following a stay that Nebraska discussed the Prenatal began after his collapse at a Sept. into the Oraon tribe’s Kurukh both public and private. However, Nondiscrimination Act at a Sept. dialect in 2000. Manoj Lakra, a through the so-called Bologna 17 Theology on Tap event in 23 press conference on Capitol Quincy. “Ray is home and is journalist, told UCA News the Process, European countries have OCTOBER 5, 2008 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 7

Full-day kindergarten Sanctuary at Holy Cross comes to Sacred Heart earns Indiana’s ‘Excellence Catholic School in Service’ award WARSAW — The beginning of ROUND THE IOCESE SOUTH BEND — Sanctuary at the 2008-09 school year marked A D Holy Cross, a long-term care com- the beginning of full-day kinder- munity, was awarded Indiana’s garten programming for Sacred Excellence in Service award at the Heart School in Warsaw. Fall 2008 Indiana Association of Responding to a request from par- SOUTH BEND SERRA CLUB HOSTS DAY OF RECOLLECTION Homes and Services for the Aging ents to look at full-day kinder- (IAHSA) conference last week. garten, teachers and administra- The award recognizes only one tors launched the option of full or outstanding long-term nursing half-day kindergarten for the class provider in the state of Indiana of 2021. each year. Currently, there are 120 “Full-day kindergarten similar communities in the state. enhances the learning environ- Joe Doran, administrator, ment for the students by actually Sanctuary at Holy Cross, accepted allowing us more time to explore the award on behalf of the staff and the standards-based kindergarten residents. “We have dedicated our- requirements at a deeper level. For selves to changing the way tradi- instance, we have more time to do tional, long-term nursing care is the ‘hands-on’ activities that were provided,” Doran said. “Respecting difficult to fit into a half-day pro- the wants and needs of our residents gram,” expressed kindergarten is something we believe helps heal teacher Monica Smith. “Our stu- the mind, body and spirit. It is an dents participate in gym, music, honor to be recognized for these library, computers, art, Mass, fam- efforts that we believe our residents ily group activities, lunch and are entitled to.” recess, just like all the other stu- dents in grades 1-6.” Decatur school expands “Sacred Heart has high expec- tations and student accomplish- preschool ments as evidenced by our test DECATUR — St. Mary’s Parish scores,” Principal Mary Ann Irwin and St. Joseph School have recent- commented. “Full-day kinder- ly expanded their preschool garten allows us to give a good capacity by remodeling the build- foundation of skills in reading, ing attached to the school known writing, math, social studies, sci- ELMER J. DANCH as the convent. ence and religion, without stu- A record turnout of both Serra Club members and St. Stanislaus Kostka parishioners The convent, constructed with dents or teachers feeling over- the same materials as the church, stressed. We give them the ‘luxu- greeted Father Paul J. McCarthy, pastor, in New Carlisle for a special Day of Recollection was originally built in 1963 to ry’ of time to enjoy and explore house the Sisters of St. Agnes and the concepts.” that included Mass, eucharistic devotions, spiritual readings, sacrament of reconciliation, be a tie-in to the school. Up to 23 Students love their class pet sacrament of the sick, adoration and benediction. Father McCarthy, who is also chaplain sisters could be accommodated at gerbils, Peanut Butter and Jelly, the convent at any given time. and learn to care for them. With of the Serra Club of South Bend, also provided special literature and was host at the The top floor of the building the assistance of involved and luncheon. now consists of newly remodeled supportive parents, students take preschool rooms — three brand lots of field trips to explore the new classrooms, a large playroom, world in which we live and learn in late September, he’s certainly roller skates. University of Notre Dame. He two new restrooms, two storage more in depth the subjects studied willing to go the extra mile to “It’s important to get students lives in Brookfield, Ohio, with his rooms and two offices. in class. make it happen. involved in the community,” said wife and daughter. This is his first St. Joseph School offers an all Thirty new mobile laptop com- “We’ve been doing this for 10 Blubaugh. “United Way is an book. day Monday, Wednesday, Friday puters are wheeled into the class- years,” said Gough, assistant pro- organization that helps everyone Register for the event by con- 5-year-old program; an all day room or set in the library, and even fessor of business at Ancilla in the community. We do this to tacting Georgette Griffee, R.N., by Tuesday, Thursday, 4-year-old these youngest students wield the College. “I started this my sec- create student participation and Sunday, Oct. 5, at (574) 243-3435. program; a morning Monday, “mouse” and navigate programs ond year at the college. As a awareness of United Way, and we Wednesday, Friday 4-year-old without fear. The class of 2021 is school, we had never historically hope this will continue to be annu- program; and a Tuesday, Thursday already preparing for jobs that Father Pfister to offer raised much for United Way, and al event.” morning 3-year-old program. haven’t even been invented, yet. we thought we needed to change class on Book of They have four staff members and Smith sums up Sacred Heart that. 70 children registered. kindergarten as “a structured, aca- Mother Teresa’s doctor Revelation “All of the presidents here at Numerous parishioners have demic environment where all stu- the college have been big propo- to speak at Little Flower DECATUR — The diocesan been working on this project dents are encouraged to learn and Office of Catechesis is sponsoring weekly for the past year. nents of United Way. It’s part of SOUTH BEND — Dr. Paul A. explore in a fun and positive way. a three-week session on the Book the mission of Ancilla College to Wright, M.D., will share his per- All children are a ‘gift’ to their of Revelation to be held on serve the underserved.” sonal experiences with Mother New Haven parish families, to our school, and to our Thursdays, Oct. 23 and 30 and Along with Sharon Blubaugh, Teresa from his book “Mother community, and it is our job to Nov. 6, at St. Mary of the to celebrate Forty Hours Ancilla College registrar, Gough’s Teresa’s Prescription: Finding find how to ‘open’ their treasures Assumption, Decatur, from 7-9 antics have helped raise awareness Happiness and Peace in Service,” NEW HAVEN — With the inten- so they can reach their academic, p.m. each evening. The sessions and greater funding for those in on Tuesday, Oct. 7 at Little Flower tions of promoting life and voca- social and spiritual potential.” will be facilitated by Father John need through the annual United Church, 54191 Ironwood Rd., tions, St. John the Baptist Parish “The school and parish build- Pfister, pastor of St. Mary, Way Pledge Drive at Ancilla South Bend. Mass will be at 11:30 in New Haven will hold a Forty ing program will allow some Huntington. College. a.m. following by a lunch, presen- Hours devotion beginning Friday, expansion of programs such as The Book of Revelation is The two certainly don’t hold tation and book signing from 12- Oct. 10, with the 8 a.m. Mass preschool and kindergarten in the quite different from how many tel- back when it comes time to make 1:30 p.m. Donations are welcome. through a closing service on 2009-2010 school year,” Irwin evision evangelists present it and the events enjoyable. From Dr. Wright first met Mother Sunday, Oct. 12. stated. “I love to visit the kinder- how popular authors present it — Gough’s summersault into the Teresa in 1992 at the Beato Juan Forty Hours devotion is a garten room and see the bright and it is not a book of fear, but a book lake with Todd Zeltwanger, execu- Diego shelter, a homeless shelter eucharistic devotion consisting of smiling faces there. It really is of hope for the faithful Christian. tive director of Institutional run by the Missionaries of Charity. continuous adoration of the true. ... ‘Everything you need to Father Pfister will offer histori- Advancement, to the full costumes He began treating Mother Teresa Blessed Sacrament, solemnly know is learned in kindergarten.’” cal context and an understanding he and Blubaugh wear, to the in 1994. Dr. Wright received the exposed, by shifts of people for 40 of the apocalyptic of writing annual Radio Flyer race that will Catholic bishops’ 2003 Voice of hours. Families from the parish Ancilla College holds 10th in the first session, and he encour- be held in the near future on a date Hope Award, which is given to an have signed up for the shifts, but ages participants not to miss the annual United Way to be determined, students have individual who reveals excellence, all are invited to pray before the first session. been more involved than ever in creativity and leadership in charity Blessed Sacrament. Pledge Drive Participants should bring their the pledge drive. and justice. In 2004 he received The closing service will Bibles. DONALDSON — John Gough is Gough also stated that if the the Thomas A. Dooley Award include 16 priests and the Knights Registration is available online not afraid to think outside the box goals of the pledge drive are met, from the Notre Dame Alumni of Columbus Honor Guard on at www.diocesefwsb.org/OC when it comes to getting his point Jennifer Maddox, executive direc- Association. This award is Sunday, Oct. 12, at 4 p.m. under Adult Faith Formation, by across to students. tor of United Way in Marshall bestowed upon an alumnus who St. John the Baptist Church is calling Janice Martin at (260) 399- So if it means dressing up in a County, will participate in the stu- has shown exceptional service and located at 943 Powers St. For 1411 or through e-mail at costume from “American Graffiti” dent events and will wear a curb care for humanity. Wright is a car- additional information, contact the [email protected] and jumping into Lake Galbraith waitress outfit complete with diologist and graduate of the parish at (260) 493-4553. 8 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 5, 2008 Catholic authors’ series opens with the wit of Evelyn Waugh

BY ANN CAREY ly mature mastery of English Mankowski what they should prose” and “was incapable of read first of Waugh’s works to writing a boring sentence.” Even acquaint themselves with the NOTRE DAME — Writing in his casual and mundane writ- author. He recommended that to satire, which is humor or sarcasm ing of letters and diaries, Waugh amuse themselves, they read that critiques society, can be displayed “remarkable, flawless “The Loved One” or “Decline “dangerous moral ground to craftsmanship.” And in writing and Fall.” To learn to write well, occupy,” said Jesuit Father Paul dialogue in his books, he had a he said one could read any of Mankowski, because satire causes “genius for conveying spoken Waugh’s letters or diaries. The pain for its target and fosters English,” Father Mankowski said. priest said that “Brideshead ridicule. Waugh was attracted to Revisited” was one of his favorite Speaking at the University of Catholicism not by any aesthetic Waugh books, and Waugh Notre Dame Sept. 23, Father appeal to church thought it was Mankowski was the first lecturer music or archi- his best work, in a series that focuses on promi- tecture or ritual; but later in life nent figures in Catholic literature. he already had “Waugh couldn’t have Waugh consid- The title of the series this year, that with the ered “Helena” which is sponsored annually by Anglican to be his best Notre Dame’s Center for Ethics Church, Father been a good satirist work. and Culture, is “Wit’s Way to Mankowski The second Wisdom: Four Catholic Satirists.” said. Rather, if he were not a Catholic.” speaker in the British Catholic author Evelyn Waugh found series, Notre Waugh was the subject of Father the appeal of JESUIT FATHER PAUL MANKOWSKI Dame Professor Mankowski’s lecture. The Jesuit Catholicism to Ralph priest is a native of South Bend be the church’s McInerny, was who grew up in St. Pius X Parish, “universal claim to speak Sept. so he combined a family visit to authority that 30 on Baron with his Notre Dame appearance. required sub- Corvo. On Oct. Two days after the lecture, he mission of mind 7, Father returned to Rome, where he is a and spirit.” Marvin scholar of Scripture and Hebrew Waugh couldn’t have been a O’Connell, longtime Notre Dame at the Pontifical Biblical Institute. good satirist if he were not a history professor, will speak on Father Mankowski had high Catholic, the priest said, because G.K. Chesterton. Joseph Pearce praise for Waugh, who lived Waugh realized that the Christian of Ave Maria College will talk between 1903 and 1966. Waugh satirist must place himself under about Oscar Wilde on Oct. 14, wrote 13 novels, several travel the same criteria as his targets, and Holy Cross Father Charles books and biographies, diaries and he must use satire to instruct, Gordon, a theology professor at and thousands of letters. Father not just to ridicule. Shame can Portland University, also will Mankowski spoke about three ANN CAREY cleanse and cause some people to speak on Evelyn Waugh on Oct. aspects of the man: Waugh as a Jesuit Father Paul Mankowski of the Pontifical Biblical Institute in Rome reform, Father Mankowski said, 28. prose writer, as a convert to was the opening speaker in this year’s Notre Dame’s Ethics and Culture and when satire is true, it helps The lectures all take place at 8 Catholicism and as a satirist. Center’s Catholic authors series, “Wit’s Way to Wisdom: Four Catholic people to see truth, and this is a p.m. in DeBartolo Hall, Room As a prose writer, Father Satirists.” After his Sept. 23 lecture, Jesuit Father Paul Mankowski talked positive contribution toward 155, and are free and open to the Mankowski said that, from an to many of the Notre Dame students who attended his lecture on Evelyn moral advancement. public. early age, Waugh had a “freakish- Waugh. Students asked Father

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For more information contact Hall’s Guesthouse at: Saint Francis Chapel in Trinity Hall 2701 Spring Street, Fort Wayne (260) 489-2524 • www.DonHalls.com OCTOBER 5, 2008 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC 9 Brannick clinic committed to serving poor DECATUR PARISH BREAKS GROUND FOR NEW GYMNASIUM SOUTH BEND — Perhaps the longest arm that reached out to help the poor and underprivileged who had no funds for medical help belonged to Holy Cross Sister Maura Brannick, who is best known for establishing the Chapin Street Clinic. Today, the sparkling clinic is known as the Sister Maura Brannick, CSC, Health Center. It is located at the corner of Western and Chapin streets, just about a stone’s throw from its original start in a two-bay garage on Washington Street in 1986 at downtown South Bend. A few years later, Sister Maura found an empty building PROVIDED BY KARLA HORMANN that was abandoned on Chapin Street and she turned it into a St. Mary of the Assumption Parish and St. Joseph School health clinic where services were in Decatur celebrated the official groundbreaking for their provided only for those who received no government funds of new gymnasium on Sept. 6. The gym will be built across any kind. the street from their school building where their play- She tapped the volunteer serv- ices of many doctors who during ground use to be. They raised over $3 million by running a the years provided no cost servic- dual Building on Our Heritage campaign along with the es to the poor and needy. Since 1986, the old and new Legacy of Faith campaign that the diocese ran. The gym- clinic has provided more than ELMER J. DANCH nasium is the first part of the construction phase. After the 90,000 patient visits for the needy. Holy Cross Sister Maura Brannick, whose years of devotion of helping The clinic today stands as a land- provide health services for the poor and needy is a legacy. Sister is con- gym is completed they will begin work on the parish hall mark to her legacy of caring for gratulated by Nancy Hellyer, chief executive officer of Saint Joseph and gathering space that will be attached to the current the poor and needy. — EJD Regional Medical Center in South Bend on sister’s retirement. rectory and church. in the Notre Dame vs. Purdue football game in South Bend. She Knights of Columbus said, “What she is saying is hit- GRACE ting home. God’s forgiveness is a big issue.” INSURANCE CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Peggy Beuchel of St. John the Making a difference for life. Baptist, New Haven, said of the WHOLE LIFE • TERM • RETIREMENT conference, “It’s nice to be in a ANNUITIES • LONG TERM CARE • IRA The gift of the feminine gen- space where I am affirmed as a der is no mistake cautioned Catholic woman and I can Benkovic. embrace my Catholic identity The John J. Stackowicz Agency “The capacity in our own with other Catholic women.” Serving the Fort Wayne/South Bend Diocese being to bear another human Cindy Bradtmueller of the John Stackowicz General Agent 574-282-1082 office being is a gift,” she said. For Columbia Ladies of Our Lady of Ed Eckersall - 260-434-1526 Tom Elshire - 260-563-1849 those who cannot physically bear Good Hope Parish in Fort Wayne children, Benkovic calls them to enjoyed Benkovic’s humor while Jim Garlits - 765-473-7459 Keith Praski - 260-833-2024 spiritual maternity saying, “Every she spoke of the commonalities Jeff Goralczyk 574-282-1082 Phil Stackowicz - 574-282-1082 woman is called to be a mother of women. and is always a spiritual mother As the day drew to a close, the Bob Baloun 574-272-3304 too.” KAY COZAD reverence was palpable in the Benkovic opened the second Johnette Benkovic signs books at auditorium as Mass was celebrat- A.M. Best IMSA Standard & Poor’s session titled “Women’s the recent “A Day of Grace,” ed by Father Sylvia. After thank- A++ Certification AAA Influence: His power and Effect” conference. ing Ginny Korhman and all who 1 of only 5 companies to have these impressive ratings, with prayer and spoke passion- volunteered to present the spirit- out of over 1,900 companies! ately of the army of holy women gives us everything to step for- filled day, including a special God is calling to transform ward in this day and time. His thanks to Bishop John M. humanity at this time and place. blessings are always and immedi- D’Arcy, Benkovic left the women “Each of us has a job to do. ately available and that gives us with these instructions, “We can Women impregnated with the confidence.” reclaim our culture for Christ ... spirit of the Gospel can do so Her witness of grief over first Take the light and love of God much to save humanity,” she pro- the tragic loss of her son Simon, with you to your homes and to all posed. and then the illness and death of you meet.” Following a box lunch catered her beloved husband Anthony Of her visit with the women of Our experienced and professional staff is dedicated by Grace College and a visit to drove home the truth about the the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South the book and DVD sales table, abundant blessings of God in Bend and surrounding area, to providing the highest quality of nursing care. where the vivacious Benkovic adversity. Johnnette Benkovic offered • Daily Mass met participants and autographed “I have learned,” she said, enthusiastically, “The openness books, the conference reconvened “that those painful moments are of heart and the receptivity of the • Medicare Certified with song and prayer to open treasures of grace. ... Faith is not people in the Diocese of Fort Father Ed Sylvia’s session titled based in feelings and emotions. It Wayne-South Bend are remark- • Secured Neighborhoods for Alzheimer Care “Male and Female: He Made resides in the intellect and is able. God is doing a great work Them.” There must be collabora- exercised in the will.” in the diocese and in the hearts of • Physical, Occupational, & Speech Therapies tion between men and women the Benkovic’s message of femi- his daughters.” • One and Two Bedroom Assisted Living Apartments priest said, adding that disciple- nine purpose in God’s plan for ship is a lifelong journey. the world in this age of turmoil • Independent Living Patio Homes “Ladies,” he told the attentive brought hope to many. crowd, “the work is great, but Arlene Lewis of St. Mary of For Information, Call: (260) 897-2841 God’s grace is greater.” the Assumption, Avilla, said, 515 N. Main Street, Avilla, Indiana 46710 “Chosen and Sent” was the “Every woman should hear her theme of session four opened by message ... of bringing the world Several parishes within the diocese Provena Health, a Catholic health system, builds communities Johnnette Benkovic following an together to be peaceful.” offer the eight-week women’s of healing and hope by compassionately responding to human afternoon ice cream break. Mylene Weber, parishioner of study, Women of Grace. For Referring back to Ephesians 1:3- St. John Vianny, Mentor, Ohio, more information contact Ginny need in the spirit of Jesus Christ. 4, the enthused speaker reminded was pleased to have the opportu- Korhman at (260) 422-4611 or all present that God offers every nity to join the gathering of e-mail [email protected] Visit us at www.provena.org/sacredheart spiritual blessing saying, “God women, while her husband took fwsb.org. 10 RED MASS OCTOBER 5, 2008 Postmortem on the abuse crisis Canon lawyer, Red Mass brunch speaker, urges vigilance, accountability

own. ... What the code lacks is a Cafardi maintains that it’s up BY DON CLEMMER mechanism for accountability.” to the laity to hold the bishops to Looking ahead, Cafardi still the promises of the Dallas char- n 1962, Father Joseph has his fears about whether the ter, especially since the Dallas Ratzinger (now Pope Benedict church has put the abuse crisis norms have to be renewed peri- IXVI) wrote, “What the church entirely in the past. odically, meaning the bishops needs today ... are not adulators “I’m not sure could decide to extol the status quo, but men ... that every bishop the problem is who face every misunderstanding gets it,” he notes. resolved and and attack as they bear witness ... He says such “Bishop D’Arcy is one of that the no who, in a word, love the church bishops are few longer need more than ease and the unruffled and, in coming them. course of their personal destiny.” to the Diocese of my heroes. He was one of “I think that The legal community of Fort Fort Wayne- would be a Wayne will likely find such a South Bend, is very serious man in Nicholas P. Cafardi, the also visiting a the bishops that got it mistake,” speaker at the Oct. 5 Red Mass friend on this Cafardi says. brunch at the Grand Wayne issue, Bishop right from the very, He says it is Center, as he addresses the topic, John M. D’Arcy. a sad part of “Christian Lawyering: What To “Bishop the nature of Do When The Church Fails.” D’Arcy is one of very start.” pedophiles to Cafardi is an original member my heroes,” seek jobs NICKOLAS CAFARDI of the National Review Board, Cafardi says. where they are the all-lay board created by the “He was one of alone with U.S. bishops to oversee their the bishops that children in compliance with the policies for got it right from positions of protecting children from sexual the very, very authority. abuse by priests put in place at start. I wish “That’s why their June 2002 meeting in we’d had more Bishop D’Arcys people like this become school- Dallas. So he has seen up close in the church of the United teachers. That’s why they become what happens when the church States.” Scoutmasters. It’s why they and its leaders fail. He has stud- become choir directors. It’s why ied it. He has also spoken out they become Catholic priests,” he strongly whenever necessary. says. “It requires constant vigi- Cafardi has even written a lance.” book, “Before Dallas: The U.S. Bishops’ Response to Clergy Sexual Abuse of Children,” pub- lished by Paulist Press. His book documents the time from 1984 on, when the U.S. bishops failed NICHOLAS CAFARDI numerous times to address clergy sexual abuse. One of the few lay people in they were the ultimate the U.S. to have a canon law authority.” degree, in his case a doctorate, While the authority of Cafardi serves on the faculty of the bishop is true, Cafardi the Duquesne University School notes, he says this became of Law, and he brings a deep a problem when such a legal understanding to why the bishop either refused to issue was not addressed. Cafardi address the problem or first looks to every version of the put an abusive priest Code of Canon Law, the law of back in ministry. the church, dating back to the end As a group, the of the first century. bishops’ discus- “All of those collections of sions on the issue church law make it very clear were in execu- that the sexual abuse of minors is tive session, a crime,” he notes. “The problem meaning a is that we failed to follow our complete own law and treat it as a crime.” record Treating it as a crime means does not not only the involvement of civil exist, but, authorities, but also of mecha- putting nisms within the church. the “The church has a very good legal system,” Cafardi explains. pieces “Every diocese has its own together, courts. We have international Cafardi courts at the Holy See in Rome. says, “It “The We have an extensive legal sys- appears that every time the bish- problem with tem that’s been around for a very ops discussed this, they more or our canonical sys- long time.” less said, ‘All we can do as a tem is that there’s But instead of prosecuting group is advise each other no real accountability of bishops abusive priests according to the because the national caucus does built into the system,” he says, not- church’s own law, the U.S. bish- not have the authority to legislate ing that bishops are more account- ops more or less collectively for the entire country.’” able upward, that is, to the pope, ignored the issue until it ruptured While this is also true, Cafardi rather than to the people they gov- publicly in early 2002. cites the example of the bishops ern. As to why the bishops failed of Canada who, despite the same “Now good bishops to act sooner, Cafardi cites a cou- restrictions, were able to agree on are,” he adds. ple of reasons. One was that guidelines they would follow, “Bishops who some bishops were overly con- asking the laity to hold them understand the scious of their own prerogative in accountable as they did so. Christian use their own dioceses. Accountability to the laity, of authority “Nobody could tell them what Carfardi notes, is a big key to will be to do in their own diocese,” he ensuring the abuse crisis will not accountable to explains. “In their own diocese, reemerge in the future. people on their OCTOBER 5, 2008 RED MASS 11 USCCB, CRS urge presidential nominees to ponder world poverty issues are critical issues that are crying sentatives used the Sept. 23 press BY CHAZ MUTH out for attention.” conference as a way of reaching Both campaigns are currently out to the candidates to urge them WASHINGTON (CNS) — focused on the domestic economic to address these issues in their Representatives from the U.S. crisis and the Bush administra- campaigns. Conference of Catholic Bishops tion’s proposed bailout of U.S. The USCCB also has submitted and Catholic Relief Services in a financial institutions, which could its “Faithful Citizenship” statement telephone press conference Sept. cost taxpayers $700 billion or — which address these and other 23 called on the major parties’ more if it’s approved by Congress. moral issues — to both campaigns presidential candidates to lay out With approximately $38 billion and has sought a meeting with their foreign policy strategies in currently being spent on foreign each candidate to discuss the top- relation to the world’s poor and aid — which includes costs for ics face to face, Colecchi said. overseas assistance. foreign embassies and diplomatic O’Keefe also urged Catholics to The campaigns of Democratic missions — both men argued that bring up these issues with the can- Sen. Barack Obama and money spent to address global didates at campaign events and Republican Sen. John McCain poverty is a minimal expense in write letters to editors as a way of have failed to adequately address the federal budget compared to the gaining support for moral con- the global food crisis, the increas- proposed bailout of U.S. financial cerns. ing role of the U.S. Defense institutions. Ultimately, Catholics have the Department in humanitarian work, “There is no doubt the next power to vote for the candidate the refocusing of U.S. foreign administration and Congress has they believe has best addressed assistance, and how the govern- tough financial problems they will these moral issues of conscience, ment should help the poor adapt to have to deal with,” O’Keefe said. he said. climate change, said Bill O’Keefe, “But there is a missed opportunity Colecchi said the U.S. Catholic senior director for the advocacy by the candidates to demonstrate bishops are calling for a new style CNS PHOTO/MIKE CEASER department of the Baltimore-based their own leadership (on these of politics that focuses “more on A young girl stands outside a shack built on stilts in Buenaventura, CRS. matters) and to prove to the voters the pursuit of the common good Colombia, in this January 2006 file photo. The U.S. Conference of The Obama and McCain cam- they can think comprehensively than on the demands of narrow Catholic Bishops and Catholic Relief Services are urging the presidential paigns also have failed to suffi- and broadly about comprehensive special interests.” nominees to ponder issues affecting the world’s poor people. ciently articulate if their foreign issues. The person who can policy programs would promote demonstrate they can do that is religious equality, strengthen inter- more likely to win the election.” national law, support a safe haven If the U.S. government would for foreign refugees, or actively invest in a solution to poverty in pursue a comprehensive resolution foreign countries, those nations between the Israelis and would become better trade part- Palestinians, said Stephen ners, Colecchi said. Colecchi, director of the Office of Nations with fewer poverty International Justice and Peace for issues also tend to be more peace- Thanks Bishop John M. D’Arcy and the the USCCB. ful countries and more peace in the Diocese of Fort Wayne-South Bend for their “This topic is timely consider- world would reduce “the amount service to the community and for this year’s ing that this Friday night (Sept. 26) that we have to spend on defense,” the candidates will be debating for- he said. RED MASS eign policy,” O’Keefe said. “These The USCCB and CRS repre- HALLER & COLVIN, P.C. m Attorneys at Law Barrett & McNagny LLP Robert W. Haller offers a full range of legal services Sherrill Wm. Colvin •Health Care •Corporate Law Stephen E. Lewis •Employment •Estate Planning & Vincent J. Heiny •Employee Benefits Administration John O. Feighner Mark E. GiaQuinta •Finance, Securities & •Litigation & Alternative Mark C. Chambers Taxation Dispute Resolution Robert W. Eherenman •Public Finance •Environmental Suzanne M. Wagner •Business & Real Estate •Bankruptcy & Charles J. Heiny Creditors’ Rights Martin E. Seifert Melanie L. 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WASHINGTON (CNS) — The or worry or problem,” Bishop hearing about it is key to the new becue Sept. 28. U.S. Conference of Catholic Murphy told the newspaper. “We BY CAROL ZIMMERMANN push behind the “Faithful VanPool said she was convinced Bishops has extended invitations think it would be helpful for us to Citizenship” quizzes, an iPod con- the format to discuss faith and to Republican Sen. John McCain have that time and we think it WASHINGTON (CNS) — Ask test on the site and video clips. The political issues would be “much and Democratic Sen. Barack would be helpful for the candi- Catholic teenagers if they’ve read hope is that young people will not more valuable than a presentation,” Obama to meet before the Nov. 4 dates to hear from the teachers of a recent document by the U.S. only get the document’s message although a small presentation was election and discuss their views on the Catholic Church ... as to what bishops and you might get a blank but talk about it, reflect on it and planned to give an overview of a variety of election issues. our concerns are.” look. apply it to their lives. Catholic social teaching. Invitations to the major presi- The invitations are the first in But ask if they’ve heard of the The Web site suggests some for- Students at Melbourne Central dential candidates were sent in recent memory to seek meetings bishops’ statement “Forming mats for talking about “Faithful Catholic High School in August, The Wall Street Journal prior to an election. They were Consciences for Faithful Citizenship,” such as one called Melbourne, Fla., have been taking a reported Sept. 17. sent prior to USCCB responses Citizenship: A Call to Political “Coffee Discussion,” which close look at where the church Bishop William F. Murphy of earlier in September to two Responsibility,” either through a includes a series of questions about stands on a variety of political Rockville Centre, N.Y., chairman Democrats who support legalized podcast, a video quiz on YouTube social issues and Catholic teaching issues in preparation for a congres- of the bishops’ Committee on abortion. Sen. Joseph Biden of or its page on the social networking that friends could informally talk sional candidate forum they Domestic Justice and Human Delaware, the vice presidential site Facebook, and you might get a about over coffee. planned to host Sept. 25. Development, told the newspaper candidate, and House Speaker nod of recognition. And youth ministers and reli- The students created the ques- that five bishops who lead various Nancy Pelosi of California made That’s what the U.S. bishops are gious educators are not limited to tions based on the “Faithful policy committees want to discuss remarks on national television stat- hoping anyway. just making handouts of the docu- Citizenship” document and were to the candidates’ views on social ing their positions on abortion, “Faithful Citizenship,” the docu- ment. Instead they are given ideas moderate the discussion. policies such as abortion, educa- prompting the bishops to clarify ment that urges Catholic voters to for skits, murals, open-microphone Deborah Stafford Shearer, direc- tion, immigration, international Catholic teaching. form their consciences around a nights and prayer services based on tor of the Office of Advocacy and affairs and communications. Neither presidential candidate variety of social concerns based on “Faithful Citizenship.” Justice for the Diocese of Orlando, Any meetings, should they has replied to the requests, Mercy Catholic social teaching, is not Rauh told Catholic News Fla., who helped organize the occur, will be private and off the Sister Mary Ann Walsh, USCCB something new. The bishops initial- Service the outreach to younger forum, said this was the first time record, Bishop Murphy said. director of media relations, told the ly published the document in 1975 people is a recognition that they an event like this was being coordi- “This isn’t born of any concern newspaper. and produce a new version of it have “an important role to play in nated by students; usually it is done about every four years to coincide living out faith as leaders in the on the parish level. with the national elections. Catholic community. They are both But she saw it as an important BEWLEY & KODAY, LLP For starters, its Web site, the future and the present in our “educational moment” for the stu- www.faithfulcitizenship.org, has church.” dents who have been preparing for resources for youths and those who And even if these Catholic the forum in religion and civics work with them. youths are not old enough to vote, classes. The students formulated Attorneys The site is “tech savvy,” accord- she said, they “still have a responsi- questions on abortion, marriage, George N. Bewley, Jr. ing to Jill Rauh, youth and young bility to be faithful citizens” — to health care, the economy and the adult coordinator for the U.S. be active in their communities and environment. & Conference of Catholic Bishops’ to challenge their leaders. To do so, Stafford Shearer said James Koday Department of Justice, Peace and Across the country, youth and they had to learn “a lot about where Human Development. diocesan leaders have taken a vari- the church stands on issues and “I think if the church is going to ety of approaches in getting out the also the diversity of issues” it Indiana Certified Specialists in Estate be effective at communicating the word on “Faithful Citizenship.” addresses, something that is often a message of ‘Faithful Citizenship,’ Becky VanPool, parish outreach surprise to adults, she said. Planning and Administration and all its messages, it needs to do and program development director That’s why she hoped the event so in ways that are appealing to for Catholic Charities of Oklahoma would “get a big parent turnout,” so young people,” Rauh said. City, Okla., worked with the dioce- the lessons on active Catholic citi- She said getting youths to go san young adult ministry program zens would reach an even broader 110 West Berry Street beyond just reading the text or to host a “Faithful Citizenship” bar- audience. Suite 2006 Fort Wayne, IN 46802 Phone: 260-424-0566 Fax: 260-423-1325 Burt, Blee, Dixon, Sutton & Bloom, LLP E-Mail: [email protected] Website:www.bewleykoday.com *Thomas J. Blee Lindsay Hurni

A. Dale Bloom *Robert C. Kruger Renee S. Bloom John T. Menzie *J. Philip Burt Michael C. Moellering The Red Mass *Jeffrey A. Clark Shane C. Mulholland m Timothy L. Claxton *Rachel Osting A time for G. Martin Cole *Carol Bennett Rhodes prayer and reflection *Thomas J. Dixon Stephen J. Shumlas on the meaning *Robert E. Doelling, Jr. Wesley N. Steury of responsible *Jeremy J. Grogg Dennis D. Sutton

leadership and justice. W. Michael Horton *Emily C. Szaferski

Hall & Gooden LLP Attorneys At Law 200 EAST MAIN STREET • SUITE 1000 • FORT WAYNE 810 South Calhoun Street, Suite 100 426-1300 Fort Wayne 260-422-2035 *Parishioners in this diocese OCTOBER 5, 2008 RED MASS 13 Thomas More: interview with Gerard Wegemer

BY ANN CAREY how the professional himself has says to them, “Though you now an important role in the life of are agents of my condemnation, the law. Professor Wegemer invites I hope we will all merrily one DALLAS — St. Thomas More He clearly shows that justice lawyers and judges to visit the Web site for Thomas day be together in heaven.” To is the patron saint of public ser- requires just people and people have that level of good will to vants and those in the legal pro- dedicated toward thinking about More Studies at www.ThomasMoreStudies.org for vari- people who have just destroyed fessions. More himself was a the good of the country, and not ous scholarly papers about More and to learn about the your life and your family is lawyer, judge, diplomat and one particular case or one par- extraordinary. ... chancellor of England. He was ticular issue. Nov. 7-8 conference on Thomas More at the University He has his eyes on eternity, imprisoned in the Tower of Today’s Catholic: How did this but also on the future of London and eventually behead- mindset affect More’s interac- of Dallas. Lawyers, scholars and judges from England England, and he’s trying to ed in 1535 because he refused to tions with King Henry? and the U.S. will give presentations on the trial of teach by his actions and his take the Oath of Succession, Professor Wegemer: More was deeds. ... He’s full of edifying which named King Henry VIII a person of the law willing to Thomas More at the conference, and attendees can surprises: On the scaffolding he as head of the Church of die for the law, and Henry was earn 10.5 continuing education legal credits in ethics. jokes with his jailer. ... This is England and declared the legiti- set on breaking the law, going part of the phenomenal integrity macy of the Henry’s marriage to around the law — the strongest of man. ... To the very last Anne Boleyn. laws of England, the Magna moment of his life, he is work- Professor Gerard Wegemer of Carta and his own coronation ing to live faith in charity and the University of Dallas is direc- oath. More, in a very effective how to bring about constructive negotiator internationally. He lift up the people around him tor for the Center for Thomas and powerful way, without caus- cultural change, even though it was chosen by his colleagues and give them hope. More Studies at the University ing a war, but clearly setting may take a generation or more, because they trusted him. And Today’s Catholic: Which works of Dallas, and he talked to forth the principle, appealed to and he was willing to die Henry knew that people trusted of More would you most recom- Today’s Catholic about Thomas the conscience of the whole because he knew it was for the More, and that’s why he had to mend for public servants? More. country and repeatedly to Henry, good of the country, short term eliminate him. Professor Wegemer: The two Today’s Catholic: Why is until Henry eventually had More and long term. Today’s Catholic: Can you sum classics he wrote in the tower: Thomas More considered such eliminated because he was too Today’s Catholic: So, how can up why More is such an impor- “The Sadness of Christ,” which an outstanding role model for effective. people today emulate him in tant role model for public ser- is his last reflections at the end public servants and those in the Today’s Catholic: After More’s their own professions? vants? of a very diverse and full life, legal professions? death, did the opposition to Professor Wegemer: More is Professor Wegemer: He shows and it’s the last book he wrote, Professor Wegemer: More pres- Henry just dry up? one of the first persons to use the personal virtues one must which has a lot to say about ents the law as a vocation that Professor Wegemer: It took sev- the word “integrity” in the sense have, and there are a range of friendship and leadership. Then deeply affects the life and cul- eral generations, but eventually of moral excellence and true virtues: diplomacy, shrewdness his “Dialogue of Comfort ture of a country. Besides being the principles More set forth consistency of word and and great courage. Probably his against Tribulation,” also written an excellent lawyer and a judge, took hold, the ones that thought. That seems one of the longest lasting effect will be in in the tower, ... is his great con- he trained himself in philosophy, strengthened parliament and greatest requirements of profes- teaching people, but also in his tribution on the nature of suffer- theology and history in order to strengthened the rule of law and sionals in politics today, that writings, how to bear up under ing, how one acquires the understand how to apply and diminished the power that was their word and their action can very difficult circumstances. ... courage to put up with suffering. develop the law. He therefore accumulated in the hands of an be trusted. That’s why More was At his trial, for instance, once represents the profession in its arbitrary monarch. so admired and effective both as he was condemned by 15 col- fullest scope and also shows So More is an example of lawyer and judge in London or a leagues and former friends, he RRROOOTTTHHHBBBEEERRRGGG LLLOOOGGGAAANNN &&& WWWAAARRRSSSCCCOOO ATTORNEYS AT LAW LLP

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Serving the legal needs of individuals and businesses since 1952 14 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 5, 2008

EDITORIAL Cardinal Rigali on the Freedom of Choice Act COMMENTARY

n Sept. 19, Cardinal Justin Rigali, the Archbishop of Philadelphia TODAY’S CATHOLIC welcomes letters from readers. All letters must be signed and include a phone number and address for verification. Oand the Chairman of the U.S. Bishops’ Committee on Pro-Life Activities, issued a letter to all members of Congress voicing his strong Today’s Catholic reserves the right to edit for clarity and length. Address letters to: Today’s Catholic • P.O. Box 11169 • Fort Wayne, opposition to the Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) that may be consid- IN • 46856-1169 or e-mail to: [email protected] ered in this or the next Congress. In his letter, the cardinal noted that not only would this legislation create a “fundamental right” to abortion doesn’t want to offer health care is centered on a fundamental pro- throughout all nine months of pregnancy for virtually any reason, but it Concerned about to a baby born alive during a life stance. ... Conscientious vot- would also invalidate numerous state and federal pro-life laws and, for botched abortion. He has voted ers won’t feel comfortable in the first time, make abortion an entitlement that must be supported and straying from against the Live Baby Act on either camp.” promoted with state and federal tax dollars. Roman Missal three separate occasions even All one has to do is look at According to an analysis of the legislation by the U.S. Bishops’ though the United States Senate the 2008 platforms of each party Associate General Counsel, Michael Moses, FOCA is a radical mea- Why do many priests feel a voted unanimously to approve it. on the issue of abortion to see sure that would almost certainly invalidate a broad range of state need to ad lib certain parts of the He has said an additional doctor the enormous differences laws, including: holy Mass, “source and summit should not be brought in to between them. The 2008 • Informed consent laws like the one in Indiana that requires that a of the Christian life?” When one attend to the baby when that Democratic platform states, woman seeking an abortion be offered information about fetal devel- reviews the Roman Missal, there would burden the original deci- under the heading of “Choice”: opment, the risks of abortion, alternatives to it and the opportunity to are only a very few places that sion made by another doctor and “The Democratic Party strongly see the ultrasound of the child and hear her heartbeat; permit options, and those options the aborting mother. He has said and unequivocally supports Roe • Laws like the one that pro-life Hoosiers struggled for years to see are carefully scripted. Also, CIC he would not want his own v. Wade and a woman’s right to enforced that require an 18-hour waiting period in order for a woman Can. 846 §1 states, “In celebrat- daughters to be punished by a choose a safe and legal abortion, to weigh that information before having the procedure performed; ing the sacraments, the liturgical baby if they made a mistake. regardless of ability to pay, and • Parental notification or consent laws like the one in our state that books approved by competent Mr. Obama supports embry- we oppose any and all efforts to requires that a minor have a parent’s consent unless a court allows her authority are to be observed onic stem-cell research, voted weaken or undermine that right.” to make the decision by herself; faithfully; accordingly, no one is against filtering pornography on The 2008 Republican party • Laws like the one in Indiana that outlaw a particular abortion to add, omit, or alter anything in school and library computers and platform states, under the head- procedure, such as partial birth abortion; them on one’s own authority.” voted for sex education for ing “Maintaining the Sanctity • Abortion clinic regulations, even those designed to make abor- Often the liberties taken by kindergarten children through and Dignity of Human Life”: tions safer for women, like the recently passed law in Indiana that the celebrant are distracting, fifth grade. He has voted against “Faithful to the first guarantee of regulates abortion clinics so that they must meet the same minimal sometimes they are silly, and a bill barring early release from the Declaration of Independence, requirements as do other surgical centers; occasionally they are theological- prison for criminal sex offenders. we assert the inherent dignity • Laws like those in our state that promote childbirth over abortion ly problematic. Could it also be He is also against tax credits and sanctity of all human life and and which refuse to fund abortion except to save the life of the moth- that the example set by priests and vouchers for private schools. affirm that the unborn child has a er; influences so-called Catholic Perhaps most important is the fundamental individual right to • Laws like the one in Indiana that requires that abortions only be politicians like Sen. Biden and kind of judges Mr. Obama along life which cannot be infringed. performed by a licensed physician or one that would require that Sen. Pelosi who “ad lib” the with Mr. Biden will nominate for We support a human life amend- abortionists have local hospital privileges in order to better assure church’s teaching on abortion? the Supreme Court. They both ment to the Constitution, and we their competence as physicians; Since the bishop is unable to support liberal judicial activists. endorse legislation to make clear • Laws like the one in our state that require that abortion providers monitor regularly these infideli- Mr. Biden has proved hateful in that the Fourteenth Amendment’s maintain certain records with respect to performed abortions; and, ties, I also pray that priests his treatment of Justices Thomas, protections apply to unborn chil- perhaps most disturbingly, would not react indignantly to a Roberts and Alito during their dren. We oppose using public • Laws like those in Indiana that protect the conscience rights of suggestion from the laity that the confirmation hearings. revenues to promote or perform doctors, nurses and hospitals from performing or cooperating with the holy Eucharist might be celebrat- Speaking well and looking abortion and will not fund orga- performance of abortions. ed more reverently if the missal good do not equal a good leader. nizations which advocate it. We Such a sweeping, universal and devastating strike at hundreds of were “observed faithfully.” We should all work toward the support the appointment of pro-life laws across the country — many of which have been success- I am also reminded of St. Faithful Citizenship themes. judges who respect traditional ful in reducing the number of abortions — would undeniably lead to Luke 16:10, “He who is faithful However much of what both par- family values and the sanctity a sharp increase in the numbers of those killed. In fact, according to a in a very little is faithful also in ties provide is empty promises and dignity of innocent human statistical analysis by Dr. Michael New of the Heritage Foundation, much.” and campaign rhetoric. Rarely life.” parental involvement laws, informed consent laws and funding Parker Ladwig are these promises fulfilled. In addition, Wessling’s asser- restrictions alone save an estimated 125,000 unborn children per year South Bend Health care has been in crisis tion that “the Republican party in the United States. long before the present adminis- has had years of opportunity to Ominously, among the 20 Democratic and independent senators Present records tration. Louisiana was poverty actually move in that direction who have already signed on as sponsors of this radical measure, three and views stricken long before Katrina. with nothing to show for it” is of the most outspoken are Senators Barbara Boxer, Hillary Clinton Given that, we must go on the simply untrue. and Barack Obama (see list at www.aul.org/FOCA). In fact, last year, The recent news article in the candidates’ records and what The U.S. Bishops’ Pro-Life Sen. Obama pledged at a Planned Parenthood event that “the first Sept. 7 issue of Today’s Catholic they have already done. Mr. Secretariat can point to numerous thing that I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act. written by Dennis Sadowski on Obama’s record is extreme and accomplishments in the pro-life That’s the first thing that I’d do.” Barack Obama seemed like a not compatible with Catholic political arena in the past several In closing his letter, Cardinal Rigali made this blunt assessment: glossed over political endorse- teaching. years, including the Partial-Birth “We can’t reduce abortions by promoting abortion. We cannot reduce ment of Mr. Obama. The column Let us hope that we as Abortion Ban Act and the Born abortions by invalidating the very laws that have been shown to presented Mr. Obama in a favor- Catholics do not do anything to Alive Infants Protection Act. Not reduce abortions. We cannot reduce abortions by insisting that every able light but left out some key present less than the whole pic- only have positive things been program supporting women in childbirth and child care must also facts that should be considered ture of Mr. Obama and his run- accomplished, but just as impor- support abortion. No one who sponsors or supports legislation like by Catholic voters. ning mate. I hope future articles tantly, the well-funded pro-abor- FOCA can credibly claim to be part of a good-faith discussion on Mr. Obama has an extreme will not present only campaign tion political agenda has been how to reduce abortions.” voting record and a willingness promises made but actual records thwarted, especially with regard to misrepresent that record. He and views. to taxpayer funding of abortion, has a 100 percent rating by pro- Marianne Dunne the tying of U.S. foreign aid to Headline Bistro: choice organizations. He is the Fort Wayne aggressive population control co-sponsor of the Freedom of programs which include abor- Because Catholics need to know Choice Act which would make Look at the tion, and the pressure to force Speaking of staying tuned, back in August, the Knights of partial birth abortion legal again, Catholic hospitals to provide Columbus launched a new Web site and e-mail news service called require taxpayer funding of abor- platforms abortion “services” or referrals. Headline Bistro, which is “dedicated to bringing readers the top, tions and strike down all limita- Frank Wessling’s commentary To boldly state, as does daily headlines that Catholics need to know.” The idea is to present tions on abortion that have been “Politics and abortion: What’s Wessling, that nothing significant national and international news stories “from the perspective of fought for over the years. He has the choice?” which was reprinted has been accomplished through Catholics who want to know what is happening in the church, promised to sign this act into law in the Sept. 21 issue of Today’s the political process nor is likely nation and world around them.” It’s well done and worth checking as president. Catholic seems an egregious to be, does not reflect either a out. In the article, Sister Simone attempt to create an erroneous balanced review of the facts or Campbell, executive director of moral equivalence between the the position of the U.S. bishops. Network uses the faulty argu- Democratic party and the Lisa Everett Today’s Catholic editorial board consists of Ann Carey, Don Clemmer, Fred ment that better health care will Republican party on the issue of Co-director, Office of Family Life and Lisa Everett, Father Mark Gurtner, Father Michael Heintz, Tim reduce the number of abortions. abortion by claiming that “nei- Diocese of Fort Wayne–South Bend Johnson and Vince LaBarbera. Mr. Obama’s extreme stance ther of our major political parties OCTOBER 5, 2008 COMMENTARY 15 CATEQUIZ’EM Being in Christ By Dominic Camplisson efore his conversion and renaming, Paul was known In October, the church remembers St.Therese of Lisieux. Bas Saul. We are told he NOTRE DAME CENTER FOR LITURGY was on a journey to Damascus 1.Where is Lisieux? when a light from the sky sud- DEDICATED TO LITURGICAL RESEARCH a.France denly flashed around him. He fell AND PASTORAL LITURGY b.Belgium to the ground and heard a voice c.Canada saying to him, “Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?” What do you suppose went The Year of St. Paul 2.According to some sources,Therese’s mother had this ambition: through his mind? He had been a.to be the first flying nun to reach Mach 2 persecuting disciples that b.to be a saint belonged to a new sect growing demanding to know why he came this mystical connection? c.to vote for the separation of Quebec from the British provinces up in Jerusalem. They believed to persecute them? Emile Mersch wrote about incredible things about a carpen- So Saul asked, logically how the faithful possess Christ 3.Not unusual for in those days, ter from Nazareth, and Saul was enough, “Who are you, sir?” within them. He said, “Since that a.Therese and four siblings that survived and four that died doing his part to stop it. Three In reply came a whole doc- day, when (Paul) saw Christ in b.Therese’s parents had to surrender the oldest son to be raised as chapters earlier in the Book of trine of the church (an ecclesiolo- the church which he was perse- Acts, he had stood by at the exe- a Janissary gy). The answer was not “I am cuting, it seems that he can no c.the children’s father sold them off to buy beer cution of one of their number, Stephen,” or “I am one who you longer look into the eyes of a named Stephen. Did he wonder if dragged out and handed over for Christian without meeting there it was Stephen’s voice he heard imprisonment (Acts 8:3).” The the gaze of Christ.” 4.When she was four,Therese lost: now questioning him from the answer came, “I am Jesus, whom This was a turning point for a.her rosary sky? you are persecuting.” This Paul. He went away, into the b.her mind Saul was also traveling north stopped Saul in his tracks. desert for three years to search c.her mother with letters to present to the syna- Paul thought he was persecut- the Scripture to figure it out. gogues in Damascus. These gave ing a group of people, but the When he finally did, his under- 5.During a childhood illness,Therese prayed to Mary and him permission to bring back in voice from heaven accused him standing set the terms for what chains anyone he found who a.St.Komodo, patron of people who are feverish of persecuting the very Son of has since been known as the mys- b.drank unconsecrated communion wine until cured belonged “to the Way.” Did he God. Christ was connected to the tical body. The church is not just wonder if the voice he was hear- Christian more truly than Paul a group of like-minded persons c.was inexplicably cured ing on the Damascus road was could have imagined before his one of his future victims? blinding illumination. What was 6.What nickname is used of St.Therese? Perhaps they were crying out, PAUL, PAGE 16 a.La Petite b.The Little Flower c.The Belgian Waffler

We bring chaos upon ourselves 7.Unlike many saints,Therese had a short life,dying when she was a.24 allowed the paganism of these tenants kill these servants. God sent neighbors to influence policy. more servants. They too were killed. b. 34 The Epistle to the Philippians Finally, the Son of God was sent, c. 44 THE provides the second reading this also to be killed. Finally, God drives weekend. the tenants from the vineyard. 8.She died a member of this order SUNDAY Philippi was an important mili- a.the Carmelites tary post in the Roman Empire, Reflection b.the Dominicans GOSPEL located in modern Greece. As c.the Bonne Secours such, it was a thoroughly pagan The church has called us to dis- cipleship during these weeks. It MSGR. OWEN F. CAMPION community. Because of their wor- 9.Where did Therese serve as a missionary? ship of the God of Israel, of Jesus restates this call in these readings. as the son of God, and because of Ultimately, today’s lesson is not a.the Belgian Congo their devotion to the Gospel values about doom and destruction, b.Mali and later Senegal 27th Sunday in of love, sacrifice and life in God, although both Isaiah and Matthew c.Nowhere — she was never a missionary pagans looked upon Christians feature unhappiness and death. Ordinary Time with disdain, at best, as threats at Rather, the message is of salvation 10.All of Therese’s siblings who survived infancy Mt 21:33-43 most. and hope. a.died before she was born Before long, this disdain for By disobeying, or ignoring, b.became Protestants God, we bring chaos upon our- The first section of the Book of Christians in the empire erupted c.became nuns Isaiah is the source of this week- into outright persecution. selves. God does not hurl thunder- end’s first reading. Understandably this Epistle had bolts of anger and revenge at us. The prophet then speaks direct- to encourage and reassure Instead, we create our own eternal 11.And all but one ly to the people. He speaks as Philippi’s Christians. It admon- situation. We choose to sin. We a.was a girl God, in the first person. ished the Christians of Philippi choose to be with God, or to be b.became a Carmelite nun In this reading, the prophet always to be faithful to God, without God. Salvation is not c.was married employs an image with which his always to be holy, and indeed forced upon us. We choose our contemporaries would have been never to fear opposition or even plight of death and hopelessness. 12.When Therese wanted to be a nun she was dissuaded by very familiar, the image of the persecution. All is not necessarily lost. The a.the local bishop wonder, and great opportunity, in vineyard. The prophet describes St. Matthew’s Gospel is the b.her fiancé Hugo Naught the land of God’s people as a vine- source of the third reading. all this is that God accepts us back yard. The vineyard belongs to As has been the case on other if we repent. God is merciful. By c.her mother God. God tends the vineyard. weekends, the selection for this forgiving us, God returns us to the Lavish in generosity and care, God weekend is a parable. Again, the vineyard, there to find life and 13.Her autobiography is called fills the vineyard with the choicest story is about a discussion between goodness forever. a.“I Was a Teenage Carmelite” vines. Jesus and priests and elders. b.“The Way of the Cross” The author of this section of Voicing the parable, Jesus refers to c.“The Story of a Soul” Isaiah was very disappointed with a “landowner,” who of course is READINGS his people. Furthermore, he saw God. Sunday: Is 5:1-7 Ps 80:9, 12-16, 14.Eventually she got her wish and became a nun,but only after going to see them moving along a path that The landowner has planted a 19-20 Phil 4:6-9 Mt 21:33-43 a.the pope would lead to their destruction. vineyard. (Remember the first What was happening as a reading? Vineyards often were Monday: Gal 1:6-12 Ps 111:1b-2,7-9, b.Napoleon III result? The people were polluting used in the Old Testament to 10c Lk 10:25-37 c.the fist Belgian Movie,“Dracula et le banque de sang” God’s vineyard. They became wild describe the nation of Israel.) The Tuesday: Gal 1:13-24 Ps 139:1b-3, grapes, sour and repulsive, unwor- vineyard belongs to God. Those 13-15 Lk 10:38-42 15.Pope John Paul II declared her a Doctor of the Universal Church.Which other thy of being in the beautiful vine- who occupy the vineyard merely Wednesday: Gal 2:1-2, 7-14 Ps women have that title? yard. They themselves were creat- are tenants. God protected this 117:1bc, 2 Lk 11:1-4 a.Mother Teresa and Mary Madgalene ing their own doom by being dis- vineyard by surrounding it with a Thursday: Gal 3:1-5 (Ps) Lk 1:69-75 b.Teresa of Avila and Catherine of Siena loyal to God. hedge, and then God went on a Lk 11:5-13 c.The Virgin Mary and St.Catherine De Medici They were disobedient in their journey, leaving tenants to tend the Friday: Gal 3:7-14 Ps 111:1b-6 Lk laxity in religious observance, at vineyard. 11:15-26 least in the prophet’s mind. In due course, the landowner ANSWERS: Saturday: Gal 3:22-29 Ps 105:2-7 Especially troubling for him were sends his servants to the tenants to 1.a, 2.b, 3.a, 4.c, 5.c, 6.b, 7.a, 8.a, 9.c, 10.c, 11.b, 12.a, 13.c, 14.a, 15.b the leaders who were flirting with collect the yield. However, the ten- Lk 11:27-28 neighboring pagan states and who ants have turned against God. The 16 COMMENTARY OCTOBER 5, 2008 All Christians are called by Jesus to poverty of heart

How does the church view maintaining I think, do not know this.) acts morally in his pursuits and Is the pope the authority over the uni- personal wealth and financial planning Diocesan priests are able to own seeks to attain material goods in versal church or only the Roman if Jesus teaches to give your goods material goods for themselves. order to benefit others, his own Catholic Church? TC,Fort Wayne However, diocesan priests are THAT’S vocation and the work of the away and love your neighbor as your- Our firmly-held belief is that self? TC,Fort Wayne asked to live “in the spirit of church. In fact, it would be poverty” which means that they A GOOD wrong, for example, for the father the “power of the keys” given to The call of Jesus to be poor are to avoid ostentation of life of a family to try to act like a Peter by Jesus and shared by extends to every one of his fol- and are to live simply. QUESTION monk by not owning any material every successor of St. Peter, the lowers. However, how that pover- Lay people too, of course, are goods. His children would not popes, extends over the entire ty is lived out is unique to each able to own their own material have food to live on. This would universal church. You can see follower according to the specific goods and should discern God’s be a great injustice and, indeed, more on this in the Catechism of vocation of each. Some are called will for their use. We would espe- Christians are called by Jesus to against God’s will. In addition, the Catholic Church, numbers by Jesus literally to give up cially cite the principles of stew- poverty of heart. As Jesus would someone who seeks to be suc- 881-882. Certainly, mostly all everything in following him. ardship here by which we recog- say, “Blessed are the poor in spir- cessful in business more than Christians who are not Catholic Among these especially would be nize that everything that we have it.” One can be literally poor, but likely contributes to the ability of would not accept that. religious brothers, sisters and is a gift from God, and we should not poor in spirit, that is, a literal- others to maintain jobs which Nonetheless, we believe it to be priests. Religious make a vow of return to God a portion of what ly poor person could be filled then in turn benefits their own true. poverty by which they renounce he has given to us in thanksgiv- with envy and greed. On the families. the right to own anything. Now ing for the work of the church other hand, a materially wealthy Again, Jesus calls all of us to this does not mean that they must and the helping of the poor and person can be truly poor in spirit, poverty of heart and to detach- live in abject poverty. Rather, all needy. However, the primary use detached from his possessions ment from material goods, but their resources belong to the of their material goods should be and using them in poverty of how that is lived out is deter- Father Mark Gurtner, pastor of Our entire community and from the in the fulfilling of their vocation, heart for the good of others. mined by God’s call to us in our Lady of Good Hope, Fort Wayne community they receive what especially the mother and father It is not against the Christian specific vocations. answered this week’s questions. they need to live and to fulfill who must obtain the goods neces- spirit for a person to seek to be their vocation. sary to take care of themselves successful in business and finan- Diocesan priests do not make and their children. cial matters as long as that person a vow of poverty. (Many people, In general, though, all SCRIPTURE SEARCH

By Patricia Kasten Marriage, civility, persecution Gospel for October 5, 2008 n Spain , today, Juan can walk Catholic Church. Will the Matthew 21:33-46 into a civil registry office, Catholic Church be at risk for Ipresent a letter from his teaching that human nature is not THE Following is a word search based on the Gospel physician stating that a change of infinitely malleable, and that the reading, Cycle A, from Matthew about the ungrateful gender is required for his mental sacramental love of man and CATHOLIC and murderous tenants. The words can be found in all health, and, without further surgi- woman, expressed conjugally, is directions in the puzzle. cal ado, be issued a new national an icon of the interior life of DIFFERENCE identity card declaring that Juan God? Will Catholic priests who LANDOWNER PLANTED VINEYARD is now Juanita. In San Francisco decline to perform “gay mar- GEORGE WEIGEL WINE PRESS BUILT TOWER (a European entrepot currently riages” be subject to prosecution LEASED TENANTS SEIZED attached to the California coast), for “hate crimes?” (Canadian BEAT SAME WAY RESPECT the city council and county board evangelicals who preach classic HEIR DEATH READ have officially deplored the biblical morality are already sub- low-citizens? STONE BUILDER REJECTED Catholic Church’s teaching on ject to monetary fines levied by • Should federal funds be used the moral character of homosexu- provincial kangaroo courts, more to support elementary and sec- TAKEN PRIESTS FEARED al acts as “insulting to all San formally dubbed “human rights ondary schools programs and Franciscans,” “defamatory,” commissions.”) Will the Catholic textbooks which teach that “mar- “hateful,” “ignorant” and “insen- Church have to get out of the riage” can mean Heather’s two VINEYARD TENANTS sitive.” Does anyone doubt that, civil marriage business (i.e., mommies (or daddies)? if San Francisco had official priests no longer serving as offi- YAWEMASTONED identity cards, it would follow cers of the court for purposes of Question for Sen. Barack Spain’s example and establish validating a marriage). Will Obama RRBU I LTHJDDE transgendering-by-legal-fiat? Catholic marriages in the United EEWENASNEKAT The “gay liberation” move- States eventually resemble mar- You have said that you would ment’s extraordinary success in riages in, say, communist-era press for “hate crime” laws and a WJO I ADEZH I NN getting many Americans to think Poland: a sad joke of a civil cere- “fully inclusive” Employment OERKNT I BTSRA of homosexuality as akin to race mony, followed by the liturgical Non-Discrimination Act. Under for purposes of civil rights law is ceremony? such laws, would Catholic TCEPSEREADKL one of the most impressive, if Thus, some questions that schools be prosecuted for not hir- ETDESTPFEJWP wrong-headed, political accom- Catholic voters might wish to ing openly gay teachers, and plishments of the past generation. pose to the two principal presi- would orthodox Catholic teachers NELLFNXRDNLO Removing legal restrictions on dential candidates: be prosecuted for teaching what AD I LDRAYEN I V homosexual conduct between the Catholic Church teaches consenting adults was never the Questions for both about the moral character of NJUAPELEASED movement’s ultimate goal, how- homosexual acts? If not, why TYBGFGHDPSSQ ever. The movement was, and is, candidates: not? determined to use coercive state • Is “marriage” the stable SLANDOWNERPR power to enforce its expansive union of a man and a woman? If Question for Sen. John © 2008 Tri-C-A Publications www.tri-c-a-publications.com ideas of equality, indeed its con- so, should that definition be rec- McCain victions about the plasticity of ognized by law? At the state human nature and institutions, on level? At the federal level? By Given your experience in the the entire society. the U.S. Constitution? military, would you favor a poli- In the current election cycle, lar exercise and nourishment. It • Should Catholic social serv- cy of neutrality towards sexual is fed in the Eucharist; wounds this involves a full-court press to ice agencies working with orientation, explicit or otherwise, PAUL redefine marriage, and to compel are healed in anointing and orphans be legally required to in the armed forces of the United penance; it is communally struc- others to accept that redefinition. consider gay couples on an equal States? CONTINUED FROM PAGE 15 The people of California, having tured in orders and marriage. The basis as foster care providers? head instituted the different had gay marriage forced upon How about as potential adoptive them by the split verdict of a who get together for mutual sup- sacraments in order to meet all parents? port on Sundays. They are the the vital needs of life divine in confused California Supreme • Do you believe that homo- Court, are now asked to declare body of Christ, and Christ is their his mystical body. sexuality is the equivalent of race head. They are in him, and he is Mersch said that after the themselves on the issue by refer- for purposes of U.S. civil rights endum. No one need doubt that in them. Damascus Road, Paul could not law? Is any public statement in We enter this body in baptism. look into the eyes of a Christian this question, and a host of relat- defense of classical biblical sexu- ed questions, will eventually By baptism, we are grafted into without seeing Christ. If only this al morality a de facto act of intol- the mystical body of Christ, and were still true — that when any- involve the entire country. erance and discrimination against If it does, and if the movement George Weigel is a senior fellow of now his energy flows through us. one looks into the eyes of a gays? What are the requirements the Ethics and Public Policy The church is a living body, and Christian they meet there the wins, its victory will pose some of civility vis-à-vis our gay fel- very grave questions for the Center in Washington, D.C. like all life, it must receive regu- gaze of Christ. OCTOBER 5, 2008 TODAY’S CATHOLIC 17

USF JUNIOR EARNS NAIA SPECIAL TEAMS RECOGNITION University of Saint Francis junior tailback Daniel Carter has been named NAIA Special Teams Player of the Week for his performance in the Cougars’ 55-7 win at Taylor on Sept. 20. Carter becomes the first USF player selected for the NAIA honor since LB Brian Kurtz was selected during the 2006 season. This is the 10th time a USF player has Sports been selected for the weekly honor, and Carter is the eighth different player to earn the honor. St. Anthony-St. Joseph Week 6 CYO games played at USF Graham Renbarger had an intercep- could not even begin to name BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN tion and Jeffrey Heaton blocked a names. cruises to first place punt for the winners. “This win moves our team to a FORT WAYNE — Gridiron games Earlier in the week, the Royal new level this season. I told the 27 yards for the Blazers’ second for “Week 6” of Catholic Youth Reds got their first “W” of the sea- kids all week that there are two to BY ELMER J. DANCH score in the fourth period to seal Organization (CYO) football play son by defeating St. Jude in week three teams in the top ring of the the win. The Crusaders picked up were held at the University of four’s rain out, makeup game. St. CYO this year. I told them it was SOUTH BEND — The St. the safety in the fourth period Saint Francis on Sunday, Sept. 28. Jude led at the half, 8-6, scoring on up to them if they wanted to be in Anthony-St. Joseph football com- when the Blazer punter stepped on Redeemer Radio highlighted the a quarterback sneak by Gus that ring or not,” concluded Deiser. bination has continued to flex its the line in the end zone. “ironmen” from St. John New Schrader, but the Royal Reds went Eagles Jocquel Cooper and offensive power in the Inter-City The deadlock for first place in Haven against Jeff Weddle’s Royal on to win, 20-8. St. Jude also did Channing Williams scored for the Catholic League (ICCL), and the the junior varsity division contin- Reds from Precious Blood/Queen double duty this week, but fell to St. Eagles while Sam Stronczek was Panthers remain as one of the two ues with St. Anthony-St. Joseph of Angels. Charles 28-0 in Sunday’s matchup. 2-2 on point after attempts in the unbeaten teams in the circuit. and Mishawaka Catholic. According to Raider Coach Mixing things up just before loss. Behind the accurate passing of The Mishawaka Catholic Saints Dan Carey, the Royal Reds “came the last week of regular season Eagle Coach Jim Carroll said, Frankie Karczewski who fired two nipped Corpus Christi Cougars, 13- well prepared and played hard.” play, the JAT team handed the only “Hats off to the JAT team. They touchdown strikes, the Panthers 6, on the strength of Joe Molnar’s But it was the Raiders who ended undefeated team in the league, the played with a great level of tough- racked up their third straight win in 15-yard touchdown pass to Will up on top by a score of 34-6. St. John Fort Wayne/Hessen ness and effort and executed very the ICCL with a 21-0 victory over Whitten and Michael Voor’s 15- Carey added, “The game felt Cassel Eagles, their first loss of the well.” the Holy Family Trojans. yard touchdown dash in the fourth closer than the score indicated. season in a huge 24-16 overtime In the final game of the day, St. Karczewski tossed a 25-yard period. PB/QA did a good job all day.” The upset. With the score all knotted Vincent lost to a tough Holy Cross touchdown aerial to Matt Pinter The Cougars’ score came on a Raider offense was once again led up at 16 at the end of regulation, team 32-8. The Panthers lone early in the skirmish and later 35-yard touchdown aerial of by its running back Adam McCarthy JAT scored first in the extra min- touchdown came on a 15-yard came back with a 20-yard touch- Garrett Lukens to Noah Sheer in who scored three touchdowns in the utes and the Eagles were not able pass play from Nick German to down strike to Andrew Smith in the third period. victory. Dillon Carey and signal to answer back. Ryan Burns, with Steven Colligan the third period. St. Anthony-St. Joseph Panthers caller, Jake Britton, added one a An elated Knights Coach Mike converting on the PAT kick. Denton Gillis closed out the rolled over Holy Family Trojans, piece for the Raiders who improved Deiser reported that it was such a Holy Cross is now 5-1 along scoring for the Panthers in the 24-7, behind the scoring of Chris to 5-1. On the other side of the ball, tremendous team effort that he with the Raiders and Eagles. fourth period with a 10-yard burst Lippert who raced for touchdowns over center. Phillip Brier added the on scampers of 40, 65 and 35 conversion points. yards. Andrew Kimm added the St. Matthew’s Blazers chalked fourth 35-yard touchdown for the Cardegals compile cross country accolades up a win with a sparkling 12-2 Panthers on a 55-yard run. decision over Christ the King-Holy Nicholas Williams picked up (CYO) cross country action, 20-10 mark. Cross Crusaders. the lone score for the Trojans on a BY MICHELLE CASTLEMAN Coach Dan Kaufman reports that Recently, both teams took top Dominique Sanders tallied the burst to complete a 35-yard drive. the Cardegles from St. Jude and honors in the Huntington Catholic Blazers’ first touchdown on a 1- St. Matthew and the Granger FORT WAYNE — At the midpoint St. Charles boys have compiled a Invitational. In the varsity boys’ yard plunge to complete a 34-yard Catholic Titans played to a score- of 2008 Catholic Youth League 25-7 record, while the girls are at a race, Luke Miller won the blue rib- drive. Then Tyran Ottbridge raced less tie. bon while Danielle Colone was the second place girl behind Addie Reimbold of St. Joseph-St. Listener supported Elizabeth. The Cardegles junior varsity squad also won both the boys’ and girls’ meets. Brandon Underwood and Christina Mercedes took top spots for the champs. Tuesday, Sept. 23, the team competed in the Lutheran Middle School Invite at Concordia Seminary and was victorious in both the boys’ and girls’ competi- Catholic Radio AM 1450 tion once again. In the individual results, Luke Miller’s 10:37 pace Cast your vote for was just a second ahead of the Lutheran team runner-up earning Catholic Radio him first place. St. Joseph-St. Elizabeth’s Addie Reimbold won the girls’ race while Danielle Colone finished second. FALL Earlier in the season, the boys finished seventh of 20 teams at the SHARATHON Indian Springs Middle School Invitational. The girls finished ninth in the same meet. October 22-24, 2008 7am - 7pm Overall top runners for the boys are Luke Miller, Jake Malmstrom, Tyler Johnson, Jacob Kohlmeyer, 24 hour news, talk and information from the Tony Giron, Sean McManus and John Richter. Individuals running Catholic perspective out front for the girls are Danielle Colone, Karen Eckrich, Maddy www.redeemerradio.com Obergfell. LeeAnn Moeller, Gabrielle Acree and Emily Miller. To contact us or to provide financial support: The Cardegles are set to run in [email protected] the New Haven Classic yet, the Redeemer Radio, 4705 Illinois Road, Fort Wayne, IN 46804 Carroll Middle School meet and the Cardegle Invitational on Oct. 9 260-436-1450 at Shoaff Park. 18 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 5, 2008

“Eagle Eye” (DreamWorks) them into obedience, while an FBI language and some uses of profani- New book Well-executed action yarn about agent (Billy Bob Thornton) and an ty; possibly acceptable for older MOVIE two strangers, a gifted underachiev- Air Force investigator (Rosario teens. The USCCB Office for Film details corporate er (Shia LaBeouf) and a divorced Dawson) try to track them down. & Broadcasting classification is A- CAPSULES mother (Michelle Monaghan), who Though its solution is hardly origi- III — adults. The Motion Picture strategies that are thrown together when they nal, director D.J. Caruso’s sleek Association of America rating is become the unwilling agents of an puzzler provides sufficient diver- PG-13 — parents strongly cau- promote peace NEW YORK (CNS) – Following are anonymous, seemingly all-powerful sion along the way. Moderate tioned. Some material may be inap- entity that uses technology and per- action violence, brief sexual humor, propriate for children under 13. capsule reviews of movies sonal information to blackmail one use of the F-word, much crude NOTRE DAME — A new book issued by the U.S. Conference edited by the director of the University of Notre Dame’s of Catholic Bishops’ Office for Center for Ethics and Religious Film and Broadcasting. Values in Business outlines how FROM THE CREATORS OF some of the nation’s top compa- ““ ”” nies have implemented corporate “Nights in Rodanthe” (Warner FACING THE GIANTS strategies that foster peace. Bros.) “Peace Through Commerce: Sensitively played but synthetic Responsible Corporate Citizenship tale of a betrayed wife (Diane and the Ideals of the United Lane), mulling her errant husband’s Nations Global Compact,” edited (Christopher Meloni) surprising never leave your partner behind by Holy Cross Father Oliver F. request to return to her, and a trou- Williams, contains case studies bled plastic surgeon (Richard documenting the efforts of busi- Gere), coming to terms with the nesses that include IBM, Bristol- death of a patient, who connect at a In Theatres Myers-Squibb, General Electric, North Carolina waterfront inn, offer Nestle and Ford. each other comfort and, of course, The book, published by Notre fall in love. Stage director George 9.26.08 Dame Press, includes essays by C. Wolfe makes his feature-film major business leaders and schol- debut with this gauzy adaptation of ars who discuss the issues present- Nicholas Sparks’ best-seller which, À>AJ=HJGG>akYf]p[]dd]fl^adel`Yl ed by the U.N. Global Compact, a though it has little overtly objec- eYc]keYjjaY_]%[geeale]flj]YdYf\ forum in which multinational busi- tionable content in terms of graphic nesses work to promote human sex or language, romanticizes an YllYafYZd]oal`;`jaklÃk_jY[]&Á rights, prevent violent conflict and objectively adulterous affair. A few Archbishop Joseph E. Kurtz contribute to peace. expletives including one use of the Archdiocese of louisville Launched in 2000 with more F-word, mild innuendo, a non- than 5,000 businesses participat- graphic sexual encounter, and the Check Website for Local Listings ing, the compact is the world’s acceptance of nonmarital sexual largest voluntary corporate citizen- relationships and divorce. The Fireproofthemovie.comFireproofthemovie.com Fireproofmarriage.comFireproofmarriage.com ship organization. USCCB Office for Film & Father Williams, who also is an Broadcasting classification is A-III associate professor of management — adults. The Motion Picture at Notre Dame, is the editor or Association of America rating is author of 14 books as well as PG-13 — parents strongly cau- numerous journal articles on busi- tioned. Some material may be inap- ness ethics. propriate for children under 13.

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Send in your Bristol Charles Borromeo Maxine M.Shuman, 90, Dorothy V.Steffen, 96, Little Flower announcement at least two weeks prior to the event. Mail to: Today’s Catholic, P.O. Box 11169, Gerald Kramer, 95, St. St.Mary/Annunciation Fort Wayne 46856; or e-mail: [email protected]. Events that require an admission charge Elizabeth Ann Seton Edward L.Varga, 87, Richard P.O’Bryant, 64, St.Anthony de Padua or payment to participate will receive one free listing. For additional listings of that event, please Goshen St.Mary/Annunciation call our advertising sales staff at (260) 456-2824 to purchase space. Robert E.Yarger, 44, Thomas J.Hojnacki, 87, Churubusco St.John the Evangelist Our Lady of Hungary Paul A.Schmidt, 74, Paper and can drive benefit Habitat for Huntington Florentine S.Zalai, 95, MISC. HAPPENINGS FUNDRAISERS St.John Bosco Public square rosary crusade Knights plan fish fry Humanity and an orphanage Carl M.Brown, 83, Christ the King Fort Wayne — The Bishop Fort Wayne St.Mary Diocesan wide — A public South Bend — The Knights of Ingeborg M.Bowman, square rosary crusade will be Columbus Council 5521, 61533 Dwenger Social Justice Club will Joan C.Kearney- Phyllis J.Christman, 77, 76, St.Matthew held at the following parishes S. Ironwood Dr., will have a fish be sponsoring a paper and can Childers, 80, Cathedral drive to benefit a Bolivian Sts.Peter and Paul Cathedral Saturday, Oct. 11, at noon. fry on Friday, Oct. 3, from 5 to 7 of the Immaculate Sacred Heart, Warsaw on the p.m. Adults $7.50, children (5- orphanage and Habitat for Humanity. Paper and aluminum Conception Mishawaka Loretta C.Paprocki, 80, northwest side of the Courthouse 12) $3. Chicken strips for $7.50 Richard A.Scheibulhut Holy Family Square; Queen of Angels, Fort and shrimp for $8.50 will be cans will be accepted from 9 James E.Benecke Sr., a.m. to noon Oct. 18, in the Sr., 94, Queen of Peace Wayne; St. Mary of the available. 77, St.Jude Carrie M.Lapczynski,m southeastern parking lot of the Assumption, Avilla and St. John McCarthy, 77, 94, St.Anthony de school. Students will be available Sean Vincent Matea, Charles, Fort Wayne. Fish fry announced St.Joseph Padua Warsaw — The Knights of to help. Call Melissa Wheeler at 11, St.Elizabeth Ann A Call to Conscience: Columbus Council #4511 will (260) 496-4600 for information. Seton Notre Dame Mary L.Kapitan, 88, responsible Catholic voting forum have a fish fry on Friday, Oct. 3, Sister Marian T. St.Anthony de Padua Pancake Breakfast Beverly A.Roach, 64, Notre Dame — Sacred Heart from 4:30-7 p.m. at the Knights Slattery, CSC, 73, Warsaw — The Knights of St.Charles Borromeo Helene Manning, 79, Parish will host a Catholic voting hall on Bell Drive. The cost is $8 Church of Loretto for adults and $4 for children Columbus Council #4511 will St.Matthew Cathedral forum Thursday, Oct. 9, at 7 James M.Hooper, 74, p.m. at the parish center located ages 6-12. Fish, baked beans, sponsor a pancake breakfast on Lillian Toth Fahey, 84, Saturday, Oct. 11, at the Knights St.Joseph off Douglas Rd. A panel discus- green beans, coleslaw, apple- Basilica/Sacred Heart Warsaw Hall on Bell Drive from 7-10:30 Ted A.Stamper, 66, sion moderated by Robert sauce and beverage included. Philip E.Jockel, 78, a.m. Tickets are $5 prior to the Sacred Heart Schmuhl will include Notre St.Charles Borromeo Dame Professors J. Matthew Breakfast brunch breakfast and $6 at the door. Ashley, Father Daniel Groody, Fort Wayne — St. Peter Church, Vincent Rougeau and James 500 E. DeWald St., will have a Tenderloin Fry Holy Name Society plans fish fry free. Carry-out will be available Sullivan. Issues addressed will be breakfast brunch in their Warsaw — The Knights of New Haven — The St. John the at adult or children’s meal prices. the environment, immigration, Pavilion on Sunday, Oct. 12, Columbus Council #4511 will Baptist Holy Name Society will respect for life and the economy. from 8-11 a.m. Adult tickets are host a tenderloin fry on Friday, have a fish fry Friday, Oct. 3, St. John plans rummage sale $5, children 12-16 are $3 and Oct. 17, from 4:30-7 p.m. at the from 4-7 p.m. Adults $7, chil- South Bend — St. John the Miracle of Fatima remembered children 11 and under are free. Knights Hall on Bell Drive. dren 5-12 $3.50 and children Baptist Parish’s Altar and Rosary New Haven — A Mass, proces- Tickets are $6, which includes under 5 free. Society will have a rummage and sion and rosary will be held Sigma Alpha Chi Sorority pasta bake, tenderloin, fries, coleslaw and bake sale Oct. 18-19, from 8 a.m. drink. Monday, Oct. 13 at St. John the silent auction and wine tasting Knights sponsor fish, tenderloin fry to 6 p.m. on Saturday and from 8 Baptist Parish beginning at 11:15 Fort Wayne — St. Jude Hall will Fort Wayne — A fish and tender- a.m. to noon on Sunday. a.m. in honor of the 91st host the Sigma Alpha Chi Spaghetti dinner loin fry sponsored by the anniversary of the miracle of the Sorority event Thursday, Oct. 23, South Bend — The Knights of Knights of Columbus Father Knights plan fish fry sun at Fatima. from 5-9. Dan and Krista Columbus Council #553 will Solanus Casey Council 11276 Fort Wayne — The Knights of Stockman, wine critics from the have a spaghetti dinner Saturday, will be held Friday, Oct. 10, Columbus Council 451, 601 St. Therese School 50th anniversary Journal Gazette will be featured. Oct. 18, from 5-7 p.m. at the 553 from 5-8 p.m. in the new parish Reed Rd., will have a fish fry on Fort Wayne — St. Therese School Dinner is $8 for adults, $5 for E. Hill St. council hall. Tickets cafeteria at St. Elizabeth Ann Friday, Oct. 3, from 5 to 7:30 will have an all-school reunion children 4-12 and those under 4 are $6 for adults, $3 for children Seton Church. Adult meals will p.m. The cost is $7 for adults, $3 weekend Oct. 10-12. All alumni, free. All proceeds benefit local 14-6 and children under 6 free. be $8, children ages 6-8 will be for children 12 and under. Fish, families and friends are invited. charities. Cash bar available. $5 and children five or under are two sides and beverage included. Friday: fish fry at 5 p.m. and reception at 9 p.m. after BLHS football game. Saturday: 3 p.m. ADVERTISEMENT open house, 5 p.m. Mass, 6 p.m. dinner. Sunday: 9 a.m. pancake breakfast and open house. Visit www.sttheresefw.org/school. Hospice Care May Prolong Life Little Flower Holy Hour Fort Wayne — Father Jason Freiburger will celebrate the holy Report shows patients live an average of 29 days longer hour at MacDougal Chapel, Tuesday, Oct. 7, at 7:15 p.m. A STUDY PUBLISHED in the patients. “In other words, survival periods between those St. Vincent Thrift Store plans 99 cent March 2007 issue of the Journal patients who chose hospice care who received hospice care and coat sale Fort Wayne — St. Vincent de of Pain and Symptom lived an average of one month those who did not. Paul Thrift Store, 1600 S. Management reports that longer than similar patients who Calhoun St., will have a 99 cent hospice care may prolong the did not choose hospice care,” Longer lengths of survival were coat sale Monday, Oct. 13, lives of some said Mark Schomogyi, M.D., found in four of the six disease through Saturday, Oct. 18. Store categories studied. hours are from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. terminally ill Visiting Nurse & Hospice Home’s patients. medical director. Fall play presented at BD Fort Wayne — Bishop Dwenger Among the National study will be present “George Washington Slept Here,” Oct. 30, patient Researchers selected 4,493 at 7 p.m., Nov. 1 at 7 p.m., and populations terminally ill patients with either Nov. 2, at 2:30 p.m. Reserved studied, the congestive heart failure (CHF) or www.VNHH.org seating is $10, adult tickets are Mark Schomogyi, M.D. $7, and student and senior tickets mean survival cancer of the breast, colon, lung, 260-435-3222 800-288-4111 are $5. All performances will be was 29 days longer for hospice pancreas or prostate. They then (Indiana Only) in the main gym. Call Ryan patients than for non-hospice analyzed the difference in 5910 Homestead Road • Fort Wayne, In 46814 VanAntwerp at (260) 496-4730 for more information. 20 TODAY’ S CATHOLIC OCTOBER 5, 2008 Speaking the Truth session energy, water, house, food, health because, “I thought it would be care and lastly, hope. cool to come and learn deeper “What does Jesus call us to do? FAITH knowledge of the faith and under- He calls us to be the person to help CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 standing what we actually stand the outcast, to help the poor for.” And when asked if she feels because he’s not here anymore,” she has to defend the faith, she Wheeler said. moment. He, in his own broken- replied, “I go to public school, and ness, was pointing to God and that sometimes it’s a battle.” Ask the Bishop helped me to know, someday in Taylor said she came with her my brokenness, I can point some- youth group and said she was The morning portion of the pro- one to God,” he said. excited about the year of St. Paul gram concluded with the popular Kronk finished his speech by and wanted to experience it with Ask the Bishop session. explaining 1 Cor. 12-13; spiritual others in the diocese. Cindy Black, director of the gifts and the meaning of love, and The leader of the Speaking the Office of Youth Ministry and he told the teens, “Live your life as Truth session, Joe Garcia, told the Formation, explained, “Each year a gift to someone else. Whatever teens, “When trying to defend your at Faithfest, Ask the Bishop work- you’re doing, it’s important to do it faith, focus on holiness and base it shops fill up quickly and go over on love.” on time because the bishop is so as a gift.” DENISE FEDOROW “When some- good about answering young peo- Megan The audience of approximately 350 teens across the diocese respond one challenges ple’s questions, and he knows Oberhausen, with laughter to Popple’s routine at Faithfest. who along with you on faith, you’re challenged a lot.” Cindy Black “I go to public school, and that’s how you Teens lined up with questions and women need the sacraments. Issues like abortion, racism, an organized the grow and can be including Hannah Oberhausen of When you’re alienated from a per- unjust war, torture of prisoners and event, said, “We a better witness,” Our Lady of Good Hope in Fort son you need an embrace, a phone disregard for the poor all count, are so blessed in sometimes it’s a battle.” Garcia said. Wayne who asked why women call, you need that sign that you’re and voters have to prayerfully con- this diocese to In the He can’t be priests. forgiven. When you go to confes- sider these things. KAYTLYN TAYLOR have wonderful Became Poor Bishop D’Arcy said it was a sion you hear the words ‘You are “This election for Catholics is people with gifts session led by question of the church’s fidelity to forgiven.’” very difficult,” he said. of speaking and Melissa Christ, and women have important Marissa Johnson of St. Robert Other questions posed regarded knowledge of Wheeler, teens roles in the church. “It does not Parish in North Manchester asked stigmata and helping friends deal the faith.” were asked to imagine seven mean men are closer to Christ,” he what we need to look for in a pres- with crisis of faith. Teens had a wide selection of things being taken away from their said. “I know a lot of women — idential candidate. Bishop D’Arcy The afternoon program includ- workshop sessions from which to family one by one so they’d be liv- sisters and lay people who are said he sent a letter to priests in the ed reconciliation, adoration, music choose. ing like more than 1 billion people closer to God than me.” parishes. “The Catholic Church by Frankie and the Holy Rollers, Kaytlyn Taylor of St. Joseph in developing countries live. Those The bishop also answered why does not tell you who to vote for; I Mega Sessions, Mass with the Parish, Mishawaka, attended the seven things include clothing, we confess sins to priests. “Men myself find it very hard.” bishop and XLT.

Today’s Catholic BOOK OF THE MONTH CLUB This month’s featured selection: “Journals and Letters of Mother Theodore Guerin” Foundress of the Sisters of Providence,Saint-Mary-Of-The-Woods,Ind.Edited with notes by Sister Mary Theodosia Mug,SP n the coast of Brittany, where the Atlantic casts a her companions, nursed other passengers, baptized a dying brooding mist on the rocky shores of France, a girl child, and all the while kept a journal so highly detailed Owas born in 1798, whose destiny was in America, that it included the number of teeth on a porpoise caught and whose work would build from nothing, a religious by the crew. community with international boundaries and a blueprint This single characteristic of unswerving attention to the for Catholic education in America. job at hand in the midst of many possible distractions is She was Anne-Therese Guérin, the eldest of four chil- seen throughout her life. Steadfast faith in the Blessed dren. Two brothers died in childhood, and her sister lived Mother and her Son sustained her. Obstacles were seen as to old age. opportunities for spiritual growth and reminders of the When Anne-Therese was 14 years old, her father, a cap- cross. The greatest of these was in the person of the man tain in the French navy, was robbed and murdered on a who recruited her for America, Celestine de la Hailandiere, journey home. bishop of Vincennes. He had the embarrassing experience The tragedy so devastated her mother, that Anne- of seeing a subordinate — a woman — outdistance him in Therese was forced to assume care of the home, her 8- achievements and leadership and it caused him to turn year-old sister and her mother. against her in a tormenting way that lasted seven years. It At the age of 25, she entered the Sisters of Providence caused him great suffering to observe Mother Theodore of Ruellé-sur-Loir and was given the name Sister St. become comfortable with English, while he made no Theodore. progress with “this language which I shall never know.” Meanwhile and far away in Vincennes, Ind., a need for While he and some others experienced homesickness Catholic missionaries in the New World resulted in a for France, Mother Theodore never saw America as a request to France for assistance. place of exile. She called Saint-Mary-Of-The-Woods this Although she did not volunteer for the mission, Sister beautiful place expressing joy as she returned to “my St. Theodore was chosen to lead five other sisters to a new beloved Indiana” ... wishing to kiss its soil. When she home in America where she would be the superior of the referred to herself and others as “we Hoosiers of the motherhouse and superior general of any other houses Woods,” the transplant seemed complete. Visit www.diocesefwsb.org/blog for discussion on this book. established from it. It is from this point in her life that Mother Theodore • With the Sister of Providence firmly established in had difficulties so daunting, but faith and focus on Questions for discussion Indiana, the influence of the sisters led to many religious Providence so unwavering that the results were eventual • When Sister St. Theodore was mother superior, she vocations. One Fort Wayne parish had more than 90 girls prosperity for the Sisters of Providence in America, and a was in poor health, short on money, oppressed by her enter the religious life, most of them with the Sisters of more highly distilled consequence, sainthood for Mother bishop, and operating under conditions of the times, i.e., Providence. Is it possible that such interest in religious Theodore. the trip from Terre Haute to Fort Wayne was a five-day vocations will ever return? Consider that the little band of six, none of whom could journey by stage and canal boat. Yet she maintained that • We take it on faith that Sts. Peter, James, John and oth- speak English, embarked on a small sailing ship, the “if you lean with all of your weight upon Providence, you ers walked on earth with Christ in far away places. We Cincinnati, on a 40-day voyage of seasickness, storms at will find yourselves well supported.” Can you place your- know that our Hoosier saint, Mother Theodore Guérin, sea, cramped quarters, bad food, a fire on board, fights self in her position? traveled Indiana, visiting many places in between. Does among the crew and hostility from fellow passengers. that make the sainthood level more realistic and attainable? Under such conditions, Mother Theodore encouraged

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