4 physiotherapist, or wellness initiative to elevate the status of ® In 2010, approximately one-third of exercise behaviors may be detrimental and Benjamin D. Levine, MD the world's population was classified as physically inactive (8).high prevalence To of combatand physical the the inactivity, associated healthburden, and financial the AMACollege and of thejointly Sports American established Medicine the Exercisecine (ACSM) is Medi- physical activity in primaryThe health program care. called forof the basic integration physicalprescription activity into and thecare standard exercise process patient (9). The initiativevocated further that ad- every patientsessment receive an for as- physical activity levels, 3 extreme that includes intensity, frequency, duration, and ” dose “ , to an exercise professional, Indeed, paradoxical to the data concerning the harmful ef- e.g. counseling, exercise prescription, and a physical( activity referral program). This concept characterizes exercise likewith a medication, a mode. As with all medicines, there is ato minimum dose evoke required a physiologicalmaximal benefit, dose an above optimum whichtained. range, There further also and benefits is likely will a toication, be not a be dose including above ob- which anytraining, exercise, med- the therapeutic ratio causes is high, but toxicity. not infinite. Forfects of exercise physical inactivity, theresuggesting that is a growingto body human of health. work The numberultra- of has individuals participating been in steadilycades increasing (10). for While several anfootrace ultra-marathon de- that is exceeds generally the(42.2 defined km) marathon as (11), a distance the actualcompetition of can distances be 26.2 contested extreme and in miles highly single-stage variable,ercise requiring bouts ex- lasting between 6 h andwater 48 h; for Trail example, Black- Marathon in in Durban, , SouthStates Africa USA Endurance (56 Run miles/90 (31 inand km); , miles/50 Western Spartathlon USA in (100 km);distances miles/161 Athens, of Comrades km); multistage Greece races (152(Marathon can range miles/245 from km). 150 Des3100 miles/240 The km miles/4989 Sables kmUSA). The (Self-Transcendence combined in physiological 3100duration, stress the evoked remote in the locations, by varying race terrain, New and distance/ Sahara extremes York, Desert, Africa) to Camilla R. Illidi, MSc; 2 Institute for 4 exercise behaviors may be detri- extreme 4). Guidelines from the – Glenn M. Stewart, PhD; August 2020 Cardiorespiratory Implications of Ultra-marathon 1  Nicholas B. Tiller, Ph.D., 1124 W. Carson St, EDICINE Number 8  297 M or more (5). Long periods of sedentary behav- – 1 − , race directors and medics). Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction 2 i.e. Volume 19 , uninterrupted office work) have been independently

Division of Sport, Health and Exercise Sciences, Department of Life e.g. 3

Abstract Regular physical activity decreases the risk ofII cardiovascular disease, type diabetes, obesity, certain cancers, and all-causethere mortality. Nevertheless, is mounting evidence that mental to human health. This reviewon collates several the decades of physiology literature andemphasis pathophysiology on of ultra-marathon the ,prevalence cardiorespiratory and with implications. clinical significance Herein, of postrace we decreasesand in discuss lung function the diffusing capacity,biomarkers of respiratory cardiac injury, left/right muscle ventricular dysfunction, and fatigue,myocardial chronic remodeling. The aim pulmonary of this edema, article isfor to ultra-marathon inform and risk stratification to edify bestevents ( practice for personnel overseeing the Physical activity, including structured exercise, is preventa- XERCISE IS Institute of Respiratory Medicine and Exercise Physiology, The Lundquist associated with an increased riskfocus of of CVD recent (6). study Accordingly, has a duce been sitting workplace time interventions to (7). re- Institute for Biomedical Innovation at Harbor-UCLA MedicalTorrance, Center, CA; MN; 290 U.S. Department forupon Health by the and AmericanWorld Human Medical Health Association Services, Organization, (AMA) are agreed and toto the 300 engage min in (2.5 at h to leastactivity 5 150 per h) min of week, moderate-intensity aerobic andciseson2d·wk physical to perform muscle-strengthening exer- 1 tive in a myriad ofvascular lifestyle-related diseases, including disease cardio- (CVD),cancers, and type all-cause II mortality (1 diabetes, obesity, certain Introduction

Implications of Ultra-marathon Nicholas B. Tiller, PhD; Exercise Is Medicine? The Cardiorespiratory E CDCRC Bldg, Torrance, CA 90502; E-mail: [email protected] 1537-890X/1908/290 Current Sports Medicine Reports Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine Exercise and Environmental Medicine, Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital Dallas, and University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX Address for correspondence: Sciences, Brunel University London, UNITED KINGDOM; and ior (

Downloaded from https://journals.lww.com/acsm-csmr by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3JhfpBaN+HkyB20deUFjRaKy7gG9x7ziyGXcOguQn1h0ysmVRBasKhQ== on 08/07/2020 Downloaded from https://journals.lww.com/acsm-csmr by BhDMf5ePHKav1zEoum1tQfN4a+kJLhEZgbsIHo4XMi0hCywCX1AWnYQp/IlQrHD3JhfpBaN+HkyB20deUFjRaKy7gG9x7ziyGXcOguQn1h0ysmVRBasKhQ== on 08/07/2020 of temperature and altitude has the potential to evoke pathological Influence of Ultra-marathon on the Respiratory System consequences for all body systems (12). Accordingly, there In terms of the maximal capacity for ventilation, the respi- may be an upper limit beyond which the risks of exercise ratory machinery is thought to be overbuilt for the demands engagement exceed the benefits. Moreover, if such an of exercise. Nevertheless, there are several mechanisms that “upper limit” does exist, it is yet to be defined and remains a potentially limit pulmonary performance, including: airflow topic of contention among scientists and health professionals. limitation, narrowing/obstruction of the upper-airway, This review draws attention to the general physiology and path- exercise-induced arterial hypoxemia owing to a widened ophysiology of ultra-marathon running, with emphasis on the car- alveolar-arterial O2 pressure difference, and respiratory diorespiratory implications. The aim of the article is to inform risk muscle fatigue (21,22). In a study of 110 endurance runners, stratification for the sport, and edify best practice for personnel lung function (spirometry) was negatively and independently overseeing the events (i.e., race directors and medics). associated with marathon time (forced vital capacity [FVC]: r = −0.41; P < 0.001; forced expiratory volume in one second [FEV1]: r = −0.40; P < 0.001; peak expiratory flow [PEF]: Discussion r = −0.50; P = 0.005) (23). While causation cannot be deter- mined, these data offer an insight into the potential impact Physiological Characteristics of Ultra-marathon Runners of lung function on endurance performance. Most commonly Ultra-marathon runners generally contest their first race at determined via spirometry (the ability to inspire and expire the age of 36 y, following ~7 y of competition in running races volumes of air as a function of time), the lung function re- of shorter distance (13). Relative to marathon or half-marathon, sponse to marathon running was studied in the 1920s (24), peak performance in ultra-marathon tends to occur at an but equivalent data in ultra-marathon were not published until older age, and the age of peak performance increases with several decades later. The first study to assess changes in pul- race distance (Table) (12). There is broad variability in the monary function in response to a 100-km footrace (Lake physical characteristics of ultra-marathon runners. Neverthe- Waramaug Ultra in Connecticut, USA) reported significant less, a cohort of athletes contesting 24-h races were reported postrace decreases in FVC, FEV1, and PEF in the region of as having a mean body mass of ~73 kg (14), while elite run- 10% to 15% (25). The diminished lung function was attributed, ners contesting similar distances exhibited values of ~60 kg ˙ at least in part, to small airway obstruction manifesting as a (15). Marathon running is thought to evoke ~75% VO2max and − postrace decrease in maximal midexpiratory flow at 50% FVC moderate to high levels of pulmonary ventilation (>80 L·min 1) (MEF50). These early data have since been replicated in footraces (16), but there is a paucity of equivalent data in ultra-marathon of longer distance, for example, 110-km (26), 330-km (27), running. Given that ultra-marathon runners complete more and 24-h running (28). miles at a slower velocity than marathon runners (17), it is rea- The aforementioned studies report inconsistent evidence of sonable to assume that ultra-marathon will generally evoke airway obstruction (for review, see [29]); therefore, the mech- values below that reported in marathon. Maximal aerobic ˙ anisms that underpin the acute postrace decreases in lung power and velocity at VO2max still appear to be important pre- function are not definitively known. Using the exhaled nitric dictive variables in ultra-marathon performance (14,18). Sur- oxide technique, airway inflammation and subsequent ob- veys of >1200 ultra-marathon runners show them as healthier struction have been observed in those without asthma fol- than age-matched population norms, with rare instances of cor- lowing marathon running (30). Others report a greater relative onary heart disease (~0.7%), cancer (~4.5%), stroke (~0.7%), increase in pulmonary prooxidative levels (hydrogen peroxide and diabetes (~0.7%) (19), although these data may be sub- and nitrogen dioxide) following marathon running when com- ject to selection bias. By contrast, allergies (~25%) and pared with half-marathon or the 10-km distance, suggesting that exercise-induced asthma (~13%) were reported as more prev- running time is positively associated with the magnitude of the alent in ultra-marathon runners (19). Finally, while the inci- acute postexercise, prooxidative state (31). However, there are dence of sudden cardiac arrest in runners is 0.54 per 100,000, limited data to support this hypothesis in ultra-marathon. It also it is significantly higher during versus half mara- is likely that ultra-marathon evokes a degree of fatigue in the thons (1.01 vs 0.27 per 100,000) and higher in men versus respiratory muscles, thereby reducing their force-generating ca- women (0.90 vs 0.16 per 100,000) (20). There are no data to pacity (see below). Despite numerous reports of pulmonary dys- this effect specific to ultra-marathon. function following marathon and ultra-marathon, a recent Table. reanalysis of the data using regression equations from the Global The age of peak performance in ultra-marathon increases with race Lung Function Initiative (32) revealed that postrace values rarely distance (12). fall below the lower-limits of normal, and that the postrace FEV /FVC ratio remains acceptable in all studies (range, 0.78– Race Duration Mean Age (y) 95% CI (y) 1 0.85) (29). Thus, for most individuals (at least in the published 6 h 33.7 32.5–34.9 literature), the postrace decreases in lung function following 12 h 39.4 38.9–39.9 ultra-marathon are unlikely to be of clinical concern. Ultra- marathon may provoke more pronounced clinical manifesta- 24 h 43.5 43.1–43.9 tions in individuals with below-average baseline function, or 48 h 46.8 46.1–47.5 in those with preexisting respiratory disorders (e.g., asthma). 72 h 43.6 40.9–46.3 There are other important perturbations of the pulmonary 6 d 44.8 43.9–45.7 system following prolonged running that warrant consider- ation. For instance, exercise-induced pulmonary edema — an – 10 d 44.6 42.9 46.3 abnormal accumulation of extravascular lung water (EVLW) www.acsm-csmr.org Current Sports Medicine Reports 291

Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. — has been observed (via radiographic analysis) in 17% of capacity, exacerbate dyspnea, and compromise limb-locomotor marathon runners, although this finding did not associate with blood flow via an exercise-induced metaboreflex (21). either lung function or marathon performance (33). Exposure Using mouth-pressure maneuvers as a surrogate for respira- to hypobaric hypoxia alone has been observed to evoke in- tory muscle force output, several studies report evidence of respi- creased lung water in animal models (34). Accordingly, pulmo- ratory muscle fatigue following ultra-marathon (for review, see nary edema could be expected to occur during long duration [29]). Mouth-pressure maneuvers involve maximal inspiratory/ ultra-marathon performed at altitude, but this has only been expiratory efforts against an occluded mouthpiece. The tech- recently investigated. In a series of studies, pulmonary func- nique is noninvasive and generally reproducible, but limited tion and edema were assessed in 75 ultra-marathon runners in that the maneuvers are volitional, subject to athlete moti- contesting 100 mile/161 km footraces at moderate to high alti- vation and a practice effect. Only one study has assessed in- tude (Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc and the Hong Kong 100). spiratory muscle fatigue objectively (using magnetic nerve The authors observed a mean postrace increase in the frequency stimulation) following ultra-marathon. By inducing action of echocardiographic “comet tails”—asignofEVLW— with potentials in the phrenic nerves (those innervating the dia- decreased lung diffusing capacity and alveolar-capillary mem- phragm), Wüthrich et al. (26) provoked involuntary inspira- brane conductance (35). The EVLW and gross decreases in tory muscle contractions in 16 runners following a 110-km alveolar-capillary membrane diffusion were more pronounced ultra-marathon, observing a significant (19%) reduction in in a small subset of runners, suggesting that some individuals the postrace mouth twitch-pressure. Their data support the no- have an increased propensity for developing pulmonary edema tion that inspiratory muscle fatigue following ultra-marathon is under these conditions (35). Decreases in lung diffusing capacity likely due to peripheral neuromuscular factors, as opposed to also occurred congruent with reductionsinrightventricular(RV) those which are centrally mediated (Fig. 1). Worthy of note is function (36). Given that RV dysfunction following ultra- that the race of interest (The Ultra-Trail du Mont-Blanc, which marathon is more prominent when compared to left ventricu- begins in the French Alps) is characterized by moderate to high lar (LV) dysfunction (37), these data indicate that there may altitude, high elevation gain, strict qualifying standards, and be a disproportionate hemodynamic load on the pulmonary necessitates runners of exceptional ability and experience. circulation (heart and lungs) compared to that of the periphery Thus, it is likely that the course induced substantial and during ultraendurance exercise (38). Moreover, it is likely that sustained pulmonary ventilation above-and-beyond that ob- the most pronounced cardiopulmonary perturbations are me- served in most other race types, thus predicating the observed diated by the combined stimuli of exercise intensity, duration, fatigue. The clinical implications of respiratory muscle fatigue and environmental factors (e.g., exposure to cold, dry, hypobaric remain unclear, especially for athletic populations. Moreover, hypoxic air) (39,40). These data, which mechanistically link research is needed to explore the consequences for individuals transient dysfunction of the cardiac and pulmonary systems, who begin ultra-marathons with below-average function. are now enabling a more integrative and robust interpretation Accordingly, with extreme physical effort, the capabilities of the physiology and pathophysiology of ultra-marathon. of the respiratory system may be exceeded acutely, resulting The main respiratory concerns of long-term participation in a relative postrace dysfunction. Nevertheless, most metrics relate to a mismatch between airway caliber and increased tend to recover within 24 h to 48 h, and the respiratory system ventilation during exercise. There also may be chronic airway appears sufficiently robust to meet the body's metabolic needs inflammation (exercise-induced asthma [EIA], exercise-induced in most instances. While there may be certain training-induced bronchoconstriction, and airway hyperresponsiveness) particu- maladaptations in healthy subjects, chronic structural remodel- larly when training and competing in cold, dry conditions (22). ing is more apparent in the cardiovascular system. In a sample of >1200 ultra-marathon runners, EIA was re- ported in 13% (19), likely the result of chronic airway dehydra- Influence of Ultra-marathon on the Cardiovascular System tion and subsequent damage and inflammation (41), although Given the durations of ultra-marathons, and the associated this is far lower than that observed in Olympic athletes (20%) dependence on aerobic energy transfer, much of the literature assessed using bronchodilator and bronchoprovocation tests has focused on potential implications for the cardiovascular (42). The self-reported 11% prevalence of asthma in ultra- system. Acute functional and biochemical cardiac abnormali- marathon runners (19) is similar to 8% observed in the gen- ties are common following intense endurance exercise, although eral population (43). Larger studies with longer follow-ups their clinical significance has been debated (44). As with most en- are required to further elucidate the chronic respiratory conse- durance events, concentrations of cardiac biomarkers (e.g.,crea- quences of participation. tine kinase [CK]-MB, cardiac troponin I) increase following any given ultra-marathon (45–47), although observations of a training-induced increase in muscle CK-MB discount the no- Respiratory Muscle Fatigue tion that this indicates a significant degree of myocardial tis- Another widely studied aspect of respiratory function dur- sue damage (48). Higher absolute exercise intensities are ing exercise is the behavior of the muscles of respiration, spe- generally associated with the greatest increases in troponin cifically the diaphragm and major abdominals, which have concentrations, and faster ultra-marathon runners tend to ex- important roles in ventilating the lungs and in postural con- hibit greater troponin concentrations relative to slower run- trol. Respiratory muscle fatigue is a phenomenon whereby ners (49). While the appearance of myocardial biomarkers muscles attached to the thoracic cage exhibit a reduced appears to be a common, transient response to ultra-marathon, force-generating capacity relative to baseline, usually following more research is needed to elucidate its clinical implications, exhaustive high-intensity exercise (21). Respiratory muscle particularly in relation to ultra-marathon runners who rarely fatigue has the potential to compromise exercise ventilatory experience chronic myocardial injury.

292 Volume 19  Number 8  August 2020 Cardiorespiratory Implications of Ultra-marathon

Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. Figure 1: Prerace to postrace changes in mouth twitch-pressure (n = 16), volitional maximum inspiratory pressure (MIP, n = 22), maximum expiratory pressure (MEP, n = 22), and voluntary activation (n = 16). Open circles depict individual data and closed circles depict mean values. *Significantly different relative to prerace, P < 0.01. From Wüthrich et al. (26).

In terms of functional cardiac changes, ultraendurance ex- (mean duration ~3 h), half- (~5.5 h), Alpine ercise appears sufficient to acutely evoke both LV and RV dys- (~8 h), and Ironman Triathlon (~11 h). While LV function and/or fatigue. Impaired cardiac contractility and altered function was maintained across race type, there were signifi- preload have been observed in finishers of the Ironman cant postrace reductions in all metrics of RV function, includ- Triathlon (50). Moreover, a 100-mile (161 km) ultra-marathon ing ejection fraction. Pertinently, RV stroke volume remained (Western States endurance Run in California, USA) evoked a de- depressed at 1-wk follow-up and, while acute recovery appeared crease in stroke volume from 77 mL ± 12 mL at baseline complete, the authors observed chronic RV structural changes to 64 mL ± 13 mL immediately postrace (51); values that and myocardial fibrosis in a small subset of athletes who ex- approached the lower-limits of normal. Other studies perform- hibited the longest competition history (Fig. 2) (59). ing transthoracic echocardiography have revealed postmarathon Indeed, chronic RV remodeling is most commonly observed decreases in both LV and RV systolic/diastolic function in ama- in highly-trained athletes who compete frequently in events of teur runners, but while systolic values were transient, diastolic duration longer than marathon (60,61). In a study of lifelong, abnormalities persisted at 1-month follow-up (52). The mecha- veteran male marathon and ultra-marathon runners undergo- nisms responsible for diminished postrace stroke volume are ing cardiac magnetic resonance imaging with late gadolinium incompletely understood, but may include RV dysfunction enhancement, the athletes exhibited larger absolute and indexed and horizontal RV-LV interaction, enhanced vagal reactiva- LV and RV end-diastolic and systolic volumes, intraventricu- tion (53), a downregulation of cardiac β-adrenoreceptors medi- lar septum thickness during diastole, posterior wall thickness ated by elevated catecholamines (54), disrupted biochemical during diastole, and reduced LV and RV ejection fractions rel- homeostasis second to elevated free fatty acids (55), and abnor- ative to age-matched controls (62). Moreover, 6 of 12 athletes mal calcium reuptake owing to a decrease in sarcoplasmic retic- presented with evidence of myocardial fibrosis detected using ulum calcium ATPase (56). late gadolinium enhancement, and this was positively associ- Despite acute postrace LV dysfunction in some athletes, the ated with the number of years training (P < 0.001), number response is generally transient and benign. Endurance of competitive marathons (P < 0.001), and ultra-marathon exercise-associated remodeling of the LV is actually thought (P < 0.007) (62). Despite the small sample size, these data col- to be a favorable adaptation to chronic training and, more- lectively suggest that chronic participation in ultraendurance over, LV size is a predictive variable in ultra-marathon perfor- sport may result in pathological changes in myocardial struc- mance (57). Following ultraendurance exercise, there also is a ture and function; indeed, under such conditions, it is possible reduction in RV ejection fraction (58) and, when compared that an arrhythmogenic RV cardiomyopathy-like phenotype with the left ventricle, right ventricle dysfunction may be more may be acquired through intense exercise without an identifi- pronounced and less reversible (37). The notion that the able genetic predisposition (60). magnitude of RV dysfunction may be congruent with exer- An important consideration is whether or not chronic changes cise intensity and/or duration has been explored by La Gerche in cardiovascular structure and/or function — should they be et al. (59). Echocardiography was performed on athletes reasonably replicated and shown in larger samples — result in contesting one-of-four races of varying duration: marathon an increased risk of mortality in otherwise healthy individuals, www.acsm-csmr.org Current Sports Medicine Reports 293

Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. cardiovascular abnormalities. Indeed, even run- ners, who devote many hours per week to accumulating a high weekly mileage, are unlikely to replicate in training the magni- tude of stress/strain encountered during competition, the latter of which may exceed 24-h in duration. As such, the demands and periodic stress of endurance competition may be an impor- tant independent risk factor that warrants closer study.

Additional Considerations A full discussion of the various facets underpinning ultra- marathon performance — such as hydration status, energy and electrolyte balance — is outside the scope of this manu- script (see [65] for further review). Nevertheless, further to the cardiorespiratory implications discussed, several issues de- serve brief consideration owing to their substantial influence on ultramarathon success. First, ultramarathon runners must endure severe muscle damage, particularly in the course of . Creatine kinase concentrations following the Western States Endurance Run in California, USA (100 miles/161 km) increased from 117 U/I at baseline to 17,965 U/I (66), values which vastly exceeded healthy norms. Others have observed whole-blood markers of muscle breakdown to be higher fol- lowing compared with marathons run at a relatively faster pace (67,68). These data suggest that race dis- tance and/or duration may mediate muscle damage more than race intensity. Most ultramarathons are contested on undulat- ing and/or mountainous terrain, and the magnitude of muscle damage may be attributable, at least in part, to downhill run- ning which itself is associated with greater joint flexion angles relative to level or uphill running. This exaggerates the eccentric componentofimpactloading,thereby increasing muscle dam- age (69). Figure 2: Duration-dependent increases in RV dysfunction. Ejec- tion fraction (A), fractional area change (B), and systolic strain rate Second, a common cause of noncompletion and/or reduced (C) decreased in the postrace setting. There was a significant interac- performance in ultramarathon is gastrointestinal (GI) distress. tion between event type and time point (P value) with greater func- A conservative estimate is that 30% to 50% of athletes experience tional declines in those completing the longest event (ultra-triathlon). GI-related issues during ultramarathon (70), although others From La Gerche et al. (59). report values as high as 70% to 80% (71,72). The pathophysiol- ogy of GI distress in ultra-marathon is multifactorial, but is especially when considering the benefits of regular exercise in likely attributable to reduced mesenteric blood flow and a rel- lowering CVD risk (3). Early research suggests protective ef- ative GI hypoperfusion (73). This is often predicated by dehy- fects of such training. Following nitroglycerin administration, dration, ingestion of highly-concentrated carbohydrates, and/or ultra-marathon runners were found to have significantly increased core temperature (65). Learning to mitigate both greater coronary artery vasodilatory capacity when compared muscle damage and GI distress is an important component of to age-matched, healthy controls, and a greater LV mass the periodized training and nutrition program. These factors index (152 vs 116 g·m2) (63). Moreover, in a longitudinal should be considered alongside the respiratory and cardiovas- study of >2,000 highly-active and healthy individuals, treadmill cular responses to racing in order to provide integrated support testing, coronary artery calcium (CAC) scanning, and a 10-y to the ultramarathon runner. follow-up revealed that those with extraordinary levels of phys- − − ical activity (>10,000 MET·min 1·wk 1) exhibited no greater Implications and Future Considerations CAC scores, and no greater risk of mortality, when compared There are a number of considerations in answering the pri- to those who engaged in lower levels of activity (64). Accord- mary question: Is ultramarathon bad for one’s health? In short, ingly, these data question the notion that changes in cardiac while there are several studies in ultramarathon that have failed morphology associated with extreme exercise behaviors repre- to observe race-induced increases in cardiac troponin (45), or sent a clinical concern, and such engagement may even bestow 12-lead electrocardiogram abnormalities (74), these findings beneficial effects. are in the minority. In general, ultramarathon running evokes Worthy of consideration is that the extreme exercise behav- an acute but substantial reduction in both respiratory and car- − iors studied (~35 h·wk 1 of moderate-intensity physical activ- diovascular function. Postrace changes include decreases in ity) are unlikely to evoke a similar physiological stress to that lung function, diffusing capacity, an apparent decrease in re- imposed by periodic participation in ultramarathon competi- spiratory muscle contractile force, increased potential for pul- tion; i.e., it may be repeated exposure to the stress of racing, monary edema in certain individuals, and diminished systolic/ rather than high-volume training, which leads to chronic diastolic function perhaps attributable to fatigue and/or injury

294 Volume 19  Number 8  August 2020 Cardiorespiratory Implications of Ultra-marathon

Copyright © 2020 by the American College of Sports Medicine. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited. to the left and right ventricles. Importantly, in most individuals structural/functional abnormalities occur in a small subset of and with the exception of certain metrics of RV function, these susceptible individuals. More data are needed to elucidate changes appear transient and likely abate within 1 wk of com- the clinical significance of these findings. petition. Chronically, however, there is the potential for patho- logical airway remodeling (as with most endurance sports) and structural/functional cardiac abnormalities (including arrhyth- The authors declare no conflict of interest and do not have mias, hypertension, and myocardial fibrosis) which deserve any financial disclosures. closer scrutiny. Subsequently, the other pertinent question is: Are such maladaptations clinically meaningful, and do they result in References 1. Thompson PD, Eijsvogels TMH. 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