E408 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks April 10, 2013 metal detector and was referred to the sec- vance their ultimate goal—the dismantling of Art’s reputation as a champion of equality ondary area for additional screening. The pas- TSA. At the same time, they have willfully spread. Ahead of his time, Art supported many senger promptly let herself out of the holding turned a blind eye to lapses, breaches, and issues that remain relevant today, including area and collected her accessible property. It problems at airports secured by contract legislation in favor of expanded access to was three minutes before an employee of the screeners. healthcare and against hate crimes. By the private screening company noticed that she Just as we must act to strengthen TSA’s se- 1970s, colleges in New York had established was missing. curity operations, it is imperative that we ad- the Arthur O. Eve Higher Education Oppor- More needs to be done to prevent security dress SPP’s glaring security challenges. tunity Program to aid students without scho- breaches at SPP airports. It is my hope that the ‘‘Contract Screener lastic or financial resources. In 1988, the Ken- Similarly, given that the documented mis- Reform and Accountability Act’’ be enacted to nedy Center recognized Art’s legacy with their handling of sensitive information can have ensure that we do just that. prestigious Distinguished Leadership in Arts tragic consequences, more needs to be done f and Education Award. to prevent such violations as well. In 1979, Art became Deputy Speaker of the Today, TSA does not have a process in HONORING THE 80TH BIRTHDAY OF New York State Assembly. His tireless work place for ensuring that all employees of cor- ARTHUR EVE towards equality and human rights brought na- porations with contracts for screening services tional attention to the New York State Assem- receive training on the proper handling of sen- HON. BRIAN HIGGINS bly. As Deputy Speaker, he was the highest sitive information. OF NEW YORK ranking African American in the New York This is the case despite several instances of IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES State Legislature. He was a founding member sensitive security information having been mis- Wednesday, April 10, 2013 of the New York State Black and Puerto Rican handled by employees of corporations with Legislative Caucus, and served on the com- contracts for screening services under the Mr. HIGGINS. Mr. Speaker, today I rise to mittee of public officials who attempted to SPP. honor the former Deputy Speaker of the New quell the conflict at Attica State Prison. He re- For example, on July 18, 2010, a new hire York State Assembly, and my former col- mained Deputy Speaker until his retirement training manual containing sensitive security league, Arthur O. Eve, on the occasion of his from the State Assembly in 2002. information (SSI) about screening practices 80th birthday. A Korean war veteran, factory Art’s rise to political prominence dem- was stolen after a private security company worker, national political activist, and tireless onstrated great strides for the African–Amer- employee in possession of the manual re- advocate for all those forced to occupy the ican community. In Buffalo, Art became the moved it from SFO. In response, TSA sent a margins of society, Art’s selfless public service first African American to win the Buffalo May- letter to the company that conducts screening inspires me to this day. oral Democratic Primary. During his campaign, services for SFO, as well as to all other SPP Born in and raised in Florida he led a historic voter registration drive, reg- contractors, directing that any SSI materials during segregation, Art arrived in Buffalo in istering thousands of new African–American be retained in a secure fashion at the airport February 1953. Having just earned his Bach- voters. Nationally, Art served as an adviser to and only removed with expressed, written per- elor’s of Science from West Virginia State Col- ’s 1984 presidential campaign. mission of a TSA Contracting Officer. lege, he enlisted in the United State Army. Art I feel highly privileged to have served with I understand that similar incidents have oc- honorably served our country, fighting in the Art in the State Assembly from 1999 to 2002. curred at other SPP airports. However, since Korean War from 1953 to 1955. While serving During my time there, I valued Art’s advice TSA has not always taken action or docu- his tour of duty in Germany, he managed a and counsel. As a new legislator in Albany, I mented their actions to correct the mis- program for orphans, foreshadowing his leg- treasured the wisdom and companionship of handling of the SSI information, reports on acy of advocacy for children, the elderly, the my colleague and fellow advocate for Western such incidents are currently unavailable. homeless, the poor, and all others who suffer New York. To this day, I feel extremely fortu- Regarding workforce protections, the bill discrimination. nate to have shared time in the New York would protect workers’ pay and benefits by re- In 1955, Art completed his service and re- State Legislature with Art. quiring that when an airport privatizes, the pri- turned to Buffalo, securing a job at a local Thank you, Mr. Speaker, for allowing me to vate screening company provide Transpor- Chevrolet plant. It was there he first observed celebrate Arthur Eve’s extraordinary work in tation Security Officers employed at the time the desperate plight Buffalo’s youth. Due to a honor of his 80th birthday. I am profoundly of the switch the right of first refusal to screen- complete absence of role models and guid- grateful for his service and friendship, and ing jobs and offer compensation and benefits ance, young people often succumbed to drugs continue to be inspired by his incredible leg- equal to or greater than what they received at and other criminal activities. A former All–High acy. basketball player in Florida and an All–Euro- the time the contract was awarded. f No worker on the front lines in securing our pean player in Germany, Art intimately under- aviation system should lose their job, see a re- stood the immeasurable benefits of role mod- IN OBSERVANCE OF HOLOCAUST duction in pay, or lose benefits because an els and organized activities in children’s lives. REMEMBRANCE DAY airport opts to utilize a private screening com- Art became inspired to quit his job at Chev- pany. rolet to seek a position in parks and recre- HON. HENRY A. WAXMAN As all of my colleagues can attest to, cus- ation. He found civil service jobs, the founda- OF CALIFORNIA tomer service at airports, and in particular in tion of our city, were rarely awarded based on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES the security screening lanes, is an issue that merit. Determined to transform the system evokes passionate reactions from constituents from within, Art joined the local Democratic Wednesday, April 10, 2013 all across the country. Party and soon earned his position in the Mr. WAXMAN. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to Currently, there is no requirement that pri- Parks Department. remember those who perished during the Hol- vate screening companies report customer A true reformer, Art was the sole ward lead- ocaust and to honor those who survived. complaints regarding their screening experi- er who remained separate from the political This week, when the world observes Yom ence to TSA or Congress. The bill would pro- establishment by 1958. He became known for Hashoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, we vide the public an avenue for expressing con- his courageous independent activism and civil recall the 6 million who died at the hands of cerns with screening at airports with contract rights advocacy, which led to his election to the Nazis. We remember their stories—as screeners, thus ensuring that the flying the New York State Assembly in 1966. sons, daughters, mothers, fathers. Whole public’s concerns can be addressed. Art dedicated his extraordinary tenure in the communities have been lost. In the wake of the deadly attacks of Sep- Assembly to representing those who others ig- This week, Congress will assemble for a tember 11, 2001, TSA was created to secure nored. During his first term, he pioneered ef- memorial service for the Days of Remem- all modes of transportation so that a terrorist forts to secure $500,000 to begin the State brance to pay our respects to the victims of attack on the scale of 9/11 would never hap- University of New York system’s SEEK/Edu- the Holocaust. pen again. cational Opportunity Program. The program In Washington, DC, Yom Hashoah is com- Since TSA’s earliest days, it has struggled provides financially disadvantaged students memorated as part of the Days of Remem- to fulfill its mission, but, with every passing with academic support and supplemental fund- brance sponsored by U.S. Holocaust Memorial year, it matures and improves as a security ing to facilitate their pursuit of higher edu- Museum in Washington, DC. The theme of agency. Opponents of TSA have not forgone cation. As of 2013, the program had $3.5 mil- this year’s event is ‘‘Never Again: Heeding the any opportunity to exploit a misstep to ad- lion worth of funding. Warning Signs.’’ The theme raises questions:

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00004 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A10AP8.004 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS April 10, 2013 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E409 When faced with opportunities to stop the Additionally: that ensures America’s safety and won them Nazis, why did we miss the warning signs? Alcohol is the number one drug of choice for this esteemed award. How could we have failed to act? These ques- America’s young people, and is more likely to f tions speak to us today about our responsi- kill young people than all illegal drugs com- bility to act—even when others don’t. bined. HONORING FRANCIS B. GIBBS I would also like to acknowledge the work of Each day, 7,000 kids in the the Los Angeles Museum of the Holocaust. under the age of 16 take their first drink. HON. RODNEY ALEXANDER This year, they convened an intergenerational More than 1,700 college students in the OF LOUISIANA walk with Holocaust survivors to bring aware- U.S. are killed each year—about 4.65 a day— IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ness to the community. Pan Pacific Park was as a result of alcohol-related injuries. Wednesday, April 10, 2013 transformed into a timeline of the events of the 25% of U.S. children are exposed to alco- Mr. ALEXANDER. Mr. Speaker, I rise today Holocaust so that participants could learn hol-use disorders in their family. Underage al- to honor the achievements and the unwaver- more about the deep tragedy of Nazi atroc- cohol use costs the nation an estimated $62 ing commitment to public service of Francis B. ities. This event also shows survivors that they billion annually. Gibbs. are not alone. They have a community around And yet, these statistics don’t fully convey It seems like yesterday that Francis came to them to support them. the danger of underage drinking. The more we Washington to work for his hometown con- It is my honor to represent the Los Angeles learn about the human brain, the more we gressman, Ander Crenshaw. He went on to be area, which is home to approximately 10,000 learn how dangerous early drinking is for un- a trusted aide and friend to U.S. Rep. Connie survivors. This week—and every week—we derage drinkers. Mack. Francis spent over five years by Con- honor their courage and their strength. At a Reducing underage drinking is critical to se- gressman Mack’s side, and his fingerprints time when fewer and fewer survivors are alive curing a healthy future for America’s youth could be found on legislative matters con- to tell their stories, we must all bear witness and requires a cooperative effort from parents, cerning government expansion, protection of to their tremendous legacy. schools, community organizations, business our Constitution and the principles of fed- f leaders, government agencies, the entertain- eralism. RECOGNIZING THE 27TH ANNUAL ment industry and alcohol manufacturers/re- Francis is a man rooted in principle. From NATIONAL ALCOHOL AWARENESS tailers. Underage drinking is a complex issue, his work on the Patriot Act to defending free- MONTH one that can only be solved through a sus- dom for people in Venezuela and around the tained and cooperative effort. As a nation, we Western Hemisphere, Francis served as a tire- need to wake up to the reality that for some, less advocate for making this government a HON. TIM RYAN alcoholism and addiction develop at a young OF OHIO ‘‘more perfect Union’’ by protecting people’s age and that prevention, intervention, treat- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES individual rights and liberty. ment and recovery support are essential for After his son Couper was born, Francis and Wednesday, April 10, 2013 them and their families. We can’t afford to wait his wife LeAnne—who worked for Congress- Mr. RYAN of Ohio. Mr. Speaker, April marks any longer. man Mike Pence—decided to leave Wash- the 27th annual National Alcohol Awareness Mr. Speaker, I urge my colleagues to high- ington to raise their new family in the Sun- Month. light this important issue with a National Alco- shine State. Francis took his drive and pas- As co-chair of the House Addiction, Treat- hol Awareness Month event in their districts. sion back to the Florida Department of Trans- ment and Recovery (ATR) caucus, I rise today This is a problem that plagues all of our com- portation, where he serves as the chief of to talk about the importance of this milestone munities but working together, we can restore staff, leveraging his experience in Washington and to applaud the National Council on Alco- hope to our young people and their families. with his knack for building consensus to get holism and Drug Dependence (NCADD), f the right things done for the right reasons. which since 1987 has sponsored Alcohol Mr. Speaker, we know all too well that the Awareness Month to increase public aware- GEORGIA NATIONAL GUARD WINS political arena can be viewed as a cold and ness and understanding, reduce stigma and TOP ACOE AWARD cynical process. Francis’s approach has al- encourage local communities to focus on alco- ways been different. He builds bridges and holism and alcohol-related issues. HON. PHIL GINGREY more importantly, he creates enduring friend- Alcohol abuse is one of the leading causes OF GEORGIA ships that remind us that there is a way to of death in this country and is a huge contrib- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES serve honorably. utor to other pressing health care problems Wednesday, April 10, 2013 Francis is now facing a fight with colon can- like hypertension, high blood pressure, heart cer. He has fought this with the same tenacity disease and stroke. Not a day goes by that we Mr. GINGREY of Georgia. Mr. Speaker, he exuded during his congressional days as a Caucus don’t hear another story about today I rise to honor the Georgia National when he battled legislative threats to the Con- the tragedy wrought by the abuse of alcohol. Guard on being selected as the winner of the stitution—with passion and grace. Some have even gone so far as to call the National Guard Special Category in the 2013 LeAnne, has been a constant source of abuse of alcohol and other drugs the number Army Communities of Excellence (ACOE) strength, compassion and grace. Ernest Hem- one public health crisis facing this country. awards competition. ingway had somebody like LeAnne in mind This year, National Alcohol Awareness It is a source of pride to see Georgia’s own when he wrote ‘‘courage is grace under fire.’’ Month is highlighting the important public National Guard recognized for excellence. Their anchors are two beautiful children, health issue of underage drinking, a problem These servicemen and women have gone Couper and Riley. with devastating individual, family and commu- above and beyond the call of duty to earn this Francis has a long-term view of what Amer- nity consequences. With this year’s theme, prestigious award. ica can and should be. He believes that ulti- ‘‘Help for Today, Hope for Tomorrow,’’ the The yearly ACOE competition reviews lead- mately America promises a better life for the month of April will be filled with local, state, ership, strategic planning, customer focus, and next generation. He embodies everything that and national events aimed at educating people performance criteria to rank installations on this promise stands for, and his children will about the treatment and prevention of alco- their overall Army readiness and quality man- live out this American Dream that their dad holism. Local NCADD Affiliates as well as agement. The U.S. Army chief of staff choos- shaped. Over the years, legislative achieve- schools, colleges, churches, and countless es National Guard installations that best ex- ments are forgotten by the public and often other community organizations will sponsor emplify these qualities. become footnotes in a textbook. However, the activities that create awareness and encour- As this year’s deserving winner, the Georgia difference that Francis made—the issues he age individuals and families to get help for al- National Guard’s prize will include funding to- worked on—will carry on. More importantly, cohol-related problems. wards installation upgrades that will improve the way he treated people will not be forgotten Alcohol use by young people is extremely facilities, and boost morale of soldiers, retir- by those of us fortunate enough to spend time dangerous—both to themselves and to soci- ees, and civilians serving there. in these hallowed halls. ety, and is directly associated with traffic fatali- Mr. Speaker, this is a momentous occasion Mr. Speaker, let us today celebrate Francis ties, violence, suicide, educational failure, al- for the State of Georgia, and it is with sincere Gibbs, honor his wife LeAnne, and tell his chil- cohol overdose, unsafe sex and other problem gratitude that I would like to extend my deep- dren that America will be a better place for behaviors. Annually, over 6,500 people under est thanks and appreciation to the Georgia them because of the work, love and devotion the age of 21 die from alcohol-related injuries. National Guard for the sacrifice and hard work of their parents.

VerDate Mar 15 2010 04:50 Apr 11, 2013 Jkt 029060 PO 00000 Frm 00005 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K10AP8.009 E10APPT1 smartinez on DSK6TPTVN1PROD with REMARKS