Twelfth Romanian Symposium on Palaeontology ISBN 978-606-37-0599-1 © Ioan I. Bucur, George Pleș, Emanoil Săsăran, Cristian Victor Mircescu, 2019. Universitatea Babeş-Bolyai Presa Universitară Clujeană Director: Codruţa Săcelean Str. Hasdeu nr. 51 400371 Cluj-Napoca, România Tel./fax: (+40)-264-597.401 E-mail:
[email protected] Twelfth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology Cluj-Napoca, 19-21 September 2019 Dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of Romanian University in Cluj-Napoca Abstracts and Field trip guide Edited by Ioan I. Bucur, George Pleș, Emanoil Săsăran & Cristian Victor Mircescu Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2019 Twelfth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology Cluj-Napoca, 19-21 September 2019 ORGANIZING COMMITTEE Executive president: Ioan I. Bucur, Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca Vice-Presidents: Iuliana Lazăr, University of Bucharest; Liana Săsăran, Babeş- Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca; Viorel Ionesi, Ioan Cuza University, Iași Members (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca): Sorin Filipescu, Carmen Chira, Ioan Tanţău, Emanoil Săsăran Secretariat (Babeş-Bolyai University, Cluj-Napoca): Mirela Popa, George Pleş, Raluca Bindiu Haitonic, Lorand Silye, Cristian Victor Mircescu, Alin Oprişa, Andrei-Cosmin Diaconu, Andrei Panait, Kövecsi Szabolcs, Voichița Reszeg The tenth Romanian Symposium on Paleontology was organized by the Romanian Society of Paleontologists and Babeş-Bolyai University The 12th Romanian Symposium on Paleontology is organized with support from the Babeş-Bolyai University and HOLCIM Romania S.A. Ciment Turda The 12th Romanian Symposium on Paleontology Programme September 18, 2019 – Registration (at the Symposium venue) September 19, 2019 From 8.00 onwards – Registration (will be available all day at the symposium venue) 9.00 – Opening (E.