The BIBLE Story

The Was Built Bible Storytelling Tips Exodus 35–40 • Use props: Gather When was on the mountain with God, God said, “Tell the examples of the to make a tabernacle for Me so that I may dwell among materials used to build the tabernacle, them.” God gave Moses very specific instructions for building a such as gold, silver, tabernacle. The tabernacle would be a really big tent that yarn (blue, purple, the Israelites could take with them. The scarlet), fine linen, wood, oil, spices, and tabernacle would be where God met gemstones. Allow with His people. the kids to see and “Make it exactly like I show touch them as they are mentioned in the you,” God said. story. So Moses gathered all the • Display art: Israelites together. He told Show the Bible story them everything God had picture and point to elements of the scene said. He asked them to bring at appropriate points materials: gold, silver, and in the story. bronze; blue, purple, and scarlet yarn; fine linen and goat hair; animals skins; wood; oil; spices; and gemstones. God gave two men, (BEHZ uh lehl) and Oholiab (oh HOH lih ab), special skills for building and creating things. Bezalel, Oholiab, and all the other skilled craftsmen came together to build the tabernacle for God. At the same time, people kept bringing offerings of what they had. Pretty soon, the craftsmen came to Moses and said, “The people are bringing more than enough. We don’t need all of this.” So Moses told the Israelites to stop bringing their offerings.

Younger Kids Leader Guide 188 Unit 6 • Session 2 © 2018 LIfeWay The Tabernacle Was Built They built the tabernacle just as God had instructed. Bible Storytelling Tips Exodus 35–40 The tabernacle had 10 curtains made out of linen, and each curtain was 42 feet long. Eleven curtains made out • Use props: Gather When Moses was on the mountain with God, God said, “Tell the of goat hair formed a tent over the tabernacle. Inside the examples of the Israelites to make a tabernacle for Me so that I may dwell among tabernacle, the people made a veil. They made an ark, a materials used to build the tabernacle, them.” God gave Moses very specific instructions for building a table, a lampstand, and many other parts. Every part had such as gold, silver, tabernacle. The tabernacle would be a really big tent that its special purpose and was made just as God had said. yarn (blue, purple, the Israelites could take with them. The When the time came, God told Moses how to set scarlet), fine linen, wood, oil, spices, and tabernacle would be where God met up the tabernacle. God told him how to anoint the gemstones. Allow with His people. tabernacle so that it would be holy. Anoint means “to pour the kids to see and “Make it exactly like I show oil on.” touch them as they God told Moses to bring Aaron and his sons to the are mentioned in the you,” God said. story. So Moses gathered all the entrance of the tabernacle. Aaron put on the holy garments, • Display art: Israelites together. He told and Moses anointed him to be priest. Aaron’s sons were also Show the Bible story them everything God had anointed to serve God as priests. Moses did exactly what picture and point to elements of the scene said. He asked them to bring God commanded, and the tabernacle was finally finished. at appropriate points materials: gold, silver, and God had led the Israelites from a cloud, and now in the story. bronze; blue, purple, and the cloud covered the tabernacle. God’s glory filled the scarlet yarn; fine linen and tabernacle. God made a sign for the people: If the cloud goat hair; animals skins; wood; covered the tabernacle, the people would stay where they oil; spices; and gemstones. were. When the cloud lifted from the tabernacle, the God gave two men, Bezalel Israelites would move and take the tabernacle with them. (BEHZ uh lehl) and Oholiab The cloud of the Lord was on the tabernacle during (oh HOH lih ab), special skills the day, and fire was inside the cloud at night. All the for building and creating things. Israelites could see it as they traveled. Bezalel, Oholiab, and all the other skilled craftsmen came together to build Christ Connection: God instructed the Israelites to build a the tabernacle for God. At the same time, tabernacle where He would dwell with them. God desires to be people kept bringing offerings of what they had. with His people. As part of His plan to save sinners, God sent Pretty soon, the craftsmen came to Moses and said, “The people are Jesus to “tabernacle,” or dwell, with people on earth. bringing more than enough. We don’t need all of this.” So Moses told the Israelites to stop bringing their offerings.

Worship in the Wilderness 189 © 2018 LIfeWay