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Briefing paper

26 November 2011 >issue 8

The development of efficient and effective Third Anniversary of 2008 counter-terrorism strategies have posed challenges for many governments since Terrorist Mayhem: Lessons for the events of September 2001. For India – with a population of over one billion people, experiencing rapid urban Dr Ashutosh Misra development, and significant resource and funding constraints - these challenges Recap of the 60 Hour-Siege may seem overwhelming. 26 November 2011 marks the third anniversary of a dark chapter in India’s encounter Approaching the third anniversary of with terrorism. Three years ago, ten heavily armed terrorists of the Pakistan-based Lashkar-e-Toiba (LeT), trained by the Pakistan’s intelligence agency, the Inter-Services the 2008 Mumbai terrorist attacks, this Intelligence (ISI), carried out a brazen 60-hours spine-chilling siege of the Mumbai Briefing Paper reviews the responses of city in which 170 people including security personnel and 26 foreign nationals were Indian policing and security agencies to killed (Annual Report, 2008-09). In groups of two, the terrorists began their bloody a seemingly well-orchestrated insurgency operation at the Leopold Café in , a favourite tourist spot, and then moved to campaign. Highlighted in this paper are the Chatraparti Shivaji Terminus railway station, and the dilemmas in policing mega-cities; (owned by the orthodox Jewish community), firing indiscriminately, hurling grenades and planting bombs in taxis, on the way. Eventually, they entered the Taj Mahal hotel effective and efficient co-ordination of and the Trident Oberoi hotel, taking hostages and isolating western (American and security agencies across national, state British) tourists by ascertaining their nationalities from their passports. In one instance, and local divides; and the training and while they killed the hostages, including a Singaporean girl, they spared the lives of a responses of frontline police officers to couple from Turkey, regarding them as their ‘brethrens’. incidents of terrorism. As this Briefing Paper notes, India’s dilatory responses will Subsequent investigations revealed that the terrorists had captured the Indian merchant vessel “Kuber” after killing its navigator Amarsingh Solanki, and then used continue to leave its citizens vulnerable to an inflatable speed boat to enter Mumbai through the sea route, equipped with terrorism for the foreseeable future. automatic weapons, grenades and explosives (Indian Express, 25 May 2009). In the subsequent counter-terrorist operations undertaken by the by the Mumbai police, This Briefing Paper highlights the work of Mumbai anti-terrorist squad (ATS) and National Security Guard (NSG), the frontline Dr Ashutosh Misra, a CEPS Research Fellow commando force, all, but one of the terrorists - 22 years old Ajmal Amir Kasab - were with expertise in South Asian cultural, killed. political and security studies. Dr Misra was formerly a Research Fellow, and Pakistan Investigations, Confessions and Convictions and Jammu and Kashmir Watcher, at the During the disjointed and ill-coordinated security operations, Kasab was captured alive Institute for Defence Studies and Analysis and has since been held in the Arthur Road Jail in Mumbai. Kasab has been sentenced (IDSA), New Delhi, a think-tank of the to death by the local Mumbai court on four counts under the Unlawful Activities Indian Ministry of Defence. Prevention Act 1967, of waging war against India, murder, conspiracy to commit murder, and abetment. During investigations he confessed that the objective was to destabilise India, seek the liberation of Kashmir, and terrorise and kill as many people as possible (Indian Express, May 25, 2009).

Pakistan, after initial denials over the nationality of the terrorists, conceded that Dr Ruth Delaforce they were indeed Pakistanis (Kamal and Baruah, 2009). Under intense Indian and Editor international pressure, Pakistani Interior Minister Rehman Malik also admitted that CEPS Research Fellow Briefing paper Briefing paper

where the trial was being held, however, noted that ‘’that he [Rana] is entitled to a public authority defense because he acted under the authority — whether actual or apparent — of the Pakistani government and the ISI.’’ The court rejected the defense saying that the, ‘’Defendant cannot rely on the authority of a foreign government agency or official to authorize his violations of United States federal law.’’ Rana’s defense plea again exposed the rogue nature of the ISI’s operations and its close affiliation with Lashkar-e-Toiba and other terrorist groups. Eventually, Rana was convicted in another case for providing material support to the terrorist plot against the Danish newspaper Jyllands-Posten which had published the controversial cartoons The iconic Tajmahal Hotel in Mumbai in flames during the 72-hours seige by Lashkar- of Prophet Muhammad in September e-Toiba terrorists in November 2008 2005 (Rajghatta, 2011). part of the planning was done in Pakistan. In a significant development in the case, Pakistan later reportedly hired Dallas- India had provided several dossiers, the name of David Coleman Headley based Locke Lord Bissell & Liddel law firm based on the investigations of Kasab and emerged during investigations. It later to block a lawsuit brought by the relatives transcripts of the wireless intercepts of the turned out that Headley, a Pakistan of the 2008 Mumbai Jewish attacks in communication between the terrorists born American and LeT operative, had the USA. The lawsuit charged Lt. General and their handlers in Pakistan, to the undertaken an extensive reconnaissance Ahmad Shuja Pasha, the current ISI Pakistani authorities to act upon. Pakistani of the Mumbai city, identifying entry and chief and his predecessor, Nadeem Taj, authorities later arrested the alleged escape routes, and likely targets. In recent with complicity in the Mumbai attacks mastermind, Zaki-ur-Rehman Lakhvi, legal proceedings in the US, Headley (Hindustan Times May, 24, 2011). and five others, including Hammad Amin testified that the ISI had planned the Sadiq, Zarar Shah, Mohammed Ashfaq, entire Mumbai operation in tandem with Mumbai City Since 26/11 Javaid Iqbal, and Abu Al-Qama. However, the LeT. In his testimony he implicated India has maintained that Hafeez Saeed Major Iqbal of the ISI, , On 13 July 2011, Mumbai bled again is the key accused who must be arrested Tahawwur Rana, a Pakistani-Canadian when terrorists detonated bombs in the for undertaking this and other terrorist resident in the USA, and four others busy market places at Zhaveri bazaar, attacks against India. In an interview in for involvement in the Mumbai attacks Opera House and , killing 21 civilians June 2011 Pakistani Interior Minister (Hindustan Times May 24, 2011). and injuring another 100. The blasts Rehman Malik responded, “We had paralysed the financial life of Mumbai, Tahawwur Rana, who was later acquitted detained him (Hafiz Saeed, LeT leader). where gold and diamond trading is a of the charges of providing material The law does not go by statement but major component. This was the ninth support to the Lashkar-e-Toiba in the evidence. If we are provided actionable time Mumbai has been targeted in two Mumbai attacks, had put the spotlight on evidence we will act against him” (Indian decades. In 2006, a Mumbai local train the ISI during the trial when he said in his Express, June 29, 2001). Pakistan’s was bombed in which 2009 people were defence that his actions “were done at Information Minister, Sherry Rehman, killed. also officially acknowledged that Kasab the behest of the Pakistani government was a Pakistani national (Dawn, January and the ISI, not the Lashkar terrorist In a country of one billion plus people, 8, 2009). In November 2011, the Pakistani organization”. He argued acquittal on cities with a high population density like government dropped the Jamaat-ud grounds of ‘’Public Authority Defense,’’ Mumbai, are a security nightmare for the Dawa - a front organisation for the LeT under which an act is undertaken at the police. Due to greater job opportunities - from the new list of proscribed terror behest of a government or its official than rural areas, Mumbai attracts people groups, indicating an unwillingness by authority. The objective was to claim from far and wide, and providing blanket the Pakistani establishment to act against immunity from criminal proceedings in security on every nook and corner is Hafiz Saeed and LeT, an organisation with United States courts under the Foreign absolutely impossible. A huge mass of a global reach that has also reportedly Sovereign Immunities Act because ‘’the people daily commute to Mumbai using established links with al-Qaeda ISI has authority to act in India to protect public transport, working in crowded (Hindustan Times, November 8, 2011). Pakistan’s national interests’’ and he was market places with numerous entry acting as a state agent. The Illinois court and exit routes. While CCTV cameras

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can capture and reveal the footage of a pipe-dream three years on, and there is information systems and technology to terror suspect placing a bomb later, on still much to be desired in intelligence- monitor jihadi websites; and lack of ac- the day, police personnel on the ground gathering and inter-agency cooperation. countability and freedom of non-disclo- are surrounded by a sea of people and Since 2005 there is a long list of unsolved sure under the Right to Information Act of are likely to overlook or miss critical terrorist cases, including bomb blasts at 2005, allowing the intelligence agencies opportunities to intervene preemptively. the market in 2005, the Jama Masjid in to operate behind a veil of secrecy with As it is, the country has the lowest police- 2006 and 2010, Mehrauli in 2008, Vara- little accountability and oversight—leg- population ratios (PPR) according to nasi in 2010, the High Court in New Delhi, islative or otherwise. (Dhar, August 17, international norms. Nationally, PPR for in May 2011, and, in the latest instance, 2006). India, therefore, requires urgent India stands at 160 police per 100,000 13 July, 2011, serial blasts in Mumbai. In improvements in both electronic sur- population; in the PPR most cases either the trails have turned veillance and HUMINT. A lack of quality stands at 155, much better than other cold, or investigations have been dead- control in internal management, recruit- states in India, but not sufficient by locked over mistrust and lack of coopera- ment procedures and poor human source international standards. tion between central and state agencies. management has led to internal frictions In the Mumbai blasts, the NSG and NIA and operational inefficiency. Besides, In- India’s Security Apparatus have been at loggerheads due to differ- dian intelligence agencies are also seen Revamp ences in opinion over the type of explo- as exploitable instruments at the disposal sives and timer used in the blasts, mak- of the apex political office, of the Prime In the wake of the Mumbai 26/11 epi- ing the task of the Mumbai anti-terrorism Minister (Raman, 2010). sode, India thoroughly revamped its secu- squad and Mumbai police difficult (Hin- rity apparatus to meet the rapidly chang- dustan Times, January 8, 2011). As India continues to take blow after blow, ing nature of terrorism. However, India the security apparatus is undergoing a with its porous borders, deep-rooted Video footage of the 26/11 attacks illus- thorough overhaul and facelift; whether ongoing disputes with neighbours, tense trate delayed and uncoordinated respons- it will lead to greater security and success inter-community relations (especially be- es by the Mumbai police and anti-terror- in counter-terrorism remains to be seen. tween Hindus and Muslims), widening ism squad. Notwithstanding glimpses of The 26/11 Mumbai attack has established communal and regional faultlines, inter- bold initiatives taken by the some senior the utter lack of counter-terrorism of the agency lack of cooperation, dismal state officers and a few constables on-duty on police force and anti-terrorism units, a of intelligence-gathering, and low police- the day of the attack, video footage gen- dismal response by the fire and emergen- population ratio, India is a long way from erally exposed Mumbai police as an ill- cy services, flawed hostage rescue plan putting together a robust, let alone infal- trained and under-equipped force, which and delayed action by the NSG, and poor lible, security apparatus. Indian Home at the Chatrapati Shivaji railway station strategic communications and informa- Minister P. Chidambram has admitted also appeared to be a petrified force. The tion management leading to inadequate that there are serious gaps in Indian po- footage clearly shows that, while a couple and ineffective counter terrorist response licing, with constant upgrades needed to of police constables decided to fight back, (Rand Corporation, 2009). As is generally reach full capacity. almost a dozen on-duty police constables the case, when it comes to India, it is all with rifles fled the scene. The footage is about the numbers (in other words reas- Key security measures introduced post a grim reminder of Indian police’s preoc- surance policing) and less about quality or 26/11 include passing of the Unlawful cupation with numbers, and less with the effectiveness. Be it the Indian or Mumbai Activities (Prevention) Act 2008 by par- quality of their training and weaponry police and anti-terrorism squad dealing liament, giving more powers to security (Hindustan Times, September 15, 2011). with terrorism, or the para-military - for agencies to deal with terrorism; securing Following any major terrorist incident in example, the Central Reserve Police Force the porous border with Pakistan; creat- India, its civil intelligence agencies, in par- (CRPF) fighting left-wing Maoist extrem- ing a centralised National Investigation ticular, the Research and Analysis Wing ists in the Red Corridor - rising fatalities Agency (NIA) and Multi Agency Centre (RAW) and Intelligence Bureau (IB) im- of police and security personnel indicate (MAC) within the Intelligence Bureau (IB) mediately come under public and media poor training, outdated weaponry, failure to coordinate intelligence and 29 subsid- scrutiny, and criticism, for their alleged of intelligence gathering and, above all, a iary MAC control rooms in states; creating failures. Former intelligence officials - ar total lack of cooperation between central the coastal command to patrol the 7500 gue that there are several reasons why and state agencies. The cold truth today km coastline; establishing four additional Indian intelligence fails. These include: a is that the common man in India feels in- National Security Guard hubs in Mumbai, lack of trained personnel at the operation- secure and has lost faith in the police and Chennai, Kolkata and Hyderabad for rapid al level; inadequacy of modern training to intelligence agencies to provide security deployment of commando units in crisis combat terrorism; lack of electronic and against terrorist attacks. It is symptomatic situations; and establishing the National technical equipments; failure to cultivate of systemic failure and chronic pitfalls in Counter Terrorism Centre (NCTC) along or manage human intelligence (HUMINT) India’s security apparatus which will not the lines of the United States Department in target areas; inadequate support from disappear overnight. Till then, the coun- of Homeland Security. sister intelligence agencies; rudimentary try and its people are in for a long haul level of centre-state cooperation and and have to learn to live with terrorism. The creation of the NCTC still remains a information sharing; lack of advanced page2 page3 Briefing paper


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Mubashir Zaidi (8 January 2009) ‘Surviving gunman’s identity established as Pakistani,’ Dawn.

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Rajghatta, Chidanand, (10 June, 2011). ‘Rana acquitted of 26/11 charges, but guilty of helping LeT’, Times of India.

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About the Author Dr. Ashutosh Misra is a Research Fellow at the ARC Centre of Excellence in Policing and Security and brings in the South Asian research, cultural and linguistic expertise to the Centre. Previously, Dr. Misra was Research Fellow (2002-2007) at the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses (IDSA), New Delhi where he focused on India, Pakistan, Jammu and Kashmir, terrorism and conflict resolution techniques. He has authored two books, India-Pakistan:‘ Coming to Terms’ (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010) and ‘Pakistan: Engagement of the Extremes’ (New Delhi: IDSA and Shipra, 2008) and is contributing editor of the forthcoming book, ‘Pakistan’s Stability Paradox’, with Routledge.

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Views expressed are personal to the author, and should not be attributed to CEPS or its industry partners.
