SHELTER/ NFI CLUSTER MEETING (FEDERAL) Friday, 07 February 2020, 10:00am, NDRMC, Present: ZOA, IMC, IOM, ERCS, NRC, NDRMC, CARE, Christian Aid, HelpAge, CRS, IRC, SP, DRC, SCI, IOM/RRF, GOAL, Concern, PIN, ASDEPO Annex: PPT presentation. Agenda 1. Review of action points from the previous meeting 2. Information Management Updates 3. Good practice and lesson learned in Shelter/NFI programs a. ZOA – Shelter program 4. Regional information (trends, gaps, and challenges) a. Update on East/West Wellega and Benishangul Gumuz b. Update on Somali Region 5. Partners update: ( AoB a. Cluster Training calendar b. Allocating regions/zones to specific agencies will be an agenda item for the next CCM

1. Review of previous meeting action plans Update on the status of the last action points as follows:

Action Who Status Allocating regions/zones to specific agencies will be an Cluster Under AOB agenda item for the next CCM The SWAN consortium is not responding to the East/West NRC Pending Wellega and Benishangul response plan, NRC will follow up on the SCI request to SWAN to approve the plan Present the issue of Guji assessment done by partners and Cluster Done the regional authority response to the ICCG Partner presents their findings of Guji assessment to the Partners did the NDRMC will invite regional regional authority assessment authority to the next CCM The cluster will circulate an email on the venue and date of Cluster Done the training. Allocating regions/zones to specific agencies will be an Cluster Postponed to the next CCM agenda item for the next CCM 2. Information Management updates a) Carry-over items from 2019 to 2020: Based on the data collected in December and January, 6,500 ESNFI kits (NFI kits, ESNFI in-kind and in-cash), and 3,200 Emergency repair kits are carried to the 2020 reporting year.

c/o International Organization for Migration, YeMez Building, Behind Zequala Building, Addis Ababa, Landline: +251 (0)115 57 16 36 Ext. 1213|Website: |Email: [email protected] 1

b) New 5ws Template: • Activities listed under the dropdown list are shelter/NFI activities as per the new HRP, HRP 2020. • Reporting sex and age disaggregated data is mandatory • If possible, partners are encouraged to report vulnerability (disability, female-headed HH, Child headed HH) data • The Population Groups are IDPs, Returnee not home (reached their village/kebele but not home), Returnee home and Host communities • Description of terms can be found in the new template Discussion : • Partners recommended to include other vulnerable members of the community in the drop down list Action Who When Status Partners will send list of Vulnerable members of the Partners ASAP community to be added on the dropdown list

•c) January Report: issues found from the submitted reports

• In some of the reports submitted for January, information on sex and age segregation data and beneficiaries population data are missing. submitted without sex and age disaggregation • ,Partners are encouraged not to delete information on the 5Ws • Completed activities missed distribution start and end date, the date is used for reporting purpose

3. Good practice and lesson learned in Shelter NFI program a) ZOA Shelter Program Please find the PowerPoint presentation attached. Discussion Participants discussed the following points: •4. On the HLP issue: In the Somali region, land management is by the clan. ZOA ensures host community participation/contribution and a sense of ownership. The participation and contribution of the host community is demonstrated during the land allocation by the host community. • Sensitization and sharing information: To address all the beneficiaries ZOA’s community mobilizers went house to house and microphone is used for sharing information and to announce time of distribution • From the PDM conducted, 67% of the cash spent on food. For the next projects, ZOA planned the distribution with 70% in-kind and 30% in cash. It is not only ZOA’s problem, but most of the PDM also showed the same result, and beneficiaries are spending the large part of the cash on food. The cluster will invite a representative from the Food cluster to discuss coordination and how to overcome to this challenge. • ZOA acted and provided training on CFRs on the next projects.

Action Who When Status

NDRMC will invite food cluster to discuss cash NDRMC ASAP assistance to the beneficiaries

c/o International Organization for Migration, YeMez Building, Behind Zequala Building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Landline: +251 (0)115 57 16 36 Ext. 1213|Website: |Email: [email protected] 2

4. Regional information (trends, gaps, and challenges) a) Update on East/West Wellega and Benishangul • ESNFI kits: 17,729 kits distributed, 4,115 on-going, 6,100 are planned and funded (looking for funds) • Shelter reconstruction/repair: 3,846 are on-going • GAP: 16,700 ESNFI kits and 3,694 shelter reconstruction/repair kits. There is still displacement, and the need might change • IOM and NCS are partners with on-going activities • SCI, IRC, and NRC are partners with planned activities • FH Ethiopia, EECMY, GOAL, ERCS are partners who completed activities and phased out from the zone.

Challenge • Agreeing and verifying beneficiary list with DRMO is time-consuming, there are exclusion and access issues • Beneficiary verification process is being interpreted differently by partners, understood verification as targeting • Duplication of response, biased targeting and exclusion issues observed • Inconsistency in number of displacements, loss, and damage, made gap analysis difficult • Cash modality is delayed as a result of connection, and there is no means of verification • No internet connection in all zones and no phone connection in Kemashi • Lost all access to West Wellega due to road closure • Different assistance given in the same woreda creates tensions if packages are not harmonized • Harmonization of the prioritized group is needed to reduce cross-border tensions • There is no official access to secondary IDPs in East and West Wollega • Partners are phasing out of West Wellega, but there is still a significant remaining gap and no planned funding for 2020

Action points • SOPs to standardize processes shared twice, partners need to review and finalize, helps to be on the same page • In terms of selecting responses, the result of the Beneficiary feedback survey and market assessment survey will be circulated on the next TWiG. Partners are encouraged to present on the meeting for further information and make decisions.

: Discussion • Targeting exercise in West Guji and Gedeo, lead by the Food cluster, should be adopted in East/West Wellega and Benishangul. Partners also recommended having a beneficiary selection committee similar to ZOA’s in the Somali region.

c/o International Organization for Migration, YeMez Building, Behind Zequala Building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Landline: +251 (0)115 57 16 36 Ext. 1213|Website: |Email: [email protected] 3

b) Update on Somali Region • Desert locust affected crop production, if not managed livelihood of the affected population will be affected • 230 New IDPs are reported in Asli Kebele of Afdem Woreda and 110HHs in the Hariso town of Gablalu Woreda. The IDPs are in need of ESNFI and other humanitarian assistance • 86HHs are affected by the wildfire in Danan and Elele woredas of Shebelle zones • 114 admissions of cholera reported in Kelafo woreda

• No request came from the region. The locust observed, and no disaster reported • According to FAO, they are trying to address the issue, but they have livelihood need 5. Partners Update Partners are encouraged to use the Kobo link to provide a consistent update on the progress of their activities.

NDRMC: • Flood is reported in SNNPR, Gachu baba and Woredas in Gamo Gofa zone • NDRMC will share the information with the cluster including the regional request

Action Who When Status

NDRMC will share information about the flood incident in SNNPR region, NDRMC ASAP Gamo Gofa zone and the request letter from the region with the cluster

CRS: Name of the organization Type of activities Status Region Zone Woreda # of HHs

CRS Cash for ESNFI Completed West Guji Kerca 631

CRS Cash for ESNFI Completed Oromia West Harerge Bordode 1730 Midega CRS Cash for ESNFI Completed Oromia East Harerge Tola 1250

CRS Cash for ESNFI Completed SNNPR Gedio Yirgachefe 474

CRS Shelter Repair Completed SNNPR Gedio Yirgachefe 474 West Boji CRS Shelter Repair On-going Oromia Wellega Dirmeji 326 Midega CRS ESNFI Completed Oromia East Harerge Tola 1250 Midega CRS Cash for ESNFI Completed Oromia East Harerge Tola 1250

c/o International Organization for Migration, YeMez Building, Behind Zequala Building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Landline: +251 (0)115 57 16 36 Ext. 1213|Website: |Email: [email protected] 4

AOB: a) Cluster Training Calendar • Cluster is planning on providing distribution and good shelter programming training, the tentative training plan is below Date Location

February 27 Bule Hora- West Guji and Gedeo

March 3

March 5

The tentative schedule for Accountability to the Affected Population training is below.:

Date Location

March 24 Addis Ababa

March 27 Nekemte

March 31 Bule Hora- West Guji and Gedeo

b) Allocating regions/zones to specific agencies will be an agenda item for the next CCM This will be discussed in the next cc meeting.

NEXT MEETING: Friday, 10:00am, 21 February 2020, NDRMC office. (Confirmation email will be sent)

c/o International Organization for Migration, YeMez Building, Behind Zequala Building, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Landline: +251 (0)115 57 16 36 Ext. 1213|Website: |Email: [email protected] 5