83 SEE LANDSCAPE Protecting what matters. Our Group is celebrating 30 years in CEE. In 1990, we began expanding into Eastern Europe and this first- mover advantage laid the foundations for our market leadership. This has enabled us to become the number one in CEE, a region which now accounts for more than half of our profit and premium income. To find out what also matters to us, visit www.vig.com VIG_AZ_220x307ssp_SUCCESS_Englisch_inSeeNews.indd 1 12.08.20 15:48 82 SEE LANDSCAPE SUCCESSSTORY Protecting what matters. Our Group is celebrating 30 years in CEE. In 1990, we began expanding into Eastern Europe and this first- mover advantage laid the foundations for our market leadership. This has enabled us to become the number one in CEE, a region which now accounts for more than half of our profit and premium income. To find out what also matters to us, visit www.vig.com https://www.30colours.vig/en/showing-our-strengths.html#11 VIG_AZ_220x307ssp_SUCCESS_Englisch_inSeeNews.indd 1 12.08.20 15:48 Companies 4-21 Banks 22-29 Insurers 30-43 Revenue per Capita 44 Most Dynamic 45 Industries 46 -57 Regulations 58-59 M&A 60-63 Landscape 64-80 Editor-in-chief: Marketing & sales: Contact us: Nevena Krasteva Anna Tsenova , 64 Kiril i Metodii Str, 1202 Sofia, Bulgaria Yordanka Pencheva tel: +359 2 8012 630 Editors: Branimir Kondov, email:
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