QUEEN MARY’S COLLEGE (AUTONOMOUS) CHENNAI – 4 M.Sc. CHEMISTRY ORGANIC CHEMISTRY – I (Core) Semester-I Paper No. : I Max Marks: 75 Code: Credits: 4 OBJECTIVES 1 To gain knowledge about reaction intermediates in organic chemistry. 2 To acquire knowledge in aliphatic nucleophilic substitution reactions. 3 To suggest synthetic route for simple organic compounds with stereochemistry. 4 To make the students understand and appreciate the concept of stereochemistry, conformational analysis of organic compounds. 5 To acquire a thorough knowledge on the concept of addition reaction on carbon carbon multiple bonds and their reaction mechanism. 6 To understand the mechanism of a chemical reaction, the path and the feasibility of a reaction UNIT I (18 hrs) REACTIVE INTERMEDIATES (5 hrs) Carbocations, carbanions, radicals, carbenes, nitrenes, arynes – generation, stabilities, identification, trapping and structure. ALIPHATIC NUCLEOPHILIC SUBSTITUTION (13 hrs) Neighbouring group participation, Substitution at carbonyl, vinylic and bridgehead system. Substitution with ambident nucleophiles. “O” Vs”C”- alkylation. Role of LDA, crown ethers and phase transfer catalyst (PTC) in nucleophilic substitution reactions. Generation of enolates, enolates selectivity (kinetics Vs thermodynamics), alkylation of enolates and stereochemistry of enolate alkylation. Mechanism of ester hydrolysis (only BAC2, AAC2, AAL1). Alkylation of active methylene compounds. Asymmetric alkylation (Evans, Enders and Meyers procedure). Preparation and synthetic utility of enamines,
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