1.1 Introduction: Bill office deals with the Government as well as the Private Members’ Legislative Business. The Rajya Sabha had 81 sittings in all during the year. Government and Private Members’ Legislative Business came up before it during 17, 8 and 18 sittings in the 195th,196th and 197th Sessions of the Rajya Sabha respectively.

1.2 Government Legislative Business:

(i) Bills introduced in the Rajya Sabha: 14 Bills were introduced in the Rajya Sabha during the year. (Annexure-1.1) (ii) Bills originating in the Rajya Sabha considered and passed: 26 Bills were considered and passed by the Rajya Sabha during the year. These include the six Bills, namely, the National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (Amendment) Bill, 2002; the All Institute of Medical Sciences (Amendment) Bill, 2002; the St. John Ambulance Association (India) Transfer of Funds (Repeal) Bill, 2002; the Tea Districts Emigrant Labour (Repeal) Repealing Bill, 2002; The Indian Succession (Amendment) Bill, 2002 and the Consumer Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2002 on which formal amendments made by the Lok Sabha were agreed by Rajya Sabha (Annexure 1.2). (iii) Bills transmitted by the Lok Sabha and laid on the Table of the Rajya Sabha considered, Passed/Returned: 62 Bills were transmitted by the Lok Sabha and laid on the Table of the Rajya Sabha during the year of which 21 were Money Bills and 48 were other Bills. Out of twenty one Money Bills, four Money Bills, namely, the Appropriation (No. 4) Bill 2002; the Appropriation (No. 5) Bill, 2002; the Appropriation (Railways) No. 3 Bill, 2002 and the Appropriation (Railways) No. 4 Bill, 2002 could not be considered by Rajya Sabha and were deemed to have been passed by the Houses of Parliament in terms of the provision of article 109 (5) of the Constitution of India. Other Money Bills were returned by the Rajya Sabha to the Lok Sabha without any recommendation (Annexure-1.3) (iv) Bills originating in the Rajya Sabha and referred to the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees: one Bill namely, the Payment of Wages (Amendment) Bill, 2002 as introduced in the Rajya Sabha, was referred to the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on labour and Welfare during the year. (v) Bills originating in the Lok Sabha and referred to the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees: 5 Bills introduced in the Lok Sabha, were referred to the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committees under the administrative control of the Rajya Sabha. (Annexure-1.4) (vi) Bills withdrawn: The following Bills were withdrawn by leave of the House during the year:- (i) The Passports (Amendment) Bill, 2001 on 7/3/2002. (ii) The Delhi University (Amendment) Bill, 2000 on 13/3/2002. (iii) *The Indian Post Office (Amendment) Bill, 1986 on 21/3/2002. (iv) The Indian Contract (Amendment) Bill, 1998 on 18/7/2002.

1.3 Private Members’ Legislative Business: i) Bills introduced in the Rajya Sabha: 57 Private Members’ Bills were introduced in the Rajya Sabha during the year. ii) Bills originating in the Rajya Sabha, considered passed/negatived or withdrawn: The Rajya Sabha considered 4 Private Members’ Bills during the year. Two Private Members’ Bills were withdrawn whereas one Bill was negatived. (Annexure 1.5)

1.4 Pending Bills: The details of the Bills pending in the Rajya Sabha at the end of each Session during the year is as under:

Sl. No. At the end of Government Private Members’ Bills Bills 1. 195th 39 110 Session 2. 196th Session 36 118 3. 197th Session 27 139

Five Private Members’ Bills were removed (during 197th Session) from the Register of Bills pending in the Rajya Sabha under rule 120 (3) of the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in Rajya Sabha. (Annexure-1.6)

List of Government Bills and Private Members’ Bills pending at the end of the 197th Session are given in (Annexure 1.7 and 1.8).

1.5 Statistical information relating to Bills: The following are some of the statistics relating to Bills which came up before the Rajya Sabha during the year 2002:

· Number of sittings during which the 43 Government Bills were introduced, considered or laid/reported as passed by the Lok Sabha · Number of sittings during which the Private 05 Members’ Bills were introduced or considered · Number of Government Bills introduced 14 · Number of Private Members’ Bills introduced 57 · Number of Government Bills withdrawn/fallen 04 through during the year · Number of Government Bills negatived 01* · Number of Private Members’ Bills withdrawn 02 · Number of Private Members’ Bills negatived 01 · Number of Government Bills transmitted by Lok 59# Sabha · Number of Government Bills transmitted by 20 Rajya Sabha · Number of Government Bills introduced in the - Rajya Sabha and referred to the Department- related Parliamentary Standing Committees · Number of Bills reported by the Select 00 Committee of the Rajya Sabha · Number of Bills referred to the Select 00 Committee of the Rajya Sabha · Number of Bills referred to the Joint 00 Committees of the Houses of Parliament · Number of Government Bills considered 87 · Number of Government Bills passed/returned 82$ · Number of Government Bills pending at the 40 commencement of the year · Number of Government Bills pending at the end 27 of the year · Number of Private Members’ Bills pending at 163 the commencement of the year · Number of Private Members’ Bills pending at 139 the end of the year · Number of Bills passed by the Houses of 86@ Parliament and assented to by the President · Number of Bills on which assent of the 42 President was obtained by the Rajya Sabha Secretariat

*Motion for consideration of the Prevention of Terrorism Bill 2002 as passed by the Lok Sabha was negatived by the Rajya Sabha and consequently the Bill was rejected by the House. Later the Bill was passed in the Joint sitting of the Houses #Including six Bills, as passed by the Rajya Sabha and returned by the Lok Sabha with amendments.

#Including six Bills, as passed by the Rajya Sabha and returned by the Lok Sabha with amendments.

$ Including two Bill, namely, the Prevention of Money Laundering Bill, 2002 and the Constitution (Ninety-third Amendment) Bill, 2002 laid on the table of the House during the 195th and 196th Session respectively which were returned to the Lok Sabha with amendments.

@Including four money Bills {i.e. the Appropriation (No. 4) Bill, 2002; the Appropriation (No. 5) Bill, 2002; the Appropriation (Railways) No. 3 Bill, 2002 and the Appropriation (Railways) No.4 Bill, 2002} which could not be considered by the Rajya Sabha, were deemed to have been passed by the Houses of Parliament in terms of the provisions of article 109(5) of the Constitution. 1.6 Action Plan of the Bill Office and Goals and Objectives set therein: There has not been any change in the original action plan of the Bill office during the year 2002. All the points are, therefore, the same that were identified while approving the plan in 2001. As regards the performance of the section, two review meetings have, so far, been held by the Secretary-General, one, in October, 2001 and second, in October, 2002 to have an assessment of achievement of the goals and targets set under the plan. Two statements, one, showing the action plan of the Bill office for 2002 and second, describing performance of the section in achieving the goals/ targets are placed at (Annexures 1.9 and 1.10) respectively.


GOVERNMENT BILLS INTRODUCED IN THE RAJYA SABHA a) During the Hundred and Ninety-fifth Session:

1. The Passports (Amendment) Bill, 2002 2. The Delhi University (Amendment) Bill, 2002 3. The Homoeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2002 4. The Petroleum (Berar Extension) Repeal Bill, 2002 5. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2002 6. The Payment of Wages (Amendment) Bill, 2002

b) During the Hundred and Ninety-sixth Session:

7. The Prevention of Food Adulteration (Extension to Kohima and Mokokchung Districts) Repeal Bill, 2002 8. The Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against Safety of Maritime Navigation and fixed Platforms on Continental Shelf Bill, 2002 9. The Indian Medicine Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2002 10. The Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Amendment Bill, 2002 11. The Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Bill, 2002

c) During the Hundred and Ninety-seventh Session:

12. The Countess of Dufferin’s Fund (Repeal) Bill, 2002 13. The Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Bill, 2002 14. The Representation of the People (Third Amendment) Bill, 2002


BILLS ORIGINATING IN THE RAJYA SABHA, CONSIDERED AND PASSED a) During the Hundred and Ninety-fifth Session: 1. The Institutes of Technology (Amendment) Bill, 2002 2. The Passports (Amendment) Bill, 2002 3. The Consumer Protection (Amendment) Bill, 2002 4. The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (Amendment) Bill, 2002 5. The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Amendment) Bill, 2002 6. The St. John Ambulance Association (India) Transfer of Fund (Repeal) Bill, 2002 7. The Code of Civil Procedure (Amendment) Bill, 2002 8. The Haj Committee Bill, 2002 9. The Patents (Amendment) Bill, 2002 10. The Tea Districts Emigrant Labour (Repeal) Bill, 2002 11. The Indian Succession (Amendment) Bill, 2002

b) During the Hundred and Ninety-sixth Session:

12. The Homoeopathy Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2002 13. The Medical Termination of Pregnancy (Amendment) Bill, 2002 14. The Delhi University (Amendment) Bill, 2002 15. The National Co-operative Development Corporation (Amendment) Bill, 2002 16. The Coast Guard (Amendment) Bill, 2002 17. The Prevention of Food Adulteration (Extension to Kohima and Mokokchung District) Repeal Bill, 2002 18. The Indian Medicine Central Council (Amendment) Bill, 2002 19. The Petroleum (Berar Extension) Repeal Bill, 2002

c) During the Hundred and Ninety-seventh Session:

20. The Merchant Shipping (Amendment) Bill, 2002 21. The Suppression of Unlawful Acts Against Safety of Maritime Navigation and Fixed Platforms on Continental Shelf Bill, 2002 22. The Countess of Dufferin’s fund (Repeal) Bill, 2002 23. The North-Eastern (Amendment) Bill, 2002 24. The Wild Life (Protection) Amendment Bill, 2002 25. The Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Regulation and Prevention of Misuse) Amendment Bill, 2002 26. The Representation of the People (Second Amendment) Bill, 2002




(a) During the Hundred and Ninety-fifth Session:

1. The Jute Manufacturers Cess (Amendment) Bill, 2002 2. The Appropriation (Vote on Account) Bill, 2002 3. The Appropriation Bill, 2002 4. The Appropriation (No. 2) Bill, 2002 5. The Uttar Pradesh Appropriation Bill, 2002 6. The Uttar Pradesh Appropriation (Vote on Account) Bill, 2002 7. The Appropriation (Railways) Bill, 2002 8. The Appropriation (Railways) Vote on Account Bill, 2002 9. The Appropriation (Railways) No. 2 Bill, 2002 10. The Appropriation (No. 3) Bill, 2002 11. The Finance Bill, 2002 12. The Vice-President’s Pension (Amendment) Bill, 2002 13. The Foreign Aircraft (Exemption from Taxes and Duties on Fuel and Lubricants) Bill, 2002

(b) During the Hundred and Ninety-sixth Session:

14. The Appropriation (No.4) Bill, 2002 15. The Appropriation (No.5) Bill, 2002 16. The Appropriation (Railways) No. 3 Bill, 2002 17. The Appropriation (Railways) No. 4 Bill, 2002

(c) During the Hundred and Ninety-seventh Session:

18. The Supreme Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Amendment Bill, 2002 19. The High Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Amendment Bill, 2002 20. The Appropriation (Railways) No. 5 Bill, 2002 21. The Appropriation (No. 6) Bill, 2002


(a) During the Hundred and Ninety-fifth Session:

1. The National Institute of Pharmaceutical Education and Research (Amendment) Bill, 2002 2. The Prevention of Terrorism Bill, 2002 3. The Constitution (Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes) Orders (Amendment) Bill, 2002 4. The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Order (Amendment) Bill, 2002 5. The Indian Succession (Amendment) Bill, 2002 6. The Tea Districts Emigrant Labour (Repeal) Repealing Bill, 2002 7. The St. John Ambulance Association (India) Transfer of Funds (Repeal) Bill, 2002 8. The All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Amendment) Bill, 2002 9. The Multi-State Co-operative Societies Bill, 2002 10. The Delimitation Bill, 2002 11. The Salaries and Allowances Officers of Parliament and Leaders of Opposition in Parliament (Amendment) Bill, 2002 12. The Salaries and Allowances Officers of Parliament (Second Amendment) Bill, 2002 13. The Sugar Development Fund (Amendment) Bill, 2002 14. The General Insurance Business (Nationalisation) Bill, 2002 15. The Legal Services Authorities (Amendment) Bill, 2002 16. The Insurance (Amendment) Bill, 2002 17. The Salary, Allowances and Pension of Members of Parliament (Amendment) Bill, 2002 18. The Cable Television Networks (Regulation) Amendment Bill, 2002

(b) During the Hundred and Ninety-sixth Session:

19. The Delhi Municipal Corporation (Validation of Electricity Tax) Act and Other Laws (Repeal) Bill, 2002 20. The Offshore Areas Mineral (Development and Regulation) Bill, 2002 21. The Imperial Library (Indentures Validation) Repeal Bill, 2002 22. The Constitution (Scheduled Castes) Orders (Second Amendment) Bill, 2002

(c) During the Hundred and Ninety-seventh Session:

23. The Securitisation and Reconstruction of Financial Assets and Enforcement of Security Interest Bill, 2002 24. The Negotiable Instruments (Amendment and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, 2002 25. The Salaries and Allowances of Officers of Parliament and Leaders of Opposition in Parliament (Second Amendment) Bill, 2002 26. The Delhi Metro Railway (Operation and Maintenance) Bill, 2002 27. The Securities and Exchange Board of India (Amendment) Bill, 2002 28. The Unit Trust of India (Transfer of Undertaking and Repeal) Bill, 2002 29. The Refugee Relief Taxes (Abolition) Repeal Bill, 2002 30. The Biological Diversity Bill, 2002 31. The Mysore State Legislature (Delegation of Powers) Bill, 2002 32. The Freedom of Information Bill, 2002 33. The Indian Evidence (Amendment) Bill, 2002 34. The Companies (Amendment) Bill, 2002 35. The Companies (Second Amendment) Bill, 2002 36. The Transfer of Property (Amendment) Bill, 2002 37. The Representation of the People (Amendment) Bill, 2002 38. The Control of National Highways ( Land and Traffic) Bill, 2002 39. The Competition Bill, 2002 40. The Representation of the People (Third Amendment) Bill, 2002 41. The Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes Orders (Amendment) Bill, 2002



1. The Protection from Domestic Violence Committee on Bill, 2002 Human Resource Development 2. The Infant Milk Substitutes, Feeding Committee on Bottles and Infant Foods (Regulation of Human Resource Production, Supply and Distribution) Development Amendment Bill, 2002 3. The Election and Other Related Laws Committee on (Amendment) Bill, 2002 Home Affairs 4. The Repatriation of Prisoners Bill, 2002 Committee on Home Affairs 5. The Supreme Court Judges (Salaries Committee on and Conditions of Service) Amendment Home Affairs Bill, 2002



1. The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 2001 (to amend the Eighth Schedule) by Dr. Karan Singh M.P. (Withdrawn during 195th Session) 2. The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 1998 (to amend the Eighth Schedule) by Shri L.M. Singhvi, M.P. (withdrawn during 195th Session) 3. The Domestic Violence (Prevention) Bill, 2001 by Shrimati Sarla Maheshwari, M.P. (negatived during 197th Session) 4. The Constitution (Amendment) Bill, 1999 (insertion of new article 21A) by Shri Santosh Bagrodia, M.P. (motion for consideration moved during 197th Session, discussion not concluded)



Sl. Title of the Bill Member-in- Ministry Introduced No charge concerned on

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. The Constitution Shri Rajnath Law and 28th July, (Amendment) Singh ‘Surya’ Justice 2000. Bill, 1999 (to amend article 174) 2. The Constitution Shri Rajnath Law and 28th July, (Amendment) Singh ‘Surya’ Justice 2000. Bill, 1999 (to amend articles 1 and 85) 3. The Shri Rajnath Law and 27th July, Representation Singh ‘Surya’ Justice 2001. of the People (Amendment) Bill, 2001

4. The Indian Penal Shri Rajnath Home 27th July, Code Singh ‘Surya’ Affairs 2001. (Amendment) Bill, 2001 5. The Constitution Shri Amar Law and 28th July, (Amendment) Singh Justice 2000 Bill, 2000 (to amend articles 58, 66 and 75)


Statements showing the Bills pending in the Rajya Sabha at the end of its Hundred and Ninety-Seventh session (2002). Statement-I GOVERNMENT BILLS

Sl.No Title of the Bill Ministry Remarks 1 2 3 4 1. The Indian Health and Introduced on the 26th Medical Council Family August, 1987. (Amendment) Bill, Welfare Report of the Joint 1987. Committee presented on the 28th July, 1989. 2. The Constitution Human Introduced on the 24th (Sixty-first Resource November, 1988. Amendment) Bill, Development 1988. 3. The Participation Labour Introduced on the 30th of Workers in May, 1990. Management Bill, The Report of the 1990. Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour and Welfare laid on the Table of the Rajya Sabha on the 18th December, 2001. The Information Introduced on the 18th

Cinematograph and August, 1992. (Amendment) Bill, 4. Broadcasting The Report of the 1992. Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Communications laid on the Table of the Rajya Sabha on the 21st March, 1995. 5. The Atomic Atomic Introduced on the 25th Energy Energy November, 1992. (Amendment) Bill, 1992. 6. The Constitution Health and Introduced on the 22nd (Seventy-ninth Family December, 1992. Amendment) Bill, Welfare The Report of the 1992. Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resource Development presented on the 22nd March, 1995. 7. The Code of Home Affairs Introduced on the 9th May, Criminal 1994. Procedure The Report of the (Amendment) Bill, Department-related 1994. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs presented on the 28th February, 1996. 8. The Indian Boilers Commerce & Introduced on the 13th (Amendment) Bill, Industry May, 1994. 1994. The Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Industry presented on the 29th March, 1995. The Yoga Health and Introduced on the 26th

Undertaking Family August, 1994. 9. (Taking Over of Welfare The Report of the Management) Bill, Department-related 1994. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resource Development presented on the 21st December, 1994. 10. The Private Home Affairs Introduced on the 14th Security Guards December, 1994. and Agencies The Report of the (Regulation) Bill, Department-related 1994. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs presented on the 28th February, 1996. The Motion for consideration of the Bill moved on the 4th August, 1997. Discussion on the Bill was deferred on the 7th August, 1997 as agreed to by the House. Further discussion resumed and again deferred on the 2nd August,2000. 11. The University Human Introduced on the 2nd Grants Resource June, 1995.

Commission Development The Report of the (Amendment) Bill, Department-related 1995. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resource Development presented on the 16th August, 1995. 12. The Private Human Introduced on the 25th Universities Resource August, 1995. (Establishment Development The Report of the and Regulation) Department-related Bill, 1995. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Human Resource Development presented to the Chairman on the 26th March, 1996 and thereafter to the House on the 29th August, 1996. 13. The Navy Defence Introduced on the 12th (Amendment) Bill, March, 1997. 1997. The Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Defence laid on the Table of the Rajya Sabha on the 31st July, 1997. The Motion for consideration of the Bill moved on the 22nd July, 1998, Discussion on the Bill was deferred, as agreed to by the House. 14. The Delhi Rent Urban Introduced on the 28th (Amendment) Bill, Development July, 1997. 1997. and Poverty The Report of the Alleviation Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Urban and Rural Development laid on the Table of the Rajya Sabha on the 21st December, 2000. 15. The Companies Finance and Introduced on the 14th Bill, 1997. Company August, 1997. Affairs The Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs presented on the 27th July, 2000. 16. The Foreigners Home Affairs Introduced on the 28th (Amendment) Bill, July, 1998. 1998. The Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs presented on the 15th March, 2000.

17. The Forward Consumer Introduced on the 23rd Contracts Affairs, Food December, 1998. (Regulation) and Public The Report of the Amendment Bill, Distribution Department-related 1998. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Food, Civil Supplies and Public Distribution laid on the Table of the Rajya Sabha on the 14th May, 2002. 18. The Constitution Rural Introduced on the 17th (Eighty-seventh Development December, 1999. Amendment) Bill, 1999. 19. The Lotteries Home Affairs Introduced on the 23rd (Prohibition) Bill, December, 1999. 1999. The Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs presented on the 18th December, 2001. 20. The Aquaculture Agriculture Introduced on the 28th Authority Bill, February, 2000. 2000. The Report of the Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Agriculture laid on the Table of the Rajya Sabha on the 5th December, 2000. 21. The Coal Mines Coal and Introduced on the 24th (Nationalisation) Mines April, 2000. Amendment Bill, The Report of the 2000. Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Energy laid on the Table of the Rajya Sabha on the 31st August, 2001. 22. The Cigarettes Health and Introduced on the 7th and Other Family March, 2001. Tobacco Products Welfare The Report of the (Prohibition of Department-related Advertisement Parliamentary Standing and Regulation of Committee on Human Trade and Resource Development Commerce, presented on the 5th Production, December 2001. Supply and Distribution) Bill, 2001. 23. The Foreign Trade Commerce Introduced on the 24th (Development and Industry April, 2001. and Regulation) The Report of the Amendment Bill, Department-related 2001. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Commerce presented on the 18th March, 2002. 24. The Provisions of Urban Introduced on the 30th the Municipalities Development July, 2001. (Extension to the and Poverty The Bill was referred to Scheduled Areas) Alleviation the Department-related Bill, 2001. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Urban and Rural Development by the Speaker and intimation thereof was published in the Parliamentary Bulletin Part-II dated the 8th August, 2001, vide paragraph No. 39062. 25. The Law and Introduced on the 5th Representation of Justice December, 2001. the People The Report of the (Amendment) Bill, Department-related 2001. Parliamentary Standing Committee on Home Affairs presented on the 23rd July ,2002 26. The Banking Finance and The Bill, as passed by the Service Company Lok Sabha was laid on the Commission Affairs Table of the Rajya Sabha (Repeal) Bill, on the 10th May, 2002. 2002. 27. The Payment of Labour Introduced on the 16th Wages May, 2002. (Amendment) Bill, The Report of the 2002 Department-related Parliamentary Standing Committee on Labour and Welfare laid on the Table of the Rajya Sabha on the 21st November, 2002.


Statement-II Private Members Bills

Sl. Title of the Bill Member-in- Ministry Remarks No. charge concerned 1 2 3 4 5 1. The Constitution Shri Santosh Home Affairs The Motion for (Amendment) Bagrodia consideration of Bill, 1999 the Bill moved (insertion of new on the 22nd article 21A). November, 2002. The discussion was not concluded. 2. The Constitution Shri P. Prabhakar Home Affairs Introduced on (Amendment) the 4th Bill, 1998 (to December, amend article 1998. 80). 3. The Constitution Shri P. Prabhakar Home Affairs Introduced on (Amendment) Reddy the 4th Bill, 1998 December, (Insertion of new 1998. articles 74A and 163A). 4. The Constitution Shri P. Prabhakar Environment Introduced on (Amendment) Reddy and Forests the 4th Bill, 1998 (to December, amend article 1998. 48A). 5. The Crop Shri C. Agriculture Introduced on Insurance Ramachandraiah the 18th Corporation Bill, December, 1998. 1998. 6. The Paan Masala Shri Santosh Health and Introduced on and other Bagrodia Family the 18th Tobacco Welfare December, Products 1998. (Prohibition of Production, Sale and Distribution) Bill, 1998. 7. The Constitution Shri P. Prabhakar Rural Introduced on (Amendment) Reddy Development the 12th March, Bill, 1999 1999. (insertion of new article 30A). 8. The Code of Shrimati Saroj Home Affairs Introduced on Criminal Dubey the 12th March, Procedure 1999. (Amendment) Bill, 1999. 9. The Indian Penal Shrimati Saroj Home Affairs Introduced on Code Dubey the 12th March, (Amendment) 1999. Bill, 1999. 10. The Constitution Shri C. Law and Introduced on (Amendment) Ramachandraiah Justice the 3rd Bill, 1999 (to December, amend the 1999. seventh schedule). 11. The Constitution Shri C. Home Affairs Introduced on (Amendment) Ramachandraiah the 3rd Bill, 1999 December, (insertion of new 1999. article 9A). 12. The Constitution Shri C. Personnel, Introduced on (Amendment) Ramachandraiah Public the 3rd Bill, 1999 Grievances December, (insertion of new and Pensions 1999. article 151A). President withheld recommendation for consideration of the Bill. 13. The Abolition of Shri P. Prabhakar Social Justice Introduced on Begging Bill, Reddy and the 3rd 1999 Empowerment December, 1999 14. The Shri P. Prabhakar Law and Introduced on Commissions of Reddy Justice the 3rd Inquiry December, (Amendment) 1999. Bill, 1999 15. The Economic Shri Santosh Finance and Introduced on Offences Bagrodia Company the 3rd (Prevention of Affairs December, Arrest on Mere 1999. Suspicion) Bill, 1999 16. The Constitution Shri Eduardo Tribal Affairs Introduced on (Scheduled Faleiro the 3rd Tribes) Order December, (Amendment) 1999. Bill, 1999. 17. The Constitution Shri Eduardo Home Affairs Introduced on (Amendment) Faleiro the 28th April, Bill, 1999 2000. (insertion of new articles 28-A, 35-A and to amend article 102, etc. and Ninth Schedule). 18. The Shri Eduardo Law and Introduced on Representation Faleiro Justice the 28th April, of the People 2000. (Amendment) Bill, 1999. 19. The Constitution Shri Eduardo Social Justice Introduced on (Scheduled Faleiro and the 28th April, Castes) Order Empowerment 2000. (Amendment) Bill, 2000. 20. The Girl Child Shri S.S. Human Introduced on (Compulsory Ahluwalia Resource the 12th May, Education and Development 2000. Welfare) Bill, 2000. 21. The Religious Shri S.S. Home Affairs Introduced on Conversions Ahluwalia the 12th May, (Prohibition of 2000. Allurement and Use of Coercive Methods) Bill, 2000. 22. The Compulsory Shri S.S. Human Introduced on Vocational Ahluwalia Resource the 12th May, Education Bill, Development 2000. 2000. 23. The Prevention Shri Eduardo Human Introduced on of Faleiro Resource the 28th July, Communalisation Development 2000. of Education and Educational Institutions Bill, 2000 . 24. The Constitution Shri Sanjay Law and Introduced on (Amendment) Nirupam Justice the 18th August, Bill, 2000 (to 2000. amend article 80). 25. The Scheduled Shri R.S. Gavai Personnel, Introduced on Castes and Public the 18th August, Scheduled Tribes Grievances 2000. (Reservation in and Pensions Service) Bill, 2000. 26. The Scheduled Shri R.S. Gavai Human Introduced on Castes and Resource the 18th August, Scheduled Tribes Development 2000. (Reservation for Admission in All Courses of Study and Faculties in the Educational Institutions) Bill, 2000. 27. The Constitution Shri R.S. Gavai Social Justice Introduced on (Amendment) and the 18th August, Bill, 2000 (to Empowerment 2000. amend article 15). 28. The Compulsory Shri S.S. Water Introduced on Desiltation of Ahluwalia Resources the 18th August, Dams and Rivers 2000. Bill, 2000 29. The Constitution Shri S.S. Law and Introduced on (Amendment) Ahluwalia Justice the 18th August, Bill, 2000 (to 2000. amend articles 124 and 214). 30. The Constitution Shri R.S. Gavai Tribal Affairs Introduced on (Scheduled the 24th Tribes) Order November, (Amendment) 2000. Bill, 2000. 31. The Indian Penal Shri R.S. Gavai Home Affairs Introduced on Code the 24th (Amendment) November, Bill, 2000. 2000. 32. The Farmers Dr. Dasari Agriculture Introduced on Affected by Narayana Rao the 24th Natural November, Calamities 2000. (Adequate Compensation and Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, 2000. 33. The Fishermen Dr. Dasari Agriculture Introduced on (Protection and Narayana Rao the 24th Welfare) Bill, November, 2000. 2000. 34. The Drought Dr. Dasari Planning Introduced on Prone, Poor and Narayana Rao the 24th Backward Areas November, (Development 2000. on Priority) Bill, 2000. 35. The Constitution Shri P. Prabhakar Law and Introduced on (Amendment) Reddy Justice the 22nd Bill, 1999 (to December, amend article 2000. 171). 36. The Constitution Shri P. Prabhakar Law and Introduced on (Amendment) Reddy Justice the 22nd Bill, 2000 (to December, amend article 2000. 324). 37. The Small Family Shri P. Prabhakar Health & Introduced on Norms Reddy Family the 22nd (Incentive) Bill, Welfare December, 2000. 2000. 38. The Forest Shri R.S. Gavai Environment Introduced on Conservation & Forests the 22nd (Amendment) December, Bill, 2000. 2000. 39. The Constitution Shri Rumandla Labour Introduced on (Amendment) Ramachandrayya the 22nd Bill, 2000 December, (insertion of new 2000. article 16A). 40. The Old Persons Shri Rumandla Social Justice Introduced on (Old Age Ramachandrayya & the 22nd Allowance and Empowerment December, Rehabilitation) 2000. Bill, 2000. 41. The Abolition of Shri Rumandla Labour Introduced on Child Labour Bill, Ramachandrayya the 22nd 2000. December, 2000. 42. The Constitution Shri S.S. Parliamentary Introduced on (Amendment) Ahluwalia Affairs the 22nd Bill, 2000 (to December, amend articles 2000. 85, 123 and 174, etc.). 43. The Prevention Shri S.S. Agriculture Introduced on of Cow Slaughter Ahluwalia the 22nd Bill, 2000. December, 2000. 44. The Constitution Shri S.S. Home Affairs Introduced on (Amendment) Ahluwalia the 22nd Bill, 2000 (to December, amend articles 2000. 343, 348 and 351). 45. The High Court Shri K.B. Law and Introduced on of Murthy Justice the 22nd (Establishment December, of a Permanent 2000. Bench at Dharwar) Bill, 2000. 46. The Prevention Shri Santosh Human Introduced on of Domestic Bagrodia Resource the 22nd Violence Against Development December, Women and Girls 2000. Bill, 2000. 47. The Shahtoosh Shri Santosh Environment Introduced on Shawl Bagrodia & Forests the 22nd (Prevention of December, Sale and 2000. Possession) Bill, 2000. 48. The High Court Smt. Savita Law and Introduced on of Gujarat Sharda Justice the 23rd (Establishment February, 2001. of Permanent Bench at Surat) Bill, 2001 49. The Constitution Shri Rumandla Law and Introduced on (Amendment) Ramachandrayya Justice the 23rd Bill, 2001 (to February, 2001. amend article 130). 50. The National Dr. Karan Singh Social Justice Introduced on Commission for and the 23rd Aged Bill, 2001. Empowerment February, 2001. 51. The Constitution Shri S. Law and Introduced on (Amendment) Ramachandran Justice the 23rd Bill, 2001 (to Pillai February, 2001. amend articles 103 and 192). 52. The Family Shri K.B. Krishna Health & Introduced on Welfare and Murthy Family the 27th July, Control of Welfare 2001. Population Bill, 2001. 53. The Prevention Shri K.B. Krishna Human Introduced on of Abuse of Girl Murthy Resource the 27th July, Child Bill, 2001. Development 2001.

54. The Constitution Shri Satish Law and Introduced on (Amendment) Pradhan Justice the 27th July, Bill, 2001 (to 2001. amend article 80). 55. The Constitution Shri Satish Home Affairs Introduced on (Amendment) Pradhan the 27th July, Bill, 2001 2001. (insertion of new articles 75A and 164A). 56. The Illegal Shri Satish Home Affairs Introduced on Immigrants Pradhan the 27th July, (Identification 2001. and Deportation) Bill, 2001. 57. The Public Shri S.S. Finance & Introduced on Financial Ahluwalia Company the 27th July, Institutions Affairs 2001. (Conversion of Loans to Companies into Equity Share Capital) Bill, 2001 58. The Consumer Shri S.S. Consumer Introduced on Goods Ahluwalia Affairs, Food the 27th July, (Publication of and Public 2001. Price with Distribution Advertisement) Bill, 2001. 59. The Working Shri S.S. Information Introduced on Journalists Ahluwalia and the 27th July, Welfare Fund Broadcasting 2001. Bill, 2001. 60. The Compulsory Shri C.P. Law and Introduced on Voting Bill, Thirunavukkarasu Justice the 27th July, 2001. 2001. 61. The Street Dr. Karan Singh Social Justice Introduced on Children and the 27th July, (Protection of Empowerment 2001. Rights) Bill, 2001. 62. The Indigenous Shri Santosh Law and Introduced on Domestic Bagrodia Justice the 27th July, Industries 2001. (Protection from Multinational Companies) Bill, 2001. 63. The Jute Shri Vijay Singh Textiles Introduced on Packaging Yadav the 27th July, Materials 2001. (Compulsory use in Packing Commodities) Repeal Bill, 2001. 64. The Constitution Shri Ranganath Labour Introduced on (Amendment) Mishra the 27th July, Bill, 2001 (to 2001. amend articles 19 and 24). 65. The Welfare of Shri Rumandla Textile Introduced on Craftsmen and Ramachandrayya the 27th July, Artisans Bill, 2001. 2001. 66. The Population Shri Rumandla Health & Introduced on Control Bill, Ramachandrayya Family the 27th July, 2001. Welfare 2001. 67. The Free and Shri Rumandla Human Introduced on Compulsory Ramachandrayya Resource the 27th July, Education to Development 2001. Girls Belonging to Families Living Below Poverty Line Bill, 2001. 68. The Hawkers, Dr. Dasari Labour Introduced on Vendors, Narayana Rao the 10th Rickshaw Pullers August, 2001. and Roadside Mechanics (Freedom of Earning Livelihood) Bill, 2001 69. The Children of Dr. Dasari Social Justice Introduced on Pavement Narayana Rao and the 10th Dwellers and Empowerment August, 2001. Sex Workers (Prevention of Abuse and Welfare Measures) Bill, 2001 70. The Girl Child Dr. Dasari Human Introduced on Born of Parents Narayana Rao Resource the 10th Living Below Development August, 2001. Poverty Line (Special Provisions for Upbringing and Welfare) Bill, 2001

71. The Prohibition Shri P. Prabhakar Law and Introduced on of Publication of Reddy Justice the 10th Pre-Election August, 2001. Survey Bill, 2001 72. The Foreign Aid Shri P. Prabhakar Finance & Introduced on Fund of India Reddy Company the 10th (Regulation) Bill, Affairs August, 2001. 2001 73. The Securities Shri P. Prabhakar Finance & Introduced on and Exchange Reddy Company the 10th Board of India Affairs August, 2001. (Amendment) Bill, 2001 74. The Constitution Shri R.S. Gavai Home Affairs Introduced on (Amendment) the 10th Bill, 2001 (to August, 2001. amend articles 74, 75, 163, and 164) 75. The Constitution Shri S. Law and Introduced on (Amendment) Ramachandran Justice the 10th Bill, 2001 Pillai August, 2001. (Insertion of new Chapter IIIA and to amend article 123, etc.) 76. The Prevention Shri S. Home Affairs Introduced on of Corruption Ramachandran the 7th (Amendment) Pillai December, Bill, 2001. 2001. 77. The Working Shri S.S. Labour Introduced on Children Ahluwalia the 7th (Welfare and December, Rehabilitation) 2001. Bill, 2001. 78. The Maintenance Shri S.S. Agriculture Introduced on of Food, Potable Ahluwalia the 7th Water and December, Fodder Supplies 2001. in Drought Affected Areas Bill, 2001. 79. The Special Shri S.S. Social Justice Introduced on Educational Ahluwalia and the 7th Facilities for Empowerment December, Children of 2001. Manual Scavengers Bill, 2001. 80. The National Shri Rumandla Agriculture Introduced on Commission for Ramachandrayya the 7th Natural Disaster December, Management 2001. Bill, 2001. 81. The Banning of Shri Rumandla Human Introduced on Fake Educational Ramachandrayya Resource the 7th Institutions Bill, Development December, 2001. 2001. 82. The Reservation Shri Rumandla Human Introduced on of Seats in Ramachandrayya Resource the 7th Educational and Development December, Technical 2001. Educational Institutions (For Children of People Living Below Poverty Line) Bill, 2001. 83. The Compulsory Dr. Dasari Water Introduced on Rooftop Narayana Rao Resources the 10th May, Rainwater 2002. Harvesting Bill, 2001. 84. The Coastal Dr. Dasari Agriculture Introduced on Areas Vulnerable Narayana Rao the 10th May, to Cyclones 2002. (Establishment of Early Warning Centres and Introduction of Disaster Resistant Construction Techniques) Bill, 2001. 85. The Removal of Dr. Dasari Social Justice Introduced on Homelessness Narayana Rao and the 10th May, Bill, 2001. Empowerment 2002. 86. The Agricultural Shri S. Agriculture Introduced on Workers Welfare Ramachandran the 10th May, Bill, 2001. Pillai 2002.

87. The Constitution Shri C.P. Parliamentary Introduced on (Amendment) Thirunavukkarasu Affairs the 10th May, Bill, 2002 (to 2002. amend article 174). 88. The Government Shri C.P. Home Affairs Introduced on of Union Thirunavukkarasu the 10th May, Territories 2002. (Amendment) Bill, 2002. 89. The High Court Shri C.P. Law and Introduced on of Madras Thirunavukkarasu Justice the 10th May, (Establishment 2002. of a Permanent Bench at Pondicherry) Bill, 2002. 90. The Constitution Shri Rumandla Urban Introduced on (Amendment) Ramachandrayya Development the 10th May, Bill, 2002 and Poverty 2002. (Insertion of new Alleviation articles 21A and 21B). 91. The Prevention Shri Rumandla Social Justice Introduced on of Sale of Ramachandrayya and the 10th May, Children in the Empowerment 2002. Garb of Adoption Bill, 2002. 92. The Regulation Shri Rumandla Human Introduced on of Computer Ramachandrayya Resource the 10th May, Training Centres Development 2002. Bill, 2002. 93. The Freedom of Shri S.S. Human Introduced on Childhood Bill, Ahluwalia Resource the 10th May, 2002. Development 2002. 94. The Maintenance Shri S.S. Power Introduced on of Uninterrupted Ahluwalia the 10th May, Power Supply to 2002. Industries of Backward States Bill, 2002. 95. The Blind and Shri S.S. Social Justice Introduced on Other Physically Ahluwalia and the 10th May, Handicapped Empowerment 2002. Persons (Rehabilitation, Employment and Welfare) Bill, 2002. 96. The Industrial Shri Ramachandra Labour Introduced on Disputes Khuntia the 10th May, (Amendment) 2002. Bill, 2002. 97. The Contract Shri Ramachandra Labour Introduced on Labour Khuntia the 10th May, (Regulation and 2002. Abolition) Amendment Bill, 2002. 98. The Payment of Shri Ramachandra Labour Introduced on Bonus Khuntia the 10th May, (Amendment) 2002. Bill, 2002. 99. The Population Dr. T. Subbarami Health & Introduced on Control Bill, Reddy Family the 17th May, 2002. Welfare 2002. 100. The Compulsory Dr. T. Subbarami Law and Introduced on Voting Bill, Reddy Justice the 17th May, 2002. 2002. 101. The Dr. T. Subbarami Information Introduced on Cinematograph Reddy and the 17th May, (Amendment) Broadcasting 2002. Bill, 2002. 102. The Drought Shri Suresh Planning Introduced on Prone Areas Pachouri the 17th May, (Special 2002. Provisions) Bill, 2002. 103. The High Court Shri Suresh Law and Introduced on of Madhya Pachouri Justice the 17th May, Pradesh 2002. (Establishment of a Permanent Bench at Bhopal) Bill, 2002 . 104. The Slums and Shri Suresh Urban Introduced on Jhuggi-Jhopri Pachouri Development the 17th May, Areas (Basic and Poverty 2002. Amenities and Alleviation Clearance) Bill, 2002. 105. The Women Shri K.B.Krishna Human Introduced on Victims of Murthy Resource the 19th July, Atrocities Development 2002. (Rehabilitation) Bill, 2002.

106. The Disaster Shri K.B.Krishna Agriculture Introduced on Management Murthy the 19th July, Bill, 2002. 2002. 107. The Constitution Shri K.B.Krishna Personnel, Introduced on ( Amendment) Murthy Public the 19th July, Bill, 2002 Grievances 2002. (Insertion of new and Pensions article 318 A) 108. The Child Shri Suresh Labour Introduced on Slavery Pachouri the 19th July, (Abolition and 2002. Rehabilitation) Bill, 2002. 109. The Farmers Shri Suresh Finance and Introduced on (Removal of Pachouri Company the 19th July, Indebtedness) Affairs 2002. Bill, 2002. 110. The Shri P. Prabhakar Law and Introduced on Representation Reddy Justice the 19th July, of the People 2002. (Amendment) Bill, 2002. 111. The Eradication Shri P. Prabhakar Labour Introduced on of Reddy the 19th July, Unemployment 2002. Bill, 2002. 112. The Tourism Shri P. Prabhakar Tourism and Introduced on Promotion Bill, Reddy Culture the 19th July, 2002. 2002.

113. The Payment of Shri Ramachandra Labour Introduced on Wages Khuntia the 22nd (Amendment) November, Bill, 2002. 2002. 114. The Constitution Shri S.S. Water Introduced on (Amendment) Ahluwalia Resources the 22nd Bill, 2002 November, (Insertion of new 2002. article 18A). 115. The Free Shri S.S. Human Introduced on Educational and Ahluwalia Resource the 22nd Hostel Facilities Development November, for the Students 2002. Belonging to Scheduled Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Economically Backward Classes Bill, 2002. 116. The Infirm and Shri S.S. Social Justice Introduced on Destitute Ahluwalia and the 22nd Persons Empowerment November, (Maintenance 2002. and Rehabilitation) Bill, 2002. 117. The Prevention Shri Karnendu Home Affairs Introduced on of Insults to Bhattacharjee the 22nd National Honour November, (Amendment) 2002. Bill, 2002 118. The Guwahati Shri Karnendu Law and Introduced on High Court Bhattacharjee Justice the 22nd (Establishment November, of a permanent 2002. bench at Silchar) Bill, 2002. 119. The Constitution Shri Karnendu Home Affairs Introduced on (Amendment) Bhattacharjee the 22nd Bill, 2002 November, (insertion of new 2002. article 371J). 120. The Property Shrimati Kum Law and Introduced on Rights of Women Kum Rai Justice the 22nd and Girls Bill, November, 2002. 2002. 121. The Prevention Shrimati Kum Labour Introduced on of Sexual Abuse Kum Rai the 22nd and Harassment November, of Women and 2002. Girls at Work Place Bill, 2002. 122. The Constitution Shrimati Kum Home Affairs Introduced on (Amendment) Kum Rai the 22nd Bill, 2002 (to November, amend article 3). 2002. 123. The Prevention Shri Santosh Human Introduced on of Ragging in Bagrodia Resource the 22nd Colleges and Development November, Institutions Bill, 2002. 2002. 124. The Cultural Shri Kartar Singh Human Introduced on Workers’ Welfare Duggal Resource the 22nd Fund Bill, 2002. Development November, 2002. 125. The High Court Shri K. Rama Law and Introduced on of Andhra Mohana Rao Justice the 20th Pradesh December, (Establishment 2002. of a Permanent Bench at Vijaywada). 126. The National Shrimati Ambika Human Introduced on Child Welfare Soni Resource the 20th Board Bill, 2002. Development December, 2002. 127. The Exit Poll Shri Rumandla Law and Introduced on (Prohibition of Raamachandrayya Justice the 20th Publication and December, Broadcasting 2002. During Elections). 128. The Constitution Shri Rumandla Personnel, Introduced on (Amendment) Raamachandrayya Public the 20th Bill, 2002 Grievances December, (Insertion of new and Pensions 2002. article 16A). 129. The Electronic Shri Rumandla Information Introduced on and Print Media Raamachandrayya and the 20th Journalists’ Broadcasting December, Welfare Fund 2002. Bill, 2002. 130. The National Shri K.B. Krishna Non- Introduced on Non- Murthy Conventional the 20th Conventional Energy December, Energy Sources Sources 2002. Promotion Board Bill, 2002. 131. The National Shri K.B. Krishna Water Introduced on Commission for Murthy Resources the 20th Monitoring December, National Water 2002. Policy Bill, 2002. 132. The Code of Shri K.B. Krishna Home Affairs Introduced on Criminal Murthy the 20th Procedure December, (Amendment) 2002. Bill, 2002. 133. The Children of Shri Suresh Human Introduced on Parents Living Pachouri Resource the 20th Below Poverty Development December, Line (Special 2002. Educational Facilities) Bill, 2002. 134. Shri Suresh Law and Introduced on Succession Pachouri Justice the 20th (Amendment) December, Bill, 2002. 2002. 135. The Constitution Shri Suresh Information Introduced on (Amendment) Pachouri and the 20th Bill, 2002 Broadcasting December, (Insertion of new 2002. article 19A). 136. The Constitution Shri P. Prabhakar Finance and Introduced on (Amendment) Reddy Company the 20th Bill, 2002 (to Affairs December, amend article 2002. 275). 137. The Constitution Shrimati S.G. Human Introduced on (Amendment) Indira Resource the 20th Bill, 2002 (to Development December, amend article 2002. 323B). 138. The Code of Shrimati S.G. Home Affairs Introduced on Criminal Indira the 20th Procedure December, (Amendment) 2002. Bill, 2002. 139. The Code of Shrimati S.G. Home Affairs Introduced on Criminal Indira the 20th Procedure December, (Amendment) 2002. Bill, 2002.




JAN. – MARC APRIL-JUNE JULY- OCT – SEP. DEC. 1. Bill The entry of Data Software is to be Current Current Software relating to scrutinized/checked updating updating Government Bills is for its correctness complete. Data of and current Private Member’s updating Bills (Pending) are to be entered. Software is to be scrutinized/checked for its correctness. 2. Weeding (i) Old files of Weeding out of old Review Review out of old Government and files on the basis of of files of files files Private Member’s review. Bills to be reviewed. (ii) Files reviewed earlier will be weeded out. 3. Precedent Current updating Current updating Current Current updating updating 4. Renovation Renovation of store To be decided after of Store and section has to renovation and be undertaken to Section accommodate the huge accumulation of papers and files. Work has to be coordinated by G.A. Section in consultation with C.P.W.D. Request has already been made. In case of non-compliance it will further be pursued.



ISSUE/ITEM PROGRESS Bill Software Bill software is now fully functional and covers information on Bills till the 197th Session of the Rajya Sabha. Correction/scrutiny of data is a continuous activity which is being monitored. Target under this head has thus been achieved. Weeding out The process could not be undertaken as was of files targeted. Weeding out is done on the basis of review. After review the main problem arises as to where the files to be preserved under the different classifications will be placed. Bill Office is already facing acute problem of inadequacy of store. Moreso, the record room facility is also not available. The files which were reviewed earlier were returned by the Sales and Archives Section which added accumulation of papers in the small store of Bill Office. The solution of the problem lies in the modernization of the storage facility but that too seems not workable. Precedent Precedent register is being maintained properly and is updated on the basis of precedents, if any set during a Session. So far, all the precedents set upto 197th Session have been recorded in the register. Renovation of As mentioned earlier, G.A. Section has been Store and requested repeatedly to get the job done as Section early as possible. The Bill Office is facing problem to accommodate papers/files/copies of Bills/Acts etc.

* The Bill as passed by the Houses of Parliament and returned by the President for reconsideration was withdrawn.