- \· \ '



EXERCISES THIS SPECIAl PROGRAMS AT THE M. WOHLPERT'S OAY L. WHlTAKER IAL SUPPER AT PRES.. • EVENING. CHURCHES. RE·APPOlNTM£NT. BYTERIAN PARISH HOUSE. Hardware Store ee e Exerclset a n4 Did Not K p tlt Little Continued ll Health And Need Lldlea Collimqcemtnt Rain _I In coattme- Tabltl D l Onea At Home-Attend �·tatatltltflf. i� · of Pllyalcal Rest the ' Decorated to Repreaent tltt Evenlftt, anoe Large. Heaton. Year. "1f· �aday Months of the /

'l'llf lollmrlnaleuer ... uere!Ma will be held ChllliNn Day w.. bubel!a r -l . a thJ In 's obaened hf •ed r daJ eveulal' the roum t�• n4ttorhnn ot •cbool tb" ll'lnt Pre��byterlan. Flnt 811\1• b7 Hoa. Oharlw Ooddtna, ohalman J:Mt F l 41aJna Wui!IDIJton· N. "'-bJterl.n Pree Parllb wu o'clqclr. Coa,.reaatlonal aad Metbodlat ot tile Weeellflll.,,CepalJltoao flo,.. Lawn Mowers, tllflt evllllfnc ct & b IChOOlll 8uDdaJ the meJDber• ead frle da of pla1• Jle pr-nted y Sullday IJoDnalttee. Kuoa&llthe nl wUh b Two 'Will A �Ill' of OOIDo oltarob, who had oome oelebrate pUa and there will the mit'" to ')la � l'rtdaJ alpl ... r ep lon bube�n t»lled fot of abe oharob t1 day •11•rel-. A ee t to reoo111mend a li!Olb aualft-rJ ud fllfellda oC t,lle to ID0081l10t. .nbiYenary of tlte I.edltt' Sew. '"'doatee will &In- Fh'8t ...... ,.llr«>r._· llle 88d Rubber Hoae, � On penona atr.et1ded the · • aU JH'Otldedb etealn1'• am. r N l'IIOtlaa -'ude t� &00 rMIAe llr. 11 ..,Boaletr. Tho J rei..,. will l e r ba �::;,:s�: ;;;. f:;, �i������u d wu a Ooii)Uial IDpper. The Cl)m-acemaa 'f e 111 the P nbrterlao c cu.ld Repablloau BneGaln Oom la lu ,rTii& t hlcb aumber llle.laded the o l drenf. · die )fid Ia lllllool ltortum w w won deooraled Ule k tbe on ..blel to Tht1'114a1 •ft'DlDI at Each of the Bondar ��ebool aad ml4�. rep_, Wheelbarrows, II ode. ell par-of Dtu.a 81a1 mouth• of tbe and -'> a limited or eota aad frleadl Au .. 711101, were lo re- . oltei IP'dnte w bar llme ooet.muter ot Weat8el4 .... of ,,..o ladl•, wlab MrL e du• dar oYer wu V.lletl fo ueaUDaal I(J _., 1. B. tanlld .-t tAolreta for U 00 bu �· In mY P_, reuel'al aaptnQor. TheN eammneem•11� prOKrama. The work. A NrJ h1t11na aa4 en­ •' u Wtre, u4 ·. · aha · llllblle attend botb evea· tf!>�'to•lnlta.r pro1ram wu ered . oaau1ot II•• wen colonial CKYtame. Tllare I as:re br oaadlllon In Poultry ls lli.Ylte4 to .... lt&lldln& the ball• and the u lla of the primarY alld Juolor ollloe oboalll baYe, and ....,_ o•er prellllat, and - t lmt 111 p p the}'': 'r\:: n JliO ''00 te­ u oriu will department•, aod IIQIRK _ , . . · .. · lboald eD• dit UJlithla lima alt...S fro m the &llllea of ..,_ 1111 119ol a m Included aleo be olrArla«. Wire aad u aooa the aDd reeltatlona. alraiJI(Inn ap to<'t:r r al la ladl01 blrthda:rho bad the u w Screens. l'lllttedm11re o1 o a Dlf h...Uab. Tbe obar1a of toora will he allnw- ahrafore laform JOQ thai I ahall ere: Jauu.r,, Mr1. .ot�·IJJed 11�11 1 DOt lab... w W. ft.. ed ••. �-'· a re-appolntmeat, aad tblla and )l(ro. Walter Jobl; P'ebrnary, � Of the commeacement The Coo&reKatloi.al church waa - ·a��e Dorb1 oomml&tee 11 aa llberiJ mue a Pillar and Jdn. Oulter; March · Prices ... will followa: tilled eplte of rain. to reo- Kre. , Qu4Jity BestI Lowest I neret be u to the omaN'\I&tlon wltbo �aaba of 111e. Ir•lnl Mill lldltb. Olfeabaeh; Ia- Blblee were pr ...ntad to tbe ebii- a Kit� Etlt1l and Ovenu,.., Orplteua. boaldlua &he poeWoa April, Mlu BaiUt and Ill• ReY. Harea: dren of tbe Buadar·IChOOI wbo I ba'ftl ea,tored llooae1; )(Ia NelltlbD, Dr. },, W. ••1'7 m110h, l(l'tltefalto rent.ala, arr!""" the a�te or ellht yeara.bad and lllll ••fT the ; llaJ Ha•Utuelll!4. La Tos�P., P••r- at , KIM .. ._ orclulilu.,•lgtatorJ, Pk>a ICntbJJ,.. to 1\epablicaa orJtanlaa&lon for William•; :Mr. V•rle ea c.IILI; ".A. for Thoee recel'fe Bible• were: Hotb lte .pu& II. June, . bd \lt""'lyn Coa&er Worth; - Collin•, DorotbJ Merwin Turae , Ilia awdl- •'lthal aDJ• M14 Paddle; JGIJ, Mrs B&rJker r;;:::::::: ::::::::::: :::: :: tul8," r $d­ famfl, to 111M . :::: :: :::::::::::::= Tall; ward dley tlll FloJd, Walter ·Jiouatoll ablq do lu tbe fu&nre fill' 1tot14 Joonle leeC.fo1ll, ''Dollar Prloe-."' 1 a.ll Ilia W.tlm; "The.Eaall•b VIaw or the Clark, Wrar Deatley, Gordon Beunett of Aqa.a, ftlledtetor)', aappon abe orpul•aloD. will � aeute aa4 oante and Revolntloa," Jabn Arthur Ru-11 William Mor&an, be rowler , Ro!J. ftai

.._ x.. o�Brie11, .,1., Movl�V .. 11=Artlnlr The Prospect Hei&hts ...... _�,....,.doJd..,.. w�; F. l. l>ull.aaek, Jllllab Proa�t Street, WJUtftfld• 'N. Jt . �� J), lJ, W. Q4 JdWAr4 �d4��"'a!'.�:Wuhlngton I Rock tllllilllllllt . . ,,, WI tw t.M hll .. G.. iJ. ..6w 5'Jo11.1e ..4 ..

et arable lrj1u., upon pnet"atlolll y unborn. CHURCH But who 11 to be blamlld for tbe DIRECTORY A. BALL THE SILENT PARTNER. handicap the ra e th t THEODORE In c or life a •ta the children of poor •e upon unln ed aa be•tth, 111-f•vored and Y WESTFIELD NURSERIES wtth ot the dear and r,ompar�d th- Motuataln Avenue and Sprlngfteld Road. b..auttrul Rachael! Certatol7 not them��elvea, J., June DellYered the the men tbay Westfield, 15, 1910 S.nnon Htah youn1 but many N. &.cealaureate to never ebue tbell' mother, her J.'li'TIIOna,-the foollwll, ahrewd, · lemuel nt 'ro dloPublic : � Lane old 11randfather, Laban, tor one,­ JehooJ GNcluatea Rn. womt�n are buildinr. or contemplatina the buildina lbea Jarob hlmaelf, the too 1 nh to inform thotewho D.D., June 18th, aoclet.r-at­ import a l and Loomlt, perhaJHI, but eblelftly own occupt.nc:t, that will 1110. I for the F l larre, tbe al ,..jdenqs forthtir Holland and such people of tlloae timet, wbo Eneand, · ttapldi!Y, .. from IM heft �rrowel'l in Japan, In th�lr l11noranea and Pint Baptlat lpri trade than they tall ..,._'NI'N'N'NWWYII!YIIIYIIIYIII����MMi¥1111111tllllllt11¥IIIIIIIII¥WWW¥ pollra.mr, ara be • fpaaatw in tho.e countriea IM!rter Gen. God "t •'l4 Uiltl'd•• fteto. 0. J.Pre.bllltf Oreeawood, l'utor. J plan\1 that am convinc:\'<1 Tnt 110: :ro, nu>a��t tt IIi 0000 the number of m&n'l wiYea , here. 8y imi'Oftinl thete p ant• that I RQud the .plt'o fmtl bo'tom, fl'll>etter thl!ndi�!RIIt CO!lld When Jlt peaoe llht J181111inl! - or hl1 c t . By purcbaailll riaht your home, can­ old • IUDld td We tbBn that ..,., O f b.O .J,., B.to p m.llll eetl111r, me, ttt , Jl'flii)Jilr\fy llf tlII ll&rl\nll IUQraJer from aplendor In the �n home nf of - r a happy Joaep Into of be­ Wl!llae.day 8 p. 111. o anJ tilt expre11 or freirht, that l{enerally -.alll h lnatead m minion, are and 00"th t pft!p ltnltrh ay projjt quoth Judah, "I o e pa1t and wron1 feel­ ai!bool, .. p ... fathen, t f w llay th lnvoiYh•l � . A. Westfield, N.J. of bll then thtlftl 'll' II it," ln11• and wron11 d eda on tbe part Theoclore feU apon a fearful blood of 'l'a..tiy, ...... 9 ... Ball, other 801» our brothar aud ooneeal hit 1 many o hen� all liM llth r tl>IIY the .. t1.111 1 hllllft1 with no p tl mene whtcll they dl4 it-fur- COAt, aud finally o e JOIIIlph by 75c ed threeteul'll\ handa, ADdyou ng by whleb alaYf117. Full thoy oooo trudaltll! away lu du.t tbe bfaln-power for Five Gallons. him luto well 1M the be- thfiJ'nl1bed form tbelr evtl and tbe ltDI!'W that to Oriental over lhe alav�- ,-t all cleepot'a banda hiuIIIJlllrOO cJ 0 1 d l oe In the bard bouae of Prompt Service. 11 00 11 Low Prices. IOOdto bring to • II b ld h l of l��e )lll to lAVe m11�h poople allye, Now ered e t ot118 n bondage. lawleaa, mur· th- gal'mt n , k�p at The jealou•, •� pierced fore fear not: •ill uo urllh :o:.' h he:y n 00&1'118 ralnaetit. derouo brethren to ye I yoa. aud were "'"11tw U fare t herd muat be a-llell\ to cattla be many paar of tear yOilr ltttlo ou._." 8o U"' t by a . IIU-PHOI'tC-1111 },., oo mforted n J1100b, of had and heartremorae until they lnd he wa.r them ltlodl' u o them. a d tho sheep. OODI'>Itl, ...... ,...... t t die­ and1pa11.0 n words "�"'"118 for hll parUallty Jotuph. true repentance. Out or tbe Rev. W. I. et.u, D. D.,.._.,, The atrlldq thilllr aboa� to or .,._biq,tOtiO th- llllt'llt of treH and bardohlp which Ia Buday...... ,. .,. · ------.1Jd il pe&co. tlter� • 111 aptJOIU'IlliOO WedRMday,BtbleOlell.tlm. 8 hDcJal,lllell_. • 1 aw.P of sorlety, the lnstltuUon of 1011'! tl 18Y were partUOfl 1 h11 cmncl , .�t on more potn�· they It with lt.u in Ut e, lawa aud loftier ethical ataudard1 a. a. lien. Jid duthlll J>Offormlld, Weather ltor,1 J & thaa the WCi d hu known before. ..nd&J' I 11.80.. ID, fol'tl Jt6 OOIIltlll .U.hed ptluolpleao f PBntntallJOVtll'Wo8nt Sl. Lake'• A. ll. B. t oru an uer Downer ZloeOllllona01& A.� .... ;-. decorating, electrical, glass h fal· .. art, &mUIJ8 have arrefld to wake thnt a hor moat have favoritoa DUe.of 8 tllldaJ Btne' 4 or mason work, f no HEil£1 L a. hhn. preaotliq M1( ,..till anything eud o hi.o daughter IUIIODB ohlhlrou. Is your f. OlDfQID, II p. m. Saude:r-IObooJ,.,.._, 1.10 •· 1n fact, ti10D1ht il to do hi to OhrlltlaD Bade&'l'or • The ll111t m buautillll .. , 7 p. •· oaot the pot &atrioo more than lll•ud 1 ontractlng Builder d h uu Pranr weetiug, Wednetlday, 8 p. a. s , bot IOUleouo •lii!IJ'llll& Tlaou you moot be "" the lllore oo1151d· Olaal-lnll, Friday, o.a. t t of 8 p. aa. -.1 811 a Min aud m� ..,--ble piau lu> fuco arpcntry, Jobbing. hrallou of tbo HAVE THE MODERN SHOP DO IT, hey I '""I� lll!\lliu . Ia your ..,11 C Lord's 8�apper t at Westfieltl, Street. c....t Andrew mon1 brai y tlmn . Snoda7 In raobmoacb 295 1 Pros el't � toto a oortaiu pit frum n Tum 1 Tlum I Elm , 8.110Putoll'p. a. Telephone p hloh mnet Street. 'Phone 81-R. Rev. Wblt.� w thoro 111 no esoape lWd WI\\'" h� you have 61tra p!'Qenoo with J. U. D. D., . Thill dull�r th•• WKSTFIELD, N.J. t/wrmmvU:v h� your 1\d�p\.NI: Tl•e b?y, U}lOll I .111><><1 to "" clilldrou. That . ltTIJlP<' onllll IBW. is tl"' Advertise in The L.eadere U1011lt>ut uf Ill� urrn.U IIi SllllkNI, h hold brongbt little Jn<."b'• favnritillm beo­ Alexander Hunt, "tit a»>lnu>ch t.roubl� to IW. darlliJR•o11. t.he • ft Ont nf it, "" lht>J'B' �&. .... himaclf fm• Speolal attentlo11 Riven N w... J,;...1.t. quire Iaterlor Dooooratlo11J to he 1a. f>a. fmw bhww iu 1 uu.ttor. Like e very Kal.aoJDtoe. " hllfh perud �>tlwt ynuth IWI viaio1111 Now su.

.• . �· . •.;. • •• •. • •• .. . . ". •; JIZd , , -.·.,· ...... -M;tiiq�d...... ··"·�· �·· . . . . Rqp ,u4 ...... , .• � ... . ,.,.. . �·. �·� . . ·· · . .. .�, _. , ��... J...... � . . . . P. T A y 0 R ADVERTISERS SPECIALS -----·------What ·Our looal Merchants There Element Coal, Klndllngwood and Have To Offer. Is N·o • 14Qf speculation or risk about a Pru· Masons' Materials. dentlal Endowment policy. It 1� a� absolute safe and proven form of Investment. Moreover, Life White Portland Cement,•Asph In· $Urance protection goes Roofing Fertilizers. &\ with and, apd Is part of ft. Oraln, Hay, Straw, Shavli1gs, Poultry Supplies and Ora.� Seeds.

Office and Storage: and Elmer St. North A . �'he Prudential Ave., 26-t·J. St. Erm TELEPHONES: I -··

J:erlor oa l.adl•• tho oboo 1blololf II*Jial obalr Broad atrl'Ct ban a tw JODr U yo.- Plumbln& Ia Roy Carlson lllle. NeW' York O.lldr KIIObea alwaY• Defeetive Have IJ160Ial, the ban a liD HI IIUidMI "' be In lawn f r oeat.a. bad. o & Carpenter and der Iu all portl0111 McVOY n..lrableIota of Ule oonfer with tbe te tow a, a11y or real IllS I � men adnrllllnl w'*b tbeJ Attend to It llll an n . .... � ...... All Work Guaranteed Satisfactory. lpoallble. ... .=-::::::�� Nf&b' CAl t!M...u..t . ., • An order with Oo, left J. 8. Jnlta• Ill ror a.•l today will .... the 10 oenh per We5tfteld, New Jersey. . ton add'ld month. P. 0. Box 661.· yov biiUI Office: 308 W. North Avenue. DOW¥ with tbe HanLehllh, Oiled famODI Everybody Remember The WeoUield Leader opea Mountain View Dairy, from a. m. to m. Suad&yloftlce 8 8 p. e.w;. Pnp. rt!oel'f8 aew1 ache rUle aGUitT PllEUIIE, THE ROYAL AltCAlMI oe{Med,menu &o furagh informationor per· or .... the town. MILK AND CREAM. eru.._ ...... _c-ttte WILLIAM H. BARTON talllln• 10 ANIVEISARY 01J11G y l Day, 8leduer'1, Broad liNe&, uut H.ni'J 10 Ro a Arcanum Livery and Boarding Stables Wlllke'•, &be ptOper pliQe �ke Pi1'11'-olul Tal'DOllgat all houra, day or 11 10 ni.abt, wl\b \ e atala1 n -...., \hat tolled 41-- b I tba& at Realoaable BateL woa'& oome HearJ'e 1peolalt7 June 23, BOARDING HOHS:B8 A 8P.EOIA.L'H. out. 11 D.pot drJ OleaDIDif, {)pwtU. . To Belwood rart, 41. the Lehirh Valley Teleohone WESTFIELU N. J. on Railroad

Ticket-. 71 oeDU. O.UU...40 ..... Proceed• for the H01pirAI Bed Fund.· Bring your wives. sweet­

hearts and children•


James JVloHett, Carpenter and Build Jobbl�lr Prom�tteuded To. 1BOP: PROBPEOT STBDT, weer.----,� ol,

Dou 't forget I bat we bay� added De· II. Dry Olo•uiui' partmeut. 1111d beauty spot, to which 11 ll our point with CIIUICH NEWS. a citl7.eus could Plfll\.li8MiaOIWtDNaaoa"''a AT REAL ESTATE pride and which would be a bless- &T. P.&tlL'e (BPJ!Irol'.&L). _ · ·Wltti TI'ItLD,·· N,· J. · Holy Oommanl1>n will celebrl\ted .. lug a l the ptople and he r be - to l t i pol· eaob Hnudar "'7 m., Wl\b a 'l'ltlr.n WIU!ItTfP. l£Ailtll Pmll'l'lwu terit · .10• 11100nd TRANSF · ERS 1 l I I · o:: t l!a.o- . fD1E AlfD Pt•au�mNo CmtP.&MT Y' oelebtatloo a a. m. he Orott The following Ntale tran•ferw OR 1URGLARS We!!tfield needs a m�pa/ l water dt1y or the J't!&1 rnmoth. ba•� reoorded at tbe oflloe or the plant, and pumping Pl'aJer, aermou, bt.eo New11paper • �·could Morotn1 • ., each Ot1anty 8 oda II Oboral Jheuooa �l'iatrar: erected tht' Peclthatfpioperty 11 y at a. aa. I'Ndertalr to-...... Mltor be on m. Play Nityear heme • · the ba dc i l'riday1 8anT W. Martin M lo · · without lllarrlng l e at t "' fi P· 111. Litany on "* 8.110 Martin, eoutbeul«rly el4e a. 18' ' 81. lllarll'• the l'tlat park parpo��e��. The publl� dis· aftDIM, 110roer 1114dl- � a& .We��tflnld, for 811Duaf10� DO a ,m, __ . PNteet .,.... nluW. ,.,.... ., ..... thdl .. at Otlloe d b 1 , ..• ...., .,.I ( ..._..-n•na 'J � liltI fact I w 1... existing con itiCIIIII. llarpnt Mal. WUIIala H. J.,. u Sooond 01- - 1 on w elau meehat &1M NOtott). T. Wort 1o ia here: property to - Weldon, oorlhiUlilrb olde of Lawrwnoe the of • The ia be bad n�II.&P'flft. a•enoe, oorner or B. II'. Martb. In .a.atrloally protected wault · T..-.: fi.OO a year4nt��!T anoe;II ot��ta at a price within reiUIOn, and the Mornloa at aoopy. •"'"' 10.110. Bftnlna Jonatbau Ooboroe et Henry P. rTtoe 7·411, nlabl. Mem· money for the purpose conld le •• lien'• u. 1o be her•or the Mea•• ANOCia"oa all4tbelr Olboru, norlberlr of enae, -Ad;�lallll!IW'No Fornillhod Upon rallied .-lth comparative eue. It llde Nonh .. AppliL'AtiOIJ, · frl 11d1 811n.tar feel eulerlyor Dudl�r would mean much our ple e eepeola!Jy lnlled. 888 11\'enu. to peo &hool Anna R. llloh&rtl� Editorial at 11. Jaulor Bnclea•or at a.ao, lo John Uu-lrln, THf P£0PLES NATIONAL BAlK • 14. aud the town Westfield. Let the aud Map or GroY OIIIIII or PIUI8tiTUIUAII. blocko I 8, 8 Place. Tm.vH { - • . Baal Oftlcll 80&. Peckham lite become city property The obotr or the Pnllby&ertaa cbamh Olarlr B. Perrine et Ale.amlclrr•1 lUI to OF WESTFIELD. Is ule without delay. will repeat the OI'Dtala, "Tbe Tea VIr· Bird, lol map Central TIUr LliADRR for at : 8, of Pllrll, nton N lflut," 8a.uday nealq, Jan 'l'bla · Statlotla tho U e""' Oo. 18. DaTid G. KalJibt, of at 0. F. W. Wittke, two WHirl but M u.s. lo Joba J. .,..., IIIII, (]ettlnl!l, ICih tfiiWIIOuey'l Stonl 8to1'e. BOOST WESTFIELD. the ft lo 1., II, H, II, 18, H, Drn1J oo. acoo11ntwu of �tormr JNIIU.ar&here 110, 66,G7 , 110,Ill , Prtlt�hny'� Ph annt�e7, oomparaetnly amall 10, 88, M, 45, oiG, 411, Drut! �tom, " atteodan"" map of C�n&ral Parlr. Dr.E. Wm. 1\nyd•r'o Galo'e , andwu It lutetbereforw been dloqh' .A. Nn\TI Shond Now that the school aile question belt Holen 8. Oarpeuleret al HUTJ M. (i!..-r'• N••w• lltnncl . re�� the ""loe. to L stop to worry over WHAT YOU settled and the danger of half lo north""at�rly ride llammltaTe ON'T Arthur il h · Flna'•utpr Store; T e au meetlna of tke ... bee n lb uell, IT NOW Tnbln'a. fillllarl! Parlor, time and other features of the oul roe& uf Gron 1trwet. J. omoerw u11e, 1108 D HAVE DONE. DO I Uulon aud of the PreobJiel'lall Bible GMwnorl NPWI Stand. sch l problem are of t e way, oo out b School bald MDIId&J enaq and it up to 00 IJAY, jlJNE 15lh, l910. is the resldents of the town tbe followwulnl! ltEAJ,. EITATE HOftll. WEDNES nfll-"'! 'l"ere rc.cl::c>.�;:: , 8. F. Uandolpb h111 for lesume their to boolt the Snporluteodent, M. B. Da."'bar ; � E. IOid W tv efforts ­ Edpr Reeve• hll boal8 oa 8ammlt ) town. It a weiJ known fact that lar.J, W. 0. bteler A. H. naw•m•r---W• wei- yea iH W ; troaaarer, BYIDQ8, It you purchue a home NOW, your fe tiM l�rar Geor11e Bart Olarlr...... that yea wlll ua, tala­ Westfieldera are the Joyal lot roark ; l lau, oall .., Ill' most 0. McVoy le oreotiDI! a oo uy -ttar partalatal H. 1111000 may be saved much discomfort later ...... a te tiM p ple to their home town that IUITIIODIST I:PIICOP.U.. Ule a•nae for a ...... of eo Senloet In the Pre b er bonae on Moonlala ...... can found anywhere, and juat as e yl laa Parloh oa.atomAr, be tt& a. m. 8oucl1r Lockwood you c:arryln1 Insurance enough e aetll n as mere mutters of de�!, ench Bo111e• • 10.80'- . Bohool lo Mr. ha• eold llr. away th 111•••· y soo the m P at BO p m. II. 0. for Are to cover, a ..._, lor I. E. Teeto hll bon• ou ll'lr�t •treet tllat we yau as town hall and scltool ditfer- E•eulaa �erylciea at lhe OontrrecaUon· D. 1o everything Look Into this and let us atte -.11 •n -u tiiD LMolar. alte Mr. of New York OIJy. ? nd toAt wut yn t ences are stttltd, the habit of boolt· alohnrub. U.yea will �p�lr apou Walto, Wa e k.., In teMII wltJI Dr. for you • tbe "Kodero 0r 'b• � __ ___ ·- ln1 the to n Ia reaumed with re- theme , Obl•alr,, or SbaU ...... ,.. r w 11" 1h1e�'. :oolrlr 0 , -... - -- ...... h• 8word of Kept u a Uarl- • .. � • ..., 0 be newed vi(Of. It thia fact that Gnllah " 01014�111• ' be earblnl!� and aldewallrlw·11001 of &be�. !1 ooty la dieObnrch or W1elded Acaio•& ��· we Pean!oll Call In and let us talk over tbe house Westfield t con1ratulated m a kes \Ves t fie ld grow , and n Is o be 1 d m Eo.MUIIII , property. quatloa �� Oom ou · the result of the el«:tlon held home to Inquire a�x?ut The Lockwood Oompaoy worlr with you also. . upon aeekera n. o. 1 vote caat ld. The wouldtlke prorre•luiJ rapidly oa their ew J ...t Thanday. The In WeatBe LHADJIR :------. r. n to every In the Faowood properttea-tbl IJradlur heln11 favor of · the Washington School see available place uo pleted and readyfor •ldewallr· schooli filled to the Jlmit, and The ab<1u1 ou wu conclusive to the is lil'l!. ad4ition u here to lend Ita aid to every plan r Tho a or holl141 I• ' £Jf the people to provide A Itt ploy M n 1o he n- wi.l\lngnllll that will result In 'any good to the ffi()(lt•led &DII lboroqblf overbaalttcl, 1ehool facllltieli ,yithout un- ccumu athtna �ple at large. Talk about \Vest· J Nothinr will takoo rrom the aaUqae Westfield Real E l11wn be The state Company expense.. field to your friends Ia town, Years nlo•, bot addltlf)ll• will U.,._ry be made, brlu�r· up au np-to.4ata ld...U home. may contend that the about the advantages of Westfieldtalk Of lag it to Ill East Broad Street, Westfield, N. J. ex perience and practice in IDdlvlduala i of of the schools wlll to the res dents of other towns, a d prorress be n buiiness oenrchin�r Invite them to come and the of and GU hampered the lack of a gym· aee by DIOI!t Ideal town in co u ing ANTEEING the Title• to Real nUlam , and several other fade that mm t dis· tance of the city of New York. Estate has �riven ;laave fo11nd advocates, bat the fact ·r�ains, beyond any doubt, that CASINO WEDDED. .. llllllger. � tam voted Is au.lficleJ!t to rH ieity Trust CIW. M. WllliAII, l 1111 tbe pr!Wtl«;al r qulremeata of the Newark, N. e · J. l'IIQJJI.&lri'-BA81t:llLL, Every Evening lltfd w l ample to &be m111t complete Title Plant tyttem, il prove AI uoon. s'atnrdn, Joue 111.11, at rhe Shows provid every feature that Poolrb w home Hlll lde anuae, Mile 1 Ia W':C!<1ed a 011 a the tate of New jeoraey. Open at Admission, e Peollbam, JODDI81& dan b r of S Doors 7.30. maintain the exalted llnth a &e .to WIIUam Peolrbam, wu married The value of this Matinee Saturdays at 2.30. position G. to tu the ourcbll.aer achoola of Westfield bold Ho- HlllkeU, of Kerrhllaa, � the WilllaDJ or owner of is Real E•tate v�ry BewHq Alleye, (remodelled,) aow Tenal• educational world. Kau. opeu. Oovta, 11ow � ,_ Oulf lb1 m la famllle� were pre­ �rreat for it places at hi1 lo Let � mor.thdnriDI l med k! , THIS .LADY l'lne Olob Room per ·. disposal the oeremouy perfOI'med the -11011. the S.U.... ;}14,.... B- P. I.ow, J. A. Dennis ltml .all bJ the mo•t thorough and compre­ . ' ( of WeaU\eld, wad Dr. C. M. F. Bgel, who con· Rev l1an'U D.Raah, bride ;owued lu white oatlo hensive pouible to obtain. coupon another part of paper. · · 1' bo wa1 data i1 is :ttituted the minority of tbe of t See In board, with lrhnwlup polu laoe aud carried SUNDAY DESSERTS, to be congratulated upon t e white ...... Tho uuly utttl tl ut .a'i-e h u a ••• A Fidelity Buarlllly II I pratecllon Enr S.tnnley Tabby, tho lillie uleoo i!nmest care nnd study they ga\•e llatb IIRwooako telaph St., WestflelcL;.: "Oood·hY, Jlnny. bit,,.. Onion Ha"" Tr.. e. 'Oo

-Servll:e. Dalldf'lll'·" " I'IMiroll . The Bl•... 0411*1l' ... ,.... Watch Leader

Land at PlaJnfteld� at . , f8JLW•·�n40�I'C6 �. aa �. l rodl .. tiO'm are dr veo -·'7 ...... ,.... m. die beoull!u\ l.lld 14.. 1 'l'l!lllt of.. hla Jonr 11�11d ror Large and 1111111 ti"CM'k eoat. A t«��U WESTFIELD molorlog. ��- f!a.ma lel\plnl from BROS. are to and ftata of Ilia � TIJITLE lie llad &d •b.lttend tile otarnanl a Rt�ldentlal apartment& In tbe bulla BMUoL an tobae�M� ... d with tbe aert4 f til­ UfttUI'JIIIecl 11 H - JMJ lie bo111bt oo at pl"klaB blta o powder ..; r11DI1nlr from a Centet. U,OOO to ,.e,oo• •lid II,_ awtrflll anll ballet tllroqla dw , tanao, 'llhlle I'Anp ;roonpr man, l a 11\1011 ... rwta ftl't tfle flllbt\lla !lata The town or Weotllel4 1a a to tell u4 CAMEO aaaJut tall, •lowly euad between '" uoe per ...dl. ble biiiiMII oD Ceatral Jlallroad of Jer­ provided wltb a tile the N- W..tlleld aoa• to IES plete II lloo�. ) SONS' SUPPL 1'111'1 lleR .... LUMBER AND M! 1)'8telll, tbl I!OIIl'teotlllJ 111-.11 alaeten mil" ln dl�a11ee, a111'1 "J'or FOb, •. •:v, ...... 111111," Coal and Kindling tblrtJ-fl&bt mlaotea lll tta• te1', all4 eleetrlc l\chlll. confrnotell eacb other n WORK, bloWDI lllleoe,. PLUMBINO, HEATINO, "Hr. Randall boo ,luat out \Ill Kll'b;r olowiJ aroond llx· oald tbe Jatruder olowly at n1'11bll and breloa," PAINTINO, DECORATINO, .e1;r r&prdedl b o ml4fllll�eat aod leullh. "I ll\1811 lbal o 7011r work, llll' "6111Ollltlon and escellftll l well-oppolnled oloree, WeldleJ4 ,... utee oe to Also the Runabouts. pled benr• Brush dralnare 11 reaerally re<'ommended all the ft.clllllle and ­ I'I'I'R." 1 oeRoea - "You wUI ob;Jp • the "Bland nbl" other, pb;rlllclaoo for beallbfulneM, lAnce• of proltr-l'fe alld me, llr, replied b&elr, ,..roed tb& by a 'll'ell-«'­ eaf'llfllllr lll'bU.. a cbei'Oclt, bill Derrlapr "Yob nat· Car• For Rent, Cau Stored and Car• Repaired bnlnr tbe loweol death rate In tb41 dered communltJ' 1.114 an ldaal otller, "ll:r llftWIDII . lite bollle mr 111'5111 eaclted, I cbooM to O'ftr­ of Now Jeraey. The lowo Jo town, ntpiCQ'IIIc rbe prd& w n--11 and 10 State tlature am 1111tortonot• klok Job wordl, wblcb 11!11 not do In by Expert Mechanic• weU bollt, wltb mall)' beauti ul r11o- For b\rb cl ... booa. llll4 wilt 111 tiM 1 1 f elaotee eao11111 ban you addNH rae. Per­ t1ut future. But pu•ll - ldeoceo, aod llandtome otreeto and loto lnQulrlaa mal' made aliJ to don't too tar, be ol att ;roo are a •o�oo't me too for, fob even a'fenu•, paved and abaded . rollera J&amM me to tnform tbat )"Oil puab Auto Supplies, Gasoline and well of tne b wll.- 11e0ondral, e&DIIot lou a nntlemao bill lllulb." Oils Throorb tba · ourrouodlar countrY ou,r •dvertlolnr blallk lllrl I be bu Ia eolaau.. �tie coocenUnr tbat lltatemeot. "No man ever dooble baallf!d Gene HIRAM L. FINK, Proprietor. a partner.blp "Wllb 1\lrbJ twl(!e," llllld Lark\a Booce Ia· :W"-er l torm 'lor 'llllk•lla,.. .. aotaea too. ' �. 1 • 700 be qoallllell tor coaJcall;r, "aod It ll be a rood tblnr for I 20 IJ, ID, �UUt11JI,I'J I I. ID, . :,.Jtt p. Ill, I 'II'Ul more a ' -t badea tllan am at l'OD, Joloreeu, be to put ar-klor, 7or l•II••Ottel, 1$1, �to •· Jh. fl:l a. front In l tbe It FOR REFERENCE. nr&laJII ontr,J t 17 I btl, JJf.l, p. WbJ', JOil low, tble'f· wblcb, I loou be Moodan. t at.. e 18 a. 111. 1 ll p. a. ,._t moment. ru-. tbe caM. U Polloe H"""qaarte . . . . . 'Pboae awaJUp �at." be loal111 bappeaa to throuKb sou can . . 8 1&111- CR.ANFOR.rf .. � n\ell, aU pull H-..iqaarten . . ... IIIII eoatrol, "bow dare )'OD tblok I ble be'll yoo caoe blrniMIII, but GAS LIGHT CO., Fire Dell'* " lJII7•B p.':� :��3!�. �., U -..·:� l:�-m� · •q •· 1111 r 11 IBIMJI'!ilewarlr. like JOII-b;r pttlar o 4oeon't, m1 llue old bucko, L111hc (Pnbllo pmble -pect· be l'U oettlt� Bleo&rla S.n· t!IJ:...,. hiUro Na&loaal Bauk . .liquor lD orderto In beat ma oa "to JO " 17'7 elomo;r manlpuloUon of W. n r, place b In Range• 'felearapb terlatkally the lAme pooiUon wbleb JOb trleod Oftlca . . 1� � Gaida au4 oteppecl In toallbt oad 8. Oowpany..... , Jf l tbe &pr- " fltoope4 emola�e tile trpe ot Mr. Klrb7 will obortt:r I rio U. 1111-.1 to pme 04:CUPJ'. Oompan)'.. :rou 110Jelr It wu order fer, II'Olll -t tbe Ifill Beaters Water ...... " 181 .wJJieh Plat SD nb, to a lu :rour Ylctlm from wmpteta II.Dd room bill m01t PUBLIC LIBRABY, to ,.,.. ot BataDic ma,jeoty. Oor. Broad and Bbner 8U..te. Open total rn!n Jt Tab lOb, and ••17 1004 Fixture• . II llD-I'J to IIIIJ' Hr..ant, a enrr wbn capable of eTenfDc." Bowlq, dower ot ooutb· atlleraoou flOIII 8 k> !1, that Mr. Randall II the ----- At Cost ud ..umattDr what hila oceurre4 all4 backed nimbi,. tbroqb Wednudayo hoUdaJo; alooODJ(oa. 81'11 r.bl'fiii'J' Suppl1ea rd ...e. blw.lf tllla dH4 Will II 44101' and edlalllllay, Uld SUG aT more ' the �PPHred. da:r, W l'rlda:r to be GAS eftlllrlp 8.80, wb1111 wetQnul4 blm.• frola1.10 to _,_ KlrbJ, :roll eu't (TO U OOaTI.UIID.) '------....:.... tl'eu!DpfaU DD llo�J. "Now, en.t llla:r that .... 08 IDt," Mon&ll, jllmplDf Panlclu.. faet. "Yob coee ldll to It» ba OD - Joe, •..., ...,, 'PboDo asul t11ea IIPOlJe. 8. � , 80 tr:r to Ito.. nt or tile ol4 Have ever given l'redoriok .. .. ll'tla* ilola't p, 1Ufb7. r1111 too a you •• Killclb...... " 11 llt.ucl. Keop that IJDe for 'FOR SALE. X.lrd...... 711 ot talk MP. G. 8, ...... _ Bu4all R. • • . . . • . The plantlltloD II 1014 .... 1\. Blaolalr, ...... " 68 lbe IIDd 11et twe>­ G. llal'tlye ...... uw hammer, I Rllt-riiM IIGal;111 lmpren­ R...... " 276 B. WrlaM...... " Wrdaor"- lllllltl; lllwiJ pltsttd; Ill llnl· J01eph 88 •'()r wbatf" eoldly demauded Klrbs, c. LAWRe�Ge euetallJ' pocketiQ6 the TBa WurrlBW loa.u>aJL Seuon delaotatl n llel(olarmeotlop llm111 aud o will GROCERIES, MEATS, VEGETABLES oold, aud you mar bflll8ve and lh.lnl Jiloa. 1IOf, be It HER EERT L. ABRAMS. dqo lb, • · JlOt, jUit Tbat teu tboo­ Of "'8 IDOD S.U. can be hadat er u you Uka. llaBtl virtually cannot, uo· BUILDIH. )hYOB. PfAISAU Ron. Aagunot Alper•. rou atule l bello\'e Try nd see f0f't1111Aiely, refund; but, me. us a . L. eotlre extent o• rour otomJ. TELEPHONEf388. \ Gla\ II the Tow11 OoUICCIL. lop. ouee Ia rour l!fa you J!'irol Ward. S NYDER'S For arc roleaae victim AIBeolr. 8QSDtr to a lletoro ho bu Edward Flofd, Obarleo -.. rompletel)' ouclicod dry ; tor one• D. ll. NEL.SON ARCHBOLD Ward. JODr life you are 11oln; to balf· 14:0 BROAD STREET, WESTFIELD, N. J. Beooad JD be Smith .:wv4eoont"- Il.ob'l 1!'. Bobeaoteln, 0, B. "l>eeeot'l" bellowed tbe olbl!l'. Our best advertisement Is the Tblrd Ward. Hlf'b&t'a a compllmonl one of Wil1011, R. It. Mlddledit large patronage we enloy, and "'JA.Be aame tor Foort.bWard. )•ourselt, l a IJvlag, Jameo G. Horeeu," coldly luterrut>ted Oue,, Mr. l�lr· which Is Increasing dally J. W. Davl1. w: "but, onllke yourself, endenvor and Towo Olerk-Lioyd Tbomf*>U. 1 Go bou.,.tiJ, and bnvu m!\·er Town AltorneJ-Paol Olh'er. to 10 1 Q. ., .. atOOpe4 to tbll metboda you Town ll:n1dneer-A. W. wWrb Van. .aclllllteq emplo.r. you Obief ot PoUce-Tbom.u O'NeiU. Altbong;b arc Builder .SmartShoes 1koorder•o Ol!loe-W. B. Toooey. ...._,....,.,. for Oblef of Dop'&-Fred'oll: '-··"""a'"'_ .._ 1':. Flro Q. Decku Loc&TIOif Of' l'rU ALAIUI BoXJIII, ALL OAR· 111'1-Ba-1& aTenue Uld BBANOHJ;S 01" Smart Dressers Pull �' rJS JDg Tackle Teo TRY. REPAIRING HI-CorDer Uld llDIUl&\lo llu PEN Hll!hlaad A complete el A'fta..., AT· atree& neno PROMPl'l.Y Shoes For and Kimball t. Speldint• �JI:lm •treMr.nd Eoclld aYenoe. Stanclatd TENDED TO. Itt-Broad d IIV9eC a&lll w.u e&a-ownherlau So•"' .... GeoU. Q()WR to Men and Women 01 718-0lark aud ELMER STREET Ob&r!l• .... 224 ' Ml-l'tre thee.'lptrt &JIIIer. Quiet Tastes -.....oarner�· awliliiUII. Telephone ---- ol!i'or'h •oana .be. . 347-W '" · What you ban -- .-&DI rJann alillll4 - 4fter lD us Wliat ,•• wut JJIIIR lb.ea.ll boa Easy Shoes ...w antftl of "' ...... Bolldb!a' � SEE for Weadeld " .-_. *loa .... *laird �"· Plot on Soutb Avenue, Kntaal 8aildtua • x...a� SNYDER a..eeu Ko. fmnt, f'rol)& Everybody -.d -.,.. 100 liOO &ep,fl',oo � ..... foot. Buy torma Plo' D- ·rJ '"--.-· ·-�"' ...... �'hetfMat�ip,flliO.OO tiUe. t111 �--.. Tll.1lrtdaJI.....,_.. - - - Nurth A'rllllllO, m Shoe e Piker' �4 ti:1�t ore' ...... bldp.lf o.til, '· ...... H. pN•_; 08BORII York. l._-�------""'- e-. •....,.·NIIt-lltll lle_....,_,..,._ 888 Sbth.An., ��..,� """""' ., ,

WUeox • Pope,. �-...... � ...·-- -- SPO RTS • - nnd - MILLER Is The Man To-DO-IT. Everything for a Com­ Thousands of Trunks plete Heating or b and Cases Plumblnz Jo . · Bags

Carrla&• Palfttlna John Miller, Pftctleal L. To be Sold at rrices and R•Pihinl Prospect Street. Averaaila llall lmiiiJiu" a IIRif !lht rooalver, F. Onlld. H Called For wo fi'QDl th� Frederick OTELSI. Thl• that had the OoodJ wu die aftlp hn• IllA--.. ooarap to bid for ·· t'Nllll�et' I and Delivered. the eatb'e .coe1t r.Jiy 141,000 -rth-1\nd •he wu a\"' to 11!11 t• to o1 rather paroel It unollJlllt tho Uum oul doll'llll of � that w.nted Inlow the lu madM toe.t wo. 1111..Uer Iota. We jiOOd th g ADd we tlul utOllt oppor. taulty briDR tl10 pooph• ------·- · ··- to to of New Je!'IMiy thD JIII'IIIWIIl boMk ...'-IW.. momont whaa they 111'8 moa by �. taiM .,...•-- -atthe vei'J' wanted Repairs for all Kinds of ,.-uouletw. t\1'11 and In tWa aro the lhaa 219 North Broad St. · ACHINES baukl'Upta&ooll all ...... ,and .... - •- iJI fllOt.ory oompleted or In of m!Uiufaetllre, a SEWING M th" sno- Mt ,._ ...... _, BUTEO AND EXOHANGRD l'lllly tl\la -.a'1 deUYlii'J ... Allowauoe Maohlota .u.r ....,., to ,.r -t. Willi mlllle for Llbe� for Old of t'J0111plllled arter Blnpr tlt.or"' hnDill'\ld pl801!11�- our pnrolluft. J'll)m lh» 1011 wtU . 178 Broad 8t�l. th • W. HANtiEN. Phoue e - llll4 tame Day· 0. 181 t. rnaU.so that l*'>oll•� II In fiVflf'Y W&'f,� lhe ol tho Peddla T, 1). & Oo., for O'fll' 70 '1- at trunk lllllr.lq, ill...... \ pii!OII thai iQIIII lnkl au automolltle GOLP. I(UanUlC4!0 � the worthlJJelll of enry Chit Mle. baq O< bone t Maplewood S.curt1a1 The watch ,Riay a &be Golf to anti Wtlltfteld Q�iles. Ol11b S.\!1\odal' ne11lted aa fullowl , NORTH HOTEL f&llkl. bII oUI\' eiMhl lui noll "'" Uan,r. up, -11 to play ; Bhlll· AVE O.non Bobooumaker, bT defaDII ; Fineat 4ccomodations for bt•C MAL Heller P•r· perm:tnem and trancient TO· Ileac Talbot, 4 ap. II 1o plaJ ; defeatedYale lo bofore klua Th11 qml·llub II 1 '-' HoYJe, 1 ap. 11uests who 1looel will played Salurdar Unooab the be ue&l . - rain Sata.rday. Dinners and Suppers for BRAD 'J" U � N EO "VVI" popular vl1ik!d of onr t.aft raul Automobile Parties a s�c­ CfUttlldl week ECKEL TIEl DOEaaEit. • UKVll)HAOS lui aud will be he olow al 1h11 -lou ialty wu lh PIU•b T re wu work 1rom kl 11d tl "ll 8 0 r a the ll of lhe Utr'n PinoChle Olob held l ...o L rrea deul had aol!erel\ " t re· �y lhOUIAUda of do ar Eokel of ll •, aud t<.rll•·d Brooklrn lwpro�ed '"" IC!Yeulr·llv" f from 1unob tholla&D iWB dl•· healUl a11d roady fpr the fray, e n If S.lv.rdal' .. In e aud Souday. Doerrer flftT-CtBI ACCOIIGUJIOJIS MALTO · .BAAU appoiAMd Llonti! D&Dl bad lbe Brooklv yn wNt uol "' " is just what you need to eltper\ Harmann ou hll aide, he FOI J·�·II£IITI afraid build up the nervous a l meec 10hed111ed tp' lllollle them. HJ• cheertal, meDtal. '!lielll l ue 10 luiyo rlnt\.. •oloe lrapl k!llllll bl1 followers Fair lraok Setnr4ay and physical forces. tliUIIa& P'-1 .A.orw be eoerrer wlu the o lhe Dlt to -.,e4 U did t11atet Upon ... Ort&IMI . •-.nooa, a,pdor &llapioel r &he lira& "j11ol wal& nn1U .-saeld Dthlu1 aod Rldlua pwe, 1 PI \, Olub, wu warmed and abow yoo M'-0 IIVIUI\'WMa. June on �nn\ up I will 110111e uu&ll Ill ot tblna." Bal Doerrer forces b7 S..lhe ratu.»oued- lbe w. w. •u. Prop., pia)'WI another IOOU 1001'81[ IIUile. lt There will on 8atarda7, befpw kl loolrblae be lflvan at for lb� Eckel forceo, IALTO.BRAU 00. ""' ••��lyW a JU&tlnee moot when In GDIJII&rded eo m. 135-R ••wark, tracll� of AD m010 l, Herr •· ..1. Alloolatiou. Finl &bnls fell Kckel'a "now Ute Boad. Hone n.oe 111 to 411 NORTH AVENUE. m. vlo\hn al l.SO p. yoll b&l'e ll'' •d droppetl lutc a bole ----- __ _ _ called oau followed lk1111k, whlob --, b.r a Danb 11an�. keepmg ht. b\ib · ��>*,  ..� ... A large assortment of watches, AND TlTLE fof ""l�. prh.wlp.at aud lut*'r�·sJ.• �l&f&Uie&d, q.n.r·mlle lor v nt..•tl.tntc tlVl th ..a.. t.nr6 ptor (!�n� .,tdluUl UUtl tiaUdem and :!���'!:,!� Rood fonu ; d:�a-uol �hi•:: .!:��� U lu 'Uflll, l.l.f"'Ur&liCt-, t!W. ooe-qworCer·udle olnb llerr Baullllln bad lloual INSURANCE. CO MPANY. UJG.'ard look wllh dl&mol!dl. nd ewllamlq ._ aud TLe e .... All American and Swiss Make .. hlli'I'J'·ICun'Y and fw •Rain, which euler neu .IOOre both •ld" OASH OAl'lTAI, PAID IN Wtllll lllatob. Several obabl! wtU ma e nul im· nearby will k the bat&le of more $2150.000 tbe taplW. rro01 tuwua,' lhau o11t fnu fnrnillhld by pon.Du. Wiual, 10 look tur Gorham's Sterling Silver and Iutorwatiou choorfully aad �pe. Paul Q. Oliver, Plated ware.

\.. E. Wintl'l lll\tii!W\1 f011111a1D hill;llllll lar&e ulattitll ol But

�- JIII*J, rl;lt Doa&or'e Pruonp�IOJia II 1111 prlca. e oar t11lly oompo"ode4 GALE'S PHARKACY. of Pictnre 1'o11 R. BRUNNER, flu• AIWDrtmeul Oard. Scbool Supplies, Pll!tPUMSs, URU5ttEI, BT<;. PIA&n&AL WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER. Broad St .. Westfield.

Street, Westfteltl, Broad N. J. 0. F. W. WITTKE, News Dealer, Stationery, Books, Toys. \HUAltl'\ A!I D TOBAOOO. .... ctocb, Jewtlry aad EllClall llpalrlal. .. BROAD AND JtLl\lSTREETtl. WKSTI'l�LD, liT. J, 1M ,..,. brekla lenmi we caa r•e lllem. R. F HoHENSTEIN DEALER IN i Bay, Straw, J'lour, 'Feed, Gra n, Shavi� aDjl Peat Barnet�, BlankoU. lioN. General :J:qui'PmeDta Bol'&e ����s� �and � or Poultn BuppUU.: SJ.� . A tull ltne SUPERIOR B�U)QB WORK. Canoeing at 4.a BnJoyable Aftornooa and ev•QJ Canoeta1 on tbe Cranlwd Choe• of U. •

Cltq te l.bt.te II ... Darlnt till& •• nil TEST CASE DROPPED. lartelr rtl Pufa ,._ w- ._t... The PulaJcn:oraal, - ,.,... t",!ow'[a! '!:of,WeA841\d Ia llle IIIODtb 'l' o1 a of IJeoembflto, li10,1N'f• � Md a!*llb'flou IJ' iK11tlllhed dlfwetlaaa for cattlllq &o MUNICIPAL WATER. .,.... "a -�toa " ubnader· .._.'Chltel!t p-•-run'thdrawa AVAILABLE ,., the e llled w• bJ the Oountrtl PECKHAM SITE nta, wltlell war Ia· the .. .w 111,_. 'fad II'HIIt • tho •� era 1:'' .-- TWO $3,600 BID Rler ---- Jouraal,of "• tiRo oltJr, lhte"Tallo, IIAhl U4 • tarp · FOR PARk AND WATER. Tile oartto ..... tJIO'Oeok for Prtttnt Water Supply t WllaoaEdacall on IDd 11101'· C:ltfWater, Gu, oarlllled the for lbe - ...U tiM •.,.,. DOlfan, u a of Pollet' nm of 1100 ... It Will «• BDIII'Uiee prellmlnanplana )II . be -· dme Mfore ho :::.�=� Many T�xpaytl'l wbleb .tamlalatlll to w l ow It, for ltla \ llle rlabt to Much for a 10bool balldtac the KoDDiala elcfoa a a aatllnl Ia - 'l'lle OoaDOII ,_".. Too 011 CU11DIDI. l ha ctoee, Jean hllll , blda. UIIIJDe •II•, h&'f41 bleD lklpped Wbm Jail 11111or .. Dtolart. , ll'fa llllnat. to tl'ror It; bat LOt BOxlBO RoanT P. BOIDIIIII'rDID, a le er .._DIIJ m..Utato n Obalrmaa. ---- Ia U ,_l'fed b)' the aot 1a11 uelta- t b be eata., Ut4 eo a.t llUI4I Ia bll preald.lllll of l e Pia draw llillm Ma'or Alpan' rafnanoa, Board "'-rd, llr,Palter ...,_, 011 reu; 8, 15. withdraw bill and thla bold 70111' aha4 a. JpMOh. of "' bll malin dlaaorl" to tha111ead a.aalo· co Dll ece...-y.• ;,;.-,..;.;.-.;.______or Trade for JII'QOIIOMtlap a fer Culvert. lr-J •ater 1111pPI7 Weetflald, "'' farlber ooan Prtpotlll bu rtet ptOJI<)Uia will by 'fl'fad the dl�oa LIIW W'"'ltl H- .. Authw. CaalS..ledmlu be olrecelnd Ohooe a F�·IM 0\'W *1111eolariDIjeal. III'O lludwi'IUq M&DJ of now d Doaa ltea'-7'1 wu .. ollbe the Ooual9 &.rd at tiM oar olll-• are lato J.yttletolt llold.ra of of Unk>n, . Ula,.._.. ,-.too 10 •troctou. TIM Lon! ONLY 8800 CASH Wn�field, 1u.. belOoM oppcJrtaae llaDI!od ID at tlte torr ,._, Hall, N. J., on ooa.td.,.. th lUI .. to dlf, ]1100 14, 191o, at M.,lor tiM for ,._.DII &he • oHbe hUI .... 3 P. toll• oa loD of Tluo &tlal -01W. H. Parlr· reform -loa nl Weatfield ue 1h1 qi!H\toa of &he la�t��Ua&loa klelr blfore ot 1m1t DuW. TIM olertt l culnttoo '"" , le harot MoVoJ plaoe at til• aot It, - W•114oid, peop npPIJ plaal, n. H. o. C.ba. eould ,.... P8ym•t ud 130 per meatla. N. J, IDIIIIIolpal ,....._ eould oae aiM. At Jut, and tpec:ifi..-tlont maJ uamlne4 of a to , 1'1aQ tb of t YID lad111 Toaoey rute..,.PIIrirbarat•aed t Ul' lmd Lft. &be of&oo ol be En· -•,_._ • �• - he •"loa 80,.BJ for olalm dae Tile Jodlfe lotoa- rare �ebolar ud _. at F. j. Hubbard, Oounlf ,._ Oil -"-· M lcell • Avenue, PlaiQkW, lhe priYale water000: pao7. cleolaiOD �wu -'- 101 Plrk 1'1', J., bJ pJtolled 111a11 rt1 .. to ••• or at...... the· o II deolod a Yflf7 -* . rae« It bl-11. Han teaanta fer Nth llau ot u ruldeace f tiM a�. aDIIOI b"' lb&& OOD· Hear,. Rolll7 wu arniAed blfore S. aplllllled tllat, OC>Ibm!ttee lo lidera l of lbt people o tltoqb he read T1oe reject b e f 110t to l .-rrn tba rtil.t aombor not W. IUIIIoodaJ the ItaCCIII.I4' pnotMICI tba .., ora iJ Weatflald, bllt the •bole al Juttoe JJ., T..-r oa l oa of U ou tllomlal a abar tad t.ll., tntr- wu &o IQMt \ bldao. A . !b Do man ahould admlltod the mu, Oummillee. ara pn!IIIDI on ..q of-�� a bat· be &o PDII Obalrmlfo OOGIIIJ', d'-lllflod wUh torrf pre erred A Rodl� 11aleu ba could blo ume House wiD-pay lor lteell Ia lbe lllroao hr ..U'"' elp OWD Ia Plalolleld t. of cowubtp. ool •' lqtllla baadwrttlq. ao��ltactoa for maatotpat Puwood II •- Land Taxea. of au • •ater &be bearlaa lhltota oomplala1 baaed Saltand oflor napald Forta lor pianl, ud a larfPIIT atHDdod - Dpoll a • • • Baleof l -, due tiM tha •- bad blea mado beforo Vain In law yean 19"1, mMIIq of lba CJIIIM!D Oraaford leota Her Lonflllf. :rear of hu JuUoe of 8ooloh laa and dl• JJtllal, bad apoat ol ODI)'a to1PII Olarlt. P , IIBad 1ft, _,, PUBLIC NOTICE II "-b)' II"" d11Cide4 Ia fa'for of o To-7 la&JI'Oitlpll'f dla· tile 1Phola ID II)'IIIC � Lainr. of llorou1h piJ ...... to wiD A, C�llector wate aop aen�, Joll&lcle He. M takeln-t tbl ud a poyaltu ntbe.- uopopular aad ll II a •u Iter ICIII - ao ,_..,., - aal1111lu - lalroduotloa Ia WNtll�ld of 1 111lrtt; a rure Mouatala, . h&al't ; It .co. mu o pall7 ler pl&ot. Tb., Malan Popular Nama. moaaa a lo'f t dlopo. 1, IC, :\'elob, 1>5 acra of Janet l l Meet Itlad, MGaa&ala, l.f9.6o. DaiiUI Roll operalell ,.. llau.tlca bMII h)' lltiOII ; It meua a PnVOtMla eleotloa elreotaall)' dlapoee.t of ban allluaed a&IPAclla band and oeaJ aenaht ,_0, IIOma oaa Ia a eall and a IDod..C opto.· W ltae• 111y Ibis - A •lte for ..., tlota or otller1, Juae, Ula lloua_... b nrortrla'l aa wbarn ton claf of 1111o. •-•- ve 0118 ao oo 1 l t Of aeU.-Tbackef17. LaiDB. I& l1fl lbll properiJ a'fall· thera 1e a a. of t,eoo, Of A thto Dumber more. tluul ban tba elk& Georp . o 1'aua. porpoaae, "' 100 Oollect ..- f for the aile a town park Ia wbloh uama of Helea, blah lflbt. of • _... V•l- The' above catch quotation wu ao i•� ld plaood a,..ter aa.ppiJ' -d wtth tbu Made l-. 004m be poaaiJIDI! .,.,., -· ... 10. Eleotrlclt)', illch t aJ fol o od llarauet, w plcb the l presatfd llf------1 OHANCEkY or NXW JEJCSEV wllhoat to �he l w or· atom• of aluminum d• on ue in our echool •• x.na. of an;, 'lflliJ DWrinl Tbea Ruth, J'\ - days, t.hat a ••'"'aoer· 11d Ulat onler. Old· -d• t._motaJ *hi erdar L. Ollataberliar-By •frmo aor· a anoo 11 :mtabetb Ia tba ollheCtlllrt ol0'--7 of New of *hi -.lt...- Bml eat -· are lreqaea&. POIIIta. bu ble to if we 8'0t tho date , ha'fe oerUied Ute fultiODt!d •- Tltert� eo-aralal world � decided then in bu!l;ine.. that we . ..,, IMda 011 tbl lllaJ of bereal In UIM uoe the 1111411 111 rwtan ...... - wbenla Claamblrlla aoalalu18'fanteaa .prill•• .un IIWl7 HaPM .u Dorotll7a. &Iumia- 110• ranb aaxt caopw aa4 ycau Jaba lt. lite ltn:IIJa and PeMlopaa. bllt to u1e no �u aad M4 • raw tlaa dwlnbll would nctuationa to fl�- dohadaac,r, JOlt , !fa ille , L, Olaalaborlla tb&&an � of JIIU'I apr1D11- .lbltall. Huld£ JfeJIIIball u .._ metal IDtelao­ Nbba•1M· nqui....S � ·· !l and - to triCIII sMad, or ... the tope&ati ""'*"'OII• -•·leal &o --• abe ot a po-lla ha'fa tlle.lriT IIOfW.Drt IDadlalr)', ...a - �r IQ ....uu - r- outlinct Ia ,...... Hence, when we ad a KI peddoa the oeople aftllable. The Amarloa. vertised fe rce,aDd dl�rilll' m1"lqc ftr)' l U Ill lllare Ill 11ot IODletlll.. &oIMt �i we doJ J'OII Tha wban 10ma1Jttq 1M f· llll the ll&ld pttltlollel', llme. IDU trum bla 'fl1ot 4rf'riq don d e *1111 properlf OOII.Id be Brtchtoa. Tha prlaoe !'I DI oa , u well u to JobaSolldto D. K-.r lor al .... ellpaa18 d btl to .. WU ""' U"' au " • a!'llllol about the PllUiman, ud fora4.-l'. W. Robe"-. Petltloaer, a pamplnr l)leaaiDB Dated .f3:il Markelol Strett.,Oam