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Boreham Village Magazine MARCH 2019

Photograph kindly provided by L R Woodcroft Photography Boreham village magazine Marc.qxp_Layout 1 14/03/2019 15:15 Page 2

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Boreham Village Magazine Enquiries to Justine Atterbury [email protected] 01245 469941

Hold the dates for -

Play in the Park 2019 9 April, 6 August, 14 August Boreham Recreation Ground Come and try Parkour Free Running with Team Kinetics, enjoy The Creation Station and Face Painting and Design with Dawn.

Boreham Walks 2019 28 April, 2 June, 7 July and 8 September

Annual Parish Meeting 2019 15 April at 7:30 Boreham Village Hall

Local elections in are scheduled to be held on Thursday 2 May 2019, this includes Boreham Parish Council. If you are interested in becoming a Councillor, please contact the Parish Office for further information.

This magazine is a representation of all of the great activities across Boreham. If your local organisation is not represented and you would like it to be, please contact the Parish Office [email protected] to discuss.

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From the Chairman, John Galley Once again we start the Parish Magazine with details of changes to Parish Councillors. Vice-Chairman Les Mann has decided to retire and stepped down from January 2019. Les has been a very active Parish Councillor and will be sorely missed. Jeff Rice has stepped up to the Vice-Chair position temporarily until after the elections in May when all of the positions on the Parish Council will be considered. I am also delighted to welcome Karen Cherry, who was co-opted onto the Parish Council at the meeting on 4 February 2019. You can find out more about Karen in the Spotlight feature for this addition. tĞĂůƐŽǁĞůĐŽŵĞ WĞƚĞƌůŬŝŶŐƚŽŶ͕ǁŚŽĐŽͲŽƉƚĞĚŽŶƚŽƚŚĞWĂƌŝƐŚŽƵŶĐŝůĂƚ ƚŚĞŵĞĞƚŝŶŐŽŶϰƚŚDĂƌĐŚϮϬϭϵ

We are looking forward to hosting the next play in the park between 10:00 ʹ 12:00 on 9 April at the Recreation Ground. This year City Council have offered additional activities and we are delighted to announce that there will be Parkour Free Running with Team Kinetics, The Creation Station and Face Painting and Design with Dawn. We have aimed ƚŽ providĞ activities for a wide range of ages and hope that the eventŝƐ well attended.

We are starƚŝng preparations for the Annual Parish Meeting on 15th April,7:30Ɖŵ at the Village Hall. I am hoping that ƚŚĞĞǀĞŶƚwill be well attended by local residents and businesses. The guest speaker for the evening is Les Hawkins, Specials Supported Policing Coordinator.

John Galley

Keeping fit in Boreham The outdoor Table Tennis table has now been installed in the Recreation Ground. Bats and balls have been provided in a box underneath the table. We are hoping that the table will be very well used and there is no need to pre book. We are adopting an honesty approach and hope that the bats and balls will be returned to the box after use. If you fancy a game of doubles, more bats are available from the Parish

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Office. It has been lovely to see so many people using the table over the school holiday period.

Local residents enjoying the new table tennis table in the Recreation Ground

Improvements to the Recreation Ground Members of the Greens Committee have recently agreed a plan of improvements for the Recreation Ground. Improvements include the completion of the fence along Plantation Road and the extension of the path around the edge of the Zecreation 'round to complete the circuit.

Trees The Parish Council are responsible for the trees in the Recreation Ground͘ ͞dƌĞe ŽǁŶĞƌƐŽǁĞĂ͚ĚƵƚLJŽĨĐĂƌĞ͛ƵŶĚĞƌƚŚĞKĐĐƵƉŝĞƌƐ>ŝĂďŝůŝƚLJĐƚϭϵϱϳĂŶĚϭϵϴϰƚŽ ensure any trees situated on their property or land are regularly inspected and maintained to reduce the risk of them causing damage or harm. To this effect we have recently arranged for the trees in the Recreation Ground to be tagged and have commissioned an expert to carry out a tree survey. Fortunately the tree survey has not highlighted any immediate issues but has given us a programme of minor tree works which we will now arrange to be carried out. If you notice any issues with the trees in the Recreation Ground please contact the Parish Council with the details of the tag number. Issues with trees owned by County Council can be reported on line to Essex Highways.

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General Information Please note that Boreham Parish Council Facebook page is for information only, all comments will be removed on a regular basis. A private message will be sent to anyone who comments on the page to advise them that their comments are being removed. If you have any comments or questions regarding anything on the Facebook page, please email the Parish Clerk on [email protected].

Update from David Stocks, the Parish Council Village Volunteer Hello everybody. I hope that by the time you get around to reading this Spring is already here or just around the corner as it is the most beautiful time of the year. I have just finished re-edging the footpath all along the Main Road. This is the first time I have been able to complete it before the beginning of March.

Looking ahead, this year I am going to make a new small flower bed around the Boreham village sign in the Recreation 'round. In addition to this we are going to create a wild flower bed on the bank of dirt in the corner of the Recreation Ground and Clock House Cottages. A new fence will be installed here shortly.

So as you can see, preparing the new flower beds and keeping on top of the current flower beds ŵŽǀĞŚĞƌĞ͘;there is a lot to do this yearͿ. If anybody would like to come and help if only for a few hours I would be most grateful. Please let the Parish Office know if you are interested.

A new feature for the Village Magazine is a focus on a plant that you may not have heard of, but would be great for the garden. This time we are looking at Akebia, the Chocolate Vine. A woody stemmed climber, leaves with five leaflets. It has a vanilla scent with maroon ʹ purple chocolate scented flowers in late spring. Followed by sausage shaped fruits. Prune in the late Spring after flowering. It is fully hardy, can be grown from seed and would make a great feature in any garden.

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Akebia, the Chocolate Vine.

Boreham Community Speedwatch After a successful 2018, Boreham Community Speedwatch will start monitoring Main Road, Church Road and Plantation Road in the next few weeks.

Watch out for our new Speed Indicator Devices (SID for short) which are solar powered and are likely to be initially positioned in Main Road and Church Road. These units give the team vital information in relation to the number of vehicles and the speeds they are achieving so show when/where we need to monitor the most.

The team are also planning a further speed reduction programme for roads which are not monitored and watch out for news of this coming soon.

We are planning a Speedwatch Training Session at the Boreham Village Hall within the next few weeks so watch out for this on the Community Speedwatch Facebook page.

If you want more information about joining the Speedwatch programme then either message me on the FB Page or e-mail [email protected]

Thanks and Stay Safe If you are interested please contact [email protected] or through the Boreham Community Speedwatch page. Best wishes from the Speedwatch Team

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BOREHAM PARISH COUNCIL Parish Office Clerk: Lisa Miller Assistant Clerk: Justine Atterbury Telephone: 01245 469941, Email: [email protected]; Website:

Parish Office - Opening Hours Monday 09:00 ʹ 14:00 Tuesday 08:30 ʹ 16:00 Wednesday 09:00 ʹ 14:00 Thursday 08:30 ʹ 16:00 Friday by appointment only

Your Parish Councillors: Chairman: Mr John Galley, 5 Falkland Close, CM3 3DD, telephone: 01245 467633 Vice Chairman : Mr Jeff Rice, 24 Juniper Road, CM3 3DB, telephone: 01245 465778 Mrs Karen Cherry, 7, Hurrell Down, CM3 3JP , telephone: 01245 264451 Mr Simon Bass, Lynton Limes, Church Road, CM3 3EP, telephone: 01245 467892 Mrs Gilly Cooch, 3 Seabrook Gardens, CM3 3BX, telephone: 01245 467517 Mrs Daniela Crick, 22 Boleyn Way, Boreham, CM3 3JL, telephone: 01245 451148 Mr Anthony Leach, 13 Claypits Road, CM3, telephone: 01245 468541 Mrs Charlotte Perrin, 43 St Andrews Road, CM3 3DL, telephone: 01245 463659 Mr Matthew Sellors, Orchards, Damases Lane, CM3 3AL telephone 07875 027206

Parish Council Meetings, March 2019 ʹ June 2019, held in the Allen Room at Boreham Village Hall (Monday evening) : Planning Meetings at 7.00 pm on: - 4th and 18th March, 1st and 15th April, 13th May, 3rd and 17th June. Parish Council Meetings at 7.30 pm on the first Monday in the Month (unless it is a Bank Holiday): - 4th March, 1st April Parish Meeting 15th April 2019 Annual Public Meeting. Guest speaker ʹ Les Hawkins, Specials Supported Policing Coordinator. Annual Parish Meeting 13th May 2019 Greens Committee Meeting at 7.30 pm on: 18th March and 17th June 2019. You are very welcome to join us at any of our meetings. Details, including agendas and minutes, are available on the Boreham Parish Council website

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My name is Karen Cheerry and I am the newest member of the Parish Council attending my first meeting this month (February). I lived in the village for the first time as a teenager in St Andrews Road, where my parents still live, I currently live in Hurrell Down since returning in October 2001 with my own family. A working mum with 3 childrenchildren, Tom comingc up 21 currently at University and my twin girls of 18 ďŽƚŚƐƚĂƌƚŝŶŐ ŽƵƚ ŽŶ ƚŚĞŝƌ ŽǁŶ ĐĂƌĞĞƌƐ͘ / ŚĂǀĞ ďĞĞŶ ŝŶǀŽůǀĞĚ ŝŶ ŵLJ ĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛Ɛ growing up in the villaage, by jointly running the mothers and Toddler group and then by volunteering and workingw at the village pre-school, Stepping stones. During this time I had my first expperience of committee work as part of the village hall committee with Mariee Brown and Daniela Crick. Whilst the children weere at Boreham Primary School I was an active member of the School PTA helping wiith such activities as school fetes, running bingo sessions for the older members of thee village, and organising the PTAs lottery. Once the children werre all at school I returned to work, at The Boswells school, wŚere I have now worked for the last 10 years, currently as the Sixth Form Coordinator wŚere I helph youngsters and parents to make their way through their A level studies. I have become a memmber of the Parish Council as I hope it will allow me to assist in maintaining and improving the life of our lovely family friendly village as it grows. My children and parents haveh enjoyed the luxury of living in a safe and friendly environment with lotss of opportunities to enrich their lives such as our wonderful cub/scout groups and all the groups my parents enjoy during their retirement such as bowls and the travel cclub. I hope this gives you a slight insight in to my life and the reasons I have joined the Parish Council. I havee a bit of Ălearning curve to learn all ƚŚĞprocesses involved but I hope to serve the village well and thank the committee for its welcome. KKarenaren

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As I have often said, it is a great privilege to serve the communities of Boreham, and Beaulieu Park, Danbury and , which make up my electoral division in the County Council. You trust me to represent you and your interest against the context of the wider needs of Essex. Each community is distinctive and each, in turn, has its moments of special significance. I feel that sense of specialness about Boreham just now. We are a true community, in a world where so much is changing. We have already seen the reorganisation of the GP practice; we have no library to be involved in the current consultation, while we do have bus services that again are having to be reviewed in the context of falling numbers. We have seen various housing planning applications, and recognise that our children and grandchildren will all need homes in which to live. Yet my recent review of the ten-year plan for school numbers shows that Boreham School, which cannot be extended for physical reasons, will not be able to cope with projected demand; more houses would simply mean more children going to the excellent schools surrounding but not in the village itself. Meanwhile, the massive growth of NE Chelmsford brings the City conurbation ever closer to us. During the 2020s we can expect major works on the A12 involving widening and a complex new junction. If the station happens, it is quite likely to impact the patterns of travel and parking in and around Boreham. For all these reasons, I believe ECC are right to focus on creating new communities with sufficient infrastructure, rather than relying totally on tacking on to those that already exist. And I just want to say thank you to all the organisations ʹ the parish church and parish council, and numerous others ʹ that forge the community life that is Boreham.

John Spence

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BOREHAM PRIMARY SCHOOL which includes tea and biscuits at the BOREHAM SCHOOL PTA (F@BS) meetings. Boreham Primary PTA (F@BS) would ůŝŬĞ 2019 programme to thank everyone for the amazing 6th March ʹ Wildlife in Boreham, Graham support we receive. For the kind Ekins donations, helpers at our events and 3rd April ʹ The Plant Hunters, Mrs Maggie everyone attending our events. Without Piper the parents, grandparents, families and st friends of Boreham Primary School, we 1 May ʹ Railways to the Seaside, Adrian could not have raised £17k for the Wright schools interactive smart boards in 2018. 5th June ʹ Training a Guide Dog, John As ever your support is very much Godbold appreciated. To continue this great work, 3rd July ʹ Social Afternoon, Poems and we need more committee members. Cream Tea, Raffle Current members will be stepping down August ʹ No meeting at our AGM. Events for 2019 are th Thursday 16th May Inflatables day and 4 September ʹ Dick Turpin from Zero to Saturday 6th July 12:00 till 3:00 our Hero, Mrs Janet Seward summer fete! 2nd October ʹ Harvest Flower However these events will not go ahead Demonstration, By Candice without new people coming forward. We 6th November ʹ Joyful Creations (Craft have people on our committee with afternoon), Mrs Joy Angier energy, enthusiasm and talent. All busy 4th December ʹ Social Afternoon, Quiz people willing to give up their valuable and Mince Pies time to improve and support our school. Please come along to our AGM Thursday Members are asked to help in some way 2nd May 2019 7pm in the school hall. with fund raising efforts of the Church. Hope to see lots of you there. For further The Guild is responsible for pulpit details please contact flowers on Easter Day and Christmas [email protected] Day. For further information contact:

^d͘EZt͛^KZ,DtKDE͛^ Mrs B Jones ʹ Leader 01245 467788 GUILD Mrs K Traynier ʹ Treasurer 01245 The Guild meets on the first Wednesday 467434 of the month in the Pelly Room at 2:30 Mrs J Keeble ʹ Secretary 01245 467503 p.m. It is open to all women of the Parish. Subscription is £12 for the year

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CHELMSFORD COUNCIL CUSTOMER KZ,DZd/Z> INFORMATION SERVICE Pauline Grove got us off to a good start We will be at Boreham Village Hall in the New Year with some helpful during the Village Market 10:30 ʹ 12:00 comments on members work. The on the 2nd Thursday of each month. The Workshop in January was run by Helen next visits are ʹ 14th March 2019, 11 Rubinstein helping us produce a painting April 2019, 9 May 2019. of a hydrangea head in acrylics. Sebastian Chew was kind enough to step in at very short notice for our next The service is free and offers help and meeting when he spoke about drawing advice to some of the most isolated and and gave us some useful tips. Anthony vulnerable communities within the area Nield will demonstrate a watercolour of to make our services more accessible a Summer Landscape on Tuesday 19th and ensure that residents with the March. On our last meeting on greatest need for advice and support, Wednesday 3rd April Pauline Grove will such as the elderly, young families and be back again talking about those with mobility requirements can experimenting and ideas in mixed media access information and advice about which should prove to be very Council services locally. The service interesting. provides information about council Our full programme may be viewed at services and events and the knowledgeable team can offer advice Come and pass an evening with a and support. friendly club for just £3 including A range of enquiries are covered tea/coffee & biscuits. including ʹ DATE FOR YOUR DIARY: - 26th ʹ 28th Advice on how to seek help with housing April our 43rd Annual Open Art benefit or Council Tax Exhibition and Sale Reporting environmental problems Meetings held on first Wednesday and FREE replacement recycling sacks and third Tuesday at 8p.m. in Boreham dog waste bags Village Hall October - April Providing information on leisure, Contact Cheryl Cook on 467787 for more tourism, local issues and much more information Many of the visits are attended by Partner organisations to promote or ^/EdEZt͛^,hZ, deliver their service including the Church Road, CM3 3ED Community Liaison Officer from Essex Fire and Rescue Service who promotes Our church is a thriving place of fire safety in the home. fellowship and Christian worship in the heart of the village. It is a Grade 1 listed building, full of historical interest and

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still going strong. There are a variety of biscuits, and is open to all women even if regular services, opportunities for peace, LJŽƵĚŽŶ͛ƚĐŽŵĞƚŽĐŚƵƌĐŚ͘ personal prayer and reflection, as well as Film Club in the Pelly Room on the 3rd all the traditional seasonal events ʹ Wednesday of each month, starting at something for everyone. Everyone is 1.30 pm. always very welcome. Thursdays: Monthly pattern of regular Sunday services: Quiet Service of Healing and Remembering, 12.15-12.40 pm (soup 1st Sunday 10.30 am Family Service and bread afterwards) 5.30 pm Holy Communion Fridays (during school terms): 2nd Sunday 10.30 am Holy Communion Choir Practice, 7.30-9.00 pm (New singers welcome) 3rd Sunday 10.30 am Morning Prayer DĞŶ͛ƐƌĞĂŬĨĂƐƚƐǁŝůůďĞŚĞůĚŽŶ- 5.30 pm Holy 2nd March ʹ speaker ʹ Philip Howlett Communion (not April) 1st June ʹ speaker ʹ Mike Aston 4th Sunday 10.30 am Holy Communion Start time 8.30am and ends at 3.00 pm Teas approximately 10.00 am, a full English and Chat (Pelly Room) breakfast will be served (donation £5) 5th Sunday 10.30 am Holy Communion Open to all men in the parish even if you All Sundays except 1st Sunday, Early Bird ĚŽŶ͛ƚĐŽŵĞƚŽĐŚƵƌĐŚ͘ Sunday School 9.15-10.15 am The church is usually open from around Tuesdays: 8.30 am to 4.00 pm daily except for Mondays and Tuesday afternoons. Morning Prayers 9.00-9.20 am 10.30 am Edward Bear Toddler Club Special Services for Lent and the Easter Bell Ringing in the Church Tower, 7.30- Season: 9.00 pm (New ringers welcome) Shrove Tuesday, 5th March, Pancake / Wednesdays: Beetle Drive fellowship, 7.30 pm A Fun Evening! 1st and 3rd Wednesdays 7.00-7.30 pm Ash Wednesday 6th March, Holy Quite Prayerful Service Communion Services at 10.00 am and 7.00 pm 2nd, 4th and 5th Wednesdays 7.00-7.30 pm Mothering Sunday 30th March, Family Holy Communion Communion (with posies of flowers) tŽŵĞŶ͛Ɛ'ƵŝůĚŝŶƚŚĞWĞůůLJZŽŽŵ͕Ϯ͘ϯϬ Palm Sunday 14th April, Procession in pm on the 1st Wednesday of each church grounds, followed by Holy month, there is a speaker and tea and Communion service

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Easter Week: Monday, Tuesday, We welcome enquiries for baptism, Wednesday 7.00 pm ʹ short service of confirmmation, marriage and end of life Night Prayer services. Please contact the Maundy Thursday 18th April, 8.00 pm churchwardens. More information can Holy Communion (incl. washing of feet, be found on the church website relating as Jesus did) to fees and forms etc. Good Friday 19th Aprrilil, 2.00 pm Service to remember the sacrifice of Jesus on the Church Contacts: cross. Wardens ʹ Suzanne Harris (PCC Chair) Easter Saturday 20th April, 8.00 pm 01245 468323, Peter Horton 466534 Watchnight Service to light the new Email Pascal Candle [email protected] Easter Sunday 21st April, 6.00 am Sunrise Holy Communion followed by breakfast St. Andrew͛s Church needs your help! 10.30 am Easter Day Family Holy We are sure that as you walk past your Communion ʹ He is risen! church in Church Road, you would havve Sunday 28th April, 10.30 am Special noticed how well kept the churchyard is. Family Service for St. George (not Holy Perhaps you have visited a loved one Communion) who is buried there or whose ashes are Although the church is currently without interred within the church grounds? OOr an incumbent, we hope to appoint a new maybe you had your wedding priest later in the year. However, we are photographs taken there? Or maybe you grateful for the tremendous help from just stop and rest on one of the benchhes various other local ministers who have as you walk around the village? You enabled us to keep St. Andrews alive and would, we hope, have enjoyed your time flourishing. Please read through the spent there in the peaceful surroundinngs. menu above and if are yet still to visit the The upkeep of the churchyard is carrieed church, take your pick and come along ʹ out by loyal church volunteers, and until we shall be pleased to see you. recently the grass has been cut by a There is a weekly news-sheet that is Contractor which has been funded by usually available from the desk inside the the Parish Council, for which we are all church or it can be viewed and very grateful. However, following legaal downloaded from the church website: advice received from the National Association of Local Councils, the Parissh Council are no longer allowed to KKeep up withith the llattest news by continue funding this activity. This is following us on Twitter or on the obviously disappointing for the churchh as Facebook account. Copies of the whilst the church building is clearly a monthly parish magazine are available place of worship, we see the churchyara d from inside the church, priced 60p. around it as a community space ʹ

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appreciated by those who get married in meantime, if you feel you are able to church and who have loved ones laid to help please contact the churchwarden rest there. Indeed the churchyard is team at [email protected] open for the burial of anyone of any (or no) religion who is living in the parish ʹ not just for Christians! It is also a quiet BOREHAM GARDENING CLUB sanctuary in the conversation area We meet in the village hall on the second within the village where nature can Thursday each month at 7.30 p.m. for flourish and we can all take time to sit 7.45 p.m. and relax. Managing the limited finances is difficult As I write we have just held our very for us all and the church is no different. successful annual quiz, this is a light- In addition to regular giving from the hearted way to augment our funds, so congregation, we work hard to fundraise we can be assured of some very good to ensure that we can pay our regular speakers, thank you to everyone who bills and the ongoing maintenance which supported this event whether members is necessary for our historic building. or not. The church has now to find several thousand pounds to fund the annual We have a very interesting and varied grass cutting ʹ money which has not programme booked for the year and I previously been budgeted for. This is a am sure there will be something of difficult position for us, as we do not interest for everyone who enjoys currently have the resources to keep the gardening or just being in the garden so grass cutting under check using come along and join us. volunteers, but we recognise the In March, and looking forward to Spring importance of maintaining the we will have Andrew Babicz advising us churchyard for the village. on how to put together Seasonal The purpose of this notice is, with your Containers help, to try and find more volunteers In April, we will hold our Annual General from the village who might be able to DĞĞƚŝŶŐ͕ďƵƚĚŽŶ͛ƚďĞƉƵƚŽĨĨďLJƚŚĂƚ͕ǁĞ help us to keep the grass cut. This could actively work at seeing just how quickly be by dividing the churchyard into small we can get through it. We will then come plots for volunteers from the village to to the enjoyable part of the evening adopt that plot and keep the grass under when we have Michael Sullivan talking control, or by having a rota of people ĂďŽƵƚ͞'ĞƚƚŝŶŐ^ƚĂƌƚĞĚǁŝƚŚůƉŝŶĞƐ͟ who might be willing to cut a larger area May will see us learning from Dr Tim of grass once a year. Any help would be tƌĞŐŚŝƚƚK͞,ŽǁƚŽŽŵƉĞƚĞĂƚƚŚĞ gratefully received. ŚĞůƐĞĂ&ůŽǁĞƌ^ŚŽǁ͕͟ĂŶLJŽŶĞǁho has In the long term we will continue to look been there will know just how good the at how finances can be obtained to standard of exhibits is so this should be reinstate a contractor for mowing. In the

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very interesting, with perhaps behind the crime is of a serious nature ring 999. The scenes titbits. Police can then put the crimes in order Visitors are always welcome for just to be dealt with, they have hotspots lists £4.00 and annual membership is only which are areas being targeted and £15.00 including refreshments at all hall patrols are sent out on a regular basis to meetings. monitor activities in these areas. Police are not always visible, but they are around when they can be to help keep us For more information on the club in safe. general please call Lynn on 01245 463490. To report an incident to the Police on line use the following link - https/ BOREHAM NEIGHBOURHOOD WATCH online/report-a-crime Spring is here, which means lighter nŝŐŚƚƐ͙͘ƌŝŵĞŝƐƐƚŝůůĂƉƌŽďůĞŵƚŽďĞ Please contact me on aware of. Locking vehicles, not leaving [email protected] 01245 items visible which we do not want to be 467678 or mobile 07858 095058 stolen. Locks on our properties and To report to the police on line please use keeping windows closed unless the following link. attended. It always amazes me when people say that they have no fear of online/report-a-crime/ being broken in to or feel that their vehicles are safe! Unfortunately we live in a modern world TRAVEL CLUB with criminals with clever ideas to get The Travel Club arranges coach outings what they want from innocent victims. If on a monthly basis to many places of you have concerns, problems etc myself interest, entertainment, and an annual and the co-ordinators are here to listen holiday. Details of trips are circulated to and support with advice when we can. members via the Club Newsletter. Newsletters are delivered a few times a Dawn Tann : (Club Leader & Treasurer) year and my guys help deliver in all 01245 450515 weathers. The newsletters are full of useful advice. My e-mail list is still Phyllis Choppen : (Secretary & Editor) available for those who wish to join. 01245 466310. Crime reports / alerts are sent out to you. I am very grateful to my volunteers. BOREHAM CARPET BOWLS CLUB We all work on a voluntary basis and I am always looking for more volunteers. We are a friendly Club who meet in the If you witness or are involved in a crime Village Hall on Mondays, 2-4pm and in any way ring the Police on 101 with as Fridays, 7.30-9.30pm. New members much information as you can give. If the always welcome. For more information

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please contact Kay Traynier on 01245 All current and potential members will 467434. be welcome so please look out for further details nearer the time BOREHAM OUTDOOR BOWLS CLUB For further details please contact our Our season will start again at the end of Captain Brian Court on 467555 or visit April 2019 and in the meantime much our website work is being undertaken to ensure that the green and clubhouse will be ready for the New Year. ALLOTMENTS We are a small friendly club respected in the district as worthy competitors with Church Field Allotments - Waltham Road many successes to our credit. We are pleased to advise all 23 plots are There are opportunities to play in league now currently taken and are now games on Tuesday and Wednesday holding a waiting list. evenings as well as friendly fixtures on Thursday afternoons and at weekends. If you would like to be placed on the Ladies and gentlemen of all ages, waiting list please contact a member of beginners and experienced players are the [email protected]. welcome, so feel free to look in at the Daniela, Glenn and Nikki, Church Field club on any Monday evening, 6-8 pm Allotment Association during the season, when there will always be someone willing to help. Lion Inn Allotments ʹ Main Road If you ǁŽƵůĚůŝŬĞƚŽ͚ŚĂǀĞĂŐŽ͛ǁĞĂƐŬ There are 12 allotment plots leased to that you wear flat shoes - bowls will be the Parish Council by the Lion Inn and provided located in the Lion Inn car park. These are smaller than the Church Field We are situated in the Waltham Road, allotments. Currently there are no over the A12 Bridge, and behind the vacant plots although they do come up houses on the right. Look out for our from time to time. If you would like to signboard. add your name to the waiting list please SPECIAL OFFER FOR NEW MEMBERS contact Justine Atterbury in the Boreham We will reduce the annual subscription Parish Office [email protected] fee to £25 for the first year of to register your interest. membership ʹ usually £75. QUIZ EVENING BOREHAM CRICKET CLUB We are planning a Quiz Evening on With the better weather, hopefully just Saturday 6th April in the Village Hall, in around the corner we are planning for aid of club funds. the coming Season. The Club will once again be entering two Teams in the Mid Essex Cricket League. These matches are

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played on Saturdays from the beginning in 2016 for our provision of care for of May to the end of August. There will children aged between 2-5 years. also be a few friendly matches on We regularly invite outside individuals in Sundays as well as some mid-week T20 to enhance our provision, most recently type matches. a beekeeper, and last summer a mobile New members are always welcome. In petting zoo with exotic animals such as the meantime, we are preparing for the an African Land Snail for the children to ^ĞĂƐŽŶƵƐŝŶŐƚŚĞtŝŶƚĞƌEĞƚƐ͛ĨĂĐŝůŝƚLJĂƚ handle if they wished. We have regular the Indoor Cricket Centre. If you events for parents such as our recent would like details about the Winter BBQ and Open Mornings where parents Indoor Nets and/or you would like to join can play alongside their children and the Club, please contact Ken Greenaway ŚĂǀĞƚŚĞĐŚĂŶĐĞƚŽŵĞĞƚƚŚĞŝƌĐŚŝůĚ͛ƐŬĞLJ on 07860 515355 or go to our website worker. All staff have the opportunity to participate in continual professional SMALL STEPS PRESCHOOL development, most recently: Early Excellence courses in Outdoor Provision Small Steps Preschool is a committee run has led to us starting our own Forest preschool employing a highly qualified, School Style sessions (Small Steps into small team of practitioners who are Nature) as we have a range of outdoor committed to providing the highest areas at our disposal. The Recreation quality of care to local children. We are Ground has a secure outdoor area lucky to have two SENCO members of directly behind our light and spacious staff with experience in dealing with hall or we also use the Scout and Guide Autism, Speech and Language Hut HQ grounds where we have our Mud development and a whole host of other Kitchen, rope swings, log stepping stones educational needs our children may and garden areas for planting and have. We believe in the importance of digging. early intervention and are experienced in making referrals to other agencies to We also run a Baby and Toddler Group ensure support is in place for children on Wednesday mornings which is open who need it. to the public for self-weighing, messy play, stories and rhymes and We work closely with local agencies and refreshments. No need to book, this runs have excellent links with the local from 9.30 to 11.30am Primary School, organising several visits throughout the year. We have been Current hours are Monday 9.15-12.15 highly praised by the Reception teacher Tuesday to Thursday 9-3pm (or 9-12 or for our excellent transition and 12-3) preparation for school this year. We offer funding for children after the We are registered and approved by term of their third birthday and in Ofsted who rated our provision as Good certain circumstances can offer 15 hour funding for 2 year olds.

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We update parents daily via our closed having our AGM meeting on Monday 18 Facebook Group and use the Tapestry March 2019 at 7.30pm in the Pelly Room KŶůŝŶĞ:ŽƵƌŶĂů^LJƐƚĞŵƚŽƚƌĂĐŬĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶ͛Ɛ and light refreshments will be provided development. We also have a website: (you are more than welcome to bring for some wine). further information about our nurturing As we always say, the ability to speak setting or look on our Facebook page at French isn't a requirement to join the association (some will inevitably be eham learnt) - the aim of the association is to /ĨLJŽƵ͛ĚůŝŬĞƚŽŵĞĞƚŽƵƌĞdžĐĞƉƚŝŽŶĂů have fun with our friends over the team, visit our interesting setting within Channel so come and join in. Boreham Village Hall to see the kind of A bientôt stimulating activities we have on offer on a daily basis, please contact Gemma our Bill Brown Manager on 07952 471616 or email Chairman, Boreham Twinning [email protected] Association,

BOREHAM CONSERVATION SOCIETY BOREHAM SCOUTS AND GIRLGUIDING Boreham Conservation Society are ASSOCIATION always keen to expand membership and We have spaces available within our welcome new members. If you are Boreham Brownie pack on a Wednesday interested in joining or just finding out night, so if you would like your daughter more please contact Alan Swash on to gain new skills and enjoy new 01245 467335. This will be your chance challenges, log on to get involved and help to keep to Boreham a village: a village to be proud mation-for-parents/register-your- of. daughter/ (or Google- Register interest Brownies)

BOREHAM TWINNING ASSOCIATION The Twinning Association is preparing to There are four Scout groups in Boreham welcome our French guests over the May for boys and girls of different ages; Day bank holiday weekend when we Beavers, Cubs, Scouts and Explorers. expect to have around 25 guests. The Beavers meet on Mondays, Cubs and exchange always makes for good Scouts on Tuesdays and Explorers on friendships where we get together for Thursdays. At the moment there are the weekend with a variety of activities spaces in Cubs and Explorers. If you are taking place including a trip to interested in applying to a Scout group and an inclusive event on the Sunday on behalf of your child please contact evening which will no doubt revolve the group scout leader around eating and drinking! We shall be at [email protected]

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Please contact Shirl Waterman on 01245 THURSDAY CLUB 467678 Mobile 07858 095 058.....Or We meet in the Goodwin Room of the Email [email protected] Boreham Village Hall at 8 p.m. normally on the third Thursday of every month BOREHAM VILLAGE HALL from September to June. We have a variety of speakers and occasional Remembering Marie Brown outings. Our subscriptions are currently Following her death last March, the £15 per year. Tea/Coffee & biscuits Village Hall Management Committee are available. New Members (men & proposing to unveil a framed photograph women) welcome. Margaret Milner of Marie who was Chairman for 16 years (Treasurer ) 01245 467960 from 1993. We felt it was appropriate to acknowledge her considerable contribution to the Village and to the BOREHAM LUNCHEON CLUB Village Hall. We will be pleased to see The Knife and Fork Brigade are looking you on Monday, 25 March, 2019, at forward to our Spring lunches. Lunches 7.00pm in the Village Hall when the are usually on the last Tuesday of the photograph will be unveiled and month, but on occasions will be on memories of Marie can be shared. A another day . If you fancy joining our glass of wine or a coffee/tea will be group, please contact me for bookings provided along with light refreshments. and changes etc. The following venues Please let Jo, Andrea or myself know if have been booked ʹ you are coming.

Thursday 26th February 2019 The Anchor, Runsell Green, Danbury Annual General Meeting ʹ This is to be 01245 222257 held in the Village Hall on Monday, 25 March 2019, starting at 8.00pm. This will Tuesday 26th March ĨŽůůŽǁƚŚĞƵŶǀĞŝůŝŶŐŽĨDĂƌŝĞƌŽǁŶ͛Ɛ The Hurdlemakers Arms, Post Office photograph. All Parishioners are Lane, Woodham Mortimer welcome to attend. This is your chance 01245 222169 to let the Managing Committee have your thoughts and comments about the Tuesday 30th April 2019 Village Hall. Financial Accounts for the The Rose and Crown, The Street, Gt year to 31 January 2019 will be available Waltham and there will also be reports from the 01245 360359 Chairman and Treasurer.

Tuesday 28th May 2019 The 6 Bells, Main Road, Boreham 01245 467232

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Booking of the Hall ʹ There are spaces Office at the Village Hall from 9.30am to for future bookings. If you wish to find Mid-Day Mondays and Fridays if you out what dates and times are available would want to discuss a booking with ƉůĞĂƐĞŐŽ ƚŽ ƚŚĞ sŝůůĂŐĞ ,Ăůů͛Ɛ ǁĞďƐŝƚĞ ĂƐ her. If you email or telephone outside of the Hallm aster syst em is no w o peratin g. these ho urs, please bear in m ind that Jo ůŝĐ ŬŽŶ ͚ď ŽŽŬŝŶŐƐ͛ Ă ŶĚ ƚŚĞ Ŷ ͚,Ă ůůŵ ĂƐƚĞ ƌ͛ only work s part time bu t if you leav e a and it wil l give a n in dicatio n o f whether messag e, she w ill get b ack to you as so oon the Hall you requ ire is a vailab le.  as p os sible .

Alternatively, you can contact Jo Atkin, Brian Cookk,, Chairman the Hall Manager, on 0773 3  135653 or 0124 5 46672 3 or email her o n bor eham vhal l@gmai l .com. Jo is in her

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