CENSUS OF , '1951 ()

SURGUJA District Census Handbook


J. D. KERA WALLA, M.Sc. Of the Indian Administrative Seroice Su.~erintendent of Census Operations, Madhya Pradesh





I. Area, Houses and Population 1- 2 II. Variation in Population during fifty years 3 III. Towns and Villages classified by Population 4 IV. Towns classified by Population with Variation, since 1901 5 V. Towns arranged territorially with Population by LivelUlood Classes ... 6


I. Livelihood Classes and Sub-Classes 7- 12 For Total Population 13- 32 II. Secondary Means of Livelihood { For Displaced Persons 33- 40 III. Employers, Employees and Independent Workers by Industries and Services. 41- 84 Divisions and Sub-Divisions.



1. Household (Size and Composition) 90- 91 For Sample Population 92- 97 II. Livelihood Classes by Age Groups { For Displaced Persons 98-101 III. Age and Civil Condition 102-108 IV. Age and Literacy 109-114 For Sample Population II5-IIS V. Single Year Age Returns { For Displace~Persons ... ~ 119-120


I. (i) Mother Tongue 121-123 (ii) Bilingualism 124-I2.5 II. Religion 126-127 III. Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Anglo-Ind:ians 128 IV. Migrants 129-134 V. Displaced Persons by District of origin and year of arrival in India 135-136 VI. Non-Indian Nationals ... 137 VII. Livelihood 'Classes by Educational Standards 138- 147 E.-SUMMARY FIGURES OF THE DISTRICT AND TAHSILS 148-149

The Primary Census Abstract (showing Distribution of the General Population by Livelihood 152-221 Classes and Literacy and Number of occupied houses in Villages or Wards).

Table showing Distribution of Displaced Persons in Villages or Wards by Livelihood Classes. 222


I. Distribution of Small-Scale Industrial Establishments in Villages or Wards 223-229 II. Employment in Textile Establishments for Census Tracts 230 - 232 III. Employment in Non-Textile Establishments for Census Tracts 233-234

Yaws infected Villages and Number of Persons suffering from the disease 235-236

Classification of Agricultural Holdings According to Size 237

Calendar of Important Events in the District 238 INTRODUCTION

In the past, village statlstics for each district There are four Agricultural Classes defined as used to be printed after the Census, giving the below;- population of each village and showing the dis­ I. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned tribution of communities and of literate persons. and their dependants. In view of the importance of the 1951 Census, at which, in addition to the usual population data, II. Cultivators of land wholly or mainly un­ valuable information was collected concerning owned and their dependants. the social and economic life of the people, it was III. Cultivating labourers and their depend­ decided to publish a District Census Handbook ants. containing the more important Census Abstracts and Tables. IV. Non-cultivating owners of land, agricul­ There are five General Population Tables of the tural rent receivers and their dependants. , A ' series, three Economic Tables of the 'B' series, There are similarly four Non-Agricultural Classes five Household and Age (Sample) Tables of the 'C' defined as perssms including dependants who series, seven Social and Cultural Tables of the ' D ' derive their principal means of livelihood from- series and one Table' E ' giving summary figures for the district and tahsils. As far as possible, these V. Production other than cultivation. tables furnish district data with break-up for VI. Commerce. Census Tracts within the district. VII. Transport. Certain statistics about individual villages in VIII. Other services and miscellaneous SOurces. the tahsils are contained in the Primary Census The above eight classes have been referred to as Abstract which gives the detailed distribution of Livelihood Classes. the population in each village, according to the economic classification of the people. It also Each of the above eight livelihood classes has contains particulars about the literates. A person been divided into three sub-classes with reference who could write a simple letter and could read one to the economic status as below ;- in print or manuscript was regarded as a literate (i) Self-supporting Persons; person for purposes of the Census. (ii) Non-earning Dependants; and The Primary Census Abstract is followed by a (iii) Earning Dependants. simple table giving distribution of the' displaced persons and their means of Iivelihood ' in the differ­ All non-earning dependants are economically ent villages of the district at the time of Census. passive. They inClude persons performing house­ work or other domestic or personal services for Census statistics of the Urban and Rural popula­ other members of the same family household. tion have a variety of important uses. They are But they do not include" unpaid family workers" of considerable help in studying the Economic or persons who take part along with the members conditions, Social and Political changes and Demo­ of the family household in carrying on cultiva':' graphic trends as indicated by rates of population tion or a home industry as a family enterprise. growth, family characteristics, mobility of popula­ tion, age structure, size and composition of the All earning dependants are economically semi­ economically active population, and the like. The active only. Though they contribute to the results of such studies in comparing the conditions carrying on of economic activities, the magnitude and characteristics of the urban and rural people of their individual contribution is deemed to be in the matter of births, deaths, sex composition, too small to justify their description as- econo­ sanitation, levels of living, etc., would be of great mically active. Their contribution to economic value in Economic Planning and Development of activity is, however, taken into account in the Social Welfare work in the State and its different tabulation of data in Economic Table B-II which parts. gives details of persons having Secondary Means of Livelihood including the details of the earning Each district was, therefore, divided for purposes dependants. of the Census into a number of Rural and Urban tracts, according to the size of the population. All self-supporting persons are, ordinarily, Thus in the Surguja district, as there is no city, economically active. But there are certain classes one Urban tract consisting of all the towns of the and groups which constitute an exception to this district was constituted and is referred to in the rule. These are mentioned below :- tables as "the Surguja ~istrict Non-City Urban (i) All Self-supporting Persons of Agricultural Tract". The rural areas of the Tahsils of the Class IV. Surguja district form separate Census tracts and (ii) The following groups of self-supporting are referred to as "Ambikapur Tahsil-Rural ", persons who are included in Non-Agricul­ " Surajpur Tahsil-Rural" tracts etc. tural Class VIII, and derive their principal means of livelihood from miscellaneous At the 1951 Census, the Economic Classification soUrces (otherwise than through economic was substituted for the classification based on activity) ;- religion. The people have been divided into twO broad livelihood categories, namely: the Agricul­ (a) Non-working owners of Non-agricultural tural Classes and the Non-Agricultural Classes. property, vi INTRODUCTION

(b) Pensioners and remittance holders, for taking out the sample slips from the (c) Persons living on charity and other enumeration pads :- persons with unproductive occupa- . "Break each pad and stack the slips of the tions, and pad; and "cut" the stack as in a Card game. Cd) Inmates of penal institutions and Place the lower portion above the upper asylums. portion and then deal the slips into the pigeon-holes. You should deal the slips into All activities of which the result is the produc­ the pigeon-holes in the order 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, S, tion of useful commodities or the performance of 6, 7, 8 and 9 respectively. All the time you useful services are defined as economic activities. should watch the slips for the answer to This definition, however, does not include the question 6. If you come across any slip in performance of domestic or personal services by which the answer to question 6 is different members of a family household to one another. from ' 0', deal it into the, pigeon-hole for The most important amongst all economic activi­ 'displaced persons '." ties is the cultivation of land and it has been treated as a category by itself. All other economic It will, therefore, be seen that the sample is not activities are regarded as falling in another cate­ a sample of the total population but is that of the gory referred to as " Industries and Services". All popUlation excluding the displaced persons popu­ these activities are classified with reference to the lation. Separate figures for the displaced persons nature of the commodity produced or service per­ are given in the District Census Handbook in all formed. According to the Indian Census Econo­ important tables. mic Classification Scheme, all industries and services are classified into ten divisions; and these In considering the Age (Sample) tables, it is to divisions are subdivided into 88 sub-divisions. be noted that in the past it was customary to apply a smoothing formula to the actual age Economically active persons engaged in cultiva­ returns. The published tables contained only the tion are either cultivators or cultivating labourers, smoothed figures. This was done in order to and they are persons shown under sub-clause (i) offset the observed preference for particular digits of Agricultural Classes I to III in Economic (especially 0) in actual age returns. At this Table B-I which gives particulars of the population Census, no smoothing formula has been adopted classified according to the eight livelihood classes and the principle followed is that the Census and three sub-classes mentioned above. should publish the information as actually furnish­ ed by the people. It will be observed that certain Economically active persons engaged in indus­ decennial groups recommended by the United tries and services are classified in Economic Table Nations Population Commission which include B-III into the ten divisions and 88 sub-divisions all the digits with the most favoured digit (0) at mentioned above, and are further divided into the centre have been adopted in the age tables three sections, namely :- and are, therefore, likely to be most free from the (i) Employers, effect of preferences for particular digits. Single­ year age returns have also been published which (ii) Employees, and may be used by actuaries or research workers for (iii) Independent Workers. constructing any desired age groups and smooth­ ing the figures by any desired formula. In addition to Economic· Table B-III, a District Index of Non-Agricultural occupations has been The ' D ' series social and cultural tables include prepared for the whole district and is included Table D-V relating to the displaced persons in this book. This Index is arranged according giving particulars about their arrival into India. to the Divisions, Sub-Divisions and Groups of Table D-VI gives details of the N on-Indian Industries and Services of the I'/ldian Census nationals and Table D-VII is designed to show the Economic Classification Scheme, mentioned above. distribution of educated man-power among the different livelihood classes. The economic tables for the State as a whole with break-up for Natural Divisions, Sub-Divi­ Important population data for the district and sions and Districts will be found in Part II-B of the tahsils have been summarised in Table 'E' the Census of India 1951 Report, Volume VII, which also gives the classification of the people by Madhya Pradesh. It also contains a full dis­ livelihood classes. cussion of the Indian Census Economic Classi­ Details about the method of taking the Census fication Scheme and its comparison with the and particulars of the questionnaire would be International Standard Industrial Classification found in the publication, " Census of India 1951- Scheme evolved by the United Nations Organisa­ Madhya Pradesh Administration Report-Part I", tion. Details of the occupations according to which also deals with th~ question of the accuracy the Groups, Sub-Divisions and Divisions of Indus­ of the data collected and an account of the Sample tries and Services in respect of the entire State, Census enquiry undertaken after the 1951 Census. the Natural Divisions and all the districts of the It is pointed out there that the figures give a good State will be found in Part J-B of the 1951 Census picture of the economic and social life of the Report. people.

The Age (Sample) tables were prepared from the The main Census Report of the 1951 Census for original enumeration slips by taking a ten Madhya Pradesh is divided into two parts and is per cent sample in accordance with the following published under the title" Census of India 1951- instructions which were given to the Sorters Volume VII-Madhya Pradesh ", The first part INTRODUCTION vii

contains discussion" of the statistics collected at Thus, all establishments, which submitted their the Census for the State' as a whole with break·up regular returns to Government under the Factory for the Natural Divisions, Sub· Divisions and Act or the Mines Act, were not taken into Districts. account. The information collected at the Census included name of the establishment or proprietor, Pilrt II of the report, which is divided intO' four nature of the business, number of owners, rehttio~ volumes, contains the' different tables of series ' A ' ship, if any" amongst the owners, seasonal or to' F' for the State, the Natural Divisions, Sub­ perennial nature of the establishment, number of Divisions and the Districts. Part II-A contains the looms in textile' establishment with details about general population tables of the' A ' and ' E ' series, material Woven and number of persons employed Part II-B all the economic tables as mentioned in the establishment classified as adults (18 years above, Part II-C the household and age (Sample) and over), youths (15 to 18 years) and children tables of the ' C' series as well as the social and (under 15 years). cultural tables of the ' D ' series, and Part II- D the fertility tables. From the data collected at the Census of the Small-scale Industries, three tables were prepared In addition to the above publications of the 195 I which are included in the District Census Hand­ Census of Madhya Pradesh, the following manu­ book, giving village or wardwise distribution of script records have also been retained for such small-scale industrial establishments, employment study as might be required in future :- in textile establishments for Census tracts and employment in non-textile establishments for the (I) The National Registers oj Citizens.-For same tracts. every village 'or ward in .Madhya Pradesh a National Register of Citizens was pre­ While the accuracy in respect of the details pared at the 1951 Census containing the actually recorded by the Enumerators during the answers to the mOre important Census Census of the Small-scale Industries has been questions asked to the people. These reported to be good, the District Officers were of original registers have been duly preserved. the view that there was tendency towards under­ enumeration of the establishments, due to the (2) The Census Abstract 'oj Sample House­ failure of the enumerating staff to make intensive holds.-An abstract from the National efforts to discover all establishments within the Register of Citizens representing two areas allotted to them. The figures in the tables separate 2 per cent samples of the house­ for the Small-scale Industries should, therefore, be holds as contained in the registers have regarded as illustrative of the nature of small been prepared for every village and ward industries prevalent in the different parts of the and have been bound into manuscript district and should not be relied upon as giving volumes for the Census tracts .and would be accurate number of specific type of establishments available along with the National Registers in different localities. of Citizens for purposes of reference and also to serve as a Sampling Base for Popula­ A subsidiary enquiry was made at the time of the tion Surveys in the Inter-Census decade. census to ascertain the number of persons suffering One of the columns of this abstract is from yaws in the district and a tahsil wise state­ designed to facilitate the taking of sub­ ment is included in the book giving the names of the samples of the different Hvelihood classes villages in which persons suffering from yaws, or separately. Gondi Rog as it is locally called, were returned. Particulars of the number of males and females During the year 1950, the Deputy Commis­ suffering from the disease are also given in the sioners undertook a Census of Small-scale Industries statement. The instructions to enumerators were with the help of the Land Records, Municipal as follows, "If a person suffers from Gondi Rog and Janapada Sabha staff. The object of this enquiry was, as pointed out by the Census Com­ you should encircle the figure '1' or '2' written in missioner, "to find out something about small' column 14 to indicate the sex". No particular industries, such as cottage and home industries, difficulty was experienced in getting the information small establishments, workshops, etc., where arti­ as the benefits of treatment for this distressing cles are produced, repaired or otherwise treated malady are already being appreciated by the Marias and Gonds who travel long distances on for sale, use or for disposal, and small mines ". foot to get the treatment at the few Government The enquiry was confined to cases where people dispensaries. As the enquiry was not made by were regularly associated together for work of the persons having medical knOWledge, the figures type mentioned above. Individuals who worked should be used with caution. While they would well on their own and did not employ other people illustrate the presence of the disease in particular were ignored, except when they used looms, in parts they are likely to give an under-estimate which case the number of looms in use were of the actual number of infected persons, parti­ recorded as also the purpose for which they were cularly because many ignorant people believe that used. This Census was not intended to take note they are cured after undergoing a part of the treat­ of establishments in ,which 20 or more people ment when the acute symptoms apparently disap­ were employed or in which any engine power was pear, but wheh they still carry the infection with used and if ten or more people were employed'. them which they eventually realize at their cost viii INTRODUCTION when they discontinue the treatment before the full classification of agricultural holdings by size in course is completed as a result of which the disease 1951 and opportunity has been taken to include flares up again after some time. the information in the District Census Handbook.

In connection with the preparation of the main A Calendar of Important Events in the' district Census Report, the Deputy Commissioners were has also been added as it was found to be of use requested to collect and furnish statistics about in ascertaining the age of ignorant people. TABLE A-I

Area, Houses and Population

This table shows, for the district and the tahsils, the number of towns and villages, number of occupied houses and total, urban and rural population, Male and Female. The area figures given in this table were furnished by the Deputy Commission!!r, and were rounded to the nearest integer. These area figures differ from the district figures supplied by the Surveyor-General of India, which have been adopted in the main Census Report. The Surveyor-General could not supply the area of the tahsils and, therefore, the Deputy. Commissioner's figures have been adopted in this table.

2. The Urban population of the district is 21,266 and the urban/rural ratio is 3: 97.

Area in square miles Occupied houses Name of District, Tahsils r­ Total No. of Total No.of r------~.------~ and Towns Total Rural Urban Villages Towns Total Rural Urban

(1) (2) (5) (6) (8) (9)

Surguja District 5 4 156,688 151,155

Ambikapur Tahsil 1,855 1,853 2 655 I 51,652 2,512

Ambikapur Municipality 2 2 2,512

Surajpur Tahsil 2,08 5 2,085 542 41,434 4 1>434

Pal Tahsil 1,352 1,35 1 395 I 16,806 16,164 642

Raroanujganj Town I 642 642

, " Sarori Tahsil 632 632 197 9,82+ 9,824

Baikunthpur Tahsil 2 493 49 I 254 I 12,956 IZ,357 59}

Baikunthpur Town I 1 1 589 589

Manendragarh Tahsil 742 741 I 214 I 18,983 17,<:03 1,780

Manendragarh Municipality I I 1 1,780 1,78:)

Bharatpur Tahsil 1,224 1,224 173 5,033 5,033 D-1 Table A-L-Area, Houses and Population-coneld.


Name of District, Tahiils Persons Males Females and Towns Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban Total Rural Urban

(1) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18)

Surguja District 800,775 2J,266 420,608 409,uO

Ambikapur Tahsil

Ambikapur Municipality 10,362 5,622 5,622 .4740 4,740

Surajpur Tahsil

Pal Tahsil 44,279

Ramanujgunj Town 2,91I I,540

Samri Tahsil

Baikunthpur Tahsil 66,513 2,515 33,637 32,220

Baikunthpur Town

Manendragarh Tahsil ... 72,216 35>995

1 Manendragarh Municipality 2.9 9

12,450 J 1,650 BhatatpUr Talisil 3 TABLE A-D

V~iation in, P()pulation, during fifty years.

This table compares the population of the district as ascertained at the Census of 1951, with that of the five previous Censuses. In comparing the' figures, tr~nsfer of territory has been duly taken account of and adjustments made accordingly.

Net variation Year Persons Variation Males Variation Females Variatiea 1901-1951 (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (3)

1901 405,672 205,912 199,760

I9II 515,231 + 109,559 262,067 + 56,155 253,164 + 53,404

1921 478,694 - 36,537 244,386 - 17,681 234,308 - 18,856

1931 616,147 + 137,453 313,658 + 69,272 302,489 + 68,181

1941 699,892 + 83,745 358,843 +45,185 341,049 + 38,560

1951 822,041 + 122,149 +416,369 420,608 + 61,765 401,433 + 60,384 • TABLE A-m ToWllS and Villages Classified by Population

Towns and villages with less than 2,000 population :t;ame of District Total No. Total popUlation , Total Less than 500 and Tahsilil of r------A------~ inhabited Persons Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females towns and villages (x) (z) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II)

1 Surguja District 2A34 822,041 420,608 401,433 2,425 397,175 382,644 1,979 219,419 208,814 :a Ambikapur Tahsil 656 277,7°3 141,339 136,364 655 135,717 131,624 480 63,849 60,782 3 Surajpur Tahsil 542 225,739 II4,483 III,256 542 114,483 III,256 383 45.995 44,306

4 Pal Tahsil 396 90,5°3 46,224 44,279 395 44,684 42,908 380 40 ,356 38,90 7 5 Samri Tahsil 197 59,789 30,776 29,013 197 3°,776 29,013 164 19,977 18,743

6 Baikunthpur Tahsil 255 66,5 13 33,637 32,876 254 32,220 31,778 210 17,607

7 Manendragarh Tahsil... 21 5 77,694 41,699 35,995 209 26,845 24,415 S Bharatpur Tahsil 173 172 12,195 I1,399

Towns and villages with a Towns and villages with less than 2,000 population-concld. population of 2,000-10,000 Name of District r------~~------~ and Tahsils 500-1,000 1,000-2,000 Total .------J.--.--~ Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females

(I) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

1 Surguja District 70 44,535 8 17,8u 2 Ambikapur Tahsil 49,782 34 22,086 3 Surajpur Tahsil 127 48,560 32

4 Pal Tahsil 15 4,328 1 1,371

5 Samd Tahsil 33 10,799 10,270 6 Baikunthpur Tahsil 44 14,613 , 7 Manendragarh Tahsil 15 4 2,521 2,143 6 8 Bharatpur Tahsil 255 2 51

Towns and villages with a Towns and villages with a population of 2,OOO-I0,000-concld. population of 10,000 and above Name of District and Tahsils r------~------~2,000-5,000 5,000-10,000 Total r------~------~ Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females (I) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29)

1 SUrguja District 6 9,312 2 6,258 4,737 I 5,622 4,740

2 Ambikapur Tahsil I 5,622 3 Surajpur Tahsil

4 Pal Tahsil 1 5 Samd Tahsil

6 Baikunthpur Tahsil I 1,417

7 Manendragarh Tahsil 4 2 6,258 8 Bharatpur Tahsil ...

Towns and villages with a population of 10,000 and above-concld. r------.------~.------__. Name of District 10,000-20,000 20,000-50,000 50,000-100,000 100,000 and over and Tahsils r----A--~ Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females Number Males Females (1) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41)

I Surguja District I 5,622 474,0

2. Ambikapur Tahsil I 5,622 4,74° 3 SUrajpur Tahsil 4 Pal Tahsil 5 Samd Tahsil 6 Baikunthpur Tahsil 5 TABLE A·IV

Towns classified by Population with Variation, since 1901.

In this table, the population of the towns, as ascertained at the Census of 1951, is compared with the population of the five previous Censuses. The towds are classified according to popUlation as follows: Class 1-100,000 and over; Class II-so,ooo to 100,000; Class 111-20,000 to 50,000; Class IV -10,000 to 20,000; Class V-S,ooo to 10,000; Class VI-under 5,000.

Persons Variation Net variation Males Variation Females Variation Year ...---'----. (1901-195 1)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8)

(I) Amhikapur Municipality-Class IV




1941 8,517

1951 10,362 + 1,845 5,622 + 1,307

(2) Manendragarh Municipality-ClaBs V

I90 1




1941 2,188

1951 +451 +80 2,559 +371

(3) Ramanujganj Town-Class VI





1941 2,158

1951 753

(4) Baikunthpur Town-Class VI




1931 1,616 957

1941 2,945 + 1,329 + 575 +754

1951 - 430 - II5 1,098 - 315 6 TABLE'A"V

Towns arranged Territorially with Population by Livelihood Classes.

This table shows the analysis of urban population by Livelihood Classes inste"ad of religion, as in the previous Censuses.

Livelihood classes --, Non-agricultural classes -. Population Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from Name of Town r- ,- -"- Persons Males Females V.-Production other than cultivation Vr.-Commerce ,- -"- --, Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Ambikapur Municipality 10,362 5,622 4,740 676 654 969 769

Manendragarh Municipality 5,478 2,9 19 2,559 454 410 73 1 641

Ramanujgan; Town ... 2,911 1,540 1,371 371 371 586 592

Baikunthpur Town 2,515 lA17 1,098 136 lOS 20S 18i ------Tetal :u,266 1I,498 9,768 1,637 1,540 2,491 2,183

Livelihood cIasses-eoncld. r-- ---, Non-agricultural classes-coneld. Agricultural classes r-- --" Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from tV.-Nan-cultivating I, II & III.-Culti- Name of Town owners of land; vators, cultivating VIIr.-Other services agricultural rent labourers and their VII.-Transport and miscellaneous receivers and their dependants sources dependants --"-. ,.-----"-----, ,---A-___--, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16)

Ambikapur Municipality 135 138 2,783 2,171 34 25 1,02S 983

Manendragarh Municipality ... 874 818 6S5 S13 205 177

Ramanujganj Town 6S 43 378 264 140 101

Baikunthpur Town 32 33 724 503 4 10 316 266

Total 1,106 1,032 4,540 3,451 38 35 1,686 1,5%7 7 THE ECONOMIC TABLES The Indian Census Economic Classification Scheme, 1951, is briefly explained in the introduction to this Book. For a detailed exposition of the subject, ,. The Census of India, 1951, Volume VII, Madhya Pradesh, Part II-B" may be referred to. Chapter V of "The Census of India, 1951-Madhya Pradesh Administration Report, Part I" deals with the details of. how the actual economic enquiry was made; while certain aspectsof the results of the enquiry are reviewed in "The Ceq-sus of India, 1951, Volume VII-Madhya Pradesh, Part I-:-Report". 2. The Economic tables show the figures of the entire popUlation including the displaced persons, and also of the displaced persons separately. Economic Table B-I.-Uvelihood Classes and Sub-Classes Agricultural classes All classes Serial Name of Tract NJ. , ______Total population-A- Total Persons Males Females Persons Males Females (I) (I-A) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 267,34 1 135,717 131,62.4 248,769 12.6,040 l:u,72.9 Displaced Persons 26 15 II 2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2.4.100 I2.,450 11,650 19,917 10,351 9,566 Displaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 87,59:1. 44,684 42.,908 8402.99 42.,84'1 41,457 Displaced Persons 4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 6},998 3:1,'12.0 31,778 58,588 29,315 29,273 Displaced Persons ... 5 3 2 5 Mancndragalh Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 72,:u6 38,180 33,436 45,452 23,362 2:1.,090 Displaced Persons 648 370 278 6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 5!M89 30,176 29,013 56,651 29,083 27,568 Displaced Persons 7 SUrajpUl Tahsil Rural- . Total Population 2:&5,739 II4,f83 111,256 209,592 105,915 103,671 Displaced Persons 12 6 6 8 Rural Total- Total Population 800,715 409,IIO 391,665 723,268 366,908 356,360 Displaced Persons 69 1 394 297 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 21,25' II,498 9,768 3,286 1,724 1,562 Displaced Persons 201 133 68 10 District Total- Total Population 822,041 420,608 401,433 726,554 368,632 357,9:12 Displaced Persons 89 2 52 7 365 Agricultural classes-contd. r- -A- All classes --. ~------~ Serial Name of Tract S. C. (i)-Self-supporting S. C. (ii)-Non-earning S. C. (iii)-Earning No. persons dependants dependants --A \ I "------., ,---A. Male. Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-A) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) 1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 52,681 2,593 42,097 48,658 31,262 71,478 Displaced Persons 2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 5,140 553 4,2:19 8,286 392: 727 Displaced Persons I 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 17,594 1,128 15,735 20,194 9,513 :10,135 Displaced Persons 4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 16,729 850 12,090 27,851 496 572 Displaced Persons ... S Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 13,200 723 9,416 20,946 746 Displaced Persons 421 6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 10,466 388 10,854 12,932 7,163 14,248 Displaced Persons 7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural' - Total PopUlation 44,392 3,292 38,996 46,791 22,527 53,588 Displ~ced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population ... 160,802 9,521 133,407 185,664 72,699 161,169 Displaced Persons ... 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 82.2 78 738 1,344 164 140 Displaced Persons .. , 10 District Total- Total Population 161,624 9.605 134,145 187,008 72,863 161,309 Displaced Persons g

Economic Table B-I.-Livelihood Classes an4 Sub-Classes-contd.

Agricultural classes-contd; I. - Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned and their dependants Total S. C. (i)-Self- S. C. (ii) - Non- S. C. (iii) - Earning Serial Name of Tract supporting persons earning dependants dependants No. r----"- ,------A---. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-A) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) r Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 114,929 III,366 47,4°1 1,320 38,455 44.577 29,073 65.46" Displaced Persons

2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 8,244 7,790 4,487 59 3,4°9 7,271 348 460' Displaced Persons . 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 31,824 32 ,185 n,878 631 13,199 16,II5 7,747 15,439 Displaced Persons

4 Baiklln!hpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 25,275 25,179 14,160 342 10,688 24,437 427 400 Displaced Persons

5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rllral- Total Population 20,034 19,142 11,106 3IZ 8,354 18,705 574 125. Displaced Persons

6 Samri Tahsil Rllral- Total Population 26,783 25,312 9,322 175 10,005 II,998 7,456 13,139 Displaced Persons

7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 94,038 92,117 38,596 1,423 34,435 42,413 21,007 48,281 Displaced Persons ... ' 8 Rural Total- Total Population 321,127 313,091 136,950 4,262 117,545 165,516 66,632 143,313 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ... 1,393 1,29[ 6[7 27 631 [,167 145 97 Displaced Persons ... 10 District Total- Total Population ... 322,520 314,382 137,567 4,289 118,176 166,683 66,777 143,410 Displaced Persons ..

Agricultural classes-contd. r- II.-Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants S. C. (i)-Self- S. C. (ii)-Non- S. C. (iii)-Earning Total supporting persons earning dependants dependants Serial Name of Tract ,------"----. r---~ r------"----, ,----A..----. No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (r) (I-A) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29)

I Ambikapllf Tahsil RlIral- Total Population 3,59[ 3,424 1,544 65 1,289 1,413 758 1,94~ Displaced Persons 2 BharatplIf Tahsil Rural- Total Population 453 420 258 337 188 ZI 7 6z. Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1,607 1,581 680 26 584 766 343 781} Displaced Persons

4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population '" 496 609 255 5 2a[ 563 20 41 Displaced Persons ...

5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 373 355 227 16 131 336 15 3 Displaced Persons 6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 861 822 374 12 349 371 138 43~ Displaced Pel"SOnS

7 Surajpur Tahsil RlIral- Total Population ... 3,082 2,972 1,549 61 l,u6 1,322 417 1,589 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 10,463 10,183 4,887 5zz 3,878 4,792 1,698 4,869 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 55 53 2.6 36 23 6 6 II Displaced Persons '"

10 Distritt Total- Total Population ... 10,518 10,236 4,913 558 3,901 4,798 1,70 4 4,880 Displaced Persons ... 9

Economic Table B-L-Livelihood Classes and Sub.. Classes-~ontd.

Agricultural classes-contd. IlL-Cultivating labourers and their dependants

Serial Name of Tract Total S. C. (i)-SeIf- S. C. (ii)-Non- S. C. (iii)-Earning No. supporting persons earning dependants dependants ,---A._----, --, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (I-A) (3°) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population .. , 7,~53 7,418 3,649 1,004 %,ZZ4 %,465 1,380 3,449 Displaced Persons '"

2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1,494 1,176 916 15 548 968 30 193 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 9,332 7,587 4.998 443 2,9Z3 3,z61 1,411 3,883 Displaced Persons

4 Baikunthpllr Tahsil Rural- Total Population 3,458 3,3%6 7.,z67 454 1,146 7.,746 45 xz6 Displaced Persons ...

5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 7.,9%8 %,548 1,850 380 9ZI 1,875 157 293 Displaced Persons 6 Samd Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1,387 1,294 750 134 472 503 165 657 Displaced Persons

7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 8,5z2 7,994 4,17.7. 1,617 3,328 2,728 1,077. 3,649 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 34>374 31,343 xS,SS7. 4,047 U,562 14,546 4,%60 IZ,750 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 238 183 164 II 63 141 II 31 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 34>612 31,526 18,716 4,058 11,625 14,687 4,271 n,781 Displaced Persons

Agricultural classes-concld. ---., IV.-Non-cultivating owners of land; agricultural rent receivers and their dependants Total S. c. (i)-Self- S. C. (ii)-Non- S. C. (iii)-Earning Serial Name of Tract supporting persons earning dependants depe;Jdants No. ----. r--~---' ,-~---., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-A) (38) (39) (4°) (41) (42 ) (43) (44). (45) I Ambikapuf Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 2 67 521 87 204 IZ9 203 SI 114 Displaced Persons ...

2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rura.!- Total Population 160 ISo 79 14% '74 26 7 u. Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 79 104 38 28 %9 S2 12 7.4 Displaced Persons

4 Bail-."unthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 116 159 47 49 35 105 4 5 Displaced Persons ... 5 Manendragarh Tahsil RUIal- Total Population 27 45 17 IS 10 30 Displaced Persons ... 6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 52 140 20 67 28 60 4 13 Displaced Persons ... 7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 273 594 125 191 117 334 31 69 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 944 1,743 413 696 422 810 109 237 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 38 35 IS 4 21 30 % I Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Total Population 98% 1,778 4%8 700 443 840 III 238 Displaced Persons D-2 10 Economic Table B-I.-Livelihood Classes and Sub-Classes-coned.

Non-agricultural classes All classes Serial Name of Tract r------~--~~------~Total S. C. (i)-Self- S.C. (ii)-Non- S.C. (iii)-Earn- No. supporting persons eamin,; dependants ing dependants _------. r-----"- ,.---~-__. ,.....--'-~ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(z) (I-A) (47) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 8,895 21Z Displaced Persons II

2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 755 lIS Displaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1,016 .2.59 597 539 Displaced Persons 4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 5,410 212 993 2,153 53 Displaced Persons ... 5 2. S Manendragarh Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 90 9 68' 595 Displaced Persons 7 8 2 6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1.445 52 594 273 544 Displaced Persons

7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 16,147 8,568 7,579 4,531 454 2,,907 1,130 Displaced Persons 12 6 6 2 4 8 Rural Total- Total Population 42 ,202 24,62.0 2,526 Displaced Persons 394 200 7 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban­ Total PopUlation 9,774 8,206 5,437 58! 7,205 379 42,0 Displaced Persons 133 68 91 3 65 3 ro District Total- Total Population 30,057 Displaced Persons 291

Non-agricultural c1asses-contd. r------~.------~V.-Production other than cultivation Serial Name of Tract Total S. C. (i)-Self­ S. C. (ii)-Non­ S. C. (iii)-Earning No. supporting persons earning dependants dependants ,..------'"-- ,....-----A---., ~_"""-----., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(z) (I-A) (55) (56) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 6,359 5,887 2,881 106 2,749 1,280 Displaced Persons 2 2

2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 28 Displaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 668 395 397 1 57 Displaced Persons 4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population ... 51 749 1,528 31 117 Displaced Persons '" S Manendragarh Tahsil Rural­ . Total Population U,486 8,440 7,777 620 404 Displaced Persons 279 221 135 7 2 6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1,123 1,010 19 537 212. 454 Displaced Persons 7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population '" 2,824 181 1,893 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 2,8,720 23,786 16,573 2,883 Displaced Persons 281 221 137 5 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban­ Total Population 1,637 1,540 934 74 605 1,360 106 Displaced Persons 5 4 5 4 10 District Total- Total Population 16,949 2,gSl 7,°73 Displaced Persons 216 S 2. II Economic Table B .. I. - Livelihood Classes and Sub-Classes-contd.

Non-agricultural classes-comd. Vr.-Commerce~,------~ ~-~-----_-_------~ Serial Name of Tract S. C. (i)-Self- S. C. (ii)-Non- s. C. (iii)-Earning No. Total supporting persons earning dependants dependants ,-_____..A.._._-, ,-__--"-_-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-A) (63) (66) (67) (68)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 622 591 341 40 217 423 128 Displaced Persons 9 9 5 4 9 2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 213 207 II8 33 92 174 3 Displaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2ZI 152 101 8 37 Displaced Persons 4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population .. . 144 149 19 40 128 6 2 Displaced Persons .. . 3 2 I 2 5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 451 Z4° 179 32 9 32 6 Displaced Persons 29 17 12 20 6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 235 206 12Z II 74 39 Displacd Persons 39 7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population .. , 828 Displaced Persons 35 247

8 Rural Total- Total Population 2,921 175 1,063 1,854 Displaced Persons 41 17 31 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 1,207 71 1,162 122 73 Displaced Persons 33 I 13 2 10 District Total- Total Population 4,680 2,736 2,225 451 541 Displaced Persons 40 57 30 2

Non-agricultural classes-contd. ~------~ ---. r------"------vn.-Transport ______----, Serial Name of Tract S. C. (i)-Self~ S. C. (ii)-Non- S. C. (iii)-Earning No. Total supporting persons earning dependants dependants r-----"------, ,----"- --. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-A) (71) (72 ) (74) (75) (76) (77) I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 18 3 zz 10 15 Displaced Persons

2 Bharatpur Tahsil RuraI­ Total Population 12 2 7 5 2 Displaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population II u 5 I 6 I Displaced Persons 5 5 4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population .. . 16 15 IZ 3 12 I I Displaced PersonS .. . 5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 1,849 1,120 1,301 60 40 7 998 141 62 Displaced Persons .. , 22 10 II 10 IO I 6 Samri Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons ..... 7 SUrajpllr Tahsil Rllral­ Total Population I2Q 66 2 12 Displaced Persons 26 8 Rural Total- Total Population 1,255 68 456 1,078 165 109 Displaced Persons 10 10 10 I 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population... •.• 1,106 30 475 20 21 Displaced Persons 3 'III 2 10 District TotaI- Total Population 3,154 2,287 2,038 931 185 130 Displaced Persons 25 IS 12 12 I 12 Economic Table B-1. -Livelihood Classes and Sub-Classes-cancld.

Non-agricultural classes--concld. Vrrr.-Other services and misceIIaneous sources Serial Name of Tract S. C. (i)...... Self- S. C. (ii)-Non- S. C. (iii)-Earning No. Total supporting persons earning dependants dependants Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-A) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2,656 2.377 1,383 63 800 1,686 473 628 Displaced Persons 4 2 4 2 2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population SOl 991 496 367 300 567 5 57 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 390 283 242 25 [14 152 34 I06 Displaced Persons

4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total-Population '" 708 '45 492 140 201 485 15 20 Displaced Persons '" 5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1,632 1,422 1,149 200 430 1,099 53 1:23 Displaced Persons 40 27 22 16 27 2 6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 335 229 215 22 98 156 22, 51 Displaced Persons

7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population I,99I 1,820 1,1[4 236 902 265 682 Displaced Peraons 6 6 2 '124 6 8 Rural Total- Total Population 8,513 7,767 5,091 1,053 2,555 5,046 867 1,667 Displaced Persons 50 35 28 20 35 2 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 4,540 3,451 2,685 406 I~716 2,825 139 220 Displaced Persons 77 50 52 2 24 48 I 10 District Total- Total Population 13,°53 II,:u8 7,776 1:,459 4,271 7,872 1,006 I,887 Displaced Persons 127 85 80 2 44 83 3 13 ECONOMIC TABLE B-ll (Secondary Means of Livelihood) Surguja District-Total (Total Population) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,----.....:.------"-- Cultivation of un-· Liveli­ Cultivation of own land owned land hood Name of Livelihood Class ~------~ r-----"-

Total 4Z,946 100,OS% 349 SS 4%,S97 99.997 1,16S 1,8%%

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 41,931 41,931 99,3°7 257 39 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 195 60 135 287 619 1,760 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 805 434 284 54 521 380 287 22 tv Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- IS 24 5 10 23 2 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 1,690 902 1,%41 60 449 84% 37S ISO

V Production other than cultivation 1,002 664 689 19 3 13 645 217 90 VI Commerce 135 35 93 6 42 29 32 12 VII Transport...... 8 1 8 I I 5 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 545 202 451 35 94 167 125 43 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of iive1ihood from ,- Liveli- ,-______Cultivation of unowned.A.. land-concld. Employment all cultivating labourer hood Name of Livelihood Class --A-- Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons ,------A..---l r-----"------, ----. ---.. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) All Agricultural Classes

Total SIS 4 650 1,818 28,%83 54,7S9 3,33% 17%

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 234 I 23 38 23,753 40 ,243 2,889 II7 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 619 1,760 1,149 2,5CO 417 23 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... 279 3 8 19 3,293 II,849 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- 2 1 88 167 26 32 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total %9% 6 83 144 %,IOS 4,30% 678 S6 V Production other than cultivation 184 2 33 88 1,324 3,029 423 30 VI Commerce 28 2 4 10 129 271 II 4 VII Transport ... I 5 12 30 4 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 79 2 46 41 640 972 240 22 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,------.------"-- ._------, Employment as culti-

Liveli­ vating,-__ labourer-concld.---'- __-----, ,- ______Rent on----A.. agricultural ______land , hood Name of Livelihood Class Class No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants ~ ___A __~ ~ __~ __~ ~~~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femal~ (I) (I-a) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) All Agricultural Classes

Total 24,951 S4,S87 199 33 181 8 18 %S I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 20,864 40,126 182 8 172 2 10 6 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 732 2,477 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... 3,293 II,849 9 6 9 6 ... IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 62 135 8 19 8 19 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 1,4%7 4,%46 61 3 61 3 V Production other than cultivation 901 2,999 55 2 55 2 VI Commerce 1I8 267 VII Transport ...... 8 30 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 400 950 6 I 6 I 14 Economic Table B-U] [Secondary Means of Livelihood .Surguja District-TotaI-concld. (Total Population) Nwnber of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from Liveli­ r-.------~~------~Production other than cultivation Commerce hood Name of Livelihood Class ,----A-----, Class No. Self-supporting Earning Total persons dependants Total ----"-----.... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) All Agricultural Classes Total 14,028 3,101 458 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 12,465 100 2,659 353 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 696 10 133 1 52 133 47 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 817 287 52 0 297 239 56 32 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- 50 20 38 12 15 41 26 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agdcultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 2,252 3,133 504 28 1,748 300 V Production other than cultivation 1,907 2,966 355 17 1,552 2,949 75 101 VI Commerce 59 12 31 28 12 313 173 VII Transport ...... II 12 2 9 12 II 5 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 275 143 n6 II 159 1 32 26 21

Nwnber of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from Liveli­ Commerce-concld. Transport hood Name of Livelihood Class Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Persons dependants Total persons r----A--o ,-----A.__ --, ...-----"----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) All Agricultural Classes

Total 2,004 77 142 2 5 III 2

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 1,802 51 302 124 24 100 2 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly no 1 3 16 I 10 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... 45 9 II 23 2 I IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- 37 16 4 10 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 143 3 , 282 297 147 14 1 V Production other than cultivation 16 2 9 101 25 108 3 VI Commerce .. . 79 2 234 171 8 7 VII Transport ... • .. 7 4 5 140 I VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources II I 15 20 18 3

Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------~~------Liveli­ Transport-concld. Other services and miscellaneous sources hood Name of Livelihood Class r----~ r------~------Class No. Earning ,self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants r----A--o r------"----. "T Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) All Agricultural Classes

Total 31 %3 99 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 24- 22 1,081 44 1,002 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 6 I 214 161 4 66 157 unowned. III Cultivating labourers .....• I 35 1 318 2II 47 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 44 39 29 4 tural rent .receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 177 705 866 248 15 457 85I

V Production other than cultivation 22 320 186 189 2 131 184 VI Commerce I 41 53 17 I 24 52 VII Transport ...... 139 33 25 44 25 44 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 15 6 319 583 42 12 277 571 15 Secondary Means of Livelihood] [Economic Table B.II Surguja District-Rural (Total Population)

Number of.______persons deriving their --A----______secondary means of livelihood from _~ Cultivation of un­ Liveli­ Cultivation of own land owned land hood Name of Livelihood Class r------'--- Class No. Self-supporting Earning Total persons dependants Total r-----"----'" r-----"------. r-----"------, r----A. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) All Agricultural Classes

Total 4Z,908 349 55 4z,S59 99,985 1,163 1,8:u I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 41,894 41,894 99,295 2 57 39 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 195 135 287 618 1,760 unowned. III Cultivating labourers . . . 804 434 54 520 380 286 22 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- 15 24 I 10 23 2 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 1,455 883 I,033 56 4Zz 8z7 356 ISO V Production other than cultivation 969 662 659 18 310 644 216 90 VI Commerce 9I 34 57 6 34 28 28 12 VII Transport ... '" ...... 4 4 5 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 391 187 3 13 32 78 1 55 lI2 43 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from Liveli­ Cultivation of unowned land Employment as cultivating labourer r-- __,._ hood Name of Livelihood Class r-.------~------~ Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons r---~'------' r------"-.------, ,.------A------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) All Agricultural Classes Total 4 1,818 z8,Z73 3,331 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 1 23 23,744 40,217 2,888 II7 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 6r8 1,I49 2,498 417 23 unowned. III Cultivating labourers '" ...... 3 8 19 3,292 II,847 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ I 88 r67 26 32 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 6 78 144 675

V Production other than cultivation 2 33 88 1,323 422 30 VI Commerce 2. 2. 10 129 II 4 VII Transport ...... 5 II 3 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 2 43 41 634 239 22 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from Liveli­ Employment as hood Name of Livelihood Class cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land Class No. r----.------~------Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants (1) (I-a) Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) All Agricultural Classes

Total Z4,94:1 54,557 199 33 18I 8 I8

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 20,856 40 ,100 182 8 172 2 IC 6 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or. mainly 732 2>475 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... • 3,292 II,847 9 6 9 6 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- 62 1 35 8 19 8 19 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their ~rincipaJ means of livelihood from

Total J,4ZZ 4,=44 S9 3 S9 3 V Production other than cultivation ,901 2,999 55 2 55 2 VI Commerce lIS 267 VII Transport ...... S 29 VIII Other service. and miscellaneous sources 395 949 -4 I 4 I 16 Economic Table B-II] [Secondary Means of Livelihood Surguja District~Rural-concld. (Total Population) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------~ .------~. Liveli­ Production other than cultivation Commerce ,---______.A.. ------, r-~. hood Name of Livelihood Class Class No. Self-supporting Earning Total persons dependants Total

.-___A..~ ,.------>-----, ,--_ __.A-_~ .-~.------~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females. (I) (I-a) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32 ) (33) All Agricultural Classes

Total 13,944 3,125 10,866 160 3,078 2,965 2,218 456

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 12,388 2,660 9,750 98 2,638 2,562 1,997 3'i1 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 696 162 563 10 133 152 130 47 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... 813 285 517 48 296 237 54 32 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 47 18 36 4 II 14 37 26 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 2o,1I9 3,079 477 208 1,6920 3,051 246 220 V Production other than cultivation 1,832 2,920 349 17 1,483 2,903 56 74 VI Commerce 26 12 13 13 12 175 130 VII Transport 6 10 6 10 7 5 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 255 137 II5 II 140 126 8 II

Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from Liveli­ _____A... hood Name of Livelihood Class Commerce Transport --A.. Class No. r-.------~ .------~. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons r----"- --, r-----"'--~. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females. (I) (I-a) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) All Agricultural Classes

Total 1,944 77 274 379 25 99 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 1,747 51 300 107 24 88 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly II 15 10 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 45 9 9 23 2 IV Non-cultivating owners of land ; agricul­ 33 16 4 10 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sonS who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 75 3 217 168 6 I

V Production other than cultivation 39 74 19 10 4 1 I VI Commerce 27 2 128 4 4 VII Transport ... 4 5 132 25 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 5 1 10 13 2

Number of persons deriving their__,.___ secondary means of iivelihood from Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources Liveli­ ,..-_____A.._---, hood Name of Livelihood Class Earning Self-supporting Earning Class No. dependants Total persons dependants ,------"------"'\ ,..------"-.------~ ,------'------, ~---... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females·. (I) (I-a) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) All Agricultural Classes

Total 205

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 19 22 39 990 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 5 I 152 I 148. unowned. III Cultivating labourers I 344 289 210 45 134 244 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 43 39 29 4 14 35 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 162 130 613 15 347

V Production other than cultivation 18 103 310 158 2 121 VI Commerce 25 24 I 14 VII Transport ... 131 25 17 35 17 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 13 2 232 396 37 12 195 17 Secondary Means of Livelihood] [Economic Table B-D Surguja District-Urban (Total Population) Number of persons deriving their s\!condary means of livelihood from Cultivation of un­ Liveli­ Cultivation of own land owned land hood Name of Livelihood Class .------"-.------, ,-----A..-----, Class No. Self-supporting Earning Total persons dependants Total ,-~--"-----, r-~.------~ r----.A.-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) All Agricultural Classes Total 12 38 2 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 12 37 12 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers I IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal m.eans of livelihood from) Total 2 35 19 208 4 27 1 5 19 V Production other than cultivation 33 2 30 I 3 I I VI Commerce 44 36 8 I 4 VII Transport ... 4 I 4 1 1 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 154 15 138 3 16 12 13 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ----, Liveli­ Cultivation of unowned land Employment as cultivating labourer hood Name of Livelihood Class ~-----___.I- ,------'--.------...., Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons r-----A.----, ---, r-----'-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) All Agricultural Classes

Total 1 1 10 30 1

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 9 26 owned. II Cultivators· of land wholly or mainly I 2 unowned. III Cultivating labourers I 2 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their pt"incipal m.eans of livelihood from)

Total 14 5 8 2 3

V Production other than cultivation I VI Commerce 2 2 VII Transport ." I I I I VIn O:hcr services and miscellaneous sources 10 3 6 1 I Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,------'- Liveli­ Employment as hood Name of Livelihood Class ,-cultivating__--A __ labourer--, Rent on agricultural land Class No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants r-----"------., ,---___...___, r------'-.-----~ ,---.A._--...., Males Females Males • Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) All Agricultural Classes

Total. 9 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 8 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 2 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... I 2 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 5 2 2 V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport ... I VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 5 I 2 2 D-3 18

Economic Table B-II] [ Secondary Means of Livelihood Surguja District-Urban-concld. (Total Population) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from Production other than cultivation Commerce Liveli­ .------~.------, ,---_--A-~ hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Class No. Total persons dependants Total r-----'------, ~-----A.-, r---~--....., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32 ) (33) All Agricultural Classes

Total 84 x6 61 3 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 77 12 21 10 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers .. , 4 2 3 2 2 IV Non-cultivating owners of land ; agricul­ 3 2 2 I I 4- tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total I33 S4 27 :106 179 80 V Production other than cultivation 75 46 6 69 19 27 VI Commerce 33 18 15 138 43 VII Transport ...... , 5 2 2 3 2 4 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 20 6 19 6 18 ro

Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,------~,------~ Liveli­ Commerce Transport hood Name of Livelihood Class r ,-----~------, Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons r----__~------, ,----'------. ~------. ,------"-----1 Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) All Agricultural Classes

Total 60 18 2 18 12

r Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 55 14 2 17 12 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly I 2 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... 2 IV Non-cultivating owners ofland ; agricul­ 4 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 68 III 80 23 16 3

V Production other than cultivation 7 12 27 6 4 2 VI Commerce 52 86 43 4 3 VII Transport ...... , 3 I 8 8 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 6 12 10 5 4 3

Number of persons deriving their--A-. secondary______means_ of livelihood from Liveli­ ,-- hood Name of Livelihood Class Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources Class No. r-----A-----, r------A--- --, Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants r----A.-----, --, ,----"-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) All Agricultural Classes

Total 6 IS3 90 84 7 69 83

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 5 140 52 80 5 60 47 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 5 9 3 2 9 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... 7 29 2 6 27 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ I 1 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total IS 16 xu 2S3 II 110 2S3 V Production other than cultivation 4 4 10 28 10 28 VI Commerce I 16 29 6 10 29 VII Transport ... ::: ::: ::: 8 8 8 9 8 9 VIlt Other services and miscellaneous sources 2 4 87 187 5 32 187 19 Secondat'y Means of Livelihood] [Economic Table B-II Amhikapur Tahsil-Rural (Total Population) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from """\ ,------Cultivation of un­

Liveli­ ,-______Cultivation ofA.. ______own land -_---, ,-__owned.A.. ____ land "':'" hood Name of Livelihood Class Class No. Self-supporting Earning Total persons dependants Total r-----~----, r--"---, ,----'---. ,---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) All Agricultural Classes

Total ... 26,721 I48 17 62,853 585 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 26,386 62,453 74 6 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 62 12 50 132 494 1347 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 216 85 17 131 254 15 2 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- 57 51 6 14 2 27 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural CIa ses (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 596 5 214

V Production other than cultivation 474 420 303 5 I71 4 15 14 0 77 VI Commerce 32 20 22 10 20 23 II VII Transport ... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 57 33 88 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------~------.------~ Liveli­ Cultivation of unowned land Employment as cultivaiing labourer hood Name of Livelihood Class ~ Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting dependants Total persons persons ,-_--..A..__ ---.. ,------A--., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (10) (I I) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) All Agricultural Classes

Total 3 501 1,379 1,:52 106

Cultivators of lani wholly or 'mainly 70 4 6 2,424 1,534 1,121 37 owned. II Cultivators of lam! wholly or mainly 494 1,347 22I 290 I16 7 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 12 2 3 I,168 3,628 IV Non-cultivaling owners of land; agricul­ 2 43 62 15 62 tural rent receivers.

All No Q -Agricultural Classe!:' (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 2 73 122 288 23

V Production other than cultivation II I 29 77 49 1 99 7 VI Commerce 21 2 10 10 5 12 VII Transport ... I VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 46 42 35 183 4 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from Employment as Liveli­ cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land hood Name of Livelihood Class ,----"------, Class No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Tutal persons dependants ,--___..A.. ______. r-----.A.----., ,.-----"------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) All Agricultural Classes

Total 2,604 lIS 7 110 5 8 2

I Cultivators of land wh 2.1y or mainly 106 T02 4 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 105 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... 1,168 8 4 8 4 IV Non-cultivating owners ofland ; agricul­ 28 4 2 4 2 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 1,373 4 I 4 I V Production other than cultivation 392 1,039 3 3 VI Commerce 5 10 VII Transport ...... 2 6 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 297 318 I I .20 Economic Table B-lI] [ Secondary Means of Livelihood Ambikapur Tahsil-Rural-concld. (Total Population) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from

Liveli­ Production other than cultivation Commerce hood Name of Livelihood Class Class No. Self-supporting Earning Total persons dependants Total ,-----A-----, ,-~---. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) All Agricultural Classes Total 933 45 888 536 Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 813 33 794 479 84 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 321 5 47 33 unowned. III Cultivating labourers '" ...... 119 5 50 43 7 3 IV Non-cultivating owners ofland ; agricul­ 17 2 5 7 3 7 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 886 9 750 49 V Production other than cultivation 9 637 ); 40 VI Commerce 7 39 60 VII Transport ...... 2 2 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 24 30 106 24 2

______Number of persons deriving theirA- secondary______means of livelihood from ~

Liveil­ Commerce Transport hood Name of Livelihood Class ------"- -, Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons ,--_--A. ,---A-.----, ,------A----., ,------''- ---, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (34) (35) (36) (37) (3R) (39) (40) (41) All Agricultural Classes

Total 21 76 106 21 I 14 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly IS 65 69 14 II owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 40 7 33 6 3 unowned. I II Cultivating labourers ...... 4 3 3 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 2 6 1 I tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total .9 40 102 7 3 V Production other than cultivation -4 4 40 VI Commerce 5 34 60 3 3 VII Transport ...... 2 2 5 7 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 2

Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r-.------~.------~ Liveli­ Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources hood Name of Livelihood Class ,-_.A..----, ---"--.------, Class No. Earning Self-supporting Eaeming dependants Total persons depndants ,--__---A-----, ,------"----, Males Female~ Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) All Agricultural Classes

Total 7 I 2,107 15 586 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 3 1,400 9 514 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 3 1 87 2 41 unowned. III Cultivating labourers '" ...... I 94 23 70 2 27 21 IV Non-cultivating owners of land ; agricul­ 12 25 5 2 4 23 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 5 7 218 70 3 193 V Production other than cultivation 108 32 6r 47 32 VI Commerce 10 17 4 6 17 VII Transport ...... 5 7 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 100 147 5 3 95 144 2I Secondary Means of Livelihood] [Economic Table B-U Bharatpur Tahsil-Rural (Total Population) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from Cultivation of un­ Liveli­ Cultivation of own land owned land hood Name of Livelihood Class r------~------~ r---.A..---, Class No. Self-supporting Earning Total persons dependants Total ,------"----, ,---~---...... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) All Agricultural Classes

Total 354 354 3 Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 318 3IB owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 3 12 3 12 3 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 2 23 2 23 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ I I tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 66 45 51 24 IS 21 I

V Production other than cultivation cO 10 18 I 12 9 VI \ Commerce 17 5 14 5 3 VII Transport ...... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 19 30 19 18 12 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,------~------Cuhvation of unowned land Employment as cultivating labourer Liveli­ ,------"- ~ r------A. ---.. hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Class No. persons dependants Total persons r-----"----" r-__..A------.. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) All Agricultural Classes

Total 3 13 II 3

Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 10 3 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 3 T 3 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... 2 7 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total I 6 6 I 3 V Production other than cultivation 3 VI Commerce VII Transport ...... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 2 6 3 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,------Employment as Liveli­ cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land hood Name of Livelihood Class r-----"------.. ,------Class No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants ;--__.A.._____ , r------"------.. r-~ ..------"---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) All Agricultural Classes

Total 10 II 16 I 16 I

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 1 1 16 16 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly I 3 unowned. III Cultivating labourers .. , ...... 2 7 IV Non-cultivating owners ofland ; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their' principal means of livelihood from)

Total 5 3 I I V Production other than cultivation 3 VI Commerce VII Transport ...... , ...... V III Other services and miscellaneous sources 2 3 22

Eco~omic Table B ·n] [Secondary Means of Livelihood BhaJ."atpur Tahsil-Rural---.concld. (Total Population) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ._.A.. ~ Produs:tion other than cultivation Commerce __.;...__ ~ Self-supporting Earning Liveli­ Total persons dependants Total hood Name of Livelihood Class --.. ,----A------., r----"- Class No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-a) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) All Agricultural Classes

Total 42 8 68 356 2 72 66 207 41

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 357 48 'l01 2 56 46 179 36 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 7 7 I unowned. III Cultivating labourers 55 18 42 13 18 IV Non- cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 9 6 3 28 4 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 33 26 10 14 II 2 V Production other than cultivation 18 2[ 5 13 21 9 VI Commerce I VII Transport '" VIn Other services and miscellaneous sources 21 12 20 10 I 2 1 I Number of persons deriving their seconuary means of livelihoou from ;------.~------.------.~ Commerce Transport .A. .------, r- Liveli­ Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Name of Livelihood Class persons dependants Total persons hood ;-__--A. ______-. Class No. ,------"------, ~ ,.-._ __,A.___ --, Males Females Males Females Iv1ales Females Males Females

(1) (I-a) (34) (35) (37) (39) (40) (41) All Agricultural Classes

Total :r86 6 21: 35

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 160 2 19 34 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Culti'l'"ating labourers IV Non-cultivating owners of land ; agricul­ 26 4 2 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 10 I I I

V Production o,her than cultivation 8 VI Commerce VII Transport...... , VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ~.------Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources ,-----A-.____ '" ,------"------Liveli­ hood Nam" of Livelihood Class Earning Self-supporting Earning Class No. dependants Total . persons dependants --, --, ;-~------~ r-----"--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (42) (43) (44) '(45) (46) (47) (48) (49) All Agricultural Classes

Total 112 259 79 2 33 2 57 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainl" 82 62 67 I IS 61 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 7 42 4 3 42 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 1 7 145 4 I3 145 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 6 10 4 I 2 9 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 29 69 18 2 II 67

V Production other than cultivation 25 30 16 2 9 28 VI Commerce VII Transport... .., .. , '" .. , VIn Other services and miscellaneous sources 4 39 2 2 39 SecOQdary Means of Livelihood] '[ Economic Table' B-D Surajpur Tahsil~Rurai (Total plJpulation) Numb,r of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,-______~ ___.A______• _____..., Cultivation of un­ Liveli­ Cultivation of own land owned land hood Name of Livelihood Class ~ ______----A...------__, Class No. Self-supporting Earning Total persons dependants Total ,-_---A---, ,.------'---..., ,..---A----..., r---"-.----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (r-a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) All Agricultural Classes

Total 93 26 14,729 36,423 165 102 Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 14,627 36,186 44 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 14 19 65 141 104 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... 108 116 74 25 304- 91 IS IV Non-cltltivating owners of land; agricul- 3 6 I 3 5 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 190 3 105 70 V Production other than cultivation 144. 126 3 61 123 51 5 VI Commerce 18 8 II 8 I 2 VII Transport ... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 120 56 33 56 18 6

,- Number of persons deriving their--A. secondary______means of livelihood from -,

Liveli­ Cultivation of unowned land Employment a~ cultivating labourer hood Namc of Livelihood Class r------'------___",. ,--______..A.. ______~ Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons r------"---.., r__.A...-~ r---_;"__~ ,------"----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (r6) (17) All Agricultural Classes

Total 1 119 403 6,82 4 956

I Cultivalors of land wholly or mainly 10 9 5,473 70 8 42 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 104 380 422 II unowned. III Cultivating labourers 12 5 90 2 3,334 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 27 53 3 5 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ Sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 70 1 12 831 2,228 246 136 V Production other than cultivation 51 4 551 1,575 199 16 VI Commerce I 2 81 1 0 9 I 1 0 9 VII Transport ... 6 23 3 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources IX 6 193 ~21 43 II Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,- ---"-_ Employment as Liveli­ cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land hood Name of Livelihood Class r----~-----, Class No. Earning r------~------Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants ,.-----A------. ,------"----, ,.-----A---...... ,--~---...... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) All Agricultural Classes

Total 36 3 34 2 3

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 35 34 1 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers 902 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 24 3 3 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total I I

V Production other than cultivation 352 1,559 I VI Commerce 80 vrr Transport ...... 3 23 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources ISO 510 Economic Table B-II] [Secondary Means of Livelihood Surajpur l'ahsil-·Rural-concld. (Total Population) Number of Hersons deriving lheir secondary means of livelihood from

Production other than cultivation Commerce Liveli­ ,---'-----, hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Class No. Total persons dependants Total ,------"------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-a) (26) (28) (29) (30) (3 I) (32) (33) All Agricultural Classes

Total 1,281 73S 2.0 3 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 4,124 2,917 988 1,207 34 65 0 162 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 254 79 2 0 3 4 51 75 51 II unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... 30 9 169 227 36 82 1 33 29 IS IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agncul­ 4 6 4 2 4 I 5 15 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Total 550 862 3 81 50 V Production other than cultivation 459 80 5 1 94 2 265 9 18 VI Commerce 15 J 10 5 66 27 VII Transport ... 4 4 2 VIII . Other services and miscellaneous sources 72 44 28 55 4 5 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from

Liveli­ Commerce Transport hood .------"- r------_J~------.. Class No. Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons --., r------A------., ,---A.___ -, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (34) (35) (37) (39) (41) All Agricultural Classes Total 599 21 54 14 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 523 12 127 150 53 14 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 49 2 II unowned. III Cultivating labourers 23 3 6 12 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 4 6 9 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total z6 z S5 5 3 1

V Produclion other than cultivation 8 I IS VI Commerce 14 S2 26 vn Transport ... 2 4 3 VIII Other services and miscel1aneous sources 2 2 4

,______Number of persons deriving----A----. their secondary______means__ of livelihood from

Liveli­ Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources hood Name of Livelihood Class r------A------, r­ .------~ '------, Class No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants r-.------A-----~ ----., ,------"------., r------"---'--, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (42 ) (43) (44) (45) (47) (49) All Agricultural Classes

Total 1 5 14 268 1,193 32 3 216 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 15 14 127I 145 1,013 II 2 58 134 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 88 II 70 I 18 17 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 135 {04 92 39 43 IV Non-cultivating owners of land ; agricul­ 22 I 18 1 4 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Total 4 3 91 5 '7 V Production other than cultivation 97 13 71 26 13 VI Commerce 2 3 2 1 VII Transport 4 3 VIn Other services and miscellaneous sources 70 56 18 5 52 51 Secondary Means of Livelihood] [Economic Table B·D Samri Tahsil-Rural (Total Populatbn) NumbeJ: of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------~------_, Cultivation of un- Liveli­ Cultivation of own land owned land hood Name of Livelihood Class r-- ,..---A--_, Class No. Self-supporting Earning Total persons dependants Total r---'--""------, ,-----..A...---.-., r------A.------, ,.------"--, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) All Agricultural Classes

Total 21 23 2 19 IS 3S

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 16 19 16 19 2 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly Or mainly 2 2 14 32 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 2 2 2 2 I I IV Non-cultivating owners ofland agricul- 2 I 2 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total S2 8 44 8 8 S 5 V Production other than cultivation 18 7 15 3 7 5 5 VI Commerce 2 2 VII Transport .. , ... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 32 I 27 5 I Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ------~ ------, Liveli­ Cultivation of unowned land Employment as cultivating labourer hood Name of Livelihood Class r------~------~ ,------"------~ CIassNo. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons ,--____.______, ~ ,-----A---, I Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) All Agricu)J;ural Classes

Total I 14 3S 7,34S 18 7 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 2 18 7 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 32 III unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... I I IV Non-cultivating owners of land agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultur-cd Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total I 4 S 25 37 6 V Production other than cultivation 1 4 5 II 15 2 VI Commerce VII Transport .. , ...... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 14 22 4 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from , _.--_,. Employment as Liveli­ cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land hood Name of Livelihood Class ,------A.---..., ------... Class No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants ~ "-I Males Females Males Females Males Female. Males Females (I) (I-a) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (241 (25) All Agricultural Classes

Total 7,32 7 13,496 4 8 I 3 8 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 7,052 12,449 1 1 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly III 388 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 164 648 IV Non-cultivating owners of land ; agricul­ 1 3 8 8 tural rent receivers. 3 All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Total 37 V Production other than cultivation 9 15 VI Commerce VII Transport .. , '" VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 10 22 D-4 26 Economic Table B .. n] [Secondary Means of Livelihood Samri TahsU-Rural-concld. (Total Population) Numb::r of persons deriving their secondary means of livclihoo1 from r------""------." Production other than cultivation Commerce Liveli~ r------A ,----_).._-~ hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Total Class No. ,--____persons..A- __ , dependants Total r-----'---, r-----"---~ r----A.-----. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (I-a) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30 ) (31) (32) (33) All Agricultural Classes

Total 989 517 700 4 289 51 3 234 7 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 937 492 666 4 271 488 220 7 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 33 17 24 9 17 II unowned. III Cultivclting labourers 19 6 10 9 6 3 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul-. 2 2 tural renl re<.:ei verso All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total I99 426 4 3 I95 423 2 39 V Production other than cultivation 198 426 3 3 195 423 VI Commerce 39 VII Transport ... VIII Oiher services and miscellaneous sources I I Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------A.-----______-----. Commerce Transport Liveli­ r- A ______-, r------__.A.------. hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Class No. persons dependants Total . persons r-----"----.. r----"- ,-~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Male.s Females

(I) (I-a) (34) (35) (37) (39) (41) All Agricultural Classes

Total :US 3 9 7 I Cultivators of land wholly· or mainly 21I I 9 6 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly II 2 I unowned. III Cultivating labourers 3 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 3 39 39 V Production other than cultivation 39 VI Commerce 2 39 VII Transport...... ••• VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources I Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from .------~------~ Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources Liveli­ ,-______.A... __---. ,------. hood Name of Livelihood Class Earning Self-supporting Earning Class No. dependants Total persons dependants r-~ --.. r----"-----""",, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (r) (I-a) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) All Agricultural Classes

Total 3 IZS 31 3

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 2 uS 30 2 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly I 3 I I unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... 4 IV Non-cultivating owners of land ; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total II 3 8 V Production other than cultivation ... I I VI Comm~rce VII Transport ...... '" VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 9 7 27 27 Secondary Means of Livelihood] [Economic Table B-I1 Pal Tahsil-Rural (Total Population)

,-______Number of persons....:..... ______deriving their secondary...A... ______means of livelihood from --, Cultivation of un- Liveli­ Cultivation of own land ",-___owned..A- __ land_____ hood Name of Livelihoo:i Class ~------~------~ Class No. Self-supporting Earning Total persons dependants Total ,-----"-----, ,-___.A. ___ -, ,-___.A. __---, ,------"----., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) All Agricultural Classes

Total 982 90 3 87 355 26 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 52 86 52 86 100 22 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 25 15 IO 3 unowne:i. III Cultivating labourers 905 3 5S 3 3So 252 4 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- I I tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 103 28 76 4 27 24 25 9 V Production other than cultivation 66 26 45 2 15 24 16 3 VI Commerce 12 I 4 8 3 VII Transport .. ' ...... 5 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 31 I 27 I 4 6 I

Number of persons deriving their secondary m~ans of livelihood from ,------"------, Liveli­ Cultivation of unowned land Employment as cultivating labourer ,- -A--_____~ ,..--______.A. ______---, hood Name of Livelihood Class Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons A r----.A...------. r------1 r----...A...--~ r---~---"'" Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17)

All Agricultural Classes

Total 344 I II 19

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 92 I 8 21 15,IIO 99 13 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 3 35 1 794 3 2 5 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... 252 4 886 3,856 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- 10 21 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 24 I 7 2004 463 220 2 V Production other than cultivation 16 I 2 148 339 20 2 VI Commerce 3 z8 46 VII Transport ... 5 I VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 5 I I 27 71 2 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,- --"-- -..... Liveli­ Employment as hood Name of Livelihood Class cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land Class No. ,----.".,.._---l r------"------...... Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants ,------"-,------~ r-----.A.-----.. ,-----"------, ,------"-,------~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) All Agricultural Classes

Total 6 7 I I 5 6 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 7,505 6 7 I I 5 6 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 319 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 886 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- 10 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 182 V Production other than cultivation 128 337 VI Commerce 28 46 VII Transport ... ". ... I VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 25 78 28 Economic Table B-U ] [Secondary Means of Livelihood Pal Tahsll-Rural-concld. (Total Population) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from _.A__ ------'--~

,-______Production other-A ______than cultivation ~ Commerce Liveli­ hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Class No. Total persons depmdants Total ,-_-.A.___ -, ,-___.A- ___, r----,.J.._---, ,------"------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32 ) (33) All Agricultural Classes

Total 1,079 8S1 S lSI 191 201 21

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 888 174 757 5 131 179 21 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 46 39 7 8 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 142 22 52 12 22 14 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- 3 2 1 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 10 17 S S 17 2 V Pro:iuction other than cultivation 7 17 3 4 17 VI Commerce 2 VII Transport ... VIn Other services and miscellaneous sources 3 2 1 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,------"------~ Commerce Transport Liveli­ ,-______JI,.______-.. r------A------"1I hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Class No. persons dependants Total persons ,------"----....., ,------"- ,-----"-----. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-a) (35) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) All Agricultural Classes

Total 188 9 13 IZ 13 , I 10 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 168 9 11 12 4 1 3 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 6 2 9 7 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... 14 IV . Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total I I V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce I 1 vn Transport ...... VIn Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from

---~ Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources Liveli­ ,------"------, ,­ ---"------, hood Name of Livelihood Class Earning Self-supporting Earning Class No. dependants Total persons dependants ,------"----....., ,------"-----_ r---___;;""A._------.. r------"--__,. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-a) (42) (43) (44) (45) (47) All Agricultural Classes

Total 3 I 58 7 82 51 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly I 1 3Z1 54 7 34 47 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 2 19 19 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... 61 1 14 47 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 3 3 2 1 3 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 30 3 1 7 13 30 V Production other than cultivation z6 2 16 10 2 VI Commerce VII Transport ... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 4 28 1 3 2& 29 Secondary Means of Livelihood] [Economic Table B-U Baikunthpur TahsU_:Rural (Total Population) I Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,------"------, Cultivation of un­ 'Liveli­ Cultivation of own land owned land hood Name of Livdihood Class ~------~ .class No. Self-supporting Earning Total ,-___persons.A.. ___ -, dependants Total r----..A---~ r----..A...---~ ,------'-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females {I) (I-a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) All Agricultural Classes Total 180 6 128 19 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 127 26 19 owned. II C\lltivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. ',III Cultivating labourers 53 16 6 10 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non·Agricultural Classes (Per. sons who derive their principa~ means of livelihood from)

Total 249 51 243 6 51 3 V Production other than cultivation 154 18 149 5 18 3 VI Commerce 7 7 VII Transport ...... I I VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 87 33 86 33 Number of persons deriving their secondar means of livelihood from ,------'------, Cultivation of unowned land Emyployment as cultivating labourer Liveli- ----, hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons -Class No. ,-___.A.. __----'-. dependants Total persons ,- r------"- ---. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) All Agricultural Classes

Total IS 1 1,077 385 869 16 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 18 1 1,006 253 840 16 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 35 36 21 unowned. ;II1 Cultivating labourers 26 92 lV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- 10 4 8 tural rent receivers. All Non·Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Tota] 3 14Z 73 109 6 V Production other than cultivation 3 116 41 99 4 VI Commerce 8 I 4 vn Transport ...... ". I VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 17 31 6 2 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,------"- '------, Employment as Liveli­ cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land hood Name of Livelihood Class ,--_...__A.._-----.., ,- __A- ______~_-~ .Class No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants ~ ,_----..A.-~ _--_...A.. __ __ ----A------, ,-~-----~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) All Agricultural Classes

Total 208 9 3 9 J: I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 166 9 9 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 14 unowned. III Cultivating labourers 26 92 2 2 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 2 4 1 tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 33 67 5 5 V Production other than cultivation 17 37 2 2 VI Commerce 4 I vn Transport ...... '" ... I VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources II 29 3 3 Economic Table B-U] [Secondary Means of Livelihood Baikunthpur Tahsil~Rural-concld. (Total Population) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------~------~~------~------~ Production other than cultivation Commerce Liveli­ ,-----"----" hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Class No. Total persons dependants Total ---, ,-__..A- __~. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females.

(I) (I-a) (26) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32 ) (33) All Agricultural Classes

Total 1,167 82 I,OSS 14 IIZ 80

r Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 79 10 92 227 22 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 15 2 10 5 I 4 unowned. III Cultivating labourers .. , 4& I 35 3 13 10 14 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ 9 7 2 I tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 3S 72 27 8 7Z 4 18 V Production other than cultivation 28 50 23 5 50 3 5 VI Commerce I I VII Transport ...... ;. .., VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 7 22 4 3 22 12 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------"------'___ ------,., Liveli­ Commerce Transport hood Name of Livelihood Class ~----...... r------J~------'--~ Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons ,-----A---., ,------A------, ~-" Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (34) (35) (36) (37) (39) (40) (41) All Agricultural Classes

Total 4 II 19 13 7 13 2 r Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 222 4 5 19 13 7 13 2 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 4 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... 8 6 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ I tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ SonS who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 8 I 10 3 I

V Production other than cultivation 2 5 VI Commerce I I 1 I VII Transport ...... VIn Other services and miscellaneous sources 8 4 2

.-______Number of persons deriving their Asecondary ______means of livelihood from ~, Liveli­ Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources hood Name of Livelihood Class Class No. Earning Self-supporting dependants Total persons r--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (45) (47) All Agricultural Classes

Total 5 II 384 I 57 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 5 375 47 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly' or mainly 3 4 2 I 4 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... 12 7 7 I 5 I> IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means oj; livelihood from)

Total :2 30 43 Z5 4 4J V Production other than cultivation 21 1 18 3 7 VI Commerce 1 I VII Transport ...... 1 I VIII Other services and miscellaneous source,s 2 7 7 61 35 3I Secondary Means of Livelihood] [Economic Table B-II Manendragarh Tahsil-Rural (Total Population) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r- ----, Cultivation of un- Cultivation of own land owned land Liveli- ,------A.___ , hood Name of Livelihood Class r------~------

Total 112 66 65 17 47 49 I 'W Production other than cultivation 89 55 46 7 43 48 VI Commerce 3 I 2 VII Transport ... 3 3 VIn Other services and miscellaneous sources 17 11 15 10 2 1 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------, Liveli­ Cultivation of unowned land Employment as cultivating labourer hood Name of Livelihood Class ----,

Total 21 3 309 314 102 2 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 20 157 31 99 2 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 3 8 I 3 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... 1 144 282 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total I 5 17 4 1 V Production other than cultivation 3 9 3 VI Commerce .. , I I I VII Transport ... Vln Other services and miscellaneous sources I 7 1 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from Liveli­ r------A------.------,Employment as hood Name of Livelihood Class cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land ,-class ~o. -----, Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants r-----"----, (I) (I-a) Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) All Agricultural Classes

Total 107 9 9 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 58 29 9 9 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 5 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... 144 282 IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total I 16 49 I 49 1 V Production other than cultivation 8 49 I 49 I VI Conunerce I VII Transport ... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 7 32 Economic Table B-D] [Secondary Means of Livelihood Manendragarh Tahsil-Rural-concld. (Total Population) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from -----, Production other than cultivation Commerce ,--_..A..___ -,. Liveli­ r------~------..... hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Class No. Total persons dependants Total ,----A-__---, r-~.----~ r---~----..... r-----.A..-----O, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females.

(I) (I-a) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (31) (32) (33) All Agricultural Classes

Total 1,039 37 9 99 12 I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 927 27 5 87 22 12 owned. II Cultivators of l~nd wholly or mainly 20 17 3 unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... 91 9 82 4 9 5 I IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- I I tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total ~99 31 3 193 57 IS

V Production other than cultivation 381 17 3 160 27 II VI Commerce I 25 2 VII Transport 2 10 2 10 3 3 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources IS 23 14 I 23 2 2 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from

--~ .. Liveli- , Commerce Transport hood Name of Livelihood Class r------"- .------, --~ Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons ~---"------, r-~.------~ "'\1.ales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (34) (35) (36) (37) (3 8) (39) (40) (41) All Agricultural Classes

Total 68 8 4 23

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 59 8 4· 23 2 23 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 9 unowned. III Cultivating labourers IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ Sons who del'ive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 32 18 ISS J21 r

V Production other than cultivation 17 10 II 18 1 0 4 I VI Commerce 4 21 2 I I VII Transport...... 3 3 123 IS I VIn Other services and miscellaneous sources I I 2 I3 2 Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ---___."

Liveli­ Transport ,______Other services --A..and miscellaneous______sources -" hood Name of Livelihood Class Class No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants r-----"- ---, ,----A------". Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (43) (44) (47) (49) All Agricultural Classes

Total 353 4 57

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly 2 329 274 4 55 35 owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly I I I unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... 23 9 21 3 2 6 IV Non-cultivating owners ofland; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons Who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 153 120 197 7 3 145

V Production other t han cultivation 18 103 25 74 25 74 VI Commerce 12 I 5 I 7 VII Transport ...... 122 15 77 34 77 34 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 13 2 3& 88 2 2 36 86 33 Secondary Means of Livelihood] [Economic Table B-B Surguja District-Total (Displaced Persons) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ------~------~------~ Cultivation of un- Cultivation of own land owned land Liveli­ r------"------, hood Name of Livelihood Class . Self-supporting Earning Class No. Total persons dependants Total Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly " ... unowned. III Cultivating labourers .,. ... IV Non-cultivating owners of land ; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total I I V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport ...... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources I Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ------, Cultivation of unowned land Employment as cultivating labourer Liveli­ ~------, ----, hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Class No. persons dependants Total persons ,------'------, Males Females Males Females Males Female& Males Females (1) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Total V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport...... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from Employment as ------~ Liveli­ cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land hood Name of Livelihood Class ------"------~. Class No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female~ (1) (I-a) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (2S) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal meanS of livelihood from) Total V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport '" ...... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources D-S 34 Economic Table B~IIJ [Secondary Means of Livelihood Surguja District-Total-·concld. (Displaced Persons) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------"------"------...... Production other than cultivation Commerce --"------~ r---.._...A_----, Liveli­ Self-supporting Earning hood Name of Livelihood Class Total persons dependants Total Class No. r------"------, r---___A...---, ,.-___.A __ .... ,,_, { ____...A... ___..---... Males Females Males Females Males Females MaJes Females (I) (I-a) (26) (27) (28) (29) (30) (3I) (32 ) (33) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. lIt Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 3 3 7 V Production other than cultivation 3 3 4 2 VI Commerce ... 2 VII Transport '" ...... I VIn Other services and miscellaneous sources

Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------., Commerce Transport Liveli­ r------A..---- r------"------., hood Name of Livelihood Cla;s Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Class No. persons dependants Total persOollS ,.....--A------, ,.-___J. .... ___ _ ,---_---A:.__ __. ,---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females ( Males Females ." - (I) (I-a) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rem receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons Who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 4 3

V Production other than cultivation 2 2 2 VI Commerce ...... I VII Transport ...... I VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources

Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------______A..______~ Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources ,-----"----., r-- ---~ Liveli­ Earning Self-supporting Earning hood Name of Livelihood Class dependants Total persons dependants Class No. r------~~. ~ r--___"______" r---.A-----., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (42 ) (43) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 3 3 V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport ...... I VIn Other services and miscellaneous sources 3 3 35 ,Secondary Means of Livelihood] [Economic Table B-D Surguja District-Rural (Displaced Persons) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from .------...... Cultivation of un­ Liveli­ Cultivation of own land owned land hood Name of Livelihood Class ,------"---...... Class No, Self-supporting Earning Total dependants Total ,-___persons.A. ___ ...... ,------A----., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... '" IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- tural rent receivers. Ali Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Total V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport...... , '" ... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,---- -"------, Liveli­ Cultiration of unowned land Employment as cultivating labourer hood Name of Livelihood Class ----, Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons ,------A-___... r-~------~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. AU Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Total V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport .. , ...... ••• VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ...... Employment as ---- Liveli­ cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land hood Name of Livelihood Class Class No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants r----"---> ,------A-._-,-_""\ r------"--...... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (24) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly .. , unowned. III Cultivating labourers IV Non-cultivating owners of land ; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Total V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport ... .,. VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources . Economic Table B-D 1 [Secondary Means of Livelihood Surguja District Rural-concId. (Displaced Persons) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ------, Production other than cultivation Commerce ,------"------, ---.. Liveli­ Self-supporting Earning hood Name of Livelihood Class Total persons dependants Total Class No. r------"---~ r----..J.------.. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-a) (26) (28) (3 1 ) (32) (33) All Agricultural Classes Total

I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 3 3 5 2 V Production other than cultivation 3 3 4 2 VI Commerce VII Transport...... , VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------~.------Liveli­ Commerce Transport hood Name of Livelihood Class ~.----- ~---, Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons ~----. ,-__...A. --, r-----"-----,. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) All Agricultural Classes Total r Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Total 3 2 2 I V Production other than cultivation 2 2 2 VI Commerce VII Transport ...... I I VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from

Liveli­ Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources hood Name of Livelihood Class r--____"'__-~ r------Class No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants r-----"------­ r-___.A..----, r-----"------"\ ,-----A----l Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females .'(1) I-a) (42) (43) (45) (47) (49) All Agriculturb.l Classes Total ! Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. 111 Cultivating labourers IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total I V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport ...... VIII Other services and ·miscellaneous sources 2 31 Secondary Means of Livelihood] [ Economic Table B-ll Surguja District-Urban (Displaced Persons) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------,------~ -----'------. Cultivation of un­ 'Liveli­ Cultivation of own land owned land hood Name of Livelihood Class ----"------, ,------"------,

Total I I V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport VIn Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from Liveli­ Cultivation of ultowned land Employment as cultivating labourer hood Name of Livelihood Class Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Total persons dependants ,--__.A.. __ --.. , ____persons.A.. __ ----. ,--~ ,_---A---, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13 (14) (IS) (16) (17) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... .., IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Total V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport ... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from Liveli­ r------A------~Employment as hood Name of Livelihood Class cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land

Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers.

All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 2 V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce 2 VII Transport ...... '" ...... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources

N~ber of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ___. __ . Liveli­ Commerce Transport hood Name of Livelihood Class .A. ______--, ,...------"------.' Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons ~----~--, r-----"----. ,.-___-A -----, .-----"--_--,., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (34) (35) (36)~ (37) (3 8) (39) (41) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers .•.... IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Total V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce I I VII Transport ...... VIn Other services and miscellaneous sources

Number of persons deriving their .A.secondary means of livelihood______from -,. Liveli­ Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources hood Name of Livelihood Class r----.A._-----, ..------"------" ehss No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants r------A-____~ ~ ,-----"------, -,. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (42 ) (43) (44) (45) (47) (49) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. In Cultivating labourers IV Non-cultivating owners of land; a r: cu;­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total I V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport '" VIII Other services and miscellaneous SOurces 39 Secondary Means of Livelihood] [Economic Table B-n Manendragarh Tahsil-Rural (Displaced Persons)

,-______Number...1-- of______persons deriving their -.A- secondary means of livelihood from -----, Cultivation of un­ Liveli­ Cultivation of own la nd owned land hood Name of Livelihood Class ,------~------, ,Class No. Self-supporting Earning Total persons dependants Total , __-A_ __ ~ , ___~ _ ___. r------"------. ,----_J.___ -, Males FemaIcs Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) All Agricultural Classes Total Culti vators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers '" IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total x I

V Production other than cultivation I 1 VI Commerce VII Transport ...... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ----, Liveli­ Cultivation of unowned land Employment as cultivating labourer hood Name of Livelihoo:i Class , ---, r-- --.__-~ Class No. Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting persons dependants Total persons

, ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul- tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Total V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport ...... '" ...... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from

,------~ Liveli­ Employment as hood Name of Livelihood Class cultivating labourer Rent on agricultural land Class No. ,.-----"------, ,------"------, Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants ,-~ ,~ ,----Jo-___ --. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-a) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers ...... IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Total V Production other than cultivation VI Commerce VII Transport...... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 40 Economic Table B-ll] [ Secondary Means of LiVeHhood Manendragarh Tahsil~Rural-concld. (Displaced Persons) Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from ,------'- ._------...... Production other than cultivation Commerce Live'i­ ._-....,------"------_._------.. ...------"--...... hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Class No. Total persons dependants Total ~ ,~---~ ,.--A--__", Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-a) (26) (28) (30 ) (31) (3 2 ) (33) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers IV Non-cultivating owners ofland; agricul- tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per- sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 3 3 5 2

V Production other than cultivation 3 3 4 2 VI Commerce VII Transport...... , ... VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------~ '------...... Commerce Transport Liveli­ ,------'-.-----~ ,------"------...... hood Name of Livelihood Class Self-supporting Earning Self-supporting Class No. persons dependants Total persons ----. r-----"--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-a) (34) (35) (39) (41) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers ... IV Non-cultivating owners of land; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total 3 2 2 I

V Production other than cultivation 2 2 2 VI Commerce VII Transport I VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources Number of persons deriving their secondary means of livelihood from r------~------~, Liveli­ Transport Other services and miscellaneous sources hood Name of Livelihood Class ,---'--~ .------~------...... Class No. Earning Self-supporting Earning dependants Total persons dependants ,-----"---., r------"------.. ----. r--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-a) (43) (44) (45) (47) (49) All Agricultural Classes Total I Cultivators of land wholly or mainly owned. II Cultivators of land wholly or mainly unowned. III Cultivating labourers IV Non-cultivating owners ofland; agricul­ tural rent receivers. All Non-Agricultural Classes (Per­ sons who derive their principal means of livelihood from)

Total I 2 V Production other than cultivation Commerce v~l Transport... '" ...... 1 VIII Other services and miscellaneous sources 2 2 ECONOMIC TABLE B-DI

Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Servl~s by Divisions and Sub-divisions.

The self-supporting persons in Non-Agricultural Classes are classified accordingtotheir Secondary Economic Status namely' Employer, Employee and Independent Worker' and are distributed in the various Divisions and Sub-divisions of Industries and Services in this table. Distribution of the self-supporting persons into the different groups of Industries and Services will be found in the District Index of Non-Agricultural Occupations at the end of this table.

2. The Non-Agricultural Classes classified in Economic Table I, correspond to the Divisions and Sub-divisions into which they arc distributed in this table as follows :-

(a) Non-Agricultural Class V (Production other than cultivation) corresponds to Divisions 0-4. (o-Primary Industries not elsewhere specified; 1. Mining and quarrying; 2. Processing and Manufacture-Foodstuffs, Textiles, Leather and Products thereof; 3. Processin'g and Manufacture-Metals, Chemicals and Products thereof; 4. Processing and manufacture not elsewhere specified).

(b) Non-Agricultural Class VI (Commerce) corresponds to Division 6 (Commerce).

(c) N0n-Agricultural Class VII (Transport) corresponds to Sub-divisions 7.0 to 7.4 of Division 7. (Transport, Storage and Communications).

Cd) Non-Agricultural Class VIII (Other Services and Miscellaneous sources) includes Division 5 (Construction ~nd Utilities); Division 7 (Transport, Storage and Communications) with the exception of Sub-divisions 7.0 to 7.4; Division 8 (Health, Education and Public Administration) and Division 9 (Services not elsewhere specified). This also includes other miscellaneous sources of livelihood from unproductive activities including -

(a) Persons living principally on income from non-agricultural property;

(b) Persons living principally on pensions, remittances, scholarships and funds;

(c) Inmates of Jails, Asylums, Alms-houses and recipients of doles;

(d) Beggars and vagrants; and

(e) All other persons living principally on inc:):ne derived frilm non-productive acti vities.

The above sources of livelihood from non-productive activities are not, however, included in Economic Table No. III which is limited to Industries and Services. Hence there will be a difference to this extent between the total self-supporting persons of the non-agricultural classes in Economic Table I and the total of this table.

The reconciliation is effected in a separate fly-leaf.

D-6 FLY-LEAF TO TABLE B-ill.-Persons subsisting on Non-prodllctive activities

Number of persons deriving principal income from non-productive activities Income from non- Income from pensions, Serial Name of Trac;t Total No. agricultural property remiLtances, scholarships and funds ,.-----.A--_---, r----~------, ~-~,------__ Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 200 Displaced Persons 30

2 Bharatput Tahsil Rural­ Total Population IS Displaced Persons 25 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 12 Displaced Persons 4 4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 64 1 Displaced Persons 7 5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 55 Displaced Persons 5 6 Samd Tahsil Rural- Total Population 18 18 Displaced Persons 7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 98 100 Displacec\ Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 462 Displaced Persons :2.53 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban­ Total Population '1.7 22 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 489 275 Displaced Persons

Number of persons deriving principal income from non-productive activities-concld. r---- -'- Serial Name of Tract Inmates of Jails, Asylums, Beggars and Vagrants Income from other non- No. Alms-houses, etc. productive activities ...... Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (9) (ro) (II) (lZ) (13) (14)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 200 30 Displaced Persons

2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total PopUlation 15 :z.S Displaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 12 Displaced Persons 4

4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 6\ 1 .,. Displaced Persons 7 5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 5S 5 Displaced Persons 6 Samri Tahsil Rural....,. .Total Population 18 18 Displaced Persons 7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 98 100 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total PopUlation 462 253 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 2'1. Displaced Persons 7.7 IO District Total- Total PopulatioD 2 8 Displaced Persons 4 9 275 43 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions.

All Industries and Services Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r- ,------'----, ,--_--.-A-__ _...... " Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (ra) (II)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 4,605 4,423 182 30 19 992 31 3,401 13Z Displaced Persons II II I 5 5 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 4,787 4,433 354 20 .2 1,375 138 3,038 214 Displaced Persons 2 2 2 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total PopUlation 1,259 1,004 255 I 615 235 388 ::0 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 842 808 34 4 1 326 4 478 29 Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1,936 1,795 141 9 847 68 939 73 Displaced Persons 2 2 2 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1I,3I6 10,412 904 51 1 9,780 845 581 58 Displaced Persons 192 185 7 2 161 7 22 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1,686 1,283 403 22 6 977 369 28 28 Displaced Persons 4 8 Rural Total- Total Population 26,431 24,158 2,273 137 2 9 14,912 1,690 9,109 554 Displaced Persons 20 7 200 7 3 168 7 29 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 5,969 5,410 559 132 2 3,590 423 1,688 134 Displaced Persons 94 91 3 4 56 3 31 10 District Total- Total Population 32,400 29,568 2,832 269 31 18,502 2,II3 10,797 688 Displaced Persons 301 2 91 10 7 224 10 60

Division O.-Primary Industries not elsewhere specified r-- Serial Name of Tract No. Total Employers Employees Independent Workers ~ r-----"- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (r8) (19)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1,142 54 II 9 126 12 1,005 33 Displaced Persons 2 2

2 SUrajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 966 65 20 135 6 831 Displaced Persons 57

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 123 6 10 7 16 1: Displaced Persons 5 '" 4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 134 1 124 1 10 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 470 6 'Z 367 101 20' Displaced Persons 4 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 139 10 3 124 7 IZ 3 Displaced Persons ... I I 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 41% 25 2 Displaced Persons 5 377 5 30 8 Rural Total- Total Population 3,386 167 21 Displaced Persons 1I 1,360 60 2,005, 96 3 3 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total PopUlation 308 32 Displaced Persons 9 269 .27 30 5 1 1 .,. 10 District Total- Total Population 3,694 199 30 IX 1,629 87 :&,035 XOI Displaced Persons 4 ... .!,J. 4,0 ... 44 ECONOMIC TABLE B .. m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions_:_.contd.

Sub-division o.l.-Stock Raising , --"-- Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. , ,....-----"-----, ,-----A- -. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 791 33 II 9 61 10 719 14 Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 502 19 2 88 5 414 12 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 77 5 62 4 15 X Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population II6 1 106 1 10 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 41'3 6 I 319 4 93 2 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 86 5 76 5 I:) Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 391 24 4 360 24 27 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 2,376 93 x6 II 1,072. 5~ 1,288 29 Displaced Persons I 1

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 38 2 21 17 2 Displaced Persons ,..

10 District Total- Total Population 2,414 95 x6 II 1,093 53 1,3°5 31 Displaced Persons I I

SUb-division o.z.-Rearing of small animals and insects ,------"-- Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Worker No. ,-----"-----, ,----A- ,------A----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (28) (29) (30 ) (3 1) (3 2 ) (33) (34) (35)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 282 15 25 257 15 Displ.aced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 433 46 16 I 417 45 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 715 61 41 x 674 60 Displaced Persons

.9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population •.• . .. 3 3 Displac~d Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 718 61 41 x 677 60 Displaced Persons 45 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 0.3.-Plantation Industries ,-- Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent~orkers No. ,----"------, ,-~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (36) (37) (38) (39) (40) (41) (42) (43)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- . Total Population Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1 I Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1 1 Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2 2 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 4 3 1 Displaced Persons

9 Su~uja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 4 3 1 Displaced Persons

Sub-division 0.4.-Forestry and collection of products not elsewhere specified

Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent ~orkers No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (44) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 68 6 40 2 28 4 Displaced Persons 2 2 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 31 31 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 45 1 44 1 1 Displaced Persons

4 Samd Tahsil Rural- Total PopUlation I5 15 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 54 1 48 5 Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 51 5 3 46 2 2 3 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 20 1 17 1 3 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 2 84 13 4 241 6 39 7 Displaced Persons 2 2

9 Surguja District Non-City U.rban- Total Population 267 30 9 248 27 10 3 Displaced Persons 1

10 District Total- Total Population 551 43 13 489 33 49 10 Displaced Persons 3 3 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division O.5.-Hunting (including trapping and game propagation) Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees IndependentVVorkers No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 3 3 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

S Rural Total- Total Population s 3 Displaced Persons

9 Surgnja District Non-City Urban- Total Population Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population s 3 Displaced Persons

Sub-division o.6.-Fishing Serial Name of Tract No. Total Employers Employees IndependentVVorker~ r-- ---., -----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1: 1: Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 BaikunthpUl Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population I 1: Displaced Persons ... S Rural Total- Total Population 2 I I Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ... .". Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 2 :r I Displaced Persons 47 ECONOMIC TABLE BwllI.---.Employers, Employees and Independen.t Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub.. divisions-contd.

Division I.-Mining and Quarrying r-- -. Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers ,-___ A._~ No. ,-----"- ,---"---. , .A. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population I I Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 70 1 70 I Displaced Persons

3 'Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 31 4 31 4 Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 7,015 526 8 7,007 52 6 Displaced Persons 125 7 125 7

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population I 1 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 7,1I7 532 8 7,109 532 Displaced Persons 125 7 12 5 7

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 127 127 Displaced Persons I I

10 District Total- Total Population 7,244 532 8 7,236 532 Displaced Persons 126 7 126 7

Sub-division I.o.-Non-metallic mining and quarrying not otherwise classified --. Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r-----~----~ ~~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (78) (80) (81) (82)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population I 1 Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural.;_ Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samd Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population I Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population Displaced Persons ....

10 District Total- Total Population I I Displaced Persons 48 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m .._Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division r.I.-Coal mining Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers. No. r------'-----, r------"-----r Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females-

(I) (2) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (89) (90 ) (91)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population x6 x6 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 30 2 30 2 Displaced Persons

6 Manendr~garh Tahsil Rural- 6,259 2 30 2 Total Population I 2 5 7 125 7 Displaced Person 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 6,859 526 8 6,851 526 Displaced Persons 7 8 Rural Total- Total Population 6,905 528 8 6,897 528 Displaced Persons I25 7 125 7

<) Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population II II Displaced Persons I I

10 District Total- Total Population 6,916 52 8 S 6,908 52 8 Displaced Persons 126 7 126 7

,--______Sub-division__.A- 1.2.-Iron ore mining Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r- r----A------"\ r---A Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (92) (93) (94) (95) (96) (97) (98) (99)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1 2 I 2 Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- TDtal PopUlation Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population I 2 I 2 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ... '" Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population I 2 I 2 Displace d Persons ..9 ECONOMIC TABLE B-ID.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in industriel and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division I.3.-Metal mining except iron ore mining r------'------_ serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Worken ,-_--A.. ,-__--"-----.., No. ,----A-,___ ""' ,-~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (100) (lor) (r02) (lOS) (106)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 50 I 50 I Displaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- , Total Population ... Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population­ I 1 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 1 51 I Displaced Persons 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population .,. . .. 116 116 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population I 1 Displaced Persons

Sub-division I.S.-Stone-quarrying, clay and sand pits.

Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r-----A..---, r---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (108) (10 9) (1I0) (III) (H2) (114) (ns)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 4 4 Displaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons S Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population ...... Displaced Persons 7 Bharatpur Tashil Rural­ Total Population Dsplaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 160 160 Displaced Persons 9 Surguja District Non-City Urbl n- Total Population ...... Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 160 160 Displaced Persons D-7 50 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Division 2.-Processing and manufacture- Food stuffs, textiles leather and products thereof. Serial Name of Tract ,-____Total--A._-----, Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,----"----, ,.----"------, , Males ' Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (II6) (1I7) (lIS) eII9) (120) (121) (122) (123)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 755 55 9 I 8 746 32 Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 459 5 5 23 431 5 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 319 :!u I 259 209 59 z Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population I4I 8 12 X2.9 8 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ". 159 7 9 3 150 4 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population ". 139 10 5 49 4 85 6 Displaced Persons 8 I 2 5 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 156 3 I 98 I 57 2 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 2,128 277 13 I 458 217 1,657 59 Displaced Persons 8 I 2 5 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 258 23 IO I 50 6 198 16 Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Total Population 2,386 300 23 2 508 223 I,8S5 75 Displaced Persons 8 I 2 5

Sub·division 2.o.-F::lQd indmtries oth~rwise unel assilied .., Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,----"-----, r-~ ,.----'"----.., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (124) (125) (126) (127) (128) (129) (130) (13 1)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ". 13 3 13 3 Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population I8 I I II 6 J: Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 236 204 236 204 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rutal- Total Population ... :n 2 19 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 16 I 6 10 1 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 97 97 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 401 209 I 352 204 48 5 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ... - ... 28 S I 12 3 I5 2 Displaced Persons

IO District Total- Total Population 429 2I4 2 364 207 63 7 Displaced Persons 51 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division z.I.-Grains and pulses Serial Name of Tract r------A..- No. Total Employers Employees Independent workers ,.-----A- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (z) (132) (133) (134) (135) (136) (137) (138) (139)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rutal- Total Population 54 14 54 14 Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil RUl:al- Total Population I 5 5 I Displaced persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 7 7 3 7 4 Displaced Persons

6 Menandragarh Tashil Rural- Total Population 3 I I 2 I Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tashi! Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 6S 27 I 2 9 6:: 18 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population I 1 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 6S ::8 I 2 9 62 I9 Displaced Persons

Serial Name of Tract Sub-Division 2.2.-Vegetable oil and dairy products No. r-- Total Employers Employees Independent workers ,--~ ~-----, ,.---A..---, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (140) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2 2 Displaced Persons

2 Sura;pur Tahsil Rural- Total Population I :: 1 2 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 14 I :: 12 I Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2 2 Displaced Persons ." S Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 6 6 Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 3I 4 I II 19 Displaced persons 4

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 8 I 1 I 7 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 64 8 1 14 1 49 Displaced Persons 7

9 SurgiIja District Non~CityUrban- Total Population 2 ~ 2 1 27 2 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 92 10 I IS 1 76 Displaced Persons 9 52 ECONOMIC TABLE B-Dl.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 2.3.-Sugar Industries Serial Name of Tract --.. No. Total Employers Employees Independent Workeu ~ ,------"-----., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (149) (ISO) (151) (152) (153) (154)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

:l Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population I I Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 1 1 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 1 1 Displaced Persons

Serial Name of Tract Sub-division 2.4.-Beverages No. Employers Independent Workers Total Employees ,---A------__-, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (156) (157) (158) (159) (160) (161) (162) (163 )

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 12 I 7 4 Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 20 3 3 14 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 20 18 2 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 12 12 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 9 7 :2 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 12 3 I 10 3 I Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population I I Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 86 3 5 57 3 24 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population II II Displaced persons 10 District Total- Total Population 97 3 5 68 3 24 Displaced persons ~ 53 BCONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 2S ..-Tobacco Serial Name of Tract r------A.------No. Total Employers Employees Independent Workers Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (166) (168) (170) (171)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 4 4 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced P~rsons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

g Rural Total- Total Population 4 4 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 20 8 I2 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 8 16 Displaced Persons

Sub-division 2.6.--Cotton Textiles Employees Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Independent_:__..... Workers No. ,-- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I72) (176) (177) (I) , (2) (173) (174) (175) (178) (179) 1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 470 7 470 7 Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 264 1 3 :z6I I Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population II I 2 9 I Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 98 7 98 7 Displaced Persons

5 Baiuknthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population I2 IZ Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 9 7 :z Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 10 I 9 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 874 16 1 12 861 16 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 4 4 Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Total Population 878 16 I I:Z 865 16 Displaced Persons 54 ECONOMIC TABLE B-ttI.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub.. divisions-contd.

Sub-division 2.7.-Wearing apparel (except foot wear and made up textile goods) Serial Name of Tract No. Total Employers Employees Independent Workers r----"---> --. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (180) (181) (182) (183) (r84) ( 185) (186) (r87)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 05 6 50 5 Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 60 I 4 55 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 5 I 4 Displaced persons

4 Samd Tahsil Rural- Total Population 4 4 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 17 17 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 40 2 II 27 Displaced Persons 8 I 2 5

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 176 6 3 I 16 157 S Displaced Persons 8 2 5 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 147 12 9 I 17 2. 121 9 Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Total Population 323 I8 I2 :1 33 :z 278 14 Displaced Persons 8 I 2 5

Sub-division 2.8.-Textile industries otherwise unclassified Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent workers No. --'- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (r88) (r89) (r90) (r9r) (192 ) (193) (194) , (195)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 7 I 7 I Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced P9"sons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population :z :z Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 3 :z 3 z Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 12 3 12 3 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 2 2 :z 2 Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Total Population 14 S 14 5 Displaced Persons 55 CONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industriess and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

,--______Sub-division 2.9.-Leather,.A. leather______products and food wear -_----'\

Serial Name of Tract ,--__-A. Total___ , Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r-----A----, r----.A.---, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (196) (197) (198) (199) (200) (201) (202) (203)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 147 2 I 146 2 Displaced persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 95 I I 94 I Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 28 I 27 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 25 I 25 I Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 85 8S Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil- Total Population 28 I 2 26 I Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 37 37 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 445 5 I 4 440 5 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 18 I I I 17 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 463 6 I 5 I 457 5 Displaced Persons

Division 3.-Processing and manufacture Metals, Chemicals and products there of ,------"-- Serial Name of Tract ,-___TotalA ___ --.. Employers Employees Independent Wor~ No. ,--_--.A.__ ---, r---_""___, ,------'------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

{I) (z) (2°4) (Z05) (z06) (Z07) (z08) (2°9) (ZIO) (zu)

Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 461 5 160 2 30I 3 Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 393 17 I 16 376 17 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 87 6 13 74 6 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population lZ9 4 2 U7 4 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 18S :z I 31 153 2 Displaced Persons

6 l'vlancndragarh Tahsil Rural- Displaced Persons 120 4 72 2 48 2 Total Population

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 44 2 42 Displaced Persons .. , 8 Rural Total- Total Population 1,419 38 I 296 4 1,I:n 34 Displaced PCl:sons

9 SUrguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population . ••. . .. 63 I 3 14 46 I Displaced Persons I I 10 Distrct Total- Total Population 1,482 39 5 310 4 I,I67 35 Displaced Petsons I I 56 ECONOMIC TABLE B-IIL-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 3.0.-Manufacture of Metal products otherwise unclassified ,.-- Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,- ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female!>

(I) (2) (212) (21 3) (2 14) (215) (216) (217) (218) (219)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 461 5 160 2 301 3 Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 59 9 59 9 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 87 6 13 74 ~ Displaced Persons

4 S~mri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 129 4 2 127 4 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 185 2 I 31 153 2 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 75 4 27 2 48 2· Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tashsil Rural- Total Population 5 z 3 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 1,001 30 I 235 4 765 26 Displaced Persons

9 Surguia District Non-City Urban- Total Population z5 I 24 Displaced Persons I I 10 District Total- Total Population £,026 30 £ 236 4 789 26 Displaced Persons I I

Sub-division 3.r.-Iron and Steel (Basic manufacture)

Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,.--___..______, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (220) (221) (222) (223) (224) (225) (226) (227)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 331 8 I 15 315 S Displaced Persons

3 pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tashil Rural- Total Population 39 39 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 370 I I 15 354 S Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total PopUlation 15 I I 14 I Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 385 9 z IS 368 9 Displaced Persons 57 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub.. divisions-contd.

Sub-division 3.3.-Transport equipment Serial Name of Tract r------~------~ No. Total Employers Employees Independent Workers ( ~------~ ,-~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (228) (229) (230) (231) (232) (233) (234) (235)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total PopUlation Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population I I Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 7 7 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 9 8 I Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population I8 :3 8 8 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 2 7. :z I6 9 Displaced Persons

Sub-division 3.5.-Machinery (other than Electrical machinery) including Engineering Work-Shops r------~--.------~ Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,-____'______' Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (236) (237) (238) (239) (240) (24I) (242) (243)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural-- Total Population Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population I I Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 37 37 Displaced Persons D-8 58 ECONOMIC TABLE B-III.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisioDs-contd.

Sub-division 3.6.-Basic Industrial Chemicals, Fertilisers and Power Alcohol ;------~------~ Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ~, ,----A.___ ~ r-----"----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (244) (247) (249) (251)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population I I Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2 2 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 3 I Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 3 2 I Displaced Persons

Sub-division 3.8.-Manufacture of Chemicals Products otherwise unclassified Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,------'------, r---"--, ,------~-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (252) (253) (254) (255) (256) (257) (259)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Person 8 Rural Total- Total Population Displaced Perflons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 4 4 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 4 Displaced Persons 59 ECONOMIC TABLE B-Ill.-Employers, Employees.and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Division 4.-Processing and manufacture not elsewhere specified r- Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r---"---....., .------"---. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femaes

(1) (2) (260) (26r) (262) (263) (264) (265) (266) (267)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 523 13 8 1 51 5 12 Displaced Persons 2 Surajpu.r Tahsil Rural- Total Population 936 93 ... \ 79 1 857 92 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 139 2 10 1 129 I Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural Total Population 85 6 85 6 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 412 32 9 1 40 3 31 Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 364 70 ZJ7 49 147 21 Displaced Persons I I

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 64 64 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 2,523 :2.16 323 53 2,200 163 Displaced Persons 1 1

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 178 18 7 6z 5 109 13 Displaced Persons 2 2

10 Dlstrict Total- Total Population 2,701 234 7 385 58 2,309 176 Displaced Persons 3 2

Sub-division 4.0.-Manufacturing Industries otherwise unclassified -----. Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r-----"-----, .------A..___ ....., .A.-__-. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (268) (269) (270) (271) (272) (273) (274) (275)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 138 1: 138 1 Displaced persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 98 3 1 97 3 Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 16 16 Displaced persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population II II Displaced persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 19 1 19 1 Displaced persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 3 1 :2 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 8 8 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 293 5 2 291 5 Displaced persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 1 1 Displaced persons

10 District Total- Total Population 294 5 3 291 5 Displaced persons 60 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divrsions-contd.

Sub-division 4.2.-Bricks, tiles and other structural clay products Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (279) (280) (28r) (282)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population I Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 30 4 26 Displaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 4 Samri Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population '3 2 1 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural­ Total Population l65 Displaced Persons 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 3 3 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 204 34 Displaced Persons 9 SUrguja District Non-City Urban­ Total Population 8 30 4 8 4 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 200 44 4 Displaced Persons

Sub-division 4.4.-Non-metallic mineral products r------~------~ Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,----'------, ,.-----'-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (285) (zg6) (288) (291)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population lOS 8 lOS 8 Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 66 14 3 14 Displaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 1 3 I Displaced Persons 4 Samri Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 31 4 31 4 Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 10 5 10 S Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural­ Total Population IS 7 I 18 6 Displaced Persons 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural­ Total population 1 3 Dis placed Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 39 6 I Displaced Persons 9 SUrguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 2 97 39 , I Displaced Persons 61 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-division5-Contd.

Sub-div~sion 4.6.-Wood and wood products other than furniture and fixtures

Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,----,,-----> Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (292) (293) (294) (295) (296) (297) (298) (299)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 277 4 7 I 270 3 Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 742 76 71 I 671 75 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 96 I 7 I 89 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 43 2 43 2 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 380 26 7 1 373 25 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population IS:%. 23 31 8 UI 15 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 40 40 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 1,730 13%. 1%.3 I%. 1,607 1%.0 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 109 10 7 28 I 74 9 Displaced Persons 2 2 10 District Total- Total Population 1,839 14z 7 151 13 1,681 U9 Displaced Persons 2 2

,------"-Sub-division 4.,.-Furniture and fixtures Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (300) (301) (302) (3°3) (3°4) (305) (306) (307)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

~ Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural Total Population 26 22 .. Displaced Persons I

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displa ced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 26 22 4 Displaced Persons I I 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Total Population 26 ... :u 4 Displaced Persons I ... I ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub.-divisions-contd.

Division 4.9.-Printing and Allied Industries --.. Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,------"- ~----"------.. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (308) (3°9) (310) (3 II) (312) (3 13) (3 15)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced person s

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population .. t Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 3 3 Displaced persons

10 District Total- Total Population 3 3 Displaced persons

Division S.-Construction and utilities ,- --A._ Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers. No. ,---"----, ,--"--...., ,----'---, ,------'-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (316) (317) (318) (319) (320) (3 2 1) (32 2) (32 3)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 5 I 4 Displaced Persons 2 2

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population II 3 8 3 3 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2 1 1 I 1 Displaced Persons - 4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2 2 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 78 25 4 7I 25 3 Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil R1.lral- Total Population ... 535 145 I9 455 I44 61 I Displaced Persons 8 g

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 13 I3 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total population 646 174 23 551 173 72 I Displaced Persons 10 8 2

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 544 106 II 418 99 115 7 Displaced Persons 10 I 9

10 District Total- Total Population 1,190 280 34 .9(i9 272 187 g Displaced Persons 20 I 11 2 63 ECONOMIC TABLE B-DI.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

,-______Sub-division S.o.-Construction and maintenanceA of works otherwise unclassified --. Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers Nc. ,-----"------.. ,------'------. ,--__..A.. __ -., ,.----'------. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (326) (3 2 8) (329) (33°) (331)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 3 3 Displaced persons 2 2

'2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 8 5 3 Displaced persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population ~55 13 5~ Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total PopulatIon Displaced Persens 8 Rural Total- Total Population 266 13 195 Displaced Persons 2

9 Surguja District Non-Citv Urban- Total Population - Displaced persons

10 District Total- Total Population 266 13 195 58 Displaced persons 2 2

Sub-division S.l.-Construction and maintenance-Buildings

,- ~ Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers ,-_-A. No. ,------"------, ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(J) (2) (332 ) (333) (334) (335) (336) (337) (338) (339)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2 I I Displaced persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population II 3 8 3 3 Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total PopUlation 2 I I Displaced persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 4 4 Displaced persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population :126 92 III 91 9 I Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 13 13 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population :158 95- 6 138 94 14 :I Displaced persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 413 56 10 288 49 XIS 7 Displaced persons I I

][0 District Total- Total Population 571 :151 16 426 143 :129 8 Displaced persons I I 64 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 5.::!.-Construction and maintenance-Roads, Bridges and other Transport Works r------.------A------.------~ Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r-----~----~r______A_____~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (340) (341 ) (342 ) (343) (344) (345) (346) (347)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population I I Displaced persons

4 Sarori Tahsil Rural-~ Total Population z z Displaced persons .~ 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 58 25 3 55 25 Displaced persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 66 29 66 Displaced Persons 5 5 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 126 55 3 IZ3 55 Displaced Persons 5 5 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 102 50 I 101 So Displaced Persons 8 I 7 10 District Total-- Total Population 228 105 4 224 105 Displaced Persons 13 12

Sub-division 5.4.-Construction and Maintenance operations­ Irrigation and Land Improvement Works Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r----A------..., r---"-----, ,.....--"-----., r---~-----' Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (348) (349) (350) (351) (35 2 ) (353) (354) (355)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced persons 4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population I I Displaced persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population I I Displaced persons 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban­ Total Population 2 Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Total Population 3 3 Displaced persons '" 65 ECONOMIC TABLE B .. rn.-Employers Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub--divisions-contd.

Sub-division 5.5.--;-Works and Services-Electric Power and Gas supply

Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (356) (357) (358) (359) (360)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced persons 4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population I I Displaced persons 6 - Manendragarh Tashil Rural­ Total Population 43 4J Displaced Persons 3 3 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 8 . Rural Total- Total Population 45 :r 44 Displaced persons 3 3 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban­ Total Population 22 Displaced persons

:IO District Total- Total Population 67 I 66 Displaced persons 3 3

SUb-division 5.6.-Works and Services-Domestic and Industrial Water supply Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,.---J----....., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (364) (365) (366) (367) (368) (369) (37°) (37 1 )

I Ambikapur Tahsil RUIIII- Total Population Displaced persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

5 Baiknnthpur Tahsil Rural- TGtal Population 4 4 Displaced ;pasons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 8 8 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total PopUlation Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 4 8 4 8 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 4 4 Displaced persons

10 District Total- Total Population 8 8 8 8 Displaced p;:rsons D-9 66 ECONOMIC TABLE B-III.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 5.7.-Sanitary___ works.A.. and services including scavengers ,--- Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. --. r---_';'_---~ .A.._-----. ,----"------. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (372) (373) (374) (375) (376) (377) (378) (379)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

20 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samd Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population I 1: Displaced Persons 6 Manendragalh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 4S 16 4S 16 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsii Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 46 16 46 16 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population x I Displaced Persons I I

10 District Total- Total Population 47 16 47 16 Displaced Persons 1 I

Division 6.-Commerce. ,- Serial Name of Tract ,-___Total.A. ___ ...... Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r----,..A._---~ ,---A-__--, ,---"------. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3 80) (38r) (382) (3 83) (384) (385) (386) (387)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 341 40 7 2 22 3120 38 Displaced p~rsons 5 I 1 3 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population . S09 3S II 19 479 35 Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population IOI 8 21 80 8 Displaced persons

4 Samd Tahsil Rural- Total Population 122 II 4 I 9 109 10 Displaced persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 98 19 2 20 76 19 Displaced Persons 2 2 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 240 29 6 72 8 162 21 Di>plac·~d Persons 17 2 15 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population lI8 33 16 6 17 3 85 24 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 1,529 175 46 9. 180 IX 1,303 ISS Displaced Persons 24 I 3 20 9 Surgllja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 1,207 71 68 142 4 997 67 Displaced persons 33 I 2 I 31 10 District Total- Total Population 2,736 246 114 9 3:22 IS 2,300 222 Displaced Persons 57 1 I 5 I 51 67 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Eniployers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and' Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 6.0.-Retail Trade otherwise unclassified r------"- Serial Name of Tract Tot~l Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,------"----., ,.------"---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (388) (3 89) (390) (391) (392 ) (393) (394) (395)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 102 7 Z 2 98 7 Displaced persons 2

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 310 28 5 9 296 a~ Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 28 I 7 21 I Displaced persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population <6 I IS Displaced persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 36 6 I II 24 6 Displaced persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 41 14 16 I 2S 13 Displaced Persons 3 1 2

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 38 17 3 2 6 3 29 I2 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 57I 73 I2 2 SI 4 508 67 Displaced persons 5 I 2 2 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 408 38 27 I8 I 363 37 . Displaced persons 17 17

10 District Total- Total Population 979 III 39 2 69 5 87I 104 Displaced persons 22 2 19

Sub-Division 6. I-Retail trade in food stuffs (including beverages and narcotics) ,.- Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. .------'---., ,.-----'--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females {I) (2) (396) (397) (398) (399) (4°0) (4°1) (4°2) (4°3)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 18I 31 5 4 172 31 Displaced persons 1 I

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 92 6 4 6 82 6 Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 69 7 IZ 57 7 Displaced persons 4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 105 II 3 1 9 93 10 Displaced persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 62 13 I 9 52 13 Displaced persons 2 2 6 Manendragarh Tahsil RuraI- Total PopulatioIl 168 10 4 49 Z 115 8 Displaced Persons 14 I 13

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 69 13 1 55 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 746 78 30 I 90 2 6.:6 75 Displaced persons 17 I 16

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 260 2I 6 So 3 204 18 Displaced Persons 6 I I 6

IO District Total- Total Population 1,006 99 36 I I40 5 830 93 Displaced Persons 23 1 I I 22. 68 ECONOMIC TABLE B-ill.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 6.2.-Retail trade in fuel (including' peteal) Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r------"- ----. r-----'-----, ,--~----. Males Fem1les Males Females M'lles Females Males Females

(r) (2) (40 4) (40 5) (406) (4°7) (408) (409) (4IO) (4 II)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1:% IZ Displaced persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2 2 Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

4 Samd Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

6 Manelldragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 6 4 3 4 3 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Populatiyn 1 1 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 20 S 3 4 17 1 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 15% 7 2 ISO 7 Displaced persons

10 District Total- Total Population 172 12 5 4 167 8 Displaced persons

Sub-division 6.3.-Retail trade in textile and leather goods

. Serial Name of Tract Total ,.---_.A..Employers___ -.. Employees Independent Workers No. r--- --. ,-----A------., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (412) (413) (41 4) (415) (416) (41 7) (4r8) (419)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 27 2 2 %7 Displaced persons 2 2

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 97 I 2 95 I Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 4 2 % Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1 1 Displaced persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons .6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 23 2 4 17 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons g Rural Total- Total Population I52 3 4 2 6 142 I Displaced persons 2 2

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 229 2 24 3 20:& 2 Displaced persons 7 7

10 District Total- Total Population 381 S 28 2 9 344 3 Displaced persons 9 9 69 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

6.4.-Whole sale trade in food stuffs ,------A-- Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females {I) (2) (420) (42r) (422) (423) (424) (425) (426) (427)

J: Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- 1"otal Population z z Displaced Persons

.2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 4 4 Displaced persons :3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

-4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons .6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

'7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 14 3 II Displaced Persons

~8 Rural Total- Total Population 6 14 3 6 II Displaced persons

:9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 81 9 II 61 Displaced persons I I

10 District Total- Total Population 87 14 9 3 II 67 II Displaced persons I I

6·5.-Whole sale trade in Commodities other than food stuffs Serial Name of Tract Total . Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,-~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

,(I) (2) (428) (429) (430) (43 1) (43 2) (433) (434) (435)

.1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1 Displaced persons

.2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

·4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons ,6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population :z :z Displaced Pers;)ns 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population :z I I Displaced Persons S Rural Total- Total Population S :5- 4 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population Displaced persons

:IO District Total- Total Population S I 4 Displaced Persons 70 ECONOMIC TABLE B-In.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 6.6.-Real Estate ,----- Serial Employees Name o~ Tract Total Employers ,--__--' ____ ....., Independent,--_..A.. ___ Workers."""'....., No. ,--~ ,-----A..---.-., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females.

(2.) (436) (437) (43 8) (439) (440 ) (44 1) (442 ) (443)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urhan- Total Population 2 2 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 2 :z Displaced Persons

Sub-division 6.8.-Money lending, banking and other financial business ,- Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers' No. ,-~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femaleii'

(I) (2) (444) (445) (446) (447_ (448) (449) (450 ) , (451)

I Amhikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 16 4 Displaced Persons

2. Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 4 Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1 I Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 9 1 1 9 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 29 2 1 29 1 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 77 1 2. 58 17 Displaced Persons 2 2

10 District Total- Total Population 106 3 2 1 87 1 17 I Displaced Persons 2 ;l, 7I ECONOMIC TABLE B .. III.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Division 7.-Transporr, Storage and Communications ,-- -, Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,-~ ,.------"------, ,---___J.,. ,------'---, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (452) (453) (454) (455) (456) (457) (458) (459) I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 18 3 S 13 3 Displaced Persons

'2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 86 2 3 71 U 2 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 8 I 8 X Displaced Persons 4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population I 1 Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 18 2. IS I 3 I Displaced Persons ,6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1,31S 60 5 I I,296 58 14 I Displaced Persons II II ...

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 13 12 I Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 1,459 68 8 I 1,408 59 43 8 Displaced Persons II II

'9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 651 30 14 I 571 28 66 I Displaced Persons 2 I I 10 District Total- Total Population 2,110 98 22 :t 1,979 87 109 9 Displaced Persons 13 12

Sub-division 7.0.-Transport and other communications otherwise unclassified and incidental services --'-- :serial Name of Tract· Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No...... _---, ,----A--,. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (460) (461 ) (462) (463) (464) ( 465) (466) (467)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1,045 31 4 1,033 31 8 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population I I Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 1,046 31 4 I,oH 31 8 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population Displaced Persons

IO District To·al- Total Population 1,046 31 4 1,034 31 IS Displaced Persons 72 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries. and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 7.1-Transport by Road , ---,. Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent WorkerSc , _ __.A.----, No. ~--.. Males Femafes Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (468) (469) (470) (471) (472) (473) (474) (475)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 17 3 S 1Z 3 Displaced pl:rsons 2 Surajpur Tahsil' Rural- Total Population 41 % % 31 8 2. Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Tahsil Rural- Total Population 5 1 S 1: Displaced persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displl.ced persons

5 BaikuT!lhpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 12 :z 9 1 3 I Displaced persons 6 Manencir?garh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 186 29 I [ 179 27 6 1 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 6 5 I Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 267 37 3 I 234 28 30 8 Displaced persons , Surgnja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 175 10 14 1 95 8 66 I Displaced persons 1 I 10 District Total- Total Population 44:1 47 17 :I 3:19 36 96 9 Displaced persons [ I

Sub-division 7.2-Transport by Water

-Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Worker~ No. ,.-~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (476) (477) (478) (479) (480) (481) (482) (483)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1 1 Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 43 I 38 4 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil RuraI- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 44 J: 38 5 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total.Population 44 1 38 5 Displaced Persons 73 . , ECONOMIC TABLE B .. III.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 7.4.-Raillway Transport ~------~ Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r---~------~ ,-----A-. ,----~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (490) (491)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 5 BaikunthpL1T Tahsil Rural- .. Total Population ... Displaced Persons 6 M,anendragarh Tahsil Rnral­ Total Population 70 70 Displaced Persons II II 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural­ Total PopUlation Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population ~o 70 Displaced Persons II II 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban­ Total Population zo 20 Displaced Persons 5

10 District Total- Total Population 506 20 506 20 Displaced Persons II II

Sub-division 7.5.-Storage and ware housing

-----~ Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ___, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (492) (493) (494) (495) (496) (497) (498) (499)

I Amhikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced PeIsons 5 Baikllnthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarb Tahsil Rural- Total PopUlation Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population I I Displaced Persons I I 10 District Total- Total Population I I Displaced Persons 1 I D-IO 74 , . ECONOMIC TABLE B-DI.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 7.6.-Postal Services r--- -A-- ., Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r-~ ---, ---, f-~-~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (5°0) (5°1) (5°2) (5°3) (5°4) (5°5) (506) (5°7)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2 :z Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 3 3 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1 I Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total PopUlation 6 6 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 10 10 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 4 4 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population '26 26 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City. Urban- Total Population ...... 22 22 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 48 48 Displaced Persons

Sub-division 7.7.-Telegraph Services r------,------~ .------, Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ---, r-----"----, r-----'-----> Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (5°8) (50 9) (510) (5II) (512) (513) (514) (SIS)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Sarori Tahail Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatptlr Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 4 4 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 4 4 Displaced Persons 75 ECONOMIC TABLE B-ID.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 7.8.-Telephone Services .------"------. Serial Name of Tract Total' Employers Employees Independent Workers No. .-__ ---"-_---. ,-----A. ,-__--"-_---.., ,-----A.__ ---. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (516) (S17) (SI8) (SI9) (520) (521) (522) (S23)

I Ambikapur TJlhsil Rural- Total Population ... Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 4 Samd Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 4 4 Displaced Persons 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total ~ulation 4 4 Displaced Persons 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban­ Total Population I:t Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Total Population 16 16 Displaced Persons

Sub-division 7.9.-Wireless Services r-- --A. ---. Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,-----'---, -., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (524) (525) (526) (527) (528) (529) (530) (531)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 S amri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpnr Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

6 Mancndragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population :1 2 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Totar- Total Population 2 2 Displaced Persons

9 Surgllja District Non-City Urban- Total PopUlation ... '" X I Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Total Population 3 3 Displaced Persons 76 ECONOMIC TABLE B-llI.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Division 8.-Health Education and Public Administration ,------_}.,._------Total Employ(;rs Employees Independent Workers Serial Name of Tract ,-___..A. _ _:...._""""""'\ ,-___.A.. __---, No. ,-----"------, ,------"---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (532 ) (533) (534) (535) (536) (537) (538) (539)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 345 9 345 9 Displaced Persons 2 2

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 648 31 648 30 1 Displaced Persons I 1

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 146 Z 146 2 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 152 1 152 I Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 233 16 232 II I 5 Displaced Persons ,', 6 Mancndragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 220 IS 4 2 15 14 I I Displaced Persons 6 6

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 267 5 257 5 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 2,01J: 79 4 2,005 72 2 7 Displaced Persons 9 9 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 1,336 64 2 1,32 7 64 7 Displaced Persons 38 2 38 2 10 District Total- Total Population 3,347 143 6 3.332 136 9 7 Displaced Persons 47 2 47 2

Sub-division 8.L-Medical and other health services ,- Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Worke;; No. r------"- ,---_.,______, -. Males Females Males Females l\1ales Females Males Females

(I) (2) (540) (541) (542 ) (543) (544) (545) (546) (547)

1 Amhikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 62 621 Displaced Persons 2 2

2 Surajpllr Tahsil Rural- Total PopUlation 8 7 8 6 1 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 3 3 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1 I Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 17 5 16 I 5 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 41 6 4 36 5 I I Displaced Persons I

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 6 I 6 1 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Toral- Total Population 1 38 19 4 132 IZ 2 7 Displaced Persons 3 3 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 95 5 2 86 S 7 Displaced Persons 3 3 10 District Total- Total Population 2 33 24 ., ZI8 17 9 7 Displaced Persons 6 6 77 .ECONOMIC TABLE B-llI.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 8.2.-Educational Services and Reseurch Serhl Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,-~ ,-----"------, r----"- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (r) (2) (548) (549) (550) (55 1) (55 2) (553) (554) (555)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 87 4 87 4 Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 193 7 193 7 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 38 38 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 52 I 52 I Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 85 8 85 8 Displaced Persons

() Manendragarh Tahsil Rllral- Total Population 85 5 85 5 Displaced Persons 4 4 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 98 2 98 2 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 638 27 638 27 Displaced Persons 4 4 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 121 21 121 21 Displaced Persons 1 2 I 2

-IO District Total- Total Population 759 48 759 48 Displaced Persons .5 2 5 2

Sub-division 8.4.-Police (other than Village Watchman) r- .:Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,-~ r---"--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (r) (2) (556) (557) (55 8) (559) (560) (5 61 ) (5 62) (5 63)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 50 50 Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 259 16 259 16 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 39 39 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 23 23 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2S I: 25 I: Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 53 53 Displaced Persons I I

7 Bhatatpur Tahil Rural- Total Population 50 I 50 I Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 499 18 499 18 Displaced Persons I I

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 43:1 2 431 2 Displaced Persons 2 2

10 District Total- Total Population 930 20 930 20 Displaced Persons 3 3 78 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries: and Services by Divisions and Sub.. divisions-contd.

Sub-division 8.5.-Village officers & servants including Village watchmen Serial Name of Tract No.

(I) (2)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population ... Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 3 pal Tahsil Rural­ Total Population I Displaced Persons 4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 62 Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 93 93 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural­ Total Population 41 3 41 3 Displaced Persons 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 375 II 375 II Displaced Persons 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban":"" Total Population ...... I I Displaced Persons I I

10 Di.trict Total- Total Population 376 II 376 II Displaced Persons I I

Sub-division 8.6.-Employees of Municipalities & Local Bodies (but not including persons classifiable under any other division or sub-division)

~ Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Worker~ No. .A-_-., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (572 ) (573) (574) (575) (576) (577) (578) (579)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- . Total Population 3 3 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 3 3 Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 7 7 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tashil Rural- Total Population 14 1 14 1 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population a., 1 27 1 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 110 27 I~O 27 Displaced Persons 3 3

10 District Total- Total PopulatioD 137 28 137' 28 Displaced Persons 3 3 79 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 8.7.-Emplovees of State Governments (but not including persons classifiable under any other division or sub-division) r- Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r-~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (580) (581) (582) (583) (584) (585) (586) (587)

I Ambikapm Tahsil Rural- Total Population 7 7 Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ISS I 18S 1 Displaced Persons I 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2.3 1 2.3 1 Displaced Persons 4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons .5 Baikcnthpur T:rhsil Rural- Total Population 6 6 Displaced Persons £i Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population • I I Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural_ Total Population 99 99 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 32.0 3 32.0 3 Dis.placed Persons I 1 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 578 9 578 9 Displaced Persons 28 28

10 District Total- Total Population 898 u 898 u Displaced Persons 29 29

, Sub-division 8.8.-Employees of the Union Government (but not including persons classifiable under any other division or SUb-division) ,-­ ;Selial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers, No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (588) (590 ) (591) (592 ) (593) (594) (595)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population DispJaced Persons 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 14 14 Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons ,6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpllr Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons g Rural Total- Total Population 14 14 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population Displaced Persons

10 District Total"- Total Population 14 Displaced Persons 80 ECONOMIC TABLE B-In.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 9.-Scrvices not elsewhere specified

,---- " Serial .. Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers, No. r----..A.. r--~ r----A..--...., r------A----" Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females,

(I) (2) (596) (597) (598) (599) (600) (601) (602) (603).

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 833 24 II 7 317 6 505 II Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 355 102 306 97 49 5 Displaced Persons I

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 79 18 50 17 29 I Displaced Persons

4 Sarnri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 42 3 24 2 18 I: Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population III 28 62 19 49 Displaced Persons ~ 6 Mancndragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 325 35 1 .... 273 33 51 2 Displaced Persons 8 1 5 2 7 Bharatpnr Tahsil Rural- Total Pop.ulation 195 337 190 335 5 2 Displaced Persons 3 RUral Total- Total PopUlation 1,940 547 12 7 1,222 509 706 31 Displaced Persons 9 I 6 2

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 738 214 8 610 190 120 24 Displaced Persons 3 3 10 District Total- Total Population 2,6,8 761 20 7 1,83 2 699 826 55 Displaced Persons 12 1 9 2

SUb-division 9.o.-Services otherwise unclassified -,. Seri~l Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers. No. r-----"---, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (r) (2) .(604) (605) (606) (607) (608) (609) (610) (6Il)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 338 17 II 7 124 5 203 5 Displaced Persons

.2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population I I Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 26 II I6 II IO Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... 31 5 27 2 4 3 Displaced Persons

6 Mancndragarh Tahsil Rural- Totaf Population 6S 48 17 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural Total Population :2 3 2 2 I Displaced Persons g Rural Total- Total Population 462 37 II 7 217 21 234 9 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population .• . .. Displaced Persons

10 Di.trict Total- Total POPUlatloll 462 37 II 7 217 :n 234 9 Displaced PeriOD. 8r ECONOMIC TABLE B-ID.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions-contd.

Sub-division 9.I.-Domestic Services but not including services Iendered by family household to one another r-- -. serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,------'-----; ,----"------, ,-----'------1 Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (612) (613) (614) (615) (616) (617) (618) (619)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 83 83 Displaced Persons

2 Sl1rajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 265 91 265 91 Displaced Persons 1 1 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 31 5 31 5 Displaced Persons

4 Sarod Tahsil Rural- Total Population I2 2 12 2 Displaced Persons 5 Baikunthpllr Tahsil Rural- Total Population 20 17 20 x7 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 172 31 172 31 Displaced Persons 1 1

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 18S 333 I8S 333 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 768 479 768 479 Displaced Persons 2 2

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 569 189 569 189 Displaced Persons 2 2 10 District Total- Total Population 1,337 668 1,337 668 Displaced Persons 4 4

SUb-division 9.2.-Barbers & Beauty shops Serial Name of Tract r--- .A- --, Total No. ,-_--.A-___, ,-_--.A-Employers___ , Employees Independent Workers ,-----"----. , Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (620) (621) (622) (62 3) (624) (625) (626) (627)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 85 1 30 I SS Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 7 2- 7 2- Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 9 1 I 9 Displaced Persons

4 Sarori Tahsil Rural- Total Population II XI Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 23 I 22 Displaced Persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 29 2Z 7 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpllr Tahsil Rural- Total Population 4 3 1 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 168 4 S6 2 UZ z Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 59 1 58 Displaced Persons

ilO District Total- Total Population 227 4 57 2 170 2 Displaced Persons D-II 82 ECONOMIC TABLE B-m-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions..:...contd.

Sub-division 9.3.-Laundries & Laundry Services _.., Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,----A.-..., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (628) (62 9) (630) (631) (632) (633) (634) (635)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 241 3 80 161 3 Displaced Persons

2 SurajPllr Tahsil Rural- Total Population IS 7 3 4 12 3 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2 I I Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1 I Displaced Persons

S Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 7 4 7 4 Displaced Persons 6 Mancndragdrh Tahsil Rural- Total P(lpulation 14 2 8 6 2 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Thasi! Rural- Total Population 2 I 2 I Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 281 18 92 4 189 14 Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 41 24 1 4 0 24 Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Total Population 3Z2 42 93 4 229 38 Displaced Persons

Division 9-4--Hotels, Restaurants & eating houses ,--- ., Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,---__.______Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (636) (637) (638) (639) (640) (641) (642) (643)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

2 Surajpnr Tahsil Rural- Total Population 3 :3 I Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population ... Displaced Persons

5 Baikllnthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 2 2 Displaced Persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population $ I 2 2 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpu r TahSil Rural- Toal Population Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 10 1 6 3 Displaced Persons I I

9 Surguia District Non-City Urban- Total Population ...... 24 I 5 13 z 6 Displaced Persons I 1 10 District Total- Total Populatiolll 34 I 6 19 1 9 Displaced Persons 2 t I 83

~CONOMIC TABLE B .. m-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub-divisions--contd.

Sub-division 9.5.-Recreation Services r--- Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r-----"--...... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (644) (645) (646) (647) (648) (649) (650 ) (651)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 85 2 85 2 Displaced Persons

2 Sun.jpur Tahsil Rural- Total PopUlation 60 I 32 I 28 Displaced Persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

.04- Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population 5 5 Displaced Persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population IS 2 3 12 2 Displaced Persons 6 Mancndragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 13 7 6 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total PopUlation 178 5 '42 1 136 4 Displaced Persons 9 Surguja District Non-City Urblll- Total Population II 3 8 Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Total Population 189 5 3 50 I 136 4 Displaced Persons

Sub-division 9.6.-Legal and Business Services Serial r------~ ~ Name of Tract Total Employers Employees ~. Independent Worken No. ,.---_ ___.J. ,------'---~ ,-----'-----, \ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (652) (653) (654) (655) (656) (657) (658) (659)

I Amhikapur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

2. Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population I I Displaced persons 4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Pop.!llation Displaced persons 6 Mancndragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 4 2 4 2 Displaced Persons 4 4 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Total Population 5 2 S :& Displaced persons 4 4- 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total Population 15 II Displaced Persons .... , " 10 District Total- Total Population 20 2· 9 a II Displaced personl 4 4· 84 ECONOMIC TABLE B.nl.-Employers, Employees and Independent Workers in Industries and Services by Divisions and Sub.. divisions-contd.

Sub-division 9.7.-Arts, Letters and Journalism Serial Name of Tract Total ,------~------~Employers Employees Independent Workers No. r------A.---__~ ~------~~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (660) (661) (662) (663) (664) (665) (666)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural­ Total Population Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

4 Samri Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced persons 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1 1 Displaced Persons

7 Bharatptlr Tahsil Rural- Total Population Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 1 I Displaced persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Total PopUlation 3 3 Displaced persons 10 District Total- Total Population 4 4 Displaced persons

Sub-divil.ion 9.8.-Religious charitable and Welfare services Serial Name of Tract Total Employers Employees Independent Workers No. ,.------"-----, ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (668) (669) (670) (67 1) (672) (673) (674) (675)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Total PopUlation I I I I Displaced persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Total Population 5 4 I Displaced persons

3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Total PopUlation 10 1 I 9 I Displaced persons

4 Sarori Tahsil Rural""": Total Population 14 12 Z Displaced persons

5 B2ikunthpllr Tahsil Rural- Total Population 1 3 9 4 Displaced persons

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Total Population 22 9 13 Displaced Persons 2 2

7 Bharatpur Tahsil RUrlll- Total Population Z 2 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Total Population 67 :1 35 3z 2 Displaced persons 2 2

9 Surgu;a District Non-City Urban- Total Population ... '" 16 II 5 Displaced persons

10 District Total- Total Population 83 :1 46 37 :1 Displaced persons 2 2 85 DISTRICT INDEX OF NON-AGRICULTURAL OCCUPATIONS

Divisions, Sub-divisions and Groups Persons Males Females Divisions, Sub-divisions and Groups persons Males Females

(I) (2) (4) (I) (2) (3)

Processing and Manufacture-Foodstuffs, Textiles, Primary Industries not elsewhere specified Leather and Products thereof.-

Division 0 199 Division 2 2,686

o.II Herdsmen and shepherds 2,184 2,127 57 2.03 Slaughter, preparation and 10 10 0.12. Breeders and keepers of cattle 325 38 preservation of meat. and buffaloes. 2.00 Other food industries. 633 419 214

0.2 Rearing of small animalJ and insects. 779 718 61 2.1 Grains and pulses 93 28

0.24 Cultivators of Lac .... 707 61 2.II Hand pounders of rice and 14 I 13 0.20 Rearers of other small ani­ II II other persons engaged in mals and insects. manual dehusking and flour grinding.

Plantation Industries - Owners, 4 4 2.12 Millers of cereals and pulses ... 4 3 managers and workers in- 2.13 Grain parchers and makers of 75 61 14 blended and prepared flour 0.30 All other plantations but not 4 4 and other cereal and pulse including the cultivation of preparations. special crops in conjunction with ordinary cultivation of field crops. 2.2 Vegetable oil and dairy products 102 92 10

Forestry and collection of products 594 551 43 Vegetable oil pressers and 75 6 not elsewhere specified. refiners.

0.40 Planting, replanting and con- 235 5 2.23 Milkmen, makers of butter, 27 23 4 servation of forests (including cheese, ghee and other dairy forest officers, rangers and products. guards).

0.42 Collectors of forest produce 270 30 2.3 Sugar Industri,s I and lac.

0.43 Woodcutters ... 89 81 8 2·31 Gur manufacture I

Hunting (including trapping and 5 BefJerages 100 97 3 Gam, Propagation).

0.6 Fishing ... _ ... 2.41 Brewers and distillers 88 3

0.60 Fishing in sea and inland 2 Toddy drawers I waters including the operation of fish farms and fish Manufacture of aerated and II II hatcheries. mineral waters and other beverages. Mining and Quarrying 2·5 Tobacco 24

Division I 532 2.51 Manufacture of bidis

1.0 Non-metallic mining and quarrying not otherwise classified-including mining 2.6 Cotton Textiles 894 16 and quarrying of such materials as precious and semi-precious stones, asbestos, gypsum, sulphur, asphalt, 2.61 Cotton ginning, cleaning and 250 250 bitumen. pressing.

1.1 Coal mining.-Mines primarily en- 7,444 6,916 52 8 2.62 Cotton spinning, sizing and 644 628 16 gaged in the extraction of anthracite weaving. and of soft coals such as bitumenous, sub-bitumenous and legnite. Wearing apparel (except footwear) 341 323 18 and made-up textile goods. 1.2 Iron are mining. 3 1 2 Tailors, milliners, dress- 340 322 18 1.3 Metal mining except iron ore mining 168 167 1 makers and darners.

2·70 Makers of other made-up I 1·30 Other metallic minerals 168 I textile goods, including um­ brellas.

Stone-quarryinl, clay and sand 160 160 pits. 2.8 Textile Industries otherwise unclassi­ 19 14 5 fied.

Extraction from the earth of stone, 2.86 Manufacture of rope, twine, 19 14 5 clay, sand and other materials string and other related goods used in building or manu­ from cocoanut, aloes, straw, facture of cement. linseed and hair. 86 DISTRICT INDEX OF NON-AGRlCUL'(URAL OCCUPATIONS-contd.

Divisions, Sub-divisions and Groups Persons Males Females Divisions, Sub-divisions and Groups persons Males Females (I) (2) (I) (2) (3)

Processing and Manufacture-Foodstuffs, Textiles. Leather and Products thereof-concld. Processing and Manufacture-Not elsewhere specified

2·9 Leather, leather products and foot­ 6 Division 4 ... 2,935 2,701 234 wear.

2·92 Cobblers and all other makers 6 4,.0 Manufacturing Industries otherwi$e 299 294 5 and repairers of boots, shoes, unclassified. sandals and clogs.

Workers in precious stones, 94 94 precious metals and makers of Processing and manufacture-Metals, Chem.icals jewellery and ornaments. and Products thereof- 4·05 Manufacture of musical 184 183 instruments and appliances.

Division 3 1,5:n 1,482 39 4.07 Makers of plastic and celluloid 12 9 art~cles other then rayon.

4·00 Other miscellaneous manu­ 9 8 I 3·0 Manufacture of metal products, 1,056 1,026 30 facturing industries, including otherwise unclassified. bone, ivory, horn, shell, etc.

3.0 1 Blacksmiths, horse-shoers and 862 848 14 other workers in iron and 4.2 Bricks, tiles and other structural clay makers of implements. - products. 3·02 Workers in copper, brass and 106 99 7 bell metal. 4.4 Non-metallic mineral products 336 297 39 3·03 Workers in other metals 88 79 9 4-41 Potters and makers of earthen- 334 295 39 ware.

3·1 Iron and Steel (Basic Manufacture). 4·43 Glass bangles, glass beads, 1 glass necklaces, etc.

Manufacture of iron and steel, 394 385 9 4.40 Lime-burners and makers of including all processes such other miscellaneous non­ as smelting and refining; roIl- metallic mineral products. ing and drawing; and alloy- ing and the manufacture: of castings, forgings and other basic forms of ferrous metals. 4.6 Wood and wood products other than 1,981 1,839 142 furniture and fixtures.

3.3 TransPort Equipment 27 4.61 Sawyers 12 12

4·62 Carpenters, turners and 144 135 9 3.32 Manufacture, assembly and 21 21 joiners. repair of Railway equipment, motor vehicles and bicycles. 4.64 Basket makers 1,565 1.448 U7 3.30 Manufacture of all other 6 6 4.60 Other industries of woody 260 244 16 transport equiqment. materials, including leaves, but not including furniture or fixtures. 3·5 Machinery (othtr than electrical 37 37 machinery) including Engineering Workshops. 4·7 Furniture and fixtures. 26 26

Engineering workshops engaged in Manufacture of household, • office, producing machine and equip­ public building, professional ment parts. and restaurant furniture, office and store fixtures, screens, shades, etc., regard- less of material used. 3.6 Basic Industrial Chemicals, Fertiliser 3 3 and P OWer Alcohol.

4·9 Printing and Allied Industries 3 3 Dyes, explosives and fire- 2 2 works. 4·92 Book-binders and stitchers ... 3 3

Synthetir resins and other 1 plastic materials (including synthetic Fibers and Synthelic rUbber.) Construction and Utilities

3·8 Manufacture of Chemical products 4 4 otherwise unclassified. Division 5

3.81 Manufacture of perfumes, cos­ 4 4 metic and other toilet propara­ 5.0 Construction and maintenance of 266 266 tions. works-otherwise unclassified 87


Divitlions, Sub-divisions and Groups Persons Males Females Divisions, Sub-divisions and Groups Persons Males Pemales

(1) (2) (3) (4) (I) (2) (3) (4)

Construction and. Utilities-concld. Commerc:e-co1Icld.

5.1 Construction and maintenance- 722 57 1 151 6.12 Vendors of wine, liquors, aera­ 144 139 5 Buildings. ted waters and ice in shops

6.13 Retail dealers in tObacco, 66 3 5. I I Masons and bricklayers T40 2 opium and ganja.

5.12 Stone-cutters and dressers 20 19 6.14 Hawkers and street-vendors 3 3 of drink and foodstuffs.

5.13 Painters and decorators of 2 2 6.15 Retail dealers in pan, bidis and 27 24 3 house. cigarettes.

5.10 o ther person~ engaged 560 412 in the constructIOn or main­ 6.2 Retail trade infuel (including petro!) ... tenance of buildings other 172 12 than buildings made of bam­ boo or similar materials. 6.21 Petroleum distributors 3 3

6.20 Retail dealers (including haw­ lSI 12 Construction and m~intenance­ 333 228 105 kers and streee-vendors) in Roads, Bridges and other Transport firewood, charcoal, coal, cow­ Works. dung and all other fuel except petroleum.

5·4 Construction and maintenance opera­ 3 3 tions-Irrigation and Land Improve~ 6·3 Retail trade in textile and leather ment W'orks. goods.

Retail trade (including haw­ 5 5·5 Works and Services-Electric Power 67 kers and street-vendors) in and GJS Supply. piece-goods, wool, cot ton, silk, hair, wearing apparel, made up textile goods, skin, leather, S.5I Electric Supply 59 59 furs, feathers, etc.

5.52 Gas supply 8 8 6,4 Wholesale trade infoodstuffs

Works and Services-Domestic and 16 8 8 Wholesale dealers in grains and pulses, 101 14 Industrial wa~1' supply. sweetmeats, sugar and spices, dairy products, eggs and poul­ lry, animal for food, fodder Sanitary works and Services-inclu­ 63 47 16 for animals, other foodstuffs, ding scavengers. wholesale dealers in tobacco, opium and ganja.

Commerce 6·5 Wholesale trade in cOlnlnodites other 5 5 than foodstuffs.

Division 6 6.6 Real Estate

House and estate agents and rent 2 2 6.0 Retail trade otherwise unclassified .. , 1,090 979 III collectors except agricultural land.

6.01 Hawkers and Streee Vendors 2 6.8 }.foney-lending, banking and other otherwise unclassified. financial business.

6.02 Dealers in drugs and other 28 28 chemical stores. Officers, employees of joint-stock 109 106 3 banks and co-operative banks, 6.03 Publishers, Booksellers and 10 7 3 munims, agents or employees Stationers. of indigenous banking firms, individual money-lenders, ex­ 6.00 General Storekeepers, shop- 1,050 943 107 changers and exchange agents, keepers and persons employed money-changers and brokers in shops otherwise unclassi- and their agents. fied.

Transport, Storage and Communications 6.1 Retail trade in foodstuffs (including 1,105 1,006 99 be-verages and narcotics).

Division '7 ... 2,208 2,110 6.1I Retail dealers in grain and pul­ 865 777 88 ses; sweetmeats, sugar and spices, dairy products, eggs and poultry; animalsforfood; ."7.0 Transport and communications 1,077 1,0-46 31 fodderforanimals;otherfood­ otherwise unclassified und st\lffs, vegetables and fruits. incidental services. 88


Divisions, Sub-divisions and Groups Persons Males Females Divisions, Sub·divisions and Groups Persons Males Females. (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (4)

Transport, Storage and Communications-concld. Health, Education and Public Administration-concld.

7.1 Transport by road. 8.14 Midwives

Owners, managers and employees 489 47 8.15 Vaccinators 19 connected with mechanically driven and other vehicles (ex­ 8.16 Compounden 44 cludingdomesticservant)palki, 44 etc., bearers and owners, pack elephant, camel, mule, ass and 8.17 Nurses 4 4 bullock owners and drivers, porters and messengers, per- 8.10 All other persons employed in 6 sons engaged in road transport hospitals or other public or not otherwise classified, in­ private establishments render­ cluding freight transport by ing medical or other health road, the operation of fixed services; but not including facilities for road transport scavengers or other sanitary such as toll roads, highway staff. bridges, terminals and parking facilities. 8.2 Educational services and research 759 (if production is on a small scale, pro­ ductive enterprises attached to a re­ 7·2 Transport by water. search or training institution).

8.22 All other professors, lecturers Owners and employees, officers, mari­ 44 44 744 700 44 ners, etc., of ships plying on and teachers. the high seas, ships and boats plying on inland and coastal 8.20 Managers, clerks and servants 59 waters, persons employed in of educational and research harbours, docks, rivers and institutions, including Libra­ canals including pilots, ship­ ries and Museums, etc. brokers.

8.4 Police (other than village watchmen). 950 20 7·4 Railway transport. 8'5 Village officers and servants, includ­ II ing village watchmen. Railway employees of all kinds except 526 506 20 those employed in manu­ facture, assembly and re­ pair of railway equipment and 8.6 Employees of Municipalities and 165 137 those employed on construc­ Local Bodies (but not including per­ tion works. sons classifiable under any other divi­ sion or sub-division).

7.41 Railway employees of all kinds 526 50 6 20 til except those employed on!con­ struction works. Employees of State Government 910 IZ (but not including persons classifiable under any other division or sub-divi- 7.5 Storage and Warehousing. sion).

The operation of storage facilities I I 8.8 Employoes of the Union Governments 14 14 such as warehouses, cold (but not including pers0!l~ . classi­ storage, safe deposits when fiable under any other dlvlslon or . such storage is offered as an sub ·divisien.) independent service. Services not elsewhere specified 7.6 Postal Set'vices

7.7 Telegraph Services 4 4 Division 9 7.8 Telephone Services 16 16

Services otherwise unclaS5ified (Pal­ 499 37 7·9 Wireless Services ... 3 3 ... mists, astrologers, zamindar's rent collection staff, Homeguards, etc., fall under this sub-division). Health, Education and Public Administration Domestic services (but not including 2,005 1,337 668 services rendered by member: of family households to one another). Division 8 3,347 143

9·II Private motor drivers and 61 60 I 8.1 Medical and other Health services 257 233 24 cleaners

9.12 Cooks S9 50 9 8.11 Registered medical practi­ 20 20 tioners. 9.13 . Gardeners (If specifically 27 24 3 found to be domestic servants). Vaids, Hakims and other per­ 14 14 sons practising medicine with­ out being registered. .9.10 Other domestic servants ... 1,8S8 DISTRICT INDEX OF NON ... AGRICULTURAL OCCUPATIONS-concld. Divisions, Sub-divisions and Groups Persons Males Females Divisions, Sub-divisions and Groups Persons Males Females (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (4)

Services not elsewhere specified-contd. Services not elsewhere specified-concld.

9.2 Barbers and beauty shops. 9.64 Public Scribes, Stenographers, 5 4 Accountants, Auditors. Barbers, hairdressers and wig 231 227 4 makers, tattooers, shampooers, bath houses. 9.65 Managers, clerks, servants and 6 5 employees of Trade Associa­ 9.3 Laundries and Laundry services tions, Chamber of Commerce, Board of Trade, Labour Orga­ Laundries and Laundry services, 364 322 42 nisation and similar organisa­ washing and cleaning. tiou of employers and em­ ployees.

9.4 Hotels, restaurants and eating-houses 35 34 I 9.7 Arts, letters and journalism 4 4 9.5 Recreation services.

Production and distribution of motion 5 9.72 Authors, editors and jour­ 4 4 pictures and the operation of nalists. cinemas and allied services, managers and employees of theatres, opera companies, etc., 9.8 Religious, Charitable and Welfare 88 2 musicians, actors, dancers, Services. etc., conjurers, acrobats, wrestlers, pahalwans, recitors, exhibitors of curiosities and 9.81 Priests, Ministers, Monks, 82 2 wild animals, radio broad­ Nuns, Sadhus, Religious casting studios. mendicants and other religious workers.

9.6 Legal and business services 22 20 2 9.83 Managers and employees of 1 9.61 Lawyers of all kinds, including II II organisations and institutions qazis, law agents and mukh­ rendering charitable and other tiars. welfare services. 90 TABLE C-I

Household, Size and Composition This table is prepared from a four per cent sample of the households recorded in the National Register of Citizens relating to each village or ward. The selection of the sample was made as follows ;- The total number of households in the particular National Register for the village or ward was divided by 25 and to the remainder I was added. The number thus arrived at was taken as the first sample household and every 25th household was then marked off for purposes of selection.

Surguja District

Serial Name of Tract Total household population sample household population No. Total Total -'\ No. of No. of house- Persons Males Femal'es sample Persons Males Females holds house- holda

(I) (I-a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 47,493 264,583 134,853 129,730 1,583 9,031 4,660 4,371

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 40,997 215,146 108,914 106,232 680 3,460 1,841 1,619

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 16,819 85,310 43,469 41,841 464 2,218 1,213 1,005 .._ 4 Samri Tahsil Rural 10,438 58,971 30,295 28,676 329 1,823 941 852

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural ... 13,084 60,845 3 1,656 29,189 385 1,876 917 959

6 Mlll~ndrag'lrh Tahsil Rural 18,045 70,229 37,326 32,903 591 2,716 1,486 1,230

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 5,176 23,349 12,049 II,300 121 612 327 285

8 Rural Total 152,0$2 778,433 398,562 379,871 4,153 21,736 11,385 10,351

Surguja District Non-City UrbaD 68 68 0 9 6,619 21,136 11,3 9,7 145 • 643 35 293

10 District Total ... 158,671 799,569 409,930 389,639 4,298 22,379 11,735 10,644

Serial Name of Tract Size of households No. r- -, Small (3 members Mediwn (4-6 Large (7-9 Very large (10 or less) members) members) members or above) ,----A. Number Persons Nwnber Persons Number Persons Number Persons (I) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 438 1,029 650 3,233 322 2,609 173 2,160

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 198 466 288 1,369 137 962 57 663

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 134 314 207 895 93 697 30 3U

4 Samd, Tahsil Rural 73 178 158 807 69 525 29 313

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 124 288 181 891 56 423 24 274

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 306 771 1 85 959 66 586 34 400

7 Bharat.pur Tahsil Rural 38 89 49 237 25 189 9 97

8 Rural Total 1,311 3,13S 1,718 8,391 768 5,991 356 40219

9 SurguJB District Non-City Urban 61 147 59 277 28 lSI S 68

10 Diatrict Total 1,37:1 3,28z 1,777 8,668 788 6,14:1 361 40:187 91

Table C-1.~Household, Size and Composition Surguja District-concld.

Composition of households ..... Infants,non-adults and adults in households erial Name of Tract Heads of households Sons of Daughters Other male Other No. and their wives heads of of heads of relations female Infants (age less r-----A---. house­ house- of heads relations of than one year) holds holds of house- heads of ,------"--_-.. holds households Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-a) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 937 80

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 655 826 504 266 319 35 29

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 41 7 180 233 33 41

4 Samri Tahsil Rural 33 1 291 4 1 5 244 379 20 29

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural ... 355 414 314 108 227 20 25

6 Manendragarll Tahsil Rural 654 549 496 31 7 249 28

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural lIS 109 99 50 47 10 5

8 Rural Total 5,003 2,102 3,013 234 241

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban 91 51 68 7 7

10 Dish'iet Total 3,903 3,280 2,153 3,081

~ ______Composition of-A households-concld.______..... Infants, non-adults and adults in Civil condition househ0lds Serial Name of Tract r------'------. r------~------~ No. Non-adults (age Adults (age Widowed or 1-20 years) 21 years and over) Unmarried Married divorced r----'----, r----"------. ~ ~-----'---, ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-a) (26) (28) (29) (3°) (3 1 ) (32) (33) (34) (35)

I Amhikapur Tahsil Rural 2,341 7,040 2,239 2,247 2,190 1,595 2,206 2,136

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural .940 716 866 874 727 519 939 926 175 174

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 543 434 637 530 535 371 613 566 65 68

4 Samri Tahsil Rural 422 418 499 435 428 367 471 452 42 63

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 403 406 494 528 389 322 481 506 47 131

(, Manenragarh TalIsil Rural 748 560 702 642 595 445 807 687

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- 167 140 150 140 149 103 161 156 17 26

694 1,200

9 Surguja District NOll-City Urball ;181 139 162 147 164 III 164 148 2Z 34

10 District Total ... 5,745 4.853 5.749 5.543 5,177 3,833 5.84::1 5,577 716 1.::134 92 TABLE C-D (Sample) Livelihood Classes by Age-Groups This table is prepared from the data collected from the ten per cent sample slips separated at the time of initial sorting of the enumeration slips, "'as explained in the introduction to this Book. As· mentioned there. no smoothing formula has been· adopted in preparing the table and the figures have been tabulated as actually returned in suitable Age-groups. > Surguja District

LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ,------"- Agrjo;ultural Classes Sample Population r- --"'-______~ Age Groups I.-Cultivators of land n.-Cultivators of land lII.-Cultivating labour­ r------A.. '------, wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned ers and their dependants and their dependants and their dependants ,-'----"------. ,- ,.-______.A.. ____ ~ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

TOTAL Total 1,068 3,492 o 2,251 1,171 1,080 23 47 So 75 1-4 4,682 II7 130 37 1 357 5-14 21,700 II,646 10,054 865 714 15-24 6,087 6,109 131 54! . 401 25-34 14,030 209 643 565 35-44 10,689 145 544 449 45-54 6,848 3,600 2,820 74 101 288 283 55-64 3,645 1.700 1,945 31 32 1I4 186 65-74 554 796 475 645 12 17 35 75 and over 472 225 247 184 216 4 I II 10 Age not stated... 8 14 6 5 5 1

RURAL Total 80,614 38,982 32 ,788 1,061 o 1,036 945 23 47 74 1-4 4,599 4,75 8 3,70 9 II6 357 5-1 4 21,2 I 11,397 9,824 9,285 714 15-2 4 5,8S1 4.493 13 1 400 25-34 7, 37 162 207 559 35-44 4,244 145 539 ·446 45-54 2,800 2,522 74 99 288 282 55-64 1,557 31 32 II4 184 65-74 1,333 545 788 475 12 17 35 63 75 and over 459 217 182 213 4 I II 10 Age not stated 13 7 6 5 5 1

URBAN Total I,IZ8 985 120 3 7 16 15 o 74 44 5 4 2

1-4 175 92 9 10 2 $-14 479 249 230 32 40 2 3 15-24 430 236 194 20 1 3 :15-34 394 213 181 20 14 2 I 6 35-4-1 280 163 II7 25 8 2 5 3 45-54 108 81 20 IS 2 55-64 28 33 6 6 '5-74 17 9 8

75 and over 13 8 5 2 3 Age not stated ... 1 93 livelihood Classes by Age Groups] [Table C-ll (Sample)

Surguja District-concld.

LIVELIHOOD----A-- CLASSES-concld.. ______~ ,- Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes -coneld. Age Groups ,---___,._----, ,------"- ~ IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners of land; agri- ,------"- cultural rent receivers V .-Production other VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport VIII.-Other services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources --, ,-_ ___.A,___--, ,----"------, ,-----"-----, Males Females Males Females Male.s Females Males Females Males Females (1) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

TOTAL Total 117 2,457 534 498 450 1,130

o 2 62 14 22 12 10 27 27

1- 4 12 17 295 56 60 31 19 108 125 S-14 44 42 549 137 lI5 76 55 295 262 :lS-24 8 17 474 99 9S 77 245 180 :2S-34 13 20 499 85 131 54 282 204.

3S-44 15 27 316 69 60 73 27 200 155

4S-54 8 21 217 153 47 49 24 16 122 88

5S-64 9 12 ~o 80 14 18 6 6 33 48 o6S-74 3 8 10 23 18 7 2 I 9 31 7S and over 3 5 13 5 5 5 10

Age not stated I I I

RURAL Total II3 2,80S 285 315 157 865 793

o 2 62 56 8 10 4 19 IS

1- 4 12 17 259 278 29 35 22 8 96

5-1 4 42 620 512 69 62 26 194 8 17 441 49 40 50 Il2 13 19 468 49 41 100 41 132

35-44 14 27 294 44 30 50 15 Il3 45-54 8 21 202 144 24 27 IS II 61

55-64 9 12 77 75 7 12 4 5 23 57 ~5-74 2 8 10 23 4 5 7 32

.75 and over 3 5 12 5 2 3 8

Age not stated I I


Total 4 2 u6 160 135 108 337

o 1 6 12 8 9 12

1- 4 10 17 27 25 9 25

5-14 2 28 37 68 53 25 29 9 1 68 15-2 4 IS. 33 50 44 26 27 115 68

25-34 I 21 31 36 31 13 104 71.

35-44 I 18 22 25 23 I2 24

45-54 15 9 23 22 9 5 41 27 55-64 3 5 7 6 2 I 10 13 65-74 4 2 2 I 4

75 and over 1 3 2

Age not stated I 94 Table Con (Sample] [Livelihood Classes by Age Groups Ambikapur Tahsil-Rural LIVELIHOOD CLASSES r------"------. ,-______Agricultural __.A. Classes______---. Sample Population I.-Cultivators of. land H.-Cultivators of land IlL-Cultivating labourers Age Groups wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants and their dependants and their dependants r-----"-- r-----A.-----, r------"---. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ':1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Total 2.6,822 13,91 3 12,90 9 II,876 10,804 354 363 727 710 o 540 32 5 21 5 282 173 8 15 10 10 1- 4 3,212 1,587 1,625 1,356 1,366 43 49 77 74 5-1 4 7,1119 3,929 3,260 3,379 2,170 100 67 r ~ 2 165 15-2 4 3,798 1,~68 1,930 1,596 1,670 49 45 108 82 25-34 4,563 2,348 2,21. 2,023 1,846 52 70 II3 128 35-44 3,201 1,762 1,439 1,437 1,134 56 57 123 102 45-54 2,435 1,244 1,191 1,066 984 27 37 67 75 55-64 1,239 594 645 518 538 14 14 36 50 65-74 483 189 294 162 235 3 9 19 24 75 and over .. . 160 65 95 5S 88 2 2 . Age not stated.. . 2 2 2 LIVELIHOOD CLASSES-concld. r- Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes -concld. ,-----"----, ,------"------, Age Groups IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners ofland ; agri- --'------, cultural rent receivers V.-Production other VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport VIII.-Other services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources ,-__--A- __---, r--~ ,----J'------, ,---"---, -, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females, Males Females (1) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20)

Total 25 60 644 629 54 SO 7 I2 226 281 0 18 12 3 4 4 1- 4 2 6 83 84 5 7 21 39 5-1 4 12 21 175 ISO II 12 2 4 78 71 15-2 4 I 5 81 90 6 7 2 2 25 29 25-34 4 6 106 100 10 7 2 4 38 54 35-44 2 5 99 94 II 8 I 34 38 45-54 I 7 57 61 5 S I 20 22 55-64 1 3 19 27 2 I 4 12 65--'74 I 4 3 9 3 I 10 75 and over I 3 3 2 1 2 Age not stated Bharatpur Tahsil~Rural LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ---"------. Agricultural Classes Sample Population --. I.-Cultivators of land II.-Cultivators of land IlL-Cultivating labourers Age Groups ----, wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned . and their dependants and their dependants and their dependants r-----"--_____, ,-----'- ,- Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Total 3,423 1,283 1,140 839 790 5z 32 158 108 0 73 38 35 24 27 3 I 3 2 1- 4 296 133 15 8 88 112 4 2 17 19 5-1 4 654 335 319 226 221 7 6 3S 35 15-24 341 180 161 1I9 lIO 9 5 24 14 25-34 387 212 175 140 lIS II 9 26 17 35-44 317 167 150 103 104 10 8 2S 4 45-54 224 137 87 83 S8 6 22 9 55-64 96 57 39 35 26 2 S 6 65--'74 18 II 7 9 7 75 and over 22 13 9 12 7 I 2 Age not stated LIVELIHOOD CLASSES-concld. r------~------~ Agricultural Classes-concld. Non-Agricultural Classes Age Groups IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners of land ; agri- ____A__ cultural rent receivers V.-Production other VL-Commerce VII.-Transport VII I.-Other services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources ,.---A.----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (II) (12) (13) (14)- (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Total 17 15 103 89 18 2% 9 87 84 o I 5 3 I 2 I 1- 4 2 I 8 15 3 2 II 7 5-14 8 4 32 21 7 6 3 17 26 15-24 2 10 17 I 3 17 10 25-34 I 1 14 16 2 3 4 14 II 35-44 3 3 12 II 3 3 10 17 45-54 I 2 13 5 3 I:! 9 55-64 I 2 8 I I I I 4 3 65-74 I 75 and over Are not stated 95 Livelihood Classes by Age Groups] [Table c ..n (Sample) Surajpur Tahsil-Rural LIVELIHOOD CLASSES -.A. Sample Population Agricultural Classes - ,-----.------_;.._------~ I.-Cultivators of land II.-Cultivators of land III.-Cultivating labourers Age Groups wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants ,--and____ their .A.. dependants___ ---, ,--and____ their dependants.A- ___---, ,------"----~ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Total 23,°00 lI,477 II,52 3 9,443 9,5,9 254 306 782 785 o 665 3Il 354 272 289 I 13 18 ~4 1- 4 2,706 1,298 1,40 8 1,069 1,183 32 44 96 63 5-14 6,165 3,247 2,918 2,716 2,471 72 80 193 172 15-2 4 3,220 1,554 1,666 1,274 1,391 31 40 II4 109 25-34 3,700 1,832 1,868 1,476 1,512 42 55 147 144 35-44 3,146 1,669 1,477 1,321 1,203 45 33 125 120 45-54 1,864 910 954 760 775 15 28· 58 89 1,024 579 371 475 9 8 24 52 55-64 445 12 65-74 40 3 156 247 139 2II 6 5 5 75 andover 106 55 51 45 48 I 2 Age not stated... 1 LIVELIHOOD <;LAS SES-concld . , .A- ...... Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes -concld. ,---___..A--~ r------A.. ~ Age Groups IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners of land; agri- ,--______--A- ...... culturalrentreceivers V.-Production other Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport VIII.-Othcr services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources r---.-A--~ r----_.A_----~ r----..A..--~ ,-----"------, ,------"-_--...... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

Total 41 41 60 50 :ll 100 93 60 29 237 208 0 I 10 17 I 6 2 6 5 1- 4 4 7 57 69 9 15 5 I 26 26 5-14 12 5 154 110 32 20 II 6 57 54 15-24 6 3 82 79 13 13 5 8 29 23 25-34 2 5 94 97 I7 17 12 6 42 32 35-44 7 12 100 72 17 8 17 I 37 28 45-54 3 3 34 31 8 9 5 4 27 15 55-64 3 3 24 19 2 5 3 3 9 14 65-74 2 8 1 4 9 75 andover 2 5 2 2 Age not stated I Samri Tahsil-Rural r------____j.._LIVELIHOOD CLASSES Agricultural Classes Sample Population ,-- -.A. IL-Cultivators of land IlL-Cultivating labourers --A-______---, I.-Cultivators of land Age Groups wholly or mainly owned whoUyor mainly unowned and their dependants and their dependants and lheir dependants ,------A.-__-, ,------""---~ ,------"-- Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Total 5,991 3,II2 2,879 2,696 2,503 92 78 141 140 238 121 II7 109 105 3 4 5 2 0 8 18 1- 4 763 375 388 324 33 9 13 18 5-14 1,636 828 808 712 714 23 22 44 ;IS IS-24 1,018 514 504 445 449 14 16 28 20 2S-34 896 495 401 416 335 15 15 25 24 3S-44 604 329 275 280 238 15 5 13 14 45-54 43 1 245 186 216 155 3 5 10 14 55-64 268 13 2 136 126 116 2 3 II 65-74 103 55 48 SI 38 I 2 75 and over 32 17 15 16 14 Age not stated ... 2 r I

,---______LIVELIHOOD CLAS.A- SES-concld. •______-, Agricultural Classes . Non-Agricultural Classes r--_.---"------, -concld. ,.-- IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including lheirdependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood fr~ Age Groups owners of land; agri- ,--______-.A. cultural rent receivers V.-Pro~uction other VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport VII I.-Other services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources ,-_ __.A-__----, ,--___A. ___~ ,-----.A.----, r----_.i._---~ ,------A--"""\ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (II) (r2) (13) (14) (15) (r6) (17) (r8) (19) (20) Total S 15 II7 96 24 23 37 24 o 4 4 I I 1 I 13 14 3 3 3 5 1- 4 6 1 3 4 31 22 6 9 5 5- 4 II 2 15-2 4 3 12 7 8 3 2$-34 I 27 18 I 5 ;:.'. II 3 I 16 II 4 2 1 4 35-44 2 1 45-54 3 10 7 4 1 55-64 1 2 6 1 65-74 ;2 I 2 1 ;2 1 a 75 andover I I Age Dot stated Table C.ll (Sample) ] [Livelihood Classes by Age Groups Pal Tahsil-Rural LIVELIHOOD CLASSES r------.------A------~-~ Agricultural Classes Sample Population r------~------~ I.--Cultivators of land I1.-Cultiva'ors of land IlI.-Cultivating labourer s Age Groups ,.-__------"------.~ wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants and their dependants and their dependants ,----"--~ ,------'------. ~---.....; Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Total 8,808 4,528 4,280 3,182 3,200 142 181 1,004 737 o 284 136 148 106 II5 3 9 24 17 1--4 1,034 501 533 357 388 13 24 106 104 5--14 2,328 1,277 105 951 774 48 46 239 18S 1 5--2 4 1,202 646 556 435 483 17 18 !ti3 84 25-34 1,384 683 701 431 516 17 33 201 121 35--44 1,224 62 5 599 407 43 8 25 25 153 lIS 45--54 763 386 377 280 292 14 20 76 52 55--64 4 1 5 202 213 157 168 4 4 32 34 65--74 130 53 77 43 60 I I 8 IS 75 and over 43 19 24 IS 18 I 2 4 Age not stated . 1 1 LlvELIHOOD CLASSES--concld. ,------~------~------. Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes --concld. ,------"--~ ~ Age Groups IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners of land; agri- --, cultural rent receivers V.-Production other VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport VIII.-Other services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources ,------"---, ,-----"------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (n) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Total 13 12 112 107 26 16 2 1 47 26 0 2 5 1 2 1-4 2 IS 10 3 4 4 3 5--14 3 3 22 34 7 3 I I 6 2 15-24 I 17 16 5 2 9 5 25-34 3 3 16 20 4 II 7 35--44 I 2 25 13 2 I 12 2 45-54 2 2 8 5 3 4 3 2 55-64 2 I 7 4 I I 65-74 I 75 and over I I Age not stated Baikunthpur Tahsil-Rural LIVELIHOODJL_____ CLASSES ______. ,---- ______AgriculturalA- ______Classes ~ Sample Population I.--Cultivators of land IT.-Cultivators of land IlI.-Cultivating labourers Age Groups r-- -, wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants and their dependants and their dependants ,.----'------. ,------"------> ,------"------...... Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females ( I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Total 6,400 3,302 3,107 2,592 2,420 57 72 341' 361 0 215 II7 98 90 76 2 4 II II 1-4 698 365 333 297 254 4 I 37 51 5--1 4 1,596 855 74f 697 586 9 20 85 74 15-2 4 999 499 500 384 493 6 9 64 63 25-34 1,150 592 S58 43 6 429 16 16 68 63 35-44 891 460 431 353 324 12 10 46 59 45-54 430 246 184 192 140 6 7 24 23 55--64 268 III 157 95 131 4 9 II 65-74 108 37 71 32 55 I 2 6 75 and over 52 20 32 16 27 I Age not stated 2 2 I LIVELIHOOD CLASSES-concld. AgriculturalClasses Non-Agricultural Classes -concld. ,----A---~ --...... Age Groups IV -Non-cultivating Persons (including their depenqant s) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners ofland; agri- ,..------_.._------.., cultural rent receivers V.-Production other VI.-Commerce VIl.-Transport VII I.-Other services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources ~~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Total 9 18 187 174 18 5 5 5 87 52 0 10 5 4 2 1--4 2 1 7 20 1 1 8 5 5-14 4 3 44 41 2 1 3 14 13 15-24 3 23 23 3 1 2 17 8 25--34 3 3 41 41 4 24 5 35--44 I 3 30 25 3 I I 14 9 45-54 1 2 14 9 4 I I I 4 2 55--64 I 5 6 I 2 1 2 65-74 I 2 1 3 75 and over I 2 I 3 Aee not stated I 97 Livelihood Classes by Age Groups] [Table C-II (Sample) Manendragarh Tahsil-Rural LIVELIHOOD CLASSES

,-____~~ ______Agricultural_A ______Classes ~ Sample Population I.-Cultivators of land IL-Cultivators of land ilL-Cultivating labourers Age Groups wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants r------A------, and their dependants and their dependants ,------J'---, r------~------. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (5) (6) (8) (10)

Total 7,161 1,880 34 317

o 162 93 _ 69 48 3 I 7

1- 4 653 340 31 3 196 2 I 23 5-1 4 1,653 92 6 727 491 5 7 94 45 1,188 590 598 277 5 2 37 %8 35-34 1,556 875 681 321 376 9 9 62 35-44 1,026 662 364 343 224 4 7 54 29 45-54 512 324 188 203 nS 3 I 31 55-64 274 143 105 103 2 5 20 6S-7'" 88 44 44 39 35 I I 4 75 and over 44 28 16 23 II 4 Age not stated 5 4 1 2 I

LIVELIHOOD CLASSES-concld. r------~------.------~Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes -cone/d. ,.---~--. ,- Age Groupil IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependant s) who derive their prircipaJ means oflliveJihood from owners ofland ; agri- ,- cultural rent receivers V.-Production other VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport VII I.-Other services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources ------, ,------"-----, r---___A__-~ r----A-----, ,----..J'--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (II) (12) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

Total 3 6 1,08:: 700 45 53 110 144 118

o 13 ]0 4 2 2

1- 4 I 66 66 5 4 1 5 7 IO II 5-14 1 162 1 34 4 14 34 12 15-34 I 208 205 14 12 60 34 %5-34 352 176 II 8 82 30 20 35-44 I 198 68 4 8 31 12 IS

45-54 2 66 ::6 2 4 8 7 10 S5-64 I 2 12 I 1 2 5 3 65-74 4 2 75 and over I I I ... Age not stated... I ....

D-13 98 TABLE C.II-(Displaced Persons) Livelihood Classes by Age Groups This table is prepared for the total number of displaced persons enumerated in the district. Surguja District LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ----"'- Agricultural Classes Displaced Populationj r------. --A------______~ I.-Cultivators of land II.-Cultivators of land IlL-Cultivating labourers Age Groups wholly or mainly owned whollyormainlyunowned and their dependants and their dependants and their dependants ,.----A--, r------A-----~ r------"------. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Pennies (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) TOTAL Total 892 527 365 0 7 5 2 1- 4 65 40 25 5-1 4 214 122 92 15-24 263 157 112 25-34 149 102 47 35-44 80 50 30 45-54 63 31 32 55-64 24 8 16 65-74 13 7 6 75 and over 8 5 3 Ag.Dot stated... LIVELIHOOD CLASSES-colleld. -.A..- Agricultural Classes-concld. Non-Agricultural Classes r------"------, r------.A.. ------~ Age Groups IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners of land; agri- r-- • ___ cultural rent receivers V.-Production other VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport VII I.-Other services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources --. ,.------"'------, r----A-----., ,---,-----"------, r-----..A...---., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (rg) (20) Total 286 225 89 40 25 I5 I27 85 0 I I I 4 1- 4 25 I4 4 3 4 7 7 5-14 81 62 10 9 6 2 25 19 15-24 75 57 31 17 8 5 43 33 2 5-34 49 31 22 4 2 3 29 9 35-44 26 19 12 3 4 2 8 6 45--.,54 18 21 5 r I I 7 9 55-64 5 13 2 2 1 I 65-74 3 5 I 3 I 75 and over 3 2 2 Age not stated LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ,--'------"-­ Agricultural Classes Displaced Population r------, I.-Cultivators of land II.-Cultivators of land III.-Cultivating labourers Age Groups ,-- -"-- -, wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants and their dependants and their dependants r------"------, ,------"'------, r------A------, Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (ro) RURAL Total 69 1 394 297 0 3 2 1 1- 4 52 33 I9 5-14 185 107 78 15-24 191 107 84 25-34 110 69 41 35-44 63 38 25 45-54 5r, 27 24 55-64 20 4 r6 65-74 10 4 6 75 and over ... 6 3 3 Age not stated ... LIVELIHOOD CLASSES-concld. Agricultural Classes-concld. Non-Agricultural Classes r------A-----, .------"- .------~ Age Groups IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners ofland ; agri- r------"-----.------, cultural rent receivers V.-Production other Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport VIII.-Other services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources ,.---A----, -.. Males Females Males Females Males Females Maies Females Males Females (I) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Total 28I 22I 41 31 22 10 50 35 o 1 I I 1- 4 25 L4 r 2 4 3 3 5-I 4 81 62 9 7 4 2 13 7 15-2 4 73 55 15 14 8 4 II II 25-34 49 31 8 3 2 2 10 5 35-44 24 19 6 3 3 I 5 2 45-54 18 19 2 I 6 5 55-64 4 13 2 1 65-74 3 5 I I 75 and over 3 2 I Age not stated - 99 Livelihood Classes by Age GroupsJ [Table c ..n (Displaced Persons) Surguja District-concld. LIVELIHOOD CLASSES ~------~Agricultural Classes Displaced Population ,----.------~ I.-Cultivators of land II.-Cultivators of land III.-Cultivating labourers Age Groups --A..-______---, wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants

, and___ their __.A. dependants ____---, , and___ their--"- dependants____-. ,--___"__'_' Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) URBAN Total 201 133 68 o 4- 3 I 1- 4 13 7 6 5-1 4 29 IS 14 15-2 4 78 50 28 25-34 39 33 (; 35-44 17 12 5 45-54 12 4 8 55-64 4 4 65-74 3 3 75 and over 2 2 Age not stated , LIVELIHOOD CLASSES-concld. Agricultural Classes-coneld. Non-Agricultural Classes , ....., Age Groups IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners ofland ; agri-, cultural rent receivers V.-Production other Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport VII I.-Other services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources ,--"---, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Total 5 4 48 9 3 5 77 50 0 1 3 1- 4 3 I 4 4 5-1 4 1 2 2 12 12 15-2 4 2 2 16 3 32 . 22 25-34 14 I 19 4 35-44 2 6 I 3 4 45-54 2 3 I I I 4 55-64 2 I 65-74 2 75 and over 2 Age Dot stated

Ambikapur Tahsil~Rural ,------_. LIVELIHOOD CLASSES Agricultural Classes Displaced Population ,.-- I.-Cultivators of land IT.-Cultivators of land III .-Cultivating labourers Age Groups , ____--A----. wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants and their dependants and their dependants

, __~ ___~ ,~ ______~A______~ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) - (10) Total 26 15 II o 1- 4 I 1 5-1 4 5 I 4 15-2 4 10 6 4 25-34 3 3 35-44 3 3 45-54 2 I 55-64 I 65-74 I I 75 and over Age not stated LIVELIHOOD CLASSES-coneld. -'--- Agricultural Classes-concld. Non-Agricultural Classes ....., Age Groups IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependanls) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners of land; agri- ___ cultural rent receivers V.-Production other VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport VIII.-Other service~ and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources ,--.J----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Total 2 9 9 4 o 2 I- 4 1 5-1 4 I 4 I 5-24 2 3 - 3 I 25-34 2 I I 35-44 2 I 45-54 I ... 55-64 I I 65-74 75 and over Age not stated 100 Table C-ll (Displaced Persons)] [Livelihood Classes by Age Groups Surajpur Tahsil-Rural LIVELIHOOD ·CLASSES r------,~ ----_ ...... AgricultUlal Classes Displaced Population r-- ...... I.-Cultivators of land II.-Cultivators of land III.-Cullivating labourers Age Groups ,-__---A.- __...... , wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants and their dependants and their dependants r------"------, ,.------"'------, ---. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Total IZ 6 6 0 1- 4 5-1 4 7 4 3 1:5-24 3 2 25-34 35-44 I 1 45-54 I I 55-64 65"":'74 75 and over Age not stated... LIVELIHOOD CLAS SES-concld. r-- Agricultural CI(lsses Non-Agricultural Classes -concld. .-----'------., r-- ---. Age Groups IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners oflmd; agri­ r------~------...... cultural rent receivers V.-Production other VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport VII I.-Other services and their dependants t han cultivation and miscellaneous sources ,--_ __A..__------, .------"----, r-----'-,---, ,----"------...... Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I r) (12) (13) (14) (15) (r6) (17) (18) (19) • (20) Total 6 6 o 1:- 4 5-14 4 3 1:5-2 4 2 I ~5-34 35-44 I 45-54 I 55-64 "5-74 ... 75 and over Age Dot stated Baikuntbpur Tahsil-Rural LIVELIHOOD CLASSES Agricultural Classes Displaced Population r------A------I.-Cultivators of land II.-Cultivators of land III.-Cultivating_____ labourers ---. Age Groups ,.--- wholly or mainly owncd wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants and their dependants and their dependants , ___---"------., ,---A-___~ r------,~------~ Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

Total 5 3 2 8 1- 4 5-14 I I 15-2 4 2 I 25-34 35-44 2 I 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 and over .Age Dot stated... LIVELIHOOD CLASSES-conc!d. r------~--.------~ Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes -concld. r----~r------~------~ .Age Groups IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners of land ; agri- , cultural rent receivers V.-Production other VI.-Commerce VI I.-Transport VIII.-Other services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (n) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Total 3 2 o 1- 4 5-14 I 15-24 I 25-34 35-44 I 45-54 55-64 '5-74 ... 7S and over ACe Dot stated lor Livelihood Classes by Age Groups] [Table C-II (Displaced Persons) Manendragarh Tahsil-Rural LIVELIHOOD CLASSES Agricultural Classes Displaced Population I .-CultivatoI'S of land H.-Cultivators of land IlL-Cultivating labourers Age Groups ,------'------, wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants and their dependants and their dependants r-----__A------~ r-----'------, 1"""-----'------, Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) Total 648 3170 278 0 3 2 I y- 4 51 33 18 5-14 172 101 71 Y5-24 176 98 78 ~5-34 107 66 41 35-44 57 34 23 45-54 48 26 22 55-64 19 4 IS ·65-74 9 3 6 75 and over ... 6 3 3 Age not stated ... LIVELIHOOD CLASSES-concld. Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes -coneld. f "--~ ,------'--- -, Age Groups IV.-Non-cultivating Persons (including their dependants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from owners ofland; agri- ,.------cultural rent receivers V.-Production other VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport VHI.-Other services and their dependants than cultivation and miscellaneous sources ,--"------, ,-"---, ,----'---, ,----"-----, r----"----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) Total 279 221 29 20 22 10 40 27 0 I 1 1 1- 4 2 5 14 1 1 4 3 3 5-14 81 62 7 3 4 2 9 4 15-24 71 55 II 10 8 4 8 9 ~5-34 49 31 6 3 2 2 9 5 35-44 24 19 3 2 3 4 I 45-54 18 19 I 6 3 .55-64 4 13 .65-74 3 5 1 75 and over 3 2 Age not stated 102 TABLE C-llI Age and Civil Condition This table contains the information with regard to Age and Civil condition of the general population on the basis of the data collected for the ten per cent Sample slips, as in the case:of Table C-II. It also contains the figures for all the Displaced persons in the district. The figures for the Sample population and the Displaced. persons population are exhibited side by side and not in separate tables to effect economy.

2. The figures have been tabulated as returned without the use of any smoothing formula as in the case of Table C-II. 3· In this table, the figures for the divorced and widowed persons are shown together; the figures or divorced persons are separately given in the table below :- Surguja District

Total Number of--.A.--- divorced persons______,. Serial Name of Tract r---.A.---___ r- No. 5-9 r-----"-IO-14______I5-24 25-34 Males Females ~ ,----A------., ...----'------,. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Female:t.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 127 47 2 I 28 13 63 12 Displaced Persons 2 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 27 33 I 6 7 7 16, Displaced Persons 3 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 4S zz I I I6 9 I6 9 Displaced Persons 4 Samd Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 3 7 4 3 2: Displaced Persons 5 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 30 33 7 8 5 13 6> Displaced Persons 6 Baiknnthpur Tahsil Rural- \ Sample Population ... 47 30 I 10 I5 I9 (; Displaced Persons 7 BharatpU! Tahsil Rural- Sample Population- IZ 4 6 Z Z Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Sample Population 291 17' I 4 9 74 53 123 53· Displaced Persons 3 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Pop'ulation ...... 5 I 2: Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Sample PopUlation 296 176 I 4 9 75 53 125 53 Displaced Persons 3

Number of divorced persons-coneld. Serial Name of Tract r- ~ No. 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 and over Age not stated r-----'----, r------"---___ ,---.A._----., r----A. ______,------A---, r----A.----., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fernal es

(I) (2) (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) .

I Amhikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 22 10 9 S I 5 2 X Displaced Persons 2 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 7 5 3 3 2 Z I Displaced Persons 2 I 3 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 9 2 I I Z Displaced Persons 4 Samd Tahsil Rural- Sample Population I Displaced Persons 5 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 4 5 I 4 4 x 5 Displaced Persons 6 Baikunthpnr Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 14 , 3 I I Displaced Persons 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 2 2 2 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Sample Population 58 30 19 14 10 8 2: 6 I 2 Displaced Persons :I I 9 Surguia District Non·City Urban- Sample Population...... 1 I Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Sample Population 59 30 20 I4 10 8 2 6 I Z Displaced Persons 2 I 103 Table C-UI.-Age and Civil Condition Surguja District

Total Unmarried Married Widowed Or Serial Name of Tract divorced No. ,---.---~------, ,-----"----, ,-_--A..----.. ,------'---...... Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females {I) (I-A) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10)

I Amhikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 36,833 1],913 13,909 6,691 5,139 6,657 7,303 565 467 Displaced Persons 26 15 II 4 4 II 7 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 33,000 II,477 11,523 5,027 4,210 6,234 6,267 216 1,046 Displaced Persons 12 6 6 6 4 I 1 3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 7,161 4,017 3,141 1,530 996 3,314 1,832 173 326 Displaced Persons 648 370 278 236 106 128 132 6 40

4 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 8,808 4,528 5,280 20,47 1,643 2,220 2,156 261 482 Displaced Persons

5 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 5,991 3,113 2,879 1,664 1,240 1,314 1,418 134 221 Displaced Persons

6 Rharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Popuiation 2,4 2 3 1,383 1,140 541 456 662 566 80 1I8 Displaced Persons

7 Baiknnthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 6,409 3,302 3,I()7 1,408 1,075 1,740 1,661 154 371 Displaced Persons 5 3 2 3 2 8 Rural Total- Sample Population 80,614 41,633 38,982 18,908 14,758 31,141 31,193 1,583 3,031 Displaced Persons 69 1 394 297 249 II6 139 149 6 41 9 Snrguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population 2,113 1,12.8 985 492 415 591 465 45 105 Displaced Persons 201 133 68 74 27 58 34 1 7 10 District Total- Sample Population ... 82,71.7 42,760 39,967 19,400 15,173 21,732. :n,658 1,'28 3,136 Displaced Persons 892 527 365 323 143 197 174 7 48

Age 0 Age 1-4 Age 5"'-14 A r------, r------..A------1 ,.------"------. Serial Name of Tract Total ,-____--A.. Total ___ ----., Total No. ,------"------., ,------"------, Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-A) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (16)

I Amhikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 325 215 1,587 1,615 3,92 9 3,260 Displaced Persons I I 4

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 31I 354 1,298 IA08 3,247 2,918 Displaced Persons 4 3 3 Manendragalh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 93 69 340 313 926 727 Displaced Persons 2 I 33 18 101 71 4 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 136 1 48 501 533 '1,277 1,051 Displaced Persons I

5 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 121 117 375 388 828 • 808 Displaced Persons 06 Bbaratpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 38 35 133 IS8 335 319 Displaced Persons 5

7 BaikunthpllT Tahsil Rural- Sample PopUlation ... 117 98 365 333 855 741. Displaced Persons ... I 8 Rural Total- Sample Population ... 1,141 1,036 4,599 4,758 II,397 9,83t Displaced Persons 2 I 33 19 107 78 9 Surguia District Non-City Urban- Sample Populatii)D 30 44 83 92 249 :!30 Displaced Persons 3 1 7 6 15 14 10 District Total- Sample Population 1,171 1,010 4,682 4,850 11,646 10,054 Displaced Persons 5 2 40 25 122 92 104 Table C-m-Age and Civil Condition Surguja District-contd.

Age 5-14 ,- Serial Name of Tract Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced No. ,----"- ,---_ __.o.. ___-., Males Females Males Females Males Females. (I) (I-A) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 3,818 3,205 105 52 6 3 Displaced Persons I 3 - I 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 3,103 2.4U 143 485 I II Displaced Persons 4 3 3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 854 5S8 71 137 I :l- Displaced Persons 101 69 2 4 Pal Tahsil Rural- , Sample Population 1,169 900 104 150 4 I: Displaced Persons

5 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 796 707 30 101 2 Displaced Persons 6 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 300 255 34 63 I I. Displaced Persons 7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 784 615 71 124 2· Displaced Persons '" I 8 Rural Total- Sample PopUlation ... IO,824 8,692 558 1,112 15 20' Displaced Persons ... 107 7$ 3 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population 248 195 I 33 2 Displaced Persons IS 14 10 District Total- Sample Population 11,012 8,S87 559 1,145 IS 22 Displaced Persons 122 89 3

Age 1$-24 Serial Name of Tract r--Total Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced--- No. ,-_,.____" ---" ,-_____.._---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femaks (1) (I-A) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29) (3°)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 1,868 1,930 860 85 962 I,SII 46 34 Displaced Persons 6 4 2 4 4 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample PopUlation 1,554 1,666 161 16 1,382 1,640 II 10' Displaced Persons 2 I 2 I 3 ManenJragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 590 598 181 2S 398 558 II IS Displaced Persons 98 78 86 18 12 58 2 4 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 646 556 202 57 410 480 34 19 Displaced Persons

5 Samd Tahsil Rural- Sample PopUlation 514 504 351 26 157 464 6 14 Displaced Persons

6 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ISO 161 55 7 116 152 9 2 Di.placed Persons

7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 499 500 121 24 360 457 18 19 Displaced Persons I I r I 8 Rural Total- Sample Population '" 5,851 5,915 1,931 240 3,785 5,562 135 I13 Displaced Persons 107 84 91 20 16 62 2 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population ...... 236 194 105 I6 126 172 5 6 Displaced Persons So 28 37 6 13 22

IO District Total- Sample Population 6,087 6,109 2,036 256 3,9II 5,734 140 119 Displaced persons 157 II2 128 26 29 84 2 105 Table c-nI.__,Age and Civll Condition Surajpur I>istrict--contd.

Age 25-34 ,-- -~ Serial Name of Tract Total Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced No. ,-----'------. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I~A) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population Z,348 z,zl5 66 8 z,158 Z,I'9 124 38 Displaced Persons 3 I 2 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 1,83z 1,868 141 4 1,662 1.817 29 47 Displaced Persons

3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 875 6BI 47 795 644 33 37 Displaced Persons 66 41 14 52 40 1

4 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 683 701 32 2 605 657 46 4:& Displaced Persons

5 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 495 401 18 1 454 391 23 9 Displaced Persons 6 Bharatpul' Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 2IZ 175 7 198 158 7 17 Displaced Persons

7 Baikunthpur Tahsil RuraI- Sample Population 592 558 I7 2 537 SZ4 38 3z Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Sample Population ... 7,037 6,599 328 17 6,409 6,360 300 222 Displaced Persons 69 4 I 15 54 40 I 9 Surguja District Non~City Urban- Sample Population 2 1 3 I81 20 67 184 101 9 13 Displaced Persons 33 6 12 21 5 1

10 District Total- Sample Population 7,250 6,780 348 84 6,593 6.461 309 235 Displaced Persons 102 47 27 75 45 3

Age 35-44 ,------'- Name of Tract Total Unmarried Married Widowedordivo;:;J Serial ,--_---A.__ ---.., No. r-----A---~ ,--_---A. ,------"- Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (I-A) (39) (4°) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45) (46)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 1,76z 1,439 zo 1,624 1,367 118 7Z Displaced Persons 3 3 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 1,669 1,477 6 3 1,634 1,349 %9 uS Displaced Persons I 1

3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 662 364 10 611 318 41 4' Displaced Persons • 34 23 3 2 17 2 6 4 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 625 599 6 568 517 51 8% Displaced Persons

5 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 329 275 2 I 305 244 Z2 30 Displaced Persons 6 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample PopUlation 167 ISO 7 I 148 130 IZ 19 Displaced Persons

7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample PopUlation 460 431 2 424 370 34 61 Displaced Persons I I 1 I 8 Rural Total- Sample Population 5,674 4,735 53 5 53,14 4.3 95 307 435 Displaced Persons 38 25 1 I 35 17 2 1

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population 163 II7 3 I 154 95 f ZI Displaced Persons 12 5 12 4 I

10 District Total- Sample Population 5,837 48,52 56 6 5,468 4,390 313 45' Displaced Persons 50 30 I I 47 21 % 8 D-I 4 106 Table C.. III-oAge and Civil Condition Surguja District-contd.

Age 45-54 ,- -.A...... Serial Name of Tract Total Unmarried Marrkd Widowed or divorced -No. ,---A. ,----"- ,----"----.. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (I-A) (47) (48) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54)

I Amhikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 1,244 1,191 7 1 1,141 1,086 96 104 Displaced Persons I I I I

2 SUrajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 910 954 5 869 694 36 26 Displaced Persons 1 I

3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sam pIe Population 324 188 2 290 102 32 86 Displaced Persons 26 22 25 9 I 13 4 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 386 377 x 331 225 48 U2. Displaced Persons

5 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 245 186 I 214 l:n 30 53 Displaced Persons 6 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 137 87 u6 51 21 36 Displaced Persons

7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 246 184 I I 218 J03 27 80 Displaced Persons g Rural Total- Sample Population 3,492. 3,167 17 2 3,185 2,424 290 741 Displaced Persons 27 24 26 II I 13

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population 108 81 2. 96 49 10 32 Displaced Persons 4 8 4 3 5

.(0 District Total- Sample Population 3,600 3,248 19 2 3,281 2,473 3eo 773 Displaced Persons 31 32 30 14 1 18

Age 55-64 ,- ----"- -., Serial Name of Tract Total Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced No. ,----A__ --.., ,-__---A.. ,-_--A.__ -., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (I-A) (55) (56) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62)

I Amhikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 594 645 3 488 549 103 96 Displaced Persons I 2 Surajpm Tahsil RuraI- Sample Population 445 579 2 1 396 231 47 347 Displaced Persons

3 lv1anendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 131 143 I 1 100 49 30 93 Displaced Persons 4 IS 3 5 I I 4 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 202 213 I 144 81 58 131 Displaced Persons

.5 -Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Populatio1l 132 :136 104 69 28 67 Displaced Persons

t) Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 57 39 I 37 II 19 28 Displaced Persons

7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... III 157 I 90 64 20 93 Displaced Persons .1.

~ Rural Total- Sample Population 1,672 1,912 8 3 1,359 1,054 305 855 Displaced Persons 4 16 3 6 1 10

'9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population ...... 28 33 2.3 14 5 19 Displaced Persons 4 4

10 District Total- Sample Population 1,70 () 1,945 8 3 1,382 1,068 310 874 Displaced Persons 8 16 7 6 1 10 107

Table C .. m.~Age and Civil Condition Surguja District---.contd.

Age 65-74 r-- ___A._ -.., Serial Name of Tract Total Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced ,-----A-__---, No. ,-_--..A.. ~~--~~---~---, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-A) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (68) (69) (70)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 189 Z94 2 133 221 S4 7J Displaced persons I I

2 Sur"jpnr Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 156 247 I Il7 44 39 202. Displaced Persons 3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 44 44 29 13 IS 31 Displaced persons 2 3 6 I I 5 4 PaJ Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 53 77 4° 14 13 63 Displaced persons

5 Sarori Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 55 48 35 12 20 6 Displaced persons 3 6 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample l"opulation ... II 7 8 3 Displaced Persons 7

7 Baikunlhpur Tahsil Rural- Sample PGpulation 37 71 29 17 8 Displaced Persons 54

8 Rural Total- Sample Population 545 788 2 I 391 3ZI 152 466- Displaced persons 4 6 3 I I 9 Surgllja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population ... '" 9 8 3 1 6 7 Displaced Persons 3 3 10 District T01al- Sample PopUlation 554 796 2 I 394 3Z2 158 473 Displaced l'ersons 7 6 6 I 5

Age 75 and over r- ---. Total Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced Serial Name of Tract ,----"- ,-____..,____, r-___"'_--~ ,----"- No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (76) (77) (78) (1) (I-A)

I Ambikapnr Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 6S 95 I 6 8 18 47 Displaced Persons 4 4 2 Surajpnr Tahsil Rural- Sample Population S5 51 I 31 6 24 44 Displaced Persons

3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 28 16 18 I 10 15 Displaced Persons 3 3 z I 3 4 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 19 24 IZ 2 7 22 Displaced Persons

5 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 17 15 14 Displaced Persons 3 3 1% 6 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 13 9 5 I 8 Displaced Pewons 8 7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Populati()n 20 32 I 1I I Displaced Persons 9 30 g Rural Total- Sample Population 217 242 I :z 137 62- Displaced Persons 79 178 3 3 2. 1 3 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population ... '" 8 5 4 4 S Displaced Persons 2 1 10 District Total- Sample Population 225 247 I 2 141 62 Displaced Persons 83 X8l 5 3 3 2 3 108 Table e-m.-Age and Civll Condition Surguja I>istrict--concld.

Age not stated Serial Name of Tract Total Unmarried Married Widowed or divorced No. ---. r- -. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-A) (79) (80) (81) (82) (83) (84) (85) (86)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population z :I Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population I I Displaced Persons 3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 4 I Z :I I Displaced Persons

4 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... I 1 Displaced Persons

!5 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population I I I I Displaced Persons 6 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... Displaced Persons

7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population :I I I Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Sample Population 7 6 4 :I 3 3 I Displaced Persons

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population I 1 Displaced Persons

10 District Total- Sample Population ... 8 .. S :I J 3 I Displaced Persons J09 TABLE C-IV Age and Literacy This table was also prepared on the basis of data collected from the IO per cent Sample slips of general population, as in the case of Table C-II. The figures relating to all the Displaced persons in the district are also given side by side, as in the case of Table C-III. No smoothing formula has been made use of.

2. In this table the figures of illiterates include figures of partially literates that is those who can read a simple letter but cannot write one. The details of such persons are given below :- Surguja District ,------"-Persons who are able to._------_.-----. read only Serial Name of Tract Total Age Groups No. 5-9 10-14 15-24 25-34 Males Females ,.--_.A._--, ,.----A.--, ,-----A-----. ,.---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 60 4 9 19 I 6 Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 17 I 3 Displaced Persons 3 BharatpLlr Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 6 I 1 1 Displaced Persons 4 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 46 8 6 13 I s 3 II Displaced Persons I 3 I 5 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 41 .1 4 8 1 9 10 Displaced Persons 6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 3 I I I I 1 Displaced Persons 7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 29 1 3 8 7 I 8 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Sample Population 202 17 22 3 53 4 31 4 1 Displaced Persons I 3 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population ... 15 6 2 1 3 1 1 6 Displaced Persons I 4 I 2 I 10 District Total- Sample Population ... 217 23 24 4 55 7 5 I Displaced Persons 2 7 I r r 2 I

Persons who are able to read only-concld. ,------'- -.., Age Groups Serial Name of Tract r------A--- No. 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75 and over Age not stated ,-----A---. ,.----A..------., r------A..---, ,.--~ ,.----A..--, r---"-----. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 4 2 6 I 2 :2 Displaced Persons 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 4 I 5 Displaced Persons 3 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... I 2. Displaced Persons .~ . 4 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 7 I I :2 I Displaced Persons 3 5 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 9 I Displaced Persons 6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population .. , Displaced Persons 7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population I 2. Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Sample Population 2S 3 12 .3 S 5 I I .3 Displaced Persons .. ~ 3 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population I I :2 I Displaced Persons 10 District Total- Sample Population 26 4 14 2 6 5 I :I Displaced Persons 3 110 Table C-IV.-Age and Literacy Surguja District

Population Age 0-4 ---'-- ,----A-_----, Serial Name of Tract Total Literate Illiterate Toeal No. ,-----"- r------"----.. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-A) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 13,913 12.903 618 29 13,295 12,880 1,912 1,840 Displaced Persons 15 II 12 2 3 9 I

:1 Surajpnr Tahsil Rural- Sample Population If,477 11.523 146 12 11,331 If,5U 1,609 1,762 Displaced Persons 6 6 6 3 3 3 Bharatpu! Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 1,283 I,I4° 136 21 1,147 1,919 171 193 Displaced Persons ...

4 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 4,017 3.144 596 92 3,421 3,052 433 382- Displaced Persons 370 278 297 162 73 116 35 19 5 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 4,528 4,280 207 10 4,321 4,27° 637 681 Displaced Persons 6 Sarori Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 3,112 2,879 102 5 3,010 2,874 496 505 Displaced Persons

7 Baik\lnthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ],3°2 3,107 369 25 2,933 3,082 482 431: Displaced Persons 3 2 2 I I I 8 Rural Total- Sample Population 41,632 38,982 2,174 194 39,458 38,788 5,740 5,794 Displaced Persons 394 297 317 168 77 129 35 20 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population 1,128 985 553 130 575 855 113 136 Displaced Persons 133 68 96 38 37 30 10 "7 10 District Total- Sample Population 42,760 39,967 2,721 324 40,033 39,643 5,853 5,930 Displaced Persons 527 365 413 206 114 159 45 27

Age 5-9 -., Serial Name of Tract Total Literate Illiterate No. ,------A-__----, ,-____J.- ___----, ,------'-__- ...,_ Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-A) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 2,095 1,971 30 1 2,065 1,970 Displaced Persons ... r I 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 1,724 1,737 4 3 1,720 1,734 Displaced Persons 2 1 2 1

3 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 171 lSI 14 II 157 170 Displaced Persons

4 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 486 4 1 5 30 10 456 405 Displaced Persons 54 36 30 II 24 25 5 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 665 617 11 653 617 Displaced Persons 6 SamFi Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 457 485 2 I 455 484 Displaced Persons I

7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 450 433 26 3 424 430 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Sample Population 6,048 5,839 lIS 29 5,930 5,810 Displaced Persons S6 38 32 12 24 26 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population 129 II3 30 18 99 9S Displaced Persons 8 6 2 4 6 ~ 10 District Total- Sample Population 6,177 5,952 148 47 6,029 5.905 Displaced Persons 64 44 34 16 30 211 III Table C·IV. -Age and Literacy Surguja I>istrict---contd.

Age 10-14 r------"------, Serial Name of Tract Total Literate Illiterate No. r-----..A..---~ r----A.------.. r------A Males Females Males Females Males Females

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 1,834 1,289 100 I 1,734 1,288 Displaced Persons I 3 I I 2 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 1,523 1,181 15 4 1,503 1,177 Diilplaced Persons 2 2 2 I I

3 Bharatpnr Tahsil Rural- Sample Population '" 164 138 22 6 142 132 Displaced Persons

4 Ivlanendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 440 312 90 18 350 294 Displaced Persons 47 35 46 27 I 8 5 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 612 434 29 I 583 433 Displaced Persons

{i Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 371 323 13 1 358 322 Displaced Persons Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Samph: Population 405 308 99 6 306 302 Displaced Persons

8 Rural Total- Sample Population 5.349 3,985 368 37 4,981 3,948 Displaced Persons 51 40 50 29 I II

9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population 120 117 70 31 so 86 Displaced Persons 7 8 7 6 2 10 District Total- Sample Population 5,469 4,102 438 68 5,031 4,034 Displaced Persons 58 48 57 35 I 13

Age 15-24 Age 25-34 r------~------~ ,----"-----. Serial Name of Tract TO'al Literate Illiterate Total No. ,-----"-----., ,-----"- ,----"-----, ,----"------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-A) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (27) (28) (29)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 1,858 1,930 128 7 1,740 1,923 2,348 2,215 Displaced Persons 6 4 6 I 3 3 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 1,554 1,666 35 z 1,519 1,654 1,832 1,868 Displaced Persons 2 I 2

3 Bhara1 pur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... ISO 161 45 4 135 157 2.12 175 Displaced Persons

4 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 590 598 130 37 460 561 875 681 Displaced Persons 98 78 94 60 4 18 66 41 5 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample PopUlation 646 556 47 3 599 553 683 701 Displaced Persons

6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 514 504 28 486 50 4 495 401 Displaced Persons

7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample -Population 499 500 99 9 400 491 592 558 Displaced Persons I I I 8 Rural Total- Sample Population 5,851 5,915 512 62 5,339 55,83 7,037 6,599 Displaced Persons 107 84 103 63 4 21 69 41 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population - 236 194 177 36 59 158 213 181 Displaq::d Persons 50 28 40 20 10 8 33 6 10 District Total- Sample Population 6,087 6,109 689 98 5,398 6,OIl 7,250 6,78. Displaced Persons 157 II2 143 83 14 29 102 47 II2 Table C-IV.-Age and Literacy Surguja District-contd. Age 205-34-concld. Age 35-44.___ Serial Name (J f Tract Literate Illiterate Total Literate Illiterate No. ,..----'----, ,-----"------, ,----'----, ,-----"----, ,----"---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females MaleS"' Females (I) (I-A) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 234 8 2,114 2,207 1,762 1,439 68 10 1,694 1",2!J Displaced Persons 2 I 3 2. I 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 38 2 1,794 1,866 1,669 1,477 32 I 1,637 1.476 Displaced Persons 12 23 10 3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 32 180 175 167 ISO 10 157 lSI) Displaced Persons I

<4- Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 186 IS 689 666 662 364 98 5 564 35!J Displaced Persons 61 29 5 12 34 I 31 13 3 5 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 43 4 640 697 625 599 41 I 584 598 Displaced Persons 6 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 30 2 465 399 329 275 12 I 317 274 Displaced Persons 7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 83 5 509 553 460 431 37 2 423 4z~ Displaced Persons I I 8 Rural Total- Sample Population 646 36 6,391 6,563 5,674 4,735 298 20 5,376 4,7I S Displaced Persons 63 29 6 12 38 25 33 13 5 12 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population ... U7 z5 86 156 163 117 79 14 84 IO}. Displaced Persons 28 3 5 3 12 5 10 2 2 3 10 District Total- Sample Population 773 6[ 6,477 6,719 5,837 4,852 371 34 5,460 4,8IS Displaced Persons 91 32 II IS 50 30 43 15 7 IS

Age 45-54 ,- Serial Name of Tract Total Literate Illiterate .. No. _" ,- Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-A) (40) (41) (42) (43) (44) (45)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 1,244 1,191 39 2 1,205 1,189- Displaced Persons I I I I 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 910 954 15 895 954 Displaced Persons I I 3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sat:Qple Population ... 137 87 9 taS 87 Displaced Persons 26 22 26 12 10 4 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample PopUlation 324 188 49 6 275 182 Displaced Persons

5 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample PopUlation 386 377 24 I 362 376 Displaced Persons 6 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample PopUlation 245 186 II 2.34 18' Displaced Persons 7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 246 184 IS 2.31 184 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Sample Population 3,492 3,167 162. 9 3,330 3,158 Displaced Persons 27 24 26 12 I 12 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population ...... 108 81 45 5 63 7' Displaced Persons 4 8 3 3 I 5 10 District Total- Sample Population 3,600 3,248 207 14 3,39) 3,234 Displaced Persons 31 32 29 15 2 17 II3 Table C-lV.-Age and Literaey Surguja District'-Comd,

Age 5S-(i4 Age: 65-74 ,-----J'---_ Serial Name of Tract Total Literate Illiterate Total No. ,---__..._----'--. r-----j,._ ,----"------. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-A) (46) (47) (48) (49) (so) (SI) (S2) (53)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population .. , 594 '45 15 579 645 189 294 Displaced Persons I

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 445 579 I 444 579 156 247' Displaced Persons

3 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population . ,. 57 39 2 55 39 II 7 Displaced Persons

4 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 131 143 6 I IZ5 14l 44 44' Displaced Persons 4 15 4 6 9 3 6 5 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population .:102 213 I) .196 2I3 53 77 Displaced Persons 6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 13 2 I36 5 121 :13' 55 48: Displaced Persons 7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population III IS7 10 JOI IS7 37 71 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Sample Population I,67Z I,9IZ 4S I 1,621 1,9II 545 788: Displaced Persons 4 16 4 6 10 4 6, 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population :a8 33 IS I 13 32 9 a: Displaced Persons 4 2 2 3

10 District Total- Sample Population 1,700 1,945 6!) :I 1,6to 1,943 554- 796 Displaced Persons 8 16 6 6 2 10 7 6

Age 65-74-concld. ,-______Age 75 anj A.. ______over ---" ~------~------~ Serial Name of Tract ,-___Literate A. ___ , Illiterate ,-___TotalA.. ___ ...... ,-___Literate.A. ___ -,. No. r----A..---'" Mdes Fem:lles Males R:mlles Males Females M'lles Femlles (I) (I-A) (54) (55) (56) (57) (58) (5) (60) (61)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 2 181 294 65 95 :I Displaced Persons I

:3 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 3 153 247 55 51 3 Displaced Persons

3 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population •• , x 10 7 13 9 I Displaced Persons

4 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample PopUlation 1 43 44 28 16 2 Displaced Persons 3 4 :3 3 3 2 5 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 3 J ... 50 77 19 24 2 Displaced Persons 6 Samd Tahsil Rural- Sample PopUlation I 54 48 17 15 Displaced Persons

7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 37 71 20 32 Displaced Persons 8 Rural Total- Sample Population II 534 788 217 :142 10 Displaced Persons 4 4 2 3 3 2 9 Surguja District Non-City Urban- Sample PopUlation 6 3 8 8 5 3 Displaced Persons 3 2 I )0 District Total- Sample PopUlation ... 17 537 796 225 :147 X3 Displaced Persons 7 4 2 5 3 3 D-I 5 II4 Table C-IV.-Age and Literacy Surguja District-concld.

Age 75 and over-concld. Age not stated r---A r- ----, Se-riaJ Name of Tract Illiterate Total Literate Illiterate No. .A.._-----, r----.A.. r-----.A. "------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (I-A) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66) (67) (6g) (69)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 63 95 2 .z Displaced Persons

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 52 51 I I Displaced Persons

3 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 12 9 Displaced Persons

4 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- Sample Population '" 26 16 4 1 4 I Displaced Persons 1 3

5 Pal Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 17 24 1 I Displaced Persons 6 Samri Tahsil Rural- Sample Population 17 IS I I 1 I Displaced Persons

7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural- Sample Population ... 20 32 2 2 Displaced Persons

8 Rural TotaI- Sample Population 207 242 7 6 4 3 , Displaced Persons 3

9 Sllrguja District Non-City Urban- Sample Population 5 5 1 I Displaced Persons 1

10 District Total- Sample Population 212 247 8 6 5 3 9 Displaced Persons 2 3 lIS TABLE C-V (Sample) Single Year Age Returns (Sample) Table This table was prepared on the basis of data collected from the 10 per Cent Sample slips of general population, as in the case of Table C-II, and the figures have been tabulated as returned without the use of any smoothing formula. Age Males Females Age Males Females Age Males Females Age Males Females (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) SURGUJA EISTRICT TO AL 1,171 1,080 31 201 272 62 142 163 93 I °I 1,089 1,01 [ 32 846 693 63 .42 133 94 I I 2 1,228 1,253 33 360 3[3 64 25 42 95 3 3 1,272 1,282 34 365 359 65 161 250 96 4 1,093 1,3°4- 35 1,320 928 66 25 4" 97 2 5 1,326 1,323 36 534 499 67 73 43 98 I 6 1,381 1>408 37 430 368 68 46 69 99 7 1,180 1,234 38 658 651 69 5 17 100 1 8 1,216 1,203 39 290 262 70 141 236 9 1,071 843 40 r,308 1,088 71 22 15 10 1,843 66 1,499 41 337 5 72 29 66 Age} 11 604 388 42 544 530 73 19 18 not 8 6 12 1,548 1,236 43 216 171 74 33 37 stated 13 633 417 44 200 189 75 68 84 14 844 503 45 934 7II 76 4 9 Total ... 42,760 39.967 15 759 554 46 197 220 77 10 15 16 712 634 47 540 213 78 7 14 17 354 211 48 407 345 79 I 5 18 855 732 49 146 133 80 79 81 19 276 277 50 655 1,008 81 7 2 20 1,001 1,053 51 152 102 82 S 10 21 393 706 52 310 286 83 5 2 22 629 727 53 142 131 84 I 2 23 498 522 54 117 99 85 7 8 24 610 693 55 445 374 86 I 25 1,636 1,21 5 56 II7 143 87 1 I 26 61 7 581 ' 57 10Z 91 88 I 1 27 5z4 582 58 131 147 89 1 1 zS 84S 844 59 138 51 90 13 7 29 27S 361 60 515 744 91 I I 30 1,578 1,560 61 43 57 92 2; I RURAL 0 1,141 1,036 31 196 679 62 42 41 93 3 I 1,070 990 32 829 308 63 25 244 94 I 2 1,204 1,225 33 354 353 64 154 45 95 2 3 1,251 1,261 34 361 890 65 24 43 96 I 4 1,°74 1,282 35 1,262 49 1 66 73 69 97 5 1,293 1,293 36 526 366 67 45 17 98 1 6 1,357 1,384 37 427 639 68 5 234 99 7 1,156 1,214 38 646 261 69 141 15 100 1 & 1,189 1,179 39 289 1,043 7° 22 66 9 1,049 829 40 244 166 71 29 18 10 1,8 15 1,471 41 2 z 335 5 5 7 19 37 Age} II 594 369 42 536 167 73 33 84 not 7 5 12 1,513 1,2 II 43 213 187 74 63 9 stated 13 610 398 44 196 682 75 4 15 14 821 477 45 900 218 76 10 13 Total ..• 41,632 38,,8::. 15 735 534 46 194 2II 77 7 5 16 680 612 47 53 8 • 342 78 I 80 17 340 203 48 394 133 79 78 2 IS 821 702 49 144 972 80 7 8 19 258 264 50 619 101 81 7 2 20 958 1,001 51 150 282 82 5· 2 21 380 691 52 301 128 83 I 8 22 601 7°3 53 13 6 98 84 7 23 482 515 54 II6 368 85 I I 24 596 683 55 436 141 86 1 I 25 1,567 1,165 56 II4 89 87 I I 26 599 575 57 102 143 88 6 27 509 573 58 129 So 89 12 I 28 826 821 59 138 73 1 90 57 2 29 273 360 60 503 43 91 160 I 30 1,523 1,496 61 269 140 92 132 1 URBAN 30 44 29 2 I 58 2 4 87 °I 19 21 30 55 64 59 I 88 2 24 28 31 5 3 60 12 13 89 21 21 3 32 17 14 61 90 I I 4 19 2Z 33 6 5 62 2 3 5 33 30 34 4 6 63 I Age} 6 24 24 35 58 38 64 I not 1 7 24 20 36 8 8 65 7 6 stated S 27 24 37 3 2 66 J!: 9 22 15 38 12 12 67 10 ::.8 28 I 39 I 68 J: Total ... I,JZS ,8S II 10 19 40 64 45 69 12 35 25 41 2 70 2 13 23 19 42 8 5 71 14 23 26 43 3 4 72 15 24 20 44 4 2 73 16 32 22 45 34 29 74 17 14 8 46 3 2 75 5 18 34 30 47 2 2 76 19 18 13 48 13 3 77 20 43 45 49 2 78 I 21 13 15 50 36 36 79 22 28 24 51 2 1 80 I I 23 16 7 52 9 4 81 24 14 10 53 6 3 82 I 2 25 69 50 54 1 I 83 ... 26 18 6 55 9 6 84 27 15 9 56 ·3 2 85 , ...... 28 22 23 57 '2. 86 116 Table C-V (Sample) ] lSingle Year Age Returns

Age Males Females Age Males Females Age Males Females Age Malos Females (I) (2) (3) (1) {2} (3) (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3)


0 325 215 29 104 99· 5S 71 86 87 1 354 361 30 540 5I1 59 25 19 88 .2 410 409 31 42 48 60 200 263 89 . I I 3 420 432 32 25 1 147 61 12 14 90 2 4 403 423 33 180 III 62 45 32 9 1 5 413 411 34 119 110 63 15 21 92 I 6 493 471 35 418 288 64 9 12 93 7 345 468 36 203 lIO 65 67 100 94 & 479 410 3' 88 147 66 12 16 95 9 331 313 38 226 232 67 8 12 96 10 660 495 39 70 89 68 16 24 97 II 187 125 40 463 205 69 I 8 98 12 568 374 41 40 63 70 60 93 99 13 182 lI8 42 158 181 71 3 6 100 14 267 77 43 57 55 72 8 23 15 277 200 44 39 69· 73 6 9 Age 1[6 252 190 45 303 247 74 1 3 not 2 11 58 90 46 79 85 75 23 33 stated } 18 298 247 47 342 54 76 3 9 19 77 80 48 690 87 77 2 7 Total 13,913 120,90 9 20 374 357 49 63 71 78 4 5 .21 96 104 50 86 416 79 I :22 190 252 51 29 36 80 26 41 :23 lI8 197 52 99 102 81 :24 128 21 3 53 39 48 82 2 :25 499 384 54 64 4S S3 26 190 239 S5 156 122 84 27 146 202 56 38 55 85 2 .:28 277 364 57 24 21 86


0 38 35 29 6 3 58 ~ 87 1 31 34 30 58 68 59 3 88 .:2 35 33 31 2 5 60 25 22 89 3 28 52 32 22 22 61 I 90 I 4 39 39 33 9 3 62 2 5 91 5 39 31 34 12 8 63 2 92 I ·6 44 46 35 42 22 64 2 2 93 7 18 32 36 16 18 65 4 94 :8 47 36 37 6 9 66 '9 22 30 38 19 18 67 2 ·10 65 38 39 10 8 68 Age}not II 16 IS 40 46 48 69 stated 12 52 34 41 I I 70 3 4 13 9 18 42 13 IS 71 Total ... [,283 [,140 14 23 33 43 3 72 15 16 16 44 II II 73 16 43 30 45 44 23 74 2 17 7 I 46 2 3 75 18 23 21 47 8 7 76 19 4 4 48 10 13 77 20 34 30 49 3 2 78 21 5 9 50 50 29 79 22 24 28 51 I 80 5 7- 23 12 16 52 10 4 81 24 12 12 53 4 2 82 25 54 36 54 6 3 83 26 16 13 55 12 8 84 27 14 5 56 3 85 28 19 12 57 4 1 86

SURAjP{JR TAHSIL-RURAL 0 3II 354 29 75 171 58 9 9 87 'l 337 257 30 309 350 59 97 18 88 I 2 361 383 31 92 169 60 70 192 89 3 366 305 32 237 218 61 14 30 90 4 4 234 463 33 78 108 62 3 1 50 91 5 377 407 34 1I4 rr6 63 I 30 92 ,6 323 386 35 275 227 64 2 18 93 I 7 364 325 36 14S 193 65 II 61 94 8 256 3S4 37 157 88 66 3 20 95 3 '9 414 214 38 IS3 170 67 42 10 96 ~IO 414 424 39 153 II7 68 IS 26 97 I II 23 2 1111 40 209 350 69 4 98 I .12. 341 425 41 240 57 70 25 67 99 :13 257 119 42 122 155 71 18 6 100 I 24 269 ID3 43 105 65 72 10 13 :IS 192 136 44 80 55 73 12 6 '16 136 15 1 45 154 179 74 21 25 17 182 48 46 60 84 75 13 23 18 172 184 47 74 62 76 I 2 19 61 69 48 137 . 141 77 3 2 20 194 326 49 SO 38 78 4 Age) 21 109 333 50 168 257 79 I not }- 8 22 83 137 51 98 39 80 19 13 stated J 23 179 10 5 52 83 76 81 3 2- 24 236 217 53 62 48 82 3 2 Total ... rx.477 11.523 :25 381 264 54 2-4- 30 83 I 26 203 126 55 135 109 84 .:27 133 203 56 44 47 85 3 .28 210 143 57 97 26 86 117 Single Year Age. RetUl'Dsj [Table C.. V (Sample)

Age Males Females Age Males Females Age Males Females Age Males Females (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3)


() 13 6 148 29 21 25 58 12 17 87 I II7 II8 30 17 1 147 59 4 5 88 .2 Ic6 135 31 26 18 60 65 72 89 3 146 160 32 95 105 61 5 4 90 2 4 132 120 33 22 31 6z 30 38 91 5 Is8 120 34 31 45 63 7 10 92 <6 160 149 35 114 84 64 8 3 93 7 123 123 36 50 69 65 16 20 94 :8 146 140 37 74 58 "66 5 4 95 9 79 77 38 S3 83 67 8 9 96 10 227 183 39 16 22 68 S S 97 II 57 34 40 157 138 69 I 1 98 12 206 119 41 18 23 70 9 22 99 13 44 39 42 98 81 71 1 I 100 14 77 67 43 15 20 72 7 IS 101 IS 66 66 44 30 21 73 16 71 60 45 89 89 74 1 Age} 17 23 20 46 15 21 75 3 6 not 18 97 66 47 66 50 76 I stated 19 23 16 48 29 43 77 3 5 20 135. 91 49 9 9 78 I Total ... 4,528 4,280- 21 44 51 50 101 98 79 22 87 59 51 11 II 80 8 7 23 48 53 52 51 45 81 24 62 74 53 6 7 82 2 2 25 143 103 54 9 4 83 I 26 30 51) . 55 50 33 84 27 72 70 56 9 II 85 I I 28 72 101 57 12 20 86

SAMRI TAHSIL-RURAL c 121 II7 29 25 24 58 21 17 87 I 68 69 30 75 79 59 3 4 88 ;z ll2 115 31 15 II 60 26 32 89 3 III II8 32 67 54 61 6 4 90 1 4 84 86 33 16 18 62 10 14 91 5 95 II8 34 27 34 63 I 5 92 6 95 127 3~ 76 54 64 2 4 93 7 85 90 36 33 54 65 24 17 94 8 24 81 37 28 19 66 4 3 95 9 86 78 38 53 42 67 6 4 96 ~o ll2 93 39 II II 68 2 8 97 ~I 32 25 40 42 66 69 2 I 98 12 1I2 102 41 IS 5 70 13 14 99 J3 43 37 42 51 29 71 100 14 74 57 43 7 4 72 I IS 65 53 44 13 II 73 I Age 16 60 54 45 71 39 74 2 not ~ I n 26 33 46 19 16 75 II 9 stated J 18 70 58 47 22 16 76 2 19 27 31 48 43 29 77 Total 3,112 2,879 .20 74 58 49 10 8 78 2 .21 23 61 50 39 37 79 ;12 72 69 51 4 6 80 2 .23 43 37 52 27 22 81 ;14 54 50 53 7 7 82 25 104 68 54 8 6 83 .26 58 44 55 38 35 84 ').7 32 14 56 14 IS 85 2 .28 76 55 57 II 6 86

BAIKUNTHPUR TAHSIL-RURAL \ ,0 98 0 60 64 90 I I 117 3 135 1348 . 53 91 81 31 7 61 S 3 '91 I I 2 87 76 32 78 78 62 9 13 92 I .3 92 98 33 23 20 63 3 9 93 4 95 78 34 30 19 64 3 2 94 5 lOS 93 35 103 106 65 19 29 95 ~ 97 102 36 39 43 66 I 2 96 7 92 85 37 42 26 67 3 4 97 .8 99 90 38 48 48 68 3 3 98 9 57 62 39 16 5 69 I 2 99 :10 148 117 40 117 120 70 9 16 100 1I 42 33 41 12 13 71 I IlO 2 12 III 66 42 53 39 72 8 13 46 42 43 16 IS 73 3 Age} 14 58 51\ 44 14 16 74 3 not 2 15 53 28 45 76 53 75 3 9 stated ;16 65 66 46 13 4 76 :17 12. 26 47 18 II 77 I I Total.,. 3,302 3,107 18 89 61 48 27 15 78 19 36 21 49 3 4 79 ,70 57 67 50 76 58 80 9 14 21 54 80 51 S 6 81 2 .zz 51 51 52 17 19 82 ,2 ,2 .z3 33 60 S3 9 7 83 :24 49 40 54 :l 7 84 ,25 152 136 55 17 34 85 ,2 26 48 49 56 3 12 86 27 45 44 57 9 S 87 :28 54 51 58 5 10 88 I :29 Jf 19 59 .. 2 89 .118

,Table C-V (Sample)] [Single Year Age Returns~

Age Males Females Age Males Females Age Males Females Age Males Females (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) ( I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3),


0 93 69 25 234 174 ,50 104 77 75 9 6· 72 70 26 54 48 51 3 2 76 2 93 74 27 67 35 52 14 14 77 3 88 96 28 Il~ 95 53 9 9 78 1 4 87 73 29 27 19 54 3 3 79 2' 5 106 107 30 235 207 55 28 27 80 9 3: , 6 145 93 31 12 10 56 3 I 81 1 7 lIS 93 32 79 SS 57 5 7 82 8 68 68 33 26 17 58 8 4 83 2 I 9 60 54 34 28 21 59 2 2 84 10 189 121 35 234 II9 60 64 86 85 :z. r II 28 26 36 40 24 61 2 86 1 12 123 91 37 32 19 62 13 8 87 13 29 25 38 64 46 63 8 6 88 14 53 49 39 13 9 64 89 15 46 35 040 210 116 65 13 17 90 3 2: 16 53 61 041 9 4 66 17 22 IS 42 41 24 67 4 4 Age 18 72 65 43 10 8 68 4 3 not 4 1 19 30 43 44 9 4 69 I stated } 20 120 109 45 163 52 70 22 18 21 49 33 46 6 5 71 Total ... 4,017 3,144 22 94 107 47 8 n 72 1 23 49 53 48 8 H 73 24 55 77 49 6 I 74 II9 TABLE C .. V (Displaced Persons) Single Year Age Returns (Displaced Persons) Table This table was prepared for the entire Displaced persons population in the district and the figures have been tabulated as returned without the use of any smoothing formula.

Age Males Females Age Males Females Age Males Females Age Males Females

.( I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3) (I) (2) SURGUJA DISTRICT TOTAL

·0 .5 29 2 I 58 I 87 I 4 30 20 15 59 88 2 3 1 31 3 3 60 3 8 89 3 18 II 32 13 8 61 90 4 15 13 33 I I 62 2 91 5 15 II 34 4 3 63 92 6 16 8 35 18 7 64 I 93 7 13 6 36 3 4 65 2 2 94 8 8 10 37 2 2 66 95 9 12 9 38 6 3 67 -10 8 7 39 2 I 68 Age} -ll IS 7 40 II 9 69 not 5 2 "12 21 9 41 I 70 3 4 stated 13 10 14 42 4 2 71 - I .14 4 II 43 72 Total ... 15 9 12 44 2 2 73 .16 12 12 45 6 6 74 17 5 7 46 3 75 IS 18 10 47 I 1 76 19 14 10 48 2 3 77 20 18 9 49 2 78 :21 24 13 50 8 17 79 .21. 24 23 51 2 80 2 23 8 9 52 4 1 81 24 25 7 53 1 82 25 28 7 54' 3 3 83 26 10 1 55 3 5 84 27 9 I 56 85 .28 12 7 57 1 86


o 2 I 22 20 19 44 I 2 66 2 23 6 8 45 5 5 67 I 2 3 I 24 IS 5 46 I 70 4 3 14 9 25 15 6 47 I I 71 4 14 9 26 9 I 48 2 3 75 I 5 13 10 27 6 1 49 2 76 6 14 7 28 7 7 50 7 13 77 7 12 6 29 1 I 51 2 78 8 6 6 30 19 12 52 4 79 9 II 9 31 2 3 53 80 2 2 10 6 5 32 7 7 54 3 81 II 14 5 33 I I 55 I 5 82 11. 19 8 34 2 2 56 83 13 9 II 35 '13 6 57 1 84 14 3 II 36 3 4 58 85 I 15 5 II 37 2 I 59 16 6 7 38 5 3 60 3 8 Age} 17 4 4 39 1 I 61 not 18 II 6 40 7 7 62 2 stated 19 II 9 41 1 63 20 13 8 42 4 I 64 Total ... 394 297 21 16 7 43 65 2


o 3 30 I 3 60 90 I I 2 31 I 61 91 2 32 6 62 92 3 4 2 33 63 93 4 I 4 34 2 I 64 94 5 2 I 35 5 I 65 I 95 6 2 36 66 7 I 37 I 67 Age I 8 2 4 38 I 68 not }­ 3 1 9 1 39 1. 69 stated J 10 2 2 40 4 2 70 2 II I 2 41 71 Total ... 133 6& 12- 2. 1 42 1 72 13 I 3 43 73 14 I 44 1 74 IS 4 I 45 I 1 75 16 6 5 46 2 76 17 I 3 47 77 18 7 4 48 78 19 3 I 49 79 20 5 I 50 4 80 I 21 8 6 51 81 22 4 4 52 82 23 2 53 I 83 24 10 2 54 2 84 25 13 I 55 2 85· 26 1 56 86 Z7 3 57 87 28 5 58 88 29 I 59 89 12() Table C-V (Displaced Persons)J [Single Year Age Returns

Age Males Female. Age Mal~ Females Age Males Females Age Males Females (I) (2) (3) (1) (.2) (3) (1) (2) (3) (I) (2) (3)


0 20 2 .2 40 60 1. 1 21 41 61 2 22 1 1 42 62 3 23 1 1 43 63 4 I 24 .2 44 64 5 25 2 45 65 6 26 46 66 7 I '1.7 47 67 8 28 48 68 9 29 49 69 10 • 3 0 50 70 n 1 31 51 12 1 '1. 3'1. 1 52 13 33 53 Age 1- 14 34 54 1 I not IS 35 2 55 stated J 16 36 56 17 37 57 Total .•. 15 IL 18 38 58 19 39 59


14 27 40 2 IS 28 41 3 16 1 29 42 4 17 30 43 5 18 31 44 1 6 19 32 45 I 1 20 7 33 Age} 8 1 21 34 not 9 1 22 35 stated 10 1 23 36 II I 24 37 Total ... 6 fi; 12 I 25 38 13 26 39


I 14 27 40 2 15 28 41 3 16 29 42 I 4 17 30 43 5 18 31 44 6 19 32 45 7 20 33 8 21 34 Age 9 22 35 not 10 23 36 stated } 11 24 37 12 1 25 38 Total ... 3 ~ .13 26 39


() 2 I 25 IS 6 50 7 13 75 I 1 :2 26 9 I 51 .2 76 2 3 I 27 6 I 52 4 I 77 3 14 9 28 7 7 53 78 4 14 9 29 I I 54 3. I 79 5 13 10 30 19 12 55 I 5 80 2 ~ 6 14 7 31 2 3 56 81 7 12 6 32 7 7 57 I 82 8 6 6 33 I 1 58 83 9 II 9 34 2 2 59 84- 10 6 5 35 13 6 60 3 8 85 I II 14 5 36 3 4 61 86 lZ 9 8 37 .2 I 62 2 87 13 9 II 38 5 3 63 88 14 3 II 39 1 I 64 89 15 5 II 40 1 7 65 1 2 90 16 6 7 41 I 66 17 42 1 I 4 4 4 67 Age} IS II· 6 43 68 not .2 I 19 II 9 44 I 2 69 stated 20 13 8 45 5 5 70 1 4 21 16 7 46 I 71 I Total ... 370 278 22 20 19 47 I I 72 23 6 8 48 2 3 73 24 15 5 49 .2 74 121 TABLE D-I (i)

Mother Tongue

,-______:______Mother___A.._ Tongues ______Serial Name of Tract Banjari or Labhani Oriya Korku Korwa No. r--__.A... r----"-----." ,.--A---, r--~--' Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (l2.)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural ... 112,673 102,260 47 91 6 3,077 2,080

2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 37,312 4,600 2,368 1,692

4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 32,149 31,735 5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 36,648 31,979 345 56 25 6 Samri Tahsil RUral 19,675 237 1,645 1,669 7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural ... 1I1,7I2 108,I66 7 352 8 Rural Total ..• 365,Ol6 3'P,775 47 1,073 5,693 9 Surguja District .. , 9,940 8,322 59 5 2 1 Non-City Urban 10 District Total ... 374,966 351,097 47 7,344 S,S8:z

Mother Tongues-contd. ,-._--- ~ Serial Name of Tract Oraon Marwari UrdU.------.------Gankal Bengali No. ,-----'------, ,---"---..... ~ ..... ,------"---0. ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (13) (14) (15) (16) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 18,652 25,745 104 87 2 I 12 2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 5 2 1 3 Pal Tahsil Rural 2,127 617

4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural I 26 25 I

5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 3 28 16 20 28 1,209 90 0

6 Sarori Tahsil Rural 4,649 I

7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 1,758 I,635 154 133 123 104

8 Rural Total :%7,187 35,101 . 2S7 186 1

9 SurguJa District 187 344 IS3 Non-City Urban 10 District Total 444 530 1 1,198

Mother Tongues-contd. '---...... Serial Name of Tract Pashto Marathi Gondi Vadia Orhla No. r-----"----o Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females-

(I) (2) (23) (25) (26) (27) (28) (30) (31) (32)

I Amhikapur Tahsi I Rural 2 5 3 2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 4 :2 6 4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 7 13 6

5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 7 1 65 57 I

6 Samd Tahsil Rural 2

7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 5 3 10 uS I S Rural Total 21 11 lOS 187 1 6 I4 9 SurguJa District Non­ ISS City Urban IO District Tota] 21 II 345 I 6 D-I6 122 TABLE D-I (i).-Mother Tongue

Mother Tongues-comd. Serial Name of Tract Parwatiya pando Madrasi Bhuniya Tamil Telugu No. ,.-A-----, ...----"-----. ...----'-----., ...----"-----. ,.------"----, ...--_.A.----., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38) (39) (4°) (41) (42) (43) (44)

I Ambikapur Tahsil RuraL ..

2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural ...

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 7 4 4 Raikunthpur Tahsil RUral 7 II

5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 8 2 9 4 29 21 6 Samri Tahsil Rural 15

7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- 5 4

8 Rural Total 2 7 4 9 10 I 9 9 44 36 9 Surguja District 7 19 2 8 126 123 Non-City Urban

10 District Total ... :;r. 7 4 16 19 II 17 170 159

, Mother Tongues-contd. , __-A. Naipali__ ---., Gujrati Gurumukhi Sindhi Mundari Serial Name of Tract ----. ,-----'----, ---.. ,----"-----. No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (45) (46) (47) (48) (49) (5°) (51) (52) (53) (54)

I Ambikapllr Tahsil Rural 3

2 Rharatpur Tahsil Rural

3 Pal Tahsil Rural

4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 2 3 6 7 4 5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 89 37 126 107 118 80 4 1 6 Samri Tahsil Rural

7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- IS 18 4 37

8 Rural Total 91 51. 130 131 133 121 I 4 I 9 Surguja District 22 33 32 39 223 lSI 32 14 10 Non-City Urban

10 District Total 113 85 162 170 356 272 33 14 I4 I

Mother Tongues-contd. ---.. English Saithodi Chinese Arabic Pandari Braj Bakha S::rial Name of Tract ,_--A-.:----., ,----A._--.., ,----'---"1 ,----"-----., ....------'-----., ,--'--_..., No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (55) (51) (57) (58) (59) (60) (61) (62) (63) (64) (65) (66)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural

.2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural

3 Pal Tahsil Rural

4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural

5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 9 8 7 3 I

6 Samri Tahsil Rural 2 I 358 400

7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural- 8 Rural Total II 9 7 3 I [ 358 400

9 Surguja District. 2 I 16 I Non-City Urban

10 District Total ... 13 10 7 3 r 16 I I 358 400 I23 TABLE D-J (i).-Mother Tongue

Mother Tongue~-co1ltd. --., Kumauni Balochi Karnataki Rajasthani Shastri A.. __----. Serial Name of Tract r r- r--__"'_____' ,..-----A.--,.. ,----J'---, No. Males Females Males Feffillies Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (67) (68) (69) (70) (71) (72) (73) (74) (75) (76)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural

2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural ...... 3 Pal Tahsil Rural 4 Baikunthpur Tahsil RUlal 5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 6 Samri Tahsil Rural ... 3 3 40 7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 4 8 Rural Total 3 3 40 .. 3: 9 Surguja District :& ., Non-City Urban 10 J)jstrict Total 3 3 40 .. :& 7

Mother Tongues-concld. -, Kabuli Bundeli Khandi Portuguese Coorgi Assamese Serial Name of Tract ~-, ..---"---. No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (77) (78) ( 79) (So) (SI) (S2) l83) (84) (S5) (86)

I Ambikapur Tahsil RUlal

2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural. .. 3 Pal Tahsil RUlal 4 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 5 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 6 Samri Tahsil Rural 7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 8 Rural Total

9 SurguJa District I :I 10 7 ... Non-City Urban

10 District Total I :& 10 7 ... 124 TABLE D-I (ii).-Bllingualism Total Subsidiary Languages Persons returned Serial Mother Tongue Total as speaking No. Speakers a language subsidiary .~ to that ;; :E shown in c ic 'c'" column (2) ~ Q) :J ffi p:j A... (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) I Hindi 726,063 96 51 12 2 Bengali 2,519 1,748 1,743 3 Gurumukhi 628 479 [3 465

4 Maithili 2 I 5 Sindhi 47 34 34 6 Brajbakha 758 287 287 7 Gujarati 332 272 265 8 Marathi 541 463 461

9 Oraon 62,562 50,570 50,570 10 Marwari 1,063 766 766

II Asuri 3 2 2

12 Nepali 198 182 lSI Oriya 13 2,037 318 317

14 Korku 10,062 6,798 6,798

IS Urdu 1,016 725 722 16 Telugu 329 260 259

17 Pashto 32 29 6 23 18 Madrasi 35 28 28 19 Kashmiri

20 Tamil 28 27 27 21 Turi 3 3 3 22 Saithodi 10 9 7 2 English 23 23 :11 5 15

24 Gondi 21 5 213 213 25 Kanwar 40 40 40

26 Chinese I Persian 27 17 12 12 28 Arabic 17 I

29 Padani I 30 Kawadi 4 4 4 31 Gankul 1 32 Mundari IS 5 S

33 Korwa 13,126 9,424 9,424

34 Malayalam ... 9 9 9

35 Kanarese 4 4 4

36 Vodia 8 8 8

37 Orhala 14 14 14

38 Parwatiya ... 2. 2 2

39 Pando II II 1I

40 Bhunia I I

41 Banjari or Labhani 93 85 8S I25 TABLE D-I (ii).-BUingualism

Subsidiary Languages ------~.------

Serial Mother Tongue 'J:: :E ...... No. ::I :a <3 ~ ~ ~

Hindi 4 I2 4 6 1 I

2 Bengali 5

3 Gurumukhi

4 Maithili

5 Sindhi

~ Brajbakha

7 Gujarati 6 I

S Marathi

9 Oraon

10 Marwari

II Asuri

u Nepali

13 Oriya I 14 Korku

15 Urdu 3

16 Telugu I

17 Pashto IS Madrasi

19 Kashmiri

20 Tamil

21 Turi

22 Saithodi

23 English 24 Gondi

25 Kanwar 26 Chinese

27 Persian

28 Arabic

29 Padani

30 Kawadi

31 Gankul 32 Mundari

33 Korwa 34 Malayalam

35 Kanarese

36 Vodia

37 Orhala

38 Parwatiya

39 Pando 40 Bhunia 41 Banjari or Labhani ... 126 TABLE D-ll Religion

This table shows the number of persons following the major religions. Columns 22 to 25 relate to CI other religions.". These are divided into "tribal" and" non-tribal" religions. Details of" non-tribal" reli­ gions are separately shown below :-

Serial Nagbanshi No. Name of Tract ,--__"______' Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4)

I Amhikapur Tahsil Rural

2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural

3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural

4 Pal Tahsil Rural

5 Samri Tahsil Rural

6 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 2

7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural

8 Rural Total

9 Surlluja District Non-City Urban

10 District Total 127 TABLE D .. D Religion

Total Population Hindus Sikhs Serial Name of Tract r------"------, ---~ No. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

( 1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 267,341 135,71 7 13 1, 624 134,553 130,679 2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 24,100 12,45° II,650 12,413 II,608

3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 72,216 38,780 33,436 33,005 32 ,846 64 50 4 Pal Tahsil Rural 87,592 44,684 42,9°8 43,980 42,09S

5 Samri Tahsil Rural 59,789 3°,776 29,01 3 30,282 1.8,625 3

6 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural", 63,99B 82,220 31,778 41,967 31,522 A 2 7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 225,739 II4,483 III,256 IIj,371 109,285 6 :5 S R\lral Total 800,775 409~no 391,665 404,571 386,660 75 57 9 SUrguja District Non-City 21,1.66 Il,498 9,768 10,474 8,599 155 105 Urban 10 Diltrict Total 8.u,041 4%0,608 401,4)) 415,045 395,259 2)0 162

Jains Buddhists Zoroastrians Muslims Serial Name of Tract r----..A..-- ---.. ~_--..A.. ___~ ,------'----, No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-a) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) (IS) (J 6) (17)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 1,164 942 2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 36 32 3 Mmendragarh Tahsil Rural 48 35 1 527 391 4 Pal Tahsil Rural 703 813

5 Samri Tahsil Rural 418 371 6 Baikunthpnr Tahsil Rural 247 253 7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 6 1,103 1,932

8 Rural Total 49 41 I 4,198 4,734 9 Surguja District Non-City SO 50 1 :u 731 939 Urban 10 District Total 99 91 2 ;12. 4.9%9 5,673

Christians Jews Other Religions r- --"-----. Tribal Non-Tribal Serial Name of Tract r----..A..-----. r----..A..----. r----.A.. ,..-.--.A.. No. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females.

(1) ( I-a) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 3

2 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural I 10

3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 135 1I4

4 Pal Tahsil Rural 5 Samri Tahsil Rural 73 17 6 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural .. , 2

7 Surajpur Thasil Rural 13 24 4 8 Rural Total 214 169 4 2 9 Surgu;a District Non~City 87 75 Urban 10 District Total 301 z44 4 2 128 TABLE D-m Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Anglo-Indians

Scheduled Castes Scheduled Tribes Anglo-Indians Serial Name of Tract r-----"------, No. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (ro) (II)

1 Amhikapur Tahsil Rural 20,419 10,161 16,258 151,087 78,087 73,000

2. Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 1,561 394 1,167 12,763 6,824 5,939

3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural ... 5,535 2,759 2,776 32,422 18,077 14,345 II 3 8:

4 Pal Tahsil Rural 3,671 2,063 1,608 35,207 16,863 18,344

5 Samri Tahsil Rural 1,872 1,051 821 29,348 I5,339 14,009

6 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 4,129 2,058 2,071 22,309 10,902 HA07

7 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 9,87I 4,671 5,200 95,151 47.711 47>441

8 Rural Total ... 47,058 23,157 23,901 378,288 193,803 1,84,485 II 3 8

9 SurguJa Dlstrh:t Non- 826 435 391 1,692 961 731 City Urban

10 District Total 7,884 23,592 24>2 92 3,79,980 1,94,764 1,85,216 II 3 B. 129 TABLE D-IY-Migrants

A.-BORN IN INDIA I.-Within the State of Enumeration ------~~------~------~ Serial Name of Tract Other Districts No. where enumerated District of Enumeration ~ Total Nagpur .--,------~------~ r------"------. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 134,147 128,192 509 171 338 3

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 222.,539 III,891 IIo,648 977 925 52 61 59 2. 3 Pal Tahsil Rural 82.,477 62 49 1 3

4 Samd Tahsil Rural 56,569 512 193 319 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural ... 62.,404 31,317 176 94 82 5 5 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 51,42 7 2.6,746 2.4,681 8,931 3,885 97 55 42 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 10,442. 9,055 46 4 2.

8 Rural Total 385,719 371,533 II,254 4,735 170 47 9 Surguja District Non-City 7,2.87 5,904 794 976 105 54 Urban 10 District Total 770.443 393,006 377,437 S,7 II 2 75 1 77

A.-BORN IN INDIA-contd. I.-Within the State of Enumeration-contd. Serial Name of Tract Other Districts-comd. No. where enumerated Wardha Chanda Chbindwara ,-----~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

(I) (2) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural I 6 6 3 I 2 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 5 108 108 I I 3 Pal Tahsil Rural 4 Samri Tahsil Rural

5 Baikunthpur Tabsi] Rural 6 2 4 5 5 3 2. 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural ... II 5 6 49 49 91 50 41 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural I S 4 8 Rural Total ... 24 1 3 II 168 5 106 58

9 Surgu;a District Non-City 1 5 4 II 2 9 31 Urban 10 District Total 39 I7 22 170 5 67 79

A.-BORN IN INDIA-contd. I.-Within the State of Enumeration--contd. r------~-----~,------serial Name of Tract Other Districts-contd. __ ... No. where enumerated r------A------______~ Betul Bhandara Jabalpur r--,------~------~ ,­ ---, Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Female.

(I) (2) (21) (22) (2.3) (24) (2.5) (26) (27) (2.8) (2.9)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 5 I 4 3 3 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 4 4 441 439 3 Pal Tahsil Rural I I 2 4 Samri Tahsil Rural

S Baikuntbpur Tahsil Rural 12 8 4 20 13 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural ... 14 6 8 5 3 276 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 6 3 3 II 4 8 Rural Total ... 29 14 IS 18 12 6 2 95

9 Sorgoj. District Non-City 8 9 75 45 10I 1 Urban 42 :10 Distrh:t Total 22 93 51 939 1 37 D-17 130 TABLE D .. IV-Migrants-contd.

A.-BORN IN INDIA-contd. I.-Within the State of Enumeration-contd.

~erial Name of Tract r------~------~Other Districts-contd. No. where enumerated ,----~------~,------Sagar Mandla Hoshangabad r------"------.. ,- ---'------. ,,__------~ Persons Males Females Perllons Males Females Persons Males Females

(I) (2) (30) (31) (32) (33) (34) (35) (36) (37) (38)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural t 3 2 I

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 33 28 5 50 49 III III 3 Pal Tahsil Rural

4 Samri Tahsil Rural 2 2.

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural I 3 I 2

6 Mancndragarh Tahsil Rural ... 24 16 40 40 1 31 1I2 25 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 3 I 12 4 8 8 Rural Total 71 54 23 94 4 2 31 34 9 SurguJa District Non­ 57 57 I4 S5 28 City Urban 10 District Total ... I63" 80 I31 Il3 18 286 6z

,-.------"--A.-BORN IN INDIA-contd. I.-Within the State of Enumeration-contd~ Name of Tract .------"-Other Districts-contd. Serial where enumerated r------.~-----"------~ No. Nimar Balaghat --A.. ___--, ,.------A------, ,--_____-"- ______----'"\ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

(1) (2) (39) (41) (42 ) (43) (45) (47)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 2 2 6 6

2. Surajpur Tahsil Rural 12 12 IS 8 7 3 Pal Tahsil Rural

4 Samd Tahsil Rura 37 19 18 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 6 2 4 7 6 I 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 2 IS 10 5 1,173 653 520

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 2 8 4 8 Rural Total :1.7 II 690 9 Surguja District Non-City 4 IS 170 81 Urban 10 District Total 4 26 1,416 771

A.-BORN IN INDIA-comd- I.-Within the State of Enumeration-contd.

Serial Name of Tract Other ----A--Districts-contd.______No. where enumerated Bilaspur Bastar r------"- .., Persons Males Females---- Persons Males Females Persons Males Female~ (I) (2) (49) (50) (51) (52) (53) (54) (55) (56)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 456 149 307 II 2 9 3 I 2

2. Surajpur Tahsil Rural 72 39 33 3 3 9 9 3 Pal Tahsil Rural 23 21 2

4 Samri Tahsil Rural 4 3 I 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 94 6 5 I

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural... 6,102 371 199 1 72 17 9 8

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 12 7 1 3 3 10 8 Rural Total 212 10

9 Surguja District Non-City 262 332 109 33 76 I3 2 II Urban 10 District Total 513 245 268 21 21 131 TABLE D-IV-Migrants-contd.

r-______A.-BORN IN -A ______INDIA-contd. ~ I -Within the State of Enumeration--tonld. r------~------~ Serial Name of Tract Other Districts-contd. No. where enwnerated r------~------~ Amravati Akola r------~~ r------~~------~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

(I) (2) (57) C5 8) (59) (60) (61) (62) (65)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 6 2 4 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 2 4 4 3 Pal Tahsil Rural 22 8 5 2 3 4 Samri Tahsil Rural 300

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural I 1 7 4 3 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 45 18 13 5 10 9 I 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 4 I I 8 Rural Total 286 33 ZI IZ 18 14 9 Surguja District Non­ 53 36 17 16 5 II City Urban 10 District Total 86 57 34 19 IS

A.-BORN IN INDIA-contd. ._-----. I.-Within the State of H.-States in India beyond the State of Enumeration Enumeration-concld. Serial r------A------~ No. Name of Tract Other Districts-concld. r------~------~States adjacent to the State of Enumeration where enumerated r----.------A------~ Buldana r------A------__.Total r------~------. r------~------__. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females (1) (2) (66) (68) (70) (71) (73) (74)

Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 1,275 41 8 358 60

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 343 III

3 Pal Tahsil Rural I 2,312 2,691 1,153

4 Samri Tahsil Rural 1,305 1.379 2,610 1,260 1,350

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 80 3 607 103 62 4r 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural ... 6,142 2,81 5 539 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural I,957 3 8 Rural Total I 1 29,523 IS,O,Jll 3,992 4,991 9 Surguja District Non­ 6 6 5,083 2,62 3 City Urban 10 District Total 7 7 34,606 5,264

A.-BORN IN IND IA-cuntd. ------, H.-States in India beyond the State ofEnumeration-contd. Serial Name of Tract States adjacent to the State of Enumeration-contd. No. where enumerated Orissa Madras ,...------",------. r------A------__. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females (1) (2) (75) (76) (77) (73) (79) (80) (8r) (82) (83)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 3,334 709 2,625 42 8 280 I

2: Surajpur Tahsil Rural 4 2 51 3 310 2 0 3 2 2 3 Pal Tahsil Rural 2,109 1,068

.. Samri Tahsil Rural I I 70 44

S Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 2 2 340 202 12 II I

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural ... 40 27 13 1,223 16 12 4 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 8 2 6 51 30 21

S Rural Total .. , 743 4,734 31 :.&6 5 9 Surguja District Non­ 117 63 54 _1,058 590 143 74 6j City Urban :10 District Total 3,506 806 3,291 174 [00 74 132 TABLE D-IV-Migrants-contd.

A.-BORN IN INDIA-contd. H.-States in India beyond the State of Enumeration--cQntd. Serial Name of Tract . States adjacent to the State of Enumeration-contd. No. where enumerated Bombay Vindhya Pradesh Madras ,------"- ---'------. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females'

(I) (2) (84) (85) (86) (87) (88) (90) (91) (92)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 91 57 34 2 Surajpur Tahiil Rural 3 3 243 198 42 3 Pal Tahsil Rural lI8 u8 4 Samri Tahsil Rural

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 952 6 3 3 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural ... lOt 44 57 163 107 56

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 2,512 8 Rural Total 104 47 57 149 9 SurBuja District NOD­ 40 2 3 1 7 588 IZ City Urban 10 Diltrict Total 144 70 74 7,791 161 68

A.-BORN IN INDIA-contd. n.-States in India beyond the State of Enumeration-contd. States adjacent to the State of Other States Serial Name of Tract Enumeration-concld. .A.____ ----, No. where enumerated r------.------~------~ ,--_____Hyderabad..A-______,---___Bhopal ...... _____ --, Total Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

(I) (2) (93) (94) (95) (97) (99) (100) (101)

I AmbikaptU' Tahsil Rural 3 2 195 106 8g 2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural ... I • I 476 33

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 12 2 10

4 Samri Tahsil Rural 3 3 23 7 16 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 10 1 4

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural ... 1 77 10 10 328 255 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 10 5 5

8 Rural Total ... 1 94 ISO 14 12 I II 928

9 Surguja District Non-City I I 5 5 549 Urban 10 District Total 195 lSI 1 7 I 16

A.-BORN IN INDIA-contd. ______H.-States in India ------A------beyond the State of Enumeration-contd. Other States-contd. Serial Name of Tract --A--- No. where enumerated Assam Punjab ------~West Bangal r------"------, ,------...... ------, r------~---~ Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females eI) (2) (102) (103) (105) (106) (10 7) (108) (no)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 71 20 51 99 30 9 9

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 1 9 34 204 203

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 6 6 1 1

4 Sarori Tahsil Rural 10 10 1 12 6 6

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 2 2 1

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 30 19 II 22 16 6 197 199 • 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rurai 5 2 3 2 2 8 Rural Total 141 60 SI 70 208

9'. SUl"guja District 'Non­ 6 3 1 54 1(15 49 S6 City Urban 10 District Total 147 84 754 73Z 46S z64 133 TABLE D-IV-Migrants-contd.

A.-BORN IN INDIA-contd. II.-States in India beyond the State of Enumeration-comd. r------.------~------~ :Serial Name of Tract Other States-contd. No. where enumerated Jammu and Kashmir Patiala and East Punjab States Rajasthan Union r---___"______" r------'------.,Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

(2) (III) (1I2) (114) (115) (II6) (II7) (lIS) (U9)

I Amhikapur Tahsil Rural IS II 4

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 5 5 Pal Tahsil Rural 3 .... 4 4 4 Samri Tahsil Rural 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 4 4 1 73 51 52 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural

8 Rural Total ... 9 , I I 93 62 31 9 Surguja District Non- 7 2 S 89 60 29 CitY Urban 10 District Total .. , 16 II 5 I I 182 122 60

A.-BORN IN INDIA-contd. --"- IL-States in India beyond the State of Enumeration-contd. Other States-contd. ,:Serial Name of Tract r------. No. where enumerated Saurashtra Travancore-Cochin Coorg r------..J.------, r------_A_------, r------"------. Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

(2) (120) (121) (122) (123) (124) ( 125) (126) (127) (128)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural

.2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural {

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 4 Samri Tahsil Rural 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural

<> Manendragarh Tahsil Rural I

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural

8 Rural Total I I I I

9 Surguja District Non- 13 4 9 2 City Urban 10 District Total 4 10 2 I I

A.-BORN IN INDIA-contd, __.A.. ------, H.-States in India beyond the State of Enumeration-contd. r------"------, Other States-contd. r------A- ---. 'Serial Name of Tract Delhi Kutch Manipur Tripura No. where enumerated r------A-----, r------'------, r------'------.,-- -"-----... Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females Persons Males Females

(I) (2) (129) (130) (131) (132) (133) (134) (135) (139) (140)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural I I

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 4 3 I 3 3 2 2 3 Pal Tahsil Rural 4 Samri Tahsil Rural 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural ... 2 2 30 10 14 10 4 7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural

S Rural Total ... 3 I 44 33 II 4 4 16 4 9 Surguja District Non­ 4 2 City Urban 10 District Total 7 3 33 II 4 4 16 u 4 134 TABLE D .. IV-Migrants-concld.

A.-BORN IN INDIA-concld. B.-Born in countries in Asia Beyond India (including U.S.S.R.):'

Serial Name of Tract No. where enumerated Mysore Afghanistan Burma -->-----, ':"" Persons Males Females Persona Males Females Persons Males Females.

(I) (2) (141) (142) (143) (144) (145) (146) (147) (148) (149)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 6 3 3

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 27 27

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 1 I 4 Samri Tahsil Rural 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 3 2 I 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural ... 3 3:

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural 8 Rural Total 37 33 .. 3 3 ;t. 9 Surguja District Non- 2 I 1 2 City Urban 10 District Total 2 1 1 37 33 .. 5 S;

B.-Born in countries in Asia Beyond India (including U. S. S. R.)

r- --.A. Nepal pakistan Serial Name of Tract ------, No. W;lere enum~rated Persons Males Females Persons Males Females (1) (2) (ISO) (151) (152) (153) (154) (ISS)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural 3 2 14 13 1

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural 337 328 9

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 2 2 2 2 4 Samri Tahsil Rural I 5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural ... 10 03 5IS 485

7 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 7 5 2 8 Rural Total ... 6 5 I 1,363 864 499 9 Surguja District Non- 410 24S 165 City Urban

10 District Total 6 5 1 1,773 1,109 664 I35

'TA~LE D-V-Displ aced persons by district of origin and year of arrival in India

The total number of displaced persons from district of origin as well as their number as actually .cnu merated in the rural and urban parts are separately shown in this table below the name of each district of .origin.

Year of arrival in India Year of arrival in India ___,,__------~ :Serial District Upto Serial District Upto No. of Febru- No. of Febru- origin ary origin ary 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 195 1 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 ( I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

-I Nadia- 12 Noakhali- Total 6 2 Total ... 22 8 6 5 8 1 Rural 6 2 Rural ... 20 8 6 3 3 Urban ::: Urban ... 2 2 5

_:2 Jessore- 13 Chlttagong- Total 1 2 3 Total ... 8 6 1 7 Rural I Rural ... 4 4 I 7 Urban ... 2 3 Urban ... 4 2 ,

.3. Khulna- 14 Lahore- Total ... 5 7 5 Total 5 I Rural ... 4 7 4 Rural ... 3 I Urban ... 1 Urban ... 2

4 Rajshahi- IS Sialkot- Total ... 8 3 Total 7 3 Rural ... 8 Rural 7 3 Urban ... 2. Urban :::

5 Bogra- 16 Gujranwala- Total 4 3 Total ... 40 9 Rural 4 3 Rural ... 39 9 Urban ... Urban ... _ I

,6 Pabna- 17 Gujrat-

Total 9 IS 2 Total 30 5 4 Rural 4 3 Rural 14 3 2 Urban ... 5 12 2 Urban ... 16 2 2

7 Dacca- IS Jhelum- Total 21 46 30 26 32 Total 12 5 Rural 20 46 21 26 22 Rural Urban ... I 9 10 Urban ... 12 5

:8 Mymensingh- 19 Rawalpindi-

Total ... 14 38 20 17 Total ... 13 Rural ... 14 38 20 17 Rural ... 10 Urban ... Urban ... 3

9 Faridpur- 20 Montgomery- Total ... I 15 33 14 I Total ... 4 Rural ... I IS 29 13 Rural ... Urban ... 4 I Urban ... 4

:10 Bakargun;- 21 Lyallpur-

Total ... 21 63 62 6 9 2 Total ... Rural ... 21 63 60 3 9 2 Rural ... Urban ... 2 3 Urban ...

II Tippera- 22 Multan-

Total ... 3 5 6 4 Total 7 4 Rural ... 3 5 5 4 Rural 7 Urban ... I ... Urban ... 4 136 TABLE D-V-Displaced persons by district of origin and year of arrival in India-concld.

Year of arrival in India Year of arrival in India r------___.,_- r- --"--- , Serial District Upto Serial District Upto NJ. of Febru- No. of Febru- origin ary origin ary

1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 t95 1 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951- (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) - (7) (8) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)·

23 Muzaffargarh- 31 Bahawalpur- Total ... 4 Total ... 3 4 3 Rural ... Rural ... 2 4 3 I Urban ... 4 Urban ... I

24 Gurdaspur- 32 Khairpur- Total ... 6 2 2 Total ... 5 Rural ... 3 2 2 Rural ... Urban ... 3 Urban ... 5

25 Dadu- 33 Mianwali- Total 4 13 Total ... 3 Rural ... :z. Rural ... Urban ... 4 II Urban ... 3

26 Karachi- 34 Loralai- Total ... 9 Total 7 Rural •.. S Rural Urban ... I Urban ... 7

2.7 Larkhana- 35 Sibi- Total ... 2S 4 Total 2 Rural ... Rural Ucban •.. 25 4 Urban ... 2

28 Bannu- 36 Shahpore-

Total ... I Total ... I Rural ... I Rural ... Urban ••. Urban ... I

29 Zhob- 37 Biloch-Frontier-Tract- Total 4 3 Total ... I Rural ... Rural ... Urban ... 4 3 Urban ... I

30 Kharan- 38 Kohat- Total I Total 1 Rural Rural Urban ... Urban ... I 137 TABLE D-VI Non-Indian Nationals Total Pakistan British Serial Name of Tract -----'------, ~ No. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (I-a) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

1 Ambikapur Tahsil Rural

2 Surajpur Tahsil Rural

3 Pal Tahsil Rural 1

4 Samri Tahsil Rural

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural ., ..

Q Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 82 42 40 28 27 I 5

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural

g Rural Total 83 43 40 28 27 1: 5

9 Sur~ja District Non-City 2 2. Urban

1:0 District Total 85 45 40 28 ::&7 :I 5

American Afgan Nepalese ~ Serial Name of Tract ~~ r----"------, ~ No. Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (9) (10) (II)/ (12) (13) (14)

I Ambikapur Tahsil Rural

z Surajpur Tahsil Rural

3 Pal Tahsil Rural I

4 Samri Tahsil Rural

5 Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural

6 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural 2 II 8

7 Bharatpur Tahsil Rural

S Rural Total 3 II 8

9 Surguja District :;a NOD-City Urban

10 District Total 2 3 II

D-I& 138 TABLE D-Vll-Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards Surguja District

Total Agricultural classes r------~------~ I.-Cultivators of land II.-Cultivators of land Educational Standards wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned Persons Males Females and their dependants and their dependants r------~.------~ Males Females Males Females-

(I) (2) (3) ( 5) (6) (7) (8)


Literate 22,222 19,837 2,349 II,793 352 207 10< Midd]e Schoo']" 2,407 1,888 519 331 10 9 Matriculate or S.L.C:· High~r Se~;~dary 938 871 67 56 I I Intermediate in Arts or Science ... 107 164 3 I Degrees or Diplomas Total-Degrees or Diplomas 2.62. 252 10 73 Graduate in Arts or Science 78 74 4 4 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science IS 13 5 Teaching 16 IS 1 Engineering 7 7 Agriculture I I Veterinary 2 2- Commerce I I Legal 14 14 I Medical IS IS Other's IlO IIO 68

Total-All Educational Standards 2.5,936 2.2988 2.,948 I2.,2.S4 363 217 II


Literate 18,149 16,491 1,658 11,461 295 203 10' Middle Scho~i' 1,564 1,134 429 2II 3 9 I Matriculate or S.L.C': Higher Secondary 494 446 48 21 I Intermediate in Arts or Science 95 64 Degrees or Diplomas Total-Degrees or Diplomas IS2. 145 7 69

Graduate in Arts or Science 34 33 I Post-Graduate in Arts or Science 17 12 5 Teaching 14 13 1 Engineering 1 I Agriculture 1 I Veterinary 1 Commerce Legal Medical II 4 Others 80 80 68 Total-All Educational Standards ... 2.0,424 18,2.81 2,143 11,762 298 213 II:


Literate 4,073 3,382 691 33 2 57 4 Middle Scho~i' 843 753 90 120 7 Matriculate or s.L.e: Higher Secondary 444 425 19 35 I Intermediate in Arts or Science ... 42 40 2 I ... Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas 110 107 3 4

Graduate in Arts or Science 44 41. 3 3 Post-Graduate in AIls or Science I 1 Teaching 2 2 Engineering 6 6 Agriculture Veterinary I I Commerce I I Legal 14 14 I Medical II II Others 30 30 2 Total-All Educational Standards S,SIZ 4,707 80S 492 6S 4 139 TABLE D-VB-Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards-contd. Surguja District--contd.

Non-Agricultural classes (Persons including dependants Agricultural claases-concld. who derive thsdr principal ~ ______-A ______~ means of livelihood from) Educational Standards IlL-Cultivating labourers IV.-Non-cultivating owners V.-Production other than and their dependants of land; agricultural rent cultivation receivers and their dependants r------~~----~ Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14)


Literate 308 8 124 16 2,830 826 Middle School 2 7 3 421 61 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Sec'~~darY" 4 294 17 Intermediate in Arts or Science I 32 1 Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas [ 31 Graduate in Arts or Science 18 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science 8 Teaching I Engineering 1 Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical 2 Others 1

Total-All Educational Standards 310 8 137 19 3,608 ,05


Literate 300 7 109 8 2,372 725 Middle School 2 5 3 349 56 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 3 261 16 Intermediate in Arts or Science 1 31 1 Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas I 30

Graduate in Arts or Science I 18 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science 7 Teaching 1 Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical 2 Others

Total-All Educational Standards 302 7 119 II 3,043 798


Literate 8 1 15 8 45 8 WI Middle School 2 72 5 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary I 33 1 Intermediate in Arts or Science I Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas 1 Graduate in Arts or Science ... Post-Graduate in Arts or Science I Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal .•. Medical Others

Total-All Educational Standards 8 I 18 8 565 107 140 TABLE D-VU.-Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards-contd. Surguja District-concld.

Non-Agricultural classes-concld. (Persons including dependants who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Educational Standards ,-­ Vr.-Commerce vn.-Transport VnL-Other services and' miscellaneous sources

Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (15) (16) (IS) (20)


Literate 1,847 37 1 694 190 576 Middle School ...... • .. 257 12 163 24 408 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 52 2 60 47 Intermediate in Arts or Science 2 4 I Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas 6 I 9 I 8

Graduate in Arts or Science ... I 5 46 2- Post-Graduate in Arts or Science 5 5 Teaching 14 Engineering I 5 Agriculture I Vetc:rinary 2 Commerce Legal Medical I Others 4 3 Total-All Educational Standardl!l... zx6


Literate 73 1 94 327 39 988 480. Middle School ...... 93 71 8 395 357 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 21 22 II7 32 Intermediate in Arts or Science ...... 2 30 Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas 4 7 34 7 Graduate in Arts or Science 4 9 I Post-Graduate in Arts or Science 5 5 Teaching 12 I Engineering Agriculture I Veterinary I Commerce Legal Medical Others 3

Total-All Educational Standards ... 9S 429 47


Literate I,II6 277 367 151 1,082 96 Middle School ...... 164 II 92 16 30 3 51 Matriculate of S.L.C. Higher Secondary 31 2 38 287 15 Intermediate in Arts or Science 2 2 I 34 I Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas :z J z I 98 I

Graduate in Arts or Science 1 I I 37 I Post-Graduate in Arts or Science Teaching 2 Engineering I S Agriculture Veterinary 1 Commerce I Legal 13 Medical 10 Others 30

Total-All Educational Standards 1,)15 2.91 SOl 169 1,804 14 141 TABLE D-VD-Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards -contd. Ambikapur Tahsil-Rural

Total Agricultural classes r------____,___,,_____ I.-Cultivators of land H.-Cultivators of land Educational Standards wholly or mainly owned whollyor mainly unowned Persons Males Females and their dependants and their dependants "---~ Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Literate 3,221 3,132- 89 2,661 55 54 3 Middle School .,. 196 186 10 98 I 2 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 36 36 3 I Intermediate in Arts or Science 5 5 Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas 4 4 I Graduate in Arts or Science .. , :I 3 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical I Others

Total-AU Educational Standards 99 57

Non-Agricultural classes (Persons including dependant' who derive their principal Agricultural classes-coneld. means of livelihood from) ~.------, r---~ Educational Standards III.-Cuitivatinglabourers IV.-Non-cultivating owners V.-ProductIon other than and their dependants of land; agricultural rent cultivation receivers and their dependants Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14)

Literate 26 I II 7 20 3 Middle School ...... 3 3 8 I Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 3 7 Intermediate in Arts or Science ... 1 Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas I

Graduate in Arts or Science I Post-Graduate in Arts or Science Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical Others

Total-All Educational Standards 1 19 10 3S 4

Non-Agricultural classes-concld. (Persons including dependants who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Educational Standards VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport VII I.-Other services and miscellaneous sources --.. Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (15) (16) (IS) (19) (20)

Literate 145 IO I 214 26 Middle School ...... 18 56 5 Matriculate or S.L.C. HigheT Secondary 22 Intermediate in Arts or Science ... 4 Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas 2.

Graduate in Arts or Science ... I Post-Graduate in Arts or Science Teachin~ EngL'leering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical I OtheIS

Total-AU Educational Standards 10 I 25 142 TABLE D-VU-Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards-contd. Surajpur Tahsil-Rural

Total Agricultural classes r------~~------~ I.-Cultivators of land n.-Cultivators of J;,d Educational Standards wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants and their dependants Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Literate ... 3,202 2,892 310 2,350 35 33 Middle School ...... 400 81 319 16 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary ..... 53 26 27 Intermediate in Arts or Science ... 8 8 Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas 7 I ,

Graduate in Arts or Science ... 1 I Post-Graduate in Arts or Science 4 -4 Teaching 1 1 Engineering Agriculture I 1 Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical Others

Total-All Educational Standarda 3,000 3S 33 I

Non-Agricultural classes (Persons including dependants who derive their principal Agricultural classes-concld. means of livelihood from) Educational Standards III.-Cultivating labourers IV.-Non-cultivating owners V.-Production other than and their dependants of land; agricultural rent cultivation receivers and their dependants r------~------__, Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14)

Literate ... 10 1 42 127 Middle School ...... '" 7 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 2 Intermediate in Arts or Science Degrees or Diplomas Total-Degrees or Diplomas Graduate in Arts or Science Post-Graduate in Arts or Science Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary CommerCe Legal Medical Others

Total-All Educational Standards 10 I I

Non-Agricultural classes-concld. (Persons including dependants whQ derive their principal means of livelihood from) Educational Standards VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport VIII.-Other services and miscellaneous sources Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (IS) (16) (18) (19) (20)

Literate ... 209 6 20 101 266 Middle School ...... 24 34 319 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 9 15 27 Intermediate in Arts or Science 8 Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas I 6

Graduate in Arts or Science ... I Post-Graduate in Arts or Science 4 Teaching - I Engineering Agricull ure Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical Others

Total-All Educational Standards 6 20 1,1 626 143 TABLE D-VU-Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards-contd. Pal Tahsil-Rural

--A--Total __----, Agricultural classes ,------'---I.-Cultivators of land H.-Cultivators of land Educational Standards wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants and [heir dependants , ___.A. __ ~ , __--"- _____, Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Literate 1,35° 27 1,003 20 39 Middle School ...... 69 2 21 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary II 4 Intermediate in Arts or Science ... Degrees or Diplomas Total-Degrees or Diplomas 5 s 3 Graduate in Arts or Science Post-Graduate in Arts or Science I Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical I 1 Others 3 3 2 Total-All Eduoational Standards 29 21 39 Non-Agricultural classes (Persons including dependants who derive their principal Agricultural classes-coneld. means of livelihood from) Educational Standards ,------A-----, IlL-Cultivating labourers IV.-Non-cultivating owners V.-Production other than and their dependants of land; agricultural rent cultivation receivers and their dependants ~-----~--.,------~ -... ,-----"------1 Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14)

Literate 107 9 36 Middle School ...... 10 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 3 Intermediate in Arts or Science ... Degrees or Diplomas Total-Degrees or Diplomas Graduate in Arts or Science Post-Graduate in Arts or Science Tcaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical Others

Total-All Educational Standards 108 9 49 I

Non-Agricultural classes-concld. (Persons including dependants who derive their principal means of livelihood from -~ Educational Standards VI.-Comrnerce VII.--Transport VIII --Other services and miscellaneous sources ,- --. Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

Literate ... 45 6 84 Middle School ...... 34 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 4 Intermediate in Arts or Science ... Degrees or Diplomas Total-Degrees or Diplomas :z Graduate in Arts or Science Post-Graduate. in Arts and Science I Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce I Legal Medical Others I

Total-All Educational StandardS 1 124 144 TABLE D-VD-Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards-contd. Samri Tahsil-Rural

Total Agricultural classes r------~~------.__. I.-Cultivators of land n.-Cultivators of land Educational Standards wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned Persons Males Females and their dependants and their dependants r--~ Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (S)

Literate ... 736 720 16 573 S 21 Mrddle School ...... 79 75 4 10 I Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 9 9 Intermediate in Arts or Science ... 2 2 Degrees or Diploma. Total-Degrees or Diplomas 44 43 ~ 3' Graduate in Arts or Science ... 4 3 I Post-Graduate in Arts or Science Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal ~edical Others 31'

Total-All Educational Standarda :n 6::zz 8 :U

Non-Agricultural classes (Persons including dependants who derive their principal Agricultural classes-coneld. means of livelihood from) Educational Standards r------A------.~ .------A----___ ~ IV.-Non-cultivating owners III.-Cuitivatinglabourers of land; agricultural rent V.-Production other than and their dependants receivers and their dependants cultivation ._-----~ Males' Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14)

Literate 10 6 23 Middle School ...... 5 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 2 Intermediate in Arts or Science ... 1 Degrees or Diplomas Total-Degrees or Diplomas Graduate in Arts or Science Post-Graduate in Arts orScience Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical Others

Total-All Educational Standards 10 1 6 31 2

Non-Agricultural classes-coneld. (Persons including de'pendants who derive their principal means oflivelihood from) Educational Standards VI.""":Commerce VU.-Transport VIII.--Other services and miscellaneous sources Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20)

Literate 27 53 7 6 Middle School I 52 6 3 Matriculate or S,L.C. Higher Secondary 6 I Intermediate in Arts or Science Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas 4 1 Graduate in Arts or Science 3 I Post-Graduate in Arts or Science Teaching Engineering Agricuhure Veterinary Commerce \ Legal Medical Others

Total-All Educational Standards 28 u6 14 10 145

TABLE D-VII-Livelihood Classes by Educational Sta~dards-contd. Baikunthpur Tahsil-Rural

Total Agricultural classes r--~-----~--~-~~ c- I.-Cultivators of land H.-Cultivators of land Educational Standards wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants !lnd their dependants ,------'------. ,------"------, Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (8) Literate 3,234 3,095 139 2,759 '101 5 Middle School .,...... • . .. 139 134 5 34 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 17 16 I 4 -

Total-Degrees or Diplomas 33 33

Graduate in Arts or Science .. , 2 2 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science I I Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical Others 30 27 Total-All Educational Standards 145 IO[ 5

Non-Agricultural classes (Persons including dependants who derive their principal Agricultural classes-coneld. means of livelihood from) Educational Standards r------A.------, ,------'­ III.-Cuitivating labourers IV.-Non-cultivating owners V.-Production other than and their dependants of land; agricultural rent cultivation receivers and their dependants ,----_--..A..___ --.. r------..A..-----, ,----~---___.. Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13)

Literate 108 14 74 I Middle School .. , ... '" ... I 10 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 2 Intermediate in Arts or Science ... Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas I

Graduate in Ans or Science .. , I Post-Graduate in Arts or Science Teaching Engineering .. Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical Others

Total-All Educational Standards 108 IS I

Non-Agricultural classes-concld. Educational Standards (Persons including dependants who derive their principal means of livelihood from) -----~------~ Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport VIII.-Other services and miscellaneous sources ,-__--.A.. ~--....." Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20)

Literate 39 4 2 61 27 Middle School '" ... '" '" 9 I I 78 4 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 1 9 1 Intermediate in Arts or Science .,. 2 Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas 5

Graduate in Arts or Science ... 1 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science 1 Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical Others 3 Total-All Educational Standards 49 5 3 I IS5 D-I9 146 TABLE D-VD.-Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards-comd. Manendragarh Tahsil...... Rural

Total Agricultural classes ~ I.-Cultivators ofland n.-Cultivators of land Educational Standards wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants and their dependants ,----'----...... ,-----"------. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) Literate 5,699 4,677 J,022 J,598 4° II Middle School 579 496 83 30 5 I Matriculate or S .L.C. High~~ Sed~~dari" 352 332 20 8 Intermediate in Arts or Science ." 46 45 Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas S7 57 Graduate in Arts or Science 23 23 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science 9 9 Teaching 13 13 Engineering I I Agriculture Veterinary I I Commerce Legal ... Medical 3 3 Others 7 7 Total-All Educational Standards 6,733 g,607 1,126 1,636 40 16 I

Non-Agricultural classes (Persons including dependant s who derive th~ir principal Agricultural classes-concld. means of livelihood from Educational Standards ,---'------"------, r------..A------,. lII.-Cultivating labourers IV.-Non-cultivating owners V.-Production other than and their dependants of land; agricultural rent cultivation receivers and their dependants ,-______.A,___ r------...A_-----~ ,------"------, Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (9) (10) (n) (12) (13) (14) Literate ... 35 4 3 2,063 718 Middle School ...... , ... 306 54 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 244 16 Intermediate in Arts or Science 30 I Degrees or Diplomas Total-Degrees or Diplomas 29 17 Graduate in Arts or Science ... 7 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science Teaching 1 Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal ... Medical Others 3

Total-All Educational Standards 4 3 Non-Agricultural classes-concld. (Persons including dependants who derive their principal means of livelihood from) Educational Standards ,--- ___...__ --, VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport VUr.-Other services and miscellaneous sources .--___"'""'--_--, ,-_____-A...- __.. ~ ,---__---A- ______~ Males Females "Males Females Males Females

(1) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20):, Literate ... 234 74 248 32 449 154 Middle ~chool ...... 40 18 2 97 26 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary II I~ 53 4 Intermediate in Arts or Science I 14 Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas 4 ::I 21 Graduate-in Arts or Science 1 5 Post-Graduate in Arts or Science 2 Teaching .... 12. Engineering Agriculture Veterinary I Commerce Legal ... Medical 2 I Others 4 Total-All Educational Standards 289 74 286 34 147 TABLE D-Vll-Livelihood Classes by Educational Standards-contd. Bharatpur Tahsil-Rural

Total Agricultural classes ~---~,------~ I.-Cultivators of land n.-Cultivators of land Bducational Standards wholly or mainly owned wholly or mainly unowned and their dependants and their dependants ,-___-A.- ___----. ,------"------.. Persons Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2.) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Literate '" 733 688 45 517 36 7 I Middle School ...... '" .. , 47 46 I 2 I Matriculate Or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 16 16 2 i;'termediate in Arts or Science 2 2 Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas 2 2 Graduate in Arts or Science '" Post-Graduate in Arts or Science I Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical Others

Total-All Educational Standards 800 754 S:zI 37 7 I Non-Agricultural classes (Persons induding dependants who derive their principal AgriclIltural classes-conc!d. means of livelihood from) Educational Standards ------,~,------~ ,------"------, IlL-Cultivating labourers IV.-Non-cultivating owners V.-Production other than and their dependants of land ; agricultural rent ClIlti vation

-A.__ ,___ -. receivers and their dependants r------,--A.------.. ,----A.------, Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13) (14) Literate ... 4 24 29 Middle School ...... 1 3 MatriClllate Or S.L.C. Higher Secondary I Intermediate in Arts or Science .. , Degrees or Diplomas Total-Degrees or Diplomas Graduate in Arts or Science Post-Graduate in Arts or Science Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical Others

Total-All Educational Standards 4 :Z5 I 33

Non-Agricultural classes-concld. (Persons including dependants who derive their principal means of livelihood from ----, Educational Standards Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport VIII -Other services and miscellaneous SOUrces ,-----"-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (15) (r6) (17) (rS) (19) (20)

Literate ... 32 3 72 7 Middle School ...... '" ... 40 Matriculate or S.L.C. Higher Secondary 1 3 Intermediate in Arts or Science ...... ::; Degrees or Diplomas

Total-Degrees or Diplomas :3

Graduate in Arts or Science ... 1 Post-Graduate in Arts and Science I Teaching Engineering Agriculture Veterinary Commerce Legal Medical Others

Total-All Educational Standards 3 129 , 148 TABLE E Summary Figures of the Dis.trict and Tahsils In this table area, percentage variation, density of population and distribution of population by Livelihood classes are shown for the district and all the tahsils with the corresponding rural and urban break-up. 2. The area figures adopted in this table' are those supplied by the Deputy Commissioner. They are rounded to the nearest integer. In comparing the area figures with those given in the State Tables, the remarks contained in the Fly-leaf to Table A-I should be rem~mbered. 3. The density has been calculated on the actual area figures supplied by the Deputy Commissioner but not on the figures shown in column (2) of the table. 4· In calculating the percentage variation in population, the actual adjmted population of rural and urban areas at each Census was adopted.

~ ______PopulatiDn~ ______~ Percentage~ ___A variation___~ Density Serial District and Tahsils' Area in r----...A....---...... No. square miles 1951 1941 ~------~------~ r-.. ...A...... , 1941-1951 1931-1941 1951 1 9.41 Persons Males Females Persons (I) • (I-A) (2.) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10 ) 1 Surguja District­ Total 822,041 42D,608 401>433 17.45 13.59 98.06 Rural 80D,775 40y,IIO 391,665 9 2 .96 Urban 21,266 11,498 9,768 2·47 2. Ambi'436 97·32 Urban I 5>478 2,91 9 2,559 77 15.49 8 Bharatpur Tahsil­ '\ Total 1,224 12,450 11,650 21,266 -8.82 19.69 17·37 RUral 1,224 12.450 II,65D 21,266 - 8.82 19.69 1737 Urban

LivelihoDd Classes Agricultural Classes I II III IV Serial District and Tahsils Cultivators ofland wholly Cultivators ofland wholly Cultivating labourers and Non-cultivating owners No. Dr rnaiuly owned and or mainly unowned and their dependants of land, agricultural their dependants their dependants rent receivers and their dependants r------~~------~ ,------"------, -... Males Female~ Males Females Males Females Males 'Females (I) (I-A) (II) (12) (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18)

1 Surguja District­ Total 322,52D 314,382 10,236 34,612 31,526 982 Rural 321,127 313,09 1 ID,183 34,374 31,343 944 Urban 1,393 1,291 53 238 183 38 ;. Ambikapur Tahsil­ Total II5,830 1I2,239 7,355 3D1 546 Rural 114,929 III,366 7,253 267 521 Urban 901 873 ID2 34 25 3 Surarjpur­ Total 94,°38 92 ,II7 3,D82 8,522 2 73 594 Rural 94,°38 92,II7 3,082 8,522 2 73 594 Urban A Pal Tahsil­ Total 31,947 32,279 1,61 5 1,587 9,341 79 ID4 Rural 31,824 32 ,185 1,60 7 1,581 9,332 79 104 Urban 12 3 94 8 6 9 S Samri Tahsil­ Total 26,783 861 822 1,294 52 Rural 26,783 861 822 1,294 52 Urban 6 Baikunthpur Tahsil­ Total 2 5,512 25,384 521 627 3,512 90 169 Rural 2 5,275 25,179 496 609 3.458 86 159 Urban ... .., 237 2. D5 25 18 54 4 10 1 Manendragarh Tahsil­ Total 20,166 19,261 373 355 3,004 27 45 Rural 20,034 19,142 373 354 2,92 8 27 45 Urban ... 1 76 S Bharatpur Tahsil­ Total 8,244 453 420 1,179 160 180 Rural 8,244 453 42D 1,179 16D 180 Urban 149 TABLE E-Summary Figures of the District and Tahsils-concld.

Li velihood Classes-concld.

~ ,------'--Non-Agricultural Classes .- -.A. Persons (including dercndants) who derive their principal means of livelihood from Serial District and Tahsils ~_------~------A No V VI VII VIII Production other than Commerce Transport Other services and mis- cul'ivation cellaneous sources ,------___.A.._ ____-, ,-----"------. r------"---~ .------"------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (I-A) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26)

Surguja District- Total 30,357 25,326 5,412 4,680 3,154 2,287 13,053 II,2I8 Rural 28,720 23,786 2,921 2,497 2,048 1,255 8,5 1 3 7,767 Urban 1,637 1,540 2,491 2,1 83 1,106 1,032 4,540 3,451

2 Ambikapur Tahsil- Total 7,035 6,541 1,591 1,360 175 178 5,439 4,548 Rural 6,359 5,887 622 591 40 40 2,656 2,377 Urban 676 654 969 769 135 138 2,783 2,171

"3 Sura;pur Tahsil- Total 5,422 4,865 1,035 828 120 66 1,991 1,820 Rural 5,42 2 4,865 1,035 828 120 66 1,991 1,820 Urban

4 Pal Tahsil- Total 1,591 1,375 807 744 76 55 768 547 Rural 1,220 1,004 221 152 II 12 390 283 Urban 371 371 586 592 65 43 378 264

'S Samri Tahsil- Total 1,123 1,010 235 206 335 229 Rural 1,123 I.,oro 235 206 335 229 Urban

·6 Baikunthpur Tahsil- Total 2,173 1,801 349 230 48 48 1,432 1,148 Rural 2,037 1,696 144 149 16 IS 708 645 Urban 136 105 205 181 32 33 724 503

7 Manendragarh TahsiI- Total II,9·1O 8,850 r,r82 1,005 2,723 1,938 2,287 1,935 Rural 1I,486 8,440 451 364 1,849 1,120 1,632 1,42Z Urban 454 410 731 641 874 818 655 5I3

.8 Bharatpur Tahsil- Total J,073 884 21 3 207 12 2 801 991 Rural 1,073 SS4 213 207 12 2 SOl 991 Urban


,------I.-Cui tivators of Patwari Occupied Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Houses their dependants No. Ward No. No. ,.----"'-----.. ,.-----'-----.., ,------"----, Males Females Males Females Males Females. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


I Ambikapur I (3-B) 17 9.00 106 242 193 44 40 41 30 2 Ambikapur 4 17 104.51 lI8 263 221 13 35 34 3 Ambikapur 1-2 17 470 .72 251 361 332 52 3 76 80 4 Ambikapur I (2) 5 17 114.00 124 280 256 112 7 43 41 5 Ambikapur 3 (9) I 17 10.15 135 297 271 132 21 45 43 6 Ambikapur I (20) 17 15.00 64 123 50 106 12 7 Ambikapur 1 (S-B) 17 13·95 148 237 199 179 126 31 33 8 Ambikapur r(3-C) 17 6.09 78 127 127 48 8 21 26 9 Ambikapur I (13) 17 6·30 98 268 212 157 15 68 69 10 Ambikapur 1 (5) I7 3 6 2 3 32

II Ambikapur I (7-B) 17 4°'00 132 259 243 94 94 28 29 xz Ambikapur 1 (5) 17 70.50 145 463 405 240 43 56 13 Ambikapur 1-7 17 299·co II6 138 139 96 13 36 41 14 Kedarpur I (200) 17 166.50 1I2 252 210 4R 10 14 13 15 Ambikapur 1 (5) 9 17 19·01 IIO 338 304 80 20 108 103. 16 Deviganj ... J 17 1.00 34 9 5 7 17 Ambikapur 6/9 17 7°'co 85 179 165 90 9 4 3 IS Babupara I (S-E) 17 17.00 I 64 1 8 13 19 Manipur 1 (4) 17 96.00 136 369 334 102 25 24 24 20 Saltipara 1/7 17 22.91 104 228 207 76 4 27 32 21 Sadar Road 1/19 17 6.30 99 265 222 125 63 48 43 22 Ambikapur 6 17 30.00 182 562 448 2 0 3 44 125 129 23 Ambikapur 2 (29) 17 15.00 143 292 194 200 45 70 44


1 Fud urdibari 311 16 898·93 38 55 54 2 34 37 2 Ka rasaki 54 13 846.85 34 78 89 3 69 82 3 Dhangaon 2~3 20 357.89 48 108 99 3 98 83 4 Hariharpur 514 18 442 .03 40 123 Il8 3 123 lI8 5 Ganhadand 145 15 2,398.76 39 94 99 2 73 81 6 Sumerpur 498 15 1,791,76 49 130 1I9 I 82 79 7 Sonpurkalan 506 IS 73 2.5 2 41 90 79 6 61 49 8 Udaipur Dhed 26 21 642.18 60 160 145 5 145 134 9 Nardapara 50 16 870.20 92 154 251 33 137 247 10 Lundra 458 4 851.89 98 180 181 27 3 145 151

II Binkara 354 21 1,192.44 100 259 266 5 216 223· IZ Amera ... 14 20 518.61 50 176 192 4 162 178 13 Kakna ... 36 12 1,623·97 1J4 290 3II 9 2 221 242 14 Bulga 361 14 1,689·89 107 322 321 5 I 269 267 15 Dadgaon 212 14 1,512·75 85 245 220 6 21 5 180 16 Bhakura 367 15 2,415·95 2II 498 488 66 392 383 17 Mcdrakala 413 21 855·55 120 333 378 21 2 286 320' 18 Madaneshawarpur 387 II 9,499·62 Il7 283 290 7 232 244 19 Sheopur 463 18 700.77 79 203 208 4 181 185 20 Sohga 51I 18 1,516.04 133 337 326 35 255 238 21 Persodi Khurd 286 18 487·33 63 208 183 2 204 179' 22 Baknakalan 313 13 1,804·84 123 350 339 6 281 271 23 Bhitlikalan 377 19 1,200,91 152 476 447 II 427 400 24 Nayapala (Majhapara) 404 19 677.04 56 201 178 6 188 171 25 Asola 19 IS 807.66 84 229 198 49 6 175 151 26 Bhitli Khurd 378 12 597·04 52 148 135 2 81 83 27 Mudesa ... 409 21 9Il·53 87 205 185 5 I 168 ISO- 28 Kundikala 74 13 2,171.04 141 291 297 4 286 288- 29 Karji 44 18 1:,163.70 142 577 546 20 489 462 30 Jagdishpur 175 18 754.46 68 243 224 I 235 21 5 31 Parsodi Kalan 285 20 1,244.04 93 285 297 6 280 293 32 Ramnagar 433 IS 649.0 8 38 87 96 2 65 70 33 Hansulee 517 12 463·56 68 157 126 3 142 112 34 Ratwahi 323 14 3,951.27 203 459 470 4 423 427 35 Balrampur 344 13 868·55 64 136 122 6 131 II4 36 Saraitikra 472 18 512.69 48 224 200 10 184 162 37 Bakmer 3 1S 19 315.00 26 133 122 4 94 8} 38 Namnakalan 247 17 1,308·32 62 89 100 9 5 74 72 39 Khala ... Il8 18 1,707.85 95 252 242 4 198 19r 40 Thor 231 19 533·40 49 159 167 8 1I4 II3 41 Kerakachhar 89 19 495.42 22 108 109 84 84 42 Chathirma 155 16 312.28 35 69 75 3 59 65 43 Badgali 328 13 643.60 68 233 206 I 193 166 44 Dakai alias Naogaon 210 12 2,090.57 136 423 412 2 260 261 45 Khaliba ... II6 16 1,093·73 104 241 189 8 212 15 6 46 Katkal 42 IS 840.28 100 333 368 39 5 282 309 47 Rukhpur 439 16 821.71 34 II5 II7 2 I 73 74 4 8 Kargidih 49 13 669.96 21 42 47 2 28 34 49 Semardih 500 13 2,415.05 91 232 231 2 209 192 50 Chalgati 158 13 573·33 41 1I9 128 2 I 95 93 153 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Amhikapur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes

H.-Cultivators IH.-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti­ V.-Production VIII.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating o~ners, other .than services and mis- Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport cellaneous No. dependants dependants sources ...-----"---. ,---A------, ,-----"----, ,....---'------, ..----"--., ,.--A-----.. ,----"------Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (I;) (16) .(17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (1)


55 50 18 13 2 126 ICO I 3 I 68 70 7 2. I I 149 I13 Z 10 II I 65 17 II 9 2 2. 196 153 3 42 41 66 45 3 4 126 125 4 3 3 6 2 25 39 120 107 17 18 81 59 5 12 3 50 , 5 1 ·24 28 I 2. 3 5 173 130 7 21 26 17 II 17 II 5 9 46 44 8 17 IS 164 1I0 19 18 9 6 2 10

2 4 42 37 58 47 8 14 121 112 II 2 I 8 4 52 45 77 64 10 9 271 226 IZ I 2 4 4 25 21 27 25 12 12 33 34 13 4 3 21 24 23 24 3 2 187 144 14 2 4 12 7 22 25 39 27 5 6 ISO 13Z 15 2 3 3 2 4 16 3 3 6 3 14 10 25 19 13 14 19 20 95 93 17 8 2 41 I 18 21 21 7 S 20 28 1.7 26 9 Z6I 210 19 I I 35 30 7 5 157 139 20 5 6 25 20 ISS 133 3 29 20 ::1.1 68 62 102 9S 16 14 251 148 22 2 2 15 9 34 21 12 8 159 IIO 23


3 3 5 5 2 II 8 1 2 2 6 5 I Z 2 2 2 6 2 4 4 4 3 4 10 7 8 6 3 3 2 5 22 22 18 14 8 4 6 22 24 2 4 5 2 7 I 2 9 7 5 1. 8 12 I I 5 2 9 5 2 14 7 I 4 12 19 10

7 II 22 22 2 3 12 7 II 3 2 I 8 6 3 5 12 7 10 19 20 35 32 8 7 13 8 9 39 32 6 13 14 16 II 8 19 3 6 7 15 7 9 70 59 4 14 12 10 13 13 x6 10 10 14 18 12 18 II 12 X7 18 15 16 12 17 19 18 II 8 7 S 4 7 19 12 9 36 33 8 13 26 33 20 I I 3 3 21 3 4 54 49 4 5 2 7 8 22 21 16 17 IS 2 6 5 6 -+ 4 23 7 4 2 I 4 2 24 I 27 26 2 12 10 13 9 25 1 2 38 27 2 2. 26 21 26 5 6 21 19 9 7 2 I· I 27 2 4 I I 3 3 28 9 6 44 S4 19 14 3 13 10 29 :> 7 6 30

1 2 1 1 3 I 31 17 17 3 3 2 6 32 8 10 6 4 I 4 2 33 19 15 3 7 I 3 9 16 34 3 4 2 4 35 7 6 32 30 I 2 5 3 36 16 25 15 11 37 13 22 2· 6 6 5 38 II 7 27 31 10 8 IS 17 39 4 3 15 18 8 4 10 12 40 14 14 10 II 3 4 41 7 6 IS 16 42 2 2 6 12 17 10 9 6 43 2 I 89 80 58 59 5 5 44 24 29 5 3 I 3 3 45 19 22 19 22 10 12 I 2 46 33 28 8 13 47 2 2 12 II 3 I 48 3 2 14 19 .3 7 2 3 49 16 27 2 3 4 2 SO . D-20 154 District Surguja THE PRIMARY ,------I.-Cultivators of .(>atwari Total population Literat~s owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle 1.rea Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,-__ .A.. __-, ,--A..----, ~-. Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (3) (4.) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


51 Chirnga 16Q 13 1,268. II 64 104 85 3 98 85 52 Upar Pondi 28 13 969·40 65 157 152 3 140 129 53 Bakna Khurd 314 II 585.58 58 167 149 9 124 Il9 54 Ghanghri 146 16 1,153.86 69 233 210 5 233 207 S5 Sunderpur 497 19 5°2·34 68 205 227 9 2 176 199 56 Rata 432 12 438·51 70 185 190 3 145 148 57 Kepi ... 88 12 1,3°7.34 68 147 135 6 71 65 58 Hakalo 317 18 1,°77·55 60 169 159 9 141 130 59 Kanthi ... III 17 1,374·79 205 473 509 4 404 428 60 Jarahdih 186 14 1,627.93 115 326 298 290 261 61 Katkona 39 21 1,116·48 103 322 317 31 322 317 62 Labgi 446 _20 1>491·79 127 331 332 9 295 296 63 Arra 21- I} 1,39I·70 III 232 232 5 145 148 64 Jogibandh 198 19 383·59 48 133 135 4 I 122 122 65 Manikprakashpur 406 17 1,215·12 88 241 244 2 215 212 66 Akhorakhurd 1 II 2,076.13 48 134 122 2 II4 104 67 Bhafanli 374 II 936.19 75 224 196 5 I 202 182 68 Korima 106 12 890.99 45 110 97 5 80 70 69 Amadarha 20 18 1,254·92 43 122 lIS 102 106 70 Manipur 388 17 347·77 31 82 86 2 49 49 7 1 Bardh\1dhi 341 19 539·49 76 186 202 41 160 173 72 Karmha 48 12 593·36 82 198 191 6 164 160 73 Agirmakalan 3 12 1,194.20 80 199 184 - 8 186 165 74 Nawa Bandh 256 18 468.43 57 148 164 142 150 75 Rampur 435 19 478 63 198 185 7 177 175 76 Nawagarh 254 17 325.33 65 II5 121 4 81 87 77 Fatehpur 308 20 1,224.12 110 266 276 20 I 236 242 78 Jhumarpara 204 19 236.93 25 151 137 22 I 82 84 79 Udari 27 14 2,917.03 228 593 673 2 488 556 80 Indrapur 23 18 415.50 36 124 125 9 113 105 81 Sapna ... 471 20 945.62 93 242 198 23 210 170 82 Malgawankhurd 393 15 326.'72 41 97 103 3 74 73 83 Muratikura 513 19 562.24 65 204 201 6 171 163 84 Kanchanpur IIO II 844·48 63 266 273 II 182 188 85 Savndbar 483 19 276.99 7 72 69 29 27 86 Khalpondi 117 13 1,175.84 52 115 II3 2 104 106 87 Sukhari ... 495 20 2,328.95 136 219 214 23 215 212 88 Kuberpur 79 18 1,729.60 73 265 258 201 189 S9 Keshopur ... 93 19 569.13 75 185,- 195 34 2 153 155 90 Rampur Khurd 425 15 801.51 99 149 146 48 2 136 131 9 1 Kardoni 46 12 773·75 61 II4 106 4 105 101 ')2 Bartikhara 339 18 527.41 42 182 180 I 177. 176 93 S onagachitsakla... 509 Hi 1,185.69 95 199 190 47 I 182 175 94 Parsa 281 II 2,847·45 268 563 586 26 I 484 519 95 Lalmati ... 455 IS 1,598.76 58 129 144 66 73 96 Kishnapur 67 21 1,028.15 59 n6 124 2 85 95 97 Amdipara 9 12 1,496.26 105 234 208 5 214 192 98 Deogargh 239 15 471·71 56 134 126 II 129 124 99 Rajpurikhurd 423 15 926.89 63 151 150 17 122 II7 100 Sargaman 414 16 1,043·22 73 142 129 23 I u6 107

101 Saraidih 473 9 753·~8 31 103 88 82 76 102 Koldiha 107 20 952.89 56 171 147 152 127 103 Bakirma 318 20 1,276.06 83 233 251 2 208 229 104 Jamoni 183 5 1.007.99 28 80 64 2 62 47 105 Krishnanagar 68 16 397·95 12 30 24 30 24 106 Rampurkalan 424 20 1,729·96 85 202 180 5 146 136 107 Bansa 35l 15 1,379·40 21 67 13 2- 1 59 58 108 Mendharakhurd .. 414 16 1,571.93 63 178 162 14 160 149 109 Chitabahra 164 18 539·50 65 177 156 15 I 159 143 110 Sidhma 492 II 2,802·39 262 651 633 29 482 459 III Puhputara 297 21 2,432.81 254 719 766 58 I 637 676 lIZ Bankipur 347 20 872·91 51 1I0 126 2 ... 95 108 113 Balsedi 345 16 1,189.34 35 76 67 4 I 65 58 II4 Kalapara 64 20 372.91 42 108 122 15 100 103 115 Podikhurd 303 19 712.88 78 173 178 4 157 162 116 Digma 235 16 458.07 16 41 31 3 39 29 II7 Laxmipur 452 19 678.34 68 236 235 4 209 208 II8 Pachferhi 266 17 384.14 19 73 59 1 62 48 II9 Bisanpur 358 17 489·70 14 59 53 9 43 35 120 Sonpurkhurd 507 20 306.00 14 34 38 3 30 36 121 Chikhladih 162 16 175·3 7 20 13 2 20 13 122 Baikala 319 13 984.39 26 62 55 2 47 42 123 Bhagwanpur 369 16 121.72 7 23 19 19 17 124 Jamdi 191 12 976.65 52 119 108 2 80 72 125 Mayapur 401 11 581.48 43 94 62 10 44 28 126 Piparkhar 594 21 492.25 54 156 154 3 143 141 127 Ghatgaon 148 12 r,148.45 77 176 183 2 137 144 128 Seerigarh ... 465 17 440.69 17 50 49 35 35 129 Gangapurkhurd 144 17 378.90 51 113 102 6 I 61 53 130 Badhiyachuan ... 330 17 365.05 8 23 16 20 IS ISS CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Ambikapur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes VIII.-Other n.-Cultivators IlL-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti­ V.-Production services and mis- of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport cellaneous Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation sources No. dependants dependants ,­ ..---_..__~ ,--~ ,----"---, r----"---, r----..... -----. ,-----"-----., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (r9) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I)


6 .. 4 SI 14 20 I 3 2 S2 16 13 6 5 16 9 5 3 53 3 54 I I IS 14 II 10 2 3 55 9 10 14 18 9 6 5 5 3 3 56 17 19 20 21 15 II 24 19 57 IS 17 9 8 2 3 2 I S8 :2.0 14 IS 30 3 5 25 19 6 13 59 • 9 8 9 10 9 II 9 8 60

5 6 II 17 1 I 19 12 6 2 50 54 21 16 1 10 II 2 2 6 ., 2 I I 3 4 6 8 15 3 2 3 3 8 6 I I 18 15 I 2 8 7 I 2 2 II 4 8 12 8 7 2 6 2 6 6 5 2 8 5 7 2 9 3 15 19 3 5 2 4 10 14 15 7 7 5 7· 71 12 9 13 9 I 9 12 72 9 9 2 4 8 7} 5 9 I 1 4 74 2 2 10 5 1 9 2 75 8 8 12 14 I I2 9 2 2 76 18 13 10 16 I 3 1 2 77 8 6 51 38 7 7 3 2 78 28 20 41 46 I II 9 I 24 41 79 9 18 2 2 80 3 2 13 10 13 13 3 3 18 26 1 5 3 8 6 14 18 7 13 4 I 10 9 47 5S 16 10 II II I3 17 2 2 4 26 21 2 2 I I I 7 1 4 2 1 2 44 I 5 5 I 1 13 12 6 12 10 10 10 6 7 6 I 6 10 I 1

9 5 91 5 4 9z 2 2 7 6 5 3 3 4 93 7 8 30 25 37 32 5 2 94 24 26 25 28 I 4 10 10 3 3 95 9 g 3 2 6 7 13 '12 96 7 7 13 9 97 3 I 2 1 98 13 13 7 6 1 I 8 13 99 II 8 4 7 7 4 4 3 10() 5 2 6 2 10 8 101 12 12 3 5 4 3 102 17 13 7 6 1 3 103 4 4 I 1 13 12 104 lOS 14 6 8 7 27 25 I 2 6 4 106 2 3 5 7 I 2 3 107 7 4 9 7 2 J 108 II 10 7 3 109 21 17 89 98 4 43 39 14 15 no 23 24 35 42 21 21 3 3 III 6 7 5 4 3 3 1 4 lIZ 3 2 3 6 4 I II} 2 3 6 16 II4 3 S 7 3 6 8 lIS 2 2 116 3 3 10 10 4 5 3 4 7 5 II7 8 8 3 3 118 16 IS II9 I I 3 I 120

121 5 5 5 3 5 122 r 2 3 123 2 2 31 29 6 5 U4 19 10 12 10 16 12 3 2 125 13 13 126 2 3 22 23 IS 13 I27 5 4 10 10 128 9 6 14 13 16 7 2 I II 22 1:19 3 1 130 156 District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,...------'---- ,----"------. Males Females Males Females Males Females (r) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


131 Mahawatikra 395 37 532.62 71 205 205 7 163 132 Kariyan 55 37 1,08 5,4° 66 204 199 6 171 133 Kalgasa 59 37 689.69 75 259 235 6 20 5 134 Jamagawan 179 34 967.87 91 304 268 5 266 135 Darima 232 37 1,480 •28 150 493 478 54 3 4 17 136 Nawaparakhurd 261 34 640 .4 1 50 182 185 24 163 137 Chindkalo 173 37 1,338.77 II4 312 318 45 2 277 138 Khumharta 81 38 2,003·54 71 218 159 8 198 139 Rakeli ." 419 38 1,404.83 107 276 225 8 I 231 140 Raghunathpur ... 420 39 378.10 45 145 141 142 141 Libra 457 37 !,098.o4 86 242 243 7 21 5 226 142 Turna 226 34 1,623.14 159 415 439 28 353 37° 143 Bhalukachhar 376 34' 580.92 50 167 167 3 144 141 144 Gangapurkalan ... 143 39 556.35 55 181 155 178 152 145 Bargain 336 37 647.58 105 245 238 198 197 146 Adchi 4 38 967. 2 8 85 204 203 2 163 159 147 Barkela 334 39 1,292.78 50 lIO 103 9 72 68 148 Norgai .. . 264 37 316.69 89 99 96 4 79 78 J49 Nawaparakalan .. . 260 38 1,lIl.25 78 186 167 4 172 156 150 Kusoo 84 34 1,532.52 134 365 3"39 10 284 261 lSI Rampa or Pampapur 276 34 2,561.39 81 173 182 4 69 73 152 Khajuri ... 112 34 274.80 83 205 196 6 12 7 II6 153 Kulhadi 8z 16 738.78 33 76 74 3 61 59 154 Tunguri ... 226 34 1,416.58 98 304 313 13 253 2 67 155 Kantiprakashpur 63 17 1,212.64 72 194 176 I 102 85 156 Saskalo 480 37 787.05 63 166 162 I 110 103 157 Dhanora 245 34 645·51 51 131 146 I 90 103 158 Ramapur 441 19 553.83 61 169 146 13 140 122 159 Sonberra 508 38 927·74 45 127 85 126 84 160 Vehdih ... 34 39 892.83 73 184 195 4 154 168 161 Darridih ... 233 39 446·96 20 47 54 45 50 I6z Lawadih 449 39 829.42 61 151 12 5 144 124 163 Umapur 31 41 736.68 48 210 183 I 206 177 164 Jhargawan 201 41 1,077·44 83 271 279 4 243 254 165 Kaniya Kalan 77 38 1,432·49 67 148 124 3 138 II3 166 A~dala . II 35 1,52 4.04 85 226 226 6 1 83 188 16., palgarhi 289 35 1,012,53 59 161 169 5 147 155 168 Belkota ... 362 40 1,226.85 82 264 246 6 250 225 169 Kishanpur 70 37 275.24 22 66 65 10 56 54 170 Kewari 91 35 1,177.87 91 233 234 5 197 196

171 Goreyapiper 1<1-2 34 546.28 21 57 68 48 56 I7z Sayar Rai 486 39 840.75 37 87 90 79 81 173 Maheshpur 398 39 937.87 49 128 124 I 101 99 174 Sikiland 488 39 657.24 43 137 12 5 8 133 120 175 Pratappur 277 34 772.23 51 108 109 10 75 82 176 Parri 287 36 573·76 57 165 175 3 134 145 177 . Mukundpur '384 36 549.51 39 121 121 I II6 JI6 178 Kalipur 65 41 1,191.37 63 2 0 9 179 190 162 179 Khaddhna II3 41 860,18 65 238 194 216 173 180 Teperkelakalan ... 207 38 1,414.78 87 246 211 232 197 181 Irgawan .. . 24 36 7,1 0 9.13 9 2 234 247 7 216 221 I8z Matipur .. . 4 15 37 592·49 75 222 199 12 185 159 183 Puta 295 34 1,650.78 80 18S 172 2 104 98 184 Parwatipur 293 40 38 133 II3 9 1I6 96 185 Bargidih 338 40 788 .02 79 269 195 13 163 146 186 Teperkela Khurd 206 35 1,066.45 43 108 II4 96 99 187 'Malgunwakalan ... 392 35 662.44 38 93 79 I 80 62 188 Purkela 296 39 1,654. 19 73 197 188 9 185 173 189 Lamgaon 447 40 1,521.16 104 323 313 35 2 278 250 190 Jaipur 184 36 732.70 76 268 217 8 250 204 I9I Silsila -494 40 2,081.99 123 4 13 420 12 353 364 I92 Karra 53 38 2,947. 80 148 417 505 II 387 472 193 Rajpurikalan 422 35 1,265.01 120 460 415 42 2 430 3~9 194 Chorkidih 171 40 747.3 1 53 139 130 6 III II3 195 Bargaon ... 337 34 2,592.4 230 565 556 30 437 432 196 Amalmitti 12 36 1,416.22 140 413 396 2 395 373 197 Kewra 90 35 1,061.26 1I4 3II 292 4 283 274 198 Padipas '" 270 39 753.91 42 III 1I5 4 106 1I2 199 Mohanpur 416 39 2,243.56 62 156 135 6 146 127 ::aoo Mansa ... 40 3 41 649·95 63 174 159 3 13 8 120 ::aOI Chirga ... 165 41 3,133·39 153 508 476 15 466 424 ::aoZ Sillgitana 490 36 618·53 73 232 233 I 188 188 203 Ganeshpur 130 35 1,084,57 133 4II 407 4 401 4°0 204 Sarka '" 478 36 2,531.34 267 70 5 771 I4 590 638 zoS Batanli '" 326 41 1,067·99 II 396 338 63 2 367 308 206 Gahila 131 40 2,299.14 137 442 4 1 7 2 387 370 ::a07 Sirkatanga 493 35 965·48 102 334 31 5 3 292 274 208 Gorta ... 141 35 1,092·75 106 315 320 7 ,296 301 209 L'lhpatra 450 36 1,077.67 123 353 410 40 3 340 388 :2.10 Bhatko ... 370 41 2,796.86 70 194 181 3 1 89 177 157 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Ambikapur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ------~ ---. ,------"'---- II.-Ctlltivators III.-Ctlitivating IV.-Non·culti· V.-Production VIII.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than VI.-Commerce Vl I.-Transport services and mis- Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultiva;ion cellaneous No. dependants sources dependants ,-_--A._____ .--_--A.__ , ,-_-A-___, ,-_-A-___, -r---~ ,----"-----. ,-----"------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (15) (10) (17) (18) (I~) (20) (?1) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I)


9 10 30 23 3 2 131 15 11 13 12 5 6 132 I ... 14 15 17 15 22 14 133 6 8 20 19 7 6 5 5 134 4 4 4 26 32 5 2 1 39 41 135 15 15 4 6 136 2 I 6 12 3 3 10 II 14 I3 137 17 14 3 I 138 6 4 29 31 8 4 2 139 2 3 4 140

15 10 II 6 141 35 38 9 II 18 20 142 3 3 16 10 4 6 143 2 3 I 144 12 8 16 16 8 7 II 10 14S 17 19 18 20 6 5 146 32 34 6 147 6 5 3 2 II II 148 8 8 6 3 149 6 2 55 64 20 12 150 78 76 19 24 4 7 3 2 151 30 27 19 31 25 21 4 I 152 4 3 9 10 2 I 153 1 I 20 13 26 28 4 4 154 12 10 33 30 1 3 40 42 3 5 3 ISS 17 16 6 8 20 23· 13 12 156 35 32 I 4 I 3 4 4 157 22 20 5 2 2 2 IS8 I 159 25 21 4 5 160

2 4 161 4 I I 2 163 1 5 3 I 163 3 I 9 9 14 15 2 164 3 6 3 1 4 4 I6S 3 9 35 25 5 4 166 2 14 12 167 2 5 I II 16 168 4 8 6 3 169 I 4 29 29 6 5 170 2 4 3 2 4 6 171 1 9 17z 12 15 13 8 2 2 173 I I 3 4 174 24 25 9 2 175 10 8 10 6 II 16 176 2 I 3 4 177 4 8 IS 9 178 4 4 18 17 179 6 5 I 4 3 4 5 180 4 7 10 15 4 4 181 3 2 6 7 1 23 22 4 9 182 26 27 43 41 13 6 183 6 5 8 10 3 2 184 2 3 4 76 IS 2 4 24 24 ISS 2 5 7 7 3 3 186 7 9 6 8 187 9 II 3 4 188 5 9 30 41 9 10 I 3 189 3 6 5 12 5 19() 5 10 7 5 12 8 36 33 191 II 17 5 5 14 10 I 19z 14 22 9 4 7 193 6 3 14 7 8 7 194 2 I 78 79 37 39 5 I 6 4 195 9 8 7 13 2 2 196 20 13 2- .7 3 197 5 3 198 I 5 3 4 4 199 I 4 13 17 19 21 200

40 47 2- 5 2.01 6 3 38 42 20Z :2 2 1 r 7 4 2.03 33 45 48 61 4 5 30 22 204 10 15 10 II 5 3 4 1 205 3 6 27 20 20 19 5 2 z06 26 27 6 7 10 7 207 7 7 12 12 z08 I 5 8 15 I I 3 I Z09 ... , 5 3 I ZIO 158 District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of patwari Total population Literates owned.land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,----"- ,...---'- Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (z) (3) (4) (5) (6)- (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)

VILLAGES OF :au: Nawanagar 255 38 159.98 II5 349 280 7 294 227 2U Pondikalan 302 39 1,855.22 170 572 558 4 550 537 213 Kot 96 40 1,955·57 182 504 649 7 449 560 214 Parsapali 284 37 445.51 46 127 123 21 109 102 .2IS Jihpatra 208 39 573·88 49 151 139 132 128 2riS Koteha ...... 101 37 1,786.81 166 447 423 70 2 396 368 217 Badk arika 363 36 1,066.58 165 475 484 27 420 428 zr8 Nawaki 258 4 1,298.15 69 182 166 II 168 152 ZI9 Okra 35 4 1,436·35 79 197 204 8 182 184 220 Patrabi 273 3 394·89 22 64 62 I 62 60 Z2I Bagadi 321 4 648.89 37 114 104 1 93 91 222 Uphiya 29 3 1,523.86 II 37 40 37 40 223 Jhingo 202 3 784.44 39 99 138 1 34 93 224 Katagahana 97 4 672.65 19 60 44 4 60 44 :US Duppi 237 I 1,443·66 54 149 145 3 138 132 22iS Bakaspur 316 4 189.25 13 27 19 I 13 II 227 Ladkanda 445 3 1,987.55 13 39 44 I 38 43 228 Bhentri ~ .. 380 2 1,494·54 43 u8 !OS I 63 60 229 Kotandha 105 7 1,771·54 81 202 195 7 126 131 230 Maheshpur 398 39 856.68 27 77 56 3 73 54 231 Dakurna ... 2II 10 1,30140 75 220 21 5 6 176 174 232 Pandauli ... 307 10 1,348.04 70 213 195 9 184 178 233 Bhelaikhurd 382 IO 1,012·97 64 146 146 6 13 6 132 234 Gersa 139 7 1,865·35 128 298 302 2 231 226 23S Chatakpur 154 4 388.35 9 23 19 20 17 236 Patrapara 272 4 1,417·78 72 206 181 2 173 156 237 Askala 18 8 2,077·79 103 3II 318 13 279 285 238 Budha B'~gicha 359 4 . 707.97 104 241 240 8 I 194 173 z39 Jigadi 193 3 1,097·62 35 113 99 3 98 88 240 Kharandih 123 5 752·70 34 80 72 3 63 53 241 Tharki 209 3 1,120·54 40 127 99 77 61 242 Karamdih~ 47 .2 1,:n8.55 46 101 81 60 49 243 Kadaura 102 .2 1,760.25 46 96 95 3 61 67 244 Dhowipur 246 5 477.03 55 130 126 I 90 87 .245 Babauli 333 5 1,718.43 101 253 263 I 190 21 24iS Paraswakalan 279 I 268,99 123 33 1 343 2 271 285 247 Sahanpur 482 9 1,25°.54 99 257 260 5 241 238 248 Badali 329 1 2,672·97 94 238. 219 8 219 198 249 Chirrapur 163 6 1,601·41 103 266 255 3 208 203 2S0 Barkol 335 9 1,376.12 78 209 190 3 190 170 .2SI Karwan ... 50 2 3,722.69 100 261 253 I 164 156 252 Darana 241 8 1,630·91 85 198 189 6 161 149 253 Riri 438 7 2,277·97 41 86 49 25 18 254 Kakni ... 37 6 448.49 25 63 79 5 40 49 255 Parti 278 3 851·45 36 84 85 54 60 256 Gagauli ... 128 9 855·35 46 129 128 5 124 121 2S7 Gu;amar 134 7 1,501.66 48 134 lI8 3 III 99 2S8 Deari 238 6 844.88 44 107 !I5 103 III 259 Dhandhapur 244 I 4,883·86 175 ~433 470 15 342 368 260 Dumki ... 217 10 920.09 SO 131 III I 123 103 261 sakhauli ... 468 10 1,815·33 III 323 331 10 251 .259 262 Makad 01 2,366. II 4 3 13 37 33 ~ 32 31 263 Alakhdeeha 16 3 2,753·74 28 79 80 I 70 70 264 Kisunpur 69 5 8°3.26 41 101 86 3 78 68 26S Amagaon ... 7 8 790.07 26 48 37 5 I 29 33 266 Chalgalee 159 6 926.54 30 71 64 51 47 267 Chandrcswarpur 157 10 1,953. 11 47 III II3 I 94 91 268 Kundikalan 75 I 1,558.98 67 157 170 6 145 155 269 Chanchi 160 10 1,929. 25 39 93 85 4 28 .20 270 Paraswarkhurd ... 280 2 1,21 9.04 23 51 42 3 44 35 271 Narsinhapur 251 2 3.473·95 88 187 187 3 II7 I19 272 Bandicholgoli 349 3 3,138.95 46 165 158 150 139 273 Changari 172 10 959·43 27 62 65 2 59 62 274 Urdara 32 7 1,122.26 98 213 219 2 178 180 27S Nagam 257 7 1,821.57 109 276 265 2 213 192 276 Rainkhurd 429 7 ,537·64 68 173 162 9 144 133 z77 Bhadar 372 3 1,044·05 32 91 83 3 79 76 278 Mahora 400 8 1,205·68 88 170 166 7 137 134 279 Sakhorli 468 2,155.66 119 324 30 5 4 305 285 280 Ladua 454 4 945.15 59 144. 146 3 125 123 :a8I Jarakela 188 7 597.46 23 76 69 76 68 282 Karji (Raipur) 45 2 2,735.31 82 284 161 3 172 136 283 Korgi 103 5 2,276.88 31 71 66 39 36 284 Kudai 71 7 2,384·88 101 243 225 II 201 187 28S Bilamha 356 5 2,302.86 121 266 293 9 159 181 286 Jammuniya IS2 2 4°9.98 10 20 15 287 Munna 411 3 706.84 19 44 - 30 30 20 288 Masga 394 5 578.75 34 74 83 3 65 75 289 Chakra 152 I 4,299.60 107 269 ::1.67 2 203 213 290- Jori 200 5 2,794·65 131 349 317 IS 25.6 240 159 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Ambikapur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ------~------. ~------~ II.-Cllitivators III.-Cllitivating IV.-Non-culti­ V.-Pro::!uction VII I.-Other of llnowned land labourers and vating owners, other than V[.-Commerce vrr.-Transport services an::! mi~- Serial and their their dependants etc. and their CllltivatiOn cellaneOtlS No. dependants dependants sources ,..--_A..__ ~ r----Jo---, ,----..A---1 ~----'---, ,-----'----, ,---_...... _----, r-----'------, Males Females Males Females Males Fem-lles Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (15) (r6) (17) (18) (19) (H) (22) (25) (26) (IJ


20 24 6 4 29 25 211 3 I II 14 8 6 21% 1 4 7 12 46 33 I 213 II 16 4 5 3 2:1:4 3 2 9 8 7 I 215 I 15 19 21 19 14 16 2ui 18 19 20 32 II 6 4 ZI7 3 3 2 2 2 5 218 7 4 1 6 4 6 219 10 7 I !o 220

I 1 5 2 4 1 221 12 10 222 8 10 7 5 223 224 6 7 2 3 2 3 I 225 4 5 6 5 2 226 1 1 327 I 2 26 21 27 20 1 2 228 54 49 II 8 4 2 7 5 229 3 I I 230 10 17 2 2 27 17 5 5 231 14 8 13 8 2 1 232 9 14 I 233 18 21 44 47 2 2 3 6 234 3 2 235 12 7 3 6 I 13 7 4 5 236 9 4 12 II I 7 4 4 I 2 5 5 237 II 24 I 3 8 II 27 29 238 6 2 4 3 2 4 3 2 239 8 II 5 3 4 5 240 4 8 46 30 241 4 4 4 32 17 1 4 242 24 'I~ I 1 9 7 I 2 243 3 I 8 5 5 14 6 2 17 17 244 25 22 II 9 I 25 18 :2. 2 245 45 42 2 4 10 7 3 5 246 3 8 12 13 1 I 247 2 I 7 6 8 12 2 2 248 31 25 17 17 7 6 3 4 249 4 5 I 4 14 11 250 9 9 18 20 70 68 251 12 II 6 6 19 23 252 55 56 6 5 253 '[ 1 22 29 :a54 2 3 27 22 I 255 2 3 3 4 256 II 13 7 3 3 257 4 4 258 34 47 24 23 30 31 3 I 259 3 6 5 2 260 7 3 57 58 7 II 261 5 2 !.•• 262 I 7 6 I 3 263 IS 12 3 I 1 3 4 2 264 8 4 II 10 265 II 4 5 • 6 4 7 266 12 16 I 3 2 I 4 267 3 5 6 7 2 2 I I 268 47 48 14 13 2 3 2 1 269 7 7 270

15 13 IS 20 33 2 2 271 I 4 7 6 8 272 3 3 273 II II 7 12 9 7 2 2 .... 6 7 274 2 2 55 62 6 9 275 7 6 16 16 5 4 I 3 276 7 4 5 3 '1.77 16 17 7 6 3 3 7 6 278 2 I 7 5 I I 9 13 279 5 3 7 9 3 3 4 8 280 1 '1... 81 25 19 3 1 3 3 I 2 282 25 27 7 3 3 • 283 21 20 6 6 12 8 4 284 43 50 32 33 20 24 3 5 285 20 15 286 3 4 6 4 5 2 287 9 8 288 27 21 5 9 34 22 2 289 10 14 54 43 23 14 6 6 290 160 District Surguja THE PRIMARY

,- I.-Cultivators of , patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Atea Occupied their dependants. No. Ward No. No. Houses ,---'----., ,---...... ____, ,...---J'- Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


291 Kundikhurd 76 3 799.0 2 23 61 53 3 55 49 292 Senari 503 3 2,261.40 60 151 135 I 138 129 293 Banda (Raj pur) '" 350 10 1,631.94 10 7 228 203 3 170 152 294 Korisor ... '" 56 8 1,085.09 91 180 171 3 146 135 295 Garhlira ... 129 7 667. 87 89 177 159 2 125 120 296 Nawadih ... 253 9 513.23 25 65 47 62 44 297 Doholi 213 8 576.67 62 122 121 2 94 98 298 Ghorgadih 151 4 1,538.32 71 191 153 2 173 136 299 Khukhar ... II9 10 1,651.73 61 161 157 3 105 102 300 Beldagi ... 364 4 2,597.08 89 239 231 5 209 194 301 Bharatpur 375 31 286.55 50 II8 126 20 IIO Il4 302 Sargaon ... 475 29 1,276.66 1°4 253 252 12 211 203 303 Khokhuria 124 I 1,006.39 40 106 99 5 70 72 304 Sheopur ... 464 31 532·59 25 64 62 2 56 53 305 Jodhpur ... 199 31 545.76 63 194 198 3 191 198 306 Changori ... 147 10 891.26 39 122 105 2 103 86 307 Bhelaikala 381 5 424·34 19 52 45 3 45 38 308 Mahuapura 259 4 399.15 18 41 44 3 33 37 309 Amdari 10 4 1,162.63 64 160 150 153 144 3[0 Ghachapur 150 24 1,59°.32 94 197 194 3 128 124 31I Chandaragrarh alias Silair 156 4 1,896.12 40 II3 95 6 94 75 312 Nunera ... 263 24 18,848.66 143 375 387 6 306 314 313 Khamri 122 4 707·89 18 53 49 4 38 38 3[4 Danudkhsan 214 3 1,062.18 2 6 6 6 6 3[5 Jaipur 18 5 31 462.18 68 201 208 I 201 208 316 Raghupur 421 6 1,683·51 44 141 141. 141 141 317 Kawadu ... 61 3 2,597·57 26 90 88 2 82 76 3[8 Losonga ... 460 31 3,032·99 28 62 55 2 61 55 319 Govindpur 140 45 2,743·56 50 164 131 8 123 97 320 Basen 353 3 2,016·35 22 52 44 I 37 30 321 Khodura ... 125 I 1,973.26 59 136 166 3 128 154 322 Karouli 57 9 1,589.22 u6 350 342 13 346 336 323 Kurkirna ... 66 6 873.51 52 139 142 4 97 105 324 Manja 402 41 2,333·57 25 79 72 4 79 72 325 Lalati 448 24 1,016:,\·34 70 172 174 2 105 Il2 326 Raheradih" 346 8 478.44 41 84 87 8 78 77. 327 Ghermuda 174 6 1,410.90 66 171 161 4 165 152 328 Pasena (RajpUl) ... 290 7 883·33 42 106 105 3 87 85 329 Koilari...... 95 6 1,046.96 51 133 140 3 Il6 125 330 Jamdih 190 7 492.00 46 121 129 2 r08 1I5 331 Bandha 332 31 841.55 93 217 227 20 I 205 206 332 Pakradi 265 2 1,764·74 31 89 83 80 75 333 Agasi 2 9 1,016.12 50 142 136 3 137 132 334 Kat 546 48 4,517.77 114 255 256 16 224 222 335 Persagudi 28 3 2 3,230.33 168 428 427 30 35 8 355 336 Kerra 52 5 3,°36.44 99 262 231 8 214 177 337 Jharodih ... 205 8 1,650.88 155 452 455 18 356 339 338 Banio 342 10 2,236.68 182 498 453 18 431 390 339 Amdi 8 5 1,059.42 79 214 189 5 162 151 340 Qumki ... 218 10 2,599.52 130 370 339 32 2 277 266 341 Sasori 481 8 168.52 130 329 312 5 256 241 342 Kaehhar ... 38 6 1,5 14.43 74 222 208 2 200 185 343 Turiyabira 227 8 804·83 54 156 138 2 II7 94 344 Singhchara 489 2 2,936.37 89 257 217 12 193 171 345 Markadond 390 I 2.505.5 1 61 160 164 7 IIO 122 346 Bardih ... 340 9 1,729.94 159 376 369 25 355 347 347 Dundu 236 9 1,308.93 81 174 171 16 145 146 348 Chrli'TIakalan 167 2 1,608·95 42 122 105 2 IIO 98 349 Jamdara ... lSI 32 935·61 44 154 179 3 141 161 350 Baghihin 322 10 1,232.53 89 223 246 7 165 194 351 Kudar ... 72 7 961.19 46 98 108 3 75 81 352 Murha 412 2 290.81 94 231 225 212 207 353 pandari ... 300 3 85 8.14 5 15 17 15 17 354 Karra 51 5 2,46029 82 258 225 8 202 170 355 Lare 453 4 4,878.94 95 216 216 2 196 204 356 Bhediya 379 6 1.860;81 80 203 205 2 135 130 357 Dignagar ... 216 4 1,462.15 67 126 123 3 103 98 358 Bheski 383 10 1,212·42 45 100 92 3 59 61 359 Assandeah 22 6 1,354·53 46 135 133 5 130 130 360 Sapda 470 6 1,026,99 37 109 109 2 104 101 361 Batoli ... 325 9 655-39 46 123 130 121 130 362, .. Ramai ... 427 6 2,907.90 83 219 213 151 141 363 Pahadkhaduma 292 3 1,341 .67 29 52 49 39 36 364 Katdih 98 2 425.08 34 74 72 1 44 49 365 Uliya 33 3 1,553.03 40 108 92 56 49 366 Baidi 365 4 1,18048 51 122 128 I 90 100 367 Rukeli 418 23 1,213·77 40 105 91 10 80 69 368 Parsa ... 282 26 1,205.30 136 - 322 294 26 242 215 369 Kanchanpur 109 30 218.19 22 90 74 2 88 71 370 Bagdad 327 22 1,997·37 77 185 180 10 I 169 163 16r CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Ambikapur Agricultural Classes ______Non-Agricultural -A.______Classes ------, VIII.-Other Ir.-Cultivators IH.-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production services and of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than Vr.-Commerce VII ,-Transport rni scellaneous Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation sources No. dependants dependants ,--_..J-___-., ,-----"---, .------'-----. ,----'-----, r----'-----, r----"------., ,..---A------., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (25) (26) (I)


2 3 4 5 2 8 4 36 35 1 7 9 7 6 2 2 3 27 28 I 2 3 3 8 7 5 2 33 23 2 4 4 3 I 2 2 r 9 9 9 7 5 4 5 3 3 7 6 4 4 2 5 4 44 40 8 9 2 3 2 3 23 20 3 5 4 12 8 II I 301 17 18 6 20 21 4 4 302 4 4 28 19 4 4 30 3 I 1 5 3 2 4 30 4 3 30 5 3 4 8 4 8 II 306 4 2 2 4 I 1 307 2 2 3 3 3 2 308 4 I 2 4 I I 30? II 17 I 2 48 39 2 2 7 10 310

13 12 6 8 3Il 28 32 8 7 24 24 9 10 312 7 5 8 6 313 3 14 315 31 6 5 6 3 5 317 I 318 4 4 23 24 12 6 2 319 8 6 6 7 4 310 6 5 I 4 I 3 321 1 4 3 2 322 30 27 4 4 4 4 4 2 3:'.3 32 4 5 5 4 6 48 45 10 6 3%5 I 3 2 4 3 3 3%6 I 6 8 3%7 5 4 14 16 328 7 4 8 9 2 329 3 4 7 1 3 3 330 3 4 4 4 5 13 331 6 5 3 3 332 2 I 3 3 333 13 13 12 13 I 6 7 334 24 19 22 33 9 9 4 I II 10 335 26 26 13 13 3 8 6 7 336 8 10 1 11 1 5 8 6 6 72 74 337 17 17 22 17 21 Z5 2 3 4 338 28 23 I 17 9 2 2 5 3 339 33 27 15 17 39 z6 I 6 2 340 27 29 28 21 17 19 1 34x 7 9 9 8 6 6 342 10 9 S 16 IS 12 3 7 343 19 14 19 19 20 II 6 2 344 22 17 26 24 2 I 345 ;3 2 7 7 2 12 346 8 6 21 19 347 I I 3 4 3 348 I 9 7 9 349- 13 19 20 18 10 4 6 6 350.

14 15 8 10 7 3 351: I 3 8 9 7 I 2 3Sz 3 4 3Sj 10 37 39 9 6 354 1 12 5 7 6 355 65 4 2 8 7 357 17 20 2 2- 358 19 I 3 9 9 4 3 356 5 3 359 5 8 360 2 36x 43 3 6 17 20 36a 1 6 8 2 I 3 363 6 10 8 IS 9 3 3 364 3 32 22 14 15 365 16 13 IS II 1 4 2 3 366 9 3 II 10 367 S 9 16 18 2 17 22 368 17 I3 2. 2 369 3 I l:Z IS 27 25 370 D-2.1 I62

District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultil'ators of Patwari Total Population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village Dr Code Circle ' Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Hous~s

~ ,---~ r----"---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (I2)

VILLAGES OF 1 168 8 37 Chuhkandad 30 750.4 33 76 78 5 I 73 76 37z Ramah 426 31 397.83 19 46 42 41 0 Mohanp~~' 2 4 373 417 30 1,9 R.67 121 325 342 I 319 32 7 374 Narkola 249 30 1,184.32 67 156 142 10 137 125 375 Namankalan 248 24 1,062.87 86 238 227 3 200 ISO 376 Kotbarra 99 31 1,754.92 II 34 28 34 27 377 Chodya 170 30 1,518.78 15 41 40 41 40 378 Umrouly 30 30 558.32 51 126 110 3 II3 97 379 Losongi 461 30 1,28 5.00 34 88 91 7 88 91 380 Bankheta 33 1 29 294·30 32 87 75 I 83 70 381 Laiga 459 23 3,290.67 70 176 176 2 137 140 38z Lipangi 456 28 2,629.69 100 309 293 5 276 266 383 Khodry 126 29 1,094·80 48 138 II6 4 107 88 384 Junadeeh 196 31 376.07 14 32 25 4 32 24 38S Kadinda 40 30 2,074.48 89 229 21 3 16 220 198 386 Judwani 195 29 556.87 72 160 17 1 5 146 151 387 Tunga 223 30 1,245.05 47 II9 104 3 II3 98 388 Getra 133 23 2,5 14,77 87 214 214 6 161 165 389 Junalakhapur 197 31 518·94 98 23 6 230 44 6 207 196 ~90 Hamsdand 516 30 450.37 14 45 43 44 37 391 Jhirewiti 203 29 1,696·45 51 120 II9 4 I09 100 392 Bargru 366 26 1,174·72 6 17 10 12 7 393 Daulatpur 242 26 1,424.84 36 69 72 IS 9 394 Jamdeeh 189 23 530.29 35 II3 91 3 39 71 395 Pondi 301 32 1,581.95 61 137 131 2 87 88 396 Gumkarakalan 135 22 1,652·58 93 268 265 7 227 225 397 Kalcha 60 23 732.22 89 236 206 8 175 156 398 Manoharpur 389 26 761.06 19 46 45 4 34 31 399 Narayanpur 25 8 25 982,74 31 72 68 I 46 41 400 Parsa 282 26 3,218·47 56 176 145 I 137 IlO

401 Shankarpur 466 24' 2,239.88 60 177 162 1 168 156 ·402 Deotikara 240 23 963,37 57 122 131 6 85 94 403 P"thry 274 23 879·47 19 34 42 34 38 404 Kamalgiri 62 29 1,155.85 50 159 147 8 156 143 0 Chando 1 4 5 161 3 1,477·24 36 79 68 76 64 406 Chainpur 169 30 954·49 128 33 8 356 13 296 302 407 Ra;bardha 43 1 29 317.94 42 82 101 3 66 86 408 Kosarga 108 31 1,257.26 80 228 2I4 10 192 172 409 Kuerpur 83 30 841 '55 101 23 1 246 9 203 218 410 Kanandi 58 24 1,351.81 121 266 256 2 242 225 411 Amgari 6 29 1,299.13 94 218 231 16 192 209 4IZ Tarajoo 221 22 1,309.34 97 263 300 12 214 244 413 Argaty 15 32 5,012·58 44 91 8 Ramnagar 7 5 73 64 414 434 28 967.52 31 94 81 I 77 66 41 5 Kedama 86 27 2,553·20 48 II9 lIS 9 85 Putta 84 416 298 28 3,440AO 74 142 132 3 91 95 417 Marya 391 27 3,189.61 36 82 83 64 55 418 Pandrakhy 299 27 9,086.27 68 163 167 124 130 419 Biniya 355 32 1,685.38 44 109 94 102 87 420 Sharwa 476 28 1,031.89 24 53 53 45 47 421 Tirkela 222 32 3,702.90 67 168 165 139 135 42Z Jarhadech 18 7 29 606.65 14 41 37 2 34 32 423 Hammangurh 512 23 574.83 39 77 80 5 61 64 4Z4 Sontosai 505 28 955·78 55 135 13 8 3 82 80 4zS Salhi 487 26 3,r67,09 87 20 5 201 42 14 1 131 4z6 Nimha 262 23 2,337.05, 71 203 204 10 177 175 4z7 Soyda 510 31 1,577·93 1 4 4 4 4 4z8 Potakea 304 23 2,253·25 75 193 202 3 165 172 4Z9 Turnga 225 31 1,871·84 3 8 5 5 3 430 Selra 502 31 1,799·60 J4 28 23 28 23 431 Ghat Barra I49 26 6,004·r8 82 234 23 2 7 160 r60 43Z Matrinya 336 27 5,392·94 29 88 88 56 60 433 Mutki; 408 23 1,677.03 26 76 70 2 75 67 434 Patkura 2f)7 32 7,135·74 88 216 188 172 144 435 Pangoti 275 27 4,276.83 26 60 52 55 48 436 Kharsura IIS 25 2,01!.17 92 242 220 4 193 173 437 Sukhary Bhanda ... 496 28 5,II1·S6 23 77 64 I 77 64 .US Kunni 78 32 1,356.25 77 223 227 2 212 207 439 Keshgaman 92 29 1,382 116 35 6 326 6 319 28 9 440 Khamariya 114 23 1,249·61 110 319 314 13 :1. 270 254 441 Shair 485 27 4,796.27 54 141 127 99 91 441a Dandgawan 215 26 2,530.05 106 310 296 6 245 232 44Z Keshr~ 543 33 3,151.60 80 174 169 10 100 Il2 443 Pan:>atlya 591 33 5,533·21 II5 255 226 3 II6 110 444 Lurana 642 33 1,374·95 44 lIO 92 3 59 46 445 Ken.epara 87 32 456.15 29 85 74 4 76 fJ7 '"' Kona 104 22 1,621.85 132 367 355 8 312 300 447 GUl)1ga IO,7 26 5,588.19 57 138 126 7 93 85 448 Parsa 590 50 675.32 28 87- 85 3 84 82 449 Saska 477 24 1,136·47 126 362 325 17 1 33 0 301 4J" ToJarge 230 23 1,3 83.49 103 239 236 7 3 175 169 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Ambikapur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ------~------~ II.-CuitivatoT3 IlL-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production vrrI.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating ownen, other than services and mis- Serial and their theirdepo:udants etc. and t heir cultivation Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport cellaneous N o. dependants dependants sources ,..--A------., r----"-----, r---'------.. .----'-----. ,--.A.--, r------"------. r------.).._--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (15) (16) (IS) (20) (21) (22) (25) (26) (1)


3 2 I 371: 5 2 37Z' 4 9 2 4 2 373 16 II 4 3 2 374 3 4 31 39 4 4 375 376 377 I 6 6 6 6 378 379 4 3 I 380 II 14 13 13 15 9 381 17 10 2 r 6 8 I r 7 7 38ze 4 3 4 5 I 4 II 10 4 9 4 383 1 384 6 7 3 8 385 3 4 6 II Z 3 3 386- 6 6 381 10 II 8 8 27 24 8 6 388 15 27 6 3 8 2 38~ 3 2 I I 396-

1 2· I 8 9 II 7 391 5 3 39~ 4 I 2 2 48 60 39} I 4 23 16 394 25 23 22 18 3 2 395 2 4 10 10 3 20 19 4 2 4 2 396 39 31 5 7 14 8 3 3 391 4 6 8 8 398 6 3 12 12 5 II 3 I 399 4 4 17 10 4 7 6 6 5 3 3 5 400 3 I 2 6 3 401 4 2 2 3 6 3 25 29 401- 4 4()3 I 2 2 2 404 2 3 I I 405 17 24 7 8 8 17 15 406 6 2 4 6 2 2 I 3 3 2 401 27 32 7 9 2 I 408 7 7 2 1 13 In 6 4 4o~ 5 12 I 10 II 2 2 7 5 410 17 14 4 2 3 2 2 4 4II 5 7 28 34 I II II 2 I 3 Z 41l1; 4 2 I I3 10 I I 413 3 2 2 3 8 3 4 7 414- 10 14 4 15' 9 5 3 4 4 415 4 2 17 10 27 21 2 I I 3 4 16 7 7 4 3 7 8 10 417 8 4 26 Z9 3 I 2 3 4IS I I 2 I 4 5 4r~ 5 5 3 I 47.0 3 J6 13 I 6 7 5 6 4:zI 2 2 4 Z I I 42%'. 5 6 5 4 I 3 4 2 2 4Z3' 23 23 15 I4 6 5 3 8 10 I 3 424 13 16 3 I 18 21 26 27 4 5 425 9 9 7 II 4 4 I 6 4 426 427 5 Z 2 5 5 10 II 10 2 2 3 I 428 3 2 42 9 4300

5 7 21 18 3 2 36 39 6 3 3 3 431 26 22 4 3 2 3 43z I 3 433 IZ 9 12 IS 6 8 6 7 8 5 434 I 2 3 2 I 435 6 18 12 I 22 8 6 436 431 7 10 2 I 3 2 5 438 1 8 14 19 II 2 2 7 9 439 6 II 18 27 1 16 10 1 8 II 440 8 6 5 8 27 19 2 3 441 5 2 13 15 3 4 22 26 22 17 44Ia 9 8 20 22 45 27 442 17 20 38 34 8z 61 21 40 28 2S 13 10 I 10 10 444 I 3 2 I 1 4 2 I [ 445 8 10 z7 27 2 4 6 7 3 9 7 446 1Z 10 11 18 9 4 13 9 447 3 3 448 8 5 r 10 4 10 10 4 449 24 22 9 II 2 26 29 3 450 164 District Surguja THE PRIMARY

r- I.-Culitvators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land an d Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ~-A. __-.. r----__,..__-~ ,....---A------Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


451 Badegoan 324 27 5,714·54 20 59 45 59 45 452 Khujhi 120 27 3,088·59 10 25 20 25 20 453 Doy 220 25 1,3 21.55 74 144 J40 2 121 117 454 Tendu Tikera 228 28 6,246.71 33 89 84 87 83 455 Bhakurma 368 27 15,833·61 30 64 68 49 54 456 Salwa 979 26 1,249·78 30 76 65 2 65 59 457 Pahadkorja 291 27 6,144 12 38 44 36 40 458 Siskalo 491 27 5,542.34 18 61 48 42 29 459 Saidu 5°4 26 1,530.33 9 29 23 14 15 460 Gagarmundah 132 7 482.25 36 92 87 I 79 72 461 Dumardech 219 28 1,085·35 27 69 59 56 50 462 Saniparra 424 28 1,157.36 30 69 61 60 54 463 Phoolchuhi 312 25 1,15 8.4 0 59 12 9 121 3 75 70 464 Khutiya 121 23 1,833.19 51 13 2 133 I II8 119 465 Kalyanpur 133 38 455·97 27 77 71 3 68 62 466 Padipani 306 25 1,122·73 53 118 113 4 7° 67 467 Chakeri 163 28 1,651.22 29 136 133 76 75 468 Kotmy 100 25 729·10 23 56 65 41 49 469 Rete 85 26 1,375·77 38 90 90 74 65 470 Fetahpur 30 9 26 1,3 88 .64 25 63 66 52 57 471 Bilaspur 610 42 1,660·79 138 409 423 75 4 373 372 472 Bisangur 357 25 309.70 19 40 39 3 27 28 473 Basen 352 26 3,754·41 15 32 36 12 14 474 Bagdoly 600 23 r,83r.67 7° 189 191 6 182 185 475 Jiolia 194 27 8SR. T3 20 47 49 37 43 476 Jamghariya 566 57 1,012.02 23 65 65 59 60 477 Bat,oi 320 27 4,609.80 IS 32 27 26 22 478 Chiperkaya 560 46 3,195.71 80 353 315 122 128 479 Taragi 576 44 876.86 51 174 158 10 166 149 480 Chainkur 561 53 1,06I.24 65 205 219 193 192 481 Dhodagoon 674- 58 4,732.22 76 27 1 263 9 239 237 482 Jamdodhi 565 55 1,951·55 III 370 356 8 328 321 483 Padridand 269 25 1,632.12 98 239 265 6 140 144 484 Dumerbhawana 571 46 483.90 39 140 135 7 134 128 485 Jamkani 564 55 833·47 131 383 376 23 322 317 486 SaJainagar 653 56 1,059.68 87 260 266 12 243 254 487 Dhodhakesara 575 32 1,910.14 40 127 127 3 90 95 488 Bansipur 602 58 2,957.50 37 III 105 9 93 91 489 Telga 568 42 1,077.50 84 277 265 27 265 255 490 Sheopur 644 42 798.08 58 19 1 159 2 186 147 491 Popreuga 597 42 1,056.85 80 257 245 13 247 233 492 Kunkari Khurd 540 55 1, 124.88 96 175 205 12 156 174 493 Manpur 626 42 1,035·30 90 251 262 7 249 260 494 Samniya 646 33 1,322.00 21 60 49 5 2 495 Harramar 663 55 1,546.54 93 286 269 9 262 240 496 Bhadwahi 371 23 1,21 5.08 47 114 131 2 99 II5 497 Udaypur Dhahe 25 21 1,148.14 56 146 149 5 IIO 117 498 Soharpur 651 50 894.60 96 278 282 16 255 263 499 Bhusse 621 50 1,352.07 127 435 435 32 2 409 414 500 Diuri 581 42 I,S8I.39 91 309 282 2 302 274 50l Pathrai 589 44 838.03 67 191 222 26 171 196 502 Keshama 94 27 2,591.27 65 170 140 3 113 99 503 BeJgoan 6 1 5 56 1,429.82 lIZ 361 354 4 322 30 7 504 Laehirma 641 56 1,535.88 83 330 303 28 301 267 505 Sarmana 649 44 2,822.24 15 8 481 453 16 447 417 506 Telaidhar 577 50 2,163.20 158 563 136 24 515 90 5°7 Chanwar Pani 558 43 675·55 30 101 80 I rOI 80 508 Shconathpur 645 58 3,248.85 53 181 143 3 160 13 1 509 Bhoradand 618 49 1,063,02 59 203 192 6 202 190 :510 Arand 526 51 2,892.78 69 225 232 7 222 229 SII Bhandargaon 373 25 760.76 38 87 77 9 56 50 51:2 LaJpur 454 27 1,272.23 513 Jamdara 180 32 1,018.80 8 24 20 19 15 514 Kumdeli 73 27 1,813·84 6 10 6 10 6 SIS Ratanpur 628 46 855.03 20 67 36 2 60 31 516 Suskam 499 26 946·57 5 I4 13 10 10 517 Hariharpur 515 26 1,090.85 II 37 34 35 31 518 Mudgaon 410 26 2,790·39 99 263 237 5 20 7 182 519 Kathmunda 41 25 1,161.33 33 79 66 60 80 520 Dawa 234 25 1°99.2 33 77 84 1 42 43 521 Karrai 43 32 972·79 18 48 50 48 48 5U Bisarpani 6)9 33 2942.28 41 102 90 51 43 523 Porogia 305 26 7,921.21 10 27 33 23 ~I 524 Khadgaon 550 53 1,676.39 Ir8 379 368 4 375 365 525 Pidiya 5')3 53 1,618.84 101 274 273 7 221 222 526 Sakaria 467 32 2,699·59 57 150 154 2 139 140 527 Sarga 652 57 3,285.84 rr6 407 405 24 356 364 528 Narbadapur 584 45 7,584. 19 286 747 692 38 524 458 529 Kesla 544 53 868·45 51 209 203 4 208 202 530 Dankesra 569 32 3,887·51 35 70 63 4 19 22 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Ambikapur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ______~ ______• ~------A------__. IV.-Non-culti- VII I.-Other rr.-Cllltivators IH.-Cultivating vating owners, V.-Production services and mis- of unowned land lab:mrers and etc. and their other than VI.-Commer('~ Y1J-Transport cellaneous Serial and their their dependants dependants cultivation sources No. dependants .,-___ --"-___, , __--"'-_--.. , __..A.. __, , __..A.. __, ____.A..__ _ , ___.A. __, ,-.A.___ , Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I)


451 2 452 I 13 IS 4 3 5 4 453 2 1 454 2 5 9 7 4 2 455 7 4 4 2 456 2 4 457 15 II 4 lS 458 3 I 6 4 5 2 I 459 3 6 8 8 2 I 460

II 8 2 461 9 6 I 462 4 3 3 6 33 34 5 2 8 6 463 7 9 5 3 2 2 464 8 7 I 2 465 7 9 3 21 17 6 6 13 II 466 6 6 24 24 4 23 21 6 3 467 14 14 2 468 3 6 I 10 17 3 1 469 II 9 470

7 9 7 10 2 13 II 6 8 13 471 7 4 I 2 4 3 2 472 1 5 19 17 473 2 6 4 I 474 I "6 4 3 I 475 6 5 476 6 5 477 37 31 8 I 2 9 478 5 5 2 3 I 479 II 2 I I 480

22 18 10 8 481 II 8 12 8 17 17 I I I I 482 10 14 IS 19 3 4 58 72 4 5 9 7 483 4 3 2 4 484 7 4 39 37 14 17 I 485 3 I 9 7 5 4 486 17 15 20 17 487 8 7 9 7 488 2 I 10 9 489 2 7 I 2 3 I 490

2 5 8 7 491 4 5 4 7 II 19 492 I 2 493 45 I 7 I 494 3 9 14 8 10 6 2 495 2 4 8 3 5 496 9 6 2 23 22 I 2 1 497 9 3 II 12 3 4 498 10 7 12 12 4 2 499 7 7 . 500

3 8 6 5 II 13 501 29 19 8 9 3 4 7 2 502 2 3 17 27 12 14 14 8 7 2 503 6 13 19 21 I I 4 2 504 6 9 2 21 16 7 7 505 30 23 21 23 2 50 6 50 7 II 5 10 7 508 I 2 509 2 I 3 510

IS 10 7 10 4 4 I I 4 3 511 512 1 4 4 51 3 51 4 4 2 2 2 I SIS 3 I I 2 516 I I I 2 2 51 7 4 3 10 14 8 36 26 5 4 51B 3 4 3 13 8 3 1 519 12 14 2 1\ 6 4 15 IS 52 0

2 521 22 20 17 18 12 9 522 7 2 523 2 4 I 524 35 7 6 2 I 6 9 52 5 7 7 3 I 2 3 526 3 3 26 19 20 18 2 I 527 37 42 62 61 I 2 121 IZ7 2 2 52S I ...- 52 9 3 1 10 10 30 530 166 District Surguja THE PRIMARY ,------I.-Cultivators ot- Patwari Total population Literates owned !and and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,------'-----., ,---'------., ,----"----"'\. Males Females ,'\1alcs Females Males Femaes;

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


53 1 Labgee 636 32 3,I19·74 41 92 101 2 72 75 532 Kadui 588 29 885·94 15 38 29 4 6 4 533 Rajkheta 63 1 53 1,812.00 33 97 85 7 80 64 534 Kot 85 48 4,385.49 271 801 810 24 709 702 535 Sitapur ... 655 53 1,390.48 299 757 760 198 18 643 713 536 Sawarpara 656 46 1,647.52 100 3II 335 28 249 290. 537 Tajage ... 563 48 2,395.20 168 571 543 17 516 493 538 Bandana 604 48 2,964.99 193 544 550 60 449 444 539 Tendudand 578 57 365.02 13 44 43 34 36 540 Tirang 567 43 1,974·32 75 188 208 168 181 54I Rampur , 43 6 22 795·55 23 62 57 7 47 41 542 Katkalo 535 54 3,150.50 250 882 844 6 83 2 798 543 Lalaiya 637 33 2,1 83.97 13 31 20 6 5 544 Balrampur 608 46 580 .91 40 124 108 2 IIO 90 545 Sarbhaja 545 33 4,379·63 45 136 138 2 90 94 546 Bhilthna 620 53 1,160·74 165 480 454 22 465 446 547 Maheshpur 622 47 1,943·79 130 384 389 19 364 358 548 Sur 659 53 2,970.16 282 881 96I 20 856 94~ 549 Pratapgarh 592 53 1,006.23 I65 431 400 loB 12 292 297 550 Kunmera 541 58 4,003.22 187 609 590 8 560 534 551 Bamlaya 603 49 671.91 63 216 212 4 209 20G. 552 Sopnadar 6·17 45 r,800.84 32 91 72 76 64 553 Karmha 530 33 3,472 ·,t7 37 94- 92 3 73 74- 554 Nayabandh 585 44- 1,063.00 38 IIO 93 1 101 90- 555 Mongari 623 46 2,25 6.73 220 742 733 42 5 706 701 556 Chalfa 557 53 610·76 66 166 157 22 124 124 557 Kudaridih 537 33 2,896.43 28 67 65 6 25 16. 558 Arra ... 522 57 2,668.36 131 439 43 2 40 382 385 559 Ulakia 525 56 3,791.74 260 908 930 19 773 813 560 Baneya 601 57 1,202.08 II9 328 342 22 275 270' 561 Petla 595 57 6,OII.OO 248 809 74° 46 7 683 624- 562 Raipera 532 50 1,525·71 177 591 543 21 574 526 563 Fungi 310 28 1,01 9.61 8 23 26 22 25 564 Maharanipur 624 54 904.01 61 195 183 2 188 175 565 Poksari 598 46 2,040.71 254 736 692 61 7 685 64 1 566 Chidapara 559 55 887·12 132 47I 475 13 433 440' 567 Manpur 405 28 1,210·93 36 II5 99 4 100 89' 568 Gumgara Khurd 136 22 1,025·91 35 91 100 I 57 62 569 Dhelsara 573 49 1,383.63 137 427 444 9 415 434 570 Bishlmpur 612 48 973.04 55 183 .I73 1 152 150 571 Kharakona 548 42 r ,712.50 133 418 406 23 375 367 572 Basghat ... 606 43 3,083·44 II2 327 308 7 263 24(). 573 Dangbuda 570 55 2,159·63 159 549 539 6 467 457 574 Haratikera 513 54 443·76 59 172 174 7 167 171 575 Govindpur 554 45 2,551.83 51 145 130 r 126 III 576 Ulanga 524 45 951·62 21 88 71 6 81 68 577 Jarahadih 562 43 841.58 51 166 172 II 156 r6r 578 Bule 360 27 4,594·84 15 31 32 31 32 579 Sarswatipur 650 44 729.70 35 81 73 17 64 6o. 580 ~upakhar 635 33 4,630.90 44 134 143 19 109 113 581 Kadraja 527 45 1,244,36 29 81 86 1 58 62- 582 Kachhardih 532 43 792·49 42 IIO Il6 6 IlO II6 583 Salehadih 678 43 1,389·80 69 217 180 2 204 170 584 Lalitapur 640 52 3,21 9.46 IIO 416 421 16 404 415 585 Kadnai ... 528 45 3,777·45 41 124 IIO lIS 98 586 Badadmali 579 34 6,287.68 88 157 13 2 4 131 106 587 Kardana 529 45 3,080-43 31 93 73 51 35 588 Baijnathpur 616 44 683·92 3 II 7 5 5 589 Boda 617 43 1,639.02 171 518 565 31 518 565 590 Sontarai 661 49 1,726.77 219 608 594 31 524 523 591 Karabel 534 48 8,690.91 87 285 286 19 267 254 59z Amatoli 521 49 562·91 66 192 184 25 190 182 593 Rajapur 633 55 1,818.86 II7 399 432 31 394 424 594 Kandraja 549 45 765·97 II7 302- 338 37 295 321 595 Kunria 536 45 5,122.23 90 262 257 2 2II 196 596 Rajonti ... 630 52 3,752·56 142 491 508 37 480 495 597 Lalate 63 8 44 1,191.83 83 302 243 1 297 236 598 Pent 594 54 1,826.85 164 339 353 28 246 285 599 Guturma 552 56 1,384,73 154 521 515 103 3 407 382 600 Girhuldih 55 1 51 I,991.55 193 574 572 62 2 459 474 601 Rajpuri 629 50 1,610·57 86 298 274 13 281 260 60z Rainkalan 428 7 613·95 50 124 III 99 92 603 Rajpur 430 4 1,056.35 88 160 142 30 101 91 604 Mohudad 397 3 2,039·97 34 85 59 70 51 605 Birimkela 6Il 47 1,822,48 98 333 320 IS 322 308 606 Balaikela 599 47 2,163,99 158 422 481 66 6 386 43.1 607 Gerra 553 51 2,677·44 134- 478 440 22 431 409 608 Udamwela 523 48 4,541.66 153 525 438 13 492 395 609 Dhekidoli 572 50 1,585,95 76 254 227 10 233 201 610 Jojga 177 48 2,242.75 60- 411 4:17 21 329 334 • 167 ,CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Amhikapur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes VHI.-Other H.-Cultivators Hr.-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production services and mis- of unowned land labourers and vatin g owners, other than Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport cellaneous Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation sources No. dependants dep~ndants ,-__A._--, ,-___.A..----, ,-__A. ____ .,---"------., ,---A._----., ,-__--"------, ,----'-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I)


12 21 3 2 5 3 53 1 I 2 31 23 532 8 II 9 10 533 9 10 38 31 3.8 42 2 I2 13 534 3 1 36 14 52 10 535 28 20 IS II 19 14 536 II 19 8 21 22 8 9 537 42 38 40 4 3 12 IS 2 4 3 2 538 8 6 2 I 539 I I 19 26 540

3 2 4 5 I 8 8 541 .33 26 9 9 3 4 3 4 5 54z 10 17 15 8 543 6 8 2 4 3 3 3 3 544 3 5 25 23 14 14 4 2 545 2 8 2 5 3 2 546 19 31 I 547 5 5 9 5 3 10 I 548 25 3 1 14 7 85 62 15 3 549 24 2 35 22 21 I 550

2 I 2 2 3 2 551 5 3 10 5 55z 7 7 10 6 4 5 553 I I 2 554 22 14 3 5 8 9 3 4 555 3 1 22 8 II I 2 556 2 2 IS IS 22 29 557 9 9 1 32 29 7 3 8 6 558 4 3 45 37 78 66 8 II 559 2 3 29 48 19 17 3 4 560 62 56 58 51 6 9 561 8 7 3 5 3 7 7 56z I 563 4 5 3 3 564 21 I'll I 3 20 19 I I 8 10 565 .3 4 8 II 16 IS 10 5 I 566 9 6 4 4 2 567 5 3 IS 18 9 8 5 9 568 x 5 4 2 3 4 3 569 6 4 25 19 570

I 34 20 7 14 2 4 571 60 61 3 6 I I 57z 52 46 26 33 4 3 573 5 3 574 19 19 575 2 2 5 I 576 I 5 9 5 I 577 578 12 10 1 4 2 579 3 5 21 25 I 580 9 8 14 16 581 58z 10 8 3 2 583 4 3 I 7 3 584 8 9 I 3 585 IS IS 8 II ;86 20 22 I 22 15 587 3 3 588 589 27 18 51 49 I 6 3 590

I 2 7 14 2 5 8 II 591 2 2 59% I 4 3 2 2 593 4 4 3 13 594 14 14 3 1 35 6 12 595 I 3 2 7 6 4 I 596 2 2 5 2 I 597 28 22 23 14 10 7 24 21 8 4 598 5 5 25 34 57 63 6 8 21 23 599 II 8 74 50 2 18 22 2 10 14 600

2 2 3 5 12 7 601 3 2 13 10 9 7 60% 11 15 10 IS 4 2 4 4 30 15 603 5 2 10 6 604 2 4 6 7 3 I 605 16 20 10 10 7 10 3 4 606 I 36 29 8 9 I 1 3 60 7 2 I 16 19 14 12 1 I 608 2 4 13 17 6 5 609 2 4 42 39 9 23 28 8 8 6 5 610 168 District Surguja THE PRIMARY ,_------I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle. Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,..---"------., ,..---"----" ,.-_ __A__~ Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


611 Rikhi 437 24 1.965·52 169 364 399 2 323 355 '12 Maltipur 415 45 1,866·59 31 71 72 '13 Barouli 343 7 405.72 12 35 29 32 26 '14 Sedam 660 44 1,3 15.01 123 296 297 48 4 233 229 615 Nakana 586 47 220.63 89 253 241 10 226 216 616 Pa;ora 268 9 1,815·07 163 398 377 14 315 284 617 Kapat Bahari 533 47 1.494.12 86 300 296 22 293 287 618 Latori 443 22 1,893.58 106 391 379 23 359 340 619 Beljora 613 52 1,922.71 III 326 337 29 324 332 620 Khondla 12 7 25 1,826.20 132 25 2 275 10 168 r65 621 Lachhamangarh 45 1 28 1.660-43 103 250 259 10 175 184 622 Benai 614 51 944·79 55 166 165 7 158 165 623 Kharadorana 548 52 1,635.30 102 317 29 1 2 311 285 624 Tony 229 2,192.36 50 135 III 98 71 625 Murta 627 52 49 1.67 29 109 97 3 109 96 626 Ghoghara 556 43 3,164.09 109 345 329 II 334 318 627 Barimer 605 45 3,139.12 97 238 2q 14 133 156 628 Kumdewa 80 28 4,530.03 39 IIO 81 3 89 68 629 Sureshpur 658 52 792.75 54 186 172 24 I 166 156 630 Hardisand 664 58 1,213.33 67 226 216 7 209 194 631 Maheshpur 399 47 1.8,8.6 40 98 218 5 85 89 632 Dharampur 583 52 1,738.97 85 242 218 7 237 2II 633 Langra Sand 639 52 459.16 53 157 162 5 152 159 634 Petradeeh 27 1 7 344·96 50 II3 II6 5 96 102 635 Jamgala 178 22 1,717.80 197 537 529 17 952 479 636 Asgawan 518 33 2,060·44 32 . 76 70 3 55 54 637 Suplaya 657 33 2,474.12 58 155 140 8 142 128 638 Amgaon 519 33 2,762.91 25 77 64 52 38 639 Kudkel 538 43 2,272.26 54 148 138 2 128 uS 640 Paiya 696 33 1,678.81 57 150 142 10 133 124 641 Basen 607 44 319·99 46 148 144 17 I u8 122 642 Askara 520 45 2,139.72 26 66 68 18 24 643 Kamleshwarpur: :: 531 33 2,303.37 29 77 S2 16 27 20- 644 Lagu 643 4S 5,536.20 26 62 65 3 53 54 645 Kunkurikolah 339 42 1,016.17 1I2 369 373 18 341 343 646 Ghutarapara 555 44 1,156.98 99 315 317 13 296 293 647 Selma 654 44 r.695·38 II7 350 335 17 283 272 648 Nawapara 587 52 1,017·09 80 294 279 10 270 255 649 Bhavalpur 619 52 1,670,90 109 379 344 12 333 305 650 Nondanaly ... 580 34 1,777.50 1;22 293 274 7 263 25 1 651 Rudhapur 634 51 2,122.76 167 499 465 43 3 443 418 652 Andhala 5 30 2,673.42 295 592 589 24 487 483 653 Deogarh 582 47 4,216.91 367 981 1012 39 874 907 654 Lakhanpur 442 31 1,014·22 328 657 733 243 33 397 442 655 Kerju 542 58 3,II5·64 185 675 651 53 I 561 558 r69 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Amhikapur Agricultural Classes Non-agricultural Classes ----.A. ----, II-Cultivators In.-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production VIII.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than Vr.-Commerce vrr.-Transport services and mis- Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation cellaneolls No. , dependants dependants sources r----A------. ..------'---, ,.-----'---, ..----"'----, ,.----"-----, ,.----"---, ,.---A----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) 1I4) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (1)


16 22 2 2 18 16 2 2 3 2 611 55 61 16 II 6n 2 1 2 613 37 42 5 13 7 5 4 2 10 6 614 14 16 13 9 615 2 3 22 26 50 53 2 3 6 7 616 I 2 6 7 617 6 7 2 3 I 2 18 19 4 7 618 4 2 I 619 10 12 23 31 5 II 33 24 5 13 8 9 620

7 4 29 33 26 25 5 2 8 II 62.1 8 622 I 6 5 2 2 623 8 17 24 15 3 6 624 625 4 I 4 6 3 4 2 2 626 4 4 54 49 7 6 37 31 I 3 2 627 12 6 4 3 3 3 628 J 3 17 10 2 3 629 2 4 15 18 630 6 4 7 5 • 63 1 2 I 4 2 3 6~2 4 I 1 2 1 I 633 3 4 12 9 I 7 7 634 9 4 33 II 4 6 30 22 2 6.3-S 10 II 2. I 2 7 3 636 II 9 2 3 637 12 13 13 13 638 13 18 J 5 2 639 4 5 3 3 9 10 640 5 5 II 9 4 2 2 2 8 4 641 35 34 3 I 10 9 642 10 9 32 16 8 7 643 7 II 2 644 13 13 2 II 9 2 4 2 2 645 3 3 9 8 2. 6 5 6 646 13 12 2 1 41 39 II II 647 5 8 18 16 I 648 7 8 23 21 14 8 2 2 649 2 2 12 13 6 8 650 35 28 2 14 14 2 I 5 2 651 62 58 I 3 33 31 2 5 7 9 652 3 I 34 36 39 37 2 I 29 30 653 13 9 103 109 13 34 28 22 44 51 59 66 654 56 41 42 35 4 8 12 9 655 170 District Surguja THE PRIMARY

,_---- I.-Cultivators of Patwari Occupied Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Houses their dependants No. Ward No. No. ,-___ ..A-___ ~ r---.A.----, r----.A.------. Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (ro) (II) (12)


I Labji 390 7 755·43 63 178 183 3 133 121 2 Peeda 261 3 1,161.90 !I5 404 373 13 384 362 3 Nainpur 210 2 842.84 42 163 159 I 158 156 4 Tilsara 182 5 728 ,93 74 201 205 7 200 203 5 Narainpur 211 5 1,192.62 153 422 439 20 415 424 6 Pandripani 245 7 442.65 10 19 19 19 19 7 Badrikashram 278 5 1,125.53 18 33 28 33 28 8 Lodhina 401 I 960,42 79 237 236 10 214 21 7 9 Lachha 400 6 990.12 56 123 154 8 95 II7 10 Umeshpur 17 3 1,253.48 II4 492 471 13 476 453 II Kalyanpore 24 5 750.66 170 515 394 20 423 327 IZ Saraepore 408 7 1,079·05 69 233 243 9 226 237 13 Champak Nagar 128 3 684.49 41 129 136 14 127 132 14 Telaimunda 186 ' 4 1,084-49 88 412 412 6 389 390 15 Nangai 223 I 860.38 96 252 254 7 247 247 16 Dawna 202 7 2,073·34 II9 40 9 413 29 382 385 17 Masira 334 I I,607·22 150 414 419 12 3 378 390 18 Pondi III 4 1,15340 187 530 55 1 102 13 465 477 19 Madneswarpur ... 350 4 2,53 6.II 275 722 729 10 641 666 20 Durli 198 5 3,322·92 63 ISS 144 7 130 Il3 21 Bhaiyathan 330 2 1,1I4·39 254 570 5II 153 36 202 234 22- Bharatpur 376 6 717·69 43 87 90 59 64 23 Mahalee 338 2 747-43 84 285 262 2 169 160 24 Semai 445 6 868·79 56 148 145 127 II3 25 Besahi 303 5 52 0.92 38 109 107 I 87 93 26 Palema 244 5 1,423.72 106 289 303 29 199 199 27 Silanta 428 7 1,812·98 97 264 227 3 155 123 28 Koramdha 75 5 1,212-46 49 182 141 5 168 126 29 Jarhi 144 5 1,653,44 69 193 186 5 171 167 30 Kenapara 66 2 221.53 24 66 70 12 2 34 40 31 Domhat 175 6 875·54 36 80 92 2 45 49 32 Mani 354 6 1,10 5.3 8 54 148 120 5 63 45 33 Lakhanpur 392 2 417·43 26 71 77 10 3 41 52 34 Makanpur 33 1 7 1,071.05 95 245 229 I 212 195 35 Agustpur I 3 886·32 108 356 324 20 349 320 36 Kapsera 27 I 2,432.0 44 159 146 3 150 138 37 Sheopur 43 1 7 673'38 55 143 144 14 125 125 38 Kalaya 39 12 3,005.51 63 205 140 16 200 133 39 Nakana 214 7 992.82 58 129 126 8 ro8 109 40 Patena 243 5 1,946-46 131 407 387 24 370 337 41 Samaali 4II 2 268.27 50 148 125 17 39 47 42 Chendra 137 4 3,422~6 lIO 249 232 16 147 136 43 Gora II6 8 1,437. 15 54 144 137 5 101 93 44 Salhi 378 6 2,562.21 II6 360 365 10 272 296 45 Satyanagar 410 2 3,055·42 171 458 385 6 3II 315 46 Maghgawa 332 6 1.502 .36 35 122 130 I 40 39 47 Mahagawan 335 2 620·70 83 248 251 6 236 246 48 . Katinda 30 5 740.44 91 264 273 13 215 223 49 Sagda 366 3 1,423·45 87 274 258 9 247 246 50 Gangotti 99 3 1,389.83 117 408 383 56 283 261 51 Keskela 33 4 3,026.19 143 427 452 47 4 410 432 52 Kewara (Pratapur) 63 8 3,610.16 256 588 614 24 359 392 53 Kot 76 20 1,153·93 124 373 365 25 317 303 54 Patrapali 239 13 1,209·92 151 449 433 65 3 384 375 55 Pratappur 247 7 1,896.45 190 478 367 108 9 166 172 56 Bharuhmunde 318 13 913.90 128 402 407 II 388 388 57 Padari 225 22 1,277·45 138 476 506 39 445 47 1 58 Sheoprasd Nagar 434 3 1,135.40 148 420 399 12 4 371 343 59 Jaganathpur 146 20 1,230 95 40 101 93 71 64 60 Narnad 212 14 710.09 85 206 227 25 203 220

61 Jobga 157 20 852.04 37 77 88 8 62 72 62 Dhaneshpur 203 13 871,15 51 146 131 7 139 125 63 Barhol 288 22 892.59 86 198 209 9 2 169 187 64 Tendupara Nagar 181 12 492.55 43 124 142 I II7 135 65 Chatpokugar 128 13 61 7.13 13 39 35 32 29 66 Ragolipara 369 3 473.87 14 52 44 I 42 38 67 Podi 265 6 80844 25 53 43 2 28 21 68 Pasel 255 I 1,164.85 19 42 55 I 28 38 69 Tripurswarpur ... 466 23 144·79 68 140 150 17 2 137 144 70 Rajapur 373 20 2,849.72 36 86 95 4 58 69 71 Chandora 126 6 739.52 42 125 1I5 5 41 162 72 Budhadad 309 7 I,6II·35 15 43 33 I 35 29 73 Mani 355 20 1,514·16 56 163 155 8 I 128 124 74 Anantapur 3 1,17 I •65 96 229 148 15 216 129 75 Ramanujnagar 378 23 1,033·0 123 312 314 74 8 222 247 76 Dumariya 149 14 1,152·43 149 422 430 24 399 409 77 Jagdishpur 8 4 1,241.31 55 158 162 16 120 0 0 13 78 Dugga 196 5 1,047. 3 40 II6 103 108 94 79 Palandha 236 8 3,396,59 75 186 194 4 145 816.23 0 139 80 Rajbhar 368 2 4 95 II6 8 52 73 171 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsll Surajpur

Agricultural Clas~es Non-Agricultural Classes ------~------~ H.-Cultivators nI.-Cultivating IV.--Non-culti­ V.-Production VIII.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owners .• other than VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport services and mis- and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation cellaneous Seri"l dependants dependants sources No. ,-----"------. ,------"---. ,.----A----, ,---'---, ~ .----"'---.., ~ Male~ Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (26) (I)


12 12 22 29 8 2 3 2 3 6 7 I 9 5 9 3 2 3 2 2 I 3 2 3 I 2 4 5 9 2 6 5 6 7 7 7 6 4 7 7 3 I 8 4 3 IS 21 9 13 9 I II 12 5 4 10

92 67 I I II 2 2 2 2 I2 2 4 13 2 2 21 20 14 4 5 I 2 IS 12 10 7 9 1 3 3 2 4 4 16 15 9 2 3 17 14 2 3 17 6 6 39 43 2 9 9 II 14 18 7 5 52 34 21 24 I 19 19 27 I 4 2 I 20 126 30 72 81 7 4 40 47 53 65 67 :n 5 2 7 7 9 14 7 3 22 16 19 14 17 82 63 4 3 23 2 3 12 24 7 5 24 3 2 9 6 10 6 25 27 34 4 II 12 10 21 15 26 34 26 26 3 1 52 42 I 7 9 13 3 2 18 9 27 7 II 3 2 3 2 28 12 7 2 1 8 II 29 10 15 22 15 30

5 7 26 33 2 2 2 31 8 9 42 29 23 27 3 9 9 32 16 14 8 5 I 1 5 5 33 3 24 27 8 4 34 2 1 I 2 I 3 2 3S 2 1 4 3 4 4 3 2 36 7 5 3 5 4 6 37 2 3 3 3 38 7 6 10 7 2 2 2 I 39 3 IS 30 32 4 2 40

5 3 28 13 50 41 2 2 24 19 41 29 18 2J 19 49 56 3 3 42 7 3 5 5 30 35 I I 43 28 13 34 35 21 20 5 1 44 8 II 46 35 88 121 2 I 3 2 45 3 4 10 6 69 81 46 I 7 4 I I 47 5 5 15 12 7 5 II 17 II II 48 I I 13 5 II 6 2 49 24 31 68 61 2 3 21 14 I 2. 9 II SO 6 4 7 13 4 3 51 34 31 91 102 83 72 I 20 16 52 19 19 21 30 10 10 6 3 53 18 16 3 1 29 I 9 6 7 6 54 18 13 145 lI8 31 20 61 7 3 4 54 33 55 13 17 I 2 56 14 13 II 16 I I I 5 4 57 6 6 27 24 7 16 7 7 2 3 58 2 I 2 2~ 206 59 2 5 2 60

5 4 8 9 I 20 I 61 5 2 2 4 62 7 4 22 18 63 2 2 5 5 64 7 6 6S I 2 6 2 2 2 I 66 12 11 8 7 5 3 67 3 6 7 6 4 5 68 3 3 2 I 69 4 5 6 4 17 13 4 70 10 9 5 3 71 2 1 9 4 3 72 3 3 4 5 25 21 3 2 73 3 3 7 14 3 2 74 19 17 4 2 27 20 5 6 35 22 7S 8 12 10 7 5 2 76 23 23 IS 8 77 4 5 4 4 78 6 9 16 24 17 19 2 3 79 8 13 30 29 4 I I 80 172 District Surguja THE PRIMARY ,------I.-Cultivators of Patwari Occupied Total Population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area HOllses their dependants No. Ward No. No. ,-----A..--....., r----"--... ,.------A-----. Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


81 Bundia 308 5 2,01 9.41 75 208 228 5 173 192 82 Jay 153 4 4,347.12 23 58 55 2 40 34 83 Srikdhera 426 8 1,970.94 70 175 189 110 120 84 Pendorkhurd 262 7 912.34 18 65 54 50 52 85 Bhakura Madura 320 2 5,023.16 37 90 97 34 35 86 Pandiapa 226 7 1,380.42 41 III 92 2 92 74 81 Raicedi 386 4 1,033·59 42 92 93 2 66 68 88 DandAmroni 168 4 540.46 35 III 101 9 66 64 89 Kurideha 57 3 1,296·50 44 137 120 4 II3 92 90 Dharampur 204 12 1,523.48 54 156 144 II 94 94

91 Bharda 317 8 342.69 69 196 186 3 131 137 92 Chauchdanda 135 7 1,224·68 48 129 137 2 104 109 93 Borin'al 300 3 699·33 60 157 167 4 139 150 94 Amudon 12 7 783.11 46 148 lor 14 65 50 95 Khairi 95 2 1,184.83 44 104 93 8 68 57 96 Souhar 457 2 4,444·42 5 13 13 II 13 97 Ganeshpur 102 18 958.0 20 53 66 41 49 98 Karangwar 23 8 81 3.50 34 74 78 51 53 99 Kareshi 21 7 1,632.79 95 284 255 2 I 238 221 100 Jomo 165 4 1,659.12 31 82 92 1 37 49

10I Sonepur 449 7 1,088-47 30 123 96 3 _ 60 47 102 Amgaon 15 20 979·05 82 241 192 4 222 171 103 Tukudad 162 7 2,004·59 27 103 93 4 69 71 104 Sindhopur 432 5 302.55 13 49 48 2 41 39 105 Semerakhurda 446 6 1,057·55 49 107 108 2 58 64 106 Satipara 409 5 946.35 46 166 160 10 132 130 107 Gangotri 1I9 2 1,476.51 23 61 62 2 48 49 108 Khajurai 84 7 1,120.89 66 200 203 1 139 148 109 Keorali 68 2 952.55 r6 60 48 I 46 39 110 Gotgaon 109 7 1,458.64 50 157 146 2 98 90

III Chainpur 138 2 461,75 28 94 98 69 77 112 Sakalpur 413 12 1,773.21 86 265 226 254 213 113 Barbaspur 271 7 2,143·49 89 271 238 3 199 167 114 Chandroli 127 7 1,652.31 28 91 91 77 86 115 Kanaknagar 43 7 685.61 29 76 74 50 54 116 Sauntal 45 8 1 1,403·66 74 225 227 I 135 135 117 Brnidand 299 5 458.13 10 18 33 3 I 13 26 118 Musga 333 7 1,613·22 31 ,8 83 4 50 48 119 Sheopur 429 7 436.80 29 66 64 5 60 52 120 Jhilnuli 159 2 1,148.55 83 163 162 16 106 104 121 Parliasipur 253 8 1,233·20 33 94 82 I 61 61 IZ2 Khutarapuara 93 3 349·21 38 105 101 15 84 84 i 23 Kuppa 55 2 245·91 64 187 156 6 97 87 124 Koilari 81 2 626·58 45 132 III 35 79 83 IZS Rampur 374 7 451.88 34 105 85 1 53 38 126 Narkola 209 4 750.19 53 129 124 5 119 128 127 Dumaria 171 5 1,44°·76 48 138 Il7 2 Il6 98 u8 Silfili 427 7 1,768 ·9I 66 168 161 127 126 129 Khorema 96 8 1,620.19 75 207 182 6 140 13 1 130 Tilaikalhar 185 IS 1,467. 89 120 345 338 25 I 285 271 131 Sundarganj 442 12 1,547.00 81 286 318 2 257 282 132 Larch 398 2 1,427·35 120 273 278 29 212 227 133 Mazira 339 13 2,321.18 108 281 290 7 230 23 8 134 Pasiudad 233 2 1,068.84 88 272 259 II 206 194 135 Nawadih 213 7 2,414.59 52 144 126 3 1 67 62 136 Kenapara 70 II 480.39 74 239 257 20 223 237 131 Ghasa 123 2 593·95 65 184 162 3 124 III 138 Chandorpur 125 4 698·57 45 126 130 33 2 100 105 139 Shankarpur 459 12 1,086.67 31 85 99 2 2 82 91 140 Soncpur 451 3 1,614.30 13 0 326 327 4 303 302 141 Dawankara 201 6 1,686·76 100 271 266 3 221 208 14z Khargawe 86 3 899.66 III 313 312 8 254 259 143 Bhadgaon 321 5 2,150.05 109 297 316 5 230 245 144 Karkoil 31 2 976.15 19 59 64 3 43 53 145 Rajkishornagar ... 380 II 1,050.68 48 117 125 2 112 122 146 Kerata 71 12 1,965.85 149 450 316 29 I 436 305 147 Telgawa 184 5 1,41)9·5 81 262 272 9 222 219 148 Amgaon 5 6 978·38 96 279 269 II 224 206 149 Pasta 241 5 2,253·08 151 484 498 12 394 412 ISO Jur 155 3 1,423·51 128 368 342 14 3 359 330 lSI Ketha 62 6 2,356.25 134 336 312 6 242 235 JS2 Bhagawanpore Kalan 325 15 530.41 30 69 63 4 47 40 153 Bhawarahi 322 3 820.71 134 389 379 18 2 340 330 154 Gopipur 160 5 608.03 90 270 269 32 I 214 222 155 Satya Nagar 414 12 2,042·40 III 326 336 4 303 314 156 Pasala 230 I 1,165.15 119 334 322 49 327 317 157 Senduri 448 6 1,484.95 41 152 156 7 135 142 158 Kailaspur 72 5 969'48 153 457 470 30 447 465 159 Keshao Nagar 69 IS 1,372.36 124 393 350 14 306 27g 160 Maheshpore 344 I 1,921.10 102 346 310 8 289 264 173 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Surajpur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes r------A------n.-Cultivators IlL-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti­ V.-Production VIII.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than VI.-Commercc VIL-Transport services and mis- and their their dependants dC. and their cultiVlltion cellaneous Serial dependants dependants sources No. -----, ~ ,----"----, ,.-----A--, r---"""'____' ~ ,.------"---, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I)

S'(]RAjPUR T AHSIL-contd.

13 9 5 5 8 10 9 12 81 2 4 12 12 4 5 82 21 19 22 17 18 31 4 2 83 10 2 4 84 4 10 20 9 32 43 ... 8S IS 13 4 5 86 19 14 4 3 3 3 5 87 23 19 5 9 4 3 10 4 3 2 88 2 3 20 20 2 5 89 14 14 24 15 6 4- 13 12 5 5 90

13 8 36 2S 12 10 4 6 91 3 4 16 18 2 1 4 5 92 3 I 10 12 2 I 3 3 93 7 9 34 20 14 10 3 4 3 21 8 94 5 4 12 9 3 2 13 14 3 7 95 2 96 7 II 5 6 97 13 9 1 2 8 12 2 98 46 34 99 26 13 19 100

7 5 54 39 2 S :t01 19 21 102 3 4 15 6 8 6 8 6 103 2 3 6 6 104 IS 16 27 23 5 3 2 2 lOS I 13 13 9 9 II 8 106 3 9 8 2 2 I 107 6 7 55 47 108 10 6 I 3 3 109 14 II 30 25 15 20 IIO

2 6 6 17 13 III 4 7 4 3 3 3 IU I 17 16 51 54 3 1 113 5 1 9 4 114 6 5 20 15 lIS 66 21 18 6 5 3 II6 5 1 2 117 28 35 lIS I 3 10 2 2 119 17 15 22 37 4 13 10 I 3 2 UO

4 28 13 I 2 3 2 I:U II 10 10 13 122 5 7 57 40 23 IS 5 4 123 13 12 20 18 2 4 124 6 4 2 2 44 41 125 2 6 6 2 126 3 2 2 I 16 15 1 3 127 6 6 19 16 5 7 II 6 u8 12 II . 48 34 4 6 3 I29 14 14 24 23 2 7 14 20 5 6 130 S 4 8 II 3 I 1 3 20 131 53 38 8 8 5 132 21 23 27 23 3 6 133 18 21 17 14 27 23 4, 7 134 19 17 58 47 135 5 4 7 6 4 10 136 17 26 26 16 7 6 10 3 137 17 20 9 S 138 3 8 139 3 7 II 7 8 6 3 1 140

S 7 36 33 6 16 2 141 22 22 33 27 I 2 3 2 142 26 23 10 19 25 21 6 8 143 13 7 2 4 1 144 5 2 I 145 6 7 I 2 6 2 146 19 28 2 18 21 3 2 147 17 17 13 14 25 31 I 1 48 73 67 17 19 149 3 4 5 8 1 ISO

9 9 33 33 4 2 4) 32 3 I 151 2 2 12 13 8 8 1 52 I 2 45 41 3 1 2 1 53 5 5 29 27 IS 10 7 5 154 5 8 3 5 6 4 9 5 155 2 2 5 3 156 13 9 4 5 IS7 8 3 2 2 158 7 4 34 31 25 20 20 15 159 2 2 33 23 22 21 160 174 District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name ()f Village or Code Circle Ar\:a Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,----"------., ~ ,---A---, Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)

VILLAGES OF 161 Raniyadih 385 14 1,275·39 III 361 354 15 339 324 162 Sonegara 454 12 3,IIl,59 146 407 398 19 8 3I1 321 163 Raisera 387 4 1,748.4 142 410 409 8 287 295 x64 Sonepllr 450 5 1,728.03 56 174 134 4 2 169 131 I6S Harratikera 463 15 731.78 65 277 249 8 274 243 166 Keskela 46 14 2,065·43 132 414 449 2 368 396 167 Karouti 22 4 2,338·53 152 473 478 13 382 379 I6S Batera 286 II 3,711.62 312 787 792 70 615 603 169 Pandipa 240 12 1,820.61 89 265 255 4 I 25 1 244 170 Deo Nagar 200 3 2,168.62 246 744 759 55 3 706 720

171 Maddhanpur 340 13 398.49 19 52 39 I I 36 25 172 Selaka 407 II 4,242·36 147 441 424 20 327 310 173 Karaya 82 15 1,513·9 163 668 610 25 491 527 174 Chhutrang 38 796.81 1I4 404 418 18 356 368 175 Chargadi 136 II 2,042 •85 250 699 749 51 616 659- 176 Kumada 59 14 1,355·73 95 243 257 7 191 198 177 Ganeshpur 101 8 1.676.0 54 145 150 10 138 142 17S Govindpur II4 14 1,484. 16 24 65 69 52 56 179 Gajadharpur 103 13 65 6.32 60 179 181 I 179 178 lS0 Tarkeswarpur 178 9 2,374.42 93 221 230 6 175 172

lSI Barbaspur 276 8 3,135.0 4 62 177 2II 4 166 203 182 Govindpur 103/57 4 2,914.05 78 228 222 12 176 172 183 Manpur 393 2 369.27 12 27 30 I 3 6 184 Ranjani 367 2 2,686.32 II 29 20 18s Barouli 272 6 647.65 31 73 76 60 55 186 Uchidih 20 I 1,771.79 164 490 501 70 461 482 187 Sagorpur 423 6 846.22 49 129 132 7 105 115 188 Govindpur IIO 4 1.,247.50 142 465 479 59 424 422 189 Pondi 267 6 1,218.89 85 197 258 13 145 193 190 Neora ... 222 I 1,413·43 lIS 362 349 53 350 334 191 Girlwargaj 105 2 1,631.88 145 544 552 48 541 I 192 Tejpore ... 183 4 1,099·84 141 468 460 42 431 417 193 Dedri (Sallea) 179 6 1,497.86 135 435 415 59 364 349 194 Pamapore 25 1 5 1,35 1.65 148 359 398 34 352 393 195 Tilsiya 179 2 1,336.93 79 266 277 19 254 266 196 Rampur 376 5 1,059·83 30 65 65 3 63 63 197 Visunpure 297 5 65 2 49 86 306 332 6 25 1 277 198 Bhuwaneshwar ... 328 4 1,306.33 156 505 533 32 449 466 199 Ranpore 382 14 228.58 32 II9 121 30 II9 120 200 Keshorpur 65 7 1,636·99 76 181 193 12 151 166 201 Toteko 164 4 1,240.48 24 39 48 2 17 23 202 Parri 229 3 1,167.75 174 487 481 35 479 477 203 Chandarpur 124 3 1,125.91 86 300 297 28 2 266 258 204 Mohanpur 362 9 3,564.25 69 160 148 2 126 lIS 205 Kedarpllr 64 10 3,579·28 77 241 194 15 177 I46 206 Mader 329 2 1,455·74 23 63 70 2 36 42 207 Chandrapur 134 12 1,4S7·52 51 157 157 3 143 145 20S Dhllrgi ... 187 1 597·37 56 164 151 5 162 146 209 Gopalpllr II2 15 630.76 49 131 132 12 2 72 67 210 Sawarawa 424 I 1,277·49 63 185 166 6 129 123 2II Deori 120/534 5 1,897.60 54 171 164 I 140 141 212 Dandkarwan 89/503 4 3,860.70 91 261 45 1 10 I 241 216 213 Bansipur 415 12 2,147·77 74 190 166 2 142 124 214 Ramkola 72/548 3 2,931.89 81 200 174 13 156 133 215 Matijada 114/528 5 1,612·92 1I2 28 7 244 2 251 209 216 Durgapur 197 9 7,345.96 55 170 178 I 151 148 217 Balrampur 290 14 864·27 30 109 95 8 77 70 218 Gangotri II9 2 1,476.51 70 184 231 24 2 165 207 219 Dharmpur 207 12 2,070.9 63 193 205 181 187 27.0 P~rsapara 238 IS 635·8 80 189 200 14 132 128

27.I Namena 215 II 2,126.50 lI8 293 273 6 228 209 222 Kunj Nagar 60 15 742·79 120 287 288 36 2 259 253 2z3 Surela 440 II 6,390.16 I17 432 414 8 341 317 224 Chander Nagar 13 1 II 5,35 0 .0 139 463 404 3 370 329 zZ5 Brynagar 306 13 1,474·44 62 178 165 3 157 138 226 Hariharpur II6/530 5 1,620·79 101 286 249 II 164 146 227 Huludod 162 7 1,568.85 45 133 138 4 II3 lI8 27.8 Shionandanpur ... 437 14 1,176.16 46 II8 102 3 87 68 2.29 Jaipur 147 II 714.0 29 85 79 I 71 60 230 Pasal 3of469 I 5,687·93 49 141 124 141 124 231 Jajawal II2/526 5 4,894·96 97 268 268 II 222 224 232 Kotal 77 II 1,141.24 49 144 II8 103 89 233 Karetoma 40 13 1,339.24 46 151 134 6 100 97 234 Bheria 90/504 4 1,991.41 80 176 153 6 147 123 235 Parvathlpur 258 15 665·72 29 69 71 I 66 66 236 Umgar 5/47 1 I 8,686·3 38 102 101 I 94 90 237 Ayyapur 4 9 415.4 56 15~ 139 19 121 no , . "38 Khahir ... 2/468 I 5>459.12 27 R4 74 58 S9 239 Odgi 19 1 2,01 7. 29 31 104 106 1 59 52 240 Chhatrang 140 I 4,279·89 32 79 79 1 11 13 175 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Surajpur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ------~----. ------, ,------, VII.-Other Ir.-Cultivators IlL-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti­ V.-Production services and mis- of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport cellaneous' Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultivatioll sources No. dependants ,--__ A. __, dependants ,-_---A.__ --., ,-----'---, ,-----'---, ,----'----., r---.A.--. ,-----"------. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (26) (I)


17 21 I I 4 7 161 4 1 13 16 56 9 4 162 9 9 27 27 73 3 5 163 I I 2 164 I 1 2 4 165 2 1 2 6 4 19 26 22 16 166 n 13 42 S4 29 23 9 9 167 2 3 79 81 62 78 29 27 168 10 8 4 3 169 5 4 9 8 9 8 3 4 12 15 170

7 10 9 4 171 13 9 25 29 18 21 6 5 52 40 171- 21 17 7 3 12 38 33 IS 14 173 34 38 I I 13 II 174 10 10 35 38 4 9 20 21 14 12 175 5 8 7 6 20 21 20 24 176 I 2 I 3 4 2 I 177 3 4 5 6 5 3 178 179 3 2 10 5 21 17 2 10 16 180 5 4 2 4 4 181 23 27 27 20 2 2 I 182 I 2 4 2 19 20 183 4 5 2 2 23 13 184 5 8 6 II 2 2 185 5 2 8 5 7 5 8 7 186 7 7 17 10 1 87 ! I 3S 33 I 20 4 3 Ig8 7 12 28 37 17 16 189 5 4 2. 7 5 3 I 190 3 191 19 21 15 21 3 1 192 13 17 24 20 28 21 2 5 6 193 I 2 5 3 I 194 4- 2 \I 9 195 I I I 196 55 197 7 10 37 10 5 4 5 I 198 I 199 14 12 9 2 2 4 3 I I 200

II 13 10 II 1 I 201 6 4 I 202 20 25 6 6 8 8 203 I 30 31 4 I 204 13 9 38 28 2 2 5 3 2 2 4 4 205 9 20 16 8 I I 206 2 10 10 1 3 207 2 I 2 I I 208 2 2 45 47 7 12 2 3 3 I 209 5 5 28 21 I 23 16 :uo

I 24 19 I 1 2 3 3 2II II 17 3 4 I 9 2 I 2 4 1 212 26 19 12 II 3 4 7 8 213 18 19 5 12 7 14 9 214 8 8 5 10 4 I 18 16 1 215 6 10 8 II 3 4 6 216 5 6 21 14 6 5 217 16 19 3 5 218 I 3 2 2 9 13 219 IS 23 36 38 2 6 9 220

19 18 6 8 37 30 3 8 2ZI 5 2 3 5 6 21 21 222 10 14 52 48 6 7 9 8 6 14 14 223 14 IS 24 19 45 37 1 9 3 2:!4 18 23 3 3 I 225 II 12 10 13 59 47 , 40 28 z 3 226 I 13 14 2 4 6 227 8 8 6 10 4 9 13 7 228 8 12 2 3 3 3 1 I 229 230

29 21 3 6 3 6 5 2 6 9 231 14 12 12 10 II 5 4 2 232 38 26 12 9 I 2 1.33 5 8 19 18 5 4 1.34 I 4- 2 I 235 2 3 6 8 236 I 3 14 9 . ... 15 IS 2 2 237 7 4 17 II Z 238 4 2 8 13 I 1 239 I 2. 3 I 2 3 2 240 District Surguja THE PRIMARY r------I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total popUlation Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle ,Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,--_--A.______,----'------..... Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


241 Nangai .. . 10/485 I 2,601.16 81 208 180 4 2°5 180 242 Dwarika Nagar .. . 194 13 1,578.81 41 221 208 19 1 170 160 243 Ruie .. . 32 3 14 4,294.19 35 94 95 80 83 244 Kesalgiri 45 14 909.83 48 143 157 2 12 3 137 245 Kodwaridand 80 I 1,057.39 1'8 42 44 41 42 246 Kanakpur 2S 2 1,037.85 34 107 96 3 105 95 247 Mayapur 360 12 2,362.58 35 133 136 105 105 248 Ghuidih 122 1 13,265,30 23 74 72 3 34 3 1 249 Bishalpur 28/49.J. I 1,184.33 20 78 65 78 6S 250 Dalduli ... 96/510 4 1,643.48 28 83 83 65 63

251 Mehepohpur 344 10 II,828.35 23 72 57 3 48 44 252 Warandawan 30 3 10 1,104.97 29 67 87 2' 60 80 253 Ramespur 371 13 162,58 3 6 II 6 9 2S4 Badsera ... 283 I 2,031.80 33 77 88 64 74 255 Bangawa 280 6,448.5:1- 12 48 37 40 31 256 Barpara 289 II 1,226.17 69 203 213 4 160 181 257 paras a 13/479 1 1,140.87 7 19 13 10 7 2S8 Giria ... II7/539 5 994·30 5 26 20 18 13 259 Hathichewa 251491 I 302.61 3 13 9 13 9 260 Parriya 234 I 2,344.6 15 28 23 25 20

261 Kesar 55/543 2 II,86r.09 21 59 57 I 27 31 262 Boldes Nagar 27'i 10 3,:1-32.37 16 36 26 2 26 17 263' Hiradaveri 465 13 252.91 10 14 '20 13 18 264 Kantaroli 51 II 7,191.31 24 8, 67 2 73 62 265 Rampur 326 I 1,159.71 36 78 66 73 58 266 Saraswatipur 40 6 9 500.82 19 51 37 50 36 267 Pawanpur 232 8 1,494.61 66 167 145 6 155 135 268 Lulha 1/467 2 5,069.30 17 52 30 44 28 269 Tamki 122/536 5 3,752 .50 40 12 7 102 2 92 88 270 Dwarikapuri 195 7 1,127. 2 28 69 63 53 49 271 Nandika 33/4i7 4 2A7L 30 8 38 24 32 20 272 Jelha 156 I 8,628.21 13 47 3 1 21 23 273 Hariharpur 461 10 13,169,9° 20 49 54 49 51 274 Silphili 43S 13 616,16 51 126 III 3 I 83 77 275 Ramtirth 375 8 707.54 48 121 II7 2 85 73 276 Parmeshwarpur ... 249 8 2,648.083 29 105 74 104 74 277 Khajuree 85 8 1,136.56 43 121 128 1 121 126 278 Chapada 133 I 2,415.73 92 213 198 I 178 158 279 Mahora 346 10 2,488.53 38 87 85 2 74 69 280 Batai 109/52 3 4 2,031.59 12 34 25 2 20 22 281 Mendara 361 11 2,960 75 72 54 58 282 Barhole 388 4 2,303·5 107 96 3 92 84 283 Pendrakhi 263 IS 1.455,26 243 233 27 221 213 284' Nawadihekhurd 124/538 I 719.97 44 42 18 18 285 Ramalapur 29 14 1,073.00 106 80 8 98 75 286 Sudam Nagar 443 II 1,173.81 213 236 4 213 236 287 Narala 100/514 4 6,046·72 236 246 8 198 2 0 4 288 Bednu 125/539 5 3,s04·67 II3 107 2 71 77 289 Karwa 123/547 5 1,809,51 19 13 14 8 290 Anngnagar 15 13 I,II7·95 222 210 16 217 208 291 Kanakhpur 42 13 946.79 51 129 136 102 106 292 Khopa 98 II 2,177.10 202 631 595 10 541 517 293 Dharsedi 205 I 9,442,49 II') 265 228 120 IIO 294 Dhondho 107/521 4 2,457.67 69 171 168 8 II4 III 295 Dahadgaon 235 13 2,014·22 65 148 157 10 !IO 129 296 Reoti 108/522 4 2,759·49 66 238 23 1 24 3 159 169 297 Masanki 126/540 5 8,564.64 62 133 142 5 I 100 120 298 Ahhai 7 II 2,439.81 33 96 93 82 77 299 Barpatiya ... 94/s08 4 3,328.06 42 133 123 2 94 79 300 Chikani ...... 41/525 5 4,975·37 99 277 266 7 192 181 301 Beharpur 12/478 1 397 54 162 152 30 lIS 104 302 Ghur 208 1 S13.31 36 88 75 I 67 60 303 Badsera 283 I 2,031.80 lOS 208 25 1 25 3 181 214 304 Paldanonli 254 I 2,133.70 63 165 142 4 1I6 92 30S Pahadkarwar ... 91 /50 5 4 2,161.10 43 139 133 3 98 101 306 Palkewara 2S9 I 1,620.99 42 124 83 2 79 52 307 Karoti "', 20/486 I 1,794.63 21 84 65 64 53 308 Laxmipur 39 1 II 1,438.06 43 133 114 86 75 309 Umapur ...... 11/477 I 365.36 15 58 45 29 35 310 Bhagwanpur Khurd 324 13 459.98 26 71 51 2 45 41 311 Takar 161 II 6,600.35 33 73 73 4 67 65 312 Putaki 127/541 5 765.88 13 33 29 25 23 313 Chachidard , ... 10 5/51 9 4 70 4.32 14 51 41 38 29 314 Anjani 118/532 5 2,033·44 38 87 89 I 68 72 31S Rameswaram 377 8 3,12S.074 51 143 II4 5 122, 97 316 Karwan 44 13 2,III.79 155 459 465 40 3 373 375 317 Kaikaspur 73 15 1,178.037 95 292 255 27 267 238 318 Karsh 1/36 741 .7 58 140 135 4 133 128 319 Bonga '" 101/S15 4 4,088·7 48 125 139 2 lIO 125 320 Kachia ... 31/497 I 4,061.37 28 180 152 3 117 102 177 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Surajpur

______AgriculturalA- Classes______~ ~ ______Non-Agricultural-A Classes

H.-Cultivators IlL-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production VIII.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport services and mis- and their their dep~ndants etc. and their cultivation cellaneous Serial dependants dependants sources No. ,--___..A.._----, ,--~ ,---"------.., r---~ ,-_--A.. __, ,-_--A.._-, ,----'---, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(15) (16) (18) (r9) (20) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (I)


3 241 7 5 31 34 13 9 242 3 1 II II 243 8 7 8 9 4 3 244 I 2 245· 2 246- 2 I 15 16 II 14 241 I 3 23 25 15 II I 2 248 249 II 13 6 5 250

13 251 7 3 252 2 25:l 5 4 9 I I 254 3 2 2 I 3 3 255 7 9 IS 9 15 10 6 4 256- 7 5 2 251 5 4 2 3 I 258 25' 3 3 260

23 24 9 2 261: 3 4 4 5 262 2 261 2 I I 7 3 264 4 8 I 265 I I 266- 2 3 I 2 3 5 7 267 8 2 268 6 3 20 8 I 6 3 2 269 3 4 12 8 I 2 270

I 3 5 I 271 I 2 25 6 272 3 z7J II 12 2S 13 I 2 6 7 274- 19 20 12 20 5 4 275 I 27~ 2 277 22 25 4 I 6 8 3 6 278 3 8 6 5 2 I 2 I 279 10 2 I I I 2 280

19 13 2 I 281 6 6 7 4 2 2 282 9 8 4 8 9 2 I 281 2 5 23 18 I I 284 2 6 2 2 I 285 286 19 20 9 9 I 7 6 4 3 2 287 2 I 23 19 7 3 6 5 4 2 288 5 5 289 5 2 290

2 25 27 2 I 291 68 54 4 3 18 21 292 23 22 122 293 25 23 25 31 3 4 3 294 17 13 17 10 4 5 29S 18 12 53 45 3 3 2 3 I 296 13 9 II 9 6 3 2 2 297 4 4 3 6 7 5 I 298 20 22 4 6 15 16 299 6 7 34 30 I 2 22 9 6 13 10 300 42 42 5 6 30r II 9 9 6 I 302 I 2 25 30 3 I 2 30 3 40 43 4 3 5. 4 304 12 II 25 16 2 2 2 3 305 2 15 12 5 3 23 15 30 6 10 12 10 307 16 8 8 9 20 18 3 4 30 8 5 7 4 3 309 14 13 I 4 3 310 3 3 I I 2 4 3II 7 3 I 3 312 3 3 6 7 3 2 311 6 6 2 3 3 2 8 6 314 I 21 16 31 5 2 66 66 I 2 I 13 22 316 2 4 14 9 9 4 5 3 317 3 2 4 I 2 2 318 8 9 I I 6 4 319 7 7 I I 5 320 D-23 178 District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Patwari owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area. Occupied Total population Literates their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,-__A._-, ..------A----. ..------"------.. Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) ([2)


21 Bramhanpur 293 10 1,650.45 56 132 144 2 101 III 3 0 32Z. Mahalirpur 342 13 415·35 23 49 50 3 41 4 323 Karkalijuna 37 II 461.48 14 41 34 2 33 25 324 Khond ... 26/544 2 8,748.29 74 197 166 6 I 106 88 325 Shyampur 421 9 2,088.13 52 105 102 4 76 77 32 6 G.mgapur 120 13 1,031.48 90 276 255 10 I 241 227 327 Dhartipara 206 II 961·76 141 353 374 6 33 2 357 328 Gouripur Il7 8 1,240.64 28 60 60 57 56 329 Barkirama 273 10 2,501.21 96 264 2·5 3 187 183 330 Banki 295 2,007·79 19 49 46 39 37

331 Shionagar 430 II 1,707.48 30 93 93 84 85 332 Bh;gwanpur 319 8 2,I34·35 48 103 89 4 80 73 333 J .agahadard 394 I 1,154.66 25 82 55 50 53' 334 Tarka 176 1 2,421.83 52 133 132 82 92 335 Marbhani 363 13 988.60 21 54 47 4 54 47 336 Kala Mangan 52 I 1,907.59 31 95 84 89 76 337 Kamalpur 41 13 621.43 32 85 82 20 3 45 47 338 Mehakurpur 166 13 364.98 36 95 106 2 93 103 339 Babhna ... 281 l,ll7·71 23 65 70 5 54 58 340 Patarapara 227 3 735.56 40 123 1I9 5 115 II4

341 Gangapur I5/lIS I 1,389.49 29 59 63 52 59 332 Kaberpur 151481 I 1,269.85 41 141 II5 136 II4 343 Magurdhaki 100/524 5 4,550.08 38 II8 II6 4 73 66 344 Gadavani 154 13 811.0 62 207 203 20 193 189 345 Maleabanda 348 8 1,916 .25 72 166 134 159 176 346 Injani 121/535 5 8>43 8.16 41 155 128 II7 102 347 Mahagai 347 9 2,580 .65 61 318 ISO 10 139 Il7 348 VindhyacheI 298 10 2,880·94 23 49 44 34 29 349 Namatala 16/4R2 1 1,305. I 43 135 1I5 1 132 112 350 Rasanki ... 4/470 I 8,486.66 46 u6 106 I II6 106 531 Gakulpur 108 7 1,08 7.90 33 102 69 2 78 54 35~ Banki 294 I 9,563·57 37 82 79 56 49 353 Badwar .. 97/5 II 4 2,809.77 49 120 125 4 101 93 Pathakpur - 256 12 1,287·82 83 196 180 7 183 166 314 20 355 Kachawari 6/672 I 1,150.01 8 23 20 20 356 Bedami 1251/99 5 3,504.67 73 216 200 120 1I8 357 Gobardhanpur 1061520 4 59°·96 60 167 155 9 128 Il6 358 Kataya 78 10 1,37 9.06 47 123 132 I lOS 114 Brindagaon 02 II 1,738.63 lI4 II2 92 91 359 3 45 126 360 Narala ... 100/5 14 4 6,046'72 50 167 147 I 139 361 Rangarli 3/467 40440.79 22 5.:) 52 50 43 36~ Raghunathpur 365 II 2,262 80 187 187 10 143 143 363 Parameshwarpur II3/52 7 5 1,208·31 84 210 216 9 183 172 364 Deori 29/495 5 1,897·60 29 85 78 77 69 365 Tulsi ... 180 12 1,849.18 78 215 219 2 199 208 66 Khaira ... 21/487 1 2,306.50 46 154 lI8 III 87 3 226 219 367 Satpa·ta 415 IS 710.83 75 240 23 1 2 368 Thargi 187 1 5,929.10 7 23 16 6 7 Anantr:JUr 63 136 119 1 89 79 369 3 9 1,439·52 0 16 370 Sapia 17/483 I 1,135·59 8 70 16 7 2 371 Khalbahara 24/490 I 27 2.22 II 30 34 29 3 372 Nawaparkala 216 10 7,402.32 184 532 47 0 3 489 432 373 Gorakhnathpur II3 14 1,374·54 89 70 51 70 51 Chatarpur I41 12 766·35 61 25 2 223 1 225 200 374 86 375 Kolhua ... 8/474 I 4,526.29 30 163 141 74 376 Khara 88 I 3,230 .24 69 77 77 2 65 63 377 Dhursodi 205 1 4,442·49 44 104 78 1 95 72 378 Tara 177 II 9,887.02 43 135 13 2 I 81 75 376 Haripur 6 13 1,588 .10 75 167 159 4 160 157 4 4 r86 21 380 Barauli .. , 270 3 476.66 66 321 326 6 7 81 Bagha 314 12 2,757·53 103 254 150 26 135 III 3 81 '157 382 Hulkana 268 8 J,IOO 43 101 105 8 Baheradola (Kishorepur) 292 13 988 .62 8 216 218 7 213 216 3 3 7 70 384 Sukhdeopur ...... 441 12 1,283·3 I 31 77 76 I 69 85 Ghatpendari 121 6 2,034·51 20 45 54 29 38 3 86 78 386 Kuppi 56 1 6,233"·34 37 J08 89 8 Kothe 76 6 65 241 151 5 189 114 3 7 1,753·93 1I2 10 3 88 Bakana 277 7 83I.53 40 II7 113 5 7 8 Senewahi 456 13 1,306.73 41 98 99 94 96 3 9 120 390 Modidand 352 8,354 52 131 147 133 125 391 Singri I15/529 5 924.52 88 239 209 I 144 2 Chanderpur 130 1,085·91 84 233 227 8 201 198 39 5 760 393 Pidha 261 3 1,161.90 187 804 805 36 744 Dumarkholi 173 6 374-42 21 51 33 31 20 394 8 395 Jaiyer 163 4 6ll.I8 25 49 47 3 37 6 Baskar 282 I 1,185.28 28 69 68 2 55 53 39 62 68 397 Khunsi ... 92 6 1,248.43 31 103 105 2 Archaka 3,205.17 II 36 28 22 15 398 61545 3 0 Gandai 651 5 2,885.16 147 353 345 II 293 3 3 399 282 273 400 pakani ... II9/533 5 4,056.83 191 354 327 3 179 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Surajpur Agricultural Classt:s Non-Agricultural Classes ---., ,. ----., H.-Cultivators IlL-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production VIII-Other of unowned land labourers vating owners, other than VI-Commerce VII-Transport services and their and their etc. and their cultivation and Serial dependants dependants dependants miscellaneous N(}. sources ,.-----.A-----. ,.---'------, ,.---'------, ~ ~ ~...... , Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (18) (20) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (1)


3 3 6 14 18 IS 4 I 321" 3 7 5 3 322 I 3 5 3 2 3 32 3 4 3 76 62 2 2 6 4 2 7 3:014 2 3 2 2 18 II 7 8 3:o1S; 30 23 2 2 3 3 3:01 6 4 3 7 7 10 7 3:017 3 3 1 3:018 5 5 45 35 II 6 16 6 321} I I 4 4 4 3 I I 331)

4 3 4 4 1 I 331" 4 2 13 5 I 5 3 2 2 I 332 10 10 4 2 18 9 I 333 32 25 IS 12 4 3 334 335 6 8 336 2 2 25 22 3 3 4 337 I 3 338 10 12 I 339 2 5 4 I 340 I 4 4 2 34 I I 2 .. ~, 5 34 10 13 II 10 22 25 I I 343 II 12 3 2 344 1 4 5 3 2 345 2 3 19 12 17 10 I 346- 7 5 15 II 161 7 2 3 4 7 347 8 10 1 4 2 3 2 348 2 3 349 350

17 !O 2 3 4 2 3SI 5 3 17 23 2 1 2 3 35 2 5 6 12 19 2 6 353 8 12 5 2 354 3 355 4 5 74 70 8 5 7 2 3 356- 6 9 30 25 2 I 4 357 4 8 8 6 6 4 358 II 5 3 II 13 35~ 8 5 12 13 2 2 I 360

5 2 I 4 3 3 361: 17 II 10 11 13 14 2 6 2 2 367> 10 14 2 7 8 16 7 7 363 7 9 I 364 13 8 3 3 365 4 I 28 18 2 2 3 6 7 366 5 6 I 9 4 367 3 I 14 8 368 8 7 2 2 4 27 369 370

I 2 37I 4 4 14 19 II II 7 3 372 373 4 5 3 2 9 8 I 10 8 374, 82 67 375: 6 8 I 2 I 3 5 376. 8 6 I 377 4 7 15 22 29 25 6 3 378, 3 I 3 I 379' 78 34 37 3 4 lSI})

10 9 9 3 4 6 3 6 10 3~1" 16 2 382 3 2 383 8 5 I 384 II 8 5 8 385 22 II 386 7 6 36 23 2 1 4 2 2 387 I 2 2 2 2 2 388 4 3 38? 3 6 2 6 390 26 18 54 49 10 8 5 9 39I 4 5 19 14 S 6 I 4 392c 8 IS 7 12 3 16 14 10 393 8 2 10 9 2 2 394 5 7 5 2 1 39S 12 10 I 2 4 39~ 3 5 IS 10 18 18 5 4 3'7 2 2 II II 1 398 8 4 17 10 5 20 14 10 9 3"9 53 40 7 6 7 5 6 400 180 District Surguja THE PRIMARY

,- I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occupied - their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,-_-A.._-, t . -----., ,.-----A---, Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (IO) (II) (12)


401 Gangikota 104 14 1,289.78 41 94 88 I 80 78 402 Dhuria 71/541 3 733·97 6 22 17 13 8 403 Navadhake 92/506 4 2,353.69 21 53 54 47 48 404 Kadargarh 54 I 24,100·53 28 75 74 12 63 56 405 Kanchanpur 26 8 1,210·91 48 121 120 2 121 II4 406 Sheogagurpur 43 6 13 593·95 15 30 20 24 16 407 Anpurna 2 8 2,625. 86 57 137 127 4 134 120 408 Shashipur 420 15 513.45 6 9 10 2 6 8 40 9 Padware 32/498 I 672.96 7 22 13 20 12 410 Langada 393 I 2,740.48 14 27 23 20 17 4II Birpur Godha 307 14 1,236.0 53 II6 II6 I 97 96 412 Rameshwarnagar 379 10 6,436·79 28 77 69 I 66 58 413 Jagatpur 150 13 443-93 18 50 41 49 40 414 Hanumangarh 460 8 748-48 53 156 145 I ISO 134 4 15 Kapsora 27 I 2,337.05 24 51 40 28 19 416 Busnara 18/484 I 6,123·36 4 55 46 15 5 4 17 Arginpur 6 8 3,450.02 64 152 157 2 140 144 418 Madanpur 349 8 2,488.68 77 183 172 IS 180 165 419 Bishunpurkala 304 13 364.98 17 45 34 2 33 28 ·420 Bhuski Moder 329 I 7,298.65 6 27 24 14 16 421 Bhelkach 73/549 3 3,890.75 40 123 113 2 II2 109 422 Nawaparkhurd 217 9 2,382·77 43 104 II4 17 70 77 423 Jagatpur 145 8 1,957.87 77 187 165 181 159 424 Beleme 3II I 703.97 5 10 15 2 4 425 Duthma 193 14 1,171.76 100 387 392 7 314 32 5 426 Umeshpur 18 9 4,087·43 105 292 292 7 229 218 427 Parbatpur 257 9 4,254-44 124 340 353 8 I 317 32 4 428 Ramnagar 381 14 3,295.82 253 474 777 53 14 348 584 429 Mahuli 7/473 1 2,585·96 44 123 112 4 II5 H2 430 Lampapore 252 7 983·61 132 335 337 12 260 267 431 Race 383 14 1,920.81 125 374 363 3 365 355 432 Bargadih 98/512 4 514.68 14 47 33 I 43 29 433 Kantipara 27/493 I 1,014·31 12 44 38 44 38 434 Ramtirli 375 8 207·54 19 40 33 I 40 33 435 Gargree ... 99/513 4 2,954·37 40 II8 100 I 81 73 436 panchvali 237 8 1,638.34 27 83 76 77 68 437 Dudka 169 1,479·72 39 105 III 3 75 77 438 Karanpore 49 14 1,60 7.18 80 234 238 22 218 216 439 Sondiha 104/5 18 4 481.60 57 155 153 7 120 13 1 440 Dudinagar 170 I 1,312.18 39 92 86 4 77 92 441 Karree 34 I 3,936.13 75 204 177 143 130 442 Mohanpore 453 12 1,285.66 39 IIO 98 2 99 90 443 Saraswatipur 419 14 891.68 48 137 134 131 130 444 Dandkaswa 8915 0 3 4 3,860.70 43 112 107 2 104 97 445 Tharpather 22/488 I 2,309·21 21 109 88 82 69 446 Kalipore 50 9 1,224.61 21 57 50 1 50 46 447 Rampur 93/507 4 1,008·38 51 140 146 5 104 114 448 Ghui 95/509 4 2,561.59 53 146 128 17 112 96 449 S arastalkhurd 422 10 2,153·63 31 71 75 52 53 450 Khemdapura 91 I I,II9·25 46 143 145 107 105

451 Danali khurd 189 I 666.13 70 167 175 2. 136 142 452 Chopen 139 3 895·76 38 88 92 2 85 89 453 Ajahnagar 13 13 1,049.82 ~9 136 123 19 13 2 121 454 Samra 26/492 I 1,01 4.3 1 16 45 52 42 51 455 Gopalpur 106 2 456·48 64 207 2 1 3 26 168 179 456 Ganaopi 149 5 1,234.15 46 1I2 127 14 66 76 457 Marhatha 337 5 1,612.41 60 159 47 4 130 20 458 Pimiri 260 7 1,218·43 77 216 183 205 178 459 Thadsathar 23/489 I 2,307,29 45 II9 101 6 II2 99 460 Pahat Amorni 246 5 1,344.26 38 108 III 3 101 101 461 Pahia 23 1 6 1,654.40 44 122 122 84 88 462 Chandramerha 132 5 788.00 65 239 202 16 138 141 ·463 Pradvar 279 6 24,701.07 42 104 91 101 87 464 Saraswatipur 406 9 500.82 123 299 273 14 I 275 260 465 Ransapara 296 3 561.67 68 260 222 56 242 203 466 Bagda 269 8 4,190.45 109 296 292 II 221 214 467 Daharipara 167 3 662.02 75 268 249 23 254 240 468 Khairadi 94 7 1,196.06 28 78 72 64 57 469 Khadali 87 4 5,984·20 58 148 III I 99 74 470 Malaga 341 II 764. 16 35 251 207 5 198 169 471 Ganala II5 5 2,382.02 60 180 205 17 5 12 5 147 472 Chindia 142 8 2,588.13 144 388 334 28 3 370 307 473 Barandhi 285 5 1.• 162.01 39 87 95 5 73 81 474 Rajapur 384 15 1,975.21 170 442 396 19 324 263 475 Sarahari 404 6 1,842·73 122 240 241 3 129 115 476 Baikona 312 7 1,706.75 1I4 319 282 3 245 208 477 Lolkee 402 6 3,562.99 71 249 220 2 122 1I9 478 Devipur (Kipachartala) 199 2 2,427.57 159 369 395 4 328 340 479 Baignathnagar 313 4 1,466.73 137 330 362 25 306 345 480 Janardanpore 148 II 2,858.00 23 78 63 47 45 181 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Surajput' Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ______A______-, ~------A VnI.-Other H.-Cultivators III.-Cuitivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production services and mis- of unowned land labourers and vatingowners, other than Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport cellaneous Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation sources No. dependants dependants ,.--~ ~ ..------"---. ,-__""-----, ,----"----, ,--__.A.._--. --"------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I)


12 7 2 3 401 2 4 5 3 2 I 402. 3 2 2 3 I I 403 5 6 7 12 404 6 41)5,.- 6 4 40 6 I 4 I 1 3 40 7 3 2 408 I I 409 1 7 5 410

3 3 7 2 5 10 4 5 4II 9 9 2 2 412 1 I 4 13 I 4 6 I 4 414 22 20 I 1 4 15 39 41 41 6 2 10 10 I I 417 5 I I I 1 1 418 4 8 5 419 6 2 7 6 420

6 3 5 1 421 15 13 18 24 I 42.2 4 5 2 I 42.3 8 II 424 6 4 10 9 57 54 42 5 4 2 9 12 5 46 51 9 4 42 6 8 15 9 6 5 4 1 4 427 II 14 22 65 9 8 40 60 24 31 42 8 8 42 9 47 14 16 2 3 5 43 0 9 8 431 4 4 43 2 433 434 IS II 18 13 3 2 435 2 4 4 4 436 28 31 2 3 437 3 3 3 7 6 II 3 I 438 2 I 33 20 439 8 7 3 5 4 2 440 36 30 6 7 19 10 441 I 7 4 4 3 442. I 6 3 443 2 2. 4 6 2 2. 444 27 19 445 3 2 4 2 446 ~7 17 16 12 3 3 447 12 II 12 13 2 5 3 2 5 I 448 ~3 12 6 10 449 12 12 28 450

1 26 30 4 3 451 1 2. I I 452 2 2 2 453 3 I 454 2 2 35 32 2 455 16 18 12 13 16 19 2 1 456 7 6 9 9 II II I I 457 7 1 4 4 458 I 5 1 459 2. 2 I 5 7 460

7 7 30 27 I 461 19 17 50 24 14 II 4 4 14 5 462 3 4 463 17 8 7 5 464 12 16 5 3 I 465 7 7 IS 19 50 49 3 3 466 I 3 13 6 467 4 2 9 II z 468 9 8 S 7 34 21 I I 469 19 16 17 II 5 6 10 4 2 1 470

5 5 33 I I 13 16 3 9 471 5 14 3 6 472 5 4 8 7 I 3 473 32 35 12 23 52 48 2 II 17 474 61 51 19 55 4 19 10 II 6 475 17 21 IS 16 38 34 2 1 2 2 476 10 5 60 42 57 53 I 477 2. 1 22. 31 14 15 3 3 478 14 IS 8 5 2 2 479 3 2 25 14 3 2 480 182 District Surguja THE PRIMARY ,------_- I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,----"- ,---..A-__~ Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


481 Dawansara 192 4 1,419.46 131 298 281 4 242 222 482 Pachira 242 2 934·54 80 280 296 44 247 259 483 Sondarpore 438 1 2,424,3 8 170 513 517 38 45 2 459 4'4 Sonpore 450 5 1,728 .03 164 508 477 34 445 413 485 Bakalo 274 II 3,640.00 78 380 336 4 348 307 486 Laxmipore 397 IJ 2,907.29 175 472 455 8 471 453 487 Kalyanpore 39 12 3,005.5 1 194 534 525 32 498 481 488 Ratanpore 370 II 919. 18 105 35 1 337 15 280 253 489 Latoree 395 13 1,907.87 18~ 551 495 56 477 438 490 Makrandipore 336 7 4,724.26 209 537 572 16 472 4S6 491 Sohagpur 188 14 1,299·64 198 552 571 27 493 519 492 Sapkara 416 6 1,125·91 102 29 0 285 15 243 239- 493 Kharsura 90 14 1,342.90 152 436 444 15 379 390 494 Jhansi 158 I 1,232.01 131 324 229 36 301 300- 495 Kotya 74 8 3,275.86 155 404 310 10 317 213 496 Kandrai 48 15 3,372.00 194 663 537 38 648 519 497 Langih 399 2 9,803.48 109 359 337 7 3 206 207 498 Govindpur 102/516 4 2,914.05 128 381 373 2 294 276 49' Maghgaon 332 6 10,IIO.O 71 187 205 6 4 163 180- 500 Salka 405 4 1,407.66 207 495 458 41 387 374 501 Kurwa 61 IS 1,631.60 328 742 77 1 23 652 680- 502 Kotolifi 77 II 1,141.24 109 447 477 55 4 361 373 503 Jaganathpur 143 8 2,477.64 154 496 5II 0 432 446 504 Akhara 10 12 1,609.32 - 139 357 3II 259 24 8 50S Mauud 329 2 1,453·74 129 513 528 47 5 436 431 506 Jainagar 52 15 1,49I.41 156 417 385 9 I 369 335 507 Thumerpura 439 II 757. 60 158 420 395 10 384 360- 508 Manpur 351 8 1,274.91 149 292 263 5 I 245 216- 509 MadanNagar 345 8 2,530•27 86 304 297 17 2 182 196 510 Nawapara 218 3 880.38 100 426 399 342 316 SIX Parsurampur 248 9 3,993.18 136 417 390 2 312 29°- 512 Darhara 188 6 3,342.78 174 319 303 22 261 247 51:J Anrokha 9 5 1,795·51 135 235 228 23 201 205 SI4 Darripara 190 1 1,054·57 75 611 563 19 I 559 520 SIS Khush.mushi 58 3 2,132.56 194 640 644 46 559 557 Sl6 Mauza 358 4 1,260.13 211 1044 83 8 30 394 366 517 Sirsi 429 2 2,946.05 236 518 1228 370 102 450 1I52 518 Sarajpur 444 2 2,573·43 650 368 337 345 314 51 9 Boniga 101/515 4 4,088·7 35 89 88 3 72 68 520 A wantikapur 10/476 I 1,830.26 43 IIO 106 106 106- 521 Pampapur 250 12 1,045.36 71 207 187 6 187 168 522 Maharsope 9/475 I 19,695.98 37 120 85 71 59 523 Ramgaon 364 6 1,23).32 41 253 236 25 207 183 524 Samalpur 417 13 1,790.69 81 239 218 II 239 254 525 Pondi 266 5 1,640.78 lIS 553 608 43 371 456- 526 Banja 384 3 2,600.68 240 211 206 4 163 156- S27 Karandamuda 32 3 528 .38 86 555 570 25 422 433 528 Kerwa 67 2 2,229·50 244 365 385 7 241 239 529 Darawana 191 4 1,555.27 297 300 309 14 21 5 216- 530 Umapore 16 7 1,133.65 119 379 353 15 336 311

53 1 Gopipore 107 5 1,066.85 121 514 515 34 475 470 532 Saika 418 6 1,567.92 195 324 306 4 23 8 23 1 533 Samrakalan 447 7 1,537.69 II8 503 508 13 45 1 448 534 Kamalpore 35 3 1,677.02 180 432 468 96 12 407 437 535 Krishanpore 53 3 1,312.80 181 409 416 33 331 332 536 Namadgiree 219 2 1,178.12 146 506 499 28 466 443 537 Pramnagar 264 10 5,882·35 214 340 321 13 292 2 85 538 Bel-ikari 310 2 1,555.72 140 568 588 24 545 557 539 Khadgawakalan ... 89 12 5,261.37 224 379 340 6 341 311 540 Mayapore 357 6 1,698'73 160 266 251 4 197 190 541 Parsapara 228 3 476.70 64 312 338 27 291 310 542 Kargee 47 14 1,139.46 1I4 123 125 3 109 107 183 "CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Surajpur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ------"------, r------"------,VIII.-Other n.-Cultivators HI.-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-ProjucLion services and mis- Serial of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport cellaneous No. and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation sources dependants dcpmdants ,-___ A. __, tr---..A.---~ r----"----, r----"---, "---_)._--l r----.A---1 r----..A..--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I)


21 25 28 20 2 12 II 3 2 481 19 29 I 13 8 482 18 16 27 21 I 10 10 6 10 483 62 63 I I 484 6 4 4 6 17 14 5 5 485 I I I 486 4 4 30 36 2 4 487 20 23 13 ]4 2 I 29 39 2 1 5 6 488 5 5 23 26 I I 26 17 19 8 489 10 6 24 31 2 10 23 23 6 6 490

24 25 26 22 2 I I 6 4 491: 3 5 5 9 31 27 I 7 4 492 27 20 24 24 6 10 493 3 5 7 10 10 II 3 3 494 14 17 19 25 40 42 II 8 3 5 495 9 6 2 7 3 3 1 2 496 IS 12 59 50 77 65 2 3 497 43 45 36 47 2 3 6 2 498 9 II 13 13 I I I 499 33 32 55 35 4 2 4 5 I 2 II 8 500 I I 22 34 35 33 28 21 I 3 2 501 3 7 54 62 8 18 IS 13 3 2 3 2 502 6 6 14 15 40 40 4 4 503 8 6 16 16 35 24 6 8 33 8 504 21 28 29 48 I5 12 12 9 50S 22 29 19 17 7 4 506 9 8' IS 15 II II '1 I 50 7 19 22 18 14 6 10 3 I I 508 28 25 70 54 13 13 9 8 2 I 509 26 26 45 39 13 18 510 59 53 35 38 1 2 10 7 511 3 4 37 37 2 2 I 7 6 8 6 5u 2 2 21 14 8 6 3 I 513 '19 16 14 13 2 5 3 13 9 51 4 6 6 42 48 21 21 12 12 SIS 24 39 81 58 3 115 81 200 149 62 29 1 67 II3 5~6 1 68 75 5~7 I I 22 22 518 7 7 4 8 4 4 2 5 19 4 520, 20 19 521 2 I 32 17 2 I 9 2 I 4 4 52Z 14 19 13 17 19 17 52.3 4 10 16 27 2 3 12 16 7 2 524 53 58 100 64 26 24 3 6 525 34 33 1I II 3 6 526 70 69 57 60 3 5 3 3 527 4 8 44 52 77 20 19 4 6 528 15 16 17 25 39 36 8 8 6 7 529 39 39 2 2 2 I 530 16 14 21 23 2 7 531: 6 6 42 30 3 I 19 23 16 15 532 I 46 50 5 9 533 23 28 2 3 534 3 3 51 54 17 18 I 6 9 535 2 27 35 I 6 6 7 4 6 536 I 20 24 9 3 17 7 537 I 9 I 21 20 2 I I 538 6 2' 32 26 I 539 2 1 55 53 II 8 540 2 15 21 5 5 54x 2 I 3 9 I 9 L. 542. District Surguja THE PRIMARY

r------I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle . Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,..----,,-.__, ,------'----., ,.------A----.. Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (10) (II) (12)


I Ramanujganj Ward No. 1 254/1 8 30 85 77 5 II II 2 10 2 ~, ,:I 2 254/2 8 77 137 9 63 7 4 3 3 254/3 8 93 239 250 95 19 13 9 4 " ",,, " 4 254/4 8 42 106 92 42 I 5 " 5 25415 8 " 57 147 106 97 18 26 4 6 " " " 6 " II II " ,~ 25416 8 30 101 87 15 13 7 7 254/7 8 86 220 168 136 6 13 8 8 " 8 254/8 8 " 77 193 193 28 2 23 2~ 9 " " " 9 254/9 8 " 60 II7 1I2 38 2 18 20- 10 " " " 10 8 " 8 I " " ,,, 254110 " 90 1 9 177 79 5 4 VILLAGES OF

I Khatuabardar 51 12 2,298.82 44 136 130 68 80 2 Turridih II9 12 759.28 32 90 97 72 74 3 Chera 74 A 4 3>458.14 69 149 154 I 76 85 4 Lodha 265 A 6 2,397.07 50 127 129 1I8 129- 5 Katsanpodi 49 II 1,615.II 63 165 149 130 121 6 Girwarganj 61 9 1,387.51 35 136 107 109 87 7 Jamuadand 186 13 I,Il9.88 92 2Il 196 2 I 122 121 8 Satro 93 12 1,150 42 131 II3 2 86 80 9 Kapildeopur 45 A 9 3,154.69 58 164 160 2 149 150 10 Pandri 329 B 2 5,175 79 233 212 22 164 ISO II Bisumpur 194 6 3,503.52 69 165 149 4 96 III 12 Bhanawra 21I 12 2,031.19 71 2 0 7 192 5 US 133- 13 Panchawal 158 A 5 9,33 1,33 64- 190 202 I 189 201 14 Bhairopur 221 II 2,100.83 50 168 171 4 126 u8 15 Balangi 332 I 2,601 III 278 255 5 172 166- 16 Palagi BIoeb .. . I4SB 6 3,533.91 52 158 166 I 134 163- 17 Talkeshwarpur .. . u6B 5 6,183.01 27 94 91 94 91 18 Kameshwar Nagar 32 A 5 3,304·8 52 122 140 2 122 140· 19 Murka 243 9 2,40 8.70 57 315 276 188 180 20 Rajkheta Ward 1 245 A 3 4,989.°9 47 164 149 17 129 130 21 Sanaval 288 A 5 2,941.18 79 178 220 7 166 218 22 Lurgikala 270 A 9 886·93 51 152 142 149 136 23 Murkal 238 A 4 1,710.62 61 145 156 3 88 107 24 Sonhat 343 2 6,812 45 130 lIS 1 80 86 25 Murkal 238 B 4 I,71 0.62 31 85 96 3 47 63 26 Kadiya 43A 9 2,620·55 53 192 ISO 159 157 27 Amravatipur 2 9 3,053.08 42 137 138 I II9 130' 28 Pushupatipur 160 3 4,947·59 52 170 164 6 170 164 29 Palagi Block A 145 A 6 3,533.91 48 220 220 6 160 176 30 Sulsuli A 281 A 4 2,814·64 64 226 230 4 144 165 31 Putsura 149 A 13 3,470.32 40 140 135 II7 32 Anirudpur 6B 6 2,407.20 40 93 102 5 67 33 Charchari 319 r 3,95°,00 24 81 85 62 34 Meghuli 23 2 7 2,054·21 25 94 84 28 9 1 35 Mahabirganj 244 7 4,994·92 43 lIO 126 7 101 36 Kundi ... 39 3 2,548,57 34 9 r 97 39 37 Shardapur 275 B 4 3,682'56 54 186 184 131 38 Chawarsarai 320 2 1,837.00 49 121 119 5 64 39 Amdanda 5 13 II,719.64 45 148 128 3 85 40 Badakagaon I92 B 10 2,365.85 39 103 108 I 54 41 Chiniya 83 7 3,629,32 53 158 138 9 151 134- 42 Parasdiha I41 B 10 873.41 28 101 III 7 62 69- 43 Sulaja 293 5 5,446·36 57 143 141 143 141 44 Sursa 277 10 1,643-43 42 II3 120 29 45 4S Bhitiyahi 214 8 1,678'29 31 121 121 102 10Ze 46 Lawa 269 7 3,212.28 35 101 102 2 104 98 47 Dhadhia III A 10 3,658-41 43 126 123 IOI 104 48 Obari 21 12 293.90 32 97 100 5 63 71 49 Jhalpi 98 13 121.52 59 116 130 82 88 50 Kachhiya 25 9 1,841.20 4 142 133 9 III 1I4 51 Sabitripur 276 10 782.57 16 39 37 25 21 52 Surhul ... 282 4- 226.81 12 22 21 22 21 53 Hardi Bahera 346 I 2,071.00 20 77 79 63 62 54 Tamvantpur 95 8 1,289.86 17 39 43 3 33 31 5S Jhara 97 5 2,989·78 36 10 4 69 101 69 56 Putsura (B) 149 13 3,470.32 28 95 86 2 77 71 57 Shankerpur 344 I 2,226 90 270 232 I 138 135 58 Kewali ... 30 7 1,240'70 3S 12 9 127 51 109 lIZ 59 Gamhariya 57 9 1,789.60 34 III 137 6 101 121 60 Katrahi 37 3 6,616.24 72 163 152 10 144 141

61 Babhani 331 1 4,662 40 10 9 85 82 78 62 Badakimahari 201 A 12 3,430.07 44 II3 95 67 52 63 Chitma ... 85 II 1,369,66 50 141 133 3 97 85 64 Bijakura 333 I 2,213 41 86 73 56 49- 65 Tangerrnahri 102 B 12 469.29 43 124 187 4 80 15 2 66 Raghunath Nagar 339 2 2,678.00 II5 275 254 7 160 159 ~7 Bartikalan 170 10 1,,418.25 50 200 212 3 127 163 68 Kamalpur 30 4 1,453 49 126 IIO 3 80 73 69 Lurgikhurd 268 If 1,207.86 50 145 147 2 106 95 70 Dhanpuri 130 A 8 1,304.61 54 160 ISS 76 134 123 185

CENSUS ABSTRACT ~Tahsn Pal Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes VIII.-O.her n.-Cultivators III.-Cullivating IV-Non-culti- V.-Production services and mis­ of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport cellaneous Serial and their their dependants etc. and their culti~fltion sources No. dependants dependants ,.----A-----, r-----A-----. ,--_-.A.-----., ,---.A..-----., ~ ,------"------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (26) (I)


4 1 2 I 49 19 20 1 45 10 8 5 3 73 48 .2 34 121 150 7 9 64 45 3 14 38 44 23 3 3 1 30 4 27 52 51 4 6 38 23 5 3 87 68 12 4 6 28 145 120 34 II 7 4 5 4 56 83 75 2 23 20 S 3 38 20 30 16 12 22 19 9 77 36 46 10 8 62 44 10


55 38 12 10 I 2 1 15 14 5 2 4 2- 70 67 3 2 3 9 4 35 28 5 13 7 14 13 6 I 1 70 53 4 7 II II 3 3 7 43 31 I 2 I ,8 1 II 8 4 I 9 30 33 36 28 3 10

19 16 48 21 2 1 II 86 55 2 2 4 2 12 I 13 42 43 i4 9 81 69 6 3 2 8 3 IS 24 2 16 17 18 124 2 19 10 . 14 21 4 20

12 1 21 I I 2 5 22 3 2 48 45 4 2 2 23 I 44 28 4 I 2 24 28 24 10 8 I 25 3 23 19 I I I 26 9 2 7 5 2 I 27 28 6 8 48 35 I 29 57 40 11 20 3 3 I 30 19 23 3 3 5 31 10 8 13 3 2 2 I 32 3 4 16 3 33 I I 2 2 34 2 3 4 I I 2 4 4 35 26 27 26 8 36 4 3 51 28 37 9 9 44 35 3 2 I 2 38 59 43 :2 I 2 39 7 6 21 18 10 II II 7 40 7 4 41 26 28 4 6 9 8 42. 4} 31 31 51 44 :2 44 7 5 12 14 4S 1 2 :2 :2 46 9 8 12 8 4 3 47 34 29 48 I 2 33 40 49 7 6 9 5 13 7 2 50

12 9 2 I SI 52 I I 13 16 53 3 4 I 2 2 54 3 SS 18 15 56 23 19 102 78 I 57 3 3 8 5 5 4 4 3 58 8 13 2 3 59 10 II 7 2 60

26 6 I I 46 43 II 13 33 35 18 15 II 9 I 6 5 32 19 2 6 I 2 3 3 96 77 2 6 5 3 3 2 9 7 3 3 66 40 I 2 3 4 42 29 4 8 39 52 12 17 14 15 D-23 186 District Surguja TIlE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,...---_..A.---, ,--- ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (n) (12)


71 Virendranagar 205 B 4 1,249·66 39 136 140 3 61 16 72 Phulidumar 165 2 2,757.02 70 213 20 3 4 164 169 73 Ruppur 249 3 1,876.21 46 131 133 2 117 lIS 74 Dhadhiya III B 10 3,658.41 30 120 99 5 96 84 75 Rampur 255 9 1,513.78 47 274 227 19 134 II7 76 Basantpur 208 B 3 5,861.43 81 244 238 25 146 189 71 Sarna 342 2 3,379.7 56 137 124 18 54 54 78 Dindo .. , 107 4 287.44 40 120 145 3 93 III 79 Chandi ... 76 4 940.96 46 147 105 4 66 41 80 Sargawa 2 85 12 2,956.43 17 54 47 33 31 81 Madanpur 228 3 1,228 22 97 88 3 81 79 82 Dhanwarkalan 128 9 1,960.40 28 no 92 1 91 79 83 Karrichalgali 26 B II 1>455.46 48 154 136 3 142 123 84 Chirkoma .. . 69 13 2,407.20 45 96 109 4 83 90 85 Bishwanathpur .. . 183 6 4,715.91 60 132 141 5 lI8 III 86 Pandari 32 9 2 5,775 1I6 340 331 2I3 212- 87 Syahi 289 4 1,771.19 49 117 125 78 93 88 Kesari 308 2 2,633 U2 30 3 296 3 172 182 89 Jagdambapur 89 6 269.17 6 12 9 II 9 90 Pcndari 161 3 4,584.91 86 135 207 4 87 93 91 Indrawapur 14 B 5 2,333·07 46 103 II3 3 103 Il3 92 Manpur 241 B 9 4,545 22 90 95 2 90 93 93 Salwahi 286 4 3,233·79 64 168 162 3 II9 131 94 Baratikalan 170 10 1,418.85 62 175 178 5 76 85 95 Pindra ... 154 12 139.12 37 90 96 3 33 39 96 Dalangi 121 5 1,576.84 24 78 60 3 77 60 97 Gobardhanpur '" 256 4 5,896.49 57 146 135 1 134 124 ~8 Bodkagaon 192 10 2,365.85 ~50 158 164 3 128 140 99 Nawadihkalan 139 12 611.81 26 63 64 3 2.2 22 :100 Lurgi 258 II 2,200.96 25 89 69 2 45 41 :101 Lodha 265 6 2,679.09 32 102 86 7 86 83 :102 Kaknesa 46 3 3,642.65 36 195 182 5 1 87 169 :103 Pashupatipur 160 B 3 4,947.59 39 124 1 0 9 3 102 90 :104 Kapildeopur 45 B 9 3,154.69 50 158 163 2 114 128 I05 Chandora 77 II 1,219.12 62 149 189 4 97 92 106 Sendur 300 8 7,942.19 28 1I2 102 3 64 61 107 Chakdehi 3 1 7 I 1,101 23 78 82 4 61 66 108 Karamdiha 38 4 2,079·II 73 204 199 19 138 145 109 Maharajganj 233 A 13 5,403.13 79 228 205 13 154 136 110 Kurludih 33 5 3,366.28 74 271 245 24 257 241

III Sitarampur ... 284 1:>. 8,063.66 60 165 153 2 144 142. 112 Ramachandrapur 250 6 3,990 50 148 125 6 88 89 113 Lilanti ... 259 II 1,879.27 73 237 219 3 183 171 114 Mitgai 225 8 5,642.97 46 ISS 147 4 128 123 lIS Barahnagar 198 4 2,424·16 49 159 170 6 83 86 116 Chainpur 78 9 3,797.69 59 134 154 109 128 117 Kalikapur 31 6 2,014.01 84 204 201 8 144 160 118 Blllgaon .. . 191 8 2,.2I9.50 48 0 0 II6 98 81 119 Fandra .. . 32 5,175 97 350 308 8 220 193 120 Saroowat 287 3 1,845.92 40 178 130 4 141 1I6 12I Piparpani 159 6 5,096.20 67 184 156 163 138 122 Basantpur 208 3 3,06r.43 72 169 174 2 92 1I5 123 Pachawal ... 153 13 1,079.18 51 173 142 3 83 82 lZ4 Lamori 261 4 3,041 63 151 150 I 75 91 125 Dllmarpan 1: 0 9 5 2,5 14 70 2 0 5 183 5 183 179 :126 Mahadeopur 236 A 4 5,279·93 44 108 99 4 55 55 :127 Kqpat ... 42 9 1,885.64 37 II3 III 105 104 128 Kqmeshwar Nagar 32 B 5 3,304.80 62 183 142 8 178 142 129 Alagjiha 8 12 820.48 28 68 62 3 27 28 :130 lnderpll.r IS 7 4,883.65 60 162 160 5 161 159 I31 Balrampur 189 12 1,851.15 71 173 110 4 III 122 132 Mithilapur 226 3 1,281·74 53 127 129 19 102 107 :I33 Sarnadih 294 12 406.06 54 132 128 13 101 99 "134 Datam 106 6 685.61 12 51 43 38 37 135 Basalapat 206 3 783.0 3 23 82 81 65 81 136 Jabar 92 12 996.88 37 99 120 5 57 75 137 Ttikunda 23 B 7 3,417.36 45 139 135 7 133 128 138 Kundpan 34A 5 4,01 3.37 24 75 74 70 70 139 Piprahi ... 151 13 1,772.83 13 39 42 22 26 140 Tatapani 114 8 974.44 23 44 47 2 22. 21

141 Medhana 224 3 2,4041.00 II 28 27 17 II 142 Gobardaha 316 I 1,5°0.00 20 36 38 23 22 143 Dahajwar 123 12 746.78 18 3 0 38 II 20 144 Tendura II7 5 1,293.2 9 I 3 3 3 3 145 Mukha .. . 231 II 524.71 13 54 44 51 42 146 Ucharua .. . 18 5 2,331.16 13 34 28 34 28 147 Karimati ... 301 I 4,346 5 7 10 4 9 148 Bhagaonpur Tirat 222 10 900.32 36 69 58 41 38 149 Karri 306 I 2,63 r.57 15- 39 33 18 14 150 Iknara ... 11 3 3,839.58 6 17 25 13 25 187 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Pal Agricultural Classes Noo-Agricultural Classes ,-- -. VIII.-Other H.-Cultivators lII.-Cultivating IV.-Non-cl.llti- V.-Production services and mis·· of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport cellaneolls Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultwation sources No dependants dependants ,--_---A.-__-.., A.. ,-----"----. ,----.A.----, ,--_-.A.._---. ~ ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femal~s Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I)


28 27 29 30 II 6 I 7I 18 19 31 15 7%. 14 18 7}. 2.4 15 74 134 109 I 6 7S 24 18 58 24 1 15 6 76 4 4 64 51 13 9 2 6 77 5 3 20 22 I 3 I 78 S 4 72 52 I 1 1 74) I I 16 13 4 2 80 9 7 7 2 81 19 13 82 12 13 83 2 II 16 2 I 84 14 30 8S 9 6 102 96 2 4· 2 1 8 5 4 7 86 4 2 28 22 7 7 I 87 S 6 107 82 I 4 5 9 II II 2 2 88 1 89 II 16 16 5 21 93 90 91 2 92 4 5 40 23 4 3 1 93 10 12 69 S6 12 17 8 8 94 2 3 35 39 18 13 2 2 95 1 96 12 II 97 17 II 12 12 1 98 10 16 26 19 1 4 3 2 99 44 28 100 6 1 10 2 101 3 3 5 10 10Z 10 10 12 9 103 44 35 104 48 93 4 4 lOS 19 21 25 16 4 4 106 4 4 13 12 107 61 49 4 5 I 108 2 I 69 65 3 2 109 8 4 3 3 110

13 3 7 8 1 III 25 12 10 4 II 6 14 14 li:a 54 48 113 II 9 12 12 I 3 3 u4 2 2 60 69 1 4 7 5 6 4 IIS I 17 24 5 2 1 I II6 55 35 5 6 117 2 1 16 20 1 4 3 6 1 4 3 lIS 37 33 93 80 2 II9 18 S 19 6 120 6 6 15 12 121 17 17 47 38 13 4 IZZ 2 5 69 47 3 3 15 5 r 123- 70 57 6 2 124 22 4 125 5 4 41 33 5 7 2 126 8 13 127 4 I 128 41 34 129 I 131),

2 4 40 35 I 2 10 6 I 16 9 131 9 8 14 132 30 23 I I 5 13 6 133 17 134 8 .135 3 7 3 37 I I 136 3 4 3 3 1:37 5 4 138 2 5 14 II I 139 10 11 12 15 140 6 9 5 7 141 4 6 I 2 8 8 16 16 142 3 2 14J 144 3 2 145 6 2 14 1 I 147 24- ,14 4 6 148 3 5 18 14 149 4 ISO 188 District Surguja TIlE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Serial Patwari Total population Literates owned land and No. Name of Villaie or Code Circle Ale:. Occupied their dependants Ward No. No. Houses ,----....-A---­ ~~ Males FeJ:Illlles Males Females Males Females (I). (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (10) (II) (12)


lSI Hariharpur 301 6 1,671.26 9 25 21 3 19 21 IS2 Chhatarpur 88 7 2,086.21 II 29 26 15 16 IS3 Lafari 260 II 967.76 10 18 14 6 8 :lS4 Pamai ... 96 10 508.39 6 16 21 2 10 17 IS5 Bhitarchura 223 6 1,206.85 16 3! 37 3 27 37 IS6 Bhawanipur 2 0 9 12 245.92 9 26 27 2 20 22 157 Sonhara 296 12 4,825.35 10 57 62 2 18 19 IS8 Kailashpur 44 10 1,970.10 22 55 54 37 36 159 Virendranagar 205 A 4 2,981.80 33 142 141 67 73 160 Mahabirganj 245 B 7 4,994·12 52 144 120 6 130 lOS

161 Anandpur 13 5 1,158.57. II 47 30 I 42 26 162 Barauli ... zoo 9 752.86 8 23 . 23 I 23 23 163 Jhapra 99 12 2,310.62 17 35 44 28 36 164 Piprol 144 B 8 7,199.14 72 1 0 5 120 I 68 84 16S Kharsota 54 II 1,126.97 9 24 22 3 22 22 166 Tarkakhand lI8 12 4,225.51 48 1 0 3 78 2 56 45 167 Sulsuli 281 C 4 2, 81 4.64 23 73 73 54 62 168 Sarangpur 298 8 1,921.88 28 53 51 27 31 169 Mahabirganj 244 C 7 4,026.12 45 120 II9 3 II4 117 170 Govindpur 60 II 3,271.3° 20 91 75 4 78 68

:171 Surra 299 13 713.90 33 10 3 1 0 7 77 73 172 Amadiha 3 10 291.35 25 6S 78 38 61 I73 Barali Khurd 175 10 663.18 33 II4 83 4 54 50 174 Bengo ... 204- 4 3,295·30 IS 26 22 I 3 3 17S Cherwadih 71 6 5,490.86 28 83 74 3 57 55 176 Sargodi 283 II 2,638 23 68 69 3 31 26 177 Dhodhi 112 10 2,397 17 68 74 2 49 67 178 Baikunthpur 207 4 1,350 20 99 90 49 54 179 PutsU ...... 156 12 4,!42.!I 5 5 3 180 BhagawanpurKhurd 219 A 10 3,049.76 28 90 89 2 60 67

181 Tikidiri 101 6 1,353 15 56 48 48 182 Gumheriya 62 7 5,300·95 16 38 37 42 183 Birendranagar z05 C 4 2,981.80 22 57 34 4 1 184 Karkepa 47 II 1,052 13 54 34 33 I8S Kotarki 41 9 1,439.22 20 71 67 61 186 Charnpapur 80 9 1,552 .77 20 78 59 43 187 DGviganj I Z4 8 2,331.21 49 121 8 87 79 188 Manikpur 239 9 8,335.67 78 213 183 167 189 Nawgai 32 7 2 1,084.00 II3 265 2 149 170 190 Harigawa 345 2 1,156.00 37 106 2 72 81

191 Piprol ...... 144 A 8 7,199.14 71 141 149 I 87 89 192 Balbhadra Nagar I7I B 7 4,977.62 63 152 153 6 121 127 193 SemJi 295 12 875.92 12 38 36 24 24 194 Kaknesha 46B 3 3,642.65 51 150 164 6 142 156 19.'i Mahari 201 B 12 3,430.07 40 107 93 33 25 196 Wadraf Nagar 271 3 4,65 0 .2 9 51 30 9 261 7 3 IIO 120 [97 Odari ... I9A 12 2,768.60 60 184 187 9 3 137 152 198 Khura 197 6 2,143.24 35 92 82 10 2 67 71 199 Budhadani 173 B 10 3,772.51 33 100 98 90 93 200 Maheshpur 229 12 5,106.25 20 54 49 50 44

201 Goudpur 58 II 557.08 22 71 56 ! 64 50 202 Daldhowa 120 12 2,431.48 17 73 68 I 39 41 203 Nawadih 137 8 3,352.85 39 130 108 7 90 65 204 Chitbisram 70 13 40 7.74 25 84 79 4 56 55 205 Dindo (B) 10 7 4 2,870·44 55 135 142 6 102 lOS 206 Prernnagar 143 3 1,674.04 61 151 153 5 129 148 207 Ashandeeh 30 3 I 2,534 78 166 147 14 62 67 208 Dhaneshpur 129 8 2,723.89 12 37 41 I 29 31 209 Krishna Nagar ... 24 7 4,852.75 70 174 209 28 164 198 210 Sauni 297 13 6,925.89 44 120 109 5 36 30

211 Chapota 318 1 1,206 7 17 29 1 II 24 212 Balbhadranagar ... 171 A 7 4,977.62 66 167 142 3 136 123 213 Oranga 20 5 z,092 •o7 52 2 0 3 180 9 140 129 214 Mahabirganj(A) ... 244- 7 4,994.12 59 104 107 12 1 88 93 215 Daura ... 10 4 I I 2,110.90 77 157 . 155 IS III 103 216 Ranhor 247 II 1,023.26 82 204 162 1 101 77 217 Sundarpur 290 5 1,627·73 42 no 93 105 86 218 Sardarpur (A) ... 278 10 4,083.41 . 52 138 137 5 94 105 219 Lafani 260 II 967.76 10 19 13 7 7 220 Jhapra 99 12 2,310.62 17 35 44 28 36

221 Kodaki 27 I I 629.41 12 29 28 2 20 19 222 Anapara 10 6 1,406.40 24 298 236 II I 252 212 223 Rajkheta 245 B 3 4,989.09 31 74 69 5 54 57 224 Bagara 174 7 3.264.93 39 91 92 4 83 83 22S Radhanagar 257 7 1,091.21 22 59 65 II I 55 64 226 Aragahi .. . II 8 886.30 14 42 33 4 21 20 2117 Bardar .. . 178 13 3,864,90 60 120 124 6 57 '56 228 Jaurahi 323 2 1,285.00 18 62 52 38 39 2a9 Chandanpur 66 8 1,018.II 14 3S 40 2 10 10 230 Naurganj 136 6 1,548.14 13 33 36 28 33 189

PAL TAHSIL-canta. 5 I 151 13 10 152 IZ 6 153 4 ;l A 2 154 4 155 5 5 156 39 43 157 10 9 8 9 IS8 5 6 51 48 13 10 6 4 159 II 13 3 2. 160 5 4 161 16:1 7 8 163 IZ 17 IS 13 4 5 5 164 2. 16S 46 33 I 166 15 9 4 2 167 3 20 16 3 3 168 I I 4 I 1 169 13 7 170 I 2S 34 171 2 3 28 14 172- 22 16 29 13 9 4 :173 14 15 9 4 174 24 18 2 I 175 37 43 176 6 4 13 3 177 5 4 43 31 2 1 178 5 3 179 4 H 7 15 14 180 8 3 181 I 4 18:z 3 6 17 18 3 4 183 IS I2 5 184 4 2 185 18 21· I 186 2 I 24 24 8 5 187 20 21 10 9 188 15 19 96 67 5 10 189 2 26 28 4 2 2 190 19 20 25 27 2 9 II 191 5 4 17 14 6 5 3 3 19% 9 10 5 2 193 7 7 I I 194 ... 68 66 6 2 195 4 6 18 3 177 132 196 6 5 30 16 II 13 197 2 2 20 8 I I 2. 198 10 5 199 4 5 200 5 6 201 32 25 2 2 202 22 27 10 10 8 6 203 26 24 204 4 5 26 2S 2. 3 I 1 205 2 I 18 3 2. I 206 II II 82 63 9 4 2 2 207 8 10 208 8 10 2. I 5 7 209 78 72 1 210

4 3 2 2 II 6 211 3 4 17 9 ZIZ 12 60 SI 213 3 3 10 9 2 I I I 214 43 52 3 :U5 98 84 4 :n6 2. 3 3 4 217 5 3 39 29 218 12 6 219 7 8 220 9 9 221 2 3 43 20 1 I :aZ2 8 9 12 23 2:l3 2 7 7 224 10 4 I 225 4 I 10 7 2 I 5 4 z26 2 3 83 56 4 4 3 I 1 4 227 24 13 2z8 20 21 5 9 2Z9 7. 3 I 230 District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area, Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses r---..A-----." ..------'---.. ,.-----A----, Males Females Males Females Males FemaleB. (I) (z) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


231 Gaina 3(5 2 4,107.00 40 102 121 4 63 86· 232.' Vimalapur 199 4 3,134.00 66 178 154 II3 108 233 Injani 16 10 2,572.12 93 316 273 56 2 192 173· 234 Karamdiha 3°5 I 2,174 73 183 187 II4 u8- 235 Lurgi 2 67 8 1,186.45 43 85 87 II 39 41 236 Maharajganj 233-B 13 5,103·14 77 194 184 2 46 39' 237 Talkeshwarpur •.• II6-A 5 6,183.01 57 161 142 156 134 238 Beto 334 2 1,134 28 91 86 2 36 43 239 Dongaro lID 9 1,131.07 70 180 16 4 109 99 240 Ganjar ..• 302 6 3,130.85 60 145 176 14 3 90 126

241 Chalgalikhas 82 9 2,748.87 78 179 206 3 149 170 242 Libar 264 5 1,026.28 2 3 4 I 3 4 243 Bathora ... 188 12 1,645,95 14 42 41 2 24 21 244 Amarpur II4 II 2,059.76 I 5 3 5 3 245 Kapat 42 9 883·91 -4 9 9 9 9 246 Bhaisammuda 217 13 2,298.50 20 134 u6 10 39 36 247 Banapati 182 7 1,914.80 29 124 II3 II Il9 110 248 Ghaghra 64 12 3,511.39 27 62 62 40 38 249 Nawapara 135 8 687.39 25 66 58 3 38 34 250 Rajbandha 25 1 8 526.61 13 23 19 22 18 251 Chunapathur 84 5 1,778.73 30 80 68 77 67 252' Barwadih 196 6 225·70 21 67 63 2 40 38 253 Chera (B) 74 4 3,458.14 34 78 69 I 5° 42 254 Dhanwar 131 6 1,510.90 18 38 32 23 20 255 Gobara ... 55 3 2,221.08 18 56 59 2 38 43 256 Dongaro lID 9 1,982.03 19 54 50 54 44 257 pachawal (B) 158 5 9,331.33 21 58 59 53 59 258 Dhanpuri 130 8 3°5.24 II 34 21 3 18 II 259 Bharuhibansh 336 2,018.00 7 35 21 29 20' 260 Torafa .. . 32 6 I 1,007.00 22 42 57 30 48 261 Jogiani .. . 322 I 1,210.00 7 17 18 17 18 262 Saradapur (A) 275 4 3,682.56 63 1 84 187 10 128 IS4 263 Parasdeeha (A) 141 10 573.41 64 203 171 74 2 156 139' 264 Mahuli (A) 242 6 2,765.26 41 127 146 1 110 137 265 Pipsol (B) ...... 144 8 7,199.14 70 106 120 10 68 84 266 Bhawarmal (B) ... 216 8 4,686.30 44 127 II9 2 86 71 2.67 Pathari ... 147 9 801.54 12 34 26 I 20 16· 268 Chumara ... 68 7 1,400.52 39 92 83 2 84 81 269 Bhagwanpurkhas(B) 219 10 3,046.96 57 162 155 9 73 77 270 Bebadi ...... 335 1 3,137 22 73 69 55 53 271 KariyaWard(B) ... 43 9 5,620·55 41 100 104 4 74 83 27" Odari ... I9-B 12 2,768.06 33 96 85 81 7°· 273 Banaur 179 13 866.09 21 59 61 44 47 274 Vijaynagar 193-A 7 4,925.47 81 223 199 15 205 190' 275 Rameshpur 340 1 1,225 28 75 63 6 45 43 276 Balrampur 112 7 3,494.0 3 23 75 54 I 58 46, 277 Dholi 132 5 1,9°3.20 59 102 129 4 2 102 129' 278 Salwahi (A) 286 4 3,233·97 34 IIO 101 17 78 82 279 Jarahadih .. . 94 13 3,429.84 77 252 257 198 197 280 Bhawarmal (A) .. . 216 8 4,686.30 85 256 241 31 I 205 183 281 Sardarpur 278-B 10 4,083.41 54 161 167 3 132 134 282. Pashupatipur I60-A 3 4,947,59 47 127 109 10 104 93' 283 Vijaynagar 193-B 7 4,925.47 59 158 179 II 146 171 284 Gondla 59 4 793·45 53 146 132 3 3 104 101 28S Khajri 50 13 1,293.08 IS 38 31 15 12 2.86 Shankerpur 273 9 4,182,51 17 62 43 17 23- 287 Chandranagar 65-B 8 3,004.95 37 150 131 10 63 6g: .288 Dubari 126 II 4,406.85 26 1I2 98 86 74 289 Chandrapur 75 12 466.66 24 48 42 5 14 12 290 Tungar Mahri 102-A 12 569.29 47 lI8 137 9 60 91

291 Rarnnagar 248-B 3, 3,4°7.82 30 79 81 I 60 66· 292 Bajra 203 3 2,464.26 35 90 96 79 93· 293 Janakpur 32 1 1 1,468 IS 39 29 6 22 25 294 Baharchura 195 6 2,016.02 41 120 lIO 81 85 2.95 SulsuJi ... 281-B 4 2,814.64 56 161 144 16 107 103 296 Belsar 180 6 2,935.72 41 96 114 2 78 99' 297 Kharra 31I 2 571 28 77 67 I 55 49- 298 Karrichalgali 26-A II 1,455.46 63 168 151 II9 98 299 Girwani 313 2 6,660 94 283 264 4 250 232 300 Barwahi 176 5 1,613.52 36 73 86 14 71 86 301 Langari 341 I 1,027.0 36 102 93 I 64 10 64 302 Alka 8 2,924.49 41 129 95 4 104 79' 303 Kogwar 309 I 3,235 38 87 103 I 1 46 51 304 Pansara 142 10 1,770.68 42 126 126 II 70 31 305 Lurgikaian 270 9 886.92 35 87 90 3 44 41 306 Padouli 146 9 1,623.34 31 85 86 74 77 307 Basantpur 208 3 3,861.43 41 108 107 5 65 82- 308 Amarpur 4 II 690.84 30 101 91 1 88 81 309 Bhawanipur 2. 1 5 8 582.59 20 57 56 I 43 39- 310 Belkudari 169 9 559·99 15 35 25 35 25 191 -CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Pal Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes

n.-Cultivators IlL-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production VII I.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owner~ other than VI.-Commerce VU.-Transport services and mis- and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation cellaneous Serial dependants dependants sources No. ---.. ,----..A..---., ,----'----:-..., ~ ,---"------., ~ ,----'----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I) lPAL TAHSIL-contd.

8 10 31 25 231 3 4 62 42 233 116 97 I I 2 4 3 233 10 15 57 52 2 2 234 .1'8 18 26 26 2 235 2 3 142 140 3 2 1 236 5 8 237 10 9 44 29 I 5 238 59 56 12 9 239 I 53 49 1 1 240 8 3 17 26 4 7 I 241 242 2 3 16 17 243 244 245 6 3 83 72 4 4 2 I 246 1 5 2 247 22 24 248 I 27 24 249 I 'I 250

3 I 251 3 II 24 14 252 3 I 22 26 3 253 10 9 5 3 254 '8 13 10 3 255 1 256 5 257 II 6 4 4 I 258 I 6 259 2 2 10 7 260 261 55 30 I I 2 262 5 5 8 4 3 3 16 14 2 10 4 263 17 9 264 13 17 15 13 4 1 5 5 265 5 10 34· 35 2 3 266 13 10 I 261 4 4 I 268 24 IS 64 63 I 269 18 16 270

14 10 10 7 2 2 I 271 1 3 13 10 1 2 27Z 15 14 273 6 4 4 4 3 I 274 14 6 16 14 275 12 6 5 2 276 277 7 6 25 13 278 8 10 II I 279 2 2 33 43 4 ,to II 14 20 28 16 13 4 3 280 17 19 8 10 4 4 281 13 II 6 3 2 2 I 282 5 I 7 7 283 37 25 ~ 2 2 I I 284 19 15 4 4 285 15 39 I I 5 4 286 6 4 48 38 30 21 3 287 26 24 288 29 27 4 I 289 37 33 \; 7 13 6 2.90 10 8 9 7 291 3 2 8 I 29Z 6 2 7 1 3 I 293 I 36 21 2 3 294 II 8 38 30 3 2 .2 I 295 16 13 2 2 296 17 5 18 297 49 53 298 5 5 27 26 299 I 300

5 6 33 23 30r 2 2 20 13 3 I 302 7 6 34 38 303 2 4 49 38 2 3 3 304 2 42 47 I 305 9 6 2 3 306 22 19 21 6 307 II 7 2 3 308 6 5 8 12 309 310 District Surguja THE PRIMA.RY·

'-'~--- I.-Cultivators of· Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,-----.A.-----' ,-__..A. __ -. ~ Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (3) (5) (6) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


3It Rewatipur 246 6 1,808.69 37 89 80 2 75 71 312 Minvakhand 235 5 1,128.27 9 25 24 2 25 24 313 Chamanpur 79 II 1,149·07 62 151 147 5 III 104 314 Sheori 280 10 IA12·96 41 109 84 17 73 63 315 Dhamura 133 3 1,844.24 7 15 13 9 II 316 MLagai :l25 8 5,652.99 40 124 1I0 3 3 88 85 317 Abadi .. , 12 6 2,330·76 21 72 85 6:) 82 318 Deogai .. , 12 5 8 858.63 46 106 98 6 70 56 319 Indravatipur 14 5 2,332 .2 7 37 93 90 5 5 93 90 320 Pasupatipur 160 3 4,847·59 47 104 106 27 5 85 86 321 Gurmuti ... S6 3 I,965·60 17 79 3 76 69 322 Kundpan. 34 5 4,61 3.3 1 45 102 94 91 323 Domarkhola 130 II 3,OII.64 51 115 3 54 47 324 Dharami 127 6 4,081.91 50 121 6 128 II5 325 Rampur 252 8 848.86 7 18 2 15 IS. 326 Sheopur 274 7 3,500·47 22 70 3 5° 52 327 ChaJimakhurd 86 II 3,247.80 14 49 32 34 328 Lurgo,ha 266 8 1,266.62 23 50 26 22 329 piparsat 163 12 592.34 38 65 2 41 35 330 Lodhi ... 263 3 2,5B7· 2 5 55 142 2 ~ III 105.

331 Koragi 138 6 2,965.05 31 76 78 2 62 67 332 Sanawal (B) 288 5 2,941.18 54 169 148 37 8 153 135 333 Kunda .. . 40 12 1,612·35 29 100 80 62 48 334 Trisuli .. . 22 5 5,282·94 37 89 100 I 87 99 335 Mangoli 337 1 735.00 32 61 59 6 44 39' 336 Gardi 63 12 3,090·99 39 88 89 44 49 337 Basara Kalan 177 9 2,669.16 29 94 75 93 74 338 Mahadeopur 236 4 5,279·93 52 178 181 77 106- 339 Belia 168 9 1,324·51 20 75 75 74 72- 340 Taterdih II5 8 737.94 18 58 49 49 45

341 Mznpur 241 A 9 4,545.71 26 74 70 3 54 5°· 342 Mahuli 242 B 6 2,765.26 51 18 5 165 2 171 162 343 Sanwal ... 288 C 5 2,941.18 35 88 94 I 84 91 344 Pasta 157 12 3,562.71 41 127 107 6 93 92 345 Gudaru ... 3 14 I 1,493.00 89 2 0 7 219 4 1-,8 142 346 Koti 310 2 2,369 22 50 56 41 43 347 Piprol 144 C 8 7,199.14 26 96 9 1 3 50 44 348 Chandranagar 659 A 8 3,004·94 46 115 137 9 92 104 349 Makro 240 II 1.293.03 36 105 89 1 92 76 350 Mangurhara 234 13 662.62 22 70 56 49 34-

351 Jamai 90 3 973-14 17 54 ~2 46 49 352 Jahap3d ... 324 3,067 21 77 64 84 47 353 Adhora 7 12 4,588.66 25 70 70 36 42 354 Budhudih 187 13 4,3 18 .33 22 65 51 2, 18 355 Sarandeeh 294 B 12 406.06 28 75 80 15 I 47 356 Kamkpur 28 8 5,700.20 76 107 II9 19 84 3'1 357 Bhalui 218 10 2,088.03 16 41 39 27 23 358 Budhatand 173 A 10 3,772.51 27 99 107 2 83 94- 359 Marma ... 183 B 6 4,715.9 1 54 139 128 10 r07 1 0 7 360 Baserakhurd 181 6 3,837·8S 32 86 88 5 77 79- 361 Sendur 300 A 8 7,942.19 51 140 122 60 6S 362 Titiathar 100 5 1,682.89 ~o 75 82 20 73 82 3ei3 Sarna 342 B 2 3,379.0 85 199 196 IS I 103 104- 364 Bhala 2r3 7 5,027.58 28 98 101 3 64 75 365 Belkurta 185 6 2,290.98 57 154 135 3 102 10~ 366 Nawadihkhurd 140 12 436.08 14 36 34 2 2 18 16 367 Bagainar 330 I 1,394 23 75 54 54 40 368 Patewa 328 I 1,710.00 15 62 46 46 40 369 Madhari 227 4 4,029.91 81 210 216 6 183 191 370 Kundru 36 5 1,971.34 8 20 14 18 14 371 Trikunda 23 A 7 3,41 1.36 59 205 170 12 186 154 372 Tungawa 325 1 2,507 12 40 40 2 32 32 373 Domarkhorka 105 I:; 1,506.99 13 32 30 1 2 374 Kochali 48 I I 1,424.05 49 <97 84 57 56 375 Ramnagar 248 A 3 3,407·82 85 243 244 1 196 206 376 Bhagawanpur 212 3 468.81 44 81 85 6 56 59 377 Alka( B) 229 9 2,974·99 34 I17 1I2 110 105 378 Bheluradih 210 13 3,772 .10 34 97 92 28 17 379 Nagra 134 g 1,884·16 58 189 193 7 122 122 380 Phatepur 167 II 582.75 38 II5 121 68 60 381 Chargarh ... 73 6 1,164.09 42 84 102 38 47 382 Purandih (Bohladih) 148 8 1,472.41 41 52 64 4 42 50 383 Bada ...... 184 9 559-43 18 38 30 14 10 384 Parahiyadih 150 8 I,674·13 25 9 1 85 I 88 82 ~85 Maheba ... 237 3 1,104,74 69 175 191 8 I 138 169 386 Trisuli CB) 22B 5 5,282.84 24 75 67 74 66 3~7 Mudihiya 338 1 3,292 II 38 34 35 33 388 Surangpan 292 6 1,559.69 6 14 9 14 389 Kotpali 29 13 7,077 26 68 77 31 46 390 Kusfar 35 5 5,Il9·84 38 107 103 100 IO} 193 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Pal Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ,..------"------, ,------"- -.. n.-Cultivators HI.-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production VIII-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport services and mis- . and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation cellaneous Serial dependants dependants sources No. ~-.A. __-.. ,-----"----, ,..------A----, ~----, ,.---A-_____, ~__A._____, ,----..10..-__-.. .Males Females M.ales Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I)


I 13 8 3II 3u 40 43 313 4 3 27 II 5 7 314 5 2 I 315 7 6 19 II 4 6 6 2 316 12 3 317 9 12 16 27 6 I 5 2 318 319 14 13 4 7 I 320 7 9 7 I 3:t1 20 10 2 I 322 5 65 68 323 6 5 22 324 I 325 4 5 IS 13 326 14 15 327 5 3 16 19 4 6 328 42 28 6 2 329 32 34 13 3 330 II 8 3 3' 331 5 4 6 4 I 4 4 332 3 37 29 333 2 I 334 8 8 9 12 335 14 7 30 33 336 I I 337 10 3 90 72 I 338 I 3 339 8 3 I I 340 8 10 12 10 341 14 3 342 2 2 3 343 2 I 8 7 2 16 5 4 4 I 344 16 22 54 53 7 2 345 9 13 346 14 16 29 28 I 3 2 347 8 7 13 20 I I 5 348 13 13 349 23 18 I 2 3 350 8 3 351 4 10 25 7 352 24 23 10 5 353 38 31 6 2 354 24 20 5 6 7 7 355 13 16 10 13 1 356 4 6 4 4 6 6 357 2 2 13 8 1 3 358 28 16 4 5 359 2 2 7 7 360 5 3 30 25 43 29 I ...• 36( 2 362 5 5 71 71 8 5 10 7 2 2 2 36J 9 8 25 18 364 17 II 22 15 13 7 365 4 5 II 9 3 2 I 366 10 8 II 6 367 2 2 14 4 368 I 24 21 2- 3 369 2 370 8 6 3 I 6 2 2 7 371 3 I 5 7 372 30 30 373 38 27 I I I 374 30 27 16 9 1 2 375 4 6 16 15 5 5 376 7 7 377 69 75 378 5 8 57 59 4 4 1 379 45 58 2 3 380 23 21 23 34 381 5 8 3 3 1 3 382 24 20 383 I I :z 2 384 10 9 26 14 1 385 I 1 386 3 I 387 9 388 37 31 , 389 7 390 D-2,S 124 District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occllpied their dependants No Ward No. No. HOllses ,..----' ~ r----A.--~ Males . Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (.~) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (&) (9) (10) (II) (I2.)


391 Chaki 67 7 3,351.15 70 16z 144 18 151 137 39: . Semarwa 291 5 1,981.52 27 66 59 56 51 393 Pursothampur 152 8 2,076·39 30 63 81 5 45 60 394 Atouri 9 II 2,723·82 57 162 138 5 121 105 395 Padhi 155 12 3,659.26 9 31 25 :%2 16 .. CENSUS ABSTRACT TabsU Samri Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ;"_ __._~ .. _-A. ------~ r------~------H.--Cultivators IlI.-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production VIIl.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owners; other than Vr._;Commerce VII.-Transport services and mis- Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation cellaneous No. dependants dependants sources ~-A._--., ..----"----, ~-, ~-"----, ,------'-----. ,-----"-----. r----A---. Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Femaks Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (1)

SAMRI .T MlSIL-contd.

2 6 4 I I 391 10 8 392 7 9 7 8 393 41 33 394 2 2 7 395 196 District Surguja THE PRIMARY ----, I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses r----"---...... Males Females Males Females Males Females (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)

VILLAGES OP I Betpani 127 7 1,572.10 24 92 82 8 91 80 2 Mawkepi 147 2 652.94 19 50 47 36 30 3 Karamdih r8 7 4,392.31 II 42 40 39 33 4 Deori 93 9 1,697.91 29 107 97 I 101 95 5 Pondikhu';d Il9 2 1,331. 16 41 157 156 135 131 6 Dhanjee 97 6 1,494·49 35 94 96 3 81 81 7 Korandha 34 9 736.61 73 44 199 3 18 170 8 Datram 91 7 3,003·52 41 137 144 I II7 II5 9 Bairoih khurd 132 5 339·01 7 25 16 17 40 10 Bhawanipore 136 10 1,462·37 .26 81 75 77 70 II Nawaih Khurd ... r03 7 2,435·07 33 1I0 III 95 96 IZ Sabag ... 171 7 3,139.8 33 191 162 2 137 128 13 Chunchuna 67 7 3,385·31 31 100 89 3 97 S6 14 Kudag 25 7 2,216·45 31 II3 128 100 120 IS Kutker ... 24 7 2,882.66 13 38 40 2 31 33 16 Lefuatoli 166 5 821.52 31 88 87· 74 69 17 Bhulaikhurd 139 5 860.9 12 42 41 32 30 18 Karmiwantoli 20 5 1,058.22 32 lSI 132 132 121 19 Amart):la ... 5 3 926,53 10 38 42 78 29 20 Charhu ... 60 7 2,608.13 II 31 28 3 23 20 21 Karmi~nmar Tob 21 5 888.28 36 125 I17 1 II9 108 22 Bigadih ... 126 3 632.24 27 61 70 I 47 57 23 Tikni 85 2 1,°73·44 II 24 23 I 13 16 24 Pakardih II3 I I,II5·2I 36 lI2 127 2 93 106 Z5 Lavkashpur 164 10 725·70 21 63 53 59 51 26 Karkalipurala 16 4 989.17 38 88 87 I 70 76 27 Bhojpur 142 6 822.81 50 ISO 125 2 134 109 28 Katima 13 10 1,134·82 41 130 120 I 88 81 29 Rajendrapur ISS 7 2,436,9 6 47 170 166 5 160 \ 162 30 Nawadih Kala 102 A 6 2,63 2.75 114 305 315 3 300 309 31 Ramnagar 157 8 1,402.48 45 ISO 161 4 126 122 32 Pahra toli 109 I 542.64 16 79 77 4 76 74 33 Bharatpur 135 I 2,5 18.8 43 133 123 I II3 105 34 Tripuri ... 192 10 3,667·46 74 134 132 3 1I2 1I3 35 Kanchanagar 36 1 1,557·07 16 60 52 41 60 52 36 Indri Kala 8 7 2,648.79 44 1I9 lIO 6 1I3 98 37 Shahpur ... 169 6 2,975.41 70 186 173 4 167 155 38 Kamari IS 2 624·46 44 1I5 108 4 104 95 39 Karcha 19 6 3,01 5.88 80 21 5 237 3 189 199 40 Khajuridih 40 6 1,525 91 313 313 18 261 260 41 Murka .. , 152 2 871.59 35 102 II9 4 93 103 42 Jalgali 77 7 3,214·44 62 128 20 7 3 II3 185 43 Belear 130 I 1,226·95 69 192 205 5 176 192 44 Changra ." 62 3 991.3 I 31 111 120 2 94 106 45 Kurdih 26 6 6,692 •04 63 196 193 6 146 146 46 Batta 121 7 3,623.03 48 167 146 19 135 122 47 Jaswantpur 154 3 474.05 67 III 104 2 105 96 48 Chalgali 61 3 911.7 54 168 169 6 132 120 49 Sataidih 173 I 2,060.53 3 II 12 5 4 50 ChandaI' Nagar 56 4 572.1 22 83 71 5 74 65

51 Tagima ... 69 I 94 2 •24 IS 49 44 2 32 31 52 Gopinagar 49 10 1,563.31 20 96 74 3 86 66 53 Lalitpur l li3 I 910.91 16 51 51 4 45 48 S4 Harri 190 5 4,496.52 82 25 8 252 4 239 23 2 55 Ghughree 52 5 2,293·49 82 318 292 3 271 244 56 Chatania 55 6 5,229·77 33 128 II4 4 1I2 95 57 Bhagwanpur 134 9 2,083·54 51 279 173 3 271 164 58 Sonapur 187 10 3,333·49 40 126 102 2 123 100 59 Karasi 22 I 2,217.08 38 II3 120 99 105 60 Bhawanipur 137 6 2,012·94 29 109 112 3 88 90 61 Kothali ... 31 5 9,62 5.96 105 33 8 328 2 29 1 292 62 Sahpur ... 168 8 1,180.58 55 286 175 3 271 157 63 Navadih Kala 102 6 2,632.75 62 167 165 4 161 162 64 Wrishna Nagar ... 39 4 1,126·3 33 109 III 3 101 102 6S Sarima 176 2 1,079.23 40 122 IIZ 3 107 91 66 Chando 63 6 1,796.18 II8 321 303 3 273 260 67 Jokapot 82 I 5,650.52 103 345 305 4 327 287 68 Bada 123 3 2,213.76 55 168 177 3 142 143 69 27 8 2,587,43 62 192 180 22 157 142 70 Benipur .. , 128 4 1,843·45 30 91 100 5 90 100 71 Jampani 78 1 2,197·33 21 61 61 3 56 55 72 Baskepi ... 122 6 3,813.13 89 280 284 4 221 219 73 Mahwadih ISO 3 927.73 49 127 137 4 IIO 123 74 Udarsai II 4 3,275.66 95 294 25 1 3 254 23 1 75 Manpur 151 2 859.98 72 194 206 6 132 138 76 Hemara 6 3 3,423.78 II 5[ 46 2 28 21 77 Gajadharpore 44 (B) 8 2,931.22 62 189 163 3 158 142 78 Gapatu 48 7 3, 125.78 87 289 93 7 247 250 79 Gapatu ... 92 3 1,189.46 46 137 129 20 102 roo 80 Patna ... 108 I 1,252.52 28 III 115 1 82 IDS 197 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsll Samri . -----Agricultural.A.______Classes r- Non-Agricultural Classes

II-Cnltivators IlL-Cultivating IV.-NoIl-culti- V.-Production VnI.-Other .of unowned land labourers aIld vatingowners, other thaIl VL-Commerce VII.-Transport services aIld mis­ Serial and thier their dependants etc. aIld their cultivation. cellaneous No. dependants dependants sources r-----'------., r----'----. ~ r----'----, r----'--~ ~ r----"---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) '(16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) ( 23) (26) (I)


2 I 10 9 2 4 2 4 a 3 4 3 3 3 2 4 8 6 13 16 I 3 5 I 4 8 I 7 4 I I 6 II 8 2 13 16 2 3 7 5 9 9 16 2 -4 3 8 4 6 3 I 9 4 5 10

5 2 3 10 10 II 14 16 25 2 IS 13 2 12 2 I 2 13 II 8 2 14 I 2 I 3 2 3 IS 7 9 7 9 16 6 7 4 4 17 9 7 2 I 5 2 2 18 3 3 7 10 19 8 8 20

I I 2 3 '7 21 1 3 4 2 9 8 22 3 4 2. 4 5 23 6 6 9 II 4 4 24 3 1 I I 25 2 4 3 7 2 3 2 26 3 3 II 9 I 2 3 27 2. 2. 2 4 4 5 34 28 28 10 4 29 • 3 4 2 2 30

I 3 5 12 2 4 16 20 31 3 3 32 6 6 2 II 12 I 33 2 2 16 17 4 34 3S 3 7 I 3 4 36 9 9 3 8 6 2 37 2 5 1 6 7 2 38 13 2.0 8 15 2 3 3 39 II 6 26 30 5 II 9 3 3 40

4 10 I 3 5 2 41 9 13 2 3 2 2 2 3 42 7 3 4 3 4 4 I 3 43 I' 2 2 15 9 44 9 8 45 3 41 39 21 16 7 4 46 I I 2 I 47 5 10 6 7 27 3 1 2 2 48 3 2 2 2 3 49 3 3 3 6 6 3 So 17 13 51 10 8 S2 4 I 2 2 53 IS 16 I 2 3 I S4 15 II 5 9 25 26 2 2 55 I 2. 9 8 6 9 S6 3 3 4 4 2 57 2 I I 58 9 9 5 6 59 2 3 14 12 5 7 60 13 12 19 15 12 6 3 3 8 10 I I 4 4 2 2 I 2. I 2 I 2 I 2 4 6 5 II I3 4 8 12. 5 16 22 16 12 4 4 II II 1 3 5 2 I 2 1 4 3 3 18 21 2 9 2 3 14 16 3 II 13 5 3 I

5 6 71 53 58 3 6 4 72 2 5 5 3 7 5 3 73 20 II 2. 17 6 3 I 74 14 16 35 42 4 5 3 3 6 2. 7S 10 15 13 10 76 2 3 24 14 5 4 77 10 7 20 18 2 10 10 8 78 I 21 19 2 4 8 7 2 79 ~9 6 I 9 4 80- District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total pOpulation Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occupi~d their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,-__-A.----, ~_____ ,--_.A._---. Males Females Males Females Males Females-

(I) (2) (5) (6) (7) (8) (10) (n) (12)


81 Mahuwatoli 149 10 627.44 37 105 III 3 97 99 82 Semara 184 4 1,671 .07 4z >21 I16 11 I15 105 83 Premnagar n6 9 1,249·32. 52 180 160 6 172 156 84 Semratala 185 4 516·2.3 25 67 58 9 67 58 8S Sihar 181 2 690.26 55 215 200 6 198 186 86 Sargawan 174 2. 1,661.42 68 177 181 I 167 173 87 Gavtampur 51 6 1,988.09 10 42 48 I 30 35 88 Indakon 10 1,064·82 30 1I2 u6 104 lOS 89 Kandari 38 10 1,619.65 60 168 157 II 141 125 90 Gamhardih 46 3 2,227·63 33 . 129 139 3 III 120 91 Hargawan 189 1 1,449·20 49 187 183 7 172 173 92 Chirai 65 3 2,154.83 46 13 8 121 130 '113 93 Sawri 177 7 1,359.82 65 203 2 0 3 28 159 161 94 Shankargarh ... 176 2 773-33 38 132 no 23 109 105 9S Dipadih Khurd .. . 87 1 1,249-41 46 154 139 6 140 122 96 Karkali Pachim .. . 17 4 1,669.16 42 UO 1I2 9 97 98 97 Kanchan Toli 35 10 1,356.82 44 141 124 3 rI9 II3 98 Bhagwanpur 133 3 1,082·53 39 1I9 99 5 III 93 99 Gudhpur 83 6 889·3° 37 152 139 10 145 137 100 Binaikpur 125 2 1,361.35 21 129 52 1 III 35 101 Silphli 179 2 1,177.27 50 157 158 I 144 140 102 Nawagaon 100 10 8q8.8I 10 37 28 3 1 24 103 Bukaspur 120 5 1,160.50 37 95 99 68 67 104 Khairadih 43 2 1,971.59 23 134 13 8 120 127 lOS Kasendi 23 6 2,323.43 92 35 21 26 6 106 Navadocha 101 6 2,058.26 33 142. 131 4 132 121 107 Jadami 45 7 2,612.56 34 132 128 127 122 108 Bhairopur 141 I 1,071.79 18 60 64 2 48 5° 109 Natwarnagar 99 8 2,023.08 73 264 241 5 238 214 110 Amgaon I 3 7°1.41 35 125 127 117 lIS

III Laxmanpur 157 5 5,314.38 21 90 I13 74 95 112 Lawsunpat 165 I 6,908 .64 63 257 23 0 I 210 197 113 Jariyah 75 6 3,9II'56 17 61 62 58 59 114 Jirhul 81 4 440 .13 34 130 124 5 III 104 lIS Bansadih 124 995.87 II 32 30 32 30 II6 Saraideeh 173 I 775·13 13 38 3 1 22 20 1I7 Koravdha 338 9 3>440 .5 1 74 242. 23 0 I 211 203 u8 Ayari 3 3 2,72 0.0 9 39 137 127 I II4 105 119 Sonbaroa 188 6 2,360.76 6 20 26 20 26 120 Ludhi 16 2 1,077·33 48 184 1 67 2 176 159

121 Bholsi Kalan 138 4 3,525.12 56 27 8 285 2,30 239 122 Pendardih IIS 1,296.26 21 64 56 36 3 1 123 Kedli 28 10 1>445. 84 53 155 155 I 141 137 124 Manoharpur 148 2 3,081.61 57 228 205 194 180 12S Sukhri 182 6 1,156.13 16 48 53 43 49 126 Charhaut khurd 59 7 1,645·27 21 79 81 3 69 75 127 Damodarpur 90 2 1,92 4.67 34 108 94 94 85 128 Jamura 71 8 6,690.69 120 40 9 377 2 356 32 3 129 Surbsua 183 9 3,151.7°- 125 39 0 364 3 37 1 35 1 130 Idripat 9 7 2,363·84 27 II3 123 97 II4 131 Jamdi 70 3 1,029.96 60 180 152 4 171 143 132 Rehda 158 4 1,408.15 64 201 185 6 141 IS° 133 Charhur Kalan 58 7 3,591.00 47 149 147 3 II4 123 134 Pundag II4 7 6,54 1 .33 36 105 94 4 63 ~I 13S Deosara 94 2 1,873·17 18 43 40 2 3 1 28 136 Danishapur 98 10 2,844'40 52 179 169 6 168 163 137 Jiganiya So 8 3>459.84 II9 363 366 3 3 12 303 138 Jargim 79 2 1,988 .88 80 142 1I8 II7 101 139 Ko'aloo 30 4 2,137,77 60 154 142 139 129 140 Ra~silv 156 8 1,297.70 48 158 128 3 141 113

141 J amihati 72 3 1,694·94 12 31 35 28 30 142 Maga;a 144 3,2.14·94 5 22 IS 8 10 143 Kusmi 27-B ~ 2,587.43 ISO 40 6 339 52 9 31 3 281 144 Kamalapur 14-B 9 2,238.00 u8 402 30 5 II I 335 240 14S Dumarkholi 88 7 3,871 .00 105 352 374 12 32 6 331 146 Gaja Dharpur -44-A 8 2,937·22 92 244 229 223 204 147 Pakritoli 1°7 10 1,°57,59 2.4 79 63 79 63 148 Chiia 66 33 528.44 14 45 45 I 42 45 149 Chirain 64- 8 790.01 14 57 57 2, 53 54 ISO Belkona 129 2. 2,914,76 82 335 155 316 141 151 Motinagar 153 2 803.85 38 144 149 I 122 J2I IS2 Nawadih 104- 5 3,313.29 80 207 163 2 173 135 IS3 Nilkanthpur 106 10 2,836.98- 195 375 355 355 335 IS4 Jamhor 73 3 2,045·45 77 227 218 200 201 ISS Nawapara 105 I 693.69 10 31 24 20 13 IS6 Kodwa 32 4 1,931·94 48 170 172 144 ISO IS7 Jartadih 74 3 2,016·56 66 198 141 186 131 158 Sirkot 178 9 ~,368.oo 75 216 226 198 213 159 Bhondna 143 2 4,232.87 30 72 78 61 71 J60 Asanpani 7 4,934.25 43 136 124 128 II9 199 .cENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Samri Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ------"'------. ,------H.-Cultivators IlL-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti. V.-Production VnI.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport services and mis- Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation. cellaneous No. dependants dependants sources .. -----"-----, r--~ ,--___..._------,. r----'--~ ,---A..-----,. ..----'----, ~ Males Females Males Females MaJes Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (15) (16) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (25) (26) (I)


3 4 1 3 I 3 3 4 7 2 4 8 3 I

I 3 3 I 9 10 3 2. 5 3 2 3 4 4 8 9 5 5 I 3 2 3 10 9 6 9 I 4 3 3 2 5 5 8 10 10 9

3 2. 2 2 .10 6 91 I I 6 7 I 92 21 24 3 1 9 9 II 8 93 2. I 5 I 16 3 94 4 2. 4 6 2. 1 4 8 9S 2. 2 10 8 I 4 96 I 8 9 12 2. I 97 2. 4 2 2 4 98 I 2 5 99 16 13 2 4 100 7 14 6 4 101 6 3 I 102 2 3 II 14 10 II 4 4 103 II 8 3 3 104 3 8 6 7 lOS I 8 7 1 3 106 5 6 107 5 7 4 5 3 2 108 I I, II 12 12 14 2 109 5 8 3 4 110 14 I 1 3 2 I III 27 8 6 I 112 1 3 113 14 16 4 4 1 II4 lIS 3 II 8 2. 2 116 2. 1 7 4 13 12 I 8 8 117 4 3 6 5 13 14 II8 119 2. I 5 5 120 4 3 12 II 3 4 17 16 9 7 3 5 121 II 6 13 16 4 3 122 2 2 14 14 123 16 16 13 7 4 1 I U4 5 } US 8 5 2 126 2 2 8 4 I 3 3 127 13 12 17 18 2. I 6 4 4 3 1I 16 128 3 9 I 2. 3 3 5 2 4 129 II 7 5 2 130 I 6 I 1 3 2 4 131 14- 6 13 6 8 3 16 13 9 7 132 3 I II 10 21 13 133 9 5 30 30 3 2 5 134 12 12 - 135 2 II 4 136 8 9 II IS I 7 19 :1.1 5 3 7 8 137 4 2 II 7 9 7 I 138 II 9 1 2 3 2 139 6 7 1 2. 3 1 7 5 140 3 4 I 14 5 9 6 7 10 8 8 10 8 3 I 56 25 9 5 12 12 5 12 7 6 33 30 I 9 13 7 12 8 16 2 2. 4 6 15 18 2. 3 2 I 2 2. 8 8 8 5 3 2 2. 16 19 4 7 21 18 5 4 8 6 10 9 4 5 2 4 2. 2 2. 20 7 4 5 1 2 2 3 6 4- 5 7 I z 8 II 8 5 9 4 5 8 3 4 2 12 5 I 4 3 2 2 2 5 6 6 I 3 I 5 4 200 District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total Population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occupied their dependants. No. Ward No. No Houses ,-----A---, r---A.--...... , ,----"---- Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)

VILLAGES OP 161 Dohna 96 2 1,169·II 66 227 214 209 188 16:1 Korandha 34- 2 736.61 57 163 153 132 130 163 Govindpur So 10 851.44 21 66 69 62 65 164 Tarami 89 10 891.33 26 114 74 72 62 16S Kanjia 37 8 1,438.21 48 96 114 I 81 102 166 Larangi 162 5 1,425.91 25 80 83 57 57 167 Parsa 1I0 10 65°·85 16 43 42 40 40 168 Pondikala u8. I .1,930.87 28 92 79 I 90 75 169 Keonjhar 29 10 1,177·96 26 84 79 I 77 70 170 Parewa III 2 763.00 33 94 91 4 67 72- 171 Larima 161 10 1,522.75 64 18j! 197 I lSI 194- I7z Tatijharia 84- 7 4,129,4° 128 392 394 14 332 315 173 Janira 71-B 8 6,690.69 108 314 341 5 286 317 174 Serangdug 186 8 2,873·55 92 387 377 10 249 242 I7S Kharkona 42 3 1,099.43 31 107 III I 6S 66 176 Girijapur 47 3 339.92 15 42 47 I 37 43 177 Sarnadih 17S 3 374.32 24- 95 68 I 84 64 178 Ghughri 53 I 558.03 30 132 II3 I 105 9Oo 179 SiviiDag 180 4· 3,961.00 1I2 381 371 5 363 3S6 180 Deosara 9S 4 1,666.32- 44 148 124 2 134 118 181 Khajuri ..• 41 8 2,017·89 106 327 265 299 248. 182 BhuwaneshwarPur 140 3 3,249·27 65 167 176 142 145 183 Pahri II2 I 793·43 26 74 68 S5 51 184 Bairdihkala 131 5 5,784,5 1 18 39 43 36 39- 185 Laduwa 160 2. 2,286.42 39 125 II6 IIO 103 186 Champanagar 57 5 2,614·85 32 96 82 80 67 187 Amarpur 4- 5 2,512·75 77 226 220 192 189- 188 Hanspur 191 9 4,293·97 94 303 261 255 233 189 Mandwa 145 6 2,II3·17 96 274 255 229 205 190 Chainpur 68 5 3,482.22 95 259 274 10 226 243 191 Ghutradih 54 8 1,507.05 151 394 363 356 328 :192 Dipadihkala 86 3 2,36I.44 II6 317 3I6 253 257 :193 Amtahi 2 7 2,I35·58 107 344 30 9 5 :190 258 :194 Madguri 146 9 5,434·10 II8 369 347 316 303 195 Jawahirnagar 76 9 3,294·97 Il8 361 342 314 238 196 Umko 12 5 2,177·29 104 295 277 I 268 251 :191 Pandipa 1I7 10 1>458.34- 31 82 109 I 75 103 201 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Samri Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes VIII.-Other Ir.-Cultivators III.-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production services and mis- Serial of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport cellancous No. and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation sources dependants dependants ,-__-A-----, ,-A----, . ,---A----, ,----A------.. ~ ,-_-A---, ,-----'-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I)


10 17 2 3 6 6 161 II 7 10 5 10 II 162 I I 3 3 163 40 6 :2 I I64 3 I 3 I 9 9 I 165 I~ 17 3 3 4 -4 I 2 166 3 2 167 2 4 168 2 3 5 6 169 7 7 17 II 3 170 5 3 2 171 2S 27 19 27 15 8 I 172 S 4 9 II I 3 6 6 7 I73 7 9 5 8 18 II -4 4 4 3 174 3 I 22 33 15 8 2 3 I7S 5 4 176 :2 I I 8 3 177 10 8 II 13 6 2 6 178 3 4 5 3 2 6 6 4 179 10 4 3 2 1 ISO 20 II 5 3 .2 3 I lSI II II 13 18 I :2 I8z 10 10 2 3 4 7 183 I I 2 3 184 10 10 I 4 2 I I8S 5 5 6 8 S 2 186 8 II 6 5 13 12 5 :;: 2 I 187 3 I· 8 7 32 13 5 7 188 20 26 18 18 I 4 4 3 I 189 13 14 17 13 I 2 2 2 Ito 7 3 10 8 3 9 8 5 8 7 5 19x I 19 15 25 32 10 9 10 2 193 10 9 26 26 IS 13 2- 3 I 193 7 3 21 1,5 I 7 19 II 5 8 194 :2 :;: 34 27 2 3 8 6 I I 195 13 8 5 7 :I 7 8 2 I 196 6 6 I X97 202

District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle 'Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ..-----'----. ,....-----'-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


J: Baikunthpur Ward No. I 180 22 161.00 120 349 243 59 37 ~ Baikunthpur Ward No. 2 ISO 22 160.00 13 1 298 195 46 47 3 Baikunthpur Ward No. 3 180 22 175.00 120 329 1I8 64 63 4 Baikunthpur Ward No. 4 180 22 170.00 12$ 313 186 41 33 5 Baikunthpur Ward No. 5 180 22 140·55 23 130 68 27 25


J: Khulrapara ••• 59 21 566.37 33 99 6 71 94 2 Majhgawakhurd 193 371.00 8 20 23 19 3 Prakash pur 146 7 158.II 4 13 1 12 13 4 Sattipara 226 29 342 .39 43 120 133 23 3 II2 125 5 Jaipur 100 29 481.63 8 12 13 12 13 6 Kachohar 23 702.82 10 44 27 42 27 7 Champajhar 75 II 1,652.38 II6 276 291 12 155 156 8 Sawarawa 237 12 876.81 133 31 4 327 82 9 223 229 9 Ani ... 9 19 1,851.54 134 433 _414 15 1 32 7 329 10 Bandhpara 173 17 53 149 147 27 2 135 140

II Umjhar ... 15 8 • 610.18 49 124 II4 21 3 II5 10~ lZ Soranga 247 13 1,244·44 165 376 357 8 1 286 273 13 Ranai (Block A) 213 15 1,234.2 5 II8 350 362 71 9 254 261 14 Amapara ...... 12 28 1,145.2 5 140 427 432 49 5 371 383 IS Bo lat (Patna Block A) 181 17 4,70 4.1 9 122 349 368 64 2 330 352 16 Nagar '" 134 8 1,272·48 132 322 32.6 34 5 210 219 17 Odagi 18 23 92 4.00 160 40 9 400 69 6 2 83 295 18 Tenduwa ... 122 IS 1,986.64 122 379 367 25 2 362 349 19 Sarbhoka (Block B) 230 16 2,587.3 2 132 370 371 75 7 32 4 327 20 Sonhat '" ... 245 3 1,207.28 59 142 113 58 5 43 41 21 Salka 231 24 937·47 86 165 155 18 3 102 104 22 Patna (Block B) ... 143 18 12.8 203 204 • 65 20 I14 123 23 Banshipur 172 801.86 28 89 73 2 71 71 24 Lotanpara 222 8 243.86 15 41 39 21 21 25 Kanlo '" 38 368 .81 2 13 10 26 Khairi 62 18 460.02 43 84 94 3 1 29 37 27 Bhuinharipara 189 3 508.60 6 20 18 28 Bhattipara 185 4 377·53 7 39 38 3 20 20 29 Jogiya ... 101 49.36 7 16 20 12 13 30 Piparahiya 154 25 477·35 9 14 14 14 14-

31 Tanjara ... I14 996·74 30 66 72 13 I 56 64 32 Bheswar 190 2 479·43 51 138 127 11 2 82 70 33 Saraigahna 228 27 859·29 63 162 171 13 I 128 139 34 Sarbhoka (Block C) 230 16 II6 274 299 52 6 269 296 35 Patna (Block C) .. . 143 18 67 188 187 38 2. 68 63 36 Modipara .. . 206 26 861.48 45 lID 122 I 85 103 37 Khanda 58 19 859·33 75 181 175 7 133 129 38 Bhaluwar 186 3 426.14 12 35 35 1 32. 34 39 Thakurhathi 106 212.18 II 31 30 2 3 1 30 40 Tengni ... 104 554·73 18 46 47 7 42 45 41 Kadana 29 267·92 15 39 37 1 20 20 42 Belad 178 7 828.88 II 31 29 I 23 25 43 Nig-Nohar 140 1,228·31 13 35 45 2. 31 43 44 Amarpur 2 1,111.77 69 154 151 25 5 35 120 45 Seradand 244 236·54 1 9 9 46 Dhanpur 131 447-13 II 28 34 25 28 47 Rewla ... 218 57·95 2 10 9 9 9 48 Naogain 141 7 585.49 39 110 91 14 I 94 85 49 Singhor ... 238 I 2,186.87 38 97 99 S 75 82 50 Korchadand 53 27 75 1 .88 14 44 36 2. 43 34 51 Doomariya (Block A) ... 109 14 1,780.83 Ir8 346 346 17 312 302 52 Jamgahna 91 10 584·39 53 124 162 3 92 126 53 Amhar (Patna) 4 [9 735·56 85 270 275 53 4 216 220 54 Go::lbodi 66 24 1,404-46 73 210 392 33 2. 184 17S 55 Biroridand 175 4 1,206·48 9 18 18 1 17 16 56 Mahora ... 199 10 - 967.46 103 261 261 35 I 167 165 57 Pusaia .. , 159 6 1,441.38 49 123 II7 21 I 100 100 58 Bhagwatpur 187 184.18 14 19 22 1 17 18 59 Parcha .. . 147 25 529.06 67 170 180 23 8 134 13S 60 Kochila .. . 50 18 338.16 42 105 93 4 81 71 61 Majhgawan ... 192 21 410.80 57 156 152 130 123 62 Tengni (Patna) ... 10 3 13 1,418·32 138 387 347 31 33 6 304 63 Mudijhariya 203 27 1,282·54 23 63 49 7 55 41 64 Kachhadi 24 492 .98 H 19 15 1 14 13 65 Bhandi .. . 188 20 973·96 88 196 186 12 1 140 138 66 Anga ...... 22 II 665.3 1 27 56 53 16 I 52 SO 67 Anandpur (Patna) 10 1,138.$0 20 59 43 49 34 68 Itwar 17 . 1,121.71 17 41 40 2 35 34 69 Amritpur 6 1,870.28 II 33 30 I 33 30 70 Harrato!. 249 22 II9·20 44 lIO 98 27 I 47 39 203 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Baikunthpur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes

VIII.-Other n.-Cultivators ilL-Cultivating, IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production" services and mis­ of unowned land labourers and vatingowners, other than VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport Cellln!OUS Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation sources No. dependants dependants ,-_--A-_---, ,---A.__ ---, ,----..._____, ,---A.----. ,---"""'_____'" ,...----A---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (16) (18) (19) (20) (21) (23) (24) (26) (I)


9 8 42 36 30 14 3 6 206 137 I: ~ 5 7 4 3 5 33 23 34 35 II 12 159 129 2 14 12 24 17 1 5 21 14 38 39 16 IS 149 133 2 108 3 39 3 90 2 130 75 I 4 6 14 14 3 80 29 S


3 3 2 1 I: 6 I ;a 3 8 8 4 2 5 52 39 6 8 4 3 46 64 4 10 9 15 20 7 2 3 81 86 26 16 3 2 8 5 6 60 49 12 12 9 13 9 3 4 I 16 20 2 1 1 14 4 3 II 3 64 62 4 3 14 17 3 7 IZ 24 29 51 47 22 20 3 5 13 12 9 6 2 22 20 14 9 6 3 19 12 I I 4 5 1:5 IS 24 62 56 I 46. 40 3 5 2 12 II 16 29 22 I 46 35 17 13 15 30 26 4 3 18 IS 18 31 9 I I 1 19 3 5 46 48 23 17 18 9 20 5 7 33 23 22 12 16 19 2 2 2 4 21 4 5 26 35 13 13 I 22 20 22 4 I 8 4 1 23 10 II 13 10 I 3 24 2S 49 53 2 1 4 3 26 20 18 27 2 3 2 I I 7 8 7 6 28 2 3 5 29 30 1 1 8 7 I 31 6 34 30 14 13 2 9 32 25 2.04- 9 8 33 I I 3 2 I 34 14 14 35 35 2 4 22 22 35 25 12 4 35 14 18 I I 36 II ~ 34 33 I 7 37 3 I 38 39 4 2 40 13' 17 5 41 4 4 4 42 2 .04- 43 29 5 7 10 7 8 3 4 44 9 9 4 45 3 6 46 I 47 1 6 I 4 5 4 48 17 13 4 3 I I 49 I 2 SO 2 5 12 ·21 16 15 2 3 I 51 28 II 19 21 I I 5 2 52 13 16 28 31 5 6 8 2 53 3 3 21 13 2 I 54 I 2 55 ~ 7 59 59 3 25 14 2 7 3 6 S6 16 8 3 3 4 6 57 2 4 58 3 3 6 14 22 22 4 5 I I 59 2 2 II 8 6 7 6 4 60 8 10 9 II 3 5 3 3 2 6:1 2 3 101 35 I 8 2 4 2 62 8 9 63 2 3 I 2 19 14 19 16 18 18 3 I 1 I I ~ 10 9 67 6 6 61 I 14 9 18 6 6 24 28 "70 204 District Surguja THE PRIMARY

,------I.-Cultivators of Patwari Occupied Total Population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area" HOl1ses their dependants No. Ward No. No. ,..----"------, ,..---"-----. ,----"---...... Males Females Males Females .'\1ales Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)

VILLAGES OF 71 Angawahi 21 6 735·53 9 21 19 13 10 72 Ghughara 72 5 1,601.30 100 265 25 8 48 224 227 73 Sheopur (Sordi) 224 9 1,026·53 19 59 46 22 18 74 Madhala 195 5 932.82 46 1I2 105 10 96 94 75 Phulpur 162 23 1,504·53 9 IS 25 76 Kharawal (Block B) 56 9 66 172 193 30 140 155 77 Majhartola ... 194 7 437.85 18 37 33 6 26 21 78 Sundarpur 2.41 7 1,423.43 80 188 194 24 4 158 159 79 Ramgarh 215 I 1,527·34 29 80 75 9 41 45 80 JiIiyadand 93 24 637-41 12 47· 42 13 46 42

81 Dabaripara 108 19 72 5.88 101 251 251 21 I 216 203 82 Talwapara ... Il8 23 578.16 39 129 290 51 3 102 260 83 Bodar (Patna Block A) 181 17 4,70 4. 19 II7 334 419 24 318 4II 84 Kachhar...... ,. 25 5 493·39 44 98 94 7 65 61 85 Mendra ... 204 3 32 7.22 15 35 31 18 21 86 Sardi (Block A) ... 229 9 1,9°1.91 128 323 336 51 242 263 87 Jamdi 92 14 657·47 77 239 274 II I 225 257 88 Hathbar ... . 248 10 584.80 31 79 82 8 2 62 65 89 Kasra (Block B) 36 19 127 355 435 54 5 320 399 90 Bilaro 176 13 600·47 94 250 260 28 226 227 91 Jatasemar 89 27 9°4.00 20 62 46 7 58 43 92 Mangalpara 207 22 396·53 53 139 138 19 102 101 93 Chhinddand 87 23 300.81 9 26 21 3 23 IS 94 Bisnupur 177 8 1,302.46 49 III Il5 18 2 87 77 9S Kot 51 27 782·75 31 58 74 4 I 44 57 96 Basti 169 22 614.89 49 1I0 II9 21 86 95 97 Kharwat (Block A) 56 9 1,427·41 131 346 365 58 3 289 320 98 Rajauli ... 2II 2 2,280,46 121 265 260 23 II 203 207 99 Mansukh 197 25 I,90}.81 lI8 274 269 43 9 223 218 100 Madhaora 196 7 638.27 43 48 61 6 34 39 101 Amtar (Ramgarh) 5 2 546·93 15 39 37 1 30 28 102 Mat ij aria 200 25 63 2.95 9 29 26 4 20 17 103 /Shankerpur 225 23 883.06 26 53 44 I 35 32 104 Goini 70 759·75 24 53 52 42 44 105 C.t,itaghar 79 24 1,216.91 83 195 179 4 73 60 106 Rampur (Patna) 216 17 700.71 73 189 181 28 9 159 147 107 Puttadand 158 25 819·84 43 III 103 5 87 76 108 Karildhowa 34 24 667·85 24 55 292 4 I 45 178 109 Dohanda II2 25 6II.07 32 100 96 21 87 87 110 Khursia 60 25 312.62 29 70 58 10 27 30 III Jampara (B. K Pur) 97 21 753.56 96 293 287 31 247 239 112 Patna (Block 2) ... 143 18 150 261 290 74 9 99 127 1I3 Ktrrthi 41 1,094.86 27 85 78 1 62 57 114 Tenduwa 122 IS 1,986.64 124 282 353 5 250 318 115 Akla Sari I 4 1,100.58 44 132 II4 17 88 81 116 Chirguda 77 15 904.71 125 346 349 4 I 317 315 1I7 Jemari 105 13. 1,025.66 51 Il5 Il9 5 54 55 118 Deori 127 26 617.90 49 201 109 8 I 52 63 1I9 Posta 160 II 1,075.30 57 155 138 25 3' 122 107 120 Sara 236 24 I,IS5·II 58 105 1I5 14 2 59' 72 121 Chhindia 86 16 1,932·44 126 398 408 51 4 325 343 122 Kailashpur 49 4 1,104·97 43 105 90 18 2 123 Cher 81 22 666.41 56 177 158 2I 1 89 89 124 Bardia ... 167 748.60 106 248 264 24 4 177 207 125 Pasla 151 I7 350·50 44 106 II7 5 I 99 no 126 Dobhapani III 27 I,II5·82 14 24 27 I 24 25 127 Chhindia (Block B) 86 16 92 298 287 13 252 233 128 Telimuda ... 123 3 159.14 14 29 29 2 17 21 129 Chalodar 80 I 669.69 16 51 32 I 23 18 130 Targawan 116 19 973.96 102 203 307 44 2 126 221

13 1 Paradota 153 4 791.98 22 51 43 ·6 1 29 25 132 Tilaidhar 120 27 869·56 7 14 23 I 14 23 133 Labjee ... 221 6 350.57 24 47 50 4 30 33 134 Natwahi 135 I 2,300·37 24 76 63 2 59 53 135 Patrapali 145 26 718.61 100 225 237 27 199 201 136 Katkona 27 II 965·39 34 103 207 19 2 91 193 137 Bhakhar 184 26 418.58 6 16 20 5 12 14 138 Surmi 242 25 55 1.72 I I I 139 Garnai 67 186·56 6 19 18 18 17 140 Odari 19 4 1,079·72 26 71 73 6 56 60 141 Chhingura 85 752·92 15 43 36 2 38 31 142 Jampani 95 27 2,152.25 46 108 212 3 81 78 143 Cherwapara 82 10 942·33 33 81 81 15 59 53 144 Mahuwapara 198 3 330.78 15 37 38 3 30 33 14S Kehapara 44 21 469.50 89 230 203 19 I 182 175 146' Kotaktal 52 10 549·87 37 100 105 4 66 75 147 Rakya .. , 208 10 677. 19 46 100 101 7 79 85 148 Anje-Kala 7 14 520.68 47 137 127 I 131 II7 149 Nand-Bhan 139 12 523·43 22 56 55 6 39 39 150 Parsabahri 148 17 77 227 235 19 222 229 205 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Baikunthpur

Agricultural Classes Non-agricultural Classes ----..A ,______..., ,------~.------.------~ r­ II-Cultivators IH.-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production VIII.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport services and mis­ Sedal and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation cellaneous No. dependants dependants sources ,...----"- ~ ~ ,---A-----, ,------"----, ,---A-----, r-----"--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (r)


3 2 5 7 71 14 13 20 12 7 6 72 37 28 73 9 4 5 5 I 74 z lZ 13 23 75 7 9 II 13 r 5 12 9 2 76 5 2 4 7 2 3 77 5 II 19 20 2 2 3 2 78 4 2 13 14 10 7 12 7 79 1 80

5 II 18 22 7 10 S 4 I 81 ~I9 18 4 7 4 4 82 16 8 83 3 4 15 13 IS 16 84 3 10 7 6 • 85 33 28 45 42 2 2 86 10 14 3 3 I 87 5 12 7 3 5 I 88 28 29 I 2 2 3 5 89 14 19 8 10 1 2 90

3 2 I I 91 24 27 8 8 2 9:2: 2 2 I I 93 10 10 10 6 3 2 94 II 10 3 7 95 I 4 12 15 II S 96 10 3 25 II 6 8 7 13 18 97 20 12 27 28 4 3 II 10 98 4 6 34 37 5 8 4 4 99 8 13 5 9 I 100 9 9 101 9 9 102 12 9 6 3 103 10 S I 3 1 04 3 2 36 38 2 80 75 2 2 105 I 26 28 4 5 106 3 2 10 IS 9 9 2 107 II 12 I 108 2 II '8 109 I 15 IS 23 10 4 110

3 3 12 9 T3 19 I 18 16 III 2 81 78 32 28 4 12 42 43 112 II IS I1 6 I 113 3 4 28 26 I 4 114 36 24 7 8 I I 115 4 4 14 f4 3 S 2 6 10 116 36 40 23 22 2 2 117 30 33 16 10 3 3 118 22 25 9 5 r 119 8 8 32 27 5 3 I' 5 IZO 6 3 8 36 2 S 30 18 1 121 72 8 5 9 10 4 I 122 9 8 4 S6 40 16 16 123 46 38 12 II 4 9 8 124 7 5 uS 2 126 35 39 7 10 9 1Z7 4 S S 2 2 r 128 2 I 23 II 3 2 1 2 9 41 49 25 28 3 5 I 7 3 130 I I IS 14 3 2 I 131 132 10 6 7 9 2 133 IS 9 2 134 20 20 6 II 135 I 2 I I 10 II 136 4 6 137 I 138 I I 139 12 7 I I 2 4 140 5 S 141 26 130 2 '3 142 5 10 18 143 3 4 3 I 144 2 5 34 24 2 , 12 2 145 26 21 7 7 2 146 II 12 10 7 I 147 5 8 I 2 148 5 4 12 12 149 4 2 1 4 150 206 District Surguja THE PRIMARY r----- I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Ar~ Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,....- ,------"------. Males Females Males Females Males Females (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


151 Kharwaripara 61 I 960.30 10 34 19 4 19 8 152 Latma ... 220 7 942.64 49 135 1I7 17 107 98 153 Golhaghat 71 29 362·41 5 6 5 6 5 154 Paharpara 152 7 163.99 9 17 20 3 3 16 20 155 Dewatidand 126 288·74- 17 59 46 I 50 40 IS6 Jagatpur 88 8 878.06 84 211 192 24 166 148 157 Charpara 76 28 1,593.83 72 109 185 25 1 108 182 ISS Karri 35 2 785.50 10 31 19 I 20 14 159 Rampur (B. K. P~r) 21 7 20 384.29 37 39 38 .2. 2 2' 24 160 Suktara ... 240 1,003.72 10 33 18 24 16 161 Basdeopu~ 170 21 424·05 17 38 36 2 38 36 162 Uddheni 14 I" 1,562·57 IS 49 30 2 25 25 163 Amara 3 4 1,379·22 43 107 109. 12 I 65 68 164 Keshgao~' ... 48 3 908·50 52 II6 117 6 I 73 75 165 Dhodi-Bahara ... 113 24 1,217.46 21 39 49 3 26 33 166 Ugiyawu 13 I 1,905.37 34 102 96 6 I 86 130 167 Turripani 121 I 453·55 8 37 33 3 32 29 168 Pipardand 156 II 726.50 43 103 93 8 60 59 169 Dudhania-Bisanpur 129 8 645·05 3 9 12 9 12 170 Bakira...... 163 25 378.67 9 32 27 4 31 26

I71 Kcra-Doh 46 24 226.10 IS 28 32 13 12 172 Janapara 98 21 322.38 53 122 126 36 88 184 173 Harra-dih 250 316.26 12 25 31 2 13 19 174 Pashehimpara 142 I 810.28 6 37 31 6 35 29 175 Dongripara 110 24 412.37 12 36 40 5 I 33 36 I76 Parihat ... 149 3 566.09 8 15 20 I 7 9 177 Dasher ... 124 880·98 32 88 34 58 54 178 Gidher ... 68 1 1,382·93 10 34 29 I 20 18 179 Salgawakhurd 233 1 766.14 13 45 42 41 37 180 Semaria 243 1,576,37 35 72 56 35 33 181 Bodar (Patna) (Block C) 181 17 not available 102 289 271 89 8 271 256 IS2 Murma ...... 202 II 3,481.61 77 194 192 4 7 176 174 183 Jharnapara 102 29 1,635.06 69 160 345 16 145 330 184 Badra ... 166 2 465.65 36 69 67 6 6 52 57 185 Tamjira II5 27 462·79 31 81 80 3 3 76 70 186 Chilka ... 78 25 575·47 49 106 114 22 2 88 95 IS7 Salba 234 25 745.05 51 III III 9 87 80 188 Kanchanpur 54 21 997·47 95 164 283 I 127 255 189 Kushmahar 42 6 913·00 9 22 21 5 04- 19 17 190 Narsinghpur 137 26 316.39 6 26 28 20 l 104- 16 I91 Salgawan-kalan 232 3 1,596·45 80 186 206 22 5 127 139 192 Dhoratikra 133 22 359.04 59 137 156 12 2 100 115 193 Karhia-Khand 33 12 492.59 46 lID 101 6 I 63 57 194 Uroomduga 16 10 986.25 53 133 126 109 lO5 I95 Dhomadand 132 4 1,237.84 5 8 10 4 8 10 196 Pathargawan 144 7 I,295·04 28 65 64 6 64 60 197 Ka1hgodi 31 6 1,943.17 96 211 225 27 2 147 143 I98 Anjo-Khurd 8 14 488·52 60 163 161 9 9 104-1 148 199 Amgaon II 23 854·95 142 447 416 51 337 328 200 Manpur 201 18 271.13 43 103 95 4 71 67 201 Karji .32 18 806.29 10lj 324 494 4 263 444 202 Orgaui ... 20 3 1,036.16 33 35 65 I 9 37 203 Kasra (Block A) 36 20 2,323.55 137 394 384 49 I 375 353 204 Junapara (Bisanpur) 99 8 1,442.29 70 151 160 2.8 3 125 127 20S Baser 171 6 646.11 27 84 84 4 61 60 206 Khodri (patna) ... 64 19 847.90 48 144 138 5 I 138 135 207 Bodar (Baiknnthpur) ... 182 4 1,392·78 66 159 167 21 121 129 z08 Chop an ... 83 27 1,488·44 20 56 52 2 51 47 209 Khond ... 63 13 921·79 89 216 228 2 142 I6( 210 Damu; 125 6 809·69 19 49 46 10 47 44 2II J ampara (Patna) 96 12 235·88 15 41 41 9 2 37 35 2IZ Rant Sarai 214 7 473·33 24 61 57 20 20 2.13 Kachuakhou 26 61.21 3 9 9 4 I 3 2 214 Kushaha 43 4 739.88 48 127 121 6 100 99 uS Kadamahara 30 29 1,579.81 37 95 88 9 1 84 77 216 Dakipare 107 18 487.92 89 301 294 34 4 266 256 217 Souad ... 246 5 698·38 14 30 19 I 27 27 :n8 Shivpur (Patna)" 223 17 331.86 21 55 51 5 50 ·75 219 Girijapur 69 12 874.08 139 368 403 39 3 316 340 :120 Raghupur 209 29 596.1I 28 58 55 6 54 47 221 .Dudhniakalan 130 10 878.05 I3 25 24 I 25 24 222 Pondi ... 161 2 841'°7 71 . 137 135 I I 80 71- 223 Pipra 155 14 602·44 75 204 202 12 184 182 2z4 Bikrampur 174 4 788·98 9 26 28 4 24 27 22S Badwar 165 7 701.40 21 54 43 36 37 226 Jamtikra 94 2 276.82 14 49 38 7 I 19 16 227 Meko 205 25 374·82 19 35 48 8 I 2.9 43 228 Belia ...... 179 3 640·32 29 71 71 18 1 57 61 229 Bargaon .•. 164 26 1,999.51 84 222 316 19 2. 188 279 230 Sarbhonka (Block A) 230 16 2,587.32 131 346 364 31 4 324 340 207 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Baikuuthpur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes r-- II.-Cultivators III.-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production VII I.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than services and mis- Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultiva"on VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport cellaneous No. dependants dependants sources ~ ,....----A----, ,- ,....--"------., r--"-----. ..---A-----, r-----.A.----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (I6) (17) (IS) {I9) (20) (21) (22) (:~3) (24) (2S) (26) (1)


I 2 II 9 3 lSI 26 15 2 4 152 153 I 154 3 3 5 3 1 15S 3 2 23 29 16 13 2 I 156 I I 2 157 2 .2 S 3 I IS8 6 6 4 5 I 2 2 159 3 2 6 rio t6I 17 15 7 162 13 18 29 23 163 17 20 I 24 22 I 164 13 16 J6S 2 14 16 166 5 4 167 , 5 22 12 2 4 13 II ... I 2 168 169 I 1 170

3 2 I 2 II 16 171 :& 3 12 15 5 4 2 2 15 IS 17'1. 12 12 173 2 2 ~.. 174 3 4 175 :& 5 3 3 3 3 176 26 22 2 5 2 3 J77 7 II 7 178 2 3 2 2 179 26 IS II 5 180

16 12' 2 3 181 4 3 9 8 4- 6 I I 18'1. 13 IS I I 183 7 2 IO S 184 4 4 I 2 4 185 II 10 5 9 2 186 I 3 20 24 2 2 2 187 5 12 23 10 ... 9 6 188 3 3 I 189 12 1,2 190

16 25 21 21 3 15 13 2 2 4 3 191 IS II I I 21 28 192 31 2S 5 6 II 10 193 I 2 16 16 I 5 2 I 194 195 I 2 2 196 3 7 34 39 30 33 4 3 197 2 I 17 12 3 198 3 3 14 T~ 3 I 24 II 6 199 13 7 1 3 15 13 3 4 :zoo 3 2 19 12 34 33 3 2 '1.01 3 7 16 14 6 6 I I ZOZ 6 7 7 19 6 5 203 17 25 4 3 3 5 204 9 14 14 9 1 205 I 1 5 2 206 S 8 1'7 21 12 8 I 3 I 207 5 5 208 2 2 22 28 44 33 :3 I :Z09 I 2 I '1.10

4 6 :ZII 41 37 .n:z 4 4 2 3 :ZJ3 9 II 14 7 4 4 214 10 10 I 1 :US 3 I 5 16 24 II 13 216 1 3 I SI7 - 5 S I ZI8 2 of 38 44 3 5 4 7 S 3 2J 9 4 S 220 :a21 6 9 27 23 17 2 25 5 6 222 II II 2 3 3 4 4 2 223 2 I '1.24 4 4 14 2 225 6 3 17 10 I 6 9 226 4 2 I 4 '1.27 II S '1.28 ;;1. 3 25 28 229 6 5 14 15 2 4 Z30

-,-;':, 208

District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area' Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,.--_"___,",,\ ..-----'----. r--.A._--, Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (n) (12)


23 1 Sagarpur 235 22 775·83 106 278 277 23 236 248 232 Barpara .,. 168 27 417.57 43 138 233 15 137 231 233 Sanbothapara 227 27 1,269.82 8 25 18 4 24 17 234 Duwariya 109 14 1,780.83 73 287 286 16 287 284 235 Katora 28 12 553·34 80 250 295 10 223 266 236 Tilwandand II9 8 906.36 53 102 104 15 3 58 56 237 Rajpuri :l.IO 3 489·18 12 33 31 I 25 21 238 Nawtola 138 651.04 16 48 40 2 35 35 239 Kudili ...... 40 17 1,775·45 105 239 226 73 13 21 3 202 240 Ranai (Block B) 213 15 20 56 64 II 45 52 241 Bhandarapara ". 191 24 1,783·93 38 93 150 8 41 96 242 Chandha 74 2,533·36 35 II3 116 10 73 79 243 Chharchha 84 10 1,257.48 45 129 125 23 I III 107 244 Sardi (Block B)'" 229 9 81 213 218 35 4 IS9 146 245 Dudhania Khurd 128 6 803·08 12 34 27 3 22 21 246 Narkeli ... 136 26 906.31 84 165 173 17 1 137 138 247 Janakpur 90 20 458.29 54 96 89 I 64 63 248 Kisori ... 39 4 1,025·55 38 98 89 4 64 66 249 Tarra II7 6 32 6.96 12 30 22 14 15 250 Chalkdand 73 4 1,087·II 10 33 29 2 28 25 251 Baswahi 183 5 1,037.69 16 48 52 3 36 41 252 Khadgawan Khurd 55 3 98,35 3 5 6 5 6 253 Kerajaria ". 45 6 347·78 3 10 5 10 5 254 Khodri (Ramgarh) '5 4 379·53 3 3 3 1 2 2 209 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Baikunthpur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ------"------.., r-- -"- VIII.-Other n.-Cultivators IlL-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production services and mis- of unowned land labourer.> and vating owners, o~her than Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport cellaneous Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation sources No. dependants depmdants ,----"'------.. ,------'----, ,.---A.._----, ,.----"------.. r---..A..~ ,------A-----., r----"----"'"l Males Females Males Female& Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Fcmalc~ Maks Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (?4) (25) (26) (I)


5 4 29 20 6 3 2 I 331 I I I ::132. 1 2.33 2 ::134 21 18 3 5 7 I 2,35 I 3 7 IS 34 27 2 2 2,36 1 I 4 7 2 2 I ::137 3 2- 10 3 2.38 16 II 3 4 7 9 2,39 :2 10 8 I I 2,4°

4 6 39 41 8 7 1 2,41 14 II 22 22 4 4 ::142- 5 4 II II 2 3 343 7 IS 25 36 I 2. 10 10 II 9 344 12 6 345 8 13 14 16 6 6 346 2- 3 24 21 S47 2- I 23 14 7 6 2 2 ::l4S 5 II 6 249 I 2. I 3 ;a ::150

:I 4 5 3 5 4 ::l5I 252 353 2IO District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,--_..A._----. ,.----'-----. ,---.A- Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


I Manendragarh Ward No. 1 II7 9 16,42 290 675 571 458 192 5 2 % Manendragarh Ward No.2 1I7 9 13.87 374 467 399 210 56 3 Manendragarh Ward NO.3 II7 9 II.62 476 467 4II 235 40 32 31 4 Manendragarh Ward NO.4 II7 9 1,716.85 84 196 167 20 3 86 73 S Manendragarh Ward NO.5 II7 9 20.00 180 362 32 9 103 70 9 13 6 Manendragarh Ward No.6 II7 9 22.84 376 752 682 132 II9 VILLAGES OF

I Bodritola 4 1 317.85 7 19 17 9 9 2 Tendudand lIS 9 513.67 21 29 34 24 25 3 Damanapara II2 8 834.42 46 73 66 3 2 56 51 4 Banjee ... 72 7 291.49 14 36 31 9 1 36 30 5 Bardar 168 16 3,253.91 108 281 254 20 28r 254 6 Shankergarh 105 8 1,002'73 18 3 2 25 17 13 7 Deora ... 42 3 7 1 .07 4 14 12 8 Wahi 51 3 394·67 18 4 8 40 38 31 9 Bichhiatola 30 2 1,316.14 31 96 85 27 81 70 IO Balkamar 16r 14 1,644.14 39 III 101 13 109 101 II Shivepur 167 16 2,045·66 95 277 233 42 227 198 I2 Mahadeopali 144 13 423·71 9 33 31 1 26 26 13 Mahi So 3 409·20 19 51 57 8 36 44 14 Chotakalona 134 14 1,670.61 17 71 63 8 66 59 IS Bairagi ... 39 3 399.71 23 46 60 I 36 45 16 Ujiarpur 59 6 881.88 92 229 198 23 3 160 138 17 Kochaka 145 13 1,612-49 IS 62 48 2 I 56 43 18 Kerabehara 46 3 509.04 25 52 43 39 29 19 Persagadi 120 9 830.50 30 61 59 I 52 46 20 Kaperia ... 52 3 267·62 II 3 1 28 4 29 23

21 Ramanujnagar IS I 777.23 8 9 7 8 7 22 Kannar Bhara 184 19 833.80 30 63 64 I 52 46 23 Budhuwadad 21 2 II7·70 4 5 6 5 6 24 West Chumiri Collony 222 188.00 152 167 125 29 II 25 Mero 130 12 2,270·57 40 154 134 9 150 131 26 Inderpur 203 21 2,254·99 77 175 173 5 164 165 27 Dhanpur 166 IS 1,168.90 25 89 70 88 70 28 Pipriya ... 76 5 756.80 45 120 104 7 100 88 29 Shiwagharah 38 3 1,101.11 22 78 78 8 77 78 30 Lakrapara 160 13, 1,148·79 22 93 80 91 79 31 Dhoramuda 158 14 262.28 8 23 20 15 IS 32 Baremura 165 IS 2,239.81 78 223 216 218 212 33 Bassota ... 137 12 56.03 I 36 22 32 20 34 Narayanpur 141 10 1,832.82 35 98 90 2 85 80 '35 Govindpur 199 20 1,372.31 22 82 71 5 76 69 36 Kheoaiwar 133 12 635·47 17 6G 33 2 66 33 37 Maharajpur 56 6 428.91 34 90 80 69 60 38 U dalkachhar 80 5 387. 01 11 29 24 20 21 39 Ganeshpur 190 19 1,263.28 20 58 64 2 49 55 40 Shou.la 192 19 1,029. 83 36 95 90 2 89 80 41 Kothhotiya 77 5 632.26 34 94 92 12 75 71 42 Bhota 142 10 2,488.70 30 89 81 10 85 81 43 Chopan ::: 175 24 620.96 12 27 28 26 25 44 Bichhli ... 107 8 512.80 38 71 76 9 47 46 4S Sainda 221 16 1,628.22 72 195 174 9 124 125 46 Bhuk-Bhuki 215 17 1,339.2 3 47 132 122 9 117 107 47 Devadand 148 13 1,037.10 67 184 163 3 172 ISS 48 Neogai ... 84 5 650.77 20 41 35 4 20 18 49 Mohri 2 I 384.51 31 108 68 6 93 58 So Ganpatpur 210 25 967.12 8 21 18 I 16 16 51 Badkahehara Bhra 45 3 724·71 34 100 81 5 40 45 52 Sakra 154 14 1,905·70 44 131 u8 2 121 III 53 Akharadand 215 17 1,334·81 74 178 136 14 109 94 54 Jarooda 156 14 2,322.82 68 188 175 3 176 163 55 Gadtar ... 198 20 2,879.09 65 225 201 22 193 174 S6 Amka 170 25 757.64 70 167 161 2 157 152 57 Churi 171 24 877·93 36 87 100 3 85 99 58 Kharvan 81 5 35201 3 28 88 76 24 22 70 62 59 Paradot 127 10 3,615.36 98 358 300 31 296 259 60 Kagapanikala 124 9 1,040.56 374 887 644 120 47 61 Thaggaman 219 18 4,157.15 170 428 404 31 6 292 307 62 Saimra ... 69 7 68 5.57 84 138 lIO 25 3 94 81 63 Ka:iraiwa 136 12 2,719.44 51 191 167 I 159 151 64 Dubehola 214 17 1,450.33 77 259 234 14 204 189 65 Doorki ... 9 I 583.06 80 141 II9 6 II7 99 66 NorthJhagrakhand Collony ... 125 9 3,573.50 1,537 2,148 2,545 8 7 67 South Jhagra Khand 126 9 210.00 1,129 2,298 1,422 356 83 68 Chirumori 222A 17 1,512.33 1,691 2,330 r,763 761 264 54 51 69 Amrut Dhara 65 7 790.02 33 44 37 I 40 3I 70 'Souri III 8 744.61 13 37 44 6 2. 31 36 21I CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Manendragarh Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes --A- ---.. r- VrII.-Other II .-Cultivators IlL-Cultivating rV.-Non-culti- V.-Production services and mis- of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than Vr.-Commerce VU.-Transport cellaneous Serial and their their dependants etc. and their cultivation . sources No. dependants dependants ,------'------, ,------'------, ,------'------, ,------'------, r----"----. ,.------"-----., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (1)


2 99 78 362 313 44 55 163 123 I 3 142 130 99 94 III 87 II4 85 :l 12 6 II7 102 13Z IlS 41 49 136 105 3 57 47 31 29 4 5 3 4 15 8 4 I I 41 40 52 39 1:19 123 130 II3 5 24 29 19 12 480 443 97 79 ,


2 2 8 6 I 5 8 I ... z 17 15 3 4 S 7 6 8 6 , 4 6 10 6 7 8 7 2 2 a IS IS 9 2 10

50 35 II 7 5 u 9 8 4 4 I I 13 5 4 I4 I 2 6 II 3 :a IS 7 9 53 46 2 I 7 4 Ili I I 5 4 I7 8 II 2 I 3 2 18 4 4 5 9 19 I 4 20

I 21 9 16 2 :1 22 23 .... 4S 30 I 3 6 II5 88 24 3 2 1 25 5 5 6 3 :a6 27 IS 15 5 28 I 29 2 30 8 5 31 5 4 32 4 :: 33 12 10 .,. 1 34 6 2 3S 36 5 5 13 12 3 3 37 9 3 38 I 8 9 39 6 10 40 IS 19 4 2 41 4 42 I 3 43 21 26 3 4 44 I 59 39 9 8 I 4S z 9 9 3 3 I 2 46 I 6 2 2 4 4 47 6 3 15 14 48 5 10 10 49 5 2 50 4 3 19 10 36 17 I $1 I 9 7 52 42 31 23 7 I 3 3 53 10 10 2 z 54 32 27 55 8 8 I 56 2 I 57 I 2 16 II I I 58 18 5 42 31 I 4 I I 59 49 38 670 513 8 7 59 17 101 69 60 3 6 87 67 38 22 8 :a 61 8 4 12 12 18 8 6 5 62 3 1 17 10 12 5 63 I 1 47 43 2 I 5 64 14 14 S I 2 2 3 3 65 1,390 1,763 9 22 SIS 503 226 250 66 1,654 1,091 15 3 480 2II 149 117 67 6 8 :I,IIS 1,554 :.15 9 34 29 Il2 68 2 2 I 2 4 69 6 7 I 70 2i2 District Surguja THE PRIMARY ,------I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total popUlation Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area· Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ...----"------., -.. r---..A--~ Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


71 Udhanpur 131 12 2,753·95 66 278 251 34 278 250 72 Achilmisi 222B 17 1,512·33 2II 575 434 291 lI2 23 18 73 Matukpur 48 3 270.02 :2 12 IS 74 Navapara 62 6 972".25 17 41 37 32 30 75 Padewa ... 88 4 147.40 2 12 9 5 4 76 Bahad Haus-V;hl 44 3 218.17 17 27 35 16 27 77 Choghada II6 9 895·I4 42 u8 105 6 85 84 78 Soonbarsa 57 6 601.61 60 133 141 25 8 87 99 79 Passod ... 3 I 1,297·78 78 188 156 7 7 96 80 80 Lohari Jamida;" S3 3 141.2Z 5 18 15 2 8 6 III Ganjapur 212 26 652.17 19 39 47 38 46 82 Chirmi ... 202A 21 3,832.29 72 2II 217 24 172 17z 83 Mangora ... 162 14 3,513.03 68 195 192 4 169 169 84 Ghirmin Coleri Z22B 17 1,504.00 I,439 3,329 2,177 663 287 2 85 Morga 63 6 1,272·42 78 182 176 8 lIS 122 86 Dhawalpur 147 II 1,819.86 51 137 134 10 136 132 87 Kharla 20 2 212·94 7 16 13 14 7 118 Dhanlar 12 I 24.63 4 10 9 5 6 119 Shiopur 40 3 715.69 13 41 45 37 45 90 Khothari 82 5 1,417.20 41 103 102 83 80 9 1 Ratanpur 178 IS 1,859·26 65 177 169 6 152 149 92 Houspur 90 4 438·52 7 9 II 9 II 93 Kondangi 181 18 1,422.12 19 75 57 72 56 94 Kadambehara 185 24 904.91 24 68 73 3 63 67 95 Amitdhara 65 7 790.02 17 38 35 I 37 34 96 Ghutra ... 99 4 4,137·96 156 388 371 40 2 240 248 97 Bari 172 25 2,614.57 64 163 175 3 147 161 98 Sous 200 20 1,906·36 52 III 97 I 108 96 99 Dahiadand 26 2 124.50 9 . Z4 IS zo 13 100 Ro;i 22 2 308.r6 3 II 10 7 8 101 Karvan ... 189 19 1,354·17 50 129 144 III 133 IOZ Bala 91 4 1,165.25 20 54 44 I 38 36 103 Kelhari 32 2 10426.32 66 143 128 38 2 81 78 . 104 Bharda ... 174 24 1,674.05 70 228 213 :2 199 193 105 Dhadbhand 41 1,102.32 8 17 X 15 8 106 Vishrampur 41 3 484.35 8 19 16 19 16 107 Podi 196 23 2,235·73 223 588 579 76 5 436 445 108 Lalghat 153 II 163·83 3 18 II 10 4 109 Painari ... 146 13 3,397.10 72 215 214 21 2 210 208 110 Chhip Chippi 140 10 2,218·43 46 140 139 8 131 134 III Phunga 15 1 13 1,767·51 42 141 140 18 128 127 lIZ Manvari 33 2 736.69 56 122 122 2 3 89 88 J:I3 Jilibandh 18 7 19 1,505.24 70 175 176 12 122 124 114 Harra 68 7 I,215·30 85 179 163 23 2 100 100 lIS Bulaki'ala ... I I 611.62 21 64 53 2 38 36 Il6 Dugla 36 2 498·40 16 47 33 3 45 30 II7 Shiriakhah 83 5 1,381.98 52 117 123 13 2 82 89 Il8 Khandara 204 21 1,922·56 76 210 192 4 201 182 II9 Gidhadand 1I9 9 512.48 58 124 108 13 II 12,0 Chhotosallri 193 22 2,155·09 83 204 193 2 2 185 176 IZI Lotabahara 206 26 1,094·oS 22 65 57 3 62 53 122 Baima ... 208 26 2,360.67 126 334 309 27 289 264 U3 Lobari '" 64 6 1,092·99 72 159 160 17 95 100 124 Lai 66 7 1,682.25 44 107 72 4 44 36 IZs Barisalhi 194 22 4,731.S2 II6 299 281 20 20 279 268 126 Sagarpur 2II 26 1,693.20 19 30 32 26 29 12,7 Paradol ... 127 33·10 24 49 32 9 128 Semrriya 35 2 735·94 10 23 23 17 14 u9 Gidhmudi 163 IS 2,047.82 69 206 213 204 212 130 Sunhari ... 94 4 513.36 14 37 34 5 22 27 131 Tamdaudh 182 24 2,27S·76 51 168 155 14 155 147 132, Purani Landri 122 9 68.69 II 20 24 ... 13 16 133 Dihuli 25 2 669·24 40 77 75 70 72 134 Mughum 173 25 2,324.90 39 IlS 1I0 2 112 107 13S Nangua ... 89 4 439.90 5 14 16 1 13 J4 136 Tarabehara 37 3 957·33 50 12 5 122 13 105 97 137 Bireodi ... 24 2 1,291.22 II 26 28 21 24 138 Sakeria ... 169 23 1,097.56 123 322 332 22 309 310 139 Tedma ... 205 26 2,533.14 53 155 146 3 143 139 140 Surastal 150 13 840.62 5 18 13 1 16 13 141 Hastinapur 78 5 1,056.3 1 14 29 36 21 29 142, Tolanga 207 23 1,894.II 172 521 524 36 492 500 143 Hinshwahidand 34 2 842.06 32 95 86 3 4 84 79 144 Bhallor 108 8 987.35 70 161 165 23 I 128 136 145 Amadand 135 12 1,259.42 52 129 136 13 2 107 lIS 146 Nagpore 67 7 763.93 J08 235 209 48 4 129 134 147· Patma 201 20 3,381.63 78 215 187 IS I 192 166 148 Chiripani 73 7 1,294·94 41 87 74 7 2 56 49 149 Bheratola 14- I 494·29 29 70 68 3 57 62 ISO Mukhtiyarpara ... 85 oS 510.91 39 121 87 IS 97 66 213 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Manendragarh - Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ,.------, Ir.-Cultivators III.-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production VIII-Other of unowned land labourers vating owners, other than VI-Commerce VII-Transport services and their and their etc. and their cultivation and Serial dependants dependants dependants miscellaneous No. sources ., ,------"---- ~ ,----A--., ,----A--., ,---~ .-----"-----. Males Females Males Females .Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (13) (14) (r 5) (16) (17) (r8) (r9) (20) (2I) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I)


I 71 158 86 193 162 43 37 157 130 77. 2 3 10 12 73 8 7 8 5 74 7S 2 7 7 2 76 14 IS 18 6 I 77 6 9 20 18 19 13 1 2 78 10 13 60 52 19 10 3 I 79 3 4 7 5 80

I I 81 9 6 17 26 7 5 6 7 87. 22 17 4 6 b3 2,507 1,473 100 83 373 149 347 372 84 18 17 30 29 18 7 I 85 I 2 86 2 6 87 5 3 88 2 2 ti9 14 18 6 4 90 12 8 3 10 5 I 4 91 9Z 3 I 93 5 6 94 1 I 95 4 4 IID 104 28 II I 5 4 96 3 6 I II 8 97 3 1 98 4 2 99 3 2 I 100 3 3 13 8 2 101 I IS 8 IOZ 32 33 4 14 II 12 6 103 13 9 14 10 2 104 2 IDS 106 39 30 55 56 23 24 34 23 107 8 6 lOS I 3 3 2 109 8 5 I IlO 13 13 III 2 2 30 31 1 1 112 I 5 35 30 4 6 9 5 4 3 2 Il3 6 6 68 51 2 4 3 2 I14 25 17 J liS 2 3 I16 35 34 117 1 8 9 118 5 6 99 83 7 8 119 18 17 IZO

2 2 I 1- I:U 35 32 4 7 6 6 IZ2 37 33 23 26 I 3 I 123 8 5 40 . IS IS 13 124 3 8 6 8 7 I US 3 1- 1 I u6 10 7 39 25 127 5 7 2 128 2 I U9 7 3 7 3 I 13 0 7 2 3 6 3 131 7 7 I Il:!. "6 3 1 133 5 3 134 I 2 135 6 8 13 16 136 5 4 137 2 10 17 3 2 I 138 I 10 5 2 I 139 I 140

8 7 141 13 II 7 8 I 9 4 142 2 I 9 6 143 I 2 30 27 2 144 I I 18 16 3 I 2 I 145 92 64 2 6 4 2 2 5 3 146 3 I 4 8 IS 12 1 147 29 24 2 1 148 13 6 149 24 21 ISO District Surguja, THE PRIMARY ,------I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ,-.__.A.__ ---, ,--.A.__ ...... , ,-__-"- __-. Males Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (s) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)


lSI Muddhaba 19 2 1'1..37 7 21 18 21 18 I52 Padita 191 19 804·72 20 74 67 I 7° 60 IS3 Hcsbaidanda 34 379·51 24 44 58 4 38 42 154 Sarola ... 70 7 339·13 47 122 II4 22 3 91 85 ISS Buharipara 13 I 70.29 19 46 35 12 7 156 Sarbhoka ... 71 7 1,382.29 39 107 ,99 5 87 77 157 Chirmiri Railway Ward 222A 222·93 153 277 164 126 22 IS8 Duggi 186 19 2,123.90 il 168 168 6 147 147 159 Belpahura 152 II 1,788.23 16 42 34 3 35 28 160 Rakada ... 49 3 449·29 42 108 97 4 57 55 161 Kataya ... 177 15 1,087.51 22 80 78 2 77 71 16.z Pipuripaha 155 16 1,319.68 51 153 134 7 131 II6 163 Gaizec ... 213 26 2,146.34 75 220 208 23 202 189 164 Churmahi 16 2 72398 79 171 158 I 96 105 I6S Dilokhan 7 I 401.25 72 153 145 14 100 101 I66 Newri ... 139 II 1,598.46 50 155 130 3 140 120 167 Khargawan 179 18 3,II6.06 196 400 400 20 4 345 333 I68 Chainpur 1I5 9 1,905.12 68 150 128 9 131 110 169 Banjee ... u8 10 2,497·39 31 lQ6 82 7 I 86 68 170 Judhari 132 12 2,443.44 40 132 97 8 JlO 83 171 Khongpani 124 :':,046.50 27 68 73 I 52 62 172 Barhaspur 58 6 872.25 46 II8 III 28 II 62 74 173 Salfa 101 4 653·3 I 31 70 61 5 43 33 174 Salka 149 13 2,779·91 57 181 168 9 168 160 17S Charchha 92 4 646·55 13 38 30 21 18 176 Banjari dand 157 20 2,502.89 108 284 383 39 5 240 352 I77 Sighat ... 188 19 1,0'98.91 34 94 98 81 86- 178 Tagea 9 40 1.2 5 67 120 125 3 53 56 I79 Jullada ... 176 24 3,298·41 128 330 3lO 10 272 269 I80 Chanwari II3 9 1,688·92 30 68 64 50 52 181 Siroli 75 5 1,097·47 104 220 122 25 2 168 77 182 Barkela ... 121 9 1,025.44 33 90 74 84 71 183 Chutimar lIO 8 865.49 21 64 50 43 32 I84 Lalpur 109 8 1,652.42 69 206 194 24 I 145 142 ISS Koda 138 II 2,253'90 105 211 290 12 166 .<145 I86 Nawadih 96 4 56r.99 18 40 26 6 25 23 187 Parsamuda 157 14 363.28 6 16 19 2 12 14 I88 Masara ... 98 1,142·41 13 30 25 28 21 IS9 Garudol 102 4 1,024.70 14 31 30 2 21 27 I90 Balseew ..• 103 4 471·57 8 12 8 7 5 I91 Amadanak 18 2 156'44 5 14 8 9 5 192 Kot Kona 159 14 3,241.09 75 231 175 22 3 207 163 I93 Kachod Janara 93 3 1,599.82 83 155 153 29 II lI8 II4 194 Mendra ... 143 II 3,213.58 71 192 188 7 176 176 I9S Pandiriuha 222A 5200 1,124 1,1l8 1,166 30 80 I96 Bhudari Colony 129 10 4,019.65 34 III 108 3 107 108 I97 Pandri .. , 100 4 2.II5.38 102 235 223 19 I 162 153 I98 Bhandardehi 216 17 1,263.42 66 145 92 3 11 59 I99 Dhulku 87 4 669·97 12 24 22 16 18 .300 Dangara 104 8 873.68 66 154 142 16 4 133 II6

:101 Kelumalkala 2 0 9 25 2,499.30 II3 351 352 43 298 298 202 Keh~a ... 17 2 502.79 20 38 42 36 36 203 Pendri 1 64 IS 2,377·37 55 167 1~6 4 1 65 15S :104 Sendha .,. 74 7 778.45 26 68 67 I 67 65 205 Daritala .. , 61 6 594.72 39 94 89 2 53 56 206 Birodidand. Il4 2 1,291.22 29 91 94 4 81 88 :107 Mangholi 22(, 16 1,245.33 64 197 161 22 I 149 132 208 Chirmiri (A) 20z 3,832 •20 103 319 273 65 Z 262 237 :109 Biharpur 93 4 1,597·81 34 92 92 14 63 64 :no Belbehara 79 5 1,131.67 69 171 163 10 136 133 211 Barempur ...... 21 7 17 991.16 57 185 4 I 160 115 2'1.2 North Chirmiri Collony Z22C 3·00 164 297 75 16 213 Pholidhe 180 18 1,197.29 29 88 I I 80 214 Salea 86 5 638.27 13 39 16 .

______Agricultural-J.-- Classes______---. Non-Agricultural Classes r------"- ----. n.-Cultivators IlL-Cultivating IV.-Non-eulti- V.-Production VIIl.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than Vr.-Commerce VII.-Transport services and mis- and their their dependants etc. and their cultiyation cellaneous Serial dependants dependants sources No. ,-... ----"'---~ ,---A----. ~ r---A---, r---"----, r---"----. ,.----A------, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females (13) (14) (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (1)


lSI 3 6 1 I 152 2 4 4 12 153 27 25 2 3 2 154 II 10 23 18 155 20 22 156 96 67 29 10 100 60 52 27 157 14 12 6 8 I 158 5 3 2 3 159 7 10 42 29 I 2 1 160 2 3 2 3 4 161 2 4 9 7 II 7 162 2 2 12 9 2 3 5 163 75 53 164 48 35 I 3 6 1 2 165 15 10 166 IS 19 17 25 3 4 4 6 16 13 167 18 18 I 168 3 16 13 1 1 169 14 13 2 6 170

13 10 3 I 171 I 51 30 2 3 2 2 172 I 25 27 173 II 8 2 174 I 2 12 II 2 175 4 3 39 27 I 176 13 12 177 I 3 66 66 178 10 10 27 15 13 II 8 5 179 12 12 4 I 3 I 180 39 38 10 4 2 2 181 6 3 182 IS 14 6 4 183 61 52 184 40 39 4 6 I 85 5 3 10 186 4 5 I87 2 4 188 3 7 3 I 89 5 3 190 5 3 I91 IS 8 9' 4 192 5 3 25 32 4 4 2 193 2 2 12 8 2 Z 194 1,570 1,013 16 IS 206 II7 26 21 195 4 196 64 64 9 6 197 3 3 76 30 :198 5 3 3 199 20 25 200

39 43 . II 5 20I 2 6 3 6 202 2 I 203 I 2 204 7 6 8 5 205 2 31 12 14 9 206 6 10 24 19 9 2 207 18 ZI 21 II 2 5 208 6 5 28 27 2 I 12 6 209 IS 13 4 2 3 I 210

8 5 3 I 2.11 3 3 292 166 7 2 2 2.12 I 3 5 4 2.13 3 3 214 216

District Surguja THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Serial Patwari Total population Lilerates owned land and No. Name of Village or Code Circle Area; Occupied their depepdams Ward No. No. Houses ,...---A----.., ,------"------, ,.----A---~ Males Females Males Females Males Females. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)

VILLAGES OF 1 Badwahee 114 I 7,311.20 69 149 135 5 93 79 2 Kanan ... II 2 1,046.02 28 65 67 10 I 22 29 3 Ghughati 48 921.28 36 81 92 2 6 12 4 Harchoka 182 I 2,256.64 49 152 134 8 82 79 5 Ghordhora 49 2 544.56 16 51 49 4 33 41 6 Bela 129 I 3,51~1.48 46 107 100 3 44 39 7 Chidola ... 53 1,374·20 69 188 160 12 2 126 120 8 Amradandi 2 1,071.22 28 66 63 2 41 42 9 Sa'kayari 167 . I 1,234·82 38 56 62 I 16 15 10 Kunwari 23 2 994.10 19 48 52 4 30 29 II Barhori ... u6 2 3,074·57 56 1I2 113 II 54 48 12 Padauli 104 I 1,767·58 21 54 31 36 25 13 Udld 4 I 2,290.05 39 124 123 8 I 91 86 14 Ghatai ... 46 3 1,775·36 23 II6 108 II 90 84 15 Harrai ... 180 I 948·92 19 31 27 2 I 17 13 16 Patpatola 103 3 2,427.52 26 67 64 8 54 54 17 Malakdola 138 3 6,188.38 73 162 178 27 6 126 136 18 Chanti 52 4 2,906·37 84 173 176 18 2 143 148 19 Kurkuti ... 24 4 688.29 15 42 34 3 26 26 20 Jaiti 67 4 801.64 23 25 26 20 19 21 Hatia 147 4 1,424.82 8 6 5 ... 22 Chhirha 58 I 854·97 13 40 30 27 13 23 Sirkhola 174 4 1,424·82 5 II 10 9 9 24 Pondi 108 4 1,279·II 36 73 57 6 48 37 25 Semriha 173 7 2,988.00 40 87 101 3 49 70 26 Kuarpur 26 4 5>420.26 76 142 151 29 10 71 86 27 Khamraodh 33 7 2,191·40 43 173 166 12 128 131 28 Lawahori 166 8 3,878.14 17 51 44 2 18 17 29 Bhagwanpur 133 7 5,207.83 125 256 251 23 9 132 126 30 Aktwan ... r 7 ' 4,911.90 26 84 80 I 1 55 49 31 Aundi Sagra 1,109·09 17 40 41 5 25 28 32 Laraghadandi 164 8 3,513·55 28 80 79 3 58 62 33 Ara 3 4 2,950.5 6 23 54 51 13 45 44 34 Maltimour 148 4 517.75 22 50 48 5 30 27 35 Pottajharki 107 4 925·64 23 60 52 3 47 38 36 Phuljha III 3 2,013·47 39 83 64 6 2 67 60 37 Koilara 25 4 805. 16 19 58 59 8 41 48 38 Junua 59 2,798.81 55 130 113 2 75 7:;1. 39 Domhara 76 2 901.55 66 224 181 17 I 129 IIO 40 Ktrsjia ... 1,398·93 67 175 190 57 II 146 165 41 Godhoura 42 3 2,054. 19 30 89 78 8 73 54 42 Jamthan 61 4 7,631·35 56 139 145 18 105 III 43 Patwahi ... 102 4 2,172.32 32 68 64 3 36 35 44 Kudari ... 27 10 8,911.26 23 59 56 57 56 45 Chiul 56 7 7,132.35 :28 7:2 74 6 58 58 46 Maniyari 144 10 6,683.98 28 87 81 I I 80 74 47 Toji 83 4 1,]20·99 31 65 55 10 I 45 39 -48 Narkhohi 137 I 1,027·97 20 38 58 I 30 48 49 Baghwar 1I2 7 862.93 12 8 14 I 3 So Bad Kadol lIS 2 2,667·39 23 10 10 2 51 Baghail 124 10 10,740.48 18 48 48 4 27 36 52 Risagada 159 9 255·33 6 18 10 17 10 53 Neur 95 9 2,653.02 33 117 98 3 IIO 91 S4 Kormo ... 31 8 4,275.96 17 40 34 1 32 28 S5 Murkil ... 150 9 5,315·98 130 248 250 19 6 182 198 56 Badera 122 10 5,538.25 12 41 . 25 36 18 57 Patparha 100 7 2,228.26 4 10 S8 Larkonda 163 2 1,311.30 30 123 115 7 88 81 S9 Naogain 98 8 6,243·35 22 77 69 4 44 47 60 Karri I3 1 1,473.98 9 25 18 I IS 22 61 Chhalonda 57 9 6,869.90 8 35 30 19 13 62 Ganjar 44 4 5,25 0 •84 25 63 57 29 24 63 Deosil 87 10 8,994·97 28 65 71 I 46 S4 64 Janakpur 65 6 3,205.65 77 127 138 57 4 22 24 65 Dhobatal 92 5 5,488·39 2'5 69 66 52 47 66 Patasi 101 7 3,374.29 23 63 48 35 26 67 Dhanouli 90 8 1,775·35 II 18 21 16 18 68 Singrauti 172 2 1,609. 14 82 221 233 64 5 lID 120 69 Balauda ... 120 5 3,791·09 5 15 7 15 7 70 Bota 130 5 5,934.67 7 12 10 8 8 71 Bhalalpur 131 2 708.42 IIO 225 221 37 131 114 72 Katwar ... 4,900.46 30 90 75 I 77 63 73 Ramgarh 157 6 1,729·33 1I0 223 2II 26 3 139 141 74 Red 161 7 2,457.18 13 20 22 16 17 75 Bahr-asi ... 129 6 1,365.69 76 181 160 13 I 88 71 76 Bagridand 121 10 1,897.91 3 12 8 7 4 17 Ohailga ··l 8 7 4,939·34 24 64 68 57 65 ,8 Darricola 84 3 519·99 5 8 7 5 4 19 Ranpa 158 8 5,130.43 35 73 72 2 33 32 80 Badwan ... 119 5 7,199.00 27 69 57 57 50 217 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Bharatpur ______------A-- Agricultural Classes______Non-Agricultural --A-----.______Classes _----, VIII.--Other II.--Cultivators HL-Cultivating IV.-Non-cuIti- V.-Production services and of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport mi scellaneous Serial and their theird<:pendanls etc. and their cultivation, sources No. dependants dependants ,-_ ____.J...______,-----A.___ -, ,------"--, ,------"----~ ,---"-----. ,-----"----. ,------"-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) . (21) (22) (25) (26) (1)


43 41 9 9 4 6 I 1 7 16 20 12 3 3 10 2 34 34 3 14 1 7 18 18 6 II 3 28 20 12 4 8 10 16 16 6 5 4 5 2 K 3 5 3 5 35 39 2 4 4 9 6 1 3 12 6 10 6 32 12 2 3 3 5 1 5 14 7 15 14 2 7 4 I 3 8 13 7 I 2 5 36 I 2 9 8 5 6 IS 4 3 10

13 19 28 37 5 9 3 9 II 7 I 6 I 5 4 12 II II 10 14 3 3 9 9 13 15 14 4 3 6 6 14 2 4 5 3 6 7 1 5 5 4 7 6 16 4 2 10 8 22 32 1 7 X 7 15 13 7 8 18 6 4 8 2 I I I 19 2 3 2 I 3 20

3 2 3 3 10 14 2 3 1 I 3 6 9 1 3 14 I 9 7 1 3 10 5 10 14 3 22 II 13 II 33 43 36 31 8 4 16 14 16 13 I 1 2 58 50 8 10 30 29 I 26 33 II 9 1 3 19 5 3

10 I 2 2 3 6 4 3 1 II 7 9 8 2 2 32 4 2 3 I 2 4 33 3 S 7 4 10 12 34 7 6 2 3 4 5 35 4 3 I 8 7 36 3 3 7 2 5 3 2 3 37 6 2 1 7 14 10 7 1 9 12 3 6 38 2 7 22 6 3 22 21 18 9 22 16 39 17 IS 2 I 2 2 8 7 40

6 I I 10 22 41 17 3 10 12 6 6 13 42 5 2 II 13 6 I 10 13 43 2 44 7 7 7 8 I 45 7 7 46 I 1 8 4 9 5 2 6 47 4 I I 2 3 7 48 6 8 I 3 49 3 2 5 3 2 50 2 I 7 2 12 9 SI S2 6 6 I SJ 3 3 I I 2 I 2 I S4 30 1 7 34 29 2 6 S5 4 4 1 3 S6 I 2 5 2 S7 14 1 3 8 3 3 3 7 4 3 II 58 28 18 5 3 I 59 I 3 Z. 60

I 3 2 4 12 9 I I 22 14 7 8 5 II 9 7 4 I 6 9 4 7 6 4 7 4 9 21 79 78 S 9 II 9 I I . 6 7 16 12 I 5 2 2 3 11 10 66 54 3 4 17 17 2 2 12 26

I I 3 I

II 13 26 24 19 23 12 4 5 3 21 40 71 I 2 10 8 I I 77- 5 3 3S 20 I I 21 II 5 21 30 73 I I 3 4 74 3 30 28 31 34 20 16 9 10 75 :2 3 3 I 76 I 6 2 77 .3 3 78 5 8 15 8 14 16 6 8 79 8 3 3 I I 2. 80 D-28 218 District Surguj a THE PRIMARY

I.-Cultivators of Patwari owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area C!>ccupied Total popUlation Literates their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ~ --., ,---"----, Males Females Males Females Males Females

(1) (2) (3) (5) (6) (7) (8) (10) (II) (12)


II Kudra (Patparha) 7,01 3.93 9 13 16 7 8 82 Deogarh Khoh 88 6 740.S5 7 12 10 9 10 83 Thanpar 69 10 2,664.84 5 17 13 15 13 8.,. Kaklendi 14 3 3,466.70 18 44 34 2. 39 22 85 Mas aura 146 6 5,483,98 22 46 52 I 30 39 86 Sadantola 171 8 2,992.71 5 43 30 8 17 8 87 Kasunda 28 5 II,468·91 21 S6 51 56 49 88 Matta 142 S 2,230·39 27 71 67 66 63 89 Mehdanli 155 I 2,626.99 22 72 69 I 62 59 90 Sed 178 6 I,S33.03 18 48 47 5 3 32 31 91 Barauta II7 8 1,815.04 16 40 34 3 33 30 92 Charkhar 51 2 723.07 33 106 96 13 73 65 93 Sitapur '" 175 10 1,360.17 6 13 12 13 II 94 Kasitola 20 6 1,021.22 18 54 60 9 33 35 95 Mangra ... 154 9 2,805.46 8 26 16 II 7 96 Parewadol 99 8 314.92 5 16 7 14 6 97 Mainpur IS'2 6 2,899'32 29 60 49 7 33 26 98 Munukhan lSI 9 1,635.70 10 . 32 26 21 18 99 Kudara 21 7 3,359.31 34 54 55 10 5 41 39 100 Raonk ... 163 10 6,742.91 30 9 1 77 86 70

101 Rajrawal 156 8 2,457.18 16 29 26 I 14 IS 102 Jawari .. . 64 I 316.26 10 31 29 2 21 26 103 J anaira .. . 62 10 5,179.24 15 34 34 I 33 34 104 Dhale (Katrengi) 77 8 2,482.17 3 2 3 105 Janakpur 1,602.82 68 123 132 36 8 7 12 106 Chutki 55 5 5,446·30 19 43 44 I 33 34 107 Gidhor '" 41 8 2,392.00 2 5 3 5 3 108 Rusoni '" 160 10 17,999.86 38 71 76 3 57 59 109 Deogarh 89 2 2,534.78 8:1. 200 210 22 2 112 JI6 110 Tummadih 78 10 2,848.86 12 23 24 19 20 III Kamanji 15 9 4,735·39 69 173 149 18 3 151 136 112 Ondi 9 9 2,574.90 I 2 2 113 Padari '" 109 2 2,486·43 16 52 52 49 47 114 Sonwahi 179 9 5,307'00 26 61 58 2 48 45 lIS Khokhariya 37 9 4,526.64 21 66 55 I I 50 42 116 Mohanrola 153 6 2,1I5·96 76 161 1 64 18 5 III 109 117 Neruwa ... 3,736.08 38 80 84 2 55 60 118 JuiIi '" 6'6 8 3,724·68 22 66 63 I 53 52 1I9 Umarwah 5 5 4,387.44 24 66 49 5 48 32 120 Julgi 68 6 2.,831.45 25 109 103 2 83 78 121 Badgaon Kalan 123 10 10,262.56 57 130 123 16 123 II4 122 Uchehra 6 6 2,720.25 14 33 28 2 20 10 123 Lakhantota 165 6 1,391.41 34 98 76 12 48 38 IZ4 K anjiya ... 30 3 1,398·93 59 154 142 46 9 124 113 IZS Chanciela So 3 1,558.81 7 24 2S 22 25 126 Jamuniha 63 IO 3,720.68 21 61 61 7 33 36 127 Benipura 126 5 1,443.89 13 35 30 32 28 128 Barel 1I8 5 3,220·46 17 34 33 20 25 IZ9 Sutari ... 177 5 6,061.68 I 3 I 3 • I 130 Pichhaura Bandh 106 6 2,089.50 5 14 10 II 7 131 Punji IIO I 1,310.47 20 58 56 44 34 132 Masarra ... 145 10 5,815.02 23 76 60 2 35 26 133 Sanbora 168 3 1,926.67 27 53 46 2 42 35 134 Kakarradol 18 7 1,060·57 8 9 12 I 3 135 Khandakhol 34 6 2,717.31 26 87 70 45 39 136 Dulari 86 8 3,455.83 4 13 II 2 7 6 137 Dughasi 85 8 1,177.75 41 . II3 99 10 94 76 138 Jardol ... 60 4 2,104.7 1 8 18 15 7 7 139 Mantuliya 140 3 364.88 I 5 5 I 5 5 I40 Joja 82 ... 1,154·45 19 45 50 8 37 46 I4I Belgaon ... 127 2 3,SI8.48 S9 130 121 4 8.2 76 142 Ghatma 47 S 6,321.23 17· 36 54 36 54 I43 Tilauli ... 81 3 2,737.84 51 132 II6 SO 6 96 86 "144 Madisarai 149 I 1,478,50 77 207 198 20 2 102 101 145 Thiskoli 71 9 1,605.39 23 54 48 2. 2 43 39 "146 Kotadol 29 8 2,000.81 37 159 131 40 2 80 68 147 Tartora 80 6 2,810.63 20 52 45 6 40 32 148 Bhumka 134 10 1,960.46 40 93 86 65 54 149 Manodh 141 3 2,5 14.34 37 87 77 3 56 44 ISO Ketrengi 16 g 2,667·06 6 21 17 13 7

151 Badgaon Khurd 12.5 9 4,601·55 31 86 59 I 49 37 152 Nagri 93 5 4,435·79 19 51 45 27 27 153 Khirki 35 8 4,696.06 21 59 66 9 38 41 154 Karwa 12 6 4,585.88 21 35 36 3 0 24 ISS Ghaghar 45 7 7,481·94 79 172 147 53 10 95 84 156 Chikhli ... 54 10 6,087.03 3 16 8 9 8 157 Naodhiya 97 2 3,729.66 55 161 143 1 123 II2 IS8 Khelauti 38 6 1,854.81 35 92 95 2 4{) 51 IS9 Bhumka 135 3 587.57 13 :a9 28 15 16 "160 Barchha 2,240.62. 5 6 2 I 9 CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Bharatpur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes ,------~------~ II.-Cultivators IlL-Cultivating IV.-Non-culti- V.-Production VIII.-Other of unowned land labourers and vating owners, other than VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport services and mis~ and their their dependants etc. and their cultivay,ion cel1aneous Serial dependants deoendants sources No. ,----A.__ --. ~ ~---. ,....__:__.._----, ,....--.A..----. ,---.A..~ Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (16) (17) (18) (19) (20) (21) (22) (25) (26) (I)


I 3 2. 2. 2. 1 81 I 2 82 2 83 I 3 2 8 84 I 8 6 7 7 85 I 24 22 1 86 2 87 3 2. 2 2 88 5 1 I 4 4 5 89 8 II 8 4 I 90

4 2 2 I I I 91 10 5 20 19 3 7 9z I 93 9 7 2 9 12 I 6 94 3 2 9 4 I I I I 95 2 1 96 12 5 4 I 9 14 2 3 97 II 8 98 7 12. I 5 4- 99 2 2 I 2 ... 2 3 100 8 5 6 6 101 5 5 3 102 I 103 I 2. 2 104 I 19 16 16 15 12 13 3 2 66 74 105 4 4 5 2 I 4 106 107 7 7 5 7 2 3 108 12 13 9 15 9 13 4 12 18 14 109 1 I 3 3 IIO 27 14 7 I 2. 5 6 III lIZ 3 5 113 3 2 9 7 1 3 II4 II 8 I 4 3 I IIS 6 7 22 30 2 2 10 7 2 8 8 II6 6 8 16 10 3 5 I IJ:7 8 6 3 2 2 3 II8 5 5 13 7 2 II9 3 2. 16 15 7 8 120

2 2 4 7 I II 15 2 3 4 3 19 14 19 12 3 3 5 6 2 2 6 4 5 18 19 2 2 7 7 6 9 4 I 7 4 2 2 2 I 2 4 3 8 2 I 3

2 2

3 4 4 6 10 1 8 131 10 12 10 6 18 14 3 2 132 3 4 2 3 3 I I 4 133 I 2 6 3 I 4 134 12 15 I 14 6 8 6 7 4 13S 2 2 2 2 2 1 136 5 6 3 3 3 4 8 10 137 7 4 4 4 138 139 3 2 I 3 2 140 25 25 3 2 3 2 17 16

8 II 13 2 I I 3 3 2 9 12 23 16 33 31 2 2 28 29 19 19 9 5 2 4 4 5 41 36 5 8 4 3 25 II 9 6 3 6 I 12 12 I 3 8 9 7 8 7 8 II 9 6 3 7 13 I 2 4 5 3 3

9 8 17 1I 4 7 3 151 8 5 5 2 4 5 7 6 ISZ 14 17 6 5 I 3 IS3 2 4 I 4 I 2 I 2 1$4 38 27 19 12 2 5 18 19 155 7 156 8 7 13 5 10 4 4 4 9 II 157 3 2 19 24 24 18 158 14 12 159 5 6 160 220 District Surguja THE PRIMARY ,.------I.-Cultivators of Patwari Total population Literates owned land and Serial Name of Village or Code Circle Area ;Occupied their dependants No. Ward No. No. Houses ~ r- -., ,----'---~ l\hles Females Males Females Males Females

(I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (S) (9) (10) (II) (12)


161 Odari 10 9 6,213·81 8 25 19 22 IS 162 Mantulia (Baraid) ::: 139 5 3,363·97 12 39 29 19 18 Dongritola (Deogaon) ... 2 1,68 5. 63 36 95 81 13 76 60 :163 74 26 164 Khohra . 36 8 8,401.28 23 50 45 23 16S Hathwari lSI 7 1,910.55 21 80 46 58 36 166 Dongritola (Chanti) 75 4 1,585·14 17 49 29 4 38 22 167 Gadwar 39 3 668·55 24 49 50 3 47 49 168 Girwani 40 4 I,II6.03 17 48 45 36 41 169 Bhawarkhoh 132 5 2,194.78 21 44 45 4 20 22 170 Hani 183 5 3,640.20 20 53 65 48 55 171 Thorgi ... 72 8 4,935.01 10 14 17 12 12 172 Julgi ...... 68 6 4,381.84 28 80 56 3 52 3~ 173 Guptitola alias Papatnagar 43 9 802.03 10 21 16 13 II 221

'CENSUS ABSTRACT Tahsil Bharatpur Agricultural Classes Non-Agricultural Classes -., r- IV.-Non-culti- VIIL-Other H.-Cultivators IlL-Cultivating , vating owners, V.-Production services and------mis- of unowned land labourers and etc. and their other than VI.-Commerce YIL-Transport cellaneous Serial and their their dependants dependants cultivation sources No. dependants ,--__ -A____ -, ,--_-A.___ ...... r----.A.--, r-~ .---A.---, ------"--' - - ~--"-----, Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females

(13) (14) (IS) (16) (17) (IS) (19) (20) (21) (22) (23) (24) (25) (26) (I)


I 3 3 I 161 7 II I 19 8 16z I 3 5 6 9 5 I 2 163 12 II 7 5 164 10 3 g 6 10 6 2 165 I 3 I 166 4 3 2 6 I 167 16 13 I 2 5 3 168 2 2 5 2 4 I 3 169 I I 3 I 170

4 4 2 2 9 5 1 171 12 12 7 4 1 177- 1 173 222 DISPLACED PERSONS BY LIVELmOOD CLASSES IN VILLAGES OR WARDS

Non-Agricultural Classes --A. Code All Agricultural V.-Production VIII.-Other No. of Classes other than services and Serial Name of Village, Village cultivation VI.-Commerce VII.-Transport miscellaneous No. Ward Or Town or Town sources r---.A..-~ r----A.----.. r---"---, r----A.____., r----A.----., Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females Males Females. (I) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12) (13)'

(I) Surajpur Tahsil Villages of Surajpur Tahsil

I Menza 358 6 6·

(%) Manendragarh Tahsil, Manendragarh Municipality

1 Manendragarh Ward No. I II7 % Mmendragllrh Ward No. :z. II7 4 4 II 3 1 3 M'lnendragarh Ward NO.3 II7 5 4 Marlendragarh Ward NO.4 II7 3 1 S Mmendragarh Ward NO.5 II7

Villages of Manendragarh Tahsil

I Kothholia ... 77 1 2 Kogapand Kala 124 '7 3 3 2 I 3 Mailendry 126 7 6 4 Chirmiri 222 98 77 2 2 I I 3 S Chirmiri 22 7 2 10 9 3 2. ., Chrimin Colliery '" I04-A 38 32 II 9 5 4 26 19 2. 7 Chirmiri Railway Ward 222-A 4 2 10 3 8 8 Pandrilud Colliery ... 222-A 106 87 6 2 :z. 9 North Chirmiri Colliery ... 12 12 2 2

(3) Ambikapur Tahail Ambikapur Municipality

I Ambikapur 13 12 3· % Ambikapur 13 I 3 Ambikapur 13 10 3 1 4 Ambikapur 13 7 7' 7 5 Kedarpur 13 2. 2. 8 (; Ambikapur 13 5 I 7 Ambikapur 13 3 3 5 8 Sadar road (Ambikapur) ... 13 14 2 I 9 Ambikapur 13 4 2 10 Ambikapur 13 I 29 24

Villages oj Ambikapur Tahsil

I Pratapgarh 592 9 9 4 2- II Lakhllnpur ... 442 2

(4) Baikunthpur Tahsil Baikunthpur Town

I Baikunthpur Ward No. I ... 180

2 Baikunthpur Ward NO.2 ... 180 I

Villages of Baikunthpur Tahsil

I Patna 143 3 2 223 SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES, CENSUS TABLE I.-Village/Ward Distribution. of Small Scale Industrial Establishments

Number NumJe r Code Total Number Number of hand- Code Total Number Number of hanJ ::Serial Name of village No. number of non- of textile looll}s in Serial Name of village No. number of non- of tex~ile looms in No. or town-ward of of textile establish- textile No. or town-ward of of textile establish- textile village establish-establish- ments establish- village establish- establish- ments establish- or ward ments ments ments or ward ments ments ments

.( I) (2) (2-A) (3) (5) (6) (I) (2) • (2-A) (3) (4) (5) (6)

.Ambikapur Tahsil Ambikapur Tahsil Rural Rural-contd.

-I Kennari 91 5 5 5 71 Chiranga 166 I I I 2 Sirkotanga 493 3 3 3 72 Pandi 301 2 2 2 3 Keora 90 6 6 6 73 Pinta 298 3 3 3 .4 Ganeshpur 130 7 7 7 74 Tendutikra 228 I I 5 Goita 141 3 3 3 75 Tirkela 222 I I I -6 Lahpatra 450 9 6 6 76 Kumni 78 6 6 6 7 Rajpur Khllrd 422 14 14 14 77 Lipangi 456 5 5 '5 8 Toni 229 I I I 78 Lachamangarh 451 4 4 4 9 Irgawan 24 2 2 2 79 Saram 476 6 6 6 10 Amadla II 5 5 5 80 Sanihari 484 I I I

'11 Parri 287 2 2 2 81 Sontarai 505 3 3 3 .12 Jaipur 184 6 6 6 82 Kachanpur I [Q 4 4 4 :13 AmaIchillhi 12 5 5 5 83 Bakara Khurd 314 6 6 6 ,14 Belkota 362 I I I 84 Kokna ... 36 4 4 4 15 Bargidih 338 I I I 85 Madaneshwarpur 387 3 3 3 ,16 Silsila 404 4 4 4 86 Sidhona 492 II II II n Gahiia 131 7 7 7 87 Hansuli 517 2 2 2 18 Jhargawan 201 I I I 88 Makundpur. 384 I 1 1 ,19 Kalipur 65 5 5 5 89 Parsa 281 10 10 10 .20 Maja 40 3 13 13 13 90 Chindkola 173 14 14 14

:21 Bhatko 370 6 6 6 91 Motipur 415 I I I :22 Khadashma II3 5 5 5 92 N awaparakhurd 261 2 2 2. 23 Batanli 326 5 5 5 93 Gregapipar 142 I I I .24 Mohanpur 4 17 13 13 13 94 Kusu 84- 3 3 3 .25 Kumarpur 83 4 4 4 95 Dhanaura 245 3 3 3 .26 Katinda 40 5 5 5 96 Libra 457 6 6 6 .27 Kasanga 108 3 3 3 97 Kalgasa 59 2 2 2. .28 Narkalo 349 10 10 10 98 Mouaatikra 395 9 9 9 29 Bharatpur 375 9 9 9 99 Kishanpur 70 I I I 30 Umrauli 30 10 10 10 100 Bargain 336 4 4 4

Baldgi 364 6 6 6 101 Nawgain 264 4 4 4 . Bandha 332 14 14 14 102 Kariyan 55 2 2 2. Jaipur 185 4 4 4 103 Khajuri ... Il2 2 2. 2. Kashanpur 109 I 1 I 104 Pampapur (Ramap) 276 1 I I Maja 402 3 3 3 105 Sakholi 469 4 4 4 Tunga 223 I 1 I 106 Padipa 270 I I I Jodhpur 198 4 4 4 10 7 Lawaidih 449 4- 4 4 Chainpur 169 6 6 6 108 Adehi 4 3 3 3 Chodiya 170 2 2 2 1 0 9 Sonbaron 508 1 I I Rikhi 437 12 12 12 IIO Gadejiranga 133 3 3 3

Namna 243 6 6 6 III Nawangar 255 4 4- 4 Jhunwani 196 3 3 3 1I2 Kuniya kalan 77 I I I Rajbandh ·431 3 3 3 II3 Rakeli 419 3 3 3 Nunora 263 6 6 6 1I4 Nawapara Kalan 260 I I I Salka 477 8 8 S 1I5 Kotiya 101 IS 15 IS Karanndi 58 4 4 4 1I6 Raghunathpur 420 8 8 8 Sarganwan 475 5 5 5 II7 Purkela 296 6 6 6 Kesgawan 92 10 10 10 II8 Sairrain 486 3 3 Amgasi' 6 I I I II9 Sikilma 488 2 :3 2 Pandripari 30 6 6 6 6 120 Gangapur Kalan 143 2 2 :3

51 Jajga 177 20 20 20 121 Unchdih 34 I 1 I :52 Kathmunda 41 I I I 122 Tihpatra 208 2 2. 3 53 Kharsura II5 4 4 4 123 Mohanpur 4 1 6 3 3 3 54 Koondhla 127 12 12 12 124 Maheshpur 398 5 5 S Gumga 137 2 2 2 125 Barkela 334 I I I ~~ Ghatbarra 149 8 8 8 126 Hanumangarh 572 3 3 3 57 Dandagaon 215 7 7 7 127 Lipangi 456 3 3 3 58 Doin 320 I I I 128 Lahoni 443 8 8 8 59 Dawa 234 1 I I 129 Rakeli 418 I I I .60 Padridand 269 7 7 1 130 Getra 138 4 4 4

-61 Palka 288 2 2 2 131 Khutiya 121 2 2 2 .62 Salka 479 I I I 132 Kharnpriya 114 6 6 6 63 Salhi 487 I I I 133 Korja 104 4 4 4 64 Fulchuhi 312 7 7 1 134 Kaleha 60 II II II 65 Bishunpur 357 I I I 135 Tolanga 230 2 2. 2 66 Mundgaon 41 0 2 2 2 136 Irajn 221 4 4 4 1)7 Badauli 32 9 3 3 3 137 Jamgala 178 9 9 9 .68 U daypurdhole 26 7 7 7 138 Bagdari 32 7 5 S 15 .69 Bakel• 319 I I I 139 Boika 304 2. 2 2. '70 Dandagaon 212 9 9 9 140 Nimha 262 I I I 224 SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES CENSUS-contd. TABLE I.-Village/Ward Distribution of Small Scale Industrial Establishments-contd.

Number Number Code Total Number Number of hand- Code Total Number Number of hand­ Serial N.1m~ ofvillag-: No. number of non- of textile looms in Serial Name of village No. number of non- of textile looms in No. or town-wad of of textile establish- lcxtilc No. or town-ward of of textile establish- textile village cstablish- cstabli;;h- ments establish- viHage e,tablish- establish- mcnts establish-· or ward ments ments menls or ward ments mcnts mcnts

(I) (2) (2-A) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (2) (2-A) (3) (4) (S) (6)

Amhikapur Tahsil Ambikapur Tahsil Rural-contd. Rural-contd.

141 Bhadwahi 371 2 2 2 221 Pacena 290 5 5 :: 142 Hanatikura 51 3 3 3 3 222 Garhhira 129 5 5 5 143 Chirabhar 16~ S 5 5 223 Karjee 45 I 144 KuIjec 44 3 3 3 224 Kundi Kalan 75 I I 145 Khala II8 1 Z2,) Dorna 24 1 2 2 2 146 Nawabandh 25 6 I I 226 Rain Khllrd 429 2 2 2 147 Bardhondhi 341 6- 6 6 z27 Argoti 15 1 148 Indarpur 23 6 6 6 228 Kudur 72 I I I 149 Sheopur 463 2 2 2 229 Aokla 18 5 5 5 150 Jagdishj1m 175 I 230 Jamdih 190 7 7 7 231 Mahora 400 I 1 151' Kalapara 64 I I I 152 Bankipur 347 2 2 2 232 Rainkala 2 2 2 153 Sapura 471 3 3 3 233 Daholi I 1 154 Tunguri 224 10 10 10 234 Jheradih I I 155 Laljec 446 2 2 2 235 Patradih 2 2 2 156 Puhputra 297 10 10 10 236 Kalwau 3 3 3 157 Mudesa 40 9 3 3 3 237 Nagain 3 3 3 158 Koldiha 107 I I 238 Dupi I I I 159 Bakirsma 3 1 8 I I 239 Chaura I I I 160 Parsandi Kalan 285 1 1 240 Parsagudi 2 2 2

Fatepur 308 I Dhandhapur 10 10 10 Amra 14 2 2 2 Parsagudi I I Binkera 354 I I Chilma Kalan ... I 1 Dhangawan 243 1 I I Gopalpur I I I Mcndrakalan 413 4 4 4 Dupi 4 4 4 KisanpUl' 67 3 3 3 Sheopur 2 2 2 Sllkhari 495 5 5 5 Khandro I Pondi kalan 302 5 5 S Toni Kana 53 13 13 13 Chaura 2 2 2 Bargawan 337 4 4 4 Kodaura 2 2 2

171 Rakeli 418 19 19 19 25 1 Ko~dihi 98 2 2 2 172 Belkhalikhn 363 15 15 15 25 2 Kasra 51 3 3 3 173 Kot 96 12 12 12 253 Patrapara 272 2 2 2 174 Chirangea 165 13 13 13 254 Nawapara 25

181 Bilma 356 4 4 4 26r Bilaspur 510 5 5 5 182 Korgi 103 I 262 Paprcnja 597 2 2 2 183 Kishunpur 69 I I 263 Jharidih 562 2 2 2 184 Jori 200 I I 264 Bansajahal 606 2 2 2 185 Bariyan 342 2 2 2 265 Bariona 60 5 2 2 2 186 Karra 52 I I 1 21\6 Ghoghara ~"6 4 4 4 187 Kudar 71 1 I I 267 Boda 617 9 9 9 188 Banda 350 3 3 3 268 Kachardih 532 3 3 3 189 Khukhari 1I9 3 3 3 269 Tedga 568 13 13 13 190 Baholi 333 2 2 2 270 Turanga 567 8 8 8

191 Dakwa 211 2 2 2 271 Kharakona 3 3 3 192 Dumki 217 I I 272 Chawarpani I I 193 Rajpmi Khurd 42 3 3 3 3 273 Sabadih I I I 194 Patkura 267 4 4 4 274 Manpur 4 4 4 195 Rampur Khurd 42 5 I 1 I 27'1 Uranga 7 7 7 196 Mendra Khurd 414 I 1 I 276 Ghutrapara 4 .4 4 197 BhagwanpUl 369 r 1 277 Lalati 9 9 9 198 Dcogarh 239 2 2 2 278 Sarmana 18 18 18 199 Riri 439 1 279 Salima 14 14 14 200 Khalika Il6 280 Bosen 3 3 3

201 Ghughri 146 2 2 2 281 Patharui 589 7 7 7 202 ~onagachmi 509 I I I 282 Saraswatipur 6W 2 2 2 203 Asola 19 9 9 9 283 Sedam 660 2 2 2 204 Sllmerpur 498 I I I 284 Sunrpara 656 5 5 5 20~ Kanthi III 3 3 3 285 paksuri 598 19 19 19 206 Nawki 252 I 1 286 Mangari 623 12 12 12 207 Rawai 42 7 I I 287 Nakua 586 7 7 7 208 Deori 238 1 I 288 Maheshpur 622 6 6 6 209 Batoki 32 5 1 I I 289 Rajpuri 629 3 3 3 210 Dundu 236 3 3 3 290 Bagdoli 600 2 2 2 2n· Supda 470 1 1 I 29 r Dhenki-Dholi... 572 6 6 6 212 Barkol 335 3 3 3 292 Parsa 590 3 3 3 213 Kakaj ·37 5 S 5 293 Bh1l8U 621 6 6 6 214 Burdih 340 4 4 4 294 Bataikela 599 8 8 8 215 Dumardih 218 6 6 6 295 Telaidhar 577 8 8 8 216 Kaloli 57 4 4 4 296 Raikera 632 8 8 8 217 Chitarpur 163 I 1 I 297 Kharadorma 549 8 8 8 :1.l8 Palara 268 5 5 5 . 298 Inurta 627 2 Z 2 219 Sahanpur 482 I 1 299 Langdasandh 639 1 I I 220 Angasi 2 Z 2 300 Dharampllr 583 4 4 225 SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES CENSUS-conrd.

TABLE I-Village/Ward Distribution of Small Scale Industrial Establishments~contd.

Number Number Code Total Number Number of hand- Code Total Number Number of hand­ Serial Name of village No. number of non- oftex ile looms in Serial Name of village No. number of non- of textile looms in No. or town-ward of of tex'ile establish- texrile No. or town-ward - of of textile establish- textile village establi8h- establish- ments establish- village establish- establish- ments establish- or ward ments ments ments or ward ments ments ments

(I) (2) (2-A) (3) (5) (6) (I) (2) (2-A) (3) (5) (6)

Amhikapur Tahsil Bharatpur Tahsil" Rural-concld. Rural-contd.

301 Belijora 61 3 6 6 6 21 Kotadol 29 1 302 -Nawapara 587 4 4 4 22 Kanjia 32 3 2 I 303 Brand 526 3 3 3 23 Khetauli 38 3 3 304 Benai 6 I 4 6 6 6 24 Ghaghara 45 3 2 I 1 305 Girsa 640 4 4 4 25 Ghughuri 48 3 3 3 306 Gersa 553 II II II 26 Ghanti 52 2 I I I 307 Girhuldih 551 14 14 14 27 Chidola 53 2 2 2 308 Bharatpur 6I9 18 18 18 28 Ianua 59 I I I 309 Surga 652 6 6 6 29 Jamthan 61 6 5 I 310 Rajoli 530 10 10 10 30 Janakpur 65 I I

II 3II Dhelsara 573 II II 31 Joili 66 II II 312 Bhawaradaod 618 10 10 10 32 Tikritola 71 2 1 I 313 Jajga 563 10 10 10 33 Dongritola 74 I I 314 U damkila 2 2 2 2 5 3 34 Domhara 76 4 I 315 Kot 546 8 8 8 3 35 Dugham.i l',S 2. 2 :z. 316 Badha 60 4 4 4 4 0 317 Baolaya 6 3 3 3 3 Total 105 318 Amatoli 52 1 6 6 6 319 Sootarai 661 30 30 30 320 Karakel 534 6 6 6 321 Diori 581 18 18 18 Surajpur Tahsil 322 Maharan'ipur 634 I I I Rural- 323 Bhitwa 620 9 9 9 324 Sur 659 21 21 21 1 Lachi 398 2 2 2 325 Sitapur 655 24 24 24 2 Manpur 352 I 1 I 326 Kisla 544 1 I I 3 Bokodra 310 1 I I 327 Rent 594 4 4 4 4 Dlipur 199 I I I 328 Katkalo 535 2 2 2 5 Tilsia 179 2 2 2 32 9 Champu! 561 2 2 z 6 Surajpur 444 IS 15 15 330 Khal1dgaon 550 26 26 26 7 Maghawan 336 3 3 3 8 Dumariya 172 17 17 17 331 Pratapgarh 592 2 2 2 9 Busadhani 291 24 24 24 332 Pidiya 593 2 2 2 10 Jhansi 158 20 20 20 333 Haramar 663 2 2 2 334 Jamdhondhi 565 6 20 6 II Nawagoi 233 I I I 335 Daogbuda 570 12 12 12 12 Tendupara 181 I 1 I 336 Rajapur 633 21 21 21 13 Neera 222 4 4 4 337 Salainagar 653 I I I 14 Unchdih 20 7 7 7 338 Belgaon 61 5 15 5 5 15 Ladhima 401 6 6 6 339 Ulakinga 525 8 8 8 16 Pasla 230 4 4 3 340 Radhapur 634 3 3 3 17 Sundarpur 438 4 4 4 18 Misra 334 8 8 8 341 Arra 522 9 9 9 19 Gopalpur 106 12 12 12 342 Baneya 601 I 1 1 20 Pacheera 242 4 4 4 343 Petta 595 5 5 5 344 Dondragaon 574 2 2 2 21 Nayanpur 210 3 3 3 345 Kunmera 541 10 10 10 22 Namadgin 21 16 16 16 Kerjn 10 9 346 542 10 10 23 Kalna 13 Ghuturma 2 II 53 13 13 347 55 Il Il 24 Samarpur 2 Bichhma 2 4 3 4 4 4 348 641 2 2 25 Dconagar 200 28 28 28 349 Kunkhuri 54 0 7 7 7 26 Patna khurd 243 2 2 2 27 Chandarpur 124 I I 350 Jam Kanl 564 6 6 6 1 28 SaIai 378 3 3 3 29 Kailaspur z 9 351 Kotuhwal 547 7 7 9 9 7 7 30 Parasapara 229 1 I I 352 Birikda 6II 5 5 5 31 Varkal Total 1,688 1,688 1,607 270 7 7 7 32 Umeshpur 17 19 19 19 33 Patrapara 227 2 2 2. 34 Kamalpur 35 41 41 41 Bharatpur Tahsil 35 Mani 355 I I I Rural- 36 Palata 241 I I 1 37 Chandrikapur 12 9 I I I 38 Kat I PatpartoJa 103 9 9 76 2 2 2. 39 Senpur 0 2 Pondi 108 I I 44 4 4 4 40 Telsara 3 Badwhi II4 I I 1 182 3 3 3 4 Badgaon (kalan) 123 1 1 5 Belgaon 12 7 2 2 41 Gopipur 107 6 6 6 6 Bela 129 5 5 42 Amgaon 5 4 4 4 7 Bhumak (Katuliha). 135 r:z 12 43 DedIi 179 20 20 20 8 Malakdol 138 2 I r­ 44 Kahjanpur 24 6 6 6 9 Mantura 143 I I 45 Bishnpur 297 2 2 2 10 Mandisaral I49 8 8 46 Narayanpur ... 21I 3 3 3 47 Pidua(Gohindpur). IIO 5 5 5 II Murkil 150 3 3 3 42 Makuma ... 323 12 12 12 12 Rujrawal 156 2 49 Marege 350 6 6 6 13 .Ramgarh 157 3 I 2 2 50 Sumerpur 439 3 3 3 14 Larkonda • 163 2 2 15 Larghandandi 164 I 1 I 50A Jadua 39 I I 1 16 Aktawar 1 2 2 51 Padari 225 3 3 3 17 Kanauj II I I 52 Pard 220 13 13 13 18 KakJendi 14 2 2 53 Agostipur I 6 6 6 I I 19 Koilara 25 54 Karangda 75 I I I 20 26 I Kuarpur 1 I 55 Chandapur 130 I I I D-29 226 SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES CENSU8-contd. TABLE I-Village/Ward Distribution of Small Scale Industrial Establishments-contd.

Number Number Code Total Number Number of handt Code Total Number Number of hand- Serial Name of village No. number or IWn- of textile luoms in Serial Name of village No. number of non- oftex ile looms in No. or town-ward of of tex ile establish- textile No. or town-ward of of textile establish- rex He village establish- establish- ments establish- village establish- establish- ments establish- or ward ments ments ments orwarJ ments ments ments

(I) (2) (2-A) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (2) (z-A) (5) (6) Surajpur Tahsil Surajpur Tahsil Rural-contd. Rural-contd.

56 Bhanuamundra... 318 6 6 6 136 Sonpur 452 2 2 2 57 Pitha 261 5 5 5 137 Keona 67 13 13 - 13 58 pampapur ... 251 1 I 1 138 Sirsi 429 II II II 59 Tejpur (Tondua) 183 2 2 2 139 Karkoli Naya 38 20 20 20 60 Jaipur 147 1 1 140 Sudamanagar 443 7 7 7

61 Kotharn 77 I I I 141 I>haratipara 206 12 12 12 62 Chandannagar 131 3 3 3 142 Varpara ." 289 2 2 2 63 Sarka 407 9 9 9 143 Jhumanpara 160 2 2 2 64 Kotma 78 7 7 7 144 Kenapara 70 4 4 4 65 Nawapara 216 5 5 5 145 Rajkaishorenagar ... 380 I I 66 Premnagar 264 8 8 8 146 Karasn 36 2 2 2 67 Wakma 273 4 4 4 147 Laxmipur ... 397 5 5 5 68 Wakorma 274 5 5 5 148 Malgawan 341 9 9 9 69 Raghunathpur 365 3 3 3 149 Khopa 98 8 8 8 70 Namna 215 3 3 3 150 Waral 286 13 13 13 71 1iodra 367 I 151 Rajbahar 368 4 4 4 72 Janardhanpur 148 I I 152 Ghainpur 28 2 2 2 73 Makandipur 336 10 10 10 153 Satyanagar 410 II II II 74 Nakaju 214 I4 14 14 154 Lanjit 399 4 4 4 75 Patrapali ... 239 3 3 3 155 Mahuli 338 3 3 3 76 Jacina 7 I I 1 156 Kupha 55 I 77 Parasapara 233 4 4 4 157 Bhadi 32 7 I 78 Kedarpur 64 2 2 2 158 Patia Dand 233 I 79 I>aona 202 I I 159 Gangothi ... II9 I I I 80 Gokulpur 108 2 2 2 160 I>hur 208 6 6 6

81 Pampapur 252 5 5 5 161 I>harradi .. . 2 0 5 2 2 2 82 Keshopur... 65 2 2 2 1(\2 Sawarawa .. . 424 I I 83 Hurnapur 16 5 5 5 163 Chapada .. . 133 I 84 Pawanpur ... 232 3 3 3 164 Paldamanli 254 85 Panchawati 237 2 2 2 165 Chatrang ... 140 I I I 86 Chindia 142 13 13 13 166 Wadsara .. . 283 I I 87 Sheopur ... 431 4 4 4 167 Kundaur .. . lI8. I I 88 Lathagee... 390 2 2 2 168 I>arripara 190 2 2 2 89 Varwalpur 276 2 2 2 169 Horratikura 463 3 3 3 90 Rajhahar ... 268 4 4 4 170 Korya 82 8 8 8 91 Saipara 408 4 4 4 171 Kcshonagar 69 2 2 2 92 Tripureshwar 466 I 1 I 172 Pendarakhi 263 \ 4 4 4 93 Rampur ... 378 8 8 8 I73 J( andai 48 I I I 94 Nawapara Khurd. 217 z 2 2 174 Ratanpur ... 370 14 14 14 95 1iakarbandha 248 6 6 6 175 Kurwa 61 4 4 4 96 Mohatpur 362 I I I 176 Rajapur 384 5 5 5 97 247 4 4 4 177 Kailaspur 73 2 2 2 98 Surta 440 5 5 5 178 Jagded 151 I I I 99 Kachepur... 50 2 2 2 179 Jayanagar 52 I I I 100 UmeshtlUr 18 8 8 8 180 Satpata 415 I I 1 101 Anan'pur '" 3 8 8 8 181 Pasapara 238 2 2 2 2 I02. Bindcshwar Nagar. 366 3 3 3 182 I>warikapur 185 2 2 103 Sheopurdhnagar ... 434 3 3 3 183 Kalyanpur 39 3 3 3 104 Banja 284 2 2 2 184 Khadgawakala 89 4 4 4 10 10 lOS Bhaurahi... 322 I I I 185 Karcla 71 10 106 Nawapara... 21.8 4 4 4 186 Pampapur 250 3 3 3 107 Kalamanjan 52 5 5 187 Akhora 10 4 4 4 5 6 108 Khutrapara 93 I I I 188 Padima 240 6 6 2 2 109 Kardnnda Muda .. ' 32 I I I 189 Pathakpur 256 2 IIO Salka 405 3 3 3 190 Chhattarpur 141 5 5 5 2 2 I II Karauli 22 8 8 8 191 Sakalpur ... 4 1 3 2 I II2 Kalkela 33 3 3 192 Mayapur ... 360 3 2 2 II3 Raisla 387 9 9 9 193 Sukhadespur 442 2 I I II4 I>avansara 192 9 9 9 194 Mohanpur 453 I 7 lI5 B~ijnathnagar 313 9 9 9 195 Songara 454 7 7 I r n6 Jagadishpur 8 I r I 196 Bansipur ... 415 I 2 2 II7 Davana 191 7 7 197 Shajannagar 414 2 7 2 2 118 Plfni . 224 5 5 5 198 Shankarpur 459 2 II9 Vishahi 303 2 2 2 199 I>harmapur 20 7 5 5 5 2 2 120 J arhee 144 2 2 2 200 Shyampur 42 7 2 121 Telgawan ... 184 3 3 20 I S ilanta 428 I 3 I I 1::12 Palma 244 3 3 3 202 • Khairadih 94 I 2 2 123 Chandramatta 132 2 2 2 203 Somrakala 447 2 2 2 124 Pahad Amorni 246 I I I 204 Inakanpur 33 1 2 I I 125 Kavasara ... 2 2 2 205 Midma ... 226 I 27 I 126 Konandah 4 4 206 Cl,achidad 135 I I 75 4 2 2 127 Gonda 1I5 I I I 207 Vaikena 312 2 I 1; 128 Dumania ... 171 I I 208 Varashpur 271 I I I 129 Marhatha I I 209 Patita 428 I 337 1 I 130 Satipara 40 9 1 1 I 210 I>avankara 201 I 2 2 131 Podi 266 2 2 2II Mani 354 2 5 212 Sahari 40 4 3 3 3 132 B'Ietgawan 321 5 10 10 2 2 213 Pahira 188 10 133 Bundia 308 21 21 195 I I 214 Mayapur '" 357 21 134 Durti ·1 I 135 Chinmadhi 136 8 8 215 I>avankara 81 227 SMALE SCALE INDUSTRIES CENSUS-contd. TABLE I.-Village/Ward Distribution of Small Scale Industrial Est ,blishments -colltd.

Number Number Co-lc: Total Number Number of hind- Name of Coje Total Number Number of hand- Serial Name of village No. number of non- of textile loom's in Serial village or No. number of non- of textile looms in No. or town-ward of of textile establi~~ tex~ile No. town-ward of of tex, ile establish- textile village establish- establish- ments establish- village establish- establish- ments establish­ or ward ments ments men~s or ward ments ments ments

(1) (2) (2-A) (3) (5) (6) (I) (2) (2·A) (3) (5) (6) • Surajpur Tahsil Surajpur Tahsil Rural-comd. Rural-concld.

216 Ka-lshalpur 83 2 2 2 286 Bodmi 16 5 2 3 3 217 Mldmnagar 345 2 2 2 287 Nasidha Khurxl 15 I I 218 Karanjwar 23 I I 288 Tamki 13 I I 219 Mmpur 35 1 2 2 2 289 Injani 12 I 220 Gaura Il6 3 3 3 290 Giniya 8 I

221 Kism3 iiI I I I 291 Deoni II 2 2 2 222 VamJa 2 1i9 3 3 3 292 Rampur 93 12 9 223 K,~ora 3 3 63 8 8 8 293 Singari 6 5 4- 4 224 Jagannathapur 143 3 3 3 294 Matiguda 5 3 225 Palks 3 3 236 I 295 Jajawal 3 6 I 226 Marda 5 3 1 7 2 2 z 296 Chiki 2 4 3 I 227 Kotaya 74 7 7 7 297 Majoor Dhakki I 228 Karampur 5 5 49 5 5 5 298 Podi 105 24 24- 229 Kalmeh ... 24- 46 5 5 5 299 Podi 267 2 2 2 230 Balrsmpur 0 29 1 1 1 300 Padi III 18 18 18

Total 1,397 77 1,319 231 KasaJgini 45 I I I 232 Kharsura 90 5 5 5 233 383 4 4 4 234 Datima 193 6 6 6 235 Kumda 59 10 10 10 Samri Tahsil 236 Sheonandanpur 437 I 1 Rural- 237 Kalinda 50 I 238 Saty:magar 410 I 1 239 Karatma , .. 0 10 10 10 4 I Mahuatoli 149 5 5 5 240 Ramnagar 81 14 2 3 14 14 Amarpur... 4 5 3 2 z 3 Umko 12 8 8 8 4 Karmi (kawar Toll) 21 2 2 2 241 Gangikot , .. 10 2 2 2 4 ,,' KO'hali 31 1 I 2 242 RuniaJiha 385 5 5 5 (; Ghughari 52 243 Sohagpur 34 31 3 3 455 8 8 8 7 Cham pur... 68 3 244 Karjee 2 3 3 47 2 2 8 Nawadih 104 5 4 4- 245 Amgaon ... II 2 2 2 9 Rakaspur 120 246 Ajabnagar I 13 3 3 3 10 Lcfuatoli 166 I 1 247 Amjnagar IS 4 4 4 248 44 10 10 10 249 Kctnlkpur ... 2 42 2 2 II Hari 190 2 2 2 250 G

Number Number Code Total Number Number of hand~ Code Total Number Number of hand- Serial Name of village No. number of non - of textile looms ih Serial Na~c of village No. nvrnbcr of non- oftex1 ilc looms in No. or town-ward of of textile establish- textile No. or town-ward of of textile establish- lexlile village establish- establish- ments establish- village estaLlish- establish- mmts est~blish- or ward ments ments ments or ward rnents ments ments

(I) (2) (z-A) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (2) (2-A) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Samri Tahsil Pal Tahsil Rural...... concld. Rural-concld.

51 Udarsai '" ... II 2 2 2 II Chemanpur 79 3 3 3 52 Karkeli (Paschimi) 17 I I 12 Duwari 126 2 2 2 53 Krishna Nagar ... 39 I 13 Dumar khola 130 54 Kotalu 3.0 :2. 2 2 14 Siloti 259 I I I 55 Madguti 146 4 4 4 15 Dora. 104 I I '56 Sirkot 178 3 3 3 16 Karri Chalgati 26 I I I 57 Sursena 183 4 2 2 2 17 Injani 16 2 3 3 58 Sihar ... 181 10 I 9 9 18 Pachawal ... 153 I I I 59 Serangdag 186 3 3 3 19 Maharaj Ganj 233 2 2 2 60 Ghitsadih... 54 17 17 16 20 Sarnadih 294 I I

61 Kanjia '" 37 7 S 2 2 21 Bhanaora 2II I I 62 Gajadharpur 44 40 26 14 14 22 Piparsot 163 I 63 Ramnagar 157 I I 1 23 Banjoro IIO I I I 64 Pahari II2 5 5 5 24 Surgi Kala 270 3 3 3 65 Kamchan nagar ... 36 2 2 2 25 Manikpur ... 239 2 2 2 66 Indakon ... 1.0 7 7 7 26 Bhairhmunda 2 17 I I 67 Bhawaricpur 136 2 2 2 27 Dhamwar Kala 128 2 2 2 68 Konandha 34 3 3 3 28 Padoli 146 I I 69 Dohana 96 3 3 3 29 Kachhia ... 25 I I 7.0 Targim 79 6 6 6 30 Chandranagar 65 I I

71 Khajuri 41 4 3 I I 31 Pachawal 158 I I I 72 Jawaharnagar 76 10 6 4 4 3z Sanawal 288 I I I 73 Pakardih ... II3 I I I 33 Mahuli 242 4 4 4 74 Sarima 176 3 3 3 34 Sulsali 281 4 4 4 75 Bhagwanpur 134 2 2 2 35 Piparo! 144 I I I 76 Ladhi 107 I I I 36 Sendur 300 I I I 77 Murka ... 152 I I I 37 Bhawarmal 216 I I I 78 Pandikhurd 119 I I I 38 Parahiyadih 15.0 2 2 2 79 Kamari 15 2 2 2 39 Mahaturgunj 245 2 2 2 8.0 Manoharpur 148 2 2 2 (Pindari). 40 Ramnagar 248 4 4 4

81 Charhatkhurd 90 I I 82 Belsar 130 8 8 41 Mandanpur 228 I I I 83 Bharatpur 135 7 5 2 2 42 Mithrilapur 22<0 2 2 2 84 Bhairopur 141 1 I I 43 Ruppur 249 2 2 2 8S Saraidih ... 173 I I 44 Pramnagar 143 3 3 3 86 Hargawan 189 8 3 2 2 45 Basantpur 208 4 4 4 87 Bandikala ... II8 I I I 46 Jamai 90 I I 88 Karari 22 I I 47 Pashupatipur 160 5 5 5 89 Sargawan 174 1 I I 48 Nasgai 81 2 I I I 90 Belkona 129 2 2 2 49 Beto 77 1 I 1 50 Sonhath 74 4 I 3 3

91 Mankepi 147 I 92 Manpur 151 I 51 Sarna 76 I I 93 Kamalpur 14 2 I I 52 Chawarsarai 78 4 4 94 Parsa 110 I I I 53 Gaina 79 2 2 95 Korandha ... 33' 9 4 5 5 54 Padri 86 I I 96 Khajuriadih 40 8 8 8 55 Khari 87 2 2 97 Kurdih 26 5 5 56 Walaingi 7 7 7 98 Chando 63 I 57 Gowardaha 13 3 3 99 Jodhpur 83 I I I 58 Asandil 23 I I 100 Bhajpur 142 3 3 59 Walgi 28 3 3 60 Bijakura ... 31 8 8

101 Chatnia S5 2 2 Total [30 34 102 Nawadih kala 102 4 4 4 103 Shahpur 169 3 I 2 2 (Madwatappa), 104 Tatijharia· ... 84 2 2 Baikunthpur Tahsil 105 Gopatu 48 3 2 I I Rural- 106 Amtali 2 2 2

Total [73 287 I Akalsarai I 2 I I I 2 Amarpur 2 I 1 I 3 ChUka 18 I I 4 Ani 9 2 2 2 Pal Tahsil Rural- 5 Arandpur 10 I I I 6 Amgaon. II 3 3 3 7 Odgi 18 2 I I I I Bhagwanpur Khas. 2 19 I I I 8 Odari 19 I , 2 Dharmiya... III 1 I I 9 Orgai 20 I 3 Burhatash 173 I 1 I 10 Angwahi 29 I 4 Pansara 142 1 I 1 5 Shiwari 280 I I I 6 Barti kala 170 5 5 5 II Anga 22 8 8 g 7 Bagwanpur Jirat... 222 2 2 2 12 Kathghodi 31 4 4 4 3 Surji Khurda 268 2 2 2 13 Karji 32 3 3 3 9 Ko~ari-podi 49 $ S 5 14 Kudeli 40 5 5 5 10 Amarpur ... 4 3 3 3 15 Kusaha 43 2 2 229 SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES CENSUS-Contd. TABLE I-Village/Ward Distribution of Small Scale Industrial Establishment-concld.

Number Number Code TOlal Number Number of hand-,' Code Total Number Number of hand- Serial Name of village No. number of non- of textile looms in Serial Name of village No. number of non- of textile looms in No. or town-ward of of textite cstablish- textile No. or town-ward of of textile cstablish- textile village establish- establish- ments establish- village establish- establish- ments establish- or ward ments ments ments or ward ments ments ments

(I) (z) (z-A) (3) (4) (5) (6) (1) (z) (z-A) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Baikunthpur Baikunthpur Tahsil Tahsil Rural-contd. Rural-concld.

16 Kcnpara 44 4 4 4 51 Bandhpara 73 I I 17 Kharwat S6 S 2 3 3 S2 BiraneridanCl 175 2 z 18 S9 I I 53 Bilaro 176 2 2 2 19 Khairi 62 2 2 2 54 Bodar (patna) 181 5 5 5 20 Khond 63 3 3 3 55 Bodar 182 3 3 3 (Baikunthpur). 56 Bhattipara ... 185 2 2 2 21 Girjapur 69 2 2 2 57 Madhala 195 2 2 22 Ghughara .. , 72 5 1 4 4 58 Majhartola 194 I 23 Chand aha .. , 74 4 4 59 Mangalpara 207 4 4 4 24 Chirguda .. , 77 8 8 8 60 Rajauli 2II 12 3 9 9 25 Chir 81 10 10 26 Charcha ... 84 I 27 Chindia 86 7 7 7 61 Ranai 213 I I 28 Jainpara 97 2 2 2 62 Rovo 219 2 2 2 (Baikunthpur). 63 Latma 220 2 2 2 29 Junapara ... 98 2 2 2 64 Lahji ... 221 2 2 30 Junapara 99 I 65 Sarbhonka 230 10 10 10 (B~isunpur). 66 Sakka 231 3 3 67 Salgawan Kalan 232 8 2 6 6 68 Sagarpur ... 235 I I 31 Jharnapara 102 2 2 2 69 Sudarpur ... 241 2 2 32 Dakairpara 107 6 6 6 70 Soranga 247 ,I 33 Dabripara 108 3 2 2. 34 Dumariya , .. 109 7 7 7 71 Athbar 248 35 Targawan ... II6 2 I 1 36 Tendna 122 2 2 2 Total 2 17 54 163 163 37 Dudhaniay khurd. 128 I 38 Dhaura Mikkura ... 133 I 1 39 Narkdi 136 2 2 2 40 Patna 143 3 3 Manendragarh Tahsil Rural- 41 Parsa Bahara 148 3 3 3 42 Pipara 155 I I Pipardand 156 2 2 2 43 I Pandidih 180 2 2 2 44 Pondi 161 2 I 1 45 Badgawan 164 I I 2 Tanadaid ...... 182 I 46 Badwar 165 3 2 2 3 Amka 170 2 2 2 47 Badara 166 7 7 7 48 Bardig 167 7 7 7 Total 49 Barpara 168 4 4 4 5 5 5 50 Basti 169 2 2 SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES CENSUS-contd. TABLE II-Employment in Textile Establishments for Census Tracts

Total Nllmb~r of p~rsons employed Industry Group (Code No. and Name)' number of r------...A------~ establish­ Total Males Females ments number ,------"------, ...... Total Boys Men Total Gir s Women

(I) (2) (4) (5) (6) (8) (9)

Ambikapur Tahsil-Rural

2.61 Cotton ginning, cleaning and pressing

2.62 Cotton spinning, sizing and w~aving # 1,688 1,712 2.63 Cotton dyeing, bleaching, printing, prepara- tion and sponging.

2.81 Jute pressing, baling, spinning and weaving. 2.82 Woollen spinning and weaving

2.83 Silk reeling, spinning and weaving

2,84 Hemp and flax spinning and w~aving 2.86 Manufacture of rope, twine, string and other related goods from cocoanut, aloes, straw, linseed and hair. 2.80 All other (including insufficiently described) textile industries, including artificial leather and cloth. Total 1,688 348,1

Bharatpur Tahsil-Rural

2.61 Cotton ginning, cleaning and pressing

2.62 Cotton spinning, sizing and weaving 27 42 23 18 18 2.63 Cotton dyeing, bleaching, printing, prepara­ tion and sponging.

2.81 Jute pressing, baling, spinning and weaving. 2.82 Woollen spinning ane! weaving 2.83, Silk reding, spinning and weaving

2.84 Hemp and flax spinning and w~aving

2.86 Manufacture of rope, twine, s'ring and other related goods from cocoanut, aloes, straw, linseed and hair.

2.80 All other (including insufficiently described) textile industries, including artificial leather and cloth.

Total 1 18 18

Surajpur Tahil-Rural

2.61 Cotton ginning, cleaning and pressing

2.62 Cotton spinning, sizing and w~aving 1,319 4440 2,z87 30 9 1,978 2,153 500 1,653 2.63 Cotton dyeing, bleaching, printing, prepara- tion and sponging.

2.81 Jute pressing, baling, spinning and weaving. 2.82 Woollen spinning and weaving

283 Silk reeling, spinning and weaving

2.84 Hemp and flax spinning and weaving 2.86 Manufacture of rope, twine, string and other related goods fw.m cocoanut, aloes, straw, linseed and ha .

2.80 All other (including insufficiently described) 2 1 textile industries, including artificial leather and cloth.

Total 1,320 4,442 2,288 309 1,979 2,IS4 SOO 1,6S4 231 SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES CENSUS-contd. TABLE ll-Employment in Textile Establishments for Census Tracts-contd.

Total ,-______Number of persons .A. employed Industry Group (Code No. and Name) number of -. cstablish- Total' Males Females ments number ,-_---.A--___-, ,. .A_. _____--, Total Boys Men Total Girls Women

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Salllri Tahsil-Rural

2.61 Cotton ginning, cleaning and pressing I

2.62 Cotton spinning, sizing and weaving 288 648 335 3 332 31 3 I 312 2.63 Cotton dyeing, bleaching, printing, prepara- tion and sponging.

2.St Jute pressing, baling, spinning and weaving ... '2.82 Woollen spinning and weaving 2.83 Silk reeling, spinning and weaving 2.84 Hemp and flax spinning and weav!ng 2.86 Manufacture of rope, twine, string and other related goods from cocoanut, aloes, straw, . linseed and hair.

2.80 All other (including insufficienrly described) textile industries, including artificial leather and cloth. ------_ --._------Total 289 649 336 3 333 313 1 3IZ ------_ ------

Pal Tahsil-Rural

2.61 Cotton ginning, cleaning and pressing 2.62 Cotton spinning, sizing and weaving 96 102 99 99 3 3 2.63 Ca"ton dyeing, bleaching, printing, prepara- tion and sponging. 2.81 Jute pressing, baling, spinning and weaving ... 2.82 Woollen spinning and weaving 2.83 Silk reeling, spinning and weaving 1..84 Hemp and flax spinning and weaving 2.86 Manufacture of rope, twine, s'ring and other rela,ed goods from cocoanur, aloes, straw, linseed and hair.

2.80 All other (induding insufficiently described) textile industries, including artificial leather and cloth. ------Total 102 ------96 ------99 ------99 ---3 ----3

Baikunthpur Tahsil-Rural

2.6r Cotton ginning, cleaning and pressing

2.62 Cotton spinning, sizing and w~aving r63 343 I79 7 172 164 164 2.63 Cotton dyeing, bleaching, printing, prepara- tion and sponging.

2.81 Jute pressing, baling, spinning and weaving...

2.82 Woollen spinning and weaving 2.83 .Silk reeling, spinning and weaving 2.84 Hemp and flax spinning and weaving 2.86 Manufacture of rope, twine, s\ring and other related goods from cocoanut, aloes, straw, linseed and hair.

2.80 All other (including insufficiently described) textile industries, including artificial leather and cloth. --- Total ----163 ----343 --179 ---7 ----172- --_164 --164 232 SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES CENSUS--contd. TABLE n--.Employment in Textile Establishments for Census Tracts-concld.

Total Number of persons employed Industry Group (Code No. and Name) number of ( --. establish'- Males Females ments Total ,------"- number -Total Boys Men Total Girls Women-- (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9)

Manendragarh Tahsil-Rural 2.61 Cotton ginning, cleaning and pressing

2.62 Cotton spinning, sizing and weaving 5 10 5 5 5 5 2.63 Cotton dyeing, bleaching, printing, prepara- tion and sponging 2.81 Jute pressing, baling, spinning and weaving 2.82 Woollen spinning and weaving 2.83 Silk reeling, spinning and weaving 2.84 Hemp and flax spining and weaving 2.86 Manufacture of rope, twine, string and other related goods from cocoanut, alose, straw, linseed and hair. 2.80 All other (including insufficiently described) textile industries, including artificial leather and cloth.

Total ... s 10 s 233 SMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES CENSUS-contd. TABLE m-Employment in Non-Textile Establishments for Census Tracts--contd.

Total Number of persons employed Iniustry Gr(JClp(Coie No. ani Nlffi!) numb!rof .:------"------"""1 establish­ Males Females ments Total ,-____-A- _____--, ,------'------"'""' number Total Boys M~n Total Girls Women

(1) (2) (3) . (6) (7) (8) (9)

Bharatpur Tahsll Rural

DIvision • 4 •.-Proceuing and Manufacture­ Not elsewhere specified 4.4 Non-metallic mineral products. 4.41 Potters and makers of earthenware 30 17 17 13 4.6 Wood and wood products other thanfur1lirure and fixtures. 4.64 Basket-makers 66 155 99 7 Total 78 185 116 7 109

SuraJpur Tahsll Rural

Division • 2 '.-Processing and Manufacture- Foodstuffs, Textiles, Leather and Product. the re of- 2·9 Leather, leather products and footwear. 2·92 Cobblers and all other makers and repairers 5 14 7 7 7 7 of boots, shoes, sandals and clogs.

Division' 3 • .-Processing and Manufacture- Metals, Chemicals and Products thereof.- 3.0 Manufacture of metal products, otherwise unclassified.

3·01 Blacksmiths, horse-sheers and other workers 30 122 72 9 63 50 50 in iron and makers of implements.

DiviSion • 4 '.-Processing and Manufacture- Not elsewhere specified.- 4.4 Non-metallic mineral products.

4·41 Potters and makers of earthenware I 3 2 1 I I 1 4·6 Wood and wood products other than furniture and jixtllres.

4.64 Basket-makers '" 41 III 66 2- 64 55 55 Total 77 :z60 147 12 135 I13 113

Samri Tah.U Rural

DiviBion' 3 '.-:-Processing and Manufacture- Metals, Chemicals and Products thereof 3·0 Manufacture of metal products, otherwise unclassified.

'"' 3.02 Workers in copper, brass and bell metal ... 4 6 4 4

Division' 4 '.-Processing and Manufacture- Not elsewhere specified.- 4.4 Non-metallic mineral products .

.... 41 Potters and makers of earthenware 71 212 99 I 98 Il3 6 107 4.6 Wood and wood products other than furniture and fi~tures.

".64 Basket-makers 98 256 138 2 136 uS 3 115 Total 173 474 z41 3 :Z38 --233 --9 224 ------0--30 234 SAMALL SCALE INDUSTRIES CENSU8-concld. TABLE m-Employment in Non-Textile Establishments for Censu,s Tracts-concld.

Total Number of persons employed Industry Group (Code No. and Name) number of establish­ Males Females ments i~tal ---'------, ,------. number Total Boys Men Total Girls Women (I) (2) (5) (6) (8) Pal Tahsil Rural

Division c 3 ·.-Processing and Manufacture­ Metals, Chemicals and Products thereof. 3.0 Manufacture of metal products, otherwise unclassified.

3.01 Blacksmiths horse-shoers and other workers 2 7 5 5 2 in iron and makers· of implements.

3.02 Workers in copper, brass and bell metal. 3 6 3 3 3 3

Dhdsion c 4 •.-Processing and Manufacture­ Not elsewhere specified.- 4·4 NM-metallic mineral products. 4.41 Potters and makers of earthenware 12 61 32 5 27 29 3 26 4·6 Wood and wood products other than furnit ure and fixtures.

4.64 Basket-makers ... J7 61 33 33 28 Total 34 135 73 5 68 62 3 59

Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural

Division' 2 ••-Processing and Manufacture­ Foodstuffs, Textiles, Leather and Products thereof.

2.1 Grains and pulses.

2.II Hand pounders of rice and orher persons 7 7 7 engaged in manual dehusking and flour grinding. 2.7 Wearing apparel (except footwear) and made-up textile goods,.

2.71 Tailors, milliners, dress-makers and darners. 3 8 8 s 2.9 Leather, leather products andiootwear.

2.92 Cobblers and all other makers and repairers of 7 24 21 2 IO> 3 3 boots, shoes, sanfals and clogs.

Division c 3'.-Processing and Manufacture­ Metals, Chemicals and Products thereof.-

3.01 Blacksmiths horse-shoers and other workers II 34 24 23 10 10 in iron and makers of implements.

3·0l Do. Do. 12 37 26 II II 3.02 Workers in copper, brass and bell metal 4 2 2 2 2 3.1 Iron and Steel (Basic Manufacture.)

31 Manufacture of iron and steel, including 3 I3 9 9 4 all processes such as smelting and refin­ ing; rolling and drawing; and alloying and the manufacture of castings, forgings and other basic forms of ferrous metals.

Division' ... ' .-Processing and Manufacture­ Not elsewhere specified , ,4.4 Non-metallic mineral products.

4.41' Potters and makers of earthenware. I 3 2 I I 4.6 Wood and wood products oth" than furniture and fixtures.

4.64 Basket-makers 39 I 29 4.7 Furniture and fixtures. 47 Manufacture of household, office, public building, professional and restaurant furni­ ture; office and store fixtures, screens, 2 2 shades, etc., reg~rdless of material used., ---'2 Total-... - 54 201, 5 135 61 I 235

Yaws infected Villages and Number of Persons• Suffering from the Disease__,

Serial Name of villages. Persons. Males. Females. Serial Name of villages. Persons. Males. Females. No. No. (1) 2) (3) (4) (5) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (I) SurajpurTahsilRural (II) Pal Tahsil Rural-Ccorlcld.)

I Bhagwanpur 1 I 71 Salwahi I I 2 Injam ... I I 72 Pas1a I I 3 Luxmipur I 73 Saroowal I 1 4 Singari I 74 Charchani I 1 5 Matigoda I 75 Matro I 1. 6 Neora I 76 Burghata 5 s: 7 Khanelgava I 77 Khairod 4 :t, 8 Ra'ghunathpur I 78 Abadi ... 5 5 9 Colhosa 2 2 79 Chaladihi 4 4 10 Majire 2. I I 80 Maherpur I I

II Bhanwarmoha 81 Beltukri I 1 12 Pathakpur I 82 Nagaicha I 13 Amanlapur I 1 83 Baserakhurd 1 I 14 Maharsoke I 84 Kundi. .. I I 15 Bandhipur I 16 Sunderpur I Total S9 18 41: 17 Ghumaelahel I 18 Devana 1 19 Wedma I 20 Pinuri I (III) Samri Tahsil Rural.

21 Nerga 2 I 8s Shankargarh ... S 3 2 22 Raniageh 1 86 Pendradih 6 5 1 23 Saraswatipur 1 87 Churchur Khurd 2 2 24 Kepsera I 88 Dohana 7 3 4 25 Chamdermer I 89 Keojhar 2 2 26 Kalinda I 90 Loduwa I I 27 Khoin I 1 28 Gopalpur I 1 Total 23 16 7 29 Hc:rehoka I 3Q Jamadri 1 (IV) Baikunthpur Tahsil Rural 31 Kendrai 1 1 32 Majardhaki 1 1 33 Barbaspur I 91 Dabripara 1 I 34 Govindpur I 92 Buskhar 20 19 I 35 Salka 1 I 93 Bendar 15 14 I 36 Hidwani 1 94 Chanda 13 10 3 37 Ketka ... I 95 Sewodand 9 7 2 38 Raghur,athpur 2 2 96 Badra ... 4 4 39 Achautikapur ... 97 Mandi 17 12 5 40 GopaJpur I 98 Haradih 1 I 99 Katghori 39 12 27 100 Nagar 16 10 6 41 Sajka 1 I 42 Katka ... 1 I 43 Taneki I 101 Agerpur 15 12 3 44 Wiltikarra I 102 Woder 10 6 4 4S Ganeshpur I 1 103 Aklasarai 3 1 2 46 Somami 8 1 7 104- Kharkhat 5 4 I 4'( Katinda 105 Kachahar 1 I 106 Ghogra 10 9 I Total 58 43 16 107 Basti 7 3 4 loS Cher 3 2 I 109 Seradar 2 I I IlO Semariya 4 2 2. (II) Pal Tahsil Rural. III Jalwapara 4 3 r II2 Ampar 4 4 4S Dewariganj 4 2 2 II3 Chiltagurh I I 49 Pendri 2 2 II4 Badegaon 3 I 2 50 Bhavaripur I lIS Surbhaka 21 16 5 II6 Salka ... 7 4 3 II7 Amhar I , 51 Mawajganj lIS Ramgarh 3 2 52 Pespersal I 1I9 BareJiha 3 2 I S3 Rajkheta I 120 Sardi ... 4 4 54 Bhalwadih 55 Mahewa I I S6 Hurradeehi I I 121 Amagaon 4 3 I 57 Tanterdih 3 3 122 Amapara 39 27 12 58 Tamari 1 123 Tatma I 59 Ponwar I 124 Bharwar 2 I I 60 Chandia 1 125 Gumtikra II 8 3 126 Darra 10 7 3 127 Ajakhurd 1 1 61 Bartik,ola 2 2 I2S Ranai ... 3 2 J 62 Alka I I 129 Rojoli ... 2 I 1 63 Kuldumar I I 130 Wishnupur :2 2 64 Basantpur 1 1 65 Shiwpur I I 66 Kakenasha 2 2 131 Salgaonkala 2 2 67 Baherluna 1 1 132 Jagmaghana 4 4 68 Kapant 1 1 133 Anee .... I I 69 Dogra ... I I 134 Moghola 3 2 I 70 Tarnkakhand ... I I 135 Bodwari :2 :2 236 Yaws infected Villages and Number of Persons Suffering from the Disease-concld.

Serial Name of villages. Persons. Males. Female!. Serial Name of villages. Persons. Males. Females. No. No.

(I) (z) (3) (4) (5) (I) (z) (3) (4) (5) (IV) Baikunthpur Tahsil (V) Manendragarh Tahsil Rural-(concld.) Rural-concld.

136 Sunderpur 3 2 181 Gutra ... I I 137 Sanshtapara 2 2 I8z Udlmapur I I 138 Odagi ... . 3 2 183 KheJwa 3 3 139 Bilara ... 2 2 184 Panari ... 2 2 140 Agerpur I I 185 Bairampur 4 4 186 Murra ... I I 187 Mandra I I 141 Jumthi 3 3 188 Bare ... z 2 142 Gidher 2 I I 189 Jhronda 4 4 143 Marighariya I I 190 Shivpur 2 I 144 Manpur 1 ..... 145 Khairi ... 3 3 146 Jampani I I 191 Seehat I I 147 Dongripara I I 192 Dhonda 6 3 3 148 Jarghanda 5 5 193 Hanga ... I I 149 Bhattipara I I 194 Latpur I 1 150 Mohara z 2 195 Akhradand I I 196 Sripakha I I 197 Nagpur I I 151 Manglapara I 152 Belai ... I I Total 140 92 48 153 Kailashpur 9 7 2 Total 374 258 II6

(VI) Bharatpur Tahsil Rural. (V) Manendragarh Tahsil Rural. 198 Pichawrabagh I I 154 Tilda I 5 4 199 Khaul ... I 1 155 Pendri I I 200 Uchehara I 156 Baima 4 2 2 157 Chirmiri 21 I 20 158 Jhogrokand 4 4 201 K!lokria I 159 Pandie 1 Deosila I I 160 Bala 1 202 203 Dajpawal I I z04 Ghanghara z I I 205 Bhawarkhoh 1 I 161 Kashaldih I 3 3 206 Papa .. , I 162 Sheopur I I I I Berbespur 207 Bhagwanpur 163 3 3 Siskhola 1 1 164 Kandharbohera 2 1 I z08 209 Sutare ... I I 165 Naweri 3 3 I 166 Sanwarsa 2 2 210 Barata ... 167 Saida I I 168 Chirmiri 29 23 6 I I Gelivach 2II Mongara 169 9 6 3 Senispe I 1 170 Bhandardehi I I 212 213 Badera I I 214 Chulka I I 1 171 Dubehoola 2 2 215 Patharda Kudari I I 17Z Narayanpur 2 2 216 I Roshini 2 I 173 Karwha 2 I 217 1 218 Patwahi I 174 Beniaridand 1 1 I I 175 Padita Z 2 219 Katwar 176 Kheelinar 1 Total 24 17 7 177 Chiraipani 2 2 8 Katkena I 17 1 District Total 678 443 235 179 Harri 2 2 180 Khamdari I I 237 CLASSIFICATION OF AGRICULTURAL HOLDINGS ACCORDING TO SIZE

Size of holding in acres Total number Size of holding in acres Total number of holdings of holdings

(I) (2) (I) (2)

Not exceeding one acre 21,533 Exceeding 100 acres but not exceeding 125 acres 52

Do. 125 Do. Do. 150 acres 8

Exceeding I acre but not exceeding 2 acres 18,699 Do. 150 Do. Do. 175 acres I ..• 4

Do. 2 Do. Do. 3 acres 15,166 Do. 175 Do. Do. 200 acres 3

Do. 3 Do. Do. 4 acres 1I,683 Do. 200 Do. Do. 225 acres 3

Do. 4 Do. Do. 5 acres 12,779 Do. 225 Do. Do. 250 acres

Do. 5 Do. Do. 6 acres 1,934 Do. 250 Do. Do. 275 acres

Do. 6 Do. Do. 7 acres 2,126 Do. 275 Do. Do. 300 acres

Do. 7 Do. Do. 8 acr¢s 2,380 Do. 300 Do. Do. 325 acres ,...

Do. 8 Do. Do. 9 acres 3,782 Do. 325 Do. Do. 350 acres

Do. 9 Do. Do. 10 acres 2,35 2 Do. 350 Do. Do. 375 acres

Do. 10 Do. Do. 20 acres 10,654 Do. 375 Do. Do. 400 acres

Do. 20 Do. Do. 30 acres 5,973 Do. 400 Do. Do. 425 acres

Do. 30 Do. Do. 40 acres 4,745 Do. 425 Do. Do. 450 acres

Do. 40 .00. Do. 50 acres 3,543 Do. 450 Do. Do. 475 acres

Do. 50 Do. Do. 75 acres 1,223 Do. 475 Do. Do. 500 acres

Do. 75 Do. Do. 100 acres 79 Do. 500 Do. Do.

Grand Total ... 118,721 238 CALENDAR OF IMPORTANT EVENTS

Serial Description of event. Year of No. occurrence~ (I) (2) (3)

~. Ambikapur. (a) Installation of present Maharaja Bahadur Shri Ramanuj Sharan Singh Deo 191';' (b) Rebellion in Samri Tahsil-fight of Korowa at village Jaljali 1918

(c) Great famine ... 19~0 (d) Marriage of Yuvaraj Shri Ambikeshwar Sharan Singh Deo 1925 (e) Earth Quake 1934 (f) High Flood in Rend River 1934 (g) Commencement of Survey Operations 1938 Final publication of Settlement Operations 1940 (h) Merger of the State 1948

2. Surajpur. (a) Installation of Maharaja of Surguja 1917 (b) Rebellion at Samri and fight with Karowa 1918. (c) Cholera (Mab,amari) in Surajpur Tahsil 193 2 (d) Settlement operations (Survey map) 1943" (e) Merger of State 1948- 3. Pal. (a) Samri Rebel:ion against Maharaja of Surguja known as "Samrikatana" 1918 (b) Great Famine in 1920 (c) Establishment of Ramanujganj Market 1925 (d) Earth Quake 1934 (e) Commencement of Settlement Operations 1937 4. Sitapur.

(a) Installation of Maharaja of Surguja 1917 (b) Rebellion of Samri and fight with Korowa 1915 (c) Great Famine 1920 (d) Cholera (Mahamari) in Sitapur Tahsil 193 2 (e) Start of Settlement of Operations 1937 5. Samri. (a) Famine known as "Nikhat-ka-Akal" which affected entire District 1901 (b) Installation of Maharaja of Surguja 191 7 (c) Rebellion at Samri and fight with Korowa 19 I8 (d) Great Famine 1920 (e) Earth Quake 1934 (f) Settlement Operation (Survey Map) 1943 (g) Merger of State 1948 6. Janakpur. (a) Famine known as C'Nikhat-ka-Akal" 1901 (b) Merger of Ramkola Dewani of Zamindari in Surguja State 1914 (c) Rebellion of Samri 1918 (d) Installation of Maharaja of Surguja 19 I 7 (e) Great Famine 1920 -21 "Bhudol" or well known earth quake which caused damage in Bihar Cf) 1934 (g) The year when Janakpur was looted by Dacoits 1938 (h) The year when Settlment were finally announced in Janakpur Tahsil 1940 -41 7· Korea Sub-division.

(a) Exclusion of Changbhakar from Korea 1870 (b) Death of Raja Puran Singh 1885 (c) Accession of Raja Seemangal Singh 1899

(d) Demise of Raja Seemangal Singh 192 5

(e) Installation of Present Ruler 192 5 (f) Advent of Railway in Korea. 1928 (A) "The Quit India" resolution passed by the Indian National Congress and country-wide political disturbances (for the whole Distict) 1942 (B) Assassination of Mahatma Gandhi (30th January 1948) 1948