Schilling Wills Red Sox to Win Sox Fan Favorite Despite Second Highest Payro Ll MIKE BERARDINO KNIG II T R I DDE N

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Schilling Wills Red Sox to Win Sox Fan Favorite Despite Second Highest Payro Ll MIKE BERARDINO KNIG II T R I DDE N セ M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M M MONDAY. OCTOBER 25. 2004 SPORTS THE MIRRO R 17 Schilling wills Red Sox to win Sox fan favorite despite second highest payro ll MIKE BERARDINO KNIG II T R I DDE N. Sox from Page 16 john Henry. and their general manager. T heo Epstein , practices BOSTON - You\'c hc;u"d of appear to h:u.c the Ya nkees so all of the lltn)Cilies that Ijust men· Tommy John elbow surge r)'? Get much, than why is the tcam that lioned by the Yankees. rcady fo r Curt Schilling 。 ョ ォ ャ セ everyone I'OOL'\ for the Red Sox? Shouldn't tJ1C leam thatevel'). .. surgery. All I heal' about is how the one roots for to knock dom) the After what we\'e seen the past Ya nkees huy all of their champi- evil empire be a team that doesn't week, thouS::lIlds of young pitchers onships, all they have LO do is let lise the samc prdctices as the tcam will be lining up to have theil' a nkle George Steinbrenner open his everyone seemingl)' hates? te ndons sutured in place. Sure, it's checkbook and the)' gel anyth ing Somebody much smarter than son of painful. blll if it helps you -tJK')' nced. Which i'l somehow. 1111 - me must have come up with thi hit 93 mph and makes ),o u a Arnel;c Ul I su ppose. idea. national hero, whal's the ncgmivc.:? \lul why is the team wilh the The re certainly wcre no draw- second hight.'St payroll such a r.'11\ - latl Sl. Clair is (j smiO''jollr- backs for Sc hill ing 011 Sunday fa\'orite? uniism {/tid ma$$ com"umiootiolls night. when he p itC hed six strong "n'e owner of lhe Red Sox, (I u d MilnJr nssori(lle 1U!'1/1S editor. innings to help Lhe Boston Red Sox 10 a 6-2 win ovcr lhe Sl. Louis Cardinals. t ィ ャ セ in part to mod- Boston Red Sox t hird baseman Bill Mueller goes-to field a ball Oakland faces difficult ern medici ne. the Red Sox held Tuesday during game two of the World Se ries against the St. Louis , serve in two b"'lllcS al. Fcnwl.lY I)al'k as the World Scl;l.":! sh ifu to lhe al'ound the neighborhood. T he second proced ure had Icft lhe road in games ahead heartland. With big No. 38, it's been tlick pitc her wi th mo re pain than nM KAWAKAMI probably won't. bloom into Pro In his two SUtrts si nce trying a :Ind treat. berol'c, and there was some con- K N t G HT R II) Il E H Bowl playeJ1 by lhis NO\'t; mbcr or last-ditch. experimenml surgical Could he do it again ? 111:l t was cern he could risk long·ttml tissue evc n lhe next one, which has procedure , Schilling has gone 2-0 th e questio n of the nighl. damage if he pitched beyond OAKl.AND, Calif. - Picce by bc::come starkly obvious to (,'l'cry- with ;\ 0.69 ERA. Sunday he threw After Shutting down the Sunday. piece, chip by chip, defeat by body wi tJl tlle possible except.ion of 94 pitches, hit 93 mph on th e radar Y;tIlkees last Tuesday and selling If this w.t.S Schilling's lasl start of defeat, the I'cal Raiders are being AI Da\is. gun and allowcdjusl foul' hil.s, one himself up as Curt of,Ar c. a mod- the year, he certainly made th e n.-'vealcd to tlle wo rld. and they No, tJ1C Raiders arcn't cven \\I'.l lk and one unearned run. ern-day Profile in Courage, how most of iL And who says tJl crc's not exactly:LS adve l1iscd. good enough 1.0 beat the Stllpcn- Wh at OJ. Simpson did for lh e tnuch did Schill ing have left in the going to be a sixth game anyway? No, Lhey won't win tJ1(';: Supcr dously bad New Orlc:Ul S Saints a.t bloody glove, Schilli ng has done mnk? O r, more precisely, in his If the Red Sox can make eight Bowl or (.""e n compete for a playoff Network Associates Coliseum, for the bloody sock. No ballplayer faully light ankle? errors in the fi rSL lWO games and bcnh , which you probably should which we leal'lloo Su nday after New has gotten lhis much mileage oul Afler a ll , Willis Reed didn't never trail, maybe this matchup have fibrun..'Ci out weeks ago. Orlt:-.. ms' numbing 31-26 victory. of unifo rm seepage since Roy have lO follow up his dramatic isn't ,lS t«sty as we thought. No, they won'L gel a big rally And no, despite the Jl uuer)' Hobbs was playi ng fo r the New entrance in Game 7 of the 1970 Qucstion No.2: Would anybod y from tllcir veteran.... which )'Ou and public reassurances of Coach Norv York Kn ights. N&A Finals with another Ifd me live bunt on Sch illing? J<:I'I)' Rice discovered only recentl), Whe n it comes to marketi ng days laler. The Kn icks cClller got Twenty-live Ya nkees went to the No, tJleir t.'llentcd )'oung playcrs See Playoffs, Page 18 pOlential, eve n Gene Simmons is fi\'c momhs off to rest his thigh. plalc abrainsLhi lnlasl week, and nOt going to smrt getti ng jealous if lhis William Morbr;m , the Red Sox a single one bunted . Miguel Cairo com inues. This Halloween kids tcam d OC LOr and suture maslCr, showed bunt but didn't actuall y lhroughout New England will be had set ofTwarning sire ns when he offer <l tthe ball. squeezin g tiny ketchup packets w id a reporter Schi lling could be Keep us connected! onto their socks and hobbli ng done for the ),ear after this onc. See Ace, Page 18 Support Mirror rations Technical Specialist Needed! Need to Know Mac as 9 & X • Linux • Networkin MfRROR Applicants must be taking at least 9 credits as undergraduate 6 as a graduate student A I @ The Mirror • 823 16th St. I, d II I I _ .
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