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Download Shivneri 2019-20 {edZoar Aܶj àmMm¶© S>m°. EZ. Eg. Jm¶H$dmS> g§nmXH$ àm. g§Vmof nÙmH$a ndma g§nmXH ‘§S>i àm. JUoe dmK {dÚmWu à{V{ZYr àm. Ama. Eg. ZmB©H$ M¡Vݶ ¶odbo ({ÛÎmr¶ df©, H$bm) àm. h[a^OZ H$m§~io nyOm KmS>Jo (E‘. E., àW‘ df©, ‘amR>r) àVrjm {MIbo (V¥Vr¶ df©, H$bm ‘amR>r) g§nmXZ gmhmæ¶ àm. H¡$bmg Ea§S>o N>m¶m{MÌU ghH$m¶© àm. g§O¶ ndio àU¶ ‘hmOZ, AZwamYm ’$moQ>mo ñQw>{S>Amo, ‘§Ma g§O¶ Xidr, Ah‘XZJa {dVaU ì¶dñWm àm. g§O¶ ‘o‘mUo (J«§Wnmb) a¶V {ejU g§ñWoMo, AÊUmgmho~ AmdQ>o AmQ>©g², H$m°‘g© hþVmË‘m ~m~y JoZy gm¶Ýg H$m°boO Am{U gm¡.Hw$gw‘~oZ H$m§Vrbmb emh AmQ>©g², H$m°‘g©, gm¶Ýg Á¶w{Z¶a H$m°boO, ‘§Ma, Vm.Am§~oJmd, {O.nwUo, 410503 {edZoar & Shivneri ‘hm{dÚmb¶mMr d¡{eîQ>ço & CnH«$‘ {X àog A°³Q> A°ÊS> a{OñQ´>oeZ Am°’$ ~w³g {Z¶‘ 8, ’$m°‘© 4 à‘mUo Amdí¶H$ ‘m{hVr Z°H$Mr "A' J«oS> àmßV ‘hm{dÚmb¶, gm{dÌr~mB© ’w$bo nwUo {dÚmnrR>mMo ~oñQ> H$m°boO A°dm°S> {dOoVo ‘hm{dÚmb¶ àH$meZ ñWi 105 EH$amMm {ZgJ©aå¶ n[aga AÊUmgmho~ AmdQ>o ‘hm{dÚmb¶, ‘§Ma Vk, g§emoYH$, ì¶mg§Jr Am{U AZw^dr àmܶmnH$ d¥§X, {Z¶VH$m{bH$ : dm{f©H$ kmZ d¥Õr H$aUmao g‘¥Õ d àeñV J«§Wmb¶ Am{U ñdV§Ì Aä¶m{gH$m, A˶mYw{ZH$ g§JUH$, {dkmZ d ^mfm © ñdm{‘Ëd à¶moJemim, CVr g§dY©Z à¶moJemim ({Q>í¶w H$ëMa àmMm¶© S>m°. EZ. Eg. Jm¶H$dmS> b°~), g§JUH$sH¥$V àemgH$s¶ ^dZ. amï´>r¶Ëd : ^maVr¶ {eñV A§Jr ~mU{dUmam EZ. gr. gr. (N.C.C.) {d^mJ. nÎmm : a¶V {ejU g§ñWm, gmVmam V’}$ amîQ>—r¶ OmUrd OmJ¥Vr d C{ÔîQ>m§Mr nyV©Vm H$aUmam AÊUmgmho~ AmdQ>o ‘hm{dÚmb¶ ‘§Ma, Vm. Am§~oJmd, {dÚmnrR>r¶ {deof nwañH$ma àmá EZ. Eg. Eg. (N.S.S.) {d^mJ. {O. nwUo, XþaÜdZr : (02133) 223160 H$bm gm§ñH¥${VH$ {d^mJ Am{U O~m~Xma ZmJ[aH$ KS>{dUmar {ddoH$dm{hZr, {dÚmWu ì¶p³V‘Îd {dH$mg ISBN : 978-93-84600-13-6 KS>{dUmam àeñV d ^ì¶ {O‘ImZm d àeñV d ^ì¶ H«$rS>m§JU, ñdmdb§~r {dÚmWu KS>{dUmar, ""H$‘dm Am{U ‘wÐH$ & gZ¶ àH$meZ {eH$m'' ¶moOZm. d§XZm {edmOr qeXo {dÚm϶mªMm gdmªJrU {dH$mg gmYUmar {d{dY ‘§S>io Zmam`UJmd, ew^_ {díd, _moJam-~r.14 E‘. E. ‘amR>r, E‘. E. B§J«Or, E‘. E. AW©emñÌ, AmZ§XdmS>r, Vm. OwÞa, {O. nwUo-410504 E‘. H$m°‘. Mo nXì¶wÎma dJ©/Msc. Organic chemistry _mo.9860429134, 9960617306 VgoM nrEM.S>r. g§emoYZ H§o$Ð (dZñnVr emñÌ) ~r. Email- [email protected] gr. E. g§JUH$s¶ {deof H$m¡eë¶ Aܶ¶ZmMr gmo¶. ‘mZgemñÌr¶ g‘wnXoeZ H|$Ð, ‘Ëñ¶~rO g§dY©Z d ‘wIn¥ð> d AmVrb ‘m§S>Ur & "H$bm‘§{Xa' Am|H$ma I¡ao eoVVio. AjaOwiUr & gZ¶ g§JUH$ {d^mJ {dÚmWu d {dÚm{W©ZtÀ¶m ì¶p³V‘Îd {dH$mgmgmR>r gm°âQ> N>m¶m{MÌo & AZwamYm ’$moQ>mo âb°e, ‘§Ma pñH$b S>oìhbn‘|Q> àmoJ«m‘., {d{dY ñnYm© narjm ‘mJ©Xe©Z H|$Ð (M.P.S.C., U.P.S.C., NET, SET, CET.) ‘r àmMm¶© S>m°. EZ. Eg. Jm¶H$dmS> Ago Omhra H$‘©dra {dÚmà~mo{YZr, {dÚmWu-{dÚm{W©Zr boIZ H$m¡eë¶ H$aVmo H$s, da Z‘yX Ho$bobm Vnerb ‘m¶m ‘m{hVr àH$ën-Aja~Z, CÝ‘of, Am{U {dkmZ {^{Îmn{ÌH$m. d g‘OwVrà‘mUo Iam Amho. O¡dV§ÌkmZ (~m¶moQ>o³Zm°bm°Or) {ejUmMr gw{dYm. ‘mOr - àmMm¶© S>m°. EZ. Eg. Jm¶H$dmS> {dÚmWu g§K, n[agamVrb {ejUmnmgyZ d§{MV AgUmè¶m {dÚmWu Am{U {dÚm{W©Zr Am{U ZmJ[aH$m§À¶mgmR>r ¶m ‘hm{dÚmb¶rZ dm{f©H$m§H$mVrb ‘Vm§er g§nmXH$ ¶ed§Vamd MìhmU ‘hmamîQ>— ‘w³V {dÚmnrR> Aä¶mg H|$Ð. ‘§S>i gh‘V AgobM Ago Zmhr. VgoM ‘OHw$amMr ^ì¶ d àeñV {dÚm{W©Zr dg{VJ¥h, nmbH$ ‘oimì¶m§Mo O~m~Xmar ˶m ˶m boIH$mMr Amho. Am¶moOZ. (’$º$ ImgJr {dVaUmH$arVm) ì¶dgm¶mYm[aV {ejU (~r.ìhmoH$) ’y$S> àmogoqgJ, A§H$mÀ¶m à{V{H«$¶m H$idm. AH$m°{Q§>J Q>°³goeZ. Email : [email protected] {H$Vr {eUbmg ~mnm, a¶VoÀ¶m nmoam§gmR>r & VwPm OÝ‘ Zd¶wJ gmè¶m ~hþOZm§gmR>r && 22 gßQ>|~a 1887- 9 ‘o 1959 ‘m. nÙ^yfU S>m°. H$‘©dra ^mD$amd nmQ>rb (S>r. {bQ>.) g§ñWmnH$: a¶V {ejU g§ñWm && ^mdnyU© lÕm§Obr && 2019-20 Á`oð> A{^ZoVo nÙlr {XÝ`ma H$m°ÝQ´°ŠQ>a, H$dr ^r‘amd H$moVo, Á`oð> g‘rjH$ S>m°. ‘. gw. nmQ>rb, ZmQ>çA{^ZoVm a‘oe ‘oT>oH$a, Á`oð> ^maVr` ZmQ>H$H$ma, A{^ZoVo {Jare H$mZm©S>, Á`oð> {dMmad§V gwhmg gmoZdUo, ^maVr` H$å`w{ZñQ> njmMo amï´>r` H$m`©H$m[aUr gXñ`, "Ý`y EO'Mo g§nmXH$ e‘r‘ ’¡$Or, X{bV n±Wa ZoVo g§nmXH$ amOm T>mbo, ‘oS> BZ B§{S>`m H$mX§~arMo boIH$ nwéfmoÎm‘ ~moaH$a, {X„rÀ`m ‘mOr ‘w»`‘§Ìr erbm Xr{jV, A{^ZoVo lram‘ H$moëhQ>H$a, JPbH$ma A{Zb H$m§~io, Zmo~ob {dOoË`m bopIH$m Q>moZr ‘m°[agZ, ‘{hbm ZoË`m gwf‘m ñdamO, A{^ZoÌr {dÚm {gÝhm, d¥Îm{Zdo{XH$m Zrb‘ e‘m©, g‘mOgodH$ àm. {dÇ>b ~Zo, A§YH$dr am‘ Jmogmdr, ^Q>Š`m {d‘wº$m§Mo ZoVo àm. ‘moVram‘ amR>moS>, g§JrVH$ma Iæ`m‘, H$m`©H$Ë`m© Am{U bopIH$m Amem AnamX, ‘mOr H|$Ðr` AW©‘§Ìr Aê$U OoQ>br, Á`oð> g‘mOdmXr ZoVo ZdZrV^mB© ehm, {MÌH$ma Xm‘moXa nwOmao, H$mX§~arH$ma {H$aU ZJaH$a, Á`oð> {d{Yk am‘ OoR>‘bmZr, H$m±J«ogMo Á`oð> ZoVo, ‘mOr ‘§Ìr ~r. Oo. IVmi nmQ>rb, ‘mOr H$gmoQ>rnQy> ‘mYd AmnQ>o, A{^ZoVm {dOy ImoQ>o, a§JH$‘u Aê$U H$mH$S>o, dm‘Z VmdS>o, à{gÕ gm{hË` g‘rjH$ hoamëS> ãby‘, Am§Vaamï´>r` Hw$ñVrnQy> "éñVw‘-E-qhX' XmXy Mm¡Jwbo, AZwdmXH$ gw‘ZVmB© AmoH$, Á`oð> bopIH$m {JarOm H$sa, Á`oð> grnrAm` ZoVo Jwê$Xmg XmgJwám, {ZdS>UyH$ Am`moJmMo ‘mOr AÜ`j Q>r. EZ. eofZ, {dkmZ boIH$ àm. ‘mohZ AmnQ>o, g‘mOdmXr gmWr ‘h§‘X IS>g, X¡. ZdmH$mi g§nmXH$ ZrbH§$R> Im{S>bH$a, {ebmboI Aä`mgH$ AmZ§X Hw§$^ma, ì`§J{MÌH$ma gwYra Yma, H$WmboIH$ gIm H$bmb, A{Zb ~iob, g‘rjH$ eHw§$Vbm jragmJa, Á`oð> A{^ZoVo S>m°. lram‘ bmJy, a§JH$‘u Aê$U H$mH$S>o, ì`§J{MÌH$ma {dH$mg g~Zrg, A{^ZoVm gmB©àgmX Jw§S>odma, g§nmXH$ h. b. {ZnwUJo, {H«$Ho$Q>nQy> ~mny ZmS>H$Uu, ór‘wº$s H$m`©H$Ë`m© {dÚm ~mi, eoVH$ar g§KQ>ZoMo ZoVo A{OV ZaXo, Á`oð> a§JH$‘u amOm ‘`oH$a, Á`oð> a§J^yfmH$ma n§T>arZmW OwH$a, à{gÕ Obg§emoYH$ Am{U boIH$ amKd|Ð Omoer, bopIH$m {dO`m OhmJraXma, AÊUmgmho~ AmdQ>o H$m°boO‘Yrb ‘amR>r {d^mJà‘wI g§Vmof nÙmH$a ndma `m§À`m ‘mVw:lr gm¡. gw‘Z nÙmH$a ndma, àm{Uemó {d^mJà‘wI Ama. Eg. ZmB©H$ `m§À`m ‘mVw:lr AmemXodr gImam‘ ZmB©H$, VgoM {d{dY Z¡g{J©H$ AmnÎmr, AnKmVmV R>ma Pmbobo kmV-AkmV H$moamoZmÀ¶m OmJ{VH$ ‘hm‘marZo ‘¥Ë¶y nmdbobo AZoH$ A^mJr Ord, {d{dY h„¶mV JVàmU Pmbobo ^maVr¶ OdmZ, H$moamoZm ¶m gmWrÀ¶m amoJmZo OJ^amV ‘¥Ë¶y Pmbooë¶m gd© ZmJ[aH$m§Zm ^mdnyU© lÜXm§Obr... ‘m. eaXM§ÐOr ndma Aܶj, a¶V {ejU g§ñWm ‘m. Am‘Xma {Xbrnamd digo nmQ>rb gXñ¶, ‘°ZoqOJ H$m°pÝgb, a¶V {ejU g§ñWm, gmVmam ‘m. {edmOramd AmT>iamd nmQ>rb ‘m. ImgXma, {eê$a bmoH$g^m ‘VXma g§K a¶V {ejU g§ñWm nXm{YH$mar ‘m. S>m°. A{Zb nmQ>rb A°S>. ^JraW qeXo MoAa‘Z ìhm. MoAa‘Z ‘m. Am‘Xma JUnamd Xoe‘wI ‘m. e§H$aamd H$moëho ‘m. gm¡. O¶lrVmB© Mm¡Jwbo Cnmܶj Cnmܶj Cnmܶj ‘m. Aê$U H$Sy> nmQ>rb ‘m. Jmonr{H$gZ nmQ>rb ‘m. A°S>. am‘^mD$ H$m§S>Jo g{Md Cnmܶj {d^mJr¶ Aܶj MoAa‘Z ‘hm{dÚmb¶ {dH$mg g{‘Vr 2017-18 Vo 2021-22 ‘m. {Xbrnamd digo nmQ>rb ‘mOr Aܶj, {dYmZg^m-‘hmamï´> amÁ¶ ‘m. ~mimgmho~ ~|S>oo ‘m. ~mimgmho~ ~mUIobo ‘m. CX¶ nmQ>rb ñWm{ZH$ à{V{ZYr ñWm{ZH$ à{V{ZYr ñWm{ZH$ à{V{ZYr ‘m.
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