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- r-? " i -,-*-= El{AYA ':.:s.;;= #$,a,rr;e. :&

:-.x*fq!^d-j} l:: 1" j .] .: .- 'j,j. j ,11 ,, :';t,.,,j VoI. p APRrL rgSA No. T; :';:' 2 ARKANSAS HrGHwAys 4p,!!

JESS, B. I(lRTEN, Prelid€nt lnd Cenerul Nlsmder l)--: -- a ^^-^ a^ . tl E. SIlEltI.AND, Sccreta.yord fr.*ur.. r I tfttYt J ,u I ,4t. Arn&nsasa Kirten Gravel Co. IJEN'ION, AITKANSAS Cradually through the years there has been built up a Srat€-\rideappreciation of what the a "Calven-McBdde"mark means on printing. CAPACI'TY 50 CARS PEIT DAA Quantity Production FINEST PI'T.IiUN GITAVEL Highest Quality Prompt Delivery Lowest Price Locired i,, thc v.ry Lc I ',f thc {rcatcst veit' of natural road metal in Arkansas.

Equipped with the most modem facilitics TheseThings Tell for Eivind prompt s€rvice. TheStory "An Arhansas Indntrt, Oured a*I Otetated by ArharsasF"lhs, Doi4l h"it I'ort i'l the Arhexsas Raad ProEloD';'

Calvert-McBridePrinting Company LITTLE IIOCK IJI'N1'ON FORT SMITH, ABKANSAS Pllclrc4-1762 Phonc813



Ou lac;tities lol sttth)ins road buildine,naterials are urcacelled



Our PrideMark PEE RLE SS The Sigh oI Absolute ENCRAVINGCO. Quality in Printixg

,-fHE euAl lrY of our publkrrionprial - I ins. of whichrhe masrzin€ vou hold in your handis a sample,is basedon the sameprincipl€ that carri€sthroughout oLr en'irc Iinc of efforts-thrr of mak- ing eachjob asgood asit ought to be. In additionto publ;cation printing rvc do conrnercialprinting, book print- ing, print cataiogs,do ruling and bind- ing, nake blank booksand looseleaves -in all otrering a conpl€le service,and

"IFe Actrallt Do Better Prrsti,tg"

CENTRAL PRINTING COMPANY Phone ?r38 209 LouisiaDa Liftle Rock

Highway Materials with a Reputation DertendableSubbly Big Rock Stone and Material Gompany FOO'I' OF ASHLEY STREET LI'MLE IIOCK, AITKANSAS rr


iETANS/1S STAI! rllcrw4 BUYDIXIE I'tADL PRODUCIS ,. rL lllrrcl{wooD, tii.re lto.k. Crrirntri rusTrN ir/rTTntrrvs, rriiite Rock s, ,r. wILBoN, rodl8nd

cn!\s. s. cHnrs,rr^N,srn16 r xx.ru.iro ofi.e, Page Sheet-Nletal Highwav Special Gasoline 6uard Work Tarrks ]r. v. DDNN1, CLi.t D0DUlyiAutooobirs Di!i:ion. D. w, sNrTrr, c'stric! ...... r, a. aLncKrYooD, rurchtr,bs ^sq. rr. R. {ooD lralris }htr.ser on,oy c.nsrll _...... ,,itrt€ no,,r An Arkansas TnorrrsB. coLDsBy. ct,in ]\sq,r...

E. )r, Jtrr.'!irNs, ,\ssisrdrr s.ri, rriahN!y roRitrcci Concern (uintcnin{o) \Y_ rr. ufrcrnl,t, ^35hioni s (con{rudioD) Thisn eans: lV. S. ZASS,Corin(rion xlqinrlr .. ..

Our productsare NIADE in r. r1 rR.rNcrs, surdrriso. or Eqripod,r... Arkarsas as well as SOLI) ^, r. HD,{cLEn, Drqi,rcr ot s L. E. LUlrrIlrN, rrsineor of rr{rrilis Md ,re,i! Our CAPITAL is Arkansas Capital and our LABOR is

Didri.r odsinocr, !orrod cii, we use Arkansas POWER and,Arkansas TRANSPOR- Dkrrlc! lr,_ 2 TA'I'ION. esrL,.!roN, a6htoy, chi:o!.

We buy all I,IATEIiIAL and SUPPLIES in Arkansas t-herever possible. cc., lnll sn!u, All our employecsown Ark- setra!ri0tr, sco(, ansas PITOPEITTY and pay Arkansas TAXES. !.!rb!. rzard, s18.p, sron!. r!depc'rlonce, crsburne, J|c*&n, whns. FACTS due consideration. A. w' IUFOIID, nor sprirs, orinl.

L. n. r'LD\rrro!s, DG(ird DoRjr r, Curdln Dixie Culvert cortr4tir, uaion. Manufacturing Co. LITTLE ROCK, ARKANSAS At If o$e Alrodts crrrol, loone, rrrion, Nsyhi, smrry. ARKANSA IGHW/VS Oficia?, Mont?rlv- Sta,te Hi{'hnua.y Mq,dazi,rt,e o Depr*rtYrten,t"

''Arl;.,sas Ili(ttuqs" is editedih the o{ices of dre Highmy D€pa.tocn! .t Liltl€ Rock, Conmunicarionsrelarive ro ddverrhin! or 0(icles 'nd phoro{rrDhssubnriued lor publicarion should he sent to The Edndr, crre H;lhssy Dep!rtmcat, LirttG ltock_ Tl'€ Ilu|.rin is s.nr rree ro Sbre and county Ofiicif,ls, rcwspap*s oi rh. Stul€ ond Rood Cohmksiones wbo apply lor ir. P€rmissionto r.prinr rny hd(e. contrinedin .1rA,rrdJHishaort: Rirh p.ope. .r€dit is g.urled to all newspqDesof rtre Srst..

VOL,,IX APl l,, t932 No.4 NOW THAT TIfE SHOOTING IS OVBR By Dlright H. lllackwood,Chainnan Arkansas Highwav Conrmission 'rirger, Wirh tbc l-csisl.rturcidjou.ncd, rnd be-spitteredwreck.ge of rhe pick nrosr ot irs Ncnrbcfs bick in rheir honre himself up, brush h;mself olT, snrvcy tbc comnrunitics,ir should soon br possiblero possiblesalvage, and nake a repo*. w.igh the net fesuitsof the r",ceDt Extrr- At any rrtc, and in all sood hutnor, tbat ordinary Session,and deterninc,in rhe Ian, is what I and my associates;nthe conducr guage of rn earlie., ind even more pic of highway affairs,are trying to do thcse just iuresque seneration of pistol torers, days, as prompily and cfiecriv€lyas pos- wlrrt tbe shooting was all ''lvhere abour,and wc a.c at, sow that ir is over. First, what wrs done about the.etund- For ;r .locssecm to be over, exccpt for ing of d;stricrbondi, ,bout ro be drfaulted tht dcsulrory firins of th€ boys \virh i "hangovrr, and thrown back on the hnds. as i rcsult nlo.nrngaftc. who musr of depressionyerr rrvenueshrintnqcsi All nefds srve thems€l!csa little more air in of us arc bopeful that, in spite oi tl:e tin City Irirk nrrssm.0t;nss, or unoficiillcgis- kcringand Lrrnpcringrhrr wcrc done by lirirc girhcrinss. ind rhc booning, .inge- (lro.rwLo hrC poliri.rl \lrLo I'y. ,l,rr.w IiDdiru salvosof thc Big Cuns anrongthe gubernatorial l.'\vw, l( anJ ur')nLIor"ve eR.cri,p i,r grvrrgrtr. rrtirf ll,' \.rq rl.r \ol. obtr I of llF Sp.cirlarll. A rrsrsuit This dctctnrinrtion ol rhc ncr lcgisl,livc rca[lrs oi will b. r.-.) ) 'o,l rc'mi.1cwh.rher rl)" r.r s.r,o. Lhc long rn(l loudlr cxtendcd session,as rfectirg rhc wasnot invnliclaredby thc anrrtcuramendments rnckcd Arkansrs highway program in the inlrlediare rurure, s onro the originalbill, *'hicb hrd b€endrawtr sc rs ro jr m€ctthe rcquirements lhe nrarsr vhich tbe pcople. the real folks of our js of bonda!to.neys wfiose ipp.ovrl commonwrilrh, are and rvill be inreresred. Slrangeas €*enrrl ro Ih. rctuadrntofer-rpll rLion Tbrr suii.pr.p rr nray seemto certainfcturning lcsislitors,rvith brains erI) ' rt'.drL!J.\hoJ',' n.;n rh" srory Ir rtrcr, r still be-fuddlcd ;rnd cars still throbbing ro rh€ beir of is validated.the threatasainst hndorvners rvill bc rc- thc political ronr-ronrsmobilizrd in and around tbeir moved,and highwayrevenues rvill be rcle:rsrdfor rt,eir l,orsl lobbicsin thc Capitrl City during rbc sessron,rnrs '' r'.. q'r. ,io,r rl, qill .ore pJr.) ' up. Jrrr o c,r. s,,o,rJ \vl,,rrlrrr rit rh" J,olir'.rth.rm sr.rn"rng Wh:L rbour ou. rords? o'rl. Hrghwa,t,.t,,rrm.,,r h.,ve up"n rr.rJwori ti Not arything clse,not ev€n the mosr cxciring deriils the innrediatelrture? Inevitably,ji will currnit ill of cbrractcrassrssinrtion or personrlscandal-rrongering, acrivityto rn irrcduciblcnirimum AIrcady,in carry- or political tir rrd-fcarhering, or gubrrn.rorial 'nud lng ort thc nrandatesof thc nervIarv, s'hich cu! the dc- tbrolving \vill sulllcc. l bc l0iding quesrion,rhir will partrnentto lessthnn permonth fo. "Ycs. $8.500 attidminis- rccurand cry out for rn insqtr, rvill bc bur whrr tmrile exp?rs(,I bavcrcduced lhe personnelto rbevcry ,borr ou r^r l. Ro.rd. rl -r-bLrilJing.rhrr cr7 o,rr limit. It his not beene;rsy to norify rhisirmy of fa;tb, for conpletior Itoids il.tady builr, that cry out for ful rvorkers.trained for this pariiculir iob. thlr their n.rirtcnancc. Rord l,oflds f.lling due rh:rr cry our for sLrvrc$,while ncedcd,cannor be pi;d fo., and rherefo.e rdund,r8. lfsr rl)cl'bc fo.ccloscd.s i climicri. rr.rgrdy nrLrstbc teor;rrtdrl. Y.t ;1 h.s h.cn.lonc ol thc Crcrr D.prcssion lloth in the Li le Iiock oincesand in €.chof rbeDis- So, norv ttrat the shooting is ove. or it tersr rhal rri.t Ofices,it brs becnnec..ssary to disnrisstried ind prfl Jf ir r' \ .lvng rl)c.u.'.nr p- g :m trusteden]ployees, to comply with r|e liw which a I irl..!r. D"tJr. r'.r1. ( 11.r!n , br.Jr pJ.." 'sbootee o fol soup of lesishrors.thirery for nry politicalblood ,nd the princip.l to d'senransleh;msrlf f.om tbs biiod rnd deif to our highq,ayneeds, forced oDro rhe 6 ARKANSAS HIGHWAYS April srrrurebooks at this time. I am only.hopeful tlrat the phenomcnaalways net with in incrcisingvolrm' when DcoDIiof thc Stite. is tb?y seetheir district olices tlis- nanrled and their roadsconrinuing to wash rwav under Mcanwhile, tlroseof us chrrged \vith the conr'rur- the werthe.. s'ithout propermaintenance, will Iook care- riol of th. hiqh$ 'y p1"q-.rmin rll or jrs ' rrio'r'll'r*' l\rlly tof the real causcof thc troublc, and plrce rhs dffe.rrrc h'cont tr. rlr well being:nrl tho lro pcritv bhme rvherc jt rightly lies. I am also hop€ful that, of the DeoDlewill do the best we (rn with the tools w;th the vrl;dation of ih€ refunding mersure in tbe provideil,carrying on as eficiently as posiiblc u.t;t thc .ourrr s rll i'nr frrrr.ismrl be rrlcr*J for maintcnrnn polilical storm is ovtr, and calm thinkrngirnd sobcr wo.k a lirrl€ later in tbe summer to enableus to stve our tJdqnrcntJqr,1 nr'v,r,'. Wher ll),rrtrm" corns tr' p ,{, t.rl F r\r. l)rdl,sJ/slrJm cornplc(rJcstru'tior. L'"""oao,6trl:- tocr.rdirr wrll br rr 'r;1r^vrloftlrr a mandatc for its con- Thircl, rvhat ;s the sratusol contractorsand others work already accomplishedand higbway program !viro harc done honest!vork for the Stateon lts biehway tinuanccto the completionof the srsrcm whoseaoucbcrs:re still unpaidi This, like the sr.!ns of rhc r.fundins plin, musl renriin uncer(ainuntil OUR COVEII PAGE rhc coufrsbive t;me to speakon tlrc lalidity of rhe vari- f.r our, rer Dreethi< ronrh re lr''vceoncrqtir ro ous inl.ndrrrcnls tlcked onto the original bill. Person' tbeneiv bridce ovei thc SouthFotk of l-itrleRerl ltivcr. illy, I inr bopefLrirhnt rhe next fe*'wecks will cnable nerrClinton, Van BurcnCount)'. on Iloute6i {n this us to *'ork out a pro,lrin under thc now law which imoressivcliew !vesee lines of strengthrnd bcrutvtvpi- w;ll si!c Ihc.rcdirors of rhc Highrvay Departnrnt ade' caL-ofscores of similarsrructures dcsisncd rnd built bv quaLerelicf. Certainly all of us rre bendingevery efort thc Stite High('ay D€partmcntsin.e thc bcsinningof the tularrineauRoad Program, rvhi.h now doLthc nrip I-ittle else.it rvould srem, crn be si;d at dris rime. of the State,and spe€dtralfic over thc manv strtims 'n. With rhe Argust primrr;es coming on, and scoresof wbi.h rr" , ro.'edby oLr. hiet higl,wry. n.ver/ sic'i candidatesgrooming tbemselvesin tbe racesfor placeand Becauseof its typograpfiy,cut up by innurnerrble power, it is too much to €xpec1thar the turmoil and riversand creeks,Arkansrs prescnts:rn unu*rrlly di{li' uncertaintyof past nontbs will not b€ cont;nued,to at cult and costlyprobletn to tbe rord bnild€r' Vrst suDts leJstas grert an ertcnt as the interesled.andidatesthem- havebeen required propcrly and pcrmrnentlyto briclge sclvcscrn man'g€ Smote rreens, dust clouds, llud tb..earps Bu( rhe) l,rvcb"en briJgrd 'vitltc'urt showcrs ind all rvailablc sourccsof no;se and conlu- lcsrsr-ucrures trLe r',eClinLon brrdse. q hi,h rvillr"mrirr sion will bc invokcd by rhoservho bope to slip into ofice to servethis and futuregcner]tions, and rcnind thenrof cluring thc genrral public excircnr.n!. But drJsc are rhe good,rnd honcst,and enduringwork whi.h tbcir tarhc.sd;d for thcnl I-ong after the CreatDepression bis bccnfo.gotten with its suspicionsrnd ins;nu.tions,its auditsnnd In- u.'rs:rio-, ir. l,ei'lrLivr ' l: nor" rnd hi'lrrinC{ rl)r ulinior ItriJec.,i,l ""'^ or orlnrslike ir wi l sr'r,'d "Tlce as servneableaod much appreciatedmonuments to thc Right Wo!" constructivethousht and energyof Ark:nsasle:clcrs ol tbis pr€senttime. If you havent tfied it already,the ONE UIG CO-UPEI(ATI VE kind of service)ou will set at our dairymenoI the New York M;lk Sbedarc set- ffiendly corner will be a real rev€la- The ting an examplethar should be observedby firmers

All the n€edsof thenotorist bat' Delegaksfrom nearlyevery county of the Milk Sbcd and went on rccordas fivoring teries,tires, radiators, €lectricservice, recentlymet in Syr.cuse onc bie co-operativeassociation, and reconlnendcdth;rt Standardgas and motor oils-are to the Dairynens League,a pioneerin its fieid,be tbc ooe bc found here,the risht brandsat "Wrighr ' Thev tl)cnadoptcd a numbcrof resolutionstnrbrrcrns prices. nn'( J y ro r su.e' lui ro_op,rrr're 'fheserl,. rLrfldJ n.nLr s indudcd: A comprebensivefinrncing plau abil- We appreciatethe patronageof the ity to conlrolsurplus at its source,employing r classified public,and work to deserveit. United -I'ires. piiceplan for thJ saleof milk and its prodrcts,ctc. I{otor Service-U. S. Thesedairymen rre trkirg the bit;n their teeth,and Joinetl)e rhrnc! - t\ar uill nrrll'l)e fJrmerou'ol thu *".;".. ", ,c A +rons iolrlly

coupons att:1chcdtbcreto a.d drtcd after Septenber I, 1912, shill bc str prd nor-negotirblc. rvith thc darcof stamping, ir the timc of sucb excbJngeor substitut;on AWhole DivisionLost bl said trustc. And in caseof d.fault of any rcvenue bond ind rcdeli!err-of any road distr;ctbond exchanged or subsritutcdrhcrefor, ro the holder of such d.faulted Tl);rty fivc thousand rnd children wcrc ruvcnuebond, the defrultcd revenuebond sball be cin- innihilited ;nsr.Dtly. or died an agonizingdcath i tbc United StaLes ferociousbattle €ver cellcdby such truske making the redeliveryand the roid in l9ll in the most -l'lxrc dislrict bond redelivcredtogcther with ail unprid inrcrcst waged ibe Battle o( Automobilcs. q,is no coupons drill be starnpednegoti.ble wirh rhe date of truce; no quarter asked or given; , ruthlcss. .ontin- rous ,nnihilation ot life dry and o;ght Nincry-s;y ''Sccrion 'l'hc 6. rcvcnuebonds sbrll contiin r pro human beingswue being driven into tl,c jaws of death vision autborizing rbcir calling in fo. p;yment belore every t!venty-four bours. A conservatrveestrmite nrrrur;ty at any inter.st paying date upon not;cepub- world pl.ce destroyed.or partially dcstroycd,propcrly lishcd for odc insrrtion, not lcssthan tirirty days before in rhe form of autonobiles at $10.000,000. What i rh. dirc ol sLrchrcdunrption. in sonle nes'spiprr pub- staggeringtragcdy. An army clivisionof infantry com- lr\1,d rn th( .r') of I i rle r{o \. ArLrn.rs. in sone nriscsrboJr 10.000 m,n ll th. .lrrr.i,1 w"n' irrJ b.rttleand cve.y lnst man were destroycdrogcther with n({,spipe. fublished ;n the city of St. Louis, Llissouri, aclvisingtirc holclerof srid bords thrt rhey will bc plid all its equipment, !lr;rt sould b. rbout cqrivilcnt ir thi omce of rhc']-rc:su.er of thc State of ArLrnsrs: to thc ioss in tbe battlc of artomobil0s in tb0 tJn;te,l ind nll of tb. coupons.afrcr thc first, attacbcdto said Statesin a single yeaf. Should such a trrgic enclcomc bonds sbrll provide $rt they are payableonly in crse to an army division the country world be st;rred to its thc bond to whicb rhey are rttached is not soonerpaid. very foundarion, yet in the faceof the ippalling loss in Betorepublishing such notice,the Governor, the Audi life through automobile accidents,it scens irnpossiblc Lor o[ State and tbc Trersurer of State shall determine generil interest. A iew Chinanun rrt the amount of bonds of ercb road districr that shall be killed by Japs in Mancburla and immcdiatelyour coun piid of so thrt tbe amount of bonds of eachroad dis- try, thousandsof miles away, is st;rredind thc incidcnt Lrict shill b( pa;d of in tbe proportion that !b€ totil requiresoftci:rl attentioo. So co.sidcrrtc trie wc ol tbe ourstandingbonds of eachroad district bcarsto !he total humanitarian side of Nn destroyedin a qu.rrcl bc- ourstandingbonds of all road districts And the ca.liest tween n.tions. But Iife sicrific€dunder our very nosc, nrturing rr:vcnueboncls sball be crlled first so to spcak,on rhe alr:r of the god ot specd,r!.eives '"1 little noti.e, if any, exccpt from thosc who are lcfr to hc rclcnuc bond or bonds for which the road cach individual lragcdy. Our p(ople crn tron(lsso (lriwr i.c hcld i1scolliter;rl sccu.ity, shill rl)cn bc wo.kcd inLo collcctivegiving of nrillions of clollirs bc cillrd i. rnJ prid, rncl upon such palrncnt of rev ro prelent. for inslance tuberculosis. Whrt incon- enuc bonds, t|.'Stltc Trcisurer sh.ll cancelby periora- sistencyl Wirb onc cye we secrhc r:rvrgcof discrseerd tion the revenuebonds, ind shall cancelby periorarion with one hlnd lry to preventits toll; but the road bond rnd shrll ccrLifyto the Audi.o. of Slrte othet cyc against i dev;rstitingrnonster. the duath by thc lect ol thc crnccllirtionrnd rctrin rll such bondsl autonobile, and the orbcr hand is not Iifred ;rnd rl)r Audiror of Stateshall note their cancellationin to do any- thing. The nroltality due to auronrobile r book ktpt by him, \virh date oi cancellation;and rh€ nccidenrsfor -I l9l1 is nbout five per cent grcrter rhin th. prcccding rcasurerof Strie shall note the cancellationof such ye,r. Wbar {'ill it be in l9l2i l-hc killing bonrls upon |is rccords. At lcrst thirty days beforethe so0son anong rhe bigh rnd tbe low, on bywiys and highlv;rys darr tixfd fo! the accelcratedpaymcnt of any such rev- and on crowdcd city strects- No partialiry is shown cnue bonds. the Auditof of Stite shall transmit to tbe in _l the dca$ harvest.--O/ioia Jouonl. Str{. rcasurer,as trustee,bis warrant fo. tbe amount !hc.eof $'ith intcrest, wbich rva.rant sbill be dralvn ' H. I a..:rl ki.k out upon tbc fund nvribblc for the pryment of principil and 'Anysor of kissingAnn lisr .igh!. She n]ore thin usurll" intcr0stof revcnuebonds, ind wben paid by th€-l rers- ' ure. of Stared)all be cbargedby him to such fund. Ile- Yeh, her tiancesrw mc. ''Secrion 7. Bcrwcenthc first and fifteenth of Nhrch of ciJr y.ir t|c Chairmrn of thc Stite Highx'ay Com- -lmission shrll .rrtily tu dre Auditor of Starc rnd thc reisure. of Slate rhe inrount that vill be requiredfor ARKHOLA SAND and GRAVEL CO, tbc fiscal ycar to pay the;ntercst;rnd maruf;riesof rev- [iretrcof BuitdiiE Mot.ridk cnue bonds, and th€ interest and marurit;esof tlnde- posilcdroad distfi.t bonds,is prov;dedi tbis Ad. The Auditor of Srateind FIigh1!it),Comnissioncr $all e.ch L cp i .,r-,rnJ Iof tl.. rr.uritcr inpr. r and amounLsduc of iny and ill roaciimprovemcnr dis- trictsin Arkrnsas.'

-l Satu! nnd Crov.l Cataeitr Over cachcr-'Son, rell thc classsomcibing ;rbourLind 100 C6s Dailt bcrg.;'"11 1',, s.urh7rh rrd lr st. I'hcnc5000 Sm,rll Ilol-'I nevcrs.rrv tbcm but I cin tcll rbonr FOI{T SivII',lU L. D,30 Chrrlic Chrplin s. ARKANSAS rtI GHWAY S OutstandingObligations of ContractorsTo IJe Funded Act l\!o. l5 Provides tor Issuance of lDteresnllcar;ng Notes ()oveiiig Unpaid Vouchers for Road Construction Norv Outstandinl

Of inkrcst to conkactorsand orhersholdiDg rrnpaid and no! more thrr $1,750,00000 worth of highway .oi,l,*s of rhc Srrrc H.shw:y U(p;rrmenr covering bondsshall be issuedin the calcndarycrr of 1933 or in road work done last year are the provisionsof Act No. inv ' rlerd.rr yFJr ,h"rJrrcr. tl,:( bcinBth lllf'cxim rrr l5 providing for rbc issuanccby the Srrte Notc Board amount necessiryto m.tcfi Federal:i(l rnd thcrcby prc ot sbort-rcm norcs,briridg iive per ccnt inrercsr,in lieu vcnt rhc loss of such ,;d: a.d no l)ighwiy bonds shall hc.cifr.r b. issuedexcept with 'na- of tbe vouchcrsor warrnrs rhey now hold. the ipproval of n jolity of the Stnte Note Board including the Covernor. SectionNo. 17. lvhich covefsrb;s arrangement,leads or w;th the approval of at leasrseven membcB oi the in full as follows: Strte Notc Borrd, nor sball any highway bonds be is- S.ction 17. lt shrll be rhe d ry oi the Srrt€ Nore suedin any yerr in excessof tl)e arnount of l-edcrrl rid Board to issuesbort term norrs ;r lieu of rll legalvoucb- a{loLtedto Arkrns,rs undcr Acts of Congressfor thrt ers or warrants now or hereafter issued ior work, particularl.ar. No bondso. othcr rv;droccsof iDdctjt labor. mrterial, o. suppl;es,heretofore done or fur, edn€ssshall eve. be sold undcr thc provisionsof this A.t nisbld by rny cont ctor, sub-conrrrctor,nrterialman o. l.borcr in lhc construction,mnintenince or rcpair of 'l rhe State hishs',ys or for rbe Srac H;ghrvay Depar!- () a lIorse menr upon requestbeins madc rhc.efor by the lesal Oh Lorsr, you arc r wond.ous thing. horn bolder o! holdcrsof any of such oblisrtionsr sucb short no ro honk, no bells to ring, no license ycrr. lcrm notes to be in subsra.tially rhe fo.n of the buying everv wilb platesto scrervon front and short term notesberstofore sold by saidSrate Nore Board rc;rr. No spirks ro miss. no gearsto sl;p, you starr yo!6clf. for rbe Stite H;shway Commisllon and €xccuredin rhe no clurch ro slip, no gas bills mountins evcry dry to sreal rhc joy bearingin&rcst at rh. rire of 5 per cent of lituaway. Your;nner rubesar€all pcr rnnun fron thc d:rteof issuance,and nor more rhan O.K.rnd,rhink the Lofd. thcy stay th,t way. Your spark plugs $750,000.00 rvorth of such notesshall lllature on Feb- never miss ard fuss, your notor ncver makesus cuss. ruary Ist, i914, and rl)e .raruriries of the bal:nce Your framc is good for m;rny a mile, your body ncver thereofshall be equally divided, one-hilf to nlarureon ch;rnges style, wants are ferv rnd ersy n]ct, you hrvt lcbruary 1st, 1915. rnd one+ilf to mrttrre on Feb- Iour sonrc- Lbing on the ruro ycr. ruiry l, 1916. Tbc Stite Norc Ro:rrdshrll uscits dis- cretion 'n irr]nging Lbematuriry dar€sof rhe various notes issred so that any of sucb legal holders of said obligitions sbrll not be given prcferenceas to the ma- LAKEWOODSUBGRADER lLrrity dite of tbe notesissued ro him Said sho tern noles shrll be in denominarionsof $100.00, $500.00 and $1,000.00,a.d if the amounrdue aDy of the legal holdc.sof suchoblisations is lessthin the amounr which ..r bs paid by notcsof thosedcnominrrions, rrcn sud) lcg.rlboldcr m.ry piy thc dilTcrcnccin c.rsl)and receive suchnote, or he nay rikc from rbe St;rreHighwav Corn- nlissiona voucher showing the balancerhar is due bim and vhich canno! be p;rid ;n notes of rhar descr;ption and $'hicb voucher sbrll be prid as soon as th(e shali be in tlre SrateHighlvay fund rnoneysavailable for the purposeiprovided, this Act shallnot vnl;darcrny claim, voucheror lvarfan. or orber ev;denceof indebtedrcssis, Uselt Only o FewHours... sued under or pursuant to an illegal contracr,and pro, vided. further, tha. no note or not€sshall be issuedin SoveMoney All Doy! Iieu of any such clain in excessof $150.00 wbere such In one to three hours it will produce on occurore clrinr is basedon, cost plus conrractor a contract nor subgrode sufricientfor lhe e.tire doys run. teovrng let on competitivebirlding until sudr chirn is approved roodwoy cleor for kuck houling ond the conkoc,or and thc issu.nceofsuch nor.s arcaurhorized by rhc Srire ins!red dgdinrt low grddes ond resulr- Highway Audit Conrnrixion, or unr;l the vilidiry of anglo3ser in concrere. such claim is f;nally adjud;cared and determinedby a ouicktyodiunobt. in vidrh ond tor.ny a.prh court of competenrjurisdiction. No addirional h;gh- or cut .nd spe.ifi€doo*i. Sov.r irt wiy bonds or highway notesshall be rutborizcd, issurd or sold ln the cilcndrr yri. of 1912, cxcpt rhoscbigh- raKEwooo GRADEROOTER_..roob4a way notesprovided for in dris secrionof this A.t ro be - " h.h.r widg.._woik!eirh.r wnh issuedin Iieu of legal vouchersor rvarrants for rvork, hbor, mrterial or supplieshcretofore done or furnisbcd by any contractor,sub cortractor. laborer or naterial, Carried in nock hr Chodlrv (inrerr & Nhcl'insry CD., (]o., 'nar tn tbe construction,maintenance or repair of tbe Nlemplisi lVriie-Stcivnit Oklaho'nrCityi EroRnin{. I:crtis Ildchinery Co,, I)illis, dnd l-okewoo'l E{ruilr'nent State hishways or for rhc SrareHighwry Deparnnenr, - 10 ARKANSAS HI GHWAY S ,\;;ii DisbursementPriorities under The Refundin$Act Itevcnues of Highway Deparhnent From All Sources Are lNgruDded for Semi-Annual Disbursertent Undet ]''ixed Schedule rc!enncscoming into the Statctrctsurv oav Drin.ipaland;nterest of c.rtifi.:rtcsof inclebt(d- Ajl biehwry Contmis- rrr o S.nrrrulc-lrL, o'h. r' rrrol hcH tl'$ 1I frrrid ness,.'rl..,i'z. t ro bc i,'uedbr rl)elliglr\vJv of Lhc Lxr.or58.r\l {r ,r m.1 lr forLh, rJ'Jrinrrtrativ' ex- 'ronundc Act No. 24s-t rl)euerer'l1 A*.rnblv ^".' o' 't," d.r''i rr'nt ano $li 000 permont! Ior Stateof Arkansasof l9l L seneralsesslon 'r.'(. rl,(rxr, n\\ "i iru HighsJv Aud;tConr rr''ion Sixth: All valid rnd unsatisfiedjudsncnts man- underAct No. l5 of drc recentExtraordinarv S*sion of datesard decrees,existing on April I' l9l2 ard rcn' rhc CencralAs-embly. are to be impound€dand dis- ileredby any circuit,chaniery Suprcme or iiederrlcourt bursd undcra fixcd scb.cluleassurins priorities 3s fol- in the Stat€of Arkrnsas;all lcsrl vouchcrswarrirnts or otberevidence of indebrcdncssnorv or hererftcrissuecl done l:irst: Sucbinonnt is mny bc requiredto pry ma- for work, l.rbor,nrtterrl, or supplicsherctofore l)rd')\v1'nor'*o-LorrJ' rt).{ irrl. '( Ihcrcon or furnishedt'y:rny contractor'sub contractor'mrtelal rnnqsri, or re' (1,,.bo.nJr "'e a l.1r.lro b. I p':orlien 01 rll Br'o- ilan or laboferin drc constructron,mirnlcnincc High|av linc an.l mororrcbicl.s iucl t,xesand motorr€gtstrrtrorr Diir ol the Sratehishwavs or for thc State chimshas not {ccscol|:ctcil in thc Stat,: bep"rtmcnt'uhere the legal holdcr of sudr rcciivcdr Strtc rote in licu tl)crcofas provicl

Beirden Farnrersti MerchantsBank to reopen. Wynne Mr. C. O. Smithpurchased Deluxe Bakery Camdcn-Contractlet for printing new edificebeing constructcdfor FirstIvlcthodist Churcll. Lead Hill-jllr. and Mrs. H. B. Taylor purchased sixty acresnear here for poultry farm. sr!' € Frcrfi, k nArll'dnd r3il.qd

Tuckerman-Hube.tHall purchasedinrerest of Hunt NATIONIL 'TRA[F!C GUAND COI\IPANI and Jobn Puckettin City Drug Store. lvlountainHome Elmer and Clyde Bryant tc pur' chaseShipp farm on White River. Judsonii-Farmer ForbesHardrvarc nnd Furniture Co. reopencdunder fnrn nameof JudsoniaH.trdware Co. I _ Lz A.I{(ANSAS HIGHWAYS April Road Chief ShowsLabor GetsMost of lJighway Money Studies lteveal That Labor Is Pa;d $910.00Out of 1i1,000.00ueceived by Contractor To Buitd Concrete paverrctrt BvEtj, I)ully

Libor gets$910.00, or about ninetcnrhs, of every tu.lly receivcsa'lothcr jn $724.10, mrking a toral oi $1,000.00rcceivcd by the coDtracro. bu'ldinga con- $910.00 reccivedby hbor from each $1,000.00. ]-his crete paveroent.accordrng ro I sratcmcntissued by moncy ,s prprld.J ror u:grs in mills.rn



Not cl:ins, blt facrs, shouid soecrn your .ulren specilica- .rtF tions. Ton.an lr6n Culvens ale b.cked !y a lenarLibl€ recora ol petlomance. Made fron ar alloy o{ relined iron, copper and molyb.lenuF, they lesist n3t anil .orrosion, last lonqe., IRONCULVERTS heeil less tlequent replacemenr. On rccords of nctual s€ryice you.an contirlently use Toncan Ircn Culveds D.de! crossinqs, to rcpl..e trestles, Io! storn sewers an


Complete Equipment for Contractors ACENTS FOR CHICACO PNEUNIATIC TOOL CO.'SCOA,IPRESSORS ANd DITILLS i ALSO Yellorvstrand Wire Itope, ColumbiaD Trpe Marked l\'Iani'd llope, Novo H(.ists, Yale Chain Hojsts, Sasgcn Derricks, Baldrvin Sbovels, American Scrapers and Wbeelbarrows, Nlyers Pumps. All in Sto.h For In"'ediote Shitnent CBNTRAL SUPPLY CO.. Little Rock.Arkansas 14 AIiKANSAS HIGHWAYS April

IIISSOI.JITIL]IT1'S I],,\N ON STICIiDITS ACCIDDNT PREVT]NTIONANI) DI)T]OA'I'ION Wbrt €ducarion Netv Itociproc.t Agrcenrent can do ro prevcnril..idcnrs is sl)o{,r On,.\uro Trucks by a drart .eccnrly Is Also Norv in Ellcct issuedby rhe Nirion;rl ilurrru of Cr.rr:trrrn.t Sur"LrUn,trwrircn ,rcr.rililsrl,i rr..n.tin 'stickcrs', irr.!t,rtr:dnrs in \.rv Yorl Ciry from ta,'ro Irll Misouris ban on Arkansrscrr li(nse has bccnliftcd as far asplersure cars or auronobilesire.on- During,this pcriod, cerncdif the carsdisplay the old l9tl licenseptates. faraliriesto adutrs stcrdily in- creased. Th*e were 909 deirhs in l9:lt, ,s compircd D",igbr Bl.ck{'ood, dr.irman of rhc A.k,ns.s Sr.te wirr,48? in I02l -,r (rs., Iiigbrvay iump oi 85 nLrccnr In rhc Dcp:lrLmrnt,iidvisrd rbc CouricrNcNs rbis ol .l'rldrcn.o rhc h.r hind morning o rtr r.r'( l|l. \r,.rdt) tbrt rhcban inllicted *veral rvecksago had bcen gonedowr. l-hree bundredrwelvc ll,.J I werek;tlcd in l9l t, hc Ar\.:n..r,hislrwr, comrr..ion.r's:n- as compaRd wirh 477 ;n 1922 a drop j5 b r (c,l ot pcr ccnr. up l.y Cipr. A D Shrrr..rdol It rs cstrmrtedthit 1.458 children .rc q,bo rl\ \liyn,ri'S,rr( I'iel,..ry ,1."1,"'"tf now liviig i rr, rt,:i u,r,i.r \vould have bcenkilled hrd tbcir;lccidcnt rar., N.rv, ur.r l,,n; Jr\'rni. r.li,llonr inircrscd roJi) rr)Jltr t,Jd alons sith tl)nr oI iduirs during rb€ ten-ycir p0ridt. Jusrh.cn uor.fiLJ o'rlrr (hJlscin rh. brn or \r ckcr. "Please Other communities,lafge and smatl, rvarn Arkersas hlvc found tbrL 'tbat mororists, Capt. Sheppard accrdentpreverrion work in schools stired, eachor 'rrodn.essimilir bearinga sticker'mustalso aisplay r'rlrs. i h. yrrne n:,rd i\ opr" ro (.,rr.srr thc old_191I iicenscplare n .rn.l for identificationpurposes or .-.rl\ rb\orbsI,, idcnr rc\clrionrnf,,r . ;r i!;ll be iurnedback. f m. ron.c t, c ) !vhen vividly prcscnted. Thc adLrttmird on rrc ornrr Th. l^rnon sri,trrs sriJtrlltr,.,. r..s:rd.onrmer h:rnd. being lessn:llerble, offersercrtcr.cs;stancc to it)e crrl rchiclis.C,rpt Shcpp.rrddccirred inf:x 'I'hc ot Inorvlcdgc thc r,{,;( 'lr-. ,1,it,,,.nt,J!r i\lissouriolliccr. srarioncd ir Sikcsron,said he l/i'n..' ,vill srrv ,vrrL 'rcrnir turuh.yc,r..rn,t $il h.. b.d rlso bcennorii;cd of a nervrcciprocal agreement bc- J m.ghrvinflu, r j. r"rJ.,iJcnr prcvcnriolInrorgrJ,.trs rrveonArkrnsas and Missolri h;shrvaydeparrmcnrs on oI comrng geieratrons. trLrcks.t hc nc,vagrcemcnt. 'I-here bc said,ailo!vs uuc,.s i.om . is nor a school ir tbc country rvlrich our ol cithrr St.tc hiLrliDsprodLrcts ol tbc o{,ncr ro-t rrivct ;n Justr.eio rrs charsc, on rUord ro lcave rccirlcnt prc_ thc otbcr Sritc $'irhon. addirionrtticense. bis do{s vention orrr of i1s (urr;culunr. No educ.rL,onrr+,orx not irppll' !o for hirc rrucks.Chairmrn Btackwood of can be of grcatervalue rhin r|;rt which sircs livcs. Iirr- thc Arkansis Cotrrmissioncould nor be reacL

IJad ltoads FIRSl' CONCRT'1'D PAVANTI]N]' PLACDI) A colorcdcouple rppearcd bcfore thc liccnsc.terkfor FOII'I'Y YEAITS AGO i rrarflagepirrmlt, accornpanied by tbreechildrel. 'l-hh ''W|osc yrar narks the forriethannivcrs;rry ofspring are tbesci" rbe cie.k asked. of rheold, "Dey 'em, estconcrcrc pavemenr in drc UnircdSrarcs. s ours,suh. ev ry blessedone of suhl ''Arrr't In 1892, beforctherc wlre ;rny aotonrobitcs.tle rsrrn"J ro corrrcher" Io e- )oI nr,rrrire..fon,r'rr.Oh,o. Inr'rlted L,,Ts or con.,sr(on OrfrJ .,n,r liccnse,Sanbo, $.ith ncarlya fult grown famity? "Weil, Lourl brn. s ^ r\vosid.c of rhccour'lrou.c. Srr Lrs s'rh,it wasdis rvay;ive done _ ilied ro git here on_the remaining sidus of rhecourrhouse were prvrd rDc but the roadswrs so badve jescouldn't make itt followins year. fhi. oJdr:trrr.nr i. \'rll q,!irBBcthronr.r nc nruL.r- [,1r. Candbi, v? read,{'anrs a ProhibirionIaw for r.rs(xcclipnr ieivic.. Utl".l.co

-- 19s2 .rnrnNseS Hffi l5 ADVICE TO THE A4O'I'OIiIST I h- followinsJdvi.e ro rh" moror.t giren by M,r:r w,ll Hrl(cv ol rh" N.rtiorr' Burcru oJ-Cr\uily ind .SLrotyUndcnvrircre, naz'e sl)oul(l bc iurprcsscdupotr cvc.y C'\z€./^ I ror! _ L Rcgulrre vour speed ro dflvinB (o.ldirions Heard? rventv.trv_pmrtps ppr hour rir! be nore drnBcrous thrn rorty. rf€ rnrlesper hour under,"rrdincondirions. My L Do nor dIi frsler thrn $ r Dcrmit you ro sLoo sp€echwas ralber lengrhy, I am ,trard. young sracesmzni''bur.l saidrhc wirl'in rh. Jl,und c u,rrdis'rn,e rherit. Some.nc mri assureyou tl,rt it..ri"i"i suddenly nurnerousgems of rbouehr." conreour of an inrersecrionor around a curve. "Perbaps.- Kngy rh"_rulN rn.t regrrt,)rions:rd obev rh"m eplicdSen,rtor Sorghurn lJnt _ ., n"vsrJlto'cd I h;rvc r r)Lvarc dc(r8ncdro b ng sifLry rn.l ll,err disobpdrencc mvscttro raJ,crhc stithrc.r in.cn*r ,n rlr(.c wl|r causcrcclJenrs sroresot bunedrrersure. 4. Keep on your sideof the road, ir is rhe safesid€. 5. Do not pass unlessyou can sec rDd! no on€ rs a" you tind -,--Ylr, rhc nosr diticult rhins on thc conrrnganci rb:1rlon havecnoush room. ''To 6.. Signal befo.c you turn and turn from tbe cor, pay the insralm€nrs.

7., Drive srnoothly-the unexpecled is liable ro cause "Do you rl,irt, rhr' peottc wi evergo ro Hcrveq gorngup rn atptJnes, 8. Havc your car inspecred,ndflaintain it in good "No, operaong cond,non. tbeyare nore likelyro go com;ngdown.,, o Ci\" th€ .p",J^l|i:n morc rl)rn I,j5 sh]re of rhe ''Hullo, ng"rr.or $ Jv ticr or some one )our si/c. Brown, paintingthc caragaint. l0 "Yes, Slow down ard be frrri,utarty,rrerut when tbe *;fes beenmaking innucnaocsirbour r sl,nperv. whcn risibitiryis poor.:ndduring w'nrer coatsbe says exactly m cbcsdrc color of rbc tbe cveninSperk bour-4 to 6 p. m. Tlr:sc,.rulN d(rrv. crrcr,,l srudv rollowinr ''We , rbem had an explosionat our house srrourLrf n nrre ro lrrcgr.. ,\t ctrgr,c.rirc possibiliry "Wbrt roday.,, causcditt" ot r.cidcn' Thcv J'c brsedpu..ly or ."",,".y ano "lvly commoo sense-two grear wife." fri€nds of accidenr preven, ''How Iton. did sbecau* it?' "A POOITPAVE\IENTS HEI,D ONIj CAUSTJ smilelir up her faceand the porv(rcr0nplcdcd.,, FOR HIGH TAXES ''Why . Inpt perrrrfi.. tdci,i.ir!arc on" of rhc rlJjor !c,r

Wh rr pror(r 'Dend:ngo[ r.lxmoney cJn d^ isfurLher rllustrrrcdin W;v_re CoLrnrvwherc rJuring rhe r.n )prr pcnod rn? coct ol pJr€mcnrconrrru{rron ,vrs i7 per Blueprint .cnr Experts t^5 ferrru.rrcvlrd rhanIn Ol:ioCounrl ln ,brr trnoli IIr Lcrqlc Crv.rhog: Counrv could LITTLE ROCK BLUEPRINT COMPA}TY ' .-s.,\c,i _cqirrrrtt.. ro,,c$J6.000.000 b\ buildirgis d.d\V.,ync PHONE4.'22J SOUTIIENN BUILDINC Lounry. \\- a\

ROC ^Asp I lanh

At last an asphalt plank has been Dertecled lhat effectiL(lv anrl-economicitlvneets the floofins needs of industrY! AZItO(I( Asphalt Plank is resilient.silent' dustle..,smoolh, \ut€rptoof and tife-Iesisling It doesnotsplinteror check under moving loads It absorbs ihocks ard vibmtion. It is self' healins in use. At the same time, this r€ln rkable ne{ Droducl is dut?ble a" rocl,-tlom which it takes it. rrade name. tt showsno appreciable(ea' undel heavy t|affic. Aten't these the qufllili€s vou hav€ be€n vairly seeking in asphalt Planks? Le^rn nore ahout AZIiOCK Asphrll I'lank ----?rndbe conrinced of its outsianding valu€