Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at Contents JANUARY 2020 | Vol. 54 | No. 1


The Sin Nature, Part II ...... 4 Happy New Year...Maybe?...... 42 By By Mike Muzzerall ON THE COVER Make your plans now to join us for I Will Surely Give The Tenth What Is Mental Illness?...... 44 Resurrection Campmeeting 2020, By Dave Smith April 8-12, in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. Unto Thee...... 10 By Frances Swaggart From Me to You...... 46 Let There Be Light, Part V...... 16 By Jimmy Swaggart By Donnie Swaggart

The Bridegroom Cometh, Go DEPARTMENTS Ye Out To Meet Him, Part I...... 20 By Gabriel Swaggart SonLife Radio Stations 7 The Better Covenant...... 36 SonLife Radio and By Bob Cornell SonLife Broadcasting Network Programming and Hope In The Lord...... 38 TV Stations 24 By Loren Larson Letters From Our Audience 34 Contemplative Prayers...... 40 By John Rosenstern JSM Ministers’ Schedule 50 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Jimmy Swaggart EDITOR Donnie Swaggart GRAPHIC DESIGNER Jason Mark PRODUCTION Shaun Murphy PHOTOGRAPHY Jaime Tracy, Adele Bertoni “It is of the Lord’s mercies that we are not consumed, because his compassions fail not. ART DIRECTOR Liz Smith They are new every morning: great is thy faithfulness.” See article on page 38

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Whenever our faith is in Christ and the cross, the Holy Spirit will then automatically work within our hearts and within our lives and carry out what He alone can do. That’s why with many new believers, nicotine drops off, alcohol drops off, jealousy drops off.

4 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST The Priceless Corner We have set aside this corner of The Evangelist to show God’s Plan of Salvation. If you are unsure where you will go when you die, please listen to what God has said in His Word:

1. GOD LOVES YOU! “For God so loved the world that he gave His only Begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have Everlasting Life” (Jn. 3:16). 2. MAN IS A SINNER, AND SIN HAS SEPARATED HIM FROM GOD “For there is not a just man upon Earth, that doeth good and sinneth not” (Eccl. 7:20). Holy Spirit “For all have sinned and come short of the Glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). The believing sinner coming to Christ feels and thinks, “I’ll never sin again,” 3. JESUS CHRIST IS THE ONLY REMEDY FOR SIN because he’s in love with the Lord; he’s been changed by the power of God. “For Christ also hath once suffered for sins, the just for the unjust, But he finds right down the road that he does sin; he fails in some way. And that He might bring us to God ...” (I Pet. 3:18). “Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other then he thinks, “I can’t do that again. I’ve got to do thus and so, so that I don’t name under Heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved” fail again.” (Acts 4:12). 4. YOU MUST RECEIVE JESUS CHRIST AS YOUR PERSONAL That’s when he embarks upon a position of law because that’s all he knows— LORD AND SAVIOUR “I’ll be faithful to Wednesday night Bible study, I’ll pray this, I’ll do that, I’ll Jesus calls this experience the new birth. He told Nicodemus: “... Except a man be born again, he cannot see the Kingdom of do the other”—and those things he sets out to do are good things, and they God” (Jn. 3:3). will bless him, but they are deceiving because they make him think, “I’m in We invite you now to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your per- victory,” but then he finds that he fails again, and he gets confused; he doesn’t sonal Saviour. “But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His understand why or what’s happening. Name” (Jn. 1:12).

I don’t think it’s too much in vogue now, but the modern church the last WE BELIEVE: few years has come through these “encounter” sessions—seminars that teach, •The Bible is the inspired and only infallible and authoritative writ- ten Word of God (Ps. 119; Mat. 4:4; Lk. 24:27). “This is going to give you victory over sin now.” •There is one God, eternally existent in three Persons: God the Fa- ther, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit (I Jn. 5:7). •In the Deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, in His Virgin Birth, in His Error Sinless Life, in His Miracles, in His Vicarious and atoning Death, I got a letter from a dear brother—I don’t know who he was, I’d never heard in His Bodily Resurrection, in His Ascension to the Right Hand of the Father, in His personal future return to this Earth in Pow- of him—but he wrote, “I’ve found the answer to victory over sin. I know what er and Glory to rule a thousand years (Jn. 1:1-4; Eph. 2:13-18; the solution is.” Well that showed right there that he was having problems of Rev., Chpts. 19-20). •In the Blessed Hope — the Rapture of the Church at Christ’s Com- some nature, whatever they were. And he went on to catalogue in his letter ing (I Thess. 4:13-18). how that he attended this seminar that was put on by a man who I know—I •The only means of being cleansed from sin is through Repentance and Faith in the Precious Blood of Christ (Rom. 5:1; Eph. 2:8- know him very well; he was a head of a particular Pentecostal denomination. 9, 13-18). But this is what the man was told to do to guarantee his victory, and this, or •Regeneration by the Holy Spirit is absolutely essential for personal one of its variations, is being used all over the world: This particular seminar Salvation (Jn. 3:5-8; Titus 3:5). •The Redemptive Work of Christ on the Cross provides Healing was for preachers and their wives—several hundred attended there because of the human body in answer to believing prayer (Ex. 15:25-26; this man was a “spiritual leader,” and he knew the answers. So they were told James 5:14-15; I Pet. 2:24). •The Baptism with the Holy Spirit according to Acts 2:4 is given to to bring a pad of paper with them and a pencil, and they were to write down Believers who ask for it (Acts 2:4; 10:44-46; 19:1-7). all of their sins and failures. Then this group paired off—man to man and •In the Sanctifying Power of the Holy Spirit by Whose indwelling the Christian is enabled to live a holy life (Rom. 6:3-14; 8:1-2, 11). woman to woman—and they were to read them all out to each other: “I did •In the Resurrection of both the saved and the lost: the one to Ev- this; I did that,” etc. And the man writing me this was quick to add, “Mine erlasting Life and the other to everlasting damnation (Rev. 20:5- 6, 11-15). were not nearly as bad as some of the others’.” Then the group was told, “Now PRAY THIS PRAYER AND MEAN IT WITH ALL OF YOUR HEART: tear your papers up into little pieces, and don’t let any drop to the floor, and “Dear Lord Jesus, I now realize that I am a sinner. I accept the fact that You died for me on the rugged Cross of Calvary. I now then hold the pieces above your head—that signifies that God has taken con- open my heart’s door and receive You as Saviour and Lord of my trol. Then throw the pieces on the floor,” which they all did. Then the leader life. Please take full control of me and help me to be the kind of told them, “Jump up and down on them and start praising the Lord because Christian You want me to be. Amen.” If you prayed this prayer in all sincerity, you are now a Child of you’re now free from these problems; you don’t have them anymore.” They God. So that we might rejoice with you, we invite you to fill out have all kinds of variations on this same approach—one told its participants this coupon and mail it to Jimmy Swaggart Ministries, P.O. Box 262550, Baton Rouge, LA 70826-2550. In Canada, mail to Jimmy to put all of their failures into a suitcase and then throw the suitcase into the Swaggart Ministries of Canada, P.O. Box 1020, Niagara Falls, On- river, which they all did. tario, L2E 6V9. We will send you a free copy of Jimmy Swaggart’s book What Must I Do To Be Saved? This book will help you grow Go ahead and laugh because it is silly. This pitiful, pathetic claim that such in grace and knowledge. foolishness will give people victory came from men with all kinds of ed- ucation. But do you find anything like that in the Word of God? No, you DEAR JIMMY: TODAY I ACCEPTED JESUS AS MY LORD don’t; it’s not there. So what good are these “encounter” sessions going to do? AND SAVIOUR. NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE/PROV ZIP DATE OF DECISION AGE Those people left them thinking, “Oh, I’ve have a sin nature: “Maybe we had one be- the Israelites. They had been making so got the victory now because everybody’s fore we were saved, but we don’t have that many bricks per day with the Egyptians jumping up and down on these pieces anymore.” I was reading the other day, and supplying the straw. But now Pharaoh of paper! I’ve got victory over these sins that writer said, “No, we never did have said, “You’re going to gather the straw now—they’re under my feet! This is the one, period.” That’s an interesting concept. yourselves, and you’re going to make the answer, the solution!” That is the most ut- Denial—believers deny that they have bricks, just as many as you’ve been mak- terly ridiculous, absolute foolishness that a sin nature. My answer to that is: Why in ing before, and if you don’t do it, I’m go- the church sinks to—renting these hotel the world did Paul spend so much time ing to kill you.” conference rooms to have a big deal semi- and devote so much space to this problem It was so bad that the elders of Israel nar and come back saying, “We’re victori- if it doesn’t exist? went to Pharaoh and said, “Would you do ous now.” It would look to me like some- “For sin shall not have dominion over something? We can’t stand this; it’s killing body would ask the question, “How is this you: for ye are not under the law, but un- us.” They wanted to give up, but thank victorious? How in the world is tearing up der grace” (Rom. 6:14). Let’s say it again, God, Moses didn’t. (Ex. 5). some pieces of paper going to help you if we are under law, sin will have domin- I want to say it again: This is not a walk any?” It’s not, ladies and gentlemen. ion over us. in the park; Satan means business; God Dominion is a powerful word, and it means business—this sin nature is a tre- The Modern Church means that sin is dominating that per- mendously important thing, and yet we The modern church continues to forsake son—beyond their power of control. It’s still think, “I believe in the message of the God’s way, which is the cross, and that’s compulsion; they’re not able to throw it cross, so that means I’ll never have anoth- how the Holy Spirit works, entirely by off—that’s how powerful sin is. It’s not a er temptation, there will never be another and through the cross of Christ, and it joke. It’s not just a little walk in the park. It problem, everything is fine, the bad habits only allows for us to have faith in Christ has a power to it, and we learn how pow- I’ve got are instantly gone. Friend, it just and what Christ did at the cross. I’m not erful it really is by understanding what doesn’t work that way. In fact, there are talking about a wooden beam; I’m talking it took to address it, which is the cross. untold numbers out there saying, “I be- about what Jesus there did. That’s all it A perfect example of this is found in lieve in the message of the cross, and I’ve requires. The Holy Spirit works through Exodus 5, where the Lord sent Moses in, done what you said to do, but things are the cross: “For the law of the Spirit of life and the demand was, “Let My people go.” not better, they’re worse! in Christ Jesus hath made me free from the That came from God, but did Pharaoh The key is this: If the believer won’t give law of sin and death” (Rom. 8:2). relent? No! Seven times Moses had to ap- up; if he won’t quit, then victory will ul- So the problem, in most cases, is igno- pear before Pharaoh. Seven times. How timately be his. Somebody asked, “Well rance, but that doesn’t mean that a person long between each time? I don’t know, but why doesn’t the Lord just make it easier?” is exempt from the trouble that is going instead of Pharaoh relenting and saying, Well, He has made it as easy as He can— to come in the not too distant future if “Oh, you mean it was Jehovah who said we don’t have to get on a cross. that status and state of ignorance remains. to let them go? Why certainly, they’re It may not be easy, but the result is well free to go,” No, no. Pharaoh said, “Who worth the struggle, believe me. It doesn’t Denial is this God? I don’t even know who He mean that you will never sin again, but it The way that many believers address the is, and you’re talking about me obeying does mean that sin will not have domin- sin nature is denial—they deny that they Him.” Then he doubled the workload on ion over you. Praise God.

“Somebody asked, ‘Well why doesn’t the Lord just make it easier?’ Well, He has made it as easy as He can—we don’t have to get on a cross.”

6 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST FULL-POWER STATIONS TRANSLATOR STATIONS Fulton, AL...... 89.3 (WJIK) Lafayette/Church Point, LA...... 91.9 (KCKR) Covering Fulton, Thomasville, and Grove Hill Covering Southern and Western Louisiana Andalusia, AL...... 89.7 Eufaula, AL...... 88.9 Mobile/Citronelle, AL...... 102.1 (WQUA) Desoto/St. Louis, MO...... 100.1 (KDJR) Camden, AR...... 97.9 Covering Mobile, Alabama Covering Southern Missouri, parts of Eastern El Dorado, AR...... 89.7 Missouri, and Western Illinois Bishop, CA...... 91.7 Augusta/Little Rock, AR...... 97.7 (KJSM) Key West, FL...... 90.5 Covering Central Arkansas, Western Tennessee, Bentonia/Yazoo City - Jackson, MS...... 92.1 (WJNS) a small part of Northwestern , and a Covering Central Mississippi and Eastern Dublin, GA...... 90.9 small part of Southern Missouri Louisiana La Grange, GA...... 90.3 Waycross, GA...... 90.7 Grenada, MS...... 95.7 (WTGY) Camden, AR...... 1450 AM (KNHD) Carlinville, IL...... 89.1 Covering parts of Northwestern Mississippi Covering parts of Southern Arkansas Effingham, IL...... 88.7 Lake Village, AR/Greenville, MS...... 95.9 (KUUZ) Beatrice/Lincoln, NE...... 88.9 (KNBE) Freeport, IL...... 91.3 Covering parts of Western Mississippi and Covering South Eastern Nebraska Jacksonville, IL...... 88.1 Eastern Arkansas DeRidder, LA...... 89.5 Grand Island/Hastings, NE...... 90.7 (KNFA) Grayson, LA...... 91.9 Nashville, AR...... 96.9 (KSSW) Covering South Central Nebraska Covering Southwestern Arkansas Many, LA...... 91.3 Albion/Rochester, NY...... 102.1 (WJCA) Minden, LA...... 91.1 Palm Springs, CA...... 90.9 (KPSH) Covering North Western New York State Morgan City, LA...... 91.5 Covering the Coachella Valley Natchitoches, LA...... 90.1 Lakewood/Jamestown, NY...... 88.9 (WYRR) Alexandria, MN...... 91.7 Mayo, FL...... 89.5 (WGSG) Covering Lakewood and Jamestown, NY Covering Lafayette, Suwannee, Hamilton, and Morris, MN...... 90.5 Kirksville, MO...... 88.1 Columbia Counties. Reaching Taylor, Gilchrist, and Bowling Green/Toledo, OH...... 730 AM (WJYM) Madison Counties. Covering parts of Northern and Central Ohio, Mountain Grove, MO...91.7 Eastern Indiana, and the Southern tip of Michigan St. James, MO...... 89.3 Panama City, FL...... 91.7 (WFFL) Springfield, MO...... 91.5 Covering Panama City, Florida Ada, OK...... 88.7 (KAJT) Willow Springs, MO....90.5 Covering South Central Oklahoma Columbia, MS...... 88.3 Crete, IL...... 88.1 (WBMF) Morehead City, NC...... 91.9 Covering South Chicago and Chicago Heights Bristow, OK...... 104.9 (KREK) Covering Bristow, Sapulpa, Cushing, Drumright, Rockingham, NC...... 88.3 Kankakee, IL...... 88.3 (WAWF) Okmulgee, Chandler, and the southside of Tulsa, Corning, NY...... 89.5 Covering Northeastern Illinois and OK Chambersburg, PA...... 89.7 Northwestern Indiana Franklin, PA...... 90.3 Guthrie, OK...... 1490 AM (KMFS) Lock Haven, PA...... 89.3 Ottawa, IL...... 88.9 (WWGN) Covering Oklahoma City, Edmond, and parts of Mansfield, PA...... 91.5 Covering Ottawa, West La Salle, East Joliet, and Central and Northern Oklahoma North DeKalb Andrews, SC...... 88.7 Norman/Oklahoma City, OK...... 89.3 (KSSO) Clinton, SC...... 88.3 Winfield/Wichita, KS...... 91.9 (KBDD) Covering Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Manning, SC...... 88.7 Covering South Central Kansas and North Winnsboro, SC...... 90.9 Central Oklahoma Graysville, TN...... 95.7 (WAYB) Brookings, SD...... 89.7 Covering parts of Southern Tennessee and Mitchell, SD...... 89.3 Baton Rouge, LA...... 88.5 (WJFM) Northern Georgia Covering parts of Southern Louisiana Watertown, SD...... 90.1 Atlanta/Texarkana, TX...... 100.1 (KNRB) Yankton, SD...... 90.7 Bastrop, LA...... 88.3 (KJGM) Covering parts of Northeastern Texas, Pikeville, TN...... 91.3 Covering Bastrop, Monroe, and the Northeastern Northwestern Louisiana, Southwestern Arkansas, Bonham, TX...... 91.1 part of Louisiana and Southeastern Oklahoma Columbus, TX...... 91.1 Jonesboro, LA...... 104.9 (KTOC) Corrigan/Lufkin, TX...... 99.3 (KYTM) Midland, TX...... 91.7 Covering Northern Louisiana Covering Corrigan and Lufkin, TX Palestine, TX...... 91.1 THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2020 7 Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at

Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. 8 JANUARYFor 2020Fast THE & EVANGELIST Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at I WILL SURELY GIVE THE TENTH UNTO THEE Did you know that the majority of Christians do not support, financially, the work of God? It’s true.

FOR WHATEVER reason—and trust me, do. We say that because we know what we’ve heard them all—they struggle with He would have them do—when it comes the issue of paying tithes. Some feel their to giving, the Bible is very clear. money is going directly to a man instead of to God. Others feel that tithing was When Did Tithing Start? something God required only in the Many Christians think, erroneously, that Old Testament, way back when He tithing originated with the law of Moses was in a bad mood, and it’s no lon- and does not apply to the new covenant, ger relevant under the new covenant, but that is not the case. As my husband under grace. Believers who do give notes, tithing was and is in every covenant. want to do so on their terms, when In Genesis 4:4, the Bible says, “And Abel, they feel they can afford it, and they he also brought of the firstlings of his flock don’t want to be made to feel guilty and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had for choosing when or how much. “It’s a respect unto Abel and to his offering.” The private matter,” they say, “between God firstlings were representative of the Lord and me.” Jesus Christ, God’s firstborn, whom He My husband and I agree, it is between would give in sacrifice. So, the law of the the believer and God. Throughout our firstling—or firstborn—applies to our fi- ministry, the only thing we’ve said re- nances as well, which includes tithing. garding people giving is that they pray But it’s Genesis 14 that records the first and ask God what He would have them instance of tithing to the work of the Lord,

10 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST Visit my website at | Find us on Facebook when Abraham (then Abram) paid tithe should keep in mind. up every tenth lamb. That’s why the apos- to Melchizedek: So Abraham, a type of the church (Rom. tle Paul likened our giving to the sacrifi- “And Melchizedek king of Salem brought 4:16), paid tithe to Melchizedek, a type cial system: “And walk in love, as Christ forth bread and wine: and he was the priest of Christ (Ps. 110:1-4). Today, the pres- also hath loved us, and hath given himself of the most high God. And he blessed him, ent-day church—children of Abraham— for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for and said, Blessed be Abram of the most high continue the practice of paying tithes to a sweet smelling savour” (Eph. 5:2). God, possessor of heaven and earth: And those carrying out the work of God. Giving, therefore, ties back to the sac- blessed be the most high God, which hath Also in the book of Genesis, we find rifice of Jesus Christ—the Lamb of God.

“But it’s Genesis 14 that records the first instance of tithing to the work of the Lord, when Abraham (then Abram) paid tithe to Melchizedek.”

Tithing Under The Law Under the Mosaic law, Israel was required to give to the Lord twenty-three and a third percent of their income as follows: delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And Jacob, the grandson of Abraham, making 1. A ten percent portion went to the he gave him tithes of all” (Gen. 14:18-20). the first recorded vow in the Bible, which Levites, including the priests for their ser- Abraham had gone out to war, and in included tithing: vice to the tabernacle as this was their only those days, whoever won the battle got “And Jacob vowed a vow, saying, If God means of support (Lev. 27; Num. 18). the spoil. So Abraham paid tithe on all will be with me, and will keep me in this 2. A ten percent portion covered trav- of the bounty taken from this battle, and way that I go, and will give me bread to el expenses for the required attendance he gave it to Melchizedek, who was a type eat, and raiment to put on, So that I come of the three national feasts each year at of Christ. again to my father's house in peace; then the temple in Jerusalem (Deut. 14:24-25). In turn, we see Melchizedek bless Abra- shall the Lord be my God: And this stone, 3. A three and a third percent was for ham. He also blessed the Lord, giving which I have set for a pillar, shall be God’s the fatherless, widows, and strangers— Him praise and glory—and the credit, house: and of all that thou shalt give me I charity to relieve the suffering of the poor you might say—for delivering Abraham will surely give the tenth unto thee” (Gen. (Deut. 14:28-29). from his enemies. This tells us that the 28:20-22). Lord greatly helped Abraham in that con- Again, there was no Mosaic law at this Tithing Under The New Covenant flict because without the Lord’s help, it time, nor was there such a thing as money. If Abraham’s grandson paid tithe, which would have been impossible for him and There was no tabernacle or temple. There Jacob did, then we, as the children of his small band of soldiers to defeat the en- was no priest. There was no synagogue. So Abraham, are to do the same. emy’s army—something every Christian how did Jacob pay his tithe? By offering From the start of the church (marked by

Visit my website at | Find us on Facebook THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2020 11 the Day of Pentecost) until now, believ- ers give ten percent of their income, and there is no passage in the Word of God that abrogates this practice. In the Gospels, under the ministry of Jesus Christ, the Lord had countless op- portunities to speak out against tithing, to stop it, but He never did. Instead, He called His disciples together to observe a destitute widow drop two mites into the treasury, and He said, “Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: for All of the teaching that the apostle As Donnie has pointed out, under all they did cast in of their abundance; but gives in these two chapters seems to be grace, no one is standing over you say- she of her want did cast in all that she had, summed up in this: “He who soweth spar- ing, “You’ve got to give ten percent.” As even all her living.”(Mk. 12:43-44). ingly shall reap also sparingly; and he who believers, we should look at the tithe—the When that certain poor widow entered sows bountifully shall reap also bountifully. tenth—as a place to start. We don’t give the temple that day, my husband notes, Every man according as he purposeth in his out of a spirit of obligation, nor out of fear possibly with much concern and anx- heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of that if we don’t give a certain amount then iety on her mind respecting her pover- necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver” God will be mad at us. No, we give out of ty-stricken state, how little did she know (II Cor. 9:6-7). deep gratitude for what Jesus Christ did that the Lord of glory would be there, He Fulfilling the Great Commission and for us on Calvary. would see her, and that her story would taking the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ be known for time and eternity. Even so, to the world always has and always will Where Do I Pay My Tithe? the Lord is watching still, not only what cost money. Bible scholar C.M. Ward said, We believe the tithe should go to wherever is done outwardly, but also the motives “The gospel can only go as far as the dollar that believer is being spiritually fed with of our hearts. bill takes it.” The missionaries don’t travel the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ. Unfor- In II Corinthians 8 and 9, the Holy Spir- to foreign countries for free, somebody tunately, many churches today are feeding it through Paul gives the greatest disser- has to send them. Remember, someone their congregations false doctrines. tation on giving found in the entirety of gave so that the gospel could be brought If the tithe we give to the Lord does the Word of God, and yet the word tithe to you. not advance the message of Jesus Christ is not mentioned. Why? While tithing is “For whosoever shall call upon the name and Him crucified, then we are not re- incumbent upon the child of God, giving of the Lord shall be saved. How then shall ally paying tithe. This is the gospel that under the new covenant is intended to go they call on him in whom they have not be- must be supported. Anything else is of beyond ten percent. The idea is this: ev- lieved? and how shall they believe in him of little consequence. erything that we have belongs to God; it is whom they have not heard? and how shall at His disposal, so when it comes to giving, they hear without a preacher? And how shall Pay My Tithe Or My Bills? we should be sensitive and responsive to they preach, except they be sent? as it is writ- A lot of people write or call with this ques- His leading. God must come first in all ten, How beautiful are the feet of them that tion, especially those who are on a fixed things in our lives, and that includes our preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad income, and they want to give, but they’re financial resources. tidings of good things!” (Rom. 10:13-15) Continued on page 14 “As Donnie has pointed out, under grace, no one is standing over you saying, ‘You’ve got to give ten percent.’ As believers, we should look at the tithe— the tenth—as a place to start.”

12 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at Continued from page 12 lack love for the Lord Jesus Christ and what also some of the handfuls of purpose for her, afraid that if they do, they won’t have He has done in their hearts and lives. The and leave them, that she may glean them, enough money to meet their monthly apostle Paul said, “I speak not by command- and rebuke her not.” (Ruth 2:15-16). bills. We respond to this in two ways: First, ment, but by occasion of the forwardness of God is a blessing God, as shown here ask the Lord what He would have you do, others, and to prove the sincerity of your love.” through Boaz on behalf of Ruth. Why did and second, try to give something. I can’t (II Cor. 8:8). Boaz do this for Ruth? Why did he show tell you how many testimonies we’ve re- As Donnie said, “My salvation is worth her this courtesy? It was because, wheth- ceived from people on fixed incomes who far more than a dime on a dollar. Who er he realized it or not, he was already decided to give a dollar or maybe five dol- would not want to give ten percent of what falling in love with her. So it is with God lars a month, and afterward experienced comes into their hands just to say thank and us—even though we were strangers, the Lord blessing them in different ways you for what the Lord Jesus Christ has aliens from the commonwealth of Isra- to where they were soon able to give a done for them?” el and strangers to the promise, still, de- little more each month. So start giving spite our lowly Gentile position and our something to the Lord, even if it’s your Blessing poverty-stricken state, He loved us. God time as a volunteer in the church, and He As you become a faithful tither, I believe came to where we were gleaning in the will begin to bless your faithfulness. you will experience the blessing of God, field, trying to get a little sustenance, and which is so beautifully illustrated in the He gave instructions that there should be Excuse Not To Give book of Ruth: “handfuls of purpose” left on our behalf. John 3:16 tells why God gave His Son—be- “And when she (Ruth) was risen up to God loves you, and He wants to bless you cause He loved the world. Usually, when glean, Boaz commanded his young men, with handfuls of purpose—for the pur- people argue about why they shouldn’t have saying, Let her glean even among the pose of blessing those carrying out His to give to the work of God, it’s because they sheaves, and reproach her not: And let fall work and helping to spread His gospel.


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Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at In 1518, Luther was summoned by Pope Leo X to appear in Heidelberg, Germany, to defend his statements. Martin Luther debated a panel of distinguished Augustinian monks, who were considered to be theological masters of the church. The monks were no match for Luther. Let There Be Light Part V

MONTHS LATER, Cardinal Cajetan put them to be heretical, but the second Martin Luther on trial. Cajetan, also a dis- merely stated that Luther’s writings were tinguished scholar, was no more a match scandalous and offensive to pious ears. against Luther than the Augustinian But, Pope Leo X had all he could take of monks. While the cardinal defended the Martin Luther. In 1520, he issued a “pa- Catholic Church’s use of indulgences, Lu- pal bull”—a public declaration that con- and Luther agreed to appear before the ther set out his countering positions with cluded Luther’s propositions as heresy. Diet of Worms. great precision and was unfazed by feeble The papal bull not only obliged all Chris- As vast as the rift now appeared be- attempts at belittling his courage. Luther tians to acknowledge the pope’s author- tween Martin Luther and the church, said he would not recant anything unless ity and power to grant indulgences, but there was still a chance for reprieve, and Scripture proved him wrong. “I deny that also threatened Luther with excommu- Luther was prepared to address the ac- the pope is above Scripture. His Holiness nication from the Catholic Church and cusations against him. This was to be Lu- abuses Scripture.” gave him 120 days to recant in Rome. No ther’s defining moment. Cardinal Cajetan lost his temper and sooner than Luther received the bull, he After a long and difficult journey from began shouting at Luther, demanding burned it—publicly! Wittenberg, Luther arrived in Worms Luther to leave and to never darken his When Pope Leo X received word of Lu- with great fanfare. Preceding his arrival, holy door again unless he was willing to ther’s active defiance, he issued a “Decet a crowd of 2,000 lined the streets to es- say, “I recant.” Romanum Pontificem,” in English mean- cort him into town. The citizens eagerly In due time, a series of commissions ing, “It Pleases the Roman Pontiff,” thus pressed forth to see this man, every mo- was convened to examine Luther’s teach- banishing Luther from the church. The is- ment the crowds increasing. The proces- ings. The first papal commission found sue was turned over to secular authorities, sion made its way with difficulty through

16 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST VISIT MY WEBSITE AT WWW.DONNIESWAGGART.ORG the multitudes. A great number even presented with a table littered with copies thunderstruck. They witnessed first- climbed onto rooftops to catch a glimpse. of his own writings. The panel of digni- hand Luther’s bold demeanor and un- The tops of houses and the pavements of taries demanded confirmation that he au- shaken courage. The monk, who so cou- the streets were littered with spectators. thored the various writings attributed to rageously nailed his Ninety-Five Theses To some, he was a prodigy of wisdom; to him and whether he espoused of its con- to the door of the Castle Church nearly others, a fool. Nonetheless, the entire city tents. Luther calmly stated, “The books four years prior, had braved his enemies came to see him. are all mine, and I have written more.” amongst an assembly of men who thirst- Luther advanced through the crowds The Diet further noted that Luther’s ed for his blood. Dumbfounded but still with difficulty as he made his way into writings contained the errors of previous seeking grounds to convict Luther, the the town hall. Luther’s appearance before reformers and that various councils had Diet convened to deliberate. After sever- the Diet in itself was a great victory over already condemned these heretics over al days of deliberation, the assembly was past centuries. Luther was undeterred. He faced with coming to a decision on Lu- demanded that these men show him any ther’s fate. Scripture that would refute his positions Without validation, Charles V issued and writings. There was none. the “Edict of Worms,” placing Luther un- “You have not answered the question der imperial ban, banning his literature put to you,” one of the dignitaries said. and officially declaring him a heretic to “You were not summoned hither to call the entirety of the Holy Roman Empire. in question the decisions of councils. You He was to be arrested on site. Further- are required to give a clear and precise more, the assembly sanctioned his death answer. Will you, or will you not retract?” with no legal consequences under the law. Luther responded, “Since then your Essentially, the Roman Catholic Church serene majesty and your lordships re- was condoning the murder of Martin quest a simple reply, I will give it without Luther. horns and hoofs, and say: Unless I am The Edict of Worms further stated convinced by the testimony of Scripture that it would be considered a crime for or by plain reason (for I believe in neither anyone within the empire to give Luther the pope nor in councils alone, for it is sanctuary. well-known, not only that they have erred, But, Luther had already vanished. but also have contradicted themselves), I His sentence came down several days am mastered by the passages of Scripture after the Diet, so Luther, now a con- which I have quoted, and my conscience demned and wanted man, had already is captive to the Word of God. I cannot taken shelter, thanks to Prince Frederick and will not recant, for it is neither safe of Saxony, who whisked him into hiding the church and the papacy. The pope had nor honest to violate one’s conscience. I at Wartburg Castle days before the edict condemned him to perpetual silence, yet, can do no other. Here I take my stand, was made public. here he was, about to speak before thou- God being my helper. Amen.” sands of attentive listeners. The assembly, including the Holy This article is an excerpt from the book, Approaching the assembly, Luther was Roman Emperor, Charles V, was Light Of Liberty.

Get both Light of Liberty (09-147) and the SPECIAL BOOK Preachers, Patriots and Providence DVD & DVD OFFER (15-690). Catalog price for both $60. Your price for both $30 + S&H A 50% SAVINGS! Offer #092019D THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2020 17 Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at

Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at PART I and delivered from the grip of Satan—they represent the church today. Each virgin carried with her a lamp, THE BRIDEGROOM COMETH, and she was supposed to carry oil along with it. This spoke of each virgin as be- ing responsible for her own planning; she was to make sure she had enough oil for Go Ye Out her lamp. Now, the Bible tells us that five virgins were looked at as wise, and five were To Meet Him looked at as foolish. Why? As mentioned, each virgin not only car- “While the bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and ried her lamp but was supposed to carry also enough oil to keep it lit continually. The slept. And at midnight, there was a cry made, Behold, light in the lamps refers to the light of Christ, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet Him.” which means now that we have been born again, saved, redeemed, justified, and de- —MATTHEW 25:5-6 livered, we have the light of Christ living within us and shining outwardly. THIS PARABLE GIVEN by our Lord Je- mentality. Think about that for a moment. Matthew 5 says we have been chosen sus Christ details the action of ten virgins— To call a person who is looking for the rap- by God as the light of the world. Christ five who were wise, and five who were ture as having an escapist mentality is to is the Light, and we are reflections of that foolish. As well, it gives us the all-import- call the rapture a fairy tale. In response, light, which is to shine so that others can ant doctrine of the rapture of the church. my question is this: do you believe in the be drawn to the Lord Jesus Christ. Out- I believe the rapture of the church is resurrection? Of course they would answer wardly, these virgins were all the same. The about ready to happen. There are no with an emphatic yes. Well, if a person be- difference, as we’ll soon see, was in their more biblical prophecies left to be fulfilled, lieves in the resurrection, then he should character. which means that it could happen at any believe in the rapture, because the two moment. But it grieves me that this great events are one in the same—two words The Five Foolish Virgins doctrine of the Bible is not really preached that refer to the same event. The Holy Spirit labeled five virgins fool- from behind most pulpits in this country, ish because they took no extra supply of and I’m beginning to wonder if it is even The Ten Virgins oil; they only had that which was in their believed by those pastoring youth groups The ten virgins in Matthew 25 refer to peo- lamps. Oil, as outlined in the Word of God, and churches. Some have even gone so ple who have accepted Christ as their Lord is a symbol and type of the Holy Spir- far as calling those who do believe in the and Saviour. They have been cleansed from it. When an individual is saved, the Holy rapture, as I do, as having an “escapist” all sin, redeemed from all unrighteousness, Spirit resides on the inside of that person

20 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST Call us at 225.768.3072 | Email us at [email protected] | WWW.GABRIELSWAGGART.ORG (Jn. 14:15-18; 16:4-16), and because of this, Spiritual Burn-Out am refilled with the Holy Spirit, and that the Holy Spirit will lead us and guide us Tragically, for many Christians across provides strength, rest, and refreshing for into all truth, which is Christ and Him this nation—and the world—the oil of the journey ahead (Is. 28:12). Never stop crucified. their lives has long since burned out, at the initial filling. Ask the Lord daily As well, it is natural for the light that and there have been no refillings. They to refill you, for there is enough oil to be now resides in that heart and life to burn have become a spiritual desert and ex- poured out on His children, which never bright. This is not the same as being filled perienced something called “spiritual will run dry. with the Spirit, but rather born of the Spir- burn-out.” This happens when a Chris- it—what we call being born again. Howev- tian strives with all of his might, pow- Three Major Themes er, as great as our salvation experience is, er, strength, and ability to live for God, The rapture of the church is right around but he cannot seem to overcome the sin the corner, and this parable given to us by nature ruling in his life. He loves God the Lord Jesus Christ stresses three major with all of his heart and life, but he’s try- themes: faithfulness, watchfulness, and ing to live for God through the means of consecration. These three major themes self-effort, which, in all honesty, God can are lacking in much of the church world never accept. God only accepts faith— today. In fact, Jesus spoke of this very faith anchored in the cross of the Lord moment in Revelation 3:14-22, as He Jesus Christ. spoke to John the Beloved concerning The light begins by shining bright, but the Laodicean church. He told them, “So because there have been no refillings and then because you are lukewarm, and nei- no extra oil to fill their lamps, the oil ther cold nor hot (if a person is lukewarm runs out, which means the lamps begin toward something, it means he hasn’t re- to go out. Soon the light is extinguished, jected it, but at the same time he has by which would result in loss of the soul. no means accepted it; in the mind of God, Others try and live off of their old a tepid response is equal to a negative re- blessings—what took place yesterday, sponse), I will spew you out of My mouth.” or last week. The emphasis here should (There is no prospect of repentance here be obvious: the Holy Spirit wants us to on the part of this church, or restoration. understand that it is not what happened In fact, there is divine rejection.) (Rev. yesterday, but what we need today. 3:16, The Expositor’s Study Bible). Please understand that I am not de- The five foolish virgins had the out- meaning what took place yesteryear. We ward show and the outward form of faith, have what we have today because in other words, they had the appearance Never of the great outpourings of the of faith, but in reality, it was all an out- stop at the Holy Spirit that took place ward show. And because of this, they lost initial filling. in certain parts of this na- their chance to be with the bridegroom, Ask the Lord tion that literally shook this which means they lost their souls. daily to world. But I do want you to Dear reader, the time for your sal- the second greatest happening for refill you... understand that we cannot vation is now. The Bridegroom—Jesus someone who is saved should be live off of past blessings. We Christ—is coming. The rapture of the the baptism with the Holy Spirit. This need fresh manna from heaven church is right around the corner, and is where the extra oil comes into play. The for today. We need a fresh touch to face you must make your calling and election Holy Spirit functions in our lives and de- the trials that are before us. This is where sure. Today is the day of salvation! All of signed that we have many fillings, extra having and experiencing a fresh refilling your chances to make it right are on this fillings. It is a supply that will not last for- is needed. Every morning, when I seek side of eternity. Make it right today. ever, only a short time, and that is why we the face of God, I use my prayer language, need the extra oil for our lamps, so that and I have noticed that there are times This article will be continued in the next issue of our lamps burn bright continually. when my prayer language changes, and I The Evangelist. THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2020 21

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PLEASE NOTE: Sonlife Broadcasting Network and SonLife Radio now follow the same programming schedule. Hour (CT) Hour (ET) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 12:00 AM 1:00 AM Family Worship Center - Family Worship Center - 12:30 AM 1:30 AM Associate Pastors Associate Pastors 1:00 AM Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart 2:00 AM 1:30 AM 2:30 AM 2:00 AM FWC Music FWC Music 3:00 AM 2:30 AM FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music 3:30 AM 3:00 AM 4:00 AM 3:30 AM 4:30 AM Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade 4:00 AM 5:00 AM Classics Classics Classics Classics Classics Classics Classics 4:30 AM 5:30 AM 5:00 AM 6:00 AM 5:30 AM FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music 6:30 AM 6:00 AM 7:00 AM Family Worship Center - A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - 6:30 AM 7:30 AM Associate Pastors FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Associate Pastors 7:00 AM 8:00 AM The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross 7:30 AM 8:30 AM (Repeat) (Live) (Live) (Live) (Live) (Live) (Repeat) 8:00 AM 9:00 AM FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music 8:30 AM FWC Music 9:30 AM Insight (Live) Insight (Live) Insight (Live) Insight (Live) Insight (Live) The Story Behind The Song (RPT) 9:00 AM 10:00 AM A Study In The Word (Repeat) 9:30 AM 10:30 AM Frances And Friends 10:00 AM Frances And Friends (Live) Frances And Friends (Live) Frances And Friends (Live) Frances And Friends (Live) Frances And Friends (Live) 11:00 AM (Repeat) 10:30 AM Family Worship Center Sunday 11:30 AM 11:00 AM Morning Service (Live) 12:00 PM FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music 11:30 AM Generation Of The Cross (E/I ) 12:30 PM A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) 12:00 PM 1:00 PM Family Worship Center - Family Worship Center - 12:30 PM FWC Music 1:30 PM Associate Pastors Associate Pastors 1:00 PM Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart 2:00 PM Generation Of The Cross ( ) 1:30 PM E/I 2:30 PM (Repeat) 2:00 PM FWC Music FWC Music 3:00 PM The Story Behind The Song (RPT) 2:30 PM FWC Music Crossfire Service E/I( ) FWC Music 3:30 PM FWC Music 3:00 PM Family Worship Center Sunday 4:00 PM 3:30 PM Morning Service (Replay) 4:30 PM Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade 4:00 PM Donnie Swaggart Donnie Swaggart Donnie Swaggart 5:00 PM Classics Classics Classics 4:30 PM 5:30 PM FWC Music 5:00 PM 6:00 PM Insight (Replay) Insight (Replay) Insight (Replay) Insight (Replay) Insight (Replay) The Message Of The Cross 5:30 PM Crossfire Service E/I( ) (Repeat) 6:30 PM A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) (Replay) 6:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:30 PM Family Worship Center Sunday FWC Music 7:30 PM Frances And Friends Frances And Friends Frances And Friends Frances And Friends Frances And Friends 7:00 PM Evening Service (Live) 8:00 PM (Replay) (Replay) (Replay) (Replay) (Repeat) 7:30 PM Family Worship Center 8:30 PM FWC Music Wednesday Night Service 8:00 PM 9:00 PM The Story Behind The Song The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross (Live) The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross 8:30 PM FWC Music 9:30 PM (Replay) (Replay) FWC Music (Replay) (Replay) 9:00 PM 10:00 PM The Message Of The Cross 9:30 PM Crossfire Service E/I( ) 10:30 PM Family Worship Center Sunday (Replay) Family Worship Center 10:00 PM Morning Service (Replay) Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Donnie Swaggart Wednesday Night Service 11:00 PM 10:30 PM (Replay) 11:30 PM Frances And Friends 11:00 PM FWC Music 12:00 AM (Replay) 11:30 PM FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service E/I( ) (Repeat) 12:30 AM CC Closed captioning available for all programming. ES Spanish SAP

PREACHING THE CROSS PreachingCC Closed captioning available the ESCrossSpanish SAP I 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK for all programming.

Hour (ET) Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 1:00 AM Family Worship Center - Family Worship Center - 1:30 AM Associate Pastors Associate Pastors Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart 2:00 AM 2:30 AM FWC Music FWC Music 3:00 AM FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music 3:30 AM 4:00 AM 4:30 AM Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade 5:00 AM Classics Classics Classics Classics Classics Classics Classics 5:30 AM 6:00 AM FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music 6:30 AM 7:00 AM Family Worship Center - A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word A Study In The Word Family Worship Center - 7:30 AM Associate Pastors FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Associate Pastors 8:00 AM The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross 8:30 AM (Repeat) (Live) (Live) (Live) (Live) (Live) (Repeat) 9:00 AM FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music 9:30 AM Insight (Live) Insight (Live) Insight (Live) Insight (Live) Insight (Live) The Story Behind The Song (RPT) 10:00 AM A Study In The Word (Repeat) 10:30 AM Frances And Friends Frances And Friends (Live) Frances And Friends (Live) Frances And Friends (Live) Frances And Friends (Live) Frances And Friends (Live) 11:00 AM (Repeat) Family Worship Center Sunday 11:30 AM Morning Service (Live) 12:00 PM FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Generation Of The Cross (E/I ) 12:30 PM A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) 1:00 PM Family Worship Center - Family Worship Center - FWC Music 1:30 PM Associate Pastors Associate Pastors Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart 2:00 PM Generation Of The Cross ( ) E/I 2:30 PM (Repeat) FWC Music FWC Music 3:00 PM The Story Behind The Song (RPT) FWC Music Crossfire Service E/I( ) FWC Music 3:30 PM FWC Music Family Worship Center Sunday 4:00 PM Morning Service (Replay) 4:30 PM Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Jimmy Swaggart Crusade Donnie Swaggart Donnie Swaggart Donnie Swaggart 5:00 PM Classics Classics Classics 5:30 PM FWC Music 6:00 PM Insight (Replay) Insight (Replay) Insight (Replay) Insight (Replay) Insight (Replay) The Message Of The Cross Crossfire Service E/I( ) (Repeat) 6:30 PM A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) A Study In The Word (Replay) (Replay) 7:00 PM Family Worship Center Sunday FWC Music 7:30 PM Frances And Friends Frances And Friends Frances And Friends Frances And Friends Frances And Friends Evening Service (Live) 8:00 PM (Replay) (Replay) (Replay) (Replay) (Repeat) Family Worship Center 8:30 PM FWC Music Wednesday Night Service 9:00 PM The Story Behind The Song The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross (Live) The Message Of The Cross The Message Of The Cross FWC Music 9:30 PM (Replay) (Replay) FWC Music (Replay) (Replay) 10:00 PM The Message Of The Cross Crossfire Service E/I( ) 10:30 PM Family Worship Center Sunday (Replay) Family Worship Center Morning Service (Replay) Donnie Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Donnie Swaggart Wednesday Night Service 11:00 PM (Replay) 11:30 PM Frances And Friends FWC Music 12:00 AM (Replay) FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music FWC Music Crossfire Service E/I( ) (Repeat) 12:30 AM ARKANSAS DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA WOW (Wide Open West)...... 194 Ft. 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TBA Palm Desert, San Diego Tallahassee IOWA Spectrum...... 470 OTA...... 4 Des Moines, Aimes Redding/Chico Tampa (Hillsborough, Manatee, OTA...... 14 / 36.2 OTA...... 41.2 St. Petersburg) Sioux City Sacramento Spectrum...... 199 / 1116 HD Cable One...... 91 OTA...... 9.1 / 49.6 OTA...... 43.1 Salinas West Palm Beach K Channel OTA...... 27.4 OTA...... 57.3 San Rafael KANSAS Lucas Valley Cable...... 487 G Channel Dodge City San Francisco United Telecom...... 162 Comcast...... 21 GEORGIA Emporia Wave Division...... 21 / 26 Atlanta Cable One...... 91 San Bruno Cable...... 18 / 370 Comcast...... 28 Wichita, Hutchinson Plus Google Fiber...... 38 OTA...... 16.2 OTA...... 40.4 Horizon Cable...... 38 Milledgeville KENTUCKY OTA...... 38 / 68.3 Bulldog...... 112 Bowling Green A Channel Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, Savannah OTA...... 39.4 Santa Barbara OTA...... 46 Independence ALABAMA OTA...... 40.2 Statewide Cincinnati Bell...... 265 Anniston COLORADO Spectrum...... 157 / 782 London, Owensboro Cable One...... 91 Denver Spectrum...... TBA Berry...... 487 Comcast...... 91 H Channel Louisville Birmingham OTA...... 5.1 / 16.3 OTA...... 21 / 25.6 / 50.1 Spectrum...... 257 / 1257 HD CONNECTICUT HAWAII OTA...... 24 Hartford, Newtown, Northaven Statewide L Channel Fayette Cablevision...... 24 Spectrum...... 406 / 1406 HD OTA...... 15.4 Spectrum...... 22 / 129 / 854 LOUISIANA Montgomery Comcast...... 24 / 90 / 190 / 192 I Channel Baton Rouge, New Orleans, OTA...... 5 Cox...... 75 Lafayette Statewide Frontier...... 136 IDAHO Cox Cable...... 273 Spectrum...... 157 / 776 OTA...... 42.1 Boise Baton Rouge ALASKA Manchester OTA...... 41.3 OTA...... 14.1 Anchorage Cox Cable...... 72 Pocatello, Idaho Falls, Twin Falls Monroe OTA...... 31 Cable One...... 91 OTA...... 39.4 ARIZONA D Channel ILLINOIS Plaquemine Phoenix Champaign Clear Choice Cable...... 225 OTA...... 22.3 / 50.3 DELAWARE OTA...... 46 Prairieville, Gonzales Safford, Show Low Wilmington Chicago Cox Cable...... 389 Cable One...... 91 Comcast...... 487 RCN...... 270

26 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST Shreveport Norfolk Asheboro, Greensboro, Raleigh Choice Cable...... 41 OTA...... 14 Cable One...... 91 Spectrum...... 470 San Juan Omaha Raleigh-Durham OTA...... 25.2 / 42.1 M Channel OTA...... 48.4 OTA...... 16.3 NEVADA Wilmington R Channel MAINE Las Vegas OTA...... 43.2 Augusta, Bangor, Portland, OTA...... 30.3 NORTH DAKOTA RHODE ISLAND York, Saco Reno Enderlin Providence Spectrum...... 489 Spectrum...... 139 / 890 MLGC Enderlin...... 150 Cox Cable...... 70 MASSACHUSETTS NEW ENGLAND Boston Region-wide O Channel S Channel RCN...... 21 / 270 Spectrum...... 470 Spectrum...... 17 / 25 / 1231 HD NEW JERSEY OHIO SOUTH CAROLINA MetroCast Cablevision...... 20 Audubon, Burlington, Central Akron Charleston Shrewsbury Gloucester, Jersey City, OTA...... 27.3 / 41.3 Comcast...... 270 Community...... 24 / 1231 Meadowlands, Monmouth, Akron, Canton, Cleveland, Columbia, Statewide Beld Broadband...... 20 / 520 Ocean County, Plainfield, Cincinnati, Dayton Spectrum...... 470 Telephone & Data Sys.... 62 / 1062 Pleasantville, Princeton, Spectrum...... 388 / 1388 HD Rock Hill, Fort Mill, Lancaster, Comcast...... 20 / 813 Somerset, Hillborough, Trenton, Cincinnati York, Chester, Clover, Lake Wylie Worcester Union, Vineland OTA...... 25.6 Comporium Cable...... 391 Spectrum...... 129 / 854 Comcast...... 190 Cleveland Spartanburg, Greenville MICHIGAN Long Beach Island WOW (Wide Open West)...... 193 OTA...... 16.3 Detroit Comcast...... 22 OTA...... 27.3 / 41.3 SOUTH DAKOTA Comcast...... 389 Northwest Spectrum...... 388 / 1388 HD Beresford Spectrum...... 158 Comcast...... 280 Columbus Beresford Cablevision...... 487 WOW (Wide Open West)...... 194 Toms River Spectrum...... 388 / 1388 HD OTA...... 14.5 / 19.2 / 47.3 Comcast...... 19 WOW (Wide Open West)...... 193 T Channel Oakland County, Livonia NEW MEXICO Toledo Spectrum...... 179 / 379 Albuquerque Buckeye...... 109 TENNESSEE MINNESOTA Comcast...... 91 Wapakoneta Dyersburg Minneapolis OTA...... 32.3 Telephone Service Cable One...... 91 Comcast...... 191 Rio Rancho Company, Inc...... 75 Jackson Minneapolis, St. Paul Cable One...... 91 OKLAHOMA OTA...... 27.4 OTA...... 25.2 NEW YORK Altus Memphis Rochester Albany, Binghamton (Montros, Cable One...... 91 OTA...... 26.5 / 44 Spectrum...... 150 / 705 Bath, Jamestown), Buffalo, Clarksdale, Batesville Nashville Thief River Falls Syracuse, New York Cable One...... 91 OTA...... 31.3 Sjoberg’s Inc...... 182 Spectrum...... 470 Duncan TEXAS MISSISSIPPI Buffalo Cable One...... 91 Abilene Biloxi, Columbus, Grenada OTA...... 56.6 Oklahoma City Harris Broadband...... 17 Cable One...... 91 Spectrum...... 470 OTA...... 22.2 Alma-Garret MISSOURI Cobleskill Ponca City Spectrum...... 12 Higginsville OTA...... 41.4 Cable One...... 91 Amarillo Citizen’s Cablevision...... 122 Carmel Tulsa Cable One...... 91 Joplin, Pittsburg Comcast...... 191 OTA...... 48.2 OTA...... 22.3 OTA...... 49.3 New York OREGON Austin, Corpus Christi, Dallas, Kansas City Cablevision...... 15 Medford Fort Worth, San Antonio, Spectrum...... 470 Spectrum...... 22 / 470 Spectrum...... 173 / 802 Waco, Killeen OTA...... 21.3 Comcast...... 19 / 27 / 15 Spectrum...... 470 Kirksville Frontier...... 43 P Channel Austin Cable One...... 91 RCN...... 39 / 270 OTA...... 17.3 St. Louis OTA...... 42.1 / 43.1 PENNSYLVANIA Balch Springs Spectrum...... 109 / 775 Rochester Philadelphia Suddenlink...... 20 / 107HD OTA...... 7.2 Spectrum...... 470 Comcast...... 24 / 25 Bryan Excelsior Springs NORTH CAROLINA OTA...... 51 OTA...... 34.6 New Dawn Fiber...... 15 Asheboro, Denton, New London Philadelphia Carrollton Randolph Telephone...... 257 RCN...... 17 / 51 Spectrum...... 14 N Channel Charlotte Service Electric Cable TV... 22 / 26 Dallas Comporium...... 391 Blue Ridge Comm...... 8 / 24 Rio Holdings...... 17 / 8147 NEBRASKA Spectrum...... 81 / 470 PUERTO RICO Greenville Electric Auburn, Columbus, Fremont, OTA...... 46.3 Region-wide Utility...... 22 / 222 Lincoln Fayetteville Claro...... 24 Nortex Comm. Co...... 21 / 121 Spectrum...... 470 OTA...... 15.3 Dish...... 7 Northland Cable Liberty Cable...... 41 Television...... 12 / 96 / 10 THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2020 27 PREACHING THE CROSS 24 HOURS A DAY, 7 DAYS A WEEK

TEXAS (cont.) Comcast...... Check local listings Excludes Sydney...... 55 FRANCE Dallas OTA...... 68.1 Northern Territory WEBSERVICE - Play Media Millennium Telcom LLC...... 27 WEST VIRGINIA Darwin, Central...... 74 Canal Sat Alenco Communications...... 3 Riverton Queensland OTA...... 52.1 SKSRT...... 34 Cairns, Townsville, Mackay, G Channel Spectrum...... 470 Wheeling Rockhampton, Maryborough, Denton Comcast...... 190 Toowoomba, Excludes GERMANY Spectrum...... 6 / 749 HD WISCONSIN Brisbane...... 55 Kabel Deutschland...... 847 Duncanville Green Bay South Australia Unity Cable...... 238 Charter...... 13 / 749 HD Spectrum...... 388 / 1388 HD (Spencer Gulf Area), Loxton, Kabel BW...... 302 Ennis Madison Mt. Gambier, Griffith, Mildura, Sky Deutschland...... 975 Spectrum...... 12 / 750 HD OTA...... 8.3 Excludes Adelaide...... 54 Stadtwerke...... 442 Greenville Milwaukee Tasmania HD+...... 983 Geus Cable...... 551 Spectrum...... 388 / 1388 HD Launceston, Hobart...... 64 Zattoo Greenville (Commerce) AT&T...... 68 / 1068 Victoria Astra 1 Spectrum...... 22 / 742 HD OTA...... 68.8 Albury, Ballarat, Bendigo, for more info Houston Gippsland, Shepparton, Cologne, Dusseldorf, Bonn & Aachen Comcast...... 76 Excludes Melbourne...... 55 Net Cologne...... 409 OTA...... 10.2 AUSTRIA Lubbock AustriaSat...... 313 I Channel OTA...... 29.4 B Channel ISRAEL Odessa Hot Cable...... 180 OTA...... 22.3 BARBADOS Hot Bird 6 Park Cities Lime TV...... 4 for more info Spectrum...... 3 / 749 HD BELGIUM Pilot Point TéléSAT...... 532 ITALY Suddenlink...... 97 / 197 HD TV Vlaanderen...... 356 Tivu...... 79 Port Lavaca, Aransas Pass, BRAZIL Sky Italia...... 850 Texarkana NATIONWIDE: Cable One...... 91 StarOne C2 Satellite M Channel Rockwall for more info Spectrum...... 14 / 749 HD Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo MIDDLE EAST Sherman Net Cable...... 188 Hot Bird 6 Suddenlink...... 95 / 714 BULGARIA Eutelsat 25 Temple Dcable, 3 Air Media for more info OTA...... 34.6 Throckmorton, Lake Graham, C Channel N Channel Newcastle TGN Cable...... 487 CAYMAN ISLANDS NETHERLANDS Waco Lime TV...... 104 Canal Digital...... 208 OTA...... 34.6 CENTRAL & SOUTH NEW ZEALAND Waxahachie AMERICA / CARIBBEAN Sky...... 203 Spectrum...... 12 Hispasat 1E OTA...... Hill Nelson-26 for more info OTA...... Takaka Hill-27 Channel CZECH REPUBLIC U A Channel Skylink...... 265 P Channel UTAH ASIA & INDIA POLAND Salt Lake City ABS 1 D Channel Comcast...... 91 for more info Korbank OTA...... 23.2 AFRICA DENMARK MGK Intelsat 20 Viasat...... 205 W Channel Thaicom 5 R Channel Northern Africa E Channel WASHINGTON Hot Bird 6 RUSSIA & EASTERN EUROPE Goldendale for more info EUROPE Amos 2...... 4˚ West J&N Cable...... 487 AUSTRALIA & NEW ZEALAND Hot Bird 6 RUSSIA WEST Seattle OPTUS D2 for more info Yamal 1 Comcast...... 14 / 102 for more info for more info Frontier...... 24 AUSTRALIA F Channel OTA...... 24.1 Foxtel® NATIONWIDE...... 186 S Channel WASHINGTON DC Terrestrial Television Channels: FINLAND Washington DC New South Wales Viasat...... 205 SLOVAKIA RCN...... 55 Canberra, Wollongong, Orange, Skylink...... 265 Cox...... 28 Dubbo, Wagga

28 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST SOUTH AMERICA Intelsat 21 for more info SPAIN Canal+...... 463 SWEDEN Viasat...... 205 SWITZERLAND Zattoo

T Channel

TANZANIA Push Media TRINIDAD & TOBAGO Air Link Communications...... 25

U Channel

UNITED KINGDOM Sky Satellite...... 593 Freesat...... 695 Freeview...... 239

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Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at COLOR ME A COLOR ME A




A pastor of the Miskito Indian community, who lives by the Coco River innorthern Nicaragua, clutches his own copy of the Expositor¹s Study Bible.

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Family Worship Center Church 8919 World Ministry Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70810 Jimmy Swaggart Donnie Swaggart Gabriel Swaggart

Family Worship Center Church 8919 World Ministry Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70810 inboxLETTERS FROM THE AUDIENCE

SBN ENCOURAGES VIEWERS AROUND THE WORLD “First, I want to thank Jesus about the health and life that we have. And, I want to say that your message that is given to us is very wonderful and full of teachings. I’m Mozambican, but I like very much your message, it is really helping me, so the most powerful God bless you all.” —Mozambique, Africa

FREE FLOW OF THE HOLY SPIRIT The most incredible thing happened to me today while watching Donnie preach on Acts. I am Pentecostal and never understood how to speak in tongues, but when he had the people gather around the octagon who were born-again believers yet struggle with speaking in tongues, and he explained how to let the free flow of the Holy Spirit bring the words that flowed into my We would love to hear from you. mind, it happened. In my living room they poured out Please email your thoughts and for the first time ever. I’m a sixty-eight-year-old dis- comments to [email protected] abled Vietnam veteran, married forty-six years, and

34 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST “I was touched to the core of my being watching the Sunday service with the song, “His Voice,” and seeing Pastor Gabe and Brother Larson praying with their daughters at the altar.”

All letters are current and may have been edited for space.

now I thank God every day for His only Son Jesus seeking the Lord now more than ever and pray for who died upon the cross for me. And now, to expe- ministers to be brought accountable for their congre- rience the Holy Spirit in a way I never have before is gations and turn to the cross. —Email a life blessing to me. Thanks for Donnie’s teaching of God’s Word. —Missouri ENLIGHTENED! Thank you for the message of the cross preached on BLESSED IN PARAGUAY the SonLife Broadcasting Network. I am really enlight- I thank God because I was blessed, and many people ened! —Zimbabwe I know, through Jimmy Swaggart Ministries in the 1980s, and God used it for us to become God’s chil- MUSIC COMFORTS LISTENER dren. Thank you.—Paraguay Brother Swaggart, I just wanted to tell you what hap- pened to me when my dad died. The day we buried PRAISE AND WORSHIP him, I walked in my bedroom, and my TV came on God bless you and thank you for the CD of “Praise and and you were on, singing a song. All I heard was, “I am Worship.” My favorite song on the CD is “His Eye Is on my way to heaven shouting the victory.” If I had any on the Sparrow,” and when I play that song, I can feel doubt, God was telling me where he went. —Email the Holy Spirit, and my mom and dad, they feel it too. Thank you so much. God bless.—Email “LET DOWN YOUR NET” Pastor Jimmy, you’re speaking words and then singing UNSPEAKABLE GIFT it too on “Let Down Your Net” is as powerful as any I don’t know where to begin. I was sitting in my living long sermon! —Texas room broken and defeated when I channel surfed on to your network, and Brother Swaggart spoke to me MELTING A COLD HEART right through the screen. What he said brought me I was touched to the core of my being watching the to tears as I repented then and there. At that time he Sunday service with the song, “His Voice,” and seeing prayed, and I felt the Holy Ghost sweep over my spirit! Pastor Gabe and Brother Larson praying with their Thanks be to God for his unspeakable gift! Oh, and daughters at the altar. I had thank God for Jimmy Swaggart! —Email been cold for a long time, but my spirit and soul HOLY SPIRIT MOVES IN HEARTS are warming up and Yesterday’s service was really amazing—what a move melting my icy in- of the Holy Spirit! What a blessing to see people going ward self. SBN is to the altar without actually making an altar call; it reaching people was evident that the Holy Spirit was moving in hearts. and changing This is only the beginning of what the Lord is going lives! —Email to do through the ministry. The church needs to keep THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2020 35 BOB CORNELL


In Hebrews 8:6, the writer of Hebrews (likely Paul) states, of self (“I’ll live life my way”). If you are being tempted to go backward spiritually, I “But now hath he obtained a more excellent ministry, by how encourage and warn you not to go back to much also he is the mediator of a better covenant, which what Jesus delivered you from. Only bad was established upon better promises.” This one verse can come from going back. The main way that Paul encouraged summarizes the emphasis in the book of Hebrews more than these Jewish believers not to go back to any other verse. law was by showing them that the cove- nant established through Christ’s death was so much better than the old covenant HEBREWS WAS written around AD 64 God to see tens of thousands of Jews con- established on the death of animal sacri- to Jewish believers in and near Jerusalem verted to faith in Christ as Saviour. fices. The word better refers to something who were tempted to go back under Old With James dead and all of the original that is stronger and greater because it is Testament law and thereby leaving faith in apostles gone to other places of the known fully developed. Something or someone Christ and His atoning death as the only world, there was a lack of leadership in the is better after exerting the power needed means of salvation. This temptation came church in Jerusalem. Discouragement set to dominate the opposition. Paul uses this in the form of long-lasting persecution, in among many of these Jewish believers. adjective to describe the new covenant. which the Jewish Christians faced in Je- It was the perfect storm for Satan’s lie that God’s power was exerted at the cross rusalem, and also the martyrdom of James, going back to the law was better than stay- through Christ’s death to dominate man- the pastor of the church in Jerusalem. ing with Jesus by faith. kind’s greatest opposition—sin. Paul wrote Ananus, the high priest and leader of An important lesson we can learn is this: that Christ has a “more excellent ministry” the Sanhedrin—the highest Jewish reli- the lack of godly church leadership em- than the high priests of the old covenant gious authority—hated James and had phasizing dependence on Jesus and the (Heb. 8:6). Why? Because they offered an- him stoned to death in AD 62. James, often cross opens the door for lying spirits to imal sacrifices that could never take away criticized for not leading Jewish believers seduce God’s people to go back to law. It sin; they were simply a shadow of the ul- away from the law more, had been used of can be religious law (legalism) or the law timate sacrifice—Jesus Christ.

“If you are being tempted to go backward spiritually, I encourage and warn you not to go back to what Jesus delivered you from.”

36 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST Paul also wrote that Jesus is “the medi- ator of a better covenant.” Why go back to the old when the new covenant is better? The reality is that life through Jesus Christ CORNELL and what He accomplished on the cross is better than any other way of life, religious or worldly. The new covenant is better be- cause Jesus is the mediator of it. Christ as mediator refers to the fact that He accom- plished what mankind could not. Through His perfect birth, life, and ultimately His death, He fully kept the law, something placed us in Christ (Rom.6:3-6). When looking for something or someone new that mankind is incapable of doing. God looks at us, He sees us in His Son, and better. Even though Jesus died and The old covenant (law) was between Jesus Christ. rose again almost two thousand years ago, God and mankind. It requires perfect obe- Everything that Christ accomplished what He accomplished on our behalf will dience to every aspect of the law. It proves through His death and resurrection is always be new and better than anything that man is a sinner in need of the Saviour. ours through dependence in Jesus—vic- this world can offer, so believe and live by The new covenant is the covenant between tory over sin, love, joy, peace, and all bless- the better covenant. God and Jesus—mankind’s mediator and ings from God come through what Jesus representative. When we put our trust in did on our behalf at the cross. What God To contact me about our new church plant Jesus—trust that He died for our sins and requires of us is that we believe that. in the Nashville, Tennessee area, email to rose from the dead—the Holy Spirit then We live in a world that is constantly [email protected]. Blessings!

Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at 37 hope IN THE LORD The New Year dedicated his life to speaking the Word of The dawn of a brand-new year is upon us. God to the children of Israel, primarily to “This I recall to my mind, As this new year begins, we find ourselves the tribe of Judah. He started off his min- in various circumstances. For some, the istry with high hopes and a sense of reviv- therefore have I hope. It is new year will start with a sense of excite- al amongst the people, but it soon went of the Lord’s mercies that ment, great enthusiasm, and a can’t-wait- downhill. Much to his dismay, he soon to-get-started attitude. But for others, the discovered that the people’s heart was far we are not consumed, new year begins in devastation. Life has from God. Though he warned them of because his compassions not been kind, and situations far beyond the consequences of sin and idolatry, the our control have stepped up to steal the people failed to heed his warnings. Be- fail not. They are new joy and peace that our relationship with cause of their rebellion, God allowed his every morning: great is thy God usually provides. people to be decimated and taken into Regardless of the positive or negative Babylonian captivity. The city of Jerusa- faithfulness.” situations you are facing, I write today lem is destroyed and stands burning and to encourage you to place your faith and empty. The view is a scene of death—an —LAMENTATIONS 3:21-23 hope in the Lord. He will not leave if you empty moonscape that is barely recog- are in a time of trial, and His presence nizable as the city of David. Everything will make your times of celebration and that might have been is now no longer. joy even greater. I write to encourage you The idea that things could ever be right to hope in the Lord. again is hard to imagine and even more difficult to believe. Jeremiah In this setting, Jeremiah writes the Jeremiah is the author of this particular words of our text. He declares that de- text, and we join him as he views the de- spite what is obvious and evident, he still molished city of Jerusalem. Jeremiah had believes that God will set things right for

38 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST His people. He has hope in the Lord. The reasons he calls up this hope are given in Lamentations 3:21-26. These reasons are good for those of us who need to replen- “The love that God has for ish our hope in the Lord. those of us who have accepted New Every Morning His Son is a love that Jeremiah has hope in the Lord because God’s mercy and compassions never fail will not fail or be depleted.” to be exhibited and expressed in the lives of His people. The love that God has for those of us who have accepted His Son is of compassion toward his people. Based Wait On The Lord a love that will not fail or be depleted. It on this truth, we should continually hope Jeremiah has hope in the Lord and knows is a love promised through covenant re- in the Lord. that it is good to wait for His delivering lationship that God cannot fail to express. power. In times when we fail to under- Romans 5:8 says, “while we were yet sin- God Is My Portion stand or see what God is doing, it is easy ners, Christ died for us.” How much more Jeremiah also expresses hope in the Lord to be overwhelmed by the negativity now being made partakers of His cove- because God is his portion. This means and hurt that dominates our hearts and nant, will He save us from our untoward that he is affiliated or belongs to the per- minds. But there is an avenue that is al- circumstances and situations? If we think son named. As believers, we belong to ways open to the believer. We have access for a moment that God’s compassion and the Lord. Everything that we are, and ev- by faith into grace from God. We are to His loving kindnesses toward us have erything that we have is in His capable seek Him and believe that He has our best been worn down and depleted, then we hands. Circumstances are not in charge in mind. We come boldly to the throne are mistaken. Jeremiah reminds us that of our fate. We are not dependent upon of grace where we find mercy and grace no matter how much mercy or love God luck or chance. Serving God secures us to help in our time of need. Having made expends upon His people at any certain to the one sure thing in the universe. He our requests known, we then wait upon hour, God has a supply that is more than watches over my inheritance. He has de- God to deliver the answers regarding the enough for that current day. And whatev- livered me from the pain of my past, and salvation we require. It is good to both er He might have expended in the day be- He has secured me for a future and an wait and hope in the Lord. fore is replenished at the start of each new eternity with Him. God is my portion. day. It is impossible for God to run out Therefore, I will hope in him. He Came To Pick Us Up The story has been told of the child in day care. Each day she waited patiently for one of her parents to arrive and take her home. I didn’t On one afternoon she was particularly come to leave anxious to leave. When her father arrived you; I came to take her home, she ran quickly to him to pick and stated passionately, “Let’s go home!” you up. But the day care worker had to slow her down. Before she could leave, she needed to put the toys away that she had left on the floor. Almost in a panic the child cried out, “Oh Daddy, don’t leave me!” Her fa- ther smiled and said, “Don’t worry, dear. I didn’t come to leave you; I came to pick you up.” Your heavenly Father did not save you to leave you. He came to pick you up. Hope in the Lord! THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2020 39 Contemplative Thomas Merton, “How can we best help people (not just Christians) to attain union Prayers with God?” His answer was very clear. He said, “We must tell them that they are al- ready united with God. Contemplative In the last several articles, SIMPLY PUT, THEY are repackaged prayer is nothing other than coming into satanic lies couched with Christian jar- consciousness of what is already there.” I began to expose the false gon and sold in books by popular so- In my last article, I defined pantheism teachings of mysticism called Christian authors. Aside from try- and panentheism. These two words basi- ing to judge their motives we can, and cally mean that everything is God and God along with its modern we should, evaluate their writings and is in everything. Popular so-called Chris- New Age concepts that teachings to determine if they are bibli- tian authors of the contemplative move- cally correct in interpretation and under- ment oftentimes quote from their contem- have crept into the church. standing of God’s Word. plative prayer peers to gain notoriety and As previously discussed authority to themselves in order to justify in my recent articles, the Centering Prayers, Breath Prayers their teachings. A simple method of contemplative prayer, In Rick Warren’s book, The Purpose principles of this teaching often called “centering” prayer, has sever- Driven Life, one will find plenty of these are far from new. al steps: a person chooses a single sacred contemplative prayer mystics quoted and word and repeats it inwardly—slowly and named by Warren. Notwithstanding, he often. Eastern religions refer to this as a himself will make references and recom- mantra. During a conference on contem- mendations for readers to practice contem- plative prayer, the question was put to plative prayers. “With practice,” Warren

“Today I personally believe that while Jesus came “Everyone is born a mystic and a lover who Deceptive to open the door to God’s house, all human experiences the unity of things and all are called beings can walk through that door, whether they to keep this mystic or lover of life alive.” Quotations know about Jesus or not. Today I see it as my —MATTHEW FOX call to help every person claim his or her own Regarding way to God.” —HENRI NOUWEN “If we are not still before Him [God], we will never truly know to the depths of the marrow Contemplative “Ask for a simple prayer to express your of our bones that He is God. There’s got to be a Prayer willingness to meet God in the silence … a stillness.” —BETH MOORE simple statement …such as “Here I am.” … Help yourself return to your original intent by “The quiet repetition of a single word can help us repeating the prayer that you have chosen.” to descend with the mind into the heart.” —RUTH HALEY BARTON —HENRI NOUWEN

40 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST writes, “you can develop the habit of pray- writes, “The God who dwells in our in- would utilize the style of the contemplative ing silent ‘breath prayers.’”1 He adds: “Use ner sanctuary is the same as the one who practices of the East that were so popular ‘breath prayers’ throughout the day, as dwells in the inner sanctuary of each hu- with seekers at the time while still being many Christians have done for centuries. man being.”4 rooted in the Christian tradition. You choose a brief sentence or a simple In his book, Here and Now, Henri Nou- “Centering prayer is a meditative practice. phrase that can be repeated to Jesus in one wen writes, “Deep within us all there is an However, it does not focus on words but on breath.”2 amazing inner sanctuary of the soul, a holy the places of interior silence and stillness Likewise, Brennan Manning recom- place, a Divine Center.”5 where God abides and invites practitioners mends William O’ Shannon’s book, Silence In his book Celebration of Discipline, toward a deeper connection with Christ In- on Fire and Thomas Keating’s book on cen- Richard Foster writes, “Even people who carnate—the perfect union of human and tering prayer titled Open Mind, Open Heart. have yet to turn their lives over to Jesus divine. In Silence on Fire, O’ Shannon blasts the Christ—can and should practice them “This is the invitation of centering prayer, Christian’s biblical God: “This is a typical (spiritual disciplines).”6 a practice which, when engaged regularly, patriarchal notion of God. He is the God In his book, Abba’s Child, Manning slowly transforms us at our very core in a of Noah who sees people deep in sin, re- writes, “If I find Christ, I will find my true way that is beyond words, teaching us to pents that He made them and resolves to self and if I find my true self, I will find not only abide in the presence of the Divine destroy them. He is the God of the desert Christ.”7 but also cultivating a sense of inner silence who sends snakes to bite His people be- According to the website, “A Sacred Jour- and stillness.”8 cause they murmured against Him. He ney,” Lacy Clark Ellman posts this about Meditation is the first of the disciplines is the God of David who practically dec- centering prayer: taught in the book, Celebration of Disci- imates a people.... He is the God who ex- “The practice of centering prayer, though pline by Foster. The idea of being still and acts the last drop of blood from His Son, so ancient in roots, is modern in design. emptying yourself is not taught anywhere that His just anger, evoked by sin, may be Based on the contemplative practices of the in the Bible. The use of repetitive prayer appeased. This God whose moods alter- Desert Mothers and Fathers of early Chris- is nothing but vain repetition that Jesus nate between graciousness and fierce anger. tian monasticism wherein practitioners spoke against in Matthew 6:7. This God does not exist.”3 prayerfully engage passages of Scripture, It is important to note that the purpose the method of centering prayer as we know SOURCES: of contemplative prayer is to enter an al- it today was developed by mystic Roman 1Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life (Running Press, 2003), 299. tered state of consciousness in order to find Catholic priests Thomas Keating, M. Basil 2Rick Warren, The Purpose Driven Life (Running Press, one’s true self, thus finding God. This true Pennington, and William Menninger in 2003), 89. 3William H. Shannon, Silence on Fire (New York: The self relates to the belief that man is basical- the 1970s. Crossroad Publishing Company, 2000), 109-110. ly good. Christian proponents of contem- “With a desire to make contemplative 4Brennan Manning, Signature of Jesus, (Multnomah Books, 1988), pgs. 211, 218. plative prayer teach that all human beings prayer more accessible—an ancient posture 5Henri Nouwen, Here and Now, (New York: The have a divine center and that all, not just of prayer and practice which emphasizes Crossroad Publishing Company, 1994), 22. 6Richard Foster, Celebration of Discipline, (Harper born-again believers, should practice con- abiding in the presence of God, leading to Collins, 1988), 2. templative prayer. union with the divine—Thomas Keating 7Brennan Manning, Abba’s Child, (NavPress, 1994), 12. 8 In his book, Signature of Jesus, Manning and his colleagues created a practice which how-to-practice-centering-prayer/

“We need to become aware of the Cosmic tradition in the Church [contemplative prayer] God we get in immediate touch with this divine Christ, which means recognizing that every which no one knows anything about?” creating energy … that the divine energy may being has within it the light of Christ.” —THOMAS MERTON have the freedom to forward the evolution of —MATTHEW FOX consciousness in us and through us, as a part of “My acquaintance with eastern methods of the whole, in the whole of the creation.” “What works for me is a combination of meditation has convinced me that … there —M. BASIL PENNINGTON disciplines: I do yoga, tai chi which is a Chinese are ways of calming the mind in the spiritual martial art and three kinds of meditation— disciplines of both the east and the west [and] “Pick out a word or two. Tell your children to sit vipassana, transcendental and mantra (sound) many serious seekers of truth study the eastern quietly and repeat the word in their heads—not meditation.” —JACK CANFIELD religions.” —THOMAS KEATING thinking about the word, just repeating it.” —POPE JOHN PAUL II “Isn’t it a pity that people are going into LSD “When we go to the center of our being and to have spiritual experiences, when we have a pass through that center into the very center of THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2020 41 MIKE MUZZERALL

HAPPY The Next Day What happens the next day? Would their financial problems mysteriously disap- pear? Would their debits miraculously NEW YEAR... turn into credits? Would marital strug- gles somehow get resolved at the stroke of midnight? The reality is that very little changes the next day. Sometimes, it be- MAYBE? comes worse. To those who know Christ, it’s a time to thank Him for The Old Has Passed Away Yet for some of us, it indeed has become all that He has done in us, for us, and through us. It’s a reality. In one day, in one moment, in also a time when churches around the world seek His one second, the old passed away and ev- erything becomes new. No I’m not talking anointing for the year to come. For those who do not about something that came about as the call Him Lord and Saviour, there is a misplaced hope New Year’s countdown reached zero, or the New Year’s ball fell. I’m talking about and anticipation. They act as if “in the midnight hour,” a true miracle from heaven. something miraculous occurs making everything new. If Anyone Is In Christ This miracle came the moment we placed our faith in the completed work of Calva- ry and accepted Christ as our Lord and Saviour. Paul tells us, “Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (II Cor. 5:17). If you are in Christ, and I pray that you are, then you are definitely a new crea- ture—old things have passed away. All things are become new.

42 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST Reconciliation labor of one’s own hands, mankind can- unto himself, not imputing their trespass- Many in the world make a New Year’s not obtain reconciliation with a holy God: es unto them; and hath committed unto wish for reconciliation. It might be be- “For by grace are ye saved through faith; us the word of reconciliation” (II Cor. tween husband and wife, boyfriend and and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of 5:18-19). girlfriend or between family members. God: not of works, lest any man should Sometimes, it happens. Most of the time, boast” (Eph. 2:8-9). The Ministry Of Reconciliation it doesn’t happen. There is, however, a We have been reconciled in order to min- reconciliation that is greater than what Everything Made New ister reconciliation—reconciled to recon- can happen between any two individu- For A Purpose cile. The true gospel of Jesus Christ al- als. I’m talking about the reconciliation Why did the Father reconcile us to Him- ways offers reconciliation to mankind. that comes through the atoning sacrifice self by Jesus Christ (II Cor. 5:18)? Of of Jesus Christ on an old rugged cross: course it was because of His great love Happy New Year “And all things are of God, who hath rec- (Jn. 3:16). Yet there’s more. Paul Happy New Year—I hope so. There onciled us to Himself by Jesus Christ” (II speaks about this purpose: “And is, however, a way we can know Cor. 5:18). all things are of God, who hath “...old with certainty that we will reconciled us to himself by Je- things have have a happy and blessed There’s No Other Way! sus Christ, and hath given to passed away. year. If we let Christ have the All things There’s no other way to be reconciled to us the ministry of reconcilia- are become preeminence in every aspect God but through Jesus Christ. Through tion; to wit, that God was in new.” of our lives, then it will be a one’s own efforts, religious fervor, and the Christ, reconciling the world happy new year.

To schedule a tour of our campus, get information, Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All pricesor indownload The Evangelist arean valid application through September please 30, 2019. visit Call: 225-768-3890 I Email: [email protected] For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Website THE EVANGELISTat JANUARY 2020 43 The Call Of God SOME YEARS AGO, most believers had little means by which to obey that com- As I have mentioned any number of times, and I will continue mand of our Lord. But now, it is within to mention it, the Lord called me for world evangelism when I the reach of every single believer. was eight years of age. To be frank, I hardly knew what world We ask you for money to pay for the time that goes all over the world when evangelism was, limiting it to missionaries. Since then, that it’s aired over television a few days later; has changed by at least one hundred percent. think about that for a moment. We now reach well over half of this world, prob- The change comes not only in the means by which the gos- ably closer to two-thirds, and we’re add- pel is taken to the world, which we do by television, but really ing areas all the time. In other words, we reach more people with one program for the change is every believer on the face of the earth also being television than most of the churches in called for world evangelism. the United States and other parts of the world are able to reach. How we thank God for that privilege.

I Cannot Do It Without You As I have said over and over again, and will continue to say, I cannot do this with- out you. It’s just that simple. And please understand, that is not a mere cliché, it is the truth. I cannot do this thing that God has called me to do—reach out to the en- tire world and give hundreds of thousands (if not millions) of people who watch this programming an opportunity to be saved. I have got to have your help. By that I mean your prayerful and financial help. On the other side of that proverbi- al coin, what a privilege it is to do this. At times, we may think that the Lord re- quires too much. He really doesn’t require

46 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST “We have a book on just about every doctrine of the Bible. And if we don’t have it now, we will have it shortly.”

much of anything on our part. What little experience in deceiving people. So if you need to understand the Word of God in it is, it’s something that all of us can do. will ask the Lord to show you what is every capacity, and these books will help right and what is wrong, that He will do. you. We have a book on just about ev- Make Certain ery doctrine of the Bible. And if we don’t And yet, the sad fact is, most of the mon- Sales have it now, we will have it shortly. Actu- ey given for world evangelism goes for We have done our best to reduce the sales ally, you should do the commentaries the false doctrine or for whatever, but very pictured in this magazine as never before. same way—get at least one volume each little that is true and right. Now think In other words, we’ve cut every price to month. That will build a Christian library about that for a moment. the bone. I would pray that you would every believer needs. How do you know that what is being take advantage of them. I will say again what I said a couple para- preached out there is correct? Actually, Every believer should avail himself of graphs back: Start your library now and you can tell more so now than ever be- the opportunity to learn all he can about take advantage of the offers we’ve made in fore. Most of what is preached is shown the Bible. I would encourage you, and this volume. You’ll be glad you did. over television, so you can see what the strongly so, to get every book we have. preacher is saying. Some small amount of What you should do is to get at least one In the Master’s service, yours, it is true and right, but most of it isn’t. To a month, and, considering the price that be sure, it does no good whatsoever for a we have offered them, you can do more false message to go out. Remember this: than that. It will take you just a couple of Satan knows how to dress up his wares. hours, if that, to read one of these books. He’s had many, many centuries worth of You need to do it simply because you Jimmy Swaggart THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 2020 47 » Regular Print Bonded Leather (08-200) » Signature Edition (08-301) $100 $50 Cromwell Premium Genuine Leather $200 » Giant Print Hardcover (08-401) $100 $90 $45 » Portuguese Edition (08-801) Bonded Leather » Spanish Edition Bonded Leather (08-601) $100 $50 $100 $50 Ladies’ Edition Bonded Leather (08-205) » Russian Edition Bonded Leather (08-901) » $100 $50 $100 $50 English New Testament (08-005) » Crossfire Edition Hardcover (08-501) » $60 $30 $40 $20 » Spanish New Testament (08-605) $40 $20

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Plus Regular Postage, Shipping, and Handling. | All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020. For Fast & Easy Ordering Call Toll Free: 1.800.288.8350 (US) | 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or Visit Our Website at Donnie Swaggart Mike Muzzerall Office: 225.768.8300 Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected]

FEBRUARY 7-9, 2020 – PALM HARBOR, FL JANUARY 5, 2020 – CROWLEY, LA Pastor Joe Peterson Pastor Kerry Doucet Christ Church of Palm Harbor Crossway Fellowship Church 1111 Indiana Ave., Palm Harbor, FL 34683 395 VFW Drive, Crowley, LA 70526 727.784.5829 337.783.6524 ²SUN 10:30 AM ²FRI 7 PM ²SAT 7 PM MARCH 27-29, 2020 – EULESS, TX ²SUN 10 AM Pastor Sione Fuahala Kids Crusade MAY 8-10, 2020 – GRAND ISLAND, NY Crosslife and Hope Church AOG Pastor Mike Chorey 151 S. Pipeline Road E, Euless, TX 75062 CrossRiver Tabernacle 214.500.6318 2920 Grand Island Blvd., Grand Island, NY 14072 ²FRI 7 PM (Adult Service) 716.229.8000 ²SAT 10 AM - 3PM (Super Saturday - Children's Crusade, food, fun games) [email protected] I ²SAT 7 PM (Kid's Service) ²FRI 7 PM ²SUN 11 AM (Adult Service) ²SAT 6 PM ²SUN 10 AM APRIL 3-5, 2020 - FORT GIBSON, OK Pastor Lonnie E. Orman MAY 15, 2020 – EDMONTON, ALBERTA, CANADA New Life Assembly of God Revival Fire 2020 200 N Lee, Fort Gibson, OK 74434 Host: The Lamb Family 918.348.6288 ² Chateau Nova Yellowhead FRI 7 PM ² 13920 Yellowhead Trail, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada SAT 10 AM & 7 PM ² 780.433.9551 SUN 11 AM (This is their annual homecoming revival 2020) [email protected] ²FRI 6 PM JUNE 3-6, 2020 - BATON ROUGE, LA International Kid's Conference Jimmy Swaggart Ministries 8919 World Ministries Ave., Baton Rouge, LA 70810 For information call 225.768.8300 ²WED 7 PM Carl Brown ²THURS 10 AM & 6 PM Office: 225.381.8388 ²FRI 10 AM & 6 PM Email: [email protected] ²SAT 10 AM & 6 PM JANUARY 17-19, 2020 – SPRINGFIELD, MI AUGUST 7-9, 2020 - LEMING, TX Pastors Mark and Becky Crowe Christ the Rock Church Springfield Assembly of God 8986 US Highway 281, Leming, TX 78064 764 Upton Ave., Springfield, MI 49037 ²FRI 6 PM 269.245.7009 ²SAT 10 AM - 3PM (Super Saturday - Children's Crusade, food, fun games) ²FRI 7 PM ²SAT 6 PM (Adult Service) ²SAT 10 AM & 6 PM ²SUN 10:30 AM (Adult Service) ²SUN 11 AM

All meetings subject to change. Please visit for most current schedules.

50 JANUARY 2020 THE EVANGELIST JANUARY 24-26, 2020 – HOUSTON, TX David Borg Pastor Tony & Faye Pittman Office: 225.768.3890 Oak Meadows Community Worship Center 1605 Allen Dale Road, Houston, TX Email: [email protected] 832.421.4117 ²FRI 7 PM* JANUARY 2-5, 2020 – COACHELLA, CA ²SAT 6 PM* Pastor Daniel Munoz ²SUN 10 AM Send The Fire Ministries Church *(Martha Borg ministering in song) 1604 7th Street, Coachella, CA 760.342.9612 FEBRUARY 7-9, 2020 – QUEEN CITY, TX ²THURS 7 PM* Pastor Curtis Hutchinson ²FRI 7 PM* Crossway Church ²SAT 6 PM* 610 Hwy 59, Queen City,TX 75572 ²SUN 10 AM* 903.799.7181 *(Martha Borg ministering in song) ²FRI 7 PM ²SAT 10 AM & 6 PM JANUARY 11-12, 2020 – OTTAWA, IL ²SUN 10 AM Pastor Jon Wenger Heritage Christian Center MARCH 7-8, 2020 – COLUMBUS, MS 900 Hitt St., Ottawa, IL 61350 Pastor James Verdell 815.434.0507 All Nations Ministries ²SAT 6 PM 1560 Hwy 69 South, Columbus, MS ²SUN 10 AM 662.425.6626 or 662.244.8772 ²SAT 10 AM & 7 PM ²SUN 9 AM


COPYRIGHT © 2020 by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the publisher’s prior written permission. Amazing AN AUTOBIOGRAPHY BY JIMMY SWAGGART Grace 09-158 “Everything seemed different after that day in front Family Worship Center Church, Inc. of the Arcade Theater.” —JIMMY SWAGGART Jimmy Swaggart Ministries of Canada In 1943, in the tiny town of Ferriday, Louisiana, at the age of eight, God P.O. Box 1020 called Jimmy Lee Swaggart for the purpose of world evangelism. But Niagara Falls, Ontariobefore GodL2E placed6V9 Jimmy Swaggart in front of the masses, He first raised CHANGE SERVICEhim up REQUESTED to preach—on the streets of Louisiana, inside rural churches, into a radio mic, and, eventually, in front of a television camera. Today, the iconic evangelist preaches to the largest audience of his 62-year ministry— nearly 2 billion people—and his revelatory message is not only one of salvation, but also sanctification through Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Order your In his own words, and in his own way, Evangelist Jimmy Swaggart now tells copy today! his personal story of God’s amazing grace.

Catalog price $30 I YOUR PRICE $20 PLUS S&H Call 1.800.288.8350 (US), 1.866.269.0109 (CN) or order online at All prices in The Evangelist are valid through January 31, 2020 COPYRIGHT © 2020 by Jimmy Swaggart Ministries. All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the publisher’s prior written permission.