Tender Reference No. : WRIDD/EE(A-I)/ DJ /SP(M.I.)/NIT-E_01/2016-17 1. INVITATION: Item rate sealed tender in WBF No. 2911 are invited by the Executive Engineer (A-I) Darjeeling (Agri- Irrigation) Division, Darjeeling, on behalf of the Governor of from bonafide Agencies, Engineers/Labour Co.-Op. Society etc. with sound technical and financial capabilities and having experience in Construction of Minor Irrigation Schemes in Hill Area in any Government Department/ Government Undertaking/ Semi-Government Organization as well as fulfilling the stipulated qualifying criteria (In Two Bid system i.e Technical & Price bid) , for construction of Minor Irrigation Schemes in different Blocks of under Darjeeling (A-I) Division under SP(M.I.) Programme of Darjeeling (Agri-Irrigation) Division GTA . Place of work, Token Earnest Money etc. are given below:

DESCRIPTION FOR THE WORK : CONSTRUCTION OF MINOR IRRIGATION STRUCTURE UNDER SP(M.I.) PROGRAMME OF DARJEELING DISTRICT UNDER DARJEELING (A-I) DIVISION Gr. Name of Name of Name of Scheme Name Estimated Earnest Time of No. District Block of Cost (Rs.) Money completion Project (Rs.) (Days) CONSTRUCTION OF SHANTI NAGAR M.I. 1 Darjeeling SCHEME Ph-I AT GIDHAY PAKHA, LOWER 24,07,163.43 48200 120


Kurseong CONSTRUCTION OF KHURUKEY KHOLA 2 Darjeeling S.I. SCHEME AT UPPER MANA BUSTY IN 14,07,390.31 28200 120 S.P. S.P.


Kurseong CONSTRUCTION OF LOWER DUDHIA 3 Darjeeling KHOLA S.I. SCHEME AT LOWER DUDHIA 8,97,968.48 18000 120


Darjeeling AUGMENTATION OF LOWER HARSING 5 Darjeeling HATTA M.I. SCHEME AT HARSING HATTA 10,19,471.12 20400 120

pulbazar S.P.


AUGMENTATION OF RANEY JHORA M.I. 6 Darjeeling Tukdah SCHEME AT UPPER MUNGMAYA BUSTY 10,54,494.35 21100 120 S.P. S.P.




Kalimpong CONSTRUCTION OF LAPSEY JH0RA S.I. 8 Darjeeling SCHEME AT YOUGDA GAON, SANSEY 15,42,545.63 30900 120

-I S.P.


Kalimpong CONSTRUCTION OF BIRKHA BAHADUR 9 Darjeeling JHORA M.I. SCHEME AT BICH SINDEBONG ) 14,25,028.93 28600 120


Kalimpong CONSTRUCTION OF BIRSING JHORA M.I. 10 Darjeeling SCHEME AT BULKEY TAR, PRIMTAM ) 12,05,229.87 24200 120


Kalimpong CONSTRUCTION OF NAPU JHORA S.I. 11 Darjeeling SCHEME AT SAKYUNG BUSTY IN 14,39,157.46 28800 120

-II S.P.




Kalimpong- CONSTRUCTION OF PADHERO JHORA S.I. 13 Darjeeling SCHEME AT DALIM GRAM GORUBATHAN 14,75,434.94 29600 120



2. In the event of e-Filling intending bidder may download the tender document from the website: http:// etender.wb.nic.in or http://wbtenders.gov.in directly by the help of Digital Signature Certificate & necessary Earnest Money may be remitted through Net banking/RTGS/NEFT/Demand Draft issued from any nationalized bank in favour of Executive Engineer (A-I) Darjeeling (A-I) Division, Payable at Darjeeling & same may be documented through e-Filling. The option for payment of EMD will be as available in the e-tender portal 3. The original document of EMD (Earnest Money Deposit) should be sent to the office of the Tender Inviting Authority i,e Executive Engineer (A-I) Darjeeling (A-I) Division, Auckland Zig Zag Road, Darjeeling, PIN-734101 physically by separate cover super scribing Earnest Money for the work of “ Name of the Work” in sealed cover after evaluation of tender and being lowest tenderer. 4. Prequalification, Technical & Financial Bid are to be submitted concurrently duly digitally signed at desired documents in the website http://etender.wb.nic.in. Tender document may be downloaded from website & submission of Prequalification Bid / Technical Bid / Financial Bid is to be followed the stipulated date & time Schedule.

4. QUALIFYING CRITERIA I. Earnest Money – The tenderer shall have to enclose requisite earnest money with the tender in prescribed manner failing which the tender shall be rejected. The difference if any, to cover 2 (two) percent of the tender value is to be deposited at the time of execution of formal agreement. II. Credential – For submission of tender, the tenderer shall submit copies of documents (payment or execution certificate & Work Order) in support of successful completion of similar type of work of value not less than 40% (Seventy Five percent) in a single work order as total value of the work in any one year of the last Three years, in any Govt. Dept. /Semi Govt. Organization, Govt. Undertaking, failing which the tender may be rejected. The tenderer should have financial turn over equal to the tender value in any year of the last three year. III. Completion Certificate indicating estimated amount, Value of work done, Date of completion of the work and detail communicational address along with contact number of the Client should be submitted by the Tenderer. Completion Certificate from not below the Rank of Executive Engineer will be treated as valid credential [Non-statutory Documents]. Financial turnover and cost of completed works of previous years shall be given weightage of 5% per year based on rupee value to bring them to 2016-17 price level. IV. Documents such as latest VAT Return, Valid Trade License, valid PAN and Professional Tax Clearance Certificate should be furnished by the tenderer including VAT No. & VAT registration certificate and / or subject to the satisfaction of the tendering authority. V. Registered Unemployed Engineers’ Co-operative Societies/ Unemployed Labour Co-Op. Societies are required to furnish valid Bye Law. Current Audit Report, Valid clearance Certificate from A.R.C.S. for the current financial year along with other relevant supporting papers.(Non Statutory Documents) VI. A prospective bidder shall be allowed to participate in the particular job either in the capacity of individual or as a partner of a firm. If found to have applied severally in a single job, all his applications will be rejected for that job. A prospective Tenderer (including his participation in partnership) shall be allowed to participate in a single work as mentioned above. (Non Statutory Documents). VII. The tenderer must have to quote rate as percentage EXCESS, LESS OR AT PAR i.e. 0% of amount as mentioned in BOQ otherwise the tender will be treated as incomplete tender. No conditional / Incomplete Tender will be accepted under any circumstances. VIII. The partnership firm shall furnish the registered partnership deed and the company shall furnish the Article of Association and Memorandum (Non Statutory Documents). IX. Joint Ventures will not be allowed. X. Issuance of work order as well as Payment will depend on availability of fund and no claim whatsoever will be entertained for delay issuance of work order as well as payment. If any, intending tenderers may consider these criteria while quoting their rates.

2 XI. The bidders shall quote their rate as percentage EXCESS, LESS OR AT PER i.e. 0% of amount as mentioned in the BOQ accordingly considering that no escalation and/ or price adjustment will be allowed by the Department there under any circumstances. XII. The tender inviting authority reserve the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever and to split up the work if necessary and to accept the tender whole or part subject to satisfaction of the tender inviting authority. 3. A) List of common documents shall have to submit by each tenderer at the time of submission of Application (One Set) and Submission of Tender (One Set): (i) Last quarter return of Value Added Tax (Form No.14/15). (ii) Profession Tax clearance certificate. (iii) VAT Registration certificate with Central Sales Tax Registration certificate if applicable. (iv) Trade License. (v) At least one Payment certificate of same type of work in any Govt./Semi-Govt. Deptt.. (vi) All other documents as per different clauses of the tender documents. (vii) Current banker’s certificate in support of financial capability.

A) List of documents shall have to submit by a Partnership Firm in addition to Sl. no. 3.A). i) The power of attorney for the firm for signing the tender by a partner. ii) Partnership deed. C) List of documents shall have to submit by a Registered Engineer’s/Labour Co. Operative society Ltd. in addition to Sl. no. 3.A). i) Valid N.O.C. from concern ARCS. ii) Audit report and balance sheet of last year. iii) Proof of deposition of Education fund during last year. Xerox copy of documents as listed above are to be submitted along with the tender. In case of failure to submit any one of the above documents, the tender will not be entertained and will not be considered as responsive. 4. SUBMISSION OF TENDER: a. Technical Bid and Financial Bid both will be submitted online concurrently duly digitally signed in the Website https:// etender.wb.nic. or http://wbtenders.gov.in in as per time schedule stated herein under. The documents submitted by the bidders should be properly indexed & self-attested with seal. b. The financial offer of the prospective tenderer will be considered only if the tender qualifies in the Technical Bid. The decision of the tender committee will be final and binding on all concerned and no challenge against such decision will be entertained. The list of qualified tenderers will be displayed in the website on the schedule date and time.

5. TIME SCHEDULE FOR SALE, SUBMISSION AND OPENING OF TENDER DOCUMENTS Date & Time Schedule : Sl.No. Particulars Date and Time 1. Date of uploading of N.I.T. Documents (on line) 06.10.2016, 09-00 AM (Publishing Date) 2. Documents download start date (on line) 07.10.2016, 10-00 AM 3. Documents down load end date (On line) 26.10.2016, 14-00 PM 4. Bid submission start date (On line) 17.10.2016, 10-00 AM 5. Bid Submission closing date (On line) 26.10.2016, 15-00 PM 6. Bid opening date for Technical proposals (On line) 27.10.2016, 12-00 AM 7. Date of uploading list for Technically Qualified Bidder (On line) To be informed later on. 8. Date for opening of Financial Proposal (On line) To be informed later on. 9. Date of uploading of list of bidders along with their rates through To be informed later on. on line. 10. Location of Bid opening Office of the Executive Engineer (A-I), Darjeeling (A-I) Division, Darjeeling.

Tenders will be opened by Executive Engineer (A-I) Darjeeling (Agri-Irrigation) Division, Darjeeling or his authorized representative in presence of tenderer or their authorized representatives who may like to be present.

3 6. EARNEST MONEY DEPOSIT : Token Earnest money as mentioned above against each group to be deposited with each tender document pertaining to any group and it shall be in favour of the Executive Engineer (A-I), Darjeeling (Agri- Irrigation) Division if it is a Demand Draft or DCR. Validity of such should not be less than 90 days from the date of opening, failing which the tender will not be considered and will be treated as canceled. (a) Payment by Net Banking (any listed bank) through ICICI Bank Payment Gateway (b) Payment Through RTGS/NEFT (c) A demand draft or DCR on any scheduled bank approved by the Reserve Bank of . Tenderer are requested to check the available option for payment of earnest money in the e-tender portal before purchasing Demand Draft etc. 7. LANGUAGE OF TENDER : The Tender shall be submitted in the prescribe form in English. All literatures and correspondence in connection with the tenders shall be in English. 8. QUOTING OF PRICE: Price shall be quoted inclusive of every demand in Indian Rupees.

9. TENDER VALIDITY PERIOD : The Tender shall be valid up to 12 (twelve) months from the date of opening of the tender. 10. CONTRACT AWARD: Award of contract shall normally be made within 30 days from the date of opening of the tender. Before issuance of the work order, the tender inviting authority may verify the credential & other documents of the lowest tenderer if found necessary. After verification, if it is found that such documents submitted by the lowest tenderer is either manufactured or false in that case, work order will not be issued in favour of the tenderer under any circumstances. 11. OTHERS : The tendering operation will follow e-tendering process and all rules and regulations pertaining to the tender will be binding to the tenderers. The intending tenders are required to quote and submit the rates on line only. No off line tender will be entertained. The tender notice along with the Special terms and conditions to be issued with tender documents along with the addendum and corrigendum thereto shall be part and parcel of the tender. All tenderers are to note that tenders containing any deviation from the contractual terms and conditions, specifications and other requirements are liable to be rejection. If tenderers are unable to comply with a minor requirement, he shall specifically state that the fact in his tender against the corresponding requirement but before the opening date of tender. No deviation shall be allowed regarding technical specification of the materials. The tenderers, which do not meet the appropriate standard of capability and financial resources, may not be considered. All tenderers are urged to submit promptly a written request on matters where clarification of additional information is desired but not latter than 5 (five) days before the tenders are due for opening. Invitation of this tender shall under no circumstances create any right, legal or otherwise in favour of the tenderer in case the tender is closed, withdrawn or cancelled before awarding the contract, not shall the inviting authority be liable to explain the reasons of such closure, withdrawal or cancellation of the tender. The tender inviting authority reserve the right to reject any or all the tenders without assigning any reason whatsoever and to split up the work if necessary and to accept the tender whole or part subject to satisfaction of the tender inviting authority. 11. PAYMENT : R.A Bills may be Entertained & Payment will be made as per availability of fund and completion of works at different distinct stage. 12 TENDER INVITING AUTHORITY : Executive Engineer (A-I) Darjeeling (Agri-Irrigation) Division, Darjeeling

Sd/- Raja Ghosh

Executive Engineer (Agri- Irrigation), Darjeeling (Agri- Irrigation) Division Darjeeling



To The Executive Engineer (A-I), Darjeeling (Agri-Irrigation) Division Darjeeling

Ref : Tender no –

Dear Sir, Having examined the Statutory, Non statutory & NIT documents, I/we hereby submit all the necessary information and relevant documents for evaluation.

We are interested in bidding for the work(s) given in Enclosure to this letter.

We understand that- (a)Tender inviting & Accepting Authority/Engineer-in-charge can amend the scope & value of the contract bid under this project.

(b)Tender inviting & Accepting Authority / Engineer-in-Charge reserve the right to reject application without assigning any reason.


Name of Bidder :------

Mobile No – ------

E-mail address:------

Office address:------

Enclo: e-Filling :- 1. Statutory Documents. 2. Non Statutory Documents. 3. Financial Document.

Date : Signature of applicant



1. Name of Applicant : ( indicate whether Proprietry firm/ Partnership/ Limited Company/ Corporation/ Other)

2. Office Address :

3. Telephone No.

4. Fax No.

5. E-mail ID:

6. Name and Address of Banker :

i) Name of Account : ii) Type of Account: iii) Account No. iv) IFSC. Code:

7. Details of Technical Staff available:

Date : Signature of applicant with Seal



1. Name of Applicant :

2. List of Similar Type of work completed/ ongoing :

Name of Name, location Reference of Contract Value Date of Start Present Status Employer and nature of Work Order of Work ( if completed, work ( Memo No. please mention and Date) Date of completion)

Note: Copy of work Order or Completion Certificate from the employer to be attached.


Affidavit to be affirmed on a Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- (Ruppes Ten) only and to be enclosed with the Tender Documents which is also required to be mentioned in the forwarding letter of the Bidder .

I,………………………………... Son of ………………………………aged………..years about by occupation…………………………do hereby solemnly-affirm.

1. That I am the …………………………….(designation) of ………………………………(Name of Bidder) and I am duly authorized and competent to affirm this affidavit on behalf of the said Bidder.

2. That my/our authorized and competent personnel including myself have inspected all the sites of work covered under N.I.eT. No.………………………….(circulated under Memo No……………………Dated……………………of Executive Engineer (A-I), Darjeeling A-I Division, WRI&DD, Gorkhaland Territorial Administration) and have made ourselves fully acquainted with the site conditions and local conditions in or around the site of work. We have also carefully gone through the Notice Inviting Tender and Tender Documents. Tender of the above named Bidder is offered upon due consideration of all factors and if the same is accepted, I, on behalf of the aforesaid Bidder, being duly authorized, promise to abide by all the covenants, conditions, and stipulations of the contract document and to carry out, construction based on departmental design & drawing, supply, erection, commissioning including leak proof test to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in- Charge of the work and abide by his instruction as may be given by him time to time to that effect. I also undertake to abide by the provisions of law including the provisions of Contract Labour (Regulation & Abolition) Act, 1970, Apprentice Act, 1961, West Bengal Sales Tax Act, Income Tax Act. as would be applicable to the Bidder upon entering into formal contract with the Government of West Bengal.

3. That I declare that no relevant information as required to be furnished by the Bidder has been suppressed in the Tender Documents.

4. That I declare that for execution of different types of works for successful completion & commissioning of the reservoir, as per scope of Tender Document we will not claim any extra payment for any type of work in any manner whatsoever in the event of becoming successful Bidder.

5. It is understood and agreed that cost whatsoever is incurred / involved for participation in this Tender would not be compensated / borne by GTA and therefore, in consideration of submitting its qualifications as a prospective Contractor for review, I fully agree to waive any claim against GTA that might arise with respect to its decision of a prospective Contract to and not subjected to appeal / review of any kind.

6. That I declare that Water Resource Investigation and Development Department, Gorkhaland Trritorial Administration shall not be held responsible for making payment against any anticipated profit and / or compensation for any losses, whatsoever for the works as stated in this Tender Document and we shall not claim any payment for such purposes in the event of becoming successful Bidder.

7. That I declare that my / our origination not declare / blacklisted by any Municipal Corporation/ Development Authorities / State or Central Government Authority or Private Sector in India since last 5 (five) years. My / our organization has not been declared Bankrupts or Insolvent by any Govt. or Private Financial Institution. Nor any other ill record has been recorded in the name of my / our organization in any of the Municipal Corporation / Development Authorities / State or Central Government Authority or Private Sector in India. Nor any activity of my / our organizational staff has been recorded as anti-national / against the law of the land in any concerned law protecting authority.

8. That the statements made in paragraph No. 1 to 6 are true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

Solemnly affirmed by the

Said…………………………….. Deponent

Before me (1 st Class Judicial Magistrate / Notary Public)


Instruction / Guidelines for tenders for electronic submission of the tenders online have been annexed for assisting the contractors to participate in e-Tendering.

1. Registration of Contractor: Any contractor willing to take part in the process of e-Tendering will have to be enrolled & registered with the Government e-Procurement system, through logging on to https://etender.wb.nic.in . The contractor is to click on the link for e-Tendering site as given on the web portal.

2. Digital Signature certificate (DSC): Each contractor is required to obtain a class-II or Class-III Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for submission of tenders from the approved service provider of the National Information’s Centre (NIC) on payment of requisite account details are available at the Web Site stated in Clause-1 of Guideline to Bidder. DSC is given as a USB e- Token.

3. Collection of Tender Documents: The contractor can search & download NIT & Tender Documents electronically from computer once he logs on to the website mentioned in Clause 1 using the Digital Signature Certificate. This is the only mode of collection of Tender Documents.

4. Submission of Tenders: 4.1 General process of submission: Tenders are to be submitted through online to the website stated in Cl.1 in two folders at a time for each work, one in Technical Proposal & the other is Financial Proposal before the prescribed date & time using the Digital Signature Certificate (DSC). The documents are to be uploaded virus scanned copy duly Digitally Signed. The documents will get encrypted (transformed into non readable formats).

4.2 Technical proposal: The Technical proposal should contain scanned copies of the following further in two covers (folders). A-I. Statutory Cover Containing. i) Prequalification Application. ii) Demand Draft towards earnest money (EMD) or other means as prescribed in the NIT against each of the serial of work in favour of the Executive Engineer (A-I) Darjeeling (A-I) Division, Darjeeling, payable at Darjeeling. iii) Tender form no. 2911 & NIT with all agenda & corrigendum (download & upload the same Digitally Signed). Quoting rate will only be encrypted in the B.O.Q. under Financial Bid. In case quoting any rate in 2911,, the tender is liable to be summarily rejected. iv) Special Terms, Condition etc.

NB:- .The original copies of the Demand Draft towards Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) if submitted as earnest money in the e-portal should be submitted in sealed envelopes in the office of the Executive Engineer (A-I) Darjeeling (Agri Irrigation) Division, Auckland Zig Zag Road Road, Darjeeling as per scheduled date & time in case of tenderer quoted lowest rate.

A-2. Non Statutory/ Technical Documents Cover Containing. i) Professional Tax (PT) deposit receipt challan for the current financial year, Pan Card, Saral for the last financial year, VAT Registration Certificate. ii) Registration Certificate under Company Act. (If any) iii) Registered Deed for partnership Firm/ Article of Association & Memorandum. iv) Current Audit Report

9 v) Power of Attorney (For partnership Firm/ Private Limited Company, if any ) vi) Clearance Certificate for the Current year issued by the Assistant Register of Co-Op(s) (ARCS) by laws are to be submitted by the Registered labour Co-Op(s) Engineers’Co-Opt(s). vii) Credential certificates for completion of same type of work in any one year under the authority of state/central Govt. statutory bodies under State/Central Govt. constituted under the statute of the state/State Govt. during the last 3(Three) years prior to the date of issue of this NIT is to be furnished & Payment Certificate (s) of a minimum financial turn over (last 3 years) for at least one year amounting 40% of the tender value under the authority of State/ Central Govt., State/Central Govt. undertaking/ Statutory Bodies constituted under the statute of the Central/ State Government is to be submitted. Financial turn over equal to the tender value in any year during last three year is to be submitted. Note : Failure of submission of any of the above mentioned documents (as stated in A1 & A2) will render the tender liable to summarily rejected for both statutory & non statutory cover. THE ABOVE STATED NON STATUTORY / TECHNICAL DOCUMENTS SHOULD BE ARRANGED IN THE FOLLOWING MANNER.

Click the check boxes beside the necessary documents in the My Document list and then click the tab “Submit Non Statutory Documents” to send the selected documents to Non statutory folder. Next Click the tab “Click to Encrypt and upload” and then click the “Technical” Folder to upload the Technical Documents.

Sl. Category Sub-Category Description Details No. Name A. Certificates Certificates 1. Vat Registration Certificate. 2. PAN 3. P. TAX (Challan) 4. IT –saral for last financial year. B. Company Company Details-I 1. Proprietorship Firm (Trade License) Details 2. Partnership Firm (Partnership Deed, Trade License) 3. Society Registration Copy. 4. Power of attorney. C. Credential Credential – 1 Single Work done & completion Certificate from competent authority which is applicable for eligibility and minimum 40% of estimated amount should have as credential and annual turnover at least for one year should be equal to the tender value. D. Financial 1. Work in Hand Information 2. Bank Solvency Certificate 3. Payment Certificates 4. Current Audit Report ( P/L and Balance Sheet) E. Manpower Technical Personnel Technical Personnel on Contract

5.3. Financial proposal: i). The financial proposal should contain the following documents in one cover (folder) i.e. Bill of Quantities (BOQ) the contractor is to quote the rate for each of the items mentioned online through computer in the space marked for quoting rate in the BOQ. ii).Only downloaded copies of the above documents are to be uploaded virus scanned & Digitally Signed by the contractor.

10 6. Opening & evaluation of tender : Opening of Technical proposal:-

Technical proposals will be open by the Executive Engineer (A-I), Darjeeling (A-I) Division. i).Intending tenderers may remain present if they so desire. ii).Cover (folder) statutory documents would be opened first & if found in order and correct, cover (Folder) for non statutory documents will be opened. If there is any deficiency in the statutory & non statutory documents the tender will summarily be rejected. iii). Decrypted (transformed in to readable formats) documents of the non statutory cover will be downloaded & handed over to the tender evaluation committee. iv).Uploading of summary list of technically qualified tenderers.

NB: While evaluation, the committee may summon of the tenders & seek clarification / information or additional Documents or original hard copy of any of the documents already submitted & if there are not produced within the stipulated time frame, their proposals will be liable for rejection. 7. Opening and evaluation of Financial Proposal : i) Financial proposals of tenderers declared technically eligible by the Tender Evaluation Committee will be opened electronically from the web portal on the prescribed date and time. ii) The encrypted copies will be decrypted and the rates will be read out to the contractors remaining present at that time. 8. Acceptance of Tender: The Bidder whose Bid has been accepted will be notified by the Tender Inviting & Accepting Authority through acceptance letter/Letter of Acceptance. The Letter of Acceptance will constitute the formation of the Contract. The Agreement in W.B.F. No. 2911 will incorporate all necessary documents e.g. N.I.T. all corrigendum, special terms & condition ,specification of work, different filled up forms, BOQ and the same will be constituted between the Accepting Authority and the successful Bidder. 9. Penalty for suppression / distortion of facts : Submission of false document by tenderer is strictly prohibited & if found action may be referred to the appropriate authority for prosecution as per relevant IT Act with forfeiture of earnest money forthwith. 10. REJECTION OF BID: The Employer (tender accepting authority) reserves the right to accept or reject any Bid and to cancel the Bidding processes and reject all Bids at any time prior to the award of Contract without thereby incurring any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the affected Bidder or Bidders of the ground for Employer’s (tender accepting authority) action.

Memo.No. 546/1(10) Dated, Darjeeling the 05/10/2016

Copy forwarded for information and wide circulation through office NOTICE BOARD:

1. The P.S. to Chief Executive, GTA Secretariat, Lalkothi, Darjeeling. 2. The Principal Secretary, Gorkhaland Territorial Administraion. 3. The Executive Member, WRI & MI Department, GTA, Darjeeling 4. The Executive Director, WRI & MI Department, GTA, Darjeeling 5. The Superintending Engineer, GTA, Darjeeling 6. The Executive Director, Finance Department, GTA, Darjeeling 7. The Assistant Engineer (A-I), Darjeeling (A-I) Sub-Division, GTA, Darjeeling 8. The Assistant Engineer (A-I), Kalimpong (A-I) Sub-Division, GTA, Darjeeling 9. This Office Notice Board. 10. Accounts Section/Estimating Section of this office. Sd/- Raja Ghosh

Executive Engineer (Agri- Irrigation), Darjeeling (Agri- Irrigation) Division GTA Darjeeling


1. Notwithstanding anything contrary to the conditions laid down in W B Form No. 2911(i)/(ii), the following terms and condition shall apply for execution of the work under this contract.

2. No claim out of typing, printing, arithmetical and/or clerical mistakes anywhere in the tender shall be entertained.

3. In case of confusion over any clause/terms/conditions of the tender the decision of GTA authority shall be final and binding.

4. The site of work may be changed within the GTA area under special circumstances for which no extra claim shall be entertained. 5. The rates are inclusive of all necessary expenditures to cover all incidental factors like location, condition and approachability of the site. No extra claim on any ground of damaged road, unfavorable site condition etc shall be entertained. 6. No escalation of rates within the validity period of the tender shall be entertained under any circumstances. 7. No claim for any idle labour shall be entertained under any circumstances. 8. The exact location of the site for execution of the works will be shown and handed over to the contractor by the Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative. After completion of the work the site will have to be handed over to the Executive Engineer or to the authority as directed by the Executive Engineer. 9. Time is the essence of the contract and the contractor shall have to put in full endeavor to maintain the target schedule by arranging required tools and plants and adequate labour force for completion of the work within the stipulated completion period. Under normal circumstances no extension of time shall be allowed. 10. Immediately after taking over the site, the contractor shall inform the Engineer-in-charge, about the work programme in writing. 11. The work shall be carried out strictly according to the tendered schedule of work and specification laid down therein. No extra or supplementary item of work shall be taken up nor any deviation from scheduled specification or drawing shall be made without prior written approval of the Engineer-in-charge. 12. The mode of execution of all construction work and mode of measurement shall be as laid down in the current PWD schedule if not otherwise mentioned in this contract. 13. The workmanship and finishing of the work should be of first class and up to the entire satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. 14. The contractor shall supply necessary labour (skilled and unskilled) as well as proper construction equipments including tools and plants for execution of the work. 15. All provisions of labour laws including all amendments thereof shall be strictly followed by the contractor for execution of the work under this contract. 16. Contractor shall make necessary arrangement for water required for work and for drinking purpose of his labour force including accommodation of the workers at the site at his own cost. 17. All G.I. Pipes and fittings to be supplied by the contractor for use in the work shall be of best quality , ISI marked and up to the full satisfaction of the Engineer-in-charge. The fittings shall be used in the work only after approval of the Engineer-in-charge. All rejected materials whatsoever shall be removed from the site within 48(forty-eight) hours of such rejection. Otherwise the Department shall arrange to dispose of these rejected materials through auction. In case of supply of G.I. Pipe Authentication certificate from the manufacturer is mandatory. 18. The contractor shall maintain a Site register having duplicate pages serially machine numbered at site. 19. After completion of the work excess materials if any supplied departmentally shall be returned to the departmental stores in good condition free of cost. The surplus or rejected materials, if any, should be removed from the site of work by the Contractor at his own cost after completion of work or as directed. The surplus pipes if any issued by the Department are to be returned to the departmental store at his own cost. Payment will normally be made within 1 (One) month from the date of receipt of the Bills subject to availability of fund. 20. Payment will normally be made within 1 (One) month from the date of receipt of the Bills subject to availability of fund. 21. On successful completion of work after field test, final payment will be made after making deductions as per Government Rules in force.

12 22. Security deposit will be admissible for refund after six months from the date of satisfactory completion of works. Any defect arising during this period regarding construction will have to be rectified by the contractor at his own cost.

Sd/- Raja Ghosh

Executive Engineer (Agri- Irrigation), Darjeeling (Agri- Irrigation) Division GTA, Darjeeling



Not-with-standing anything contained in the prescribed form in which contract is to be executed ,the following shall constitute special terms & conditions of contract & shall be binding on the suppliers, in case of conflict between any clause of prescribed form.

1. PACKING & TRANSPORAT OF MATERIALS You shall provide such packing of goods as is required to prevent dameges or deterioration during transit to final destination .No damaged materials shall be accepted,

2. WARRANTY You will warrant that the goods supplied under the contract are new, unused, and most recent or current models and incorporate all recent improvement in design, in materials and in I.S. specification unless provided otherwise in the contract. You will further warrant that the goods supplied under the contract shall have no defect arising out of materials or workman ship (except the allowable tolerance in drawing and I.S. specification) or from any act or omission of the suppliers that may develop under normal use of the supplied goods in the condition prevailing in the place of final destination. The suppliers also warrants that the goods supplied shall perform satisfactorily as per drawing and I.S. specification as provided in the documents. The Contractors / Firm shall be responsible for the defect liability period preferably for 2 (Two) years and in no case less than 1(one) year or no sooner the projects are commissioned / completed.

3. ADJUSTMENT IN QUANTITES. The buyer reserves the right at the time of award of contract and with no adjustment in unit Tender prices increase or decrease the quantity specified for any items. Any revision and amendment to the contract shall be by written supplement to the contract.

5. ACCEPTANCE OF MATERIALS. Payment shall be made on acceptance of materials by the Executive Engineer or his authorized representative not below the rank of the Assistant Engineer in good condition. Manufacturers test Certificates needs to be submitted during time of supply of materials ,and if required each or every, Partly or fully supply of materials , will be tested in Sub- Divisional Store/ field by the authorized officers.

6. PAYMENT. Payment for the supply will be made by the Executive Engineer (A-I) Darjeeling (A-I) Division I. On receipt of materials as per specification and in good condition. II. No payment will be made for cost of Departmental inspection and field testing charges of materials of supply. III. Payment shall be made by the Executive Engineer (A-I) on receipt of materials in good condition and on production of requisite Certificate (e.g. manufacturers test certificate and warranty certificate etc.) stated under different clauses after making necessary deduction towards the security. 7. RELEASE OF SECURITY OF PERFORMANCE. Security for performance shall be released on fulfillment of the condition laid down in warranty clause and no sooner the project are commissioned / completed. Security for performance shall be released on staturatory compliance of the above requirement.


A DEPARTMENTAL INSPECTION/FIELD TESTING: The acceptance of materials shall be subject to inspection and testing / filed testing. Department Inspection / testing / filed testing will be taken up by the Executive Engineer (A-I) or his authorized representatives, as desires by him and if required each or every, partly or fully supplied materials will be inspected, before the final acceptance of the materials.

Sd/- Raja Ghosh

Executive Engineer (Agri- Irrigation), Darjeeling (Agri- Irrigation) Division GTA, Darjeeling