Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence

XPath for DL Ontologies

Egor V. Kostylev Juan L. Reutter Domagoj Vrgocˇ University of Oxford PUC Chile PUC Chile

Abstract share the same structure with DL knowledge bases: they use unary and binary predicates (that is, concepts and roles in Applications of description logics (DLs) such as ontology- DL terminology) to represent graph nodes and edges. While based data access (OBDA) require understanding of how the idea of using graph queries in knowledge bases is not to pose queries over DL knowledge bases. While there have been many studies regarding traditional relational new (see e.g., (Calvanese et al. 2000)), we are only start- query formalisms such as conjunctive queries and their exten- ing to understand how such queries can be fine tuned for sions, little attention has been paid to graph database queries, various ontology languages. So far the specific research on despite the fact that graph have essentially the this topic has primarily been concerned with the class of same structure as knowledge bases. In particular, not much is regular path queries (RPQs; see e.g. (Barcelo´ 2013)), one known about the interplay between DLs and XPath. The lat- of the most basic graph query languages. We now know ter is a powerful formalism for querying semistructured data: how to evaluate such queries over various description log- it is in the core of most practical query languages for XML ics (Calvanese, Eiter, and Ortiz 2007), how to deal with trees, and it is also gaining popularity in theory and practice some of their extensions (Bienvenu, Ortiz, and Simkusˇ 2013; of graph databases. In this paper we make a step towards Bienvenu et al. 2014) and how to solve their containment coupling knowledge bases and graph databases by studying how to answer powerful XPath-style queries over simple DLs problem in the presence of DL constraints (Calvanese, Or- like DL-Lite and EL. We start with adapting the definition of tiz, and Simkusˇ 2011). XPath to the DL context, and then proceed to study the com- There are of course many other languages for querying plexity of evaluating XPath queries over knowledge bases. graph and semi-structured data, the most notable amongst Results show that, while query answering is undecidable for them being XPath. Originally designed to extract data from the full XPath, by carefully tuning the shape of negation al- XML trees (XPath 2.0 2010), XPath has recently been lowed in the queries we can arrive at XPath fragments that adapted to work over graph databases (Libkin, Martens, have a potential to be used in practice. and Vrgocˇ 2013) and was shown to retain good evalua- tion properties while at the same time being more pow- Introduction erful than RPQs and many of their extensions. Moreover, XPath also subsumes navigational graph querying features Satisfiability and model checking have long been two central of SPARQL 1.1 (Harris and Seaborne 2013), such as prop- problems in the knowledge representation community. How- erty paths, and other commercial graph query languages (see ever new applications of description logics (DLs for short) e.g., Neo4j (Robinson, Webber, and Eifrem 2013)). There- and their practical counterpart the Web Ontology Language fore we can view XPath as a unifying formalism contain- (OWL) (Motik et al. 2012), such as ontology-based data ac- ing all of the usual querying primitives for graph data. It is cess (OBDA), are forcing us to develop algorithms solving worthwhile noting that connections between XML and DLs more complex data manipulation and extraction tasks, and have been explored before (Calvanese, De Giacomo, and in particular, require understanding how to answer database- Lenzerini 1999), however this work did not consider query- style queries over knowledge bases that are specified by DLs ing knowledge bases, but it instead concentrated on reason- (Glimm et al. 2013). ing about their structural properties. The literature on knowledge bases usually considers rela- tional queries, mostly focusing on conjunctive queries (CQs) To get an impression of the type of queries one can ask in and their extensions with union (Calvanese et al. 2007; Ar- XPath consider the following: ‘Can I fly from city A to city tale et al. 2009), forms of negation (Rosati 2007; Gutierrez-´ B making stops only in cities with UNESCO World Her- Basulto et al. 2013), and aggregates (Calvanese et al. 2008; itage Sites which are endangered?’ If we assume that our Kostylev and Reutter 2013). Yet arguably the most rele- ontology is modelled in a natural way (by having a binary vant to DLs database paradigm is graph databases, as these predicate representing direct flights, another one connecting cities with UNESCO sites, and one unary predicate signify- Copyright c 2015, Association for the Advancement of Artificial ing if a site is endangered) this query cannot be expressed Intelligence ( All rights reserved. by RPQs, but can be expressed using XPath. Additionally,

1525 using XPath also allows us to reason about negative prop- the query form the input. Here we obtain bounds ranging erties, such as requiring that none of the intermediate stops from NP-complete (thus matching the ones for ordinary in the query above are listed under cultural criteria in the CQs), to EXPTIME-complete, and undecidable for the full UNESCO classification—a feature which is not available in language. We would like to note that some of the results are languages like nested RPQs (Bienvenu et al. 2014). obtained using the deep connection between DLs, DLXPath Given that XPath is capable of expressing virtually all rel- and propositional dynamic logic, thus providing some in- evant querying primitives for graphs and is widely used by teresting new techniques for answering queries over ontolo- XML practitioners it is natural to ask whether it may have gies. Finally, we also show how our techniques can be ex- the same impact as a language for DL knowledge bases. But, tended to work for DLs of the EL family, including ELHI⊥, as several studies in OBDA reveal, implementing standard that is the DL subsuming both DL-Lite and plain EL, thus database query languages over DLs is far from straightfor- providing an extensive overview of the behaviour of XPath ward. Answering, for example, SQL queries over even the based languages over lightweight DLs. simplest of knowledge bases is known to be an undecidable task. In the same spirit, it is not unreasonable to think that Preliminaries the full XPath language might be too powerful to be used The language of DL-LiteR (and DL-Litecore) (Calvanese et in DLs, and that first we need to find which fragments can al. 2007; Artale et al. 2009) contains individuals c1, c2,..., be used efficiently (or indeed be used at all) in this context. concept names A1,A2,..., and role names P1,P2,.... Con- In particular, XPath contains expressive primitives such as cepts B and roles R are defined by the grammar transitive closure and negation, and these are known to cause − difficulties even when studied in isolation. B ::= Ai | ∃R,R ::= Pj | Pj . The first step towards introducing XPath technologies in A DL-LiteR TBox is a finite set of concept and role inclu- the DL context is, then, to understand the interplay between sions of the form XPath and DLs, pinpointing the features that might cause problems and identifying fragments for which query an- B1 v B2,B1 uB2 v ⊥,R1 v R2,R1 uR2 v ⊥. swers can be computed within reasonable complexity. To A DL-Litecore TBox contains only concept inclusions. An that extent, we first adapt the XPath query language to work ABox is a finite set of assertions of the form A (c ) and over ontologies, arriving at DLXPath—an expressive lan- i k Pj(ck, c`).A knowledge base (KB) is a pair (T , A), where guage designed specifically for DL knowledge bases. To get T is a TBox and A an ABox. a feeling for the interplay between DLXPath and DLs, we An interpretation I = (∆I , ·I ) is a nonempty domain then study the problem of evaluating DLXPath queries over ∆I of elements with an interpretation function ·I that as- DL-LiteR and DL-Litecore ontologies. Finally, we show how I I signs an element ck ∈ ∆ to each individual ck, a subset most of our techniques can then be applied to study query I I Ai of ∆ to each concept name Ai, and a binary relation answering for DLs belonging to the EL family. The choice I I I for these particular families of DLs is twofold: they are sim- Pj ⊆ ∆ × ∆ to each role name Pj. When dealing with ple enough to start such a research, but they are also quite DL-Lite it is usual to adopt the unique name assumption UNA cI 6= cI important in practice, since they underly OWL 2 QL and ( ), and we do so here by requiring that k ` , for all OWL 2 EL profiles (Motik et al. 2012). individuals ck 6= c`. Our results, however, do not depend on UNA. The interpretation function ·I is extended to roles and In this paper we distinguish two flavours of DLXPath: concepts in the following standard way: the core fragment, denoted by DLXPathcore, and the regular I  I 0 I 0 I fragment, denoted by DLXPathreg. The two are designed to (∃R) = d ∈ ∆ | there is d ∈ ∆ with (d, d ) ∈ R , match the duality present in the standard XPath query lan- − I 0 I I 0 I guage (XPath 2.0 2010), and while the core fragment allows (Pj ) = {(d , d) ∈ ∆ × ∆ | (d, d ) ∈ Pj }. transitive closure only over basic role names, the regular The satisfaction relation |= for TBox inclusions and ABox fragment lifts this restriction, allowing us to pose more gen- assertions is also standard: eral path queries. Regarding negation, we will distinguish I I full fragments, which allow both unary and binary negation, I |= B1 v B2 iff B1 ⊆ B2 , I I path-positive fragments with only the unary one, and posi- I |= B1 u B2 v ⊥ iff B1 ∩ B2 = ∅, I I tive fragments without any negation. I |= R1 v R2 iff R1 ⊆ R2 , I I As usual when gauging the usefulness of a new query I |= R1 u R2 v ⊥ iff R1 ∩ R2 = ∅, I I language for ontologies, we start by considering data com- I |= Ai(ck) iff ck ∈ Ai , I I I plexity of the query answering problem, where one assumes I |= Pj(ck, c`) iff (ck , c` ) ∈ Pj . that the query and the terminological knowledge (TBox) are fixed, while the only input is the assertional knowledge A KB K = (T , A) is satisfiable if there is an interpreta- (ABox). Although we show that for the most general case tion I satisfying all inclusions of T and assertions of A. In the problem is undecidable, by limiting the shape of allowed this case we write I |= K and say that I is a model of K. negation we obtain expressive languages whose queries can be answered in CONP and even NLOGSPACE, both over DLXPath: XPath for Knowledge Bases DL-LiteR and DL-Litecore. We then move to studying the As mentioned in the introduction, the family of DL-Lite was combined complexity, where both the knowledge base and designed not only to keep satisfiability and model checking

1526 problems simple, but mainly to keep the complexity of con- A I = AI junctive query answering the same as in the case of relational ¬JϕKI = ∆I \ ϕ I databases, while simultaneously maximising the expressive ϕJ∧ ψKI = ϕ I ∩J Kψ I power of the ontological language. This allows one to use J KI J KI J KI DL-Lite as a foundation for practical ap- ϕ ∨ ψ = ϕ ∪ ψ J KI J K J K 0 0 I plications, such as OBDA. However, this does not automat- hαi = {d | there is d such that (d, d ) ∈ α } J K J K ically mean that other useful query formalisms with good I I evaluation properties over databases also have good proper- ε = {(d, d) | d ∈ ∆ } I I ties when posed over DL-Lite knowledge bases. Hence, each JRK = R class of queries which can be useful in knowledge base ap- [Jϕ]KI = {(d, d) | d ∈ ϕ I } plications requires a separate research on its computational αJ∪ βKI = α I ∪ β I J K properties. J α · βKI = JαKI ◦ Jβ KI In this paper we concentrate on an adaptation of XPath J αKI = (∆J KI × J∆IK) \ α I query language for XML trees to knowledge bases. Recently RJ+KI is the transitive closureJ K of RI it was shown that (a version of) XPath can be successfully J K used for querying graph databases (Libkin, Martens, and Vrgocˇ 2013). Every interpretation of a DL-Lite vocabulary Table 1: Semantics of DLXPathcore. The symbol ‘\’ stands can be seen as a graph, and hence every DL-Lite KB is an for set-theoretic difference. incomplete description of a graph. That is why we expect our adaptation DLXPath for querying knowledge bases to be useful in practical applications. as well as knowledge about heritage sites, partially explicitly In what follows, we will consider several fragments of in the ABox, and partially implicitly, by means of TBox in- DLXPath. We start with DLXPathcore, the fragment which clusions. Then checking whether it is possible to fly from corresponds to core XPath, the theoretical foundation of 1 Edinburgh to a city that has an endangered UNESCO world most practical languages for querying XML trees. heritage site is equivalent to checking if Edinburgh belongs Definition 1 Node formulas ϕ, ψ and path formulas α, β of to Certain(ϕ, K), where ϕ is a node formula DLXPath are expressions satisfying the grammar core hHasDirectFlight+[hHasUNESCOSite[InDanger]i]i. ϕ, ψ := A | ¬ϕ | ϕ ∧ ψ |ϕ ∨ ψ | hαi , As already noted, the formalism of core XPath forms the + (1) α, β := ε | R | [ϕ] | α ∪ β | α · β | α | R , basis of most query languages over XML trees. However, in where A ranges over concept names and R ranges over roles (Libkin, Martens, and Vrgocˇ 2013) it was shown that the cor- (i.e., role names and their inverses). responding graph language cannot express certain properties that are deemed essential when querying graphs. Thus, be- I Semantics · of DLXPathcore for an interpretation I as- sides DLXPathcore we also consider its generalisation called I sociates subsetsJ K of ∆ to node formulas and binary relations regular DLXPath, or DLXPathreg, which extends the core on ∆I to path formulas as given in Table 1. fragment by allowing the use of transitive closure opera- As usual when dealing with ontologies, our interest is not tor + over arbitrary path formulas. Formally, path formulas query answering for a particular interpretation, but comput- of DLXPathreg satisfy the grammar ing those answers that are true in all possible models of the α, β := ε | R | [ϕ] | α ∪ β | α · β | α | α+, knowledge base. Formally, let K = (T , A) be a knowl- edge base and α a DLXPath path formula. The certain an- while node formulas remain the same as for DLXPathcore swers of α over K, denoted Certain(α, K), is the set of all in grammar (1). As expected, the semantics α+ I over an I I I J I K pairs (c1, c2) of individuals such that (c1 , c2 ) ∈ α for interpretation I is the transitive closure of α . J K all models I of K. Similarly, one can define certainJ answersK Example 3 With full transitive closure we are now able to Certain(ϕ, K) for a DLXPath node formula ϕ as the set of pose more complex queries than the ones in the core frag- I I all individuals c such that c ∈ ϕ , for all I models of K. ment. Consider again the knowledge base K from Example In the paper all of the results willJ beK stated for path formulas 2. We can now ask whether it is possible to fly from Liver- (queries from here on), however, they remain unchanged for pool to Jerusalem, making stopovers only in places that have node formulas. an endangered UNESCO world heritage site, by checking Example 2 Coming back to the example from the introduc- if the pair (Liverpool, Jerusalem) is in Certain(α, K), tion, consider role names HasDirectFlight, which connects where α is a query cities with a direct flight, and HasUNESCOSite, which con- (HasDirectFlight[hHasUNESCOSite[InDanger]i])+. nects cities with their UNESCO world heritage sites, as well as concept name InDanger denoting that a particular site is Note that here we check if each of the cities along the endangered. Let KB K represent the flight destination graph, path has an endangered site. If we want to additionally re- quire that the sites along the route are not included in the 1The subscript ‘core’ is used in this paper for two unrelated pur- UNESCO list under cultural criteria, we need to replace poses. This matching is historical and accidental, but we decided to [InDanger] with [InDanger ∧ ¬Cultural] in the query above, stay with conventional notation despite this undesired collision. provided Cultural is the corresponding concept name in K.

1527 Besides these two query languages, we will consider their Theorem 4 There exists a DLXPathcore query α such that fragments, which will be introduced as needed. the problem CERTAIN ANSWERS (α, ∅) is undecidable. Before continuing to the complexity of DLXPath query As the formulation of this theorem suggests, the reduc- evaluation, we briefly compare our languages with other for- tion can be done using the empty TBox, which shows that malisms. First, DLXPath is clearly incomparable with CQs. undecidability is ‘contained’ in the formulation of the fixed However, all tree-shaped CQs and unions of CQs with no query. The proof uses similar techniques as the proof of The- more than two free variables can be written as DLXPath core orem 1 in (Gutierrez-Basulto´ et al. 2013), that shows the un- queries. On the other hand, all negation-free and +-free decidability of the problem of computing certain answers DLXPath queries can be written as unions of CQs, though reg for conjunctive queries with safe negation over DL-Lite with a cost of possible exponential blow-up. If we allow R knowledge bases. negation but only over concept and role names, then a query Having this negative result, a natural direction is to search can be written as a union of CQs with safe negation. Second, for DLXPath fragments that have decidable certain answers DLXPath queries without negation and node tests [ϕ] are reg problem. Based on previous studies for XPath in XML and 2-way regular path queries (2RPQs), the standard formalism graph databases (see e.g., (Benedikt, Fan, and Geerts 2008)), for querying graph databases. If, additionally, role inverses the most problematic primitive seems to be the negation α¯ are not allowed as path formulas, it becomes plain RPQs, in path formulas. Indeed, we now show that removing this that is, essentially, regular expressions. Some fragments of primitive from the syntax leads to decidability of the certain DLXPath can be expressed in other description logic for- path-pos malisms. For example, it is well-known that a unary tree- answers problem. We write DLXPathcore for the fragment shaped CQ with the corresponding tree being rooted and di- of DLXPathcore that does not allow the negation α¯, for α a path-pos rected, can be written as a concept of EL, a DL underlying path formula, and define the fragment DLXPathreg ac- OWL 2 EL profile (Motik et al. 2012). Finally, DLXPathreg cordingly. We then have the following theorem. node formulas without path negation are nothing else but path-pos propositional dynamic logic with converse (CPDL) formu- Theorem 5 There exists a DLXPathcore query α such las; we will discuss this connection in more detail later on. that the problem CERTAIN ANSWERS (α, ∅) is CONP-hard. The problem is in CONP for any DL-LiteR TBox T and In the following two sections we analyse the complexity path-pos of evaluating DLXPath queries over DL-Lite KBs. DLXPathreg query α. Similarly to the previous result, the reduction for hard- Data Complexity ness can be done using the empty TBox. Moreover, the fixed of DLXPath Query Evaluation query does not use the transitive closure operator +. While this theorem looks positive in light of the general As is widely accepted in theory and proved in practice, the undecidability result, the complexity might still be too high size of the query and TBox is usually much smaller than the for practical applications, as it leads to algorithms which size of the ABox (see e.g., (Vardi 1982) for discussion in run in exponential time in the size of the ABox. To lower the relational database context and (Calvanese et al. 2007) the complexity and obtain tractable algorithms, one could for DLs). This is why one usually considers data complexity also consider fragments of DLXPath that do not allow any of query answering, assuming that the TBox and the query form of negation, neither in node nor in path formulas. We are fixed, and only ABox is part of the input. In this section denote such fragments of DLXPathcore and DLXPathreg by we study this problem for various fragments of DLXPath. pos pos DLXPathcore and DLXPathreg , respectively. This last frag- Formally, let T be a TBox and α a DLXPath query. We are ment is nothing else but nested 2RPQs (Perez,´ Arenas, and interested in the following family of problems. Gutierrez 2010), a language that has already been studied for DL-Lite knowledge bases (Bienvenu et al. 2014), where CERTAIN ANSWERS (α, T ) an NLOGSPACE tight complexity bound was shown for the Input: ABox A and pair (c1, c2) of individuals problem of computing certain answers for both DL-Litecore Question: Is (c1, c2) ∈ Certain(α, (T , A))? and DL-LiteR. Furthermore, since they can express graph reachability, the problem is already NLOGSPACE hard even pos As was previously mentioned, the data complexity of CQ for DLXPathcore queries (Jones 1975). From these results we query answering over DL-LiteR knowledge bases is the conclude that nesting and inverse in regular expressions, as same as over relational databases, that is, in LOGSPACE well as fixed DL-LiteR TBoxes do not increase the tractable (Calvanese et al. 2007). At first glance, one may expect a data complexity of query evaluation. similar result in the case of DLXPath, where the complex- ity is NLOGSPACE-complete over graph databases (Libkin, Combined Complexity Martens, and Vrgocˇ 2013). However, the combination of the of DLXPath Query Evaluation open world assumption and allowing negation in queries makes things quite different. In fact, the situation here is Even if data complexity is the most important measure in more like in the case of CQ with safe negation, where the practice, combined complexity, that is complexity under the complexity jump is dramatic: from polynomiality to unde- assumption that both TBox, ABox and the query are given cidability (Gutierrez-Basulto´ et al. 2013). as input, allows us to get a better understanding of the query answering problem, and often provides a blueprint of how to

1528 solve the problem in practice. That is why we continue our The upper bound is, however, much more challenging. study in this direction. Formally, we consider the following To deal with DL-LiteR knowledge bases, in particular with family of problems, where X ranges over {core, R}, y over role inclusions, we join the aforementioned extensions of {core, reg}, and z is either nothing, or ‘path-pos’, or ‘pos’. PDL with inverse and negation on role names, and consider CPDL(¬) z the language whose node formulas obey the same DLXPathy CERTAIN ANSWERSOVER DL-LiteX grammar (1) as PDL (and DLXPath), and path formulas are z Input: DL-LiteX KB K, DLXPathy query α, defined as follows: and pair (c1, c2) of individuals α, β := ε | R | [ϕ] | α ∪ β | α · β | R | α+. Question: Is (c1, c2) ∈ Certain(α, K)? We need the following result to establish complexity of As it immediately follows from Theorem 4, the prob- the certain answers problem. lem remains undecidable for full DLXPathcore and, hence, Theorem 6 Checking satisfiability of a CPDL(¬) node for- DLXPath for full reg. However, the last result also follows mula can be done in EXPTIME. from the connection of DLXPath with propositional dy- namic logic (PDL) and some well known properties of PDL. The proof makes use of ideas from (Lutz and Walther Since this connection will be heavily used in the remainder 2005) and (Vardi and Wolper 1986). Although it is not of the paper we now discuss it in more detail. strictly related to description logics and knowledge repre- First of all, we note that in the PDL community a different sentation, we state the result explicitly as we believe it might terminology is used: for example, interpretations are called be of interest to the PDL community. Kripke structures, concept names are called propositional Of course, satisfiability results do not transfer directly to letters or variables, role names are atomic programs, and query answering over KBs. However, widening and recast- inverse operator is converse. Though, to be consistent with ing the ideas from (De Giacomo and Lenzerini 1994) and the rest of the paper we stay with the DL terminology. (De Giacomo and Lenzerini 1996), we obtain the desired path-pos upper bound. As already mentioned, node formulas of DLXPathreg are, essentially, PDL with converse (CPDL) formulas (see path-pos Lemma 7 The problem DLXPathreg CERTAIN AN- (Harel, Kozen, and Tiuryn 2000) for a good introduc- SWERSOVER DL-LiteR is in EXPTIME. tion on the topic). Formally, the syntax of plain proposi- path-pos Summing up, we obtain the following theorem (the hard- tional dynamic logic (PDL) is the same as DLXPathreg − ness results follows from (Harel, Kozen, and Tiuryn 2000) (i.e., CPDL), except that it does not allow the inverse Pj of and (Bienvenu et al. 2014) and are included just for com- role names as path expressions. The standard problem in the pleteness). PDL community is satisfiability of a node formula ϕ; that path-pos is, checking whether there exists an interpretation I and an Theorem 8 The problem DLXPathreg CERTAIN AN- element d in its domain such that ϕ holds in d. SWERSOVER DL-LiteR is EXPTIME-complete. It remains pos Lutz et al. showed that the satisfiability of PDL formu- EXPTIME-hard for DLXPathreg queries with DL-Litecore las extended with arbitrary path negation (such a logic is de- KBs, and for DLXPathpath-pos even with empty KBs. ¬ core noted PDL ) is undecidable (Lutz and Walther 2005), which pos already implies the undecidability of the certain answers The only remaining fragment is that of DLXPathcore ¬ queries, that is, the restriction of the DLXPathcore lan- problem DLXPathreg: indeed, a PDL formula ϕ is satis- fiable if and only if the DLXPath query [¬ϕ] has the cer- guage that use neither binary nor unary negation. In the reg previous section we saw that data complexity of answer- tain answer (c, c) over the empty KB with individual c in the pos language. Note, however, that it does not immediately imply ing DLXPath queries is the same as answering RPQs and undecidability in data complexity shown in Theorem 4. 2RPQs, regardless of whether we made use of the regular or the core fragment. For combined complexity, the case is Turning our attention to the certain answers problem for path-pos now different. We have already seen that query answering DLXPath queries, we again use the connection with remains EXPTIME-hard for DLXPathpos. We now show the theory of PDL. It is well-known that the satisfiability that the restriction to the core fragment decreases the com- problem for PDL is EXPTIME-complete (Harel, Kozen, plexity by almost one exponential. and Tiuryn 2000). It remains in EXPTIME even if these pos formulas are allowed to use the transitive closure opera- Theorem 9 The problem DLXPathcore CERTAIN AN- + tor only over role names. The same holds for CPDL SWERSOVER DL-LiteR is NP-complete. It remains NP- (Harel, Kozen, and Tiuryn 2000) and PDL(¬), that is, the hard for DL-Litecore. extension of PDL which allows path negation in a limited It is worthwhile to mention, that the result holds even if form—only on role names (Lutz and Walther 2005). Sim- the queries are not allowed to use the transitive closure oper- ilarly to the previous undecidability result, the EXPTIME ator + at all, being, essentially, very restricted form of unions lower bounds for these classes of PDL formulas already im- of CQs but with the same complexity of query answering. ply EXPTIME-hardness of the certain answers problem for Hence, the border in combined complexity of the problem path-pos DLXPathcore , even for empty KBs. Also, in (Bienvenu et lies somewhere very close to here, leaving 2RPQs on one pos pos al. 2014) hardness was established even for DLXPathreg . side and DLXPathcore with CQs on the other.

1529 pos pos path-pos DLXPathcore DLXPathreg DLXPath DLXPath data combined data combined data combined data combined DL-Lite NLOGSPACE-c NP-c NLOGSPACE-c EXPTIME-c CONP-c EXPTIME-c undec. undec. EL PTIME-c EXPTIME-c∗/NP-c† PTIME-c EXPTIME-c CONP-c EXPTIME-c undec. undec.

Table 2: A summary of the complexity results. Here “-c” stands for “-complete” and “undec.” for “undecidable”. All the results hold for both DLXPathcore and DLXPathreg unless a subscript core or reg has been added. The results in the first line hold for both DL-Litecore and DL-LiteR. The results in the second line hold for all of EL, ELH⊥ and ELHI⊥, except for † that holds ∗ up to ELH⊥. The EXPTIME bound in is shown for ELHI⊥. The new results of this paper are set off in bold.

path-pos DLXPath for EL Family Theorem 10 Answering DLXPathreg queries over Another important family of lightweight DLs used in prac- ELHI⊥ KBs is EXPTIME-complete in combined com- plexity, with the lower bound already holding for EL tice is EL and its extensions, which underlie the OWL 2 EL pos profile (Motik et al. 2012). Here we look at one particular and DLXPathreg . In data complexity the problem is path-pos logic from this family, denoted ELHI⊥, that is essentially CONP-complete for DLXPathreg and drops to PTIME- the minimal DL from the EL family that that subsumes DL- pos complete for DLXPathreg , again for any DL between LiteR. The increase in expressive power that comes with ELHI⊥ and EL. ELHI does come with an exponential jump for answer- pos ⊥ The last remaining fragment we study is DLXPath . ing, for example, standard conjunctive queries. Surprisingly, core Here we observe that comparing to DL-Lite the rise in data the situation is different for DLXPath queries and almost all complexity is similar to the one in the previous theorem, that the results from the previous sections hold for all the range is, from NLOGSPACE-complete to PTIME-complete. This of DLs from EL to ELHI . It is interesting to note that ⊥ can be attributed to the expressive power of logics in the for these results we use the same base techniques outlined EL family, since hardness results already hold for instance in the previous sections, which suggests that the techniques queries over simple EL knowledge bases (Calvanese et al. introduced in this paper are robust to the particular choice of 2006). The NP bounds for combined complexity showed description logics. for DL-LiteR hold for ELH⊥ and EL as well, but for full Formally, the language of ELHI⊥ (Baader, Brandt, and ELHI⊥ the problem becomes EXPTIME-complete. Lutz 2005; 2008) has the same roles as DL-LiteR, but allows pos for complex concepts defined by the grammar Theorem 11 Answering DLXPathcore queries over ELH⊥ KBs is NP-complete in combined complexity. For ELHI⊥ C ::= > | Ai | ∃R.C | C1 u C2, KBs it becomes EXPTIME-complete. For both DLs the problem is PTIME-complete in data complexity. Apart from where A ranges over concept names and R over roles. Then, i combined complexity for ELHI KBs all the lower bounds an ELHI TBox is a set of concept inclusions of the form ⊥ ⊥ already hold for EL. C1 v C2,C v ⊥ Conclusions and Future Work and role inclusions as in DL-LiteR. TBoxes of ELH⊥ dis- allows role inverses, and plain EL further disallows role in- In this paper we conducted a detailed study of using the EL clusions and ⊥ in concept inclusions. XPath language to query ontologies of the DL-Lite and The interpretation function ·I of an interpretation I is ex- families. The results, summarised in Table 2, show that al- though the problem is generally undecidable, by limiting the tended to ELHI⊥ concepts similarly to the case of DL-Lite, I I shape of allowed negation we can get decidable and even with > denoting the universal relation, (C1 u C2) the in- tersection of CI and CI , and tractable fragments. The deep connection between XPath, 1 2 DL and PDL allowed us to use ideas developed in other ar- (∃R.C)I = d ∈ ∆I | ∃d0 ∈ ∆I :(d, d0) ∈ RI , d0 ∈ CI . eas and gave insight on how query evaluation can be affected by certain aspects of the language. Although this connection Similarly, the satisfaction relation |= extends to ELHI⊥ in- was explored previously (see e.g., discussion in Chapters 13 clusions in the standard way. and 14 in (Blackburn, Benthem, and Wolter 2006)), we be- When studying the complexity of DLXPath query an- lieve that the time is ripe for a comprehensive survey de- swering over ELHI⊥ we inherit all of the lower bound from scribing how techniques from one area can be transferred to the results on DL-Lite, in particular we immediately obtain another and hope that the results of this paper can motivate that query answering is undecidable for the full language. such a survey. Since the proof of Theorem 4 uses an empty TBox this also From a practical point of view, we would like to find and holds for plain EL. test the classes of queries that are of particular practical in- What is more interesting is the fact that the EXPTIME al- terest and have either tractable general algorithms or reli- gorithm for combined complexity of DLXPathpath-pos is ro- able heuristics. Here we primarily want to tackle positive bust enough to extend to this setting. Complementing this and path-positive fragments of XPath, as these queries were pos observation with the results for DLXPathreg from (Bienvenu implemented and tested by the XML community, and many et al. 2014), we can obtain the following theorem. good heuristics have been developed over the years.

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