LPC022018MEETING OF PARISH COUNCIL Wednesday 7th February 20178

MINUTES 1) Chairman’s welcome: The Chairman welcomed all to the meeting. The Chairman held a minutes silence in memory of Mrs. Sandra Carter, the vice-chairman wife .who had passed away the previous week. She had been a valuable member of the community and would be sadly missed.

2) Present Councillor N Evans-Chairman; Councillor P Carter-Vice-chairman; Councillor C A Roberts Councillor W Merrick; Councillor M Whittall; Councillor K Lovegrove; Councillor K Roberts and Councillor R Evans arrived late from other meetings Apologies: were received from Councillor C Rigby who was unwell.

3) Declarations of Interest: There were none at this point

4) Public Comments: A gentleman from Hookagate asked how the order for the VAS was progressing. He said they had been told that it would take a month for the installation. The Chairman explained that the Parish Council was looking to see if it was the cost effective way of achieving traffic calming in the village. Councillor C Roberts explained that Hookagate needed to be addressed separately. The member of the public asked why this wasn’t done before it was ordered. It was explained that there were VAS in other villages and members were not convinced they were effective in slowing traffic down. The Chairman explained that the Community Speed Watch was looking at the speed again. Two members of the public said they wanted to be involved in any Community Speed Watch that was set up. Councillor C Roberts said that the Parish Council was looking at getting the best decision for Hookagate. Councillor K Roberts entered the meeting at this point. Mr. P Richards was representing Mr. Derek Morgan who wanted to apply for a local need dwelling. Mrs. J Ingham presented the Longden Village Design Statement which had been circulated to members via e-mail prior to the meeting. She explained that Mathew Mead from Council supported the document. Councillor N Evans proposed that the Parish Council adopt the Village Design Statement: this was seconded by Councillor M Whittall and agreed by all members present. The Chairman thanked the group for all their hard work in completing the document.

5) Police Report: PC Ross Cookson reported that crime in the area remains low. There were 10 calls in January of which 4 were antisocial behavior and there were 3 traffic incidents. They were at present dealing with complaints around traffic dropping off and picking up at Hookagate Nursery. He was going to stay until the Highways items were considered by the Parish Council.

6) Shropshire Councillors Report; this was held back until Councillor R Evans arrived. Councillor R Evans reported that the Government was now giving an additional 2.4 million to Shropshire Council. The Financial Strategy has now been published and is out for consultation. The recommendation at the moment is that it will be going up by 5.9%. The budget for the Environmental Services Grant has been deleted from the budget papers and if adopted no grants will now be made.

7) Confirmation and Acceptance of Minutes of meeting held on 3rd January 2018: With the amendment of Councillor W Merrick instead of Councillor M Whittall in item 11b Highways it was agreed that these were a true and accurate record of the meeting; proposed by Councillor L Lovegrove; seconded by Councillor K Roberts and agreed by all members present.

Longden Parish Council Parish Council Minutes February 2018 Signed………………………. Clerk: L Pardoe [email protected] Dated: Wednesday 7th March 2018 2

8) Matters arising:-There were no matters arising that were not covered on the agenda.

9) Council to confirm Local Connections of Mr. Derek Morgan; after discussion it was agreed that Mr. Derek Morgan had strong local connections. Proposed by Councillor N Evans seconded by Councillor P Carter and agreed by all members present.

10) Annual Parish Meeting; after discussion it was agreed to hold the Annual Parish Meeting at Longden School in the Hall starting at 7.00pm on Tuesday 22nd May 2018.It was agreed that this would be less formal with some refreshments and proposals for the Notice Boards would be available to residents to comment on. There would also be the Parish Plan and Village Design Statements for information. Proposed by Councillor C Roberts; seconded by Councillor M Whittall and agreed by all members present.

11) Working groups to report to Members  Bus Shelter for Longden Village; a site meeting was held by members of the working group and they did have a preferred option but were waiting for Councillor R Evans to take this forward. Councillor C Roberts proposed this matter be deferred to the April meeting  Notice Boards in Parish: Councillor C Roberts said that the group was not in total agreement. There were several options which it was proposed that be taken to the Annual Parish Meeting to get feedback from residents.

12) Shropshire Council Consultations:  Budget Consultation  Early Help Consultation

13) Planning: i)clerk to report on earlier applications

Reference: 16/03406/OUT: Address: Land west of The Rectory, Plealey Lane, Longden Proposal: Outline application for the erection of 14 dwellings to include access awaiting decision Reference: 16/02395/FUL: Reconsultation due to amendment on application 16/02395/Ful Land off Manor Lane. Awaiting decision Reference: 17/01780/FUL: Land to the West of Green Lane, Exfords Green, , Awaiting decision Reference: 17/02068/VAR; 3 Chapel Cottages, Hookagate, Shrewsbury Awaiting decision Reference: 17/02251/FUL (validated 11/5/2017): Myrtle Bank, Exfords Green, awaiting Decision Reference: 17/02306/VAR106: proposed residential development east of Wellbatch Farm, Hookagate. Awaiting decision Reference: 17/01780/FUL Land to west of Green Lane, Exfords Green; awaiting decision Reference: 17/04534/VAR: Land adj Hall Farm, Summerhouse Lane Longden: awaiting decision Reference; 17/05338/FUL; The Red Lion Inn Longden Common; awaiting decision. ii Council to consider new applications.

 Reference: 18/00231/FUL Address: Kincraig,8 Old Coppice, Great Lyth Proposal: Erection of a single storey side garage extension .After discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council support this application. Proposed by Councillor M Whittall; seconded by Councillor P Carter and agreed by all members present.

Longden Parish Council Parish Council Minutes February 2018 Signed………………………. Clerk: L Pardoe [email protected] Dated: Wednesday 7th March 2018 3

The clerk had received two additional Planning Applications late on Tuesday evening and it was agreed that these be taken to the next full meeting as February is a short month and they would still be within the time scale required. iii.The applications below are for information only;

 Reference: 18/00227/AMP Address: Sheaves, Lyth Bank, Shrewsbury, Shropshire Proposal: Non Material Amendment to previously approved planning permission 17/03121/FUL Re roof existing extension and create conservatory/porch  Reference: 18/00044/DIS Address: Residential Development Land East Of Hall Farm Summerhouse Lane Longden Shrewsbury Shropshire Proposal: Discharge of Condition 4 (Landscaping Scheme) on Planning Permission 14/01458/FUL for the erection of 3 no. dwellings; formation of vehicular access

Councillor R Evans entered the meeting at this point.

14) Highway Matters: (a) Councillors to discuss the VAS for Hookagate: The order for this had been cancelled in error by Shropshire Council following a query from the parish clerk. Councillor R Evans had a site meeting with J Plowden from Shropshire Council to discuss alternative traffic calming options. These were :  Car parking  VAS  30MPH roundels painted on the road. Councillor C Roberts wants a discussion with J Plowden. Councillor R Evans agreed to arrange a site meeting with members and John Plowden. It was proposed that this be on the agenda as an item in April; proposed by Councillor M Whittall; seconded by Councillor C Roberts and agreed by all members present.

(b) Clerk reported that she had received an e-mail from Adnan Ali stating that they were collecting data from Church Pulverbatch and Longden Common and would then come back to the Parish Council with their results. They had fresh data from the other villages. The clerk was requested to clarify where they would be putting the data recorder for Longden Common. It would be better put near the pub at the top of Longden Common Lane. (c) Councillors to report any highway matters: Councillor M Whittall stated that the roads in general were in a terrible state of repair. Councillor R Evans said that potholes were now being highlighted by placing traffic cones alongside them. (d) Councillor M Whittall to report on the site meeting with Shropshire Councillor R Evans and the Police & Crime Commissioner; Councillor Whittall reported that if the PCC did as he said he would then it was a very good meeting. The PCC was looking to reinstate CSW in the Villages.

15) Communications and Correspondence: list to be circulated to members and available at the meeting  Council to look at submitting a diversity pledge. After discussion it was agreed not to submit a diversity pledge.

16) Play Areas: a) Members to agree for Shropshire Council to do the Play Area Inspections for the Parish Council this year. After discussion it was agreed that the Parish Council would have Shropshire Council to do the

Longden Parish Council Parish Council Minutes February 2018 Signed………………………. Clerk: L Pardoe [email protected] Dated: Wednesday 7th March 2018 4

annual Inspection report and sign up to monthly inspections of the Play Areas. Proposed by Councillor C Roberts; seconded by Councillor R Evans and agreed by all members.

Standing Orders were lifted to allow the meeting to continue past 9.30pm

17) Parish Matters: a) Councillor M Whittall asked what was happening to the hedges. The clerk stated she had received confirmation from I Walshaw regarding the hedges. This was passed on to Jonathan Ingoldby for completion. Councillor Whittall asked Councillor R Evans if he could do anything. Councillor R Evans replied that Shropshire Council is very strapped for cash and they were prioritizing where they spent their money. The clerk suggested that if Councillor Whittall reported it as a private individual they may take notice of him. b) Councillor K Lovegrove asked if the Parish Council could have a defibrillator at the Village Shop in Longden. A discussion was held and Councillor C Roberts was going to speak to a gentleman she knew who might be able to assist with acquiring a defibrillator.

18) Finance: (a) Accounts due for payment; to be tabled at the meeting. It was agreed to pay the accounts as presented by the clerk: Proposed by Councillor P Carter; seconded by Councillor W Merrick and agreed by all members resent. Payee services Amount 262 N Power Energy charges 396.41 S/O LPardoe Salary 504.47 263 LPardoe Expenses 23.47 264 Village Hall Rent 397.50 Total 1321.85 (b) Council to receive Bank Account reconciliation; It was agreed to receive the Bank Reconciliation as presented by the clerk; (c) Treasurers Account ££279.23p; Instant Access Account £49,777.71p; total £50,056.94pProposed by Councillor P Carter seconded by Councillor W Merrick and agreed by all members present. (d) Council to approve any payments received after agenda has been sent out; There were no additional payments (e) Council to consider appointing a Data Protection officer; Councillor K Roberts proposed that this de deferred to a later meeting when the NALC report has come out.; seconded by Councillor W Merrick and agreed by all members present. (f) Council to agree scheme for refurbishment of Longden Play Area. This to be deferred to the March meeting (g) Council to agree to renew anti-virus protection for council laptop; It was agreed to keep using the Windows 10 defender antivirus. Proposed By Councillor C Roberts ;seconded by Councillor K Roberts and agreed by all members present,

19) Date and time of next meeting. It was agreed that this would be held on Wednesday 7th March 2018 at 7.30pm at Longden Village Hall. 20) The Chairman thanked all for attending and closed the meeting at 9.50pm

Longden Parish Council Parish Council Minutes February 2018 Signed………………………. Clerk: L Pardoe [email protected] Dated: Wednesday 7th March 2018