LAKE MORO(Lago di MORO) and its PARK

The Lake Moro park extends into the lower Valcamonica , and includes a vast green area in the boroughs of and . It is divided into different areas: Conca del Lago Moro, Sorline, Luine, Castellino and Monticolo. Due to its position, the park has the highest concentration of biodiversity in Europe; the Mediterranean climate of Lake Iseo and the glacial climate of the Adamello mountain group are only 48 kms apart.. This positively effects local production (cheese, honey, vines and olives). Moreover, Sorline's area, thanks to a particular micro-climate, develops a Mediterranean forest vegetation, very different from that of the rest the Valcamonica.. Archaeologically, the park is characterized by the presence of two very important areas: the Luine Municipal park, a Unesco World Heritasge Site since 1970 and Corni Freschi and Monticolo archaeological sites. Inside Luine park a lot of excavations have been carried out: the fist at the end of the 1960's, done by " Centro Camuno di studi preistorici" (Anati mission). Over this hill, in a very beautiful natural contest , is one of the most extraordinary groups of rock engravings in the world( 102 stones engraved ) The most important among these can be visited by walking through three easy paths into the park. Although most of the Luine depictions date from the Bronze Age ( II Millenium), older engravings from the “Ciclo Camuno” (end of the High Palaeolithic, about 13000 B.C and Mesolithic). Therefore, Luine has been “visited”since the late Neolithic period to the Iron age ( I millennium B.C.). Luine is a very important archaeological site for the co-existence of settlements and incisions.


Near Monticolo, this area is distinguished by a huge sandstone block, engraved with the famous composition of nine halberds ( the rock is also called "halberds rock"). The rock's surface was restored in 2002 , under the auspices of the region’s archaeological supervisory service and a second engraved composition was discovered: 15 daggers (from 20 to 25 cm long), with the blades facing downwards, set out the typical halberd pattern. On Monticolo' hill there are a lot of historical and contemporary rock engravings with religious depictions (holy symbols, crosses, ostensories and inscriptions). These probably are connected to the ruins of an ancient church of St. Stephan. Some modern age engravings (1904 and 1908) represent the building of the Valcamonica railway. Other incisions represent some soldiers who, during the Second World War, established their own district here. In 2011 on the top of the hill , researchers discovered a little area placed on modelled big stone where one anthropomorphic figure is depicted. This shows that there were a lot of settlements in the area, and that Monticolo had a strategic importance since ancient times. Next to the hill there is a cycle lane from where you can reach the upper valley or Lake Iseo , following the course of the river .


This is a gem of fascinating beauty where it is possible to enjoy the quite of the lake on the big meadow , rent a paddle-boat and go around the lake, jump into the crystal clear waters go or horse-riding or walking, .

All the trails and paths are signposted and easily followed. Among these there is “ Tra vigne ed ulivi ” which goes through the boroughs of Darfo Boario Terme, Angolo Terme and Piancogno . Along the route around the lake , you should visit the “ Giorgio Gaioni ” observatory . It is in a superb position and you can discover something more about local flora and wild life. During the summer nights you can observe the starry sky from a telescope. In Capo di Lago, there is an information centre (Nuovo Centro di Documentazione) where visitors can find out about the Unesco World Heritage Site 94, which includes eight archeological parks in the Valcamonica (including Liune).


The path “Tra vigne ed ulivi” is easy accessibile ..

The starting point is near the cemetery at Bessimo, but you can also begin your itinerary :

- From Angolo Terme following indications from Lake Moro(Lago di Moro) , passing near Santuario di Silvestro in Sorline;

- From Corna along the main road or also along the old path (CAI 153) to the village of Capo di Lago;

- From Gorzone, starting from the car park near the parish church (CAI 153);

- From Erbanno , piazza San Valentino;

- From Angone from via Campello t;

- From Piamborno, from Villa Gheza

The distances between the main stretches are .

BESSIMO/RODINO 1,5 Km (uphill)