Saturday, 19th March 2017


. Feel like being a Welcome to the Powerup Radio! European Youth We’re On Air! Journalist? Forum Trogen! Everyday @ 6 PM Every day during the European Don’t miss our radioshows on Youth Forum we will release one We are happy to see you! or down- , , , , load the Powerup Radio App newspaper and a radio program, , Turkey, and Swit- (on I Tunes or Google Play) where you can participate and zerland: these are the participant organize debates, do interviews, Find more information write your daily column about one countries of the EYFT. This year 144 here! students from these eight countries topic and so many other possibil- will meet at the Pestalozzi Chil- ities! Come to our editorial board drens’ Village in Trogen to discuss tomorrow and bring your ideas current social and political chal- and energy to design and write lenges of Europe in various work- the Pestalozzi News during this shops. Topics of the workshops week! will be around identity, democracy, This is a map of the discrimination, migra-tion, con- Pestalozzi Children‘s 22 amphitheatre flict transformation and gender. A Village! In the Middle radiostudio group will also be involved in the you can see the „Be- 16 school Project house other houses sucherzentrum“ („Visi- Renovation media workshop in or-der to run tor Center) Where you this Magazine and the Radio for the 12 visitor center can find all the infor- week, in order to keep you updat- mation you need and

visit the PCF Museum! ed. Everyone is also welcome to

participate in Instagram and other

4 Ukraine

5 Germany social networks through contribu-

3 Latvia 2 Turkey tions and pictures. 19 15 kitchen 1 Hungary The EYFT is going to be a major 17 9 Russia Windsor event that will stay in the memory 21 repair shop of everyone involved in the years to 11 Youth Club

10 Italy come. 0 20 40 60 80 100 m Saturday, 19th March 2017 Saturday, 19th March 2017

Welcome to the Pestalozzi Children’s Village or Head, heart and hands Amygdala, Media and Survival After the end of the second World over Europe. knowledge and experiences in the The Reason Why We Love and Read Bad News All the Time War, in August 1944, the journal- field of intercultural education and Why is that? Step by step, simple but cosy ist Walter Robert Corti and Marie its foundation is now supporting houses were built in the tradition- As my friend of the media agency keep Meienhofer published an article children and their rights all over al Appenzeller style. Each house on saying, they are looking for “clicks”. in a Swiss magazine suggesting the world. was given a special name, and the to build a village to provide new If a web page receives more “clicks” first children living there arrived We are happy to welcome you in homes for some of Europe’s war (or a newspapers more readers), it will from , , , Ger- this amazing and meaningful orphans. be easier to survive in the Media many, Italy, Hungary, and place. Enjoy it! world. Why? Because nowadays, one Many people, in and out Switzer- . The village was strongly of the only mean of subsistence for land, reacted with enthousiasm influenced by the philosophy of the Medias is to sell advertisements (you to the idea and the commune of Swiss pedagogue Johan Heinrich do not believe me? Than how many Trogen (where you are right now) Pestalozzi (and thereby entitled times have you actually paid to read offered a piece of its land to build with his name). The idea was to information that someone had to write this village. The cornerstone cere- provide the kids with an education down and researched? There we go). mony took place in April 28th 1946, with the „head, heart and hands“, during the Landsgemeinde (a lo- where they could keep their own More clicks means more money. cal type of democracy, see next culture, learning to discover the paragraph). To support the con- one of the region they were liv- Therefore, we tend to see the world struction of the village, hundreds ing. For this reason the Pestalozzi through a negative bias and the Media The Pestalozzi Village during its construction of volunteers gathered from all Children Village developed strong reinforce this bias, due to their own pri- in 1946 ority to survive rather than facing their responsibility to submit information. Local Curiosities Therefore, we focus on bad news, we receive even more bad news and we The Landsgemeinde are overwhelmed by bad news. Very often, we open the news and ternal threats. In particular, we devel- Switzerland has a lot of interesting until the past centuries. Nowadays we feel overwhelmed by negative oped a part of our brain called “amyg- The world needs, now more than ever, living traditions. In particular, here this tradition is less strong than in news, they seem to be everywhere. dala”, which filters all the information positive news and has actually a LOT in Appenzell (and in another region the past and only the cantons of It is true, things are not exactly sweet we receive. When our brain receives OF THEM. (Just a note: we are not an called Glarus) we have a tradition Appenzell (IR) and Glarus are still and smooth in this world, but it is also information saying that we are in dan- advocate to naively observe the world that is famous in the whole Swit- keeping it. Only the people admit- well documented that Medias tend to as it would be perfect, but we also zerland called ted to the square can vote and in ger, the amygdala reacts and gives think that a more balanced vision of order to be admitted, people had focus in general more on negative than higher priority to this information. That “The ”. things would be more constructive for Landsgemeinde to prove their citizenship. Tra- positive information. is the so-called “negativity bias” and possibly one of the main reason why all of us). ditionally, men could show their Why is that? Why can we not have ac- negative news headlines attracts more sword of the Swiss army as a cess to more balanced information? But positive news, now more than ever, proof. the interest of the people than positive are extremely difficult to tell and to Apparently, it is exactly what we, the news. relate. Therefore, we propose to the The “Landsgemeinde” is a very old public, ask for. A friend of mine works This, of course, has huge conse- journalist coming to collaborate in the tradition, which dates back to the in a small media agency of the small- quences on the way we do jour- EYFT newspaper to think about it for Middle Age and it is often consid- est corner of Switzerland and yet she nalism. It is a vicious circle: since we the coming week and attempt to cre- ered a pillar of the Swiss Democ- keeps on claiming that they, too, are react quicker and with more interests ate a platform to for news that give racy. However, it has not always always looking for the worst local neg- to negative news, the Medias offers the priority to the quality of the infor- been very inclusive. In particular, ative news, because they are the first more and more of these news. mation and to the positive potential the women’s vote was granted ex- thing that the people read and what Moreover, often neutral or positive that bears in the world around us. tremely late, compared to other re- they remember at best. Negative news tend to be transformed in neg- While most of Swiss Cantons vote gion in Switzerland, in Europe and news are often perceived as more ative ones through catastrophic head- by paper ballot, people of these urgent and important than positive Links to explore more lines. two regions can still gather in the news and that is why they are gen- the topic Quiz: The Women’s vote in Appenzell and square of their capital cities (the erally more “successful” in term of In other terms: we get what we ask for, Some additional information “Landsgemeindeplatz”) once a in Switzerland public. but even more than what we asked for! on the negativity bias (Wiki- year and vote about regional is- 1. Can you guess in which of the following countries the women were pedia). sues raising their hands (or their granted vote after Switzerland? Neuroscientists call this attraction to But this is not all the responsibility of Positive News is a media swords!). This tradition is called •• the negative the “negativity bias”. our amygdala, of course. Indeed, the cooperative owned by rea- ders and journalists wor- “Landsgemeinde” (which means •• Apparently, some researches claim Medias could furnish more accurate, ld-wide. They are the world‘s Cantonal Assembly; “Canton” ••Afghanistan that “human evolved to be fearful” and neutral and even positive information, first crowd-funded global media cooperative, focusing only on is the name Swiss people give to 2. Appenzell (IR) is the last Canton in Switzerland, where women were that during our time as “hunters and despite the demands of the public. But quality information, doing constructive their regions) and it used to exist in allowed to vote, can you guess in which year? gatherers” in the human evolution, we this is something increasingly difficult journalism, reframing challenges into opportunities. many rural Cantons in Switzerland developed an aptitude to be alert and to do for a journalist. For the solutions, look on the last page of this Newspaper! ready to protect ourselves from ex- 2 | European Youth Forum Trogen 2017 European Youth Forum Trogen 2017 | 3 Saturday, 19th March 2017

Solutions to The strange story of the the Quiz women’s suffrage in Swit- Women’s suffrage in Switzerland was granted in 1971 and in 1991 in zerland (and in Appenzell Appenzell (IR)! Appenzell (IR) is the- re-fore the last jurisdiction in Euro- IR) pe to introduce the women’s vote. Switzerland allowed the women women’s vote there. Appenzell AR All the countries listed granted vote to vote considerably late in com- (where you are right now), finally to women before Switzerland: parison with other countries in the introduced it officially in 1987. Ho- world. Indeed, the Swiss (men’s) wever, Appenzell IR (the neighbou- •• Sweden is one of the first countries in the world giving the population initially refused to ring Canton) still resisted. It took right to vote to women for the grant the women’s vote in a vote the intervention of the Swiss Fe- local election (since 1718) of 1959 and final-ly accepted to deral Court, to force Appenzellers •• In Azerbaijan women inscribe it in its Constitution in to respect the constitutional law in could vote in local elec-tion sin- 1971. Until this moment, Swit- 1991 and finally grant women with ce 1918, being the first Mus- lim-majority country to grant wo- zerland and Lichtenstein were their universal right to vote. men’s vote the only countries in Europe were women were still not allowed to •• Women in Afghanistan vote. Even after Switzerland of- could vote since 1965 Did you say In 1941, the United Nation recog- ficially adopted the women’s nized the right to vote to women right to vote in its Constitution, Federalism? as a universal human right and in- some cantons still did not apply Federalism is a form of gover- nment, where the central (fe- scribed it in the Article 21 of the it. Switzerland being a federalist state (look below, if you do not deral) government delegates Universal Declaration of Human a number of tasks to the re- Rights (see below). know what that means), Cantons gional Governments (such as (regions) had a certain degree for example water supply and of autonomy to apply this law. education) as long as they do Article 21 of the not exceed over the national Some French-speaking Cantons constitution. That means the universal decla- were ahead of it, giving the right national Government general- ration of Human ly do not interfere with these to vote to women already since tasks, unless the re-gional rights 1959. However, due to constant governments do not respect 1. Everyone has the right to refusal of the men population the constitution (as it was the take part in the government case of the women’s vote in (and some women), the can-tons Appenzell IR). of his country, directly or th- of Appenzell AR and IR took a rough freely chosen repre- sentatives long time before introducing the

2. Everyone has the right of equal access to public ser- vice in his country.

3. The will of the people shall be the basis of the authority of government; this will shall be expressed in periodic and genuine elections which shall be by universal and equal suffrage and shall be held by secret vote or by equivalent free voting procedures

Source: United Nation (http:// ration-human-rights/index.html)

A Movie will soon be relea- Some pictures of the political campaigns about the women’s vote. The one on sed on the women‘s vote in the right says “No to the right to vote for women” (Showing a carpet-beater) Appenzell! Look the trailer and the one of the left says “Working Together, Voting Together”. These posters here! are respectively from 1948 and 1947 (Source: Schweizerischen Sozialarchiv).

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