Helen Mayberg to Speak on September 18
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PsychCommonsConnecting News and People In Our Department Greenfield Lecture - Helen Mayberg to Speak on September 18 The 2014 Greenfield Lecture will feature Helen Mayberg, fast as possible, using the treatment that is best for each MD, Professor of Psychiatry, Neurology, and Radiology and individual.” the Dorothy C. Fuqua Chair of Psychiatric Neuroimaging and Therapeutics at Emory University. Dr. Mayberg heads “These data suggest that if you treat based on a patient’s a multidisciplinary depression research program dedicated brain type, you increase the chance of getting them into to the study of brain circuits in depression and the effects remission,” says Dr. Mayberg. More study is needed to of various antidepressant treatments confirm how this approach may be used measured using a variety of functional to deliver treatments more effectively and structural imaging tools. The pri- and how to apply it to different types of mary focus of her lab is to development depression. imaging and physiological based algo- rithms that will discriminate depressed Dr. Mayberg will speak at WisPIC in room patient subgroups and optimize treatment 1616 at 5:30pm on Thursday, September selection at all stages of the illness. Imag- 18. The Greenfield lecture honors the ing findings provided the foundation for legacy of Norman S. Greenfield, former development and testing of deep brain Professor of Psychiatry and Associate stimulation (DBS) of the subcallosal cin- Director and co-founder of the Wisconsin gulate region (Area 25), a novel interven- Psychiatric Institute. Greenfield played tion for patients with treatment resistant an early key role in fostering scientific depression. research in psychiatry as he pursued his interest in understanding the role of Mayberg notes that currently, fewer than psychophysiological correlates of psycho- 40% of patients treated for major depressive disorder logical disorder and the processes involved in personality achieve remission with initial treatment. Identification of a change, as exemplified by his books “Psychoanalysis and biological marker that might improve these odds could have Current Biological Thought” and the “Handbook of Psycho- significant health and economic impact. Her recent work physiology”. He was very dedicated to the supervision of focused on identiying a biomarker that could predict which psychiatry residents preparing them to effectively integrate type of treatment a patient would benefit from based on the psychotherapy with pharmacology in their treatment of individual’s brain activity. The research team measured the patients. The early values he brought to the Department of critical brain function of brain glucose metabolism in two Psychiatry, using rigorous scientific methods to integrate groups of participants during a period of 12 weeks. After psychology with psychiatry to improve the lives of those having a PET scan, half of the participants were given an suffering from mental illness, continue today as the Depart- antidepressant medication and the other half were given ment of Psychiatry’s guiding principles. cognitive behavior therapy (CBT).The researchers found that less activity in the brain’s anterior insula indicated response to CBT, and more activity indicated response to medication. Greenfield Lecture: Thursday, September 18, 5:30pm, WisPIC room 1616. Contact “To be ill with depression any longer than necessary can Vanessa Balchen if you wish to meet with Dr. be perilous,” says Dr. Mayberg, Professor of Psychiatry, Mayberg while she is here. Neurology, and Radiology, Emory University School of Medicine. “This is a serious illness and the prolonged suffering resulting from an ineffective treatment can have serious medical, personal and social consequences. Our goal is not just to get patients well, but to get them well as Spring, 2014 UW Psychiatry Turns-Out Big for SOBP UW Psychiatry had a strong turn-out at the annual Soci- ety of Biological Psychiatry (SOBP) meeting held in New York City in May. Besides the awards noted in the photos, numerous students and faculty pre- sented their work at the meeting. SOBP encourages the study of the biological caus- David Plante, MD received the Chair’s Choice NTP student, Do Tromp won one of 32 blue es of and treatments for award which was awarded to outstanding young ribbons awarded to translational research post- psychiatric disorders. The scientists with an interest in biological psychia- ers. She then went on the win Top Translational organization seeks to pro- try. Poster award. mote excellence in scientific research and education in fields that investigate the nature, causes, mecha- nisms, and treatments of disorders of thought, emo- tion, or behavior. Poster presenters (in bold) included: David T. Plante, Michael Pat Roseboom, PhD won one of 32 blue ribbons R. Goldstein, Jessie D. awarded to translational research posters. Over 1500 posters were presented. Cook, Richard Smith, Brady A. Riedner, Meredith E. Rumble, Lauren Jelenchick, PGY3 Brendon Nacewicz and PGY2 Fabio Giulio Tononi, Ruth M. Ferrarelli received Travel Fellowship awards that Benca, Michael J. Peterson awarded them each a $2000 stipend to defray travel costs and complimentary meeting regis- - Effects of Oral Temaze- tration for 3 years. pam on Spectral Activity and Sleep Spindles During Non-rapid Eye Movement Sleep: A High-density EEG Investigation Department Chair, Ned Kalin, MD is the SOBP President for Do P. M. Tromp, Andrew S. 2014-2015. The 2015 meeting Fox, Jonathan A. Oler, Pat- will be held in Toronto, Canada. rick H. Roseboom, Andrew L. Alexander, Ned H. Kalin - Early Life Adversity Leads Sisi Li (Alisch Lab) presents her poster at (continued on page 3) one of the sessions page 2 Spring, 2014 SOBP continued from page 2 Awards and to Aberrant Structural Development Richard Wolf, Ryan Herringa - Accolades of Amygdala-prefrontal Network in Altered Prefrontal Function Follow- Non-human Primates ing Affective Priming in Pediatric The Department of Psy- Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder chiatry was recognized Andreas Buchmann, Daniela Den- for its silver sponsorship tico, Michael J. Peterson, Brady A. Remi Patriat, Ryan Herringa - De- donation to Journey Mental Riedner, Simone Sarasso, Marcel- fault Mode Network Connectivity in Health Center’s May 31 Big lo Massimini, Giulio Tononi, Fabio Pediatric PTSD Dreams Ball: Starry Night Ferrarelli - Reduced Mediodorsal fundraiser. The event raised Thalamic Volume and Prefrontal Taylor J. Keding, Ryan J. Herrin- $65,000. Cortical Spindle Activity in Schizo- ga - Functional Neural Correlates phrenia of Emotion Regulation in Pediatric Ron Diamond, MD, Profes- Post-traumatic Stress Disorder sor of Psychiatry has been Patrick H. Roseboom, Jonathan appointed to the Milwau- A. Oler, Andrew S. Fox, Ned H. Presentations: kee County Mental Health Kalin - Mifepristone Decreases Board by Wisconsin Gover- Anxiety-like Behaviors in a Non-hu- Andrew Fox presented “Structural nor Scott Walker. man Primate Model of Anxious and Functional Neural Systems Temperament Underlying Increased Genetic Risk Douglas Kramer, MD, for Anxiety in a Large Sample of Emeritus Professor of Carissa L. Philippi, Julian C. Mot- Nonhuman Primates” in a ses- Psychiatry has been elect- zkin, Ian Carroll, Michael Koenigs sion he co-chaired on Integrating ed to the position of Coun- - Self-Focus Task Performance Genetic and Neuroimaging Data to cilor-at-Large by the The Predicts Default Mode Network Understand Psychiatric Disorders American Academy of Child Connectivity at Rest in Primates and Adolescent Psychiatry. Brendon M. Nacewicz, Andrew L. Ned H. Kalin presented “The Neu- Ruth Benca, MD, Profes- Alexander, Ned H. Kalin, Richard ral Substrates of Anxiety Vulnera- sor of Psychiatry has been J. Davidson - The Neurochemical bility” in a session he co-chaired on awarded an academic Underpinnings of Human Amygda- Childhood Anxiety: Risk, Develop- distinction by the School la Volume Including Subregional ment, and Treatment of Medicine and Public Contributions health; she is now the Jan Dr. Kalin also co-chaired a session and Kathryn Ver Hagen Sisi Li, Ligia Papale, Reid Alisch - on The Neurobiology of Pervasive Professor of Translational Studies of a Brain-enriched Epi- Anxiety: The Role of Circuits Cen- Research. genetic Mark Reveals Sex Differ- tered on the Extended Amygdala ences and a Genome-wide Loss in where Alexander Shackman pre- Fabio Ferrarelli (PGY2) has Response to Acute Stress sented “The Extended Amygdala is been selected for an NIMH a Key Substrate for Extreme Anxi- Outstanding Resident Mitzy Kennis, Sanne J. H. van ety Early in Life”. Shackman did his Award for 2014. This award Rooij, Do P. M. Tromp, Arthur R. doctoral and post-doctoral work in recognizes Fabio’s accom- Rademaker, René S. Kahn, Ned the UW labs of Kalin and Davidson plishments in functional H. Kalin, Elbert Geuze - Alterations and is now an Assistant Professor neuroanatomy of sleep in in White Matter Tracts in Veterans at University of Maryland. patients with schizophrenia. with PTSD versus without PTSD and Healthy Controls page 3 Spring, 2014 Dedication of Birdroom to Honor Dick Anderson, MD The Department of Psychiatry will honor the legacy of ing pristine prints from an aunt. Committed to sharing Richard (Dick) B. Anderson, MD on Wednesday, July them, he donated dozens of prints, which now hang in 23 at 5:30pm in WisPIC room 1219 by renaming the various locations throughout the UW-Madison cam- Birdroom the Anderson Audubon Room. pus, including those prints hanging in WisPIC 1219. He also established the Audubon Room within the Dr. Anderson earned a bachelor’s and Overture Center so the public could medical degree from the University of enjoy some of his prized artwork. Wisconsin. He completed his residen- cy at Barnes Hospital in St. Louis and Even in his later years, Anderson found returned to Madison in 1953 where he ways to give back to the community. began practicing general pediatrics at When the Medical Scholars Program Wisconsin General Hospital. In 1968, was discontinued in 2007, Anderson he left Madison to pursue an adoles- rallied his class to redirect its endowed cent medicine fellowship at Harvard fund to the MEDiC student-run free University.