Area Scliooi·Sfudy Leaders .. . .. " '.h' .:" .·~ "" ... Outline Progress fo P'T A Cluilnnon nf r:umm'lltcea ns·· Dr·, n, ~. DeMartin, former The Ing,.am County . Hlll'ftlld to the Mn~on IH'on aulwul <;chool hnnrrl Jll'CHident, tolcl of Hlltii,V rll~t:q~~ed, m·om·ena bpforo tlw nccrl fut· the atqdy, Ho mtld Nlnoty-Eh,lhlh Year- No. 50 (Paid C/rcufatlon- 5,,(0) lite PTA Monduy night. 'l'hcmccl· t.l1o -1!c)wnl ,;orvko nrc~ hJ•H hO!)IJ (7c Per Copy) In~ wun In !ho high Hchonl nufll· rloublorl wit hln the pruil. ~ yoat·s tnJ·Ium, · nnrl lhnt tho honrrl rleslt·cH tho Jllll'tlc!patiHn of n community commlttnc In order to ql!lcltly nnd ;wctn·ntoly lmu·n whlll' the Relief ·Costs pcnplo expect of their school sys· tom. New Leslie Route Uohl\l'l Wnl'l', r:o ~huh·mnu ·show Increase nr f ho ()()IJIJllilt ,. ''• lll';;erl (11'11· 1 )1 C IO offf!J' IJil'iJ' ~!li'Vit:Ct; Oil Heller cost~ ut·e ri~lng und mn,v llw \'lll'iUUK Hllb IIOJnmlftc•·H, for Opening' conllnue to Hse, Wclfnrc Dlrcc­ Ready i\ puhlic: Jlll'l!tlnt;" fG J~n·n fur· lor Dnryl V. Minnis warned Ing­ thcll' J'CWI'IIlh will be 1:ai1Ptl in DriVel's wlil begin tu gel thclt· ham supr.l'visol's Tuesday, ,Janunry, lw Nnlcl, DuvldHnn Co., of Lnnslng, whlc:l1 $5,283,667 bnclt Wednesday when nl~o lncluclcH 2 bridges, one nl n~pot•ts tl1nt economy Is In n Mrn. llohcr·t Scyfnrl11, cr•·r:hnlr· the Jncltsnn·Lesllc stretch of US· minor rr.ccsslon nrc Sl!hstnnllnlcd Parnell mad, 1,1 miles north of man, rear! tho iiHt of suh·commlt­ 127 Is olflclully opened to traffla. US-12, nnd the other nl. the M·50· by mile( e~peJl(lltul'eH, · Minnis tcc chnlrmen and lntmrluccd The 13.8 miles of dun! and llmlted US-12 conne~tlo11 2 milell norl h u! declnmd, Them urc 200 mom 1hem. They wct·e announced 11s access hlt~hway extends !rom U$· US-12. I•'I'Om this connection families rec:clvlnr: direct relief Mr. und Mrs. Ralph Wallon, urea 12 Interstate route (Jncltson south to US-12 the new ronclwayli I han a yCEll' ago, he said, nnd schools; Mrs·, G!!rnld Johnson, north hclt) to Klnnevlllc mnrl In follow the I'OUle of old M-50. lnrllcnllons point to heuvler l'ellef lmnsporlullrm: Mr. nnrl M,rs, Alec Ingbam county, connecting there loar!s In 19:i8, Three other bridge.~· requlrcrl Gilpin, community growth: J. A. lth the !J miles of new road open'ed last year. on the now hlghwnys between 'l'he county will spend $!,670,· Dart, btilldlng construction; Lnu­ Leslie nne! US-12 wct·c buill Ull· OOfl of Its own money on relief rcnec Pnl'lrcsldcpt of btidgll mlllng- lnllhllmtlon on 000 Pl'ovlded in Ingham's l!J58 PTA, welcomed members· l)( the tiro 1\f.liO lr.~erclmnge r;tnuJo budget, Minnis slated. study committee ami urged PTA turo 2 mll(\

RelfefI' ! DebateI • • Brings• Bitter Words · Subdivider. AcQuires. Tuttle Orchard. 'ruttio Orchard· nt Leslie soon may .be out" of b(g.tJme commer· clitl production. Don' Whipp of The .claim ·has not yet been Lansing has bought the orchard placed before '-the . city councll. and plans to split It up fl)to 20; acr·c building silos. . Police Chief Harry Chandler took it to ·"Lansing; Wednesday nQd :rhe; prope1ty, ·owned by Mrs. placed it. before the state high· ~ Esthqr 'rutttc·Balley of Lansing way departmen't. Ash street is 11 P'''' M!'l" Blair cRuthl Freeman state. trunk line.·· · ot,Detroit, bad been on tho mar­ Jaycee President J\cl. wr s~veral · months. Tlti! orchard wns planted and first de· Speaks .in ·Mason velopcd by Arthur J. Tuttle, for. ;Boa~rd Apptoves· mot· feder·aJ judge. During 'most Richard Meyerson of Kalama· of the' yeat•s of operation John zoo, president of Michigan's Jun." Roblnsqn has 'been manage'r. w~;~s Schbol·'• I ·Addition•' lor Chamber of Commerce, ~ : 'rutue 01·chiml h'as long been the spcaiter before the Mason 1{1- Slx 'rtildl\lonal rooms at · Ce~lar of the'st productive in wanls club Tuesday night. , . Street' school wlll be ready for c·e n t r a I Michigan.· Successful Meyerson urged all men and use whim' seli(JOI begins 'January operation theJ'C was a factor In women to .participate In govel'll· 6. With a•few·.intnor·· PfO\Ilslons, liuluclng the planting of Palmer ment at· all levels. He lashed the Ivtason; ·approved and'. Blossom . Orchal'ds. 2 mlles \lt the tendency, toward soc:lalisnl'l the. addiUiili · · · c~t. . . and warned thaf it would to · ' · · communism. People s•!10uld do for themselves many of the things being aslted· of government, the . speaker declared. ' · · i Ferris Strickland, president, and Robert Hall, vlce·presldcJit, of the Mason Junior Chamber, of Commerce, were guests of . ti\e I'iwaills club at the meeting.·.. ·. : lnoharn County News, Mnson, Mi(b,, DC!ccmber 12, 1957 A-2 nnrl ll1e Ii;cunrlndnn 1\lldn:; IJI'U· viclo ahnut. the only place whot'!! I lwre Is. mwh 11 wlrio rnnge nt Leslie aitit ucic! over a short. distance Safety Films niong the cq tlntm•, Snmplea of !:iOil, \Viiter u ml ani· Ho.nor Roll .Announced mal bnJlCS will lw collected frw Are Available lly Chll'll· Slt•ungH Di1niln .Tenlts, Kathy Mr~Lnln, lho AEC, Mnlerlals for the MSU pw111r. Shrou fe, Susnnno Winl,Jm• museum ntirl other cumpus lnb· Selccled erlucnt ionnl · films on Principal Olio HcekHr.J' ci Les· lmil Mnrlcnr. BeaumorH; ornforie:; will be obtninerJ on tlw tl·nl'fic snfety for lite usc of IIH! new C'O\Inty llt·ivnr ~.flfoty sehonis lie high sehool unnm1rwcs tlw l~ighth, Mary Andrews, Gnrnl· tt•ip also, A speclllc pmblel)l of Interest. to t!H~ party concerns helng estnhlfsherJ in Miehignn nt·e honor• roll for- the seconrJ ii weelts 1li11e Amett, Eilzuheth' I3uldwin, ntTercrl l1y Mirlligrtn Stnto unlvm·· ' or I Jw 1O:W·fif! schrml YCill' hy HOilllie Cn~gi'OVI!, Dorothy Kling· water and soil chemistry nnri why there i:; no fish life in certain sity'H higilwny trnffir~ Sltf'oty ron· grndc!s: let•; Caroline Kiin~Jm·, Elizabeth tor nn!llhe mtdio visunl center, Reventh, Vlvinn Arlnms, Donna Mnta, I\aren SJ1ipmnn, I3onnie mountain ~lJ'cams, novee, I.~ohr.rt Emens, Hnlwrl Wm·riowski, Mary Anri Winkler Ono of tiw many nvnlinhle films Fnusr.r, Anne I-lnslwl), Pamela nnri Phyllis Tiollowny; Bowli~g News points 'o11t to till! nrlult moto1·ist: :J!.~~:~ :~~~II_lglllHS, Ch~~~:9_:~~-n~_1 • Ninth, Camlyn Beiswenger, fhnt. the uttilurlc ot' the ririVPI' is 1\fuson l~tll'ly Jlh·ds tile mn.)ot' fnetor in entlsing rwcl· William Chapman, Pulricla Co· Christensen's Forrl Snles nml dents. This film, "The. Cusr of Harry Wallace vert, Luther Craft, Wallace Croft, Muson Home Appliance eneh tooit Ot'f!C'CI' Hnliihranrl," is a pr·esontn· Shnmn Fogg, Hurry Green, 3 points from Bill's I3ait Shop lion of 5 typl's uf Jiolnttn·s nnrl Hea~,s .Lodge f~stlwt• Hamilton, Barbara Hulch· nnd Mill's store while Art's Hum­ the it· lwhavi"r in ln·r•nldng s11 fr>ty inson, Stanley Robinson, .June ilurget• Shop Hlid Kenn's 5 & 10 Jli'Dcii!'CH. L<'slic Masonic Jnrlge No. 212, Wright, Nancy Keni'Oy, Shnmn split points, F. & A. M. elected officers Jm· Kersey, Judy Kelley, .To Ann Sul'olly Jll'rwfic·Hs foil' shu·l· the enming yenr. Mitchell, Susan Monroe, Pntriciu High gnme of 69·1 ancl high lug, ~•tollfling· nn1l !lt·iviug· on 'I'hey nrc: WorsiJ!pful master,' O'Dowr.l, Lila Pierce, Gary Roh· series of l,Ofi3 were rolled by. il'll at'B do•piefed in t lw Him, Hurry Wnllncr., succeeding Lloyrl insnn, Pollie Schmunslet·, ·Betty Christensen's l~orcl Snles. "llon'l. Sl1lrl l'rnu·spJI'," Dutton; ~cnior Wlll'den, nny Smitil, Nondn Whitney, Nancy High incllvl!lunl games nnd Blanlt; .ftmior warden, Ji'l'eci Ruth· J\enmy, Ch.m·Ics, Gunder, Irene 'J'hr.~e lilms lll'e rerommcnclcrl series were: .Jean Dance I·, 151, ig; secretary, HcriJCrt Diddnson; Chmielew~l\1, Ellen Dawson and us teaching aids in the new conn· 181·457; Jerry Griffin, 15'1-437; ty drivm· sdwols IW('IIIIS!! of their t rensurur, .r. Richnrd Schmit.; sen· Carolyn Grieves; June Stubherl, 151-416; Loin lor deacon, Lee Shinn; .!Ltnior Tenth, Sharon Andrews, Den. treatment of spPdlie ril'iving Soule, 162; Mnrilou Calms, 157; Jll'oblems nnri ririvr?r nIt it wles r.leumn, .Timmie Lounsheny; and nls Chappell, George Beaumont, Hazel Sunders-, 15G; .Jeanet.le lilm·, Clare Moorehouse. Lrtny Dayton, Jert•y .Tncl\son, with whidt t!wsr? Hd1oois ure roon· Dart, 152; Lu 'Kolasa, 'J18; Helen c:erac?d. They at'P also Hllitahlc• fot• There will hC! a public installn· Linda Purlter, Joyce Perry, Iris Burlier, 'J09; .June Day, 40'1; nnrl linn nftr!r a turlwy riinnct• servr!d Rhines, Dale VanderLinden, Lnr­ ntfwt· lypi!S of' puhlie eritlf'ntion Bet ly Austin, •JOcJ. I HOW DO I ·LOOK?-Qucen. Eli~nbclh 1II 1sludlc!::·a· brciii'zc progt·ams in traffie snfo'ly. lly the OES at 7 p. m. Salnday, r·y House, Marlene Adams, Chnr­ 'I'eam standings ure: 't( Decmnher 1<1, at the M.tsrmic loll ' .' ' ' ~~ I ' . ' • ' : . • .• ' ' . '> ·: they vlslte~.~r.•and Mrs. Eugepe ....,.,,,,.,. .,-~lien,·.;, , :-.... -... · .:_·:- .. ,· _. '. ._:. ·. ·. . ·: Mr. and· Mrs. Hugh' Angell: , · cthu1er 'guests· , 'Mi·s. Jarries· ~ un·dL atb!iide!l·.: the Slippery Highway '• ., Deputies Receiv.e Jackson Youths · Causes Accident Holiday,. Jime-Off •rwo men nsenrwd· without In· By ncllon of the lwal'Cl of su· Ordered to Pay ,juri(JH whr.n llwlr plclltlp ~ll'liClt pervlsors Tuesday, deputy she!'· ke on Wllllnmston l'onrl nnrl 'l'wn .Tncltson ern1nty yonnr. OVCJ'llii'JWd 'fii[JSrJily, IIfs unrl 1lll'lllWyll will receive mon who Jool1 ulmost. $2,000 111 comrll!nsatory lime-off !w time ensh from the Spcedwny statln11 'l'homns ,J. Masun wus driving worltcd on 8 holidays·. 'l'he l1oll· safe Novomhcr 11 lmvc hr.r.n Ul'• his plclwp norllt on Wllllnmston ,dnys were not· specified except as dercrl to pay hnck what. wns miss­ roltrl, n lwlf·mllo south nf Duns­ being "regulnr," In[:(, PefiJr N. Monroe of. Hlvm; ville, when It slerris Strickland, \V1·ight of Leslie; 9 gmndchlldren Justice Court means, committee showed dis- Barber claims 11e shot Berry. · ami 2 f:\'Cat-grandchiltli'Cn, studio also handled the lnrllvld· 1~1·. Tcrl VnnrlcrBoll nnrl Val De· agreement on raising- supervisors' hill after Berryhill and Barbet·'s ual photos at St. James Catholic Hmm. Funernl services •.vet·e conduct­ Jl~Y· A new law permits super- wife and her pm·cn1s had spent Mason Knights rd at funeral home, Les­ school. Dr. VanderBoll nn!l DeRosa, Judge Puts Studies First Visors to receive up to $20 a day. the evening at. a Lnnsing beer lie, Monday with Rev, ,John W, Christmas tree sales are boom­ co-chairmen, said the .Jaycees Tng-hnm board rnemhers nnw get parlor. He said he had once gone Elect Officers Bttllock oiTiclnllng. Burial was in ing In Mason . .Tim's Marltet m1tl will put on the sale next year ami Five Michig-an Stale liniversl1y judge found him guilty and fined' $10. · to the beer parlor to plead with Woodlawn cemetery, Leslie. Beebe's Wes!slrlc Grocery l'e· will have enough cnlipple $G5 and sr.ntencccl him to his wife to return home but she r.elved their shipments· last week. fll'llllllll. Mason lodge No. 70, Knights of INFAN ' JIOI'S -..'CIT 1 IVJ' week thanks to the cooperation a day in jail. \Vouldn't leave. On that occasion, Pythias conducled its annual clee. ' 1 1'· "' ' '• . Densmore's IGA unloaded a of JUstice of the Pence Roy W. Maurice Regis of Mason ap. Chapter Masons he declared, Berryhill foliowecl tlon of {)fflccrs Monday evening The Infant son born to P1lar truck full of 1rees Wednesday, Adam~. The yout11s were arrest­ pcared before Judge Adams Mon­ him outside and assaulted him. at the hall. Robert Palmer is the and Stella Almazan at Mason Mason stores will remain open Winter Arrives er! Monday nighi on a charge of day on a cha'rgc nf drunl< driving. When Berryhill and Mrs. Barber chancellor commnmler. Genc~al hospital 'l'hursclay, De- until 9 p. m. beginning Frlchty, illegal possession of liquor, Judg-e Elect High Priest returned to the Barber home, 'l'lte week hi'OLight on the fin;! He was found guilly and fined Other· ot'ficers nrc: Vice-chancel· r.ember ~· rlirl not live. The Alma­ December 13, in order to take Adams snspcnderl sentence· when 3407 Creston avenue, Barber said, lor, Clarence Owen; prelate, Stan. zons reside at 35~6 South Haga­ care of Christmas shoppers. Ac­ taste of winfet·, '!'here has been they appeared ht!fnre him Tues­ $65. Green of Aurelius is he ordered Berryhill 1o leave. >snow anrl I he mereury has ~one Luther Tanner of Lincoln Parle the high priest-eleet of Ingham ley Com well· master of wnrlt clorn road. Sm:vlvmg besides the em·dlng to Mason businessmen day. They arc to rc>porl 1o l1im Barber d e c 1a red Berryhill H "Y s en 'y· scrTelary Lc~ parents are Sisters, Mary, 13, buying has been bl'isk so fat• this down to zem, Driving mnrlitions hefore nexl Monday. paid rine and r.osts of $36.50 in clmptet· 51, Royal Arch Mnsons. threatened him whereupon Bar­ were had Saturrlay btil impmved Judge Adams' colll't Monday after He was elected at the annual con­ H~~~cs· frea~u'rc 1 : · H.iahur;l Fer· and Kathy, 6; nnd _brother, Rob· holiday season. ber reached for il sholgun and . . • ', . . : . . • crl, 11. Pmyer serVIPes were con· over· Sunday, The university boys arc Wil· being .found g-uilty of a chnrge of vocation ·1'ueHday night. 1ls, m~slel·at-nrms, Ch.utcs 1"uf· tel , t B II·Dtmn funcrnl Larry Dowdre is clerking nt fired. 1 Davis Men's Wear now that he Average mean 1emperalure for limn H. Sill, William Wiltfan~. carrying a loaded gun in a car. Officers elected or appolni'ec! to ncr; mnet• guard, L. B. Barr; ~ uc c , t rd y ~t. a m hy Fr Charles Sharpe, John Larson and Russell Leggit.t, 57, Bai'IJel:'s 5 11 8 10 has shed his cast and cruthces, t!HJ week was 25. l~or the snme Tanner, arrested Odober 24, by serve with Green arc M. L. Htm1, outer guard, Harold Barnhill. JlOme .' Ld r' "'t . T m' ~" c' "t'l oJ· c' Gerald Celli. frlen{l, witnessed the shooting. t. 1 1 1 1 , ames ee o .-, .. a "·' " 1 1 His huslness acllvltles were lim­ period last year it was :JO. Rain Wnl!er Mutchler, state conservn- lting; Donald R. Barto, scribe; D. representa IVC o grnn( Ol ge, church Burial was in Maple lion officer, pleaded not guilty C. Dart, treasurer; Arvlde North, Three smn,JJ Barber children wrwe Robert P·tlmer· altci'Jlutc to · ited this f:11l when he brolte n last. Thursday amounted to .73 of The intersection of ·Jefferson In the house. grand lorlg~. Ha{Ty Spenny; nnct Grove c~metery, hone in his foot. an inch. Snowfall n! Mason was and Olwmos streets is sf ill a when he appeared before the secretary; Neil Carpenter, cap- Prosecutor Jaclt Warren inrli· measured at 4 V:! Inches. money-malter· for the city. A judge latm· the same day. tain of the hosts; Leslie Bruno, cated reluctance to prosecute Bar- chairman of the executive hoard, ----...:...------Temperature readings were: 11asher light was installed at the Two Sturgis men, Danais Mar- pr·incipal sojourner; Sam Adcock.' ber. He said he will await com· Arthur Zickgrnf. ' h D b 12 1957 A3 in(ersection with the expectation tison and 'l'al have royal arch captain; Alfred pletlon of lie detector tests and Installation will he Monday, Ingham County News, Mason, M1c ., ecem er , • Low High B~l- January G,' at the hall. December 5 ...... 2(i 33 that c!riVCI'S WOLI]cl heed the pealed a justice yea1, master of the third Veil; the Inquest before authorizing is- Jlasher hctter· than the stop signs. Decembm· G ...... 32 52 reached sa\urday Edgar M. Stoves, master of the suance of a warrant. S'fUDENT GJ~1'S DJ~GREB Give the Giff thai Lasts All Year Deeember· 7 ...... J...... 8 35 The flasher hasn't helped much. them guilty of second veil; Emer,Y Dulin&, mast· William Elwood Rumbles, son December 8 ...... 14 3<1 Drivel'S who have run the light pence . .Turlgc Adams hitd er of the Ilrst veil; Herbert Col- FORJUER RESIDI~NT PA..<;;SES of Mr. ami Mrs. N. S. Rumhlcs, December fl ...... 25 35 this week nnd got caught at il them to pay fine and eosts by, chaplal.n; and Robert Os- 'Mrs. Marie Juder,john, 72, died received a haehelor of science dr.· • • • a Gift Subscr·iption December 10 ...... 7 34 arc Charles Watrous of Lansing, and make restilu!ion 1n Red borne! sentm~l. · . · ... at. ,her home In Devils Lake, from Michigan Stale· uni·j December 11 ...... 4 18 Lei'Oy Neslle of Haslett and Ron­ bar, north of Lnnslng. They were Offl;ers wtll be m~talled Fr!· North Daltota, last Saturday. Fu- rvppq"rv Tuesday evening. Com- to the ald Bedell of Mason. Each nf the releaserl on '$200 bond after np· day mght at ceremomes open to neral services were conducted at mr:ncemen t: exercises were con­ drivers paid $4 fine. peal. the publl.c. Don~lcl H. Webb, past New Ulm, Minnesota. Mrs. Jucler- dLtctcd in t.he Michigan state marli- INGHAM COUNTY NEWS Theodore C. Mills of Lansing 'fraffic violation tickets report- grand high pr~est, Roy~l ~ch john was a sister-in-law of Ed· !orium. Mr. and Mrs. Rumbles Atomic Wonders d settled in Judge Adams' ~ourt M_asons of t~e. state of N!!Chigan, ward Juderjohn of Holt, She and had open house for their s·on aft. 5 ·appeared before Judge Adams 1 Friday on a charge of drunl' dur11;g,e . 1he we;'• tve1·e 1•.ISler 1 b y sistingWill act him ns mstalllngwill be officerpast . high .As· her daughter, Esther, lived m· er· the exercises. Out-'lf-town Just 2.50 Have Just .Begun driving-. I-Ie pleaded not guilty hun dS folio' ws. _ . priests, I-!erbert Colby, installing Ma~on for a ~ew ye~rs at. t!1e gucsls were Mr. and Mrs. Sam We'll Bill You and Send a Gift Card and was released on $200 bond. Donald 'I refry, LaJJsmg, speed- mar·shal ., George. Post, installing restclence of M1s. George Gr1ff1_n. Rumbles of Boyne Cit.y and M1·. Phone Mason OR 7-9011 'l'he llrst 15 years of the atom­ '!'rial is set fm· December 17. lng, $5. chaplain i· and Carl Johnson, In· · - le age will be .far overshadowed and Mrs. Allen Ott: oL Saginaw. Peter Hoffmnn of Lansing ap­ Robert Musgrove, Monroe, stalling secretary. All past high WOl\fAN DIF..S IN FLORIDA. '~------· by developments which lie al1encl, speeding, $1fi. priests are requested to wear Mrs. Pearl M. H~mtley ~led predicts a leading Michigan State peared before Judge Adams Fri­ day on a chnrg-e of being drunl\, Walter Nichols, Flint, speed· their past high prlest's· aprons. Thursday at ·l')iemo~·wl hospital, university scientist who was in ing-, $12. The new high priest is a mem- St. •Petersbu~g, Flortda. She .wa~ on some of. the early work He was found gull ty and given his choice of pnyi11g $15 fine, or Walter Clarl<, Mo11roc, speed- ber of Mason lodge 70, F. & A. M. a ·former resident of Mason. Hm VISIT 'l'he atomic age was born offici­ spending 7 days in jail. He paid ing, $15. ami a past patron of Mason husb_and, Oaldey, a carpenter, ally 15 years ag-o this month with the fine. Claude Hensley of Bat­ Bemard Eckhart, Royal Oalt, , apte1· No. lfiO Order of the surv1ves·. Servaces _were conducted WARE'S the first controlled release of llc Creek was given almost the speeding, $12. . Eastern Star. He is employed by Saturday- at Wilhelm . funeml energy .from the nucleus of the same • choice when he appeared Gay Felzl1e, Mnsm1, impropet· 1 the Oldsmobile Corporation as 11111 home, St. Peter.s~u~g, With Rev. atom. before the judge Friday. l-Iens­ usc of lane, .$5. J audi1or. . S. E. Wood off!Cmtmg. The first self-contained chain ley, charged with being rlrunl,, t\ reaction was achieved by a team went to jail I or 4 days rat he1· nr top scientists worlling in a than pay $10. · luboratory fashioned in a squash Fred Dipple of Holt appeared ~xCHRISTM~S court beneath the seats of lhe before .Judge Adams Friday on 11 University of Chicago stadium. charge of dnmlt driving.. The . Jlr. Lnurenee L. Quill, now _ __:_~-:-·__ ._· .. _,-·-. ::;__' ~··_':!_,_;:.....__ ·''' Unusual. . 'h1ind ol' tlu~ chemistry de]J:u·t· ment ut. 1\ISU, ,jnluml lhc Jlt'o,iect at. n Inter date. He :Par~chial School' ru nl1s t.he utilization of nu· llimLI' ]lll\VCI' With "tflC godless, agressor group~" and well equlppe~ With nat ural ac... . • · . light strcaxnlng 111 from bo\11 TYPING PAPER STAMP PADS . On the oth~l .hand, Dl. Quill east and wesf and with nclequatro 8 mm precision ·came1·a , . pointed out, sober, clear-th!nl<· artificial lighting. SCRATCH PADS RUBBER STAMPS mg" scientists. face. '.'.unllnuted · · . , . . FILE BOXES Mot•e Jll'Ccision extt·as than any possibilities". Jn·. nuclear power, On Wednesda~: nigh I the wmJ.. • STAMP INK . · other movie camera in tl)a world • and •:m·e "fully· aware of their Iof pupils was cltsplaye~l o:n lh~h Seven speeds instead of live, cable place in human society." . deslts and on ehalltboards,. ·. . FILE CARD,S SCOTCH TAPE t1llense for single shots, continuous MIMEO BOND run ·loclt, zoom vicwfindct· for .use STENO PADS with any lens; many othet•s, Easy ·Mflitary N~wlJ · ·. STENCILS NOTE BOOKS ., for beginners, just aim and shoot. 'versntile :tor tho old hand-every FILE FOLDERS BOSTITCH STAPLERS special effect you'll evca• need. This Ron·:.:Piakke 'Finishes· ·Hitch is the best. Sec it today. VELVET PENCILS· BOSTITCH ~T APLES Model shown with IJiJ~' .Yv~r F:1.9 , in weelts of boot camp, will lnciude anr~ 1 'h'' F :2.8 lenses,:$202. , . I·I~mc a~~ln afte~~ 4' y~n~s GLUES / the .navy Is Ronald Plaklte, • son a full dress· parade and review. CARBON PAPERS . · Other Boli!X 8 m111 $8995 · · c~met'"s from . of :·Mt·. and Mrs. Bernard Plaldte before military officials ERASERS - CLIPS TYPEWRITER RIBBONSi of .Mason. He's been many· places civilian dlgnltarles. ! and ·seen a lot of. things· whlle Pfc. Robert J. Stage, whose. DESK. BLOTTERS ' Aol): MACHINE TAPE serv)ng ·aboard carrlers,in the At· mother, Mrs. Helen Shepard, liver. • I: !antic and Medltea·rnne!ln .. He' was In Williamston, will spend thr ,, a Ilre contl'OI technician · · · holidays lrt Hawal' 'the USS Leyte and the·USS Val·. of .the 25th Infan ·ley Forge. He nrl·lved' h~;~ine. Tues· Hawaii since ~o , . day. · , · · · ·. 1956, Stage Is · assigner · Donald R: VeCasey; 'of. Mr; ns a driver lri Company p of t!ti and Mrs; · ·A. · divlslon's· .' . Engineer Battal· Haslett Is · ion. He · the army . w~ School Will Preserit Yule Conc~rt MuHon lrlgli school choru~. Glca by Colby, Chrlslmn:;. l•'l!~tlval h)' r.ltUo Lnmh, Who Made Thee'l hy The r.luh unci tho high seho()l lmnd Anrtm•son, Sleigh 11irlc l1y Amler tnff, iiiHI Gocl Who Wntchesr will pre~enl · tlwiL· unnunl Chrisl· non, Ciwmle und, Alleluia h,) )'or Us lly Kilo, maH concer·t 'l'lrumrlny night, Dn· Hansen, nnrl While Cl1rl~lmns h,) Selections· In he prcsentccl hy · l'emhur lD, n'l 8 in I he H!~hooi Berlin. he·us are Horllo Christ us Nu­ ' · · uuriilorium. One lu1111lred scvenl'y J~lappiest · The Gil'is Gll!o dui1 will slnr us Est. hy Wlllun, 'J'hc' Stahle Mason p11plln will pat•flclpatc 111 ahe of Belhlolwm. by Noltl! .)oor by Glbhs, Cht•lslmns Day tlw preaenlntlon, . Chlidrcm of lhe HI!I!VenJy King 1y Holst, Wo Wish You u Merry . Ghop In tho friendly, foAtlvo atmo5phera of Band lllllllhers· lo be inclqded In by Pleyel, Mnry's Cnro!, n foil<. :::!hi·lstmns hy l{r·one, While Shcp­ the progr·trm are '/'he Lor•rJ's our druo store .' .• whoro you'll find a multltuclo Gf song; Caml of llw Blrrls hy Niles wrrls 'Wntchcd by .Jnng~t-Tkoch, Pmycr hy Mttlntte, '/'he Toy Shop Carol of lhc Bell:; hy Wlllwuslty Gesu BEtmhlno by Jon, Amid (he Chrlstma• glftsl Do your holiday G~fts· Snows, n Ros'e l1y ,Jones, PaH1· · 5hoppino oqr/yl Pun by Davis, Tl10 Sl!!lgh ,hY CorW'llc from Kounl~, BI!Hide Thy . Cradle hy I Bnch, and Rocltln' 'All Night hy YOU CAN Wilson, · Mr~. Linn Mills Is choir dl· ·C~aar~·e It t•cctor, nnrl Geot·ac Murthum dl·j WARE'S rects tlw hund. A frcc·wlll offer­ or L11y It Awoy Ing will he talten. I Usc Uur

.' ··rhey :11 $DYD Chrislmas fuN 30~-60-90-Day in 60 second:; Jury Women. ·:• ., :,;1. •. far ~~tl~i Jo come I Churgo Plan Are Entertained Ingham county women jurrm-; ' serving nt I his ler•m of court In MRS.' MINNIE INGALLS HALL, who celobratod her 90th Lansing were lun!!lwon gue~l.' nf birthday anniYersary Sunday, looks a·~ a painting she did earlier, CAMERA!i .one of the Jurors, Mrs. Helen "I would like to p·aint now," she 5aid, "but it's hard on the eyes.'' Bini~, Wednesday. Mrs. lllnl~ surp.rlscd the group by lnvlllng She has a number of water colors and oils she painted as a hobby. them lo her home at 215 Spcncct' +Kodak avenue, Lansing. , The luncheon was served to 17 . jurors .In the rccreallon room of Mrs. 'Milznie }fall Is 90, + Leica lhc Bintz home. A Chrlslmas cnr­ you've got of holly wns given lo caelr lias .Several Celebrations gLIO~t. . a finished Attending lhc luncheon were 1\!t·:,;, Minnie Hall celehrtltcd her wonclcrful hwrhanrl anrl slill IHIVr! +,Bolex Col'!a Hayhoe, Florence Coolidgr!, !lOth l>h'lhd:ry anniversary Sun· a. woru.lerful bmllwr." ---....pictui·e Lula Winans, Caroline Jenkins, day by, atlcnding I he morning When aslwd if slw lmd always I(ODAIC SLahlit 50 Mary Ann Devine, Loraine Creed, worsl~lp set·vlce al Mason Pres- enjoyed the good health whieh Grctta,Egget·s, Nella Kam, Tren,e church, going to. ls ' evident, she replied that as . CAMERA (f--.. hytc~·mn ~hen 80 +Argus Gauss, Olga Moberg, Bertha Lesh~ for dinner Wttlr her brother I u child she was ver·y sickly and! Snow, Anna Smith, Bt!rtha Ocs- and swter·ln·law, Mr. and Mt·s. A. at times was not expcctccl lo Jive. Great new color-slide. tcrle, Bernice Oesterle, Cassie T, Ingalls. She still has u letlcr wrilten lo camera with built-in. mP.tPr NEWLYWEDS, Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Whipple, will be hon­ Macl<, Verna Sheathelm and Lila Several othe~· friends gathered her father, expressing regret + Zeiss-Ikon ored Sunday at an open house given by the bride's parents, Mr. Waltersdorf. at the Ingalls home to help Mrs. over the possil1ilily tlrat "Minnie and Mrs. F. C. Anderson, Sr., at the Anderson home in Dansville. Hall eclcbmtl!, .Guesls were Mr. might not live." Mrs. Whipplc is the former Ruth Ann Anderson, Her husba11d is and 1\!r~. Robert Brownlee, Mr. · . · th6 son of Mrs. Russell Whipple and the late Mr. Whipple. The . Couples Attend and Mrs. Harley r-~arwoocl, Mt·s. When she wns qurte young she + l(eystone couple exchanged nuptial vows Wednesday, December 4, in Ma- 1 Gruee Annis and Mrs. Maude had I he whor1pln~: cough On Monday Mrs, Abe Cohn .was not- nblr. to a ttencl , ~clwol UlllJJ 1 LAROID® smorgasbot•d Wednesday eve­ hoslc:;s at a luncheon for '1111's. she was 10 years dlcl, & Sons Construction Co. · Hall. J~ight neighbor women at· -. · + ning at Vevay lawn ·hall. Mrs. Wollensak Land Lester Palmer, Mrs. J oc Dean tended, Decorations were ail' pin!< "I t.hiul( I ha\'(l bt:en 01-ganizatious Knights of Pythlas and Pythian and Mrs. Fmnlt Young set·ved on and the group gave her a bouquet blc.~Necl to live llH'Sil years fu CAiVIERA Sisters will have a polluclt sup­ the planning committee. The of pinlt camations ancl heather. lalw CIU'e ol' ulhl'l'.~." 1\11·~. + View-Master Jean R. Anderson Auxiliary of per and Christmas party Satur· received so many lovely Hall snlll colrcer·ning- her· tables were decorated in a . "I' JUST Veterans o.f Foreign Wars Post clay, December 14, at 6:45p.m. ·at Christmas theme. cat·ds, I tl1ink <11 in all," Mrs, Hall long!wlty., Bolex · $7.95 Down No. 7309 will meet Monday, De- the K of P. hall. After the dinner Mrs·. Winston said, "and 6 lovely lwndlterchicfs, "When I was young my family + cember lll, at 7:30 p, m. at St. Dancct· wns In charge of games. anolher· calw, 2 boxes of candy, Movie C~aneras Polaroid Dexter Trail ping-, Slide Cases and Mr. Hall was not well hi~ HALLMARK per Sunday, December 15, at thc Rev. and Mrs. Raymond Nor- wall,lng downt~wn In 1\luson · last 3 years. She cared for· all of chw·ch. Mr·. and Mrs. Frank Loci;: Mason College dub will meet ton and Barbara were members Monday, December Hi, al 6:30 p. ~~al'h day tllld even clears heJ' lhcm, sometimes day anrl nighl are co-chairmen. Mr. and Mrs. m. at the home of Mt·s. 1\lerlln of the No.rton family who _at- nwn wnl11 to the sidcwltll' Last wintm· her broliler was touis Bcratta have charge of the Gr·cc for its annual Christmas tended a chnnet· Saturday evemng when it snows. GIFT 11 and she went by bus each clay TOYS meal plans. 'I'hosc attending m·e . · • at the home of Mrs. Grace Nor- AllhoLtgh het· membershiP. is Les!Je to sec him. to t11l1c a wt·appcd Christmas gift chnncr. Those a.ttendmg are to ton Gillett in Ann Arbor. Aftet• at Leslie First Congregational· I VISIT OUR 1 l l WRAPS· . 1 Th ·rt tnke t11cu· own table service. 11 ct· M d M w· . • • · . · · · "Do ynu !mow what I wished : or a nccc y 10y or gtr . e gt s 1e mner· r. an rs. 111 tam Chnsttan clntrch wiuch she at- when I .iilew out my candles I COMPLETE will be distributed at Christmas· Phillips school Mol hers club Norton left from Willow Run. I ended in her youth, Mrs. Hall no We Gift Wrap time. Reservallon for I he supper will meet Tuesday, Decem bet• 17, for their home ln Florida, A fe1v attend s Mason Presbyterian Sunday?" Mrs. Hall asked. "To' I be' able to live In be I 00 anrl lwep Give At No Chargt} must be ma ··· , ·, .. , : '~::. ',·.. ·,:.. . ,_.· ....· . .:· ...... \>;·,'·'c' roctne:vl\ I

-·----·~ ------~-----·---- .. -__,....., /ucly ',., /olliugo . Jl.y ',JUUY Ui\JU)NJm. Maccabees Pick 'Phc (lniUUll Mason high sehi1ol C, Ho~~ llilllarcl I'I!IHI'IIP!i linlltll chornl r.o!Jccwt ·will he glvon Lodge Offic~rs :Sunllny !'rom l:l[HIJ'I'ow hllHJiilnl, 'rhlil'sdn;Y, December 111, ,In tlw where he 'Ill HI Iicon :J \V(!J!((S I'll• high sclwot Jl\idllnrltlrn, 'fwn At Jhoil• Decomlmt· mr:etlng covt!l'ing from nn allrH:k nf flu. chnrnl r,t•oups nml the hanrl wil: 11.;~1lny ~vrm'n~~ 111 the Ocld l•'ol· PnlleniB In Mnsnn Gonoml hem· comhlnP to Pl'Cscntlhe" wncort. ·w 111111. ~ln~nn Ms AnciC'I'£011 of Wll· In the mixed choh· lll'C; ~w ;lffic·m for lhn yeur. · llillll~!ctn, 1\li~H ltLilh Ann Mtii'· 0 0 8U[Il'HliLII - .JGyce Bnllomley, '1!', , r Hlir! nn•pn Is lh~ lll'\1' lode, J·~ugnne l·:df(Hl', Ml'I'J, 'Grmrgr) Clllll'lenc Clipper, ,lull(! Dart, lculonnnt CfllllllllllHI~I'. 1\!J•R finn ltJC.lHllCl' 11.111 IIOI'Ii:i DoXIIH!or, :\'IIII',Y Ann Fr.:clr.i'lell, r,Jnry ,J0\11• '1llnn IH pnsl [:nrnmunrlr.r·: 1111':;, · 'l'lumo ciiHt'liat·g d 11·nm Mason .Jit, Cn1111le Lallmm·, Jticly Gnrd· 'lnytnn fl'1nrnnn I"COI'd I\ • [l'r; GI!IIPI'rll hnspiJ;rl JliiH wc~clt wr:ru wr, 1\lnr.v 1\Jellrllllunn, Mnry !••:;, Don Pc11bnrly; tit·~t A'IIHI"IIi Mr~>. Cllli'r!l\<'1! llll'rani; lllflll, :.:l1h'ley C;IIIJ1111H.I, C;nul~'ll, lliU'-,Y 14. Other ufficon; wi.ll lin il,•~.:u, 1\lt:i, 1\1:rs will Judy McGowan and Eleanor l~lll'O· Christ's Birthday Party hiwe their Clu·i~hnns pai·Iy man, served refreshments. The Barbara Norh:m. Instructor ln.Vevay township hull Satl!l'· next meeting will be at the hom~ Phone Milson OR 6-1551 , .. Lumber Company 1\lasull Mclhoclist Vvomnn's Sn· Christmas ~to1·ies (o a group o! doy, Decen11JeJ• 14. liieml>el'~ of Connie Monroe. On the com· . '· . of Christian Service n)cl small chilclren, some dressed ln may talte guests to the Jllll'ty. mittee arc Cheryll Hugenot, Phone OR 7-3751 Wcdnescl

' •, Ingham County News, REGIS'l'EIU~D Guernsr.y hllllS , one ~ l( 8'3" In good condition, Phone SAFES-!::imull sales lor nrrtre or for Hnle, Hendy fol' ~r.rvlr.o, Fruits- Foodstuffs ELIW'l'niC Tfl.AlN- Amnrlcan lfl•IH nMC PTCI~UI' with tint rnck, Detember 12, 1957 A-6 nurolrl Glynn, first. houHn north farm Muaon OR 7·5101, Mrs. Darwin home,' Also lnrlo" riles. 1-:11ri• Flyer wlih llllllll' C•Xfi'Ufl, ltC/1· for Hille or Will IJ'Ill[n frll' Yl'flr· ------, of Frost road on Mcrlcllnn, P!Jo1w Equipment Barr, 50wl your business rr!rorrls In orrlm sonalllr•. Mrs, .trw l!JJI'VIIth, 1'1!i0 ling lwJrm•:;, Walinr ltlnrlfle!Hch, Mu~on Oil 7·Gil82. 37wl f Blossom Orchard ~------ond pr•ntectcct from flre. Ilnrolrl Columbia roncl, 2~r. mllos ens! of 10•10 Zlmnwr road, Wllllnmslon, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FOTt HEN'!' 3EWING MACHINES, usod Sing· Neal Sufo Co. Phnnc l\ln.9ml OH Mason, Call 11fter ll or· nnyllma phone ·1Hw2p Stnlk Chopper .JONATHAN APPLES cr nnrl White portables llllrl 7·071ll, 7VItl Saturday. ·I!Jwtf .. RATES AND INFORMATION DELICIOUS APPLES many other maltcs as low m1 ' 1' F'OilD--Wlll lr·Jule my roqully In Sl5,50, Mid·Stnte Sales and Serv· WILLIAMSTON Mli:MO!tiALS- lli!W l•'orrl, ~Junrlnr'll n, C'IIHimn, Landrace NEW SPY APPLI!:S INDIAN CORN Icc,· 519 Ens! Grnnd River, Lan· Momunenls nne! mnrl1r.r~ !11 tlw Concrete Blocks fill' good IIHPr! Stl!dC'halwr or· HEG!S'I'EHED BOATIS sing, phone Lansing IV ·9-577G. finest grnnitns. 'l'ry tis for t•t•on· Nn:;ll, I'IJOill' Lc•si!P ,][J !1·3!1•1.'3 Ol' Phone Mason OR 7-9011 Wntl'l'!I'SH rJnllm·!es for Cnr 01' STl~ELJ~ RED APPLES SpPclnl winJm· pl'il'c, lflr. omy, quality nnrl serv!c(l, Hoy II OX •l·fi~7:l. 5ilw l COH'l'LAND APPLES 50wtf J!ellverecl oil \Vr~JIIII'IHlny Uflni'IIIHIII clmul• 100'/.• fmpnrlc!d hloo. Lnrry Columhln road on Onondaga 1~nad, 1!111, Gregory, phone Gregory AL ·size, excellent condition, $20; Phone Dnnsv!lle MA 3-2fl:Jl. USED EQUIPMEN'l' phone Aurelius 161•1. 45U With !he Jllll'dl:JSP of lillY o[ 11111 G2•11<1. 19w2p Slorlr lwlow SI'I•:C'Ji\1. •·ars WP will 1:lvo $~?· Call Lansing IV· 7·0851. r. F'ISIIING HOUSE _ ·11 or 1 !OLSTEIN IIETFEil., 2 years old, Usecl Harvey Elevator I s1 yon a clue Dr.cembc1· 10. Jlarry Van 2 Fnrmnll II Tractors.' APPLES · ,)Owl trarlc! for goorl clel'lric pnrlnhle ::!0-lll D I'I'SSJ'rl Ti!!'kry Alta, 2 miles nnrlh or US-Hi ot1 Farmnll M Tmctor MciNTOSH MAYTAG LAUNtJR.Y equipment sewing mncilinc. Also 2 lnrgr.-slze sales and service. Silsby Im· lannecl ricer hides, darl<. Donn Van Alta road, first house west Usecl Pielwr ami Sheller SPIES on TIIHll't road, call afler 5 p, m. plement Co., State street, Mason, Shacll Air Sport mo1.t!Jiy Holstein sale, Friday, M. M. Sl11tionury Sheller Dockter's Orchard QR 7-~641. 49wtf anrl n small tricycle. liaJ•old and expense of major mcchani· SPdnn, V-S will! pac•, 'l'nrho· Gales, :13l!l Miller roar!, Lanslnr:. !Jr!l'r.mher t:l, one o't!lock nl the Plows 11J.J miles soul h of Dansville on DRYERS - Hamilton gas drye1·, cal repairs to parts covered by glicic, JlllW<:l' siPr•rlnr:. IHJWI'I' rn rmrr-OwnPtl A. Lc·JI ingn & Sons sales pnvlllon, Phone L,ansing TU 2·125:1. Williamston roar! $189.95. Consumers Power Co. the Warranty for one full year, hrakes, wl11tPW:lli lil'l'S, radio P rnvrorl Sires rmm 10 miles sonlh of Grant! napi·!s Disc Hnrrows Phone Dunsville MA 3·2014 50w1 with rc:u· s!'nl spralwr, 2-lonP Phone Mason OR 7-9641. 4!Jwlf regardless of mileage. Come in Mi\llC on US·i31 In Moline, mile west John Deere A Tractor with Cult!· 38wt.f --L-----·-----~---- paint, tlllllereoal, K:Jrh••lls anrl unci 1).: mile south. 115 Wisconsin, HAMILTON ELECTRIC DRYER, and see these cars today. ollwr small cxlms. All ror CAJ.L CIIARLJo:S JIIWWN Mir·hignn, spl'inging cows, heif· valor DUCKS - A. L. Tool p, n~., 10fl rio or 6-eyli nciPI', st a mlanl sh ir1, rnm~ lor sale, also ram lambs. Hughson, Wolverine road, Mason, your neecls 7-9641. 49 wtf Mam St., Gregory. ,J0w1p Comer US-127. ,and Legion Road matching interior vinyl trim, W. L. Jewell, 28!iH phone Milson OR 7-1136. 50w1 I TV ANTENNAS-Complete in· Open 'Evenings 'J'i J. 9 radio and heater. $1,1!10. road, Mason, phone Mason OH ------~- Also new homes with FHA stallatlon Including 'I'V towers. USED FRIGIDAIRE E I e c t ric 'CHRISTMAS TREES, Scotch Mason, Mic,:hig:m 7-5042. 37wti COLT-Spotted rirling mare coli, financing Also Insurance repairs. Dryer, $99.95, . Cons u mer s J pine and spruce. Dnrrcll_'s Food 50w1 19:15 CHEVROLET Del Ray 2· door, V-8, slnnrlnrd shift, all 1'/:· yeurs old, a good one. W. 'I lk ."ries, 127 N. Lansing street, Power Co. Phone Mason ORcharrlJ Marlwt, corner Columbm anrl BULL CALF, !i weelO. No. 93·1021. Record o[ mothe1· of son, P ~~~-..::~ ...-::.. ---· _..:_) ___ Your Local Contractor ------RANGES-Used Electric ranges,[---·------~-· calf incomplete. 0. D. Crowell, TV SERVICE on all malces o1 $49.50 up. Consumers Power ICE SKATES - Boy's hockey 19:55 CHr~VROI.E!T Br.l Ail' Sport· 15 YORKSHIRE feeder pigs. Wil-l Dexter D. Thornton Used Cars Coupr., V-X 0ngi11P, c•nmpielely Col'ncr a[ J\1crirllan Road and Co· bur Ihone 193G PONTIAC 2-door hardtop, Crowell, 17•1 Meridian Road and oil tanlllon~ heater and n£W tires. Price OLD~ 8~ 'ciLTS - 3 Duroc Jersey gilts, Farmall H tractors fot• sale, Also ton. Fred Fichter, 4 miles north SEWING MAL:HINES -·Convert chests, steel deslcs, flUng calli· Mason OR 7-7042. ·50w1 $1,195. goorl, power steering, Hyrlrama· from registered stock, open, very good first ami second cutting of Mason on Ol

1934 CHEVROLET "·ton12 nlclmp • MOTORS .:.... Many lnte models , ' " ' • BATTERIES ·' · · Deluxe cab, . heate1•, turn slg•, , NEW MUFFLERS nnl~ and new .snow tires. Price • NEW TAILPIPES · $79:J. ' How~rd Pontiac Bud's ·Auto Parts· SALES·& SERVICE I Turn discards into cash IF I 81 use News want ads!

MI\IY~ 'I'HJ~NcU C.:UA'I'- L;ruy, FORD 'fRUCK--2·ton1 for sale or MASON - 2·berlroom modern WORJ{ WANTED - 18·yenrs·old FARM LOANS- Long term, low HOl,lSE FOR RENT, moclorn, 4 size 14. May he Hr.£!11 nt Modern homo, will trude tot• .Tacl1son Dunsvllle senior wants wnri( lnlc~cst, for reflnnJh:mg, LUlllt~, rooms, 2 herl•·oom~ nnd full tnule, In goorl t•unnlrm conrll· Cleaners, Mason. •17wt f 1 1 !Ill 1 1 1lon, hyrll'lllllln llnrlerhody holst ______area prop£lrty, Also 1 ~ ucres, 2· Snturrlnys and Sundays. Gore on >u r ng mprovemrmts, pm·c lnS· busement, 4 miles north of Mn· with nearly new gl'llin box, trul'i\ bedroom modern home, wlll trnde Rles, Dnnsvllle, write or phone lng land, etc. Farm must be 80 or son on Olwmos roncl, 2 milas east nnwly pnlntl'rl nnrl uplwlstercd, for Mason property, C. I... John· MA 3·33•11. 50wlp mor~ 0\Cres. Wa•lte or sec Paul B. on Willoughby road or llh mllcs 2·spncd rent' enrl, C. A. Dlohl & son Agency, phone Ma8on OR ------~ -----~-~------Cheney, Farm Loan Service, a29 wast of Meridian rond on Wll· Sons, phone Dansville MA 3·2172 SI-illlins _ ii"O:s.£s-- nui~ns _ 6·5786. 50w1 p H I W d East. Oult street. Phone Mason OR Iough by, William G. worltman, ·m· MA 3·2631. 50w2 ------~------e p ante 0·5558, or Glen Oesterle, Mason Route 4, Mason, phone Williams· Ornumenlals, stanclm·cl anrl 5 ACRES, 4·hcdroom ]Jome, 2 OR 7·8552. 25wtr ton Gl8Fl2, 'J0W2p "HJ:JG PLYMOUTH, nullo 111111 rlwurf fruit fl•ccs. Stnrlt B1·os. mlles not•lh of Mason, hot wa· - Jwutcr, 5 guorl tires, Also sct"V· Nursct•ies, slnc!c l81fi. Algcn A, fer heat and carpeting in dueled. WANTED - Boy ~or oally Fre~ CUSTOM CORN PICKING and HOUSE--for rent, 6 rooms. lee stulion type hnttPJ'Y dmrget·. Ewers, lncnl salr.smnn, 714 East Cnll Glenn Oeslel"le, Muson OR Press paper route. Must he J.1 shelling, Albert Cool<, 2186 E. Charles· Wilcox, 3790 East los· Race street, L£lsile, phone ,JU 7·8fi52, Paul B. Cheney Raul or ohler. A)Jply ut Win·e's Drug Cavnmmgh roucl, thlrrl house ro roue!, Dansville. 50wlp Dunne Wntr!t's, 71:i Sotrlh Lrtnslng 3 street, Mnson, phorll! OR 7·177:J. !l·82:J:J. 45wtf Estule. 45wtf Store, 7wlf cust of Olwmos ronrl, phone Lon· 50w2p ------· ·- ·----·------sing ED_.2·fi152. 40wlf •1d• s 1• 7·ROOM HOUSE for sale or rent, W;\NTED- Woman wlth )Jractl· ------·-- f . BNOW 'finEB, 2, IJ:711xlfi. Dave B In DIP.hl, phmre Dunsvllle MArllrwn ~-~~~-~~~-~--~-upp leS M~!'A~~~~;~~~~e~~;~~~~bl~: c~~r~~~~~~~~c~x~~~~~~f~ i~Ol~~~ c~~xo~~A%~~~.w~J;oet ~~;~ or Rent - Apts. ___ .1·2172. 50wl STORM WINDOWS __ u~erl, Phone Elrnm· Bmvendcr, M:ORwon 11:00 p, m. to 7:00 a. m. Live ln. wood. Frnnlt Word, first lnrm 6 1 FOR REN'l' - Furnisher! sleep· ·2!lx!i'l,· 9 29xGG,· combfnullon on 7·1652. --~---- _____ --·~- No meals to prcpnJ•e except south of Hnrper school on US·127 lng room. Phone Mason OR ·· ~~ brenltfost. Goorl wages. Write W. north of Butler's gus stallon. 1fl•lfl DODGr~ l'tCIWI'. Stephen G·5537, !iOw L Donnell, •l:l·ll Wi(lmlf;IJIJy ronri, wood door, lW ln. x (i ln. with CHIUSTMAS SPECIAL- In Ma· L. Arnold, 809 Insuran~e E>:· Phone Lansing IV 4·fl291. 20wU hnrrlware. Cia renee Bll'll, 2:l4!l AI· son. Price reduced-was $21 ,. change Duilrllng, .Tncltson, Mich. ------~--- I !Toll, phone l!oil OX •1·7•1·11. FURNISHED APAR'l'MENT, a •J8wtf monel r~mrl, ':VIIi~umston, P) 10 ~e 000, now only $18,500 for this ex· lOwtf --- ____ ;______Wlllfnmston 6J£J.Jo ·14. 'J.Jw2p ccpllonally wc1J.Jocnted home. ------rooms, electric healing, hath, ·------·-~-·- -·------Has living room, dining room, WANTED - Ton overweight Business Services private enll'ance, utilities .fm·· nlsherl. Cull on Friday, Saturday Real Estate - Homes 16 ltltchen, 2 bedrooms with 1 v. men and women who need $10, UPHOLSTERING, fine fuln·Jc Trailers baths, pnt!n, full deep l1ascment, $20 or $30 exlru Income. Part· or Sunday. 309 W. Elm, Muson. line, none helle!', U. S. Nuug· 48wtf GOING SOU'l'IT -- We hnvc some ------·-- attached gurnge, n!cc lot. Located time. Choose own hours. Write hyde plastics, guaranteed not to real hmwllns. New and used MASON SPECfALS -- 2 fnmlly at 620 East Ash. If you want n Box SA, giving best lime to con· lear or peel, nil colors. Muthlas rent, 2 Im·. trailer.<; fl'om 15 fl. lip. Pt·ices home, $1111 per month income, nice f'ompact 1·slory hnmc lool< tact. . 49w4 Uplwlstery, corner of College" nnd start Ill $6fl5 up. Speelnl HJ!ill !:ell for $!1!\0 down. Also :m aci'Cs tills over•. Call A. 0. Greenough, US·127, Mason, pl10nc Mason OR Silver Star, •lri fl. long x 10 ft for $500 down m· wll! trnrlc. C. Dansville .MA 3·22!11. ' 50wlp iiELP · . WANTEd :...... Men and 7·'1821. 4~wtr Wide, IHIW only $3,!Jflil; 1!lfiR Hr:gnl, L. Johnson Agency, phone Mn· · women, part lime, full time In 50 rt. x 10 wlrle, all new anri dr~· son OR G-:i7f](j. riOwl p MASON N E·A R - 2·bcc1Toom future. Call · Mnson OR 7·9511, G GLAZING OF ALL KINDS, Per· luXP thmuglHHJI, pt'ic'ecl ut only modem home on 2 acres,·prlced to 7 p. m. 4Qw2 ldns Hardware, Mason, 43wtt BOLES HEAL'J'Y otTet·s sllhLII"bnn l'lgh t, or t racle for 20 to 40 acre $•1,8!J:i. Whltmnn's 'l'r:tlil!l' Sales, 3·hcc!I'Oom modern rand1 home . ------~---- UNFURNISHE"o·. apartment for one mile cast of East Lansing on farm. C. L. Johnson Agency, OPPOHTUNI'I'IES for men or NEW FULLER BRUSH DEALER rent·!n Dansville, 4 rooms nnrl with built In waslwr-rlrirr mm· phone Mason OR G·5786. Ufi·lli, phone Lansing' ED 2·1817. h!nnt ion, l'llllchstone planters, women, part or full lime, fast· for Ingham county. Phone Hnr· bath, ncar school and store, lm· iJ9wlf tiled hatl1, pel'lmelcr hen!, hlt"ch est growing business. Choose own old N. M!llcr, Mason OR 7·8161. mecjln!c .possession. No dogs. hours, easy to sell, everyone a 50w2 Phone Dansville MA a·2491, c:uphoanls, caqlflrl, large land· 3·BEDHOOM HOME, 2 Jots, base· prospect, repeat business, develop ------. 49wti scapec! lot on blaektop road north ment, gns heat, garage, priced Into own business. Write Box lOB ------• Dogs and Pets nf Mason. Call C. "Major" Boles, at $7,930 with terms or trade for for appointment. 4flw4 FOR RENT ·Modern, 3·room Mason OR 7·2aG1, real estate Lansing area pa·operty, C. L. Excavating surnfshed apartment with pri· EEAGLE HOUNDS- Ready to hrolwr for Mason area, 50wl Jl .T ohnson Agency, phone Mason vnte-hnth alld entrance. Exce!lenl hunt. Carl I

COCI\ER SPANIEL puppies, black or beige, 6 weelts old. Richard Baliel', second farm south of Holt. road on Williamston roud, ABEL phone Will !amston 62G·F·12. ' 50w2 Real Estate ------BOSTON BULL, female, 5 Phone OR 6·1161 months old, $15. Fred Shepard, Mason 2 miles west of Dansville on M· 240·ACRE tock farm, extra well a6. Phone Dansville MA 3·a3G8. fenced, 2 good modern houses, 50wlp 36x82 bas~ment burn and silo, FAST SERVICE - PtJtting nrr rn a customer's tire, this PUPPIES - a fat Beagle pups, other buildings, $12,000 clown. attendant at u Pal'is, Frnncc, l~ds station provides fast service 2!!:. months old. Also upright by talting care oi llh: cl11lies on roller slt.alcs. All attendants Cable plano. Carl Nelson, 4 miles 1f>O ACRES- Near Williamston, nl the unustrnl statron on the banki; or. the Seine River roll hnp­ farm on blacl

Moore, phone Mason

WHI~rE OAK township taxes can Poultr-y he paid at White Oak town hall Wednesday, December 18, from . · DUCKS, 18, $2 each. Geese, 8, $5 10 .until a, m· at my home every each. Roy D. Donald, 1287 friday until the first of Mnreh. Lamb road, Mason, phone Mason Charles Gauss, township trcasm·· OR 7·0582. 49w2 er1 ' · 50w~ I·IENS for sale, to rnalte t•oom for pullets, 50 White Leghorn hens, laying well. Mrs. .T. C. Greene, 989 West Dexter Trail, Mason, phone Mason OR 7·6465. 50wl BABY CHICKS-Started ehlclts. Also rendy·to·lay pullets for sale from our own hatchery. Hy· Line· hybrids, White Leghorns, White Roclts for eggs or broilers. 'Gulliver's Hatchery and Poultry . Farm, Route 2, Eaton Rapids, Phone·5381. lnuham Co~n.ty News. fssav CmnJlclition December 12, 1957 A·8 J•:ntaiJ::,;:IJllll,l: or u prlzu ewm.v l'lilJlJII)Iilloll ill [JiillosnJihY for MleiJinun fllatc LJnlvcrHity nltl Mason Markets rlr.nts lms hr..'n llllllollnr"rl 11,1' fiJI' M~m cic>parl tllr.nt of pllllnsr.pily...... ,', ...... $~.05 II. $100 prlzn Will go In llw Hill· Onts ...... ,. .fi~i tlrnl wlto offlli'H tlw llrml nrlr:lnnl Corn ..... ,...... J.rm cli'll'IISHinn nf Honw phllnnophlcnl ...... , .. , 1.75 problem, lf'xt, fllllliol' r11· move Rye ...... ,...... 1.1 ~ 'men I. The competition i l namml :~nv~· beans, cwt...... ,..... 7.6~ j for Prof. ,John M. f)f'lfilllll, lute l'ltOFI:!-i·'Olt 1'1 AIJTJIOil. mrm1i11' t _ __ _ 1 ~~r ~r. _Ms~ f;~~=~IIY: D•·. l~lh~l'l n. 1\fm;r.s, .Tr·., llH L!•:ClA 1~ N·d'~'ICJ';~, 11lslnnl Jll'ofew;IIL' of c·nmmnnler• I Jon Hldlli:i nl Michlgnn Slate tl!li· O•Wl:R FOil I'UBI.ICATION F.N•I L At:COUfll' "rrslty, Is nullirll' nl "II ClulriiJ I• nEn.:-.l~•uunl y 1:1, lfJfiR n 1 ':trel'i II Spenl\lng,'' hnllclhonk Hildi• or Mluhlunn, 'l'htl l't'nlmiJ• Cutul/ ~111hllslwrl l'cccnlly i•y Vunlitg­ (Ill' the Cuunty (Jr l11~;hnm, .', es~·. l11r:. of New Yntlt. I ''' nHJq C~turl, hc)ld 1111 l I'''''''"' ht•J' II, I !I ~,1, l'lt!.ir.lll; llOl'i. UOIIEH'J' L. IJfl,\hJ·;, mm;C'J'Oit AI'I'OINl'Jm !II t t I II It', W. Lowell TJ·cnster, dh·r.ctrJI' oi In lhc flfn:t,..,· 11f llw 1·: Lillo uf \V,~\J,~ 1'. If . IL, IJ!\, I)' ,. !I'd, informutwn ~l!r\ilcc:-; nl Mldilgan Nnl.rr• Ill l !'I ~· r;lvl•tl, 'l'hut lhu jH'~ Stnte unlvet•slty, hns h.Jcn fiJI llllldt , ~ ;'\1\in J\. , t•lh•J, l.oNIJIIII' uf pointed hy the Argonne NHtlnn;• ,ljtf f'-.11111', IIIII ,'Jil)-f (r•t lhn HJIIHY,IIIf'f' I( hi, '·II·'' ~~~~·· un'. aud ru,· th·· !1111111-:11~ I La born tory of the Atomic Ener~ry 1tr•ul unrl dJtildiHJiion ol lhtl I'PIIidtan of oitltf I' IIIIIC, \\Ill )t~' /)I'll I'([ Ufl o/111111111 Y CommiH~Ion ln help plan a mld­ 1.~. ltlt"tt!, uL tcu rn,·ty .. (l\p u'•·lnl'l\ In we:1tr.J·n conJcranccJ uJi tile peace hr• ~oll'llllo/1 ut ll•u 1'1olralr• Ol!lcu ILl '.HIH llnlliHiur· /lnlhliuu, Lnn:lill~c. Mlc·!r· tun~ li:k~; ol utontk: L'llCrgy, i,wn, It IM Onlt'l't•rl, 'l'hat nr~llt•o llll'lr•or lw J.J.;GAJ, NOTWI~8 1/\it!ll by jlllll/ilatiull Uf II C'fiJIY h«"ll'fl/ fill' lhtl'll \\1•1!111~ l'rrll:,tH'IIIi\'l'ly jiiC\ILII.I -- ~ - -·--~-- -- ROYAL COUPLC - ".teste' ORDER FOR I'UDLICATION two-ycar-olr' Siamese, i' om lu 1urid r/ny td IIIUI'hl'!, /11 lhc I1WI111tll l'lfoAL At:COUNT f'nunty Nt·~~~~. n11rl thor lht• 111 llllrllll'l' ,,, 1066 en, who cun'L b~m to loot' a. , l'llllol' II I'UJI,Y of lh/11 111111111 [II Ill' hi'IVI!d THEY RING THE BELL--Winners of the Nuticnal 4-ll Salely Program competition wield a Stlllt• nr Michh:JIII. 'I"'! Jlr·nlmtc Cull I'' queen, The • queen in lhl~ in I 11111111 l'lll'h !dlfiWII [IIIIL.Y Ill lldfi('/l[ Ill giant hnmmcr unci Jill!( t,cll at tlw 825,0110 marl;, signif.ving the number of 4-H members par­ rnl' I hP Uounly ur lnuhum, stilncc 1:· "Stcve1·ino.'' Ml'c,v ... h/H /o~•t[ kllflWII Utlcli•<•t~•l l!y I'I'J ..:'IHII'It•d ticipating in !he pmgrnm. l'n•;;cnting the awnrds in Chil-ar~o for General Motors, sponsor o! the \t II HPU!I0/1 Ul tldl!l LUIII'L, hclfJ 1)1, nm/1, lCt 111'11 l'l'l't•IJtl lll'llllllllft•c/, Ill /l•o~KL lhwcmhca• IU, 111;,7. hounC: pa o 1elcvlol!lll st.,· 111111cr 11 (II 1 rlny11 pl'lnt· I o 111H'h lu·rrr·~ rontc~1, is flnlph W. Moon•, ll'fl. Youn)l lndic·~ arc, 11'11111 left, Sharon Mitchell, 16, of Dixmont, p,.,.,cut: HUN, ll!JIHWT 1.. ili:Ai>l·., Steve Allen, She's been name. ln~-r, 111 hy [lllllilllllil lit•rvlt•u ttt lr!HHt hvr• Maine; Mnril;'n l·~lli:.on, Jli, of El J!Pno, Okla.; Sylvia McCarty, Ill, of Myers, Ky.; Carolyn ITif llos~; ur.rss, llucon"'''L Wee: ivhllr .Jc~tcl''r 105'' N. -\ 'l'1'11r ('np,Y: .Jtuhw ur 1111/illllt• nonalcl Powell, JG, of Clurl:, J.Iu.; Leonard Wci·tz, 17, of McCiuyc, Culo., und Don Willis, 17, of NoLi'!' Jp, lltHchy filvcu, 'fhnl th1· Jll' l1unu Ca \\eel I~in( ~111drt••l 1.. Flm\111' J\T~nclenhull, Mi:!:. BOUNTY LOCATED-Corni-L·llr.t·ll~tcd rcmnin~ oJ th(· lamed Jllun nl IJni'I>Lhy McCUJ'dcl. /lllmllr1 ,, JlcjJtllY lle:..dtiiCI' U( 1'1 ollllll' mutiny ship, IJMS llounty, h;II'L' been Iucntecl on· Pitcnii'IJ Is­ l'lx ur tlltld crilntc, lll'lllllllJ.t for lht! land in 1he Pacilk, lll'ill' wlw•·~· i1 wrr~ btlllll'cl and sunk on Jlhmttrwc u( lwr· hnnl ncc:uuut, Jlllil , •Turt. 2:J, 1700, b1· mu:int•L·r l•'ktt:lwr C'liristinn and his followerr. hu ua.-!]g'llnlCill Ulld tJIHll'lhutJou of tilt I'CH!IIur· ur lire I.!Hlatc, ~Ill "(,! hcnnl Ui . Here llil' snll'n~ed 1~-rool 111,. t"IIIIJdt•cL Jlul\Cs (arrow-lik<• tip! .gun, · 'I'\.. of 1hc nnchor's t·m:;, piece) u•·(;•' ldot'L· 1810. Photo i~ copy­ It IH Ol'der·ucl, 'J'hnt notice t.hercvr righted b~· Nnllonnl Gcog!,iphlr• Mngazinc. hera hy puulfcatlon w u COllY hai'Co ur tha•f•c weeks conHr.cut!valy IH'CV'iou.l ------In Hillel cluy or hcrLIInu, In lhl! lnghllhl County NcwK, und thnt Uw IICllt)ullol' ~..:liUKl! II tUp)l oC LhiH notice LO be IUll"\'1!11 LPfHL rouch IWO\'dl Hlll'ty In (ntt!l'clll nl hili JnHL IUIOWH nddi'C8H hy ICKi:'ltCitq MSU Museum Now Exhibits lll•ltl, Jclul'll recc(J1t dcmanUurl, l!t lcuRt w111 teen II •I) c..IUYH 111lor· to Huch hell I'· IlL!{, m· by lll!rsunnl I'!CI'Ylce nt ICtlAt hvo ( ;. ) dnYfl tn•ioJ' to such hcuring, , World's Fier-cest Creature ltUIJI;lt'l' L. !)ItA 1{1;, ,,, ...... A\ 'J'1'11v Co11Y: Judge of Pruhnll! Ji'Jcrcest creature ever to walk ~~flldtcd L. Jo'Jowut• licved to he among the last of the IJt:PtltY UcgiHlCI' or PI'Dbntc llw face of the earth probably large creatures to disappear. fdlw3 was tllC tyrannosaurus, a 20·frJOt Scientists believe lyrannosaur- ORDER AI'I'OINTINC TIME FOR tall bru1e who lme otlwt· dino· Hl!:AaUNG CLAIMS AND FOR 11 s hnd 1eel h Ideally designed for DETERMINATION Ol' HEIRS saut·s to slll'cds will! Ieeth as big .1lasl11ng huge chunl. great prclti~lot·ic beast is avail· 1Oiil'l, ut nfnc·thlr•ty a'clock in the fore. ahlc !tom inspPl'Lion of 1hc 5· Proceedings noun, ~uld time nnd 11lace bclqt-: hereby fool skull and its h1rgc f,cimilar· .tppoinlcd fu1· the cxumjnnllon 111td rtd· juHllliCilt o( uiJ cJnfmH • nnd domund1:1 like teet h·-··thuugh lllltseum offi· Heguh11· l\11'1'liiiJ.: nf lht• I)Pihi town­ nA"ainKL Knitl dcccutlcc.J. unc.J for the nd~ l'iab point oul IIJc ercaturc's Hhill htllll'tl ud!t•d lo onh I' hy HUIICI'• jutlicntlon nnd dctel•mlnnflon or I he v/,.;or· F.1v on Munday cvt•rdru.c. lli•t•t•rn• hcll'ii nt lnw of HUid dCCCII"C!I ft.t tho was !mwll in proportion lo lwt !1. Minutto!i of the [lt'<•r·cdrn~ mel'\· Llml! nf lriH dunth entitled to Inherit. the his O\'et•all '10 lo !jfl.(oo1 lcnglh. in~-: \\t•to tt·nd .tnt! lllltrru\'t•d wtth on(• CHIIItfl of which the dcccuHeLJ died HCit.CtJ. Jt IH l•"ut•thcr 01·de1'cd, 1'hut. lntblie no· The slwll is being put on .J,. l!lll'l't'<'linu, . V1•1 nun Ilo\\'1' uf l~dgcwnml h!Jhtllvi­ Litt• Lhea·eof be t-tivcn by IILiblictttJon of II pla,v in tlw MSU museum's hall ~~~~~~ lll'i"'ILit••l lldtu·c• Uw hnnrcl cum~ CO[IY of thi1:1 Ol'dcr OIICC ,CUeh Wfek rt;~r or fossil Ii rc. hcing developed in plttilliiiJ.: or hili :ltHH!tllllllnnt. It. WIIH the lhi'CC llUCCCI:lliiYe WCC:Ji.H JrreViOUit to HIWl Ollill/tlll or the hoHI'II thlll tfH'y ~ould do duy of hcnt•inJ.:, in the ·lnl{ho.m Gounty the new quar·tcl'.s, ac('[)rding 1o nul hill~-! about Lhl!-> maltt•r·. Mt•. Church NeWS, IL 1\eWKfHqlCi* fla)nted 41\d cirr.ll• hatc~tl In ~mid county, und that thu fhlucl· Dr. Hollin J I. Dal\Cl', museum eli· .... us rn'llttll'lt·d to iii\Psti~,rtp :tnt! Ht'f' Ir Lhcn1 l'an l11• any t'rHII'cHii ul LhiR time. III'Y of tmlrl eslntc ~oeh•e known lnlcl'c:tlcd tHtl'lica Jlollcc Hll l'cqUircd by Oldt l'liOIIii Wl'l'l' ht'.tl'tl l't•lutrvc to reel or·. luw. {.l'IU'(•fuJ 1llld Ji1'1~Jilit~ t•hJliJ{ nmtint.! Cutn Lnrw ll llllf'•Wny Rtn•cl n1ad urtl't curr~idPnrhle di~cu:;Hinn n mo~ 'vall s!u•tC"Iws in thi"t fWI'tiun 1iun 'MI:«on, ""'''""t<•ol hy ORDER APPOINTING TIME FOR·· llllilllnls lnolwcl in life. Kmncth Jlnpe, that i11m111 ni•n 11ilnr•t 1111 HEARING CLAIMS AND FOR , , nulil11tlll'l' with the Hllmc Pl'nVisiullti HM DETERMINATION· OF HE1R5 I he IYl'clllllO~HUrus, for P.X·1 OHliTmn1·l· No 1 u:-~ to J1t.!lllli1L('li, etc.. TAYLOR-Fcbnaarr. J8, 1958 tilnplc, stood erect on po\Verful Ht..'ltillg' lhi• Hpccd limit~ Ul! Cllli'Y Lanu Stntc or Mlchh.\'llll .. 'l'h~PI'obutc)Coul~t I . I I I I I I td ·•n milt•s n••r· hmw. Cni'J':cd. ro,· the County or lnW"hnm,· .,, . . IIIH cgs HrH tn Oll.S and lHC t•lat No, t ;j wm; Jtr"eHtmted At n HUHMion ·of Hnid Cou -t. held nt S~tpcrvitinr· 1 }HillY lorclirnbs \Vhich probably tll the llnUI'tl J'nr· ihl /l[l[ll'OVIll. Molinn the Probntc OITicc, in ~he Cit)' or MllROili 1' ,·, I' ttl' ·, 1 Tl ' J ·]· ·1' l•l' 1\l•nrwlh Il(lp(', Sllllt'nl,lcd hy GIIHIY}l In the lllllcl Count)', on the 10th tiny o£ ~\UC I c usee. lC lllge s dS 1~ 1-II'IIIh, lhut nclion on lluK pint be c/c .. Dcccmhf!l', A. D. 1!107. . . . . Ill[( mouth was Lite tyrant llzat•d's \av•·il lllltil VIII'IOIIH lots IIIC checked. P•·oscnl, HON. ROBER'!''(.;, 1JltA1iE; \Ve'I)JOn t..:m·•·iud. . Jud~c of P1·abntc. . '. •· • ( . • Jnbn B. Fny, SUJlf'I'VIKOt', hnndcd Ill In thP. Mnttct• of HEll· 'l'hts weapon must have been a h;, ... ,;~nnt>on '" of .l .. nuu>y I. \tlfl~. BERT RUSSEL •rAYLon. oeeen•cd. . ~uccessful one Dr. llaker pointed ami 11 mollnn WIIH nuulc by .l chairman fm• the munds IIJ.:nlnKt t1ufc..l dccellHcd by Hllll 1Je· hulant·c hf the mculin;.r. At hili HU"'~u:;. fol'C ~mid Com'ti anc..l thnt the leKnl hch·r1 ---- - ·-· --··--- li£Jh IL motion wn:-\ Illude hy 1\enneth of Auld clueensed onlltlcd to lnhcl·lt. the ORDER FOR PUBLICATION II''IH', supJHII ted hy WmlyH llcnth, thut cHtnlc of wblch Knld dccorlliCd died Kclzad FINAL ACCOUNT the ck•r·t hl• inHLruC'Lcd to \\'I'He tn Ml'. Hhoulcl bo nrljudlcuted unci detcL'mhlcd, . HATH-J,,nu,lry 3, 1958 Fn)' mlvl:-dn~ him nr nC'Lion nnd !tfllll'c.. It l!i Onic1·cd, ·r~at nil thu crcdllot•!'l }itnlt• ur Mic•hiJ.{nn. 'l'htl Pt•uhalc CouJ•l chttion or lliH :!li )'l'lli'S or conllllUOthi nf twit! dccctucd ltrC I'CCJUircd to IJI'OKCilt fo1· the Cnunty of In~-Clwrn. lif't\•ice tu the lO\\Il!ihtp ali :iliiJCI'ViHor their clnimF! In Wl'itinl{ nod undcl' oulh .AI 11 !H!:;ston nf ~mid Coul't, hold on nnrl chuh·man of lilt' ,llo:u·d, Cnrt'lcd. 118 pt·ovldcd by Ktlltute, to ~1tld Com·t Ht•tt•tniH't a, l!l:i7. ~lotlon by r·~~inn lu ditlcUHM nnd JIUKHih!c twluct II nlnce being hcJ•eby ILJ)polntcd for tbo Nolle!' lH II('It•hy GivPII, 'l,h11t the pc .. HIJ<'CctiKtll t'n Mr·. Fny. Cnt"l'tccl. c:..:nmlnntlon nnd ndjuHltnCilf or all clnlmK titiun ur £11'11111 Duane lluth, ndminiMLI'I\· Motion by Dr·. 'l'tonKt, ~UJI(IOI'lcd ,bY and dctnnlldK llKIIInsl Knld dcccm;ed, llllfl ltll' ur !!.tid ustnlt•, JIIH:Yill)...l' fot• the nl~ litmllclh llopu, ln nllow Lhc fulloWIIlH fnt· the adJ1Hlh:artlon nnd dc!crmlllltti(lll luwant•e ur his fir!-ot nnd flnnl ru·rnun~, claim~: of the hch•K Ill Jn\V o( Hllid dccCI\!ICd Ill untl fur tho ILHKiJ.rlllllt'IILILild diHlllbutinn .Jnlm. u. li'ny. Snlm·y leSt; • . OJ thp lime or hiM denth entitled to lnhcn'lt ur the l'<·~idul~ of tlliJd ('!Ltnle, will he Wll ·rllx & ss ...... $.1UU.H .. I tlw e~tnlc of which the. deconscdl died hc:n•tl nn .Jnnuaa·y a, 1958, ut tcn·fiftccn 8ullc A. Cht'l!ilmn, ti.dnr·y lcl-ift' Kcizcd. u'clt1clt in th~ fnrtmoon ut thu Pr·uhnlc W II 'l'ax & .SS ...... 1li•l.25 It hi Fur·thot• Oa•tlct•ocl, 1,hnt. IHtblla no- Olflce Ill :w~ llollllitet• lluilding, Lnn .. Altlt SteW II I'd, Snltti'.Y ICHK 7U,\J& tlcc thet·cor be Kl\•cn by IIUblleiLllon or II sin~. Michls:un, ·w H 'l'nx & SS .... · · ...... r.o 11 y of this ot'orci· Ull Uo., l•uel nil lDI' At • n KCKR!on of Hn!ll Coui·L, held nt. Cumtnunlty Jlnll ...... Child's birtl1 lir~t' rang forth, and with awe uud rejoicing, th~y sought the lht• Pl·nbnlo 0/fico in the CJty or Ll\n... lloiL l..oL.Unuel' l.\o,, Caul fOI' Cum. ttillst in Kllhl County, on the l..lth dny of Uutty J.' J(icl', UJlCI'ntina.c !lil'en , Jluuumbc!l', /\, D. 1957. hu· N"ovemlWI' """""Y'"'"""'""' plitce'whcre He lay. And 'at every Chl'istmustidc, the sacred story lives a~'cw ... Pi'CHent, HON. HDDER1' L. DRAKE, \VILLLm·• Mobil Sm·V>cc, KILH, Juduc of. Probntc. ' etc. 1•'. ll, ...... Jn tho Mitltul' ot thu Chnnge of Nn Htu·uid E. Mlliut·,· Uool• fol' t'D .. ·loriously, radi~utly liglating thf? world'with hope a'ud faith1 peace and good will. . of FREDERICK IAFRATE, nn ndult. \llntlle G1·ovo l•lc•e lJu]Jt., l'nYI'oll ·l''l'cdcl'lcl\ Iuh•ntc hnvlng Iliad in tll\ld lot• St!JJt., Ocl.. &·Nov ...... Conl't hiH, Jmtltlon IJI'HYing- that this 'l'h~ li')'J'•F')'tCI· Co., H.ubb«•J' coutt1 Wc wish for y~u and your~ at,Christmu a season abundantly filled with· 1 Cou'J•t cntc1' nn ol'dc1,. ohnnRing hla unmc 1(JI' li"D ...... ,...... f1·om fi'rcdoL·Icl' lllfmlc, to lnfrntc Fred·' I.unHing Ji'li·u Jlc(lt., 0XYKCH) ul•lclu~ nnd thut the order of the Court t.unlul (2) •.. ~ ...... the abiding joy and spiritu~l il~spirati~n, tba.t He brought. to earth. lnclutlc the 111\lllc hid wife nnd tht·cc 1Jc1·t'K C:dlllJ.te. Sct·vicc on · tnlnua• chlhh·cn li1e Lt·uck ...... : .. It h1 Oadoa•ad, Honlclilo, Rupnii'H fot• fl1·c ta·uck .. A. lJ, And1·cw IJ, llnt·ton, Snhu•y lepo . \ WH •rnx & ss ...... · ...... l(t!t:.llcu }i'01·d SnlcM, I)ollce ~Ul'' .... 768.10 Mobil Sca•vlce, Gnn, utc, ., (!Ill' .... : ...... :. ... , ...... 150,39 SeJ•vlce, Sct•vlco Clll' ,,.,,,.,, .. ,, .. ,,,; .. .,,., ... , .... ''•''" & Sonticu, Sut·vieu Everys Return Fay Resigns as Supervisor, Fro1n Germany On Counly Board 31 Years The Ingham Cou·nty News 'l'ucsriiiY wns the l11nl. time Del· 1.1. l~ngrme Every nnrl family hi Will il!! l'C!Pl'CHCfl(CrJ 011 tl\0 Thursdav, December, 12, 1957 Section B · 111'1' lllllllC from C:r.t·mal1,1' Jot' IJOrll'fi of sllJI('I'\'isurs IJY .Jnhn 13, froorl, '/'ilro MiiHIIn IJI!ll/l!llillll WIIH l•'ny. lie tenrlnrcrl ills I'C!HI[~nulicm 1 HPJIIII'IIliJII from /he lll'lnY Del'l'lll· to tlw Delhi town hmrrd Montlny NATIONAL AWARD WINNER li<•r !i. I Jp's 11 so11 ul Ml', anrl Ml'ti, nigh!. 'l'lle l'l!slgnnlinn will hr!· County Will Pay Fred H~~ Northrup Is Named Four Are Named L.tWI'I!IICil J::very. I'Oinl! pJ'feP!Ive ,Jununry I. 'l'llro J•!H•ryH wm·r. In Gr••·rnan,l' Fnr :II ycarH l•'ny has hr.en su· To Audit Books J9 51 !J ,VC'III'H WJJ/IP hP \llfiH lllllldll'rl lo Jll!l'VboJ', hearllng I hr. emJnly'f Gulbransen Orgcwn ,Dealer For Driver Unit ~~~~~~11-t+ the Thir•rllll'nHH'r•d division. They :J() HC!'llllf] 111CJHI jlOjlliiOIIH township Jo'or ,YC!IIrS !Ill! slllill IIIICIIIDI' .M I Jo'recl Ilrmry Northrup, Mnsnn 'l'ue.~rlny nlrHio llw trip from Frrrlli>fnrt lo .a.. l•'rnn· were nrunlnniNI iiiHI filling lnrpnrtant (UJlils on tiHJ J{Prwml IHr~ nurlitccl lngitnm rec:· -.....,.... ~ musid;tn, lms lwcn nwarrlcd a :J. In membership on llw c·outliY Nrow Yol'i1 by plurw anti from r!ollnl y hrlill'rl. l!e has s.r.rverl on nnl!-i, Now tile county will have l'flLIIIIY fr:uw/Jise for !lie Gulhmn· clriver·t raining hnarcl. Nomina· New Yorl1 to J\lnHOII hy aulumo· jll'ac·tkally every c·omlmltcc nne! In rio I IH own. scu transistor organ, lie /ins the lions werr. marlm. HcsidPIIIs now dt'·l]y, lie nnnouncetl: i\L'hlenhet•g nf 1\lerldlan lnwnsllip Tlw Hlay In Gr,rm11n;· men11t a pc•rvhiiJI', /w 1:; n memiHW of tilt' and Srlpervi:mr Mm·y Blndl o£ 1'11111111 triJr for tile Eve•·ys' son, •tcrl'/ror:; rh•l'irl!!rl to hn ve the pr.nrl upon prlvarl! \VL'/b lor wa· 'l'h<' ~l;tson man, wllo has hl)CI1 hoard of control of Ingham Chest records auclilt•d anyhow, paying lct• Hllfl]JI,Y. a pmfessinnal lllllsi<·inn anrl sales­ Lansing. David, :l. lle was horn in tile llospltnl. lie plans to c·ontimw 111~ U11itr•rl Stnlr!s, Gina, one yeur, tile c•ost nut of county funds. lllllll fnr org-ans nnrl planDH In Supr~rvlsoJ• .fatnes McClure o[ servir'e on t hal !Jmml. Jllerldlan, !'lrairrnan of ilte erlltra/ illJnll!, l'ortland, willi a IJulit·ln SJH•aket', pen:us· Lansing lil'hnols, is rl(•si~:Jmlcrl Willi rc-!']cdt>rl In t!J:ll anrl ltllb of l'fl:;t will I'll II IH'l WC!en :Ji!i,OIJO 1111!1 wltiJ hurlal In Ionia,' Surviving sicm nf r/istinc·t Plnrlly and with UIHI!'I' lhG law aH l'linlrman lho scrvrnl l'onllnuou:;ly ,;Inc!!, Ill· llr•e lw lws filled so r·npahly 11nl/ hoard. 1\11'/i. llr:htcnbel';:( Mrs. ~ti,"IJO. 'l'lrP awlit •\'ill l'oVet· all are IIH! lruslmnrl, a s1111, r:ury, :rnrl true lone ehlmes. The lmnslslot· and Chooses Evans t Jwug/1 the town IHlHrd now has 11 fol' sucil a lonr.: period, lite pan•nls, Mr. ami JV1rs. Vc>rn rlevclovmenl Is eJIIircly new, ••• enfhusiasfic salesman ••• Blal'l\ arP hot h lntl'rrstcd ill high· Dcntoeralir: ma.lot•lty, /here hHVI' r•ounty husiness lransactlom; clur· "! <'nn~iric•r lllill my rl!sig-n<~· Piper of Ionia, /•'or sc>vcr·ai years INorthrup ;-xplainl•rl, anrl with It way ~afely [lrogmms, McCltu·a 1\lar's taxes." as truffil! law violator~. Umlr.t• rh•r1t. I Jc Is Ingham l'llllllly high· Indian Teacher children resici<' 011 tile Norllu·up r<•sl:.rnntlnn. An l!xc•r·uliYil SClH· There is rw nnhu•Pr and has long- IJecn farm, 1100 Dansville road. •' ar:liVC! in !Iii! . 'I'. Gal'l;wHrlof Yr.ot rna/, gn1m hefure having llwlr• lic·ense~ any t:rpping of highway funds will run until thcl spring clec· successor, Jrtrlla, will he the guest speaker Succumbs to Heart Attack I'<'Siol'erl. '!'he law will become e[. tinn ul' lfl,'if). Driver Is Hurt fpclive in Febrtlilry. for stale pollee, lor t•cloeating 1 ]Ill' 2 licrvi<:Pli al Dansville Free poll'!!!' lines or for nJII'J'ating sub­ Supervisor Fay gave health as J\lPtlwdist clnrrclt this enrl. Samuel H. Williams, ~fl. Dans- M1·s. Tlwlma Merindorf of J~rlen, sidles for hus companies. his reason for resigning the of· Tile ~;t•I'Vices are sdJCrlulcrl Io~ ville ~awmill o]ll'l'alor, rlil'd sur/- I Mrs. Phyllis .Jacobs of Ma~on anr! On City Turnoff Health Educator 7::m S;~tunlny night and tile rcgu. dcnly Monday afternoon enroule Mrs. Irene Illcrinrlurf of Dans- 'll J ' s ff lo vlsil his wife's brother, Clyde ville; a son, Snmuel of'East Lan- Floyd L. ~Tiller, 70, is banged wI om ta ,. ~~~;'Vi~~u~:~'arl. muming worship Hay/we, al While Oak. Mrs. Wil· sing; sislers, Mrs. Tillie Taylor up with an in,iured knee. lie SUS· Lansing and Suburban Area Iiams was driving when lwr hus- ;rnd Mrs. llnna Stetler, both of lained I!Je injury Sunday after· Ingham's lwalth r!Pparlmenll , Hev. Gae.Invarl: professo_r al b~mrl wns striclwn with a hc:1rt Dansville; and 11 granrlc/Jildren. noon in an accilir.nt at the Cedar .Consider ·sewage Disposal will haw a heailb edll<'cl that towns/lips, Fred L. Kircher, Lansing council· Health SIJC:icly will pa~· I he ~(i,OilO;

Delhi and Meridian townships arc pend upon each governmental llrtilln' W. NewJtt, county hcaltlt 1 qncstions concerning missionary Survivors include daughters, unit paying its fair share of the tlircclo!'· He said he sugge:;ted I worl< in his native land. Mn;. Eileen llbhott uf Weidman, cost, Kircher said. that. the society pmvide an cdu· Kircher said the Thursday cntor when he was asked how it Car Hits Woman meeting was clecicled upon at a meeting nf the Lansing city coun· could best s<•rve l1is depart men[. Unive-rsity Offers Courses ell Monday night. The arrangcmenl wn~ iiJllll'uVc)d C1·ossing Road l'l'inr to amwunccmt!lll to hy !he health cmnmillt•c of tl fm• (!Otmty nm~ds. spection. He said . his !'ommittce SLIPPERS $5.95 tion costs. · If and when Lansing's old cit.v has been Informed that the build­ In addition. a secondnry pay. nail is razed, quarters must be ing does not in all respects com­ HICKOK mcnt will be made In April, with found for the county health de· ply with Lansing's building code. BELTS $2.00 a final clean-up payment in Sep­ partment main office, circuit Further information on that Hemhcl tember, 1958. court chambers, hearing rooms score is being sought, he slated. Jewett ROBES $8.95 ------~--~~= Some members of I,un· CHIMES ENRO sing·'s city I!OUncil at•e in­ PAJAMAS $3.95 sisting thut the county built! About the Question: OMEGA percussion and lUI am..-~x to I"lmslng's new Methodists at Vantown Question: When hunting se·ason reverberat1o11 controls !INTERWOVEN city· hall, the IUIIWX (n COil· tain all county offices now In comes around, I shudder. I Wo "~ SOCKS $1 .0() Llmsing-. look out into the field and see Gift-Wrap <~II of those high priced cattle. Free-! SUPERBA Make· Plans to Rebuild Under a special legislntive en· MUFFLERS $2.95 actment of half ·a century :1go, I worry that a stray bullet TOPS them all in A special committee composed might kill one .of my choice Lansing obligated Itself to pro· • Perfect lone "uallly SUPERBA of Kenneth VanPatten, Harold vide suitable quarters for cil'~llit cows, Is there. any insurance • Breathtaking volume of TIES $1.50 Mom·oe, Gerald Douglas and Ric]1· .iudges and circuit court trials in that I can buy to protect my­ ard Dunsmore is visiting other Lansing. self? tremendous beauty McGREGOR churches in the area !or Ideas on The Lansilig council has nHmcd • Unprecedented musical church plans, Answer: There sure is - one of SWEATERS $7.95 a committee to consult with Lan· resources and percussive !: According to Rev. Harold Man· slng legislators looldng to1wa·d the standard provisions of all effects · DONEGAL dol, pastor, volunteers have al· repeal ot the special act. WOLVERINE Farm Liability • Inherent stability ready offet·ed money, material l~ SPORT SHIRTS $5.00 , plllicies automatically ·insures • Service-free performance and labor toward rebuilding the Th. ieves Take Gasoll'ne your cattle, horses,· hogs and church, Members of the com· sheep that are killed by hunt­ Do drop in to hear or play Froo $22.95 munlty have started their logging Ron Weayer, operating nt the I~ ~;~;:SoR ers or that are struck l:iy an t!Ji& remarkable illstrumcllt Deliveries operations on timber which will gravel pit on Toles road in Aure­ HiiCKOK provlde some of the 'lumber. lius township, reported. 'the loss auto on the road, subject to .or write for folrlcr. !, A Van town community meeting of 250 · ga(Jons of gasoline last pol icy provisions •.. ·• !:..JEWELRY, $1.00 is scheduled !or the WSCS hall weelt ·and over the week end, It Consult J e w e t t Insurance l· Sunday, January 5, to review the was taken from truclts and true­ about your auto insur­ House of ·organs progress already. made and go tors arid other equipment. Sher· Age~cy IIOG M·36 (3 miles ust.of Muon) ove~ the.bu!lding plans. 'rhe, meet· lfl's:·offieers ·said' they )mve tire ance,_ 55 I W. Maple street, in,g will stnrt.. n~ R ll· m, .. · ,•trn<'lts fiR clues, . , · ., . : ., , . ~as~n, phone OR 7-0511 •. : FRED H. NORTHRUP Phono Moaon OR 7-0593 'Stockbridge North White Oak Soutl1 Le•·ov yisifc1l t'e!JIIiiVI'~ iJI flntruit ]u~;t mns Jllll'l y nl II te rilllt'r-h Rn t 111'· l\Tl'~. I•'lfii'IHJ(ill Ii'llllfi\VS Derby Neighborhood Runday, clay uvmtln!f, Oeemnhc.w ·1·1. 'i'ltoiju Jllt'H, (l, W, i'ijll'ill!;'liiUll 'J'Iw Rhr>pler fnmilieH toni-< bns· Hltr.nding am to lui>e their nwn Mt·s, nc~s Wairl returnee! fmm School Schedules Concert Vantown Church Gro&tp lwiH of fnnri nne! Slll'Jir\HI!d J\lln1. lu\ile Hl'l'Vke unci 11 gift lo e~­ IIH! hn.spltpl 'l'tworlay, Slw is at. Mrs. Gernirl HIIJH!imrttt cttlet·· i•:lcirr~d [)OIIHI' ,Saltll'cilly ll)gill. chungu for· eaC'lt mmniwt' of tlw Uy Uulun llf'lllllllll liH! home of ltm· son, Howard, tainml thu Derhy llXIensiolt <'iuh hnnorll1g lwr hlrlluiuy lllllliVI'r· fumily, Mr. and Mrs. Ivun MDill'ne of Decides 011 Rebuilding fill' II~ nnnunl Christmas purty Slll'Y, 'l'lw nnnuul Cltrlslrnm; e~onccrt Legion Post Wultbcrvlllo were Sunday rlinnel' Mrmdny. Mt•, unci M1•s, 1%Jred Hmlsf! vis· Hnv, l~inyri llndws or Chelsr.rt of. Sl oei up last the extension <'iuh last 'l'ti(!Sclny clay ~~venlng wltlt n poliud< sup­ eluh, scnlot· band, .lunior Glee npproprial.e prizes. The contest Dunsmore's fnthct• returned home A sieerlng commiltr.r. of 10 was evcninJ::. per nnd gift exdmngn, Mrs. Ivan Rice nnd .Jank() nf 'l'lntrsdny. He is reporter! as doing dub nnrl boys clwnts, 'l'lte r·om· will he diviclecl into 3 age group~. with them for a visit. appnlnte1l by the C'!nn·c:h hoat•d Mrs. Gt·ar'l' Strob11l spe;nf a fPIV Bath caller] on Mt·.~. Merton Iller., Hatlsfnctot•lly, Ml', unci Mrs. Hoy Glarlstona hinl!d concert will lw under the and they met nl the home of Mr. days last wef!!i at the Leo Chide ciil'r!r!tlon of Miss Nc!lllc Stephens, 'f'he ehllcl welfare commitlr.e, Mrs. Cr.cii Bohm of Fowlerville, Mt·s. L. P. Williams <'.lid Mt•, and Mrs. Bessie! Jo'rlnitle, who Is inson, clwlrman, assisted Mr~. Lettie Fellows and Mrs. Lila nne! Mrs. Dm·win Williams tn ap­ homr., voml, and Keith Saxton, Jnslru­ point more eommittees Monday Mrs. Dorwln Wlliinms Monrlily wnri1ing In Brighton, spent Sat­ ninr~ supper guests or Mr. and mPnlnl. by Raymond Mm·r. and Edgar Clements or Webberville and mol'l1ing ..Ianier. leaves for Ger­ unlay nt her home, Mrs, Hobert. Gladslone honoring Marshall, was nullwrlzed to gel. Mrs, Ahh!e Fortman of Dan::;ville !tight. 'J'he cnmmil fc•e nnd anyone A frcr1·Will nl'fcl'ing will be else interested will tmn· somt! mnny litis wee\~: to he wilh hPr •I family IJ!t•f!Hilly nnniversnrles · tuiccn. ChriEtmas lwsi;'.'.'';..-\1.:>:_-\l,-';-\l,--::_\'.-':;.',l.':_>,l,~''·':.',l,~'\l~t ·liar! lr Dunsmore nt the lwme of Mt•, and Mt·s. L. versnt•y party fol' Mr. nnd ~1rs. ncr. . Why Was The Crc~~ Necessa1•y'!; nual Cllri.~tmas rwrt~· ntH.\ gift ex­ and Bal'hurn were Sunday dinner. P. Williams Thursday evm1!ng. Norris Hart· al. Ute home of Mt•, R, Senior· BYF' will conduct the change at tlw P r e :-; ll y t e r· i a n Mr. and Mrs. Edwar·rl Stmhcl ~-:uesls of Mr. and Mrs. Berton Douglas Parish ami friend of,anci Mrs. Freel Hufltig Sumlay SIDNEY GRAYSON · service; 'l'hursdny, :3:·1~. junior d1Ltrd1 Friday with a turkey din- rtnrl children nccompnnir.rl !Jy ~~ ~ ,Johnson and family. Elva Fulton Lansing eallerl on M1·. and Mrs. afternoon. Mrs. G1•orge Phillips arHI Arthur : <'I wit· pracl ice; 7:30, 111 id-wcck 111'1' served hy Gladys Myers, ]\'lac returned home with them after ~·;~·::-~·~.~·,;~y;---:.:'r';:"!.:'l'o~'i~~~1;.~"1~':.:'~i~-1i~',:-~~~;~~·1·:-~'r';~'1';~1~~~·:·;~'r'.~'::"::':~-:;·,!,*;..1 !~ service; 8:30, clwir pracliee; Ucll Huwlcll, Marie Sharp, L~IUt'a being with the Johnsons for 3 , Friday, 12, WCTU meeting, Allble Stenhouse, Helen Mall'lw and WCC)\S, Hoepclbridge school Wheatfield church Christmas 1tt·clny and Sunday evenings, De­ board, Wnrd Hutson; and board program is Sunday evening, De­ cember 14 and 15. l~ricndly Bible memhers, June Taylor and For­ cember 22, at 7:30, class will have its monthly social rest Dixon; attended the Ingham evening at the church Monday, county board of educa1ion meet- II Dece~pber 16, G:30 p. m.; WSCS ing in Mason with Supt. Jesse Hoytvi e News meeting at t.he church, Wednes­ Batcheio:· ·recently. day evening, December 18, 7:30, Mrs. Rose Barbour and Ellen By Nml!'y Purcell with devotions in charge of and Mrs. Raymond Goodenough Mr. and Mrs. John Purcell and Myrtle Price; Ilazl!l Ostr:·mder, and Susan Marie of Webberville Hnroid were Sunday luncheon program leader; and Marie Mills, and Miss Catherine Brady of Lnn· guests of Mr. and Mrs. Forest All lhe chairman of the hostesses, Luella sing spent Wednesday at the Lewis and family or Charlotfe. •. "For Family! Dttrkee, Mavis Simonds, Louise homE: of Mrs. Eliznbeth Brndy. Mrs. Helen Enness and Mrs. Spl'ingman and Myrtle Pt·icc. Betty Fletcher and Sally HuP.s- Alice Sullivan of Eagle, Mrs. ton spent the week end with rein· Helen Eastman and David, and Stocl Jl:lrents ?I' a son anrl clnughters, Mr. and Mrs. Gay- hasecl on Holman Hunt's painting born at iUcr<·y hospital, ,Juclt· Ilord Morgan and Carol and Mrs. The Light of the World; High :;on, Dcl'emhel' 7. . Lonnie Ealmen and children of School Girls Glef! cluh of GO Mr. and Mrs. Emll Somme;s !Lansing were Saturday evening voice£ will furnish special mttsi- il.av~ left lo spencl the wmter 1n,· guests at 1he Purcell home. cal numhet•s, coffee hour after- Jo londa. . Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Way .anr.l ward; 6:30 p. 111., Westminster Paul Wntson of Detro1t spent Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Beared of Women's Figure Fellowship; Wednesday evening, tile wcel1 end with his parents. Chm·lotte atlencled a dinner at choil• practice; 8 o'clock meeting .lohn Barton, son of Mr·. and MSU Monday evening. Pistol-Grip Whistler of Ihe 'Nomen's Association. Mrs. James Barton of Tecumseh, Mr. and l'rirs .. John Purcell .and s·kates UTiLITY BOX has enlisted in the marines and Harold were Sunday dinner Tea Kettie Club Iras l'lll'ly Choice Leathers left Wednesday for San Diego. guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leroy 5 The Della Alphas had their an­ Mr. unci Mrs. J. L. Stocl;: of Norris and family of Brooldleld. SPECIAL 3.98 $'t25 nual Christmas party at Presby­ Farmington were recent visitors Other guests were Mr. and Mrs. ferinn chureh Monday evening at the home of l'llrs. Elizabeth Ronnie Norris and Mr. and Mrs. with 20 allemling !he potlttcl~ Brady. Leo Norris. 13. PC. dinner with Helen Malcho and J.ynn A~qnith, 5, son of iUr. Mr. and Mrs. John Purcell El he! Glenn Hs lwstesses. A husi­ and llll·s. Hex Asquith, fell called on Mr. and Mrs. Gaylord Reg. $27.50 JJe>:s nwet ing. '''LIS conducted by tt4 IN. DRILL KIT ft•om his bicycle lust Sunday Morgan Friday evening. : By Black & Decker, lnclude11 \'<'' drill wllh Daisy Diincet~· wlt h a devotional and brnlw his left leg·. . Mr. and Mrs. Forest '•Catlin left' SNOW CHASER BRUSH . gear lype chuck, 1-~" rubber backing pad, progrum presentee! by At•die Col­ Mr. unci Mrs. Wniter Fletcher Sunday for Bonita Springs, Flor- 59c 1-4" wire wheel bru1h, 3 lending discs, 1 Long handle wilh iCnt Saturdny evening with the 'da, where they will spend the whoel arbor, 1 mi;w;cr, ~ drill• $1J9S ned for a needy family, ancl !he Jesse Fletcher family at Chelsea. winter. group exchanger! gifts. On 'fhnrsday the I.u!'ll.V 12 FINEST kSSORTMENT Pmlro club will have a Clu·i,;f. Onondaga IN TOWN! lllll~ JIIH"Iy IIIHI gift. Pxe!Jan;.;-4~ TOYS at the J•:utn;l lluus~·. Har.old Corser and family nf OES Observes Christmas

Fowlerville spent Sunday ·eve>- ny l\lt•s, Hu1·ton Jluldwin J and helping care for.a new gmnd- ning at the Emest Corser hnmr.. Onondaga OES Christmas daughter. Mr. ancl Mrs. Lacy \-\'atson and party was Sunday afternoon with . Mrs. Edna. G~over was a gu~st Eddie visited the .Tohn Howarcl~ a potlLJck dinner attended by G3. of. the Naom1 c1rcle ~f the ~aches Men's Figure 50 FT. STEEL TAPE· ' at Chelsea Sunday. Mrs. Phyllis Haven was _in Atd Society at. theJr Clmstmas Lin,woml Lantis and Paul Rich- eharge of the .program. Santa party nt t_he home of Mrs. Dora- ALL ~IZES Reg. $3.75 $3.75 monel attended the Lions-Cieve- CiaLJ;1 was there to distribute the thy Corwm Wednesday. · Skates $1!5 WORKSHO!l 9 While lope, blue !oolhcrcllo land football game at Detroit gifts. Mrs. Doris Bowers Jli'C· Sturdy Shoe· Nickle Skate Sunday. Rlve•·side school will close FROM DiSPENSER t co-vered ease. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthui· Mills and sented a gift to the junior past on D.ecembe.l' 20 to,l' the holi· Sleds f II matron, rvit·s. Emma Hobbins, dnys lln!l re·OJJeD on ,Jnnuni'Y 5 , am y of Jacl1son spent Sattlrday [I'om her ofiicers for the 2 years 10~.98 • with Mrs. Luella Riggs and John. she had been matron. 6· MEN'S HOCKEY SKATES COFFEE.. MAKER : The Christmas party of Dan- The next regular meeting will Mr. and Mrs. Thomas .Austin Toboggans · cers store employes· will be Fri- be Wednesday· evening, December and famll¥ re,t).lrned to ' their Hard Toe- Hollow Ground •· r.lay a.t tile Eaton House. 18, home in Fort Wayne, Indiana, $10,50 Select Completely : Cnslteys ambulance toolt Mrs. Saturday after spending a wee!• Automatic • Chnrley Clemon::; to Foote hos- p 111•1,y Is Planned , visiting Mr. and Mrs·. Robert ; Pita! December 6; nncl M1·s. Ho>v- The annual Christmas party for Bush. On Sund.ay Mr. and Mrs. Fast - nrd Collings to Foote hospital Riverside school pupils and t11e Bush drove their mother, Mrs. • ' and returned home for X-rays De- community will he at the town Jessie Bush, •to her home in ·Bat­ Sturdy Fumous : cember 7. hall Friday, December 20. A pot- tie Creel>. The;y a•lso visited' Mr. West Bend Pas~ Patrons and pust matrons luck cUnner will b~ served for and Mrs. Walter Mulvaney. Long­ ; and li'eir spouses will have their nJI pnrerits and children, after · Grace Baptist church will have Wearing •· Christmas dit~ner and pnr,ty at which there wm be a program its annual Christmas program Gold •or Blue ' the Masonic temple at 6:30 Sun- and sotigs, and Santa Claus will and tree Sunday evening, Decem­ :: day c1.1ening, December 15. Each be present to dis:tribute t~e gifts. bel' g2, at 8 o'cloclt. • ls to t;akc a $1 gift ·for exchange. Onon.daga !{nowledge Seekers 0 :. Stoc)tbrldge Hobby-club had its !lit'S, F•·e•wl) Is llonn•·c,!l ,club had a Christmas par,ty at the • Christmas potlttcl> dinner and William French was host at a home of Mrs. Rose Barton FomouJ·G.E. ·~obri< 12 50 '· gift exchange Wednesday: at the birthday party Saturday evening Wednesday. Mrs. Beatrlc.e Over· Dlol wllh 111lino• lor . Only : home. of Mrs. Pau,i D1iocer. at the Onondaga town h.U!Il, hon- dorf and Mrs. ~artqn hac;! charge all fabrics.. I Mr.. and Mrs. William J,p,dd a11d ,oring his mo'thcr, Mrs ·.' EUa of the program. · . $12.~0 Valuo , : daugltter of Fowlerville were French, !i)Q. Mr. French serve_d a Two members of ~~~e ,Onondaga ~~ Sunday dinner. guests of Mrs. turlcey s~t,pp~l'• to 33 relatives. The ,school board met with the Eaton .. -~ Luelhi Riggs nnd John. ' , gmndchil'dren'" presented Mrs. Rapids school board Monday eve­ ·. ; . Mr.. · and_. ~rs, Har?ld . Lan~s 'French . with a :decorated birth· ning and dlsc.t,~ssed the problems . . ' ,spent' Monctily)hrough, Tb.ttrsday :day cai>c. She slso rec~lv~d ~and possib.W.les of annexation . '.). at Gr:11nd Rapids: .attending tlte ..otlier ·~lfts. 'l'he . evenh'g :was· ;Aftcr .. a sped!M' mee.ting of the .. ~·_-M;Ichlgan. Farm Equipment Deal· ,spent In ylsit111g ... ,Q.l.l~s,ts ·wer.e onondaga · Q()ar.d, notices of a 1 1 1 : '.er& Association .-meeting;: . . p,resent fl'Om.,Bnttle .Crc,ek, ,A~;~n. ischool meeting .will be publiahed. PERKINS.. ' ' • HARDWAR·.E. . ' l. • ·: 'Debble-.Fr~w of Mason. and Mfl· Arbor and '.J~;~ck~.on: . ',,,;, · Onondaga· Community church M~son . · . . . . , · lissn<"Duncer .,spent: the we.ek erid .. ·.: · ·, -.·-.- ,' : · .. · ;Is· making plans for ..a. special Sh ·.' :BO!'I"H p· ~- . · +·p k• ·~- p• f G·•ft I "hone· OR '.6~4311 ''.wlth.thi!h.'grnndparents,-Mr. nnd' Mnr~,.French•ls ·y.i~ltlng··Chrlstm'ns program for_Mondny • ' ~_p·.:.. ·•. ..· tor~ .a .. er Ins or .. ,lnes .. l· .5 • ·' · ,Da~l~~i·:· · In .. ~-f~ll)mo~: .. · ?nt~~~~. cvenlns-. ·December,: 2~. · · '!~--~-...;;....;-.~~...;;.,_-.~...;.;_~~+~~~--~--;...-~~~--...-...... -.:o:o~~-~~--~:""oo-...-~~-----~';'""'~--~~~~,: , 1' .· , .., :-., '1! - ' , olrarn County News, Mason, Mich., December 12, 1957 8·3


0 :r :J Q 0 $ 0. •re!J

... MAKE THE "TO~TAL" TEST I YELLOW QUARTERED 4 for Marlene Margarine 1-lb Pkg.Sizo 8 5 c Hi Neighbor! NESTLE'S MORSELS or BAKER'S Semi-Sweet .You can check and recheck time after time. especially during the holiday seasons. We are Chocolate Chips 6-0z. SizePkg. 11 c quite sure that you will find if you (lie shopping ASSORTED FLAVORS at IGA, YOU are. :enjoying the· same· outstanding savings you enjoy day after day all year ~eng. We suggest you make 1-0z. Size 1n,. the famous. "IGA TOTAL TEST"· and see for yourself." Do it IGA Pure Extracts Bottle 7 '\a today so you won't m~ss the big ~av~ngs this holiday ~eo.s.on: LIGHTER, FLAKIER 2 For Easy.with the. · .. shorieriing you pour 10-0z. Size · Pillsbury Pie Crust Mix Pkg. J 3 c ·ou WESSON 69 \ .. ___ ~OJ~!:.·.. -~ Moist Mince Meat DINING cAR ]6.0,, SJ:: 4 9 c ~~IGA iGA FRESH Fruit Cocktail Flour 303-Size Cans / l 4 9 ( 5 tbBag 49c IGA FANCY Pork Pineapple Juice 4 46·••·''"' $1 MICHIGAN Roasts . OCEAN SPRAY Cottage PICNIC STYLE Cranberry Sauce 2 303-Size Cans 39 ( Cheese

PILLSBURY '.B 27c 2 LB 51c lb 29c FLOUR· 25-lb Bag $1.9 9 ------:---"":'G':":"RA::-DE~I-- MANOR HOUSE LEAN SKINLESS IGA OR DOG HOUSE Instant lb Dog Food 12 Can Carton $1 Smoked Picnics 35c FRANKS or ARMOUR'S Coffee SLICED Head 5-oz.Jar 99c Sliced Bacon Emls-Pi~CC$ )lb $1 BOLOGNA LB. PI

•. .

·>.1lensmore!s·. ' . : . . . ' IG:A·: " . . - ' .. . Eoodline.r·······~ . ' .., ~ . · ·,.: Nor+h·of ·· ·· · .. · , · · · · · ... ',. Bull fighls ... Floating gardens ... flnGWNTF!S VI:'JT'T' TTOME Children Plan Leseneys Re·ceive Guests '1\w•lvt• nwmtmrs nf BriJWI)Ie Women's Group I roop No. H2 vlsil<'cf trollowny Officers Librarian Tells of Mexican Trip Birthday Par1y 11111 Hlng home .uut lrlllk f'h•·lst· Installs At Anniversary Reception lllllli r 111'11 !Joldei'H I hey Jwl nlHd<' Wrmtun's Assoclailon nnd cit'· EPITOII'S NOl fc: 1111•• l\luru.arot 01· Mrs. Annn ll.tll, :107 flmllh e 11011. lnullnm cnunly ll111re the losers In I he 111 cnn, I H.11l, Mr. ami Mrs, F'.1y IInll and Ids, Holt, Lunslng nne! Dimon Party Is Given s.1ng n sl'll'r•llnn. City have 2 sl ew.u·dcssc:-;, till(' lllw o1 stur•cato, almost mnullhll! Dlmnndulo, niece ol lhe Pouple, didn't slop lo asl\, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Sp1lnger dale. Miss l~lmcnr•r> Flelcher mlro· Mexlc·an, otl<' Amcrlc!tll. AI tlw gun lire. Wium yo11 tinnily hem· of Lansing !11111 Mt·. and Mrs. !loy cut unci HCI'VI'cl 1hc cal\n, eu~loms nil ic•1• in Sun 1\nlnnlo, Afler nn lnieresting and cdu· Miss Leot.1 Slllnnel' nf Dimon· riucPd new nwmhcrs. ltelll'lng some AmeriPan, or even hcllct·, Jo'lshel nf Milson. :1\lrH. IJc.~oney wnr·c u dul'lc For Mrs. Hall Jlii'Sldcnt, MrH Laumncc Pnrlwr, 'J'exns, I found IJJ,Lt I clltln't lwvr spolwn midwestern English, It Is en ling Inul' of I he speelncular lJI'O\VII dr<'SS for I'I'Cc•iV]Illf dnlc, ann Iher ntccc, server! punch I of pwslded ovc•r a short huslnesH th similar l>naiH ns om· l11ghways yellow for streamers anrl lttblc Mr.-Mrs. Nor1·is /{art Miss Florence Miller and Miss rlmH'P. .tl C'Pdar· Sil'ror.t s!'hnoi in mosl pi.tccs 111 Mcxlm. 'l'lils ate i.tmml'cl wll h ears on a Sun· dr.eorntlons. Refreshments of Aliu Ward. 'l'lllll'sday all PI' , 1'11onl. Tt•dc•hlng frr1m llie plo~nP ll'tndow, liul sounds lllw o1 gr.lll'ioUs v.tlualion dc~y Families picnicked liS we did, fl·ull salad, deror.tlerl npplesnuce I he group ltPltwrl 1hPm 111 t•a•n found il was loo dllfkull Wllhnul ol our dollar·, IH11 pricl' t.tgs in While lo~rge ho.tls o! muslcluns c:nl, ::1' and l>ill fltlllll o11l ,1 1,1111 IJif•,ttll· A tmn1st from Texas, sillin;:; 1ng Jlotr Y soua wo1 Jt lhe wcelt ~~~, : ;: e. Russell Mc•Bmle accompanymg. to he a drum corps of young WJI 1 1es1r 1 e. end In Chicago. 1 c•onsirler~tl Mrs. Lawton IIemans told how women, practicing Linder this CHOIR GIVES CONCERT l_,·~·r.'::'r':':;'r:-:t,':'::'r\-':t:,;::'rc.~·,,_-:_;·,~·.:;;;,:-:;w:::'r';'.:;':;::'.'-'r..'r'•~· .':t;~·,;..'::'r:'!:',\'!;:'J\-~'r\'.! 'l'hrongh lhl' lml'l> strPr•ls monument with a clome at the . . ynu gt•t a c·m1lm~ting ph·lur•• Pltlllips Brooks wns inspilecl to top which reverbemtcd with M1·. and Mrs. R1cha~d M1lls at· of (Jf M••xir an Iii•·· 'l'in~· shnps, wrile 0 Lillie Town Bethle- every heat. tended the annual Chnstmas con· hem ancl Mts. L 13 Barr rend cert Wednesday given by the AI· Paiin~ phH I'~ ancl iruli\'illil:tl Tile Littlest General. A en!lcc. W!Jen you have _once been to ma college a cappella choir in lhe a mantrl'ut•hu·l'I'S tml'!; lh1• husi· lion of money was taken to ilc Mex;co, you feel It IS .lllst the be· college chapel. Miss Sue Mills, III'SS Sl'C'Iions, sent as a Christmas gift lo gmmng of other tours t!utt you datlghter of Mr. ancl Mrs. Mlllsl There are 'I reel vcndm s sell· CARE. \.vantg tot m<~lencllng several weelts at Clear· Sheers - Patterned Heels Bashore of .Woodland. water, Floridn. grows ln a Seams Gift Certificates the primitive Mr. and Mrs. Claude Adams of Dr. S. Grant Holmes Is expect· Peggy's residences. Lansing visited Mr. Adams' par· ed to art·lve Thursday night fi'om Alw.1ys Appropriate ents, Mr. nne! Mrs. Guy Adams, Pensacola, Florida, to visit Mr. Beauty Shop Sunday. · and Mrs_. W. E. Zimmer. Dr. . ' Mr. and Mrs. James Stone, Jer· Holmes is Mrs. Zlmp1er's son. Cold. Waves - Heir Shaping ry and Beverly of Midland spent Saturday he will visit his sister, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Grover Mrs. Paul Younger Lansing, kent shop so many. of these Akers, Sr. Marie Lecato, who and return to ·Florida Dr. KNIT SUITS old places spent n' month with his grandpar· Holmes hns been th~ ' Fashioned' in Full Style LADIES' APPAREL tile -olctcr pal'ls of cnts, the returned to his ncademy of at Chi· ·Loveil for Yeon to Come! • •home •In · · .eago. I'..;.~~~;..;O,;.i:.;,;;.~.;.;;.~... ~~ilf.~~IMM.!im~~~~,.,Pf.141!tfPotl~~~~~~~~!fl:!8!~1f.W\ft"-'¥ltMM'J:Wl:M'.I~~I'tl1fl\')l~:W:~~~tm~~$:.-Wl::m!M!~IIW!aWMf.lll\fl,1' Theatres .. Dining Places- Dancing -Racing-Skating .. 1 ENTERTAINMENT.I • • "flow and Where to Enjoy 1ourself". Ingham Countv News, Mason, Mich., December 12, 1957 B-5 Chrlstmns party Ji'rldny night, Dccmnhct• 20, ut I he Musonlc hall. Letters to Editor wood tree grow large enough to Bowling fot• :J points while DaviH Mcn'R 'J'hcrc will he 11 pnlluclt supper ul hll used as a cross. Henceforth It Wr.m· wns lining the same with G;:JO. 'l'ltosC! uttcncllng nrc to lnlw shnll he slender and hr.nt unrl Hnll. Nig-ht Owls Fl'llnl< Gucrrlcm Instrt•nnc·e, In 1\VIstcd and its blossoms shnll lte u dish tn puss nnd llwlr own tnble lllgh tcnm gumes were Ellis tile othet• set Mnson !~uorllnncl nncl llil the form of a ct•oss.-2 long THEATRE HITS service, Okemos Taxpayer Opposes Stmoc•o, 1128; l•:dnt Hnllct• Arena, Bllli·Dunn l•'urnlt tn·c split points a;nd 2 short petals. And In t lte 778; nncl Art's !Jnt·, 7•12. lllgh with 2 each. FOX center of the outer edge of each Ou ttuw's Son team series were Erlt·u Holler Chnrles Powot•s was the lcncler New School Proposition f\l!!ul thet·e will lw null prints, 1 'l'hrrrs.·Fl'I.·Sn{, Arena, 2,22 1; gills Sunoco, !llli·l; in I he seorln~-t with a 227 gnmq PTA Sponsors J,rown with rust unci stained wllh nnd Art's Dar, 2,105. Ou tin w's Hun slurs Dane Clurl<, Your Item on Oitemos school Is Iagain oppose this Issue herause It red, and In the center of the now· f!ll' 5!i3. Marvin Miller hncl 2111· Den Cooper, Lori NPlsnn and the exact situation. The proposal gives pools anrl nurlllnrh1ms in· High lncllvlduul games nnd ~51; Eustace HugJ.lOW, 210·529; Family Night cr will !Je a crown of thorns, nnd scl'les were Loret Ia St uclley, 235· EJIPn Drew IIIHI It tells of 11 rutJr.l ns of this date Is no elementary Istead of class t·ooms·, If this pro· Ujll who see it will remembet·. Lloyd Monis, 2fl:l·fi20; Clarence l<'ss gun-sllngr!r who rl'fusros I r11 schools but a pool und the big position Is r!P.featecl OUI' lli'O!lOSI· fi47; Anna McKenru•y, 1H!l·'ifl:3; WlteeiPI', 200{iHi; nnrl ,Judt DaviH, Two IHtndt•ecl nnrl !lfly parents, MRS. CLAUDE M. POST, Mury Evans, 18:3; unci l•'ran Adsit, let his son follow In ills footsteps. lenelwrs and e!Jildren ut tender! nudltorlum. In the past It ilas lion of flclwols and cluss rooms St. Peter·sburg, Ji'lorlcla 212·511. been the contention of the hourd will hnve to he considered. •180. FOX lhc Sycamore PTA fumily night Team standings; 'fcnm 'standings arP as follows: Mondny evening In tile school all· and the opposition to us, thut we 'l'hor!Htrn Lum!Jet· & Crml .... an Chlnrt Gute Al the meeting we held at the ~anta L pur)HJsr~ room. Christ mns desserts arc short of class moms. It Is Too Early w Davis Men's WPnr ...... al . 'I'll lli'S,· Fl'i.·Srtl. evident now lltnt. they 1hlnk a Meridian tnwm;hlp hail on Mon· ~ Art'~ Bur No. 1 ...... 2fi 1:J China r::tt<', is o story of IDve talten hy IIJC farnilll'B fn ntteml· B;iii·Dunn F'LII'nlture ...... :31)1,{, llnl'e were nnnnged for a smor­ pool uml auditorium orr. mor·e clay night previous In the elec- Call the writer of this letter a !~Ills Sunol'O · ...... 21i t:l Hoy C'hrlHtensen Jo'orrl SHies 27% nnd wm· In Imhi·ChinH, gllsbord. Important Lor the youngsters. We tlrn: w; had 11 retl~·ed scl,wo_l su· crepe hanger if you wish, hut you Art's Bar No.2 ...... 20 19 It dr!plr·ts tlw :;lruggiP of men Frank GtirHTIPr'o lnnuram·e .. 2fi sny class rooms and no pool or· pletlntenrlentl ~f mc~ny years ex· wilt huve to agree thut II bll·cl In Ben's ...... 20 t!l l'vl 11srm Fomlla nd ...... lfi In wat·, tlghtin~-t for llw right lo The sdwol junior choir, dl· IHtdltorlttm, and we lluve n propo· 1 erlence wi h .111 tile lltlngs they 1the hand is sllll worth more than Eth'll Roller Arrmn ...... IH 1,J, 20~~ Jivr• In frePdom tlllfiel' a govern· have proposed unci In :;chools II c Ius! Lansing Window Clean 18 21 i\lnson llnslnPSSilll'li rectl!cl hy Hrnmld Allen, sang 4 sltlnn before the homd fot• just 2 1 1 1 1 lllr!nl of llwir own drooslng. that. such ns the Riverview school ncar n ' Midway Beauty Shop .... 17 22 Hi·Icl hy fume! :Jnrl fortune, first in niglil was glv!'n to honor tile lc!achcrs. lion nnd we ut that t.ime did not must he defentcrl to gel the one J anuary c Iearn nee sa Ie II 11! wee'I . , · · · · ' r 1 1\1 1 , 21111 · 1 • A ·A tct'f'ci in lhe prison and wlwn lw f'iu!Js and ron l't'f'c. so ll· mas. et us turn our 1~ac s !r.r•>n•l group Christmas conc·crt of the nghts, mentui health care for Itons to_ the problems J[ stunted th~ West and lteep lool{lng e ac Jam er am, nrc Jere any o Western Auto - lg_J lng "?: [ csfi. t er; fare · Ivarious recommendations which !or Michigan as a whole. In 1958, you men who can say it to be a •IRII'IIS It was voted to offer !>·Irs. prrzcs-.~-:J 01' II'S · $1 ,J or sec- h . · · h h · Plan Me t 1 1 $10 f t'h. 1 E t · t e governor has made m the pohttcs should he clc-emphaslzecl fact t at t ere was a dog 111 the e ':. Nancic Lubbers a cont rae I to on< a,m ' or f tr< · '~ r~~s past on laxation, unemployment in the interests of doing what Russian Sputnik? I have listened Modern Styled Battery-Powered Pi,k-Up teach 1 1 1 Woman's Assoeiation of Holt in elementary grades m the ~ll~ Je mat.~ ~ or~~ av~ n ~ compensation and othet• items is best for our· stale and our peo- to stories, barrels· of propaganda, No old.fashioned lines here! Slyled like latest models in bright, modern seconrl semcst cr. 1 Prf'~hytct·ian church will have ·; ... . , which inct·ease the cost of doing pie. If we can achieve a measure until I was forced to place them colors and gleaming chrome, It's battery operated to make littlo oyes o~su.m~~01 1 1 o~e ·~v .~re~ its December meeting Weclnes· ;n business. of cooperation in changing the at· all under the microscope. This is spar~le! One flashlight battery mo"es it forward or in circles, Real rubber ~ rtll s 60 · 1~ s s '{g\a·m wheels. 7" long. Less battery. day, Dec•r.mber 18, in tire church ng mm lll, Y ' ew~. .'n I'IC~ • mosphere in Michigan, we will what I found out: If there was annex. The dessert luncheon will MSU Official ~!10.uld be_marled -~~Frank G_ucr· , BL_Jst~ess m~~ he [lopul~l: ~sa hnve taken a long step forward one, it had to be an Airedale dog he sc•rvcd at 12:30. A Christmas I let o, Dox 68,. M~. on, n~11 lat~r whtppmg-?oy. for poiJtwi.ans, Itoward securing a sound eco- to endure su~h a fast flight so •·':======:: play, "Tile Slur's Light," will lw Exp~ains Center lhsn December .lG.. Juclgmg lVIII but tn out .highly compe.ttt!ve nomic future. high In the urr. Don't you agree, given hy the executive council. he clone the next mght. economy husmess cnn_I>c whtpp;-cll GEORGE M. VnnPEURSEM, boys? Circles '1 and 5 of the Al:socia· ELtgenc Guarino, assistant di· IllS! so hard before It packs tts zeeland Mr. Senator Potter, you men· 1ion will have evening meetings rcelor of the new reading center Lions ~ntcrnationcl Names bags unci moves out. tion severn! issues that will come the same c:atP. Mrs. Maurice at Miehignn Stale university, spol;c lo lite Holt Educa lion asso­ Executive: Administrator Unemployment and hardship O Df Ibefore the next se~sion of ~on· HiC'Illnomt will entertain circle 4. for those Whose jobs have clisap- rgan r ayer gr;ss.. rr I don't IniSS r;tY guess "With What Hope" is the clcvo· ciation Tilmsrlay aftcmoon. lie explairwrl that the reading peared Is the result. Competition t~1s Will b~ a congressional ses- tionnl topie. Mrs. Gernlrl L. Ak· between states for new industrial, I have Jenrnerl from Mrs. Hen· swn that w1J.l go down in history. rigltl is prngt·am C'lwirman. The ceniP!' pmvidr.s diagnostic and correct ivc St'l'Vif'es for ch ilrlren plants has never been hows {I"Oill G:JO P. M. Either the ~ehool where the cltilcl • All Moods in Music Grinnell is the pmgram clmir· Sunday shOW.!! continuous f1om 3 P. M. Intangible something c~llcd a 'bard and Arthur F1·eer. Mr. Freet· MASON HOME APPLIANCE mnn. attends or the parents may make applir'alion for this service, he "favorable economic climate." now lives in Webberville. 120 W. Moplo Moson . . . MRS. FOREST FELLOWS, cxplainecl. We, 111 M1~h1gan, have a great Webberville Thursday-Friday-Saturday, December 12-13-14 Tests are given tile child in the deal to offer mdustry, much more Detective Tells r,rcas of remling, intelligence, per· than other states which have at· "COME HUNGRY About Lab Work sonality and vision. The~J a \l'l:il­ tracted some of our plants. We Dogwood Legend ton report o[ test f1nd1ngs, tll· have almost unlimited water sup· I AND EAT ALL Detective Charles MeYers of I ~lucling a plan for corrective h~lp, ply, a la~ge and skilled labor I read about the dogwood bios· YOU WANT" the state crime laboratory at East IS scnl to tile school nnrl to the force with a high degree of cffi· soms at this time of year, from Lansing spolflll'· lo iirll'illllilgr• IIIHI ~Jii'ill I ill' Jasl :1 Willi bot II IPillll:i unublc• lu hit tlllill'( litl\1' 1111~' St'lll'lllg" HI II' II h I I polnls. Glenn Win•· 111111 r:l tmlnls, c;t'I'I',Y Ch'l' lllud;Jwwl<:i. 'I'Ja•y lust ol l'iiiSI! rally In 1111! 'third 111111 !Olll'lh llidunonll cl!!iiVrrecJ the shu <'Ia•,:; Oj IJIC lllgiJ.JIII ( 'illllli,l' 111<111 wns nexl wilh H. h:ul IJ anrl 11111'1' Cm Jll'nlm• onn lu ~:tlll'i;hridgl' in till' OJli'IWr. IJilill'll!l'H, I hough. whieh Jllll LP:,IIe In fmnt nnr IPIII;III', l'llllirln'l cllljJIIt':Jil' till' il'ill Mile 'l'o!nlln scnrPri nil hlll 1ll n1ul J.,·ro.v ILI'Illll'll t'lll'h bng· ol WillloilllSillll, 'I'll<' Jilll'lll'h J•'rlclay nlglil J\la:;on opl'llii It:; "" cll'livl'll'cl ·I long :;Jwls In a IIH•n fullowcd with 11 Jlilh' of fre of the l•'owlervlllo prrinls on G g1 11 1!. Capital l'il'i'llil l'illl!Jlidgn u:.:al11s1 1'1111' with the IIIII' slwving liii'IIWS lo giVI! lhc lliad>hawl:P Cl'll· Villllilgl' .11111 liu• pussllilllly ll!al linw In 1111' 1-(illlll!. In Jill! pasl L LiVPIISJlill'~<·r IJliiY IIIli IH' 'I'll" Lt.>sli<'·J\lirsoll gamr> was a lias hr'<'ll tile !'lie for Mnson It of lire• II!'SI llnlf DilllhVilln !wid ol ,,('J'\'il•r•s Ill' oiiii'!C Li\t'IISJIUI'• '"'"'' 'iiii'Sdil.l' lligl!l, lliou~ll. Jlr! ahll' lu piny J\Jason might l:llw lypiml nn<'. was rough anrl fold hul Musoll <' Bl'ur·l' llol'lnn rh·nvr. In fnr 1111 in~· slay liH'I'C long, lilouglr wlwn lilt' n tlill'iPIIll ~;lnl'l. Jll'll\'i•d lo ill' II!" rlllfcreuce. Ill mrrll11g lu Coill'il Da11 llovanr- ll'ilrns II'I'J'l' wiJislll'rl '"a"'''" so ollwr C\r.lci J!llill, \VJrippln sunl1 f . BROWN TO BROWN: "WELL DONE"-Fullbacl< .Jimmy lkown left of the Cleveland Browns Is congrululnlcd by Wirr•nmn lrl'olhel'~ o.lillled I'UI· , . . , , . , , IIH• !·l'lll!HI Jll'l'lorl lwllr lt!ams ~Iilii, IIH• Hams IH'Pci a lal\P· thai offil'iills l'lluld qulel lhe pal1· of fi'PI! lillll\'o's. 'J'om Clippr>' . , I .• l·l' mghl IIH· ltdll! .. pl.l,; oil lii'JIIC'd 1:1 polnls. Siol'i~ r•lral'gl' pl.ryPI' ol Llvc•nspargc•r's I!I'II\Vrl, rii'OflJH'ri 11 shnl from lhe flolll Coach 'Paul' Bmwn in Clcvelnnd nftc1· the former Synwusc Illig 1111~e. ~I I' . 11 11 , I·, 1 fr•w \1''11'' 1 J l'l'iday nlglll Dilnnvllle movr•s ;lsoll. ' 111 'ol' • • ' · Jll'l'it•d :l points oil' lhr• ilol Pt ~" lyJH' lo di I:; ,111:;1 nnolhl'r il'illll. !Pari will! sonw ,, sl or· r·IPar fol' nn t•i!sy Jny·Ufl to wi1 J\!;1son l!iis 11 lol uf l'llllgh spols I~s ag,tlllsl Slol'il'l, c as:;y Jgan Stale, will leave TLle~cJ; y lo siluls lmvv nul golll' cl11\\'11, :rg;unsl J\las!lll Joi!d,ly night. IMnson with 1.'3 (loinls. Whipple puslwd Si. Mary in front will1 11 Cage 1 By Dumping Leslie 56-42 followed With 10. points in llle fb:l quarlt!r, When lly lo Miami [or lhc llDI'Iil·southl------­ the penod enrlcd the Flint learn all-~lfll' game on Christmas niglll. Hir·Jmwncl WIIS I he hot shol Slrwlre in Lr•sllc at !cowlervillc tlw rJjH'ning nighl of play. fronl Iclirccl lhe no!'lh team. down fJ lielrl goals lind 2 free ]Jnsnn FG '14-26. Okemos at Stoc:khridge wr J> F 'I' r• Barrett lopped I he scorers with Wives oi Jewell and NiliiJWsld ::Siol'khl!dgl', ('(JnsiriPrecl h y throws for 21l LesliP )JIJinls. Ilorlon, .. , ...... 1 'l'nesday's Games many lo he !he• c·iassiesl loam in 1 " 3 23 points on 8 field goals and 7 will also a<·t•omjmny lhe party. Friday night Slocl~lll idgc will Callrirlcr, f , ...... 2 I] 0 1 Oltcmos at Dansville llw iPIIi:ur•, liar! a h:ml t11ne mak out of !l free th1·ows. !\like Slump They will 1111 rclum lo clas:;cs ut 1nl\l• on OkPnHIS in a game whir·h Wlwclel', c· , ...... ,) 3 2 13 Stockbridge at Williamslon ing Lc•slie ll<'lievr: those iirlvance Slale Jammry 5. should giJ a long w:ry lmva1'd rle· Clipper, g ... ,...... 2 0 I) 4 Fuwlervlllc trt Webberville Jloli<-es. l~rmlnin:.: tlw clilr: of lhC! Ing­ Dic>lz, g ...... :5 3 1 1:l Dr.xlcr at Leslie The lll;wlins, g ...... 0 0 [) , Holt at Mason rlay aflPI'nonn OI'CI' at ll11ll. Coad1 pulling 1111 upsPt farlerl for llwm in unc·anny shooting <•yc and lhc Lose Cage Opener I lol broul\, g ...... 0 I) () S1. Mary al ncslll'l'l'vi ion 1Civi.· .Maul'lee Slrail t'llilt'lws 1!111 11 llw tlnrrl qn:ll'll'l', lhou:.:l!, when r'hid:, lib nwrcrl il slrong tiP !'Pnse. Cenlerl teams. illas11n's t•igl! 111 gradr• the l'anthPr•; ril'livPterl a hanag<' Mason's reserve basl>clhall 'f'lw Panll!crs will ha\'c the lmm<' 18 11 I•' RID A 1' lmSIJI;!'~ crew clevelopecl inlo a smooth ~~-UI.~,II:AM lhal rloonwrl LPslir.. H '17 tc11m tried to put all its lmslwt· cour1 nrlvnnlnge. lughum Cnuuty LPll~'lle team as sevcmh gmllcrs Jasl \Vilh Paul Spadaforl' lcarllng ball intn !he last quarter al Oke­ Leslie> pla,1's ils game! Frirlay Ll'~liP FG F'l' I) P '111• Oltcmos :51, Mason •II year. the nllal'i> lire l'nnlill'l's pumpl'rl mos F'riday night bul lhe move nighl al l•'owii'I'VIIlc. TIH' IJiaf'l<· ('IIJlJll'!'llOil, I ...... 2 1 ;, j Dansville 32, Fowle! ville 7 in 21 poinls in lilt! lhll'li while didn'l work. The Chlcis won 3S· hawlliinnablr arl'l'lll In ynur li~1111; :m poinls in<'iuding 13 field goals. Chiefs nrc far rrorn a one-rn11n Coach Tc\'rlillg> :11c llnllaflcx, lllosl of his floor silots were gang. Coa<'h Boil. 11nkcr has a whole Viking horde loose with 1•1 BLOCK lnw•h dur,d,lr maiNial "hit-l1 lr,isls slainin~ fi'Oill Wil\' nul in lmnl nvcr the ilappy scasnn coming up if I he' men seeing action ancl 11 of them Q • I 56 49 "' :.'11iling, l' will! dampl'lnih or sponge. top of Milsnn's wne dO!cnsc. opener· is <_Illy indication .•Joe Lit· cnlering into I he scoring. riO es • l',ltldcd ch;rir srnts for g1eulcr comfort, Mason slarlcd nul strong but lrell :mel J1m flaga came th:ough 11 waR easy nll the wny fol' I ran inlo lroulrlc when tile Chiefs W!lh goorl JlCI'[rmnanccs. Clnwl< Everett. The south Lansinl: Everctl enntinucd ils hot Ji!"'•'' • t t a I I I t I I I I t t I t t Tal•lc nr11l chairs have all-slccl went inlo a pressing Iull eourl Clausen, a sleady vclernn, hacl a sciloo] lad JcJ.~ 1 the end of th~ 'J'uesday nif(ht by bealing Char· Choico of Color,.· ' fn111H'~~ rigi,J r.nn:;lruetinn. E:~sy lo 11 ASSEMBLIES Solin Bloek frames fold. l•,rsy In sci scrvir.r.ahle, man for man defense. lmrd !irne findmg_ the range l•'ri· fi!st quarlc1.' and 21-12 at the lotte 56·49. II was the second win up. A 'J'I!c Bulldogs were not nul· rlay Jllght iltll he IS il proved per- haiL With reserves cloing most of in as many s!nrts. , , wilh Pink, Cho reoal, ~(·1, otH' wirh 111any usrs, and at nn Jrla,ved tlrey were just oulscorccl. [onncr and will boosl the Chiefs. lhe worl< Everett increased the Ability to sinl> tilC Ioul sh1.1Ls 1946·1949 Chevrolet • Spring Green or Coral. : niii.Jrlilc pri1·P! Your best buy for : Beige frames wilh Tomt. , fa,lliun and \'aluc! 111ason showed more rll'ivc anrl Okemos will find oul just how jlc<~ll to 5?·33 at the end. of the was the main reason Everett won., 235 cu. in. - Reg. $215 I I I t I I I I I I I I t I I t I light on llw baddlr loppPd M:t· lllason J~G Fl' l'F, 'J'P gverelt's pressing defense the scoring pace bu! 111 216 cu. in,- Wcl5 $215 son Wilh 12 ancl Wheeler had 11 Horlnn, f ...... 1 0 1 2 slopped the !•'lint team cold. _Gary weather the Charlolle onslnughl. fen· lhe bull\ of the Mason seor- Caltricler, I ...... 3 0 1 G 1Cook W<~s lhc onlY man. to hit the Hugh Mallory was the Ever· in g. Wheeler, c ...... 5 1 1 11 1 ftgllrcs and he JUSt mad!! elt scoring star. He hit for 7 flcld Mason will have lo come Cl' , dm1~lcil With 10. goals and 12 [rcc throws Ior a ~ 2 2 10 111rougl1 wil11 more ~coring help !ppc! • g · ...... · ,J ~ • r v·1 · t 1 All 26·point total. Ken Yarger added / ·. , . , . , . . HollmJUk " ...... 1 0 o 2 l' 1c 1 tlngs ou s 1ol 1erton 11om, the lest n( lhc pill~~~·wlth 14 ·poln!ll· · . ,VIllA In R non·1eRgll_e gnmfl. · University President Pledges Help In Guiding Tri-County Development The Ingham County News Mason, Michigan Thursday, Dcce!niJcr, 12, 1957 AI. J{cllogg Center lust 'l'hlll'H· 20 yeut•s ago, wlwn an cm·ollnwnt snlrl, Alexandria, Hcldolhnrg, tlw Section C rh1~· night Dt·. ,lrJhn A. l!nntwh, of 8,000 was cnnslctercd maxi· Sm·lwnno, Oxford nnrl Cnmhrldt;

anrl recreatio11 committee by 1 Charles Rylmikar, recreation earn· ' mitlee suh·c!Jalrman In charge of teenage activities, Maple Grove Hcct·enlinn committee. · Other members of organization ami worll'anned .for. Saturday;. December 8 ... ' . '·.:~~) 1 _·.- .•. ,~~o~ '8~~l~Y~·': 'r·~~~}dapt~ ·~~~-~~~;...... Ph.. o.;.n .. e• ... o_R_· .. 7-..;.'s_' .. ' --~~~-;....~.J MASON . ' . ·All 6if~ ;Purchases .Boxed Freel : Munith lngl1am County New$, Masor1, Mich., December 12, 1957 (·2 Mothers Club Meets

Club Members Gather at Party

Farm Bureau Plans Meeting Mumth Farm formetly c died group \I 111 meet at chmch lwuse bm 17 \I 1th a turlce) 7 30 Mrs F01 rest Miller Mrs Ford and Mrs Harold Harr appomted b} the president rred Ford to act on the menu and table r!ecoratmg committee All attend n<( me tequested to sci\ e

Funeral set v1ces fat Mrs La Vern Lehman were conducted I hursdn) aftet noon at Caskey fLmeral home 111 Stockbndge Mt s Lehman died suddenly at lwr home 111 Mumth last Monday She s survived by her htls band LaVern 3 chtldren Demus

Bunal was m Mumth

Mrs Elv1ra Pee and Pam of Jaclimll. )l!I'I hrluy nnnlversai'Y• Wccl1 cnrl gun~t~ of Mr, nml lVII', unci M1·s. Lyln Glenn unci Leslie Mrs, Howm·cl Leonard were Mr. Cny Jluldlllwnn wns home Mr. nnd Mrs. Lonl 'l'oWnHcnd nt· ltohcJ't and Bm·imrn Li111lls ----- Hncl M1·s. H.usllC!I Ilr1ylwu, Mrs, frnn1 Dclrul t Su mlny. lt'llrlml u Ginglinm Girl fliii'LY ut r:nllml on Mr. nml Mrs, Wctmoro Tiohert Gillotle and Mr. nml MI'S, Mrs. Mnr·y Barth hncl 11 JH'ml· Masnn iOOI•' hull ::lnturdny night. Sunrlny evening, Principal·Teachers Meet Don Patrick, Lids pnrly a I her home Tuesday, Mt'H, Willlnm SIHII'JIIIHI culled M1·, nnrl Mrs. Huh! Bunlwt· nnd Mr. and Mrs. Paul I\ihhlu nnd Dr!XIC!I' Trail HI duh met at on l\lr.~. l•'ny 'l'ownscnrl Monrlny oOII visltr!rl Mt·. anrl Mrs. I•'uy lly Clnl'll Hll'llll!l'll nlrl Allr!n with grurles I, 2 unrl a I'atlly \VI!I'C Sun!lny guests of l\Jr. I he 110111 tn caJ'l':.' !wavy loarl:< o·:t:l' 1 t.:l'.\' \'I!U~h ((l'Olll!d. $209 •95 ma11y aelivilie:;, said AIPXilllrler. r·rHJIIIY IJIJn!'ll 11[ education; and sing and Mr. ami Mrs. Lcroj' (As Piclurod I There Will IH! II llll!Sil'iil prngralll Dave Dielil, member of the Dans· iiolmes. UllriCI' the dil'l:l'iirm of lvlrs. !{on· villt! sdwol board. Mrs. Bruce Robcrl:;on 111111 KELVINATOR COMBINATION School pmblems of nearly rlaughler Dorothy eailerl on lwr • • I v· .J. every nature were rliHCliSSed. brollwr·in-law and ~ister, l\111', anrl Pr~ncapa ISh·S Some sub,iecls mncerpcd pulllic· Mrs. Walter Ganaway, .Sunday Re·fl"i gerator·· freezer .tfternoon. 1 G d ily for sclwol::;, public rclulions, Sc hC02 ra s tuition, slule aid, rernwmizaliun Mr. ami Mrs. IIcrlJcrl J l;u·l i1: I REG. $51?.?5 NOW $349.95 nf sf'hool dislricls. transportation .uul Mr. and r,Jr~. Han·cy L>ochnw PJ•indp;Ji H.ichnnl How!PII of· 11 ,1ti phil11sophy. .Jtlemlcr.i a lJuWiing b:111q ucl :11 PHILCO 12 CU. FT. COMOINATIION SloddJJ·irl~e l1igh scliool has lwr•nl AIIPnrling with Supt. Vander· Dines Terrar:e roum in Lausin.~ ullel!cling fresliman \'isllati· mcmorates the Jo'nlklimd Island:;' I Reg. $269,95 Valuo cnlry into the British family oi more but in his lir~:t ye:1r HI Easlcm Mklligan as a IJ·nnsfcr School OffDcials nations, the National Geographic (As Piclurod I maga· says. The arch, mac\e from Michi~an Tech al llough· I RCA WHIRLPOOL 20 CU. r:T. ton: were visited hy Mr. How· from the jawllOnes of 2 sperm interview Pupils whalr.s, overluokt< lhe harhrn· at.l lett. . NO\V Stanley, the capital and only town i Freezer $349.95 At Michir,an Slate univf'rsily, Supt. Clill'C!J('C VandPrLmrlcn Reg. $549.95 Yc1luc 1\larilyn Li~heck, in a noll·prdr•r·: and Principal Olio ..IIcei;scl al· of the island colony in the South . r!nce course: .Jea11 Ad·;it'y, elf'·! tcnde,[ treslunan VISJ!atron day Atlantic. 1 mcntary crlucalinn ma.ior; Phyl·: at Michi;.::1n Slnle uni\'

Mr. and Mrs. H.lchm·d Fcl'l'i:; 'I und family were Saturday eve· ning dinner guests of tl1e latter's parents, Mr. and 1111'S, Ralp!t l•'urtney. BIG SCREEN VIEWING.,. LOW, LOW ... Mrs. Irene Laxton has returned PRICE, .. , AND WHAl FEATURES, There's never been an engine-drive com· field. It takes you from a standstill through . ·' to her teaching duties at Webb school after a 2 wcel\s America's brightest table TV binatio~·Jike this one I cruising in a single 'Sweep of motion. Har~ ,, buy! Controlled warm·I!P in­ Chevrolet's Turbo-Thrust VB~- introduces ness these· triple turbines to a 250-h.p. Mr. and Mrs.' Oscar Lee and creases life of every tube. Push­ On-off. a radical new slant on engine efficiency with' Turbo-Thrust V8-or the 280~b.p. Super J:amily visited Mr. Lee·~ brother·, button Right-up· front con• (Charcoalflnhh)·. in·law and sister, Mr. and Mrs. the combustion chambers located in the Turbo-Thrust·~-and you step out instantly I ·'' trois, Power ·, ...... George Champagne, and family M chassis.. block rather th11n in· the Turbogllde'~ · in any speed range. Nothing else on the road h1 Lansing Sunday afternoon .. C l1arc on I, $199.95 • -the other half of the team-is . the only go!!s into ac~ion so q'uickly, so smo~thly. · Blond finish. LESS TO.UI ra•oa ·~ Mcidel21T39. ~ triple·ttirqine automatic drive in Chevy's Your Chevrolet dealer has the: combination! ~· .. ------,, . . ------·,--_;.,..,.;;. •Optional at ext.rtl eoJt.• · .· t,· . .-•. I . .· ~,. /~i- Clleinlot .r.vz. ... l Ill.-<. Mrs. Lawt~n Gauss or A. o: hol:dfy tvacnlion ';ith t:~e junior; 'J'his week tile Aggies journey hostess to Oltemos extension ciuh o t e Person Who Has Everything' Greenrnrgh and should he given ass s an 5 Jll'c;.;,,n,' Hm acl.tJa 1 II 1 tt 1 tl Tuesday, December 17, at 10::30 vVedne;.;clay vi:;itors of Mr. am! Laura Bachmnn, who is still slav· 0 t 1 e fiOO!l In order that boxes mny be work will bc;::LI on the "Bricks • as c 0 Jl ay 1e s mng Mrs. Alfred SIH!I'Inilll. ing nl llw home of 1\'lr. ancl 1\·Ic·:,. mmle ready for needy families and Ivy." Lalw tearn. H will be a totcgh a. m, Ml'. and i\'lrs. llcnnetl Taylor Aelhen Will, ., , , evening for the Dansville teams. Miss Carolyn Bray will enter- Just $2.50 were ThUI'.<;rJay evening guests o( Mr. and Mm. Lehmilll Jar.niJ:-; for· Christmas. ·p~''tc "mlo~t'~1 ~f.. Jlan:l.~ryt' WJIJ br. The second string game begins lain the Pionect· Ladies at her 1 Mr. nnrl Mrs. Holler! Smith of illld family o[ Mason were· Sun· :::.ell ~o lCl 111., su JSCIJP wns ant nt 7 o'clock. home Decemb . 27 I 11 1 We'll Bill You and Send a Gift Card Lam;ing. clay dinner guests of Mr. ancl Mrs. at. _rtJsing fot· tho annuaL Mcm- CI or w annua Phone Mason OR 7-90'11 Mr. ami Mrs, CJiffnrcl Wieand Sam Williams. Holiday Progr·am selling~~ ~~~~uare candy for Cbristmns b~yoow and Mr. Mrs.· Armine· Fmch,. Mr.,~~C:h~r:~:t~m~n=s~~=m~1~Y;·------!======! of .Jnckson were Sundny evening anc~" i' Mrs. Maud Marquardt. of Holt also Christmas cards and wrnp· : have moved to their new; • • , FOR LASTING PLEASURE! ning gtresls uf the ScriiJlers. anct Mr. and Mrs. Elbridge Wolf· young people. home, They did live on Crane Mr. and Mrs. William Yaegcc' gang hac! dinner Saturday eve­ Reeves District road. There will also be special mu· of Mason we1·r. Strnrlny visitors of ning in Lansing in honor of I heir l~!hJIL Gem· her pmcnls, Mt·. and Mr~. Dewey wedding anniversaries. The Wolf· sic, recitations and readings, Crail. gangs spent. tlw evening at tile Christmas gifts and treats will Mr. nnd Mrs. Wayne Geer· at· Mrs. Snm Meredith and MI·s. Carl home. also be presentee! to the children. tended the Fo!Jmer·F'ields wed-~ Donald Merc(Jith of Eden were Mr. and Mrs. Jacl\ Mcl(enna , ding at Howell Baptist church Our Gift to Yo~~ Sunday visitors of Mr. ancl Mr.;;, ami Mr. and Mrs, noilert Kessler Mrs. Irene Braman visited Mrs. Saturday. , Honald West 1111rl family, of Llc Grove nnrJ I no!; hn room f 1 10111 1 p 1 1 t ltnd its- Chrlstmus [llll'ly WcdneH· nJH!ratimr, Sh1• lnfnnnerl nil JWW •·It'.", \VIlilflm l3l'e,·ti'"Y, n [ !( " Mt•. lllH Mrs. ' ·l' rw ng II • rl.·l" Dec"nlllel·c •I Ill lll"c C'.

Party Bean Dip Suggested For ~-ioliday Entertaining In many paris of the Unilcrlj l'urly Il<•nn Dill Stnlv;;, It's an nld lradlllun to l·lh can balwrl lwnns In lomnto !'ill. navy lu•nns IH!Iwccn Chr·l;;f.. smwe D 0 N 'T GROW ON TREES I ·ma:; nr11i 'l'Wnns is a wci<'lllll<' dish ~~ med. onion finely chopped . llll any ltolid:ry menu for I hr. fam· Mix beans lililh nil other ingre· ilv or a <'I'!IWd. dienls except onions. Press '.t\1111, wilb mueh fe~livc enlcr· lhrouglt sieve or puree In blender tair1ing :rlwarl, many's lite llDSII'.'is fill smooth. Hemove to serving Iooldnt: fot• IH'W Vl't'sions nf the dish anrl add diced onion. Chill SUPER RIGHT. SMALL. LEAN ', ercamv mix !'t:rnnrnderl hy eri~py till ready to bCrve • . elliJl~; 'for dipping, wlliell h·• .. lw- t'llnterl the eommillee~; fni' lice> SUNDAY . Chrlslinn!0avo,· IJirlhday hart· · queL Chairmcr. :nc li-It·s. Ida Dt~Ct'llliWI' 15, 1957 ,.. ]);11;<'1', menu; iVir:;. Pauliru• C:ib!Jo, 0:45 u. m. ;. pro:;rarn; r'.'ir~;. I't1ildn1d :,;hanl.::, Grapefruit Sections IONA CORN Brownie Troop Going Places 16·0%. Has Investiture CANS 17-0Z, This Christmas ~ CANS J.'!I10~n r,irls pm·ticipnled in ~ . 1lw in•;r.:.;iit urc ceremony for : Drol'lnic I roup No. :J()(J Tlntrstlrty in one of our , aflemoon ;rt· Cedar SlrcPI school. LB. Mri'. Ckment Tatro

I CALIFORNIA, t Coffee Cake . Baldersons Have JANE PARKER, DATE FILLED EACH 33c ! Family Dinner SIZE 113 ·ooz. ~ \ I Mr. ancl Mrs. F. A. Balderson AMERICAN OR PIMENTO· ,, I nttemlcd a fnmily dinner Sunday i at the home of JYir. and Mrs. Rob· ; crt: Balderson at DevVitt. Other i guest's were Mr. and Mrs. Robert CALIFORNIA EMPERORS CHED·O·BIT CHEESE " L Wagner :mel family of Grmtcl CHOICE FRUIT, GOLDEN RIPE i Ledge, Mr. and Mrs.. Donald " LB. t Brown nnd Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn RED GRAPES ,, . [ MeKinch of Lans'ing and Mr. and BANANAS ·z Las. 29c · Mrs. Fredericl< Balderson and l :.. 79c " family of DeWitt. Avocadaas SIZE 18 2 FOR 29c Honored guests were Mr. and Mushrooms FlESH PICKED $ilverhraak Butler ·· 1·18. .... Pf. lOLL 6ini· Mrs. ·Mel{ inch, who were cele· =t"':ilg 29c : brating their wedding annlver· All Wool ·GRANULATED sary, and Miss Sandra Balderson, Surf· DETERGENT .LGE. LIQUID 12-oz. 22-0Z. Mrs. Robert Wagner, Donald· ''· 33c GT. 77c DETERGENT lc •. ,.,- Lux . CAN· CAN ...... ' Brown and Mrs. Fredericl~ Bald· lc dexo SHORTEN INC . crson, on their birthday annlver· ALL' LB •.. BATH·. 2-Pant Ensembles .;.... $49.98 · ~- Rinso Blue G~~~· LGE • 33c .or:·. 77c REG. PURPOSE CAN Lux Soap .. CAKE 15c ,2 CAKES 21c 3 8Sc . ·, GRANULATED / ··Breeze DETERGENT LGE •. 34c .All 24;oz . T~E DANCER co. DISHWASHER PKG. ·39c .·Wisk •·• :fr. · .38c/-'; ···· .. ~ftc <:·:·Lux-Soap}~~~~~:~·.;,1"· ·;,:~·'c!i~s:· 21c •.,_ ·/" •'' . > .. ·,. ·. ' '. '·,·' '. -.' ·. '. '. ·,;.' ... ' ''', . ______...;.. ______.;._ _ __. ______.._ __ ..;.;..._luuharu County News, Mnson, Mid1., Occcm~cr 12, 1957 C-6 ---- Go To Church This unday. This Message Is Brought to You as a Public Service by the This Message Is Brought to You Following Firms and Individuals as a Public Servi(c by the following Firms and Individuals George's Food Ma1~ct Mason The Farmers Bank A. A. llowlctt & Company MellO II Mason Wolverine Enginecriuq Co. Consumers Power Co. MclSOII Mason Mil,hell's Dept. Store Lo,lio Caskey Funeral Home and Furniture Stor~t Siockbridgo Mason Dakery Mnson Collins Elcdric Stockbridge Drown's liard ware Stockbridge Ro~art Nursiny Home Moson Francis ·PiaU Farm Machinery Mason Dart National Bank ~.Aa~on Midw.1y Drive-In Cleaners Acro>s from Hadley's Super Marko I Perkins llardwarc llolt Mason llolt Products Co. Mason Dairy Holt Mason Durfee & Smith J. A. Dart Co. Sholl Scrvico Mason Loslia Estes·Leadley Funeral Home Walker Heating Holt - Lansing ../ Malon Murdock Oil Co. Bill Richards Buidt Mobil Products Mason lflnsvillo Scarlett Gravel Co. Fitchburg General Store Holt "Chuck" and "Barb" Wobb Clements Flower Shop John Thomsen l·lolt Ouildcr of Custom and Pormabilt Homes Mason Spurlan Asphalt Paving Co. Holt Dart Manufacturing Co. Mason Morse's Restaurant CANDLE IN THE NIGHT Mason Simplest, humblest gleam of light ..• yet it rolls back the THE CHURCH FOR shadows. And striking the new-fallen snow, it casts a daz­ First ChiiJ'I!h of Chl'isl, Scien· zling halo upon boughs of pine and holly. ALL FOR THE c~t~CH fist, t'Ol'IICI' oi Oal\ and Bal'lles, The Church is the M;1wn. Suo1rla,v ~ervices, 1 t a. m., lho building of clio grcolesj foetor on oorlh I Like a candle in the night Christmas rolls back the shadows If · racier and or Snnrlay sclwnl rilll'ing the ·scrv­ Is a ~torchousc of spir'l good citi?.cnship lllii~Oil Church nr the NnZJI.fC'III', k<'; Weclncsrlay evening meeting.> of time, and touching the life of man, gives an aura of peace strong Church, noilhor de' ua 1 values. Wiihout ; !loy l\1!111111U, fJilHinr. Sunday /;t'IIIJIII, 10 a. 111.; Jli'Cildling, ll; al S indurle te~timonies uf Cln·i~· and good will to every day and deed. can survive. There ore ~~ocracy nor civilization liaJI Science !waling; Jltilllic read· eve.ry Person should oltc r sound reasons why NYI 'S, li;·JC, p .. 111.; evangclislit: in),! room is open at the church ana support iha Ci h nd serv~eas regula I llH!liSIJgP, 7::Jil; prayr!r mecli11g, It was truly the simplest and humblest event in history, own k Jure . They r y \Verilll'SClii,Y 1!\'CIIiliJ.:, 7, Wcilotcsday anrl SatLil'dny, 2·•1 p. so e. (2) For h'. )•'' , are: (I) For h' lll.; les~on ~crmon lupie SuJl[llly, this birth of a child in a stable. But from it shines "the true sake 0 1 h' IS c ,.,dron" " k IS k. Is community and ' :a .a. (3) For the Slul'l;hritl~•~ Mdluulist., Hev. !'iuntlay, December 13, God, t11e sa .o of the Church il"cil wh .no !Jon. (1) For tiJe Light which lighteth every man that cometh into the world." David \V. llill~. minisler. Mom· Preserver of :Man. and moleriol support" Pi' Jch ncedc his moral l ing ''''ll'~hip, Jo::\11 a. 111.; ~httt'l'il And to live in that Light, to reflect it upon the world around orly d · em to go 1 1 on read your B'bl1 d . o c lUrch regu. Uuuunuuit.y lllethod ist. uf Huns· D e aJiy. :;cloool, II :·Ill a. m.; choir rehear­ us; this is peace and good will. ay :;;!1, ::l Jl. \'illt! m:d Vnntown, Rev. llamld Sttnd, y, llook l•'rirlay, m. 1 CI!Jplor 1\lutidol, pastor. Hunwilh!, 10 a. Jl.1oncJay' '' ••••••• •• ·.I JoJ111 Verses · THc::tdnl-,', • '·' '· •' • • • • • M11ttJ1cw 4 William~lun Jo'n~c! 1\lethutllst., m., ~l!urcl! school, G. E. Manning, Lil<;e a candle in the night the Church beckons us to the 9·2t \Vcdtlcsda'Y. · ·'' •• • • • • • l.ukc 23 ltev. A. D. lloelwclay, pastor. sllpcrintcndent; ll:l5, chLII'Ch gleam of its ageless Tmth. And as we come to live by the Thursdily · '' '" • • • • • ·Luke 2 l·t2 2 t-2t Cliurdt sch•HJI, Ill a. m.; worship SIH'Vice; Vantown, 10 il. m. \V, Hoyt, pasl'lJI'. S3unrlay school, 10 . Bible' class, ll :30; Gospel and J,eslie Ft·ee l\fetluHlist, Rev. Wednesday, 7; intermediate choir, J 1; Christian Endeavor, 7 p. m.; m. <~nd 7:30p.m.; Young Peoples a. m.; mol'l1ing worship, ll a. m.; ministry, Sunday, 8:30 p. m. Hm'l'y Cummings, pastor. s 11 nday ,,,.11 . · (' 'I ~ Wednesday, 7:30; senior choir, evening service, 8. meeting, 6:30 p. m.; prayer serv· 1 ram.;;wn AJmmum ·Y " 1 c 11· •- Wctlne:;day, 8; junior choit·, evangelistic· serviee, 8 p. m.; icc, Wednesday, 8 p, m. Alll·cll'tt." ".'·t, Rev. Veclet· L. sclwol, 10 a. m.; morning wor· m!ist, Rev. Louis Ellinger·, pastor. Thursday, 3:,15. lh!lll'g·uuized Chu1•ch of .Jesus prayct• meeting· and Bible class, ,, n ship, .ll; FMY, 7:30 Jl. m.; eve· Church school, 9:,15 a. m.; wnr- Wednesday morning 10 to 11. W i II I a Ill s to 11 1\lemcll'i:ll J,u. Bass, pastot·. Church ~crvice, lO; nin£' service, 8; Wednesday, !ll':ly· sl11.11 sei'VI'cc, 11 ,·1. m., S'I[Jervt'sed Cht•ist of I.uttm· lltty Sulnts, •110 "' ' Buulwt• IIIII Nuzn•·mm, Rev. S. Putman street, Williamston. tlwt'!l.lJ, 1022 West Grand River, Sunday school, l1; pr;Iycr meet· eL' service, S p. m. mn·sery; Inte1·mcdiate MYF', •1 Carl Bamcs, minister. Sunrlay St. 1\llchuel's l~piscopal l\lis· H.ev. K. F. Kocplin, pastor. Sun· ing, 'l'hLirsday evening, 7:45; Sun· p. m.; Senior MYF, 5:30 p. m.; school, lO:ao;. morning wor~hip Robert Smith, pastor. Sunday, slon, Rev. N. F. Kinzie, Ph. D., school, 10 a. m.; morning WOI'· clay school, lO·a. m.; worship, 11; day evening seyvice, 7:45. On 1he Holt, Rev. C. James Wednesrlny, 7:30, senior choir; '11:30; young peoples service, 7:30 vical', Services Sunday at JU a. ship, 11. Elder Leslie FloWCI'S nurset·y dur·ing service. first' Sunday of every month Pasma, pastor. Morning worship, Thursday, 3:15 p. m., chancel p. m.; evening evangelistic scrv· m., N m·th Elementary schoo !, movies are shown during the 10 o'eloclc; Sunrlay school, .ll :15; choir praclice. . will be spealwr Jot· the day. His Curr>' lane, off Miller road. Uolt Prc~llytcriau, Rev, Vernon evening service. 1 youth groups, 6 p. m.; evening ICC, 8 · 1o11ic is entitled The Church Has 'I'. Smitll and Rev. R<~lph Miller, Pl'ayer and sermon with Sunday service, 7:30,· Mid-wee!\ service, J,eslie llnt•tist, Rev. Hobert oJ,e s m tty Rev D·1v One Foundfltlon Which Is Jesus pastors. Morning worship, 10 a. Childs Bible, Rev. Arthur War- · 1110· c0111 1111 · • · ' · school and nursery. Wednesday, 7:30 11. m.; choir Worgul, pastor. Sunday school, 'I s E t W II 10 Chi·lst the Lord. Tl]ere will be a m. <1nd 11::30 a. m.; nursery and field, pastor. Sunday school, 10 a. tr . ·vans, pas or. ors I p, morning wo.rshi]J service, 11; IJ!'acticc, Thursdav, 7:30 p. m. J.O a. m.; divine worship, 11:15; ,,a ., (B"byu lllJI'se ·y Jll'ovldcciJ fnmlly cllnnet· at Loci{e Center I.llslle CongJ•cgatlonni·Chrlstlun, church schc;JOI during both serv­ m.·, 111 1 hall. ices; Young Peoples meeting, Young Peoples meeting, 6:30 p. BYF, 6:30 p. m.; evening wor- c1 1urc 1 1 sc h oo,1 1110. : ; y o uti 1 F•c I· Rev. Samuel B. Wenger, pastor. . Stodilll'idg·e Un)lfist, Rev. Ji1mes ship, 7:30; mid·weelt prayer se1·v- lows hip, 7 p. , 7:30 P·. m. 1 1 111 iUuson P•·esllytm·lnn, Paul L. Sunday, DecemberS, second Sun­ 7:30;m.; prayerSunclay meeting, evemng Wednesday, wars 1 Jl, E'· L om1 Jar d • pas t or. "'! orn 1ng icc, Wcrlnesda",' 7:30 p, m., .Junior clay in Advent and the Advent Amold, minister. Sunday, 10 a. Assembly of Gocl, W. B. Kole11· 30 · worship, 10:30; church school, choir practice at 4 p. m.; senior Gr·ovenburg !Uethodist, Graven· series, sermon subject, "Behold 7 m., worship hour, special Clwlst· . cla, pastor. Services at Vevay = p. m. Gordon Keeper, stiperintendcut, cholt· practice, 8:30. burg roacli Rev. Francis C .. Jo· . mns music b,V the choirs, sermon, He Comes As the Ligllt of the · town hall, Mnson. Sunday school, Rowley Wesleyan i\lethotlist, 11:30; BYF', 7:15; evening service, Not•th Aurelius, Rev. Jolin. hrinnides, pastor. Friday, 8 p, m., Behold the Love of God; church World." 10 a, m.; morning worship, 11; Rev. Louis \V, Ames, Jlastor. 8; micl·weel\ service, Thursday, S Good Neighbors class meeting at Prutlen, ]JUstor. unday school, school, 11:15; 6 .P. m., Junior and Williamston . Ntlztlrmltl, Rev·. evenirig eviuigellslic service, 7:30. . Church school, 10·a. m., Kenneth 7:30; choir practice,. s. :30, the church; Sunday,· 9 :45, · wor· ,SeJ1lOI' High Westmlnstet· Fcl· Bentley, superintendent; worship · .10:15~ a. m.; morning W!ll'~hiP. ship, message, How Does the Gos· H. L. Woods, ·pastor: Church Stocltbrldg·e I>•·esbytm·Ju.n, Rei'. Willi to W t L I \V 1 1 :1,J; young peopes1 meet1 ng, 7 Y ., 10 i5 I I · lowshlp; 8 p. m., Bible study school, 10 a. m.; worship service, · Alexandet• Stenhouse, pastol'. services, 11 u: m. and 8 p. m.; . mns n es. oc m, cs· p. m.; evening worship, 8; cuoir pel Affect ou.; :' ' c lUre 1 'class;.Monday, 7-10 p, m., skating 11; NYPS, 7:30p.m.; evangelisin, WYPS, 7:.30·, prayer service, lcynn lUdhocUst, Rev. ·Delos 'raiL· school, Gerald Robinson, superln· Morning worship, 10:30 a. m.; Cl I I I 10 practice, Wednesday, 7 p. m.;: 1 h 1 1 party at Holt; Tuesday, circles -8 p. m.; prayer meeting, Wedncs· $,Uilday school, 11 :10; choir. re· Thl)rsday, s p, m. ner, pastor. mrc 1 sc 100 , n. tenclent; 8 p. m., c 1urc sc 100 m.; worship service, 1l a. m. m1d prayet• meeting; 8 p, m. n n n u a I Christmas program; ,1.2, 1:30 p. m.; Wednesday, 7:30 day, 8 p. m. heursal Weclnes~ay evening. p, ·.m., . senior·. choir; Thursday, St. Jumes Cathnlle, 1020 S. 8 p. m.; Wesleyan 'youth service, Whet~tflcld 1\lethodlst, Andrew Thut•sday, 2. p. m., Woman's So· 6i~5 p .. m., .iunlor choh'. Wlllllunston St. 1\Jtu•y's Cttth· ~. Corntllltls aml Cyill'inn Cll.t;h· Lnnsing street, Fr. ·James Lee, 7:15 p. 1111.; prayer service, Butt, pastor. Morning worship, 10 . ciety of Christian Service. ollc, Rev. Fr. Francis Martin, pas- ollc, Catholic. Clmrch road, Bunk- · pastor, ,235 ·.West Elm. street. Wednesday, 8 p, m.; mlsslonm•y a.m.; su·nday school, 10:45; home .· ·no b b i 11 s IUethodlst, Bunl{er · . tor. Confessions and .devotions er Hill.· Sunday masses, 8 mid 10 Masses: Sunday, 8:30 and '10:30 meeting every second Thurscla)'. prayer meeting, Wednesday, 8 p. 1\luson Bl~Jitlst, Clarence ·Rodd, 'r.ciail~ (tcv. Francis C. Johannldes·, Saturday, . 7:30 p. m.; Sunday a. m. a. m.;Holy Day, 8:30 a. m.·and m.; choir. practice, 'Thursday, ·pastor. Worship servlce,10 a.m.; pastol', ·Sunday, . 9:45, ... church 8 masses, 8 and 10 a. m,; Fowhit·· 7:30 p. m.; daily, 7:15 a .. m.; devo· Ltmslng Zion .Luthm'llll, .Rev. p, 111,; Youth Fellowship, 7 p, m. special music and message; Sun· ·school,; Lute Hartenburg,. super­ ville, Rev .. Fr. · Wallter.. Confes· tions, Thursday, 8 p .. m., First· ·F. P. Zimmerman, pastot·•.. One clay school, .11:15, Paul Richards, ·intendimt; .11; .~worship, message,' • slons illld' devotion!>,: !frldny, 7. Friday, 7:30 p, m·.; confessions, 'bloclt Jio'rth of Cavanaugh ~oad . Fit c li llu r g ·lUethodlst, Rev. superintendent; j3YF, 6:30 p. m.; ' · DQ!!s :the Gospel. Affect Thursdny after set·vlces, Satur· on ·South. Pennsylvania avenue, _ ·James A. Craig; .minister. Church . evening service, ·7:30;. Wednesday, · l ." '.",.· .. :·:- '_, ... __ •. ··- .. ,, ( ' •• : p.·m~; Sunday mas~es, 8 ancl10:~0 ''.--·-· ,._

l'omlng ycurs, with a rmat!lillfi Republicans Plan Battle hmwflt lo the cornmunlty," Hltld Hoosier Grange Master llnyhow. lletoel~t:l Newsum or inr!lunn To Control l.• egislature "Wr! s:rHiith!d il)' llw illl· was I'P.·t!IP<:ted nwstca· nr 1he Nil· pl'rlvenwnts In l'JIPIH'r' in [ Jayhu\V, their official rc)Jorts to their com- ~lW~~~{A re-write the entire stale constillr· slate labor commi~sioncr, John munities. A tll'inl'ip:ll reason for mal\ing lion-last. rc·WI'illcn in 1!JOH-and Rcirl, with 11 UAW offleial from Adult Education Meeting Lrpsel 1he lfl52 l'eapporllonnwnt . . 1he mv:mls, :w('(Jrrlinr: !o Ilay­ OOLDE N ~~CROWN Announccmenl was m:~rle hy I h_ow, is lo illw;tratr. and Cfl~plla· of the legislature now in effect. Lans1ng, HussPII Wlnle, Reid MOOEL ..-,Q,./. /fJ., J• VACUUM ltt•slrlcnts of Ingham l'nunty the conference is lo advanl'e adtlll E. C. rraylww, puhlislrcr or I litis- iSizc how r.learly sc:lwol huo1ncs~ 1" Republicans contcn'cl that pres·, immediately chnrgcd the UAW 060 0'-rpel' f']}10?v/Cl71C CLIIANIIR wlw arc lnlt•rl'slt•rl in adult eciu­ cduc•;tlitlll as a ~ignificanl and ef­ ent reapportionment plans create I forced his rcslgnaliun. dale D:lily News, aflcr :111 :Ivail· can. ilr. Jll'l'sen!cd_ lo tlw pul~lic l':llion are invill!d to participate in fcetlve instnnnenl in nUl' ~o­ . Willt'h supports 1!, arHI wl1rch WITH POWERFUl. a one-day Michigan Adult Edu~a­ r•icty," rlcelm·ed Russell Kleis, rlis· "a balant:ed legislature," l!as~ng He ciJargccl that. the union able reports published 111 ,Joeai must vole fmm time to lime to tion :1ssrwinlinn tlist1·ir-t meclinJ,: lril'l dwil'lnan. Kleis is on t11e house membership on population wanted to u~:c the ricparlmenl to newspapers were ex:tminerl :111cl liecidt! how il shall be imp1·ovcri. NEW 1 H.P. MOTOR at Mid1igan State unlvcr.1ity, staff of the l\!SU mnlinuing edu­ of the s~Etle and the senate on harrass employers. Two weelts evaluated, IIayhm.v and .James Tuesday, December 17. cation service. gcographrcal areas. after replacing Reid ami a week Brown, Ingl1am County News; "li we succeed In rlemonslral­ ing how r.rfcc:lively l11is can be '!'he meeting, one of li di~lricl The 11-counly district meeting Democrats contend that the after ftuid made his charges, Wil­ and Alex Canja and Harold LOOK WHAT will drmv both volunler.r and pro­ plan was devised especially to Iiams still had not answered , . , done, we lwpc more s<'!wol ~ys- VOU GET events in the slnl!:, will featur·e B rown o f tICI M1c 11rgan dcp:~rl· 1111 Hrltlress Ill' Dr.. John Dnle Rus­ fessional people associated in keep tile house in rural Hepubli- them. . flcrns anrl mol c newspap!'rs wiil adult eduealion work fo1· indm;·. ment of IHtbllc instruction m~1rle with tile New Model '160 sell, rlil'cc·tol; of 1he Micl1igan can hunrls, They would like lo Still another controversy in· wort1 mnre closely together in' tries, churches, schools, libraries, up the team whieh selected the New Beoulyl New Deep· lei.:iHlativc study of hlg!ll!r erluca· change this. GOP lcadc_rs Icar a volvc;; a Jetter written by Alfred I Cleaning Power end 8 pcj lion, and C ..f. Mr:Lannlwn, of or1-:nniw1ions and other variety new plan would permit Wayne lt•'itl, tile govemor's legal adviso1·, winners·. The proje~t lo selt•d tlw i groups fmm Branch, Calhoun, 5cl of New Delu•e Tools, Detroit, Pl'esiclcnt of till! Adult and Oakland countic~ to control to the slulc parole board asking best nCWS)JH[JCI' reports or sdwoJI Clinton, Eaton, Gratiot, Hillsdale, PLUS Ed tical ion a~sociatlon of Michl· lhc entire stale. that Pete Msoeial ion. Dr. Russell will tell about his ArlvarH't! registrations may be with R~publica~1s opposed to al The lcltct· argued that Mahon­ $1995 stu1ly and its implications Ior sent lo llusscll Kleis, crmlinuing convcntiOn wiH_ch l'ould up:;CL cy, sentenced Jor anrrecl robbery, Supcrmtendcnts and presirlr•nts '.:": HASSOCK CHEST adult educa lion. Pl'escnt a~poa·t10nmenl.; . Demo- was givcm a stiff lerm-23 to 40 of school hoai'Cls from winning erlttcalinn service, Michigan Slate 1 TV·EIENCt·l "One of the major purpflscs of university. crat~ favoring a convention for • years-because orricicils felt he districts will he invited In nttenrl the same reason. ' I knew something about the mur- the annual convr.ntinn of MPA FREE! Under present law, the con- dcr of forme1· State Senator War· January 2•1 at Kellogg Ccnlct· in no Farmer Pefe's Wife ven!ion membership has 3 mcm- ren G. lloDpr.r. East Lansing where !he district hers J1·om each senatorial dis· ------will be aw;mlerl an engraved r lricl. This muinta!ns the ratio of After their mission's thatched plaque signifying tl1c honor. sen alorial voles each party ila~ Susy•s 'Thankful. List• roof ca ugh l fire 3 times·, the ;\li<:hil:'llll l'I'I'SS · nssol'iatiou in the legislature. friars of S in the kitchen dreds of camp sites to accrun­ fmul, to lwr, is modalc the growing m·my oi resi­ The Hl2 camp sites at East 1\'llllllcrl'ul Iaitc1· waiting late enough so that Tawas state park, for example, wllh some of it even more there was no danger of eailct·s is dent and tourist campers. A record number of c:1rnpcr·s were J'illccl throughout. most of wontlcrl'ul. not too many years behind me. the summer anrl some 1,800 camp Dr. T. Vander Boll. Jr. Ami most farm l\itchcns arc the used slate park facilities rlurin1~ Nl'w BPotut_v • l.iJ:ht • Qmrl • Clip.On Tooln • g;lSV· groups· hml lo be lumed away. Oplomafrill tilirlt• Hur: Noulc • Vinyl llmH' • l',lp~>r Du!!L H;lll' Her logic ~uunded OK to me ones with. the clrafliest doors and 19~7. ama~~ing a lola! of more r I than 1,750,000 camper-days of o.,ur!rnglon's 207 sites were so Ber~ard E. too. On goir.lg elver her list I wns the i·oom to enter anrl exit. And heavily user! n1at some 1,2CHJ Hours: Mon.·S•t. 9·5:30, Thur. HI/ :.;' a1n:w•rl thotlgh lo ~ce that in a u~e. I ~omcone always wanting a drinl; woulcl-bc camp groups were rc. noon - Evonings by appointment WILSON I See live demonstra9ion at our store list thai long ~he hadn't inciurlccl or something. The ~ource of wa­ 'l'his lolul 't'Olll)llll't's 1\'il.h Ittsecl uclmission. I certain thing~ that arc downright ter being ,; water pail in the 1,100,000 t'lllliJH~I'·dlLys or use 207 Park Stroot 315 E. Ash, Mason I especially nice. llot water, for in­ same room. Those mrtoons arc in l!)fifi u nd I ,200,noo iu IHfiii. Meamv!Jilc, slate pari\ adminis· Mason Phone OR 7-8152 sl

jfl \~Ill!!'" 1\gll-jfJ.I'Y P:Ll't D, r•agil ~ Tho rJI!il'tlll !ltllrl tidlk IIHI!'l\l!t h Ponlia", DuviH hncl nn o]rlttHOrl hlg!Jr.J', 1!1<1!11f!fi ,SOllVmlll' cnJ'cls were pre· OWilP.I'H nf: /li'Oflllrty Ill. Big thnu of ·1 hmtrs, •1!1 mlmttns, oo.Jillllri to 1!111'!1 of Iho II gum; Is, Ingham County News Editorial Page Dt~e. 12, 1 !Jfi7 Portnge lul\o n ,Jal!lwoli mntnly A, W, .Tewr.t I, ,Jr., L, H. Lay· Coleman wns :1 mlnulcll ~loWtll' ~mol In Munllil Monday ulght In Dn nsvllln hnnd IJuyH urn ro· lin and A. 1~. I 1111 hml of Mu~on nnrl Sponny tlnlsherl tlw 2·12·mllo organize a mnV!'IllfJIIt to hnvn lwuralng the [lilly "Cllrl Blrwl\ nil won firsts 111 tho hay unrl grind In •I hmJrH, fifi mlnuleH. ;fCI0, 11 lul(e JevoiH m:;tiJrml. '!'Ito drtlw gl'tlin shnw In Chicago, lws been pmetienliy drnlncrl · 'l'lw ehnrlt)' hall Hlnr;url ut the Arthur Bunwll of Dansvlllll .. The Right of Defense Down by the . rnvny, Mrwon autnmohlle rlmtlm•!; flnldwln dunec pavilion noti!HI hm; ret lirl)(!rl houw, n flr!t' t-mrv· stngml ! hnlr marl mcc from Mn· thc Woman's duh $!l fnl' ing his enllstnwnt In tho lll'rny, I ll;J:;tornllon of the Elm Ill reel. CIJrislmns eharltlcJs. son to HntTisnn nnd l' Sun­ Miss Mnurl On· of tho Ann At·· Membet•s of the city couneil have recognized the l'ight of bridge, wrt:;hetl out Ins! spring, day, Nn tc Dnvls pincer! fii'Si. Mason J·e~Jd(mts 1o dcl'eml Ihemsel ves In a clnmago suit. eust Mason taxpnyers $9,710,80, liO \'eut'll Agu-10fl7 hot• trlllnlng sdwol fnt• lllll'HI!H SYCAMORE wlt.h his Essex. Merton Coleman An cxccllnnt SUJ111P.t' was wns hom£! over Sundny. 'fhe right hucl been placed in jeopardy. It Is still t hm·e, be· nne! H. A. Corbin ilrove Clwvm· Mnyor S. A, Mnt'l'IHon mnrlc SP.i'Vml IIH! Muson foothull lrmm One llltitrln•d thh·ty.flvl! tea!!l1· cause tl1l'ough Jack of' action Mason waH placed in a legal If ellheJ• Florida or Cnllfornln no chnnges In dty ndmlniHII'H· lets, .T. '!', Ban· piloted a Cht·y~· at the honw nl llnrt'Y Cot ton cnulrl hnve ol'l'crcrt stlf'll glorirHIB Joynhlc s p c c I n cl c H hrtwf!cn ers IIJii'IHJert JiJe ll'llcill•J'H llllri position of waiving rights of defense. tlvr. offlt,Jl'N despite t lw Jnrle· let• nnrl Hurry Sp1mny drove n I~J'irlny night. llinHisllli.w llnnrl· pnll'illlH inslltuln Snllinlny. Hpeelades IIH the vulley of the halves. 'I'hcy nrlrierl r:rtlnr, t hf'y pendent v!ctory at tlw polls, Os· Whcthet• the cxccutot· of the estate of Mt·s, .Jennie marie lhe enlil!', nt fnnlhnll Slt•opc is ntl!lt1clto damages fot• an injury allegedly sufl'et•ccl Sycamoro fll'ovldeling, glittering while. jotJ of Sll[ll'l'I'IHOI' IO lll!Jp lillllldt :··tmless the clef'anlt. is removed, has been permitted to oJTet· it I'Oei([!t, He's a WiZlow the law provides !hat liq· plan, holll Mnson ami Leslie will I'I!DIIRAL DDPOel1' . of publicity on f'utme rocket launchings. With noi·hing to urn· can not hc sold within 5011 be by-passer!. IN8UAANCD CORPORA'IJ'ION gain and evct·ything to Jose, seP.mingly evety detail of the feel of a church or school, with 311 Yr•ru·s Aiin-1927 Vanguard mcket. and the satellite wet·e featured by report· 01' without conoent of the church ers with coopcm1ion of defense department. And the build­ or· school. But the forerunner Michigan Milk Prmlttccm as­ of tile Jug was using the prrs· sociation conlirmerl the report up of boasting, bragging and conjectul'ing ended up in an ex­ llwt fm·mers supplying mill\ to plosion before the rocket evct· left the ground. enl. loealirin when the Jaw was Yestel· ... years chnnged and lite change was not From t.lw filps nf lim Lahorat.ory Products Co. at Ma· The disma} failure of the Vanguard puts our counh·y in nt ronctive. IJrgl111m eounly No!WS son receiver! higher prices than MA80N MICHIGAN much the same position as a coach and team who before los­ was paid ily any otlwr manu­ ing the game hml predicted a win of 35-0. Or a candidate Only the Jug can do liquor One Yelll' ~~n facturing plant in Michigan. for office who pt·edicted to win by a margin of 11,000 votes, business in the 100 block of East Thirty more heels will be and instead lost by that much. Or a boxer who preclictcd a Maple and no· other tnvern can added to Ingham erHIII!y's hos· operate in thut block before or pitnl ·and rchnbilitation center knockout in the second round, little knowing thnt it would after the Jug quits. If busi· at Okemos. Cnntracts weJ'C let be himself stt·etchcd out on the canvas. neEs is terminated and the December 12. Yes, with absolutely nothing to gain, newsmen were building is used for other plll'· Robert Palmer was ciectecl permitted to mouth the greatness or U. S. satellites. And poses, the 500-foot limitation chancellor eommandct• of 1\Jason a "boom" ruined it all. will become enforcenble. lodge, Knights of Pythias. A newspapet· should be the last to encourage restric­ While on the beer parlor top· · Verslle Bahcoek has returner! tion of freedom of the press. ic, it is fitting and propet· to from n special ('oursc at l11r remark that Rev. Rev. Raymond Eastmnn·KorlaJ.;; crime school in However, freedom of the fll'ess does not mean· freedom Rochcster, N, Y. to exploit a mechanism of t:1e international importance of L. Norton of tile Methodist church exlllbited his usunl hrand Charles M. Ziegler will not be the Vanguard. Newsmen as well as defense department of· n candidate for re-cler.t ion. ficials used poor judgment in permitting such exploitation. o [ courage nnd concern at tile coLt neil meeting of last week. He The mercury clroppec1 lo 4 rJc. When nncl if the United States succeeds in sending aloft SJlDke up against a request to grccs· Wellncsdny. Snow covers a satellite, that will be the time for beating om· chests. And have the midnight closing orcli· the ground. likewise, publicity of other feats of skill or science should nance lifted fm· New Year's Mary Clipper, Barbam Hall be reserved until accomplishment is a fact. Eve. He's a mari who is not and Tobey Pearsall reeeivcxr N obocly likes a braggart even when he brags the truth. afrnid · of standing up to he curved bar awards, highest hrm­ This countJ·y is in an even more ticklish position. We r:tJLmted on any issue. ors in scouting, HI Girl Scout IJI'aggccl about the Vanguard and then couldn't Jive up to our i\luny ldnd words were ceremonies Monday nigh!. own publicity. spolwn n.t the I.ions-1\iwun· 'rhet·c should be no boasting of scientific prowess in the is football hn'nquet. Coaches Ctiristrnas future Ol' at least until such feats of skill are a reality. The received much praise, a~ul headlines won't come quite so often perhaps, but they'll be eoaches hnuled the tllayers, lives in the Bold New Chassis Engineering BJ.>ings more ncwswm·l hy and a lot more complimentary when they fr•nm vuJ•sit.y down through are pl'intrcl. t'eS!!t'ves untl tho treshmen joy and You tile S:rnoothest Ride, to m•et~ the., thJy tal~, und satisfaction Easiest Hnndling You've Ever Known thl!rt cunw 'el!CCI'S fot• .. checr· hmde•·w'- ~:ynr·sity, 1'esu1'\'e .of .the give~ ••• An ~nvuh:r&icn to Lobby !IIUI 1'J·eshmlln and g-rnde. and in tlie · What about the bnnd? The The East Michigan Tourist association has sent out 4- band went to Interlocllen to page letters urging members to bring pressure upon state drill for football maneuvers. legislators J'or bigget• app!'OJll'iations l'm· tourist advertising. Members of the hand gnve up The Michigan Toul'ist Council has proposed a budget of noon hours to practice their $62<1,000 for the coming year. The budget director has cut marching. Before the games it to $493,000. t11ey entertained with marching The Michigan Tourist Council and the East Michigan . ·1 .. •," ' ', · . " . •. , _:; ',-·,:. • .. • .."i· . · . Cosf of Gain ·1s Key hnlf or llw short-tr.rm nnrl Inter· Fcu·sne•·s Will Bol~~row mmilai1Henn Jonns lo Mldtignn [;u·nwr:; ln:;l ynar Hllll 1111:; lypn To p, .. ofifable Beef Farm nl' £'1'£'riil is nXJII!r:lml lo tiluy fnil'· Mlel1ignn eattle fC!c!dnrH nm go­ Jt'nr mwh 1110 JIUIIJHis nf Mt.u·e ~Mf;)ney in 1958 ly UiiHY during l!l~H. I Iii/ Hnid. II':; Ing In havt! to H(jlii!!!Zo Jll'Odllellntl live IV In l!lil7 ul an illh'I'I'St uf lng In IIIII l•'lnh•y, Mlehi>:nn ~ilill<' ernl..:lng rn· onlarglng llwlr fnrm­ lii'<'Jl llw cosl of gain down. f.awopea.n Crot:Js li~l 0'/~h university r;xlenslon beef HJIPdllf· lllg oprm1lions, lw said. tu 1~1. Ai'e Scs-l·;·:;fac1·ory 'l'hn HiZf~ of thn HVf~rug·•~ Shml·lrmn, lill'lll o fll' r n 1111 1: loans will prollilllly cnrry lnh•n;sl 'l'n IU'I'I' c•osl. nf g-uln 1Iawu, Gue1·nsey Bulls loan In farmi'I'H 1.~ g·dllu;r f•~IJI'njl!'OIIl l'l'll!J I"Jnrlilloll:; 111'{! r:ll1•s Ill' fi lo 'i'.;, ll'ilh IIJOI'l! of J•' lull' y l'l'l'otunu•tuls lim I lm•g-pr, 111111 frii'III"J'S 111!<'11 In :f'I\Pi'ill:~J Hit I hfH('Irii'.V ril'!lpil(~ 1110 ~>lltil!lr•r Joan:; ill 1111• 7'.1· mle furmPr:; us1; pool' quali I.Y Arc IR.ecog«Jizecl IIHI' t•at·••ful pllmnlng In lli'I'JI ;11nw f:rll l:''ilill pl;rntln:.~ rHil,\''' Ht;llt wns 11\r: w:.1: in 1!1~'1, lw I~H·IJ· lolrll di'!JI lnntlnlu lr~li'l fm•ds llr:;l 111111 lhl'll intpl'lll'l! Two Guernsey hulls owned by 'Hil!irrl liv l'l'l't'itl rilln,.;. In llu• l!w,v 1'1111 n•Jmy. poin!Pd olll. 1111' raliou us 1'111111' g-1'1 l'h:nl! l'vlicltigitn At'lilklal Hn~~rl£!1':> Cu· Jn!lnrl Id111:rlom 1111 1 l'll'allll'l' IJiiS Ilill ,';tt·••s:;l•:; Ilia! ITI'dil is a lo ma•·lwl \VI'ig·ltL 11 pr•t'ill il'l! ill l•:a:;l Lanslug have ·v·cn fal'lll''l''''' 111111 fnll I'PIII 1\'orl< Ah fill' il.'i llir hllpply of rTr.'dil ll~ic•[ttl iool for tl11• lill'lll OIH'I'illor, ·~ 11'1'11 arlvntll'f'rl. ~lolsllll'l' s11p Hougllilgl! :;/IIJLJirl malw 11 p lltr• /hr'l'll ill'l'lllillll'.rl iiS oUI~lrfl<~rlzcrl dllrln:.: lh1• l'flllling .\'Pill' Is 1'1111· .tnd hlinnld IH• tl.~<'d wh1•r" nHH'I! lilt'!' nn• H!Hl pl'flfi!H'rl:-; fnr httllt of !Ill' l'llliruJ. llllfi wlwn• :;P'I's. 'l11 all:1111 IIH• rltslllu'llon a f~IHHI t:r•rnPrl, IIlii Bilys lllill lhe ollllmrl; l'llflil:d i'; ncl'dl'rl. II will bn 'l'('f'!l! SPfl~linl~'i U!'P IJ• 1 IIC~I' lllr111 Hilage, e.':ru~dally r· 11 rn, is avilil· IJ~'.I.: n:~tsl lli_ll:~ ."' le:1~1 1.0. rla11~.1:: is :;polly. Soml' l'llnil hani(Pr:; 1'1!· I!Sill'l!iillly illliH>l'Ltlll, IIIJ\Il~VI'I', In 1\'f"'J':lJ.~:-'. \Vi11h•r· WI!Pnl lllld I'YP uble 11 1;1tould he ll:i!••l. l'ill'lllf'I'S l1 1.• \\'.'" olltr.lo~l plo.!utiiOII IC~ pori !hal lhe cre1lil sllllalinu will 1n:di1' :;llro• lllal !111• I'PJlaynll'nl ·,1 F'1·n~Wf? ill'•' rr•run·tpf[ 111 llP pro l'illl alsn II>'!' nals noll' /IIIII :;Wildt I liP IHtlls • ill'P SI!VI'I' !I til s he illllli'O\'I'rl; olhl'l'H say II will si'IH'rlltll' lot• llw loan Iii:; tho ~rrpssinp· \Vdl. FiPids hn,·r n l.o corn lall'r. At·tslm'l'ill anrl Sunny !'ilcle .Jerry. lw nl111u1 llw :;anw. Dealer anrl narninr; poWPJ' and d1•ht-paylnr: I~·:JIIIII' ';11""''11'11111'1', :tiHiniriPII IJy Finley s:1y:;" :mli:;fa:·I"IY lltllill· ,\ri:;lllcl'al lllls :n leslerl claugiJ· mel'l'ililll! 1:redil marie up about! l'ap.tdly of lilt' hlll'l'lliVI'i', •JI!'IIIIflll mo is I U I' I' hlljlp/ii'H, IPnaru:e mlion for lil!ifl'r:; jloinL~ l1•rs willr li? ofri1•/al n•eot·ds. >lllntlrl ~:o itllll llu• wlnl•~l· in VI'I'Y lnln lltr• IJI'I"•rllnJ' ltr•t·rl ot• mill" 'l'lll'il' il\'('r;lg!' Jll'llllill'llrlll i:; S,;i(J!J DORR CADY'S Rolfe road farm was pictured in last week's mystery farm series and there's a -~oorl I'Uitrlllion. ltaln!; lr:IVI' dro. thill ill'l! n111 lo he gr:lin fl'rl 1111111 IIJ millt illlrl ·Hii IIJ fal. '!'he IJull free enlargement available to him at iho News office, Mrs. Stanley Kranz of Mason was fifth 'ay1~d SC'r•dlll.t.:" cJfH!l'illiom-i in \V£•sl lngh~m County News, Mason, Micii., December 12, 1957 D-3 lain sllllliiWI' c•an lu: llliHie liP 111 was lm•d hy l\lr. and Mrs. Enwsl tho thl'l'l'·(jllfii'IPI'S lo IIIII! l"lillld of !\!arlin, Goshen, Indiana. His :;Ire person to correctly identify tho picture and she's entitled to a free one-year subscription to the r:rmwny. 0\'1!1'1111 Pl'ogrr•ss, IIOW· .------·j .~vr•r, I,; WI' II nrll'iilll'<•£1 fnl' I his· grain pet· 1110 Ill Ill' Jiv•• \\'l'igltl 1'.':1s l'ot·on;llion King of Pine Nows for her£elf and another subscripl'ion for anyone else she rnay select. A new mystery farm ap­ lime o! \'IHII' nnrl liPirlf> whii'IJ I per clay plus fed !t'l'l'·l'itolr·•:. i\larrrll' and ils clilln was Gayoso pears in the News each week. Soullwl'll tJue1m, pooling- a pro­ lHIVe spn;llll'rl have g11orl l'lllor.l rhtl'lillll I'I'I'OI'd of 12,214 Jb millt ronrlllions in llalv arc lllLII'It 1111' · i11rrl fi!JIJ Ill hut tel'fal. ~arne as in G1•rmillly eXI'I'Jll llt;il ! Soil Bank Has Coun!'try & 1 ow.n recent flooding h ns ner:e;;sl t a I cd will Jen·y llils 2:{ ll'slerl daughters Weather Helps sotne rescPclir1g. ·sase· System Ilia! hiiVe made [i,) official ree· FarmPrs who ill'!! lllinlcing ul ords:,Thcir a1:er:age ~~·oduelion_ is! Not as easy as it lool{s Winter Grains Fin:< iliHI wlw:rl srr•rlinr~ I'OIHii· Pic!' up. Killm Cut and Virap lfl:iH plans should 1\epp in mind Ill; ~h:l."J .ot !~11,11~ ;11111 .1IJ.I ~b of 1':1~. 'ions in India <11'1' l'PIH>I'II'tlly l'a· the henefils llwy t:an l'l'l'l;ive by ll11s r,utln .• r.~ hull 1\ds ht.l'l Jly ,mJ IIIW\\'N Wll11 lol'al except iouh fa II ser•ci· ·-•or:thl£•. Tile nllll'r:me of sonw Your Bee·f '~or lal!llrrl Ull· someone else is covered by sod;rl Yet the lcs:.ons· gained arc somet-imes wmth the ellorl:. Iii nfll'l' IIIC' hilS!' IHIS been ric· SI!Ctll'ii,V only if lhe)' participate !ermined hi' the ASC ol'lk<'. Tlw matl'rially in the management or When you drink in the beauty of the Presbyterian dis­ rhairman :idvisr•s farnwrs lo l'all production of t lie £'1'0Jl hy nr­ play, know I hat iL is the result of Yankee ingenuity. 11. at lhc l'llUilly ASC nfJ'ir·c for illl· l'ilngemrnt with the lessee. F'ann 1wnt up faster, stayed up longet· and t•esultcd in Jess· pub­ sivers lo an~· quPsl ions IIH!)' nw,v l:mci!flnls who nre not ~lll'C theil' lidty than Vanguard. And J 2 boys did it. .:.; 1:·~ ~~ •:i" have Oil the i!Jlpli£·alinn nf soil i lll'Oillf' is I'IJVI!I'P£1 hy SOcial SC· bani\ their indivirl· r·lll'itl' should eonsull tlwii· local \ Young farmer who is going plc:lces. Ma­ ual fnrms. so(•ia·l s!'eurily office. son Jayc:ecs want sueh a mun, OJ' several of l'lwm, to be considered foJ· area honors and possibly state and nat ion­ a! recognition. It's part of the Junior Chambet· of Com­ It's a Toss Up Between merce tt'ihul.e to agl'icultw·e. Deadline for applicants is January 10. Men must be between 21 and 33 yea1·s of Hams and Po1·k Chops age. They don't have to belong to the Jaycees. They must be opemting farms and certainly be good farmers. Many Michigun fnrml'r·s are hogs depends upon the individual Send suggestions to the Ingham County News. They'll trying to del'idl' whether lo r:lise silualiun. Lruul, eapitnl anrl be passed along to the Mason Jaycee committee. lllOI'C jJOJ'I( <'i10ps illld hams, ilC· 1 •X• ~:~ =::• ~(• mnling lo M. H. Avery, county know-how have to he lalwn into,· consideration malting the de­ agricullural agenl. in The saddest words of tongue or pen, "We just sold cision. junior's buggy when-." F1~ed SHJI]Jii!'~ lm\'e lH'I'IIJnl~ m01'4! Jllr•ntiful hl'.l'll.liSI' i\lich­ iA·:m has chnnged from n 1'eetl New Fenton-Clio Expre,,.way talle,, fulle.•t aduarttanc of .•nfet.v tlomuJI/t del'id1!11l to U l'tH!d Slli']IIIIS modern design and use of skid-resistant concrete sl'ntc, he explained. December Specials Corn has bccoml' rclulivcly r.heap because plant on have heen able to slrelch the c·om bell to include much of sollthem Michigan. Supplies· Cnrn Hl'l'P:tgc• allolnwnls In t11mor, Pmfm:wtt' lll'own ;;nirl. \I't'!tl hc•t• r·rnp and litis· ,VI'Ill''s diiiJIIII'IH to lwlp sfuhillw lfl!iH won't lw dtitngecl lllltl'lt, Tltn The unw:nilcd house mn11so l"prc:ul lltmugltottl tlw ('lllllllt·y, 'l'ltr! l'lljild J':J!P n[ ro•prodLH'Iion Wt'lllhet' ims ill'en 11 lu,wlal'!tP )lr l'nnn rtrki!S, 'l'lu·nu~:·h Nuvrmt· nnlionnl nllotnu•Ji! itas IH•nn in· hns fonnrl a horne! ' lnl!rerl H(t·nin:; will st.lil lw main- lllllllllg lllil:t' 111111 I:IIIIHCI[UI!Ill g(!Jl· gi'O\VCt'S, lmt• 2:!, dh•c>J'Sions 1ntull'cl CI'I'IIHI'd hy · ntiiJJon IH'I'I'H, llltl A eDinn.v nf 1!.!,0(11) mlr.e reprn· tnincri In I!HSO 1111 unfnJ"C!tiC(m m·atirms pr!Hitir·r•d In tlw lnllol'll· J'rir:es farmr.I'S I'N:rlvr.d Ins! 11\'CW :J,2 millirlll I'.Wf.-Wr>il UJIH is c!IW ttltnm;l f'nlirl'ly lo llw senling 2il In :JO inhrecl Jllll'l! cntnstmphe sltonlrl wipr! out n lory, Brown explnitu•ri, prnvidP mrmth itwlwrl IIJl aitr!lll I •,;, hut alll'ail nf n simiilll' Jn•ngt·um ltrldltion of :IS IH'\1' r·tHtnlins In genf!tie strnlns, will l'l!l'eive frecJ pnrlkuinr slntln. tiw gmwli~:ist with lhr• iH•sl nwan~ tlw I'OillnH'I'I!illi 1'01'11 1111'11. 'l'lio• ill· pril:cH pair! fill' mnnnnrlltlrs atui In holh. IIHifi unci lfllill. chePHe nnrl lortgin!o: nt I he Llni- A mutnnL Hll'llln, )}J•, llt'0\\'11 of JnveHtigntlng lhi' importalll'l.! crease! is fntnt :n.:l to :JRH mil­ set•vir·r•!; nlso itH'I'Pitsc!rl nbout. tlw Tile f:'OVI'I'IHllPnl: had S!ifl mil· versily of Mlr:hlv,nn lai)[JJ'atnry of r•xtJlnliwrl, Is Ollll whl,·h. of warm·hloor!Pd nnlm:tlH, 111111 linn IIC!'eS, Hllllll' amrrUIJI. So I iH'I'f' WIIS nn hns net gllitl in tilcdr over-all (Htrdws­ lion hu~ilnl:; of wheat 1wquircrl ITIOLIS liunf'IIIA' JHUIISI\ Whidt IJliS of tIll' iniJ,•rilatu·n of lllllll." on tnlal r·orn lil'l'l'llgl•. Lust i!I'H l'i•r:rrlvnri mse :!',; durin;.: I ill' mestle il''llHHHis [or 17 mrmJIJs. Funds for revamping I i1e lab· u 111'1'\'uns dl'l'l'('l, Yl'llt' I'Oillllll'l'dal c· o 11 n J, y llllllll h nnrl won• :lNl :thDVr! No­ IJ. S, impol'IS of green coffee nl'll(IJI',Y nf~verle!Jm!t• !Jiolnf!,y for In JH.J!J, l'rr'sid,•nt'!tary ~TII\I'i!I'S I'XI'I'I'I[I'Ii IIJf'it• Ill· VI•rniwr, Hl!iG. A I flt• J'isf' in the in Sepll'miJcr lolnieri Hi:i million DISENGAGE W-i(! lt::i a "n1ousr~ hnu:;p" have 1lnrler mnlrol hrecdlng mnrli­ 'i'H\'1111' :tSJ(i'd J..illl'llill Ill SI'I'VI' llfl lotBJJ'IIi. l1y ulmnst lfi.!i mil­ lh, a rlrop of Jrtr,:, fmm August THAT~} been pmviderl hy 1111 $111,8•1:1 tions, sud1 11s llw new ('l!llll!l' will giiVI'I'nlll' of I lu• ( lrl'f~oll ')'pJ'J'ilitl,'Y· pri1:r; of wiwlr.>snlr: rni 111, lnerc•nses and :J7',) helow September n ycnr lliu• was wiliillJ(, htll ~In:. Lin· linn III'I'I'S 1 •lfl'){, 111'1'1' tJtrdt• Ill· In Jll'i''eH of most veget:thles rnot'l! grnnt from the nnllonnl institute pmvide, nttmnpls' will he! mwle to lo1mmt(s, 1111111 offs1•1 rli•r·llncs in r:orn, IJay, ii~O. of henlth IN!HI, U. S. JHthiic develop Hew lnlu·r.d struins which min said "No." IHtgs 1md c:hielH:ns. Compnn•d Hust. crmiH tlw nallon nhout lwn It h servic:e. Tlw nrlmini:;lrat ion ltns n $7.;-i hiillon a year, ar:crmllng In with Nnvemlwr, l!l:Jfi, increases In II>: major J'tmr:tion, Tlt•nwn suys, "nr.w" nrlrlition lo fartn pro~:rmns rr•search sdentists. Of 1hnl Ingham County News, Mason, Mi£11., December 12, 1957 :1-4 rtrli•c•s of brans, polalrws, h:ty and will tw to tt•ain gr:Hiu:tli• nnd un­ ~-___;, -·.- l'l'lldy t'ol' roon:;rc•ssion:tl l'flll· ltllHIIInt, It's r.sllmntccl fnrmers Sheep Raisers Can Benefit ______lllPIII. animals ~~l'l'ally 11ffsl'l ril'· dergr:uluntc• students in mnttf:I! sidnl':ltlon. Hasir·:li!y it's a piP:t lm:t! S:lofl million. A few dulls of for powr•r to '"""'II lnilay'.c: light l'iilii'S in gmlns, milk and JHHtltry. getwtlcs. Two mammnllnn g-f!ne­ p:d1tl ancl othel' rust pmventa­ liel:;ts will (WI'form the dual roll! Fc1ith is like a whooibr1rrow-you've ']OI to ltr'l'I'IIJ;f' l'nttl rots rrn !'nrm plant­ tives r•oulri cui thnt clown. From Federal Payments ings. Alottg wilit tiJI.c; is· !Ill' 1'1'­ of ten1'11lng and r·otHillel ing l'f!· put some push behind H to rnI'!J nne! I hrr I' lim· The offke is In USDA ltuliding OfJIJt·atlun, Jlrnwtl arlrled. 11 r g 11 n I e- plwspiJIII'Olis contact llocl' II they don't upply for ln· in MaRon. !nation oJ' ri;;icl fol'lnlll:ts tlwl spt·n.I'S lltat have hccn usee] in Scenndly, llw r•enll'l' will Hr•rvr: trmil to ill1'rr•asl' ::tt[IJ!fll'l pri1•r•s c:entivc puymen is under the wool Ln~t year in some areas of ns c•w;torlian of nltout. :!,0011 mi,•e, Chicks Tao plac:(! nf DDT. l~lir.s in some arcus· program, snys M. H. Avery, wiH•n ~:lti'Jilttsl'!; sill'inlc. Mlehlg-an, le~s than half of lite inr:lnrllng m:tn,Y I m p n I' l nn t dl'vr•lopl'ri J'esislnnce to DDT in county ngl·icul tttral agent. ellgihle sheep raiset•s npplied for Sun Life· Assurance Co. of Canodo SPC'l'PI ili'.Y BPI r~:n11 :·mys congl'PSS Poullrymen :;hnuld llr! on tile j 11st 11 fr•w ye:n·s. strnlns, us pari of n national pool Jlut to malw Ute llJlltlicJI· the Incentive paymcnls, Avery II J W, Michiqolfl, l "nl' sl't itt litH' wltl1 titnsl' nf If. Avery, county ngricullurai million, almost twice that. of ne- d lllSC!S Ullrl SIL)CS, tlllll)Wiilivr• J:t·:!ltts o:tls, h:tt•ley, HgCI!l'. 111111 f:tl'llll!l's. Mom than 2 mil· Srtl'f~lilttll.':. ll•'IJ.':r•n say;; I ltr• :II'· Cold weather mnJICR hirrl:; easy lion farm pcopl(! now work regu­ Records rn ust lnc:Iude name of e•ttrrtttlatir•n ,.f fl·r•il .Stll'!iiLJ.~r!s prey for respiratory dlsPasrs. larly ni oliwr jobs; anotltm• 1.3 lntyer, his rn·ir,:lnal signaturr:, To9e~~he~· Ba~Ud a Better Comimnum~~y 1 Working to JJiH'P !'til'!' u! l'! dllf'linllS ill C'Ol'll Chiel\rns f[•cl just as mi:;erahh! million wnrl' mom tlum 100 1lnys date of the transaction and 11w :tf'l'l\:H~P ;J'!olll11'tll:; to il IPV(d aH hwnans when lltP.y gel mlds, :1 Yl'lll' at ol hct• jobs. number anrl live weight of the WiH•J'I' f; \.' 1'111'11 JJ:'!j f:rl'llti"I'S 1':111 ar:r·ording to Avery. Birds with lambs wllh tile description "un· r·rrntPi,'' :rtld .,I ill lljll't':tll' t•ffil'il'lll· .c;luffed tt)J hcltds and runnini~ shorn" showing. Payments arr~ 1\•. II c• I ol:i Ill!'.':· !liP ,':i I ll:t I ion r•n nm,;r.s just don't fppJ likr laying Imported Plants made only on Iambs that have ];I'I'~:C'ill fl'll 1'1·nm tlw !lof'ic. Call for Pef"lmif whether they are sold as slaugh­ I.'MII [,;•[! !11 SIIJ'P•JH[i'!' it:; ll:tllll':ti Dr. William Mn!IH'Y and Dr. ter or feeder Iambs. nrlvn!ll:tr'P in ft 1 Pd :~;·:tin prodtll'· HolH:t·l VanHyzin, i\1if'ili.l~an Stall• Persons who import living J,umh fcedci'S shouhl ulso fJrJIJ to 1!:1' '.\'I'Si. ''loiii)J :tllrf 1\lll'f!J- university poultry rlisr:a:;e spPcinl· plant ma1et'ial from foreign coun· lHl!!ll aet:urnlr~ J't>eords of tho Our Businessmnen isis, say raising lite !f'ntprr:tlur•• trir·~: slwulil apply for a permit to lr~ngfh of time they h:aVtl ...... ~. lf!;d.•t• t !1 ,•. ~I' pl'n·~rams, :JJHJ.. illl[JrrJving l'i'lllil:tlion to rll'.'.' r::mil Kostal, 20!) River street, Ho- nwlwd a sru:dlin lo(, ol' lumbs. UPw:: .. : s:1:~·~;, :H'I'Pag·~· di- out: tile lww;r, at'l' :dille" !he lll•si IJiJk~·n.l/ N ..1., a representativet f · of1 J,umh JlllYIII(!Jils tu•e nuule \'J•t·t•· 1 "'''"ll "olton !n lht• w:tys to comb:tt rPspiralory dis- t 1tr: ... 11epm 1men n. ngriCU. only wlum r•Jw fecdur hus One of the wonderful thinq., s1111 tr 1 :ttrd w: :t nrtd wlit•nt iu (':tS<'.~ wtwn liwy f:lrikl'. Sonu·- 1111'1', if llw imporlalinn is to com­ owned tlu! bamb.~ for· al; lr>ust about doing business in il th1• 1:.1': ::I p'ain•: ar. I iu 1111• tirnl's il'.~ also 11Pr·r.•ssal'\'. '" add pi~· with feriern! nnd state Jaw. ao d;tys, he c:o;plitim:d. farming comrntmity such as t'U"-:t, h:~v,•· 1!1•r•n pnl iuf.:; ll!l(;r to ill'ljJ aiJ.,orb sonw rJf tl!r: llrrnng-Pmcnlcl for importing Avnry said the fln::JI date for Mason is thQt mo'.r store t:nf·.: l:!ll'i!'Y a~1d ~.o:·niHinl·.- r;xr·,•s:-: moisture, lw sn II!. liv" plant ma I erial are worked applying for ID57·1D5S marl,elings all l':·:a!;; ol' ,.,.1•11 l'ot· !'o•J'!i. l~or ndrlitional :~•l.': l'l'jHJI'I :1 to tite !rl!':tl \'l'll'l'ill:tl'i:Jil fill' :t 'partnwnl o[ agriculture's pl:ml Agricultural Stabilization and }:i:!nilil·: ttl dPr·rr•:•:"' itt IIH• tllllll· di~ ~:n sis, lw advisl'rl. industry division. farmers, who represent il 1 11 Conservation ot"ficc any lime he- lll·l' of r w:,: 11::11 lt:J'.'r• J:oll!' to in· L::sl yP/11' federal quarantine in- large sogiment of Mason ~:pl'l'!r•·l j>:l('ill'l':' itt fill' past fP\\' Hjll'l'iors rf'JlDI'I irtll' 300,- customers, know Hw prob­ lllillilk:. J•':JIIJII'!·:; :IIIII l'lllll'ill'l'.' GovernrJr Ni!:tf'fles 1)1)1) lots of unnullwrizcrl ft·uit, Iilli\' to·• ltlll,litt;; IJ:wk il"r•Priin!: 1pl:tnl nnrl other :tgriculturni m<~­ Dr.C.J.Ht~bbard lem~ of business for they, slo;·l: lor rJ•!Jnildit:g ill'l'riS. 1\p· Fcu·m ·Union Chie~frtL•rini. Thr• pllrpnse h: to keep out J·oo, arc businessmen. They p:tr: 1,11.1' lit:• :··:11nc• tlti1t;: is it:l)J' of tlw r·nmtiTJ' malel'lal !hal may Vt::W(II--!ARIAN 'mow the 1ux problems, the w•nir~;: will: :·.1111':;, l.:tq;" f .. ,.d ::ttP· .J(Jhll Spm:lrnnn nt: Cr!nlml L:tlw ltarhot· m:ttty o[ the \Vnrld's most 603 S. lansing S.roet pli1•:• :11trl II~:• r•ttiT•'''I siltt:tliotl itt jll'l'sirlc·nt o[ tlw Mklti~;:tn l':mn· dr•slt'tl!'live inseets, plant eli~eases law of supply i'"..j demand Phon~'! OR 7-8201 l't~Jrard Jq so !lllldt wr•l i'tll'll i~; ('J'f;' Union, rPet~n11y \!.'as n:tmt~cl and lll'lllHtoclr.s. -und what's 1"""1'1) they )lll::ltitl"; lit<''"' lrr·ttrls. '1'!11• el'f:•r·i hy GoVPJ'nor \Viilinms to till' ,------1 of lilt' itl!'rr•:t•;r•d jllrllltli'lii,Jt of r·nt· MIC'Itigan eommission of agric1tl· must endure tlw sobering Ill' nnd lio:::: wit! ::!tow Lip lirst in ture, and l:tsl IVI'C!l( atil'IHII'r! his effects of wo;,1.1n condi­ lht> l:tlli·J'. initial session of lllllt horly. tions. Yes, ii's u pleasure \V1• ::ltqn!d 1~1·1 n Jll'r•tty g.:orl Spoclmnn [Ills tiH' va,·anJ'Y on EXCAVATING and irl:•:t wil:rl's :dti':J.,i fot• hog :lllm- lite 5-man ~ommission l'nW'I'd hy for merchants to have the ltt•r:; nnrl pril·<•s in IIH• 1/SDII l'P· m:piration of the term of !lay '1'. BULL'DOZING confidence of sw:h cusfcm. 1 1 pori !Itt" 11111 ll ' '1'1ltlll•t· ~0. ll \\'ill llnclerson of M:tnlon, who indi­ srs and in tha7 ~f.lirit we f!iVc~ t•.•,t:rn;llr• ...; 11 11 sprin;_; l':ll'I'!IW· cated he \Vns not a r:antlida!P. to rtr J.,AND CLIMRING nave dedicated l>:.:·· rnothods ings :ttHI lll~>rf' Sfll'l'ifir: linla 1111 succl!eri himself, hoeattsc! rrf ill I ill' nttl!thl'l' r:f pi;~s f:tl'l'"\l'": are subject *DITCHING of doing busines>. iho fol­ f:tll. to senate eonrirrnation. * S'J~ONg PILES JHJRIJm lowing merchanb coilccth·e· 'l'ltl! :;::10 Ill paid frn· till' g-ranri 'I'!u• commi~sion o[ nr:ricttlture ly r(!ach across the! counter r:h:tmpion slr•rot· at file lntcnw- establishes the polif'ics of tlw BACU:-FILLING t ionni Livf'slrll'k Expnsil ion Ins! stale department: of agriC"uilurc. lo congratulate ·fellow fMm· ll'l!l'k w:1s It l'<'r'orrl frn· the Chi- Unrlcr the statute tlte pnlilir:al rli­ BASEMENT mGGING er-busincssmcn. You, es­ r.ago ~how. llo\\'I'VC'I', llw lop vision of the group must he ns UOAD HTJIUHNH pecially, aro wolcome in p!'ir•r• p:tiri fnr a granrl cl!llmpion even as possible :mri nne mcmhc!t' in the l I. S. w:rs S:l:i.:iO at I he must he from 1he Upper Pen in· GUADING Identify the Oecupa~t of This Farn1 Mason alwr1ys! llnwrir'an Hny:tl show in Knnsns suia. Members· serve for years G .. 'i 'I 1 j I ''i/:!1,,.1, ,J .'/! 1·;: City in I!Wl. on n slaggcrcri-term hasis. · Last yrar's intPrnatirmal chnmp The eommission is marie up of Fa1·m Ponds a Specialty! and Wiai Vcducsb~e Pa·izes is still going strong. Hl'l'ent.Jy llC Robert .T. Dehclak, of Trenary, was nft'il'inily inviter! In nppe;u· clmirman; Then Lenon, St1nric!ld. nt !he Hl:)8 Snvict nll·union ngri- vice-chnirrnnn; Edwarri C. Mende, r:ultrtJ',1ii'XiJilrilion in Mos·cow. He 'Ncwnygo, secretary; Artltut' .T. SCARLETT GRAVEL CO. hrrHtght l1is nwtwr $20.!iO ih in Hnnnah, Gr1uul Hn1Jids; and Phone Ilolt OX 9-2517 or OX 4-3R01 Cl1icago a yQar ago. J Win Dushu~ssmen planter!~11enmm~olgrninw~hums next spl'ing will probably S~p=o~c=~=a~n:·i' ______~======~ he clown from I his year, :wcor;J- Free ing to reports from I he mill\~I!SI nnrl sottlhwc:;l. 'l'he wet fall h:1s mnrlr: hnrvesting o[ tlw crop Prizes l;nugh. Farmers an• having rlif!'i­ WIN 2 SUBSCRIPliONSi cully rlr~'ing I he crop so it: will store safelr. llpparenlly rptile a I Yes, if you oro the FIFTH PER­ SON to correctly identify the MYSTERY FARM PHOTO [a dif· G t•ccm Vcirri nary HosJJital ferent one will be published on this page each wool) you wil I re­ REASONS ceive FREE OF CHARGE a sub. · Ol'l'ien Ilmll's: 7-ll [l. m. Jlfnn • scription for yourself end on­ F•·i.-1-:1 Jl.m.Sal.. · other for anyone you may select providing, however, that he or she is not a regular subscriber to Dr. M. J. Green TO START A the Ingham County News and tho! ho or she resides in ln.;Jhom Coun. Phnrw OIG 7-!17!11 Jy. 7!l:l N. C••clar, 1\lnson REMEMBER - tho Fl FlH PER· CHRISTMAS CLUB SON - not the fir~+ - who CORRECTLY IDENT! f.l ES THE OWNER AND LOCATION OF M~liUi~TUSG lHE FARM, will be doclarod tho FOR winner. RUlG$ ~~U~UER Name of · winner and mystery farm feature story will be pub. lishod tho week following. IMPORTANT - To assure ac· curate recording, entries must be submitted in person Ia lnglwm County News office or by call­ ing .Mason OR 7-901 I. Answers licccpled by membors aF tho lng· hom County News staff elsewhere 1. lt•s the easy way to save for Christmas will not be considerod. Fe®an VIGwne WATCH THIS PAGE EACH gifting. WEEK - YOU MAY WIN THIS HOG BAU\~CER $5 VALUE! Powerful supplement properly MR. FARMER: IF your form pic· 2. It's the lure nppoors on this page, you balances farm grains to meet sure way to the ~ash you wilt rocoivo a Sx7 mounled photo. SIGHT UNSEEN, F. L. Barnaby ordered this 1950 Bel Air 4-door Chevre>lot even before tho now models woro out, ~utrient requirements of hogs graph of it ADSOLUHL Y FREE That's how much confidence Bornaby and olhor AI Rico Chevrolet customoro hove in Chevrolet automobiles and Chev­ need. - o gift of opprocialion provided rolet sorvice. Barnaby ·is shown at tho loft taking dolivory of his new c<~r from Robert lnghr.>m, sales mon.Jger. over I 00 lbs. by sponsors of this pogo. Stop in Satisfiod customers like Barnaby hava holpod build tho AI Rico sales and servico orgonhalion to ono of out. to tho INGHAM COUNTY NEWS standing reputation, Besides Inghram and Rico, others on tho Rico team anxious to acquaint. you with tho odvonlogas FnHens hogs rapidly for earlier 3. oflico and pick it up first limo of owning Chrovroleh ore Joe De.m, Howard Facer and Russ Garriso11, Stop in now and got tho Chevrolet story at AI It makes gift shopping more fun! Join our you're in town! marketing •• , at lowest pos• Rice Chovrolot .• .' and you, too, will join the many satisfied· customers. · siblo cost! ·sa Christmas Club now.

It .PGyl To Mickelson-Baker Lumber Co. 352 W•. Columbia Phone OR 7-3751 Francis Platt - Minnoopolis-Molino • AI Rice Chevrolet Fr~tlll W111yna US.J27 Phono OR 7·5971 and Oliver Equipmont . 447 S, Jolforson Phono OR 7·3061 Archy's Photos Chesley Drug I08 E. Ash St. Fino Portraits Silsby lmpl~ment Co. 330 S. Jollerson THE FARMERS BANK · Farmers Mutual Fire Insurance Co. 214 W. St~to Phone OR 7·0141 138 W. Ash Phone OR 6·423 I Ball-Dunn Furniture Member of F. D. I. C. 124 1:. Ash ' Phono OR .Mason, Michigan . Mason. Elevator·Co.· · Shafer Decorating Supply:: ' · · .· 425 S, Jefferson Phone OR. 6·5582 : · ·. 345 w_, Columbl1 ·. Phone OR 6-5734 ' ' 'I 'i ' .. \

mrq·. This lrntl.~ to nwl>r nnr win­ Winfe•· in N·o•·f·f,· ll:;· il tillh• lllihl<'l' a111J !Iii! IHIIilh· library Sparkles like Christ1nas rnt Mllllllli'l' i1 IIIIIil 1\'l'lllill'l' \VIlllid L'llllli! Wililtile l'l'llfi,\' IH'I'II [c!ll nil lhc.• nnl'i;s nf llnnlcoJI. Bolli honiiH In r•lu rl o um1! in hb J IIHiory of I ill! l~ng· htgiHllll ('(111111)' IIJJI'IIriiiiiH. QIIC!H· Chrl:;lmnn recipes nnrl l1ils of llsh Hpunlnsl unci lrt· 1iiii]H illlli ,-c!Ic:s 111'1! [liven In lmr·uusa of llo enVI!I'iiJ.:Il 11( IIH• right nnw Is I lin HIILJ!Iwrn hom!~· phern, snlrl n UnlvcJrsily of Mll'h· lhc carlh's nxls, During llle win· Bill lhl:; is 11111 1111• l'ils1•, 1111· 11;1• llylng 11111'1> unci fiiHI. Lllll'ill")' HH· Virginia flnc;J"~''Ii l~lll'isilliiiS C!loJ;. Olll'IY hlsllit'Y or Ill!! H. 'J'hr• u. Jgnn IIHil'OilOIIl!!l', 1!!1', IJ10 Cllll'lh':,- lllll'til poh! is )ll'lli( II[ lit!• HI'OISIIII ll>illlllly t'OIIIIIIi niHianl.'i lwvn l;ilwn 111 WC!ill'illg lo Jlool\, wlillr: lwllcln,y C'llllrJ~· lullli' iH l!lllilli!li 'l'l1o Age of ltt!VIl· ,IJngJr! lli'IJH 011 IJJI'JI' I'IJhiH•I' IIJlJlCri HWiiY from I lie sun. \\'r! I fl'llm ·llc1 li II'I'I'I;H lnl•·t· al 11 I hill• irlc•ns t'illl lw fonntl ill Pall! Dr• lnllon, Offlt'lnl Jwglnnlng o[ wlnll!l' In , J;nown illi I liP. "liif.: or tc:l!illns" Hlan;p:i, l'nii'IIIIH h1si:;l lliill llw,v c:m:i' llnliclay Cancly and Cool\le llw caorliaem lwmlsphr•rp 1•1111111 H have rnn· eolrwr \VI'iillwr IH!«'IItllll! 1i'nafc•:;H:le where mlgill for de<:' nuve! 1i11n n::••i:r•;t lnvnlunlaa·y servi· Dwarf Fruit Trees Roses ing, A11n 1\'t'l'lsn(!J''.s l\lak1• Your is bringing out a Jli'\V IHH.JI\ about of African violcnr·c wilidl was a lurlr•. For t•:-;;,mplc, no person may Shrubs Pcrenniols Own Meny l'larisll11i1S, Dorol hy a wilimsiml dog, 1i llf'd Lobo. best sellcl' :;cwral years ago. be impl'i:;,ncd fur debt arising Uiddle's t'ilrisllllils lc!Pa Uuul\, In 'J'wisll'cl TalcH trom Shake· lnt~li.': I•'Jeldtor has wriiiL'n an· otlt of it cn:til'ilct cxr·c·pl in ca::;cs Shade Trr.cs Bulbs, etc. Barbara llaPl''s C'hrislmas Malw· speare, Jtklwrd Armour conlin· other hi;;lorieal IHJI'el wilh a of fraud or hi·enelt of l;·usl. il Boul;, a11ci Marjorie Young's lii'.S llw goorl·lliillll'l'rl SJl!HIIing be· Carolina sl'lling, Tlw \Vinci In the Don't gtiP:::; \l'l'ong llwugh, Add $ ~ !000.00 or more lo Demralillg foa· .Joyful Oeea:;iu;rs. gtlll in J1Js p11 pular It All Slarlerl Forrsl, anrl Margaa•cl Canlphi!ll :rlwul wl1al a rl.:hl' is, when you the value of your home. For holiciii,Y menu ideas, tile li· \Villi l'olurnhu:;. !lis lalesl boo!\ Barnes in lsaiJei lhe J.';lir ('lllllL'I slanrl on your eonstiltllimaal lll'iii'Y lt;as Conl\ing for Christmas, humoa·otlsly retells G of Shal 5012 Moh,,wk Road not consliltttc debts, and penalties health, ventilation may al,o he OKEMOS Bill R!CniA.!fU)S- US-127 ,,nd Ler1ion Ro"d fot• not Jlil,l'lng tlwm, Including Ihc lwy to maintaining winter imprisonn]('nl, rlo not constitute pro duel ion and el'ficienl Iced con· imprisonment for debl~. vcr~ion, say Miehigan State Uni· (This column is nn iuformntiDnal Where fo Buy II verHity agrieult ural cngillcca·s. SCI'ViCI! of the State Bar or Michigan.) Business Service ctory Read Acts 4:23-31. Wlwre ~·our treasure is, there will your heart be also. (1\laU.lww (i:21.) Possessing a big business and every possible luxury, we Foods Livestoclt busied ourselves in work and money-making. On Sundays we drove to the mountains to our counl!·y home, which was Trucking '1'r'-'~nipl i""" An! Our SAVE on c\U'l'O P.I\H'l'!:l sut·t·oundcd by a large garden. There we toiled all day. But Beebe's West Side ::;pccially" at suddenly everything was taken fmm us. This gt·cat. distress led us to reflect upon our lives. The "Your Fricnrlly NeiJ;:Iii.JOrhood Livestock Bud's Auto Part~ longing for God that had been slumbering deep down in us Grocery" Hilchcns "( 't'llll'i\J ~1 i I'! l ij:(::::'r< J... CIJ'J,lCHt now became aroused. The grace of our Lord became mighty Opt•n Evenings anrl Hundays 'J'IUWI\INI; ANn Ill IYI:'H; Llcail'r in J.:rtr• Model Snlvagc'' Drug Store l'illllle ox ().'~Jri1 . in us. In the mich;t of our trials we recognized the Joving­ Texaco Gas---Oil ALL 1\INDS OF LIVJ•:STOCI·~ ·-:uutlr uJ Holt • 2 Mite~ • North ldnrlness of Gocl. We became thankful !.hat we had lost. every­ ALL AN1111ALS IN!HlJ:to:D ( 'otti'IPIIIIS ~·~f~l'\'ice thing upon which out· hearts had been set. We l'ecognized !W•1 N. Cedar l'll. OH 7·.Jl51 I loll nf M.t:'tolll We Givo Gold Sl amps Semi·'I'I'IJek ~:<'rvh·•· now i\v:liliihll' in this the leading of God's kind hand. See us for your l'f•gi:ill•n•d llanap­ As the result. of losing DLII' eat'l hly possessions, we have :;hin! hrPedi11~; slud\, 'J'III! !Jc~l :n t~tome lime for lhc Lord. We have leamcd to pmy am! 1o commit "We llariJccuc in the Slorc" naeat LYP? hogs. to Him all out· actions, all our lives. We have ~=:ained lhe peace of God. Now om· lives arc filled with thanksgiving and ------··- Bim Franklin Yntlt' t'lnllh" .. ; c~t·r· sn!ro i11 fl!lf Service an Ullshakablo faith in Christ om Redccmet•. IT IS OFTEN SAID George's Market Llcens1xl Dl!aler, l\Iason l'HAYJm '''"'""· \\'t~ 1:''' llit'lil "'"" klilll: l'hllll<: Cll: 7·h!lli <'ic'illl, l><·;nalil'OJ').;'iVI~ us, \I'll pr·ny. 'L'I'IIl'h us In con give are those you'd We deliver on onlr:r:; ol' $S.UU or •·ies 1•itlu~J'! Jove a nil hoJHII' 'l'ht'l', to wm·shiJI ruul seJ'Vc 'l'hel'; llll'ou~-:h 1111'. lllt'l'e,Y l!IO!'C like to receive yourself. Livestock True king ~i'I'L•;,\~1 -110'!' WA'I'~;Jt ol' CIIJ·ist IIIII' SnvinUJ', Ame11. ·1:.:•1 S. Jdfcrson Masun INS'J'ALLA'l'lllNS & REPAIR· Wouldn't you like to rc· C'llill'iollc ~- 111nlldii,Y Tl-IOUGI IT FOH THE DAY Modern Dry Cicancrs JNG ceive, as a Christmas pres· Phone OH 7·7151 lialllc CJ'!'<'I\ - · \Vr•dtH''IIil)' I '!Ioiii.' '\.r. "i·IC'! l The peace of God is wm·Lh more than all eat•t hly posses- Also f.!C!IJCl'lll !neal ll'lll'l\illg Gas ---Oil Conversion sions. ent, a bedroom or kitchl}n Httl'ltei'!O Scrvicl! El'lla Adan1s (Germany) phone, or a phone for the Charles Cooley Vv'arf!e Tailoring Shop I .ir·r•Jisc•ri Master den OI' workshop? Then Phone ox .J.s:J,l!l ut· ox ·1-1::71 l\'ll'll'>' ill ill \\', 'lill'rt':: I 'lu11rlwr No. :!:IOU wouldn't tl'1ey make great Wen Drilling I.,,,,, lllll-:\1;111,• ('II" Ill'S gifts for Mother, Dod or the teenagers in your family? ·------·---··- 1\JI ']'~·J•I'S I']' J\'i"l'illiiii\S l·'nr I le:11 i 11g llr!,Vont.l the Warehouse Clearance [•;! ,~~INA NUiU:!S ~:us ·Main Extension telephones (in any of nine decorator colors) :;:111 1 ~ :--;. ,J,•fi{·J~;oll D!t '(,':D.'~i lise - IJHJ.GAS cost only about $1 a month after a one·time installa· ! )VPI' < 'l!t•sh•y's Pru~ ~:_ Well Drilling C/1LL lion charge. So order your gift telephones now. It's IV 8-1101 easy: just call our Business Office. :1. 111111 ·l-inda rm· fllr'm nud huiiH', u.' In 111-indr fill' nir Clllltlillollill~' AUCTION nutl ll'l'i,;alinn. * * * * * * * * * * * * * f * * * * * * * * Mundo Faggion J~J.Jt:c·t•mo Doni('Slic ami l'ollllilC'I'o:i:tl \\'olveriUtl Uve~tod\ s~tle~ l'aviliou WA'l'Jo:lt S\'S'J'gMS Hcfrigct·:d.ion S!!:vice Plumbing & Heating 2 ~~ miles west ul' Willhtua~tuu on l'S-lli CHRISTMAS IS GETTING 'l'o Ill. yom• llli!'IIS H~O .E:, Michigan closer and closer and you S11ld and lnshlllctl Bottled Gas probably have a hundred Lawrence Schnepp L:ansinr. In and one things Lo do­ l'ilonc Eato•1 I :.:tpids Roy C. Hart 20-lb St•H-Serve Cylinders presents to huy, holiday :rt7•1 or •l·!.:liH Kean' s 5-1 Oc-$1 Store J!12l! S. ,Jelfei'Sitll GO-Ill Cylinders Saturday, Dec. 14 ·parties to plan, and lots Kirsh Rods Installed l'hune Olt 7·22:H lOO·Ih Delivered Cylinders of ciTancls to run. Just the Venetian Blinds Lower mtes for dual appliance spot for your telephone to 7:00P.M. USCI'S Nu~·sing Paper, Plasllc and CloUt come to the rescue. You S. W. Hart· Inquire about Window SJ~ndns can shop around by phone (!It !