State Information Commission (Under Right to Information Act, 2005) D.No.5-4-399, Samachara Hakku Bhavan (Old ACB Building), Mojam-jahi-Market, Hyderabad – 500 001 Phone: 24740666 Fax: 24740592

Appeal No:3473/SIC-MNR/2019 Date: - 01-07-2020

Appellant : Sri. M.Yesu Babu, District.

Respondents : Public Information Officer (U/RTI Act, 2005) the Deputy Tahsildar, Garidepally Mandal, .

First Appellate Authority (U/RTI Act, 2005) the Revenue Divisional Officer, Kodad Division, Suryapet District.


Sri M. Yesu Babu has filed second appeal dated 19-03-2019 which was received by this Commission on 22-03-2019 for not getting the information sought by him from the Public Information Officer/ the Deputy Tahsildar, Garidepally Mandal, Suryapet District and the First Appellate Authority/ the Revenue Divisional Officer, Kodad Division, Suryapet District.

The brief facts of the case as per the appeal and other records received along with it are that the appellant herein filed an application dated 22-12-2018 before the Public Information Officer requesting to furnish the information under Sec. 6(1) of the RTI Act,TSIC 2005 on the following points mentioned:

The Public Information Officer through Memo No. A/153/2019 dated 19-01- 2019 informed to the applicant that on 07-02-2019 collect the sought information from the concern officer in their office.

Stating that the appellant was not satisfied with the reply of the Public Information Officer, he filed 1st appeal dated 13-02-2019 before the First Appellate Authority requesting him to furnish the information sought by him u/s 19(1) of the RTI Act, 2005.

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The First Appellate Authority through two Notices No. B/263/2019 dated 19- 02-2019 & on 06-03-2019 directed the Public Information Officer and the appellant to appear for hearing on 02-03-2019 at 4.00 PM and on 16-03-2019 at 4.00 PM along with related records/ documents.

Stating that the appellant was not satisfied with the reply of the First Appellate Authority, he preferred this 2nd appeal before this Commission requesting to arrange to furnish the information sought by him u/s 19(3) of the RTI Act, 2005.

In view of the Covid-19 pandemic, with a request to both the parties to attend for telephonic hearing on 01-07-2020 at 11.30 AM. The Appellant responded and stated that the PIO has furnished only part information. The PIO / Sri.Chandrashekar, Tahsildar, Garidepally, Suryapet District responded and stated that vide. Letter No.A/153/19 dated.16-03-2019 information was furnished to the appellant. The PIO filed a copy of the information along with the postal acknowledgement.

Heard both the parties and perused the material papers available on records. The Commission observed that the available information was furnished to the appellant. The Commission also observed that the appellant is not satisfied with the information provided by the PIO.

Hence the Commission directs the PIO to allow the appellant for verification of records as per section 2(j) of the Act by issuing prior intimation to the appellant to enable him to obtain the required information and to report compliance to the Commission. Accordingly, the appeal is closed.


Section Officer Copy to: SO / SF / OC

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