Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1945-07-18
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"'''1'8, rAT8, ,e. lie.,. lU Ih, ..,h Z~ "n' At I~".'~ EI ••• ,..... rRoCIH8ED 'OODS. bill • • t •••• n I~' ••,b ZJ 1ft' AI I~ ...'h NI ...114 ..... BUOAR, h.1t ..., Ilamp lit , ••d '0' n.. p.und. ,.,.••• AI" al. BROE8...... Ibreo .1,.Ia•• • lam,. Partly Clou y J. 2 ••• 8 , ••• I ••• II.U.I)'. N.II .lamp ...11. A.,. I. GASOLINE. II·A e.. , .......d 'er .Ix ,al1ool neh; lOW : P3rtl~· cloudy aUlI .·1•• ·1. 0-1 a.oI C·..... onl ,.0' 10. II •• ,.11 ••• DAILy, IOWA warmer • •a.~. FUEL OIL, , ••1001 ••• Ib'.I,b tl ...... p.n. THE N , ••• tb,.. ,b A.,. 811 lui Y•• ,·1 p.rlod 'our Oftd tl.. C I 1111 0•• , ••1 al•• iX.I,. lbo.. N ••••rl.d ID •••• p .... t.r \ Iowa i t y , • M 0 r n n V NI e w • pap. r t~" ••Ma a, •••• .y.WtI_~.============ ~~====~==========================~====================================~============================================~--=================~=======::~======~============~====~~ IOWA CITY, IOWA WEDNESDAY, JULY IB, 1945 nil AAOOIATID ..... VOLUME XXI NUMBER 250 Bigl Hold TRUMAN AND CHURCHIll AT CONFERENCE SITE • finl Session British Battleship j u. s. Of Conference • Stalin Meeh Truman For First Time, Fleet to Shell Jap 'Ind us rles Lunches With President POTSDAM (AP)-Thc Big Armed Forces to Get First Call- three held the first full ·u rcss Four Guidance Claude M. Stanley , Blow Follows _on of their gl'cat victot·y tOI1ference at 5 p. m. yestel·uay. • To Address M~eting ad Presiuent Truman was in Railroad Cars Yited to preside during the con· Offices to Open Of Public Employes Pooled .Carrier Strike ference. WASHINGTON (AP) - The order into any sendce. And as the Ajoint communique is.<;ued by armed forces yesterday got first impact of redeployment increases, 1M111an, Premier 8talil1 and SUI to Provide John Stevenson Says call on virtually all of the nalion's ODT said, it probably will become Ships Within Six rail way passenger cars. Prille A1inister PllUfch i II also Vocational Direction Plan, for Convention necessary at times to cancel regu Miles of Shore; Japs IIid that during the meeting The office of defense transporta larly scheduled passenger trains. However, Vice-President C. H. , ~ !l8tlld 1 % hou rs "the For Veterans Almost Complete tion has placed all passenger Offer No OPP..9sition , cOliches, baggage and express cars Buford of the Association of pNliminary exchange of views American Railroad said "an cf DES ~OINES (AP)-Foul' vo Claude M. Stanley, member of in a big pool to be available on (;(;,UI. ""'Il/lc~day ( P)- II the matters requiring deei THIS RADIO PHOTO from Germany Shows Pre ident Truman and fort" will be made to select cquip aPt by the heads of the three cational guidance centers will bc the Iowa employment security de/'{land for the use of the armed '1'11(' nritish hnttl('ship Killf.: Prime Minister Churchill leaving the "litlle White House" near Berlin. commi sion, will s.peak at an open seryices. ment in a way that will avoid the ,.vernments." They spent Monday touring de vasta led Berlin. United States signal established by the veterans admin need for discontinuing rcgul(lr (l\;OL';!I' V anll her cseol'ling IIIe war aralnst Japan unques meeting in connection with a state The action does not automatic ships jllilJC'(\ th(' l'nitecl , tat s corps photo. istratlon at Iowa educational insti convention of public employes' ally curtail service available to trains outright." "'~1 ranked hlrh On the tutions in the next three months "Present plans contemplate a Pa(·ifi(· fI('ct's 4-;),OOO·t011 dl'cad ..... of Ule Ulree rovemmental unions in Iowa City Aug. 5. civilians, but sets up t.he mechanics if the national veterans adminis J ohn C. Stevenson, president of [or making more passenger equip large increase in military move Illlll;!ht. Towa, lind olh('[' power t6lIIIala.. their lorelrn seeretar ments which will call Cor the 1I e fill Wfll'Slli(l~ in a grC'llt bom lII, .. 8I111ta1'7 advisors. At a Glance- tration olfice approves the pro Local No. 197, the university hos ment available for use in the rl' Chinese Force New pitals employes' union, said last deployment of troops from Europe of passenger equipment in excess bHrrlml'nt forrc to Hhell copper Tltere was a minimum of for posal, Wilham R Nugent, man of any previous demands and the night that plans for the annual to the Pacific. And in the end, and Will' inriustl·." plclllts of IIi. as President Truman, Pre needed equipment will hnve to bc JIIIIII1 ager for the Iowa l'egion an convention of Council Five, state the agcncy emphasized, there will .. Stalin and Prime Minister withdrawn from civilian servicc 1/H'hi only Sf) milrs from Tokyo, Indo-China Invasion nounced yesterday. organization of public employes' be less equipment Cor civilian use, ClUrthIll opened theIr discussions from time to time. ('ar!), 1Ii i~ 111 o I'll ing. ' Todoy's The centers wouJd be opened at unions, were being completed. wbIch may secure the peace of The order, which affects more "It is hoped that ways can be 'rltis wa .. th(' firsl time DI'it Drive Into Suburbs Iowa. tate college, Ames, July 23; Stephenson emphasized that the than 30,000 cal's of various kinds, Dtrope, speed Victory over Japan found to meet the military necds ish Ill/'ll I)' wa r had fi n'd I:tllells Univer ity of Iowa.. Iowa City, constitution of the state organlza I1Id settle the basis of the German Former American provides that they be used for without unduly cl'ipplmg any pur illto till' .Japanl'·(' homelanu. ?f Aug, 20: Morningside coil erie, tion was being set aside so that such purposes as the ODT may di ticular area." puce treaty. Iowan delelrates (rom any group of state, (Thl' ,IIIJlnlll'~r Domci agency. Air Base of Kweilin Sionx City, Sept. 10, and Iowa rect. ODT said in its announcement, Ea~ly defeat of Japan was re county Qr municipal employes in acknowledging the bombardment tate • Teachers college, Cedar This means t.hat the agency may "Travel will become more uncom of the Hitachi area hours laler ported to be . a primary purpose Falls, Oct. 1. the state might send delegates to Ii President Truman. British battleship.* * *escorts Jam CHUNGKING (AP) - Chincse order any car affected by the fortable than ever before." said It extendcd as far south ward Dr. L. E. Rackley, Washington, the convention. Strict of!icial secrecy was main Third fleet in bombardment of troops, in a new invasion of Indo Stanley will explain the new so as Milo, only 55 miles northeast talned around 'the meetinlr site Jap industries. China aided by mutinuous Japa national supervisor of the admin of Tokyo. The English-language istration's vocational advisers, said cial security system for public em the Kaiser Wilhelm palace, bor nese puppets, h3ve captured the ployes set up by the sta te legisla broadcast bcamed to North Amer Big Three hold first meeting of a cenler also was under considel' Republicans Split ica described the force, however, dered · by flower~, a lake and important Indo-Ch'inese seaport of ation in Des Moines. ture this spring, About 2,000 Franco Says miniature park, all in striking conference. employes in Johnson county are ,H "a small number of surfacc ..... ,"day Moneay on Tokyo's direct hipping The Ames, Sioux City and Cedar effected by the law. He ad Over Bretton Woods craft' 'and said the assault caused ,f.", I·. I.'Itltrasl to tile ruins of Berlin it- will One of four vocational guid supply r 0 ute to land-isolated Falls centcrs will be "plan B" dress a public meeting in the Iowa "only slight damagc." •• SlhH ~J ' uni1s. he explained. while the one Iht:J hl ~D ae~ President Truman ance centers for veterans to be outheast Asia, tho Chinese high City armory Aug. 5. (The enemy radio also said "a S·lu r ~ 1' • • Monarchy at Iowa City will be a "plan "A" Taft leads Opposition !.mall number" of Superforts w?e I ~", H fII'Il time at noon In an opened at SUI Aug. 20. command said last night, A. A. Couch. president of Coun .SaI.,dly I." setup. ra nl:'ing over the Dorthea tern cil Five, the Iowa organization of r'li _-JODI coaferenee at the "little To Monetary Plan; Ihr :J In the Chinese interior, other The administl'alion will estab the American Federation of State, Kallto (Tokyo-Yokohama) dis 'h'" 11/ Wle Houc" and shared a sbn Social security plan to be ex forces of Generalissimo Chiang Tobey Heads Backers .... aid-western style luncheon plained to public employes at lish a vocational adviser who also County and Municipal Employes, Will Return trict "on a nulsancc night raid Kai-Shek's armies beat their way will be chief of the center, at each wUl preside at the convention. mi.-. ion" while the bombardment WIllI w.. open meeting. into the suburbs of the former WASHINGTON (AP) - Senate Churchill entertained Secretary of the three "class B" instltu tions. Stephenson explained that Coun was in progr("~s). American air base city of Kweilin MADRID (AP) - Gencralissimo The bombardment CoHowed only of War Stimson at luncheon, and The othel' presonnel will consist oC cil Five usually has its convention Republicans split wide over t.he and cut the enemy garrison's main Francisco Franco Ii e1ared In t a f('w hour ~ a 1,500 carrier plane wu believed to have discussed a training officer and a clerk the day before the state A.F. of L. Bretton Woods world bank-fund escape route to the north, a com stenographer.