Congressional Record—Senate S6679
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November 12, 2020 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — SENATE S6679 Whereas the opponent of the Dodgers in the Senate proceed to the immediate The legislative clerk proceeded to the 2020 World Series, the Tampa Bay Rays, consideration of the following resolu- call the roll. showed true sportsmanship and respect for tions, en bloc: S. Res. 716, S. Res. 717, Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask the game; S. Res. 746, S. Res. 764, S. Res. 765, S. unanimous consent that the order for Whereas every member of the 2020 Dodgers roster played a key part in winning a World Res. 766, and S. Res. 767. the quorum call be rescinded. Series during this unprecedented season, in- There being no objection, the com- The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without cluding— mittees were discharged, and the Sen- objection, it is so ordered. ´ (1) Pedro Baez; ate proceeded to consider the resolu- f (2) Austin Barnes; tions, en bloc. (3) Matt Beaty; Mr. BLUNT. I know of no further de- ORDERS FOR MONDAY, NOVEMBER (4) Cody Bellinger; bate on the measures, en bloc. 16, 2020 (5) Mookie Betts; The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask (6) Walker Buehler; is no further debate, the question is on (7) Dylan Floro; unanimous consent that when the Sen- (8) Tony Gonsolin; agreeing to the resolutions, en bloc. ate completes its business today, it ad- (9) Victor Gonza´ lez; The resolutions (S. Res. 716, S. Res. journ until 3 p.m. on Monday, Novem- (10) Brusdar Graterol; 717, S. Res. 746, S. Res. 764, S. Res. 765, ber 16; further, that following the pray- (11) Enrique Herna´ ndez; S. Res. 766, and S. Res. 767) were agreed er and pledge, the morning hour be (12) Kenley Jansen; to, en bloc. deemed expired, the Journal of pro- (13) Joe Kelly; Mr. BLUNT. I ask unanimous consent ceedings be approved to date, the time (14) Clayton Kershaw; that the preambles be agreed to en bloc for the two leaders be reserved for their (15) Adam Kolarek; and that the motions to reconsider be (16) Dustin May; use later in the day, and morning busi- considered made and laid upon the (17) Max Muncy; ness be closed; further, that following table, all en bloc. (18) Jake McGee; leader remarks, the Senate proceed to The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (19) Joc Pederson; executive session and resume consider- objection, it is so ordered. (20) AJ Pollock; ation of the Johnson nomination; and (21) Edwin Rı´os; The preambles were agreed to, en (22) Corey Seager; bloc. further, that notwithstanding rule (23) Will Smith; (The resolutions (S. Res. 716 and S. XXII, the cloture motions filed during (24) Chris Taylor; Res. 717) with their preambles) are today’s session of the Senate ripen at (25) Blake Treinen; printed in the RECORD of September 24, 5:30 p.m. on Monday. (26) Justin Turner; 2020, under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without (27) Julio Urı´as; and objection, it is so ordered. (28) Alex Wood; (The resolution S. Res. 746, with its Whereas Dodgers shortstop Corey Seager— preamble, is printed in the RECORD of f October 5, 2020, under ‘‘Submitted Res- (1) was named Most Valuable Player for ADJOURNMENT UNTIL MONDAY, the 2020 World Series; and olutions.’’) NOVEMBER 16, 2020, AT 3 P.M. (2) batted .400 with 2 home runs, 5 runs bat- (The resolutions S. Res. 764, S. Res. ted in, and 6 walks; 765, S. Res. 766, and S. Res. 767, with Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, if there is Whereas Dodgers ace pitcher Clayton their preambles, are printed in the no further business to come before the Kershaw finished the 2020 postseason with a RECORD of October 26 (legislative day of Senate, I ask unanimous consent that 2.93 earned run average in 5 starts, including it stand adjourned under the provisions going 2–0 in the World Series with a 2.31 October 19), 2020, under ‘‘Submitted ERA; Resolutions.’’) of S. Res. 770 as a further mark of re- Whereas first-year Dodger Mookie Betts f spect for the late Mark Andrews, played a central role in the 2020 World Series former Senator of the State of North victory for the Dodgers, including hitting a RESOLUTIONS SUBMITTED TODAY Dakota. home run and scoring the go-ahead run in Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask There being no objection, the Senate Game 6; unanimous consent that the Senate at 4:34 p.m., adjourned until Monday, Whereas the City of Los Angeles is now now proceed to the en bloc consider- November 16, 2020 at 3 p.m. ‘‘Titletown, USA’’ after winning both the ation of the following Senate resolu- f 2020 World Series and the 2020 National Bas- tions, which were submitted earlier ketball Association Championship only 16 NOMINATIONS days apart; today: S. Res. 768, S. Res. 769, S. Res. Whereas Dodgers legend and the ‘‘voice of 770, S. Res. 771, S. Res. 772, and S. Res. Executive nominations received by baseball’’ Vin Scully said it best: ‘‘What a 773. the Senate: There being no objection, the Senate year. What a season. What a team.’’; and IN THE NAVY Whereas Dodgers fans never stopped sup- proceeded to consider the resolutions, THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICER FOR APPOINTMENT porting the team throughout the unprece- en bloc. IN THE UNITED STATES NAVY TO THE GRADE INDICATED dented 2020 pandemic season, playing a key Mr. BLUNT. I know of no further de- WHILE ASSIGNED TO A POSITION OF IMPORTANCE AND role in motivating their team to victory: bate on the measures, en bloc. RESPONSIBILITY UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 601: Now, therefore, be it The PRESIDING OFFICER. If there To be vice admiral Resolved, That the Senate— is no further debate, the question is on REAR ADM. JEFFREY W. HUGHES (1) congratulates the Los Angeles Dodgers for winning the 2020 Major League Baseball agreeing to the resolutions, en bloc. IN THE AIR FORCE World Series; The resolutions (S. Res. 768, S. Res. THE FOLLOWING NAMED OFFICERS FOR APPOINTMENT 769, S. Res. 770, S. Res. 771, S. Res. 772, TO THE GRADE INDICATED IN THE UNITED STATES AIR (2) recognizes the unprecedented nature of FORCE UNDER TITLE 10, U.S.C., SECTION 624: the 2020 baseball season and the commitment and S. Res. 773) were agreed to, en bloc. of the Los Angeles Dodgers to bringing the Mr. BLUNT. I ask unanimous consent To be lieutenant colonel Commissioner’s Trophy to Los Angeles; and that the preambles be agreed to en bloc JEFFREY DONALD ADLING JASON S. AHRENS (3) respectfully directs the Secretary of the and that the motions to reconsider be SHAWN ALCOCK Senate to transmit an enrolled copy of this considered made and laid upon the CURTIS M. ALEXANDER RYAN G. ALLEN resolution to— table, all en bloc. (A) the chairman and controlling owner of ANDREW D. ANDERSON The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without JOHN A. ANDERSON the Los Angeles Dodgers, Mark Walter; TIMOTHY D. ANDERSON (B) the president of the Los Angeles Dodg- objection, it is so ordered. RYAN D. ANDREASEN The preambles were agreed to, en TOBY A. ANDREWS ers, Stan Kasten; and CHRISTOPHER J. ANTHONY (C) the manager of the 2020 Los Angeles bloc. KARYN ARGUETA Dodgers, Dave Roberts. (The resolutions, with their pre- JAMES D. ARNOLD JARED T. BAAN f ambles, are printed in today’s RECORD ANDREW J. BAER under ‘‘Submitted Resolutions.’’) AARON J. BAHR RESOLUTIONS DISCHARGED KEVIN M. BAILEY Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I suggest JASON B. BAKER Mr. BLUNT. Mr. President, I ask the absence of a quorum. MICHAEL BALL unanimous consent that the appro- The PRESIDING OFFICER. The BRANDON M. BALLARD COLIN V. BARCUS priate committees be discharged and clerk will call the roll. PETER MICHAEL BARRETT, JR. VerDate Sep 11 2014 04:28 Nov 13, 2020 Jkt 019060 PO 00000 Frm 00023 Fmt 4624 Sfmt 9801 E:\CR\FM\A12NO6.021 S12NOPT1 SSpencer on DSK126QN23PROD with SENATE.