!# Government of Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education SELF STUDY REPORT 2010-2015 (For 3rd Cycle Re-accreditation) OF GOVERNMENT ARTS COLLEGE DR. AMBEDKAR VEEDHI, BENGALURU-560 001 SUBMITTED TO NATIONAL ASSESSMENT AND ACCREDITATION COUNCIL (NAAC), NAGARABHAVI, BENGALURU-560 056 " !! !# " !! !# CONTENTS PAGE NO. 1 5 Part- I Preface 2 A. Profile 6 Executive Summary B. Criteria 11 C. SWOC 15 17 3 Profile of the Institution Part- II Criteria wise Inputs I Curricular Aspects 29 II Teaching-Learning and Evaluation 42 III Research, Consultancy and Extension 75 IV Infrastructure and Learning Resources 104 V Student Support and Progression 122 VI Governance, Leadership and Management 167 VII Innovations and Best Practices 193 Evaluation Report of the Departments 210 Compliance Report 331 Master Plan 332 Annexures NAAC Certificate 334 Part- III Review Report 335 Affiliation Letter 343 UGC 2(f) 12 (b) 345 Declaration 348 " !! !# PART – I 1. Preface 2. Executive Summary 3. Profile of the Institution " !! !# Government of Karnataka Department of Collegiate Education Office of the Principal Government Arts College, Dr Ambedkar Veedhi, Bengaluru-560 001 PHONE: 080-22211115 Email:
[email protected] PREFACE It is a delightful experience to prepare and present the third cycle Self Study Report (SSR) of glorious Government Arts College, Bengaluru, to the National Assessment and Accreditation Council, Bengaluru for re-accreditation in compliance with our Letter of Intent for further quality enhancement of the college. This exercise has provided us an opportunity to review and analyze the institutional progress after the second accreditation and strengthened us in our quest for quality in the times to come.