Temple Beth David Bulletin March 2009 Rabbi Geoffrey Goldberg, Ph.D. Ron Kraus, President Samuel Asher, Cantor

From the Rabbi’s Desk March Schedule

Rabbi’s Office 730-5179 [email protected] Shabbat Evening: 7:30 p.m.

Purim, as many of us learnt in He- understood as yom ke-purim, “a day The next TBD Service at the JCC will brew school, is counted as one of the like Purim.” be on Friday, March 27 at 6pm in the “minor festivals.” The events that it Senior Lounge. commemorates are detailed in the Yom Kippur and Purim seem to be Shabbat Morning: 9 a.m. Book of Esther, one of the Five Megil- poles apart. Yom Kippur we associ- lot of the Ketuvim, the third section of ate with seriousness, fasting and Young Children’s Shabbaton: Bible, although there is no doubt that introspection, abstaining from sexual 10:00 to Noon Sat. in the popular mind, of these “Five relations. Purim, on the other hand, Scrolls,” the Book of Esther is ha- we associate with having a good Sunday Minyan: 9:30 a.m. Megillah, ‘the Megillah.” Despite its time, with eating and drinking, with Family Services: 10:30am “minor” status the rabbis held Purim getting a little shikker, beauty queens, Mar. 7 and Mar. 21 in great esteem, so much so that having a good joke and dressing up. Young Children’s Shabbat Svc. : some rather remarkable attitudes On Yom Kippur we fast on the actual March 7 day, but we feast before it (the se’u- towards Purim are recorded in the dah mafseket), whereas on Purim we rabbinic literature. eat during the day (and especially at

For example, the Midrash on Prov- the Purim se’udah) but traditionally

erbs holds (Mishlei 9:2), “Should all fast before it! On Yom Kippur we other festivals cease to be observed, don’t recite Kiddush (obviously) but

the days of Purim will never be an- on “minor” Purim there is a lovely

nulled.” On the other hand, in the tradition to recite an innovative

Talmud Yerushalmi we find the state- “Purim Kiddush.” Purim is very much

ment (Ta‛anit 2:12), “Though all other about dressing up and royal finery, Happy Purim!

festivals be abolished, Hanukkah and but on Yom Kippur we dress down. If Purim will never be annulled.” But Purim is all about color and variety,

perhaps the strangest opinion of all is Yom Kippur only knows of one color,

that found in the midrash collection the white of purity. Megillat Esther

(Yalkut Shimoni 994), “All the festi- does not even include the name of vals will in the future be abolished God (at least not explicitly), whereas Please remember to contact the Temple except Purim and Yom Kippur.” Yom Kippur was the Day when the Office if you are considering scheduling any High Priest pronounced God’s name, kind of event at Temple. This will help keep This last statement has always in- in the Holy of Holies. Purim is for everyone informed and avoid scheduling trigued me. Of course, to understand wearing masks and role playing, but conflicts. it, you need to appreciate that who- Yom Kippur is when we try to remove We are handicapped accessible and ever made this statement was having the masks and the roles we play at in a bit of fun, since one of the names equipped with a hearing loop. order to reveal our true selves in for the Day of Atonement is Yom ha- complete honesty before God. Kippurim, which not only sounds like But why are Purim and Yom Kippur Purim but in the mystical literature is (Continued on page 3)

The mission of Temple Beth David is to provide an environment where the concepts of community prayer, education, and service to the greater Jewish community are provided within the context of . We pride ourselves on being a friendly, participatory, egalitarian community, welcoming all to be a part of our synagogue family. Building on Strengths Ron Kraus, President 244-0865

When we complete the reading of one But more than a physical building, they Temple Beth David has also been re- of the five books of Moses, we say built a community of friendliness and ferred to as “The Shul of the Arts.” what in English is translated as “be caring. Visitors attending Shabbat Our membership includes musicians, strong, be strong, let us be strength- services often remark on the welcome textile artists, dancers, actors, and, ened", or what I take to mean "let us they receive, which extends from being when she is home from college, Cup- go from strength to strength". When handed a siddur, to finding the correct cake the clown. A show displaying the we look at the life of our congregation, page, to welcoming conversation after artwork of the students in our religious when we complete one year and begin services and at the Kiddush of cholent, school is held once a year. the next we might also say “let us go cookies, and cakes baked in the syna- from strength to strength”. Essentially, gogue kitchen. Very often the kiddush What Jim is saying is that Temple Beth what we would be saying is let us build or the cholent will be sponsored by David has wonderful strengths to build on our strengths and grow even further members to honor a simcha or special upon. We have a home made spirit, the next year. event in the lives of other congregants. able to do things on our own. We In times of grief, members rally under have a welcoming, hamish community, I was recently reminded of this image the direction of the shiva chevra to fostering bonds of friendship, caring, of Temple Beth David building on its provide food and support for grieving and support. We have lively, very par- strengths. The Rabbinic Search Com- families. ticipative services, creating a spirited mittee prepared an application to the prayer experience. We are egalitarian, Conservative movement for a perma- Shabbat services are livened by enthu- and we were a leader in that effort nent rabbi. Jim Anderson, a member siastic congregational singing inspired among Conservative synagogues in of that committee, composed a won- by our Hazzan, Sam Asher. These Rochester. We are a knowledgeable derful cover letter to our application. In services are egalitarian, highly partici- bunch, boasting more than 30 congre- part of that cover letter, Jim described pative, and soulful. Sam also leads gants who read Torah, and many who our strengths: our once a month Kabbalat Shabbat contribute in leading parts of the ser- service at the Rochester JCC which is vice. We are also an artistic group, Temple Beth David is literally a “home also attended by members of other creating inspiring music, art, dance, made” synagogue. More than 50 synagogues. On Shabbat, congre- theater, and just plain fun. years ago the founding members gath- gants do all of the Torah reading and ered in a rented store front to begin can lead services and give the d’var So let us celebrate our strengths! And our synagogue. Eventually, they built torah. Synagogue members also pre- let us build upon them! Indeed, let us and completed the interior of the sanc- sent adult education programs. go from strength to strength. tuary, social hall, and religious school.

Look for the flyer in the mail!

TBD Sisterhood’s Scholar in Residence Weekend

Speaker: Jan Katz May 15 & 16, 2009

Q. What happens 159 days after Purim? A. See page 5 Page 2 Temple Beth David Bulletin From the Rabbi’s Desk, con’t. Ron Kraus, President 244-0865

(Continued from page 1) have the half that the other needs in rows, has seized whatever opportuni- really lumped together when they are order to be truly “whole.” ties came his or her way for enjoyment apparently so far apart? I don’t have Despite the desire expressed in Ani and new experiences, but also took the the perfect answer, but I would like to Purim, one of the popular Israeli Purim time and effort for introspection, looked suggest the explanation that Purim and songs, for Purim “to stay a month or within and searched the soul. We can- Yom Kippur touch on the extremes. two” or “twice a week,” this never came not live in such extremes all the time, Purim is very much about physicality, to pass, nor was Yom Kippur ever ob- but the extremes do draw us into appearances, food, drink, friendship served, like the other h agim, for two places that we might not otherwise and fun. Yom Kippur, on the other days in the Diaspora. Despite the ne- venture, to the impoverishment of our hand, is pure spirituality when we de- cessity of both Purim and Yom Kippur, lives. prive ourselves of physical pleasures. Judaism has understood that we can- Compared to the Judaism that we try to not function on the edge and on the But enough of this seriousness! See live the rest of the year, there is some- extremes. you at Temple Beth David for our Me- thing “off balance” about both Purim gillah reading and Purim celebration on and Yom Kippur. Shabbat, the quintes- This, perhaps, is what Purim and Yom March 9th! sential expression of Jewish religious Kippur share in common: A person who H ag Purim Sameah experience, has the best of both, satis- has really lived is one who has experi- enced the extremes of human emo- fying both our physical and our spiritual Rabbi Geoffrey Goldberg needs. Purim and Yom Kippur both tions, both great joys, and deep sor-

Rabbi’s Office Hours Sundays Tuesdays 10am to Noon 3pm to 5pm

Rabbi Geoffrey Goldberg 730-5179 office Home phone, for emergencies: 319-4407

Defibrillator Installed, Info Sessions to Follow Maggie Kearney, TBD Medical Committee

Supported by generous donations from suffering a heart attack, and if needed, of our 10 members with formal CPR Temple members, the TBD Medical sends shocks to the heart to restore a and AED training will be present during Committee (Barbara Weber, Maggie normal rhythm. services and events and can be called Kearney, Marc Lande, and VP for Ad- on to help. We will consider posting a When the AED lid is opened, it gives ministration Bill Gertzog) has pur- list of these names near the AED or in clear and simple voice commands. chased an AED (automated external the cabinet. To add to the number of (The first command is, “Stay calm!”) defibrillator) for our congregation. Using members who feel comfortable with the With pictures and instructions, it ex- an AED can dramatically reduce the AED, the Medical Committee will be plains how to apply its two pads to the death rate from heart attacks, and most holding information sessions in the ill person’s chest. After that, the ma- temples have at least one. Mike Walker coming months. If sufficient interest chine checks the person’s heart rhythm has installed our AED in a cabinet near emerges, we may also offer a full 4- and delivers shocks if needed. CPR the upstairs drinking fountain and put hour CPR-AED certification class at and EMS help should be called for im- up signs showing its location. Temple. Please stay tuned for further mediately, but using the AED as soon notices in the Bulletin. This lunch-box-sized device is small as possible can make a big difference.

and light and can be carried to the loca- Although the AED is self-explanatory tion of the ill person. It checks the heart and can be used by anyone in a true rhythm of an individual who may be emergency, the odds are good that one

Temple Beth David Bulletin Page 3 News from IHSC Marcy Berger [email protected] 467-7820

January seems like it should be a quiet David. And, that is just the beginning. Cupboard. month—no holidays, time for a little We have more dates scheduled for mid-winter hibernation. But, there is March and May so that all of our stu- Thank you to the wonderful teachers just too much to learn to be caught dents get a chance to use their new and hard-working kids as well as all of napping! So, this month we had 4 skills in a meaningful context. the volunteers who made this possible! classes participating in temple ser- Besides prayers we’ve had vices, we worked hard on our Hebrew tallit making and tefillin wrap- reading, and we got ready for the Feb- ping. We’ve read about King ruary 8th Art Show. David, about Isaac marrying Rebecca and about Joseph. The seventh grade culminated months We’ve talked about trees— of hard work by leading the entire To- how they help us standing up rah Service at Temple Beth David. and how they help us cut The Kindergarten/ First and Second down. We’ve studied kashrut grade classes debuted their service and kippot. We’ve looked up participation by leading the candle- references for all 7 of the 7 lighting, Kiddush, Hamotzi and Shma species. And, we’ve collected at Temple Emanu-El. The Hineni 2 recycle bins full of food to teens brushed off their Torah reading donate to the Irondequoit Food skills and read Torah at Temple Beth Sisterhood Scholarship Opportunity Wanted: TBD Kitchen Coordinator Scholarships are available to Temple Beth David’s youth who meet the following requirements: Please contact the office if you 1. His (her) family is a member in good standing of Temple Beth David and his (her) family is a member have interest in coordinating the in good standing of Sisterhood. TBD kitchen. Much of work has 2. If the participant has been accepted into a program sponsored by a bona fide Jewish Organization, and been delegated or put on can submit proof thereof. "autopilot", but there is still a 3. He (she) has submitted a written request to the Sis- terhood President, no later than March 31 of the need for overall coordination and year of the proposed trip. special event Shabbat morning

The funds available will be evenly divided among all appli- food service. cants, subject to the approval of the Sisterhood Board. Sisterhood offers this incentive in the hopes of encourag- ing our youth to participate in these educational experi- Call the Temple Office for more ences, and hopes that the youth benefitting will, in turn, be information at 266-3223 a positive influence on our youth to join similar activities.

Don’t Miss Family Services at Temple Beth David March 7 and March 14 This service is for school aged children and their parents. We have a great time discussing Torah, sing- ing together, and learning new prayers. If you have any questions, please call Nancy Kraus at 385- 3696.

Page 4 Temple Beth David Bulletin News from USY USY Advisor (Grades 9-12): Susan Kruchten [email protected]

The end of January and beginning of Park in downtown Rochester. Also in March, our mysteriously February provided some entertaining March provides a plethora of enticing themed Passover Seder will be set at activities for USYers. Many rallied to programs for USYers. On March 13th the JCC on March 25th. Watch out for show support as Advisor Sue read and 14th, USYers will partake in the more details to come about this fun from the torah, and enjoyed a fruitful second annual lock-in at Temple Beth event. discussion afterwards about family, David, in addition to leading services. plagues, and the differences between Come and show your support! It will be As always, feel free to contact me with mental depression and a sandstorm. well received. Volunteers could always any comments, questions, or con- Unfortunately, our monthly meeting be used, so if you would like to volun- cerns. Anything is welcome! Keep an conflicted with February Break and teer your services in any way, call eye out in your inboxes and mailboxes. had to be cancelled, but a fun opportu- 683.2746 to get in contact with myself, Josh Kruchten nity presented itself and USYers en- Josh Kruchten, or drop me an e-mail at VP Communication joyed a joint-program with NCSY as [email protected]. Kofim USY they ice skated at Manhattan Square

Out with the old, IN WITH THE NEW! IHSCIHSC PURIMPURIM Gift Shop Sidewalk Sale March 1st! CARNIVALCARNIVAL Low prices! Sunday March 8 Join me for a hot cup of coffee, chat and 10:00-11:30am browse. Come see our new items, including jewelry, mezuzot, books, Purim and Pass-  Fun Purim-related over items. We have pre-fab Purim Shalach Manot boxes, and Bat/Bar Mitzvah giftware. games, prizes, and a puppet show 20 % off one any non-clearance

 Bagels and Noshing item with this coupon. Expires March 31 downstairs to follow We are happy to special order items for you, from a terrific selection of traditional and con- All are welcome! temporary styles. We really do have low prices!

Open Sundays, 9:30-12. Call Linda at 899-6797

You’ve GOT to see it!

Q. Fill in the blank: Those in the know will be at the ______109 days after Israeli Independence Day ? A. See page 7

Temple Beth David Bulletin Page 5 Spring Brings New Adult Education Opportunities

Enrich your spiritual experience Art: Making Torah Text Come Alive Music: The Beauty of the Hallel through.... through Art Prayers Join Nancy Kraus in her studio for a Join Cantor Samuel Asher and learn to Writing: Responding to Prayer silk painting experience. We will look sing the beautiful Hallel prayers in time Join Jonathan Rich in looking at sev- at Torah text with great visual possibili- for Pesach. Since the Hallel prayers eral traditional prayers and writing your ties and interpret the text in our own are only sung on certain holidays we own personal response to them. Par- way using colorful dyes and silk. Each may not all be as familiar with them. ticipants will try out writing their own person will make a wall hanging for his Being able to fully participate in the personal prayers and explore how the or her home. Nancy Kraus has a singing of these prayers is sure to relevancy of our own prayers might home studio where she spends her bring a spiritual high. Join our cantor enhance meaning. Temple member time using Torah text to create silk in learning the melodies he uses so Jonathan Rich is a writer who teaches tallitot and paintings. that you can share the wonderful ex- writing at St. John Fisher. Materials fee $12. perience for Pesach.

Sessions will be held Sunday mornings Tues. evenings 7-9 pm, Mar. 24 & 31 Sunday morning March 22nd at 10 am at Temple at 10:30 April 26, May 3 and at 81 Winding Creek Lane. at Temple. Call Nancy Kraus at 385- 10. Please call Jonathan at 473-6748 if Call Nancy at 385-3696, if interested. 3696 to respond. you are interested in attending. Class will be limited to six participants.

News From Ritual Gary Cohen 377-2141 [email protected]

As a reminder, please don’t miss the David on April 9th (Thursday) and the ing Pesach (April 11th). Purim event on March 9th, with M’Ariv 10th (Friday). Services will also occur While Shavuot is still a few months beginning at 6:45 P.M. and the Megil- at Temple Beth David on the last two away (with services on May 29th and lah reading following shortly thereafter. days of Passover (namely April 15th 30th), a special study session (as well [Wednesday] and 16th [Thursday]) – Soon Ritual will be focusing on Pass- as a dinner with special programming) the service on the 16th will include Yiz- over, with an eye toward Shavuot: is being considered for the evening of kor. Times for Passover services will May 28th – further details will follow. Passover will begin at sunset on April be announced in the April bulletin. As 8th (Wednesday) and services (for the currently planned, a special Kosher Le first two days) will be at Temple Beth -Pesach Kiddush will be provided dur- Sponsored Kiddushes and Cholents

• Feb. 7, Sponsored Kiddush and Cholent In Honor of • Mar. 14, Sponsored Kiddush In Honor of the USY Rachel Sack’s Bat Mitzvah by Jonathan and Carol Shabbaton, by Temple’s USY group. Sacks • Mar. 21, Sponsored Kiddush and Cholent In Apprecia- • Feb. 14, Kiddush sponsored by Temple in honor of our tion of Temple Beth David’s Adult Education Offer- first Scout Shabbat ings, by Stan & Michelle Gross. • Feb. 14, Cholent sponsored by Lilly Sherman, In Mem- • Apr. 18, Sponsored Kiddush Luncheon and Cholent ory of Frank Sherman In Honor of the Men’s Club Shabbat by the Temple Beth David and Temple Beth El Men’s Clubs • Feb. 21, Sponsored Kiddush and Cholent by Temple, with Study Session to follow with Rabbi Goldberg

Page 6 Temple Beth David Bulletin News from the Rabbinic Search Committee As many of you are probably aware, a story will resonate with prospective cludes only rabbis within the Conserva- search committee has formed and is rabbis, and we will receive a number of tive movement. If we are unable to find meeting regularly to find a permanent applications in the coming months. The appropriate candidates through this rabbi for our congregation. We are committee will conduct phone inter- process, we can apply for a waiver to making extensive use of the work of the views, and when we find someone pursue other avenues of recruitment or previous committee, so your comments who appears to be a good fit, we will other rabbis. If necessary, the commit- and suggestions to that committee will invite them to lead services on a Shab- tee will begin discussing alternative be considered by the current committee bat morning. We are also sending a options. as well. We are also updating some of delegation to on March 3 to the materials to reflect that we are now interview interested graduating rabbini- We will do our best to keep the congre- searching for a permanent rabbi. cal students. If any of these candidates gation informed as the search contin- seems promising, we will schedule a ues, and we invite your thoughts and In order to protect both congregation visit during one or more of the following feelings about any rabbinic candidates and candidates, the Rabbinical Assem- four Shabbatot: March 13/14, as well as about the process. Please bly sets rules for recruiting and hiring a March 20/21, March 27/28 and April contact any of us listed below with your Conservative rabbi. We have begun 3/4. thoughts. our search with the hope that the stan- dard search process will be successful. Some questions you may have: Sincerely, However, we are also mindful of some "What about Rabbi Goldberg?" Temple Beth David market realities we must over- Rabbinic Assembly rules prohibit con- Rabbi Search Committee come. We realize that, because the gregations from considering interim Chair: Martin Presberg position is part-time, and because we rabbis for permanent positions or for Members: Jim Anderson are not in the sun belt or a metropolitan interim rabbis to apply for a permanent Helen Arditi area with a large Jewish community, position at the synagogue where they Kelly Beller the field of interested applicants may serve as interim. Karen Berger be limited. Marjory David "What about a Reform, a Reconstruc- Scott Davis Admitting to these challenges does not tionist, an Orthodox, or an unaffiliated Helen Kashtan dampen our enthusiasm for the task. rabbi?" Sy Zivan Temple Beth David has much to offer, Rabbinic Assembly rules require that Ex-Officio: Ron Kraus and we will tell our story and distribute congregations limit their recruiting to it as best we can. We hope that our the RA's on-line process, which in-

SAVE THE DATE! MEN’S CLUB SHABBAT Fri. April 17 and Sat. Apr. 18 • Fri. Night Joint Svc/Dessert @ TBE 6pm • Sat. Joint Svc. at TBD 9am with extended Kiddush • Sat. evening Havdalah Svc. 7pm Wine and cheese Havdalah Service Game Night: Poker, Maj, etc Followed by Dessert and Coffee

Reservations needed for Game Night: call Jonathan Papkin 576-0130 by April 12

Q. Where will you be 122 days after the last day of Pesach ? A. See page 8

Temple Beth David Bulletin Page 7

All in the Family To submit information, contact the Temple Office at 266-3223 Happy Anniversary! March Birthday Wishes!

Phillip & Susan Lederer Mar. 4 Jerry & Nettie Rabinowitz Mar. 5 Name Date Harry & Marion Cohen Mar. 14 Bill Fowlkes & Susan Baruch Mar. 16 Freda Berger Mar. 1 George & Millicent Ritz Mar. 29 Susan Kruchten Mar. 1

Happy 55th Anniversary! Happy 50th Anniversary! Ariel Ades Mar. 2 Jessica Frank Mar. 2 Harold & Rhea Feinberg Sam & Sandra Cohen Helen Presberg Mar. 3 Both celebrated on March 21 Sylvia Roth Mar. 7 Paul Okunieff Mar. 8 REMEMBER? Sincere Get Well Wishes: Jonathan Gazarek Mar. 9 Abe and Elaine Gaines were David Arthur Goldman Mar. 10 once members of Temple Beth Kalman Zohar Dave Phillips Nicole Hyman Mar. 10 David. They moved to Texas Florence Phillips Marvin Raphael Jacob Zoghlin Mar. 11 thirty years ago. Elaine Gaines Michele Turof- Cleary Mar. 14 will be celebrating her 90th birth- Lori Parkman Mar. 15 day in March. Anyone wishing Our condolences go out to Richard Steinfeld Mar. 15 to send her a card, please send the friends and family of: Ann Anderson Mar. 16

it to: Eliana Lande Mar. 18 Irving Roth Stephen Resch Mar. 19 Elaine Gaines, 16805 Thomas Manny (Sol) Phillips Nicole Meynadasy Mar. 21 Chapel, Dallas, TX 75248 Dorothy Schwartz Karen Kessler Mar. 22 Ilene Puente Mar. 22 (submitted by her daughter) Frank Donsky Mar. 23 Harry Morton Franklin Mar. 23 Help Wanted… Mathew Hyman Mar. 23 Youth Group Advisor (Paid Position) Nettie Rabinowitz Mar. 23 David Trawick Mar. 23 Temple Beth David's youth groups are vibrant and growing! Robert Cohen Mar. 24

We are seeking an energetic, creative, enthusiastic and organized individual Anne Goldin Mar. 24 to serve as Kadima advisor for this Conservative Jewish youth group serving Betty Herman Mar. 24 grades 6-8. Responsibilities include program and event planning, attendance Carolyn Feinberg Mar. 25 at Kadima/USY Shabbat and other joint programs, participation in regional Joshua Kruchten Mar. 25 activities, and program/youth supervision. The Kadima Youth Advisor will Mobeen Shirazi Mar. 26 work with the USY Youth Advisor in annual planning and joint actitivies. Advi- Ashley Silver Mar. 26 sor must have own transportation. USY/Kadima or other Jewish youth group Saralie Foote Mar. 27 experience a plus. Dena Adler Mar. 28 Helen Fowlkes Mar. 28 Please send resumes to: Louis Grossman Mar. 28 Youth Committee, c/o Temple Beth David, Kellie Hyman Mar. 28 3200 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14617 Joan Weinstein Mar. 28 Roberta Kinel Mar. 29 Many thanks to Barbara Morganstern for her generous donation of a Luke Pavone Mar. 29 portion of every new subscription received from her re- Dr. Jason Schwalb Mar. 30 cent discussion at the Men’s Club Breakfast in January. If you missed Jim Anderson Mar. 31 it, she gave a fabulous talk and we all enjoyed breakfast.

Time to reserve our spots because there’s only 78 days left after the nd 2 day of Shavuot… (see next page) Page 8 Temple Beth David Bulletin Donations Received January 1 to January 31, 2009 Please Note: Every effort is made to en- RABBI SKOPITZ MEMORIAL FUND MARSHA FISHMAN FUND sure accuracy in the Bulletin. Please let us In Memory of: In Memory of: know if an error is made and we will ensure Eliahu Patt Solomon ‘Manny” Phillips a correction is noted in the next Bulletin. Dagan Vertman Annette Shapiro DAVID SOLOMON FUND Alice Salzberg Get Well Wishes! Joseph Klein SHIVA CHEVRA FUND Mitsy Shapiro Julian & Shelly Braiman In Memory of: Burton Shapiro Alice Shur Solomon “Manny” Phillips Dave Phillips Pearl Schwartz Art & Ida Dell Florence Phillips Solomon “Manny” Phillips Dave & Florence Phillips Annette Shapiro Richard & Debbie Steinfeld Happy Anniversary Wishes: Ayala Emmett LIBRARY FUND Dolly & Harold Fishman Stan & Michelle Gross In Memory Of: Annette Shapiro Robert Kessler Solomon “Manny” Phillips Morris & Betty Herman RABBI’S DISCRETIONARY FUND Paul & Cynthia Halpern Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen HERB KRAUS ADULT EDUCATION In Memory of: Bernie & Sylvia Roth In Appreciation Of: Dr. David Conway Julian & Shelly Braiman Jim and Ann Anderson Lillian Cohen Virginia Erlichman Natalie Gordon Jay and Adrienne Young Cohen Cosgrove Sunshine Fund Solomon “Manny” Phillips Mowey Presberg TORAH REPAIR FUND George & Millicent Ritz Saul & Helen Presberg Get Well Wishes! Marvin & Shirley Frank Blanche Levine Florence Phillips Dave & Florence Phillips Miss Sylvia Stiller Gladys Garey Harold and Selma Kay Irving Roth Temple Beth David Sisterhood Stephen & Marcia Kay Robert Kessler Happy Birthday Wishes: Daniel Hirsch Julian & Shelly Braiman Sandra Brenner Phyllis & Herbert Hirsch Gary Cohen & Pam Rosen Get Well Wishes! Get Well Wishes! MITZVAH / KIDDUSH FUND Shirley Frank Marvin Raphael Florence Etingoff In Memory of: by his children & grandchildren Dave & Florence Phillips Charlotte Zadoff Dave Phillips Fronie Hoffman David Conway Gladys Garey Sylvia & Bernie Roth Morris & Betty Davis Happy Birthday Wishes! Kalman Zohar Happy 80th Birthday ! Rabbi Geoffrey Goldberg Bernie & Sylvia Roth Richard Harris Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen Dave & Florence Phillips Happy Birthday Wishes: SIDDUR INSCRIPTIONS Elaine Gaines Happy Birthday Wishes! Shirley Frank In Memory of: Janis Simon Gaines Solomon “Manny” Phillips Linda Servetnick Tuesday Mahjong Group Pam Rosen & Gary Cohen

The Answer to all your questions?? 43 days af- ter the 4th of July I’ll be with everyone else at Temple Beth David’s Golf Tournament and fabulous

Kosher Dinner! August 16, 2009

Temple Beth David Bulletin Page 9 Yahrzeits From March 1 to March 31 (Adar 5 to Nissan 6, 5769 )

Name Civil Jewish Name Civil Jewish Name Civil Jewish Minnie Blumkin Mar. 1 Adar 5 Lena Stoler Mar. 13 Adar 17 Harry Cohen Mar. 23 Adar 27 Shirley Shapiro Mar. 1 Adar 5 Vesta Trawick-Edwards Molly Cohen Mar. 23 Adar 27 Frances Steinfeld Mar. 1 Adar 5 Mar. 13 Adar 17 Morris Gordon Mar. 23 Adar 27 David Brothman Mar. 2 Adar 6 Gertrude Brotsky Mar. 14 Adar 18 Sophie Isaacson Mar. 23 Adar 27 Sidney Friedmann Mar. 2 Adar 6 Pearl Feldman Mar. 14 Adar 18 Nathan Kaplan Mar. 23 Adar 27 Clara Graver Mar. 2 Adar 6 Jacob Haymoff Mar. 14 Adar 18 Anna Leader Mar. 23 Adar 27 Zimmel Lampert Mar. 2 Adar 6 Bessie Leah Kriss Mar. 14 Adar 18 Louis Gerber Mar. 24 Adar 28 Esther Orlen Mar. 2 Adar 6 Lieto Marzouk Mar. 14 Adar 18 Harry Herman Mar. 24 Adar 28 Nison Pollock Mar. 2 Adar 6 Mary R. Mervis Mar. 14 Adar 18 Henry Shur Mar. 24 Adar 28 Pearl Sosne Mar. 2 Adar 6 William Rosenbaum Mar. 14 Adar 18 Itzchak Benski Mar. 25 Adar 29 Ralph Leonard Mar. 3 Adar 7 Julius Berger Mar. 15 Adar 19 Florence Chait Mar. 25 Adar 29 Reva M. Levison Mar. 3 Adar 7 Rachel M. Bundy Mar. 15 Adar 19 Bessie Klein Mar. 25 Adar 29 Samuel I. Chait Mar. 4 Adar 8 Annette Harris Mar. 15 Adar 19 Oscar Rabin Mar. 25 Adar 29 Mary Freedman Mar. 4 Adar 8 Isadore R. Hoffman Mar. 15 Adar 19 Sadie Rose Mar. 25 Adar 29 Abe Kessler Mar. 4 Adar 8 Jacob Schwartz Mar. 15 Adar 19 Betty Segelin Mar. 25 Adar 29 David Lempert Mar. 4 Adar 8 Marcia Cohen Mar. 16 Adar 20 Sara Lambert Mar. 26 Nissan 1 Ada Wolf Mar. 4 Adar 8 Lena Harris Frankel Mar. 16 Adar 20 Benjamin Schultz Lillian Abelson Mar. 5 Adar 9 Alexander Kopen Mar. 16 Adar 20 Mar. 26 Nissan 1 Pearl Ann Berkov Mar. 5 Adar 9 Albert Marcusfield Mar. 16 Adar 20 Anne Solomon Mar. 26 Nissan 1 Rose Cohen Mar. 5 Adar 9 Evelyn Dankner Mar. 17 Adar 21 Frank Connuck Mar. 27 Nissan 2 Norman Klein Mar. 5 Adar 9 Leila Markus Mar. 17 Adar 21 Bess Friedman Mar. 27 Nissan 2 Harry Roxin Mar. 5 Adar 9 Martin Miller Mar. 17 Adar 21 Shirley Goldman Mar. 27 Nissan 2 Anna Schrier Mar. 5 Adar 9 William David Mar. 18 Adar 22 Trudy Perry Mar. 27 Nissan 2 Max Snyder Mar. 5 Adar 9 Helen Langmann Mar. 18 Adar 22 Esther Stein Mar. 27 Nissan 2 Anna Alent Mar. 6 Adar 10 Hannah Lasken Mar. 18 Adar 22 Harold Binder Mar. 28 Nissan 3 Harry Pheterson Mar. 6 Adar 10 Anna Weinstein Mar. 18 Adar 22 Philip Fradin Mar. 28 Nissan 3 Sylvia Buchman Mar. 7 Adar 11 Isadore Chait Mar. 19 Adar 23 Alan L. Heyneman Sonya Newman Mar. 7 Adar 11 Nathan Hersch Mar. 19 Adar 23 Mar. 28 Nissan 3 Rebecca Stone Mar. 7 Adar 11 Louis Klein Mar. 19 Adar 23 Herman H. Levine Leah Gastel Mar. 8 Adar 12 Sonia Alper Mar. 20 Adar 24 Mar. 28 Nissan 3 Jacob Itkin Mar. 8 Adar 12 Samuel Cramer Mar. 20 Adar 24 Lena Ornstein Mar. 28 Nissan 3 Munira Daniel Mar. 9 Adar 13 Mildred Deutsch Mar. 20 Adar 24 Florence Sanow Rappaport Gary Passer Mar. 9 Adar 13 Jacob Goldman Mar. 20 Adar 24 Mar. 28 Nissan 3 Rose Robbins Mar. 9 Adar 13 Lily Grossman Mar. 20 Adar 24 Earl J. Cohen Mar. 30 Nissan 5 Eugene Schwartz Mar. 9 Adar 13 Judith Solomon Kravetz Rose Frank Mar. 30 Nissan 5 Faye Goldin Mar. 10 Adar 14 Mar. 20 Adar 24 Emily Leah Renzel Anna Greenberg Mar. 10 Adar 14 Bertha Marcusfield Mar. 20 Adar 24 Mar. 30 Nissan 5 Jacob Harris Mar. 10 Adar 14 Betty Seigel Mar. 20 Adar 24 Baby Robert S. Berke Morris Harris Mar. 10 Adar 14 Calvin Salzberg Mar. 21 Adar 25 Mar. 31 Nissan 6 Sarah Silver Mar. 10 Adar 14 Sarah Seigel Mar. 21 Adar 25 Dorothy Sugarman Helmut Markus Mar. 11 Adar 15 Ida Blass Mar. 22 Adar 26 Mar. 31 Nissan 6 Esther Silver Stein Mar. 11 Adar 15 Marguarette Dehaas Ida Grossberg Mar. 13 Adar 17 Mar. 22 Adar 26 Kaaren Levin Mar. 13 Adar 17 Harry Levy Mar. 22 Adar 26 Sophie Povolotsky Mar. 13 Adar 17 Mollie Roth Mar. 22 Adar 26

Temple Office Hours Maria Dewhirst, Office Manager 585-266-3223

Sundays 8:30am to Noon / 1:00pm - 5:00pm Mon. - Fri. 9:30am - 2:00pm Tuesdays 9:30am - 2:00pm / 4:00pm - 6:00pm Saturday closed for Shabbat

Page 10 Temple Beth David Bulletin Minimum Donations

Greeting Card Mailed Out $7.50 ea. 3 or more Memorial or $6.00 ea. Greeting Cards ($18.00) 385-1006 Lynn Baker Alent Tree of Life Leaf $72.00 Siddur Sim Shalom $30.00 HH Prayer Book $25.00 Etz Hayim $75.00 Basic Kiddush $72.00 Cholent Sponsor $18.00 Wine/Challah Sponsor $18.00

Memorial Plaque $270.00 Non Member $414.00

Cemetery Plots In Riverside Member $600.00 Non-Member $800.00

Send a Card to a friend or loved one!

Make checks payable to: Temple Beth David, 3200 St. Paul Blvd., Rochester, NY 14617

Date ______Amount enclosed $______(minimum donation $7.50)

Address: From: ______To: ______



Reason for Card/Message:

Fund :  D. Solomon  M. Fishman  Rabbi Skopitz Youth Fund  Temple Residence  Mitzvah/Kiddush  TBD Capital Improvement  Library  H. Kraus/Adult Ed.  Torah Repair Fund  USY/Kadima  Shiva Chevra  Rabbi Discretionary’s Fund

Minimum Donation is $7.50. If no fund is specified, David Solomon Building Fund will be named.

GILBERT ROSENBAUM FUND DONATIONS AND CARD REQUESTS ARE HANDLED SEPARATELY: Please send card requests and donations to: Richard Steinfeld, 144 Dunbarton Dr., Rochester, NY 14618

Temple Beth David Bulletin Page 11 Temple Beth David Non-Profit Org. 3200 St. Paul Blvd. U.S. Postage Rochester, NY 14617 PAID Rochester, NY Permit No. 1111

«F1» «F2» «F3» «F4»

An Affiliate of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

Temple Funds: • Capital Improvement Fund • David Solomon Memorial Building Fund • Gilbert Rosenbaum Fund • Herb Kraus Adult Education Fund • Library Fund • Mitzvah Kiddush Fund • Marsha Fishman Memorial Education Fund • Children’s Shabbaton Fund • Rabbi Skopitz Memorial Youth Fund • Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund • Torah Repair Fund • Shiva Chevra Fund • USY/Kadima Fund • Temple Residence Fund

Temple Activity Chairs:

Judaica Shop: Linda Servetnick Executive Officers: Men’s Club: Jonathan Papkin Sisterhood: Florence Phillips President: Ron Kraus Bikkur Cholim: Karen Zivan Vice Presidents: Bulletin Folding: Mrs. Sylvia Stiller • Administration: Bill Gertzog Book of Remembrance: C. Halpern & D. Steinfeld • Finance: Sy Zivan Bingo: Sylvia Roth • Ritual: Gary Cohen Publicity: Helen Kashtan • Education: Sue Eckhaus Shiva Chevra: Florence Phillips • Building: Michael Walker USY/Kadima Advisor: Sue Kruchten/ Abby Heuckendorf • Recording Secretary: Susan Drexler Website Coordinator: Mike Berke Temple Office: Maria Dewhirst 266-3223 Temple Website: www.templebethdavid.uscjhost.net/ TEMPLE BETH DAVID Upcoming Events April:

Apr. 1 Kadima Meeting @ JCC Apr. 4 Family Svc./ Young Children’s Svc. Apr. 5 Executive Board Mtg. Apr. 9 -10 Passover Services - Office Closed Apr. 15 -16 Passover Service - Office Closed Apr. 17-18 Men’s Club Shabbat Weekend Apr. 18 Family Service Apr. 19 Sisterhood Meeting Apr. 20 BOT @ TBD Apr. 22 USY Meeting @ JCC Apr. 24 Svc @ JCC at 6pm—Sr. Lounge Apr. 25 Study Session Apr. 27 Men’s Club Meeting @ 12 corners Starbuck’s

NOTE: IHSC will close from April 9-26. School will resume April 28 May May 2 Family Svc./ Young Children’s Svc. May 2 Jonathan Aranov Bar Mitzvah May 3 Executive Board Mtg. May 6 Kadima Meeting @ JCC May 9 Hannah Kielar Bat Mitzvah May 9 USY/Kadima Shabbat May 10 Sisterhood Meeting May 15-16 Sisterhood Scholar in Residence May 17 IHSC Graduation (last day of Hebrew School) May 23 Matan Presberg Bar Mitzvah May 18 BOT @ JCC May 20 USY Meeting @ JCC May 22 Svc @ JCC at 6pm—Sr. Lounge May 28 Shavuot Services May 30 Study Session

The Irondequoit Hebrew Studies Center once again pre- sents….their annual Student Art Show, on display now in the Temple Beth David Social Hall. Enjoy!

The art show features a first grade forest

beautiful second grade collages

amazing third grade flower pots and a wonderful poster inspiring Judaic symbols by fourth grade handmade kippot by fifth grade

lovely “stained glass” artwork personalized tallit by seventh grade by sixth grade colorful silkscreens by Hineni