Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel

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Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel DATA LABEL: Public Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel West Lothian Civic Centre Howden South Road LIVINGSTON EH54 6FF 14 November 2013 A meeting of the Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel of West Lothian Council will be held within the Council Chambers, West Lothian Civic Centre on Thursday 21 November 2013 at 2:00pm. For Chief Executive BUSINESS 1. Apologies for Absence 2. Order of Business, including notice of urgent business Public Session 3. Confirm Draft Minute of Meeting held on 19 September 2013Public Minutes of Meeting of Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel held on Thursday 19 September 2013. 4. Declarations of Interest - Members should declare any financial and non- financial interests they have in the items of business for consideration at the meeting, identifying the relevant agenda item and the nature of their interest. 5. Clean Up Scotland Campaign - Report by Head of Operational Services (herewith). 6. Pentland Hills Regional Park Annual Report 2012/13 and Possible Extension to th Regional Park Boundary - Report by Head of Planning and Economic Development (herewith). - 1 - DATA LABEL: Public 7. West Lothian Core Paths Plan - Direction to Adopt - Report by Head of Planning and Economic Development (herewith) 8. Biodiversity In Parks, Cemeteries, Roadside Verges and Open Spaces - Report by Head of Operational Services - Report by Head of Operational Services (herewith). 9. Biomass Heating Installations - Report by Head of Planning and Economic Development (herewith). 10. Reducing Energy use Workstream - Streetlight Lighting Efficiency Sub- Project - Report by Head of Planning and Economic Development (herewith). 11. Commercial Recycling Collection Service, Food & Glass - Report by Head of Operational Services (herewith). 12. Food Waste Collection Service - Report by Head of Operational Services (herewith). 13. Colour Segregated Glass Collection Service - Report by Head of Operational Services (herewith). 14. Environment Workplan (herewtih) ------------------------------------------------ NOTE For further information please contact Eileen Rollo on 01506 281621 or email [email protected] - 2 - DATA LABEL: Public 77 MINUTE of MEETING of the ENVIRONMENT POLICY DEVELOPMENT AND SCRUTINY PANEL of WEST LOTHIAN COUNCIL held within COUNCIL CHAMBERS, WEST LOTHIAN CIVIC CENTRE, on 19 SEPTEMBER 2013. Present – Councillors Tom Conn (Chair), Barry Robertson, Tony Boyle, Robert De Bold, Greg McCarra, Derek Moore (West Lothian Associations of Community Council’s Representative Apologies – Councillor Dave King, Dorothy Knox, (Senior Peoples’ Forum Representative) 1. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest made. 2. MINUTE The panel confirmed the Minute of its meeting held on 20 June 2013 subject to an amendment to reflect that Derek Moore, (West Lothian Association of Community Councils representative) and Dorothy Knox, (Senior Peoples’s Forum representative) were in attendance. 3. FOOD HYGIENE INFORMATION SCHEME – LAUNCH UPDATE The panel considered a report (copies of which had been circulated) by the Head of Planning and Economic Development providing an update on the launch of the food hygiene information scheme in West Lothian. The report advised that the food hygiene information scheme (FHIS) was intended to give consumers a clearer guide to the hygiene standards within food businesses following inspection by environmental health. The report further advised that the FHIS would be launched to the public during October 2013. In order to ensure that information was available to the public, all businesses identified as appropriate for participation had been provided with a copy of the appropriate PASS or Improvement Required certificate for display on their premises. The rating information for these businesses would be uploaded to the FHIS website prior to the public launch. The rating applied to each business was based on the outcomes of the last routine food hygiene inspection carried out. Food businesses that had recently registered and were still waiting a routine inspection were classified as Awaiting Inspection. The report went on to advise that all premises information would subsequently be updated following routine inspections or other formal visits and it was anticipated that updated information would be uploaded - 3 - DATA LABEL: Public 78 to the FHIS website on a monthly basis. In conclusion the report advised that the introduction to the FHIS would ensure better public access to information on food safety within local businesses, and whilst there would be an impact on the service from implementing the scheme it was hoped that in the longer term there would be improving standards within businesses which would reduce the need for lengthy and involved formal action. Decision To note the contents of the report. 4. PERFORMANCE REPORT The panel considered a report (copies of which had been circulated) by the Head of Operational Services providing the current levels of performance for all indicators which were the responsibility of the Environment Policy Development and Scrutiny Panel. The report recommended that the panel note the performance information and determine if further action or enquiry was necessary for any of the indicators within the report. The report advised that the council’s performance management system, Covalent measured the performance of service activities through the use of key performance indicators (KPIs). A number of these indicators were deemed high level and publically reported or were reported to Audit Scotland. Covalent used a simple traffic light system to show if progress was on target, in danger of falling behind target or below target. The trend chart commentary field provided an explanation of the ongoing trend in the performance as well as describing any shortfall in performance and what action was being taken to rectify the shortfall. The Head of Operational Services advised that the performance report was intended to keep members informed of the performance of a wide range of activities taking place. The summary chart at the front of Appendix 1 showed that the majority of performance indicators were categorised as green. Appendix 1 to the report focussed on the issues that services currently faced and also included the indicators where services performance was below target. Decision To note the contents of the report. 5. ACTIVE & SUSTAINABLE TRAVEL INFRASTURCTURE IMPROVEMENTS PROPOSED PROGRAMME 2013/14 – 2014/15 The panel considered a report (copies of which had been circulated) by - 4 - DATA LABEL: Public 79 the Head of Operational Services providing information on the proposed programme of schemes to be funded from the council’s budget for Active & Sustainable Travel Infrastructure Improvements. The report recommended that the panel endorse the proposed Active & Sustainable Travel Infrastructure Improvements programme and refer to Council Executive for approval. The report advised that in January 2013, the council approved the five year asset management and general services capital programme for 2013/14 to 2017/18. This included an allocation of £100,000 per annum for active and sustainable travel infrastructure improvements. The Head of Operational Services advised that projects had been identified for the first two years of the programme that could be delivered or the design which could be progressed. Projects that were likely to provide the best opportunity to secure partnership funding from external parties were also being recommended and were detailed in Appendix 1 to the report. The Active & Sustainable Travel Infrastructure Improvements programme offered a mix of schemes that would benefit those wishing to use alternative modes of transport to travel to work, schools and other key community areas. The estimated costs against each scheme was indicative at this time and were subject to change as the scheme was developed, however this would be closely monitored and reported as part of the council’s capital monitoring procedures. The report advised that Appendix 2 showed the list of schemes for further consideration during the period 2015/16 to 2017/18. In conclusion the report advised that in order to encourage people from taking their car to work, school or other social activities it was important that the improvements were made to the road and footway/cycleway infrastructure in West Lothian. Decision To Note the contents of the report and refer to Council Executive for approval. 6. PEDESTRIAN GUARDRAIL REMOVAL, HOUSTOUN ROAD, LIVINGSTON - CONSUTLATION RESULTS The panel considered a report (copies of which had been circulated) by the Head of Operational Services providing an update on the proposal to remove 414 metres of pedestrian guardrail on Houstoun Road, from its junction with Buchanan Crescent to Eliburn North Roundabout, Livingston. The report advised that existing guardrailing on the northern side of - 5 - DATA LABEL: Public 80 Houstoun Road was in need of replacement at a cost of around £40,000 and ongoing maintenance costs. The pedestrian guardrailing at this location was installed by Livingston Development Corporation more than 20 years ago. At that time Houstoun Road had a speed limit of 50mph and was not zoned solely for housing. The assessment of the existing guardrailing on Houstoun Road was carried out using the assessment procedure detailed in the Department for Transports’ (DfT) Local Transport Note, 2/09, Pedestrian Guardrailing. The report went on to advise that the DfT assessment
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