July 26, 2021 5B
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The Telegraph ALTON TELEGRAPH CLASS 01 072621 Monday, July 26, 2021 5B LEGALS LEGALS LEGALS REAL ESTATE SALES Apartments / Townhouses Pets IN THE CIRCUIT COURT U-HAUL STORAGE LEGAL NOTICE IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF AKC Rottweiler Puppies for THIRD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT Sale, 7 weeks old NOTICE OF NOTICE OF PUBLIC M A D I S O N C O U N T Y , PUBLIC SALE COUNTY OF MADISON - 618-406-2896 HEARING I L L I N O I S EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS JUVENILE DIVISION WELLS FARGO USA HOLD- Rescued Kitty, Ava, NOTICE IS HEREBY On Annual Budget and INGS, INC.; Needs Indoor Home, TO: FATHER, RICHARD Plaintiff, GIVEN THAT ON THE Appropriation STEELE, AND TO ALL Spayed, All Shots, DATE LISTED, vs. Ordinance of the WHOM IT MAY CONCERN BEVERLY J. TOMKINSON FABULOUS Friendly. 618-786-3316 U-HAUL CO. OF AKA BEVERLY TOMKIN- Leave Message Hayner Public Library IN THE INTEREST OF: REM- AFFORDABLE MISSOURI NE WILL District SON; INGTON POPIELEWSKI, A UNKNOWN HEIRS AND BE OFFERING FOR MINOR MUST SEE SALE UNDER THE LEGATEES OF DANIEL B. Motorcycles Notice is hereby given TOMKINSON AKA DANIEL APARTMENTS! JUDICIAL LIEN to the Public that on CASE NUMBER: 20-JA-44 TOMKINSON, DECEASED; ★ Playground PROCESS, BY PUBLIC UNKNOWN OWNERS AND ★ August 25, 2021, at the NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Community Room 2004 Harley Davidson AUCTION, THE hour of 5:30 P.M. at the NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; ★ Security HIGHEST BIDDER, CHRISTOPHER TOMKIN- ★ Hertiage Soft Tail Clas- Hayner Public Library Take notice that on APRIL 27, SON; ZACHARY TOMKIN- Much More sic, Show Room Like THE FOLLOWING 2021, a petition was filed un- SON; District, 401 State der the Juvenile Court Act by 2 & 3 Bedrooms Condition, Less Than STORAGE UNITS. Street, Alton, Illinois, a ASHLEY PLUMMER; MI- Rent & Security Based THE GOODS TO BE Thomas A. Haine in the Cir- CHAEL DIAZ, AS SPECIAL 15,000 Miles, Beautful public hearing will be cuit Court of Madison County On Income. SOLD ARE R E P R E S E N T A T I V E O F Motorcycle with Lots of held on the annual entitled "In the Interest of RE- DANIEL B. TOMKINSON NOW ACCEPTING Chrome, One Owner, GENERALLY Budget and MINGTON POPIELEWSKI" AKA APPLICATIONS DESCRIBED AS CASE NUMBER: 20-JA-44, $8,995, 618-806-2125 Appropriation DANIEL TOMKINSON, DE- Call Bissell HOUSEHOLD GOODS. R E M I N G T O N CEASED; Ordinance for the POPIELEWSKI, a minor, and Apartments Today!!! NO EXCEPTIONS. Defendants, ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ MARKETPLACE Hayner Public Library that on AUGUST 17, 2021 at 19 CH 310 U-HAUL CO. OF the hour of 2:00 PM or as NOTICE OF SALE 1300 Klein Ave. • Venice, IL District for the fiscal soon thereafter as this cause MISSOURI NE DOES year beginning July 1, PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby (618)451-7902 may be heard, an adjudica- given that pursuant to a Judg- RESERVE THE RIGHT TTY/TDD 711 2021 and ending June tion/disposition hearing on a ment of Foreclosure entered TO REFUSE ANY petition to terminate parental Equal Housing MERCHANDISE FOR SALE 30, 2022. Any person in the above entitled cause In- Opportunity BIDS. THESE rights will be held upon the tercounty Judicial Sales Cor- interested in said petition to have the child de- SALES WILL BE HELD budget and ordinance poration will on Wednesday, clared to be a ward of the August 18, 2021, at the hour Yamaha Console Piano ONLINE may be present at said court under that Act. The 42'' H x 58'' W x 24'' Deep, @STORAGE of 12:00 noon in the office of Now Accepting time and place and may court has authority in this pro- Community Title & Escrow, Includes Bench w/ Storage, TREASURES.COM ceeding to take from you the Inc., 2600 D State Street, Applications Walnut, Good Shape, $350 be heard in regard to custody and guardianship of Lazy Boy Recliner Cloth FOR THE the budget and Alton, Illinois 62002, sell to the minor, to terminate your the highest bidder for cash, ---------------------- Seldom Used, $250 FOLLOWING ordinance. The parental rights, and to ap- Serta Twin Set, Very Lightly LOCATIONS AND the following described mort- STOREY tentative budget is now point a guardian with power to gaged real estate: Used 72x38 $210 WILL BEGIN consent to adoption. You may P.I.N. 19-2-08-14-01-103- MANOR 217-257-1943 on file with the lose all parental rights to your ON AUGUST 11TH Secretary of the Board 008. APARTMENTS child. If the petition requests Commonly known as 553 Sul- Good Push Mower, Exercise @ 9AM : of Trustees. Hayner the termination of your par- Stationary Bike, Antique Shift 553 W. ST. LOUIS AVE livan Street, East Alton, IL ---------------------- Public Library District, ental rights and the appoint- 62024. Appliances, w/d hkup, Robe, Black & Decker Toast- EAST ALTON, IL ment of a guardian with The improvement on the er Oven, Ceiling Fan, & China at the Library office and power to consent to adoption, rent & security deposit 618-259-5289 (618-258-0400): my be reviewed upon property consists of a single Barbara Caldwell 1425 you may lose all parental family residence. If the sub- based on income. request prior to said rights to the child. Taccara Williams 1634 ject mortgaged real estate is ---------------------- hearing by the public. (SEAL) a unit of a common interest Brad Jewel 1635 THOMAS McRAE community, the purchaser of Clerk of the Circuit Court Call today /s/ Melissa Batchelor the unit other than a mort- 2851 HOMER ADAMS 8220-916480 gagee shall pay the assess- 618-462-5626 PKWY ALTON, IL Secretary, Board of 21-1164 7/19 7/26 8/2 ments required by subsection ---------------------- (618-208-0025) : Trustees (g-1) of Section 18.5 of the Equal Housing IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Condominium Property Act. Opportunity Linda Broaddus 1145 Hayner Public Library THE 3RD JUDICIAL CIRCUIT District Sale terms: 10% down by cer- TTY/TDD Rachel Wiseman 1745 COUNTY OF MADISON - tified funds, balance within 24 711 21-0580 7/26 8/2 401 State Street EDWARDSVILLE, ILLINOIS hours, by certified funds. No For Hearing Alton, Illinois 62002 WELLS FARGO USA HOLD- refunds. The property will Impaired Only INGS, INC.; NOT be open for inspection. ORDINANCE NO. 21-2 (618) 462-0677 Plaintiff, Date: 7/22/2021 For information call Sales De- vs. partment at Plaintiff's Attor- AN ORDINANCE TO 21-0614 7/26 BEVERLY J. TOMKINSON ney, Manley Deas Kochalski, LEVY AND ASSESS A AKA BEVERLY TOMKIN- LLC, One East Wacker Drive, SON; TAX FOR HAYNER IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF Chicago, Illinois 60601. (614) LEGALS UNKNOWN HEIRS AND 220-5611. File Number 19- PUBLIC LIBRARY THE THIRD JUDICIAL CIR- LEGATEES OF DANIEL B. CUIT COURT 017269 DISTRICT OF THE TOMKINSON AKA DANIEL INTERCOUNTY JUDICIAL M A D I S O N C O U N T Y , TOMKINSON, DECEASED; INVITATION FOR BID COUNTY OF I L L I N O I S SALES CORPORATION UNKNOWN OWNERS AND intercountyjudicialsales.com WEATHERIZATION HVAC / PLUMBERS / MADISON, STATE OF NON RECORD CLAIMANTS; IN THE INTEREST OF: BEN- I3171921 ELECTRICIANS BID NOTICE ILLINOIS FOR THE CHRISTOPHER TOMKIN- 21-2077B 7/12 7/19 7/26 JAMIN TACKETT (a minor) SON; ZACHARY TOMKIN- FISCAL YEAR and SHANTEL WALLACE BEGINNING JULY 1, SON; Notice is hereby given that MADISON COUNTY (guardian) ASHLEY PLUMMER; MI- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT, through the 2021 AND ENDING CHAEL DIAZ, AS SPECIAL CASE NUMBER: 21 P 108 A Division of Busey Bank Weatherization program is soliciting HVAC JUNE 30, 2022 R E P R E S E N T A T I V E O F A Division of Busey Bank DANIEL B. TOMKINSON CONTRACTORS / PLUMBERS / NOTICE OF PUBLICATION MADISON CO. BE IT ORDAINED, that AKA MADISON CO. ELECTRICIANS interested in contracting for DANIEL TOMKINSON, DE- HVAC RETROFIT in residential homes within the the Hayner Public Notice is given you, UN- CEASED; LAND AUCTION Library District of the KNOWN FATHER, Defend- Defendants, LAND AUCTION County. ant, that this cause has been 19 CH 310 County of Madison and commenced against you in • 80 Acres, Minutes North of NOTICE OF SALE • 80 Acres, Minutes North of To obtain an information package on this program, State of Illinois shall this Court asking for Guardi- Edwardsville, Fort Russell PUBLIC NOTICE is hereby Edwardsville, Fort Russell Contractors will need to attend a MANDATORY levy an additional tax of anship and other relief. Un- given that pursuant to a Judg- Township less you file your response or Township informational meeting at Madison County .02% of the value of all ment of Foreclosure entered • Auction Location: otherwise file your appear- • Auction Location: Administration Building, 157 N. Main St, Room taxable property within in the above entitled cause In- Fox Creek Golf Course ance in this cause in the of- tercounty Judicial Sales Cor- Fox Creek Golf Course 304, Edwardsville, IL. At 9:00 am on August 4, said District, for fice of the Circuit Clerk of 6555 Fox Creek Drive poration will on Wednesday, 6555 Fox Creek Drive 2021. building and Madison County, Courthouse, Edwardsville, IL 62025 August 18, 2021, at the hour Edwardsville, IL 62025 maintenance purpose, Edwardsville, Illinois on or be- of 12:00 noon in the office of • August 24th At 2:00 P.M. fore the 9th day of August, Community Title & Escrow, • August 24th At 2:00 P.M. Interested parties should call the Madison County subject to the right of 2021, a Guardianship and the electors in said Inc., 2600 D State Street, Weatherization at 618-296-4383 or email other relief may be granted as Alton, Illinois 62002, sell to Details available at District to petition and prayed for by Plaintiff.