The Development of Clinical Renal Transplantation

Thomas E. Starzl, MD, PhD

"NY TWO PEOPLE can travel the same road sional identical and fraternal twin cases of the mid ftand see different things. Thus, others discus­ and late 1950s. These clinical trials in 1962 and sing the history of renal transplantation might have 1963 provoked editorials questioning the inherent noted different landmarks. Valuable personal rem­ feasibility of such efforts, as well as their ethical iniscences have been written by R.Y. CaIne of basis. 6 Yet, these trials were already late in a long, England l and J.E. Murray of Boston,2 whose ini­ but at first slowly unfolding, story of whole organ tially separate careers came together in a remark­ transplantation, which was dominated by but not able joint venture at Harvard in 1960. In addition, confined to the kidney. original articles, which are usually cited in histori­ cal reviews, but rarely read because of their inac­ THE EARLIEST BEGINNINGS cessibility, were republished recently in a volume Heterotransplantation of the Clio Chirurgica series. 3 Perusal of this ma­ The first known attempts at clinical renal trans­ terial gives unusual insight into the process of dis­ plantation by vascular anastomoses were made covery and development. Another prime source of without between 1906 and historical information was published in 1972 by 1923 with pig, sheep, goat, and subhuman primate Professor Carl Groth, the Swedish transplantation donors. The first of these efforts were in France? who examined the medical literature from and Germany,8 but others followed as summarized the crucial period of 1950 to 1970 and interviewed elsewhere. 4.9 None of the kidneys functioned for or corresponded with almost all of the physicians long, if at all, and the human recipients died from and who were working during this time. 4 a few hours to 9 days later. Although there was as a practical therapeutic little or no understanding of the biologic barrier to option came from a series of steps that began to success, some principles were clearly delineated. appear in the literature at the turn of this century. The applicability of vascular suture techniques, At first, the steps were small, widely spread in and even the possibility of using pelvic implanta­ time, and often quixotic enough to be overlooked tion sites, were either envisioned or actually prac­ or condemned. As late as 1961, the Nobel Laure­ ticed. No further renal heterotransplantations (ani­ ate Macfarland Burnet wrote in the New England mal to man) were tried again until 1963 when Journal of Medicine that" ... much thought has systematic and surprisingly successful clinical been given to ways by which tissues or organs not trials were made with chimpanzee9 and baboon 10.11 genetically and antigenically identical with the pa­ kidneys. The eventual death of all of the recipients tient might be made to survive and function in the of animals organs ended renal heterotransplanta­ alien environment. On the whole, the present out­ tion trials. look is highly unfavorable to success .... "5 This opinion was published on the eve of the successful Homotransplantation clinical renal transplantations in 1962 and 1963 The first human to human kidney transplantation that extended such procedures beyond the occa- (homotransplantation) was reported in 1936 by the Russian, VoronoY,12 who transplanted a kidney from a cadaver donor of B + blood type to a recip­ From the Department of Surgery, University Health Center of ient of 0 + blood type in violation of what have Pittsburgh, University of Pittsburgh, and the Veterans Adminis­ 13 tration Medical Center, Pittsburgh, PA. become accepted rules of tissue transfer. A Supported by Research Grants from the Veterans Administra­ further adverse factor was that the donor had been tion and Project Grant No. DK 29961 from the National Insti­ dead for 6 hours. The recipient died 48 hours later tutes of Health, Bethesda, MD. without making urine. Address reprint requests to Thomas E. Starzl, MD, PhD, De­ Sporadic further efforts at renal homotransplan­ partment of Surgery, 3601 Fifth Ave, Falk Clinic, Pittsburgh, PA 15213. tation were made in the 20 ensuing years without © 1990 by the National Kidney Foundation, fnc. effective immunosuppression as documented by 0272-6386/90/1606-0007$3.00/0 Groth. 4 The heterotopic extraperitoneal technique

548 American Journal of Kidney Diseases, Vol XVI, No 6 (December), 1990: pp 548-556 HISTORY OF KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION 549 of renal transplantation that became today's stand­ The Identical Twin Cases ard was developed by the French surgeons Du­ Two days before Christmas 1954. an identical bost, 14 Kuss, 15 and Servelle l6 and their associates. twin transplantation was performed at the Peter John Merrill, a Boston nephrologist, had seen the Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston by the surgeons extraperitoneal operation while traveling in France J.E. Murray and J.H. Harrison in collaboration in the early 1950s, as was mentioned by Hume et with the nephrologist J.P. Merrill.2,18 They used alY This technique was adapted for the histori­ the ectopic extraperitoneal technique originally cally important identical and fraternal twin cases described by the French surgeons. 14'16 The recipi­ in Boston.1 8.1 9 Today, variations of the operation ent survived for more than two decades. Living­ shown in Fig I are used worldwide. donor nephrectomy was an unusual operation at As isolated events, or even in combination, that time, and except for the ultimately unsuccess­ none of the foregoing efforts would have had a ful mother-to-offspring transplantation reported major impact on medical practice. The principal by Michon et al,21 it had been limited to the re­ ingredients of , namely im­ moval of "expendable" kidneys excised during munosuppression, tissue matching, and organ pro­ creation of ventriculoureteric cerebral spinal fluid curement (and preservation), were either unknown shunts or for other reasons. No effort was made to or so undeveloped that grafting of the kidney at a preserve the excised identical twin kidney, which practical level was only a dream. Only two pa­ functioned promptly even though it underwent 82 tients may have derived some benefit. The first ex­ minutes of warm ischemia time. Merrill et aP8 ample of probable extended homograft function gave credit for originally suggesting the transplan­ was in a patient of Lawler et al.2° The only other tation to the recipients'S physician, David C. example of prolonged homograft function through Miller of the Public Health Service Hospital, Bos­ 1954 was in a nonimmunosuppressed patient of ton. It was already known that skin grafts between Hume et al 17 whose was placed in the thigh, identical twins were not rejected. 22 with function for 5 months. The application of this information in the trans­ plantation of a vital organ was a bold extension of this principle and one that depended in the absence of immunosuppression on the perfect tissue match that could be obtained only with genetic identity of the donor and recipient. The efforts that were \ made to be sure of this condition were extraor­ dinary, and ultimately included . Further progress in the presence of an immuno­ logic barrier would require effective immunosup­ pression.

IMMUNOSUPPRESSION FROM 1959 to 1980 Appreciation by Medawar23 that rejection is an immunologic phenomenon made inevitable almost everything that followed. By 1960, the possibility of weakening the recipient in or­ der to mitigate rejection had been established in ($huwn 111-­ animals with corticosteroids,24 total body irradia­ CYoS$- $ectlOn) tion,2526 and the cytotoxic drug 6-mercapto­ purine2730 or its imidazole derivative, azathio­ prine. 31 However, prolonged survival of skin or kidney grafts in experimental animals was a rela­ tively uncommon achievement. Sporadic attempts to use these techniques for renal homotransplanta­ Fig 1. Extraperitoneal renal transplantation to tion in humans were so unsuccessfu141932,34 that it pelvic site. (Reprinted with permission.38) was widely thought that the immunosuppression 550 THOMAS E. STARZL requisite to prevent rejection would inevitably lead lated by that time at the University of Colorado to immunologic invalidism and lethal infections. provided the basis for the first textbook on renal There are no surviving patients from the era pre­ transplantation. 38 This same time frame was used ceding 1962 during which immunosuppression to collect all 342 renal homotransplants performed usually was provided by in the world. 39 The impetus for this extraordinary (Table 1). However, the long survival of two fra­ compilation came from Joseph E. Murray of Bos­ ternal twin recipients studied during this earlier ton, following a conference sponsored by the Na­ period provided an exceptional incentive for con­ tional Research Council and the National Acad­ tinuing efforts during an otherwise bleak time. emy of Sciences on September 26 and 27, 1963 in The first of these irradiated fraternal (nonidenti­ Washington, DC. About 25 early workers (sur­ cal) twins, received his brother's kidney in Boston geons, physicians, and pathologists) who had con­ on January 24, 1959. 19,32,35 He died in August tributed to the embryonal new specialty of renal 1979 of arteriosclerotic heart disease (personal transplantation were the participants. communication, Robert Kirkman, August 1989). The meticulousness of the first registry report39 The second irradiated fraternal twin was trans­ made it possible 25 years later in the summer of planted in Paris on June 29, 1959,36 and died on 1989 to trace the fate of all non-twin kidney recipi­ July 13, 1985 of carcinoma of the bladder (per­ ents who had been alive at the end of March sonal communication, Henri Kreis, August 1989). 1964. 40 There were 24 25-year survivors, of Although a few patients treated in 1960 and 1961 whom 15 were from the original Colorado series. in Paris and Boston with 6-mercaptopurine or Nine were still alive at six other centers (Table 2). azathioprine with or without irradiation had ex­ These included three of David Hume's original pa­ tended survival, they also died within 18 months. tients at the Medical College of Virginia. 41 One of the Boston cadaveric kidney recipients, a It is noteworthy that none of the world's 24 patient of Murray and Merrill, was the first to quarter-century survivors had been given an unre­ have extended survival under drug therapy only. 33 lated donor kidney. Nor was there an example in The pessimism that resulted from these clinical the world of a 25-year survival of a cadaver donor trials was changed drastically in 1962 and 1963 kidney allograft at the time of this report. 40 A ca­ when it was discovered at the University of Col­ daver recipient in Paris who had maintained per­ orado that azathioprine and prednisone had at least fect renal function was expected to pass this bar­ additive, and probably synergistic, effects which rier on October 12, 1989 (personal allowed the prevention or reversal of renal homo­ communication, Henri Kreis, August 1989). This graft rejection in most clinical cases. 37 The impe­ French recipient was 31 years old at the time of tus given to renal transplantation as this informa­ tion became known was reflected in the startling Table 2. 2S-Year Survivors (Non-Twin) From proliferation of centers in 1962 to 1964. Era Before March 31, 1964 Considering the end of this explosive new phase Original Program as March 1964 was natural. The 64 cases accumu- No, Grafts Chief University of Colorado' 15 11 Table 1. PrinCipal Immunosuppressive Regimens Medical College of Used for Clinical Kidney Transplantation Virginia (Richmond) 3 3 David Hume Year University of Minnesota 2 2 William Kelly Agents Reported Place Reference Necker Hospital (Paris) 0 Jean Hamburger Peter Bent Brigham Total body irradiation 1960 Boston 19,35 Hospital (Boston) 1 Azathioprine 1962 Boston 32,33 Western Infirmary 0 Michael Woodruff Azathioprine-steroids 1963 Denver 37 () Antilymphoid globulin Cleveland Clinic Wilhelm Kollf (ALG) as adjunct* 1966 Denver 42 Cyclosporine 1978-1979 Cambridge 47 Total 24 18 Cyclosporine-steroids 1980 Denver 50 NOTE: Full documentation in reference 40. FK 506 1989 Pittsburgh 57 • Fourteen of these patients are still alive after 26 to 29 * Polyclonal ALG has been largely replaced by mono­ years. The other died of a myocardial infarction in postop­ clonal anti-T-lymphocy1e antibodies45 erative year 26. ----~---~-.----- ..------

HISTORY OF KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION 551 her transplantation in 1964 under the care of Pro­ daver donors were used. The margin between fessor Jean Hamburger. effective and toxic immunosuppression was too Because of dissatisfaction with azathioprine­ narrow. Consequently, the field of transplantation prednisone therapy, particularly for cadaveric re­ had a relative growth arrest throughout the 1970s, nal transplantation, modifications of or additions and there seemed to be little hope of major im­ to the original double-drug treatment were made provement. The clinical transplant sessions at sci­ during the next 16 years (Table 1). Most of the entific society meetings had become tedious expo­ modifications were designed to blunt the attack of sitions in which claims of results, counterclaims, the lymphocytes, which had been recognized as and shuffling of details of management filled the the mediators of rejection. The most significant programs. The boredom was relieved with the ar­ addition was antilymphocyte globulin (ALG), rival of cyclosporine. which was used as an adjunct to azathioprine and IMMUNOSUPPRESSION IN THE 19805 prednisone. 42 ALG consisted of polyclonal anti­ bodies raised in horses, rabbits, goats, or other The immunosuppressive qualities of the fungus animals by immunizing them to human lympho­ extract cyclosporine were delineated by Borel et cytes. 43 When thymic lymphocytes were used for al46 of Switzerland, and the first clinical trials for immunization, the product was called antithymo­ solid organ transplantation were performed by cyte globulin (ATG). The active ')I-globulin was CaIne and his associated in Cambridge, England, extracted, purified, and made ready for intramus­ beginning in the spring of 1978.41 There was a cular or intravenous use. Usually, ALG was ad­ high mortality in the 1978 to 1979 trials at Cam­ ministered during the first few weeks or months bridge, using cyclosporine with other drugs, and after transplantation. Alternatively, it was used for three of the first 34 recipients developed lympho­ the specific indication of rejection. mas. CaIne recommended that cyclosporine be In spite of its great potential value, polyclonal used alone for future trials. However, nephrotox­ ALG was not universally employed as a part of the icity almost invariably was observed at the doses antirejection armamentarium because of severely that were required. The complications of cyclo­ limiting features, including its inability to be sporine used with other agents were even more standardized. 43 This latter problem and other defi­ severe in further English trials of renal transplan­ ciencies were eliminated with the hybridoma tech­ tation by Sweny et al. 48 nology introduced by Kohler and Milstein. 44 With Trials in the United States of cadaver renal trans­ hybridoma cells injected into the peritoneum of plantation with cyclosporine were begun in late mice, a homogeneous (monoclonal) antihuman­ 1979 at the Peter Bent Brigham Hospital in Boston lymphocyte antibody could be produced. Therapy and at the University of Colorado, Denver. Disap­ with monoclonal antibodies was introduced into pointing results, no better than with azathioprine clinical medicine by Cosimi et al45 using the so­ and prednisone, were reported from Boston using called OKT3 antibodies, which selectively deplete cyclosporine as the sole drug for the first two post­ mature T lymphocytes. Their prime objective was operative months. 49 Case accrual was slow and to reverse kidney graft rejection that was nonre­ only 16 patients had been treated with cyclospor­ sponsive or poorly responsive to conventional cor­ ine at the Brigham by September 1981. In the ticosteroid therapy and azathioprine. OKT3 other. and far more encouraging American trial, at therapy has been proved to be of value clinically, the University of Colorado, cyclosporine was sys­ and it was released in 1986 for general use in the tematically combined with steroids. 50 The ability United States by the Food and Drug Administra­ to control rejection of cadaver organs with this tion (FDA). There has been much interest subse­ drug combination was greatly improved compared quently in even more specific monoclonal anti­ with any therapy in the past. Of equal importance, bodies that target highly specific subpopulations of the maintenance steroid doses generally were low lymphocytes. enough to allow survival with a considerable re­ In spite of what had been achieved by 1978 with duction in morbidity. By late May 1980, more than most of the foregoing drugs and drug combina­ 40 renal recipients of cadaver kidneys had been tions, renal transplantation remained an unpredict­ treated in Colorado. Later in 1980, two more able and dangerous undertaking, especially if ca- American trials of cyclosporine-steroid therapy 552 THOMAS E. STARZL were started in Minneapolis 51 and Houston. 52 With hibiting the synthesis and expression of interleukin the strategy of employing drug combinations with 2 and other cytokines, including interferon additive or synergistic immunosuppression, the gamma. It has been used clinically since February doses of individual agents usually could be kept in 1989 for kidney, liver, heart, and lung recipi­ the nontoxic range. Cyclosporine and steroids also entsY·58 Because FK 506 appears to be less have been combined in later years with azathio­ nephrotoxic than cyclosporine, has little effect on prine, and polyclonal or monoclonal ALG blood pressure, does not increase serum choles­ (OKT3). In November 1983, cyclosporine was re­ terol, and often can be used as monotherapy leased by the FDA for general use in the United (without steroids), it seems destined to permit States. further improvements in the care of renal trans­ By the time cyclosporine became generally plant recipients in the 1990s. available, the lymphomas that threatened the out­ look for cyclosporine at the outset were better un­ KIDNEY PROCUREMENT AND PRESERVATION derstood. Similar lymphoproliferative tumors, The fact that Voronoy's first cadaver kidney earlier called reticulum cell sarcomas, had been donor (in 1936) had been dead for 6 hours illus­ seen frequently under azathioprine-steroid therapy trated the lack of insight 50 years ago about the with or without ALG.53 It was realized in the pa­ requirements for successful organ preservation. tients treated with cyclosporine that these lesions The potential benefit of lowering the temperature usually were caused by Epstein-Barr virus infec­ of an excised organ was grasped instinctively by tions. By stopping or lightening immunosuppres­ early workers. However, even such inefficient at­ sive therapy, most of the lesions melted away tempts as surface cooling were not made in any of quickly without regard for their clonality.54 These the identical twin renal transplantations performed observations removed the specter of an over­ through 1962. The infusion of a cold solution into whelming cyclosporine mortality caused by de its blood supply (core cooling) was a simple con­ novo lymphoid malignancies. cept that was introduced into the laboratory almost The advent of cyclosporine improved the pros­ 30 years ago to make possible pects after living-related and especially cadaver in the dog. 59 Core cooling was later applied clini­ renal transplantation. It also had an impact on cally for transplantation of the kidney 60 and even­ transplantation of extrarenal organs. Cyclosporine tually for all other organs. changed liver and from ex­ Today, the intraoperative infusion of cold fluids otic experimental procedures to patient-service, at the donor operation is the essential first step for and made possible the previously unattainable ob­ effective organ removal and preservation. With all jectives of transplanting the heart and lungs, or organs, the overriding objective is avoidance of single lungs. In spite of these attainments, better warm ischemia. This is achieved by carefully drugs and immunosuppressive techniques have timed in situ infusion of cold solutions into ana­ been eagerly looked for because of the side effects tomical regions, the limits of which are defined by of cyclosporine, of which the most serious have preliminary dissection of the abdominal and/or been nephrotoxicity, arterial hypertension, neuro­ thoracic aorta and cross clamping at those levels. 61 toxicity, the production of diabetes mellitus, and Lactated Ringer's solution, the first infusate to cosmetic deformity from hirsutism, brutalization be used,60 has a low potassium content and is of the physiognomy in some children, gynecomas­ nearly isotonic. Chilled special solutions with an tia in men, and gum hyperplasia. 55 Most of these electrolyte composition similar to that in cells complications were already observed by CaIne by were shown in 1969 by Collins et al 62 and by 1980. others to extend the permissible limit of cold renal A new drug called FK 506 was a product of this ischemia beyond that achievable with isotonic so­ search. FK 506 was discovered in Japan by Kino et lutions. ars6 in 1984 during systematic screening for drugs Preservation, which once seemed the compo­ with antimicrobial, antineoplastic, or immunosup­ nent of transplantation most susceptible to im­ pressive qualities. FK 506 has no structural simi­ provement, changed slowly over the years. The larity to cyclosporine, but it has in common the approach exemplified by the original contribution ability to prevent T-Iymphocyte activation by in- of Collins et al 62 was to introduce novel ingre- HISTORY OF KIDNEY TRANSPLANTATION 553

dients into the solution, which stays in the cold sharing of organs from a common donor by recipi­ devascularized organ during storage, or to use ent teams from widely separated centers became agents to minimize the reperfusion injury after re­ routine in the 1980s. vascularization in the recipients. Then in 1987, Belzer and his associates63 introduced the Univer­ TISSUE TYPING sity of Wisconsin (UW) solution for static (so­ Matching called slush) storage. Among other constituents, Twenty-five years ago when the modern era of the UW solution contains two sugars, lactobionate transplantation was in its infancy, it was predicted and raffinose, which prevent the imbibition of wa­ that tissue matching would have to be perfected if ter by parenchymal and other cells in the graft. kidney grafting procedures were to succeed with There is more and more evidence that the graft any degree of reliability and predictability. The microvasculature also is better preserved with UW first prospective matching trials were started in solution than with past techniques, meaning that 1964 by Paul I. Terasaki of Los Angeles66,67 in col­ self-perpetuating injury is reduced after revascu­ laboration with the University of Colorado trans­ larization in the recipient. The UW solution, plantation team. which was first widely tested for liver transplanta­ The results were disappointing. Since then, the tion, is a generic advance that has also had an im­ validity of tissue matching, its genetic basis, and pact in renal transplantation. Now, kidneys can be above all its complexity have become increasingly preserved for 2 or 3 days with a high probability of recognized. Although the value of tissue matching prompt function. for transplantation between family members has The alternative to these simple refrigeration been established, the complexity of the human his­ techniques is continuous perfusion. Ackerman and tocompatibility system has militated against easy Barnard64 of Capetown described perfusion with matching between nonrelated people. Close cold blood under hyperbaric oxygenation. A matching for transplantation of the cadaver kidney widely used perfusion technique for kidneys was has not commonly been achieved, and lesser de­ described from San Francisco by Belzer et al,65 grees of matching have not correlated well with using an asanguinous and oncotically controlled the outcome. Whether these expensive efforts at perfusate fluid. The method is a good one, but the matching should continue has become a matter of quality of preservation in the first 2 days has not public policy because of the increasing use by the been markedly better than with the simpler and United Network of Organ Sharing (UNOS) of tis­ cheaper infusion and slush methods. sue matching as the overriding determinant of ca­ No matter what the ultimate method of preserva­ daver kidney distribution nationally. The inexpli­ tion, the first step is quick cooling of the kidneys, cable paradox continues of reports from two which usually are removed as part of the multiple multicenter case compilations (one American and graft procurement in "heart beating" cadaver one European) having an overlapping data base donors. Until 1981, transplantation of the ex­ which claim a slight but significant gain in survival trarenal organs was a rare event. By late 1981, it of well-matched versus mismatched cadaver kid­ had become obvious that liver and thoracic organ neys, whereas almost none of the major centers or transplant procedures were going to be wide­ consortia which contribute to these data pools are spread, and that a method of multiple organ pro­ able to see this trend in their own material. HLA curement would be required by which the kidneys, matching has faded as a factor in transplantation, liver, heart, and lungs or various combinations of because the results with modern day immunosup­ these organs could be removed without jeopardiz­ pression are almost as good with unmatched ca­ ing any of the individual organs. Such a system daveric kidneys as with kidneys from well­ was developed at the Universities of Colorado and matched blood relatives. Pittsburgh, and aided by the efforts of the Surgeon General of the United States, C. Everett Koop, the Cross-Matching technique was adopted as a worldwide standard al­ The importance of the cross-match concept re­ most overnight. 61 All organs to be used are cooled mains undiminished 25 years after its description. in situ, and after their cooling, they are rapidly None of the immunosuppressive measures availa­ removed by dissection in a bloodless field. The ble today can prevent the immediate destruction of 554 THOMAS E. STARZL kidneys by preformed humoral antibodies in what THE EFFECT OF has been called "hyperacute rejection." In 1965, TRANSPLANTATION ON NEPHROLOGY Terasaki et al66 described the first example of this Renal transplantation and nephrology came phenomenon. Kissmeyer-Nielsen et al,68 Williams from the same mother and father (medicine and et al,69 and numerous other observers7o have made surgery), were raised in the same crib, survived valuable observations about hyperacute rejection, sibling rivalries, and finally came to peace with but except for its variable association with pre­ each other. Eventually, the practice of nephrology formed antigraft antibodies, its exact pathogenesis was revolutionized by transplantation and vice is not understood. The process of sudden graft in­ versa. As great as it has been, the full impact of the farction with this kind of rejection is caused by relationship has yet to be felt. The immunosup­ occlusion of the graft microvasculature with pression that gives transplantation its specificity formed blood elements and clot, presumably fol­ has become, or promises to be, so powerful and lowing an antigen-antibody reaction, which is not highly focused on discrete components of the im­ always measurable. 71 Hyperacute rejection mune apparatus that many of the diseases lead­ usually, but not always, can be avoided by the ing to transplantation, including autoimmune cross-match test, which detects antidonor cyto­ nephritides and diabetes mellitus, could be inter­ toxic antibodies in the recipient serum in advance dicted in the near future by treatment similar to of operation. Understanding and prevention of hy­ that used to prevent graft rejection. peracute rejection could hold the key to successful heterotransplantation.

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