Ministry of Environment and Energy


November 2016 Table of Contents Declaration of proponent ...... vii Declaration of consultants ...... viii Executive summary ...... ix

ސާ ލާ ޚު ދާ ސާ ...... xi 1. Introduction ...... 1 1.1. Structure of the EIA ...... 1 1.2. Project background ...... 2 1.3. Need for the project ...... 2 1.4. Project objectives ...... 2 1.5. The EIA process ...... 2 1.6. Purpose of this EIA ...... 3 1.7. Terms of reference (ToR) ...... 3 1.8. EIA implementation ...... 3 1.9. Project proponent ...... 4

2. Statutory Requirements ...... 5 2.1. Law on general public services (4/96) ...... 5 2.2. Environmental Protection and Preservation Act (4/93) ...... 5 2.3. 1st addendum to Environmental Protection and Preservation Act (4/93) law no 12/2014 6 2.4. Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation 2012 ...... 6 2.5. 2nd addendum to the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation 2012 ...... 7 2.6. 3rd addendum to the Environmental Impact Regulation 2012 ...... 7 2.7. Dewatering regulation (2013/R-1697) ...... 8 2.8. Borehole drilling guideline ...... 10 2.9. Desalination system regulation ...... 12 2.10. Waste Management Regulation ...... 14 2.11. Waste management policy ...... 14 2.12. National wastewater guideline ...... 14 2.13. Regulation on uprooting, cutting and transportation of palms and trees ...... 15 2.14. International Conventions ...... 15

2.14.1. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol ...... 15 2.14.2. Agenda 21 ...... 16 2.14.3. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) ...... 16 2.14.4. Washington Declaration on Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities ...... 16


2.15. Regional plans and programs ...... 16

3. Project descirption ...... 18 3.1. Study area, project boundary and surroundings ...... 18 3.2. Description of the proposed facility ...... 18

3.2.1. Population projections ...... 19 3.2.2. Existing and foreseeable water uses ...... 19 3.2.3. Distribution network ...... 21 3.2.4. Modelling...... 22 3.2.5. Distribution system and house connections...... 22 3.2.6. Fire hydrant system ...... 23 3.2.7. Rainwater collection network ...... 23 3.2.8. Seawater intake ...... 24 3.2.9. Reverse osmosis plant ...... 24 3.2.10. Service reservoir, pump house and distribution system ...... 25 3.2.11. Proposed deviations ...... 26 3.2.12. Power and emergency power mechanisms ...... 26 3.2.13. Safety Precautions ...... 26 3.2.14. Project inputs and outputs...... 27 3.2.15. Workforce ...... 28 3.2.16. Mobilization...... 28 3.2.17. Establishment of temporary project facilities ...... 28 3.2.18. Health and safety measures ...... 28 3.2.19. Decommissioning ...... 29 3.2.20. Project duration and schedule of implementation ...... 29 3.2.21. Project budget ...... 29 4. Methodology ...... 30 4.1. Geophysical environment ...... 30 4.2. Climate Environment ...... 30 4.3. Terrestrial Environment ...... 30 4.4. Marine Environment ...... 30 4.5. Socio-economic Environment ...... 31 4.6. Hazard Vulnerability ...... 31 4.7. Uncertainties in Data Collection Methods ...... 31

5. Existing environment ...... 32 5.1. The Maldivian setting ...... 32 5.2. Climatic conditions ...... 33

5.2.1. Temperature ...... 34 ii

5.2.2. Rainfall ...... 35 5.2.3. Wind ...... 35 5.3. General setting of Hoarafushi ...... 36 5.4. Terrestrial Environment ...... 37

5.4.1. Vegetation ...... 37 5.4.2. Groundwater ...... 38 5.5. Marine environment ...... 39

5.5.1. Ocean currents ...... 40 5.5.2. Coral reef ...... 41 5.5.3. Reef fish ...... 43 5.5.4. Seawater quality ...... 44 5.6. Socioeconomic environment ...... 44

5.6.1. Population and Housing...... 44 5.6.2. Health and Education...... 44 5.6.3. Water, Sanitation and Energy ...... 45 5.6.4. Electricity...... 45 5.6.5. Waste Management ...... 45 5.6.6. Main Economic Activities ...... 45 5.6.7. Public Services ...... 45 5.6.8. New Developments...... 45 5.7. Hazard vulnerability ...... 46

5.7.1. Storm hazard ...... 47 5.7.2. Flooding ...... 48 6. Stakeholder consultation...... 50 6.1. Hoarafushi Island Council ...... 50 6.2. FENEKA Hoarafushi ...... 51 6.3. Health Protection Agency ...... 52

7. Options assessment ...... 53 7.1. Purpose and need for the proposed development ...... 53 7.2. Alternatives ...... 53

7.2.1. Option 1: Maintain status-quo ...... 53 7.2.2. Option 2: Brine outfall location ...... 53 7.2.3. Option 3: Source of feed water ...... 53 8. Potential impact analysis ...... 55 8.1. Proposed sites...... 55 8.2. Risk assessment methodology ...... 55 8.3. Limitations and uncertainties in impact prediction ...... 57 iii

8.4. Constructional impacts ...... 57

8.4.1. Impacts on air quality ...... 58 8.4.2. Noise pollution ...... 58 8.4.3. Groundwater quality ...... 58 8.4.4. Impacts from waste ...... 59 8.4.5. Trenching impacts ...... 59 8.5. Operational impacts ...... 59

8.5.1. Noise pollution ...... 60 8.5.1. Degradation of marine environment ...... 60 8.5.1. Health impacts and social wellbeing ...... 60 9. Environmental management ...... 61 9.1. Proposed mitigation measures ...... 61 9.2. Risk management and incident response ...... 62 9.3. Sustainable development management policy ...... 63 9.4. Managing uncertainties ...... 63 9.5. Environmental monitoring ...... 63

10. Justification and conclusion ...... 65 11. Acknowledgements ...... 66 12. References ...... 67 Appendices ...... 68 Appendix A- List of abbreviations ...... 69 Appendix B- Terms of reference ...... 70 Appendix C- Letter of land approval ...... 71 Appendix D- Site plan ...... 72 Appendix E- Project timeline (TENTATIVE) ...... 73 Appendix F- Water quality test results ...... 74 Appendix G- Delivery reciept to HDh. Atoll Council ...... 75


List of Figures Figure 1. Locations of borehole, RO building, brine and sewer outfalls and projected marine impact areas from outfalls at Hoarafushi ...... 18 Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the proposed water production, storage and distribution system for Hoarafushi ...... 21 Figure 3. Proposed locations of fire hydrants at Hoarafushi ...... 23 Figure 4. Rainwater harvesting system network ...... 24 Figure 5. Schematic of the proposed RO plant ...... 25 Figure 6. Land allocation for RO plant and water retaining structures ...... 26 Figure 7. Locations of Hanimaadhoo and Hoarafushi ...... 34 Figure 8. Mean, minimum and maximum monthly temperatures (°C) for Hanimaadhoo from 1992 to 2015 (Data obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology, Maldives) ...... 34 Figure 9. Mean monthly rainfall (mm) for Hanimaadhoo from 1992 to 2015 (Data obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology, Maldives) ...... 35 Figure 10. Mean (right) and maximum (left) wind speeds for Hanimaadhoo from June 1991 to June 2016 (Data obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology, Maldives) ...... 36 Figure 11. Location of Haa Alif Atoll within Maldives (left) and location of Hoarafushi within Haa Alif Atoll (right) ...... 37 Figure 12. Location of the pump station of the proposed water supply system in Hoarafushi ...... 37 Figure 13. Groundwater sampling location ...... 39 Figure 14. Location of the sewer outfall and brine outfall and marine assessments undertaken ...... 40 Figure 15. Currents assessed on the two sites ...... 41 Figure 16. Reef composition at outfall locations ...... 42 Figure 17. Reef condition at Site 1 (Existing sewerage system outfall) ...... 42 Figure 18. Reef condition at Site 2 (Sewer outfall) ...... 43 Figure 19. Reef fish abundance at two locations ...... 43 Figure 20. The I-Havan Project concept ...... 46 Figure 21. Cyclonic wind hazard map (left) and storm hazard map (right) of the Maldives with locations of the 7 islands under concern; category 5 is the highest risk zone and category 1 is the lowest (Adapted from UNDP, 2006) ...... 48 Figure 22. Rainfall anomalies for (a) Hanimaadhoo from 1992 to 2015 with the 10 year moving average. Red lines indicate +1 and -1 standard deviations from the mean. (Data obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology, Maldives)...... 49


List of Tables Table 1. Demography of Hoarafushi including predicted population for 2030 and 2050 .. 19 Table 2. Demand calculation factors for Hoarafushi ...... 19 Table 3. Demand calculation for Hoarafushi ...... 20 Table 4. Current population and projected population and water demand for Hoarafushi . 22 Table 5. Maximum and average day demands for Hoarafushi ...... 22 Table 6. Rainwater collection data at Hoarafushi ...... 23 Table 7. Major inputs required for the proposed project ...... 27 Table 8. Project outputs anticipated to be generated from the proposed project ...... 27 Table 9. Work profile required for implementation of the proposed project ...... 28 Table 10. Groundwater quality test results for Hoarafushi ...... 38 Table 11. Seawater quality test results for Hoarafushi ...... 44 Table 12. Risk assessment matrix ...... 56 Table 13. Grading scale of the characteristics of impacts ...... 56 Table 14. Predicted impacts and risk analysis anticipated during construction phase of the project ...... 57 Table 15. Summary of impacts during the construction phase of the project ...... 58 Table 16. Predicted impacts and risk analysis anticipated during operation phase of the project ...... 59 Table 17. Summary of impacts during the operation phase of the project ...... 60 Table 18. Proposed mitigation measures for the identified risks during the construction and operation phases of the proposed project ...... 61 Table 19. Environmental monitoring plan proposed for the construction of new powerhouses at 7 islands ...... 64






EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 1. The purpose of this EIA is to critically analyse and assess the potential environmental impacts associated with the development of the proposed water production and distribution facility at HA. Hoarafushi and expose the solutions and preferred alternatives as well as mitigation measures to minimize any negative impacts whilst trying to derive the maximum positive impacts from the project;

2. Currently, rainwater is widely used in all houses as cooking water and groundwater is used for various other domestic uses. Almost all houses have a rainwater storage tank. Bottled water is now mainly used as drinking water. Nevertheless, the groundwater lens in the islands of Maldives is depleted and highly saline due to over use and polluted in some areas and not fit for use for domestic purposes. Even though rainwater is widely used, it is not a reliable source as rainwater cannot be collected during dry season. Therefore, it is understood that residents of Hoarafushi are in dire need of a clean water facility;

3. In the proposed facility the water production system is designed for 15 years whereas the distribution system for 35 years;

4. Proposed project involves installation of an RO plant with a capacity of 80 tonnes per day with three independent drains. Seawater intake is proposed from two bore wells 13 m deep at a site near the desalination plant. In addition to the bore wells, the facility will also incorporate rain water collected from public roofs, hence this is an integrated water resource management facility. Project also includes laying of distribution pipeline to existing household and a fire hydrant system;

5. A full baseline of groundwater quality, seawater quality, vegetation clearance and marine environment was established. Marine environment study showed that living substrata and fish count at the proposed outfall location was low;

6. The construction works of new powerhouses presented in this report are not expected to adversely impact the environment if the mitigation measures mentioned in the report are followed. The most important mitigation measures are daily maintenance of machinery, following chemical handling procedures, waste segregation and storage in closed labelled containers until disposal;

7. Overall, the proposed project is expected to bring in positive outcomes. It is expected that the newly established water production and distribution facility will ensure water security to the population of Hoarafushi in addition to greatly reducing health impacts associated with the use of polluted water; and


8. Monitoring is essential to ensure that environmental thresholds are not exceeded and mitigation measures proposed are working. Water quality and marine environment monitoring shall be done as per to the proposed monitoring schedule.


ސާ ލާ ޚު ދާ ސާ

ްނުބަބަސ ެގުޢޫރަޝަމ ެގުމާޒިނ ެގުމުނިގްށޮކުރޯފ ްނެފ ުފާސ ާޅައ ްށަލައ ިއަގ ިށުފަރޯހ .އހ ީކަމުނޭބ ެގ ޭއ.ިއައ.ީއ ިމ .1 ްނުބަބަސ ެގުޢޫރްޝަމ ިމ ާދޯހ ްއަތްތޮގ ެނާރުކ ުލްއަހ ްއަތަލަސްއަމ ިމ ެނަގެނެދ ްއަތަލަސްއަމ ެނާދެވާމިދ ްށަޓްއެވާމިތ ކުރާނެ ފައިދާތައް ބަޔާންކުރުމެވެ؛ .ެވެނެފާކްއިވ ީނަރުކްނުނޭބ ްނޯބ ިދައ .ެވެނެފޭރާވ ިއާނެފުޅަވ ީނެޅުއ ްށޮކްނުނޭބ ްށަކަތްނުނޭބ ުމްއާޢ ްނުތިޔްއަރ ެގީށުފަރޯހ .2 ެގުރަހައ ީކަނެފޭރާވ ިދައ .ެވެއަފެވުނޮލ ެވިނުތ ީނަވ ަލަށަފ ްނފެ ުރީމ ެގުމިބ ިއަގުކަތްށަރ ަނިގ ެގޭޖްއާރިހެވިދ ްސެވަމަނ ުފާސ ީނަވ ްސެވްނުތިޔްއަރ ެގޫދާމިނަހ ްނުތޮގ ެގްއެއާޖީތަނ .ެވެނޫނ ްއެތަލީސަވ ެނާންނުހ ްނެބިލ ިއަގްއެރިއ ާހިރުހ ފެނުގެ ނިޒާމަކަށް ބޭނުންވެފައެވެ؛ ިޅޮހ ްނެފ ިދައ .ެވެށަކަތަދްއުމ ެގުރަހައ 15 ީނަވ ިއަފިވެރުކ ްނިއަޒިޑ ްމާޒިނ ާދްއަފުއ ްނެފުރީމ ްނުށަދ ެގްޓްކެޖޮރޕ ިމ .3 އަޅަނީ 35 އަހަރަށެވެ؛ ްނެފުނޮލ ާވްނުނޭބ ްށަމަކިމ .ެވެއެނޭވެލ ާވަލުކެއ ްއެމާޒިނ ޭދްށޮކުރީމ ްނެފ ެގުނަޓ 80 ުކަލާވުދ ްނުށަދ ެގްޓްކެޖޮރްޕ ިމ .4 ާގަނ ްނުކަތްސީފޮއ ުމްއާޢ ްނުރތު ިއ ެގީމ .ެވެންނުކައ ްލެވ ރޯބ ަވިއަފެނޮކ ްށައިޑައ މ 13 ީނަވ ިއަފިހެޖަމަހ ްނަގަނ ވާރޭފެންވެސް ބޭނުންކުރެވޭނެއެވެ؛ 5. ވަޅުފެން ކުއަލިޓީ، މޫދުފެން ކުއަލިޓީ، އަދި އައުޓްފޯލް ސަރަހައްދުގެ މުރަކައާއި މަސް ހުރި މިންވަރުގެ ބޭސްލައިން އެއް ވަނީ ކަނޑައެޅިފައެވެ؛ ްއެރަސައ ުޑޮބ ާމ ްށަޓްއެވާމިތ ަމަނެޖްއިވެރުކ ުލަމައ ްށަތޮގ ާވިއަގްޓޯޕިރ ިމ ިއަގުމުރުކ ްތަކްއަސަމ ެގްޓްކެޖޮރްޕިމ .6 ްށަހަވުދ ްނުހަވުދ ީނެވެރުކ ަގަހާފ ިއަގުތޮގ ްއެމަކ ުމްއިހުމ ެމްނެއ ްނުތޮގިމ .ެވެއެވެރުކުނ ްއެލޫބަޤ ްށަކަމަކ ެނާރުކ މެޝިނަރީ މެއިންޓަނަންސް އަށް ކުރަންޖެހޭ މަސައްކަތްތައް ކުރުމާއި، ކެމިކަލް ގެންގުޅުމުގައި ފަރުވާތެރިވުމާއި، ކުނި ްނުޓްއެހެބ ިއަފްށޮކ ުދްނަބ ްށަޅަގނަރ ިއަގރަނިއެޓްނޮކ ާވިއަފިވެރުކ ްލަބޭލ ްނެދްނެވެދްނެގ ްށަޓްއުފަލިތ ިތެކަތ ަދަފ ހިމެނެއެވެ؛ ެގުށަރ ިހެޖަމަހ ްއެމާޒިތްނިއ ްނޭބިލ ިއަގްއެތޮގަހޭސަފ ްނެފުފާސ ްށަންނުތިޔްއަރ ެގީށުފަރޯހ ްނުށަދ ެގްޓްކެޖޮރްޕ ިމ .7 ސިއްޙީ ޙާލަތުވެސް ރަގަޅުވެގެން ދާނެއެވެ؛ އަދި ްނަޝޭގިޓިމ ާވިއަފިވެރުކ ްސޯޕޮރްޕ ީއެއ .ެވެއެމްއިހުމ ްށަރަވ ްނުރުކ ރަޓީނޮމ ްށަޅަގނަރ ްސެވްއެމަކ ާހިރުހ .8 ރަޓިނޮމ ީނޭގެއ ްސެވްނަކްނަކ ޭހެޖ ްނަރުކުޅަގަރ ިދައ .ެވެންނެނުރޭއ ީނޭވެނަގެނެދ ްސަންވިޓްކެފެއ ެގުކަތ ްސރާޝެމ .ެވެށަތޮގްއެއ ާއ ްލުއިޑެޝ ްނިރަޓިނޮމ ީނާދ ްނުރުކ ރަޓިނޮމ ްނިރެމ ިދައ ީޓިލައުކ ރަޓޯވ .ެވެންނުމުވެރުކ


1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. Structure of the EIA This Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) addresses the potential impacts of the proposed development on the physical, biological, environmental and socio-economic aspects of the development area in addition to providing safeguards to reduce any environmental effects. In addition to forming a basis for the assessment and approval of the proposed changes, this EIA provides the community and government authorities with information on all aspects of the proposal. The EIA has been divided into following sections:- x Section 1: INTRODUCTION- Provides an outline of the structure and purpose of the EIA as well as objectives of the proposed development; x Section 2: STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS- Outlines the relevant legislative requirements pertaining to the proposed project; x Section 3: PROJECT DESCRIPTION- Describes the proposed development in detail; x Section 4: METHODOLOGY- Describes the detailed methods used for data collection on the existing environment and baseline conditions; x Section 5: EXISITING ENVIRONMENT- Describes the present conditions of the physical components of the study area and sets baseline conditions; x Section 6: STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION- Provides details on the consultation process and parties consulted for this study; x Section 7: OPTIONS ASSESSMENT- Discusses all the available alternatives for the project and justifies the preferred option; x Section 8: POTENTIAL IMPACT ANALYSIS- Describes the prevailing environmental characteristics and constraints of the site and locality being investigated and an assessment of the potential environmental impacts associated with the proposed changes. Mitigation measures that would be implemented to reduce any potentially adverse impacts are also identified; x Section 9: ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT- Outlines the environmental management plans which would be used to mitigate/monitor the changes; x Section 10: JUSTIFICATION AND CONCLUSION- The conclusions drawn from the proposed project and impact analysis with the justification of the preferred options; x Section 11: ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS; and x Section 12: REFERENCES Supporting documents are provided as appendices to this EIA.


1.2. Project background The proposed project involves construction of water supply facilities at HA. Hoarafushi in order to meet the demand for clean water facilities to a growing population. The project involves production, storage and distribution of portable desalinated ground water to households in the island. Preliminary design and conceptual design of the water supply system has already been completed.

1.3. Need for the project Maldives islands are geographically formed as Atoll islands, and as typical of any small coral island, most islands of Maldives contain a freshwater lens. Since Maldives is surrounded by the sea, the only sources of potable water for the whole country had been, until very recently, by digging wells into the ground or by harvesting rain water. Even until today, many densely populated islands depend on these two sources as a means of clean water. Excessive usage of this water due to the increase in population has lead to depletion of the groundwater lens in many islands. In addition to this, since many islands lack a proper sewerage system, people rely on septic tanks trenched into the ground as a means of sewage treatment. More often than not, these septic tanks leak wastewater into the ground, contaminating the groundwater beyond acceptable conditions. Despite the high salinity and contamination, many people still depend on groundwater for all domestic purposes accept for drinking such as washing and bathing, simply because there is no other means of clean water for these islands. Use of this water has lead to outbreak of many water borne diseases such as diarrhea, skin diseases and fevers. Rainwater is harvested through rooftop catchments and is used for consumption, however, is not sufficient enough to use for domestic purposes. Therefore, it is understood that the people of these islands are in urgent need of an alternate clean water facility. The island of Hoarafushi is one such island with a dense population and in need of a clean water facility.

1.4. Project objectives The primary objective of the proposed project is to provide a means of clean water for domestic purposes at the island of Hoarafushi in a sustainable manner.

1.5. The EIA process The EIA process in the Maldives is coordinated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of the Maldives in order to ensure that environmental considerations are included in decisions regarding projects which may have an adverse impact on the environment. The first step in the process involves screening of the project to determine whether a particular project warrants preparation of an EIA. Based on this decision, the EPA then decides the scope of the EIA which is conferred to the project proponents, the consultants as well as any relevant stakeholders to the project at a scoping meeting. A document ideally

2 encompassing the issues and impacts that have been identified during the scoping meeting will then be issued known as the Terms of Reference (ToR). The consultant then prepares the EIA in accordance with the ToR and/or the range of issues identified during the scoping process. Once the findings of the EIA has been reported to the EPA, it gets reviewed following which an EIA Decision Note (DN) is issued to the proponent who is responsible for implementing the project according to the DN and undertake appropriate environmental monitoring if required and report to the EPA.

1.6. Purpose of this EIA As per article 5 (a) of the Environmental Protection and Preservation Act of the Maldives (Law No. 4/93) and the EIA Regulation 2012 of the Maldives, any development projects/activities that may have a significant impact on the environment are required to have an EIA submitted to the EPA prior to implementation. The EPA of the Maldives has identified construction of an RO plant at Hoarafushi as likely to have negative impacts on the surrounding natural environment. As such, a scoping application was provided to the EPA by the consultant and this EIA has been completed as per the requirements outlined within the approved ToR (Refer to Appendix B). The purpose of this EIA is to critically analyze the environmental and socio-economic impacts which may arise due to different components of this project such as construction of the RO plant building, drilling of boreholes, laying of water network and outfall pipes for brine discharge into the sea. After analyzing the impacts it would be then possible to suggest proper mitigation measures to prevent/reduce any negative impacts and to enhance any positive impacts. The study involves evaluation of baseline conditions, prediction of the likely impacts, stakeholder consultation and design mitigation measures.

1.7. Terms of reference (ToR) As part of the EIA process, a scoping meeting for the proposed project was held at the EPA on 10 October 2016. The project proponents, EIA consultants and representatives from HA. Hoarafushi island council attended this meeting. The scope of the meeting as discussed at the meeting were approved and the ToR issued on the 11 October 2016 (the approved ToR is attached in Appendix B of this report).

1.8. EIA implementation This EIA has been prepared by registered consultants as per EIA Regulation 2012 of the Maldives. The team members were:- x Mariyam Shujaa-ath Abdul Fathah- (EIA T03/2016); x Mohamed Zuhair (EIA01/2015); and x Dr. Mohamed Shareef.


1.9. Project proponent The proponent of this project is the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MEE). Project will be managed by the MEE and construction progress of the project will be monitored by the MEE. The contractor will be obliged to provide monthly work progress reports to the project manager and site meetings will be conducted according to a given schedule.


2. STATUTORY REQUIREMENTS All statutory requirements pertaining to this project have been considered in the concept development and assessment of this proposal. It is considered that all matters have been addressed where applicable and that the proposal fully complies with the objectives and requirements of all relevant statutory instruments. National legislations, existing policies and guidelines as well as international conventions relevant to the proposed project are outlined below:- 2.1. Law on general public services (4/96) Under this law, the general public services are electricity, telephone, water and sewerage services. Relevant articles under this law pertaining to the proposed project are:- x Article 3 states that any party can provide general public services only after getting registered in the competent authority and according to its regulations; x Article 4 states that any public service must be provided after a contract agreement has been made between the service provider and the customer. The agreement must be made according to the regulations put forward by the competent authority; x Article 5 states that a transfer of service between customers must be made only after a contract has been made between the customers according to the service providers regulations. If the customer fails to comply with the agreement, the service provider can discontinue service only after approval from competent authority; x Article 7 states that the service provider can permanently discontinue its services according to regulation mentioned in article 3 of this law. However temporary discontinuation can be made after giving prior notification to the customers and according to the agreement made between the service provider and the customer; x Article 8 states that the tariffs for the services must be approved from the competent authority prior to implementation. Further, any amendments to tariff structure also must be approved from the competent authority before implementation; and x Article 9 states that any damage made to service provider’s facilities by anyone, he can be charged with 10 prison penalty or banishment. Further, any action against this law (excluding what is mentioned in article 9 (a) of this law) can be charged between MVR 100 to MVR 5000 by the competent authority.

2.2. Environmental Protection and Preservation Act (4/93) The Environmental protection and Preservation Act of the Maldives was enacted to protect the environment and its resources for the current and future generations. Relevant articles under this law pertaining to the proposed project are:- x Article 2 states that the instructions for environmental protection will be given from the competent authority and everyone must respectfully follow these instructions;


x Article 3 states that all matters relating to environmental protection and preservation must be handled by the Ministry of Planning, Human Resource and Environment (MPHRE); x Article 4 states that MPHRE must declare protected sites and species and formulate the regulations to manage them. If any other party wants to declare a protected site or species they must be registered in the MPHRE and managed according to regulations made by the Ministry; x Article 5 states that any projects which pose significant impacts to the environment, an EIA report has to be made and submitted to the MPHRE. The projects which require an EIA and the regulation must be made by MPHRE; x Article 6 states that if any project is found to cause significant adverse impacts, MPHRE have the right to stop the project; x Article 7 states that any waste, oil or hazardous gas must not be dumped into any part of the Maldives, however, if strictly needs to be disposed it should be disposed of in an area designated by the Government. If such hazardous gas, waste or oil is to be disposed by combustion, it should be done in a way it does not impact human health and environment; x Article 8 states that any hazardous waste must not be disposed into any part of the Maldives. Before trans-boundary transfer of such waste, approval must be taken from the Ministry of Transport and Communication by writing to the Ministry at least 3 months beforehand. x Article 9 states that any party who violates this law or any regulation under this law is punishable to no more than MVR 100 million according to the offence. The fine will be applied by the MPHRE. x Article 10 states that any offence to this law or any regulation under this law or any action resulting in environment damage, the compensation for such damages can be taken through judicial processes.

2.3. 1st addendum to Environmental Protection and Preservation Act (4/93) law no 12/2014 Article 3 and 11 of the Environmental Protection and Preservation Act (4/93) of Maldives is amended as follows:- Under article 3, all matters relating to environmental protection and preservation must be handled by the Ministry charged with implementation of environmental policy.

2.4. Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation 2012 The EIA Regulation, which came into force in 2007, has been revised and this revised EIA Regulation is currently in force since May 2012. The Regulation sets out the criteria to

6 determine whether a development proposal is likely to significantly affect the environment and is therefore subject to an EIA. Schedule D of the EIA Regulation defines the type of projects that would be subject to EIA. The main purpose of this Regulation is to provide step-by-step guidance for proponents, consultants, government agencies and general public on how to obtain approval in the form of an Environmental DS. Since the development of desalination facility and water network is in the inclusive list, an EIA report needs to be submitted to the competent authority before the implementation of the project. An EIA application form was submitted to the EPA and a scoping meeting was held on 11 October 2016. During the meeting the ToR for the project was issued. The EIA report is this document and will be submitted to EPA for approval.

2.5. 2nd addendum to the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulation 2012 With the 2nd addendum to the environmental impact assessment regulation 2012, there were some procedural changes made to the EIA process. The most important was the shifting of tourism related development projects EIAs to the Ministry of Tourism. Other than that slight changes were made to the process such as the finalization of the ToR during the scoping meeting (article 11(b)) and changes in the fees for the review processes under three different categories (article 7(c)). Under article 8(a) the decisions for a screening form is as follows:- 1) Environment Management Plan; 2) Initial Environmental Examination; 3) Environmental Impact Assessment; 4) Approval to go forth with the screened project; and 5) Approval to go forth with the project according to the mitigation measures proposed by EPA. Under article 9(b) the decisions for an IEE is as follows:- 1) Environmental Impact Assessment report if the project is anticipated to have major environmental impacts; 2) Environment Management Plan; and 3) Approval to go forth with the project if the project is not anticipated to have major environmental impacts. Under the article 10 two reviewers are required to review the Environmental Management plan. The reviewers are to be selected according to article 13(b) of the regulation.

2.6. 3rd addendum to the Environmental Impact Regulation 2012 One of the main modifications to the EIA regulation is that the EIA consultants are classified into 2 categories. To be eligible for a category A consultant, the applicant should hold a minimum of level 7 qualification in an environment related field recognized by the Maldives National Qualification Framework. Likewise, to be eligible for a category B consultant, the applicant should hold a minimum of level 7 qualification in specific fields relevant for the

7 nature of the project recognized by the Maldives National Qualification Framework. As such, this report is prepared by registered category A EIA consultants.

2.7. Dewatering regulation (2013/R-1697) The dewatering regulation is enacted with aim of minimizing impacts to groundwater while carrying out dewatering activities. Article 5 states that for any economic activity water can only extracted and used after getting written approval from the competent authority, however, water can be extracted for domestic wells placement and cleaning, and for agricultural purpose. Nonetheless water extracted from any other project cannot be used even for agricultural purpose. Article 7 states that dewatering must be done only after getting the necessary approval from the competent authority. The proponent must inform the people living with 100 meters of the dewatering activity via the council using the application form mentioned in annex 1 of this regulation. Article 8 states that an administrative fee of MVR 500 has to be paid to the competent authority when submitting the form mentioned in article 7. Article 9 states that water samples must be tested from a certified laboratory and their results attached with the form in this regulations annex 1. The results must not be more than 45 days old from the tested date. The following parameters must be tested; x Temperature, 0C x TDS, mg/l x Dissolved Oxygen, mg/l x Electrical Conductivity, μS/cm x Turbidity, NTU x Salinity, ppm x Ammonia, mg/l x Fecal Coliforms 0/100 x Hydrogen Sulphide, mg/l x Nitrates, mg/l x Phosphates, mg/l If any of the parameters cannot be tested then it should mentioned in writing from the laboratory. Article 10 states that the approval for dewatering will be issued from the competent authority. Dewatering approval will be given for 28 consecutive days including public holidays. For big projects involving dewatering at different places, the places from where dewatering can be started with 28 consecutive days must be submitted as a single approval. The period of approval will be decided based on the following; x Size of proposed water discharge area x Water quality x Work schedule


x Method of water discharge x Water discharge area Article 11 states that designated impact radius from water discharge is 30 meters from the discharge point. The proponent must inform the houses within this radius by writing before 24 hours. During the course of dewatering activities if a damage is caused to any of the houses within this radius, the proponent has to take responsibility and also if any of the houses face any difficulties getting groundwater from their wells the proponent has to provide no more than 250 liters of water per household or pay no more than MRV 30. Article 12 states that an option other than draining water into the ground will be considered if the water quality tests mentioned in article 9 of this regulation shows that the waters quality is bad or if the council decides that there is no space in the island for drainage. Approval to discharge water into sea will be given if a catch pit is created to trap sediments and sand. If water is to be discharge through sanitation system then it is the sanitation service operator’s responsibility to create a catch pit and install a valve such that the amount of water going into the sanitation system can be controlled. During ongoing dewatering works a copy of the approval must be at site and a sign board has to be fixed as the model in annex 3 of this regulation. Article 13 states that for any reason if the site engineer believes that the dewatering works will not be finished within the approval period, then the proponent must fill the form on annex 2 of this regulation and submit to competent authority before 3 days (the 3 days will be counted excluding public holidays) of approval deadline. Upon receival of the form and associated documents the competent authority will issue the approval within 2 working days. However extension will be granted if the original approval granted under article 10 of this regulation is less than 6 months old, if more than 6 months then a new approval must be requested. Article 14 states that a non-refundable fee has to be paid to the competent authority according to following principle; x For the first 28 day approval MVR 500 per day x For the first addition of days to the approval MVR 1000 per day x For the second addition of days to the approval MVR 1500 per day x For the third addition and onwards with an increasing rate of MVR 2000 per day However if the works were delayed due to a natural hazard or bad weather, without any fee days will be added. These type of days will be decided by considering the information from the respective authority. Article 15 states that the competent authority has to maintain records about the dewatering approvals they give. If a sanitation service provider gives service of water discharging from dewatering activities, then they must provide those dewatering activity details before the 10 of each month for the previous month’s activities.


Article 16 states that the competent authority has the full discretion to stop any dewatering activities ongoing without approval. Article 17 states that the following actions are offenses to this regulation and will be punishable according to article 9(b) of EPPA 4/93; x For projects requiring dewatering approval, commencing project without dewatering approval x Sanitation service provider gives water discharge service to a proponent who did not get the dewatering approval according to this regulation x Re-starting the project when the project without approval, when the project was halted by the competent authority x Not complying with the project halting order mentioned in article 16 of this regulation from the competent authority Article 18 states that competent authority must inform the proponent via writing if they go against regulations. Article 19 states that the proponent has to provide a report about its activities within 3 working days from the day they receive the writing mentioned in article 18 from the competent authority. If the proponent fails to submit the report within the 3 working days, the competent authority has full discretion to reprimand the proponent according to article 20 of this regulation. Article 20 states that under this regulation the maximum fine is MVR 100 million. The following principles will be used to penalize any offences against this regulation; x For projects requiring dewatering approval, dewatering for the first day without approval a fine of MVR 50,000 for the owner of land who did the works. x For projects requiring dewatering approval, dewatering for additional days (excluding first day) without approval a fine of MVR 5000 per day. x For projects requiring dewatering approval, discharging water using the sanitation system for the first day without approval a fine of MVR 100,000 for the owner of the sanitation system. x For projects requiring dewatering approval, discharging water using the sanitation system for additional days (excluding first day) without approval a fine of MVR 25,000 per day for the owner of the sanitation system. If any dewatering activities are required through this project, dewatering permit must be obtained from the EPA.

2.8. Borehole drilling guideline The borehole drilling guideline is applicable to any project that involves drilling boreholes and installation of pumps for source water extraction for water supply development projects. The borehole location must be designated by the client in consultation with Environmental Consultant and EPA. Further, an EIA is required to be carried out. Article 6 states that the volume of drilling fluids, drilling fluid additives, and lubricants used during drilling of a borehole should be recorded.


Article 8 state that any in-land borehole depth shall not be less than 30 m even if the electrical conductivity of discharge water has reached 50-60mS/cm. If electrical conductivity of discharge water at 30 m depth is measured less than 50-60mS/cm, drilling must be continued until electrical conductivity reaches to 50-60mS/cm.

Article 9 states that any applicable drilling technique is acceptable as long as the drilling method is mentioned in the EIA report.

Article 9 states that the final design of the borehole must ensure that the pumped raw water does not interact with the fresh groundwater aquifer. For monitoring purpose, boreholes drilled shall provide water sampling tubes at the interval of 5m from top to bottom.

Article 11 states that Yield estimates must be made during the course of drilling applying an appropriate method agreed to make sure that drilled borehole will provide required volume of raw-water.

Article 12 states that Pumping test must be performed to establish the performance and yield of the borehole using a suitable, self-contained, mobile test pumping unit. The method for varying the discharge rate of the pumps will depend on the type of pump used, but the Contractor shall ensure the provision of a suitable means of achieving the range of constant flow rates specified by the Supervisor.

Article 13 states that the Electrical conductivity or salinity of discharge water during the process of drilling and test pumping shall be conducted and recorded. Further daily activities records must be submitted to EPA after completion of drilling as follows;

a. Name of the Island b. Date of drilling c. Reference number of borehole d. GPS Co-ordinates of borehole (latitude / longitude) e. Method of drilling f. Diameter of borehole and depth g. Description of strata drilled h. Vertical water quality profile at 5 m intervals (E. Conductivity/Salinity) i. Depth at which seawater is reached j. Records of components and quantities used or added to the drilling fluid or air. k. Water level at the start of each working day l. Problems encountered during drilling m. Details of installations in the borehole (if any) n. Depth, size and description of well casing o. Depth, size and description of well screens p. Aquifer depth after completion of well q. Borehole design and installation details (as built drawings)

Article 15 states that upon completion of borehole pumped water must be collected and tested at a certified laboratory for; pH, E. Conductivity (μS/cm), TDS (mg/l), Chloride (mg/l),


Calcium Hardness (mg/l), Magnesium Hardness (mg/l), Boron (mg/l), Phosphate (mg/l), Sulphate (mg/l), Iron (mg/l), Fluoride (mg/l), Ammonia (mg/l) and Lead (mg/l).

The test results must be made available to EPA upon request as part of the borehole completion report.

This document will full fill as the EIA report for this purpose. Reporting and water testing will be done according to the guideline before and after the drilling.

2.9. Desalination system regulation Under this law desalination plant is any machine and related equipment that can convert Maldivian seawater into usage water which can be used for drinking, cooking, and other basic needs. Article 1 states that any desalination plant for any purpose must be operated after getting registered in the Maldives water and Sanitation Authority (MWSA). Article 2 states that desalination plant can be registered if it is to be designed to cater for 200 people, or is to be used in the tourism industry, or if is an integrated part of a socio- economic development. Further a special permit maybe given depending on the type of the project. Article 3 states that the following information must be provided when applying to get registered; x Water quality of area surrounding desalination plant on the island x Justification for the need of desalination plant x How water produced from the desalination plant is going to be used and its volume x Method of obtaining raw water for the desalination plant x Method and site of discharge of reject water from the desalination plant x Approval from the sanitation facility if reject water is going to be discharged into sanitation system. x Detailed drawings of the desalination plant x Competency of the party who is designing and installing the desalination plant x Water quality monitoring and reporting plan to MWSA x Competency of the party who is operating the desalination plant Article 4 states that a copy of the approved EIA report made for the desalination plant and a copy of the decision statement must also be submitted to MWSA when applying for registration. If desalination plant is installed under a project, the project EIA must include the desalination plant, if not an EIA has to be done. Article 5 states that before providing water services to any customer prior approval must be taken from MWSA and must be according to the approval conditions. However in case of emergency MNDF can supply water temporarily. Article 6 states that raw water for desalination plant must be obtained as follows; x Raw water for desalination plant must be taken from the beach, sea or land.


x If raw water is to be taken from sea, there should be a mechanism to get the water filtered in a storage tank. The storage tank must be able to hold 50% of water needed for the desalination plant. x If raw water is to be taken from sea, the desalination plant should be designed in such a way that it can withstand storms and other hazards. x If raw water is to be taken from beach wells, the beach well must be constructed according to the directions of MWSA x If raw water is to be taken from land, water must be taken from a borehole drilled well below the freshwater lens. x Desalination plant must be designed in such a way that the temperature of the water does not change or water quality is not affected by changes in water temperature. x When water is extracted from the beach well or borehole, the water level inside must not change greater than 50 mm. The desalination plant must be operated for 24 hours in the presence of MWSA appointed staff and the document mentioned no change in water level must be obtained. x Desalination plant must be installed in a way that it integrated with the environment and does not decrease aesthetics of the area. Article 7 states that the capacity of the desalination plant meet the demands. A desalination plant with a capacity higher than needed must not be installed. The highest capacity for desalination plant is determined by the following; x If for domestic purposes, based on the number of people living and including the population projected for 5 years, 150 liters per individual per day. x If for agricultural purposes, based on square meter of agricultural field, 60 liters per square meter per day or MWSA decides a guideline based on technical information submitted regarding the work. x If for tourist resort, 250 liters per individual per day. x If for industrial work, MWSA decides a guideline based on technical information submitted regarding the work. Further, 50% capacity as standby used for the above mentioned capacity. Article 8 states that water from land must be extracted according to MWSA guidelines. Article 9 states that brine outfall must be discharged into the inner lagoon or 10 meters out of the reef into the sea, according to environmental regulations. Under no circumstance should it be discharged onto the reef or into land. If discharging into a sanitation system, must get approval from owner of sanitation system. Article 10 states that the desalination plant building must be designed and constructed in way that it can withstand storm hazards, does not disturb neighboring people and the chemicals does not pose any risk to any people or the environment. If the noise inside the building exceeds 85 decibels, the staff must be provided with the relevant safety equipment. Article 11 states that the desalination plant must be constructed with corrosion resistant materials. Article 12 states that an operating and maintenance manual for the desalination plant must be available to staff easily.


Article 13 states that water service provider for general public must monitor the quality of water distributed and intake water on a regular basis. The daily results of these tests must be submitted to MWSA. The parameters to monitor will be decided by MWSA. Article 14 states that private desalination plant systems must also report on water quality as advised by the MWSA. Article 15 states that the operator of a registered desalination plant must be changed after prior written notice to MWSA and getting registered. Article 18 states that an administrative fee of MVR 1000 is required for the registration. Article 19 states that if a desalination plant operator is found to be going against this regulation or other regulations pertaining to water by MWSA, they can be penalized as follows; x withholding its registry until the operator corrects its actions accordingly to this regulation and related regulations put forward by MWSA x Cancellation of registry of operators who repeatedly violates regulation. Note: although in the regulation it says that MWSA is the competent authority, currently EPA is handling all matters related to water and sanitation. Desalination system regulation requires the registration of desalination plants that will be operated for use by a population of more than 200. Once the proposed new plant in this project is installed and starts to operate, this plant will also be registered and the operating license obtained.

2.10. Waste Management Regulation The waste management regulation dictates the principles needed to follow when handling waste. The aim is to minimize adverse impacts to the environment and human health from waste. Under this regulation, island councils are required to make a waste management plan and submit it to the competent authority. This plan must be reviewed at least every five years.

2.11. Waste management policy The waste management policy which came into effect on 2015 is to ensure that the are well aware of the waste management techniques and maintains cleanliness as well as the natural aesthetics and clean air quality of the country is well maintained. Under this policy, all the inhabited islands need to implement a waste management plan and manage all the wastes generated from that island in accordance with that policy.

2.12. National wastewater guideline The purpose of the guideline is to assist all stakeholders in the water cycle to manage the discharge of wastewater in such a way that it does not limit water’s fitness for use by different water users. The guideline suggests specific values of maximum concentrations that can be tolerated by future users of each parameter potentially present in wastewater. These values may not be exceeded when treated wastewater is released back into surface water, groundwater or

14 into the ocean. The values are generic and should be used together with the EIA and clean Production Protocols to finalize the license for the discharge of specific waste water. All relevant sections in the guideline are conformed for the proposed project.

2.13. Regulation on uprooting, cutting and transportation of palms and trees This regulation was implemented on 1 February 2006 by the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Water. The primary purpose of the regulation is to control and regulate large-scale uprooting, removal, cutting and transportation of palms and trees from one island to another. According to the regulation, certain types of trees and plants that have unique attributes are prohibited to be removed from its natural environment. Also, uprooting and removal of 50 or more trees and palms are subjected to an EIA, which is required to be submitted to the EPA and written approval is required prior to implementation of the project. The amendment to this regulation (regulation no 2014/R) has specified a set of categories and any tree falling under these categories is not allowed to be removed unless it is a project of the government approved by the parliament.

2.14. International Conventions 2.14.1. United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and the Kyoto Protocol UNFCCC is the first binding international legal instrument that deals directly with the threat of climate change. It was enacted at the 1992 Earth Summit in Rio de Janeiro and came into force on the 21st of March 1994. Signatory countries have agreed to take action to achieve the goal outlined in Article 2 of the Convention which addresses the “stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations in the atmosphere at a level that would prevent dangerous anthropogenic interference with the climate system,” Thus all Parties to the Convention are committed under Article 4 to adopt national programs for mitigating climate change, promote sustainable management and conservation of greenhouse gas (GHG) sinks such as coral reefs, to develop adaptation strategies, to address climate change in relevant social, economic and environmental policies, to cooperate in technical, scientific and educational matters and to promote scientific research and exchange of information. The Kyoto Protocol entered into force on the 16th of February 2005 and is an international and legally binding agreement to reduce GHG emissions globally. It strengthens the Convention by committing Annex I Parties to individual, legally-binding targets to achieve limitations or reductions in their GHG emissions. Maldives has signed and ratified both the Convention and the Protocol.


2.14.2. Agenda 21 Agenda 21 is a non-binding voluntary implemented action plan of the United Nations (UN) with regards to sustainable development. It is a comprehensive plan of actions taken globally, nationally and locally by organizations of the United Nations System, Governments and Major Groups in every area in which humans impact on the environment. It is also an outcome of the Earth Summit (UN Conference of Environment and Development) held in Rio De Jeneiro, Brazil in 1992. Maldives is among the 178 countries which adopted this action plan. Out of the 4 sections it is grouped into, the proposed development pertains to:- i. Section I: Social and Economic Dimensions which is directed towards combating poverty, especially in developing countries, changing consumption patterns, promoting health, achieving a more sustainable population and sustainable settlement in decision making; and ii. Section II: Conservation and Management of Resources for Development which includes atmospheric protection, combating deforestation, protecting fragile environments, conservation of biodiversity, control of pollution and the management of biotechnology and radioactive wastes.

2.14.3. Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), formally known as the Biodiversity Convention, is a multilateral treaty which entered into force on 29 December 1993. The convention has 3 main goals:- i. Conservation of biodiversity; ii. Sustainable use of its components; and iii. Fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from genetic resources. The objectives of the convention is to develop national strategies for the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity. 2.14.4. Washington Declaration on Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities Maldives is a signatory to the Washington Declaration on Protection of the Marine Environment from Land-based Activities which intends at setting a common goal sustained and effective action to deal with all land-based impacts upon the marine environment, specifically those resulting from sewage, persistent organic pollutants, radioactive substance, heavy metals, oils (hydrocarbons), nutrients, sediment mobilization, litter and physical alteration and destruction of habitat.

2.15. Regional plans and programs In addition to the international treaties and conventions, Maldives is also a key player in the formulating and adopting of various regional plans and programs to protect the environment

16 by actively participating in activities organised by several regional bodies. As such, Maldives is committed to the following which pertains to the proposed project:- x South Asian Association for Regional Corporation (SAARC) Environment Action Plan adopted in Male’ in 1997; x SAARC Study on Greenhouse Effect and its Impacts on the Region; x South Asian Regional Seas Action Plan and Resolutions concerning its implementation (1994); SAARC Study on Causes and Consequences of Natural Disasters; x South Asian Seas Program; and x Male’ Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia (1998).


3. PROJECT DESCIRPTION 3.1. Study area, project boundary and surroundings Environmental impacts from the proposed project is anticipated to be localized to the RO plant building area, proposed borehole area and brine outfall locations, therefore baseline studies were restricted to these areas. Socio-economic impacts, on the hand, were undertaken for the whole island population as the whole island population is expected to be affected. Locations for the new desalination plants have been approved by the authoritative parties. Letter of approval is attached in Appendix C of this report. There are no identified environmentally sensitive or environmentally protected areas on the island or near the project boundary. Locations of borehole, RO plant building, brine outfall location and sewer outfall locations are indicated on (Figure 1) below and site plan on Appendix D.

Figure 1. Locations of borehole, RO building, brine and sewer outfalls and projected marine impact areas from outfalls at Hoarafushi

3.2. Description of the proposed facility The proposed project involves construction of an RO plant building, drilling of borehole and laying of distribution network and fire hydrant system. The distribution network is designed for 35 years while water production system is considered for 15 years. Detailed descriptions of each component of the proposed project are given below:-


3.2.1. Population projections According to the Census Data of 2006, population of Hoarafushi was 2,204. But in 2014 the population had decreased to 1,826. The people who live in Hoarafushi claim to have originated from Gudhanfushi, a vanished island adjacent to Huvahandhoo. Also Berinmadhoo people have been relocated to the island of Hoarafushi, under a population consolidation program. Therefore, the base population was taken as 1,826 in 2014 and the average annual population increase rate was taken as 1.50%. In the design, water production system is considered for 15 years and water distribution system for 35 years. Based on the above, the predicted domestic population in 2030 will be 2317 and in 2050 it will be 3120 (Table 1). As per ToR recommendations, regarding the sizes of the desalination plant, ground sump, elevated water tower and transmission line the predicted population in 2030 will be used. However, for the design of the water distribution system the domestic population in 2050 will be used along with the actual population for institutes. Table 1. Demography of Hoarafushi including predicted population for 2030 and 2050 Year 2006 2014 2015 2030 2050 Population (including expatriates) 2204 1826 1853 2317 3120

3.2.2. Existing and foreseeable water uses In order to determine the water demand in Hoarafushi islands, the consultants resorted to the “Design Criteria and Technical Specifications - Design and Construction of Water Treatment and Supply System” by the EPA, MEE -Water and Sanitation Unit. In this regard, the domestic demand per capita is taken as 20 litres/ day and following table (Table 2) is used to obtain institutional demands. Table 2. Demand calculation factors for Hoarafushi Source/development Average daily flow (L/day) Unit Auditorium/theater 10-15 Seat Automobile repair garage 300 Garage Car wash-garage 1000 Garage Bakery 1000 Bakery Cafeteria 100 Sea Mosque 20 Person Community center 10-15 Person Health facility 300 Bed Hospital 200 Bed Laboratory As per assessment Laboratory Manufacturing-industry 500 1000 sqft Office building 150 Student Dormitory-college or residential 150 Bed


Residential- 1 bed apartment 150 Person Residential- 2-3 bed apartment 150 Person Residential- guest house with kitchen 150 Person Residential- fixed seats 800 1000 sqft School- day care center 20 Child School- kinder garden 20 Child School- elementary/junior high 20 Student School- high school 20 Student

To calculate the demand for production facilities, clear water sump, overhead tank the domestic population in 2030 was used, based on census data and additional 10% for immigrants. For distribution system GIS population data in 2050 was used, based on 4 people per household and actual data for institutes. Per capita average day demand is taken as 20 litters/day and the maximum day demand 3 factor as 1.5. Thus, the maximum day demand is assessed as 69 m (Table 3) and for the visiting populationanother 10% of the average day demand is allocated. The said visiting population consists of the foreign visitors and the Maldivians visiting from other Islands. Also, another 10% of average day demand for Non-Revenue Water (NRW) is added resulting in a total water demand of 78 m3/day. Table 3. Demand calculation for Hoarafushi 2030 Avg day Avg Maximum 10 % for 10 % for Total water domestic demand (per demand demand expatriates NRW (m3) demand population capita/L) (m3) (m3) (m3) (m3) 2317 20 46 69 4.60 4.6 78 Water production, storage and distribution The saline feed water, supplemented with rainwater (when available) harvested from public building roofs, which is first pre-treated, is pumped through high pressure pumps to the purification system (RO plant) where water is demineralized/de-ionised. The freshwater is then given post treatment (chlorination) which is suitable for consumption and stored in the main 3 tank with a total capacity of 500 m and pumped to the network inline. At this preliminary stage it is planned that the main tanks would be of reinforced concrete with internal partitions. Two options are available for the construction of the brine discharge system:- Option 1: The high concentration of reject water, or brine discharged, is disposed of through a pipeline laid out to sea, alongside the present sea outfall, on the east side of the island as shown on the map (Figure 1). As the reject brine water discharge pipeline construction is a considerable item in the construction budget on the project, this option is less favored than option 2 given below. Option 2: There is an existing sewerage outfall very close to the proposed location of the desalination plant. Connecting the brine discharge to this outfall through a non-return valve

20 would be sufficient for the functioning of the project, and would also contribute to a significant saving from the construction budget. During the detailed design, the overall efficiency of the mechanical system, and its cost effectiveness of a bore-hole system constructed near the RO plant vs a sea intake would be analyzed and chosen, based on the most beneficial results. Pipelines and materials and fittings will comply with the EPA published guidelines and standards, and all methodology of construction and operations would comply with international norms and best practices for the given works.

Figure 2. Schematic diagram of the proposed water production, storage and distribution system for Hoarafushi

3.2.3. Distribution network The distribution system is designed for 35 years ending in the year 2050. The current population in a household is taken as 3.5 and the actual demand for institutions such as schools, hospitals, office buildings etc. are collected at the field survey. The GIS software is used to calculate the population demand. The total number of existing housing units is 1072 and the average residents for a house is considered 3.5 (Table 4). Thus the calculated population will be 3,752 which is in close agreement with the census population of 1853 in 2015. For institutes actual population is counted. To calculate population in the 35 year design horizon, that is in 2050, each identity is multiplied by 1.684 (i.e 1.015 ^35, here average annual population growth rate is 1.5. %). So the domestic population is about 6,225 in 2050. According to the census data the assessed population in 2050 will be 3,120. Thus the assumption appears to be acceptable. Also for institutes actual occupancy is added. In 2015 it is 3320 and in 2050 it will be 5,446.


Table 4. Current population and projected population and water demand for Hoarafushi Domestic population Domestic population (3.5 Year Institutional population (As per census) person per household) 2015 1853 3752 3320 2050 3120 6225 5446

For distribution demand calculation, consideration is given to the 2050 demand. In housing units we take average demand as 20 Litres/ head. For institutes an average demand is added 3 according to Table 5. Thus in 2050, the average day demand is 348 m /day. Peak factor is 2.25 3 times the average day demand and the maximum day demand is 783 m /day.

3 Further in the model running, six fire hydrants were added each having demand of 216 m /day at peak time. Table 5. Maximum and average day demands for Hoarafushi Average day demand (m3) Maximum day demand (m3) 348 783

3.2.4. Modelling Coordinates of Hoarafushi Island is fixed to GCS WGS184 Global Coordinate System and the Water Gems Software is used for the design of transmission line as well as the distribution line. Distribution system was designed to cater to the 2050 demand with due consideration to future connections as well. Demands are added to the respective nodes using nearest node method. As Horafushi island is an almost flat average height of the ground is considered as 0.5 m. As per the ToR, the tower height is calculated using Darwin Design tool in Water Gems software in order to suite minimum water pressure of 15 m, at the far end of the water distribution network and at Peak Flow. At the Average Flow it is 20 m. The maximum pressure in the water distribution network is kept at 25 meters. The average velocity is 1.2 m/s. Hazen William Co-efficient of 120 was used. Peak Factor is 2.25 Times Average Flow, Applied at 7 am. 3.2.5. Distribution system and house connections For the distribution system PE pipes of 225 mm, 160 mm, 110 mm, 90 mm and 63 mm were used according to model results including future connections. Detailed design will be done only for existing households and connections. Diameter (mm) Length (m) 225 597 160 986 110 1612 90 8343


63 4533 For house connections 18 mm PE pipes will be used. At the field investigations the connection points of each of the building have been identified and there are 905 existing house and institute connections. Normally, house connection lines are stopped at 900 mm from the boundary wall and single orifice air valves are installed at 500 m intervals. Distributions are laid at one side of the road. Wash out vales are installed in 500 m intervals according to BS- EU standards and gate valves are installed in order to close the distribution system, part by part, for emergency repairs. At the Gate, valves will be installed to stop the network at future connection areas. 3.2.6. Fire hydrant system Total area of Hoarafushi Island is 0.691 km2. And it has been proposed to install 6 nos. of 3 fire hydrants at J220,J57,J237,J10,J226,J123 nodes each having capacity of 216 m / day each (Figure 10). Pressure at each fire hydrant location maintained at 15 m at peak flow.

Figure 3. Proposed locations of fire hydrants at Hoarafushi

3.2.7. Rainwater collection network In the field survey, roof dimension of all public institutes and mosques were taken (Table 6). According to the rainfall data, total rainwater that can be accumulated is 10,362 m3. This is 3 26.93% of the annual water demand. So it has been proposed to construct a 100 m ground reservoir to collect 4 day time rain water. Table 6. Rainwater collection data at Hoarafushi Total roof Avg annual Rainwater that can be Annual water Rainwater/ area (m3) rainfall (mm) collected annually (m3) demand (m3) demand (%) 5394 1.921 10362 38471 26.93

The pipe system is also analyzed using Water Gems software. According to the Water Gems Model run for the longest section, rainwater collecting sumps at the institutes needs to be installed to a minimum height of 1.5 m from the ground. The pipe system needs to be of 160 mm PE pipes and the total length of pipes will be 1840 m. Also, a separate suction pump needs

23 to be installed at desalination site to pump rain water ground sump to plant. The network of rainwater harvesting is given on Figure 4 below.

Figure 4. Rainwater harvesting system network

3.2.8. Seawater intake The consultants propose that the brine intake be from bored wells 13 m deep at site near the desalination plant (Refer to Figure 1 and site plan on Appendix D for borehole locations). As an alternative, the island already has a desalination plant with its own established sea water intake system, the consultant propose that the current existing intake be expanded and used for the intake of the proposed new plant too.

3.2.9. Reverse osmosis plant 3 The total installed capacity of the RO Plant shall be 80 m per day, with three independent drains. One drain shall be in the capacity of 40m3/day. The plant shall be a package plant, with two containerized individual plants. The RO plant facility is estimated to have a capacity for producing 80 tonnes of freshwater per day. Two RO plants each with a capacity of 40 tonnes/day will be installed. The storage established in the design ToR is 7 days, and the system would be designed accordingly. Of the 7 days storage, it is planned that a days’ worth of supplies will be held in an overhead tank. The plants shall be designed with:-


x Pre-treatment; x Cartridge filters; x Pressure vessels loaded with RO membranes; x High pressure pump; x Chemical dosing systems including post RO treatment for disinfection and remineralisation; x Instrumentation, Control panel – PLC; and x Aerated tank. The schematic diagram below provides the typical process of the RO plant.

Figure 5. Schematic of the proposed RO plant

3.2.10. Service reservoir, pump house and distribution system To determine the water pumping system, the following systems were analyzed:- x 25 m Height Tower x 12 m Height Tower and Pump x Only Pump. Results of the analysis show that, only pump option is the most cost economic option. Also, since Horafushi Island is 316 km away from Male’ and construction cost of tower is expected to be high as all materials need to be imported from outside. On the other hand, In Horafushi electrical surcharges are less when comparing with other neighboring countries like Sri Lanka because peak hour demand is less. Also we can expect electricity from renewable energy sources near future because it receives sun light throughout the year. Taking the aforementioned factors into consideration, only pump option is selected with a recommendation of (87 m3 capacity, 24 m head) pump, 2 pumps including 1 standby pump which will be installed at the pump house.


The anticipated maximum daily demand is 65 m3/ day, considering a 7 day retention capacity, assuming that the capacity of ground reservoir is 500 m3/day the average dimensions of the structure will be 24 x 10 x 5.5 m. This will tally with the allocated land plot (Figure 6).

Figure 6. Land allocation for RO plant and water retaining structures

3.2.11. Proposed deviations The above proposed preliminary design do not deviate from the EPA guidelines and given the ToR, however, the consultant recommends to reduce the water retention capacity of the system from the specified 7 days to 2 to 3 days as the RO plant has two drains and separate power plant is provided in the design. This will reduce the land allocation requirement.

3.2.12. Power and emergency power mechanisms In order to power the water production facility, delegated diesel generators have been proposed. The system is designed to be supplied by PV panels (as well as solar energy). In case of power failure delegated backup diesel generators will be used.

3.2.13. Safety Precautions The safety precautions to be applied during the erection of the steel structures will be in accordance with B5531. All necessary precautions will be taken to protect personal and property from hazards due to falls, injuries, toxic fumes, or other harm. During construction works the necessary safety sign boards will be put up in working areas. Further, safety gears would be used by laborers, for instance safety boots and hard hats. All painting and corrosion protection work, including inside the building will be performed under strict safety conditions.


Additionally, high alarm systems will be installed in the plant in the event of failure of any components of the RO plant. The RO plant and pump stations will be equipped with fire alarms and lightening protection measures.

3.2.14. Project inputs and outputs The materials required for construction which is not available locally, shall be imported and shipped from Male’ to the site. The major inputs required for the construction of water supply facility is outlined in Table 7 below:- Table 7. Major inputs required for the proposed project Input resource(s) Source/ type Qty/Volume Source of resource Borehole drilling machine 1 Contractor Concrete batching plant 1 Contractor Machinery and equipment 10T vibrating roller 2 Contractor Excavator 1 Contractor Plate compactors 5 Contractor Crane 1 Contractor Fuel for operation Petrol 80 L/day Local purchase Power Electricity for operation - Contractor has to arrange generators for construction activities

Main outputs of the project are a newly laid network and a desalination plant. Other outputs anticipated to be generated from the project are outlined in Error! Reference source not found. below:-

Table 8. Project outputs anticipated to be generated from the proposed project Project outputs Method of generation/Qty Method of control RO plant building To be constructed NA Borehole Installed near RO plant building NA Storage tanks Reinforced concrete with internal NA partitioning Brine Reject water from desalination Disposed into the sea through sea- plant outfall Distribution network PE pipes NA Fire hydrant system 6 nos. NA Rainwater collection network and PE pipes and reinforced concrete NA ground reservoir Construction wastes Turbid water from drilling High turbid water will be sieved Demolition wastes before being released into the Waste oils ocean Green waste Demolition and green waste Wastewater gathered for one month and Greenhouse gases, effluents transferred to R. for disposal Connection made to sewer system of the island to dispose waste water Wastes generated from workforce 1.2 m3 per day Managed according to the existing waste and sewerage scheme of island


Noise Localized to the project site Unavoidable, but could be minimized by limiting working hours to daytime only and completing the project within the earliest possible duration.

3.2.15. Workforce The workforce required for the construction shall be stationed within the island in existing houses. Utility services such as water, sewer and electricity networks utilized will be of the existing facility on each island. The work profile required for the proposed project is outlined in Table 9 below. Table 9. Work profile required for implementation of the proposed project Designation Number Project manager 1 Resident engineer 1 Engineer (RO plant) 1 Electromechanical engineer 1 Structural engineer 1 Supervisors 2 Laborers 12

3.2.16. Mobilization The machinery required for the project will be carried to the islands via a barge. Other materials and workforce will be transported in a ferry.

3.2.17. Establishment of temporary project facilities No temporary project housing facilities will be required to build as the required housing for the workforce will be provided from the residential houses on this island. Project site setup will be done within the new RO plant building location. The proposed temporary project site setup would include a small hut constructed from metal pipes joined together by brackets, with tin roofing. Waste generated will be temporarily stored and disposed of in the location identified by the island council of Horafushi.

3.2.18. Health and safety measures Basic first aid facilities and safety gears shall be made readily available by the contractor during the construction phase of the project. In case of an emergency, the workers shall be taken to the health center at Horafushi and if the need be, taken to Male’. Other specific safety measures during construction phases are detailed in the respective components under the project description. During the operational phase basic first aid facilities and safety gears shall be made readily available to the working staff at the powerhouses. Occupation health and safety guideline of

28 the operator shall be strictly followed by all personnel. In case of an emergency, the workers shall be taken to the health centers at Hoarafushi and if the need be, taken to Male’. 3.2.19. Decommissioning Once the project has been completed, contractor leaves the site after performing the required site clearance and levelling works. Any temporary project facilities will be demolished and the waste will be transported to R. Vandhoo for disposal. All heavy machinery brought in by the contractor will be demobilized via barge. Once the new water supply facility has been established, registration of the RO in MEA will commence.

3.2.20. Project duration and schedule of implementation The contractor for the project is awarded to GreenTech consultants Pvt. Ltd. and project construction works will commence once the EIA process have been completed and decision statements have been issued. Estimated date is around December 2016. Refer to Appendix J for a detailed work plan of the proposed project. The entire project is estimated to be completed within 18 months from project commencement date. The major milestones of the project are as follows:- x Mobilization and site clearance: 30-11-2016 to 29-12-2016; x Planning and approvals: 30-12-2016 to 28-04-2017; x Construction works: 29-04-2017 to 23-04-2018; and x Testing and commissioning: 24-04-2018 to 23-05-2018

3.2.21. Project budget Estimated cost of construction of water supply system and distribution network for Hoarafushi is USD 3.13 million.


4. METHODOLOGY This EIA is based on both qualitative and quantitative data collected from the island and the surrounding environment as well as published information, where site specific information was unavailable. Following are the key environmental components and methods used to gather relevant data for the EIA.

4.1. Geophysical environment Mostly a descriptive analysis from observations during field surveys as well as published information, aerial photography, Google Earth maps and information available online from websites were used.

4.2. Climate Environment The EIA TOR outlines to obtain rainwater data to understand potential of rainwater harvesting as part of the project, hence data collected from H Regional Airport by Maldives Meteorological Services (MMS) was used in the report. Hanimaadhoo is the closest area to Hoarafushi where climate data are collected on a regular basis by MMS. Also other relevant secondary data are used to describe the general climatic conditions.

4.3. Terrestrial Environment Vegetation – There was no vegetation at the proposed pump station site in Hoarafushi, hence no assessment on the vegetation was undertaken. Groundwater – a groundwater sample was collected from the island in clean a 1.5 L PET bottle. Laboratory analysis of the water samples were carried out by Male’ Water and Sewerage Company Ltd (MWSC) water quality assurance laboratory.

4.4. Marine Environment Most of the information on the marine environment was collected from field assessments and observations. These include; Currents – drogues were used to identify the currents around the outfall locations. Coral reef health – photo quadrats and visual observations on outfall locations were undertaken to determine the general reef health of the lagoon including live coral cover and reef fish abundance and diversity. Visual observations in the area were also carried out. Reef fish – reef fish abundance and diversity by means of visual reef fish census on all reef assessment locations in the marine environment was carried out


Seawater – a seawater sample from the proposed outfall location was collected from the lagoon in a clean 1.5 L PET bottle. Laboratory analysis of the water samples were carried out by MWSC water quality assurance laboratory.

4.5. Socio-economic Environment Relevant information on socio-economic environment of the island was obtained from Hoarafushi Island Council.

4.6. Hazard Vulnerability Hazard vulnerability of the project area was generalized from information obtained from published sources.

4.7. Uncertainties in Data Collection Methods As most of the data on the surrounding environment was manually collected, human error could be the biggest uncertainty with regards to the data collection methods, however, GPS coordinates have been recorded for future monitoring purposes as well as reduce human error as exact points can be monitored in the future to assess changes as a result of the proposed project. The other uncertainty factor could be timing of assessments in the future as some of the environmental conditions such as currents, reef fish populations changes from season to season. Nevertheless, the methods used in these assessments are quite popular and widely used to collect environmental data.


5. EXISTING ENVIRONMENT This section outlines the baseline environmental condition of Hoarafushi in relation to the proposed water supply system development project, which has also taken into consideration surrounding environment where the project is believed to impact as a result of the proposed development. Also, the report addresses major information requirements as outlined in the ToR for preparing this EIA Report.

5.1. The Maldivian setting Maldives, officially known as the Republic of Maldives and sometimes referred to as the Maldive Islands, is an island nation (Zahid, 2011) consisting of nearly 1192 islands on a double chain of 26 natural atolls (administratively divided into 20 atolls), 80-120 km wide, in the Laccadive Sea in the Indian Ocean (Ministry of Environment & Construction [MEC], 2004). Elevating less than 3 meters above mean sea level, with 80% of land area less than 1 m, Maldives is the flattest country in the world. The total area is about 107,500 km2 of which roughly 300 km2 of landmass (Zahid, 2011), with a population of about 338, 434 (as per September 2014 census) (UNFPA, 2016) spread over 194 inhabited islands (Department of National Planning [DNP], 2010). Stretching 860 km from latitude 7°6”35”N, crosses the Equator to 0°42”24”S, and lies between 72°32”19”E and 73°46”13”E longitude (Zahid, 2011). These coral Atolls are located on the 1600 km long Laccadives-Chagos submarine ridge extending into the central Indian Ocean from the SW coast of the Indian sub-continent (MEC, 2004). The Atolls vary greatly in shape and size as well as the characteristics of the Atolls, reefs and reef islands vary considerably from north to south. The northern atolls are broad banks, discontinuously fringed by reefs with small reef islands and with numerous patch reefs and faros in the Lagoon whereas in the southern atolls, faros and patch reef are rarer in the Lagoon, continuity of the atoll rim is greater and a larger proportion of the perimeter of the Atolls is occupied by islands. The islands also differ depending on location, form and topography. The islands vary in size from 0.5 km2 to around 5.0 km2 and in shape from small sandbanks with sparse vegetation to elongated strip islands. Many have storm ridges at the seaward edges and a few are characterized by swampy depressions in the center (MEC, 2004). Located on the equator, Maldives experiences a warm, humid tropical climate or a monsoonal climate with two distinct seasons known as the northeast monsoon (dry season) from January to March and southwest monsoon (wet season) from May to November (MEC, 2004). The southwest season brings in torrential rain (Zahid, 2011) and rainfall varies from north to south along the atoll chain, with a drier north and wetter south (MEC 2004). Rainfall varied from 1,407 mm to 2,707 mm interannually over the last 30 years. May, August, September and December are the wettest months and January to April the driest (MEC, 2004).


The annual and seasonal temperatures vary very little with a mean annual temperature of 28°C (MEC, 2004); however, the diurnal temperature fluctuates from 31°C during the day to 23°C at night. This is associated with the small size of the islands and the tempering of the hot days by cooling sea breezes surrounding the islands (Zahid, 2011). The highest and lowest temperatures on record are 36.8°C on May 1991 and 17.2°C on April 1978 respectively (MEC, 2004). Ocean currents are driven by the monsoon winds with the westerly flowing currents dominating the northeast monsoon and easterly currents dominating the southwest monsoon. Changes in current flow patterns occur in April and December corresponding to the transition periods of the southwest and northeast monsoons respectively. Currents near the shoreline slightly differ from oceanic currents depending on the location, orientation and morphology of the reefs and underwater topography (Zahid, 2011). Sea surface temperature (SST) is reasonably constant throughout the year and ranges between 28 to 29 °C. Mean monthly SST rises from December/January to April/May. However, May 1998 experienced a mean monthly SST of 30.3 °C which is expected to occur every 20 years. Furthermore, temperature drops rapidly to below 20 °C at a depth of 90-100 m (MEC, 2004).

5.2. Climatic conditions The Bureau of Meteorology of Maldives has compiled a range of climate variables since 1975 from five different meteorological stations located across the Maldives. Climate variables including temperature, rainfall, and wind were analyzed for the nearest meteorological stations to Horafushi at Hanimaadhoo meteorological center at geographic coordinates of N6q44’57.73’’, E73q10’10.31’’, approximately 40 km from Hoarafushi. Location of Hanimaadhoo meteorological center with respect to Hoarafushi is shown on Figure 7 below.


Figure 7. Locations of Hanimaadhoo and Hoarafushi

5.2.1. Temperature Analysis of temperature data shows that the variation in temperature throughout the year is very minimal, however, daily temperature ranges from 31°C during the day to 23 °C at night. Looking at monthly variation in temperature, the highest temperature was recorded for the month of April with a temperature of 32.4 °C over the past 24 years. With regards to the mean minimum temperature, the lowest temperature at Hanimaadhoo, 24.4 °C, was recorded for February (Figure 8).

Figure 8. Mean, minimum and maximum monthly temperatures (°C) for Hanimaadhoo from 1992 to 2015 (Data obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology, Maldives)


5.2.2. Rainfall Maldives experiences two distinct seasons, the wet season, marked from mid-May to November and the dry season, from January to March. Analysis of rainfall data from 1992 to 2015 at Hanimaadhoo meteorological station shows that the mean monthly rainfall follows the traditionally defined seasons with most rain occurring from May to November and little rain falling outside these months. The highest amount of rain was observed during the month of July with approximately 267 mm of rain on average and the lowest rain was experienced in March, averaging only about 28 mm of rain over the past 24 years (Figure 9).

Figure 9. Mean monthly rainfall (mm) for Hanimaadhoo from 1992 to 2015 (Data obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology, Maldives)

5.2.3. Wind Analysis of wind data from Hanimaadhoo meteorological station shows that the dominant wind direction is from the west, indicating that southwest monsoon is the dominant monsoon in the Maldives. In contradiction to the traditional belief that southwest monsoonal wind comes predominantly from the SW, data analysis shows that predominant wind direction was WSW and W, however, winds from the SW direction was low (only about 8 % of the times for mean wind speeds and about 6 % of the times for maximum wind speeds). Quantitatively speaking, about 18 % of the times maximum wind speeds were recorded from the west while about 20 % of the times mean wind speeds were recorded from the WSW (Figure 10). The second most dominant wind direction was observed to be between N and NNE, perhaps the NE monsoon. About 10% of the times for maximum winds speeds and about 9 % of the

35 times for mean winds speeds once again contradicting with the traditional belief that the NE monsoonal winds were predominantly coming from the NE (Figure 10). The highest mean wind speed for this region was in the range >36-38 kn occurring about 0.0.13 % of the times and the lowest wind speed was in the range >2-4 kn occurring about 0.880 % of the times. The highest maximum wind speed for this region was in the range >38- 40 kn occurring about 0.069 % of the times.

Figure 10. Mean (right) and maximum (left) wind speeds for Hanimaadhoo from June 1991 to June 2016 (Data obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology, Maldives)

5.3. General setting of Hoarafushi Hoarafushi Island is administratively part of North Thiladhunmathee (HA) Atoll but is found in a geographically separate atoll called Ihavandhipolhu Atoll found on the northern part of the country. The island is located at 6°58'54.34"N / 72°53'47.64"E and lies on the western rim of Ihavandhipolhu Atoll in a large reef system (Figure 11). There are 23 islands in Ihavandhipolhu Atoll, of which only 5 islands are inhabited, namely Hoarafushi, , Uligamu, Mulhadhoo an Ihavandhoo. The closest inhabited island is Ihavandhoo found at 3.5 km south. The closest uninhabited island is Kudafinolhu found at just 250m north of the island. With an extended beach found on the southern side of Kudafinolhu, the two islands are now naturally joined together. The only tourist resort found in the Atoll, JA Manafaru is found at 4.6 km east. The Atoll Capital, Dhidhdhoo is found at 24 km SE of Hoarafushi. The average area of the island is 70 ha with 1,700 m in length and 565 m in the width.


Figure 11. Location of Haa Alif Atoll within Maldives (left) and location of Hoarafushi within Haa Alif Atoll (right)

5.4. Terrestrial Environment 5.4.1. Vegetation The proposed project of installing water supply system in Hoarafushi does not require vegetation to be removed from settlement areas as well as from the proposed pump station, hence no vegetation assessment was carried out. The proposed location for developing the pump station is at 6°58'44.48"N / 72°53'57.37"E, a reclaimed land found on the SE parts of the island. There is no vegetation found at the site (Figure 12), hence vegetation assessment was not undertaken. The proposed location is right next to the Police building, which is currently under construction. The following figure shows the location of the proposed pump station area.

Figure 12. Location of the pump station of the proposed water supply system in Hoarafushi


5.4.2. Groundwater The water table of the island is found at a depth of 1.2 m, hence dewatering may not be required for laying the pipeline of the proposed water supply network. The groundwater was taken from a well at the Island Council Accommodation Blocks (Figure 12). The laboratory analysis was carried out by MWSC and the results are presented in Table 10 below and the table in Appendix F. Groundwater test results were compared with the EPA and WHO standards for the parameters with a specified guideline value as follows:- x Nitrate - < 50 mg/L; x pH – 6.5-8.5; x Nitrogen ammonia < 1.5 mg/L; x Sulphate < 250 000 μg/L; x Salinity (Not established); x Phosphate (Not established); x BOD (Not established); and x Turbidity - < 5 NTU. Table 10. Groundwater quality test results for Hoarafushi Parameter Analysis results Physical appearance Clear Nitrate (mg/L) 16.0 pH 8.08 Nitrogen ammonia (mg/L) 0.08 Sulphate (μg/L) 34 Salinity (‰) 0.32 Phosphate (mg/L) 0.88 Temperature (°C) 19.1 Biological Oxygen Demand [BOD] (mg/L) 5 Turbidity (NTU) 0.19

For the parameters which are specified by the EPA and WHO, the results were below the specified values. For the parameters which are not specified by the EPA, BOD seems to be high (Ideal BOD is 3 mg/L for drinking water) indicating that the groundwater on the island is polluted. This could be due to sewer leakage into the groundwater. Salinity on this island is low.


Figure 13. Groundwater sampling location

5.5. Marine environment The marine environment of the proposed outfall location was assessed for understanding general reef health, existing physical conditions such as currents and seawater quality. Two locations were assessed, including existing sewerage system outfall and proposed outfall location for the water supply system. Both locations are found on the eastern side of the island by the harbor. The following figure (Figure 14) shows the locations for existing sewage outfall and proposed water supply system outfall. The assessments on the marine environment including coral reef were undertaken on the exact location of the outfalls and the coordinates are presented. Seawater sample was taken from the proposed water supply system outfall.


Figure 14. Location of the sewer outfall and brine outfall and marine assessments undertaken 5.5.1. Ocean currents Currents were assessed by drogue on Site 1 and Site 2. The currents found at the two locations had a northerly flow and the speed was relative. The following figure (Figure 15) shows current speeds and direction recorded from the two locations. Currents had a northward flow at a rate of 0.14 m/s on the existing sewerage system outfall (Site 1) and 0.18 m/s on the proposed water supply system outfall (Site 2). The distance between the two sites are estimated to be 680 m.


Figure 15. Currents assessed on the two sites

5.5.2. Coral reef Assessments on coral composition and cover was assessed by photo quadrats and visual observations on the two locations of the proposed brine and existing sewer outfalls. The visibility of the sites were low having around 4 m on the existing outfall and 7 m on the proposed outfall The approximate depth of the assessment sites were between 3 – 6 m deep. Figure 16 presents major finding of the assessments undertaken on coral reef.


Figure 16. Reef composition at outfall locations

The live coral cover on the two sites were very low having exactly the same percent cover with only 1%. While the dead coral cover and rubble content were high at Site 2, dead coral covered with algae and rocks were high at Site 1. Sand content on Site 1 was higher than Site 2. Most live corals were from Porites and Pocillopora and other massive coral families. The following figures (Figure 17 and Figure 18) outline existing reef conditions at the two locations.

Figure 17. Reef condition at Site 1 (Existing sewerage system outfall)


Figure 18. Reef condition at Site 2 (Sewer outfall)

5.5.3. Reef fish Reef fish assessment was carried out by visual reef fish census along a 20 m belt of the reef assessment areas. Generally reef fish abundance and diversity was very low. Mostly herbivorous fish were observed from the two sites, which is believed to be due to high algal content found. Similar abundance and diversity occurred on both areas assessed. The assessment was undertaken at family level. Figure 19 presents major finding of the reef fish assessment.

Reef fish abundance, Hoarafushi 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0

Site 1 Site 2

Figure 19. Reef fish abundance at two locations

The reef fish abundance and diversity on the two locations were very low. Site 2 had more fish abundance with 55 individuals belong to 10 families. The number of fish found from Site 1 was very low having only having 14 individuals belonging to 4 families. The low number of fish found from Site 1 may be attributed to the presence of existing sewerage outfall. The fish life at the outfall location was almost nonexistent, however, slightly north of the site, more

43 number of fish was observed, which also suggests that presence of the outfall may have affected the number of fish found from the surveyed area. Although there were less live coral cover found on Site 2, a good number of butterfly fishes were observed (Figure 19).

5.5.4. Seawater quality A seawater sample was taken for analysis from the middle of the two proposed outfall locations (Figure 13) and the laboratory analysis was undertaken by MWSC and the results are presented on Table 11 below and in Appendix F. Table 11. Seawater quality test results for Hoarafushi Parameter Analysis results Physical appearance Clear with particles Conductivity (μS/cm) 54700 pH 8.06 Salinity (‰) 36.07 Temperature (°C) 19.4 Total Suspended Solids [TDS] (mg/L) <5 (LoQ 5 mg/L)

5.6. Socioeconomic environment Information on socioeconomic environment was obtained from Hoarafushi Island Council.

5.6.1. Population and Housing The registered population of the island is 3,387 with 1,710 males and 1,677 females. However, there are over 117 foreigners and over 100 unregistered people living on the island for various reasons. Hence, the total population of the island reaches over 3,500 persons. There are 396 households in the island having an average 8.5 persons per household. The average population growth rate has been estimated to be 1.8% and the population of the island is expected to reach close to 5,500 in the next 10 years.

5.6.2. Health and Education Currently there is a Health Center on the island which provides health services to the islanders and operates 24 hours. There are 2 doctors and 9 nurses. Pharmacies are also developed on the island for providing needed medicines. There are 2 Schools on the island, HA Atholhu Madharusa teaching from Grade 1 to Grade 12 and Adam Saleem Handhaanee Preschool, a primary school. The student population of the two schools are estimated to be over 500.


5.6.3. Water, Sanitation and Energy Currently rainwater is widely used in all houses as cooking water and groundwater is used for various other domestic uses. Almost all houses have a rainwater storage tank. Bottled water is now mainly used as drinking water. A sewerage system was recently developed on the island, which is now in use. Cooking gas is commonly used on the island as the main energy source.

5.6.4. Electricity Hoarafushi has access to 24-hour electricity, which is provided by FENAKA. The installed capacity is 650 kW. Monthly average usage is estimated to be 138,214kWh and annual oil consumption is estimate to be 481,908 litres per year (MEE, 2013).

5.6.5. Waste Management Waste is properly managed on the island with a MWSC located on the northern side of the island. Waste management is done by Hoarafushi Island Council.

5.6.6. Main Economic Activities The main economic activity of Hoarafushi is fishing with 7 large fishing vessels operating from the island. Other key economic activities of the island include agriculture, construction, sewing, trade and to some extent boat building. Small fiberglass vessels are built on the island. As the island has a number of public facilities banking, police and a branch of STO, employment is an important economic activity. Also, a lot of people from Hoarafushi is employed at the JA Manafaru resort. An IFAD funded Corporative Society is largely involved on growing agricultural products including cucumber, lettuce, chilli and bananas. The majority of the population of the island takes part in the Corporative Society activities. Trade is also well established on the island which contributes to the local economy. Most of the goods are brought to the island from Dhidhdhoo and as these islands are located close. Around 18 – 20 daily goods shops currently operate on the island.

5.6.7. Public Services The main public services available on the island include banking, police, sports arena, football ground, multipurpose hall, Zuvaanunge Markaz and STO Hoarafushi Fihaara.

5.6.8. New Developments Hoarafushi is found within the area of a large economic development project known as I- Havan project where a number of developments including transshipment port, airport, hotels, resorts, yacht marina, residential area, oil bunkering have been proposed to be developed.


Figure 20. The I-Havan Project concept

At island level, a number of development activities are also planned. These include allocating new housing plots as well as development of tourism on the island. The small island found on the northern side of the island Kudafinolhu is no naturally joined with Horafushi hence, can be regarded as part of the island. Formal discussions are underway with government to allocate this island as part of Hoarafushi and once this is done, the council wants to allocate the area for development of guesthouses and other tourism ventures.

5.7. Hazard vulnerability The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) has compiled a very thorough study to develop a risk profile for the Maldives in order to determine the probability of hazards across different regions of Maldives based on geological evidence, historical data and projections derived from theoretical analysis (UNDP, 2006). Likelihood of storm hazards across Hoarafushi is analyzed using this disaster risk management study done by the UNDP and likelihood of flooding is analyzed using rainfall data from the nearest meteorological center to Horafushi at Hanimaadhoo meteorological center.


5.7.1. Storm hazard In addition to monsoonal heavy rains and strong winds, hazardous weather events which regularly affect the Maldives are tropical storms or tropical cyclones and severe local storms (thunder storms/thunder squalls) (UNDP, 2006). Every so often, tropical cyclones hitting the Maldives are highly destructive due to associated strong winds that exceed a speed of 150 km/hr, heavy rainfall of above 30-40 cm in 24 hrs and storm tides that often exceed 4-5 m. Strong winds often damage vegetation, houses, communication networks and roads. Heavy rainfall is associated with serious flooding. Cyclonic winds can sometimes cause a sudden rise in sea level along the coast, leading to a storm surge. The combined effect of surge and tide, which is known as ‘storm tide’, can cause catastrophic events in low lying areas, flat coasts and islands such as the Maldives (UNDP, 2006). Hazards associated with thunder storms include strong winds often exceeding a speed of 100 km/hr, heavy rainfall, lightning and hail. Such thunder storms are very frequent in the equatorial region, which is where the Maldives lie, however, they are less violent at this region. Moreover, land areas are more frequently hit by thunder storms than the open ocean. Strong winds generated by severe local storms generate large wind-driven waves which are hazardous for the Maldives (UNDP, 2006). Cyclonic wind hazard Studies of historic data suggests that even though the northern islands of the country were affected by weak cyclones which formed in the southern part of Bay of Bengal and the Arabian Sea, in general the Maldive islands were less prone to tropical cyclones. According to the cyclonic wind hazard zone classification, the north most islands represent the highest risk region and the hazard risk decreases moving down south (UNDP, 2006). On a scale of 1-5, with 5 being the highest risk zone, Horafushi is in the very high risk zone (Figure 21) (UNDP, 2006). Therefore, it can be deduced that the risk of cyclones hitting Horafushi is very high, however, it should be noted that only 11 cyclones have been recorded across the Maldives since 1877. Storm surge hazard According to the bathymetric surveys of the entire Maldives, the ocean slope towards the eastern side is steeper than the west coast which indicates that the eastern islands of the Maldives are more vulnerable to higher surge hazard compared to the western islands. Accordingly, the country has been divided into 5 broad storm surge hazard zones from 1-5, with 5 being the highest risk category. According to this zoning, Horafushi is in the very high risk zone of storm surge hazard (UNDP, 2006) (Figure 21).


Figure 21. Cyclonic wind hazard map (left) and storm hazard map (right) of the Maldives with locations of the 7 islands under concern; category 5 is the highest risk zone and category 1 is the lowest (Adapted from UNDP, 2006)

5.7.2. Flooding Rainfall data from 5 meteorological stations representing the whole of Maldives have been used to analyze the flood and drought years across the country. Data has been standardized against the overall mean from each station. Deducing from standard deviation of rainfall from long-term mean, it can be concluded that if the difference between long-term mean and standard deviation is >1, that corresponding year is a flood year whereas if this difference is <- 1 it may be considered a drought year. Geographically, Hoarafushi is at the southern quadrant of the Maldives near Hanimaadhoo meteorological station. Analysis of rainfall data from Hanimaadhoo station showed that this part of the Maldives experienced more rain deficient years than heavy rainfall years. As for flooding, 5 years observed rainfall >1 standard deviation from the long-term mean (Figure 22) indicating that flooding is a rare occurrence at this part of the Maldives.


Figure 22. Rainfall anomalies for (a) Hanimaadhoo from 1992 to 2015 with the 10 year moving average. Red lines indicate +1 and -1 standard deviations from the mean. (Data obtained from the Bureau of Meteorology, Maldives).


6. STAKEHOLDER CONSULTATION 6.1. Hoarafushi Island Council Date: 22 October 2016 Time: 20:45 hrs Venue: Secretariat of Hoarafushi Island Council

A stakeholder meeting with Hoarafushi Island Council was undertaken in order to understand key issues with regards to the proposed water supply system development project. Key points discussed at the meeting are; x The Council is aware of the propose development of water supply system to be undertaken on the island x Has assisted in undertaking surveying of the island during design of the project x Land has been allocated for the pump station in accordance with the request of the Ministry of Environment and Energy x The Council initially wanted to allocate land for pump station for the proposed project by the existing pump station of sewerage system found on the northern side of the harbor. x However, the Ministry of Environment and Energy requested another area for the pump station development. x New land on the southern side of the harbor has now been allocated for the pump station as per the request of the Ministry of Environment and Energy. x Although the Island Council was unable to attend the scoping meeting, they are aware of the details of the proposed project. x The island has experienced severe flooding in 2012 due to heavy rain and the design of the project needs to take into consideration the flooding potential of the island. In this regard pumps need to be installed on the island to wash the flood water out from the island in case of heavy flooding. x Water kiosks need to be installed by the harbor area. x A good fire prevention mechanism needs to be placed on the island with the proposed system. x Water should be affordable to the general public


Meeting with Hoarafushi Island Council

Participants; 1. Ali Arif, Council President, 790 8979 2. Ibrahim Shakir, Council Member, 770 0919 3. Fathmath Fazna, Council Member, 972 6906 4. Mohamed Sameer, Council Member, 790 8330 5. Mohamed Waheed, Zinmaadhaaru Veriya, 797 1343

6.2. FENEKA Hoarafushi Date: 1 November 2016 Time: 20:15 hrs Type: Telephone conversation

Consultation with FENAKA office in Hoarafushi was conducted as part of the EIA in order to understand their capacity with regards to proposed water supply development in Hoarafushi as FENAKA is expected to play a key role during operation period of the project. Key points discussed are; x FENAKA is currently only involved in the operation of powerhouse and sewerage system on the island with 20 staff. x 5 trained staff are engaged in managing the sewerage system on the island. The training was initially provided by MWSC. x Now FENAKA is managing the sewerage system well.


x Requires new staff and training of these staff if FENAKA is to manage the water supply system x Existing office space is limited and requires additional office space for the new staff to be accommodated x Need specialized tools to do repair and maintenance work of the system and a proper storage to keep these tools

Participant; 1. Mohamed Iqbal, Station Manager, 974 0150

6.3. Health Protection Agency Date: 1 November 2016 Time: 12:00 hrs Type: Telephone conversation

The Health Protection Agency (HPA) is a key stakeholder in this project as they play a crucial role in protecting the public health and maintaining general wellbeing. Since the proposed project concerns provision of clean water to the general public as well as use of chemical duing the operation of the facility, a representative from the HPA was consulted. Main issues discussed are highlighted below:- x The rainwater needs to be treated before being supplied to the public; and x Routine testing of water quality needs to be carried out once the facility becomes operational.

Participant; 1. Aminath Shaufa, Public health program coordinator, 7504075


7. OPTIONS ASSESSMENT 7.1. Purpose and need for the proposed development As discussed in the introductory section of this report, residents of Hoarafushi are in great need of a clean water facility for everyday use and are at a risk of health consequences which may arise, if not already, due to the use of polluted groundwater.

7.2. Alternatives The possible causes of actions, in place of another that would meet the same purpose and need, otherwise known as alternatives, have been well considered in this study as alternatives are essential to a sound decision-making process and central to an effective EIA. With due consideration to the purpose and need for the proposed project, there are three alternatives identified for this project. The “do nothing” or no project scenario, brine outfall location and source of feed water for the RO plant. Details of which are further discussed below:- 7.2.1. Option 1: Maintain status-quo The first option is a “Do Nothing” scenario, whereby the proposed project will not take place. Under this scenario, there will be no wastes generated during construction and any construction related hazards will be avoided, however, the residents of Hoarafushi will face health issues and social consequences. This will in turn lower the credibility of the Government to provide a basic necessity for its people.

7.2.2. Option 2: Brine outfall location Two options are available for the construction of the brine discharge system:- Option 1: The high concentration of reject water, or brine discharged, is disposed of through a pipeline laid out to sea, alongside the present sea outfall, on the east side of the island as shown on the map (Figure 1). Option 2: There is an existing sewerage outfall very close to the proposed location of the desalination plant. Connecting the brine discharge to this outfall through a non-return valve would be sufficient for the functioning of the project. Preferred option with justification: The preferred option for the brine outfall location is option 2, that is, to connect the brine outfall pipe to the existing sewer pipeline as this will contribute to a significant saving from the construction budget. In an environmental point of view, impacts on the marine environment will be highly localized from both the outfalls.

7.2.3. Option 3: Source of feed water Two options are available for the source of raw water intake for the proposed facility:- Option 1: Intake from bore wells 13 m deep at a site near the desalination plant.


Option 2: Expand the already established seawater intake system from the lagoon and use this for the proposed project. Preferred option with justification: The preferred option for the source of feed water intake is option 1, that is, intake from bore wells as the existing intake system will not be sufficient for the demand supply of the island. Moreover, water taken from bore wells are at a better quality than the lagoon as it is less vulnerable to contamination as no fouling organisms or other marine debris will enter the system. If option 2 is opted, high turbulence will cause solids to maintain in suspension thereby requiring installation of a settling tank, increasing the project cost. Seawater from the lagoon is also more vulnerable to contamination from waste debris and fouling marine organisms as well.


8. POTENTIAL IMPACT ANALYSIS The impacts from any project can be categorized into two broad categories; constructional and operational impacts. Constructional impacts are the potential impacts which might arise during the construction stage of new water supply system. Operational impacts are the potential impacts which might arise once the new RO plant becomes operational.

8.1. Proposed sites Proposed location for the new RO plant building is based on the land availability and at the Northern periphery of the island away from residential area to minimize any nuisance from noise pollution as much as possible. The proposed location is the most ideal location as it is close to existing sewer outfall location, enabling brine outfall to be connected to the sewer outfall. This minimizes the environmental degradation of the marine environment around the island as the impacts would be localized to only one area from both sewer and brine discharges.

8.2. Risk assessment methodology The proponent and the consultants have conducted a risk-based environmental review as part of the planning process. Data has been drawn from a wide range of sources, including existing similar EIA reports. The risk assessment was conducted based on professional judgment and expertise of the consultants as well as evaluation of the baseline data and consultation with the stakeholders. This provides an outline on how to identify potential hazards associated with the proposal and evaluate the likelihood and consequences. The risk assessment methodology utilized was also consistent with the methodology outlined in AS/NZS ISO31000 Risk Management- Principles and Guidelines. The first stage of this methodology was to identify hazards. To ensure that all potential hazards were identified, it was important that any specific environment and/or community impact issues were determined based on the location of the powerhouses and type of service to be provided. As such, the hazards identified were:- 1. Constructional impacts:- x Air quality- GHG emissions; x Noise pollution- operation of heavy machinery; x Water quality- plant foundation, excavation, dewatering and main pipe trenching works, borehole drilling; x Generation of constructional and decommissioning wastes; and 2. Operational impacts:- x Noise pollution- operation of engines; x Marine environment- brine discharge; x Social wellbeing- access to clean water and improved health; Hazards were assessed using the following matrix (Table 12).


Table 12. Risk assessment matrix Consequences

Minimal (1) Minor (2) Moderate (3) Major (4) Catastrophic (5) Remote (1) Negligible Negligible Very low Low Medium Unlikely (2) Negligible Very low Low Medium High Possible (3) Very low Low Medium High Very high Likelihood Likely (4) Low Medium High Very high Significant Certain (5) Medium High Very high Significant Significant Criteria used for assessing the identified hazards are as follows. Note that the realistic and consequences were judged based on the design consideration for the proposed facility. These criteria were measured against the impact (if the impact occurred), to ecological and/or human health:- x Likelihood:- o Remote- May occur only in exceptional circumstances; o Unlikely- Could occur at some time; o Possible- Might occur at some time; o Likely- More likely to happen than not (i.e. a probability of > 50 %); and o Certain- Will probably occur in most circumstances. x Consequences:- o Minimal- Impact has no significant risk to environment either short term or long term; o Minor- The impact is short term and causes very limited risk to the environment ; o Moderate- Impact gives rise to some concern, may cause long term environmental problems but are likely short term and acceptable; o Major- Impact is long term, small scale and environmentally risky. Impact severely damages the environment; and o Catastrophic- Impact is long term and irreversible, large scale and detrimental to the environment. The likelihood measures the probability of occurrence of an event whereas consequences evaluate the significance of impact on the environment in the event of an incident. Based on the likelihood and consequences for each of the identified hazards, the level of risk is determined (Table 12). In addition to the level of risk, other impact characteristics such as the type of impact, nature of the impact, impact range, impact duration as well as reversibility of the impacts are also assessed, grading scales for which are given on Table 13 below.

Table 13. Grading scale of the characteristics of impacts Characteristic of impact Grading Explanation Type Direct Direct impacts without intervening factors or intermediaries Indirect Triggered by but not immediate effect of the proposed project Nature Positive Impacts resulting in a desirable effect Negative Impacts resulting in an undesirable effect Range Local Impacts limited to project site


Island Impacts of importance at island level Atoll Impact of importance at Atoll level Nation Impacts of national character Duration Short-term Occurring over a short period of time Intermittent Impacts occurring at irregular intervals Long-term Occurring over a long period of time Continuous Impacts occurring continuously Reversibility Reversible Previous state (or equivalent) can be restored Irreversible Not able to alter the consequence of impact

8.3. Limitations and uncertainties in impact prediction Risks and uncertainties are inherent in any environmental and ecological problem solving technique and needs to be acknowledged and incorporated in any decision making process. Risk is the chance that an adverse outcome occurs while uncertainty arises from an imperfect understanding of a system due to uncertainty about facts (McAlpine et al., 2010). Our understanding of the environment are limited mainly due to lack of long term data and complexity of the ecosystem. While every attempt has been made to accurately predict the potential impacts from this project, there are unforeseen and uncertain factors which might cause deviations in the impacts outlined herein. For instance, a natural phenomenon. Moreover, assessment of existing conditions require a benchmark against which these conditions can be compared, however, lack of such benchmarks are a great hindrance to analyzing the environmental impacts at some instances. In addition to this, limited time availability and lack of available factual information are among major limitations to impact predictions. In the Maldives, more often than not, limited availability of published information on environmental and social environment of the islands have led to the dependency on verbal communication with locals and island councils which are not always very accurate. Anyhow, based on the risk assessment outlined above, the environmental impact assessment is set out below:-

8.4. Constructional impacts Table 14. Predicted impacts and risk analysis anticipated during construction phase of the project Potential impacts Likelihood Consequence Risk rating Air quality- GHG emissions Certain Minimal Medium Noise pollution due to operation of heavy machinery Certain Moderate Very high

Water quality:- x Plant foundation and excavation Certain Minimal Medium x Dewatering Certain Moderate Very high x Main pipe trenching works Possible Minimal Very low x Borehole drilling possible Major High Generation of constructional and decommissioning wastes Certain Minimal Medium Impacts of trenching Remote Minimal Negligible


Impacts during construction phase of the project are mainly anticipated to be short-term and reversible (Table 15) as most impacts will last only for the duration of the construction phase of the project. Table 15. Summary of impacts during the construction phase of the project Potential impact Type Nature Range Duration Reversibility Air quality- GHG emissions Direct Negative Local Short-term Reversible Noise pollution due to operation of heavy Direct Negative Local Short-term Reversible machinery Water quality:- x Plant foundation and excavation Direct Negative Local Short-term Irreversible x Dewatering Direct Negative Local Long-term Reversible x Main pipe trenching works Direct Negative Local Short-term Reversible x Borehole drilling Direct Negative Local Long-term Irreversible Generation of constructional and Direct Negative Local Short-term Reversible decommissioning wastes Impacts of trenching Direct Negative Local Short-term Reversible

8.4.1. Impacts on air quality Impacts on air quality during the constructional phase is generally credited to operation of machinery and equipment which require electricity and vehicles which burn fuel. Release of GHGs and any other gases into the atmosphere during the construction phase is very low and since construction site is close to the coast, it is expected that any released gases will not remain stagnant to a particular area to cause a public nuance. Risk analysis shows that impacts on air quality is medium (Table 14) and is expected to be limited to project site and last only for the duration of the construction phase of the project hence is not expected to cause any significant adverse impacts on the environment and community.

8.4.2. Noise pollution Similar to air quality, impacts on noise level during the constructional phase is generally credited to operation of machinery, equipment and vehicles. Although this aspect scored a risk rating of “very high” (Table 14), it is anticipated that the noise levels will be localized to the project site and will be short-term.

8.4.3. Groundwater quality Impacts on groundwater quality due to this project are anticipated to arise from several aspects of the project. These include:- x During plant foundation and excavation works- while it is certain that there would be some impacts on groundwater quality during excavation and foundation works, these impacts are expected to be very minor, reversible and short-term hence negligible;


x Dewatering- Depending on the depth of foundation and depth of trenching works as well as the depth of groundwater table, dewatering maybe required, in which case the groundwater table will be moderately affected by causing thinning of groundwater lens and the impacts are anticipated to be long-term yet reversible over time; x Main pipe trenching works- Depending on the depth of trenching and the depth of ground water table, dewatering maybe required in which case there will be significant impacts on groundwater due to thinning of groundwater lens. Additionally, there is the risk of sediment stir up and increased turbidity during backfilling of the trenches; and x Borehole drilling- Borehole drilling carries with it the risk of cross contamination, potentially spreading source material to uncontaminated depths and hydrological units. Even though potential impacts from borehole drilling are confined to site, there is the risk of contamination due to mishandling and mismanagement of equipment either though oil spilling or causing salt water intrusion. Even though likelihood of this happening low, the longevity and irreversibility of the impacts which have major consequences on the environment makes it a highly significant impact.

8.4.4. Impacts from waste It is expected that the waste generated would be minimal and any waste generated would be localized to the plant house area and people working in the powerhouse. The impacts from wastes would be immediately levitated once the waste is transported to the waste management center. This is also a short-term and reversible impact.

8.4.5. Trenching impacts One of the main impacts during trenching include generation of dust, however, it is not anticipated that the dust generation will be severe enough to affect nearby vegetation to survive or cause any breathing difficulties in humans, therefore, is considered to be negligible. 8.5. Operational impacts Table 16. Predicted impacts and risk analysis anticipated during operation phase of the project Potential impact Likelihood Consequence Risk rating Noise pollution Certain Minimal Medium Degradation of marine environment Certain Major Significant Health impacts Certain Major Significant Social wellbeing Certain Major Significant

Unlike constructional impacts, operational impacts are anticipated to be more long-term and irreversible (Table 17) since the newly constructed water facilities need to run continuously

59 once they become fully established and operational. It should be noted that operational impacts bring about positive impacts in terms of health and social wellbeing of the society.

Table 17. Summary of impacts during the operation phase of the project Potential impact Type Nature Range Duration Reversibility Noise pollution Direct Negative Local Long-term Irreversible Degradation of marine environment Direct Negative Local Long-term Irreversible Health impacts Direct Positive Island Long-term Irreversible Social wellbeing Direct Positive Island Long-term Irreversible

8.5.1. Noise pollution It should be acknowledged that loud noise is inevitable during operation and continuous running of an RO plant, however, since the plant location is at the northern coastal side of the island away from residential area, noise disturbance is anticipated to be minimal.

8.5.1. Degradation of marine environment The operation of new desalination plant will definitely increase the reject flow. The high salinity of the reject water flow could have detrimental impacts on the corals near the brine outfall which is irreversible, therefore of high significance. It has been proposed that the brine outfall be connected to the sewer outfall which would highly localize the impacts only to one area. If the brine outfall is extended out of the reef flat then there will be little to no impact to the corals. It should be noted that marine life at the proposed brine outfall location is low, having only about 1 % of live coral cover. Additionally, fish count was found to be low.

8.5.1. Health impacts and social wellbeing With the implementation of the proposed project, the community of Hoarafushi will have access to cleaner water which would in turn improve the general health by eliminating water borne diseases. Consequently, social wellbeing of the population will improve as people are assured of cleaner water security for the current and future generations.


9. ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT This section describes the environmental and operational management systems and plans proposed for the new water facility including practical mitigation measures for all identified impacts, a risk management plan, measures for sustainable development as well as environmental monitoring programs.

9.1. Proposed mitigation measures The mitigation measures outlines in Table 18 below is proposed with due consideration to their cost effectiveness and feasibility to be implemented. The mitigation measures mainly relate to operation practices of the machinery and appropriate trainings which would ensure that environmental impacts would be minimized as effectively as possible. It is the responsibility of the implementing agency to adhere to the proposed mitigation measures and bear any costs related to establishing them. Table 18. Proposed mitigation measures for the identified risks during the construction and operation phases of the proposed project Aspect Mitigation measures Implementing Estimated agency cost (MRF) CONSTRUCTION PHASE Air quality x Daily maintenance of vehicles and machinery Contractor N/A x Use of light fuel (low sulphur content) x Avoid unnecessary use of machinery Noise x Well maintenance of vehicles and machinery Contractor N/A pollution x Avoid unnecessary use of machinery x Restrict working hours to day time only x Workers could wear voice cancelation headphones Water quality x Use of water of high quality during the drilling process Contractor 5000/- in order to minimize the risk of polluting groundwater x Boreholes must be cased and grouted to avoid cross contamination of aquifers x Drilling sumps must be compacted to minimize interaction with shallow groundwater. Wherever possible, above ground sumps or mud handling systems should be used x High turbid water from borehole drilling should be sieved before being disposed of into the sea x Oil/chemical handling procedures should be made known to all staff members x Follow corresponding chemical handling procedure when handling any chemicals x All machinery and equipment should be well maintained to avoid accidental spillage x Relevant staff members should be well trained about proper use of machinery and equipment x Have emergency oil spill cleanup crew on standby during construction x Wastewater should be disposed of through sea outfall pipes x Proper care should be taken as not to spill any oils or wastewater into the ground x The measures highlighted in borehole drilling guideline must be strictly followed during borehole construction 61

x It is anticipated that dewatering will not be required, however in case it is required, water should be recharged back to the ground to a designated area proposed by the Island Council. Waste x Littering, accidental disposal and spillage of any Contractor N/A construction wastes should be avoided by pre-planning ways of their transportation and unloading x Careful planning of the work activities can also reduce the amount of waste generated x Waste segregation on site and reuse as much as possible x Segregated waste must be taken to the waste management center at Hoarafushi to be treated accordingly x Health and safety materials should be made available to workers specifying instructions on how to handle hazardous wastes and how to act during a chemical spill Trenching x If necessary, the area should be sprayed with water to Contractor N/A minimize human exposure to dust x Trenched material should be stockpiled at a designated area OPERATIONAL PHASE Noise x Can be minimized through construction of barriers MEE 2000 pollution Degradation x Localize wastewater discharge area to one area by MEE N/A of marine either connecting to the sewer outfall or laying brine environment outfall close to the sewer outfall x Extend the outfall pipe into the ocean out of reef flat Public roofs x Gutter openings should be covered with a mesh to Operator 2000 (used for prevent mice and other pests from entering the gutter and rainwater rainwater network harvesting) x Roofs used for rainwater harvesting should be cleaned at least once a month x There should be a 1st flush mechanism which is automatic or semi-automatic to rinse the roofs. Water collected from 1st flush should be diverted to the ground to recharge groundwater x Scheduled cleaning of rainwater collecting tanks should be carried out

9.2. Risk management and incident response Risk management procedures in this project are strengthened by adopting a more systematic risk management approach to safety. This is achieved by identifying all foreseeable hazards (as stated in section 8 of this report), assessing the risk of each hazard and providing a means to control the risks (mitigation measures). Additionally, the design incorporates safety measures such as a fire hydrant network in case of a fire hazard. Moreover, the new facility is to be built in accordance with the building codes of a desalination facility and need to be equipped with modern facilities to ensure that the risks are minimized as much as possible.


9.3. Sustainable development management policy The design and implementation of the project ensures that the proposed project is sustainable. As such, measures adopted to promote sustainable development include some guiding principles as well as components incorporated into the project design. These include:- x About 30 % of annual rainwater demand will be obtained through rainwater harvesting. In addition to cutting down the cost, this will greatly reduce the environmental impacts through reducing the intake amount as well as by reducing the salinity of brine discharge which would otherwise be very high; x Incorporating predicted population for the upcoming 35 years was an integral part of project design to ensure that the project is feasible in terms of catering for the future generations; x Ensure environmental compliance with the Governmental policies and regulations; x Protect people, property and the local environment; x Reduce ecological impacts of the services provided; and x Increase customer satisfaction.

9.4. Managing uncertainties Uncertainty is an integral part of an EIA as EIA preparation involves prediction. The two types of uncertainties associated with the EIA process include those associated with the process and those associated with predictions. With the former, the question is whether the most important impacts have been identified and whether the recommendations will be acted upon. In order to reduce such uncertainties, a wide range of stakeholders have been consulted (Section 6) in the EIA process in order to minimize the risk of missing important impacts. For the latter, the uncertainty is in the accuracy of the findings. This can be improved by research and quality of the survey. It should also be noted that even though EIA cannot give a precise picture of the future, it enables uncertainties to be better managed and is an aid to better decision making.

9.5. Environmental monitoring Monitoring is an essential part of the EIA and project implementation and serves 3 purposes:- 1. Ensures that the proposed mitigation measures are being implemented; 2. Evaluates whether the proposed mitigation measures are working effectively; and 3. Validates the accuracy of models or projections that were used during impact assessment process. The purpose of monitoring is to compare predicted impacts with that of the actual impacts, particularly if the impacts are either very important or the scale of the impact cannot be

63 predicted accurately. The results of monitoring can then be used to manage the environment, particularly to highlight problems early on so an action can be taken. Monitoring should not be seen as an open-ended commitment to data collection and to minimize the expenses associated with collecting unnecessary data, the data collection should cease when the need for monitoring ceases. Therefore, it is important that a proper monitoring schedule is adhered to. Conversely, monitoring may also indicate the need for more intensive study. The information obtained from monitoring can be extremely useful for future EIAs in making them more accurate as well as more effective. The baseline data collection for the proposed project conducted in October 2016. Baseline surveys were conducted to determine the reference range, so that comparisons can be made during the monitoring to determine the change. All monitoring activities must be carried out under supervision of a registered EIA consultant. Details of the monitoring program are given in Table 19 below.

Table 19. Environmental monitoring plan proposed for the construction of new powerhouses at 7 islands Parameter Phase Method Indicators Frequency Cost / MRF Groundwater Operation Test of Salinity Every 3 months during 800 quality and groundwater Turbidity construction and once after Construction parameters becoming operational Seawater Operation Test of Salinity Every 3 months 600 quality groundwater Turbidity parameters Benthic Operation Photo transects Percentage Every 3 months 3500 substrate coral cover


10. JUSTIFICATION AND CONCLUSION Two types of environmental impacts are associated with this project, constructional and operational impacts. While impacts due to construction phase of the project is temporary and short-term, impacts during the operational phase are long-term and permanent. Impacts of highest significance from this project are on the marine environment and terrestrial vegetation. While impacts on marine environment is inevitable in a project of this nature due to reject water discharge, mitigation measures include limiting the extent of seawater pollution by connecting the brine discharge pipeline to the existing sewer outfall. Moreover, extending outfall pipes into the ocean could completely prevent any detrimental effects on the marine substrata. Marine assessment of the proposed discharge outfall locations show that living marine life is low at the area. Additionally, it is a high mixing zone, making the proposed location ideal for discharge of reject water. It should be noted that even though some of the impacts are irreversible and could have detrimental effects on the environment, it should not be seen as a hindrance to the development of any place. As the main purpose of an EIA as well as environmental consultation is to facilitate sustainable development, this report ensures that best possible environmental solutions are provided for the development of water distribution system to Hoarafushi. The design of the proposed facility is with due consideration to the predicted water demand for the population of Hoarafushi. Mitigation measures have been proposed with respect to predicted outcomes as well as professional expertise of the consultants. Moreover, risk analysis shows that the proposed project has positive outcomes in terms of public health through provision of safe water and ensuring water security to the population, hence contributing positively to the social wellbeing of the Hoarafushi community. Therefore, the consultants conclude that the proposed project is feasible and given that the proper mitigation measures are applied, any negative environmental impacts could be minimized.


11. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Consultants would like to extend sincere gratitude to everyone who have contributed to this report. Thanks are due to representatives of island council members of HA. Horafushi. Those who contributed to the consultation meetings are highly appreciated. The project proponent (MEE) and project design team (Greentech) are appreciated for their generosity in providing any requested information for the compilation of this EIA report. List of people who contributed to individual chapters of this report and CVs of unregistered consultants are given below.



H.YeniseeȱȱȱȱȱȱȱM.ȱFenfoahmaȱ BuruzuȱMagu,ȱMale’ȱ2025ȱȱ ȱ ȱ ȱ HaveereeȱHingun,ȱMale’ȱ20281ȱȱ ȱȱȱȱȱȱȱȱ777ȱ5640ȱ ȱȱ ȱ ȱ [email protected]ȱ ȱ ȱ


x Ph.D.ȱCivilȱEngineeringȱ(2005),ȱ(Thesis:ȱWaveȱovertoppingȱofȱcoastalȱstructures),ȱTheȱ UniversityȱofȱLiverpool,ȱUnitedȱKingdomȱ x MScȱ(Eng)ȱMaritimeȱCivilȱEngineeringȱ(2000),ȱTheȱUniversityȱofȱLiverpool,ȱUnitedȱKingdomȱ x BEngȱ(Hons)ȱCivilȱEngineeringȱ(1995),ȱUniversityȱofȱBrighton,ȱUnitedȱKingdom.ȱ ȱ


x Member,ȱInternationalȱAssociationȱforȱHydraulicȱResearch,ȱDelft,ȱTheȱNetherlands.ȱ x Member,ȱAmericanȱInstituteȱofȱCivilȱEngineers,ȱUSAȱ x GraduateȱMember,ȱInstitutionȱofȱCivilȱEngineers,ȱUKȱ x Member,ȱAssociationȱofȱCoastalȱEngineers,ȱUSAȱ x Member,ȱCoastalȱStructuresȱNetwork,ȱUKȱ x Member,ȱBeachȱProcessesȱNetwork,ȱUKȱ x Member,ȱCoastalȱWatersȱNetwork,ȱUKȱ x RegisteredȱNationalȱEIAȱConsultant,ȱMaldivesȱ x NationalȱProfessionalȱCivilȱEngineersȱRegisterȱ(HighestȱLevel),ȱ(MinistryȱofȱHousingȱandȱ Environment,ȱMaldives)ȱ ȱ ȱ


x Member,ȱHarbourȱTechnicalȱCommittee,ȱMinistryȱofȱPlanningȱandȱNationalȱDevelopment,ȱ Maldivesȱ(2005ȱ–ȱ2008)ȱ x CouncilȱMember,ȱCollegeȱofȱIslamicȱStudies,ȱMaldivesȱ(2006Ȭ2008)ȱ x Member,ȱAdvisoryȱCommitteeȱonȱTrainingȱandȱSkillsȱDevelopment,ȱMaldivesȱ(2005ȱ–ȱ2010)ȱ x Member,ȱHousingȱandȱUrbanȱDevelopmentȱTechnicalȱCommittee,ȱMaldivesȱ(2006ȱ–ȱ2008).ȱ x Member,ȱPopulationȱandȱDevelopmentȱConsolidationȱCommittee,ȱMaldivesȱ(2004ȱ–ȱ2008)ȱ x Member,ȱClimateȱChangeȱAdvisoryȱCouncilȱtoȱtheȱPresidentȱ(2009ȱ–ȱ2012)ȱ x Member,ȱEnforcementȱBranchȱofȱtheȱKyotoȱComplianceȱCommitteeȱ(2009ȱ–ȱ2012)ȱ x RegisteredȱNationalȱEIAȱConsultantȱȱ x Chairman,ȱEIAȱRegistrationȱBoard,ȱEnvironmentalȱProtectionȱAgencyȱ(2008ȱ–ȱ2012)ȱȱ x PermanentȱRepresentativeȱofȱMaldivesȱwithȱWorldȱMeteorologicalȱOrganisationȱ(2009ȱ–ȱ 2012)ȱȱ x NationalȱFocalȱPointȱtoȱtheȱGEF,ȱUNCCD,ȱCBD,ȱUNFCCC,ȱIPCC,ȱIFCSȱ(2008ȱ–ȱ2012)ȱ x CouncilȱMember,ȱMaldivesȱCollegeȱofȱHigherȱEducationȱ(2010ȱ–ȱ2011)ȱ x CouncilȱMember,ȱTheȱMaldivesȱNationalȱUniversityȱ(2011ȱ–ȱ2014)ȱ x Memberȱ(Alternate),ȱAdaptationȱFundȱBoardȱunderȱKyotoȱProtocolȱandȱMemberȱofȱProjectsȱ andȱProgrammeȱCommitteeȱofȱAFBȱ(Janȱ2012ȱ–ȱMarchȱ2015)ȱ 12. REFERENCES Stansfeld, S. A., & Matheson, M. P. (2003). Noise pollution: non-auditory effects on health. British Medical Bulletin, 68, 243-257. Zahid., 2011, The influence of Asian monsoon variability on precipitation patterns over the Maldives, PhD thesis, University of Canterbury, Newzealand. Maldives Energy Outlook, 2013, Ministry of Environment and Energy McAlpine, C. A., Seabrook, L. M., Rhodes, J. R., Maron, M., Smith, C., Bowen, M. E., Butler, S. A., Powell, O., Ryan, J. G., Fyfe, C. T., Adams-Hosking, C., Smith, A., Robertson, O., Howes, A., & Cattarino, L. (2010). Can a problem-solving approach strengthen landscape ecology’s contribution to sustainable landscape planning? Landscape Ecology, 25(8), 1155- 1168. Ministry of Education, 2013, Schools Statistics Ministry of Environment & Construction (2004). State of the Environment 2004. MEC, Male’, Maldives. Department of National Planning (2010). Statistical Yearbook of Maldives 2010. DNP, Male’, Maldives. United Nations Population Fund. (2016). Maldives’ Population Dynamics: Policy Prospects for Human Growth and Opportunity. UNFPA, Male’, Maldives. United Nations Development Program Maldives (2006). Developing a Disaster Risk Profile for Maldives, Volume 1: Main report. UNDP, Male’, Maldives. US Environment Protection Agency [US EPA]. (2016a). EPA Identifies Noise Levels Affecting Health and Welfare. Retrieved from noise-levels-affecting-health-and-welfare

US Environment Protection Agency [US EPA]. (2016b).Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)

Standards- Table of historical NO2 NAAQS. Retrieved from World Health Organization [WHO]. (1996). Guidelines for drinking-water quality, 2nd ed. Vol. 2, Geneva, Switzerland.




APPENDIX A- LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS BOD- Biological Oxygen Demand CBD- Convention on Biological Diversity DN- Decision Note EIA- Environmental Impact Assessment EPA- Environmental Protection Agency GHG- Greenhouse Gas GIS- Geographic Information System GPS- Global Positioning System HPA-Health Protection Agency MEE- Ministry of Environment and Energy MNDF- Maldives National Defense Force MPHRE- Ministry of Planning, Human Resource and Environment MWSA- Maldives Water and Sanitation Authority MWSC- Male’ Water and Sewerage Company RO- Reverse osmosis SAARC- South Asian Association for Regional Corporation SST- Sea surface temperature TDS- Total Dissolved Solids ToR- Terms of Reference UN- United Nations UNDP- United Nations Development Program UNFCCC- United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change WHO- World Health Organization








  


Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE 


Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE 

Ø110mm PE PIPE Ø110mm PE PIPE


80mm dia Ø90mm PE PIPE   Ø90mm PE PIPE Park Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE


Ø160mm PE PIPE FIRE Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE HYDRENT  Mosque Ø90mm PE PIPE Public Green Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE

Ø110mm PE PIPE

Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE 

Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE PE Ø63mm Ø90mm PE PIPE 5 Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE


Public 5 Green

Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø160mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE


Ø90mm PE PIPE  Ø90mm PE PIPE Agriculture Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Center

Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Greenhouses

Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE  Ø90mm PE PIPE

Ø110mm PE PIPE

Ø110mm PE PIPE Football PIPE PE Ø90mm Ground  Public Ø90mm PE PIPE Green Ø90mm PE PIPE Youth

Ø160mm PE PIPE club Ø110mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE

Ø63mm PE PIPE Land for exercise Park 4 Ø160mm PE PIPE   Ø90mm PE PIPE FIRE Ø160mm PE PIPE  80mm dia HYDRENT  School Ø63mm PE PIPE 



Ø160mm PE PIPE PE Ø160mm Land For Majistrate court Ø90mm PE PIPE

Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE PE Ø90mm

Ø90mm PE PIPE PE Ø90mm  Ø63mm PE PIPE PE Ø63mm Ø63mm PE PIPE PE Ø63mm 

Ø63mm PE PIPE RAIN WATER Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø160mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø160mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE 150mm dia  Ø160mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Land For sewerage System plant Ø63mm PE PIPE TANK FIRE Ø90mm PE PIPE HYDRENT Ø63mm PE PIPE telcom Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE tower Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø160mm PE PIPE 80mm dia  Ø160mm PE PIPE Madrasa  Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE

Ø90mm PE PIPE 6 POWER Ø160mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE 80mm dia

 HOUSE Ø90mm PE PIPE PE Ø90mm Ø63mm PE PIPE

Ø160mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE  Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE


80mm dia  Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE


Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE   



Ø160mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE



Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE PE Ø90mm

Ø160mm PE PIPE

FIRE  Mosque HYDRENT

Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Park Ø63mm PE PIPE



  

 Ø90mm PE PIPE  2  Ø160mm PE PIPE 1 80mm dia 80mm dia Ø90mm PE PIPE Majistrate Island Ø63mm PE PIPE   Ø160mm PE PIPE Court office  Ø90mm PE PIPE   Ø160mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE

Ø90mm PE PIPE MOSQUE 150mm dia Ø160mm PE PIPE 

M PIPE PE Ø90mm Park 3


Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø160mm PE PIPE RAIN WATER Ø90mm PE PIPE 8 proposed Island Cemetery Office

Ø90mm PE PIPE  SHOPS Ø90mm PE PIPE  Ø90mm PE PIPE  160mm PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Park Ø90mm PE PIPE



Ø90mm PE PIPE Park


Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø160mm PE PIPE  Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE FIRE HYDRENT DEAD ENDS Ø160mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE 



Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø160mm PE PIPE

Ø110mm PE PIPE

Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø160mm PE PIPE 7 100mm dia Ø110mm PE PIPE   Dhiraagu  CONNECTION   Ø110mm PE PIPE Ø160mm PE PIPE 

public PIPE PE Ø90mm  80mm dia  Green Ø160mm PE PIPE Mosque  Ø110mm PE PIPE

POINT Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø110mm PE PIPE PE Ø110mm Ø63mm PE PIPE 100mm dia    Mosque Ø160mm PE PIPE

Ø110mm PE PIPE  Ø63mm PE PIPE

 PIPE PE Ø63mm    Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Big Fish Company Land Mosque


Ø110mm PE PIPE Ø90mm PE PIPE Oil Store Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø110mm PE PIPE   Ø90mm PE PIPE 10 Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø110mm PE PIPE


Health Center Public Green corporative Park store


Ø90mm PE PIPE Ø160mm PE PIPE


10mm PE PIPE Proposed  

 police  FIRE  HYDRENT stn Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE defunct






Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE Football Ø63mm PE PIPE  

Ø63mm Ground PE PIPE PE


Ø63mm PE PIPE Ø63mm PE PIPE   Muddy Area

Ø63mm PE PIPE FISH VILLAGE 60mm dia 

Ø63mm PE PIPE Muddy Area

Waste Ø63mm PE PIPE Management

0 50 100 200 300 400 500 m

250 500 1000 1500 ft




ID Task Name Duration Start Finish Half 1, 2017 Half 2, 2017 Half 1, 2018 Half 2, 2018 O N D J F M A M J J A S O N D J F M A M J J A S O 1 Construction Schedule Ha.Hoarafushi and 540 days Wed 30-11-16 Wed 23-05-18 Hdh.Hanimadhoo islands 2 Mobilization of contract 30 days Wed 30-11-16 Thu 29-12-16

3 Site Mobilization 0 days Thu 29-12-16 Thu 29-12-16 29-12

4 Planning and Approvals 120 days Fri 30-12-16 Fri 28-04-17

5 Construction Works 360 days Sat 29-04-17 Mon 23-04-18

6 Water Distribution Network 360 days Sat 29-04-17 Mon 23-04-18

7 Brine Outfall 210 days Mon 29-05-17 Sun 24-12-17

8 Water Treatment (SWRO) Plant 300 days Sat 29-04-17 Thu 22-02-18

9 RO Plant Room & Admin Building Construction 300 days Sat 29-04-17 Thu 22-02-18

10 Ancillary Construction Works 38 days Fri 23-02-18 Sun 01-04-18

11 Completion of Construction works 0 days Mon 23-04-18 Mon 23-04-18 23-04

12 Testing and Commissioning 30 days Tue 24-04-18 Wed 23-05-18

13 Construction Schedule R.Ungoofaaru and Sh.Milandhoo 540 days Sat 31-12-16 Sat 23-06-18 islands 14 Mobilization of contract 30 days Sat 31-12-16 Sun 29-01-17

15 Site Mobilization 0 days Sun 29-01-17 Sun 29-01-17 29-01

16 Planning and Approvals 120 days Mon 30-01-17 Mon 29-05-17

17 Construction Works 360 days Tue 30-05-17 Thu 24-05-18

18 Water Distribution Network 360 days Tue 30-05-17 Thu 24-05-18

19 Brine Outfall 210 days Fri 28-07-17 Thu 22-02-18

20 Water Treatment (SWRO) Plant 300 days Tue 30-05-17 Sun 25-03-18

21 RO Plant Room & Admin Building Construction 300 days Tue 30-05-17 Sun 25-03-18

22 Ancillary Construction Works 38 days Mon 26-03-18 Wed 02-05-18

23 Completion of Construction works 0 days Thu 24-05-18 Thu 24-05-18 24-05

24 Testing and Commissioning 30 days Fri 25-05-18 Sat 23-06-18

25 Construction Schedule Th.Guraidhoo, Ga.Villingili and 540 days Tue 31-01-17 Tue 24-07-18 Dh. Kudhahuvadhoo islands 26 Mobilization of contract 30 days Tue 17-01-17 Wed 15-02-17

27 Site Mobilization 0 days Tue 28-02-17 Tue 28-02-17 28-02

28 Planning and Approvals 120 days Thu 02-03-17 Thu 29-06-17

29 Construction Works 360 days Fri 30-06-17 Sun 24-06-18

30 Water Distribution Network 360 days Fri 30-06-17 Sun 24-06-18

31 Brine Outfall 210 days Sat 29-07-17 Fri 23-02-18

32 Water Treatment (SWRO) Plant 300 days Fri 30-06-17 Wed 25-04-18

33 RO Plant Room & Admin Building Construction 300 days Fri 30-06-17 Wed 25-04-18

34 Ancillary Construction Works 38 days Thu 26-04-18 Sat 02-06-18

35 Completion of Construction works 0 days Sun 24-06-18 Sun 24-06-18 24-06

36 Testing and Commissioning 30 days Mon 25-06-18 Tue 24-07-18

37 Construction Schedule Lh.Naifaru island 540 days Thu 02-03-17 Thu 23-08-18

38 Mobilization of contract 30 days Thu 02-03-17 Fri 31-03-17

39 Site Mobilization 0 days Fri 31-03-17 Fri 31-03-17 31-03

40 Planning and Approvals 120 days Sat 01-04-17 Sat 29-07-17

41 Construction Works 360 days Sun 30-07-17 Tue 24-07-18

42 Water Distribution Network 360 days Sun 30-07-17 Tue 24-07-18

43 Brine Outfall 210 days Sun 30-07-17 Sat 24-02-18

44 Water Treatment (SWRO) Plant 300 days Sun 30-07-17 Fri 25-05-18

45 RO Plant Room & Admin Building Construction 300 days Sun 30-07-17 Fri 25-05-18

46 Ancillary Construction Works 38 days Sat 26-05-18 Mon 02-07-18

47 Completion of Construction works 0 days Tue 24-07-18 Tue 24-07-18 24-07

48 Testing and Commissioning 30 days Wed 25-07-18 Thu 23-08-18

Task Summary Inactive Milestone Duration-only Start-only External Milestone Critical Split

Project: Construction Schedule Split Project Summary Inactive Summary Manual Summary Rollup Finish-only Deadline Progress Milestone Inactive Task Manual Task Manual Summary External Tasks Critical Manual Progress