Reasons to Be Thankful Our Homecoming Heroes in Review

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Reasons to Be Thankful Our Homecoming Heroes in Review Nov/Dec 2009 Reasons to be Thankful The exciting fall semester is nearing its end, and what a semester it has been! The College of Pharmacy wishes you a joyous holiday season. In Their Own Words As we reach the height of the UT football season, Al Thigpen, ‘93, former UT football player and pharmacy graduate, gives insight on the challenges and rewards of balancing athletics with academics. Read more Pharmacy students participate in H1N1 vaccination efforts The Lucas County Health Department and The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy collaborated in an H1N1 vaccination clinic and educational session in October. P2 students presented information about the differences between regular seasonal flu and the H1N1 flu virus. Meanwhile, P4 students, under supervision of Drs. Megan Kaun, PharmD ’05, and Michelle Lechman-Holder, PharmD ‘06, vaccinated members of the Toledo community. Read more Our Homecoming Heroes in review This year’s Homecoming offered alumni and friends an opportunity to reunite and celebrate one another’s successes. The Homecoming CE session was a great success, with participation that was more than double last year’s. The topic of Medication Therapy Management for Pharmacists was timely and in accordance with the Ohio Pharmacists Association’s goals. Distinguished Alumnus Nat Lipsyc, '59, and Outstanding Young Alumnus Jamie Kalus, PharmD '00, returned to UT’s campus and participated in several events, as did Distinguished Service Award winner Donna Haar. The UT College of Pharmacy Alumni Affiliate held its annual awards luncheon, where the honorees were presented with their awards. See photos Submit Your Nomination Nominations for next year’s Outstanding Alumni awards are being accepted now. To read the award criteria and submit a nomination, please complete the online form. Nominations will be accepted through March 8, 2010. SAVE THE DATE for Alumni Events Imagination Station – February 28, 2010 Ice Skating – March 7, 2010 More information about these free events will be mailed and included in upcoming e-newsletters. Target® Campus Grant will support diversity at UTCP In fall of 2009, The University of Toledo College of Pharmacy was awarded a $10,000 Target® Campus Grant to support professionalism and diversity training for students. The grant will support students completing internships and rotations with diverse populations and provide diversity awareness training for all incoming pharmacy students in the PharmD program and the pharmaceutical sciences baccalaureate program. UTCP Quick Links Join the Alumni Association College of Pharmacy homepage As the saying goes, membership has its benefits. If you are College of Pharmacy Alumni homepage not currently an Alumni Association member, you can join Upcoming Events today online. Update your profile to ensure that your Visit us on facebook contact information is up to date. Past issues of Extracts & Graduates Questions, updates or comments? Email us at [email protected]. .
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