Leprosy is curable.

Treatment is free.

Discrimination has no place.

Global Appeal To end stigma and discrimination against persons affected by leprosy SINCE 2006 Global Appeal 2012 was translated into to Bengali by The Leprosy Mission International - Bangladesh

Background Message from Yohei Sasakawa History

Leprosy has been one of the world’s most feared and For more than 40 years I have been involved in efforts 2020 International Paralympic Committee misunderstood diseases. Today, thanks to modern to end leprosy and the discrimination it causes. As Tokyo, chemotherapy, there is an effective cure. With early WHO for Leprosy Elimination, 2019 International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) diagnosis and prompt treatment, it does not result in I have traveled throughout the world, listening to New Delhi, disability or disfigurement. A bacterial disease, leprosy persons affected by leprosy and urging national 2018 Disabled Peoples’ International is only mildly communicable. Some 16 million people leaders to address the issue of discrimination in New Delhi, India have been treated and cured since the introduction of their countries. 2017 Inter-Parliamentary Union multidrug therapy (MDT) in the 1980s. But one person can only do so much. That’s New Delhi, India Many myths and misperceptions about leprosy why I began this Global Appeal to invite globally 2016 Junior Chamber International persist, however. While drugs can cure the disease, they influential leaders and organizations from different Tokyo, Japan cannot erase the social stigma and prejudice that come spheres to lend their voices and issue a powerful call to 2015 International Council of Nurses from a lack of public understanding. Discrimination end discrimination against persons affected by leprosy. Tokyo, Japan against people affected by leprosy remains severe in Over the past 15 years, many individuals 2014 National human rights organizations some parts of the world. Denied the same opportunities and groups have endorsed the Global Appeal. You Jakarta, Indonesia for education, employment and marriage as other will find here the text of every Appeal, each one 2013 International Bar Association members of society, people affected by the disease find issued shoulder to shoulder with persons affected London, UK themselves marginalized. Their access to social services by leprosy. 2012 World Medical Association is limited or non-existent and their perfectly healthy Leprosy is curable. Treatment is free. Social Sao Paulo, Brazil children may be refused admission to school. discrimination has no place. I will continue to work 2011 World leading universities Working to end this discrimination, Yohei for a world without leprosy and the discrimination it Beijing, Sasakawa, chairman of The Nippon Foundation, causes, and see that these messages are heard.

WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination 2010 World business leaders and Japanese Government Goodwill Ambassador for Mumbai, India the Human Rights of Persons Affected by Leprosy, 2009 World’s religious leaders leads an annual Global Appeal. Initiated in 2006, it London, UK is launched on or near World Leprosy Day—the last 2008 International human rights organizations Sunday in January. London, UK The Global Appeal initiative has inspired partners 2007 Representatives of people affected by in different countries to make sure that its message leprosy around the world reaches far and wide. On occasion, the appeal has been Manila, Philippines translated into Portuguese, Chinese, Bahasa Indonesia, 2006 World leaders and Nobel Peace Prize laureates Amharic, Nepali, Spanish, Swahili, French, German, New Delhi, India Russian, Japanese, Hindi, Bengali and several other Indian languages, and organizations of persons affected by leprosy undertook the job of translating, designing and printing the local-language versions. They also delivered copies to health posts, hospitals and clinics for display to raise public awareness of discrimination.

Japanese Prime Minister (center) shows his support for the Global Appeal (Tokyo, 2020) Global Appeal 2006

To end stigma and discrimination Endorsed by against people affected by leprosy GLOBAL APPEAL 2016 Junior Chamber International

From ancient times, leprosy has been feared around the world as a JCI (Junior Chamber International) is the leading global dis guring disease without a cure — a divine punishment, even. network of active young citizens, dedicated to creating rough the ages, individuals with leprosy have suered harsh sustainable impact in their communities by seeking targeted discrimination and inequalities. solutions to local challenges.

anks to the development of eective drug therapy, leprosy is now We will use our international reach to condemn and completely curable — and the cure is free. With early diagnosis and ght against the discrimination that individuals aected treatment, the disabling eects of the disease can be prevented. by leprosy experience.

However, the stigma and discrimination associated with leprosy We will support activities to ensure that the next remain deeply rooted. Individuals with the disease, those who have generation is properly educated and informed to been cured and even their families nd themselves treated unjustly, eliminate the discrimination. with their opportunities for education, employment, marriage and other forms of participation in society restricted. We will aspire for a world in which individuals aected by leprosy and their families can live free from discrimination Myths and misconceptions are what prompt this stigma. In order to and enjoy the same rights and opportunities as everybody remove these misperceptions about leprosy, and eliminate the else in order to reach their greatest potential. stigma and discrimination, people need to be properly informed about the disease.

Paschal Dike Kosuke Shibata Yohei Sasakawa 2016 JCI President 2015 JCI Japan President Chairman of e Nippon Foundation

JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI Argentina Australia Bangladesh Belgium Benin Bolivia Botswana Brazil Burkina Faso

JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI Republic of JCI Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Catalonia Chad Chile Colombia Comoros Congo Cote d’Ivoire

JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI Democratic JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI Czech Dominican Dutch Croatia Cyprus Republic of Denmark Djibouti Ecuador Egypt Estonia Republic Republic Caribbean the Congo

JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI Finland France Gabon Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guinea Haiti Honduras Hong Kong

JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI Iceland India Indonesia Ireland Italy Jamaica Japan Jordan Korea Latvia Lebanon

JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI Lesotho Lithuania Luxembourg Macao Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mauritius

JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI the JCI JCI Mexico Moldova Monaco Mongolia Morocco Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua

JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI Puerto Norway Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Niger Nigeria Rico

JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI Romania Russia Rwanda Scotland Senegal Serbia Singapore Slovakia South Africa South Sudan Sri Lanka

JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI United Suriname Sweden Switzerland Syria Taiwan Thailand Togo Tunisia Turkey Ukraine Kingdom

JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI JCI Uruguay USA Venezuela Vietnam West Indies

Launched in Tokyo, Japan, on January 26, 2016, Global Appeal 2016 is an initiative of Yohei Sasakawa, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination, Japanese Government Goodwill Ambassador for the Human Rights of Persons Affected by Leprosy, and Chairman of The Nippon Foundation. GLOBAL APPEAL Mr. Saber H. Chowdhury Mr. Yohei Sasakawa (Bangladesh) 2017 Chairman, President, The Nippon Foundation To End Stigma and Discrimination Inter-Parliamentary Union Against Persons Affected by Leprosy

Leprosy, a disease once feared for its disfiguring effects, is completely curable today We condemn all forms of discrimination on the grounds that a person has or with modern drug therapy. Over 16 million people have been treated worldwide. once had leprosy.

Early diagnosis and prompt treatment help prevent physical impairment. We recognize and support the 2010 General Assemb ly Resolution on the Elimination of Discrimination against Persons Affected by Yet mistaken beliefs about the disease persist, perpetuating social and economic Lepro sy and Their Family Members, and are committed to contributing to the discrimination. implementation of its accompanying principles and guidelines.

In different parts of the world, people affected by leprosy and their family members We urge all Parliaments to promote and enforce non-discriminatory laws and can find themselves: policies to end stigma and discrimination against persons affected by leprosy, ・deprived of opportunities for education, employment, and marriage. and to ensure that: ・marginalized or rejected by society. ・Persons affected by leprosy and their family members are treated at all times ・stigmatized by outdated laws and practices based on discredited assumptions. with dignity and respect; ・Persons affected by leprosy and their family members are fully represented We, the Inter-Parliamentary Union, firmly believe that solutions to the challenges and involved in political discussions and decisions which affect them, and that facing persons affected by leprosy must be firmly embedded in human rights, as a they benefit from the full enjoyment of their human rights; key component of democracy and development. ・We help create a society in which every individual is free and equal in dignity and human rights.


Vice-President IPU Vice-President IPU Vice-President IPU Vice-President IPU Vice-President IPU Vice-President Member Member of the Executive Committee Mr. E. Ethuro Mr. A. Jasem Ahmed Mr. K. Kosachev Mr. A. Lins Mr. S. Suzuki Ms. F. Benbadis Mr. R. del Picchia Mr. I. Liddell-Grainger (Kenya) (United Arab Emirates) (Russian Federation) (Brazil) (Japan) (Algeria) (France) ()

Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Member Ms. G. Eldegard Ms. A. Habibou Mr. K. Jalali Ms. M. Mensah-Williams Mr. N. Schrijver Mr. Nguyen Van Giau Ms. Y. Ferrer Gómez Ms. M.I. Oliveira Valente (Norway) (Niger) (Islamic Republic of Iran) (Namibia) (Netherlands) (Viet Nam) (Cuba) (Angola)


Afghanistan Albania Algeria Andorra Angola Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan

Bosnia and Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Belgium Benin Bhutan Bolivia Botswana Brazil (Plurinational State of) Herzegovina

Bulgaria Burkina Faso Burundi Cabo Verde Cambodia Cameroon Canada Chad Chile China

Democratic People's Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Republic of Korea

Democratic Republic Dominican Equatorial Denmark Djibouti Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Ethiopia of the Congo Republic Guinea

Fiji Finland France Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Greece Guatemala

Guinea- Guyana Guinea Haiti Honduras Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iran Bissau (Islamic Republic of)

Iraq Ireland Israel Italy Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kuwait Kyrgyzstan

Lao People's Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Libya Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Madagascar Malawi Democratic Republic

Malaysia Maldives Mali Malta Mauritania Mauritius Mexico Micronesia Monaco Mongolia (Federated States of)

Montenegro Morocco Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger

Papua Nigeria Norway Oman Pakistan Palau Palestine Panama Paraguay Peru New Guinea

Republic of Republic of Russian Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Rwanda Samoa Korea Moldova Federation

Sao Tome and San Marino Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia Principe

Somalia South Africa South Sudan Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Swaziland Sweden Switzerland

Syrian The former Yugoslav Trinidad and Tajikistan Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga Tunisia Turkey Arab Republic Republic of Macedonia Tobago

United United Republic of Uganda Ukraine United Kingdom Uruguay Venezuela Viet Nam Yemen Zambia Arab Emirates Tanzania (Bolivarian Republic of)

Zimbabwe Launched in Delhi, India, on January 30, 2017, Global Appeal is an initiative of Mr. Yohei Sasakawa, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination, Japanese Government Goodwill Ambassador for the Human Rights of Persons Affected by Leprosy and Chairman of The Nippon Foundation. Global Appeal 2018 To End Stigma and Discrimination Against Persons Affected by Leprosy

Disabled Peoples’ International (DPI) is an organization open to persons with disabilities of any kind. Our goal is an inclusive society in which everyone has rights and can participate in society. Both DPI and The Nippon Foundation are committed to this goal. “Nothing about us without us” is the guiding principle of our activities to realize an inclusive society. DPI pledges to work together with the leprosy community to raise awareness of the disease to encourage a proper understanding of leprosy and respect for the human rights of the individuals and families it affects. We will work together with persons affected by leprosy to speak out and advocate for greater social participation. In working towards our common goal of an inclusive society, we will share knowledge and experience with persons affected by leprosy. Together with persons affected by leprosy, we call on society for the protection of our rights and for equal opportunity.

Javed Abidi Yohei Sasakawa Global Chair Chairman Disabled Peoples’ International The Nippon Foundation

DPI Angola, DPI Benin, DPI Burkina Faso, DPI Burundi, DPI Cameroon, DPI Cape Verde, DPI Chad, DPI Congo, Associacao Nacional De Federation des Associations Fédération Burkinabè des Union des Personnes Plateforme Inclusive Society for Associacao Caboverdana de Union Nationale des Union National des Deficientes Angolanos (ANDA) des Personnes Handicapees Associations pour la Promotion Handicapees du Burundi Person with Disabilities Deficientes (ACD) Associations des Personnes Associations des Personnes du Benin (FAPHB) des Personnes Handicapées (UPHB) (PISPWD) Handicapées du Tchad Handicapées du Congo (FEBAH) (UNAPHT) (UNHACO)

DPI Democratic DPI Ethiopia, DPI Gabon, DPI Gambia, DPI Ghana, DPI Guinea Bissau, DPI Guinea Conakry, DPI Ivory Coast, Republic of Congo, Federation of Ethiopian Fédération Nationale des Gambia Federation of the Ghana Federation of the Federação das Associações de Fédération Guinéenne Confédération des Centre Intercommunautaire National Associations of Associations des et pour Disabled (GFD) Disabled (GFD) Defesa e Promoção dos Pour La Promotion Des Organisations des Personnes Congolais pour les Personnes Persons with Disabilities Personnes Handicapées du Direitos das pessoas com Associations De Personnes Handicapées de Côte d’Ivoire avec Handicap (CICPH) (FENAPD) Gabon (FNAPHG) Deficiência da Guinéé-Bissau Handicapees (FEGUIPAH) (COPHCI) (FADPD)

DPI Kenya, DPI Lesotho, DPI Liberia, DPI Madagascar, DPI Malawi, DPI Mali, DPI Mauritius, DPI Niger, United Disabled Persons of Lesotho National Federation Of National Union of Disabled Platforme des Federations des Federation of Disability Federation Malienne des Voice of DPI Fédération Nigerienne des Kenya (UDPK) Organizations Of The Disabled (NUOD) Personnes Hadicapees de Organizations of Malawi Associations de Handicapes Personnes Handicapées (FNPH) (LNFOD) Madagascar (PFPH) (FEDOMA)

DPI Nigeria, DPI Senegal, DPI Sierra Leone, DPI South Sudan, DPI Tanzania, DPI Togo, DPI Zambia, DPI Egypt, National President, Joint Sénégalaise des Associations Disability Awareness Action South Sudan Union of Persons Tanzania Federation of Fédération des Associations de Zambia Federation of the Seven Million Disabled (FAPH) National Association Of de Personnes Handicapées Group (DAAG) with Disabilities Disabled People’s Personnes Togolaise Disabled (ZAFOD) Persons With Disabilities Organizations (SHIVYAWATA) Handicapées (FETAPH) (JONAPWD)

DPI Iraq, DPI Jordan, DPI Lebanon, DPI Libya, DPI Mauritania, DPI Morocco, DPI Palestine, DPI Sudan, People Association in Baghdad Disability Equality Society Lebanese Physical Libyan Organization The Mauritanian Association Morocco Forum Great Palestinian Union Edraak Organization for Handicapped Union for the Rights of People for the coalition of women “Disabilities and Rights” for People with Disabilities Persons with Disabilities with Disabilities with disabilities

DPI Syria, DPI Tunisia, DPI Yemen, DPI Afghanistan, DPI Australia, DPI Bangladesh, DPI Bhutan, DPI Combodia, Cultural Forum for people with Tunisienne de Defense des Al Saeeda Society for the Care Afghan Landmine Survivors Australian Federation Protibondhi Nagorik Disabled Persons’ Association Cambodian Disabled People’s special needs in Syria Droits de Personnes and Rehabilitation of Organization (ALSO) of Disability Organisations Shangathaner of Bhutan (DPAB) Organization (CDPO) Handicapees Deaf Girls in Yemen (AFDO) Parishad (PNSP)

DPI Cook Islands, DPI Fiji, DPI India, DPI Indonesia, DPI Laos, DPI Malaysia, DPI Maldives, DPI FS Micronesia, Cook Islands National Disability Fiji Disabled Peoples National Centre for Promotion Gerakan Peduli Disabilitas Dan Lao Disabled People’s Malaysian Confederation of the Maldives Association of Pohnpei Consumer Council Federation (FDPF) of Employment for Disabled Lepra Indonesia (GPDLI) Association Disabled Physical Disables (MAPD) Organization, Federated State People (NCPEDP) of Micronesia (FSM)

DPI Mongolia, DPI Nepal, DPI New Zealand, DPI Pakistan, DPI Papua New Guinea, DPI Palau, DPI Philippines, DPI Samoa, Disabled Peoples International National Federation of the Disabled Persons Assembly Inc. Pakistan Disable People’s PNG National Assembly of OMEKESANG Association National Federation of Persons National Council of People with of Mongolia Disabled Nepal (NFDN) (DPANZ) International (PDPI)/ Estanara Disabled People (PNG ADP) with disabilities in the Disabilities in Samoa/Nuanua o Group Philippines le Alofa (N.O.L.A)

DPI Singapore, DPI Solomon Islands, DPI Sri Lanka, DPI Vanuatu, DPI Vietnam, DPI Azerbaijan, DPI Turkmenistan, DPI Uzbekistan, Disabled People’s Association People with Disabilities Disability Organizations Joint Disability Promotion & Hanoi Association of People Society “For International Central Athletic Sports Club for Consultative Council of DPOs in (DPA) Solomon Islands (PWDSI) Front (DOJF) Advocacy (DPA) with Disabilities Cooperation of Disabled the Disabled of Turkmenistan Uzbekistan People” (FİCDP)

DPI Costa Rica, DPI El Salvador, DPI Guatemala, DPI Honduras, DPI Mexico, DPI Nicaragua, DPI Panama, DPI Antigua & Barbuda, Federación Costarricense de Asociación Cooperativa de Coordinadora de Fundación Hondureña de Confederación Mexicana de Organización de Asociacion Nacional De Antigua & Barbuda Association Organizaciones de Personas Grupo Independiente Pro Organizaciones de Personas Rehabilitación e integración del Limitados Físicosy Revolucionarios Discapacitados Personas Impedidas (ANPI) of Persons with Disabilities con Discapacidad Rehabilitación Integral con Discapacidad de limitado (FUHRIL) Representantes de Deficientes (ORD) (ABAPD) (ACOGIPRI) Guatemala (COPDIGUA) Mentales a.c.

DPI Bahamas, DPI Barbados, DPI Belize, DPI Dominica, DPI Guyana, DPI Haiti, DPI Jamaica, DPI Montserrat, Disabled Persons’ Organization Barbados National Belize Assembly for Persons Dominica Association of Guyana Council of Network Association for the Combined Disabilities Montserrat Association for (DPO) Organization of the Disabled with Diverse Abilities (BAPDA) Persons with Disabilities Inc. Organisation for Persons with Integration of Disabled Persons Association (CDA) Persons with Disabilities Inc. Inc. (BARNOD Inc.) (DAPD Inc.) Disabilities (GCOPD) (RANIPH) (MAPD Inc.)

DPI St. Lucia, DPI Trinidad and Tobago, DPI United States, National Council of/for Persons Trinidad and Tobago Chapter United States International Launched in New Delhi, India, on January 30, 2018, Global Appeal 2018 is an initiative of Yohei Sasakawa, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination, with Disabilities (NCPD) of Disabled People’s Council on Disabilities (USICD) Japanese Government Goodwill Ambassador for the Human Rights of Persons Affected by Leprosy, and Chairman of The Nippon Foundation. International (TTDPI) To End Stigma and Discrimination Against Persons Affected by Leprosy GLOBAL APPEAL 2019 Each year, thousands of people are newly diagnosed with leprosy.

Depending on their circumstances, they will join other persons affected by the disease who face multiple forms of discrimination and barriers to their participation in society.

In order to combat this discrimination, it is necessary to demystify leprosy by promoting accurate information—namely that leprosy is curable, that treatment is free and that there is no reason to marginalize anyone with the disease.

Success on this front also requires working to build a more inclusive society.

As the world business organization, the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) works to create solutions for sustainable economic growth for the benefit of all through a commitment to international trade, responsible business conduct and a global approach to regulation.

By drawing on our global network of 45 million companies in over 100 countries, we develop and advocate inclusive approaches to important challenges, with the objective of making business work for everyone, every day, everywhere.

That includes those affected by leprosy because everyone deserves a chance to fulfil his or her potential, and the barriers of stigma and discrimination should not be allowed to limit their opportunities.

Together with The Nippon Foundation and other stakeholders, the ICC is committed to a truly inclusive society in which the rights of each individual are respected and every person can live with dignity.

Sunil Bharti Mittal Yohei Sasakawa Honorary Chair, Chairman, International Chamber of Commerce The Nippon Foundation

ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC Afghanistan Albania Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Bahrain Bangladesh Belgium

ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC Bolivia Brazil Bulgaria Burkina Faso Canada Chile China Chinese Taipei Colombia Business Council

ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC Costa Rica Croatia Cuba Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Dominican Ecuador Estonia Republic

ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC Finland France Georgia Germany Greece Guatemala Hong Kong India Indonesia

ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC Iran Ireland Italy Japan Jordan Kenya Kuwait Lebanon Luxembourg

ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC Macao Macedonia Malaysia Mexico Monaco Morocco Netherlands New Zealand Nigeria

ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC Norway Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar

ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC Saudi Arabia Serbia Singapore Slovakia Slovenia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sweden

ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC ICC Switzerland Syria Thailand Turkey Ukraine United Arab United United States Uruguay Emirates Kingdom

Launched in New Delhi, India, on January 30, 2019, Global Appeal 2019 is an initiative of Yohei Sasakawa, WHO Goodwill Ambassador for Leprosy Elimination, Japanese Government Goodwill Ambassador for the Human Rights of Persons Affected by Leprosy, and Chairman of The Nippon Foundation. GLOBAL APPEAL 2020 To End Stigma and Discrimination against Persons Affected by Leprosy

Leprosy is a curable disease. It aims to challenge stereotypes and transform attitudes, But it is not just a simple health issue. breaking down social barriers toward people with a disability.

Many people affected by the disease are marginalized Diversity and inclusion are core to what the IPC stands for. because of stigma and discrimination. We are committed to the creation of a just and Their opportunities in life are restricted, even after being cured. equitable society.

Society’s prejudice has a negative impact on their families, too. In this Paralympic year 2020, we stand with persons affected by leprosy in calling for an end to stigma and discrimination. The International Paralympic Committee aspires to a more inclusive society for people through Para sport. Together we seek to realize a society that respects the human dignity and fundamental freedoms of all its members.

Andrew Parsons Yohei Sasakawa President, Chairman, International Paralympic Committee The Nippon Foundation

Afghanistan Algeria Andorra Angola Antigua and Barbuda Argentina Armenia Aruba

Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahrain Barbados Belarus Belgium Benin

Bermuda Bhutan Bosnia and Botswana Brazil Brunei Bulgaria Burkina Faso Herzegovina

Burundi Cambodia Cameroon Canada Cape Verde Central African Chile China Republic Chinese Taipei Colombia Comoros Congo Costa Rica Côte d'Ivoire Croatia Cuba

Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark Djibouti Dominican Republic DR Congo Ecuador Egypt

El Salvador Estonia Ethiopia Faroe Islands Fiji Finland France

Gabon Gambia Georgia Germany Ghana Great Britain Greece Grenada

Guatemala Guinea Guinea-Bissau Guyana Haiti Honduras Hong Kong Hungary

Iceland India Indonesia Iran Iraq Ireland Israel Italy

Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazakhstan Kenya Kiribati Korea Korea DPR

Kuwait Kyrgyzstan Laos Latvia Lebanon Lesotho Liberia Libya

Liechtenstein Lithuania Luxembourg Macau Madagascar Malawi Malaysia Maldives

Mali Malta Mauritius Mexico Moldova Mongolia Montenegro Morocco

Mozambique Myanmar Namibia Nepal Netherlands New Zealand Nicaragua Niger

Nigeria North Macedonia Norway Oman Pakistan Palestine Panama

Papua New Guinea Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Puerto Rico Qatar

Refugee Para Romania Russia Rwanda Saint Vincent and the Samoa San Marino Sao Tome and (lympic) Team Grenadines Principe Saudi Arabia Senegal Serbia Seychelles Sierra Leone Singapore Slovakia Slovenia

Solomon Islands Somalia South Africa Spain Sri Lanka Sudan Suriname Sweden

Switzerland Syria Tajikistan Tanzania Thailand Timor-Leste Togo Tonga

Trinidad and Tobago Tunisia Turkey Turkmenistan U.S. Virgin Islands Uganda Ukraine United Arab Emirates

United States of Uruguay Uzbekistan Vanuatu Venezuela Vietnam Yemen Zambia Zimbabwe America

About Global Appeal The Global Appeal is an annual message to raise awareness of leprosy and to call for an end to the discrimination against persons affected by leprosy. First launched in 2006 by Yohei Sasakawa, WHO Goodwill Ambassador forLeprosy Elimination and chairman of The Nippon Foundation, it is issued every January to coincide with World Leprosy Day, and endorsed each year by world leaders and organizations in different fields, including religion, business, education, medicine, and law. Launched in Tokyo, Japan on January 27, 2020, Global Appeal in its 15th year is endorsed by the International Paralympic Committee. Global Appeal Gallery

Images from some of the fifteen Global Appeal launch ceremonies and related events that have been held between 2006 and 2020 in countries around the world.

Launching the first Global Appeal (New Delhi, 2006) Affirming the right to live with dignity (London, 2008)

Faith leaders call for the healing to begin (London, 2009) With awareness and education, stigma can be challenged (Beijing, 2011)

Drugs can cure leprosy, but only awareness can end stigma (Sao Paulo, 2012) Photo exhibition tells a story of everyday lives (Jakarta, 2014)

Pledges against discrimination (New Delhi, 2017)

Ramvarai Sah (center), a person affected by leprosy from India, fosters mutual understanding at a side event (Tokyo, 2016)

Left: Javed Abidi promotes an inclusive society (New Delhi, 2018) Yohei Sasakawa (2nd from left) spells out an important Right: Violinist and Paralympian Minami Ito (Tokyo, 2020) message (New Delhi, 2019) www.nippon-foundation.or.jp/en/


Sasakawa Hansen’s leprosytoday.org/ Disease Program