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Atlantic News This Page © 2004 Connelly Communications, LLC, PO Box 592 Hampton, NH 03843- Contributed items and logos are © and ™ their respective owners Unauthorized reproduction 32 of this page or its contents for republication in whole or in part is strictly prohibited • For permission, call (603) 926-4557 • AN-Mark 9A-EVEN- Rev 12-16-2004 PAGE 6 SEA | ATLANTIC NEWS | MAY 26, 2006 | VOL 32, NO 20 ATLANTICNEWS.COM . A MOVING MYSTERY — The motor and some of the belts that serve as part of the mysterious floor-lowering mechanism at the Rochester Opera House are pictured here, ready to roll. 5/29/06 5 PM 5:30 6 PM 6:30 7 PM 7:30 8 PM 8:30 9 PM 9:30 10 PM 10:30 11 PM 11:30 12 AM 12:30 — Atlantic News Courtesy Photo WBZ-4 News (CC) News CBS The Insid- Ent. King of How I Met Two/Half Old Chris- CSI: Miami “Deviant” News Late Show With Late Late (CBS) (CC) News er (N) Tonight Queens Men tine (CC) (CC) David Letterman Show Mysterious mechanism WCVB-5 News News News ABC Wld Inside Chronicle (:15) NBA Basketball Conference Final Game 4 -- Teams TBA. ’ News (:35) (12:06) Jimmy Kim- (ABC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News Edition Race. (Live) (HD) (CC) (CC) Nightline mel Live ’ (CC) WCSH-6 News ’ News ’ News ’ NBC 207 Maga- Inside Deal or No Deal (iTV) (:01) The Apprentice Medium “Sweet News ’ The Tonight Show Late Night moves ROH floor (NBC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News zine ’ Edition (N) ’ (CC) (iTV) (N) ’ (CC) Dreams” ’ (HD) (CC) With Jay Leno (CC) SPECIAL TO THE ATLANTIC NEWS WHDH-7 News ’ News ’ News ’ NBC Access Extra (N) Deal or No Deal (iTV) (:01) The Apprentice Medium “Sweet News ’ The Tonight Show Late Night ROCHESTER | On Saturday, May 27 at 9 (NBC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News H’wood ’ (CC) (N) ’ (CC) (iTV) (N) ’ (CC) Dreams” ’ (HD) (CC) With Jay Leno (CC) a.m., the Rochester Opera House plays host to WUNI-27 Primer Impacto Noticias Noticiero Peregrina (N) La Fea Más Bella (N) Barrera de Amor (N) Cristina Noticias Noticiero La Hora de la Risa (UNI) Univisión Univisión Univisión Univisión a most unusual event. At least three times WMUR-9 News News News ABC Wld Ent. Chronicle (:15) NBA Basketball Conference Final Game 4 -- Teams TBA. ’ News (:35) (12:06) Jimmy Kim- each year, the opera house engages a century- (ABC) (CC) (CC) (CC) News Tonight (Live) (HD) (CC) (CC) Nightline mel Live ’ (CC) old mechanism which lowers the auditorium WGBH-2 Fetch! Fetch! The NewsHour With Greater Road- Antiques Roadshow American Experience “Two Bonus Charlie Rose (N) ’ Greater Tavis (PBS) With With Jim Lehrer (N) (CC) Boston show FYI “Fame and Fortune” Days in October” (CC) (DVS) Army (CC) Boston Smiley floor to a flat position. Once the floor reaches BROADCAST WENH-11 Dragon Clifford- The NewsHour With Business NH Out- National Geographic National Memorial Day Concert World War II Memori- NH Out- Nova “Volcano Un- a level position — a 45-minute process — all (PBS) Tales Red Jim Lehrer (N) (CC) Rpt. look (CC) ’ (HD) (2006) ’ (HD) (CC) al: A Testament look (CC) der the City” ’ of the orchestra seats are removed leaving a WLVI-56 My Wife My Wife Friends ’ Will & Every- Every- 7th Heaven “Xmas” Everwood “Good- News (CC) Sex and Will & Friends ’ Just large, multi-functional space for dances, din- (WB) and Kids and Kids Grace Raymond Raymond ’ (CC) bye, Love” (N) (CC) the City Grace Shoot Me WSBK-38 That ’70s That ’70s King of King of Wheel of Jeopardy! One on All of Us Girl- Half & Dr. Phil ’ (CC) South South Fear Factor ’ (CC) ner theatre, receptions and concerts. (UPN) Show Show ’ Queens Queens Fortune (N) One (CC) (CC) friends Half (CC) Park Park This mechanism, according to all current WNRU-21 Paid Pro- Paid Pro- America’s Most Tal- Shop ’Til Family Faith in the White Doc “Angels in Wait- It’s a Miracle “Water Time Life Paid Pro- Paid Pro- Paid Pro- research, is the only one of its kind in the (PAX) gram gram ented Kids ’ You Drop Feud ’ House ’ ing” ’ (CC) Miracles” ’ Music ’ gram gram gram ’ country. The public is invited to experience a WFXT-25 News News Geraldo Malcolm- Seinfeld Simpsons ›› 2 Fast 2 Furious (2003, Action) (HD) News (CC) Seinfeld Simpsons Malcolm- Drew (FOX) (CC) (CC) at Large Mid. (CC) Paul Walker, Tyrese. Premiere. ’ (CC) ’ (CC) Mid. Carey bit of history and witness the mysterious mechanism in use that morning. A brief tour DISN Montana Montana Montana Montana Montana Montana Montana Montana Montana Montana Montana Montana Montana Montana Phil Kim Cyan FAM ›› Scooby-Doo (2002) Freddie Prinze Jr.. Karate Dog (2004) Jon Voight. Premiere. Karate Dog (2004) Jon Voight. (CC) The 700 Club (CC) Videos Videos will be given to any interested parties prior to NICK Zoey 101 ’ (CC) Drake & Josh ’ (CC) Sponge Fairly OddParents Full Hse. Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. Rose Rose Cosby Fresh Pr. Fresh Pr. the lowering. KIDS TOON Xiaolin Xiaolin Ben 10 Ben 10 Ben 10 ››› Spider-Man (2002) Tobey Maguire. Premiere. Squirrel Futurama Oblongs Family Aqua Alche Magenta It just so happens that the floor will be in TVLAND AllFamily Sanford GreenA Munsters Leave Griffith Little House Griffith Sanford Sanford Good Good AllFamily Cheers Night Ct. that level position on Saturday, June 10 for an ESPN Poker SportsCenter (CC) Bonds on Bonds (N) 2005 U.S. Poker 2005 U.S. Poker Baseball Tonight SportsCenter (CC) Fast Baseball 8 p.m. concert featuring the rich, vibrant tex- ESPN2 Paintball Paintball Paintball Paintball Paintball Paintball Quite Frankly French Open tures and the jazz-meets-reggae grooves of ESPNC (1:00) Ringside Schwab Blame Boxing Series of Poker Who’s Number 1? Arliss Seats Boxing Yellow Entrain. Dancing to this New England SPORTS FOXSN Poker Superstars Poker Sports Sports Poker Red Sox-Yankees -- Rivalry Myers Sports Sports Red Sox-Yankees -- Rivalry Myers NESN Red Sox Classics Pregame Report MLB Baseball Boston Red Sox at Toronto Blue Jays. (CC) Innings Extra Inn SportsD Red Sox MLB Baseball favorite is unavoidable and made possible CNN The Situation Room Lou Dobbs Tonight The Situation Room Paula Zahn Now Larry King Live Anderson Cooper 360 (CC) Larry King Live with the ROH’s one-of-a-kind floor lowered CNNHN Headline News Prime News Glenn Beck Nancy Grace Glenn Beck Nancy Grace Showbiz Tonight Glenn Beck Black flat — and the seats removed. CNBC American Made Mad Money The Big Idea Michael Eisner Mad Money The Big Idea Michael Eisner Mad Money FOXNWS The Big Story Special Report (CC) Fox Report The O’Reilly Factor Hannity & Colmes On the Record The O’Reilly Factor Special Report The Rochester City Hall and Opera House NEWS combination was revealed to the public on MSNBC Hardball (CC) The Abrams Report Hardball (CC) Countdown MSNBC Special MSNBC Special Victims-Meth Countdown Memorial Day 1908. Well known Victorian NECN Live at Five Right Business NewsNg Right Hidden Wounds News News LateNight LateNight News architect and Rochester native, George HBO (4:45) › King’s Ransom (2005) Unknown Soldier: Father ››› In Good Company (2004) (CC) Baghdad ER (CC) (:15) ›› Kicking & Screaming (2005) (CC) Gilman Adams, had designed a magnificent MAX (4:35) ›› Next of Kin (1989) ›› The Grudge (2004) (CC) ›› Land of the Dead (2005) Hold Up Dodgeball: Underdog (:35) Bikini Chain Gang (2005) MOVIES SHOW Only You Patriot Act: Jeffrey Ross (6:55) ›› Notting Hill (1999) Julia Roberts. HUFF (CC) Penn Penn Penn ›› Control (2004) Ray Liotta. theatre with stunning architectural details — a horseshoe balcony, grand proscenium, intri- FOOD Contessa Lee Minute Minute Good Unwrap Emeril Live BBQ Unwrapped Secret Secret Good 40-a-Day BBQ Unwrapped HGTV Clever Land Renovatn Weekend Motor Mansions Dream Cars 2006 RV 2006 House House Design Dbl Take Dream Cars 2006 cate stenciling, near-perfect acoustics. Adams HOBBY TRAVEL Natural Hawaii Top Ten Parks Alaskan Wild (CC) Tribal Life (CC) Tribal Life (CC) Anthony Bourdain Tribal Life (CC) Tribal Life (CC) invented a unique mechanism that raised the A&E Dallas SWAT (CC) Bounty Hunter Bounty Hunter Inked Inked Inked Inked Inked Inked Crossing Jordan ’ Inked Inked floor at an incline for amphitheater seating or DISC Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch Deadliest Catch leveled the floor for dancing. HIST Brothers Band of Brothers (:45) Band of Brothers ’ (CC) To Be Announced Washington the Warrior (N) (CC) Mega Disasters To Be Announced The public can check out this “mysterious LEARNING TLC Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip Flip Killing the Kids Shalom in the Home Flip Flip Killing the Kids mechanism” in May and enjoy the music of AMC To Hell ››› Halls of Montezuma (1950) Richard Widmark. ››› A Bridge Too Far (1977, Drama) Dirk Bogarde, Sean Connery. (:45) ››› The Desert Rats Entrain in June when the Rochester Opera MTV Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Blowin Blowin Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Sweet 16 Chal Real World-Rd Fresh Blowin Blowin Next ’ House goes to the “lower” level. For more TBS Ace Ventura Seinfeld Seinfeld Raymond Raymond Friends Friends Friends Friends Family Family Raymond Naked Gun 33 1/3 TNT (4:00) Into the West Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order Law & Order “Hate” The X-Files “Blood” information, call (603) 332-2211; e-mail VARIETY E! Child Child Child Child E! News Daily 10 Women of Sex and the City: True Story Dr. 90210 Saturday Night Live Dr. 90210 info@rochester; or visit USA Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU WWE Monday Night Raw ’ (Live) (CC) Law Order: CI Law & Order: SVU

—— Preview end. ——

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