Liouville’s Theorem for Hamiltonian Systems Sam Stephens Math 198 Seminar Overview

• The Newtonian model and potential • Lagrangian and examples • Hamiltonian and equations of • Phase and “proper” physical systems • Statement and meaning of Liouville’s Theorem • Math relevant to the project

Canonical Coordinates

푑 • Note: 푞 = 푞 푖 푑푡 푖 • Any set of coordinates which uniquely describe a system, labeled 푞푖 and 푞푖 (later, 푝푖 will be used) • Examples: • Cartesian coordinates • Polar coordinates • Rotating reference frames • The degree of freedom of a system is the number of coordinates which can independently vary (for a mechanical system, this will be even) Newtonian Model

• Formulated by in 1687 • Given a vector 퐹 푞, 푡 , solve using Newton’s law: 퐹푖 푞, 푡 = 푚푞푖 • Example: A ball in a gravitational field, with 퐹 = 0푥 + 0푦 − 푚푔푧 푥 = 0, 푦 = 0, 푧 = −푔 • For a function 푈(푞), 퐹 = −훻푈(푞)

• Formulated by Joseph Lagrange in 1788 • Given a Lagrangian 퐿(푞, 푞 , 푡) for a system, a path (p) between two different states (s) will make stationary the action (S): 푠2 푆 = 퐿 푑푝 푠1 • Stationary means small changes in the path do not change the action, called the principle of least action • Examples:

in a gravitational field, with 푞1 = 휃 from vertical: 푚 퐿 = 푙2푞 2 + 푚푔푙cos 푞 2 1 1 • Single particle in potential 푈(푞), with 푞1 = 푥, 푞2 = 푦, 푞3 = 푧: 푚 퐿 = 푞 2 + 푞 2 + 푞 2 − 푈 푞 2 1 2 3 • Particle in Cartesian reference frame rotating about 휔 푚 퐿 = 푞 + 휔 × 푞 2 − 푈(푞) 2 • Generally, 퐿 = 푇 − 푉, where 푇 is kinetic and 푉 is potential energy • Compared to Newtonian mechanics: • Allows arbitrary coordinates • More useful description (will be shown), especially for odd cases like magnetism, where there is no potential energy • However, overkill for simple problems


• Defined as: 휕퐿 푝푖 = 휕푞푖 • For a free particle labeled by Cartesian coordinates, 휕퐿 푝푖 = = 푚푞푖 , or 푝 = 푚푞 휕푞푖 • For a pendulum, 휕퐿 2 푝1 = = 푚푙 푞1 휕푞1 • While the definition seems arbitrary, it gives familiar answers, and more importantly things we may want to measure


• Formulated by William Hamilton in 1833 • Defined as

퐻(푞, 푝, 푡) = (푞푖 푝푖) − 퐿 푖 • Usually represents the energy of a system (not in odd cases, such as particles in magnetic fields) • Depends on 푝 instead of 푞 , and 푝 comes from the Lagrangian • Used as an intermediate step to find

• Space of all possible states of the system

• For mechanical systems, this can be the set of all 푞푖 and 푞푖 or all 푞푖 and 푝푖. Both of these completely describe the system • In general, and for the purpose of Liouville’s theorem, I will use 푞푖 and 푝푖 • Position and momentum are treated as separate variables, even though they are usually related through some derivative • Interested in how systems move through phase space Constant energy lines for the phase space of a pendulum. 푥-axis is 휃; 푦-axis is 푝휃 Equations of Motion

• Hamiltonian directly gives two first order differential equations: 휕푝 휕퐻 휕푞 휕퐻 푖 = − and 푖 = 휕푡 휕푞푖 휕푡 휕푝푖 • These dictate a flow in phase space • For the pendulum, we already calculated: 푚 퐿 = 푙2푞 2 + 푚푔푙cos 푞 2 1 1 휕퐿 2 푝1 = = 푚푙 푞1 휕푞1 푝1 푞 = 1 푚푙2 • Use these statements to find the Hamiltonian, and then the equations of motion (continued)

퐻 = (푞푖 푝푖) − 퐿 푖 Simplify: 푝 푚 푝 2 = 1 푝 − 푙2 1 − 푚푔푙cos 푞 푚푙2 1 2 푚푙2 1 푝2 1 푝2 = 1 − 1 − 푚푔푙cos 푞 푚푙2 2 푚푙2 1 1 푝2 = 1 − 푚푔푙cos 푞 2 푚푙2 1 This gives the equations of motion:

휕푝1 휕퐻 = − = 푚푔푙sin 푞1 휕푡 휕푞1 휕푞1 휕퐻 푝1 = = 2 휕푡 휕푝1 푚푙


• Discover a Lagrangian, either through experimentation, a textbook, or a guess • Calculate the conjugate momentum to each coordinate using 휕퐿 the equation 푝푖 = 휕푞푖

• Calculate the Hamiltonian using 퐻(푞, 푝, 푡) = 푖(푞푖 푝푖) − 퐿 휕푝 휕퐻 • Calculate the equations of motion with 푖 = − and 휕푡 휕푞푖 휕푞 휕퐻 푖 = 휕푡 휕푝푖

Proper Systems

• Consider “laws of physics” as shown by the graphs • A node is a system state; an arrow is an update law • Two rules for a proper system: • Each state maps to one state • Only one state maps to each state (reversibility) • Top system is acceptable, the bottom two are not • Equivalently, if I know the system is at one of 푛 nodes at some , I always know exactly 푛 nodes the system could at be at any time

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• Derived by Joseph Liouville in 1838, although developed by Josiah Gibbs (Gibbs free energy) in the 1870s • Stronger statement about proper systems, as applied to continuous cases • Very formally, given a phase space distribution 휌(푝, 푞, 푡), the following equation holds: 휕휌 휕휌 휕휌 + ( 푞푖 + 푝푖 ) = 0 휕푡 휕푞푖 휕푝푖 푖 • Less formally (and less precisely), the divergence of the flow of phase space is 0, so volumes in phase space are conserved's_theorem_(Hamiltonian) If the state is initially in the first box and let to evolve, the state will end in the final shape. These two shapes must have the same volume.

Blue lines represent different system evolutions. Meaning/Application

• If a system is in a small volume of phase space, we know that system very precisely, and so we always will (with enough simulation) • Began the idea of information as a fundamental concept in physics, especially in • The uncertainty principle is a lower bound on the size of these ħ volumes, given by: Δ푞Δ푝 ≥ 2 • Impossible to copy a qubit (quantum bit) without destroying the original • Led to many other properties of this flow in phase space, such as being topologically persevering My Project

• Implement the equations of for different systems (currently, the pendulum and a sliding on a slope) • Visually show Liouville’s Theorem • Phase space is drawn as a 2D plane with points corresponding to system states • The user selects an initial set of points in this phase space • These points are evolved with time • The resulting set of points will appear to have the same area as the original • Numerically validate Liouville’s theorem • Start with an initial hyper-cube of phase space, evolve it for a small amount of time, and recalculate its volume Runge-Kutta Method

• Peculiarly fast and accurate method for approximating derivatives, given by:

• Possible to validate using Taylor Series–Kutta_methods Estimating the Volume Change

• Start with an initial hypercube with side vectors 푎1, 푎2, 푎3 … and volume 푉 and let it evolve for a short time • Assume the new shape is a parallelotope with side vectors

푎′1, 푎′2, 푎′3 ⋯, which is accurate for small enough changes in time • Calculate the new volume using:

푉′ = det[푎′1, 푎′2, 푎′3, ⋯ ] 푉 • Assuming Liouville’s theorem, = 1 푉′ Bibliography

• • 2.html • • • The rest are given on the slides.