
. -...... -.. ... " .... .New Church . ~ I .. Greyhounds, :...... : 18 I ... Dedication Oct...... ,. ... ,. . ,

I.BI-~VEE~LY :PUBLICATION" .. OF '.INDIANA,CENTRAL: COLLEGE- ...... - ...... ~ .... V0L.X ' ~ INDIANAPOLIS, IND;, :OCTOBER 9, 1931:-:...... i ...... No. 3


FIRST HOME GAME WITH FRANKLIN GRIZZLIES Construction Nesrii Completion; First LARGE CROWDS OF ALUMNI, FRIENDS TO CAMPUS - ...... - Service S~~ds;.'Evening;.Dedi. ' ..... , ' . . ., . ,. cstion'oct. '18 ~ - ...... - . -::5. .. Phil+thean Literary Sockty \Vi11 Open Program \\'ith Reunion; ' ...... 1 .Work on .the ,new collese church, .. 1Iomccoming.Luneheon at 12:OO Noon;'FootbaU Gnmc ...... ,' . which .will 'be dedicated bet. 18, is ' ~ 'With Rose Poly.Scheduled for:Afternoon ...... -...... ~ rapidly nearing ;completion.comdetion. The I ~~~~~~ ..... building 'under -canstru&onconstruction will be .. .,'...... -. , . FINAL ~OREIS 33 TO 12 the Sunday School unit and will ne- IIOJIECOJIING PLAY AT 8:OO ...... ~~ARMINGISSUED ON :ommodate the pfesent needs. of thc ORACLE .sTMF 'WORH .. - .. .. University IIeights'church. .- , -. . .. ' INCOMPLETE GRADES 1 SlIOWSSHOWS PROGRES ... I Surface nnd Donney were for the ', ' .. 7. __ - Alumni,. former students, pastors third straight year again responsible - by the bu?ding..eo!nm!ttee todnY and' staff Complete11 Organized;. Then All Incomplete Grades Must Lle &lade 6nd friends of :the colle$e are to & for the 33 to 12 setback ' ' welcomed. nt the. annual homecoming . ': 'up 'Iours "Lost tomorrow to complete the furnishings, Chosen for 1932'Uook .. last Friday night at the hands of the ... 3f the mnin audiiorium in.order to of Indiana Central on October 21 and Frnnklin Grizzlies. A crowd, by far -. 25. A full program has been dutlined larger than nny last year, mas pres- . .There is d ruling in Indianir Central by.the committee 'for the tvb dnys. : ent for the 'first home gam this College tlkt all work in mhich'thc Two pnrticulnr features of the pr0- ...... season. student receiyes n ;Condition" or "In- grnm will be .in. the play, "Cracked Franklin's first touchdown came Ice," which the Collegiate, 'Drnmntic b complete" must be completed by the early in the first quarter when they .. Society mill present; nnd the foot- adanced the ball fro,,, their 15+ard close of the semester or term follow- bnll gnme . on Snturdny afternoon. marker to the Celitral goal line in six' ing the one in which the work .was ...... The program ofiicinlly stnrts nt 9 :he morning ',service will' be. "Chris- plays. A 35-yard run by AIartin, fol- taken. Otherwise, .the grade auto- , nusiness l\Iannger-David crnme a. m.+ith i~ reunion for alumni mem- 1on-ed.by 30 yards by Domey around ti& Worship.'! The evening service o€ Philalethen Literary Society. matically &comes s,, l'p, and ,,? sports.Edi

: ~ .:Stech Injured ... coming luncheon will be served nt the ' hours. If the work is not completed . , ~~~i~ received-the .visitor,s kickoff same place.at 12 o'c!~k.All~hgpr_,, .. - ' --a- ''. .... arid r&&d it^^ to' c

on a committee are largely given.at the dis- ~~ cretion or ,volition of the student. What these it's not the pen you hold, Alfred L. Roberts, '26, has resigned '. And it's not the,\vay it's held; 'services will amount to depends in D large his position as head of the department . , It's not the you use, " of ideals at the Indianapolis Y. 31. measure upon. his konception of,good sports- But tho may the word is spelled. .. C. A. to become secretnry ef the"?'" manship...... at Charlotte, N. C. Roberts has ' ' TIIE REFLECXOR is n college paper, published Our'social order on.tlic campus' is'said to be Pens of gold ire many, '. , .3Ir. biweekly by the STUDENTS of Indians Central Col- And 'fine their fecund flow; been at the Indianapolis "Y" for I rather ' artificial and unique, ' but the very lege, Indianapolis, Ind We admire their curly symbols, eight years, two years as associate di- Entered as second-class matter October 18, 1823, at nature of this ,order requires often the exercise rector of boys' work and six years In the post offico at Indianapolis, Ind, under the nct of And cursing, on we go. of good sportsmanship and simply being d good the position he has just left. IIe hns Ala&...... 3.., 1879...... for mailing at special rates of postage neighbor. Dormitory'life makes necessary some B~~~~'pen ,vas made of quill; ~- .- also been' pastor of the Valley Mills provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, rules and regulations, some restrhts upon our But its ,vords of Friends church for the past two years. authorized October Mr. Roberts is the ,son of Dr. J. 18, 1923. freedom, designed for the.common 'good:of all, ' sold; . . T. Subscription-$l.SO per college year., Single copies, Fragments of his heart fluna, Roberts, former president pf Xndinna , five cents. .. which. would not othenvibe .be 'necessary. A, Central. ., And mercy from it rolled. . ' ' ', Idember of the Indiana Inter-Colleginte,Press A , ssn.. "good sport" will not only comply with these Ardis Shafer, '31, visited friends.on ''. Member of the Indiana Normal hess Association. standards, . but mill 1, go ':farther by being The Decalogue was written; the campus Thursday afternoon, Octn- thoughtful and considerate:] 6f;,.his,fellow-. The best of rules for men;. .. ber 1. She maS.,en route to Spring, PRESS CLUf . '. .. , .. ... students.. ... Very slowly was it etched, field, 0hio;where she hns' accepted i . .. - .- .And with an iron pen: position as 6oyernesa in the Pythian" Staff . , .. :Surely no one wishes. to -be'labelled. as a . Editorial ...... children's home. ; Editor-in-Chief Raymond' C. Bliller ______:______"poor sport:' In our daily.Sontacts, in our. social The sands of time hold fast . . Associate Editor ---:____- ______Julia Ann Spmwe :~~omerAchor, ,31, visited on, the .. Society Editor Ghlee Walker life, in the dormitorks,: the dinini club, ind the And eminate Your style; campus . Monday, September 25. Sports Editor -.---LL--~ Delmar Bloore classroom, through the exercise of bood'sports- They disregard the metal, "Bud" is preaching nnd working in n Columnist Herbert IIiatt And your Spencerinn wile.. > - 'manship 'our campus .life ,can And 'should.,be , ,..:, , ; ...... _. Business Staff mbhe much more' enjoyable and livable. Business and Adrertising Manager ____ Aubrey Davis Assistant Business Ngr. ______Dave Cramer ...... Aq9i=.tnnt Rusiness.... Afcr.~~1... 1 Junior Wilson Sees the may .the sentence runs, ______campus )fonday, 5. ... Cireulation Manager ______Arthur' DeNeyer .And not the way it's penned. ' , Facultv Advisor Prof. Stoneburner ' Those alumni attending the football .. ______, -pnul F. ... ' .... - . .. Reporters game ' Friday.night were: I IIermnn . Roy Bosserman,' IIulda Longnue, 1 Lena Weller, UDCE LAIIR-.SPEAI(S Rider, '31; .Carl 'Lemme, '29; Albert Narietta Leland; Marjorie Scott, Anna Niller, Arthur I-I I IN CIIAPEL pRoc~;ifirAIahin, '30; Ilerbert IIontgomeryi '35; . ~. Rhoads, Arnold Elzey, Francis Walters. .. .. Paul Arbogast, "26; ' Kephnrt Noll, . . Moore .. Del says there pre lots of burrs down - '29; Clifford Reese, '30; Clyde Reesa; AsSjstnnts in Circulation Depnrtmrnt ,. ' . Friday, October ', Frank J* ' , .along the creek. Wonder how he knows? Lahr, Alma Noblitt, ,931; George ColdRn, . ' ' Ansel Simon, Dorothy Logan; Opal Burch. .. . ,. . dge Of the Juvenile' Of .Experience is a 'dear teacher.. :, ' .' ,. 31; . Albert .Findley, 31, and. Chris dinnapolis, gnve the. chapel ad- .. * .* * , * .1 . ,' Iruddleston, . . SIDELINE SUPPORT . . '- . ess in which he told of .the origin, ., .: .... - .. Does anybody feel is if-he needs. sommne :er developments and present duties A A* TV* the juvenile ,lie pointed '28, tells us that he is serving as pns- ~ ~~ courts. -. This time of the' yeir when. the world seems to advise him as to.~ his'future:happiness'and...... 9.- tor of the .United Brethren mission ' . ldve.aff$rs? .. ... t that many men and io think in terms of football-the billboards om on ,have schools in,New.&fexica IIe and 1113. . .If 'so, don't ask 'Dorothy Dix,;ask the~elder~ 'I picture the charging quarterback and the news- emselv&to be the fbunder of this York, formerly AIiss Marie Crick,'are papers, give us account.after account of: our. of the Dickison sisters..She has very graciously stitntion, but .the true dates enjoying their work. 'They also' re- port that Glen, F. IfcCraeken, '27, is ' consented to rive- advice to anpone who is in & to 1899 ivhen the XIome and Ed"- gridiron . Who doesn't enjoy the' at- ...... /.~ . .I' ' ._ ,tion .Departm& of the. w~~~~~~doing splendid work as superintendeat mosphere of the football .game, and who' does- need.. ' I. . .,.,,.... .:,j n't' thrill with the suspenso of the referee's.; ...... 'Patronize'...... home 'merchants.. ,.- .... :, ...... ,-. ~.. - .- .. *,..a. * . *- .~ ...... whistle? led to the Juvenile Court system. lette, Wyo., saying that.he has not !. . " Yet behind.every man.on the squad is.a_vastl -.=:We have.,suspected all,along..thaf.Bob 1\Iouer_. 3 then explnined.the...... respon_sibilities see_n-yon?- f,mm_I. _C.,C,.fo~,,pv~;h~. audience that boosts and cheers, encourages and ;vas. all. wet, but me mere :copvinced Sunday the parent, the hGmc school, &tcT year and is always glad for any news. training the child rightly. Paul is teaching in a high.schod df supports the action of the team; The cheering eveni&.mhen he came' struggling through.. , the conelusion ha . ''we 360 students. .He says he enjoys his section might be considered useless by .some, rain from the creek., :. ,1. .. . . work Out in the wide open spaces. - .. 8.. nt (in schboi) because we were not ... ,. ' but to go to a football game and not hear the * *' *' *' ., I. ,rn and are hrn*(~fiBess Dallard, '29, is teaching at Hob-' son, ?dont. ., . pulsating notes ' of n band,' or.the cheers to Dave 'Cramer has just received a letter from 1'' intuitive 'understanding "of 'the ...... ,. "hold ," mould be most commonplace. ... , '. nctiods of'life). 'We'nre.here'to d'long-lost friend, who had $one. out west...... :' om.**, .. crrliPEL A~ENDANCE~ : 'While the members of the'squhd do not play many. years'.ago..., The ,letter.in part>reads':as.. ,...... '. AND ABSENCE RULES for-,the .cheers of the"@&d, yet it' is 'most follows: ,i ...... ? " . ...,. . , ...... I - , .. .. stimulating to recognize. the. support of; the ', "Knowing thht you are 'always' interested' '." sop~loaloREs'ELECT...... ~ The ,chapel attendance .com&tee ' . ~ ...... sideline. 'and. ,open ' for 'an ; investment in, good line -.. has compiled n few rules and direc- 1 -. Thus' far in our year's football program we' propositions I tike'the:liberty of presenting to have had tho'unfortunate side of the ,score. . you what seems to me a most'yonderful busii Despite this we have all the moh reason to pull 'ness,' in which no doubt you will take n lively ' . for our team. ~JVcstill have the best prospects. .interest.' And perhaps, you will advise me by we havehad for some time, and me have every return mbil the amount of stock that you'wish reason. to anticipate b winning season. .To do to subscribe . towktrd the, formatidn ,of this this; however, evi ryorie on the campus must be company. ;.'. :;. ,......

Yvilling to bttend 'the 'games. ' Not merely at- "The object of .this company .is .to,locate '8 . tendance .at the games .mill do,' but' me' must .,hr& cat rinch:out in'Colomdo, where land can

support our.team. Let them know wfien they be secured.... cheap for' this pu+ose. ' To start have played well, in fact, be alert to'inything with we will collect almost :lOO,'OOO ,cats:: Each you might do in support of the team, realizing 'cat will average twelve kittens a 'year.. ,,This that'.when you .are doing this. that...... you are ....Will. give us t\velve million. skins 'a year, . to pulling.for:our school., .. ' sell at an average of thirty cents apiece making :: A great deal depends this year on the 'SUP our revenue about 10,000 a day gross. ' ' . port on,the .sidelines. This is more or. less a ..:. "'We will feed the cbts on:rats and will start test for football at.Indiana Central. Whethei a rat ranch next door. T he,rates multiply about it is continued: or abandoned depends a'.great 'four times as fast as the cats. If ye startone deal on the sentiment of the student body. We . million rates lie will have, therefore,.four rats' ..feel that it is best to keep footbal1,'providing 'per day 'for each cat, which is plenty.' ' ' . ,

me,support our team from.the...... bleachers...... , . ._- ~ -'.. "And,then.& ivill'feed the rats, on the car- ...... cases of..thc cats, from &hich:the skins have ... .'+tyrtaken;siving each rat a fourth of n.cat. ... ,.GOOD SPORTSnIANSHIW.. J ...... :.. .. 'Tt '' . .- ...... - - ivill thus be seen that the buqiness'mill be . .: . , .' ., ,...... , ..,, self-icting ; and automptic al1,the ivay through.: .' , Reserve ior'me' ----__--__---:2 p1ates:at:the Homecoming, : :In a recent chapel'session.we lktened to an ,...... I ...... ~;~ The'cats will eit'the rats, Ad the ratswill,.. eat I' '.I hdd&ss'conceming ' gbod sportsmanship given .,. Luncheoi, . . Saturday,. ,. Oct.$2j,.. Bt +:bo noon...... the cats and NC will get the skins.' .' '...... , ., .:.< .I. ._:..,, by one of the.lebding :schoolmen of the'stite; ' ...... r?!: F. ), ...... ~.. ,. "Aivaiting your, pmmpt .reply,.and'trusting - ':ReseNe~ L '--,:seats at.!Iomecoming Play, Sat. )., I This .fine, art ,?as summed .by the spehkci , .. ______...I !Ibeginning. whek >the'I&%: 'end." -. 'Ordikiiily...... ' that You -b'ppreciate' this opportunity ,. to: get ...... 'me.think of sportsmanship and its application rich... qui+ly,,I.rem!in , , -,, .',, .. on ,the' kridiron; or the i b'gebnll dibmond; or' .... :.~oUravery.truly, : ..-...... : .I ., < ....., '_;.. .. .,.,;.:::., :. /...... "Bill*"'...... some,'simifar'field of 'athletic'activity: ;'Sports- .-A ' . ..,. .

':I I ~ Dave is cons!dering the proposition serious- Ginship 'does ' play. d big pnit :in the making . . _'. of a good football or basebail t I, ly,.. 'rind.:. fmm' latest. reports we learn that'he . ' comes in for ....'8 big sh!re"in the' has about 'decided to give'up,hiscollege.career '~'d."po.~esf"l'.-~.__...... ,... *..> . .: , things concerned with our routi .. .. . ' .. . TIIE REFLECTOR PAGE 3

Xildred Bnldwin spent the week. NEWS CIIURCII PLANS JIADE BELL TELEPIIONE '' . . . .,-. .. ;..I. .., , , ~. , end at her home in the city. CO.' 'I ' PERSONALS 1 I RIUSIC.NOTES,. ' ,, . Marie ilIorphew visited, her parent! I I (Continued from Page 1) . GIVES JlOVIE PROGRAM . for'the series of services to be held Ilaxine Lightle and Martha Alser atGeorge Plainfield, Spraye Ind. . , and. pmfesso,, - Caroline Wolff, '33, has been'eleeted erening of Dedication meek & visited at Richmond, Ind., with the SbnebuAer, and family visited i, JIr. E. C. Belzer, who is display as president of the Crescendo Club. ginnin$ IIonday evening, Oct. 12. The latter's parents. Plymouth, Ind. nanager of the Indiana branch of tho The club, composed of music students, Re?. N. P. bnce of Anderson, will Esther and Edna Dickison Spent the ' Roberson had as her sundn, :ell Telephone, together with Mr:\V. meets on the second Tuesday of each be the principal speaker IIonday eve- week-end with their parents at Young guests ~~~+~~dArthur smit) L. Sham, technician,.assisted by Rob- month. Mrs. Ethel Giiliatt is club ning: Tuesday evening the sermon America, Ind. from Beech Grove. The latter is n rt Kooser, and nrr. XI. G. Lewis of sponsor. ' . ' ' will be given- by the Rev. L. P. Wanda Wolfe and Dona IInll spent former student of I. C. C. he, Indianapolis Commercinl~Tele- - Cooper of Marion, and Wednesday. the week-end at their homes in Pnoli, .hIr. and Nrs. N. R. Tohill of Villo lhone brought to the joint Mrs. Sane johnson Burroughs, head evening the Rev. W. R. Montgomery' Ind. Grove, Ili., visited .their daughter: neetins Of the 1''" of the music department, is in Afnrion of Terre Haute, will speak. Vednesdny evening n ,most instruc- 3Iarietta Leland and Virginia Noll Dorothy, Sunday. , .. today attending n district meeting A dinner is being visited the latter's parents at Port- Dorothy Jenkins was visited by hex . for the Indiana Federation'of hIusiC for by the women of the church to be land, Ind., over the weekend. parents from .Frankfort, Ind. Clubs, of which she is president. She served Thursday evening.heginning at )rary villars spentthe week-end at IIal Lonsnecker had his parents a: will go to Fort Wayne this evening 5 o+loek. At 8 o~clocka musical pro- his guests f?r the football gnme Fri. and speak 'at. n'dinner given in her , 'her home in Frankfort, Ind. srnm be given in the church 1Iovard Dielmnn attended the Indi- ,. honor' there tonight. Tomorrow she audihrium under the direction Byron Kent attended the DePauw of ann-Notre Dame football game at will preside at the district meeting lirs. Ethel Gilliatt. . ~~~i~~the din. AInnchester football game at Greea; Bloomington Saturday. at Fort Wayne. ' : ner hour Thursday evening an or- Kathryn IIaehl and >xiidred &kle cistle last Saturday and was enter- ...... ~ . ..., .. ~ .. .. . ,- chestm composed of students ,from visited :their Shelhyville, tained by friends at the.university over the week-end. .. :~h~ Troubadour quartett .rrill so ti the musii department will entertain, Ind:, oier the week-end. ' . Irenr&lle Saturday to sive with Maurice Shadley as diketor. Lois Grove. Wilma Eaton and Edith . . n program , Saturday ' evening, and Friday evening' the Rev. Fred L. Gehlbach visited their parents at . again Sunday. .. .. Dennis, of Dayton, will. deliver the Corvdon. Ind.. over the Teek-end. TIIEACALLOSIA on I --~-~~~~' I. .. , ' sermon. - .. - .. Opal Durch spent the week-end at . ' , Plainfield, Ind., with her parents. ; Theacallosia held its regular ses. ifrs.Burroughs about The dedicatorp services will be held , Elizabeth Connett visited Helen IIc- sion. in the'society hall last Monday forty-five members of the music de-, Sunday morning, Oct. 18, with Bishop Clain at. Greenwood, Ind., over the evenins; October 6. 'The meeting was partment at a tea given at her home Fout officiating. In the afternoon a week-end. presided over by the president, Gene in the. city, ,last afternoon.j miscellaneous program will be given Ruth Griffith spent Thursday night vieve Donnldson. The chaplain, IInri- Tho tea was in honor of the new with Dr. J. B. Parsons, superintendest cn the campus with Frances Belden. ,. ctta Leland, carried out the idea of I husic students, several of a.hich of White River conference. as the ' Juliana Johnson visited her parents faith ,in reading of the devotions peared on the program. XIiss Frances Weaker* .' ' at Waverl'and, Ind., over the week- Quiet . meditation followed during ...... ' Wallace arranged the program. Sunday evening, Dr. W. E. Snyder, end. .. .. which ?Jary 110th sang "Faith of Our !editor of the Religious Telescope, will E. C. DELZER ;'. - Paul Cornelison, spent the week-end Fathers.". The literary program for ,. . preach the closing sermon. for dedi- : Last year in llusic Composition ' cetlon day. .. at his home in Frankfort, Ind, the evening was as follows: . . . 'nd enJoyable of ta!k- , class, Miss Fra6ces .JVallace mote an Lena Weller of Huntington, Ind., Ghandi-Evelyn IIorlncker. , '6 pictures Of the present-day, During the wcek following the dedi- spent the week-end on the Indiana Vocal Solo-Frances Belden. .. , nd applications of the telephone. rS the n~~~,",vhieh' was sung last Sunday by the 'thirty- cation n series of IIomecoming serv- Central College campus.' n1iss Weller . Down on the Farm-Ircne IIintt. A splendid four- reel program of five of Roberts ices will be held with alumni members * . will attend Terre IIante Normal CoL ' hIusic-Lois Taylor: , ., ilking pictures was shown, being members ..~. morial . ~h~'choir is directed Of Indiana Centml scheduled on each lege this year. Ten Years...... from. .. Nom-AInrcelie Imposed of the following short sub- night's program. ., Nellie Combs spent the w&!&end'at Smith; ' . , . . .: .. -. , - .. : . ., xts: An historic portrayal of Alex- byi!lrs. Burroughs. .. ,. , ' These services have. been, arranged Cales, Ind.. visitins her parents...... ' .. nder Graham Bell and circumstances 1 Loraine .Wells spent ihe ,weeklend dating to his invention of, the tele- . ' IIOJIECOJIING PCAY ' .I as follows:, .. . at Zaineiville. Ind.. visitinr: relatives. PIIILOnlUSEA : hone: The International Telephone -. ., . , I fiIonday,'Oct.'10,'Rev. C.'P. Martin. ystem (which links. the major'nn- .~'.,'.(Continued fiom Page 1) ,. I Tuesday, Oct. 20,'Rev. L.',A... IIud- 'ons of the world by directly spoken fjchmidt; assistants,. Lorraine .Wells, ; 'dleston. ,ords) showing the international Martha Alger, Nellie Combs, IIelen Wednesday, Oct. 21, Rev. C. 0. 3Ic- ,. . Nitch hoards and "hello" girls, and, Faulkner, Esther Bower,' Clarice Ar-' Crocklin." '\ , ' , .. ctunl. scenes in these.'countries $0 ford, Susie Cunningham; assistant to ' Thursday, Oct. 22, 'Rev. Roy 11. Innected; The Radio Telephone and director, Esther .Diekinson; business Turley. :s .importance.in ayiaf!on,and-?k mannger,Roy-Bosserman;_chairman : Friday,-Oct._P3, Rev.. Leo-Vanatta. :hinatown .Telephone Exchange in ticket sales, Beatrice Burrell; assist- an Francisco, serving this great col- anti, Dorothy Cooper, Ralph Newby, BOOSTER, CLUB ELECTS nY of Chinese.' IIeie.it was Pointed James Eaton, Byron Kent, Lorraine - . . , ,-. ut that parties. in this exchaw ara Wells, Leola IIanson; chairman 'pos- . ~ ' .. . mlled, not by number, but'by,name ter, committee, James Enton, Ralph ' Glen' Rnmsey was elected president

nd street address which is memorized hewby; : music director, ' .Lorraine of the. Booster .Club at the meet- y the Chinese operntors. ' , Wells; house manager, Beatrice Bur- ing held at the, home. of pr. TV. P. During the intervals betkeen reels, rell; ushers; Susie Cunningham, Helen aIorgan Ifonday evening, Sept. 28. At Ir: Belzer, who has'covered the State Faulkner, Esther Bo\i.er, Vesta Jack- the, same, mieting 3liss Nom Prohst laking .illustrated. lectures supple- son, Caroline- ' Wolff, Byron Kent, was elected secretary-treasurer. ' lented by portable talkinspictures in Ralph Newby, James Enton; publicity Miss Julia Ann .Sprague is to be he interest ot Bell; Telephone,.spoke chairman;IIulda .Longacre; director, the editor of the booklet, The Grey- f the photo-electric#cell which makes Professor Leorn Weimer: ' , , . . hound, which is published annually,by ossible the talkina picture 'and tele- ,. ' . the Booster Club. .Definite plans were ision, demonstrating by the use cf Glen R.: "I .wonder, yhich part of made forthe club's part in our annual ne 'of these cells the sixty-cycle hum . , an light bulb. IIe men- the cnr.it.is that causes the most nccl- Iromecoming and. the geneml Pro- ... eram for the.year was discussed. ' . . '. . . - . - . . ioned also the electric stethoscope and :...... le larynx and their contri- Alary V.: . "The nut that holds the : ': 1 ' ution to humjlnity; nisi telephoto$- steering .wheel, I should think."' . iphy and the teletypewriter, explain- ig their valuable 'ptesent-day 'com- .. iercial uses., IIe also had on' display ..~... banquet. . ' ... .. week-end. . . - -. . n exact replica of the first telephone, Esther Franklin went' the week-end I .' rhich has a sheepskin :diaphragm. . at her home in Fra;rkfort, Ind. . [e states that these developmenta ' ' OCCASIONS' ' .' PIIILALETIIEA ' , Wilma Kramer visited, her parents . : am; on'ginally fmm-the nell.T&- .? Phone DReael 7828-1 or See.' Ileacock.' 585 Dan' Illdg.., I. - at Warsaw, Ind.. over the week-end. hone Research Laboratories. : . ' , ROSS SLAIlAUGII .. , . nurialo. N. Y. . . IIonday evening, October 6,'found ' Esther Bower spcnt the week-end hIr. Belzer has had long experience . . : .. . all good Philnlethians assembled id . .~ .. with her parents at &It. Comfort.: .: I ~. the society hall. The productions ,ith Bell Teleohone as enPlnee<.hav- Robert Barnett spent the week-end from the most intricats scien. :g lor me pass SIX yf "his home In mabash' Ind*. ' ' Margaret Ramsey and Othello Den- tific doma to the sheerest nonsensical witticisms. .The program, rendered is nis. visited .friends at Bloomington, as follows: 1nd;on Thursday: ~ . . _. .. IIelen Borkert had as her guest 'Another Year With I. C. C.+len Sunday her sister from IIuncie, Ind. Seholer' Essay-, Being Alone-Christine , -.I .. I Leon 1Ioody.spent the week-end in ,Z&&athea Literary','Society" has Dalton...... the city. reht things 'instore in, the"way of Vocal Sola-At Dawning-Dom*Y 4 Dorothy Jenkins spent the week-end rhgrams for its meetings. The so- Aeppli. In the city with relatives. ietp .was hard hit by.graduation and ' . ' Only a Pansy- I rma Chambers. ll,..;~:,;I..,EI\.I-ROE .~ SPORTING.GOODS~~~CORIPANY .. . I Lena Bowen had aa her guests on y, members. dropping. put of school ,, ' . . .. . ',.. Nany attended the session' ., , . ~ 209 \Vmhing(on Stree( ,. Saturdav her aarents from Portland. ut,. the. plans call for many 'new w. I ..>,... LI~~~~~34$6 . . Lr&tn srii.. nembers by means of its attractions. : ";' . ' .. ,. ~ " :Quality Will Show-it Came FinEm-Roe" The literary hall.is being repainted "' . .. ..: SPORTING'AND'ATTILETIC EQUfPI\IENT'. ': ',' '. nd 'cleaned up in general.', The new ' ' J fficers are puttlng,.things:over:in d .._.. . .. , . .. . . ,,.:.',',!.,, '' '. .. ~. .. ! I .I . ! . PACE d TIIE :REFLECTOR ...... GREYHOUNDS DEFEATED ... 'Y" ASSOCIATIONS : !.; .. : .. - I .(Continued from Page 1) .. .:. ;' ''LAUNCH DkIVE .- . , get the final punch to carry.it over. With no football game this week- ..- end. Coach Good should have his Car- ... Srcond'IlalC on Even Terms ..GREYHOUNDS 21-0 I' 'Iembership 'Drive . Shows 'Good : The Greyhounds played on ' even dinal outfit in top-notch condition for terms 'kith the Franklin team through the game with Valparaiso next Friday Rcsulls; . Full Budgets. the second half. Smith received the .. night.' vie' Stech, steller guard, was Expccled , , . .INfIRST.. GAME .. - Grizzlie kickoff and carried it to the - the only member of the squad Geport. I ._.. ! forty-yard !in< A pass from Moore .__ - _- -_ - - - - . ing any injury from either of the ..The ,C.;A. and Y. W. C. A. to Dilley made fiist for the . IlOTLY CONTESTEU. GAME -Yi h1. last two games, and he expects to be pened','a .membership campaign Inst Greyhounds. Franklin was penalized a. AT INGALLS FIELD: GREY- in the'starting lineup by next Friday IIOUNDS OUTWEIGHED night. A with the mighty veek with I Mary 110th in charge. for being off sides: Another ,pass BY LITTLE GIANTS Iemb&hip\to both of these =%so- from Moore to AIouer resulted in,the Surface resulted~~~ in a .nienched back - for Vic. iations. is Open to all new students second first down. Red nleyers made 12 yards through the. Grirzlie line. . .On Saturdny, September 20, an in- . ' - this and it is the aim Of Bloore passed to AIeyers for a touch- experienced though coura~eousGrey- Young Bill itIoore, who has been hound football team opened the Sea- ach. that .they mhy have in their down but the Greyhounds were ruled ., holding do\,% the other guard PO. '~. nroliment 1 all names .of the ' new sides and had to take the ball back. 'son on Inink Field, CraNfordsville, sition, is proving that he comes from off aininst the strong Wabash College the football state.' Bill comes from tudents, and if,possible, tho ,The Greyhounds then lost the ball to ' ' . eleven and was defeated by a 21 to 0 Bloomington, Ill., and is more than f those who hm:e not enrolled before. the visitors on downs. ' Brever got in Do=&,ityour being: by off a bad punt that went out on.thb score. ' A fairly large crowd was in holding his onn: Three or four more ,is made =ends wnnt you just on39-yard three line. plays. Meyer's A gains 22 yards attendance, the'majoritp of the Spec- fellows with his fight and intestinal hese associations toward n financial. ns you nre. tators being followrs of the Little . .~.. pen- fortitude would,sure spill an A No. 1 nmpiign with Julia Ann Sprasue is altg on Frnnklin brought the ball to Io ow studio you .will Giants. The contest was a much more line for the Greyhounds. feelnthomc,youcnu . ' .interesting affair than the misleading - harge 'of the Y. W. C. A. campaign the Grizzlies' 2-)-crd ,marker wliere . bc natural. score would indicate. nd Edgar.'Giult leading ,the team IIoore carried it over for the first Aubrey Davis,-who is playing his .... . 2 .. 'The two teams battled on Pmc- first yxr of varsity football, demon- w the Y,BI. C. A. ' .: " Central touch2snn. .. .clem c. ' Voorhis Studio ~' tically even terms throughout the strated that his two-year work on the reports Y. A. Franklin succeeded in scoring two ~. 011 N. Illinois , greater part of the contest. The scrubs was not fruitless. Davis played hursday noon showed that the mem- Inore touchdovnrs in the the St. . Indianapolis, Ind.. ' Little Giants, with a host of Inst the first game .at end. but was ership of the.Y. 31. hid reached 135 On a long run by and the pear's veterans back, were repre- changed to quarterback for the Frank- 6th $200 in cash and.pledges. A full second On. a pass from Doxiney to , ., ,, __ ' scnted by one of the heaviest lines in lin, game because of his. lack of udget of $300 is.ex&cted by Friday The Greyhounds' second , P~-.III~A~~oIAIL--cI , .,. . _. touchdown resulted from a long pass the school's history, a fonrard wall weight.. IIe filled both positions like rening. , .. :-'-. that averaged more than 180 pounds a veteran, eSpecially his receiving and .- . from AIoore to Farwick. .. per. man, considerably outwishing running back of,punts,in the Franklin ... It is hard to pick out any outstand- the Central line. game. 'EA TIlllE PLdY. TO BE ins men on the Franklin team be. COMMUNITY. ' Captain Smith and his teammates - , -,GIVEN TUES- EVENING sides the two already mentioned, as SHOE REPAIR :. '.... -...... they all morked together like a large Student Trade Solicitrd The October Tea Time play, "The human machine. Wellbaum, 3Ioore IV. , ' J. D. REED AIym \. largain Counter". will be prcsented and were outstanding for the ' . 1406 'uesday, Oct. 13, in the club room Greyhounds. , , f the Collegiate Dramatic society. .. 'he play is under the direction of __ Iiss Carolyn Wolff. The guest of hon: I ' IVELCO;\IE., STUDENTS!.' , ward passes attempted, three' were ... r will be,AIiss Cravens who mill give '' ...... ' .. "GOOD 'SODAS, CANDY AND. SUNDAES ... completed.for gains of twelve, eight- FRESHMEN .DEFEATED short stalk on social etiquitte...... een and eight yards each. . '.IN ANNUAL TUG-OF-WAR The east includes: Carolyn Wolff, . . , . . ... Itabash Kicks Off . - Iary Esthe&Petty nnd Vesta Jack- .. ' The Drug ' Store ~. E. L. KENNEDY . ' : . , 4001 SHELBY ST. . The game started with Wabnsh ' The result of the tug-of-war held at on. Miss Nellie.Combs is the prop- .. .. kicking off to Indiana Central's Lick ereex last week wns contrary to rty manager...... twenty-yard. line, the pigskin being that expected. The' freshman team returned to the fortbpyard strip. After was by far the heavier of the two and ..two line plays failed to gain,. the had everything' their-own way .the FOOTBALL CALENDAR- ...... 24:HOUR-:BARBE~UE.'SERVICE.".- -'.. :- Greyhounds punted to the Wabash first half-minute of the pull.. How- - I I .. seventeen-yard marker. On the' first ever, the more experienced. sopho- VALPARAISO, IIERE, NEST ...... play the Little Giants skirted the Car- mores rallied and through splendid ., FRIDAY NIGIIT COLLEGEJNN dinals' end for four yards, then co-operation with each other succeeded -. SINCLAIR GAS '3 OILS, ../. . HANNA '3 MADISON ~ ' picked up two more through the line. in giving their yearling rivals a free Sept. 2GWabash,21; I. C. C.,U. The next play, an off-tackle slant, bath. Oct. 2-Franklin, 33; I. C. C., Wabash made its first down on the . IIere is the way'they Ijned up:' 12. twenty-eight-yard line. Two line Oet. 16Valparaiso, here; at . So&mores ' . Freshmen night. INSURE AND BE~URE plays failed to gain and the Little 1. cornelison ..;... :... . JV. AI^^^, Giants punted to Central's twenty-six. 2. Freshley, ..i.. ... ~~~t~~(capt.; Oet. 2+Rose Poly, here, in the The Greyhounds fumbled and Wabash 3. AIcCuen ...... :'...... BIoue afternoon, hom'ecom- . ' .. '. EQUITABLE.LIFE.,.OF NEW' YORK ing. . recovered . on . the twenty-four-yard 4. 01~~11...... C. Rhoade .. :. Oct. 30-Indiana State, at Term " '' \ ... line. On the first play the Little 5. Cooper .:...... Spray ...... Haute, at night. BOB 'DURHAM t. Giants. skirted end .for nine yards, 6. A: Simon '::.:...... ;. Dellma .. taking the ball to the fifteen-yard 7. Wolf .. .:...... ;.. Clendemnoi N~V.GLlIanoyer at IIanover. Nov. 14-Earlham at Richmona. strip. :Tn-o short gains through the 8. Davis ...... ;...... IIick I .. .. line brought the pigskin to. the,fif: 9. Brice ...... ;...... Byrn .. teen-pard strip.' Tmo short gains Smith 'Comingor .. IO.: ...... ' PETE'S, BARBER SHOP. through the line brought the pigskin 11. Genth (capt.) ...... Nervb "c'ASSOCI~TION IIOLDS INITIATION .... to the eleven-prd line.. On'- third 12. Carter ...... Eato The Shop West'of the Tricks . . ' . ' down Wabash was held without gain 13. nIcCallister ...... Spence - .. but on tho next.play.Vnrner broke 14.' Owens ...... AIyer Despite an almost constant drizzle .. ' ...... lob IIANNA.- AVENUE . ,, . loose,. dashing 'to the five-yard line. 15., Fnrwick ...... DeJernet early Thursday morning; the "C" As- On the first play the Little Giants sociation initiated seven new members worked the ball to the one-yard mark sulted from Smiths fifty-five-yar in a ceremony held at Lick creek. I ...... but fumbled and Noucr, ,yearling run nfter receiving n punt. This Sam . The ceremony was the climax qf back, reco&ed for.Centra1. ientleman accounted for all the point two days pledge service performed .. OSCAR'D...... ' bv DR; LUDWIG Del 1Ioore;in kicking out from be- after touchdonn with'his educated to< the seven new members. Professor . 5133 Madison and Epler ... .' . . Southport i43-I\' Stoneburner, Professor AIichnel, Coach , . . OFFICE IIOURS' , I ' Good, Orval Glasburn, Ernest Foe, : Arville %an, IInrold Smith, Harold * 4'p:"'.- 'I ..P. Sunday by Appointment. Emig. and. Delmnr..hIoore mere in , ,,. , , charge of the ceremony. .

Gorden Fryce, Junjor,Wilson, Noel , :.. ,. . Genth, Alva Wmd*and Arthur De- ' '.\ . .L

AIeyer, wha won letters last spring in ., . ; , , baseball; Paul Doolittle, mho wonhis letter. in football last fall, and Lester .::, . , ... AYcCueri, baseball letterman of 'two years ngoi were the. seven. to become ~ .. .I .. ., members.of the association. . ._:,; ,,I '., A short business meeting was held in connection witht the.initintion prs- tram; in which Ernest Po0 was elected to represent the lettermen..in the " Booster.Club...... ~ -- ...... The electiin'of officers was'.&ld last , ' A. .RIIODES and. . ,., :. ' . TIIE RlGIlT IVAY TO ' . we&kwith'Delmar.AIoorPbeing elected IIIATT.~Rcprcsentntives, ...... DRY CLEAN ...... , . president, IInGld ,Smith; vice presi: :a .DRcx&l3219. : . ' ' . . ' . . :THE RIci~T'\i$y TO: PRESS:: : dent,' and ' Arville Swan, secretary- . '., ', ...... treasurer. A' set'of training-rules .- 50 ...... Cdls and'Dciivcrit&Dail$.... were:also passed-bpthe "GU..Assoefa- :I ...... ~ ; tion..and:turned over:.to,the football :':.: : .....I .,.. : ...... GREGG .& ,SON;:.Inc. ,j ..._.: .I .- . *'... .'.I:.. ... :.:..:,: ...... squad to consider.:. , . ..,,;:.> i:' ...... ,. I . ., . I,