The Chief of Staff’s Professional Reading List

his reading list is an impor- These readings will deepen our under- personal course of reading, study, “Ttant element in the profes- standing of the history of armies, the thought and reflection. I challenge sional development of all leaders in critical role of leadership in combat, each of you to tackle these books the Army. We can never spend too and the strategic environment of today and improve your power of critical much time reading and thinking and the future. There is simply no bet- thinking and understanding of the about the Army profession and its ter way to prepare for the future than a profession of arms.” interaction with the world at large. disciplined, focused commitment to a —GEN Raymond T. Odierno

About the Program contain thought-provoking ideas and The Face of Battle: A Study of Agin- The U.S. Army Chief of Staff’s Pro- information relevant to our dynamic court, Waterloo, and the Somme. John fessional Reading List is divided into Army today and into the future. Keegan. four sublists: The Army Profession, The Forgotten Hero of My Lai: The The Force of Decisive Action, Broaden- The Army Profession Hugh Thompson Story. Trent Angers. ing Leaders and The Strategic Environ- Band of Brothers: E Company, 506th Grey Eminence: Fox Conner and the ment. Taken together, these readings Regiment, 101st Airborne from Nor- Art of Mentorship. Edward Cox. will help soldiers or Army civilians mandy to Hitler’s Eagle’s Nest. Stephen Grunts: Inside the American In- sharpen their critical faculties and E. Ambrose. fantry Combat Experience, World War broaden their understanding of the Between War and Peace: How Amer- II through Iraq. John C. McManus. military art. These books also comple- ica Ends Its Wars. Matthew Moten, ed- Lincoln and His Generals. Thomas ment materials currently used in the itor. Harry Williams. Army educational system and can help Boyd: The Fighter Pilot Who Changed A Message to Garcia. Fra Elbert bridge the intervals between periods of the Art of War. Robert Coram. Hubbard. formal instruction at Army schools. It Command Culture: Officer Educa- Nineteen Stars: A Study in Military is imperative for members of the Army tion in the U.S. Army and the German Character and Leadership. Edgar F. profession to be well-read in all aspects Armed Forces, 1901–1940, and the Con- Puryear, Jr. of our honorable and selfless calling. sequences for World War II. Jörg Muth. Once an Eagle. Anton Myrer. Any professional reading list is, of Constitution of the United States. Partners in Command: George Mar- course, only a brief introduction to the Available online at shall and Dwight Eisenhower in War many books worth reading on Army and Peace. Mark Perry. history, heritage, leadership and world ence/charters/constitution.html. Personal Memoirs of Ulysses S. events. The list is just a starting point Dereliction of Duty: Lyndon John- Grant. Ulysses S. Grant. on a journey of discovery and devel- son, Robert McNamara, the Joint The Profession of Arms. General Sir opment. This selection of books also Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies that Led John Hackett. does not imply that the Chief of Staff to . H.R. McMaster. Supreme Command: Soldiers, States- endorses the authors’ views or inter- Eisenhower: A Soldier’s Life. Carlo men, and Leadership in Wartime. Eliot pretations. Nevertheless, these books D’Este. A. Cohen.

22 ARMY I March 2012 The Unforgiving Minute: A Soldier’s Broadening Leaders lution and Conflict in the 21st Cen- Education. Craig M. Mullaney. The Age of the Unthinkable: Why tury. P.W. Singer. The New World Disorder Constantly The Force of Decisive Action Surprises Us and What We Can Do The Strategic Environment 1776. David G. McCullough. About It. Joshua Cooper Ramo. The Ascent of Money: A Financial The AEF Way of War: The American Blowback, 2nd Edition: The Costs History of the World. Niall Ferguson. Army and Combat in World War I. and Consequences of American Em- Boomerang: Travels in the New Mark E. Grotelueschen. pire. Chalmers Johnson. Third World. Michael Lewis. American Military History, Volume Cables from Kabul: The Inside Story The Clash of Civilizations and the II: The in a Global of the West’s Afghanistan Campaign. Remaking of World Order. Samuel P. Era, 1917–2008. Richard W. Stewart, Sherard Cowper-Coles. Huntington. general editor. A Choice of Enemies: America Con- Descent into Chaos: The United An Army at Dawn: The War in North fronts the Middle East. Lawrence States and the Failure of Nation Build- Africa, 1942–1943, Volume One of the Freedman. ing in Pakistan, Afghanistan, and Cen- Liberation Trilogy. Rick Atkinson. Credibility: How Leaders Gain and tral Asia. Ahmed Rashid. Battle Cry of Freedom: The Civil War Lose It, Why People Demand It. James The Forgotten Continent: The Battle Era. James M. McPherson. M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner. for Latin America’s Soul. Michael Reid. : Discourses on Livy. Niccolò Machi- The Grand Strategy of the Byzan- and America in Vietnam. Neil Sheehan. avelli. tine Empire. Edward N. Luttwak. The Cambridge Illustrated History The Devil You Don’t Know: Going A History of Modern Iran. Ervand of Warfare. Geoffrey Parker, editor. Back to Iraq. Zuhair al-Jezairy. Abrahamian. East of Chosin: Entrapment and The Dynamics of Military Revolu- Kevlar Legions: A History of Army Breakout in , 1950. Roy E. Ap- tion, 1300–2050. MacGregor Knox and Transformation 1989–2005. John Sloan pleman. Williamson Murray, editors. Brown. Intelligence in War: Knowledge of the Flawed by Design: The Evolution of Knowing the Enemy: Jihadist Ideol- Enemy from Napoleon to Al-Qaeda. the CIA, JCS, and NSC. Amy Zegart. ogy and the War on Terror. Mary John Keegan. For Whom the Bell Tolls. Ernest Habeck. The Killer Angels: A Novel of the Hemingway. The Longest War: The Iran-Iraq Civil War. Michael Shaara. How: Why How We Do Anything Military Conflict. Dilip Hiro. The Landmark Thucydides: A Com- Means Everything. Dov Seidman. Monsoon: The Indian Ocean and prehensive Guide to the Peloponnesian The Instigators: How A Small Band the Future of American Power. Robert War. Robert B. Strassler, editor. of Activists Risked Their Lives and D. Kaplan. On Killing: The Psychological Cost Helped Bring Down The Government The Most Noble Adventure: The Mar- of Learning to Kill in War and Soci- of Egypt. David Wolman. shall Plan and How America Helped ety. Dave Grossman. Leading Change. John P. Kotter. Rebuild Europe. Greg Behrman. A Stillness at Appomattox (Army Makers of Modern Strategy: From My Life with the Taliban. Abdul of the Potomac, Vol. 3). Bruce Catton. Machiavelli to the Nuclear Age. Peter Salam Zaeef. Summons of the Trumpet: U.S.-Viet- Paret, Gordon A. Craig and Felix Gil- On China. Henry A. Kissinger. nam in Perspective. Dave R. Palmer. bert, editors. Prodigal Soldiers: How the Genera- Supplying War: Logistics from Wallen- The Masks of War: American Mili- tion of Officers Born of Vietnam Revo- stein to Patton. Martin L. Van Creveld. tary Styles in Strategy and Analysis. lutionized the American Style of War. This Kind of War: The Classic Ko- Carl H. Builder. James Kitfield. rean War History. T. R. Fehrenbach. The Net Delusion: The Dark Side of The Quest: Energy, Security and the Tip of the Spear: U.S. Army Small- Internet Freedom. Evgeny Morozov. Remaking of the Modern World. Daniel Unit Action in Iraq, 2004–2007. Jon T. Rethinking the Principles of War. Yergin. Hoffman, editor. Anthony D. McIvor. That Used to Be Us: How America Transformation Under Fire: Revolu- The Starfish and the Spider: The Un- Fell Behind in the World It Invented tionizing How America Fights. Dou- stoppable Power of Leaderless Organi- and How We Can Come Back. Thomas glas A. Macgregor. zations. Ori Brafman and Rod A. Beck- Friedman and Michael Mandelbaum. The U.S. Military Intervention in strom. The Utility of Force: The Art of War Panama: Origins, Planning, and Cri- Switch: How to Change Things in the Modern World. Rupert Smith. sis Management, June 1987–December When Change Is Hard. Chip and Dan The World is Flat: A Brief History 1989. Lawrence A. Yates. Heath. of the Twenty-First Century. Thomas We Were Soldiers Once … and Young: Thinking in Time: The Uses of His- L. Friedman. Ia Drang—the Battle That Changed the tory for Decision-Makers. Richard E. A World Restored: Metternich, Cas- War in Vietnam. Harold G. Moore and Neustadt and Ernest R. May. tlereagh and the Problems of Peace, Joseph L. Galloway. Wired for War: The Robotics Revo- 1812–1822. Henry A. Kissinger. I

March 2012 I ARMY 23