stewardship, sharing their time and talent in building up this community of St. Joseph’s, even before being ordained as deacons.

Deacon Moe was actively involved in the music ministry, RCIA, and, especially, in PREP where he helped Changes catechists pass on the Catholic Faith to our younger generations. Deacon Chris was instrumental in helping altar Message from Father Thanh servers serve reverently at Mass as well as helping Eucharistic Ministers of Deacon Moe the sick reach out to the homebound. He was very actively he world is changing, we are changing . . . people come into our lives, involved in leading CRHP retreats, and then, when they begin a new chapter in their lives, they have to move including the latest retreat where 34 Ton. And so it is true for Father Bernardine. After three and a half years of men attended. This was a remarkable service here at St. Joseph’s, Father Bernardine has taken a new position as pastor tribute to his leadership. of St. Pius V, Holy Rosary, and Crucifixion Churches. It is no wonder Bishop We thank them both for their great Estevez decided to appoint him as his service here has been exemplary. He has Deacon Chris grown in many ways while faithfully leading the people contributions to St. Joseph’s. They will of St. Joseph’s. His love and guidance has helped many surely be missed. I urge all to pray for them as they take to do as Christ has asked of his disciples, which is to “Go on their new assignments. out and spread the good news.” Changes are a part of life. Others too have had to say goodbye to friends they have made in order to journey We are very grateful with us here at St. Joseph’s. Bishop for Father Bernardine’s Estevez knew we would need help dedicated service to once Father Bernardine and our PAID deacons left, so he appointed NON-PROFIT


JACKSONVILLE, FL a new parochial vicar. Please humility, he offered Father Bernardine excellent ideas to improve welcome Father Mangalam David existing practices, such as moving the confession to our parish family. line to the Marian Center, expanding the time of adoration, and adding Masses on Tuesday and Father David came to our Thursday evenings. I deeply appreciate the support diocese from Vettavalam, which and assistance he gave me. I’m sure you will join is in Southern India. His family Father David me in continuing to pray for him as he takes on has been Catholic for several the responsibility of his new assignment. The generations, part of the religious minority for only three parishioners of these three churches will surely be percent of the people in India are Christians out of a total blessed by his priestly commitment. population of 1.27 billion. He earned his Master’s Degree and Doctorate in Moral Theology from the Academy of We must also say goodbye and offer special Alfonsiana in Rome. Father David was ordained a priest thanks to deacons Moe and Chris. As you may by his bishop on May 26, 1999, in the diocese of Vellore have already been told, Bishop Filipe Estevez in India. In addition to his native language and English, appointed Deacon Moe to be the deacon of St. Fr. David is fluent in Italian. His last post was with Father Pius V, Holy Rosary, and Crucifixion, while Tom Willis at the Cathedral Basilica in St. Augustine. Deacon Chris is to be the deacon of San Jose Parish. We are so grateful for their spirit of CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 ST. JOSEPH’S CATHOLIC JOSEPH’S ST. Road Augustine St. 11730 Old 32258 Florida Jacksonville, PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Parish News 2


Some of you may remember our good relationship with Deacon leadership, as well as many faithful members with joyful dedication Lawrence, now a ordained priest, when he was with us last summer. and service, to keep a ministry such as this one going strong. This year, we are blessed to have seminarian John Sollee. He will be with us for an entire year, from August 2015 to August 2016, before Attention Men! Don’t miss this golden opportunity to become heading back to Seminary in order to finish his members of this ministry. You are invited to join them on the third studies, which will take two years, culminating, God Monday evening of every month! willing, with his priestly ordination, in 2018. While he is with us, he wishes to be involved with many The Men’s Club is only one among many ministries here at St. Joseph’s. ministries. His goal is to learn how a parish operates We have just celebrated Participation Weekend, recently changed from and St. Joseph’s is one of our diocese’s ideal parishes Participation Sunday, as recommended by the Parish Council in order in which seminarians can learn this important lesson. to include the 5:30 p.m. Mass on Saturday. Along with this change, the I encourage you to introduce yourself to him, share Parish Council asked all heads of ministries to help prepare a booklet Seminarian with him about your family, and your ministry, and John Sollee which would offer a brief synopsis of their ministries and their mission offer your thoughts on the qualities necessary to be statements. This booklet was recently distributed to all who attended a good priest. Mass at St. Joseph’s. We hope it will help each of you decide with which ministry/ministries you will share your time and talent. Finally, we have added a new ministry at St. Joseph’s. On Mother’s Day weekend, Ali Quinn, our Echo student from Notre Dame, announced Participation Weekend is a time we set aside each year to reflect upon a new ministry for our middle-school children. It is called The EDGE. and renew our commitment to Stewardship. Stewardship is a way of life This program is for all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students. It will be a rooted in Jesus Christ who, by example, has taught us how to live. He time of fun and fellowship, and a time to get together, pray, and talk came not to do His own will, but to do the will of our heavenly Father. about the things most important to middle-school students. Developed He came, not to be served, but to serve. for our students by our Youth ministry and , The EDGE touches youth through education, issues and social topics, discussions, In their letter on Stewardship in 1992, The American Bishops defined a and events. The EDGE will involve the youth on many levels. One of good steward as one who embraces the four following specific qualities: the keys to this ministry being successful will be the involvement of parents and other volunteers. The students will learn how to deal with 1. GRATITUDE – Good stewards thank God daily for the blessings heavy issues – such as the dangers of alcohol and other drugs as well as they have received. Good stewards never stop saying “Thank you.” the peer pressure that goes along with it – in order to battle temptations of all kinds. The EDGE will continue to dig deeply and challenge 2. RESPONSIBILITY – Good stewards are responsible with the our youth to look to Jesus for strength and answers to problems that blessings God has bestowed; not only using them prudently, but also confront today’s children and young adults. Please join me in praying making sure they do not wither away. That is the way it is with some for Ali and the success of this new program. gifts, isn’t it? Think about the gift of music. Musicians need to take lessons and continue to work with the gift of music, or it atrophies and Ministries are the heart of our parish. St. Joseph’s has many beautiful fades away. The same is true with every gift, especially the gift of faith. ministries which I have inherited as your pastor. They continue the Parents are good stewards when they care for, protect, and nurture their work Jesus asked of all his apostles. In fact, at the time of this writing, children’s natural aptitude for faith, beginning in the tender years of early I’ve met, and will continue to meet, with the leaders of many St. childhood and continuing this practice throughout their children’s lives. Joseph’s ministries in order to learn more of what they have been doing. Listening to their stories and services, I am amazed to see the strength 3. SHARING – Good stewards know it is better to give than to receive, of their stewardship spirit, the sharing of their time, talent, and treasure for in giving we receive far more than we could ever have imagined. that keeps their ministries alive and vibrant. 4. ACCOUNTABILITY – Remember the parable of the stewards to An example of one such ministry is the Men’s club. Their monthly whom the master had entrusted the silver pieces? They had to render an meetings are an opportunity for men of our parish to get together account of their stewardship. One day, you and I will have to stand in in order to share their life experiences and faith journeys. Speakers – accountability before the judgment seat of God. What will you say when such as the bishop, newly ordained priests, seminarians, city council God asks, “What did you do with all the time that you had? What did representatives or candidates, sports announcers, and TV reporters – you do with all the gifts I gave you? What did you do with your life?” have been invited to share their life experiences in terms of giving back to the community, in both the spiritual and the secular society. Hopefully, we will be able to say, “Lord I did my best to thank you every day, and to be responsible with those gifts. I did my best to share those The members of the Men’s Club – about 60 – are those who organize gifts with others.” Hopefully, He will respond, “Well done, good and our Fish Fries every Lent, are actively involved in the Fall Festival, and faithful servant . . . enter now into the joy of your master.” are great supporters of the Divine Mercy House. Of course, as good dads, they also sell cards to promote and pray for fathers on Father’s God bless you, Day. The money they raise not only keeps these events going, but also Fr. Thanh helps our church community throughout the year. It requires good Pastor PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Parish News 3 Congratulations TO THE 2015 Volunteer of the Year My son Michael’s volunteer service began Around that time, Michael would During his UNF years, Michael about age 8, shortly after we moved to help the traffic coordinators served as the first Director of Mandarin from Tampa in 1988. He was a on Sundays in the parking Activities and managed the second grader at St. Joseph’s school. lot. That led to his becoming Parish Resource Center. Much a tram driver after he got of this was volunteer service until My husband, Marty, was his license, and eventually Father Cody decided to pay him a not yet Catholic, so he taking on the responsibility stipend for his work. The Adopt would stay home with of Transportation Director an Island program began as an the baby, Bobby, while while still a student at Bishop idea that Michael suggested to Michael and I went to 9:00 Kenny. He now runs the BK Father Cody. He approached a.m. Mass at the Historic bus program, and volunteers Father with the suggestion and, Church. After Mass, he his traffic/transportation liking it, he placed Michael in would stay and help me services for Diocesan events. charge of organizing the ministry. Michael with Sacristan duties. One also joined the Music Ministry which is where Sunday, Father Cody asked Michael joined St. Joseph’s Boy Scout he met his wife, Amanda. Michael to help him hand Troop 473 during middle school and out bulletins, and that’s eventually earned the rank of Eagle Scout After earning his AA degree at UNF, he when he became interested in being an usher. in high school. became a substitute teacher at Bishop Kenny, By the time he was 9 years old, he was serving and after graduation was hired full time as a as an usher every Sunday at the 9:00 a.m. Mass, As a student at Bishop Kenny, he was U.S. History instructor. He currently serves and he continued in this ministry for several commissioned as a Eucharistic Minister. He as head of the Social Studies department, helps years. Michael would also help out in the Gift joined the NJROTC, and received one of with senior class activities, and assists wherever Shop, after I became director in 1989. their top awards at the end of his senior year. else he is needed. He is also working on his Michael also received BK’s Service Award, Master’s degree online at St. Leo College. Michael had a desire to teach since he was given to the senior with the most service about 5 or 6 years old. When he was in middle hours. The majority of those service hours Michael has always been selfless and eager to school at St. Joe’s, he wanted to volunteer with were volunteered at St. Joseph’s Church. help others. He gives of his time and talents PREP, and was allowed to assist the teacher of While still at BK, he served on the Dedication out of a sincere love for God and a desire to the First Communion class. He assisted until Committee for our new church and became serve Him. he was old enough to teach his own PREP involved with the St. Joseph’s Web Page team class, and did so for many years. on which he still serves today. By Trish Broach

The Story of the Peter Pan Production By Richard Stritter The first year for the JPII (John The larger groups – Lost Boys, Pirates, experience of their young lives – performing on Paul II) Theatre Class was a huge Mermaids, Fairies, and Indians – were stage in front of an eager audience and making lots success. The first half of the year, the eventually chosen. Let the rehearsals begin! of new friends. children studied all the backgrounds of theatre, character, voice, stage The N.E. Florida Conservatory kindly directions, and much more. When welcomed the troupe to rehearse and to they decided to produce a play, stage two full-house performances in their “Peter Pan” was chosen because of new theater. Cast members of previous the large cast required. The Home Conservatory productions volunteered School Theatre Class quickly went to help with set design, prop locating to work scheduling auditions for the (where did they get that scary alligator?), leads and fitting all ages (3 to 16) into the many roles stage management, curtain pulling, and the many that suited them best. other tasks. Parents made glittering costumes and The parents sold concessions and took donations at were always backstage, applying the door. All donations went toward N.E. Florida The Narrator, Peter Pan, Wendy Darling, makeup and reviewing lines. Conservatory’s Outreach Program, to take music to Captain Hook, Mr. Smee, Tinker Bell, the underprivileged in our community. and family members with speaking parts When the lights were dimmed required call backs to make the best after the final performance, 49 The Director, Patty Everett, did a fantastic job moving selection for each character. No one was homeschoolers, most participating this project forward. Her energy was non-stop, and left out; everyone was chosen for a role. for the first time, had the best every kid felt he or she had the most important role! PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 4

Mandarin Food Bank

St. Joseph’s Parish offers In 2014, we were fortunate to assist a total of about Mandarin Food Bank has gone through many changes many different ways for all 21,700 people. over the past 24 years. We learned very early, and are to participate in serving still learning, it is the wonderful volunteers who choose the Lord and His church. There are many ways to participate in our ministry. to participate in our ministry who are responsible for We have seen the beautiful The most familiar and popular way appears to be all our growth. They bring talents, insights, and life commitment of the people directly working at the Food Bank in some fashion. experiences of great value to every challenge we face. of our church’s ministries Our volunteers are vital to us, and we can always use Their commitment is inspirational. But, if you talk as they come together and participants in this way; however, there are many to any one of them, they will tell you they volunteer interact with great love and other things which can be done for this ministry. Our because reaching out to others in Jesus’ name fills their devotion. web site – – and our hearts with joy. Bonnie Facebook page publish special needs and offer many At this time of year, we ways to help. Follow our ministry and get to know us Twenty-seven years ago, my family was transferred to McNulty always reflect on our and our needs. Taking advantage of grocery store “buy Jacksonville. To be honest, I was not very happy about ministry’s contribution to our one get one free” sales and saving paper grocery bags the move and felt quite lonely in the months after our community. Mandarin Food are inexpensive and important ways to help. You can immediate arrival. One day, I called my mom. “I am Bank was created by a group of caring parishioners also help by watching our bulletin and responding to so depressed,” I cried. “I thought God would open who were looking for a way to play a part in our church special projects. One of the most important ways our another door for me after that one closed.” My mom community in a very special way. It has been a ministry parishioners help every year is by purchasing sale-priced listened patiently as I went on and on. As soon as at St. Joseph’s for 24 years, and we are always eager to turkeys for our holiday giveaway. Every year, under the I finished, she said to me, “It is very true that God share the story of our ministry. guidance of Father Bernie, hundreds of turkeys are gives you another door, but you, my dear, must turn donated to us, making it possible to provide holiday the handle.” Soon after the conversation, I stopped In 1988, the Social Concerns Committee of St. Joseph’s baskets for over 800 client families. We are also truly feeling sorry for myself and decided to do something, began discussions about a way to distribute assistance blessed to have a group of dedicated families who make find a door to open. The door the Lord gave me was to the needy in a more formal way. It took several monthly monetary donations, and we have a group of to the Social Concerns Committee of St. Joseph’s efforts and much consideration before the Mandarin special people who donate selected food items on a Catholic Church. Food Bank was able to open the doors of its own little regular basis, for which we are extremely grateful. We building in April, 1991. Even back then, it took the welcome questions and suggestions regarding ways There are many doors of opportunity for everyone here commitment of a group of very enthusiastic people parishioners can reach out and help. at St. Joseph’s. All you have to do is turn the handle. along with the leadership of our pastor and a dedicated and talented group of parishioners who made our “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was little building a reality. Our ministry grew because the thirsty and you gave me drink, a stranger and you number of parishioners choosing to participate in our welcomed me” (Matthew 25:35). ministry grew as well. Y EA E RS O RVIC Our mission is to provide emergency food and F SE clothing to those in need who live in our community. We strive to reach out with kindness and compassion to those we serve. We pray that the message of Jesus’ love for all of us will be imparted by the way we serve our clients and receive our donors and guests. St. Francis of Assisi said, “The deeds you do may be the only sermon some persons will hear today.” The Food Bank is open every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. We serve the Mandarin area – zip codes: 32217-23-56-57-58-59). However, we do not turn families away when they live in other zip codes. These families are assisted with food and given the names and phone numbers of food pantries near their homes. We assist 30 to 40 families per day.

The word, catholic, is The combined use of the words the bishop. Let that be considered Ask Father the English equivalent “Catholic” and “Church” was a valid Eucharist which is of the Greek word, first used in the letter written by celebrated by the bishop or by one Where does katholikós, meaning St. Ignatius of Antioch to the whom he ordains. Wherever the the term “universal.” The term Smyrnaeans in about the year 110: bishop appears, let the people be comes from the Greek phrase there; just as wherever Jesus Christ “Catholic” kathólou, meaning “according to “Let no one do anything of is, there is the Catholic Church” come from? the whole.” concern to the Church without (Letter to the Smyrneans 8:2). PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 5 Homeless Outreach Ministry By Angela Fisher

I began working with the homeless in 2003 while may sound funny but He “told” me during a traffic Toiletries: We have a wonderful team who helps living in Tallahassee. I was drawn jam on I-295. I had been listening to a with gathering toiletries. They bag them to contain to this ministry through scripture: Christian radio sermon and the pastor certain items in each bag, depending on the needs “For I was hungry and you gave was talking about listening to God when and donations. me food, I was thirsty and you gave He calls you, not trying to ignore Him. I me something to drink, a stranger got the message loud and clear, so I gave Food: We have a number of different areas to help and you welcomed me, naked and Melanie a call that day. with hot meals, food, water, other drinks, and snacks. you clothed me, ill and you cared for me, in prison and you visited With Melanie Poyer’s support, UPCOMING SPECIAL DRIVES me” (Matthew 25: 31-37). At the direction, and organization, I am DRIVE BEGINS DISTRIBUTION time, our parish had no homeless ministry so, after beginning to take on some of the roles she has Cloth Bags 09/19/2015 10/17/2015 speaking with the pastor, a ministry was formed. I been performing on her own for three years. We Coats, Bibles, 10/17/2015 12/19/2015 guess I had just volunteered to be the director! The have over 100 volunteers who help out in different Christmas Stockings, youth became involved, and we had different food capacities throughout the year. Without them, this Christmas Cards and clothing drives. We also served meals downtown ministry would struggle to survive since we are 100% Underwear & Socks 01/16/2016 02/20/2016 in the shelter and provided transportation to our dependent on donations from the community. These church to worship together. I was moved by the volunteers bring new life to the ministry. difficulties they had endured, yet they had hope and faith in their future that God would provide. Outreach is every 2nd and 3rd Saturday WE ALSO HAVE A FACEBOOK PAGE: I was drawn to the Catholic Church in 2004 because throughout the year – RAIN OR SHINE – St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Homeless Outreach of its worldwide devotion to the poor. To be closer Please “Like” us to spread the word for the needs of to God, He brought me to the Catholic Church our community. and I am continually HOW CAN YOU SERVE? amazed by His love 2nd Saturday: We partner with St. SERVING INFORMATION and inspired by other Meeting Location: Mandarin Food Bank – 11730 Catholics with their Justin Martyr Parish to help their group with food, drink, and serving a Old St. Augustine Road devotions and faith. When: I was involved with hot meal. Clothes are not distributed nd this weekend. 2 Saturday Drop off begins 3:45 and leaves Christ Renews His by 4:15 p.m. Parish, the healing 3rd Saturday: This is St. Joseph’s (St. Justin Martyr) ministry, and in a 3rd Saturday Drop off begins 3:15 and leaves group devoted to outreach Saturday. We begin meeting at the Mandarin Food Bank at 3:15 p.m. and leave by by 4:15 p.m. learning about and serving the poor, called Just Faith. (St. Joseph’s Catholic Church) It was very informative and inspiring to learn not 4:15 p.m. Those who serve the hot meal show up closer to 4:00 to prepare their food for the trip. We also take Serving Location: Parking lot of First United only about the living conditions of those worldwide, Methodist Church – 369 North but also in our own community. We served in many the clothing, toiletries, drinks, snacks, sandwiches, and fruit, and we pass out devotions. Newman Street areas, including the migrant workers. Return: Volunteers are generally home by 6:00 p.m. When I saw a February St. Joseph’s Prayers: Please pray for this bulletin announcement asking for ministry. There are many needs, help with the clothing ministry, I and we cannot do this without God’s grace to serve others by For more information, please contact: contacted Melanie Poyer to serve in Angela Fisher, Director whatever capacity was needed. I also being His hands and His feet to love our brothers and sisters. [email protected] enjoyed going downtown, being a part (904) 562-0253 of the outreach ministry, and meeting Meeting at the Mandarin Food Bank for prayer before leaving for downtown the volunteers. I am reminded of the Serve: Come downtown with Servant Song by Sister Donna Marie us and serve (see location McGargill. “What do you want of me, Lord? Where do information to the right). See for yourself what we you want me to serve you? . . . I hear you call my name, do and meet those whom God has called us to help. Lord, and I am moved within me. Your Spirit stirs my deepest self.” Clothes: Many volunteers help with the clothes drive and bring all the clothes they have gathered from the When the Director position became available, I again homeless bin in the gathering area of our Main Church. felt God’s call but didn’t jump quickly. God has a funny Once every three months, they take the clothes home way of not letting up when He wants you to serve. It after Mass. They attend, wash, and sort them.

“Not all of us can do great things but we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 6

JPII Homeschoolers By Shelley Shannon Since our humble beginnings nine years ago, JPII homeschooling, to join us for our 2015-2016 activities. Homeschoolers has grown to a group of over 40 families Whether it is a field-trip now and then, daily Mass, a with close to 150 children! We are a group which provides service project, or one of our monthly classes, we invite educational, spiritual, and social support and activities you to join us and gain the support of a wonderful for our children and one another. We are a group of community on your homeschooling journey. families, active within the parish and enjoying the guidance of Fr. Thanh, who are striving to live out the We ask Pope Saint John Paul II to pray for us and guide call of the domestic church. We welcome all families us so our families may be a light to the world and faithful who are currently homeschooling, or discerning disciples of Christ.

For more information, contact Dianna Hartwell at (904) 303-4060.

Adoration for Vocations Laborers for the Harvest By Ken & Shelley Shannon

Have you ever asked a priest when he heard him. To me, this is at the heart of vocations his calling? Have you ever heard an elderly . . . praying for those around us. lady in the front row at Mass say, “That young man should be a priest someday!” We have We invite you to participate in our Adoration all experienced meeting an amazing priest or for Vocations’ Holy Hour. The Holy Hours priests and being thankful for them. They are held just once a month from 7:00 to 8:00 didn’t become priests without prayer! Prayer p.m. in the Cody Center Chapel. Normally, that comes from their family, community, and they fall on the third or fourth Friday of the friends around them. Our family acquired month. Please check the St. Joseph’s bulletin a special relationship with a 90-year-old for current dates. darling lady named Viola at a local nursing home. She was a member of Holy Family We specifically pray for the seminarians in our Parish. Many times, she told me how she diocese. We also pray for young people of our watched Fr. Tim Cusick during Mass when parish to hear the call if Christ is calling them. he was a child. She said she prayed for him, Most importantly, we ask that you keep our that he would become a priest. She told me seminarians in prayer each and every day. how elated she was when he actually became a priest. During Viola’s later years, she was With questions about this ministry or for dates blind, seeing nothing, but she remembered and times, please contact Matt & Kim Breen at seeing him as a boy and how she prayed for [email protected] or 904-636-8606.

“The harvest is abundant but the laborers are few; so ask the master of the harvest to send out laborers for his harvest.” – Matthew 9:37-38 PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 7

33 Days to Morning Glory

One Sunday, an announcement was The retreat centered on the readings of four saints who made after Mass about the 33 days to dedicated their loves to the Marian Consecration. Before this Morning Glory retreat; The Marian retreat, I had a relationship with Mary and an understanding Consecration. I immediately turned of her place in the Church, but this retreat challenged my to my husband sitting next to me and total understanding. Through the Holy Spirit living in Mary, said, “I have to do that!” I had no clue the mysteries of our Holy Mother began revealing themselves what I was saying “yes” to, what I was to me beyond the construct of my limited mind. I received a committing to, or how I was going to revelation that, if I am to develop a relationship with her son find time in my busy schedule to do Jesus, I must give her my all; body, soul, interior, and exterior Candis this retreat. All I knew was I had to do works. In this way, she can birth Jesus Christ and the Holy Smith it and be obedient to the Holy Spirit Spirit in my life and develop, nurture, and mature me to be speaking to me (John 2:5). the instrument God has called me to be for his glorification.

Having no idea of what the retreat entailed, I attended During his last hour on the cross, Jesus – weak, with no expectations, but I had committed to doing it, so broken, and knowing his time was at hand – I was open. The concept of the retreat, in my mind, was gave us all an amazing blessing; His Mother quite simple: read daily, mediate, pray, and meet weekly (John 19: 25-27). Who better to teach us how for small-group discussions. My mind, though, was too to have a relationship with the Holy Trinity? limited to understand fully the drastic transformation this Who better to teach us how to be faithful and retreat would have on my life and my family. I had no truly devoted to Jesus? It is simple – only our idea that something so simple in concept would take my Holy Mother, given to us by her son Jesus, can. spiritual walk to a whole new level. As I reflect All we have to do is say “yes” to her and allow on the retreat now, it embodies our Holy Mother: her to transform our lives in ways we cannot humble, simple, loving, gracious, prayerful yet imagine. I sit during Mass in prayer, and I am powerful in how she transforms our lives. The in awe of her beauty as the rays of God’s light key factor is to say “yes” to her, giving her your all, and shine through her in the stained glass of the like our Spiritual Mother Mary, we are called to ponder the Marian Center. Take her into your heart and let God’s light mysteries in our heart (Luke 2:51). Since my consecration on shine brighter in your life. The next time you hear or read the June 13, 2015, Mary has taken me deeper into her heart, in announcement for the 33 Days to Morning Glory, I pray you my thirst and longing to know and love her son, our Savior listen to the Holy Spirit living in Mary and say “yes.” Jesus Christ.


Parish Medical Mission By Greg Hemsoth, Director/Board Member, Friends of the Missions, Inc.

St. Joseph’s parish has been involved in medical Because of the many expenses associated with missions to Honduras for over 10 years. Within this type of medical mission, we need to have a that time, the medical team and helpers have team of at least 20 individuals in place (up to 30 served the medical and dental needs of over team members) and at least $5,000 in collected 20,000 people in the remote mountain villages donations by or before December 1, 2015. of the Yoro Province. As in past years, we also need parish ministries We always need more volunteers, both to assist us. CCW (and those great Bunko professional and non-medical, and help from ladies), , our parish other St. Joseph’s ministries. Our most recent more doctors and nurses, a priest, and volunteer school, JPII School, PREP, Religious Articles mission reports and photos can be found in the helpers to work in the pharmacy as well as Store, , all the Rosary makers, previous edition of our parish newspaper, the in other areas of the daily clinic work in the and so many others who have assisted us Easter edition of Reflections. Honduran medical villages. Many of the jobs we perform do not with our efforts to help the humble people of mission information and photos can also be found even require a medical license. Honduras have been our mission angels. We on our partner, Friends of the Missions, Inc.’s, strongly urge and welcome more ministries to website at All team members pay a team fee and their own get involved. As mentioned earlier, we are in airfare and other expenses. The total cost to join need of a ministry to take charge of securing We always need prayers and donations. We us on our mission is around $1,750 per person. the 600 new reading (magnifying) glasses we really need a St. Joseph’s ministry to take over You will need a passport and vaccinations, but bring with us every year to help the people the donations of new reading glasses as we need you do not need to speak Spanish. We have read their Bibles and prayer cards, mend their about 600 pair at a cost of around $600. translators on our team who travel with us. fishing nets, sew their clothing, etc. To be able to see better is such a blessing to them! We are fortunate to have parishioner Mary We need your loving donations to make all McCormick as our team leader for the of this happen, to enable us to help the poor If you are interested in being part of this February, 2016 mission. She has participated people have better health care. Your financial upcoming medical mission, or if your would in past Honduran missions and is organized donations pay for all medicines we take with like more information, please contact Greg at and proficient in her duties. Mary will have us to Honduras. The cost of these medicines [email protected] or 904.262.0002 for others assist her with the various duties of is over $10,000. None of these donations are more information. mission planning and mission execution in used for team expenses. They all go to buy these Honduras. Thank you, Mary, for saying “yes” much-needed medicines. NOTE to this responsibility! The dates of our upcoming mission will be Most donors give an average of $40, but we set by September 1. Please give the team We are always looking for more people to happily accept whatever you feel is right for you. your full support and all the prayers you can experience a mission for the first time. It all adds up, and we appreciate your generosity. spare. We cannot have a mission without Please pray about this opportunity and let We are also looking for a Full Mission Sponsor your support in prayers and donations, so God lead you. ($2,500 per mission) or daily sponsors ($500 thank you for all you can do to help us! See per day) in order for us to meet our medicine upcoming parish bulletin announcements We desperately need a pharmacist for this budget of $10,000. for more details. upcoming mission to Honduras. We also need PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 9

ST. JOSEPH PARISH’S Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) By Greg Hemsoth, Director

We have over 180 Extraordinary Ministers of Bob Gardner is in charge of our information: a statement indicating Holy Communion (EMHC) at St. Joseph’s homebound ministry. why you feel called to be a EMHC, Catholic Parish. The majority of these a list of current and past parish ministers serve at one of our four weekend The newest Eucharistic ministry involvement, a St. Masses, as well as daily Masses. Several of Ministers at St. Joseph’s were Joseph’s parishioner’s name them serve at assisted living facilities and with trained and commissioned in as a reference, an explanation the homebound parishioners of our parish by March of 2012. This fall, we as to why this will be one of taking Communion to those unable to come will offer a training class to your most important ministry to Mass each week. We thank them for saying add more qualified parishioners efforts, and a list of all your “Yes” to the calling of this special service within to our ministry. All current and contact information (full name, our ministry. Serving other Catholics is a great new EMHC will be trained under email address, street address with experience and a joy, knowing you are helping new and updated guidelines currently zip code, and phone number). others to strengthen being finalized. Please read the upcoming their faith through bulletins for more information including the We thank each of our parishioners for the Communion. training date. faith, joy, and love they show as they receive Jesus Christ in the Sacrament of Communion Deacon Tony is in charge If you are feeling called by God to serve at Mass. If you have questions, please contact of the assisted living in our ministry, you must send a one- Greg Hemsoth at 904.262.0002 or via email at facility ministry and page letter to Fr. Thanh with the following [email protected].

Greg Hemsoth People of Praise God’s Healing Prayer Ministry Ministry By Greg Hemsoth, By Greg & Diane Hemsoth and Mary Rousseau, Director Directors Prayer is a true gift from God, and we are truly blessed to share this great gift through our ministry. God’s Healing is a All parishioners are welcome and We never know whom God will gift to the Church and to everyone who seeks to be invited to attend our Praise & Worship send our way. Our meetings are healed in body, mind, and spirit. In addition meetings every Tuesday from 7:00 full of praise and worship, with to our spiritual director, Deacon Jason Roy, p.m. to 8:35 p.m. in the Prayer Center many of the faithful joining us we have over two dozen parishioners on at the Cody Center. We open each in our evening of worship. We our prayer teams, representing members meeting with a prayer for priests and currently have over two dozen from more than twenty ministries at parishioners at 7:00 p.m. We continue people in attendance each Tuesday St. Joseph’s. Our teams are available to with praise and worship music, and night. Individuals, couples, and pray with you on the third weekend then, at 7:40 p.m., we have a sharing/ families are all welcome to share of every month after the 5:30 p.m. reflection and prayer for the needs of in our meetings. People of Praise and noon Masses. We meet in the those present at the meeting. From does not meet the last two weeks of Marian Center. However, we do 8:00 to 8:30 p.m., we have Adoration December nor the month of July. not meet in July. Please come for followed by closing prayers. We are prayer. You are a child of God, part of the Diocesan Charismatic For information on People and He would like to hear from you! Renewal and participate in the of Praise, please contact Catholic Charismatic Conference in Greg at 904.262.0002 or For more information, please contact Diane Hemsoth at January each year. [email protected]. 904.262.0002 or [email protected]. PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 10 Respect-Life Committee News

a rose in front of the altar. The purpose of the rose procession is to Are you interested in being a part of the remind us that millions of innocent lives are slaughtered yearly, but Respect-Life Committee? it is also a reminder that each of us, as Catholics, are called to oppose the culture of death. We are easy – no meetings and no commitments. Just come when you can and pray for the lives of the innocent. We stand witness on MARCH FOR LIFE – The March for Life in St. Augustine the sidewalk every Saturday morning for one hour, 8:00 until 9:00 grows every year. One source at the diocese estimated that 3,000 a.m., in front of the “A Woman’s Choice of Jacksonville” facility. people participated in the January 2015 event. It was the largest As a ministry, we also participate in functions, both at our parish participation since the March and around the diocese. Some of our annual activities are listed for Life was initiated in 2007 below, and we would love for each of you to join us. If you are not by the Cathedral parish comfortable with a little public activism, then we ask you to spend respect-life committee. If some time in the presence of our Lord at Eucharistic Adoration, you have never participated praying for all those who suffer from our society’s culture of in this annual pro-life event, death. Also, if you would like to receive our monthly (sometimes you have missed out on a bimonthly) newsletter, just email us at [email protected]. moving experience. Each year, thousands of pro-life supporters from both Florida LIFE CHAIN – This annual pro-life demonstration takes place and Georgia process through the streets of St. Augustine singing, nationally on the first Sunday of October. Each year, although there praying Rosaries, and baring witness to the sanctity of life and to are several Life Chain locations in Jacksonville, we demonstrate on the injustice of abortion. A special thanks goes out to approximately the corner of Old St. Augustine Road and Loretto Road in front forty St. Joseph’s parishioners who participated in this year’s event. of the Cody Enrichment Center. You couldn’t ask for a more convenient location – easy parking, shade trees, and restrooms. Not STAND FOR LIFE – On the Roe V. Wade anniversary each year, only are we located at a high-profile intersection with a lot of traffic, several hundred people from parishes throughout the diocese but during this event we will also have Eucharistic Adoration in the surround the Federal Courthouse for one hour to protest the 1973 Prayer Chapel located just a few feet behind us. Please spread the Supreme Court decision word. Last year, approximately 130 people came out to pray on the legalizing abortion. It sidewalk. This event only lasts an hour, but it sends a strong pro-life is noteworthy that the message to the community. Please come join us. Stand for Life, although a considerably smaller event than the March for Life in St. Augustine, actually attracts more media attention.

We had about twenty-five St. Joseph’s parishioners participate in this year’s protest. Most of us park south of the river and enjoy the ride Our next Life Chain demonstration will take place on Sunday, October across the river on the skyway. It is free, and the parking is usually 4, from 2:00 to 3:00 p.m. Please mark this date on your calendar. much easier. ______ROSE PROCESSION – For fifteen years, Peggy Truss has organized the If you would like more information on the Respect-Life Committee, annual Rose Procession for our parish. please contact Russ and Carron Tooke at 904-705-3434, or by email On the January weekend closest to at [email protected]. the Roe v. Wade anniversary, the Rose Procession is presented at each Mass immediately after the offertory. A Respect-Life Committee person representing all the lives lost to St. Joseph’s Catholic Church abortion for each year will process down Jacksonville, Florida the center aisle of the church and place

The St. Joseph’s Respect-Life Committee Mission statement: To provide the parishioners of St. Joseph’s with the information and opportunities to defend the lives of the innocent and to cultivate a culture of life. PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 11

Why Aren’t You Waving? Saving a Life

It was an unaccustomed experience for me. I was holding a sign and Recently, a group of us were praying next to the driveway at waving at cars, and many of the occupants were actually smiling and the abortion clinic when a car with two young ladies came out waving back. Men typically would just raise a few fingers from the of the parking lot. The driver rolled down her window and, steering wheel or simply a nod their heads. Women, on the other hand, with a big smile on her face, announced she had changed her would, almost uniformly, flash happy smiles and return full-handed mind. What a major event! The innocent life growing inside waves, usually rolling their fingers the way women do. Never mind many this woman now has a chance to live the life God intended of these people were trying not to play bumper cars at a busy four-lane for him or her. There is no telling how many children will intersection while, at the same time, drinking a diet soda and talking on eventually spring from this birth. What a gift from God to the phone. Thankfully, despite my adding distraction to already-distracted witness this. If I had decided to stay home to get an early start drivers, nobody got hurt. I actually found my standing there, in the 90+ on my chores, which aren’t all so important, and probably degree heat with my sign and iced tea, sharing friendly gestures with total would not have gotten done anyway, look what I would have strangers, a pleasant activity. It was definitely a change of venue for me. missed. Snatched out of the thousands who go to a violent death, this little innocent life was saved. All of us out on the My normal routine has me in front of the abortion clinic with a pro-life sidewalk that day had a hand in saving this child of God. sign and praying the Rosary. The vast majority of people driving by tend to ignore the “religious fanatic” who seems to be out there every Saturday Standing before the throne of God, how can it hurt to have morning (dang him) protesting women’s reproductive rights. They this on your resume? And, one day, each of us will stand just stare straight ahead or maybe glance fugitively at me (and my before God and answer for our deeds and misdeeds. A fellow religious fanatics) as they speed by. Occasionally, somebody child born into the world! Think how awesome that is! I will honk and wave or give a thumbs up in support, and, of course, can imagine, being brought forth at the final judgement, there are always those who, practicing their constitutional right of sweating bullets, with all my misdeeds stacking up against free expression, will give me the universal hand gesture of “I disagree me, my guardian angel (He looks bored – it worries me) with you.” I suppose they think it will hurt my feelings or, at best, announces, “Yeah, he’s a rascal alright, but he once helped cause me to rethink my convictions. save an innocent life!” Well, there you go. I’m in.

However, this particular Saturday, shortly after my stint in front of Russ Of course we get laughed at by the unbelievers, scoffers, the abortion clinic, receiving my weekly dose of public rejection, I and weak-of-faith who accept a utilitarian philosophy found myself holding a sign on Old St. Augustine Road, advertising Tooke devaluing life. Homicide, patricide, infanticide, and the Knights of Columbus Drive-By-Barbecue. People smiled. People suicide have been relabeled with medical terms to sound waved. No one vulgarly expressed disapproval. How strange! You try compassionate but still result in death. Promiscuity, to save innocent unborn lives, and people look at you askance, but sell sodomy, and fornication are openly encouraged by a culture barbecue, and you are everybody’s friend. calling evil good and good evil, but which leads to despair and hopelessness. Suicide rates soar. Deduction – People like barbecue. Increasingly, anybody who dares practice their faith beyond So, two activities in one day. What a great parish we are blessed with. On church walls is being vilified. If you oppose gay marriage, you participation weekend, you saw the area in front of the church lined with are a homophobe; if you oppose doctor-assisted suicide or tables featuring information for many of our parish’s 80+ ministries. By euthanasia, you are uncompassionate; if you oppose abortion, golly, if you cannot find a ministry here at St. Joseph’s you feel you can you are a misogynist (someone who hates women – I googled contribute to, well then, you are just not trying. Come on! Get involved! it). Our beliefs and faith are not welcomed. Apparently, Put your time and treasure, not where your mouth is, but where your tolerance is expected to go only one way in today’s world. heart is. Get involved and truly be a part of our parish. By the way, if you should happen to see me on the side of the road, holding a sign, be sure Every Saturday morning, from 8:00 until 9:00 a.m., we stand to wave. as witnesses to the culture of life, praying peacefully for these mothers and the helpless babies growing in their wombs. Come be vilified with us. Let’s save lives and be hated for it! (Make sure your guardian angel is keeping good records.) PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 12 Donna’s Psalm Weekly Prayer By Donna Wilkey Intentions to R: Behold the wonders of our God You rescued me from abandonment And brought me up from a place of fear. Center on Family You gave me to parents who took joy in my presence By Peter Casella And resolved to love me as you do. R: Behold the wonders of our God Fr. Thanh Nguyen is asking the entire St. Joseph’s parish You made my crooked leg straight and helped me community to pray each week for a special intention To walk upon your earth – the revelation of your Being. centering on the family. St. Joseph’s new weekly prayer You gave me teeth set straight and showed me the way intention is one way the parish is responding to Pope To smile unabashedly. Francis’ extraordinary emphasis on the family. R: Behold the wonders of our God You brought my mind up out of the mist and gave me the “We have a vibrant community at St. Joseph’s,” Fr. Thanh Light of knowledge and Faith. said. “But we have a lot of brokenness, too. We must meet With music, You made me strong through adversity and showed me these needs as a parish family.” How to endure in sadness. Each weekly intention will be announced in the bulletin, R: Behold the wonders of our God posted in the Cody Center, included in the message You did not force Your Will upon me in the blooming of my ego, board outside the Cody Center, and announced during But rather you planted your heart within me and waited. each weekend Mass. Each intention will reflect an aspect You saw me through the course and directed my steps so as of families and family life and will often be associated To do the work for which you planned from eternity. with a specific church event or feast day. R: Behold the wonders of our God You brought me up to consciousness and introduced a gentle love to me Our parish intentions will be included in the Prayer of Saved before time began. the Faithful at each Mass. Each ministry will be asked to You schemed to bring me into a covenant in which you showed me your Face include the intentions during their prayers at meetings. And You patiently waited while I stumbled. We ask that you also include our St. Joseph’s intentions in R: Behold the wonders of our God your prayers at home – in your own personal prayers and You brought me three times through the pains of motherhood during family prayer time. And gifted me with the children of my dreams. The Bible contains dozens of exhortations regarding I gave them to You, and You made them to prosper the power of prayer, and reminds us that our God is a Making them a legacy for your kingdom. generous giver. One of the most beautiful examples is R: Behold the wonders of our God in Luke: “And I tell you, ask and you will receive; seek You brought me to the place for which I was trained. and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to You showed me the path of mercy. you. For everyone who asks, receives; and the one who You helped me each day with joy in the midst of battle seeks, finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be From a sunrise bridge to homecoming. opened” (Luke 11:9-10). R: Behold the wonders of our God When difficult times threatened, you showed us the door, Our first parish prayer intention, for the And you opened it for us. week of August 23, asked for the success of I pleaded for security and you showed me how to trust. Participation Weekend and sought grace You answered my plea with abundance of grace. for all of our active parishioners. Active R: Behold the wonders of our God participation in parish ministries opens the door to a blessed parish community Death has visited me, and You grieved my loss. and strengthens our St. Joseph’s You favored me with the Joy of Suffering. family. But most importantly, You blessed me with love and comfort. family members who are active You saw me in the meadow awaiting your banquet. in the parish – even those who R: Behold the wonders of our God feel broken – can help renew Now old age has come upon me; now I am able to say lives at home. You, Oh Lord, are my Shepherd and I am never alone, For sadness and joy are one; my life is a circle of Your love. Gratitude fills my heart; I desire to see your Face. R: Behold the wonders of our God PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 13 ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH MINISTRIES

ADMINISTRATION CATHOLIC YOUTH MINISTRY ______RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (PREP) ______WEE WORSHIP ______(CYM) Dodi Flora: Terry Chrisley: (c) 622-7305 ______CHURCH OFFICE Laura Blancato: 880-6404 880-6404; (c) 386-2811 [email protected] Located in the Rectory [email protected] [email protected] Dodi Flora: 880-6404 11730 Old St. Augustine Road Ali Quinn: 880-6404 Provides religious education classes on [email protected] Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., [email protected] Wednesday nights for public and private Provides religious education for two- to five- school students in grades one through high CYM is everything that a parish community year-old preschoolers during the 10:00 Mass, Monday through Friday school. Children can register for the 5:00 or does to engage young people into the life and from September through May. Registration Phone: 268-5422 6:45 p.m. session. mission of the Church. It is a ministry for, forms are available at the back of the church by, with, and to young people in grades nine and at the rectory. through twelve. St. Joseph’s Parish follows RITE OF CHRISTIAN INITIATION ______DIRECTOR OF ACTIVITIES the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ ______OF ADULTS (RCIA) Fil Battista: 880-6404 document on comprehensive youth ministry, ORGANIZATIONS Renewing the Vision: A Framework for Roger & Linda Lestina: [email protected] 288-9603; (c) 303-5799 Catholic Youth Ministry ______BOY SCOUTS Schedules all activities and ministry meetings [email protected] held on parish grounds. August Lindawan: CHRIST RENEWS HIS PARISH [email protected] 880-1481; (c) 472-9050 ______(CRHP) The RCIA process helps prospective Catholics ______FINANCE COMMITTEE on their journey of faith. The first meeting [email protected] John Alexander, Chair: [email protected] is in September, and participants come into Mike Woodward: 538-0467; (c) 534-6426 Rhode Jean-Aleger: 607-1225 full communion with the Catholic Church 262-1474; (c) 962-2685 [email protected] during the Easter Vigil. Volunteers are [email protected] needed to sponsor individuals and/or to assist [email protected] Dena Forrester: An educational program to build character, Pete Kelley: in teaching. 287-5665; (c) 554-9415 encourage responsible citizenship, and [email protected] develop personal fitness. Boy Scouts is for Oversees new construction projects at the parish. [email protected] CRHP is a spiritual renewal weekend ______REFLECTIONS NEWSPAPER boys age 11 through 17. designed to help individuals grow in their Angela Allala, Editor/Designer: PARISH COUNCIL ______personal relationship with Jesus Christ and 287-3137; (c) 881-5941 ______CARMELITES Michael Broach: (c) 891-0746 with others in their faith community. It is an [email protected] Paula Barnes: [email protected] excellent opportunity for Catholics to renew Published for Easter, Participation Sunday, their understanding of the basic beliefs and 270-1789; (c) 234-7700 Laura Adkinson, Secretary: and Christmas, Reflections offers articles traditions of their faith. For more information, [email protected] 880-4381; (c) 607-0331 about our parish family members, ministries, visit the website at http://www.stjosephsjax. and activities. Its mission is to build Dorothy Hesson: [email protected] org/pictures/crhp/crhp.html. community and encourage participation in 471-3473; (c) 540-1930 Meets quarterly to discuss major parish issues and the parish. All parishioners are invited to coordinate reports from all ministries. Meeting [email protected] EUCHARISTIC APOSTLES OF submit articles and photographs. minutes are available. We are a Secular 3rd Order of the Carmelites ______DIVINE MERCY and Canonically recognized in Rome. We Jim & Barbara Wasel: 262-4555 ______ST. JOSEPH CATHOLIC SCHOOL make promises and can take a Vow. We are women, men, married, single, and widowed. EDUCATION [email protected] 268-6688 We meet once a month for prayer and The Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy learn Rhonda Rose, Principal: formation and we study our Carmelite saints ADULT EDUCATION about God’s mercy through readings from [email protected] and the contemplative life. We pray for our St. Faustina’s diary, sacred scripture, and the John D’Amico: Church, our priests, our religious, and for Catechism of the Catholic Church. We also learn Theresa Twisdale, Assistant Principal: peace in the world. 287-1656; (c) 422-8584 the spiritual power of reciting the Chaplet of [email protected] [email protected] Divine Mercy for the sick and dying. We meet Provides a Catholic education for grade-school Mary Monfort: every Tuesday morning from 10:30 to Noon in children in the parish. The school’s mission is ______CUB SCOUTS (PACK 473) 262-1602; (c) 651-3567 the Cody Enrichment Center. to proclaim the Gospel and to create a Christ- Bill Hobensack, Cubmaster: centered environment conducive to learning. [email protected] 886-7406; (c) 422-7014 Offers informative and educational ______JP II HOMESCHOOLERS [email protected] TASTE FOR TRUTH presentations on topics relating to the Dianna Hartwell: ______Andres Jokisch, Tiger Den Leader: Catholic faith. 260-1304; (c) 303-4060 Angela Fisher: 562-0253 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] A scouting program for boys ages 7 Taste for Truth offers hands-on help with the ______BIBLE STUDY Maggie Britt: through 10, or first through fifth grades. Offers the opportunity to study the word of renewing of the mind in the area of weight loss. For more information, visit our website at 880-1955; (c) 610-1465 Come join us for this study and discover the God, grow in the love of Jesus Christ, and [email protected] lies that make you overeat and the truth that pray for one another. Beginners are welcome. A Catholic Homeschool group that supports will set you free from the control of food. ______DIVINE MERCY HOUSE Weekly attendance is not mandatory. and encourages mothers and families who Peter Prince: 563-5045 • LADIES - Wednesday Mornings homeschool. Each month we provide ______VACATION BIBLE SCHOOL (VBS) educational and social opportunities, as a [email protected] 9:00 to 11:00 a.m. (Child care provided) Terry Chrisley: (c) 622-7305 group, for our children ages Preschool and up. Bill & Jackie Hardy: Mary Monfort: [email protected] 268-6282; (c) 673-5727 262-1602; (c) 651-3567 Dodi Flora: 880-6404 ______PARISH FAMILY LIFE [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] Brad & Roberta Wente: 307-1003 A charitable organization that operates a • THURSDAY EVENING A one-week summer program that provides [email protected] group home and educational facility for 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. scripture-based activities for kids in grades one teenage mothers. [email protected] through eight. Kerry Marie Walker: 260-1584; (c) 571-9986 [email protected] PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 14 ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH MINISTRIES

ORGANIZATIONS - Continued For girls in 5th-12th grade. Its mission is This Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament is Cody Center on Mondays from 6:00 to 10:00 to evangelize and help them learn about also held in the Prayer Center of the Cody p.m., Wednesdays from 9:00 to 10:00 p.m., and themselves and give their best to grow in virtue, Center specifically to pray for vocations to the Fridays from 9:00 to 5:00 p.m. All are welcome. FAMILIES FOLLOWING CHRIST friendship, and their Catholic faith through priesthood, religious, or married life. It takes place on the last Friday of each month from ______(FFC) apostolic projects that have a positive impact EXTRAORDINARY MINISTERS on their family, friends, and the world. 7:00 to 8:30 p.m. Ryan Schulte: (c) 472-9346 ______OF HOLY COMMUNION [email protected] – ______ALTAR SERVERS Greg Hemsoth: Jeff Mall: (w) 359-8465; (c) 349-5155 262-0002; (c) 707-5216 ______CONQUEST BOYS CLUB Sue Kelley: [email protected] 268-4726; (c) 504-5507 [email protected] A Catholic ministry open to all and devoted Tim McMillan: Distribute the Holy Eucharist and Precious to renewing and enriching the spiritual life 262-9177; (c) 537-2378 [email protected] Blood of the Lord during Mass. They also serve of the family through faith-filled Catechesis, [email protected] Tricia Voss: Catholic residents in local nursing homes and the service, prayer, and fellowship. We strive to be a A national network of programs, clubs, and 288-6612; (c) 635-0317 homebound of the parish. community of faith, hope, and charity. For more camps for boys 5 to 18 years old designed to [email protected] information, visit instill virtue, character, and spiritual growth Altar Servers are boys and girls in the fifth grade GOD’S HEALING and help them become self-disciplined, and above who assist the priests during Masses. ______PRAYER MINISTRY ______GIRL SCOUTS (GATEWAY COUNCIL) confident Catholic leaders committed to The ministry leaders train and schedule the improving their communities. To learn more, servers. Training classes are held once a year Greg & Diane Hemsoth: 262-0002 Katie Yallaly: please visit in the fall. [email protected] 260-6674; (c) 716-6637 Offers the opportunity to pray with ministry [email protected] ______ST. MICHAEL’S SOLDIERS ______AMBASSADOR team members and ask God to heal any distress A program to help today’s girls become you may have. Prayer sessions take place in tomorrow’s leaders. For girls in kindergarten Kathy Signorile: Scott Northcut: the Marian Center of the Main Church on the through high school. 599-7855; (c) 315-8743 230-1238; (c) 599-3740 third weekend of each month after the Saturday [email protected] [email protected] 5:30 p.m. Mass and the Sunday Noon Mass. We do not meet in July. ______KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS Jim Signorile: (c) 307-9080 Tom Bain: • COUNCIL 10850 St. Michael’s Soldiers provides a little piece of 268-2331; (c) 403-3397 home to deployed men and women of our U.S. HOMEBOUND Matthew Mouzen: [email protected] ______Military through what we like to call “Home Serving at the Main Church, the ambassadors Jackie West: (c) 607-0133 260-4261; (c) 252-6780 Sweet Home” boxes. Our mission is to make a represent the parish to our parish community, [email protected] [email protected] difference for those who are making a difference. assist the priests, and work with the welcoming Edward M. Kiely: 509-2550 Visit for ministries at Masses. Bob Gardner: more information. [email protected] 260-1327; (c) 487-4059 ______CHARITABLE ARTS [email protected] • ASSEMBLY 2679 ______THERESIANS OF THE LITTLE WAY Thomas Meyung: (c) 403-1058 Frank Johnston: (c) 910-4689 Susana S Suarez: [email protected] ______HOSPITALITY [email protected] 737-6893; (c) 629-2693 Becky Colangelo: (c) 294-8400 Steve Kerlin: The parish branch of a worldwide service [email protected] organization, the largest lay organization in the [email protected] 460-2479; (c) 386-3860 Catholic Church. Gail Simpson: A Ministry for professional and amateur artists [email protected] 770-7706; (c) 945-2586 of all genre. The purpose and intent of this Teams of ushers seat parishioners and ______REGNUM CHRISTI [email protected] ministry is to donate talent when needed to newcomers, collect weekly offerings, and assist A Catholic organization open to all Christian refurbish various church items, and to donate offertory participants at Mass. Idalmus Adams: women. Membership appeals to women art works in order to raise money for charity. 230-9257; (c) 588-5862 of all ages – single, married, and professed ______HOUSEKEEPING [email protected] religious. Monthly meetings offer spiritual, MUSIC MINISTRY educational, and community experiences. Charlotte Peck: Don Riederer: ______(ADULT & CHILDREN’S CHOIR) 287-9604; (c) 742-5958 Theresian communities vary in size from 15 886-9855; (c) 704-8767 to 25 members. For more information, please Frank & Nicole DeProspo: [email protected] [email protected] visit the website (c) 477-8494 An apostolic movement at the service of Mariette Woodard: mankind and the Church, sharing the charism [email protected] 292-2736; (c) 860-9945 of the priestly congregation, the Legionaries of [email protected] [email protected] Christ. Regnum Christi fosters a deep ecclesial LITURGICAL The music ministry offers liturgical music at The Housekeeping Ministry meets every and missionary spirit in its members. It is a all Masses and entertainment at special parish ADOPT AN ISLAND other Tuesday to clean the inside of the main dynamic organization which strengthens their ______events. Vocalists and instrumentalists of all church. If you have an hour and enjoy dusting, spirit of initiative and reminds them of their Karen Belkot: (c) 716-2119 ages are welcome. No experience is necessary. mopping, vacuuming, straightening books, or baptismal responsibility to make the faith the [email protected] sweeping, please call us. If you can help us engine of their daily life in their personal, Paul Belkot: EUCHARISTIC ADORATION once, or if you want to come on a regular basis, family, parish, professional, and social circles. we can use your help! 716-2119; (c) 716-0345 ______& CHILDREN’S HOLY HOUR REGNUM CHRISTI – [email protected] Dawn Mull: Coordinates volunteers to maintain ______LECTORS ______CHALLENGE GIRLS CLUB 262-6181; (c) 707-6632 landscaping in the planted islands around the [email protected] John & Susan Rezsonya: Annette DeRenzo: Main Church and the Walking Rosary Garden. 268-7741; (c) 616-8182 287-4877; (c) 536-6692 Rose Stockton: 262-7065; (c) 607-4410 [email protected] [email protected] ______ADORATION FOR VOCATIONS Lectors read and proclaim God’s word at [email protected] Diana Hartwell: Matt & Kim Breen: 636-8606 Masses. The ministry leaders train and During Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, schedule adults and high school students. 260-1304; (c) 303-4600 [email protected] worship activities include opportunity for both [email protected] Ken & Shelley Shannon: 288-6421 group and individual prayer and reflection. [email protected] Exposition is held in the Prayer Center of the PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 15 ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH MINISTRIES

______PEOPLE OF PRAISE OUTREACH For women who share an interest in 8:00 a.m. Mass on Wednesdays. If you or Greg Hemsoth: food, fun, and fellowship. Teams are someone you know are in need of a prayer organized at the beginning of each year, blanket, please contact Sue Haywood. 262-0002; (c) 707-5216 ______BRAZILIAN MINISTRY and monthly meetings are planned [email protected] around cooking demonstrations, food Fr. Antonio dos Santos: ______ELIZABETH MINISTRY Kristi Heck: 268-2752 (c) 386-338-2789 lectures, and ideas for entertaining. [email protected] Service projects throughout the year Michelle Horning: [email protected] include food collection, donation, 464-0179; (c) 635-7544 A charismatic prayer and worship group Ana Silva: 423-1603 meeting every Tuesday evening at 7:00 and preparation. Meets the fourth [email protected] p.m. in the Prayer Center of the Cody [email protected] Thursday of each month, September A network of women supporting women Enrichment Center. We do not meet in July. through May, at 7:00 p.m. at the homes through the joys and trials of childbearing years. of different members. ______CAREER CONNECTIONS Following the example of Mary and Elizabeth, RELIGIOUS ARTICLES & Marty Broach: (c) 923-0439 • St. Margaret’s Circle we visit and share the sacredness of life. We reach out in times of celebration and in times of ______GIFT SHOP [email protected] Barbara Schultz: sorrow. Areas of involvement include: pregnancy Trisch Broach: (c) 613-3834 Tom Ackermann: (c) 886-3136 288-7040; (c) 446-7142 support, celebration of birth, grandparent support, [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] miscarriage and infant or child loss, fertility and Located adjacent to the main entrance of the Teaches people the skills to enable them Sheila Pearson: infertility, adoption, and infant or child crisis. Main Church, the Parish Religious Articles to search for a job and provides a support 262-2356; (c) 710-4076 group forum while they are conducting and Gift Shop is open before Saturday Provides an opportunity for ladies to ______FALL FESTIVAL their job search. evening Mass and after Sunday Masses. join in the spirit of Christian fellowship Bibles, books, rosaries, gifts, special orders, Tony Hassert: to share their talents in arts and crafts, 262-6560; (c) 234-6560 and more are available. The Christmas Open ______CD MINISTRY exchange ideas, and instruct and learn House is in November. [email protected] John D’Amico: from others in various creative fields. 287-1656; (c) 422-8584 Meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each Trish Hassert: (c) 859-4129 month from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. in the [email protected] ______SACRISTANS [email protected] Cody Enrichment Center Ministry Room. The St. Joseph’s Church Fall Festival brings Mariette Woodard: Provides a variety of CDs to help you learn parishioners together for a day of old-fashioned about your faith. They are also great tools for 292-2736; (c) 860-9945 fun. This is an annual parish and school event evangelization so please take advantage of this [email protected] where parishioners, families, and community exciting opportunity. For your convenience, a ______CEMETERY COMMISSION come together to enjoy games, great food, Mary Shanks: CD stand is mounted on the back wall of the Karl Soderholm: music entertainment, inflatable’s, and much 292-1133; (c) 349-5523 Main Church near the gift shop. The suggested Jackie Gould: 268-5422 more. All are welcomed! [email protected] donation for each CD is just $3. [email protected] Sacristans clean the church sacristies; Meets monthly to plan for cemetery maintain altar linens, vestments, and sacred ______FILIPINO-AMERICAN MINISTRY COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN beautification, maintenance, growth, and vessels used at Mass or other religious Nellie Rocha: 292-5295 ______(CCW) needs. Advises pastor on aspects of cemetery functions and services; and set up for Mac Delacruz: (c) 705-9577 Dena Forrester: administration. weekend and holiday Masses. Call ahead to [email protected] schedule for special Masses. 287-5665; (c) 554-9415 CONSOLATION MINISTRY Evangelizes to promote Catholic Christian [email protected] ______life of faith, which is Eucharistic centered and ______SIGN LANGUAGE Linda Drolsom: Rev. Dcn. Tony Colichio: Marian devotion (Filipino traditions). We hold Debbie Heaton: 268-6548; (c) 535-3156 (c) 535-0399 a yearly celebration of the feast of Assumption and Total Consecration to Jesus through the 940-7979; (c) 808-1678 [email protected] [email protected] Strives to be a loving service to the parishioners hands of Mary by the faithful which started [email protected] A national service organization that meets on the second Tuesday of each month, of St. Joseph’s Catholic Church and the in 1995 and continues to date. We promote Elaine Eckert: September through April, in the Mandarin/ surrounding community. The ministry and encourage devotion to the Sacred Heart 880-8556; (c) 610-8411 Loretto Room, to coordinate community provides support and consolation for the loss of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary [email protected] services and charity events. Members can join of family members and close loved ones. (Alliance of the Two Hearts) through house- to-house enthronement to the Two Hearts Interpreters sign at the 10:00 a.m. Sunday the following “circles” for more parish and to foster family unity, love, and holiness. We Mass and holiday Masses for deaf and hearing- community involvement. CONSOLATION hold monthly cenacles and bible study, First impaired parishioners. • St. Anne’s Circle ______RECEPTION COMMITTEE Friday vigil, and Eucharistic adoration. We Anne Clement: Mary Joy Prendergast: hold a yearly social event to raise funds for TRADITIONAL LATIN MASS ______(c) 225-405-5062 886-0829; (c) 534-0716 the church projects. We celebrate the feast of the Immaculate Conception with rosary Rick Bohler: 236-3023 Christine Coots: 982-9664 [email protected] prayers and procession. We collaborate with [email protected] Hosts receptions and provides setup for the other Filipino activities such as May flowers celebration of life for families who have lost Alan Rees: 287-0321 For mothers with children ages birth festival, simbang gabi novena, etc. We may also a loved one. [email protected] to kindergarten to join in Christian participate with main events of the Catholic fellowship sharing experiences of parish church in the diocese. COVERED IN PRAYER ______TRANSPORTATION motherhood and offering support. Goals are achieved through play groups, mom’s ______(PRAYER BLANKET MINISTRY) ______HEARTS AFIRE (HAPP) Michael Broach: (c) 891-0746 meals, social outings, children’s holiday [email protected] parties, meetings, and community service Sue Haywood: Carolyn Laing: This volunteer ministry includes a parish bus projects. Meets the fourth Tuesday of 268-8531; (c) 534-4219 821-6780; (c) 553-0612 service that provides transportation for the each month at 7:00 p.m. in the Mandarin/ [email protected] [email protected] elderly and those in need to/from Mass, as well Loretto Room. Diane Hemsoth Sue Haywood: as a tram service for the Main Church parking lot. Volunteers also coordinate traffic each • St. Elizabeth’s Circle 262-0002; (c) 635-4718 268-8531; (c) 534-4219 Sunday and for Christmas and Easter Masses. Terry Moshier: [email protected] [email protected] 619-0097; (c) 200-0603 Provides blankets to those who are sick or A small-group program designed to set our suffering during a difficult time. The blankets [email protected] hearts on fire with love of God and neighbor are prayed over at the People of Praise meeting and to inspire us to works of mercy in our on Tuesday evenings, then blessed during the families, parishes, and communities. PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 16 ST. JOSEPH’S PARISH MINISTRIES

OUTREACH - Continued A Catholic program for girls ages 5 and up The gym is open for basketball from the ______WEBSITE based on learning Catholic virtues through end of August through mid June. There is Brad Vontur: HISPANIC COMMUNITY the lives of Catholic Saints, Scripture and the a parish league that runs from the end of ______Catechism of the Catholic Church. We strive October through the beginning of April. All 329-3771; (c) 437-9365 Angela Perez: to bring the Catholic faith alive and inspire the men of the parish are welcome to join. [email protected] 880-5271; (c) 210-8073 girls to become authentic Catholic women. Michael Broach: (c) 891-0746 [email protected] ______MEN’S CLUB [email protected] Reaches out to our Spanish speaking parishioners, ______MANDARIN FOOD BANK Maintains St. Joseph’s web page, which includes including those not currently attending church, Phil Sikora: (c) 327-0058 Bonnie McNulty: church information, bulletins, and more. to build community and unite in prayer and [email protected] Please visit our site at fellowship. We offer a Mass in the Historic 329-3752; (c) 699-6465 Rick Porter: (c) 923-4433 Church every Sunday at 8:30 a.m. During [email protected] [email protected] WELCOME MINISTRY the year, we have other celebrations – such as Mary Kaminski: 262-0009 Monthly meetings provide opportunities for ______Baptisms, weddings, the Feast of Our lady of [email protected] men to become more personally involved in Peter & Lindsay Wolf: Guadalupe, The Virgin de la Providencia, Las The Mandarin Food Bank identifies and spiritual issues and social and charitable events. (c) 716-491-1936 Posadas, and Via Crucis – to meet the needs addresses the community’s social and economic Fish fries, dinner dances, and other fund raisers [email protected] of our parishioners. We also have the Hispanic needs. Projects include providing food and benefit the parish. Welcomes visitors, makes phone calls to Choir, the Monte de los Olivos prayer group, clothing to the needy and assisting migrant new parishioners, and greets our very own and the Genesis youth group. workers. Food Bank hours are Mondays, ______PARISH MEDICAL MISSION parishioners before Mass. Wednesdays, and Fridays from 9:00 to 11:30 HISPANIC PRAYER GROUP - RCCH a.m. Volunteers welcome. Greg Hemsoth: ______WELCOME WAGON “MONTE DE LOS OLIVOS” 262-0002; (c) 707-5216 ______Vicki Herbert: María Schneider: 405-9655 MANDARIN [email protected] Brings the love of Christ to people in poor, 880-3155; (c) 635-2117 ______MEALS ON WHEELS II [email protected] isolated areas of the world by providing for [email protected] Fausto Pimentel: (c) 838-8054 Pat Kowall: 262-2189 their medical and dental needs. Provides food and fellowship in the gathering [email protected] Bernadette Hashtak: 268-2686 area after Sunday Masses. A Spanish prayer group. We gather to sing [email protected] ______PARISH NURSE MINISTRY God’s praises, share our personal testimonies Dedicated volunteers faithfully bring hot, YOUNG@HEART of God’s action in our lives and give thanks nutritious meals each weekday to homebound Jacqueline Borello, RN: (c) 699-4749 ______for His goodness, and study the Bible. We individuals in Mandarin who are sick or [email protected] Maryann Lupo: meet Tuesday evenings at 7:30 p.m. in the St. disabled and cannot cook for themselves. Promotes health and healing through fall 268-3556; (c) 537-3555 Bridget Room of the Historic Church. We also Funded solely by monthly “Penny a Meal for influenza inoculations, resource consultations, [email protected] offer a Healing Mass in the Historic Church health seminars, and teaching programs. Meals on Wheels” collections at Saturday and Barbara Benson: 316-7558 every first Wednesday from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., Sunday Masses. [email protected] and we host days of reflection and retreats RESPECT LIFE COMMITTEE throughout the year. All are welcome. For ______Provides social and cultural outlets for senior more information, please call or e-mail us. ______MARY WIDOWS Russ & Carron Tooke: citizens in the community. A non-denominational Jeanne D’Amico: 268-3349; (c) 705-3434 activity for parishioners and non-parishioners. ______HOMELESS OUTREACH 230-0546; (c) 755-6312 [email protected] Angela Fisher: (c) 562-0253 [email protected] [email protected] Pat Flaherty: A ministry that helps others appreciate the gift [email protected] of life and assists the poor, the aged, the infirm, Prepares and delivers food on the third 287-8651; (c) 923-7802 and the unborn. Provides resources and Saturday of each month to homeless persons in Gathers in our Blessed Mother’s name to information regarding adoption, counseling, downtown Jacksonville. support each other during the difficult fertility, and more. Volunteers are needed for years after having lost our best friends. We the crisis pregnancy center and the phone tree meet on the first Tuesday of each month in for legislator updates and alerts. ______LEGION OF MARY the Glenmore Room of the Cody Center. Linda Grimes: Often we meet at 7:00 p.m., but sometimes 262-8969; (c) 607-4564 at 6:30. Our notice in the Sunday Bulletin ______STEWARDSHIP [email protected] gives the correct time. We always begin by Steve Kerlin: praying the Rosary, and then we just enjoy Paul Williams: each other’s company. Sometimes we play 460-2479; (c) 386-3860 (c) 803-361-1221 Bingo or other games, and two to three times [email protected] [email protected] a year we have dinner. Once in a while, we The Stewardship Director works directly for the The Lay “Legion of Mary” prays gather at one another’s homes for dinner, and Pastor to publicize the goals and needs of the the most Holy Rosary, striving to emulate occasionally we have a movie outing. If you parish and encourage all parishioners to tithe the virtues of the Blessed Virgin Mary. We would like more information, please call us. their time, talent, and treasure to achieve these meet on Tuesdays at 7:00 p.m. in the Cody needs. The Stewardship Director is a member of the Finance Council to understand and help Enrichment Center. For more information, ______MEN’S BASKETBALL please contact either of us or visit the Council’s manage the fiscal assets of the parish, and is a website: Tony Profetto: member of the Parish Council to promote a 268-2249; (c) 866-2249 spirit of giving throughout the various ministries [email protected] of the parish. The basis of stewardship is love: ______LITTLE FLOWERS GIRLS CLUB love of God, love of self, and love of neighbor. Offers fun, fellowship, and exercise for parish With love, the rest will come naturally. Annette D’Amico: men ages 18 and up on Tuesday evenings. 287-1656; (c) 422-8583 [email protected] PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Ministry News 17 The Mystery of the Eucharist

The theology of the Eucharist is abundantly clear, would not be able to be anywhere else than on the when nothing appears to be happening. Adoration having been defined by Christ Himself, the early altar where the Sacrament is brought about. In fact, of the Eucharist is not static in that, while adoring church fathers, St. Augustine, St. Thomas Aquinas, the Body of Christ is in Heaven in its proper form the Lord’s presence, we achieve self-giving, total and in numerous papal encyclicals. Through yet also exists in multiple ciboria on many love, and sacrificial surrender. transubstantiation, flesh has become the instrument altars in sacramental form. Difficult of salvation. Christ stated unambiguously: “Unless as it is to comprehend, the Body is not We are confronted with the greatest you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his definitively located in, or circumscribed, mystery of all time, one which transcends blood, you do not have life within you” (John by the Host (St. Thomas Aquinas). the outermost limits of science fiction 6:53). To be joined to us, the incarnate Word is Despite all theological explanation, the and fantasy. The Eucharistic appearances given to us in the likeness of food. As St. Augustine mystery remains just that – a mystery. are themselves the boundary between explains, “He is joined to us, not by changing into Praestet fides supplementum; Sensuum the visible and the invisible orders of us but by changing us into Him.” Reception of defectui. “Senses cannot grasp this creation, the horizon at which earthly the Eucharist results in the assimilation of our own marvel; faith must serve to compensate,” time and everlasting eons of the blessed bodies into the Body of Christ. Paradoxically, it is as we sing in the Tantum Ergo hymn of come together. We exchange earth for a the food which absorbs the eater and not vice versa. St. Thomas Aquinas. Alan glimpse of heaven, a foretaste of eternal In the process of receiving Him, He receives us. Rees life. The Eucharistic elements serve as That the sacrament of the Eucharist was instituted As we receive communion, we are a window on the invisible dimensions under the figure of food is not surprising. “Man conscious that each broken part, each of the universe. Our constricted, fell by means of the food of the death-giving tree; recognizable fragment of the Host, each limited human vision constrains us from man is raised up by means of the food of the life- drop of Precious Blood, and the contents of the achieving a true appreciation of the immensity and giving tree. On the former hung the food of death, full chalice require our awe, submission, reverence, transcendence of the Real Presence. In uniting on the latter the nourishment of life. Eating of humility, gratitude, personal abandonment, and His greatness with our nothingness, our minds the former earned a wound; the taste of this latter total love. He gives Himself first to our soul. and imagination labor to appreciate and revere the restored health. Eating wounded us, and eating He then diffuses Himself throughout our body, Eucharistic Christ. As He stretches our mind, so healed us” (Pope Urban IV). becoming “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” He stretches our hearts. (Genesis 2:23). The very presence of Christ is Central to the Catholic faith is the inner mystery of dynamic and is the font of endless, though invisible, There is a seamless transition from the Old to the the Eucharist. The total Christ is present – body, activity. The miracle is that so much is happening New Testament. The Last Supper was the Seder meal blood, soul, and divinity – as He was in Jesus miraculously transformed into the Eucharist. the Holy Land and is now in heaven. The God of the Old Testament steps into the streets The importance of contact with Christ’s of Jerusalem and reveals Himself as promised. The flesh is an integral part of the mystery of Divine Presence of God, the Shekinah, who resided the real presence in the Eucharist. The in the tabernacle of the Temple, is replaced by the focus of the Church’s teaching is on the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist. God, who reality present in the Eucharist and not could only be approached by the High Priest once on the earthly realities (bread and wine) a year in a cloud of smoke in the Holy of Holies, which have become the reality. These is now present for us at all times in the Tabernacle elements are not, despite appearances, and becomes part of us when we receive Holy bread and wine at all. They are Christ. In Communion. The presence of God has moved the Eucharist, Christ is truly contained, from the Old Temple, now destroyed, to the New body, blood, soul and divinity, the same Temple. The Incarnation represents God’s stepping body born of Mary, dead on the cross, out of the Temple into human nature and into the and raised gloriously from the tomb. life of man. And so, the unapproachable God of the Yet the Body of Christ is not definitively Juanes, Juan de. The Last Supper. Oil on panel. Ca. 1562. Old Testament is now eminently invocable and can located to one place because otherwise it Museo del Prado, Madrid, Spain become part of us.

GRANDMA’S CORNER By Barbara Crawford (a.k.a. Grandma C. or Me-Ma)

Fall brings thoughts of kids and grandkids; or finding somewhere different or exotic to explore just ride a roller coaster (something I thought I’d never returning to school and new adventures of to get away from the norm. My family was no different. I do again). I said I would go if he would sit by me learning. Summer time always seems so brief, went as far as LEGOLAND, traveling with my younger and hold my hand, which he did. I hope all my especially in hindsight. Every year I grow older, son and grandson. We all had a great time. It felt good to readers had a great summer and are well rested and summer seems to pass more quickly. Most feel like a kid again. My grandson even convinced me to and ready to return to a blessed new school year. families travel during the summer, visiting family PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Focus on Faith 18 HIC: A Word from the Holy Land

I had often heard there is have neither of these things, and God cannot be Eucharist, which makes Jesus present in all His a certain magic or charm so exclusive as to limit His reality to only those reality: His Crucifixion, Death, Resurrection, and about the Holy Land which with time and money. What’s more, I needed the Ascension. At the Mass, the unbloody sacrifice on is alluring. It is a prime piece human effort of historical imagination in order the altar participates in the one bloody sacrifice of real estate commanding to be enraptured in the reality which all the sites on Calvary. passionate devotion and marked. But God cannot be so fickle as to limit heartfelt affection. Thus, His reality to the whim of my feeble effort. So, a Thus, the word from the Holy Land I wish to as a theologian studying question crystallized: where does Jesus encounter share with you is hic. Here, at my nearby parish, Scripture in seminary, I me even when I don’t have the time, the means, or in the Eucharist, Jesus encounters me even when John Sollee was eagerly awaiting to the help of the human effort of imagination? I don’t have a week of Christmas break but only II Theology, experience it. This past thirty minutes; even when I don’t have cash in Diocese of St. Augustine Christmas break, my dream An answer came in two distinct moments during the bank account; even when my imagination is came true, and it did not the pilgrimage: at a presentation and in prayer. preoccupied with the world. All I need is baptismal disappoint. The Holy Land After a seven-hour vigil during the night in the faith, and the living Lord seated at the right hand was both magical and charming! If I could point Holy Sepulcher and a tiring day of pilgrimage, I of the Father meets me where I am – in all my to something which captures its charm, it would was dozing off during an evening presentation by busyness, in all my impoverishment, and in all my be these three phrases and its recurring word, hic: a Franciscan friar from Texas working in the Holy forgetfulness. He communicates Himself to me in Land. Just before I conked out, Fr. Athanasius all his divine, human, and salvific immediacy. Verbum caro hic factum est spoke words which opened my eyes and piqued Hic de Virgine Maria Jesus Christus natus est my interest, “Christians are not as attached to Opening any Catholic Church door and Domine, bonum est nos hic esse the land like Muslims or Jews.” He’s right. The withstanding an hour-long Mass, one will find modern state of Israel, for example, formed the standard sit/stand/kneel choreography around Opening any Latin dictionary and thumbing because of the tenacious Jewish identity rooted an altar where formulaic words are spoken over through to the “H” section, one will find the in the Promised Land and the Temple Mount. bread and wine. But for someone in discipleship standard definition forhic , an adverb meaning Islam’s holiest city in Saudi Arabia, Mecca, is with Jesus Christ, this Mass is charged with divine “here.” But for someone on pilgrimage to the the location toward which every Muslim prays glory. In fact, it is a portal where 2,000 years Holy Land, this word is loaded with significance. five times a day. Christians, on the other hand, of historical rust melts away, and the infinite In fact, for twenty-three pilgrims from St. Vincent do not have a unified orientation of prayer. qualitative distance between God and man is de Paul Seminary travelling to the Holy Land, Although Christians value the Holy Land – Jesus traversed as Jesus gives Himself as the “bread of it meant 2,000 years of historical rust melting lived, died, and won our salvation there after all life and our spiritual drink.” away and 6,500 miles of geographical distance – Jesus’ “location” at the right hand of the Father collapsing as we knelt before the spot where the is what we prize above all. Yes, the pilgrimage to the Holy Land was a incarnate Word was conceived in Mary’s womb; remarkable experience: deepening my faith, where Jesus was born of the Virgin Mary; where The other moment came in prayer during a igniting a newfound love for Holy Scripture, His glory shown before Peter, James, and John; morning holy hour at Calvary, the site of Jesus’ forging friendships only pilgrims can share, where He mounted His cross at Calvary; and crucifixion. I’ll render the fruit of the prayer in and allowing me to glimpse the historical and where He resurrected from the dead. dialogue form: geographical context of Jesus’ life and ministry. Yet, for all that, the key insight from the pilgrimage This is what the word hic means. It’s more than an John: Jesus, everyone needs to and should come is a more profound appreciation for the Eucharist, adverb qualifying a verb. It’s a “portal” to a reality here to worship. “the source and summit of the Christian life” shot through with divine and salvific immediacy. Jesus: No, they don’t. You bring my crucified (Lumen Gentium, 11). Each of us is a holy land (1 So when we saw the word in the above three humanity to the world as my disciple, Corinthians 6:19) in which Jesus desires to dwell descriptions at the Basilica of the Annunciation, and you bring people here through the through the Eucharist. Consequently, we do not the Church of the Nativity, and the Basilica of the sacrifice of the Mass as my priest. need to travel to the Holy Land to encounter Jesus Transfiguration, we were enraptured in the reality (although I highly recommend it!). But we do which these sites mark: The still, small voice I heard in prayer, together need to receive the Eucharist; with Fr. Athanasius’ words, converged on one as Jesus says, “Unless you eat the Word became flesh here thing: the Eucharist! This was the answer to my the flesh of the Son of man here Jesus Christ was born of the Virgin Mary question. Why are Christians not as attached to the and drink his blood, you do Lord, it is good that we are here land? Because we have been given the Eucharist, not have life within you” (John which the Church guards with utmost care and 6:53). Yet, for all its charm, something still seemed reverence. Indeed, churches are holy because the off. Was I closer to God because I was walking Eucharist is celebrated and resides in them. How in Jesus’ footsteps around Israel? I had the time can I bring Christ’s crucified humanity to the (Christmas break), and the means (a thirteen- world? By the Eucharist, through which Jesus, hour flight) to experience the “land impregnated crucified and risen, dwells in me. How can I bring with the presence of Christ.” But many others people to Jesus’ crucifixion on Calvary? By the PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Focus on Faith 19

St. Joseph’s Art Connections Participation and Floor Plan: What’s the Connection?

For the early church, participation as a community Old St. Peter’s and the from the entrance side of the church to the apse, of worshippers was established long before the Roman basilica and central plans or altar, end. This retains the axis of all basilica building of the first church structures in the churches. However, Justinian made the main body Roman basilicas were law courts with a large 4th century. The church sang hymns, prayed, of the church wider and added a central dome, central space (the nave), side aisles, and a heard instruction, and received the Eucharist as a both attributes of central planned buildings. St. semicircular area, called the apse, where statues of community, most often in private homes. Joseph’s uses these same features. the gods were placed. This was the floor plan of choice for the building of large churches because Difference in Christian worship practices it could be adapted to a large community, with In some ways, the use of ritual and worship is aisles for access to receive the Eucharist and the shared by most, if not all, religious groups. But apse to accommodate the altar. Separate circular, the early church began to differ greatly from pagan square, or octagonal (central plan) buildings were and even Judaic worship practices in that they used for baptisms, mausoleums, and chapels. followed the commandment to honor the Sabbath Many of these were domed. with weekly community worship. Judaism certainly taught weekly devotion to the Sabbath, but quite often this took place within Hagia Sophia Istanbul, 6th century each family home rather (Christian art removed or covered up by than at a temple, which Ottoman Turks, 15th century. was used for special holy Medallions contain Islamic prayers) days or weeks. Pagan groups built temples such Becky as the beautiful Parthenon Colangelo in Athens, dedicated to the BASILICA PLAN Greek goddess of wisdom Old St. Peter’s Rome, built 4th c., torn down in early and strategies of war, 16th c. to build current church Athena. But this was used by the general public for worship only on special occasions. Otherwise, as is true for most pagan temples, the realm of the gods was attended to by priests and priestesses.

Early Church Architecture: Happy coincidence or brilliant plan of God? The Romans had, by the 2nd century AD, St. Joseph’s Catholic Church Jacksonville, Florida developed the means to build much larger interior Completed in 1999 spaces than previous civilizations. Whereas the CENTRAL PLAN (DOMED) Parthenon in Athens (5th century BC) is a large, Mausoleum of Santa Costanza beautiful, and impressive building, the interior Rome, 4th c., 16th c., burial place space is not all that large by comparison to the of Constantine’s daughter Our community worships and exterior’s imposing size. By the use of the round participates together arch and other innovations, the Romans had been This combined floor plan, made quite a lot easier able to build structures with much larger interior St. Joseph’s is a mixture of both floor plans with the building materials in use today, gives us spaces, so by the time the Emperor Constantine an ease of participation in the Mass and a view of By the 6th century, participation in Christianity legalized Christianity in 313 AD, the ability to each other as a community of love and worship. was so large that the Emperor, Justinian, built build structures for weekly community worship The next time you attend Mass, look around to an enormous church in Constantinople, the was in place and after 313 AD, construction could see that you can easily view the altar as well as the Hagia Sophia, or Church of Holy Wisdom, that begin at once! Coincidence or brilliant plan of entire worship community. The way St. Joseph’s combines both floor plans. Just as in St. Joseph’s, God?! Early church construction borrows two is built unites us together during Mass and unites there was a large area for the altar at one end of floor plans from the Romans: the basilica plan us with our history as a church. and the central plan. the church with a central aisle leading directly PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Focus on Faith 20 Catholic Families Fight Challenges with Greater Faith By Peter A. Casella

“I was the Cuban Martha Stewart,” Lucia Robert later said he wanted to marry her because Fr. Thanh recalled the story of a couple unable to Fernandez chuckled. Then she paused, and he believed she would help him get to heaven. make time for each other. They scheduled lunch her tone changed. “But the devil knows our Lucia was amazed. “I sure as heck didn’t think I in an attempt to reconnect. “All of a sudden, weaknesses.” was helping anyone get anywhere!” she laughed. the cell phone rings,” he said. “Two minutes later, an iPad comes out. And that’s the end of Fernandez, like most Catholics, believed “family” Divorce was a trauma that shook Lucia lunch together. There’s no doubt in my mind the was defined as a mother and father, raising their Fernandez’s entire foundation. As she recovered Internet undermines family values.” Fr. Thanh kids, and eventually celebrating their 50th and began to rebuild her life with Robert, her continued, “The pope has given us the three wedding anniversary. definition of “family” changed. “It’s words that are very important in helping families That’s the track her first the people who are in your life,” – please, thank you, and sorry. Those three are marriage followed. She she said, “people with whom you very down to earth, but can bond the family and her first husband were have a loving relationship with, that together.” even referred to as “the you’ve made a commitment to, blood perfect Catholic couple.” relation or not. And hopefully you’ve Pope Francis has made the family an important Fernandez believes their been brought together by God.” focus of his papacy. He has initiated two major work in support of Natural events designed to highlight the importance Family Planning (NFP) Their devotion to their Catholic faith of family life while acknowledging the intense and the sacrament of makes Robert and Lucia somewhat pressures on families from cultural and social marriage put a diabolical unique in today’s American culture. challenges. As part of his U.S. visit September target on their backs. However, demographically, the 22 through 27, the Holy Father will attend the Robert Fernandez proposed to his wife “The devil tries to wreak Lucia as they knelt in prayer before the Fernandez family story is fairly World Meeting of Families and celebrate its havoc on families,” she tabernacle at St. Joseph’s Church common. The Pew Research Center closing Mass. said, “because he doesn’t reports that fewer than half (46%) of want the traditional family unit to be fruitful the children in America younger than 18 years and successful.” of age live in households with two heterosexual parents in their first marriage. That’s down from Fernandez didn’t expect to remarry. She moved 73 percent in 1960. from Central Florida to Jacksonville. Her focus was on rearing and supporting her children The divorce rate is most often used as the – five daughters and a son. For their sake, she barometer of the health of the traditional family wouldn’t want to change her name. She even told unit. Government statistics show the divorce her spiritual advisor as much. But, after taking rate began falling in 1996 and is now just above Pope Francis opened the Synod on the Family last October by a dance class, she realized God had other plans. 40 percent for first-time marriages. But this telling bishops, “The Lord is asking us to care for the family.” decrease may be misleading as it corresponds to Another student, a Cuban-born construction a similar rise in households with non-traditional A week later, the pope will convene the 14th company executive, asked her to dance. After families – singles, roommates, and unmarried Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of their dance, she noticed the monogram on his cohabitating couples. Bishops for final debate on family life and the shirt and asked what his Church. The synod, scheduled for October 4 initials stood for. “‘My first Fr. Thanh Nguyen, pastor of through 25, will make its highly-anticipated final name is Robert,’” she recalled St. Joseph’s Church, believes recommendations to the pope on the difficult him saying. “‘The ‘I’ is for divorce is the most visible issues facing families today. Ismael and my last name evidence of the breakdown is Fernandez.’ I looked at of the family. “The children To highlight the importance of the family in him and said ‘You’ve got to who grow up in those broken Catholic life, Pope Francis, during the synod, be kidding me!’ And I just families are dysfunctional in will canonize the parents of St. Therese of started laughing. What are some way,” Fr. Thanh said. Lisieux on October 18. Louis (1823-1894) and the chances of me meeting “It’s only by the grace of God Marie Zelie Guerin Martin (1831-1877) will a Cuban guy in Jacksonville they can become whole again.” be the first married couple with children to Fr. Thanh Nguyen believes divorce and with the same last name?” secularism, including intrusive technology, are be canonized together, in the same ceremony. undermining the traditional family unit. But Fr. Thanh says there is It is one more example of the family’s primary They have much more in also another threat which is position in all creation. Fr. Thanh noted as common than their surnames and homeland. undermining families today, a threat which much in quoting the Catechism of the Catholic Even more than a love of music and dancing. may be even more insidious because it is Church, “Christ chose to be born and grow up Robert and Lucia are deeply devout. Robert interwoven throughout Western culture – in the bosom of the holy family of Joseph and proposed to her after Mass at St. Joseph’s on the secularism. He believes secularism is the product Mary. The Church is nothing other than the Feast of the Immaculate Conception while they of individualism, consumerism, excessive family of God” (CCC 1655). were kneeling in prayer before the tabernacle. competition, and a dependence on technology. PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Focus on Faith 21

In short, the Church is a part of family and also They share enough that people cry during the they’re all talking about things in their lives; an extension of the family, with ministries within prayers because they know the concept of family they’re all sharing. That’s family.” parishes often assuming roles of “church families.” is there.” DeProspo continued saying, “For some One example in St. Joseph’s parish is the music of the darkest points in people’s lives, we’ve been It’s also an example of how a Christian ministry. Music director Frank DeProspo says his privileged to pray them through it. But that’s community cares for each other as instructed primary focus is people, not perfection. That means what makes us a family.” by the Church, “Where families cannot fulfill rehearsals are structured to nurture relationships. their responsibilities, other When one section of singers is working on a part, That family is not confined to social bodies have the duty others are free to socialize. “It’s not bedlam; we get church walls. Many members of helping them and of the job done,” DeProspo explains. “For example, have built such strong supporting the institution of a few sopranos will chat about their day, about friendships, some even take the family” (CCC 2209). what’s going on in their lives, so there’s a lot of family vacations together. sharing going on. That closeness helps people And because most members Robert and Lucia Fernandez work together, like a family.” are from somewhere other have relied on God’s strength than Jacksonville, they also and grace to fulfill their DeProspo says the greatest key to nurturing this spend holidays together. Two responsibility to their families sense of family is prayer. When he became music families – the Thomsons and Conchita DeProspo, Barb Carmedelle, and – at home and within the St. Susie Huber enjoying each other’s company at a director nearly twenty years ago, DeProspo the Willibys – have taken Music Ministry party. Joseph’s community. Lucia continued the practice of previous director Joan turns hosting pot luck Easter Fernandez says her spiritual Ahren, of sharing prayer intentions at the end dinners; Russ and Carron Tooke invite choir journey has caused her to think of “family” in of each rehearsal. “Everybody felt comfortable members and their families to join their family a whole new way – bigger, more inclusive, and enough to share their pain, their joys, things for their annual New Year’s Day open house; and with much more love. And that, she says, has they probably wouldn’t share with anyone else DeProspo and his wife, Nicole, host Christmas helped her faith to grow a hundredfold. “We are except family,” DeProspo recalled. “It was very dinner. “It’s really been wonderful,” DeProspo Catholic,” she said. “We are people of hope. God moving to see that. Even as the group gets larger, noted. “People who would otherwise be alone has a plan for us that He just wants us to fulfill. it really helps foster that atmosphere of comfort. and missing their own families are there, and We just have to believe that and trust Him.”

The family is the original cell of social life. Authority, stability, and a life of relationships within the family constitute the foundations for freedom, security, and fraternity within society. Catechism of the Catholic Church, 2207

Peter Casella has been a member of St. Joseph’s parish since 1985. You can read his writings about his Catholic faith and leave your own comments and observations at

The Learning Chapel

Soon after he arrived at St. Joseph’s, Father I realized what was meant by listening for the to leave. Sometimes I arrive with an angry Thanh suggested how wonderful it would be if Holy Spirit in the quiet. heart and demand something be done about one-hour visits to the Blessed Sacrament were I do not need to do it. However, as soon as I look on the Blessed initiated in the Cody Chapel. It sounded like a anything to earn the love Sacrament, my heart becomes still and, at the great idea to me and my husband, so we signed of God. I need only to end of the hour, my demands and anger have up with Ms. Mull to take an hour on Tuesday. accept that He does love dissolved into praise. Since then, we have only had to miss one. me and will show me, in the quiet of my mind, Now, I am a cradle Catholic and Don is a long- what He wants of me. time convert. But never, in all the religion Usually, it is to help a classes as a child, Catholic School, and later as particular someone other an adult, had I learned the things I have learned Georgia than myself. He gives in the hours we spend in the Cody Chapel. MacLean me the will and ability to do just that. First, I learned just how quiet and calming it was to spend an hour there, in the presence of The peace which comes from being in the Jesus. Several thoughts came to my mind, and presence of the Lord is undeniable. It is hard PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Focus on Faith 22

Observations on Overcoming Fears By Richard Stritter - June 2, 2015

1. One Short Leg climb upon. The water was now only up to our 5. Daughter and the One day, when I was about five years old, I shins. We were out of immediate danger, but how Telephone Company Panel Truck commented to my extended family that I had one were we going to return to our parents? The family was working and playing in our front leg shorter than the other (by about 3/4 inch). My yard on a quiet cul-de-sac late Friday afternoon when Aunt chimed in saying I must have had a touch of We could reach over and touch the cliff, and we someone asked, “Where is the three-year-old girl.” Polio. This news got me to worry that I might still saw that the top was only about seven to eight feet We all started to look around – the neighbors came have the disease and therefore I could wind up in straight up. It was hard to see because the noon day out to help. an Iron Lung. When we visited a Polio treatment sun was shining brightly in our eyes. There were center, I saw several men living their lives, confined many small hand and toe holds in the lava rocks. We After searching for ten to fifteen minutes, we were 24 hours a day in their Iron Lung, looking at their spread out and began to climb up the cliff. just about to call the police when a telephone world using a mirror just above their head. panel truck pulled up, and the nervous driver We clawed ourselves up only about a yard and then quickly opened the back door, and asked, “Is this I had said many prayers to God asking that I be all of us acutely felt the pain of the jagged lava your child?” spared. It was a relief to finally learn several years digging into our hands and feet. There was no way later, due to the Salk Polio vaccine, I would not we could continue. I looked down and decided to There was our daughter, happily playing with the contract Polio. jump back into the water and then remembered – many phones within her reach. She had seen the The Rock! If we let go, we would fall back and surely phones and climbed into the truck, just as the repair 2. Lost Away From School break an ankle; or worse. man finished his job. He then shut the back door without looking inside and drove away. This was on For no particular reason, at age 8, I decided to take Someone then yelled, “Please Jesus, help us!” Our a walk away from my school in the city and see the a Friday afternoon. He entered the company storage strength suddenly returned, and we all started to climb yard, with a gate which could be locked, and somehow neighborhood. When I had walked a few blocks, I again – oblivious to the pain. We quickly covered the was completely turned around and had no idea how heard her talking. He immediately drove back and, last five to six feet, encouraging each other. When the after we got her untangled, speedily drove off. to return. I was lost. first guy reached the top, he turned and helped the next one get up and onto dry land. We walked on the Seeing an old fashioned police station, I walked in We about died when we thought she could have top of the cliff back to our folks, with lots of small spent all weekend in the back of that truck. God was and told the nearest officer what school I attended, cuts and bruises to show for our adventure. and I was lost. All the officers were most kind, called surely with the driver and our daughter. the school, got me an ice cream cone, and drove Lessons learned: 6. Death of a Son me back to my Catholic grade school. My parents 1. The ocean can change in a minute. always said, “Find a policeman if you ever need help, 2. A rock certainly can be a safe haven to climb In between our second and third child, my wife and they will always do the right thing.” The sisters upon. miscarried at about five months. There was nothing at the Catholic school also must have been praying 3. The rock which was once safe can become a the doctors could do, he was born so quickly. He when it was discovered I was missing. very dangerous place to return to. is buried in the Garden of Angels section of the 4. Keep moving up – even if it’s directly toward cemetery and is named Michael Patrick. 3. Caught on a Cliff – Why You Can’t Go Back the Son. Many years ago, when our family was living on 5. Jesus does answer prayers. It was a tremendous loss, but with the birth of our a small Pacific island, we visited a new beach. Two third and fourth children within the next three years, friends and I decided to walk away and explore. 4. Graduate on Time we were able to continue our lives, but his memory will always be with us. We waded in ankle-deep water, in our bare feet and I was dismayed during my junior year at University dressed only in bathing suits. We looked for shells and when I realized I could not graduate in the expected 7. Fire Destroys Business and a Marriage were finding lots of interesting sea life under coral and four years (eight semesters). Not being able to pass in the sand. On the right was a ten-foot cliff made of fourth year physics meant I needed to take a reduced Our family went camping one weekend, along with sharp lava rock which encircled the island. We were class load so my GPA would rise and give me time two friends, at a lovely campground about one hour walking on the sandy bottom of the cliff, exploring to prepare for a retake of the toughest course in the away. Our day care business was going well, and we for ocean treasures. After walking about a quarter of Engineering Program. I successfully passed it in the needed a break from tending to some thirty youngsters a mile around several bends, we were totally out of final months of my senior year, but I still needed – twelve hours a day, Monday through Friday. Just sight from our family and were very much alone. I several more credit hours in order to graduate. My after we ate dinner, it began to “rain cats and dogs” – realized they had no idea where we had gone. parents were not pleased but agreed to fund the all night long. About 6:00 a.m., we were awakened by summer semester. I was able to take two summer a park employee who indicated we had an emergency Suddenly, the water began to rise, first up to our courses which gave me enough credit hours to join phone call from my mother. I ran to the pay phone knees. We kept walking. Then up to our waist. We the other graduates and receive my diploma in early and called my mom collect. She gave us the news that began to think about turning back. Then quickly it August with my proud parents in attendance. our closed and locked day care building had burnt was up to our necks. The waves were now tossing down during that stormy night. us into the jagged cliff. We also feared we could be I learned that, with excellent guidance from the swept back into the ocean. University, understanding parents, and my renewed We quickly threw the wet tent into the van and determination, my goal of an Engineering degree raced up the highway to our day care center. It was a By sheer luck, we came upon a large underwater was achieved. This knowledge and diploma has total loss; all equipment, supplies, and records were coral rock, close to the cliff, which we could all served me well for my entire life. destroyed. The insurance paid in full but covered PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Focus on Faith 23

only the cost of demolition and clearing the land. It 9. Daughters Illness because she was hungry. The doctors tried unusual was such a shock that, for months, we had trouble For the first year after our daughter was born, she combinations of foods. One that she seemed to trying to cope, which was a large factor in our appeared to be exceptionally normal in every way. tolerate was frog legs and broccoli. Finding stores getting a divorce. After she began to eat solid food, what seemed to that sold frogs legs was a challenge. be allergies took over her body. She had excessive 8. Car Repossessed breathing problems and coughing spells. Many After adjusting her medication many times, a When one of the two cars we owned quit running different foods were tried to see what she might be certain combination of antibiotics seemed to work. and was too costly to repair, we found a friend able to tolerate, but nothing seemed to allow enough She began to gain weight and do well in school. who would rent us a car for as long as we wanted, nutrition to stay in her system. After several years, she was no longer affected by the but the monthly payments needed to be made on disease – whatever type it was. Now she is married time. Cash was very tight and some bills, especially After many visits to a children’s research hospital, the with two children, participates in bicycle races, and credit cards, were always paid late. One month, we tests showed she had cystic fibrosis. The prognosis has a successful career as an emergency room nurse. could not send the car payment, and two mornings was not good – she probably would not live past age later, the car was gone. When I called the police, five or six. We began the recommended treatments Several of her young hospital friends passed away. they looked up their record and said the owner – mist tents, clapping on her back many times a God allowed our daughter to live an outstanding had lawfully repossessed it. The lesson was learned day to loosen the mucus, and lots of medication to life thanks to our prayers and the many Masses and the hard way, but I have never been late with any combat the lung problems and suspected allergies. novenas said by her grandparents. payment ever since. At one time, she was discovered eating toothpaste

Nothing but the Righteous Sunday September 6, 1965 My mother was very burning in my heart to be closer to Jesus, I decided Two women dressed in white came and sat down diligent about instilling to walk up and become a candidate for baptism. My on each side of our pew. It was as if we had our own three things when bringing baby sister, Val, at eight years of age, followed me. guardian angels. up her children: 1) Prayer – In her heart, God Mother and many of her friends were so proud of As the song continued, they led us up to the came before everything. On my decision. Of course, at thirteen, I did not know baptismal pool behind the pulpit and tied a white Sunday mornings, in silent what this all entailed; it just felt like the right thing headpiece around our heads. The congregation understanding, the family to do. continued singing the stanzas as the preacher led my gathered in the living room baby sister into the pool with him. He said a few Gwendolyn for prayer before eating or Our Baptism was set for the first Sunday in words, then covered her face and dipped her small drinking. September, and Mother spent the previous weeks body backwards: “I baptize you in the name of the Butler making our baptismal gowns. First Baptist supplied Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!” 2) Serving God – She these outfits, but Mom wanted her girls to have their embellished this rule by own. When she came in from a hard day’s work, she The two women waited to dry her off, and the song sending us to Sunday school would put supper on and work on those gowns. continued. even before we entered first grade. First Baptist of Mandarin was a modest, white, wooden church in Mother pointed out how fortunate we were to have Then, it was my turn. The preacher took my the backwoods off what is now San Jose Boulevard. the “pool” inside the church. When she was baptized hand and guided me down into the pool with As soon as breakfast ended, we promptly dressed in Anthony, Florida, the congregation gathered on a him. Though we were inside a building, the water and began walking toward church. riverbank. The candidates had to step into a shallow, was cold. The congregation continued to gather 3) Discipline – We were to abide by her principles. muddy section with the preacher – “And ooooooh, in song as the preacher held me, and suddenly She grew up with the scripture, “Train a boy in the that water was so cold!” she reminisced. dipped me backwards “. . . In the name of the way he should go; even when he is old, he will not Father, Son, and Holy Spirit!” The words of the swerve from it” (Proverbs 22:6), forever stamped on The day of our Baptism had finally come. Upon song resonated through my soul and still does her forehead. arrival, we were led into the dressing area and today, fifty years later. instructed to sit on the front row during morning Mother’s favorite biblical hero was David, a boy who services. The message was fiery as usual. In my senior year at Wolfson High, my class stood up to a great giant in defense of God’s name. had vast choices of electives. Among them were Like David, mother was fearless, never bowing to Then, the music changed to a familiar tune I’d heard Old Testament or New Testament. I chose New those in high positions. She felt it didn’t matter who many times, and the congregation began singing: Testament. I learned so much about Jesus and was in the White House, Governor’s seat, or Mayor’s the many miracles He performed! On top of this, seat. God was, and always will be, her President, her I love Jesus, I love Jesus, I love Jesus, yes, I do. even He was baptized just as I was in my youth. Governor, and her Mayor. “All our leaders’ lives,” Our pastor at First Baptist was imitating John the said mother, “are just as dependent on the heavenly Take me to the water, take me to the water, take me to Baptist at the Jordan River, so my mother actually Father as I am!” the water to be baptized. got the more authentic experience. I’ve thought about that precious Sunday many times since. On In late August of 1965, mother drove us to a weekend Nothing but the righteous, nothing but the righteous, my “golden” anniversary, I can truly declare John revival at the new church on San Jose. With a nothing but the righteous shall see God. the Baptist is a Saint. PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Focus on Faith 24 The Two Anchors of our Catholic Faith

There is, without a doubt, again and again, but to no avail, as, unscathed to destroy her. The two columns were to a tremendous battle going and undaunted, it keeps on its course. At times, symbolize Mary and The Blessed Sacrament.” on between good and evil, a formidable ram splinters a gaping hole in its and we need to know how hull, but immediately, a breeze from the two “Very well Father”, said Saint John Bosco, we can do our part to columns instantly seals the gash.” “except for one thing; enemy ships symbolize help defend the Catholic persecutions.” Church from its enemies, “Meanwhile, enemy cannons blow up; firearms and to help our own and beaks fall to pieces; ships crack up and Saint John Bosco then gave this prophecy: “Very spiritual lives and those of sink to the bottom. In blind fury, the enemy grave trials await the Church. What we suffered Jim our relatives and friends, takes to hand-to-hand combat, cursing and so far is almost nothing compared to what is Wasel ultimately saving our own blaspheming. Suddenly the pope falls, seriously going to happen. The enemies of the Church souls from damnation. wounded, he is instantly helped up, but struck a strive their utmost to sink the flagship. Only second time, dies. A shout of victory rises from two things can save us in such a grave hour: Saint John Bosco (1815-1888) was the recipient the enemy and wild rejoicing seeps their ships Devotion to Mary and frequent Communion. of many prophetic dreams which are recorded but no sooner is the pope dead, than another Let’s do our very best to use these two means in seven large volumes. These dreams were so takes his place. The captains of the auxiliary and have others use them everywhere.” vivid and so frequent that he often dreaded ships elected him so quickly that news of the going to bed. The most famous dream, “The pope’s death coincides with that of his successor’s HOW CAN WE RELATE THIS DREAM TO Vision of the Two Columns,” is said to foretell a election. The enemy’s self-assurance wanes.” OUR OWN SPIRITUAL JOURNEY? great victory for the Church through Mary and the Eucharist, and is reproduced below in his “Breaking through all resistance, the new pope How can we, in these evil times, help secure own words. steers his ship safely between the two columns; God’s victory against the enemies of His first to the one surmounted by the Host, and Church? We must FIRST be anchored in THE VISION OF THE TWO COLUMNS the other, topped by a statue of the Virgin. At our faith to the Holy Eucharist (salvation of this point, something unexpected happens, the believers) by participating in the Holy Sacrifice In His dream on May 30th, 1862, Saint John enemy ships panic and disburse, colliding with of the Mass, not only on weekends, but on Bosco recounted that he had seen an immense and scuttling each other.” weekdays also, receiving Holy Communion sea on which a great many ships during Mass in a worthy manner, that is, free were arranged for battle against “Some auxiliary ships, which from all mortal sin. In order to be free from a larger and taller ship. The had gallantly fought alongside mortal sin, we must go to confession often, at following are his words. their flagship, are the first to least once a month, or more frequently when tie up at the two columns. we become aware of committing a mortal sin. “In the midst of this endless Many others, which had Receiving Holy Communion when we have a sea, two solid columns, a short fearfully kept far away from mortal sin on our soul is worthless because Jesus distance apart, soar high into the fight, stand still, cautiously does not make His abode in a dirty soul, and the sky. One is surmounted waiting until the wreaked we lose all the graces we could have obtained by by a statue of The Immaculate enemy ships vanish under the worthily receiving Him. In fact, receiving Him Virgin, at whose feet a large waves. Then, they too head unworthily itself is a sin or sacrilege against the inscription reads: ‘Auxilium for the two columns, tie up at Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Christianorum’ (‘Help of the swinging hooks and ride Christians’). The other, far safe and tranquil beside their Our Holy Father, Pope Saint John Paul II, loftier and sturdier, supports a flagship. A great calm now has also personally told us that “Our essential Host of proportionate size, and covers the sea” (Memoirs, Vol. commitment in life is to grow spiritually in the Saint John Bosco bears beneath the inscription: VII, pages 107-08). climate of the Holy Eucharist.” He went on ‘Salus credentium’ (‘Salvation of believers’).” to explain, “Our communal worship at Mass, After concluding his account, Saint must go together with our “The flagship commander – the Roman Pontiff John Bosco asked a young priest, personal worship of Jesus in – standing at the helm, strains every muscle to Father Michael Rua what he thought Eucharistic Adoration, in order steer his ship between the two columns, from of his dream. Fr. Rua replied: The that our love may be complete.” those summits hang many anchors and strong flagship symbolized the Catholic This can be done by not only hooks linked to chains. The entire enemy fleet Church, commanded by the Pope, receiving Jesus Christ worthily closes in to intercept and sink the flagship at all the ships represented mankind. The in Holy Communion, but costs. They bombard it with everything they sea was an image of the world. The also by praying and adoring, have: books and pamphlets, and incendiary flagships’ defenders are the , loyal and developing a personal and bombs, firearms, cannons. The battle rages ever to the Church, the attackers are her intimate relationship with Jesus more furious. Beaked prows ram the flagship enemies who strive with every weapon Pope John Paul II in the Blessed Sacrament. PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Focus on Faith 25

As we spend more and more time in close proximity with Jesus in Eucharistic Adoration, to make Jesus more and more Labels for Life the center of our life, we will also grow in holiness, develop a deeper love for Jesus, Every now and again, we experience a feeling of Again, Saint Paul, in his letter to the Galatians, and be able to feel His love for us. Jesus ambivalence. That’s life. The occasion might stresses perseverance as we “walk by the Spirit.” is like a good friend whom we can depend just be reading the newspaper, listening to the “The one who sows for his flesh will reap upon to help us with whatever problem evening news on television, or in the course of a corruption from the flesh, but the one who sows may come our way. conversation with a friend or even a quiet moment for the Spirit will reap eternal life from the Spirit. with a thought just coming out of nowhere. Let us not grow tired of doing good, for in due Saint John Paul II also wrote, “It is pleasant time we shall reap our harvest, if we do not give to spend time with Him, to lie close to In times past, I remember how I used to react up” (Galatians 6:8-9). His breast like the beloved Disciple (John when I heard a phrase like “born again” or “spirit- 13:25), and to feel the infinite love present filled.” I saw them as labels, and they made me “Born again” and “spirit-filled” are really at the in His Heart.” uncomfortable. I thought my more traditional heart of the Christian lifestyle. The works of the theological concepts and vocabulary were being flesh are put to death, and the fruits of the Spirit SECOND, we must be anchored to our invaded. Looking back, I just say, “What on earth are the sure and steady footsteps to eternal life with Blessed Mother, “Help of Christians,” was I thinking, or not thinking?” the Lord. This is exactly what Saint spouse of the Holy Spirit, Mother of God, Paul had in mind in his letter to the Seat of Wisdom, Queen of Peace, our Our Church affirms the reality and truth Corinthians when he spoke of a “new Heavenly Mother, our help to lead us to of what these phrases point to. Take the creation:” “So whoever is in Christ is her Son Jesus Christ. term “born again.” Remember Jesus’ a new creation: the old things have words to Nicodemus in John’s Gospel: passed away; behold, new things have One of the most important prayers we “Amen, amen, I say to you, no one come” (2 Corinthians: 5:17). can pray is the Rosary, which helps us to can see the kingdom of God without meditate on the various mysteries of the being born from above.” Nicodemus Putting it mildly, ambivalence to Gospels and the life of Christ. Also, by is stunned. Jesus repeats: “No one can “born again” and “spirit-filled” was a praying to Mary, she will bring us closer enter the kingdom of God without being Tom terrible reaction. Total commitment to her Son, Jesus. She asks us to pray the born of water and Spirit” (John 3:3-5). Kelly is where it’s at, and where it was all Rosary every day, if possible fifteen decades, this time, and where it always will be. while meditating on each of the mysteries. We are first “born again” when we receive the Sacrament of Baptism. But, Sister Lucy of Fatima had this to say to the mission of the Holy Spirit has only just begun Father Fuentes about the Rosary in an in us. The Spirit continues to come in other ways authentic interview on December 26, 1957: as in the other Sacraments of the Church, in our devout participation at Mass, in times of prayer, Roderick’s Haikus “Look, Father, the Most Holy Virgin in spiritual reading, listening to a homily, taking Vapor clouds to rain. these last times in which we live, has given a counsel, and whenever we are open to the Spirit in the everyday moments of life. The Gospel tells Rain gathers into puddles. new efficacy to the recitation of the Rosary. Puddles to vapor. She has given this efficacy to such an us, “The Spirit breaths where he will” (John 3:8). extent that there is no problem, no matter Flowers form to fruit. Then there is “spirit-filled.” We don’t just sit there how difficult it is, whether temporal or Fruit falls to ground, becomes seeds. above all spiritual, “filled.” We live our lives “walking in the Spirit.” Seeds grow to flowers. in the personal life In his letter to the Galatians, Saint Paul tells us of each one of us, of what such a lifestyle entails: “The fruit of the Spirit Sun shines for flowers. our families, of the is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, generosity, Suns swirl in their galaxies. families of the world faithfulness, gentleness, self-control. . . . If we Galaxies give dust. or of the religious live in the Spirit, let us also follow the Spirit” Cosmic dust to stars. communities, or (Galatians 5:22,25). Stars collapse, become black holes. even the life of Sister Lucy of Fatima Black holes spew out dust. peoples and nations, that cannot be solved by the Rosary. There God forms earth from dust. is no problem I tell you, no matter how Earth gives a home to mankind. difficult it is, that we cannot resolve by the Mankind becomes dust. prayer of the Holy Rosary.” ______“The Two Anchors of Our Catholic Faith – Without Which We Stray Into Raging Waters.” Eucharistic Holiness By Roderick T. Beaman, D.O. (July-Aug. 2008): 1-3. Print. PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Focus on Faith 26 Friends Across Borders July 12, 2015

Imagine this: You are in a and six lay missioners. A Although I thought I was well foreign country, waiting welcoming lunch greeted our educated, this trip made me for a van in front of your arrival, followed by prayers of realize how little I knew about hotel. You notice a woman blessing for our time in Brazil. the history and geography who was on the bus from of South America. I set out the airport the night before Our eight days in Sao Paulo imagining a country with and at breakfast. She smiles, were filled with exploring and some native Indian tribes, and you start talking, learning; visiting historical that had been colonized by haltingly, in a combination sites, museums, and the the Portuguese. I ended up of gestures, some English ministries in which the Girls in a pew at Mass visiting a multi-ethnic, diverse Mary Morris and assorted memorized lay missioners country with a large Japanese Williams foreign phrases. You learn serve. At the ministry sites, we occasionally met population (invited to come as farmers), Italians, she is on her way to Rome with directors of programs, were introduced to Germans, Syrians, people from different countries to study Italian for fifteen colleagues of the missioners, and had opportunities in Africa, and an indigenous Indian tribe (the days, leaving her husband to speak with the people served. Guaraní Mbyá). behind for this short trip. You try to explain that you are there on a mission trip and are waiting for Patty and I accompanied Maryknoll is known for a van to pick you up. When the bus for the airport Kathy Bond to her program reaching out to marginalized arrives, she smiles and gives you a hug “goodbye.” at one of the women’s prisons. people: the poor, the She works with a group of homeless, refugees, and those pregnant women along with in prison. We also visited a group of new mothers and a Center for Immigrants, their babies who are allowed to Refugees and Migrant remain with their mothers for workers (Missão Paz) which six months. She teaches yoga was responding to a large to help develop centeredness influx of Haitians. Housed and identity in the mothers, Three Maryknoll lay missioners: Kathy Bond, Kim in a large parish center where Fischer and Catherine Heinhold and basic baby massage to they slept on the floor, they help the mothers bond with their children and were given legal and social work services to help get give them a good foundation before the expected proper documentation, jobs, and homes. Many of Bryan and Mary Williams with housing in the background in Sao Paulo neighborhood separation. Her love, dedication to, and caring the Haitians had left Haiti through the Dominican for these women were evident in her greetings to Republic from whence they flew to Panama City. This was one of my them and in her teaching. Then, they took buses and trains for roughly first experiences in Sao Even though what we saw twenty-five travel days to get to Brazil. Paulo, Brazil, waiting was spoken in a foreign for Catherine Heinhold, language, the smiles and Other stops on our journey included an alternative the Maryknoll lay gestures communicated health center on the southern periphery of the city; missioner who would the underlying message of a visit to a health center that served the indigenous be our guide for eleven hope and love. Indians; a Women’s Center helping women in days. A hug at the end situations of vulnerability and of a brief conversation! Our next visit was domestic violence; and a Project What kind of people are View of Sao Paulo from center of city to a shelter for for People in the Situation of these Brazilians? I told this story to women and children which Homelessness, Cor da Rua, Catherine shortly after she picked served refugees from many which had a handicraft shop to my husband, Bryan, and me up. She African countries (Angola, support the ministry. Our days commented that the lady I spoke Congo, and the Democratic were punctuated with lunches to probably continued to think of Republic of the Congo) and at restaurants serving many me on her way to the airport and released female prisoners. different ethnic foods. Our meal wonder about my life. With expert translation help times gave us opportunities from the missioners, we to speak more with the Our introduction to Brazil was warm learned the plight of many missionaries who were working and welcoming. After picking up African women who were in the different programs. Patty and Joe Symkowick, a couple fleeing violence in their native from Sacramento, at the airport, we countries and the plight of Street scene in front of We were greeted, welcomed, headed to the home of Greg and women who were duped Cor da Rua – homeless ministry and hugged by so many people Kim Fisher, two more lay missioners into transporting drugs into along our journey. Even in the in this small Maryknoll community Brazil, caught and imprisoned far midst of difficulty, people greeted us and were comprised of two priests, two sisters from their native countries. willing to share their stories and their food. Historic train station in Sao Paulo PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Focus on Faith 27

One of the reasons I chose to go on this trip was to near Paraguay. This is one of the wonders of the see Maryknoll in action. I have been involved in a world, a splendid marvel of God’s creation. We Maryknoll Affiliate group for four years and have had a friendly taxi driver on our second day at the read the Maryknoll Magazine for many years. This falls who also drove us to the airport on our last was an opportunity to see a place where Maryknoll day. I wasn’t surprised when my goodbye with her has an established community and to see this included a hug, a special end to a fabulous trip. community in action, serving a city with multiple problems and needs. ______

A special treat at the end of our mission days was Picture in Church during special presentation a visit to Iguazu Falls, located in the southwestern The name of the program for this trip was “Friends part of Brazil, at the border with Argentina and across Borders.” We did not go there to build, paint, or provide medical services. We went there to be with the people, share in the lives of the Maryknoll community, learn about Sao Paulo, and submerge ourselves in a different culture. This trip accomplished its purposes. I feel I now have friends across the Brazilian border. I have made friends with the missionaries and connected to the people For more information about Maryknoll they serve. I will not forget the faces of the women mission trips, explore their website: prisoners as they massaged their babies or the faces of the refugee women in the shelter. These faces Maybe God is calling you to step out remind me of the needs not only in Brazil, but also of your comfort zone in Jacksonville and many other cities of the world. Iguazu Falls, Brazil and explore a different part of His world.

Be Encouraged Through Your Faith

For everyone who asks, receives; around us, it overflows onto them. He wants us to detail of our life. There is nothing we can do to be and the one who seeks, finds; be so blessed in our finances, we may tithe first back more or less important in God’s love for us. Take your and to one who knocks, the door will be opened to him, pay our debts, accomplish our dreams, and concerns and cares to the Father today. Call on him, (Matthew 7:8). be a blessing to help others in our community. We because Jesus cares for us and we are important to must thank God every day and Praise His name for Him. He is ready to bless and empower us to live in Is there something you are asking God for? Does abundance in every area of our lives. God delights in victory all the days of our lives. Each of us is the apple it seem as though it is taking a long time coming the prosperity of His people. of His Eye. “Let it be done for you according to your to pass? Be encouraged today because the Faith” (Matthew 9:29). If we allow God to move in Bible says that through faith and patience, If you feel down and defeated, lift up our lives, we have to approach every day filled with an you will inherit God’s promises. So don’t your burdens to God. Embrace the abundance of hope and faith. By the Spirit of God, we give up! Keep thanking God for his freedom Jesus paid for you on the cross. have unlimited resources. When you open the door of faithfulness in your life. Trust his Word is He has set us free from the bondage faith in your heart, God will move through you by true. Keep praying and retain an attitude of sin, fear, need, sickness, cares, and the power of His Spirit. By his Spirit, you can receive of faith and expectancy. Keep asking. Keep doubts. Stand firm in the goodness healing. By His Spirit, you can fulfill every dream seeking. Keep knocking on the door and it of the glory of the Lord. Accept His and desire in your heart. No matter what challenges will be opened to you. It may seem like it’s freedom and follow His path for you. or obstacles you are facing today, know that you can taking a long time, but know this: God is Release every burden and care to Jesus live in complete victory by His Spirit. To lighten your working behind the scenes on your behalf. today because you know in your heart burden, call on the Prince of Peace. The Bible says He is orchestrating things in your favor. His Ella Omemma He cares for you. Ask Jesus to help you His yoke is easy and His burden is light. We don’t timing is always perfect! As you stay faithful Simmons to understand His grace and goodness have to carry the worries and stresses of this life! Call in your prayers and thanksgiving, the Lord and to empower you to walk completely on the Prince of Peace often. Live the way God has will move mightily on your behalf. in His name. Make God’s words a given to you, filled with peace and joy. priority in your life today; treasure His words so you God wants us to excel in every area. God takes can move in the abundant life he has for you. “Look back and thank God. Look forward and pleasure in prospering us. He doesn’t want us to trust God. He closes doors no one can open, and he have just barely enough to meet our own needs. God We are the apple of his eye. The things that concern opens doors no one can close” wants us to be so blessed that when other people get us, concern God. He carefully watches over every (Unknown Author).

Dedicated to Charles N. Simmons III Death leaves a Heartache, no one can Heal – True Life leaves Memories, no one can Steal PARTICIPATION WEEKEND 2015 Happenings 28 New Parishioners We are pleased to welcome the following new members of our parish family who registered between March 4 and August 4, 2015.

Charles B Abbott John Futch & Megan Zacharias David & Paula Meadows Ronald Rogers Michael & Tiffany Abinsay Francisco Garcia Juan Melgar & Maria Ortiz Jose & Jasmine Rojas Jordan Acedera Sarah Gibson Robert Mendez Robert & Frances Rollin Vincente & Lilia Aldrufea Sean Goldsberry Robert & Catherine Messina Jose & Caroline Rombola Cara Marie Algiere April Gooderham Paul & Gina Meyer Matthew J Rosenbaum Lauro & Venice Ampongan Aaron Goolsby Katherine Miller Caitlyn Roth William & Susan Andorfer Michael Gorman Kyle Monoson & Evageline Scott Belinda Rudolph Raymund & Nyree Armoreda Gabriel & Blasina Guzman Bryan Monroe John & Jerri Safar James & Roseann Barber Bonnie Heiland Michael Morgan Georgia Saffa Filomena Battista Daniel M & Patricia A Hoffman Jason P Morrison Limuel Sagadraca Anthony & Stephanie Beres Curt Hollis Peter Morrissey Daniel & Amy Santavicca Briggs Bickley Dustin & Nicole Hollis Yazmin Mota Michael & Catherine Schaffer Spiritual Director Monica Biggs Merritt C Hughes Mark & Jennifer Murphy Trina Serrano Father Thanh Nguyen Woyciech Bil Linda Igbeka-Nauden Ramon & Lynette Navedo Renato & Giselle Silva Charles Borgen Rhodeline Jean Dan Nehring Lindsay Simmons Michelle Brown Adriana Jenkins Thu Thuy Nguyen Shawn & Audra Smith Neil & Cayuym Bruggeman Inell Johnson Toan & Debora Nguyen Rafael & Elizabeth Solis Dennis & Jaimie Bruner Jeremy & Kerry Johnson Derek Noce Frank & Louise Spinato Editorial Staff Christopher Burgess Matthew D Johnson Cameron & Marianne Novac Jeff Springmann Maria Cancio Travis Johnson Sean O’Malley Christopher Steele Angela Allala L Merlin Carter Michael & Marinelle Jones Timothy Orth Juan Suarez Roger Lestina Mark Carter William Joyce Juliet Ortiz Jason Sydorowicz & Christina Ghioto Holly Palmer Chaky Colleen King Steven & Angelita Pagley Derrick & Jessica Talbot Robert & Patricia Clayton James & Elina Klingsmith Angela Pardee Les Targonski James & Paulette Cosentino Valeria Knier Christopher S & Ariann A Parker Jacqueline Teichert Albert & Jenna Crothers Lindita Kosova Angelo Patacca Kevin & Jennifer Traynor Layout, Design and Margaret Curry Elizabeth Kulikov Art & Kristen Perez Joanna Trinidad Frank & Rita Delessandro Delilah Leon Sergio Perez Michael & Angelique Tripoli Production Daniel Detrich Edward Lian & Rizza Evangelio Christie Piper Maria Vasquez Angela Allala Michael Driscoll Rafael Lizarazu Flor Pjetri Alex & Jonalyn Velasco Marc Echague Whitney Lomax Robert Podolinski Gerardo Velez Melissa Esposito John Lopez Juan & Nadia Polanco Henry & Kirstin Walker Rachel Esposito Joseph & Tracey Lopez Justin & Michelle Pritchard Mary White John & Alvi Estioko Michelle Macedo Brian Rapien Rocio Wind St. Joseph’s Reflections Rosario Fernandez Raul Machin Bo Raposh John & Nancy Wood is the newspaper of Luis & Maria Ferrer Connie Maratas Sammuel & Meagan Rector Erik & Sarah Wright St. Joseph’s Catholic Church, Jamal Filo Susan McCoy Linda Riccardi Charlie & Brittany Wussick Catherine Fitzpatrick Jeffrey McDaniel Steven Roadruck John & Ruthann Wyzyjowski Jacksonville, Florida. Eric Frank Michael & Pamela McKeon Dennis & Mary Roderick James Yeager It is published in Richard Ziminski celebration of Easter, Participation Weekend in AUGUST OCTOBER PREP 7th Grade Parent Meeting September, and Christmas. 11 No School (Veteran’s Day) The mission of 29 Participation Weekend 2 First-Friday Healing Mass 13 SJS Talent Show St. Joseph’s Reflections 30 Participation Weekend 4 Alter Server Training 15 Parish Gift Shop Open House is to build community ______4 Respect Life – Life Chain PREP Family Picnic by informing and educating 7 FFC Family Night 16 Baptism Seminar parish members, strengthening 11 Fall Festival the bond between them, SEPTEMBER 21 K of C Turkey Bingo inviting and inspiring their 12 SJS No School (In-Service Day) 25 No PREP 2 SJS Early Release participation in parish ministries 16 SJS 11:00 a.m. Release (Conf.) SJS Thanksgiving Break Begins and activities, and encouraging FFC Family Night 17 SJS Annual Craft Show 26 Thanksgiving Day and supporting their outreach to 4 First-Friday Healing Mass st 19 1 Reconciliation Parents Meeting the Jacksonville community. 7 No School (Labor Day) 24 St. Anne’s Circle Halloween Party ______9 PREP Parent Meeting 26 Baptism Seminar St. Joseph’s Catholic Church 12 Jericho March/National Day DECEMBER 11730 St. Augustine Road ______Jacksonville, Florida 32258-2002 of Remembrance 2 SJS Early Release 13 New Alter Server Training Begins Phone: (904) 268-5422 FFC Family Night Fax: (904) 292-0248 Youth Ministry Kick-Off NOVEMBER st 3 1 Reconciliation St. Anne’s Circle Potluck 1 All Saint’s Day 4 First-Friday Healing Mass RCIA Meetings Begin Daylight Savings Time Ends 5 Diaconate Ordination 16 PREP Classes Begin 2 All Soul’s Day PASTOR: 9 PREP Advent Penance Service Rev. Thanh Nguyen 19 Women’s CRHP Weekend 4 SJS Early Release 12 K of C Breakfast with Santa 20 Women’s CRHP Weekend FFC Family Night 13 Set-up of Manger 25 SJS Fun Friday PREP 2nd Grade Church Tour PAROCHIAL VICARS:

PARISH CALENDAR PARISH 17 Advent Parish Penance Service 27 First EDGE & Chosen Meetings 6 First-Friday Healing Mass Rev. Bernie Ahern 18 SJS Christmas Holidays Begin Rev. Mangalam David 28 Baptism Seminar SJS Turkey Shoot Out (Early Release) ______9 SJS No School (In-Service Day) 20 St. Anne’s Circle Christmas Party