Remote Backup You just need a libc to compile the Perl hdc, the drive holding the disc it had With great interest, I opened the package script that isn’t more recent than the one installed from. with the December 2006 issue of on the rescue CD. My mate’s computer gives the same magazine, and I was delighted to find an The easiest way to accomplish this is result, raising the question “are the cover article described on the cover as to compile it on a system booted by the DVDs supposed to be complete, or are “Remote Backup: Back up a hard disk rescue CD itself. they just for a quick look or demo of the across the network with a simple Perl distro they represent?” script.” Installation Woes Please could someone tell me how to In the depths of the article, I found I retired at 65, 15 years ago, and I live regain contact with the DVD drives if that an older version of libc is needed. alone on a 2 hectare block. only to add any apps that were missed in Now this is where the script does not My newest computer with two 200 GB the install? The drives were there with look so simple anymore. Version 2.3.2 or hard disks and a HDTV tuner was to earlier versions of Suse. older appears to go back to Linux ver- allow me to enjoy the latest in visual Stan Hutchinson sions no longer available to the public, entertainment. I installed Suse 10.1, but including Redhat 8.0, 3.0, Suse it could not see the second hard drive, LM We provide full version DVDs with 9.1, and Fedora Core 1. and manual editing of fstab was needed, Linux Magazine – not demos or scaled- I was excited to find that I may have although the system still could not find down mini-distros. Your DVD drive prob- discovered an extremely valuable tool the DVD drive it used to install itself. lem may have to do with the hardware, for my work, but I was disappointed to I have tried several of your cover DVDs but it may just be a matter of how the realize I would have to trace down an with varying results. Knoppix, from your drive is mounted or referenced. old version of libc. Should not the article September 2006 issue, displayed a screen We don’t provide full technical sup- have included instructions showing how asking if I would like to install Knoppix. port for the DVDs included in the maga- to obtain the proper version of libc? Or The system then drew two lines of dots zine, but we typically provide a sum- perhaps the magazine and the author across the screen and announced that it mary of help resources in the DVD pages could create these instructions as a could not find the Knoppix install code. (pages 18-19). By the way, Klaus tackled download? I would appreciate any help. and Mandriva had problems the problem of CD drives installing Bob Wooden using kinternet and finding my external Linux then disappearing after installa- modem, and they told me to contact my tion in Linux Magazine, issue #62 / Jan- LM The Perlmeister writes: network administrator. I looked to my uary 2006. If your subscription doesn’t This issue might have come across neighbour’s two elderly cows, the very go back that far, you’ll find the article in as more complicated than it actually is. big steer (he’s a lovely animal) and the our online archive: young Arab mare, but these animals http:// www. linux-magazine. com/ offered no help. issue/ 62/ Ask_Klaus_Knopper_on_Linux_ Suse 10.2 wanted to format over all Configuration. pdf my preserved matter on hdb, but when I said no, it installed neatly on hda, removing all reference to both hdb and

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