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Citation: Phillips, R., Petersen, H. and Palan, R. (2020). Group subsidiaries, minimization and offshore financial centres: Mapping organizational structures to establish the ‘in-betweener’ advantage. Journal of International Business Policy, doi: 10.1057/s42214- 020-00069-3

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Group subsidiaries, tax minimization and offshore financial centres: Mapping organizational structures to establish the ‘in-betweener’ advantage

Richard Phillips1, Abstract Hannah Petersen1 and International business and public policy research have examined the techniques 1 that multinational enterprises (MNEs) use to shift revenues to subsidiaries in Ronen Palan offshore financial centres (OFCs) in order to minimize tax liability and arbitrage for their advantage. While study of such tax arbitrage strategies has looked to 1City, University of London, Northampton Square, geographical locations and legal dimensions to better understand these Clerkenwell, London EC1V 0HB, UK strategies, it has ignored the structural and organizational relationship between MNEs and their subsidiaries. We define two distinct types of OFC- Correspondence: based corporate entities based on their location among and apparent control R Palan, City, University of London, Northampton Square, Clerkenwell, over other MNE affiliates: ‘stand-alone’ OFCs at the end of a chain of MNE London EC1V 0HB, UK subsidiaries; and ‘in-betweener’ OFCs with equity control over further entities e-mail: [email protected] and hence apparent flexibility to redirect profits to other MNE subsidiaries further down the chain. We hypothesize that when MNEs have in-betweener OFCs controlling a substantial share of overall MNE profits, this indicates greater MNE interest in aggressive tax planning (ATP). We then evaluate empirical support for our claims based on an ‘equity mapping’ approach identifying stand-alone and in-betweener OFCs in 100 of the largest MNEs operating globally. This study demonstrates that a key factor determining tax arbitrage is not the amount of value registered on OFC subsidiaries’ balance sheets, but rather the portion of the group’s operating revenues and net income controlled by OFC subsidiaries. National taxing authorities could benefit from tracking in-betweener OFC locations and behaviour to counter ATP strategies, decrease sovereign arbitrage, and increase MNE . Journal of International Business Policy (2020).

Keywords: multinational enterprise; MNE subsidiary; MNE organizational structure; offshore financial centre; tax arbitrage; legal jurisdiction The online version of this article is available Open Access Electronic supplementary mate- rial The online version of this article ( 3) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. INTRODUCTION Received: 6 December 2018 In this paper, we propose that the location and structure of Revised: 20 March 2020 Accepted: 23 May 2020 multinational enterprise (MNE) subsidiary entities registered in offshore financial centres (OFCs) position those MNEs to engage Offshore financial centres Richard Phillips et al.

more easily in tax arbitrage among national tax MNEs structure their subsidiary corporate entities. authorities as part of a broader tax minimization It requires a deeper understanding of how income strategy. We identify two types of MNE subsidiary and revenue are distributed across MNE subsidiary entities located at different points in an MNE operations, and how certain subsidiaries are able to subsidiary ‘chain’ running from the parent to some re-direct that income and revenue to other sub- endpoint: (1) ‘stand-alone’ entities located at the sidiaries in OFCs located in countries with lower end of a chain; and (2) ‘in-betweener’ entities as tax rates often paired with lax corporate gover- upstream shareholders who invest in subsidiaries nance standards. Policies targeting individual MNE down the chain. MNEs with in-betweener entities subsidiaries in individual countries fail to account that control more income may be better positioned for this organizational dimension and are more to engage in aggressive tax planning (Avi-Yonah likely to fail in increasing overall tax revenue. This et al., 2008; Eicke, 2009). To identify the type of dimension helps explain the paradoxical outcome entity and calculate the share of income they of a decade of tighter national tax regulation in control, we use an ‘equity mapping’ approach. This many countries with little evidence indicating a allows us to identify stand-alone and in-betweener decline in income shifting and tax arbitrage (Claus- entities operating in OFCs in our sample of the 100 ing, 2016; Cobham and Jansky´, 2018; Damgaard largest non-state-owned, non-financial MNEs oper- et al., 2019). ating in 2018. We find that in-betweener entities The prospect of tax arbitrage among different operating in OFCs appear less frequently but con- national taxing authorities prompts new answers to trol a larger share of overall MNE operating rev- fundamental questions in IB research about firm enues and net income compared to stand-alone internationalization.2 The vast and expanding lit- entities operating in OFCs.1 Our analyses con- erature on foreign direct investment by MNEs tribute to international business (IB) and related acknowledges a ‘wide range of potential paths any public policy research primarily by providing novel firm might take in internationalization’ (Welch and concepts and empirics to identify MNEs more likely Luostarinen, 1999: 87). Yet, we often see only a to engage in aggressive tax planning. narrow part of that range. Why, for instance, does In the past decade, the battle against tax avoid- an MNE in state A invest directly in state B, but ance has intensified. Recent policies target individ- delegate responsibility to an MNE subsidiary for ual countries and MNEs alongside their (germane) investment in states C, D, and F? What legal and subsidiaries. The OECD, for instance, has intro- regulatory factors applying in that MNE subsidiary duced several measures including country black- make it a preferred springboard for investment in listing (Kudrle, 2009; Sharman, 2009), bilateral tax states C, D, and F? A common, if implicit, assump- information model treaties (Sawyer, 2011; Valder- tion in IB research is that those factors are largely rama and Johanna, 2010), automatic exchange non-strategic. They are considered administrative agreements (Lesage et al., 2019; Sadiq and Sawyer, factors for lawyers and accountants tucked in back- 2016), and country-by-country reporting (Tang and office operations, adding little, if any, value to an Schultz, 2017). These policies promote comparison MNE’s competitive position in a given national of MNE subsidiary structure with specific tax juris- market. They are thought to change little, if at all, dictional data. The EU has been developing policies in the MNE’s broader internationalization path. designed to isolate potentially ‘artificial’ corporate This assumption is a mistake. Lawyers, accountants, entities (Heckemeyer et al., 2017; Loretz et al., and related professionals contribute qualitatively 2017; Panayi, 2015, 2006). Taxation policy over- different, but nonetheless quite valuable insights sight of MNEs tends to focus on specific subsidiaries for line managers often less aware of current legal in specific countries. and regulatory factors in a given country and less This geographic focus on the legal dimension able to anticipate shifts in those factors with limits effectiveness. MNE tax minimiza- changing governments and policies. Those back- tion strategies are not carried out in a single office professionals can be vital partners for line subsidiary or country. They are implemented across managers charting international investment paths several MNE subsidiaries not unlike other broader where tax rules and regulations can raise charting strategies (Eicke, 2009; Karamanou et al., 2012; costs or frustrate the charting process altogether Loretz et al., 2017; Panayi, 2015; Robe´, 2011). (Eicke, 2009; Karayan et al., 2002). Regulation of MNE tax minimization strategies The policy implications of this analysis are two- requires this broader perspective to consider how fold. First, we argue that specific ways by which

Journal of International Business Policy Offshore financial centres Richard Phillips et al.

MNEs apportion and sequence their corporate positioned to engage in aggressive tax planning equity structure hold vital clues to the overall (ATP) strategies. ‘‘Conclusion’’ section concludes internationalization strategies of the group. Sec- our paper with a recitation of our central research ond, in paying greater attention to jurisdictional goals and key findings, their implications for arbitrage, regulators should cease treating OFC- research and related public policy, and the future registered MNE subsidiaries as an undifferentiated research directions they open up for scholars in IB block of entities that perform more or less similar and related fields. functions. Tax arbitrating techniques often exploit and amortization rules of high-tax juris- dictions where an MNE may be primarily registered, FOUNDATIONAL CONCEPTS AND LITERATURE in combination with MNE subsidiaries in low-tax Organizational Versus Legal Dimensions jurisdictions to achieve even greater tax saving. of the MNE MNE subsidiaries can be classified by their organi- MNEs have evolved in the past three or four zational relationship, which distinguishes interme- decades into highly complex, multi-subsidiary, diating ‘in-betweeners’ from end point or ‘stand- multi-jurisdictional organizations, often spanning alone’ enterprises. More effective taxation regula- hundreds, if not thousands, of independent corpo- tion requires a more focused approach, centring on rate entities, linked by a complex web of ownership those intermediating ‘in-betweeners’ that appear to arrangements (Avraham et al., 2012; UNCTAD, play a vital role in facilitating tax arbitrage. 2016). These organizations are typically viewed as The remainder of this paper is divided into four singular economic actors, which in many ways they additional sections. ‘‘Foundational Concepts and are. However, MNEs are technically legal constructs Literature’’ section immediately below discusses with a parent corporation as the sole or controlling important foundational concepts and background shareholder of multiple, separately incorporated literature. There, we contrast the organizational subsidiaries, affiliates, joint ventures and the like, versus legal dimensions the MNE. We then discuss often located in diverse jurisdictions (Blumberg, the international tax practices and challenges 1993; Matheson, 2008; Robe´, 2011; Lambooy et al., associated with studying those practices. ‘‘An 2013; Adriano, 2015). Each subsidiary is a separate Equity-Mapping Approach to Analysing Interna- legal person, subject to ‘the internal affairs doc- tional Tax Arbitrage Ability in MNEs’’ section trine’, i.e. the rules and regulations, including discusses our equity-mapping approach to meeting corporate governance rules, of its country of regis- those research challenges. There, we show how to tration (Greenfeld, 1992, see also: Adriano, 2015; identify MNE subsidiary ownership chains and Blumberg, 1993; Ferran, 1999; Robe´, 2011). It owns introduce/distinguish two types of subsidiaries assets and partakes in contracts in markets but important to understanding how well-positioned strictly understood, a corporation cannot be ‘multi- an MNE is to engage in international tax arbitrage: national’ at all. The ‘multinational corporation,’ stand-alone subsidiaries located in off-shore finan- otherwise known as ‘transnational corporation’, is cial centre (OFC) countries and appearing at the not a legal person. As such, it cannot own things, end of a given MNE subsidiary chain; and in- partake in contracts or indeed, pay tax (Blumberg, betweener subsidiaries, also located in OFCs but 1993; Hadari, 1973; Orts, 2013; Robe´, 2011). The appearing somewhere above a given MNE sub- MNE is de facto a network of corporate entities, sidiary chain. We use new data on MNE ownership each of which enters into contractual relationships in these different subsidiary types to discern where with other corporate persons within and outside MNEs have more or less ability to shift income to the group. Group subsidiaries are supposed to other subsidiaries in countries where tax treatment with one another at ‘arms-length’ principle – a is more favourable. Findings from Equity Mapping’’ point, interestingly, well understood and previ- section presents findings from application of our ously discussed by prominent economists (Buckley equity-mapping approach to the operations of 100 et al., 2015; Demsetz, 1997; Fama, 1980; Penrose, large MNEs operating in 2018. There, we show that 2009). in-betweener subsidiaries are less frequent than However, the economic concept of the MNE has stand-alone subsidiaries but control substantially largely eclipsed the implications of the legal status more MNE income and related revenues for tax of the corporation in (corporate/business) litera- arbitrage purposes. MNEs with in-betweener sub- ture. The legal fiction of the independence of sidiaries controlling more of both are better

Journal of International Business Policy Offshore financial centres Richard Phillips et al.

corporate subsidiaries, notes Eicke, ‘is not consis- of the cost and benefit of internalizing corporate tent with the business point of view, which regards entities (Grossman and Hart, 1986). Demsetz and a group of companies as one economic unity’ Lehn (1985) discuss corporate equity structure. (Eicke, 2009: 53). Taking a unitary approach to Countless studies are employing Knightian uncer- MNEs, a business perspective tends to gloss over the tainty principles to organization (Boudreaux and fact that maximizing shareholder values encour- Holcombe, 1989). Terminology, however, can be ages micromanagement of every aspect of the confusing. The concepts of ‘qualitative institu- enterprise: from strategic planning, anticipating tional analysis’ or ‘discrete structural alternatives’ tax impacts across time for all parties affected, have a very different meaning in law, referring to negotiating the most advantageous arrangement the type, location and distribution of corporate and transforming the tax treatment of items to the legal person both in jurisdictions, and along the most favourable status (Karayan et al., 2002). The internal topography of the firm. In economics, in legal organization of the group, which involves contrast, concepts such as ‘structural alternatives’, strategic tax planning, is an essential dimension of ‘organizational design’, or ‘qualitative institutional competitive business enterprise in today’s world. analysis’ relate either to typologies of market/ The starting point of strategic tax planning accord- hierarchy forms, or to the economics of corporate ing to Rolfe Eicke, is the law itself, as ‘it is the main holdings (subsidiary versus joint ventures and the driver, since it creates planning opportunities with like), and do not involve the concrete legal organi- its wordings, is systematic inconsistencies and in zation of the firm and choice of corporate person- particular with its omissions’ (Eicke, 2009: 11). This ality (Demsetz, 1997). is a point that seems to have been lost despite ‘the A third stream of opportunity (lost) is associated abundance of riches’ (Robe´, 2011: 6) in the theo- more closely with new institutionalism. This tradi- rizing of the firm in the past five decades. tion treats firms as ‘problem-solving institutions’ Modern theories of the firm produced, in fact, no (Demsetz, 1988: 141) operating under the con- dearth of opportunities for further investigation of straining institutional environments which are ‘the the techniques of legal portioning, sequencing and rules of the game in society’ (North, 1990: 3). corporate arbitrage. For example, one stream of Driven by competitive strategic considerations, thought, often described as the neoclassical trans- internationalizing firms multiply the number and action cost approach, pays great attention to tax- variety of institutional constraints under which ation as costs on a par with transport costs they must operate, as each host country imposes its (Niehans, 1989). One would expect economists to own formal and informal rules of the game. Much pay greater attention to the techniques that are of the economic literature seems to have taken the used to minimize those costs. Unfortunately, as view, implicitly and without providing much evi- Douglas Allen notes, a narrow focus on costs that dence, that the structuring of internal investments occur between firms from the process of market through the use of the corporate legal person, exchange ‘seems to be the reason why the neoclas- including a myriad of special purpose vehicles, is sical approach never analyses questions of eco- mainly or exclusively concerned with minimizing nomic organization outside of the choice of ‘friction’ caused by different regulatory environ- medium of exchange’ (Allen, 2005: 906). ments (Welch and Welch, 1996; Atwood et al., A potentially more promising avenue was forged 2012; Adriano, 2015). The role that tax considera- with the development of the property rights tions play in the organization of the firm sub- approach or the firm as a web of contracts (Alchian sidiaries, both domestically and internationally, is and Demsetz, 1972; Jensen and Meckling, 1976). In simply ignored. contrast to neoclassical theory, the property rights The fourth stream of theory derives directly from approach is explicitly concerned with the qualita- the empirical and theoretical studies in IB, stressing tive institutional analysis and the internal struc- the concepts of risk and uncertainty as important tural organization of firms (Simon, 1978; factors in corporate planning (Welch and Welch, Williamson, 1991), the latter seen as a special case 1996; Buckley and Ghauri, 1999; Cohen, 2007). It is of a distribution of property rights. Law of contract, not uncommon for IB literature to refer to the legal and allocation of property rights within the firm foundations of modern MNEs (Cohen, 2007: 28). have also been subjects of considerable discussion Furthermore, it is well understood that manage- (see in particular (Simon, 1978; Williamson, 2005, ment would seek to plan for future eventualities, 1999, 1991). Grossman and Hart develop a model anticipating environmental hazards, including

Journal of International Business Policy Offshore financial centres Richard Phillips et al.

political, institutional and economic risks, to create OFC. There is by now vast literature on the – if possible – a stable investment environment. relatively simple techniques of profit shifting However, what is ignored is the way by which the through that involve mispricing legal structure of the organization is used to address and other fairly straightforward transfer pricing and anticipate a myriad environmental risks, schemes (Greggi, 2019; Grubert and Mutti, 1991; including political risk, and put in place years, US Department of the Treasury, 2016). Following a sometimes decades, in advance. considerable tightening of regulations in the past decades, such techniques of tax mitigation are now International Tax Implications far more difficult to justify and implement. Modern In any of the above streams, we come close to a MNEs, on the whole, prefer to deploy far more discussion of the legal organization of the firm, or sophisticated methods of tax mitigation exploiting at least we could see the discussion factoring into and arbitraging inconsistent national rules to their the legal structure of firms with a little additional advantage (Eicke, 2009). push. The push, however, appears never to have Tax experts believe that intermediating holding come. The general focus remains on the firm as a companies, particularly those located in an off- singular unit. This is correct to the extent that shore financial centre (OFC), are an ideal tool of management takes a holistic view of the group’s planning (Avi-Yonah et al., 2008; strategies and tactics. However, some important Dorfmu¨ller et al., 2006; Eicke, 2009; Nakamoto cost factors, in particular taxation, are handled by et al., 2019; Panayi, 2013). Holding companies can management, as we argued above, at the level of be used for treaty exemption shopping or deferral the subsidiary. shopping, transforming non-exempt profits into Publicly traded groups present consolidated exempted (or deferred) profits; they can be used for accounts for the entire group and provide a rule shopping, transforming dividend income into group-level view of owed and taxes paid. But other accounting categories such as interest pay- each corporate entity in the group, including the ment; they can be used for shopping, i.e. Global Ultimate Owner (GUO) or subsidiaries transferring income to low-tax jurisdictions and located in the same country, is considered an similar techniques (Eicke, 2009). One popular 3 independent taxpayer (Ferran, 1999). Subsidiaries technique of arbitrage using such intermediary registered in a zero-tax jurisdiction such as the holding companies exploits diverging legal rules Cayman Islands or Bermuda pay no corporate tax, regarding corporate nexus for taxation purposes. whereas subsidiaries of the same group registered in The concept of nexus for state taxation purposes an OECD country may end up paying in excess of requires that corporations have what the legislature 30% corporate tax. The system of international deems as ‘sufficient contact’ with the state for that business taxation incentivizes management to state to tax it (Brossart, 2010). However, what is apportion as many taxable activities to low-tax considered sufficient contact can vary from one jurisdictions as possible. They do so by rerouting state to the next (Brossart, 2010). This tactic was passive investments through their low-tax jurisdic- reported by the US Permanent Subcommittee on tion subsidiaries (Birkinshaw and Morrison, 1995; Investigation of the Apple group. According to the Dowd et al., 2017; Forte, 2016). Subcommittee, Apple Inc. exploited diverging Irish In a hypothetical case of ‘transfer pricing’, an and U.S. nexus rules to reduce its corporate tax bill American beverage company would set up an significantly (Levin et al., 2013; European Commis- intermediating corporate entity in a low- or zero- sion 2016.). It set up a regional treasury hub in tax jurisdiction such as the Cayman Islands or Ireland supposedly in control of all of Apple’s Bermuda and transfer the logo rights and trade- operations outside the American continent. But marks to that entity. The low-/zero-tax jurisdiction- some of Apple’s Irish subsidiaries did not meet based subsidiary would then charge enormous fees Ireland’s threshold of nexus rules by establishing for the right to use the firms’ logo to its French their tax residency in Ireland (European Commis- subsidiary selling the beverage in France. Because of sion, 2016: 2.1.2, 45), nor were these entities tax large payments for the right to use the logo, the resident in the US either. These subsidiaries accu- French subsidiary would show little or no profits mulated considerable earnings from the sale of and hence pay little tax. This makes the Bermudan Apple hardware and software in foreign markets. subsidiary, typically with few or no employees, Since these corporate entities were not tax resident highly profitable while paying little or no tax in the in Ireland nor in the US, they had no effective tax

Journal of International Business Policy Offshore financial centres Richard Phillips et al.

residency and hence were not required to pay tax. et al., 2017; Tørsløv et al., 2018). Researchers at The Levine Committee and the EU Commission the IMF came up with the startling figures that both concluded that Apple’s complex arrangement about 30% of all foreign direct investments are with its Irish SPVs could be classified as a tax ‘phantom investments’ operating through shell avoidance scheme – Apple and the Irish govern- corporations (Damgaard et al., 2019). ment deny the charge and won an appeal to the The practice of tax arbitrage through hybrid European Court of Justice. mismatch and corporate tax gaming has been Apple is not alone in making use of diverging public and discussed for some time (Avi-Yonah, national tax rules. There are other revelations of the 2005; Graetz, 2016), though only in the last decade complex and sophisticated tax planning schemes has the phenomenon attracted serious attention. adopted by some well-known American software The OECD, UNCTAD, and different EU bodies have companies using ‘operations centres’ in Ireland or done a great job in collating and presenting various the Netherlands to arbitrage using the United trans-border arbitraging schemes (OECD, 2013a; States’ Controlled Foreign Company rules (CFC) TAXUD, 2018; UNCTAD, 2016). Although each (Coyle, 2017; Loomis, 2011). They include the known scheme is highly sophisticated and tailored infamous ‘Double Irish’, ‘’ or ‘Dou- to very specific conditions or sectors, they have ble Irish, Single Malt’ (Loomis, 2011; Kelly, 2015; certain common features. First, these schemes Coyle, 2017). American IT companies took advan- invariably consist of specific parent–subsidiary tage of a loophole in the complex US transfer equity arrangements among affiliated members of pricing rules to set up such intermediary holdings a group, where the totality of these arrangements in OFC jurisdictions. Although Code Section 367 of represents the legal structure of the firm (HM the CFC rules applies to cross-border transfers of Treasury, 2014; UNCTAD, 2016). Second, as Apple the intangible property embedded within a soft- and similar cases show, the single most important ware program, it does not apply to the develop- factor in such sophisticated hybrid mismatch tax ment of intangible assets by a foreign affiliate avoidance schemes is not the precise function of outside the United States. This loophole is those singular entities in the corporate ecology, but exploited by a parent company entering into a their ability, in combination with other sub- ‘cost-sharing arrangement’ with a foreign sub- sidiaries, to arbitrage between third-country tax sidiary of the same group for updates of software rules. Third, hybrid mismatch arrangements use an products (Darby and Lemaster, 2007: 12). A leak intermediary corporate entity in a third country from the Luxembourg branch of the accounting contributing to the ‘deepening’ of the corporate firm PricewaterhouseCoopers revealed complex organization, through sequencing and partitioning financial structures intended to exploit jurisdic- layers of intermediating corporate persons operat- tional tax mismatches that allowed companies to ing in OFC jurisdictions. Fourth, the better-known avoid taxes both in Luxembourg and elsewhere cases of arbitrage invariably implicate intermediat- through the use of so-called hybrid loans (Marian, ing offshore-registered corporate entities. Often, 2013). There are many other known cases of hybrid these are usually not the traditional low-tax juris- mismatch arrangements that are taking advantage dictions in island states, but a class of jurisdictions of diverging national rules and regulations (Johan- scoring highly on the ’s corpo- nesen, 2014; OECD, 2012). rate tax havens index (TJN, 2019). They include the These schemes are strictly legal and hence are Netherlands, Switzerland, Luxembourg, Singapore, classified as . This arbitrage exploits Hong Kong, Ireland, and Cyprus, all of which are differences in the tax treatment of an entity or actively seeking to attract regional holding compa- instrument under the laws of two or more countries nies (Polak, 2010). to achieve double non-taxation of all partial or complete deferral (Nessy and Rahayu, 2019: 149). Related Research Challenges The numbers involved are not trivial. It is estimated Whereas some broad characteristics of corporate that US firms alone have amassed between US$1.9 arbitraging structures are known, such transfers are to 3.0 trillion in cash or near-cash deposits difficult to detect in a MNE’s consolidated ‘trapped’, as Reuven Avi-Yonah puts it, in OFCs accounts. Firms rarely volunteer information on (Atwood et al., 2012; Avi-Yonah, 2019; Clausing, their corporate equity arrangement, let alone their 2016; Dowd et al., 2017; Dyreng and Lindsey, 2009; subsidiary structures. Group corporate ecologies Hines, 1988; Kaye, 2014; Miller, 2011; Phillips comprise of legal persons often numbering in the

Journal of International Business Policy Offshore financial centres Richard Phillips et al.

hundreds or even thousands. Current regulations Our approach to this multifaceted set of chal- do not require global firms to divulge their consti- lenges has three components: First, we introduce tutive legal structures, let alone make their corpo- improvements to the techniques of mapping the rate ‘step books’ available to the public or to MNE parent–subsidiary equity arrangements. These regulatory bodies.4 Many do not list any of their improvements allow us to account for the corpo- subsidiaries below a certain threshold (Flower, rate entity arrangements of entire groups, spanning 2016; Leuz and Wysocki, 2016; Meek et al., 1995), thousands of non-financial MNEs. Second, we and consider any information on the precise moti- narrow the research of OFC-registered subsidiaries vation for the establishment of corporate sub- to a specific type of entities, specifically intermedi- sidiaries, including OFC-registered subsidiaries, ating OFC entities, which are traceable in our novel commercial secrets that must be kept for reasons equity maps. Third, we partially overcome data of competition. To date, there are no credible problems associated with OFC-registered entities by methods for identifying or even providing rough focusing specifically on the more-readily available estimates of the size of the phenomenon of tax data that is emanating from the ‘onshore’-regis- jurisdiction arbitrage. tered subsidiaries linked to the OFC in-betweeners One (underdeveloped) approach in comparative and therefore part of their arbitrage structure, macroeconomic analysis of profit shifting centres should there be one. focuses on the number of intermediating compa- The following section sets up the sequence of nies in groups (Desai et al., 2006). The more steps we took to provide the first estimates of the common approach, however, focuses on the num- size and scale of the phenomenon of jurisdictional ber and location of OFC-registered subsidiaries of arbitrage. corporate groups for the simple reason that these jurisdictions levy either low or zero corporate taxes on entities registered in their territories. These data, AN EQUITY-MAPPING APPROACH TO compiled in the Orbis database, are extensively ANALYSING INTERNATIONAL TAX ARBITRAGE used by researchers to identify and collate the ABILITY IN MNES number of OFC subsidiary entities of corporate Data on MNE Subsidiary Ownership and Control groups (Cobham and Jansky´, 2018; Haberly and The concept of jurisdictional arbitrage refers to Wo´jcik, 2015; Hines, 1988; Kalemli-Ozcan et al., ‘corporate structures,’ that is two or more corporate 2015; Ribeiro, et al., 2010; Zucman, 2015). Among entities, embedded in the MNE’s ecology, orga- those, two studies have sought to analyse micro- nized to exploit gaps, loopholes and blind spots in data data relating to OFC-based intermediaries national regulations in order to lower overall (Garcia-Bernardo et al., 2017a; Nakamoto et al., corporate taxation. Understanding arbitrage begins 2019). Economists and economic geographers have with an analysis of the legal structure of firms. The developed sophisticated triangulation techniques legal structure of firms refers to the organization of to calculate the global impact of corporate profit corporate holdings and the construction of corpo- shifting (Clausing, 2016; Cobham and Jansky´, rate groups with legal tools including agency, 2018; Dowd et al., 2017; Garcia-Bernardo et al., contract and property rights (Blumberg, 1993; 2017b; Gordon, 2016; Gumpert et al., 2016; Hines, Ferran, 1999; Orts, 2013; Robe´, 2011). Historically, 1988; Hines and Rice, 1994; Kaye, 2014; Phillips analysis of ownership patterns has been concerned et al., 2017; Tørsløv et al., 2018). with shareholder control and its impact on perfor- The problem with these approaches is that not all mance and efficiency (Aguilera and Crespi-Cladera, OFC-registered corporate entities are set up as part 2016; Chen et al., 2014; Daily and Dollinger, 1992; of tax planning schemes.5 Furthermore, even Powell and Rhee, 2016; Titman, 2017). In contrast, among those that are set up for tax purposes, only research on the internal corporate architecture of those located on a chain of subsidiaries can support MNEs is in its infancy (Lewellen and Robinson, jurisdictional arbitrage. The problem is com- 2013; UNCTAD, 2015).6 pounded because arbitraging structures take advan- The Orbis database, which contains data from the tage of loopholes and blind spots that arise by filing of corporate subsidiaries, is the starting point arbitraging two or more corporate entities in two or for our data analysis. We convert the ownership more jurisdictions, hence data on the OFC corpo- data of multinational and subsidiary organizations rate entities may not reveal the full extent of the provided by Orbis into an equity map of corporate effects on arbitrage.

Journal of International Business Policy Offshore financial centres Richard Phillips et al.

groups using a standard social network (SNA) of entities, using the accounting years that pertain approach. The structure of information that is to the period where there is evidence to confirm the described in social network analysis is usually current arrangement in a chain. This is to ensure constructed as an ‘adjacency matrix,’ whereby for that no assumptions are made that would include every node in the graph, the immediate relation- corporate entities and their accounts that were not ships with other nodes are defined. A sequence of in fact part of the MNE group during the entire adjacent nodes in a graph forms a ‘path’. A period. sequence that never revisits an edge is called a To visualize such equity maps, we use a force-tree ‘trail’. In turn, a ‘walk’ is any sequence of adjacent algorithm that captures an equity map whole. nodes. Every path is a trail, and every trail is a walk Force-directed layout algorithms produce graph (Borgatti et al., 2013; Kurt and Kurt, 2020). SNA drawings using social ‘gravity’ as an additional uses computer algorithms to ‘walk’ through the force in force-directed layouts, together with a sequential paths in the matrix most efficiently. A scaling technique (Perlman, 1985; Tamassia, ‘walking’ algorithm establishes immediate connec- 2013). Figure 2 is an example of the resulting tions from one node (the GUO subsidiary), in our graph. case information on ownership patterns filed by Each dot in Figure 2 represents one subsidiary of each SCE and provided by Orbis, and then follow- the group. The red dot at the centre is the global ing the sequence of connections in subsequent ultimate owner. The GUO controls some sub- nodes in a series of iterations. sidiaries directly, and some indirectly, through a The Orbis data are far from perfect (Kalemli- chain of subsidiaries. Directly controlled sub- Ozcan et al., 2015; Ribeiro, et al., 2010) and requires sidiaries who, in turn, do not control under extensive ‘cleaning’ to verify the precise location of subsidiaries, appear graphically near the parent, subsidiaries on a corporate chain. Orbis’ database many forming a cluster. The algorithm pulls the provides ownership relationship data between sub- controlled subsidiary down a chain further away sidiaries in a group in two distinct sets of reporting from parent, and so a chain of subsidiaries in categories: direct ownership levels, and total own- revealed. Some of those chains reveal a secondary ership levels. The data may describe a reporting clustering. These clusters may either represent relationship where corporate entity ‘A’ owns cor- functional divisions in group, different ‘brand’ (as porate ‘B’ directly, and corporate ‘B’ owns corporate for instance, the Audi brand of Volkswagen would ‘C’ directly. However, it may also contain informa- typically be represented as a branch of its own, with tion about corporate ‘A’ as owning corporate ‘C’ some clustering around Audi’s central holding indirectly, therefore misrepresenting the reported company). The equity map reveals that this auto- total level of ownership (seen below in Figure 1). mobile firm consists of several organizations (or Over thousands of links between entities on clusters). The GUO tends to control these clusters lengthy ownership chains within a group network, through intermediate holding companies, often such misrepresentations aggregate and can com- organised through a chain of subsidiaries. Many pletely distort information about a corporate of these clusters in turn have their own sub-clusters group. Hence, we clean the data to minimize the and all seem to control independent subsidiaries. level of indirect relationships to only those cases The result is an ‘equity map’ and provides unique where there is no other direct information avail- visualization of the relationship and degree of able, preserving where relevant the level of total connection between MNE subsidiaries. ownership.7 Additionally, we introduce a control As discussed previously, arbitraging structures, measure to find out how long a particular entity has such as the one deployed by Apple, or various types been part of the group within a given configuration of hybrid structures revealed by OECD’s BEPS studies and by independent researchers, involve a chain of subsidiaries, whereby at least one of the ABCintermediary subsidiaries is located in an OFC jurisdiction. The majority of such structures have their intermediaries located in non-traditional OFCs (Cobham and Jansky´, 2018; Garcia-Bernardo et al., 2017a; Haberly and Wo´jcik, 2015). We Figure 1 Direct and indirect ownership pattern. propose, therefore, to narrow our search to only

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Figure 2 An equity map of a global automobile firm manufacturer, mid-2018.

OFC-registered subsidiaries that serve as intermedi- this theory is correct, then the tax savvy MNE ating entities. would ensure that the majority of its stand-alone OFC subsidiaries would have little or no operating Identifying Stand-Alone Versus In-Betweener revenues or net income, or alternatively be located MNE Subsidiaries under another OFC subsidiary (‘in-betweeners’), or We differentiate OFC-registered subsidiaries along possibly use derivative instruments to reallocate with their topographical location on corporate those profits (Clappers and Mac-Lean, 2019; Office, chains. Some OFC subsidiaries control no other 2011; Schizer, 1999). subsidiaries of the group and form a kind of Other OFC subsidiaries are in control of further subsidiary dead end. They constitute stand-alone subsidiaries downstream on a chain of subsidiaries. subsidiaries and would have the following (On – These OFC subsidiaries are ‘in-betweeners,’ in con- (On –On-On) … Off) signature (Figure 3 below). trol of one or more ‘on-shore’ subsidiaries. Their These entities undoubtedly take advantage of the signature on the corporate chain is (On – (On –Off - regulatory environment of their OFC location, On) … On). It is likely that most OFC subsidiaries including low taxation, but due to their location are set up in part to take advantage of low taxes or on corporate chains, they cannot be used for tax other unique regulatory incentives offered by OFCs, arbitraging purposes. One theory is that MNEs but only the second type, in-betweeners, can serve, probably employ those type of corporate entities in addition, sophisticated arbitrating purposes in ‘tax neutral’ venues to perform a variety of (Clark et al., 2015; Garcia-Bernardo et al., 2017a; financial and treasury operations, such as funding, Zucman, 2014). Stand-alone OFC subsidiaries are hedging, forex and the like (Chorafas, 1992; not intermediating subsidiaries and therefore unli- Dizkırıcı, 2012; Hong Kong Monetary Authority, kely to be a component of arbitrating structures, 2016; Polak, 2010; Stewart, 2005). As stand-alones, whereas an in-between subsidiary could potentially any profits they generate would be subject to serve such purposes because their location on the taxation once they are repatriated to the parent. If

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Figure 3 A stylized organization of affiliated groups, including two types of offshore entities. corporate chains can affect the relationship among in Online Appendix A presents the number of subsidiaries in a group. ‘standalones’ for each of the top 100 non-financial We collected, cleaned and sorted data points firms, and column O the number of ‘in-betweeners’ from Orbis for the top 100 non-financial multina- they have set up respectively. It appears to us that tional enterprises globally in operating revenues in both for practical and for policy reasons, the exact 2018. Our analysis goes as far as ten subsidiaries number of type 2 subsidiaries that might facilitate deep into the network per firm (see Online jurisdictional arbitrage is less significant. We Appendix A). To narrow our search into in-between assume that as with Apple Inc., tax-oriented arbi- structures, we first generated a list of OFC jurisdic- trating ‘in-betweeners’ are likely to be placed in tions. Our list of OFCs is based on the Tax Justice control over a substantial portion of the group’s Network’s financial secrecy index (TJN, 2018), operating revenues and net income. It is the combined with the top 10 jurisdictions on the portion of a group’s overall operating revenues Tax Justice Network’s Corporate Tax Havens Index and net income placed under the ‘control’ of such (TJN, 2019). We introduced an additional filter to OFC entities that matter. account only for OFC subsidiaries that control For example, a firm may only have one such subsidiaries in other jurisdictions. A Dutch holding chain in its group network but place, say, 70% of its company that controls other Dutch companies overall revenue streams underneath it, whereas may service the local market and hence potentially another has set up dozens but none of them is not part of a Netherlands offshore financial control more than a few percent of revenues. The centre arbitrage structure. Simply put, when there greater the portion of the group’s operating rev- is a clear reason for an intermediating entity to be enues and net income that is placed under ‘in- in said jurisdiction, it does not count as an in- betweener’ control, the greater is the opportunity between entity. We therefore exclude such Dutch for tax arbitrage created by the group. The reason holdings from our list of OFCs (see Online being that corporate entities on such chains have Appendix B for discussion of the list of OFCs). rights over the underlying financial assets and the We then separated each group’s OFC-registered cash flows that derive from entities down the chain. entities along those who report controlling other The manifestations of those rights are linked to subsidiaries in the group (in-betweeners) and those jurisdictional rules of the intermediating entity, that do not (stand-alones). This gave us a list of which are governing rights of ownership, utiliza- type 1 (stand-alones) and type 2 (in-betweeners) tion, and financial transactions. OFC-based subsidiaries held by each of the top 100 To conclude: we are less interested in finding the non-financial firms in the world in 2018. Column J number of subsidiaries controlled through ‘in-

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betweener’ subsidiaries. We correlate instead the The combined effect of these mitigating mea- mapping exercise with financial data derived from sures is giving our estimations a highly conserva- the filing of individual subsidiaries to find out, first, tive bias because restructuring within a group over the portion of the entire group’s operating revenues time may have occurred. However, it is essential to and profits controlled by such structures and guard against inflated historical values derived second, whether or not those ‘in-betweeners’ from M&A activities. Therefore, shareholder history diverge noticeably from other OFC-registered information is very important for our method. subsidiaries.

Other Equity-Mapping Steps FINDINGS FROM EQUITY MAPPING To answer these questions meaningfully, we had to introduce another set of controls. Intra-group Preliminary Matters transactions may be highly episodic or recurring. Having resolved the location issue of ‘in-between- To account for episodic oscillation, we take an ers’, we encountered additional complicating fac- average from the most recent 5-year period for tors important to discuss here before we turn to our which there is likely to be the best quality data. As main findings, detailed in Online Appendix A. One of June 2018, this presents the financial years 2012- serious issue in comparative research using equity 2016 (e.g. filing information for FY 2016 occurring mapping is coverage: the Orbis database does not in the calendar year 2017, the most recent year for provide full accounting information on every sub- which we could expect relative completeness of sidiary in a group. This is particularly the case data. As discussed above, this means we cross- regarding OFC-registered subsidiaries. Some of checked to make sure any entities we include from these data issues can be overcome because data our 2018 sample can be traced back as part of the from ‘onshore’ jurisdictions controlled by those ‘in- group accordingly). This entails both a considera- betweeners’ tend to be of higher quality. We can tion of (A) the relative size of nominal unconsol- tell therefore in principle the value of operating idated accounting values, relative to those offered revenues and net income generated collectively by by the consolidated GUO parent, and (B) the entities under the control of in-betweeners and relation to the total value observable from all listed compare it with the MNE group’s consolidated data subsidiaries within the entire group. As context- to find the portion of the group’s overall operating specificity within a group can play a major role in revenues and net income located under the control influencing the amounts that it would be ‘normal’ of those in-betweeners. to see in the accounting data, our investigation To give one example, when data provided by begins with a distributional overview to help each subsidiary are aggregated, then in the case of calibrate what is ‘normal’ as opposed to ‘excep- the Walmart group with an annual turnover of tional’ in the reporting of accounting values by US$500 billion, we can account for only 22.64% of private unconsolidated subsidiaries. the parent’s operating revenues and 22.98% of the In summary, the results presented here (see parent’s net income as a percentage of the parents’ Online Appendix A) refer therefore only to entities consolidated accounts. The fourth largest group, that meet the following research conditions: the Toyota Motor Corp., with $US240 billion in annual turnover, totalling up all the ‘visible’ 1. They are majority or wholly owned as of June corporate subsidiary accounts amounts to 76.84%, 2018, which is C 50% ownership relative to the and 42.86% of the group’s reported consolidated parent GUO entity. operating revenues and net income. The rest are 2. They are currently held in a particular structural located presumably in entities that either do not arrangement we can detect and classify. file annual accounts, or in entities where their 3. Only the accounting years for which we can filings are not made available publicly. We there- confirm from the GUO that they were owned at fore provide a ‘visibility’ index for each group and the requisite threshold are considered, or if an each accounting categories. The index tells us the indirect report by the GUO is not available, the portion of the consolidated figures (for each maximum period that shareholder records can accounting category) that is ‘visible’ (that is, avail- confirm that the current chain of equity hold- able on Orbis). We consider a visibility index ings has been in place. figure of less than 50% too low to support mean- ingful interpretation.

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The visibility index raises an additional compli- betweeners’ count of 30). Considering that we can cating factor. For instance, the visibility index observe overall only 57.04% of the group’s operat- shows that we can account on Orbis for 110.4% ing revenues and 60.5% of net income, of those, of Royal Dutch’s operating revenues and 776.06% 62.79% (column Q) and 57.17% (column S) respec- of its net income. This is not a one-off anomaly. We tively, are placed under the control of ‘in-between- can account for 101.01% of Volkswagen’s operating ers.’ Such figures are substantial enough, we argue, revenue and - 46.92% of the groups’ net income. to warrant an informed interpretation of the firm’s In other words, even with limited ‘visibility,’ behaviour. aggregated figures from subsidiaries may reach Again, as with the visibility index, the cut-off line above 100% of the group’s reported consolidated is an artificial line we chose within our research figure for the same accounting categories. Such design and not based on existing industry regula- anomalies arise out of the system of consolidated tions, but we consider any figure above 50% pre- accounting that is used by these groups. Consoli- consolidation to offer a reasonable level of ‘visibil- dated accounts are guided by a complex set of ity.’ Second and related, we had to ask what the ‘pre- accounting rules and guidelines as instructed by the consolidated value’ above which the figures will be GUO’s home country (Rosenbloom, 2002). Consid- considered sufficient to warrant meaningful inter- ering that most firms would include a degree of pretation is. Again, we believe that a figure of 50% intra-firm transfers of operating revenues and/or represents a reasonable level of pre-consolidated net income in their filings, aggregated operating value to sustain an interpretation. We consider, revenues or net income can reach above 100% of therefore, only cases that comply with the follow- the value declared by the GUO in the same ing criteria to be sufficiently robust: accounting categories as is the case of Royal Dutch 1. The nominal value of the pre-consolidation Shell and Volkswagen. Indeed, 31 firms in our index for a subgroup must be greater than 50% sample return a 100% or above visibility index for of the consolidated value reported by the parent. their operating revenues accounting category. 2. The nominal value of the pre-consolidation Those firms appear to be engaged in higher-than- index for a subgroup must be greater than 50% average intra-group transfers. Whereas the accounts of the total of observable values reported from all imply that a group like Volkswagen, for instance, subsidiaries in the group. generates most of its net income in entities that are 3. The pre-consolidation index value for all sub- ‘invisible’ on Orbis. sidiaries must itself be greater than the median The visibility index compares, in other words, level reported from across the 100-firms sample. what may be described as a ‘pre-consolidated value’, or aggregated values generated at the entity level, These criteria are conservative by design. They which we then compare with the reported consol- limit the total incidence rate of positive identifica- idated accounts. There is, as far as we can tell, no tions to only half of the corporate groups. This is to known standard for a normal rate of intra-firm limit considerations to only cases where there is an transfers and hence no benchmark against that one ‘above average’ level of reporting: and thus to only can compare pre-consolidation indexes among those cases in which we are most able to isolate MNEs. However, as far as we can tell, in the where in the corporate group most of the account- majority of the cases, the pre-consolidation values ing values reported publicly by the parent company and invisibility index do not detract from reaching will likely come from. Only in these cases do we certain conclusions about the MNEs’ behaviour. Let then concern ourselves with testing the further us take the example of the 8th group on our list, question of whether the unconsolidated account- Exxon Mobil Corp., with an annual turnover of ing values reach magnitudes that would suggest US$237 billion a year within which 57.04% of most value reported by the parent is attributable to operating revenues and 60.5% of net income is a particular subset of subsidiaries. ‘visible.’ Although the group has established 58 stand-alone offshore entities, combined, they pre- Main Findings sent 0% of the ‘visible’ operating revenues and net We now turn to our main findings, which are listed income of the group; yet 35.84% of its ‘visible’ in detail in Online Appendix A and also discussed operating revenues and 34.12% of visible net and summarized in the text and series of figures be- income is placed under the control of its in- low as well as in the conclusion. betweeners (Exxon maintains a relatively high ‘in-

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The top 100 non-financial firms have established 240 between them 73,864 subsidiaries as of 2018. extreme outlier outlier Among these, 6219 (or nearly 8.4% of the sub- 220 sidiary corporate entities of the top 100 non- 200 financial firms in the world) were located in OFC jurisdictions. Most of the firms in our sample, 84% 180 to be exact, have established many more ‘stand- 160 alone’ OFC entities than ‘in-betweeners’. We exclude the cases were an OFC holding controls 140 another entity in the same jurisdictions (as described in Online Appendix B, because these 120 % of Parent may serve the local market). Once those entities are 100 excluded, the number of OFC subsidiaries held by the top 100 non-financial firms stands at 4371, or 80 nearly 6.4% of the total, of which 3014 (or about 60 4%) are ‘stand-alones’ while 1257 (or 1.7%) are in- betweeners. 40 median Those 1.7% ‘in-betweeners’ were overall ‘in con- 20 22 trol’ of 6208 subsidiaries in chains below them within the MNE’s subsidiary network structure. In 0 other words, nearly 8.4% of the subsidiaries of the Figure 4 In-betweener OFCs and their subsidiary holdings: 5- top 100 non-financial firms were controlled by ‘in- year mean of operating revenues (2012–2016). betweeners.’ Quite a few firms in our sample set up only one or two ‘in-betweeners,’ and placed them 1000 in control of a negligent portion of the group’s revenue. However, overall, the median scale of pre- 900 consolidated index value for in-betweener entities 800 for those 8.4% entities has been 66% of operating revenues and 40% of net income of the entire MNE 700 group’s overall operating revenues and net income 600 (see Figures 4 and 5). Figures 4, 5, 6, 7, and 8 present the distribution 500 of descriptive results for all 100 non-financial 400 corporate groups in the study. Results are presented as a box-whisker plot which describes the median, 300 % of Parent the inner quartile range (IQR) and outliers within a 200 distribution. The IQR is the difference between the first and third quartile or the central 50% of 100 observations (the coloured rectangle in each fig- 0 8 ure). The whiskers describe the extent of other observed values that are not statistical non-outliers. • 100 Outliers appear as dots. Black dots are defined as • 200 values more than 1.5 times the standard deviation. • 300 Extreme outliers appear as clear dots and are defined as values more than three times the stan- Figure 5 In-betweener OFCs and their subsidiary holdings: 5- dard deviation. In Figures 4, 5, 6, and 7, results year mean of net income (2012–2016). describe the value of the financial reporting on net income or operating revenues for either the subset being reported by the respective parent’s consoli- of subsidiaries held by in-betweener OFCs or stand- dated (total) over the same 5-year period. Figure 8 alone OFCs themselves. These values were calcu- in turn presents the same calculations but for all lated by aggregating the historical reporting avail- current subsidiaries within a respective corporate able for the subsidiaries in question and expressing group. those values as a percentage of the same values

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% of Parent 6





1 0.34 0

Figure 6 Stand-alone OFCs: 5-year mean of operating revenues Figure 7 Stand-alone OFCS: 5-year mean of net income (2012–2016). (2012–2016).

In light of the complicating factors with the data show that, whether they make use of them or discussed in the previous section, column T in intend to do so, many of the top 100 non-financial Online Appendix A identifies those firms where firms have created what are in effect ‘opportunity evidence best suggests that the majority (i.e. greater spaces’ for aggressive tax avoidance. Furthermore, than 50%) of either the parent’s operating income they have placed those structures strategically in or net income is placed under the control of control of a considerable portion of the respective subsidiaries incorporated in OFC jurisdictions. We group’s operating revenues and net income. applied this test for stand-alones and in-between- ers, and both operating income and net income Additional Findings pre-consolidation index values. We indicate cases The study focused on a specific set of structures where all three criteria were met as ‘true’ in Online embedded in the corporate ecology that can serve Appendix A, column T. The results were true for 24 as ‘opportunity spaces’ for tax arbitrage. Beyond of the MNEs in the top 100. These positive results those, our findings and data point to additional are cases where the majority of the MNE’s value is issues that may warrant further research. controlled through OFC-based ‘in-betweener’ hold- First, as mentioned above, most OFC-registered ing group structures. Given that we artificially subsidiaries are stand-alones. We found that in restricted our concerns to only half of the sample nearly all observable cases, the pre-consolidated where the data were best and most complete, and value of stand-alone OFCs was a small fraction (less that we then set our targets only in those cases than 10% and typically less than 5%) of the pre- where most values in a group appear to be placed consolidated values under the control of ‘in-be- under the control of OFC-based subsidiaries, the tweeners’. The portfolio holdings of OFC entities results suggest an unexpectedly high rate of posi- reveal median observations of only 0.26% and tive incidences (i.e. 48% of the total of positive 0.08%, respectively (see Figures 5 and 6). The findings) when there might be many more were our majority (75%) of stand-alones registered a pre- controls less stringent. consolidated index that is equal to only 1% of the Considering that the literature on aggressive tax consolidated parent. These findings come with an planning has identified many ATP schemes that important caveat that financial data on OFC-regis- have ‘in-betweeners’ among them, these findings tered entities is generally poor. Yet, such a marked are not surprising. Yet they are worrying. They difference between the values associated with

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Figure 8 Value of observable 3200 1200 operating revenues and net 3000 2000 income as a percentage of 1500 parent totals (2012–2016). 1000



400 outliers % of Parent 200

66 32 0


400 Operating Revenues Net Income standalones and in-betweeners is too vast to be index of only 32% for net income (Figures 7 and dismissed. It suggests that as a group, the stand- 8). The aggregated median operating revenues alones are unlikely to be engaged in significant reported by subsidiaries of the top 100 non-finan- transfer pricing and may be used, as the literature cial firms amount to 66% of the operating revenues suggests, for specialized treasury operations func- reported by the same groups in their consolidated tions such as funding, investment vehicles, cash accounts. The median aggregate net income holdings or hedging (Polak et al., 2011). reported by subsidiaries is only 32% of the reported Secondly, despite the general impression of consolidated revenues of the same firms. Either growing transparency due to the tightening of coincidentally or by intent, a greater portion of national and international regulations, the world of these firms’ operating revenues is in jurisdictions corporate filings remains highly opaque. As we saw that make the filings available, compared to the above, there are nearly no available financial data reported net income. at the subsidiary level for around a dozen of our cases (13% of the top 100 non-financial firms in the world). Aggregation of subsidiary reporting of NOTES operating revenues reaches values similar to the One explanation for the divergence seen in the consolidated reporting in less than 50% of those above Figures 7 and 8 between the two values companies. For the rest, considerable portions of across the board is that operating revenues are their operating revenues and net income are locked likely to be generated in large market economies, in subsidiaries that are not required to file annual where annual filings are normally available (except accounts at all or are in jurisdictions that do not for the US, hence the median is less than 100%). reveal those accounts except possibly to their Whereas, according to the profit shifting literature, national financial regulators.8 These findings cor- a higher portion of profits is reported in OFCs, relate with other in-depth studies of financial which rarely make those filings available. This transparency such as the financial secrecy index finding seems to correlate broadly with the findings 2018 (FSI 2018) – suggesting that opacity is still rife. of profit-shifting research. Third, we note, as alluded to above, that pre- An alternative explanation is that would-be consolidated indexes vary from one corporate profit-shifting firms are likely to have a greater group to another, and furthermore that the pre- interest in ensuring that a smaller portion of their consolidated indexes for operating revenues and profits data are subject to public scrutiny as net income diverge across the board. The median opposed to their operating revenues, so the diver- level of a pre-consolidated index of 66% of operat- gence in median values for the two pre-consoli- ing revenues compares with a pre-consolidated dated indexes may be significant. There could be specific case-by-case reasons for such divergence,

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but the size of our sample of the largest 100 repatriated to the parent. One theory is that MNEs industrial firms in the world is a strong sign that probably employ those types of corporate entities opacity may not be distributed randomly. The in ‘tax-neutral’ venues to perform a variety of divergence in those pre-consolidated accounts is financial and treasury operations, such as funding, unlikely to be coincidental and may be the product hedging, forex and the like. If the theory is correct, of meticulous planning – a point that has not been then the majority of stand-alone OFC subsidiaries acknowledged, let alone discussed, so far in the would have little or no operating revenues or net literature, but one merits additional research. The income – and that is exactly what this study found. implications are that when comparing those values The evidence presented in this paper suggests, among groups, we are comparing apples with pears. therefore, that most probably the majority of Yet, it is useful to know the extent to which corporate OFCs are chosen for tax-neutrality rea- arbitrating structures are used among the group of sons, but a significant minority, those ‘in-between- top 100 non-financial MNEs. ers,’ play a different role in corporate planning and are placed, therefore, in control of high proportions of a group’s operating revenues, a position which CONCLUSION can be used for tax arbitrage.

Central Research Aims and Key Findings Implications for IB and Related Policy Research This paper presents the first comparative empirical and Practice examination of the portion of a MNE group’s This study demonstrates that a key factor deter- operating revenues and net income controlled by mining tax arbitrage is not the amount of value intermediating offshore subsidiaries (‘in-between- registered on OFC subsidiaries’ balance sheets, but ers’). Described sometimes as intermediating hold- rather the portion of the group’s operating rev- ing companies, tax experts suggest that such enues and net income controlled by OFC sub- structures offer a variety of opportunities for tax sidiaries. Policymakers and the academic arbitrage. To date, the scale of the phenomenon of community should pay greater attention to the the use of those ‘in-betweener’ OFCs was unknown. organizational structure and layering of corporate Our analysis suggests that about a quarter of OFC- investment through diverse jurisdictions. There is registered subsidiaries of large MNEs create the extensive literature discussing the economic, man- conditions that facilitate tax arbitrage, or what we agerial and normative foundations of location and call ‘opportunity spaces’ for tax arbitrage. Despite corporate investment (Welch and Welch, 1996; their relatively low number, this study confirms Buckley and Ghauri, 1999; Cohen, 2007; Aguilera that at least among the top 100 non-financial, non- and Crespi-Cladera, 2016). Less is known about the state-owned global MNEs in the world, such struc- choices of pathways of investment and, in partic- tures are often placed in control of large propor- ular, the layering of those investments through tions of these groups’ operating revenues and net chains of subsidiaries. However, as we argue in this income. The greater the portion of a group’s paper, the legal structure of the subsidiaries, which operating revenues controlled by such structures, involves strategic tax planning, is an essential the more opportunities they have for tax arbitrage. dimension of competitive business enterprise in We identify in Online Appendix A those firms that today’s world. Conversely, the organization of are heavy users of such structures. corporate entities along chains of subsidiaries, and By differentiating OFC subsidiaries along their the location of vital economic and accounting data topographical location on corporate chains, this among the different components of the group, offer study is able to lend support, therefore, to the many vital clues into corporate strategies. Whereas con- macroeconomic studies of profit shifting, but also, solidated accounts are important for comparative paradoxically, to the often-heard argument that research, this study shows that data at the subgroup OFC subsidiaries are used as ‘tax-neutral’ locations. level are also important. Equity mapping could The majority of enterprises, the standalones, therefore open an entirely new and fruitful avenue undoubtedly benefit from the low-taxation envi- for IB research. ronment provided by an OFC. Simply counting the Such perspective requires a different way of number of OFC subsidiaries is mistaken. Under thinking about policy from a world that is focused rules of most countries, any tax savings produced on states and corporate entities seen in isolation, to by those standalones is eliminated once funds are a policy that is aimed at identifying and countering

Journal of International Business Policy Offshore financial centres Richard Phillips et al.

relationships among entities and jurisdictions acknowledged difficulties in such research, it will within firm networks. Here lies a promising oppor- be a fruitful method for further study. tunity for IB research to engage in interdisciplinary research with public policy, governance and other social sciences to further acknowledge the signifi- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS cant role that MNE’s play in the global and national The authors would like to thank our many colleagues society and reconsider how to regulate it. This and friends who lent their time, knowledge, and article advances organizational theory into MNEs insights as we went through a number of iterations of and global regulatory policy; and future research this paper. We thank Reuven Avi-Yonah, Bruno Casela, should concern itself with details into how regula- Alex Cobham, Lorraine Eden, Daniel Haberly, Moran tion can become more effective, of course without Harrari, Joanne Horton, Peter Jansky, Robert Kudrle, becoming overbearing or diminishing the oppor- Omri Marian, Markus Meinzer, Yuval Milo, Anastasia tunities that lie in a global market. Nesvetailova, Jenaline Pyle, Jean-Phillipe Robe´, Lucio Research Limitations and Future Directions Sarno, Herman Mark Schwartz, Leonard Seabrooke, Equity-mapping research is in its infancy, but Jason Sharman, Christopher Trautvetter, two anony- already some important limitations are noticeable, mous reviewers, and last, but not least, our commis- several of which were discussed in this article. sioning editor at JIBP, Paul Vaaler. Without his patience Financial and accounting data derive from corpo- and support this paper would have never seen the rate filings, which, particularly from entities light of the day. Research for the paper was funded by located in the US or in OFCs, is often limited. This the ERC Advanced Grant: Corporate Arbitrage and CPL proved less of a problem for this study, which Maps: Hidden Structures of Controls in the Global focused on accounting data generated from corpo- Economy (CORPLINK). Grant no. 69494. rate entities that are controlled by ‘in-betweeners’, and the majority of those were located in jurisdic- NOTES tions that both demands and provide access to the 1Accounting categories such as revenues, profit data. Nonetheless, some of the firms in our sample and the like, are notoriously difficult because their did not reach either a visibility index or pre- precise meaning and definition may vary from one consolidated index of 50% and above. Whether or jurisdiction to another. In this article, we use not those firms have chosen purposely to relocate categories of ‘operating revenues’ and ‘net income’ large proportions of their operating revenues to less as provided by the Orbis database. The accounting transparent jurisdictions could be a subject of category of operating revenues would usually, but further research. Overall, the anecdotal evidence not always, mean net sales. gathered by this study suggests that, among other 2The concept of tax arbitrage is used extensively things, firms ‘arbitrage’ rules of transparency as in legal literature. In the words of Karayan et al.,: well. ‘tax arbitrage is typically behind artificial transfer This study lends support to a growing consensus pricing schemes, that is, using accounting entries among academics and regulators alike about the to shift profits to jurisdictions that impose the dangers of profit shifting. For the time being, lowest net taxes’ (Karayan et al., 2002: xix). It however, equity-mapping research can only point ‘enable[s] (the taxpayer..) to elect the less compre- to the location of opportunity spaces for tax hensive tax base or the one with the more lenient arbitrage. Quantitative estimation of profit-shifting anti-abuse rules’ (HJI Panayi, 2011: 11). and tax arbitrage would most probably require the 3This is true in principle, although certain anti- development of mixed methodologies, combining abuse rules, like the Controlled Company Rules equity mapping with more traditional methods of (CFC) that was introduced by the US in the early research. 1960s, and then adopted with a number of varia- While much of the previous decades has seen tions by other countries, require some members of regulators and researchers focused on geographical the group to be treated collectively as one taxpayer. and legal structuring of entities in paying tax, See: (Duen˜as, 2019; HJI Panayi, 2011; Lokken, 2005; attention must now turn to the organizational Sandler, 1998). structure of MNEs. Equity mapping provides a 4‘Step book’ is a term used by lawyers and useful pathway to both analyse existing data and accountants to describe the internal memos or find new patterns of entity structure. Despite the

Journal of International Business Policy Offshore financial centres Richard Phillips et al.

reports provided by accountants or legal teams reporting entity to another. This can occur for presenting corporate charts and establishing the instance when foreign firms list on the US stock rationale for the organization of a set of new market via the use of American depository receipts corporate entities in a chain. The famous Luxleak (ADRs). Here, the legal entity itself is not created in files contain separate files of over 300 MNEs, each a particular state with shareholdings that connect with their partial step book of the Luxembourgish the entity directly to a foreign owner. Rather, it is component of a proposed structure to be reviewed an entity created for listing purposes, such as when by the Luxembourg tax authority. Toyota Motor Corp. lists on a US stock exchange. 5As one of the leading experts on corporate profit These mechanisms were created to allow foreign shifting practices acknowledges: ‘Multinational entities the ability to list on the US stock market corporations routinely use tax havens for treasury without the potential constraints that may come operations and group insurance. Some of these with US purchasers buying shares in foreign coun- activities have legitimate roles’ (Zucman, 2013: 13). tries. The listed entity, in this case, is a distinct 6This research had been the preserve of specialist entity given the rules of how that particular due diligence firms that develop schematic repre- securities market works, the ADR representing the sentations of firm equity architecture using a accounting values allocated to that listed entity. variety of sources, including where available access This illustrates how indirect reports may not always to the firms’ step books, and manually cross-check signify the invisibility of a third-party entity in information (Peppitt, 2008). The focus of this between. research had been so far practical, driven by the 8Net income can be negative as well as positive, challenges and expense of accessing data. As a and in extreme cases, may represent large pools of result, there has not been a substantial theoretical re-distributable profits, or large stocks of ‘losses’, or methodological discussion of the challenges illustrating how the construction of losses (‘loss- presented by corporate equity mapping research shifting’ so to speak) can itself be part of how value (Broe, 2008; Mintz, 2004). is managed within a corporate group. 7Sometimes, it is impossible for there to be a complete direct ownership chain connecting one

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Journal of International Business Policy Offshore financial centres Richard Phillips et al.

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Journal of International Business Policy