President Donald Trump The White House 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue NW Washington, DC 20500

Mr. President,

We write to you to ask you to join us in supporting for Congress in 's second congressional district primary on July 14th. As you know, our congressional district is one of the most competitive in the country and most conservative in the Northeast. Maine CD-02 proudly cast the only electoral vote for you and the Vice President north of Pennsylvania, and we are on track to do it again in 2020. We have a real opportunity to defeat in November and send you an ally in Congress from Maine.

As current and former elected officials who have been on the ballot in Maine and know all three candidates, we have all come to the same conclusion. We must ensure that Republicans have the strongest candidate on the ballot to defeat Jared Golden and remove Nancy Pelosi as Speaker. For us, the answer is simple. We have come together to support Dale Crafts, because of his vast life, legislative, and business experience.

In 1983, Dale was left paralyzed in a motorcycle accident, but he has fought his entire life to overcome obstacles and not let an accident define him. His story is one of strength, building businesses, raising a family, and serving his state.

We have all worked with Dale, and we know firsthand his ability to lead and fight for our conservative values. As a small business owner for over 40 years, Dale sees the big picture, understands the value of each dollar, and has the ability to make the tough decisions.

Dale has earned support from all spectrums of the Republican Party in Maine, because we understand we cannot afford to take chances with who leads us out of these times. Supporters include: • Former Governor Paul LePage • Shawn Moody, 2018 Republican Candidate for Governor • 50 current and former state legislators • 76 business owners • 60 sportsmen and women • 50 veterans • 25 pastors We need a proven, experienced leader we can trust. We urge you to join forces with us and endorse Dale Crafts for Congress. Together, we can re-elect you as President and send you an ally in Dale Crafts.


Sen. Jeff Timberlake Sen. Brad Farrin Asst. Senate Republican Leader State Senator

Hon. Gary Hilliard Hon. Former State Representative Former Senate Republican Leader

Hon. Charlie Webster Hon. Deb Sanderson Former Chairman Former State Representative Former Senate Republican Leader

Hon. Andre Cushing Hon. Debra Plowman Former Asst. Senate Republican Leader Former Asst. Senate Republican Leader Former Asst. House Republican Leader

Rep. Rich Cebra State Representative Hon. Douglas Damon Former Maine Republican Party Chairman Former State Representative

Hon. Susan Morissette Hon. Gary Plummer Former State Representative Former State Representative Former Maine Republican Party Vice Chairwoman

Hon. Brian Hobart Former State Representative Hon. Jeff Gifford Former State Representative

Hon. Robert Berube Hon. Jeff Pierce Former State Representative Former State Representative

Hon. Steve Wood Hon. John Picchiotti Former State Representative Former State Representative

Hon. Kerri Bickford Former State Representative Hon. Allen Mike Nadeau Former State Representative

Hon. Peter Johnson Hon. Lance Harvell Former State Representative Former State Representative

Hon. Randall Greenwood Former State Representative Hon. Mike Vaughn Former State Representative

Hon. Gary Drinkwater Hon. Richard Pickett Former State Representative Former State Representative

Rep. Patrick Corey Rep. Rick Mason State Representative State Representative

Sen. Paul Davis Former Senate Republican Leader Rep. Josh Morris State Representative

Rep. Tom Martin Sen. State Representative State Senator

Sen. David Woodsome State Senator Rep. William Tuell State Representative

Hon. Kevin Battle Sen. Jim Hamper Former State Representative State Senator