Genetic Counseling Brook Croke, MS, MPH Genetic Counselor
[email protected] 618-581-9098 (cell) Overview Genetics – a Growing Field Genetic Counseling Applying to Programs Northwestern University Overview Genetics – a Growing Field Genetic Counseling Applying to Programs Northwestern University Cancer Genetics There are more than 50 well described genetic cancer susceptibility syndromes (Lindor NM et al., 2008, JNCI) Genetic counseling and testing shortly after cancer diagnosis can help guide patients’ surgical and treatment decisions. (Weitzel JN et al., 2003, Arch Surg; Schwartz MD et al., 2004, JCO) (Ashworth A, 2008, JCO; Ribic CM et al., 2003, NEJM; Sargent DJ et al., 2010, JCO) Personalized Med. 34% reduction in chemotherapy use would occur if women with breast cancer receive a genetic test prior to treatment. 17,000 strokes could be prevented each year if a genetic test is used to properly dose the blood thinner warfarin. Neurogenetics Ten neurogenetics tests in 1995, several hundred today (Charcot-Marie-Tooth neuropathy, hereditary ataxia, spas7c paraplegia, muscular dystrophy and early-onset demen7a) (Jayadev S, Smith CO, Bird TD. NeurogeneCcs: Five new things. Neurol Clin Pract 2011;1;41) Lifetime risk of developing Alzheimer disease (AD) is 10-12%. Few clinicians are prepared to address the genetic risks of Alzheimer disease with their patients (Goldman et al. Genetic counseling and testing for Alzheimer disease: Joint practice guidelines of the American College of Medical Genetics and the National Society of Genetic Counselors. Genet Med 2011:13(6):597-605) Prenatal Genetics ACOG currently recommends that Down syndrome screening and invasive testing be offered to all women, regardless of age.