International Journal of Engineering Research-Online a Peer Reviewed International Journal Vol.1., Issue.3., 2013 Articles Available Online
International journal of Engineering Research-Online A Peer Reviewed International Journal Vol.1., Issue.3., 2013 Articles available online RESEARCH ARTICLE ISSN: 2321-7758 AN INTERESTING TRANSCENDENTAL EQUATION WITH SIX UNKNOWNS 3 2 x2 y 2 xy X 2 Y 2 z 2 w 2 M.A.GOPALAN, S.VIDHYALAKSHMI, K.LAKSHMI Department of Mathematics, Shrimati Indira Gandhi College,Trichy-620002. Article Received: 11/11/2013 Article Revised on: 21/11/2013 Article Accepted on: 22/11/2013 ABSTRACT The transcendental equation with six unknowns involving surds represented by the 3 equation 2 x2 y 2 xy X 2 Y 2 z 2 w 2 is analyzed for its patterns of non-zero distinct integral solutions. Infinitely many non-zero integer sextuple (,,,,,)x y X Y z w satisfying the above equation are obtained. Three different patterns for finding the solution to the above problem are discussed. The relations between the solutions and the Polygonal numbers, Pyramidal numbers, Pronic number, Jacobsthal number, Jacobsthal-Lucas number, Octahedral number, kynea K.LAKSHMI number, Centered pyramidal numbers and Four Dimensional Figurative numbers are presented. KEYWORDS: Transcendental equation, integral solutions, the Polygonal numbers, Pyramidal numbers, Pronic number, Jacobsthal number, Jacobsthal-Lucas number, Octahedral number, kynea number, Centered pyramidal numbers and Four Dimensional Figurative numbers. M.Sc 2000 mathematics subject classification: 11D99 NOTATIONS: KYn -kynea number of rank Tmn, -Polygonal number of rank n with size m CPn,3 - Centered Triangular pyramidal number of m Pn - Pyramidal number of rank with size rank CP - Centered hexagonal pyramidal number of PRn - Pronic number of rank n n,6 rank OHn - Octahedral number of rank n F4,n ,3 - Four Dimensional Figurative number of SOn -Stella octangular number of rank rank whose generating polygon is a triangle S -Star number of rank n F4,n ,5 - Four Dimensional Figurative number of Jn -Jacobsthal number of rank of rank whose generating polygon is a pentagon.
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